wiki:sc name="FRGenre" - Serviceseiten der Verlagsgruppe


wiki:sc name="FRGenre" - Serviceseiten der Verlagsgruppe
Children's Books Series
Four new detective cases to be read
and solved
Julian Press
Find the Culprit – Chasing
Dr. Struppek
[Finde den Täter - Jagd auf Dr.
Volume 7
128 pages
Format 17,0 x 24,0 cm
October 2011
With b/w illustrations
8 plus
Rights sold to:
France (Actes Sud), Norway
Julian Press, born in 1960,
is the son of the famous
Black Hand author, Hans
Jürgen Press. Julian Press
studied graphics and
illustration, trained in a
publishing house
specializing in literature for
young people and later
worked for young people's
magazines. His readings are
very popular in Germany
and France.
Back at last: Philipp, Flo, Caro, Leo and Inspector Lars are at it
again and doing what they like doing best of all — puzzling
over new detective cases. This time the Liquorice Gang chase
after a black suitcase, unmask a mysterious thief and not only
have to disclose a creepy secret but also need to clear up the
spook on Owl Moor! A criminological instinct and eyes like
hawks are necessary to find the decisive clues in the look-andfind pictures. And the exciting chase carries on over the page!
A generous layout, short texts and magnificent look-and-find
pictures make trying to solve the mysteries into huge fun,
even for less practiced readers!
Also available:
Vol. 1: Aktion Gelber Drache [Operation Yellow Dragon], 2006
Sold to: Brazil (Companhias das Letras), China (21st Century)*, France (Actes
Sud), Greece (Synchroni Orizontes)* , Italy (Motta), Japan (Kodansha)*, Korea
(Blue Wing), Norway (Fortellerforlaget), Slovakia (Epos)*, Spain/Castilian
(Espasa Calpe)*, Spain/Catalan (Bromera), Thailand (Nanmeebooks), USA
(Grosset & Dunlap)
Vol. 2: Operation Goldenes Zepter [Operation Golden Sceptre], 2006
Sold to: Brazil (Companhias das Letras), China (21st Century)*, Czech Republic
(Fragment)*, France (Actes Sud), Greece (Synchroni Orizontes)*, Italy (Motta),
Korea (Blue Wing), Norway (Fortellerforlaget), Slovakia (Epos)*, Spain/Castilian
(Espasa Calpe), Spain/Catalan (Bromera), Thailand (Nanmeebooks), USA
(Grosset & Dunlap)
Vol. 3: Tatort Krähenstein [Scene of Crime Crow Stone], 2006
Sold to: China (21st Century), Czech Republic (Fragment)*, France (Actes Sud),
Greece (Synchroni Orizontes), Italy (Motta), Korea (Blue Wing), Norway
(Fortellerforlaget), Spain/Castilian (Espasa Calpe), Spain/Catalan
(Animallibres),Sweden (Fortellerforlaget), Thailand (Nanmeebooks), USA
(Grosset & Dunlap)
Foreign rights contact:
Vol. 4: Fluch des Schwarzen Schützen [Curse of the Black Marksman], 2006
Sold to: China (21st Century), France (Actes Sud), Greece (Synchroni Orizontes),
Italy (Motta), Korea (Blue Wing) Spain/Catalan (Animallibres), USA (Grosset &
Vol. 5: Geheimbund Rote Koralle [Red Coral Secret Society], 2007
Sold to: France (Actes Sud), Korea (Blue Wing)
Vol. 6: Geheimnis der schwarzen Dschunke [Secret of the Black Junk], 2010
Sold to: France (Actes Sud), Norway (Fortellerforlaget), Sweden
*rights available again
Foreign rights contact: