Products are listed by type and size. Items may be ordered in any metal & finish and are sold per piece, not by the square foot (except for Metal, Stone & Glass Mosaic Blends). Refer to the Landmark Metalcoat Showroom Catalog for color pictures as well as more information regarding ordering products. 2011 Product Reference Guide TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Smooth Field ................................................. 1 Smooth Liners, Chair Rails & Bases .............. 1-2 Smooth Decos ............................................... 2 Tumbled Field ............................................... 2 Tumbled Liners & Chair Rails ....................... 3 Tumbled Decos .............................................. 3 Decorative Field ............................................. 3-4 Decorative Liners, Chair Rails & Bases .......... 4-8 Decorative Tile & Onlays: 1” ............................................ 8-9 2” ............................................ 10-11 3” ............................................ 11-12 4” ............................................ 12-14 5” ............................................ 14 6” ............................................ 14-15 7” ............................................ 15-16 8” ............................................ 16-17 9” ............................................ 17-19 Decorative Frames .......................................... 19-20 Cabinet Hardware .......................................... 20 Mosaics: Connectors .............................. 21 Liners ...................................... 21-22 Medallions .............................. 23-26 Frames .................................... 27 Compass Roses ....................... 28 Fountains ...................................................... 28 Plaques .......................................................... 29-30 Korbels .......................................................... 30 Metal, Stone & Glass Mosaic Blends ............. 31 Sinks ............................................................. 31 Landmark’s full color Product Catalog is viewable on our website 42246 Sarah Way Temecula, CA 92590 Phone: 951-695-4522 Fax: 951-695-4520 PRODUCT PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Landmark Metalcoat uses a proprietary blend of composite metal and binder that is cold-sprayed onto virtually any substrate to create the look and feel of solid cast metal. The metalcoating has a living finish and will age naturally over time. The metal is applied as part of a proprietary seven-step process. At an average 10-mil thickness (plating is less than 1-mil thick) our metalcoating adds less than four ounces of weight per square foot, provides the durability of solid cast metal and is non-corrosive. Our metalcoating and urethane substrate has a Class 1-Class A fire rating. Our proprietary metalcoated urethane substrate may be used for interior and exterior applications. All products can be easily cut or mitered using a wet or dry saw. The metal will not chip, flake or peel from any cutting or drilling. Field tile or tile with low relief may also be used for floor application. Tile may be used in a shower or pool area, around a cooktop, behind a backsplash and range hood and around fireplaces with a minimum of a 2-inch separation from heat source. For Installation please refer to the Installation page in our catalog or on our website. PRODUCT PERFORMANCE RATING Abrasion Resistance Coefficient of Friction (Dry) Coefficient of Friction (Wet) Moh’s Scratch Hardness >41.7 >0.7 >0.6 2 ASTM C1353 ASTM C1028 ASTM C1028 Burn Rate Passed FAR 25.853 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. SMOOTH FIELD (listed by size) SF-300300 SF-400400 Smooth Field 3.00 x 3.00 Smooth Field 4.00 x 4.00 SF-500500 SF-600600 Smooth Field 5.00 x 5.00 Smooth Field 6.00 x 6.00 SMOOTH LINERS, CHAIR RAILS & BASES (listed alphabetically) BCR-2000975 Blank Chair Rail 2.00 x 9.75 BBS-3000975 Blank Base Small 3.00 x 9.75 BBL-5001000 Blank Base Large 5.00 x 10.00 CCR-2001200 Classic Chair Rail 2.00 x 12.00 CCRL-3001200 Classic Chair Rail Large 3.00 x 12.00 CMFL-0500500600 Cove Molding Fine Liner 0.50 x 0.50 x 6.00 CL-2001175 CML-0750750600 Cove Molding Liner 0.75 x 0.75 x 6.00 Cuvee Liner 2.00 x 11.75 CC-900900 Cuvee Corner 9.00 x 9.00 x 2.00 PCR-2001000 Plain Chair Rail 2.00 x 10.00 PBS-3001025 Plain Base Small 3.00 x 10.25 PBL-5001025 Plain Base Large 5.00 x 10.25 SSBL-0501200 Smooth Small Bar Liner 0.50 x 12.00 SMBL-0751200 Smooth Medium Bar Liner 0.75 x 12.00 Page 1 SMOOTH LINERS, CHAIR RAILS & BASES (continued) SLBL-1001200 Smooth Large Bar Liner 1.00 x 12.00 SSFL-0501200 Smooth Small Flat Liner 0.50 x 12.00 SLFL-2001200 SMFL-1001200 Smooth Medium Flat Liner 1.00 x 12.00 Smooth Large Flat Liner 2.00 x 12.00 SQRFL-0500500600 Smooth Quarter Round Fine Liner 0.50 x 0.50 x 6.00 SQRL-0750750600 Smooth Quarter Round Liner 0.75 x 0.75 x 6.00 SMOOTH DECOS (listed alphabetically) BD-150150 Becka Deco 1.50 x 1.50 BD-100100 Becka Dot 1.00 x 1.00 C-200200 Contempo 2.00 x 2.00 SB-100400 Smooth Bar 1.00 x 4.00 SB-100400 Smooth Deco 2.00 x 2.00 SB-200400 Smooth Brick 2.00 x 4.00 SMG-300300 Smooth Mosaics Grande 3.00 x 3.00 (9 - 1x1) TUMBLED FIELD (listed by size) TF-300300 Tumbled Field 3.00 x 3.00 TF-400400 Tumbled Field 4.00 x 4.00 TF-500500 Tumbled Field 5.00 x 5.00 TF-600600 Tumbled Field 6.00 x 6.00 Page 2 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. TUMBLED LINERS & CHAIR RAIL (listed by size) TSBL-0501200 TMBL-0751200 Tumbled Small Bar Liner 0.50 x 12.00 Tumbled Medium Bar Liner 0.75 x 12.00 TLBL-1001200 TSCR-2001200 Tumbled Large Bar Liner 1.00 x 12.00 Tumbled Step Chair Rail 2.00 x 12.00 TUMBLED DECOS (listed by size) DD-175350 TB-100400 Donna’s Diamond 1.75 x 3.50 Tumbled Bar 1.00 x 4.00 TB-200400 TD-200200 Tumbled Brick 2.00 x 4.00 Tumbled Deco 2.00 x 2.00 TMG-300300 TM-325325 Tumbled Mosaics Grande 3.00 x 3.00 (9 - 1x1) Tumbled Mosaics 3.25 x 3.25 (25 - ½ x ½) DECORATIVE FIELD (listed by size/alphabetically) BB-300300 (other sizes available, including liners) BeBe 3.00 x 3.00 CN-300300 (other sizes available, including liners) Contra 3.00 x 3.00 PB-300300 (other sizes available, including liners) Pebble 3.00 x 3.00 ST-300300 (other sizes available, including liners) Strata 3.00 x 3.00 TF3-300300 Tile Frame 3 3.00 x 3.00 (1” cut out) BB-400400 (other sizes available, including liners) BeBe 4.00 x 4.00 PB-400400 (other sizes available, including liners) Pebble 4.00 x 4.00 Page 3 DECORATIVE FIELD (continued) ST-400400 (other sizes available, including liners) Strata 4.00 x 4.00 QT-400400 (other sizes available) Quilted Tile 4.00 x 4.00 TF4D-400400 TF4-400400 Tile Frame 4 Diagonal 4.00 x 4.00 (2” cut out) Tile Frame 4 4.00 x 4.00 (2” cut out) CN-425425 (other sizes available, including liners) SCF-600600 Smooth Circa Frame 6.00 x 6.00 (3.5” cut out) Contra 4.25 x 4.25 PB-600600 (other sizes available, including liners) Pebble 6.00 x 6.00 QT-600600 (other sizes available, including liners) Quilted Tile 6.00 x 6.00 DECORATIVE LINERS, CHAIR RAILS & BASES (listed by size/alphabetically) BMFL-0501200 (other size available) Bamboo Fine Liner 0.50 x 12.00 BFL-0501200 (other sizes available) Beaded Fine Liner 0.50 x 12.00 BBFL-0501075 (other sizes available) BeBe Fine Liner 0.50 x 10.75 Egg & Dart Fine Liner 0.50 x 10.25 Kaleidoscope Fine Liner 0.50 x 10.50 CFL-0500975 (other sizes available) Cerda Fine Liner 0.50 x 9.75 EDFL-0501025 (other sizes available) FFL-0501050 (other sizes available) Fresco Fine Liner 0.50 x 10.50 KFL-0501050 (other sizes available) PBFL-0501100 (other sizes available) Pebble Fine Liner 0.50 x 11.00 PFL-0501000 (other sizes available) Prism Fine Liner 0.50 x 10.00 QL-0501175 (other sizes available) Quilted Liner 0.50 x 11.75 RFL-0500975 (other sizes available) Ribbon Fine Liner 0.50 x 9.75 Page 4 RFL-0501225 (other sizes available) Rope Fine Liner 0.50 x 12.25 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. DECORATIVE LINERS, CHAIR RAILS & BASES (continued) STFL-0501100 (other sizes available) Strata Fine Liner 0.50 x 11.00 Baroque Small Liner 0.75 x 12.00 SFL-0500975 (other sizes available) Studded Fine Liner 0.50 x 9.75 BSL-0751200 (other sizes available) CL-0751050 (other sizes available) Cerda Liner 0.75 x 10.50 EDL-0751050 (other sizes available) Egg & Dart Liner 0.75 x 10.50 FL-0751125 (other sizes available) Fresco Liner 0.75 x 11.25 PL-0751025 (other sizes available) KL-0750975 (other sizes available) Kaleidoscope Liner 0.75 x 9.75 Prism Liner 0.75 x 10.25 RL-0751075 (other sizes available) Ribbon Liner 0.75 x 10.75 Rope Medium Liner 0.75 x 12.00 SL-0750975 (other sizes available) BML-1001200 (other sizes available) Studded Liner 0.75 x 9.75 BeBe Medium Liner 1.00 x 10.75 Pebble Medium Liner 1.00 x 11.00 Bamboo Liner 1.00 x 12.00 BBML-1001075 (other sizes available) CNL-1001100 (other sizes available) Contra Liner 1.00 x 11.00 PBML-1001100 (other sizes available) Strata Medium Liner 1.00 x 11.00 TL-1001200 Viper Liner 1.00 x 11.75 BML-1501100 (other sizes available) Romanesque Baby Liner 1.50 x 10.00 RLL-1501200 (other sizes available) RBL-1501000 (other sizes & onlay available) RBC-350350 (other sizes & onlay available) Romanesque Baby Corner 3.50 x 3.50 x 1.50 Rope Large Liner 1.50 x 12.00 EDCR-2001000 (other sizes available) Egg & Dart Chair Rail 2.00 x 10.00 STML-1001100 (other sizes available) VL-1001175 Track Liner 1.00 x 12.00 Baroque Medium Liner 1.50 x 11.00 RML-0751200 (other sizes available) FCR-2001000 (other sizes available) Fresco Chair Rail 2.00 x 10.00 Page 5 DECORATIVE LINERS, CHAIR RAILS & BASES (continued) KCR-2001000 (other sizes available) Kaleidoscope Chair Rail 2.00 x 10.00 PBLL-2001100 (other sizes available) Pebble Large Liner 2.00 x 11.00 PRCR-2001000 (other sizes available) Prism Chair Rail 2.00 x 10.00 QCR-2000875 (other sizes available) Quilted Chair Rail 2.00 x 8.75 RCR-2000950 (other sizes available) Ribbon Chair Rail 2.00 x 9.50 RCR-2000975 (other sizes available) Rope Chair Rail 2.00 x 9.75 SBS-2001000 SB-825825 Studded Bracket Strap 2.00 x 10.00 Studded Bracket 8.25 x 8.25 x 2.00 SCR-2000950 (other sizes available) Studded Chair Rail 2.00 x 9.50 VL-2001125 (see also Vine Onlay) Vine Liner 2.00 x 11.25 CCR-2250975 (other sizes available) Cerda Chair Rail 2.25 x 9.75 SL-2251150 Serenity Liner 2.25 x 11.50 BCR-2501200 (other sizes available) BCRC-250125 Beaded Chair Rail Corner 2.50 x 1.25 Beaded Chair Rail 2.50 x 12.00 LGL-2500775 Le Grape Liner 2.50 x 7.75 FL-2751050 Fruited Liner 2.75 x 10.50 JJGL-2751200 JoJo Gecko Liner 2.75 x 12.00 Page 6 QBS-2750875 (other sizes available) Quilted Base Small 2.75 x 8.75 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. DECORATIVE LINERS, CHAIR RAILS & BASES (continued) ACR-3001000 CBS-3000975 (other sizes available) Akanthos Chair Rail 3.00 x 10.00 Cerda Base Small 3.00 x 9.75 EDBS-3001025 (other sizes available) Egg & Dart Base Small 3.00 x 10.25 FFL-3000775 (other sizes available) Fresco Flower Liner 3.00 x 7.75 FBS-3001050 (other sizes available) Fresco Base Small 3.00 x 10.50 KBS-3001050 (other sizes available) Kaleidoscope Base Small 3.00 x 10.50 PL-3001125 PRBS-3001000 (other sizes available) Prism Base Small 3.00 x 10.00 Paradise Liner 3.00 x 11.25 RBS-3000975 (other sizes available) SBS-3000975 (other sizes available) Studded Base Small 3.00 x 9.75 Ribbon Base Small 3.00 x 9.75 SCR-3000850 SSDL-3500775 Starfish Chair Rail 3.00 x 8.50 Smooth Swirl Deco Liner 3.50 x 7.75 RL-3751500 (other size available) Romanesque Liner 3.75 x 15.00 CBL-5001050 (other sizes available) Cerda Base Large 5.00 x 10.50 EDBL-5001050 (other sizes available) Egg & Dart Base Large 5.00 x 10.50 Page 7 DECORATIVE LINERS, CHAIR RAILS & BASES (continued) FBL-5001125 (other sizes available) KBL-5000975 (other sizes available) Kaleidoscope Base Large 5.00 x 9.75 Fresco Base Large 5.00 x 11.25 PRBL-5001025 (other sizes available) Prism Base Large 5.00 x 10.25 QBL-5000875 (other sizes available) Quilted Base Large 5.00 x 8.75 RBL-5001075 (other sizes available) Ribbon Base Large 5.00 x 10.75 SBL-5000975 (other sizes available) Studded Base Large 5.00 x 9.75 DECORATIVE TILE & ONLAYS (listed by size/alphabetically) A-100100 BB-100100 (other sizes available, including liners) Alexis 1.00 x 1.00 BeBe 1.00 x 1.00 BD-100100 (other size available) Becka Dot 1.00 x 1.00 C-100100 Cecilia 1.00 x 1.00 CN-100100 (other sizes available, including liner) Contra 1.00 x 1.00 Egyptian Baby 1.00 x 1.00 FB-100100 Fleur Baby 1.00 x 1.00 M-100100 Madison 1.00 x 1.00 Mosaic JewelsDesign 2 1.00 x 1.00 Mosaic JewelsDesign 4 1.00 x 1.00 EB-100100 (other size available) MJ2-100100 MJ4-100100 Page 8 Fleur Baby Diamond 1.00 x 1.00 Mosaic JewelsDesign 1 1.00 x 1.00 Mosaic JewelsDesign 3 1.00 x 1.00 Mosaic JewelsDesign 5 1.00 x 1.00 FBD-100100 MJ1-100100 MJ3-100100 MJ5-100100 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. DECORATIVE TILE & ONLAYS (continued) Mosaic JewelsDesign 6 1.00 x 1.00 Mosaic JewelsDesign 8 1.00 x 1.00 Mosaic JewelsDesign 10 1.00 x 1.00 MJ6-100100 Mosaic JewelsDesign 7 1.00 x 1.00 MJ8-100100 Mosaic JewelsDesign 9 1.00 x 1.00 MJ10-100100 MJ7-100100 MJ9-100100 PB-100100 (other sizes available, including liners) Pebble 1.00 x 1.00 RB-100100 (other Rachel’s tile available) Rachel’s Baby 1.00 x 1.00 ST-100100 (other sizes available, including liners) Strata 1.00 x 1.00 SJ-100100 (other studded tile & liners available) Studded Jewel 1.00 x 1.00 VO-1001200 (see also Wandering Vine Onlay) Vine Onlay 1.00 x 12.00 CLB-125125 (other size available) RD-125125 Rachel’s Dot 1.25 x1.25 Clavo Baby 1.25 x 1.25 A-150150 Ashley 1.50 x 1.50 BD-150150 (other size available) Becka Deco 1.50 x 1.50 K-150150 Kayla 1.50 x 1.50 SSR-150550 (other sizes available) Swag Small Right 1.50 x 5.50 Romanesque Baby Onlay 1.50 x 9.75 Romanesque Baby Onlay Corner 3.25 x 3.25 x1.50 SSL-150550 (other sizes available) Swag Small Left 1.50 x 5.50 RBO-150975 (see also Romanesque Baby Liner) RBOC-325325 T-150150 Truffle 1.50 x 1.50 E-175175 (other size available) Egyptian 1.75 x 1.75 M-175175 Melissa 1.75 x 1.75 SSB-175175 (other size available) Scalloped Seashell Baby 1.75 x 1.75 Page 9 DECORATIVE TILE & ONLAYS (continued) A-200400 (other sizes available) Akanthos 2.00 x 4.00 BD-200200 Baroque Deco 2.00 x 2.00 BB-200200 (other sizes available, including liners) BeBe 2.00 x 2.00 CL-200200 (other size available) Clavo 2.00 x 2.00 CN-200200 (other sizes available, including liner) Contra 2.00 x 2.00 F-200200 Fleur 2.00 x 2.00 FDL-200200 FD-200200 Fleur de Lis 2.00 x 2.00 Fleur Diamond 2.00 x 2.00 GB-200200 (other sizes available) Geneva Baby 2.00 x 2.00 H-200200 Helios 2.00 x 2.00 P-200200 PB-200200 (other sizes available, including liners) Pandora 2.00 x 2.00 Pebble 2.00 x 2.00 PR-200200 (liners, bases & chair rail available) Prism 2.00 x 2.00 ST-200200 (other sizes available, including liners) Strata 2.00 x 2.00 SML-200700 (other sizes available) Swag Medium Left 2.00 x 7.00 Page 10 SMR-200700 (other sizes available) Swag Medium Right 2.00 x 7.00 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. DECORATIVE TILE & ONLAYS (continued) AD-225225 G-225225 (other sizes available) Acorn Deco 2.25 x 2.25 Geneva 2.25 x 2.25 LA-250250 LG-250250 Le Apple 2.50 x 2.50 Le Grape 2.50 x 2.50 LP-250250 LS-250250 Le Pear 2.50 x 2.50 Le Strawberry 2.50 x 2.50 WVO-2501150 (see also Vine Onlay 1.00 x 12.00) Wandering Vine Onlay 2.50 x 11.50 G-275275 (other sizes available) Geneva 2.75 x 2.75 KMO-2751200 (other size available) Khyber Medium Onlay 2.75 x 12.00 SLL-275975 (other sizes available) Swag Large Left 2.75 x 9.75 SLR-275975 (other sizes available) Swag Large Right 2.75 x 9.75 A-300600 (other sizes available) Akanthos 3.00 x 6.00 AVO-3001200 Acanthus Vine Onlay 3.00 x 12.00 BSO-3001500 Bellagio Scroll Onlay 3.00 x 15.00 CO-3001425 Celeste Onlay 3.00 x 14.25 C-300300 Celtic 3.00 x 3.00 DO-3001200 Davida Onlay 3.00 x 12.00 FFO-300300 (other size available) French Fleur Onlay 3.00 x 3.00 Page 11 DECORATIVE TILE & ONLAYS (continued) FD-300300 (other sizes available, including liners) Fresco Deco 3.00 x 3.00 IO-3001225 Intarsia Onlay 3.00 x 12.25 RF-300300 (other sizes available) Rachel’s Flower 3.00 x 3.00 RO-300600 Renaissance Onlay 3.00 x 6.00 VO-3001175 AF-325325 Venito Onlay 3.00 x 11.75 Aphrodite Flower 3.25 dia. G-325325 (other sizes available) SCD-325325 Smooth Circa Deco 3.25 dia. Geneva 3.25 x 3.25 SSD-325325 PB-350225 (available with border) Pineapple Borderless 3.50 x 2.25 Smooth Swirl Deco 3.25 dia. E-350350 Enya 3.50 x 3.50 SS-350350 (other sizes available) Scalloped Seashell 3.50 x 3.50 A-375375 Avignon 3.75 x 3.75 A-400600 (other sizes available) Akanthos 4.00 x 6.00 F-400400 FFS-400400 French Fleur Square 4.00 x 4.00 Foliage 4.00 x 4.00 Page 12 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. DECORATIVE TILE & ONLAYS (continued) FFD-400400 FD-400400 French Fleur Diagonal 4.00 x 4.00 Fresco Deco 4.00 dia. FF-400400 (other sizes available, including liners) Fresco Flower 4.00 x 4.00 G-400400 (other sizes available) Geneva 4.00 x 4.00 JDF-400400 JJG-400400 JD Fly 4.00 x 4.00 JJ Gecko 4.00 x 4.00 M-400400 PT-400400 Morgana 4.00 x 4.00 Palm Tree 4.00 x 4.00 P-400400 (available borderless) QT-400400 (other sizes available) Pineapple 4.00 x 4.00 Quilted Tile 4.00 x 4.00 RF-400400 (other sizes available) SFS-400400 (other studded tile available) Studded Fleur Square 4.00 x 4.00 Rachel’s Flower 4.00 x 4.00 SST-400400 (other studded tile & liners available) Studded Square Two 4.00 x 4.00 SSF-400400 (other studded tile & liners available) Studded Square Four 4.00 x 4.00 A-450450 Amanda 4.50 dia. FFO-450450 (other sizes available) French Fleur Onlay 4.50 x 4.50 Page 13 DECORATIVE TILE & ONLAYS (continued) G-450450 other sizes available) KGO-4501050 (other size available) Khyber Grand Onlay 4.50 x 10.50 Geneva 4.50 x 4.50 MB-450450 (available with border) Marcello Borderless 4.50 x 4.50 TB-450450 Tribecca Borderless 4.50 x 4.50 V-475475 A-500500 (other sizes available) Akanthos 5.00 x 5.00 Venetian 4.75 x 4.75 RF-500500 (other sizes available) Rachel’s Flower 5.00 x 5.00 R-500500 (other sizes available) Romeo 5.00 dia. RPB-500500 BO-525525 Romeo Plinth Block 5.00 x 5.00 x 1.25 Baroque Onlay 5.25 x 5.25 M-525525 (available borderless) Marcello 5.25 x 5.25 D-550550 (other sizes available) Dahlia 5.50 dia. RD-575575 Renaissance Deco 5.75 x 5.75 Page 14 RF-600600 (other sizes available) Rachel’s Flower 6.00 x 6.00 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. DECORATIVE TILE & ONLAYS (continued) R-600600 (other sizes available) CFB-600525 Contempo Fleur Borderless 6.00 x 5.25 Romeo 6.00 dia. PT-600400 PT-600600 Panel Tile 6.00 x 4.00 Panel Tile 6.00 x 6.00 PTS-600400 PTS-600600 Panel Tile Scroll 6.00 x 6.00 Panel Tile Scroll 6.00 x 4.00 BFB-650525 VGB-650575 (available with border) Bevano Fleur Borderless 6.50 x 5.25 Vienna Grape Borderless 6.50 x 5.75 D-700700 (other sizes available) FFO-700600 (other sizes available) Dahlia 7.00 dia. French Fleur Onlay 7.00 x 6.00 RIRRB-700600 (available with border) Rhode Island Red Right Borderless 7.00 x 6.00 RIRLB-700600 (available with border) Rhode Island Red Left Borderless 7.00 x 6.00 R-700700 (other sizes available) Romeo 7.00 dia. FDE-750750 (available borderless) Fleur de Elegance 7.50 x 7.50 Page 15 DECORATIVE TILE & ONLAYS (continued) FBB-750850 (available with border) Fruit Basket Borderless 7.50 x 8.50 LA-750750 Le Artichoke 7.50 x 7.50 LC-750750 LR-750750 Le Carrots 7.50 x 7.50 Le Radishes 7.50 x 7.50 RIRL-750750 (available borderless) RIRR-750750 (available borderless) Rhode Island Red Right 7.50 x 7.50 Rhode Island Red Left 7.50 x 7.50 RFO-750300 (other sizes available) Royal Foliage Onlay 7.50 x 3.00 RF-800800 (other sizes available) Rachel’s Flower 8.00 x 8.00 R-800800 (other sizes available) VGD-800800 (available borderless) Vienna Grape Diagonal 8.00 x 8.00 Romeo 8.00 dia. VG-800800 (available borderless) Vienna Grape 8.00 x 8.00 Page 16 FDEB-825650 (available with border) Fleur de Elegance Borderless 8.25 x 6.50 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. DECORATIVE TILE & ONLAYS (continued) ILO-825650 FFO-850800 (other sizes available) Imperial Lion Onlay 8.25 x 6.50 French Fleur Onlay 8.50 x 8.00 RF-900900 (other sizes available) RFO-9002075 (also available as a plaque) Rachel’s Flower 9.00 x 9.00 Regal Fleur Onlay 9.00 x 20.75 RFO-925400 (other sizes available) Royal Foliage Onlay 9.25 x 4.00 D-10001000 (other sizes available) Dahlia 10.00 dia. ICO-11252150 (also available as a plaque) Imperial Crown Onlay 11.25 x 21.50 FFO-12001100 (other sizes available) French Fleur Onlay 12.00 x 11.00 FB-12001200 (available borderless) Fruit Basket 12.00 x 12.00 LV-12001200 Le Vineyard 12.00 x 12.00 Page 17 DECORATIVE TILE & ONLAYS (continued) RO-8001200 RFO-1200500 (other sizes available) Royal Foliage Onlay 12.00 x 5.00 Regency Onlay 8.00 x 12.00 ROF-13502325 (also available as a plaque) RO-12002175 (also available as a plaque) Ravenna Onlay Framed 13.50 x 23.25 Ravenna Onlay 12.00 x 21.75 CGO-2501250 Chateau Grape Onlay 2.50 x 12.50 CGO-3501550 Chateau Grape Onlay 3.50 x 15.50 CGO-4502200 Chateau Grape Onlay 4.50 x 22.00 TO-3502300 Trellis Onlay 3.50 x 23.00 Page 18 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. DECORATIVE TILE & ONLAYS (continued) CGOCL-10001200 Chateau Grape Onlay Corner Left 10.00 x 12.00 x 7.00 CGOCR-10001200 Chateau Grape Onlay Corner Right 10.00 x 12.00 x 7.00 CGSOL-5501075 Chateau Grape Stem Onlay Left 5.50 x 10.75 CGSOR-5501075 Chateau Grape Stem Onlay Right 5.50 x 10.75 CGSOL-7251500 Chateau Grape Stem Onlay Left 7.25 x 15.00 CGSOR-7251500 Chateau Grape Stem Onlay Right 7.25 x 15.00 DECORATIVE FRAMES (listed alphabetically) CC-900900 Cuvee Corner 9.00 x 9.00 x 2.00 CL-2001175 Cuvee Liner 2.00 x 11.75 JOA-750750 Juliet Onlay A 7.50 x 7.50 x 2.25 JOB-750750 Juliet Onlay B 7.50 x 7.50 x 2.25 JOC-225925 Juliet Onlay Connector 2.25 x 9.25 Page 19 DECORATIVE FRAMES (continued) RBC-350350 Romanesque Baby Corner 3.50 x 3.50 x 1.50 RBL-1501000 (other sizes and onlay available) Romanesque Baby Liner 1.50 x 10.00 RBOC-325325 Romanesque Baby Onlay Corner 3.25 x 3.25 x 1.50 RBO-150975 (see also Romanesque Baby Liner) Romanesque Baby Onlay 1.50 x 9.75 SB-825825 SBS-2001000 Studded Bracket Strap 2.00 x 10.00 Studded Bracket 8.25 x 8.25 x 2.00 BF-11001100 Baroque Frame 11.00 x 11.00 CABINET HARDWARE (listed by size) PKI-150100 Pull Knob Imperial 1.50 dia. x 1.00 PKR-150125 Pull Knob Regal 1.50 dia. x 1.25 PAL-175550 Pull Akanthos Leaf 1.75 x 5.50 PRL-175575 Pull Royal Leaf 1.75 x 5.75 PFL-200400 Pull Foliage Left 2.00 x 4.00 Page 20 PFR-200400 Pull Foliage Right 2.00 x 4.00 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. MOSAICS - CONNECTORS & DECOS (listed alphabetically) NOTE: Custom Size Mosaics Available AMC-500500 Aphrodite Mosaic Connector 5.00 x 5.00 AMD-500500 Aphrodite Mosaic Deco 5.00 x 5.00 EMC-600600 Enya Mosaic Connector 6.00 x 6.00 EMD-600600 Enya Mosaic Deco 6.00 x 6.00 GMC-600600 Geneva Mosaic Connector 6.00 x 6.00 GMD-600600 Geneva Mosaic Deco 6.00 x 6.00 RMC-600600 Rachel’s Mosaic Connector 6.00 x 6.00 RMD-600600 Rachel’s Mosaic Deco 6.00 x 6.00 MOSAICS - LINERS (listed alphabetically) NOTE: Custom Size Mosaics Available ASL-6001200 Acanthus Scroll Liner 6.00 x 12.00 AL-5001800 Aphrodite Liner 5.00 x 18.00 BSL-6001600 Bellagio Scroll Liner 6.00 x 16.00 BL-6001200 Bordeaux Liner 6.00 x 12.00 Page 21 MOSAICS - LINERS (continued) CL-6001600 Celeste Liner 6.00 x 16.00 CL-5001200 Chablis Liner 5.00 x 12.00 DL-6001200 Davida Liner 6.00 x 12.00 FTL-5001200 French Twist Liner 5.00 x 12.00 GVL-6502300 Grand Venito Liner 6.50 x 23.00 IDL-7501250 Intarsia Double Liner 7.50 x 12.50 ISL-4251250 Intarsia Single Liner 4.25 x 12.50 KL-4001200 Khyber Liner 4.00 x 12.00 ML-6001200 Morgana Liner 6.00 x 12.00 PL-6001200 Pineapple Liner 6.00 x 12.00 Page 22 RFL- 6001200 Rachel’s Flower Liner 6.00 x 12.00 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. MOSAICS - LINERS (continued) RL-6001200 RBML-7001000 Romanesque Baby Mosaic Liner 7.00 x 10.00 Renaissance Liner 6.00 x 12.00 SML-3001200 Studded Mosaic Liner 3.00 x 12.00 RBME-7001300 Romanesque Baby Mosaic Endcap 7.00 x 13.00 TL-6002300 Trellis Liner 6.00 x 23.00 VL-4501200 Venito Liner 4.50 x 12.00 MOSAICS - MEDALLIONS (listed by size/alphabetically) NOTE: Custom Size Mosaics Available AM-12001200 BFM-12001200 Bevano Fleur Medallion 12.00 x 12.00 Athena Medallion 12.00 x 12.00 CFM-12001200 Contempo Fleur Medallion 12.00 x 12.00 FM-12001200 Fresco Medallion 12.00 x 12.00 Page 23 MOSAICS - MEDALLIONS (continued) PM-12001200 Pineapple Medallion 12.00 x 12.00 TM-12001200 Tribecca Medallion 12.00 x 12.00 KM-18001800 DDM-18001800 Demi Damask Medallion 18.00 x 18.00 Korina Medallion 18.00 x 18.00 RM-18001800 Renaissance Medallion 18.00 x 18.00 RM-18001800 Romeo Medallion 18.00 x 18.00 DM-20003800 Damask Medallion 20.00 x 38.00 GRM-20001800 Grand Regency Medallion 20.00 x 18.00 Page 24 MM-20003600 Marcello Medallion 20.00 x 36.00 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. MOSAICS - MEDALLIONS (continued) ADM-24002400 Acanthus Deluxe Medallion 24.00 x 24.00 BM-24002400 Bellagio Medallion 24.00 x 24.00 DM-24003600 CGM-24002400 Chateau Grape Medallion 24.00 x 24.00 Dahlia Medallion 24.00 x 36.00 FDGM-24002400 Fleur de Grand Medallion 24.00 x 24.00 FBM-24002400 Fruit Basket Medallion 24.00 x 24.00 GGM-24002400 Geneva Grand Medallion 24.00 x 24.00 GRM-24002400 Grand Rachel Medallion 24.00 x 24.00 GVM-24002400 Grand Vienna Medallion 24.00 x 24.00 IM-24002400 Imperial Medallion 24.00 x 24.00 Page 25 MOSAICS - MEDALLIONS (continued) QM-24003600 Quilted Medallion 24.00 x 36.00 RIRM-24002400 Rhode Island Red Medallion 24.00 x 24.00 RM-24002400 SCM-24003350 Studded Clavo Medallion 24.00 x 33.50 Royal Medallion 24.00 x 24.00 SFM-24003600 Studded Fleur Medallion 24.00 x 36.00 VGM-24002400 Vienna Grape Medallion 24.00 x 24.00 WVM-24003600 Wandering Vienna Medallion 24.00 x 36.00 Page 26 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. MOSAICS - FRAMES (listed alphabetically) NOTE: Custom Size Mosaics Available BF-36002400 BSF-36002400 Bellagio Scroll Frame 36.00 x 24.00 Becka Frame 36.00 x 24.00 CF-42002700 RF-37002500 Renaissance Frame 37.00 x 25.00 Celeste Frame 42.00 x 27.00 SBF-36002400 Studded Bracket Frame 36.00 x 24.00 TF-46002900 Trellis Frame 46.00 x 29.00 VF-37504550 Venito Frame 37.50 x 45.50 WVF-36002400 Wandering Vine Frame 36.00 x 24.00 Page 27 MOSAICS - COMPASS ROSES (listed by size/alphabetically) NOTE: Custom Size Mosaics Available CRMA1-24002400 CRMA2-24002400 Compass Rose Medallion A2 24” dia. Compass Rose Medallion A1 24” dia. CRMA3-24002400 Compass Rose Medallion A3 24” dia. CRMA4-24002400 Compass Rose Medallion A4 24” dia. CRMB1-36003600 Compass Rose Medallion B1 36” dia. CRMB2-36003600 Compass Rose Medallion B2 36” dia. FOUNTAINS (listed alphabetically) LHF-131205 Lion Head Fountain 13H x 12W x 5D (head only) LHFP-212305 Lion Head Fountain w/Plaque 21H x 23W x 5D NHF-181409 Neptune Head Fountain 18H x 14W x 9D Page 28 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. PLAQUES (listed alphabetically / by size) DP-4501250 Dauphiny Plaque 4.50 x 12.50 FP-4501250 Florentine Plaque 4.50 x 12.50 DP-4501875 Dauphiny Plaque 4.50 x 18.75 FP-4501875 Florentine Plaque 4.50 x 18.75 DP-6002450 Dauphiny Plaque 6.00 x 24.50 FP-6002450 Florentine Plaque 6.00 x 24.50 GSP-1350775 Grand Scroll Plaque 13.5 x 7.75 IP-1350775 Inspired Plaque 13.50 x 7.75 QCP-1350775 Queen’s Crown Plaque 13.50 x 7.75 SRLP-1350775 SRRP-1350775 St. Regis Left Plaque & Right Plaque 13.50 x 7.75 Page 29 PLAQUES (continued) ICP-13502325 PP-13502325 Imperial Crown Plaque 13.50 x 23.25 Palermo Plaque 13.50 x 23.25 RP-13502325 RFP-13502325 Ravenna Plaque 13.50 x 23.25 Regal Fleur Plaque 13.50 x 23.25 KORBELS (listed alphabetically) FK-750350 / FK-975550 / FK-1425525 Foliage Korbel 7.5x3.5x4 9.75x5.5x5.5 14.25x5.25x7 RFK-1475800 Royal Foliage Korbel 14.75x8x6 Available in 3 sizes Available in 1 size SK-750400 / SK-925525 / SK-1300575 Stately Korbel 7.5x4x3.75 9.25x5.25x5.25 13x5.75x7 VK-800350 / VK-1100525 / VK-1525525 Venito Korbel 8x3.5x4 11x5.25x5 15.25x5.25x7 Available in 3 sizes Page 30 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. Available in 3 sizes METAL, STONE & GLASS BLENDS NOTE: Sold on mesh, by the square foot. 5/8” Grid 3/4” Stixs Brass Golden Gate Mosaic Blend-Grid 12.00 x 12.00 BR-GGMBG-12001200 Brass Golden Gate Mosaic Blend-Stixs 12.00 x 12.00 BR-GGMBS-12001200 Bronze Latte Mosaic Blend-Grid 12.00 x 12.00 BN-LMBG-12001200 Bronze Latte Mosaic Blend-Stixs 12.00 x 12.00 BN-LMBS-12001200 Copper Meritage Mosaic Blend-Grid 12.00 x 12.00 CP-MMBG-12001200 Copper Meritage Mosaic Blend-Stixs 12.00 x 12.00 CP-MMBS-12001200 Nickel Silver Moonshadow Mosaic Blend-Grid 12.00 x 12.00 NS-MMBG-12001200 Nickel Silver Moonshadow Mosaic Blend-Stixs 12.00 x 12.00 NS-MMBS-12001200 Stainless Steel Dark Sky Mosaic Blend-Grid 12.00 x 12.00 SS-DSMBG-12001200 Stainless Steel Dark Sky Mosaic Blend-Stixs 12.00 x 12.00 SS-DSMBS-12001200 SINKS (listed alphabetically) NOTE: Custom sinks available. ANT-ATH-CT or ANT-ATH-UM MAD-MAY Athena Bowl (countertop or undermount) 19.25 x 15.25 x .625 (17.25 x 13.25 x 6.25 inside) Maya Bowl (countertop) 19 x 15 x 1 (16.5 x 12.5 x 6 inside) MAR-MED STM-SAR Medea Bowl (countertop & undermount) 16.75 x 16.75 x .5 (15 x 15 x 6 inside) Sarina Bowl (semi-vessel) 16.5 x 16.5 x 3.25 (15 x 15 x 6.75 inside) Page 31 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE INDEX Acanthus Deluxe Medallion (Mosaic) Acanthus Scroll Liner (Mosaic) Acanthus Vine Onlay Acorn Deco Akanthos 2”x 4” Akanthos 3”x 6” Akanthos 4”x 6” Akanthos 5”x 5” Akanthos Chair Rail Alexis Amanda Aphrodite Flower Aphrodite Liner (Mosaic) Aphrodite Mosaic Connector (Mosaic) Aphrodite Mosaic Deco (Mosaic) Ashley Athena Bowl (Counter top) Athena Bowl (Undermount) Athena Medallion (Mosaic) Avignon Bamboo Fine Liner Bamboo Liner Baroque Deco Baroque Frame Baroque Medium Liner Baroque Onlay Baroque Small Liner Beaded Chair Rail Beaded Chair Rail Corner Beaded Fine Liner BeBe 1”x 1” BeBe 2”x 2” BeBe 3”x 3” BeBe 4”x 4” BeBe Fine Liner BeBe Medium Liner Becka Deco Becka Dot Becka Frame (Mosaic) Bellagio Medallion (Mosaic) Bellagio Scroll Frame (Mosaic) Bellagio Scroll Liner (Mosaic) Bellagio Scroll Onlay Bevano Fleur Borderless Bevano Fleur Medallion (Mosaic) Blank Base Large Blank Base Small Blank Chair Rail Page 32 25 21 11 11 10 11 12 14 7 8 13 12 21 21 21 9 31 31 23 12 4 5 10 20 5 14 5 6 6 4 8 10 3 3 4 5 2, 9 2, 8 27 25 27 21 11 15 23 1 1 1 Bordeaux Liner (Mosaic) Brass Golden Gate Mosaic Blends Bronze Latte Mosaic Blends Cecilia Celeste Frame (Mosaic) Celeste Liner (Mosaic) Celeste Onlay Celtic Cerda Base Large Cerda Base Small Cerda Chair Rail Cerda Fine Liner Cerda Liner Chablis Liner (Mosaic) Chateau Grape Medallion (Mosaic) Chateau Grape Onlay (all sizes) Chateau Grape Onlay Corner Left & Right Chateau Grape Stem Onlay Left & Right (all Sizes) Classic Chair Rail Classic Chair Rail Large Clavo Clavo Baby Compass Rose Medallion A1 - A4 (Mosaics) Compass Rose Medallion B1, B2 (Mosaics) Contempo Contempo Fleur Borderless Contempo Fleur Medallion (Mosaic) Contra 1”x 1” Contra 2”x 2” Contra 3”x 3” Contra 4.25” x 4.25” Contra Liner Copper Meritage Mosaic Blends Cove Molding Fine Liner Cove Molding Liner Cuvee Corner Cuvee Liner Dahlia 5.5” dia. Dahlia 7” dia. Dahlia 10” dia. Dahlia Medallion (Mosaic) Damask Medallion (Mosaic) Dauphiny Plaque (all sizes) Davida Liner (Mosaic) Davida Onlay Demi Damask Medallion (Mosaic) Donna’s Diamond Egg & Dart Base Large Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. 21 31 31 8 27 22 11 11 7 7 6 4 5 22 25 18 19 19 1 1 10 9 28 28 2 15 23 8 10 3 4 5 31 1 1 1, 19 1, 19 14 15 17 25 24 29 22 11 24 3 7 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE INDEX Egg & Dart Base Small Egg & Dart Chair Rail Egg & Dart Fine Liner Egg & Dart Liner Egyptian Egyptian Baby Enya Enya Mosaic Connector (Mosaic) Enya Mosaic Deco (Mosaic) Fleur Fleur Baby Fleur Baby Diamond Fleur de Elegance Fleur de Elegance Borderless Fleur de Grand Medallion (Mosaic) Fleur de Lis Fleur Diamond Florentine Plaque (all sizes) Foliage Foliage Korbel French Fleur Diagonal French Fleur Onlay 3”x 3” French Fleur Onlay 4.5”x 4.5” French Fleur Onlay 7”x 6” French Fleur Onlay 8.5”x 8” French Fleur Onlay 12”x 11” French Fleur Square French Twist Liner (Mosaic) Fresco Base Large Fresco Base Small Fresco Chair Rail Fresco Deco 3x3 Fresco Deco 4 dia. Fresco Fine Liner Fresco Flower Fresco Flower Liner Fresco Liner Fresco Medallion (Mosaic) Fruit Basket Borderless Fruit Basket Medallion (Mosaic) Fruit Basket Fruited Liner Geneva 2.25”x 2.25” Geneva 2.75”x 2.75” Geneva 3.25”x 3.25” Geneva 4”x 4” Geneva 4.5”x 4.5” Geneva Baby 7 5 4 5 9 8 12 21 21 10 8 8 17 16 25 10 10 29 12 30 13 11 13 15 17 17 12 22 8 7 5 12 13 4 13 7 5 23 16 25 17 6 11 11 12 13 14 10 Geneva Grand Medallion (Mosaic) Geneva Mosaic Connector (Mosaic) Geneva Mosaic Deco (Mosaic) Grand Rachel Medallion (Mosaic) Grand Regency Medallion (Mosaic) Grand Scroll Plaque Grand Venito Liner (Mosaic) Grand Vienna Medallion (Mosaic) Helios Imperial Crown Onlay Imperial Crown Plaque Imperial Lion Onlay Imperial Medallion (Mosaic) Inspired Plaque Intarsia Double Liner (Mosaic) Intarsia Onlay Intarsia Single Liner (Mosaic) JD Fly JJ Gecko JoJo Gecko Liner Juliet Onlay A & B Juliet Onlay Connector Kaleidoscope Base Large Kaleidoscope Base Small Kaleidoscope Chair Rail Kaleidoscope Fine Liner Kaleidoscope Liner Kayla Khyber Grand Onlay Khyber Liner (Mosaic) Khyber Medium Onlay Korina Medallion (Mosaic) Le Apple Le Artichoke Le Carrots Le Grape Le Grape Liner Le Pear Le Radishes Le Strawberry Le Vineyard Lion Head Fountain Lion Head Fountain w/Plaque Madison Marcello Marcello Borderless Marcello Medallion (Mosaic) Maya Bowl 25 21 21 25 24 29 22 25 10 17 30 17 25 29 22 12 22 13 13 6 19 19 8 7 6 4 5 9 14 22 11 24 11 16 16 11 6 11 16 11 17 28 28 8 14 14 24 31 Page 33 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE INDEX Medea Bowl Melissa Nickel Silver Moonshadow Mosaic Blends Morgana Liner Morgana Mosaic Jewels-Design 1 – 10 Neptune Head Fountain Palermo Plaque Palm Tree Pandora Panel Tile 6”x 4” Panel Tile 6”x 6” Panel Tile Scroll 6”x 4” Panel Tile Scroll 6”x 6” Paradise Liner Pebble 1”x 1” Pebble 2”x 2” Pebble 3”x 3” Pebble 4”x 4” Pebble 6”x 6” Pebble Fine Liner Pebble Large Liner Pebble Medium Liner Pineapple Borderless Pineapple Liner (Mosaic) Pineapple Medallion (Mosaic) Pineapple Plain Base Large Plain Base Small Plain Chair Rail Prism Prism Base Large Prism Base Small Prism Chair Rail Prism Fine Liner Prism Liner Pull Akanthos Leaf Pull Foliage Left & Right Pull Knob Imperial Pull Knob Regal Pull Royal Leaf Queen’s Crown Plaque Quilted Base Large Quilted Base Small Quilted Chair Rail Quilted Liner Quilted Medallion (Mosaic) Quilted Tile 4”x 4” Page 34 31 9 31 22 13 8, 9 28 30 13 10 15 15 15 15 7 9 10 3 3 4 4 6 5 12 22 24 13 1 1 1 10 8 7 6 4 5 20 20 20 20 20 29 8 6 6 4 26 4, 13 Quilted Tile 6”x 6” Rachel’s Baby Rachel’s Dot Rachel’s Flower 3”x 3” Rachel’s Flower 4”x 4” Rachel’s Flower 5”x 5” Rachel’s Flower 6”x 6” Rachel’s Flower 8”x 8” Rachel’s Flower 9”x 9” Rachel’s Flower Liner Rachel’s Mosaic Connector Rachel’s Mosaic Deco Ravenna Onlay Ravenna Onlay Framed Ravenna Plaque Regal Fleur Onlay Regal Fleur Plaque Regency Onlay Renaissance Deco Renaissance Frame (Mosaic) Renaissance Liner (Mosaic) Renaissance Medallion (Mosaic) Renaissance Onlay Rhode Island Red Left Rhode Island Red Left Borderless Rhode Island Red Medallion (Mosaic) Rhode Island Red Right Rhode Island Red Right Borderless Ribbon Base Large Ribbon Base Small Ribbon Chair Rail Ribbon Fine Liner Ribbon Liner Romanesque Baby Corner Romanesque Baby Liner Romanesque Baby Mosaic Endcap (Mosaic) Romanesque Baby Mosaic Liner (Mosaic) Romanesque Baby Onlay Corner Romanesque Baby Onlay Romanesque Liner Romeo 5” dia. Romeo 6” dia. Romeo 7” dia. Romeo 8” dia. Romeo Medallion (Mosaic) Romeo Plinth Block Rope Chair Rail Rope Fine Liner Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved. 4 9 9 12 13 14 14 16 17 22 21 21 18 18 30 17 30 18 14 27 22 24 12 16 15 26 16 15 8 7 6 4 5 5, 20 5, 20 23 23 9, 20 9, 20 7 14 15 15 16 24 14 6 4 PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE INDEX Rope Large Liner Rope Medium Liner Royal Foliage Korbel Royal Foliage Onlay 7.5”x 3” Royal Foliage Onlay 9.25”x 4” Royal Foliage Onlay 12”x 5” Royal Medallion (Mosaic) Sarina Bowl Scalloped Seashell Baby Scalloped Seashell Serenity Liner Smooth Bar Smooth Brick Smooth Circa Deco Smooth Circa Frame Smooth Deco Smooth Field 3”x 3” Smooth Field 4”x 4” Smooth Field 5”x 5” Smooth Field 6”x 6” Smooth Large Bar Liner Smooth Large Flat Liner Smooth Medium Bar Liner Smooth Medium Flat Liner Smooth Mosaics Grande Smooth Quarter Round Fine Liner Smooth Quarter Round Liner Smooth Small Bar Liner Smooth Small Flat Liner Smooth Swirl Deco Smooth Swirl Deco Liner St. Regis Left Plaque & Right Plaque Starfish Chair Rail Stately Korbel Strata 1”x 1” Strata 2”x 2” Strata 3”x 3” Strata 4”x 4” Strata Fine Liner Strata Medium Liner Studded Base Large Studded Base Small Studded Bracket Studded Bracket Frame (Mosaic) Studded Bracket Strap Studded Chair Rail Studded Clavo Medallion (Mosaic) Studded Fine Liner 5 5 30 16 17 18 26 31 9 12 6 2 2 12 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 12 7 29 7 30 9 10 3 4 5 5 8 7 6, 20 27 6, 20 6 26 5 Studded Fleur Medallion (Mosaic) Studded Fleur Square Studded Jewel Studded Liner Studded Mosaic Liner (Mosaic) Studded Square Four Studded Square Two Swag Large Left & Right Swag Medium Left & Right Swag Small Left & Right Tile Frame 3 Tile Frame 4 Tile Frame 4 Diagonal Track Liner Trellis Frame (Mosaic) Trellis Liner (Mosaic) Trellis Onlay Tribecca Borderless Tribecca Medallion (Mosaic) Truffle Tumbled Bar Tumbled Brick Tumbled Deco Tumbled Field 3”x 3” Tumbled Field 4”x 4” Tumbled Field 5”x 5” Tumbled Field 6”x 6” Tumbled Large Bar Liner Tumbled Medium Bar Liner Tumbled Mosaics Tumbled Mosaics Grande Tumbled Small Bar Liner Tumbled Step Chair Rail Venetian Venito Frame (Mosaic) Venito Korbel Venito Liner (Mosaic) Venito Onlay Vienna Grape Vienna Grape Borderless Vienna Grape Diagonal Vienna Grape Medallion (Mosaic) Vine Liner Vine Onlay Viper Liner Wandering Vienna Medallion (Mosaic) Wandering Vine Onlay Wandering Vine Frame (Mosaic) Page 35 26 13 9 5 23 13 13 11 10 9 3 4 4 5 27 23 18 14 24 9 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 14 27 30 23 12 16 15 16 26 6 9 5 26 11 27 ITEM NAME METAL, STONE & GLASS MOSAIC BLEND FOR MOSAIC ORDERS: See MSG Blend photos in our catalog (pg. 84 & 85) or on our website. STONE FOR MOSAIC ORDERS: See Stone Samples on Mosaic Specification Board, in the Metal & Stone Sample Binder or photos in our catalog. *High Polish Blackened is available only for Plaques & Korbels. METAL Copper Bronze Brass Nickel Silver Stainless Steel Aluminum Iron CODE CP BN BR NS SS AL I Fax: State: FINISH CODE State: STONE or MSG QTY CODE Fax: CODE HP HLP AP OR V R W HP-BLK Negro Marquino Gold Ten Noche Jerusalem Gold Light Travertine Botticino Florito Carrera White STONE CODE S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 Zip: Zip: TOTAL PRICE Bronze Latte Brass Golden Gate CODE BR-GG BN-L Copper Meritage CP-M Nickel Silver Moonshadow NS-M Stainless Steel Dark Sky SS-DS MSG BLEND UNIT PRICE S E I P O C MAKE METAL CODE Business Name: Contact Name: Title: Address: City: Phone: SHIP TO: (if different than billing address - please print) FINISH High Polish Highlight Polish Antique Patina Oil Rubbed Verdi Rust Wrought *High Polish Blackened E S A E L P L A N I G I OR METAL AND FINISH FOR ALL ORDERS: Not all finishes apply to all metals. Please refer to the metal samples on the Metals & Finishes Board, the Metal & Stone Sample Binder, photo pages in the catalog or on our website. ITEM CODE 42246 Sarah Way, Temecula CA 92590 Phone: 951-695-4522 Fax: 951-695-4520 Business Name: Contact Name: Title: Address: City: Phone: BILL TO: (please print) 42246 Sarah Way Temecula, CA 92590 Phone: 951-695-4522 Fax: 951-695-4520 Copyright 2000-2011. All Rights Reserved.
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