

(Biografie / Biography)
Claire Fontaine ist ein Künstlerkollekiv aus Paris, gegründet 2004 /
Claire Fontaine is a Paris-based collective, founded in 2004
The Disappearance oft he fireflies, Collection Lambert, Avignon, Frankreich / France
Etrangers Partout, im Zuge des Projekts Ulysses, La Bouladisse, Frankreich
Some Redemptions, Metro Pictures Gallery, New York, USA
Sell Your Debt, Queen´s Nails, San Francisco, USA
Redemptions, Kent and Vicki Logan Gallery, San Francisco
Using Walls, Floors, and Ceilings: Claire Fontaine, The Jewish Museum of New York, New
York City
The Isle of Tears, Jüdisches Museum, New York
Open, Galerie Agustina Ferreyra, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Title T.B.C, Queen’s Nails, San Francisco, USA
Un regard su l’inventaire vol. 1 et vol.3, Frac Haute Normandie, Sotteville-lès-Rouen,
Frankreich / France
Carelessness Causes Fire, Audain Gallery, Vancouver
Équivalences, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
Claire Fontaine, T293, Rom / Rome
M - A - C - C - H - I - N - A - Z - I -O - N – I, Museion, Bozen
Breakfast starts at Midnight, Index, The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation,
La Chiave, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Rom / Rome
Ma l’amor mio non muore, Museo Hendrik Christian Andersen, Rom / Rome
Abstraction ≈ Violence, Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviv
1493, Brezdivin Collection – Espacio 1414, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
Postcard from... Claire Fontaine Comunistico, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere
Rom - MUSEION Museum für moderne und zeitgenössische Kunst, Bolzano
Claire Fontaine, Galerie NEU, Berlin
Claire Fontaine, T293, Rom
Généralités, La Douane - Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
Working Together, Metro Pictures Gallery, New York
P.I.G.S., MUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Castilla y León, Spanien / Spain
The Assistants, Petra, Mexico City
No Family Life, Air de Paris, Paris
Fighting Gravity, Regina Gallery, Moskau / Moscow und / and London
Arando en el mar / Ploughing the sea, Gaga Galería de Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City
Consume, Andreas Melas & Helena Papadopoulos, Athen
Claire Fontaine, Air de Paris, Paris
Some instructions fort he sharing of private property, Onestar Press, Paris
I, Yama, Istanbul
M-A-N-I-P-U-L-A-C-I-J-E, Molekula, Galerija SIZ, Rijeka, Kroatien / Croatia
The Interpreter, Art Brussels, Brüssel / Brusseles
Rome. The Road to Contemporary Art, T293, Rom
Economies, Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami, USA
Future Tens, El Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City
Please God Make Tomorrow Better, Independent, 548W 22nd Street, New York
Closed for Prayers, Dvir Gallery, Hangar 2, Jaffa Port, Israel
„Kultur ist ein Palast der aus Hundescheiße gebaut ist.“, MD72, Berlin
Unbuilding, Caterina Tognon Arte Contemporanea, Venedig / Venice
Etrangers Partout, Nuit Blanche, Belleville, Paris
Consumption, Helena Papadopoulos Gallery, Athen / Athens
Claire Fontaine, Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviv
Foreigners Everywhere, T293, Rom (kuratiert von / curated by Claire Fontaine)
Air de Paris, Paris
After Marx April, After Mao June, Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, Colorado, USA
Inhibitions, Reena Spaulings Fine Art, New York
Defend Yourself, Art Perform, Art Basel, Miami (kuratiert von / curated by Jens Hoffmann)
Recessions, Gabriele Senn Galerie, Wien / Vienna
The Exhibition Formerly Known as Passengers, CCA Wattis Institute of Contemporary
Arts, San Francisco, USA
Claire Fontaine, Hayward Gallery, London
Changement de Propriétaire, Sorry, We're closed, Brüssel / Brussels
Interior Design for Bastards, Galeria T293, Neapel / Naples
Tamed, ‚Perché Napoli?’, Galeria T293, Neapel / Naples
Destroy and Rejuvenate, Regina Gallery, Moskau / Moscow
Call + 972 25 839 749, Andreas Janacu / Galería Perdida at Project Row House, Houston
Claire Fontaine, Sorry, we’re closed, Brüssel
Claire Fontaine, T293, Rom
Feux de détress, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
Lucky in the Misfortune, Maison Descartes, Amsterdam
Is Freedom Therapeutic?, Galeria T293, Art Positions, Art Basel Miami Beach, USA
They Hate Us For Our Freedom, Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis, USA
Arbeit macht Kapital, Kubus/Lenbachhaus, München / Munich
Closed für Prayers, Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin
Change, Galerie Neu, Berlin
Counter-poison, Komplot/Le Garage, Brüssel / Brussels
Claire Fontaine, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
Asleep, DVIR Gallery, Tel Aviv
Hayward Gallery, London
Counter-Poison, Komplot, Brüssel / Brussels
Tragitti periferici, Facolta di Architetture di Siracus, Universita degli studi di Catania,
Sizilien / Sicily
One or Two Things, Two evenings of live art, South London Gallery, London
Claire Fontaine, Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam
Maison Descartes, Institut Français de Pays-Bas, Amsterdam
Instructions for the sharing of private property, project space, The Kitchen, New
Capitalism is not working, Gaga Galería de Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City
Équivalences, Le Centre d’Art Villa Arson, Nizza / Nice
The 00’s, The history of a decade that has not yet been named, Biennale d’Art
Contemporain de Lyon, Institut d’Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne, Lyon (kuratiert von /
curated by Stéphanie Moisdan und / and Hans-Ulrich Obrist)
Utlendinger Overalt, The White Tube, Oslo (kuratiert von / curated by Will Bradley)
Get Lost, Module, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
How to cook a wolf / How to ?, Kunsthalle Zürich, Zürich / Zurich
Taccucini di Guerra Incivile, T293, Neapel / Naples
Téléphone Arabe, Air de Paris, Paris
Footnotes on the state of exception, Reena Spaulings Fine Art, New York
Claire Fontaine, T293, Rom
Siamo tutti singolarità qualunque, Il piccolo Museion, progetto Garutti, Museion, Bozen /
Couvrir Les Feux, Zoo Galerie, Nantes, Frankreich / France
Foreigners Everywhere, Reena Spaulings Fine Art, New York
Requiem for Jean-Charles de Menezes, Tratari, Graz
Etrangers Partout, 21 rue Ste Marthe, Paris
Claire Fontaine, Galerie Meerrettich im Glaspavillon an der Volksbühne, Berlin
Art Cologne, Galerie Neu, Köln/ Cologne
ARCO Madrid, Polígrafa Obra Gràfica S. L., Barcelona
„On Ambiguity and Other Forms to Play With“ – The Invisible Hand: Curating as Gesture,
2nd CAFAM Biennale, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Peking
No such thing as history, Espace Louis Vuitton, München / Munich
Les yeux seuls sont encore capables de pousser un cri *, Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviv
do it Moscow, GCCC - Garage Center for Contemporary Culture, Moskau
Performance Now, Middlebury College Museum of Art, Middlebury, USA
Dérèglement des Passions, Cantina Montone, Avellino and Museo Laboratorio, Città
Sant’Angelo, Italien / Italy
Percorsi nel contemporaneo, MARCO, Rom
Ikone Karl Marx. Kulturbilder und Bilderkult, Stadtmuseum Simeonstift Trier,
Deutschland / Germany
Relaunch, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin
The 5th Auckland Triennial . If you were to live here..., Auckland Art Gallery, Auckland,
Neuseeland / New Zealand
Le Pont, MAC Musées d´Art Contemporain Marseille, Marseille, Frankreich / France
Prix Marcel Duchamp, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Libourne, Libourne, Frankreich / France
Circles / Kreise, Kunstverein Bamberg e.V., Bamberg, Deutschland / Germany
Economy, Stills Gallery Edinburgh – Scotland´s Centre for Photography/ CCA Center for
Contamporary Arts, Glasgow, Schottland / Scotland
Farbe bekennen - Was Kunst macht, Marta Herford (Gehry-Galerien), Herford,
Deutschland / Germany
I’m dreaming about reality, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
Appassionata. Die Sammlung Salinka im Dialog, Kunstmuseum Ravensburg, Ravensburg
"Il faut être peintre pour faire des images, et ce sont les images qui font faire la peinture,
mais c'est un secret." (Eugène Leroy), Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck
Play – The Frivolous and The Serious, me Collectors Room Berlin
Réinventer le monde, Sala Rekalde, Bilbao
Autonomous Regions, Guangdong Times Museum, Guangzhou
Cleaning Up, Vogt Gallery New York, New York
Women’s Art Society, Oriel Mostyn Gallery, Llandudno
Oevres de la Collection Philippe Cohen 20 Ans D’aquisitions, Passage de Retz, Paris
De leur Temps 4: Nantes- Centre d’art Le hangar à Bananes, Le Hab, Nantes
Reinventing the Wheel: The readymade century, MUMA Monash University Museum of Art,
Everywhere but Now, 4th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary – Old Intersections
make it new 2, Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki
New Industries Festival: Requiem Für eine Bank, HMKV Hartware MedienKunstVerein,
Dortmund, Deutschland / Germany
The Past is Present, Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, Detroit, USA
Connect Four: The Bet – Kunst-Werke Berlin, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin
Bande à part, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
AB, a project by Gabriele De Santis, Nomas Foundation, Rom
Circles/ Kreise, Kunstverein Bamberg, Bamberg
The causes of Thing: Collection oft he CNAP, Collection centre national des arts
plastiques, Centrale for contemporary art, Brüssel / Bruxelles
De belles sculptures contemporaines, Centre d’art Le hangar à Bananes – Le Hab, Nantes
The crime was almost perfect, Witte de With, Rotterdam
Do it, Stacion- Center for contempoorary Art Prishtina
Requiem für eine Bank, hartware medien kunst verein, Dortmund, Deutschland /
Vier gewinnt: Die Wette. Eine Untersuchung über Zweifel, Kontingenz und Sinn in
Ökonomie und Gesellschaft, Haus der Berliner Festspiele, Berlin
Bloody Mary, Torri, Paris
Las Pleiades, Les Abattoir, Toulouse, Frankreich / France
Performance Now, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, USA/ Jewish Museum and
Tolerance Center, Moskau / Moscow
Foreigners Everywhere, Jüdisches Museum, Moskau / Moscow
Honey, I Rearranged the Collection, Passage de Retz, Paris/ Petach Tikva Museum,
Petach Tikva, Israel
Strangers Partout, La Bouilladisse, Frac Provence-Alpes-Cote d’azur, Frankreich /
L’inventaire Vol. 3, Frac Haute Normandie, Sotteville-lés-Rouen / Abattoirs de Toulouse,
Toulouse, Frankreich / France
Reactivation, 9. Shanghai Biennale, Shangai
Untitled, 12th Istanbul Biennale, Istanbul
When attitudes became form become attitude, MOCA, Detroit, USA
Suite, Zoo Galerie, Nantes, Frankreich / France
Egarements, Domaine départemental du Château d’Avignon, Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer,
Frankreich / France
De l’ombre à la lumiére, Tour de Londres, Londres, Frankreich/ France
Every Day Matters, Farschou Foundation, Kopenhagen / Kopenhagen
Fragile, Le Stanze del Vetro, Fondazione Giorgio Cini Onlus, Venedig / Venice
Ten years of the one minute film festival, Mass MoCA, Massachusettes, USA
The anti-library, Lucie Fontaine, Mailand / Milan
Performa 13, New York
A Place in Two Dimensions: A selection from colección Jumex, Museo Jumex, Mexico City,
L’origine des choses, La Centrale for Contemporary Art/ collection CNAP, Brüssel /
Aujourd’hui pour demain – Proposition n°2, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Mulhouse, Frankreich
/ France
Titel. T.B.C, Times Museum of Contemporary Art, Guangzhou, China
Dark Ages to Enlightenment, The Tower of London, London
Une exposition collective aux Abattoirs, FRAC Midi-Pyrénées à Toulouse, Frankreich /
Theory – Sold out, Delire Gallery, Brüssel / Bruxelles
That´s all Folks!, Stadshallen, Brügge / Bruges
Wonderful – Humboldt, Krokodil & Polke, Die Olbricht Collection, Me Collectors Room
Berlin, Berlin
Généralités, La Douane – Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
A House Is Not A Home, Sorry We’re Closed, Brüssel / Brussels
KEINE ZEIT. Erschöpftes Selbst / Entgrenztes Können, 21er Haus, Wien / Vienna
Realness Respect, Steirischer Herbst, Kunstverein Medienturm, Graz, Österreich / Austria
Where do we migrate to?, Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, Parsons the New School for
Design, New York
Néon, Who’s afraid of red, yellow and blue?, La Maison Rouge, Paris
Blowback, What the frog eye tells the frog brain or the God that failed, Smart Project
Space, Amsterdam, Niederlande / Netherlands
Violence-Double Spread, Nandan Gallery, Kaka Bhavava, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan,
West-Bengalen / West Bengal
Foreigners Everywhere, Jüdisches Museum, Wien / Vienna
It is what it is. Or is it?, Contemporary Art Museum Houston, Houston
Collaborations & Interventions, CCA Andratx, Spanien / Spain
Atlas Critique, Parc Saint Léger, Contemporary Art Centre, Pogues-les-Faux, Frankreich /
An Incomplete History of Incomplete Works, Galeria Francesca Minini, Mailand / Milan
Blind Cut, Marlborough Chelsea, New York
Exceptions, The Green Gallery, Milwaukee
K, Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco
Fremde Überall, Pomeranz Collection, Wien / Vienna
Notes from Nowhere, Foreground Projects, Frome, Somerset
The Deep of the Modern, Manifesta 9, Genk, Limburg, Deutschland / Germany
Tools for Conviviality, The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery, Toronto
Painting Show, Real Fine Arts, Brooklyn, New York
Dogma, Metro Pictures, New York
When Attitudes Become Form, CCA Wattis, San Francisco, USA
Prestige, Klaipeda Culture Communication Centre, Vilnius
9th Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai
Keine Zeit, 21er Haus, Wien / Vienna
Unrest: Revolt against Reason, Apexart, New York
Bleibender Wert? Kooperation ›springerin‹ , Kunsthaus Bregenz
Utopie Gesamtkunstwerk, Augarten Contemporary, Wien / Vienna
relocated, Galerie Neu Mehringdamm 72, Berlin
Blabla et Chichi sur un bateau, Galerie Hussenot, Paris
Good Night, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
When Attitudes became Form become Attitudes: A Restoration / A Remake / A
Rejuvenation / A Rebellion, Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, Detroit, USA
Oriental Mirages, Pomegranates and prickly Pears, Collection Lambert, Avignon,
Frankreich / France
More Light, Aviskari Gallery, Kopenhagen
Prestige: phantasmagoria now, Klaipeda Culture Communication Center, Vilnius, Litauen
/ Lithuania
Intérieur jour, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
Roesier hotel # 20 lo bueno y lo malo, Galeria Nara Roesier, Sao Paulo
An hour of Light, Dvir Gallery Tel Aviv
Superbody, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
Neon. La Materia luminosa dell’arte, MACRO Museo d’arte Contemporanea Roma, Rom
Collaborations & Interventions. Nymphius Projekte Berlin, Berlin
Monkey Business, Galerie Sophie Scheidecker, Paris
Kadist: Pathway Into a Collection, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai
The Separate: Doppelgänger 1/3, CEAAC, Strasbourg
Cara Domani, MAMbo, Bologna, Italien / Italy
It is what it is. Or is it?, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston
Atlas critique, Centre d’art contemporaine, Pougues-le-Eaux
Circumrévolution, Biennale de Belleville, Paris
04, Triennale de Beaufort, Coxyde, Belgien / Belgium
NEON. Who’s afraid of red, yellow, and blue?, La Maison Rouge, Paris
Measure the city with the body, The Physics Romm, Christchurch, Neuseeland /New
The Adjusters, Fonderie Darling, Montréal, Quebec
A gathering, Athens Festival, Athen / Athens
I’m So Goth... I’m dead, Queen’s Nails, San Francisco, USA
Down on Mainstream, Cultuurcentrum, Strombeek, Grimbergen, Belgien / Belgium
SNAFU, Oliver Francis Gallery, Dallas, USA
The big sleep, Nadezda Petrovic Art Gallery, Cazak, Serbien / Serbia
Please close your eyes, Congrès Européen de la Culture, Wroclaw, Polen / Poland
J'ai Deux Amours, Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration, Paris
IL BELPAESE DELL’ARTE. Etiche ed Estetiche della Nazione, Galleria d´Arte Moderna e
Contemporanea di Bergamo
mémoires du futur - la collection Olbricht, La Maison Rouge, Paris
My Paris – Collection Antoine De Galbert, Me Collectors Room, Berlin
How to Disappear, Luminary Center for the Arts, St. Louis
The Uncertain Spectator, EMPAC, Troy
Pisár Bartleby, two artist show, Etc. Gallery, Prag / Prague (kuratiert von / curated by
Teresa Stejskalová)
Volume Collection, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka (kuratiert von /
curated by Nemanja Cvijanovic)/ Multimedijalni Kulturni Centar, Split/ MMSU, Dolac/ Art
Radionica Lazareti, Dubrovnik
Involuntary, Ford projects, New York (kuratiert von / curated by Neville Wakefield)
Perros Negros presents Perros Negros, Adriana Lara, Perros Negros, Mexico
Where Do We Migrate To?, Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture, Baltimore, USA
Wishing and Praying, CRG Gallery, New York
PhotoMonth, Bunker Stuzki Contemporary Art Museum, Krakau / Krakow
Seeing the Capital, Perla Mode, Zürich / Zurich
Untitled (12th Istanbul Biennal), Istanbul (kuratiert von / curated by Adriano Pedrosa und /
and Jens Hoffmann)
Re-writing Worlds (Art and Agency), Fourth Moscow Biennale, Moskau / Moscow
Para Doxa – Hétérodoxies de L’événement, Galerie Villa des Tourelles, Nanterre
Terrible Beauty – Art, Crisis, Change & The Office of Non-Compliance, Dublin
Contemporary, Dublin
Museum der Wünsche, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Wien / Vienna
Collector, Centre National des Arts Plastiques (CNAP), Tripostal, Lille, Frankreich /
Beziehungsarbeit – Kunst und Institution, Künstlerhaus, Wien / Vienna
The Pavement and the Beach, Paradise Row, London
Lumiere, Festival of Light, Durham, United Kingdom (kuratiert von / curated by Artichoke)
Temporaneo 2011, Nomas Doundation, Rom
Homage to Bas Jan Ader, Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviv
Der Kreislauf, Galerie Desaga, Köln / Cologne
Dublin Contemporary 2011, Dublin Contemporary, Dublin
Out of Storage: Provisoire & Définitif, Marres- Centre for Contemporary Culture,
New Age End oft he World, Tayter & Spengemann, New York City
The Normal Condition of Any Communication, Toronto Photograohers Workshop, Toronto,
Congés Payés, Galerie 64bis, Paris
Alles Kannibalen?/ ALL CANNIBALS?, me Collectors Room Berlin, Berlin
Investigations of a Dog, Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall, Stockholm
Collector, Lille 3000, Lille, Frankreich/ France
...from erewhon to here knows when..., Kunstverein Schattendorf, Schattendorf
Out of storage. Provisoire & Définitif, Marres, Maastrich
Big Brother, Palais des arts et du Festival de Dinard, Dinard, Frankreich / France
Network, Mastermind, Casablanca, Marokko
Inerloqui, Caterina Tognon Arte Contemporanea, Venedig / Venice
The artist project, Artb Brussels, Brüssel / Bruxelles
Nomad-ness, Frac des Pays de la Loire, Nantes, Frankreich / France
Monodrome, 3rd Athens Biennale, Athen / Athens
Art in the city, Teatro di Roma, Nomas Foundation, Rom
Evidence of Bricks, TBA:11 – Time-Based Art Festival, Portland Institute for
Contemporary Art, Portland, USA
Linde Family Wing, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, USA
Measure the city with the body, an itinerant Physics Room project, St. Pauls St. Gallery,
Auckland, Neuseeland / New Zealand
Un Altro Mondo È Ancora Possible?, Contemporary Art Association, Sala Dogana, Palazzo
Ducale, Genua / Genoa
Exhibition, Exhibition, Castello di Rivoli, Rivoli, Italien / Italy
PRE-SPECIFICS: ACCESS X, Onomatopee (Dutch Design Week), Eindhoven, Niederlande /
NOMAD-NESS, L’art au coeur du territoire, Nantes, Frankreich / France
“...”, Galerie Neu, Berlin
Gallery, Galerie, Galleria, Norma Mangione Gallery, Turin / Turino
Charles Fourier ou l’Attraction passionnée, Musée des Beaux-Arts et d’Archéologie
de Besançon, Besançon, Frankreich / France
Fax, Torrance Art Museum, Kalifornien / California (kuratiert von / curated by Joao Ribas)
La Suite (Reset), Air de Paris, Paris
Rip It Up And Start Again, Artists Space, New York
It is it, Espacio 1414, Puerto Rico (kuratiert von / curated by María Inés Rodríguez,
Berezdivin Collection)
Fax, Para/Site Art Space, Hong Kong
Fragments of Machines, curated by Will Bradley, IMO projects, Kopenhagen / Copenhagen
Try different key words, Galeria Estrany de la Mota, Barcelona
Geography of Trans-territories, San Fransisco Art Institute, California
Somewhere / Nowhere Algún lugar / Ningún lugar, Museo Universitario de Arte
Contemporáneo – MUAC, Mexico City, Mexico
Seconde Main, curated by Anne Dressen, Musee d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris
The Traveling Show, curated by Adriano Pedrosa, La Colección Jumex, México D.F.
El Gabinete Blanco, curated by Adriano Pedrosa, La Colección Jumex, México D.F.
Efecto Drácula/comunidades en transformación, Museo Universitario del Chopo, Mexico
Di Goldene Keyt, Hangar 2, Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviv
The nice thing about Castillo/Corrales... , Castillo/Corrales, Paris
The Vernacular of Violence, curated by Lisa Kirk, Invisible/Exports, New York
Fragments of Machines, curated by Will Bradley, Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Aachen,
Deutschland / Germany
Linguaggi e sperimentazioni /Languages and Experimentations, Mart - Museo di arte
moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Rovereto, Italien / Italy
Bithemesko Sa Ekhe Thaneste, curated by and including Claire Fontaine, Karl
Holmqvist, Stephan Dillemuth and Delaine and Damian La Bas, Galeria T293, Neapel /
Investigations of a dog, Ellipse Foundation, Estoril/Alcoitão, Portugal
Projet Exposition Russie, curated by Jean Marc Prevost, d'Art Contemporain de Nijny
Novgorod, Musée d'Art Contemporain de Moscou, Moskau / Moscow
Bataille Perpetuelle, curated Jean-Max Colard, Garage, Center of Contemporary Culture,
Moskau / Moscow
Arte Y Politica : Conflictos Y Disyuntivas, Museo de Arte de Culiacán, Culiacán, Mexico
It is written, an audio project curated by Adam Vackar, Centre Pompidou Metz, Metz
Volume Collection, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa di Venezia, Venedig / Venice (kuratiert
von / curated by Nemanja Cvijanovic)
Res Publica, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, MMOMA, Moskau / Moscow
Pre-Specifics, Onomatopee, Eindhoven, Niederlande / Netherlands
La Fin du Monde tel que nous le connaissons, La Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Mulhouse,
Frankreich / France (kuratiert von / curated by Bettina Steinbruegge)
Exhibition, Exhibition, Castello di Rivoli Museum of Contemporary Art, Rivoli, Turin
Xposeptember 2010, Iaspis and Index, Stockholm
Exhibitions with Pierre Bismuth, Nuit Blanche, Centre Pompidou, Metz, Frankreich /
Concrete Garden, Nuit Blanche, curated by Chiara Parisi, Metz, Frankreich / France
The Right to Protest, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem
Territoire et au Nomadisme, curated by Laurence Gateau, Hangar à bananes, Ile de
Nantes, Frankreich / France
Nevermore, Souvenir, souvenir, que me veux-tu?, MAC/VAL, Vitry-sur-Seine
To the Arts, Citizens!, curated by João Fernandes and Óscar Faria, Serravles, Porto,
Uncertain Spectator, Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC), Troy,
New York
Hyper Real – Die Passion des Realen in Malerei und Fotografie, Museum Moderner Kunst
Stiftung Ludwig, Wien / Vienna
Image at Work, Index- The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation, Stockholm
Le Règie du jeu, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
Where do weg o from here? Selcetions from La Coleccion Jumex, CAC Cincinnati
Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati
Perpetual Battles, Baibakov Art Projects, Moskau/ Moscow
Possible Words I, National Center for Contemporary Art- Nizhny Noovgorod branch,
Nizhny Novogorod
Todo a Nada. Lectura Colecciones Muac, Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo,
Mexico City
Alla kungens hästar, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
The end oft he world as we know it, La Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Mulhouse, Frankreich/
Foreigners Everywhere, T293, Neapel/ Naples
Second main, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris
Je reviendrai, MAC/VAL, Vitry-sur-Seine, Frankreich / France
Le recherches d’un chien, La maison rouge – Fondation Antoine de Galbert, Paris
In Print, e-flux reading-room, New York, USA
BAROCK – Art, Science, Faith and Technology in the Contemporary Age, Museo d’Arte
Contemporanea Donna Regina - MADRE, Neapel
FAX, Plug in Institute of Contemporary Art, Winnipeg, The Drawing Center, New York
That´s all Folks! Cultuurcentrum Brugge, Brügge, Belgien / Belgium
Dance in My Experience, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande in Westfalen, Düsseldorf,
Deutschland / Germany
Poétique du chantier, Musée-Château d’Annecy, Annecy, Frankreich / France
Foreigners Everywhere, Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviv
Going to Market, Henie Onstadt Art centre, Høvikodden
Reciprocidad, CCEBA Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
Where do we go from here? Selections from La Colección Jumes, Bass Museum of Art,
Miami, USA
Investigations of a Dog. Works from the FACE Collections, Fondazione Sandretto Re
Rebaudengo, Turin / la maison rouge – Fondazione Antoine de Galbert, Paris / DESTE
Foundation, Athen
Return to Function, Des Moines Art Center, Des Moines/ MMoCA- The Madison Museum of
Contemporary Art, Madison, USA
Pivot Points 3, Museum of Contemporary Art- North Miami, Miami, USA
The Avantgarde: Depression, Marres. Centtre for Contemporary Culture, Maastrich
Eppur si muove, Palazzo Ducale, Genua
Descent to Revolution, Canzani Center Gallery/ Bureau for Open Culture at Columbus
College of Art & Design, Columbus, USA
LA SUITE (reset)m Air de Paris, Paris
31° Panorama da Arte Brasileira, mam- Museu de Arte Moderna de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo
It won’t stop until we talk, Dvr Gallery, Tel Aviv
Oppositions & Dialogues, Kunstverein Hannover, Hannover, Deutschland / Germany
Living Together. Estrategias para la convivencia, MARCO Museo de Arte Contemporánea
de Vigo, Vigo, Spanien / Spain
The Making of Art, The art world and it’s players, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt/Main,
Deutschland / Germany
Problem Solving: Express yourself, Uplands Gallery, Melbourne, Australien / Australia
In May (After October), TPW Toronto Photographers Workshop, Toronto, Kanada / Canada
Take the Money and Run, de Appel Boys’ School, Amsterdam, Niederlande / Netherlands
La nada y el ser, Fundación Jumex, Mexico City
Shifting identities. (Swiss) Art Now, Contemporary Art Centre (CAC), Vilnius
Fragile Currency, Klemm’s Berlin, Berlin
The Real Thing, MU, Eindhoven
No More Reality: crowd and performance, Depo, Istanbul
Audio, video, disco, Kunsthalle Zürich, Zürich
Living Together, Centro Cultural Montehermoso, Vitoria-Gasteiz
The Storyteller, Salina Art Center, Salina
Rip it up and start again, Kunstverein München, München/ Munich
MD 72 – Carpet and friends, Mehringdamm 72, Berlin
Art TLV 09, Öffentlicher Raum, Tel Aviv
Utopics, 11. Schweizerische Plastikenausstellung, Schweizerische Plastikenausstellung
Biel/ Bienne
Blind chance and possible future, Nieuwe Vide artspace, Haarlem , Niederlande /
Pseudonymos, Gods of Deception, Rauhfaser, Berlin
Identitätshüllen, Alte Fabrik, Rapperswil, Schweiz / Switzerland
From a Position, Evanston Art Center, Illinois, USA
Marriage Equality Now, Giti Nourbakhsch Project Space, Berlin
No Solid Crystal, Remap KM2, Kerameikos Metaxourgeio, Athen /Athens
FID de Marseilles, 20ème Edition, Marseilles, Frankreich / France
Eternal Tour 2009, Neuchâtel, Schweiz / Switzerland
L’aventura, L’Albergo delle Povere, Palermo
Second Show – Contemporary Art from The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Beit Mani
House,Tel Aviv, Israel
Contemplating the Void: Interventions in the Guggenheim Museum, Solomon R.
Guggenheim Museum, New York
Delocalisation, Press to Exit Project Space, Skopje, Mazedonien / Macedonia
The Malady of Writing, MACBA, Barcelona
Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Polyglottolalia, Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm, Schweden / Sweden
How to entert he machine?, Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem, Niederlande / Netherlands
Mamoyguara opa mamo pupé, Museu de Moderna Arte de Sao Paulo, Brasilien/ Brazil
Etrange familiarité, familière étrangeté, La galerie Montgrand – Ecole Supérieure des
Beaux Arts, FID Marseille, Marseille, Frankreich / France
A shell for Identities, Alte Fabrik Rapperswil, Rapperswil, Schweiz / Switzerland
Variety. An evening at the New Museum, New Museum, New York
The Preception of Ideas leads to new Ideas, (#21), Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und
Westfalen, Düsseldorf, Deutschland / Germany
Sorry we’re closed, Brüssel / Brussels
Perplexed in Public, Lisson Gallery, London
Less is less, more is more, that’s all, CAPC – Musée d’art contemporain, Bordeaux,
Frankreich / France
Italia,Italie,Italien,Italy ,Wtochy, Arcos.museo d’arte contemporanea Sannio, Italien / Italy
Records played backwards, The Modern Institute, Glasgow
Contrapolis, Nederlands Architectuurinstituut (NAi), Rotterdam, Niederlande / The
Shifiting Identities, Kunsthaus Zurich, Schweiz / Switzerland
A Modest Proposal, Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland, Groß Britannien /
Great Britain
Revolutions - Forms That Turn, curated by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, 16th Biennale of
Sydney, Sydney
The Great Transformation – Art & Tactical Magic, curated by Chus Martinez,
Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt
L'argent, curated by Elisabeth Lebovici and Caroline Bourgeois, Le Plateau, FRAC Ile de
France, Paris
Jenseits von Eden – Eine Gartenschau: Lost Paradise – Der Blick des Engels, Zentrum
Paul Klee, Bern / Berne (kuratiert von / curated by Juri Steiner)
Peripheral Vision and Collective Body, Museion, Bolzano, Italien / Italy
We the other (Nous autres), Sheung Wan Civic Centre, Hong Kong (kuratiert von / curated
by Francois Piron)
Valeurs Croisées, Les Ateliers de Rennes – Biennale d’art contemporain, Rennes,
Frankreich / France
Prêt-à-porter, curated by KunstBüroBerlin for The Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel
Fridericianum, Kassel
Fate Presto, Chiesa dell’Addolorata, Salerno, Italien / Italy
Ghost in the Machine, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
The Artist's Library, Le Centre international d’art et du paysage de l’île de Vassivière
La chute d'eau, l’espace d’art Circuit, Lausanne
The object is the mirror, curated by Max Henry, Wilkinson Gallery, London
Trouble Makers, A curi di Marco Baravalle, S.A.L.E., Magazzini del Sale, Venedig / Venice
After Spinoza, how to enter the machine, curated by Emilie Oursel, Lumen Travo Gallery,
Mutual: On Collaboration, Samson Projects, Boston
Jahresgaben 2008, Kunstverein München, München
The Possibility of an Island, MOCA at Goldman Warehouse, Miami
Over the Rainbow, Galerie de l’ Erban, Nantes/ l’Espace le Carré, Halle aux Sucres, Lille,
Frankreich / France
Getting Even – Oppositions + Dialogues in Contemporary Art, Lewis Glucksman Gallery,
Cork, USA
REVIEW, Galerie NEU, Berlin
Interstitial Zones. Historical Facts, Archaelogies oft he Present and Dialectics of Seeing,
Argos, Brüssel / Brussel
After October, Elizabeth Dee Gallery, New York City
Salon oft he Revolution, HDLU Croatian Association of Artists, Zagreb, Kroatien / Croatia
Constructs for Illumination, Allsopp Contemporary, London
All’s fair in art and war: Envisioning Conflict, 21c Museum, Louisville
Art Focus Jerusalem 2008, art Focus Jerusalem, Jerusalem
La gran transformacion. Arte y magia tactica, MARCO Museo de arte Contemporánea de
Vigo, Vigo
Occupancy by more than 6'682'685'387 Persons is Dangerous and Unlawful. Part One,
Bugada & Cargnel/ Cosmic Galerie, Paris
Instantané (70), Porte-parole (e´pisode n°2), FRAC Pays de la Loira, Carquefou
Zapping Unit, Les Petites Formes – La Ferme du buisson, centre d’art et de curiosités
culturelles, Noisiel
An untruly history oft he readymade, Fundación Jumes, Mexico City
Die Wahrnehmung von Ideen führt zu neuen Ideen, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und
Westfalen, Düsseldorf
Fair Market, Rental Gallery, Ny
One Season in Hell, MD 72, Berlin
Faites vos je, Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille, Frankreich / France
Industrial Lies, Dispari & Dispary Project, Rewggio Emilia
Présence Panchounette, CAPC Musée d’art contemporain, Bordeaux
Lost Paradise – Der Blick des Engels, Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern
The Store, Tulips & Roses, Vilnius
Les ateliers de rennes, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes, Rennes
Where the Lions are, Para/ Site Art Space, Hong Kong
Where the lions are. Sheung Wan Civic Centre, Hong Kong
This is not a void, Galerie Liusa Strina, Sao Paulo
Shifting identities, Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich
Peripherer Blick und kollektiver körper, Museion, Bozen
Etcétera..., Galerie Franl Elbaz, Paris
Moments, MD72, Berlin
An Unruly History oft he Readymade, Fundaciíon Jumex, Mexico City
Can Art Do More?, Artfocus 2008, The Jerusalem Doundation, the Pavillion, Talpiot, Israel
Letters from a Front, Action Field Kodra 2008, Kalamaria, Thessaloniki
Abc art berlin contemporary, Alter Postbahnhof, Berlin
Principle Hope – Manifesta 7, Roverto, Trentino, Italien/ Italy
Passengers: Round 2, CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Art, San Francisco, USA
Get Lost, South London Gallery, London
Faites vos je, Sextant et plus, La friche la belle de mai, Marseille, Frankreich / France
Bouncing Balls – Werke aus der Sammlung Schröder, MD72, Berlin
Porte-Parole, Theatre Universitaire de Natnes Baltiments Censive et Tertre Pole Étudiant,
Nantes, Frankreich / France
Unfair fair, Loto Arte, Rom
Bad Moon Rising, Silverman Gallery, San Francisco, USA
Ice cream party, Sorry we’re closed, Brüssel / Bruxelles
The last days oft he current time, Elizabeth Dee Gallery, New York
Unit, A project by Marie Auvity and Keren Detton, Centre d’art contemporain de la Ferme
du Buisson, Marne-la-Vallée, Frankreich / France
Eight hours do not make a day, Rental Gallery, New York
Live work / presentations, South London Gallery, London
French Kissing in the U.S.A, The Moore Space, Miami, USA
Terrible Video, How to cook a wolf, Kunsthalle Zurich, Schweiz / Switzerland
Unmonumental - the art object in the 21st century, New Museum of Contemporary Art,
New York
Pawnshop, e-flux, New York,
EMERGING WOR(L)DS, Tina B, the Prague Contemporary Art Festival, Prag / Prague,
Tschechische Republik / Czech Republic
The Irresistible Force, Tate Modern, London
White light/Write it. La Théorie Ondulante, Lieu-Commun, Le Printemps de Septembre,
Poetical Political, Simon Lee Gallery, London (kuratiert von / curated by David Thorp)
00’s, The history of a decade that has not yet been named, Biennale d’Art Contemporain
de Lyon 2007, Musée d'art contemporain, Lyon & Institut d’Art Contemporain,
Villeurbanne, Frankreich / France
Not Only Possible, But Also Necessary-Optimism in the age of global war, 10th
International Istanbul Biennal, Istanbul (kuratiert von / curated by Hou Hanru)
The Society, Esther M. Klein Art Gallery, Philadelphia (kuratiert von / curated by Daniel
Belgrade Summer Festival, Belgrad / Belgrade (kuratiert von / curated by Miroslav Karic
und / and Maja Ciric)
Hello, Goodbye, Thank you, Galerie Castillo/Corrales, Paris (kuratiert von / curated by
Anthony Huberman)
Someone else with my fingerprints, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
Unlimited, with Air de Paris, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris and Reena Spaulings
Fine Art, New York
Art Basel, Basel, Schweiz / Switzerland
Otra de Vaqueros, un projet d’Eva Svennung, au Bac, Bâtiment d’art contemporain, Genf /
Subversion, curated by Estelle Nabeyrat et Frédéric Maufras, La box, Ecole nationale
supérieure d'art de Bourges, Bourges, Frankreich / France
Some proposals for the next future, with Pierre Bismuth, Loris Gréaud, Laurent
Montaron, Wit Pimkanchanapong, Arin Rungjang, PSG Gallery, Silpakorn University,
Bangkok, Thailand
A Theory-Fiction between the Real and the Possible, Beijing Center for Creativity, Yonghe
Museum, Peking / Beijing
The Backroom, Kadist Art Foundation, Paris
Power Play, with Adel Abdessemed & Mircea Cantor, Artpace, San Antonio, Texas
Laws of relativity, Group show, Fondazione Sandretto Arte Contemporanea, Turin / Torino
The importance of not being seen, curated by Luca Cerizza, Berlin Weekend, Café Moskau,
Beneath the Underdog, Gagosian Gallery, Madison Avenue, New York
Multiplyplex. A Pedestrian Cinema Production, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, Stuttgart (mit /
with Bernadette Corporation und / and Reena Spaulings)
Massiv Analogue Academy, Galerie Christian Nagel, Köln / Cologne (kuratiert von /
curated by Gareth James und / and John Kelsey)
For the people of Paris, c/o Ghislaine Hussenot, Sutton Lane, Paris
945 + 11, FRAC Collection Aquitaine, Bordeaux
Otra de vaqueros, Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Mexico City
Quotidian, BUIA Gallery, New York City
Inky toy affinitas, CerealArt, Philadelphia
Radio Danièle, Kunsthalle Zürich, Zürich / GAM Bologna, Bologna
Drapeaux Gris, Musée d'Art Contemporain CAPC, Bordeaux, Frankreich / France
Domino, Air de Paris, Paris
ANONYM, In the Future no one will be famous, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt
Incipit, Espace Paul Ricard, Paris
The Look of Law, University of California, Irvine
Starship, Der deutsche Kunstlerbund, Berlin
The Three Cities 2, The Factory Hall, Milan, Italien / Italy
Group Therapy, Museo d’arte moderna e contemporanea, Bolzano, Italien / Italy
Aakey, Centre de Création Contemporaine (CCC), Tours
Upping the Anti, Physics Room, Christchurch, Neuseeland / New Zealand
Continuous Project #8, CNEAI, Chatou, Malmasion, Frankreich / France
IMAGE WAR : Contesting Images of Political Conflict, CUNY Gallery, New York
La Maman et la Putain, Air de Paris, Paris
Grey Flags, The Sculpture Centre, New York
Ça s'ouvre ? Ça s'ouvre pas, Ateliers d'Artistes de la Ville de Marseille, Marseille
The Dimes of March, Reena Spaulings Fine Art, New York
Mafia, or One Unopened Packet of Cigarettes, STANDARD(OSLO)
Optik Schröder, Kunstverein Braunscheig eV, Deutschland / Germany
Home Sweet Home. Module n°1, CCC Cenre de Creation Contemporaine, Tours
Gruppentherapie, Museion, Bozen
MARS PAVILION, un laboratorio di resistenza artistica nel cuore della 51° Biennale delle
Arti Visive di Venezia, Venedig / Venice
Mots D’ordre, Mots de Passe, Espace Paul Ricard, Paris
Etrangers Partout, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris
Schleifmühlgasse 1A A-1040 Wien
T +43 1 5852580 F +43 1 5852606
Di - Fr 11.00 -18.00 Uhr, Sa 11.00 -16.00 Uhr