care international in rwanda
care international in rwanda
CARE INTERNATIONAL IN RWANDA COMMUNITY ASSISTED ACCESS TO SUSTAINABLE ENERGY PROJECT (CASE) INTERIM NARRATIVE REPORT/ANNUAL 2008 Kigali, January 2009 ANNEX VI INTERIM NARRATIVE REPORT • This report must be completed and signed by the Contact person • The information provided below must correspond to the financial information that appears in the financial report. • Please complete the report using a typewriter or computer • Please expand the paragraphs as necessary. • Please refer to the Special Conditions of your grant contract and send one copy of the report to each address mentioned • The Contracting Authority will reject any incomplete or badly completed reports. • The answer to all questions must cover the reporting period as specified in point 1.6 1. Description 1.1. CARE Österreich, Association for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid 1.2. Name and title of the Contact person: Kathrin Pauschenwein, Program Officer Africa 1.3. Name of partners in the Action: ADENYA, CITT/KIST 1.4. Title of the Action: Community-assisted Access to Sustainable Energy in Rwanda (CASE – Rwanda) 1.5. Contract number: 9 ACP RPR 49 2 1.6. Start date and end date of the reporting period: January 1st –December 31th 2008 1.7. Target country(ies) or region(s): Rwanda, Southern Province, in the Districts of Nyamagabe, Nyaruguru, Huye and Gisagara. 1.8. Final beneficiaries &/or target groups1 (if different) (including numbers of women and men): Target groups: 24,000 vulnerable households (120,000 individuals) Most of these households (HHs) are headed by widows, orphans and people living with HIV/AIDS. 100 charcoal producers from the southern province. 500 Village Savings and Loan Groups (VSLGs); each VSLG has an average of 15 members 300 Orphans and Vulnerable Children and Youths (OVCY) . 1 2008 “Target groups” are the groups/entities who will be directly positively affected by the project at the Project Purpose level, and “final beneficiaries” are those who will benefit from the project in the long term at the level of the society or sector at large. CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 2 Final beneficiaries: The total population of the four districts: about 1.2 million people. 1.9. Country (ies) in which the activities take place (if different from 1.7): N/A General Currently, over 96% of Rwandans depend on wood for domestic energy because alternative sources of energy are unreliable and unaffordable for the majority of Rwandans, leading to extensive deforestation. This 3 year (2008-2010) Project has been designed to address the issues of availability, access to, and production of reliable and affordable energy sources. Specifically, it will contribute to the reduction of the gap between biomass energy supply and demand for 24,000 poor rural and periurban households in Southern Rwanda by 50% by the year 2010. The project activities support the national strategies aiming at saving more biomass, producing more biomass, and substituting more alternative energy sources for the biomass. The major project activities are related to trainings (in improved stove making, in energy saving cooking techniques, in improved carbonization techniques, in income-generating activities management & marketing), community mobilization and behavior change communication for the use of biomass saving techniques and environment protection. In implementing the project activities, CARE Rwanda works in close partnership with two local institutions that have expertise in innovative/alternative energy technologies, CITT-KIST (Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer of Kigali Institute of Science and Technology) and ADENYA (Association for the Development of NYABIMATA). 2. Assessment of implementation of Action activities 2.1. Activities and Results Project activities started with a short delay of 4 months due to staff recruitment process that took longerthan planned. The main reason was the difficulty that the Country Office faced to find a suitable candidate for the Project Management Position. The position had to be advertised twice and this took almost 3 months. Also partnership building took more time than planned, the CO had to start MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) negotiation with project partners, make project presentation to partners as most of their senior staff had changed between the period of the project elaboration and the implementation. The CO also looked for other potential partners for co-operation. The project has started with the recruitment of key staff, the project Manager and the Training Coordinator. The Training Coordinator started working on March 1st and, the Project Manager has been hired to start on 14th April 2008. Two Field officers for the Project have been also recruited and started working at the end of June 2008. Each one is in charge of implementing Project activities in two Districts. After recruitment, orientation sessions have been organised for the new staff, mainly focusing on understanding of the CASE Project, European Commission and CARE’s regulations and procedures. The project Manager and the Training Coordinator are based in Nyamagabe District, Southern Province, where Care Rwanda has already a Sub-office; working place (rooms) has been given to the team to host the staff and the project equipment. The period May-December 2008 has been a crucial time for CASE Project. The start-up activities have been carried out in these months. In the beginning of May, the project team has made a project equipment and material need assessment. Based on the findings, procurement plans have been prepared and implemented over the rest period of the year. The purchase process took more time than planned as CARE had difficulties in following the rules of origin and nationality applicable for EDF funds. In the need of complying with the EC procurement guidelines, project staff consulted time to time EC technical staff in Kigali for technical help. Consultations made have been fruitful; process to 2008 CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 3 be followed in purchasing main items such as vehicle and motorbikes has been made clear. Now, the procurement team at CARE Kigali revised the work done before and is improving it.( E.g. elaboration of a detailed and more clear tender dossier for the above items). In the meantime the project could borrow some of the urgently needed items from other CARE projects, such as motorbikes and vehicle. Nevertheless it complicated the implementation of the project activities. Introduction of CASE Project To ensure good start of the Project activities, the preparation of Project introduction & its real introduction to local authorities, partners and the targeted community members have been done. The project team has met all the 4 District Mayors and environment partners in order to introduce the project and ask for their support and collaboration during the implementation. All 4 district authorities were very enthusiastic about the project, as it responds to needs in terms of domestic energy, environment protection and economic development for women and youth, and is in line of their district development plans. They provided letter of support to facilitate the baseline study in selected sectors and cells in April and May 2008. The Project team held a number of meetings with the Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA), to introduce the project to them, request for collaboration and identify area of potential collaboration as CARE and the Ministry are both funded for improved stoves projects by the EC. It was noticed that CASE project is in line with district plans and in the coming Biomass Energy Strategy, co-funded by the Government of Rwanda and EC. Care Rwanda has been invited to come on board and share from time to time its experience during the strategy development process. Care Rwanda might have conducted the project environmental impact assessment. After submission of the project document to REMA (Rwanda Environment Management Authority) for analysis, the institution gave to Care an exemption to conduct such assessment. It considers the project not having irreversible negative impact on the environment and in its response was highlighted that an environmental impact assessment is not required. In order to build on a participatory system and thus increase community awareness and ownership, the project team presented the project to communities, along with the baseline study, which was conducted in May 2008. The project has been also presented to potential beneficiaries during sessions on the setting of the beneficiary selection criteria. Representatives from all the target groups attended these sessions. Preparation and building of partnership CARE held meetings with ADENYA and CITT/KIST, aimed at preparing the project start up activities and defining partnership and funds management principles. The Project has made positive progress in the partnership building with Partners. Discussion meetings have been organised and attended by the Project team with senior staff of ADENYA and CITT/KIST. Drafted MOUs have been deeply discussed and finalised. Each partner has been helped by the project team to develop its detailed action plan based on its roles and responsibilities in the implementation of CASE Project activities. ADENYA has signed the MOU with CARE RWANDA and has already recruited 2 staff to coordinate the field activities. This took place in August 2008. During our meetings with CITT/KIST, it was highlighted that the institution was facing a number of challenges related to management, internal governance and leadership. Even though the new leadership of the centre has shown good collaborative willingness, too much turnover among senior staff was still observed. The Rector and the vice-Rectors of KIST had been changed and the new appointed ones had to be well briefed on the Project. Given this challenge, CARE has made contacts with other organizations (Public & private) with relevant experience and expertise in areas planned to be initially covered by CITT/KIST and explore the possibility for subcontracting some activities that would be implemented by CITT/KIST. CARE has met IRST (Institute of scientific and Technological Research) a government institute based in Huye; ISAE (Institut des Sciences Agronomiques et 2008 CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 4 d’Elevage du Rwanda) a government institute that provides education on agricultural, livestock sciences and that made research on economic use of firewood. For private organisations, CARE has met a local cooperative called “KORA” that makes and sells improved stoves in the Project area and met also a local Consultant called Sabin who also time to time contracts with government in providing stoves to communities; today he is doing consultancy works for the FAO Program related to reforestation support and economic use of wood. The results from these visits made, have shown that each of the above organisations concentrates its efforts on one type of stove (rural or urban). No knowledge developed on other existing types. This was a serious limitation that can not allow the Project beneficiaries to get a chance of choosing efficient and affordable stove that they like. The conclusion at Country Office was that the CITT/KIST which can work on different models interred into partnership with CARE as planned. The MOU with CITT/KIST has been signed in the beginning of September. CITT/KIST has been asked to take on board, especially during training sessions and based on the stove to be made and required skilled personal resources from the above institutions. There are no specific contracts signed between CARE and any of the other organisations/companies above. However, all of them have been requested to be member of the Project steering committees in order to allow the project to continue benefiting from their experiences. Set up of project committees: Steering committees and Management committees Members of the above committees at both levels (District & National) have been identified and contacted. The terms of references for each committee have been written. Members have been meeting as planned. Preparation and conduction of baseline study: Terms of references for baseline study consultant have been designed and produced. A consultancy firm (local private company) named International Business Centre “IBC” has been recruited, following EC and Care procedures. The baseline tools have been drafted and finalized in collaboration with the hired company, the project team and other CARE relevant staff (M&E professionals, economic security progamme team members, project teams based in the Southern Province). Apart a questionnaire developed a number of improved stoves photos had been collected and shown to interviewees in order to know the existing types within the targeted community. The baseline to ascertain the current situation of energy supply and demand in the target area has been conducted by the company. In total 813 interviews have been carried out to collect information. 78.72% of them are female and 21.27% are male. Among female, 41.8% are heading households. The baseline findings have been presented during a stakeholders’ workshop organised by the project. The Baseline survey has shown that local authorities have motivated and supported households to plant more trees and to use improved stoves as a solution to the deforestation and to the increasing demand of firewood. However more efforts have to be done because the use of exclusively improved stove in the household is at 48.2% and only 58% of households have planted at least one tree around the house during last year and a lot of hectares have to be reforested. Those efforts should be oriented in the promotion and dissemination of improved stoves as well as in trainings in making and repairing improved stoves with emphasis on follow-up strategies for a sustainable use. There is a great need of tree plantation not only around the house but also on mountains/hills deforested, especially those with slope above 40%. The increment of firewood demand for cooking appears as a major environmental and economic issue not only in the surveyed districts but also in the whole country at the micro and macro levels. The use of traditional three stone stoves and traditional charcoal production techniques contribute significantly to increase of quantity of firewood for cooking and producing charcoal. Charcoal production sector was found disorganized and has to be structured and empowered. In additional the exposure of women and their children while cooking is one of causes of respiratory and eye diseases. 2008 CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 5 In the stove selection workshop selected participants including Andreas Zahner, the Program and Policy Advisor Poverty & Environment from Care Austria (who was visiting Care Rwanda) also worked on the indicators based on the results of the baseline. The baseline study and the updated log frame including revised indicators have been finalized. As a reminder, during the baseline survey, data collectors and project staff introduced the project to the involved VSLGs members. These are photos taken during the baseline survey. In some areas, they use traditional and improved stoves at the same time; damaged stoves are neither repaired nor replaced. A number of households are still using traditional stoves (3 stones) which need too much fire woods. In some areas, they use traditional and improved stoves at the same time; damaged stoves are neither repaired nor replaced. A number of households are still using traditional stoves (3 stones) which need too much fire woods. In some of the visited houses fixed stoves have been found, local associations in the target area have shown the types of improved stoves produced and sold in the peri-urban and urban areas. The followings are produced and sold by a local cooperative called Kora, located in Huye District. These types had been brought to the selection workshop that put together improved stoves from research institutions. CARE, partners, lines ministries, representatives from the targeted District authorities, potential beneficiaries and other stakeholders have selected 4 types of improved stoves that are being promoted by the CASE Project. This selection workshop took place on the 5th August 2008 during which four types of stoves have shown high efficiency comparing with other types present in the Country. They have been recommended by participants for being promoted by CASE Project. The following four types have shown high efficiency comparing with other types present in the Country. They have been recommended by participants for being promoted by CASE Project. 1. METAL-CLAY STOVE 2008 2. ROKET STOVE (clay) 3. SAW DUST METAL STOVE 4. IMPROVED STOVE DARFOUR CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 6 Activities related to Expected Result #1: 16,000 rural HHs and 8,000 peri-urban HHs use improved stoves and save at least one ton of biomass per household per annum. Training preparation: Formulate selection criteria for beneficiaries VSLGs, OVCYs and HHs The project staff has drafted criteria for the selection of beneficiaries. Later, citeria have been discussed and finalised with Local authorities, POWER (Promotion Opportunities for Women Empowerment in Rwanda – another project implemented by CARE) Project field staff and Partner Organisations staff before being finalised. As a reminder, the intended 500 VSLGs targeted by CASE Project have been selected among the VSLGs established and working with POWER project in the targeted Districts. POWER project is promoting loan and saving models among the VSLGs. POWER field based staff played a great role in helping CASE staff to identify and select suitable VSLGs for CASE activities. The cooperation between the two Projects is much related to the day to day exchange of information on the targeted groups, exchange on the staff project plans to harmonise the field visits and avoid a mess that two different interventions can create to the same target groups. Project staff work closely with other CARE staff already present in the field in order to build Project interventions based on the experiences that their have of the location. Before starting trainings, meetings with representatives of trainees together with local authorities and partners have been organised for selecting sectors and sites that have to host the first trainings. The criteria used for selecting sectors were related to the intensity of the environmental degradation and low coverage of improved stove use. A total of 6 sectors by working District have been selected, which make a total of 24 sectors in the four Districts. For trainings sites, the same exercise has been conducted, criteria were related to the availability of row materials, the distance from the location of trainees and availability of basic infrastructure that can accommodate training activities, especially regarding the possibility of material storage. Training sessions on improved stoves making. After the stove and beneficiaries selection, trainings for trainers on improved stoves have been started. The strategies and methodology for the training sessions were as follows: a) 2008 Beneficiaries: The training sessions were carried out in three sectors of each district for all four districts; VUP (Vision Umurenge Program) inclusive. The total number of beneficiaries is 446 out of 400 scheduled for this year coming to a percentage of 112% achievement; these were all be trained in both of two types of cooking stoves: square mud (Darfour type) and rocket stoves b) Trainings took place from November 17th to December 24th, 2008. c) Training teams: KIST/CITT availed 4 training teams, each team led by an Engineer supported by 2 technicians of whom one technician must come from the district. The technicians helped in the 1st week and then replaced by local technicians. d) Training sessions: A total of 16 training sessions have been conducted. Each training session was composed of 24 to 30 trainees and was facilitated by 1 Engineer and 2 technicians. The theoretical part has been done in a group and they altogether have developed the first prototype. This was followed by breaking the group into 2 small groups of 12 -15 people each; each group guided by a technician developed 2 stoves. The total number of stoves produced by each group is 5(of square mud) per training session and 5 and up for rocket stove. e) ) Training materials. Some of the materials used in the construction of these cooking stoves were sourced locally. These include: Clay, Sawdust, Anthill soil, Banana leaves, Soil blocks, Burnt bricks, Sand… Other materials such as molds, training kits, etc… were brought from KIST. The timetable followed for each session: 2008 CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 7 DAY 1 9am-3pm: Theoretical Training of the group using a manual on both types of stoves DAY 2 8:30 am-12:00pm: Building the square mud stove by the trainers while the trainees look on (with local bricks/ adobe) 1:00am-3:30pm: Building the square mud stove by the trainees under supervision from the trainers (with local bricks/adobe) DAY 3 8:30am-12:00pm: Building the square mud stove (with local bricks/adobe) by the trainees with minimal or no supervision from the trainers 1:00am-3:30pm: Questions and answers session, reflection on lessons learnt, comments and recommendations. DAY 4 8:30am-12pm: Building the rocket stove by the trainers while the trainees look on 1:00am-3;30pm: Building the rocket stove by the trainees under supervision from the trainers DAY 5 8:30am-10:30pm: Building the rocket stoves by the trainees with minimal or no supervision from the trainers. 10:30am11:30am: Questions and answer session, reflection on lessons learnt, comments and recommendations 12:00am-3:30pm: Building a model square mud stove (with burnt bricks with 3 cooking places) The project trainees making Darfour stove (Photo 1) and rocket stove (Photo 2), finalised rocket stoves (Photo 3) SECTOR RUSENGE NYARUGURU RUSENGE KIBEHO RUHERU KIBUMBWE NYAMAGABE KIBUMBWE GASAKA TARE MARABA HUYE MARABA MUKURA MUKURA GISHUBI GISAGARA GISHUBI MUGOMBWA MUGOMBWA 2008 Trainees SITE DISTRICT GROU P People have been trained as follows: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 RASANIRO 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 MARABA RASANIRO KIBEHO RUHERU KIBUMBWE KIBUMBWE GASAKA GASARENDA MARABA MUKURA MUKURA GISHUBI GISHUBI MUGOMBWA MUGOMBWA F M PERIOD (NOV 10TH-DEC 24TH 2008) W1 T 10-14/11 22 22 25 22 20 23 27 21 21 8 8 1 12 12 7 2 14 9 30 30 26 34 32 30 29 35 30 27 14 12 17 24 16 17 3 6 8 13 6 4 3 30 20 20 30 30 20 20 W2 17-21/11 CARE, CASE Project, CARE W3 W4 24-28/11 19-24/12 /31 8 Community mobilisation and sensitisation on the use of improved stoves and environment protection Training sessions have been organised in order to raise awareness among the targeted communities on the use of improved stoves. Specialist from the government institutions, Key ministries have been invited to make presentations on the existing policies, strategies and laws regarding biomass Energy, environment protection etc… Local leaders and the other participants have got information that opened their mind towards friendshipness with environmental resources. The Government representative (photo 1) and CASE staff (photo 2) facilitating awareness meetings for CASE project beneficiaries and their representatives in Nyaruguru District. Activities related to Expected Result # 2: 100 charcoal producers save 50% of wood by using improved carbonization techniques. The project staff have drafted criteria for the selection of beneficiaries. In the same way as this was done for selecting improved stoves beneficiaries, the project staff discussed criteria with Local authorities, POWER Project field staff and Partner Organisations staff and have been finalised. In collaboration with ADENYA, the local Organisation that is responsible for trainings in improved carbonisation techniques, the Project team has made contact with specialised institutions and experienced charcoal makers in the Country that could bid for providing trainings. Institutions like ISAE (Institut des Sciences Agronomiques et d’Elevages) and some private individuals have shown interest in providing such trainings. On the 4th December 2008, carbonisation techniques selection workshop has been organised at national level. Participants from scientific institutions, lines ministries, representatives from the Districts offices, partners and project beneficiaries attended the workshop. 4 carbonisation techniques have been chosen by participants for being promoted by the Project as efficient and appropriate techniques. The techniques chosen are: “ Meule Casamancaise” “ Meule traditionnelle amelioree” “Meule rectangulaire sur flanc de coton » « Meule rectangulaire sur terrace » A draw of Meule Casamancaise 2008 CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 9 Meule rectangulaire sur terrasse Meule traditionnelles Meule rectangulaire sur flanc de coton In year 2008 the project team put emphasize on the activities related to improved stove making and using. This was an entry point for other activities. Activities relating to ER2 (100 charcoal producers ave 50% of wood by using improved carbonization techniques) delayed a bit. This is due to the fact that at field level, the carbonization activity was not supported by local authorities and in some areas it was not accepted at all. This situation was not in line with existing policies and laws regarding carbonization. So it was necessary to sensitize local leaders on these policies first by using representatives from key Ministries and high government institutions such as Rwandan Environment Authority. After the sessions organization of charcoalers for training have started. The trainings will be started early 2009. Activities related to ER3 (6,000 vulnerable women and 300 OVCY make and sell improved stoves, thus raising their income by at least 40%) have not yet started. These activities are the consequences of the activities related to ER1 and ER2. IGA activities could only start after trainings on improved stoves and carbonization techniques have been implemented. The IGA to be developed are related to the improved stoves making and carbonization techniques. Now after the trainings on improved stoves making, beneficiaries have started to elaborate IGA to be supported by CASE project. This is an activity to be expanded in 2009. The activity has to involve OVC, this particular group had to be identified and selected as no CARE project in the zone works with them. We worked together with other stakeholders to identify OVC. This activity has been completed and we are in a process of preparing the OVC for IGA projects. Meetings and workshops: Apart from the implementation of Project planned activities, the Project team have organised important meetings and workshops. The details are in the following table: 2008 CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 10 July 08 05/08/08 0615/08/09 22/0819/09/08 2328/10/08 04/12/08 16/12/08 Oct-Dec 08 23/12/20 08 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 2008 5 Date/ period No Project Management meeting Study tours by trained beneficiaries and local authorities Training on improved stove making and use Meetings to introduce project to communities, define and validate criteria for project beneficiaries selection Meetings to select trainees on improved stoves Trainings on government environment protection and biomass Energy policies and related laws Workshop to select carbonization techniques to be promoted by the Project Workshop to select stove types to be disseminated in the project targeted area Project introduction Topic Type of participants /31 Representatives from ADENYA(Legal representative on top) Representatives from CITT-KIST(CITT Director on top) Representatives from CARE( Country Director on top) Beneficiaries Local authorities at sector level 1 local Radio journalist Trainees selected from Saving groups CARE, CASE Project, CARE Eastern part of the Country 8Sectors(2 training sites per District) ADENYA Office Community and saving groups representatives, authorities from the lowest government institutions (Cell & Sector). - Charcoal burners - Districts authorities in charge of environment and infrastructure - Beneficiaries representatives National level Representatives of project beneficiaries from 4 Districts Districts authorities in charge of environment protection Representatives of line Ministries - Research institutions (3 of them) 24 Sectors of 4 Districts 4 Districts Districts authorities: Mayors, Vice-Mayors, Executive secretaries, Directors of infrastructure National level Representatives of project beneficiaries from 4 Districts Districts authorities in charge of environment protection Representatives of line Ministries Research institutions (3 of them) 24 Sectors of Authorities at sector levels and representatives of beneficiaries the 4 (2 representatives from each saving group) and agronomists Districts All 4 Districts Location 1 38 2 28 14 38 87 81 13 F 3 7 58 8 19 75 96 56 18 M 16 Participants by sex 8 440 36 33 113 183 137 31 19 Total partici pants 11 2.2. Please list all contracts (works, supplies, services) above 5000€ awarded for the implementation of the action during the reporting period, giving for each contract the amount, the award procedure followed and the name of the contractor Contract Amount Procedure followed Company/Institution Name of Contractor the Consultant €15,403 agreement for the CASE Project baseline study Bidding process International Munyehirwe Anicet Business Center (IBC) P.O.Box 3223 Kigali, tel (250) 08610448 Supply of 200 €28,000 training kits Bidding process BELL Company 2008 CARE, CASE Project, CARE ………… /31 12 2008 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CASE Project action plan 2009 11 CARE, CASE Project, CARE This plan will cover the financial period between the interim report and the next report. Preparation of demonstration in the usage and maintenance of improved stoves for the 15,000 HHs Refreshing training for the initial 500 members of VSLGs Train the 15,000 HHs in energy-saving cooking techniques Production of basic improved stoves by the trained HHs Preparation of refreshing training for improved stoves makers Training of the 15,000 HHs in improved stoves making Production of improved stoves by the trained ToT Preparation of the production of improved stoves by the trained ToT ToT for the 600 members of VSLGs in improved stoves making and 100 OVCYs /31 Activities related to Expected Result #1: 16,000 rural HHs and 8,000 peri-urban HHs use improved stoves and save at least one ton of biomass per household per annum. Preparation of ToT: Select 15,000 HHs and 600 members of VSLGs Results& Activities 2.3. Please provide an updated action plan 2 12 CARE, CITTKIST,ADENYA CARE, CITTKIST CARE, CITTKIST CITT KIST ADENYA CARE, CITTKIST CARE, CITTKIST CARE, CITTKIST, ADENYA CARE, CITTKIST CARE, ADENYA Implementing body 13 2008 CARE, ADENYA Implementing body CARE, CITTKIST CARE, ADENYA Facilitate the establishment of 8 charcoal storage facilities. CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 CARE CARE CARE CARE, ADENYA Follow-up on the activities of the 100 charcoal producers. Activities related to Expected Result #3: 6,000 vulnerable women and 300 OVCY make and sell improved stoves, thus raising their income by at least 40%. Preparation of marketing and management training material Training of the 800 women members of the VSLG, 100 charcoal producers and 200 OVCY in income generating activities management and marketing Facilitation of linkages between improved stoves makers and charcoal producers with micro financing institutions CARE, ADENYA CARE, ADENYA Production of improved charcoal Activities related to Expected Result # 2: 100 charcoal producers save 50% of wood by using improved carbonization techniques. Train the 100 charcoal producers in improved charcoal carbonization CARE, CITTKIST CARE, CITTKIST, ADENYA 12 Conduct demonstration in usage and maintenance of improved stoves for the 15,000 HHs. On-going supervision, coaching and refresher training courses 11 CARE, ADENYA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Community mobilization/Awareness raising campaign Conduct demonstration in the usage and maintenance of improved stoves for the 15,000 HHs Conduct environmental education sessions in the 4 districts Results& Activities 14 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 Project Monitoring/ Learning/ Document & Dissemination activities Monitoring meetings (management and steering committees) Internal reporting Donor reporting (preparation and submission) Bi-annual/ Annual Stakeholders Monitoring & Evaluation & Learning Preparation of the mid-term evaluation: Development of ToR and recruitment of consultant Implementation of the mid-term evaluation Build organizational capacity of 500 VSLGs Results& Activities 11 12 CARE CITT-KIST ADENYA Consultant CARE CARE CARE CARE CARE Implementing body CARE, ADENYA 15 3. Partners and other Co-operation 3.1. How do you assess the relationship between the formal partners of this Action (i.e. those partners which have signed a partnership statement)? Please specify for each partner organisation The relationship between partners ADENYA and CITT/KIST is so far good. ADENYA has recruited two field staff who are implementing Project activities in the field. The management leadership of the organisation continues to show greater interest for implementing the Project activities. Senior staff of the organisation have shown commitment and availability in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities. The organisation has made their reports as required in the MOU. CITT/KIST new leadership have improved work relationship with other organisation involved in the Project. They attend meetings, give feedbacks when required, share information etc… However, the instability observed at the high management of the institution has affected work speed in implementing agreed plan. The new senior staff need time to understand the signed MOU and the Project in general. This delayed sometimes implementation as they had to approve most of the required means of implantation (plans and money). The project registered delays in paying for food and transportation for trainees in the field. As a solution, CARE Staff and CITT staff agreed to let in future, CARE pay allowances for trainees instead of transferring such money to CITT-KIST. A part that CITT-KIST has implemented their plans as required and respected as much as possible the MOU signed with CARE. 3.2. How would you assess the relationship between your organisation and State authorities in the Action countries? How has this relationship affected the Action? The relationship between Care Rwanda and State authorities is generally healthy; this explains the interest and involvement of MININFRA (Ministry of infrastructure), which selected CARE as a part of monitoring committee members in charge of developing Biomass Energy Strategy. Ministry staff have helped the Project by making field visits to the Project and made presentations on the government policies and laws related to Biomass Energy. The project staff have been inviting line ministries in all workshops organised and all invited sent representatives. This relationship already developed needs to be strengthened, to ensure full participation and buy-in of relevant local authorities, for ownership and sustainability purposes. At local level, CARE is member of the Joint Action Forums in the target Districts. These forums put together local government and all development actors within the District. CARE has used this channel also to strengthen relationship with local authorities and they are very supportive of CARE intervention. 3.3. Where applicable, describe your relationship with any other organisations involved in implementing the Action: • • • Associate(s) (if any) N/A Sub-contractor(s) (if any) Final Beneficiaries and Target groups Most of final beneficiaries and target groups have already benefited from other services provided by previous CARE projects in the southern province; they are familiar with CARE interventions so it is strength for the success of project activities. A high % of the Project target people have been met and good relationship has been developed. They are committed and respond to invitations given by Project staff. Other third parties involved. N/A 3.4. Where applicable, outline any links you have developed with other actions FAO in Rwanda has developed a similar project that will be implemented in the Eastern part of the Country and CARE is in touch with this organisation. Consultations between each other about progress and lessons learnt are ongoing. Harmonisation in terms of improved stoves to 2008 CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 16 be promoted has been wished by the FAO so that the organisation has been invited in the stove and carbonisation techniques selection workshop. 3.5. If your organisation has received previous EC grants in view of strengthening the same target group, in how far has this Action been able to build upon/complement the previous one(s)? (List all previous relevant EC grants). 4. Visibility How is the visibility of the EU contribution being ensured in the Action? The European Commission may wish to publicise the results of Actions. Do you have any objection to this report being published on EuropeAid Co-operation Office website? If so, please state your objections here. The project team has developed an action plan based on the Communication and Visibility Manual for EU External Actions as required by the EC. When the project was being introduced, participants were informed about the donors (EC, ADA & CARE) of the Project. Trainings sites are always marked with a banner containing key messages related to sensitisation and logos of the donors. The produced documents have been marked with logos e.g. baseline report. Key assets such as Project office and, computers have been marked with EC, ADA and CARE logos. Announcements in local news paper have been done with appropriate visibility elements. Conclusion Even though the project implementation begun with a delay of 4 months, most of key activities have been achieved or started. CASE Project is now well settled in the target communities, get support from beneficiaries, government authorities and other stakeholders. Project partners are familiarised with their role and responsibilities, they implement correctly their plans versus MOUs signed with CARE Rwanda, except some minor challenges that need to be addressed, e.g. administration procedures are different and specific for each of the partner and this need a harmonisation. Name of the contact person for the Action: Kathrin Pauschenwein Report written by Prudence Ndolimana, CASE Project Manager, CARE Rwanda Signature: ……………………………………… Location: CARE Österreich and CARE Rwanda Date report due: 31.3.2009 Date report sent: 31.3.2009 2008 CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 17 APPENDICES Appendix 1 TRAINING TOOL KIT ARTICLES ITEM S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 2008 Trowels Hoes Jerrycans Spades Machetes A meter/tape measure Plumb line T-Square Nylon string Stickle Sheetings Basins (plastic) Hammers Chisel Spirit level Moulds ( see sample) QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 18 Appendix 2 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS IN TRAININGS Venue: Nyakibungo……/Sector…Gishubi………District: Gisagara s/n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Names Nsengimana theogene Mushimiyimana donatha Nsengiyumva felicien Bamurange pelagie Mukamurenzi fatuma Uyisenga damien Yabaragiye christine Bukuru didas Nyiramuruta agnes Mazina francois Aburorabo vedaste Bugenimana genevieve Habineza augustin Mukantagara jacqueline Rwambibi jonas Mujawamariya serafine Miburo beatrice Munyentwari felicien Havugiyaremye xavier Nyirabukeye pelagie Nikuze Beatrice Mukansenga donatille Urayeneza josephine Mukaruranwa jeanette Mukamusoni jacqueline Ndayisaba jean damacene Mushimiyimana josephine Habumugisha aloyis Nyiraneza ansille Musabande francois VSLG name AJPG Twitezimbere Twizimbere Twizimbere Twisungane Twisungane Abishyizehamwe Intumwa Abishyizehamwe Abishyizehamwe Abishyizehamwe Intumwa Imanzi Imanzi Twisungane B Twisungane B Inkingiyamajyambere Inkingiyamajyambere Twitezimbere B Abahuzamugambi Dushyigikirane Imboni Imboni Bategarugoribari Abahuzamugambi AJPG Bategarugoribari Twisungane A Twisungane A Dushyigikirane Cell Nyabitare nyakibungo Nyakibungo Nyakibungo nyakibungo nyakibungo Nyabitare Nyakibungo Nyabitare Nyabitare Nyabitare Nyakibungo Nyakibungo Nyakibungo Nyabitare Nyabitare Nyabitare Nyabitare Nyakibungo Nyabitare Nyakibungo Nyabitare Nyabitare Nyabitare Nyabitare Nyabitare Nyabitare Nyakibungo Nyakibungo Nyakibungo Venue: Gabiro……/Sector…Gishubi………District: Gisagara s/n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2008 Names Nanwahafi augustin Mwungantare donate Twagirimana varantin Twagirayezu alphonse Uwitije claudine Mukazayire genevieve Bampire verediana VSLG name Abajyambere Igisubizo Abishyizehamwe Igisubizo Abishyizehamwe Abishyizehamwe Twisungane Cell Gabiro Gabiro Gabiro Gabiro Gabiro Gabiro Gabiro CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 19 s/n 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Names Sabayagirwa marie Nyirandorimana domitira Nyirantaganira liberathe Mukangarambe Odette Karwera jamviere Nyiramana alphonsine Hitimana faustin Niringiyimana anastase Nyirabizimana agnes Nyirarukundo pasicasie Mukansabimana volonique Nyiranziyimana vestine Simbananiye aloyis Hagenimana olivier Nzamwitakuze solange Niyoyita Ntegamaherezo claudine Uwambaye drocelle Mukeshimana liberahta Uwiringiyimana epiphanie Nzamunganyande Nyiraharyarimana cecile Ndindiyimana etienne VSLG name Tuzamurane Tuzamurane Jyambere Abajyambere Abishyizehamwe Abishyizehamwe Ubudahemuka Twisungane Turwanekubuzima Twitezimbere Ubudahemuka Twisungane Twitezimbere Abisunganye Duterimbere Duterimbere Dukomezumujishi Abisunganye Turwanekubuzima Twizamure Twizamure Dukomezumujishi Jyambere Venue: Mugombwa Parish…/Sector…Mugombwa s/n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2008 Names Mukangamije M.claire Niyonambaza genevieve Kabanda JMV Niyonizeye appolinarie Nyirambonabucya Uwambajimana providance Nyirabizimana mediatrice Niyonizeye liberata Uwizeyimana jacqueline Ndagijimana francois Barihenda emanuel Barakagwira Nyiraneza elizabeth Uwitonze beatrice Sanyu epaphrodite Nzasabimfura evaliste Mukamwiza clautilde Niyitegeka francine Nyiraneza gloriose Mukeshimana victoria Cell Gabiro Gabiro Gabiro Gabiro Gabiro Gabiro Nyeranzi Nyeranzi Nyeranzi Nyeranzi Nyeranzi Nyeranzi Nyeranzi Nyeranzi Nyeranzi Nyeranzi Nyeranzi Nyeranzi Nyeranzi Nyeranzi Nyeranzi Nyeranzi Nyeranzi District: Gisagara VSLG name Tuzamuringo Tuzamuringo Tuzamurane C Tuzamurane C Duterimbere Duterimbere Tuzamurane D Tuzamurane D Terimberemugore Terimberemugore Duteimbere C Duteimbere C Dufatanye Dufatanye Abahizi B Abahizi B Intiganda Intiganda Abisunzimana Abisunzimana Cell Kibu Kibu Kibu Kibu Kibu Kibu Kibu Kibu Kibu Kibu Kibayi Kibayi Kibayi Kibayi Kibayi Kibayi Mugombwa Mugombwa Mugombwa Mugombwa CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 20 Venue: Mugombwa Parish…/Sector…Mugombwa s/n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Names VSLG name Cell Ntakirutimana emanuel mukasarambuye christine nyiraminani victoire musabyemariya donatira uwizeyimana sophie itangishaka marie.gorette mukansanga christin e muhayemariya justine mukantwari marie louise mukamageza bernadette nikuze julienne uwanyirigira tarisira bankundiye beatrice uwitonze josephine hajyarimana emil niyonsaba consolee mujawamariya therese uwimana consolee uwineza jacqueline uwimana alexandre Inyjyamumuigmbi Indashyikirwa Tuzamurane A Tuzamurane A Abisunganye A Abajyanama Dushyirehamwe Dushyirehamwe Abunzubumwe Abunzubumwe Abatigayubuke Abahizi A Abajyanama Injyamugambi Abahizi A Twitekubuzima Twitekubuzima Abatigayubuke Indashyikirwa Abisunganye A mukomacara mugombwa Mukomacara mukomacara kibayi mugombwa mugombwa mugombwa mugombwa mugombwa mogombwa kibayi mugombwa mukomacara kibayi mugombwa mugombwa mogombwa mogombwa kibayi Venue: KIBUMBWE………/Sector: KIBUMBWE Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2008 District: Gisagara Names Mukahirwa Josine Mvuyekure Dismon Mbanda Juvenal Mukangarambe Alphonsine Nyiramajangwe Edureda Mutamuriza Fortuné Mbabariye Vicent Mukarugwiro Anatalie Ukwitegetse Vestine Musabyimana Rosa Dusabimana Francois Uwimana dathive Hakizimana Efron Rusizana Aphrodis Habimfura Innocent Mukamana Francine M.rukundo Nyirahatangimana Mukamurenzi Phoib Dusabimana Béata Mutuyimana Drocelle Harelimana Xavier Uwingabire Godance Mukartamu Violette District: NYAMAGABE Sex F M M F F F M F F F M F M M M F F F F F F M F F VSLG name Twongerumusaruro Umutinyawo Komayaga Abakoranamurava Abatanyuranya Abatanyuranya Abahujinama Twongerumusaruro Twisungane turwanya SIDA Twisungane turwanya SIDA Rubyiruko Twitezimbere Turwanya SIDA Umutinyawo Imboni Komayaga Rubyiruko Twitezimbere Turwanya SIDA Inyange Abahujinama Twizerane Imbereheza Imbereheza Abakoranamurava Ubumwenubwiyunge CARE, CASE Project, CARE Cell Gakanka Gakanka Gakanka Kibibi Gakanka Gakanka Bwenda Gakanka Bwenda Bwenda Nyakiza Gakanka Gakanka Gakanka Gakanka Nyakiza Kibibi Bwenda Kibibi Kibibi Kibibi Kibibi Kibibi Bwenda /31 21 Nr 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Names Mukamuyango Emerthe Sinumvayabo Elias Bampire Concessa Muhutu Damien Kabagwira Nerena Nsengumukiza Callixte Ayirwanda Donat Nyirabagabe Crisensiya Sex F M F M F M M F VSLG name Inyange Imboni Twizerane Ubumwenubwiyunge Twisungane Dufatanye Dufatanye Twisungane Cell Kibibi Gakanka Kibibi Kanyenge Kibibi Kibibi Kibibi Kibibi Venue: TARE ……………/Sector: TARE ……………..District: NYAMAGABE Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 2008 Names Nkundimana Noel Habimana Vicent Nkundiye Félicien Mukakabera Fais Uwibambe Antoinette Nyirantezibyimana Germaine Twagirumukiza Baptiste Bazigaga Espérance Nyirantwari Mary Mukamana Florence Mukabutera Gaudiose Yankurije Odette Mbarubukeye Vincent Munyampirwa Sylvestre Musabyimana Sylvestre Gakunde Alphonse Ntamuhanga Justin Mugemangango Celestin Mukarurangwa M Muunyandera Evariste Uwizeyimana Virginie Mukankusi Evarista Mukeshimana Thérèse Uzakunda Boniface Mukankaka Rosa Nyiransengimana cecile Munganyika Bernadette Uwimana Sandrine Mukankindo Velene Mukeshimana Josephine uwimpuhwe Florentine Muhirwa Francois Kamizima Florida Mugiraneza Nyiramajangwe Sex M M M F F F M F F F F F M M M M M M F M F F F M F F F F F F F M F M F VSLG Urugero Tuzamurane Tuganimana Tuganimana Abashizubwoba Abashizubwoba Tuganeyesu Urugero Twitezimbere Bategarugori Dukundabana Dukundabana Twitezimberebategarugori Dufatanye I Terimberemutegarugori Sindagiramusaza Twitezimbere Abishyizehamwe Twitezimbere Abakarana Tuganeyesu Sindagiramusaza Abunzubumwe Abadacogora Dufatanye II Dufatanye II Tuzamurane Terimberemutegarugori Urugero Abadacogora Abunzubumwe Urugero Abakorerabushake Twisungane Twisungane Dufatanye CARE, CASE Project, CARE Cell Gasarenda Kaganza Nyamigina Nyamigina Gasarenda Gasarenda Buhoro Gatovu Kaganza Buhoro Buhoro kaganza Nkumbure Nkumbure Gatovu Gatovu Gatovu Gatovu Bushakekavu Buhoro Gatovu Nyamigina Nyamigina Nkumbure Nkumbure Kaganza Nkumbure Gasarenda Nyamigina Nyamigina Gasarenda Nkumbure Nkumbure Nkumbure Nkumbure /31 22 Venue: Rango A……………/Sector: Mukura……………..District: Huye Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Names Dusabe jeanne d'Arc Uwizeyimana Laurencie Nyirarindwi Annonciate Mukasisi Thacienne Nyiraminani Josepha Uwamariya Perpetue Uwimana Thérèse Mujawamariya Venancie Mukankusi Anastasie Mukandekezi Marie Niyoyirera Francine Nsabimana jean damascène Nyiramana Megitride Mukantabama Alvera Kanamugire Vicent Habimana Innocent Mukantwari Césarie Muhongayire Clarisse Munganyinka Grace Nyiraminani Appolinarie Nyandwi jean Bosco Iryamukuru Jean De Dieu Sex F F F F F F F F F F F M F F M M F F F M M M VSLG Indashyikirwa Indashyikirwa Twikure mu bwigunge Kwisungana Abuzuzanya Abuzuzanya Twitezimbere Duterimbere Twikure mu bwigunge Twizigamire Abishyizehamwe Twizigamire Abishyizehamwe Duterimbere Duterimbere Twitezimbere Twitezimbere Duterane inkunga Abishyizehamwe Abishyizehamwe Local Technician Local Technician Cell Buvumu Buvumu Buvumu Bukomeye Buvumu Buvumu Buvumu Buvumu Buvumu Buvumu Buvumu Buvumu Bukomeye Bukomeye Bukomeye Bukomeye Bukomeye Bukomeye Bukomeye Bukomeye Rukira Shyembe Venue: RANGO A ………/Sector: MUKURA………District: HUYE Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2008 Names Sex VSLG Cell Havugarurema Idris Sekugabanya J.claude Minani Pierre Celestin Musabhyemariya Chantal Mukakalisa Marie Goretti Mukakamonyo Hassira Kandamura Athanasie Mukakabera Seraphine Mukagasana Marie Goretti Nzabandora Swaibu Mukashyaka Francoisse Nizeyemariya Speciose Bishyika Joel Habanabashaka J.Damacsene Ruremesha JMV Twagirayezu J.Damacsene Mukankusi Theresie Mukagakwaya Esperance Mukantwari Fracoise Nyirababyeyi Marie Goretti M M M F F F F F F M F F M M M M F F F F Abizeranye Dutreaninkunga Inkeragutabara Abajyamugambi A Twisungane Abizeranye Twisungane Twisungane Urumuli Abajyamugambi A Abishyizehamwe Abishyizehamwe Urumuli Abifatanyije Twitezimbere Tujijuke Abifatanyije Tujijuke Tuzamurane Twitezimbere Bukomeye Bukomeye Bukomeye Bukomeye Rango A Bukomeye Rango A Bukomeye Icyeru Bukomeye Rango A Rango A Icyeru Buvumu Icyeru Buvumu Buvumu Buvumu Buvumu Icyeru CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 23 Venue: Kibumbwe1 / Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sector: Kibumbwe District Nyamagabe Names SEX VSLG Cell Habimana Emmanuel Mukankiko Alphonsine Mukansonera Daphrose Bizimana FranÇois Mukamabano Beatrice Mukantwari Venantie Dusabimana Beazilisse Hakizimana Jean Baptiste Mukaneza Gemime Nyiransabimana Rosine Mukabahizi Olive Umazekabiri Thacienne Karangwa Felicien Musabyimana Jeannette Muhayimpundu Janviere Mukantaganda Euphrasie Mukandekezi Adera Nyiransengimana Berancille Nyiravuguziga Hakizimana Jeannette Mukanyemera Jeannette Mukashengero Christine Nyiratabaruka Catherine Mukashema Marie Louise Uhawenimana Modeste Mujawayezu Beatrice Nyirabaganwa Agnes Murekatete Caritas Karanganwa Felicien Mukankusi Agnes M F F M F F F M F M F F M F F F F F F F F F F F M F F F M F Twisungane Abishyizehamwe Abishyizehamwe Abahuzamugambi Duterimbere Abakundamahoro Abatanyuranya Tuzamurane Fatingamba Fatingamba Abatanyuranya Abadatehuka Abunzubumwe Abishyizehamwe Abishyizehamwe Abakundamahoro Ubumwe Tuzamurane Zigama Twisungane Duterimbere Zigama Abishyizehamwe Abishyizehamwe Abadatezuka Amahoro Amahoro Ubumwe mubyiyungo Zigama Umubitsikibibi Nyakiza Nyakiza Kibibi Kibibi Nyakiza Nyakiza Bwenda Nyakiza Bwenda Bwenda Bwenda Gakanka Gakanka Nyakiza Kibibi Nyakiza Gakanka Nyakiza Nyakiza Nyakiza Nyakiza Nyakiza Bwenda Bwenda Gakanka Kibibi Kibibi Gakanka Nyakiza Nyakiza Venue: NGIRYI…………/Sector:GASAKA……………District: NYAMAGABE Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2008 Names Mukamurangwa Marthe Wibabara Alphonsine Mukankubana Edisa Mukabaziga Agnès Mukantwari Veneranda Yankurije Annonciate Muhawenimana Caritas Niyirera immaculée Dushimimana Julienne Mukabatesi Francine Nyirampirwa Mediatrice Mukakarera Catherine Umutesi Jeanne Itangishaka immaculée SEX F F F F F F F F F F F F F F VSLG Duteraninkunga Duteraninkunga Abajyamugambi Abakoreramuco Abajyamugambi Abunzubumwe Kundumurimo Kundumurimo Abisunganye Kundumurimo Abishyizehamwe Abishyizehamwe Abisunganye Abatigandakumurimo CARE, CASE Project, CARE Cell Nyabivumu Nyabivumu Nyabivumu Nyabivumu Nyamugari Remera Remera Remera Remera Remera Kibanda Kibanda Kigeme Nyabivumu /31 24 Nr 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Names Mushimiyimana Claudette Nyirambeba Hadidja Dusenge Esther Kasine Marie Murekatete Anne Marie Nikuze Philomène Mukankindo Josephine Mubarejo Priscille Mukantwari Grace Mukandoli Judith Mukagasana Faith Nyiramisago liberée Senkware Emmanuel Uwiringiye Fidèle Kangabe Agnes Venue: Rasaniro Part I / Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2008 SEX F F F F F F F F F F F F M M F VSLG Duterimbere Jyambere Duterimbere Dufatanye Dukundumurimo Duhuzumugambi Duhuzumugambi Duhuzumugambi Abunzubumwe Abakoreramuco Abisunganye Abatigandakumurimo Duterimbere Abisunganye Abisunganye Sector: Rusenge Cell Nyamugari Ngiryi Ngiryi Nyamugari Remera Remera Remera Remera Remera Nyabivumu Kigeme Nyabivumu Ngiryi Remera Remera District Nyaruguru Names Sex VSLG Cell Mukabayiza Donata Mukabanza Bernadetta Mukaliberté M. Josée Musabyemaliya Césarie Mukagasana Venancie Mukarutanga Odette mukabonera Alvera Nzirabatinyi Alphonse Uwantege Angelique Ngendambakenga Anastase Mukamurama Berthe Mukamana Dorothéa Mukanyarwaya Annonciata Mukaseli Donatille Habyarumuremyi Athanase Mukarugwiza Eugenie Habimana Evariste Bakayiranga Marie Renné Mukagasana Therèse Nyiramana Pélagie Nyirahabimana valerie Bizimana Narcisse Nteziryayo Martin Mukarurangwa Marguerite Mukarunyange Clinia Mukamutali Christina Mukarusheme Stephanie Murebwayire Gerturde Iyamuremye Silas Musana Innocent F F F F F F F M F M F F F F M F M F F F F M M F F F F F M M Abisunganye Abizerana Abizerana Tuzamurane Tuzamurane Abihanganye Abisunganye Abisunganye Abajyamigambi Abajyamigambi Tuzamurane Abihanganye Abisunganye Abadatabana Twisungane Twisungane Abishyizehamwe Abishyizehamwe Abadatatirana Abadatatirana Abadatatirana Dukundane Abasenga Abasenga Dukundane Abaharanira amahoro Dufatanye B Dufatanye B tech Abishyizehamwe Raranzige Gikunzi Gikunzi Maliba Maliba Raranzige Bunge Bunge Cyuma Cyuma Rusenge Raranzige Raranzige Maliba Maliba Maliba Maliba Maliba Maliba Maliba Maliba Raranzige Raranzige Raranzige Raranzige Rusenge Maliba Maliba Kibayi Raranzige CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 25 Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Venue: Rasaniro Part II /Sector: Rusenge Names Mukamana Béathe Mukabeza Laurence Nikuze Leophrosie Mukamana Caritas Nyirishema Laurent Nyirazigama Liberree Nshuitininka Francine Mukakabare Bersile Mukashema Veredienne Kabugondo Emerithe Karemera Venuste Uwimana Theodette Uwamurera Dorcelle Mukabayire Placidie Nyiramuhakwa Immacule Minani Theogene Habyarimana Damien Mukagabiro Melanie Mukasamali Feromine Nyirahabimana Alphonsine Rumanzi Jean Bosco Kanzayire Tharcille Mukamunana Euphenie Kwizera Francine Mukwangwije Vestine Mukandanga Marie Mugabekazi Claudine Mukangenzi Beathe Munyurangabo Alphonse Nyaminani Ignace Sex F F F F M F M F F F M F F F F M M F F F M F F F F F F F M M Venue: Kibeho / Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2008 Names Mukarubuga Chantal Mukantabana Rose Mukamusoni Peragie Nzeyimana Slyvestre Ntihabose Genevieve Mukarubayiza Consesa Mukarubayiza Speciose Mukankusi Catherine Mukabatsinda Cecile Uwizeyemariya Judithe Duhozumwari Ansile Mukagasana Françine Mukarurangwa Eugenie Kankindi Claudine Nyiranani Beathe Nyirahabimana Vestine VSLG Abizeranye Abizeranye Abaharanirakurera Turwubake Dufatanye Dufatanye Kawa Dufatanye Kawa Dufatanye Dufatanye Urukundo Abaharanira kurera Abadacogora Tuzamurane rubyiruko Abahuzamugambi Abahuzamugambi Tuzamurane rubyiruko Dufatanye Abadacogora Abahujemahoro Girimpuhwe Hinga worore Abazirabute Abazirabute Turwubake Abadatatirana Abahujemahoro Hinga worore Urukundo Abadatatirana Twizamure Sector: Kibeho SEX F F F M F F F F F F F F F F F F District Nyaruguru VSLG Rugoli Rugoli Abisunganye Abahuzamugambi Abahuzamugambi Twisungane Twisungane Abisunganye Abisunganye Twisungane-Bana Twisungane-Bana Abatanyuranya Abatanyuranya Twitezimbere Twitezimbere Duterimbere Cell Gikunzi Gikunzi Bunge Mariba Cyuna Cyuna Cyuna Cyuna Cyuna Cyuna Bunge Mariba Raranzige Gikunzi Gikunzi Raranzige Cyuna Mariba Mariba Mariba Mariba Cyuna Bunge Bunge Mariba Mariba Cyuna Cyuna Mariba Mariba District Nyaruguru Cell Kibeho Kibeho Kibeho Kibeho Kibeho Kibeho Kibeho Nyange Nyange Nyange Nyange Nyange Nyange Nyange Nyange Gakoma CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 26 Nr 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Names Mukamunana Feromine Mukamana Dorcelle Nyirmana Josephine Mukamuzima Praceda Ayinkamiye Françoise Nyiramanwa Ferecite Nyirantwari Donatille Mukantabana Estelle Mukarunyange Venasie Nitonteze Beatrice Venue: Ruheru/ Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 2008 Names Ruzigamanzi Vincent Kabaganwa Esperance Kubwimana Consilide Niyonsaba Vestine Rurangwa Jeremie Kandenzi Bonifilde Nyiraminani Console Mukamwambutsa Francine Habineza Elie Musabyimana Eugenie Sebaganwa Athanase Mukarwego Josephine Niyirora Annonciata Nyirabenda Chantal Itangishaka Julienne Nyiraminani Estelle Murerershejimana Vestine Niyoyiremera Mediatrice Ukubereyimfura Collette Mundanikure Domitille Mukarubibi Josephine Nikuze Selaphine Hitimana Martin Habyarimana Enias Nibarere Vestine Nkundimana Alfred Ntabareshya Jmv Niyomukiza M. Rose Nsanganiye Emmanuel Kubwimana Florence Rwasangabo Slyidie Iyaremye Jean Damascene Nsabimana Jmv Ruhangintwari Nahason SEX F F F F F F F F F F VSLG Duterimbere Duteraninkunga Duteraninkunga Abadahinyuka Twitezimbere Twitezimbere Abisunganye Abisunganye Abisunganye Abadahinyuka Sector:Ruheru. Sex F F F F M F F F M F M F F F F F F F F F F F M M F M M F M F M M M M VSLG Intumwa B Dufataneurunana Duhugurane Abadatebana Umurava Duhugurane Umurava Tuzamurane A Jyamberemubyeyi Jyamberemubyeyi Tuzamurane B Dufataneurunana Abizewe Abizewe Intumwa Tuzamurane A Twitezimbere Dufatanirizehamwe Urwunge Urwunge Jijukamubyeyi Jijukamubyeyi Twitezimbere Abatangampundu Abatangampundu Dufatanirizehamwe Abahuje Abahuje Tuzamurane Abahuje Intore Ingabo Ingabo Umurava Cell Gakoma Gakoma Gakoma Mbasa Mbasa Mbasa Mpanda Mpanda Kibeho Mbasa District Nyaruguru Cell Gitita Remera Kabere Gitita Uwumusebeya Kabere Uwumusebeya Uwumusebeya Ruyenzi Ruyenzi Remera Remera Kabere Kabere Gitita Uwumusebeya Ruyenzi Gitita Kabere Kabere Uwumusebeya Uwumusebeya Ruyenzi Ruyenzi Ruyenzi Gitita Gitita Gitita Remera Gitita Kabere Kabere Kabere Awumusebeya CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 27 Venue: Shanga……………./Sector: Maraba…..District: Huye Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Names Uwimana Marie Grace Uwimbabazi Francoise Sebuteto Claudette Niyonsaba Geraldine Mukabutera Godelive Nyamuganza Emmanuel Twagirayezu Pierre Celestin Sibomana Aciel Hagenimana Xavier Rukundo Gerald Uwamariya Thérèse Musengeneza Bernadette Ahishakiye Esprance Musabyemariya olive Nyirakanani Clementine Mushimiyimana Odette Mukangenzi Thaciacienne Muhundwangeyo Francoise Niyongira Gemime Nyirandashyikirwa Béathe Mukamudenge Donatille Iryamungu Jean de Dieu Rurangwa Venuste Mundanikure Pelagie Nsengimana Innocent Nibarere Valerie Nyirakamana Marie Jeanne Musafiri JMV Nabagize Solange Mukamirambi M Rose Sex F F F F F M M VSLG Dufatanye A Dufatnye A Jyambere Mutegarugori Tuzamurane Duterimbere Abadasigana 3 Abatiheba Abajyamugambi Cell Shyembe Shyembe Kanyinya Kanyinya Shanga Kanyinya Shyembe M M M F F F F F F F Tujyinama Abahuzamugambi Tujyimbere Twitezimbere B Jyambere Mutegarugori Tuzamurane Twisungane Tujyinama Abadacogora Twitezimbere B Shanga Buremera Shyembe Shyembe Kanyinya Kanyinya Shanga Shanga Buremera Shyembe F Abuzuzanya Shanga F F Dutizanyintege Abishyizehamwe Shyembe Shyembe F M M F M F F Dutizanyintege Twitezimbere Abuzuzanya Abajyamugambi Twisungane Abatiheba Abadasigana Shyembe Shyembe Shanga Shyembe Shanga Kanyinya Shanga M F F Abadacogora Tujyimbere Ingobokababyeyi Buremera Shyembe Kabuye Venue: Kabuye……………./Sector: Maraba…..District: Huye Nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 2008 Names Nyiramanywa Yozepha Nyiramukunzi Jacqueline Ndiringiye Xavier Nyiraneza Bernadette Bahutiraho Vicent Mukarugwiza Virginie Sex F F M F M F VSLG Abadasigana Abadasigana Intabangira Dukomere ku mwuga Twizamure Twizamure CARE, CASE Project, CARE Cell Buremera Buremera Kabuye Buremera Buremera Buremera /31 28 Nr 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2008 Names Habiyambere Pascal Mukamusoni Bellancille Nyiramana Laurence Mukamana berthilde Uwimana Vestine Uwizeyimana Frida Mukamuhire Clothilde Mukashyaka Felicité Uwizeyimana Verediana Mukantwali Immaculée Yabaragiye Venerande Mukeshimana Dative Mupfasoni Edisa Mukabaziga Céraphine Mukarushema Agnes Nyiraminani Séraphine Mukarutesi Bonifrida Mukantagara Léonie Mukamukire M.Claire Mutamuliza Francine Musabyimana Miliam Mukakalisa Venancie Nyirabuhoro Josephine Mukamana Anastasie Sex M F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F VSLG Twisungane Twisungane Abaticumugambi Abaticumugambi Abakundamwuga Abakorerahamwe Abakorerahamwe Umurava Abakundumwuga Duteraninkunga Duteraninkunga Duhuzimbaraga Duteraninkunga Duteraninkunga Tuzamirane Tuzamurane Duhuzimbaraga Abahujumugambi Abahujumugambi Umurava Dukomere kumwuga Imbaraga B Imbaraga B Intabangira CARE, CASE Project, CARE Cell Kanyinya Kanyinya Buremera Buremera Buremera Buremera Buremera Gasumba Buremera Buremera Buremera Kabuye Kabuye Kabuye Gasumba Buremera Kabuye Buremera Buremera Gasumba Buremera Buremera Buremera Kabuye /31 29 Appendix 3: Other pictures OTHER PICTURES DURING TRAININGS Theoretical lessons were given classrooms Practices: Women in clay mixing Mud stove construction with burnt bricks Demonstration: building of a rocket stove Complete mud stove at the end of training 2008 Exchange of ideas and social refreshing CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 30 2008 CITT/KIST ADENYA CARE Organisation Engineer Trainer for Huye District Tito Rugamba CARE, CASE Project, CARE /31 Engineer Trainer for Nyaruguru District Engineer Training Coordinator J Nepomscene Mutsinzi Didier Nkubito Director of CITT/KIST Etienne Ntagwirumugara Engineer Trainer for Gisagara District ADENYA Coordinator Gabriel Nkurikiyimana Cesar Niyonzima Field Officer Huye-Gisagara Districts Georges Ruberabahizi Engineer Trainer for Nyamagabe District Field Officer Nyaruguru-Nyamagabe Districts Oswald Guillaumme Sebahutu Field Officer Huye- Gisagara Districts Anita Niyongira Training Professional Augustin Niyonsaba Field Officer Nyaruguru-Nyamagabe Districts Project Manager Prudence Ndolimana Wellars Bayingana Position Names (+ 250) 750249108 (+ 250) 750216457 (+ 250) 788460649 (+ 250) 788461194 (+ 250) 788689868 (+ 250) 788353874 (+ 250) 788564089 (+ 250) 788540399 (+ 250) 783249999 (+ 250) 783009953 (+250) 788646668 (+250) 788865624 (+250) 788592524 Telephone Appendix 4: CARE & Partners’ staff involved in the Field activities of the Project E-mail 31