Volume 8 Number 2 FALL 2008


Volume 8 Number 2 FALL 2008
Ahimsa Lights the Way
Ahimsa Lights The Way
Second Series: Volume 8 Number 2
FALL 2008
Eighteen-year-old Davey Brown
reflects on going vegan at age
on My Life
For fifteen years, Kids Make
A Difference has really been
getting kids to make a difference.
I am one of those kids. I plan to
attend college in the fall, studying
Environmental Science—in no
small part because of the positive
experiences I have had for thirteen
years with this Los Angeles-based
nonprofit kids community service
Continued on page 3
Dr. Andy Mars and
Davey Brown (when
11) at Big Sur.
Dating Vegans
Vegan Ethnic Dining
Let Nature Cure!
Advice to Teens
Vegan Garden Party
Raw Food Center
8—2, FALL●2008
Books Vegan
● Recipes
AHIMSA is a Sanskrit term meaning
non-killing, non-injuring, non-harming.
AVS defines it in daily life as
Dynamic Harmlessness, spelled out at right.
non-sectarian, non-political, tax-exempt educational
membership organization teaching a compassionate way
of living by Ahimsa (see above) and Reverence for Life.
VEGANS—pronounced VEE-guns—live on products
of the plant kingdom, so exclude flesh, fish, fowl, dairy
products (animal milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, etc.), eggs,
honey, animal gelatin and broths, all other items of animal origin.
such as leather, wool, fur, and silk, in clothing, upholstery, etc. Vegans usually try to avoid the less-thanobvious animal oils, secretions, etc., in many soaps, cosmetics, toiletries, household goods and other common
at Malaga or elsewhere.
educates on ethical, ecological, aesthetic, healthful, economic aspects of vegan living in general.
KNOWLEDGE AND OPINIONS in articles (or books,
tapes, etc., listed or reviewed in American Vegan)
represent the views of the individual authors, not necessarily those of the society or American Vegan.
CONFIDENTIALITY: AVS' membership list is never
rented or given out for commercial use or solicitations.
NO PAID ADVERTISING: any notices printed are for
informational value to our readers, and unpaid.
ARTICLES or items may be submitted for possible
Since 1960
Founder: H. Jay Dinshah
AVS Council Members & Officers
*Freya Dinshah, Malaga, NJ
Roshan Dinshah, Malaga NJ –1st Vice President
*Rosemary O’Brien, Woodbridge NJ
–2nd Vice President/Secretary
*Anne Dinshah, Columbus OH –Assistant Editor
*Andy Mars, Los Angeles CA
Daniel J. Dinshah, Malaga NJ –Assistant Treasurer
*Gabriel Figueroa, Austin TX–Assistant Editor
Website hosted by VegSource
ABSTINENCE from Animal Products
HARMLESSNESS with Reverence for Life
INTEGRITY of Thought, Word, and Deed
MASTERY over Oneself
SERVICE to Humanity, Nature, and Creation
ADVANCEMENT of Understanding and Truth
American Vegan
Volume 8, Number 2— Fall 2008
ISSN: 1536-3767 © 2008
The Greatest Impact on My Life....................1, 3
American Vegan Garden Party Recipes ............4
Obituary: Dr. Meherwan M. Bhamgara.............6
Let Nature Heal! ................................................7
Dating Vegans: Meet Hank Hawkins ................8
Book Review: Great Chefs Cook Vegan .........11
Hawaii:Vegetarian School Lunch Resolution..12
American Vegan T-Shirts ................................13
Congratulations, Philadelphia Phillies!............13
New Books and DVD/CD................................14
The Living Light Culinary Arts Center ...........16
Cherie’s Story ..................................................17
Notices: Vegan Health Study, Vegfam............19
Why Is Our Teen So Thin? ..............................20
Employees at Pig Farm Charged .....................21
Teen Book List.................................................21
Letters to Editors..............................................21
Book Review: The Asian Vegan Kitchen........22
World Vegan Day ............................................23
Jo’s Recipes .....................................................24
Dating Vegans: Jo and Michael .......................25
Eating Vegan at Ethnic Restaurants.................28
Events & Conferences .....................................30
AVS Membership/Subscription.......................31
Book Announcement: Metamorphosis ............32
Front Cover Photo: Kids Make a Difference
Back Cover Photo: Golden Gibson Rees/M. Katz
Inside photos as credited, or by AVS
Some design images by iStockphoto, Inc.
Assistant Editor and Graphics: Carolyn Githens
Technical Assistance: Scott Depew
Printed by GraphiColor Corporation, Vineland NJ
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American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
Webmaster: Curt Hamre
The Greatest Impact on My Life
(Continued from page 1)
I am now eighteen years old and
I have been a kid making a difference since I was five years old
because of this group.
Director Andy Mars is the
man who has made the greatest
impact on my life. I first met him
when he did an environmental
education program at my school
when I was in kindergarten. That
made a big impact on this little
kid. I then started to realize that I
had choices. I started to think
about how my living on this
planet could have the least negative impact and most positive
Weekend Activities
I was so excited to join Kids
Make A Difference on my first
weekend activity. We spent a fun
day hiking, doing some important trail maintenance and clean
up. I was very upset that people
had gone into nature and trashed
it. I was very uplifted that we
could go undo the damage that
others had done.
I also especially remember my
second Kids Make A Difference
activity. We made meals for the
homeless. Together we covered
the park picnic tables with a roll
of brown paper. I fondly recall
that after the project we made a
peace banner on the paper—over
the food stains. I also remember
the wind that had its own idea,
but I remember how we worked
together until we succeeded.
I was the littlest kid there, a
mere five compared to the others
who were 10, 11, 12. Even
though I was so little, everyone
made me feel so big and important. I was put in charge of crayoning the brown-paper lunch
bags. I remember Louis, who
seemed so big to me at twice my
age, telling me that, "the homeless people are so happy to get
happy-colored lunch bags." I had
so much fun and felt so good!
Other kids wore gloves as they
made sandwiches*. This was my
first exposure to vegan food.
Inspiring Lessons
I remember Andy bouncing
from table to table inspiring us
with little lessons and making
each of us feel so special and important. He told us different reasons that different people became
homeless. He drew a map in the
sand and tossed in pebbles and
stones here and there to show the
warped distribution of food and
other resources on this planet. He
talked about how what we eat
and our system of food production plays such a dramatic role on
this planet. He explained to us all
about the food we were packing.
He impressed upon us that homeless people needed food not junk.
While some of the other lessons didn't sink in until a few
years later, they were seeds
planted in me ready to grow.
Even at five, I did get to thinking
about not wanting to put junk
into my body either. I started eating a lot better. It took over a
year, but I became a total vegetarian (vegan), with Andy's support, the summer between first
and second grades while attending Kids Make A Difference's
totally vegan summer camp,
Acceptance and Support
With Andy's help, my parents
came to accept and support my
choice. After being vegan for 10
years, my mom gave me a very
special birthday present this year.
She told me that she was now
going to go vegetarian too! With
my subtle pushing, and Andy's
patient diplomatic help, my father also recently gave up his
gasoline guzzling SUV and instead got a CNG-fueled truck
like the Kids Make A Difference
eco-van. My parents also had already stopped subscribing to the
daily newspaper that they barely
read anyway, began carrying
cloth bags to the market for shopping, and started eating more organic fruits and vegetables. See?
Not only can Kids Make A Difference, but adults can too!
No matter how old I get, this
kid, thanks to Kids Make A Difference, is always going to be a
kid who makes a difference.
Thanks, Andy, for making such a
difference in my life and helping
me make a difference to others!
For More Information
Contact the Kids Make A Difference community service programs for kids, or the Camp Exploration vegan summer and winter camp programs from the web,
Phone: 818-344-7838, or write
Dr. Andrew Mars, 6716 Kurl
Way, Reseda CA 91335.
Children from across the
country are able to participate in
the overnight camp programs,
and children in the Los Angeles
area are able to participate in the
day-camp programs and the
weekend community-service projects, which are based in the
West San Fernando Valley of
Los Angeles.
Davey Brown wrote this essay
for his college application.
*Sandwiches were bread with sunflowerseed butter and pure-fruit jelly.
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
A growing crowd of members and friends flock to our South
Jersey headquarters on Memorial Weekend Sunday in May for
the annual meeting—Garden Party. An outdoor luncheon buffet
is served on the front porch, then participants sit at tables under
the trees (oak, hickory, maple—with a backdrop of rhododendrons
in bloom, cedar, pine, and holly). Volunteers prepare the meal that
includes garden-grown salads, local asparagus, and strawberries.
Cook beans in a covered pot
until very soft (3 hours*). Drain,
reserving cooking liquid to cook
grains. Mash.
1 cup steel-cut oats
2 cups bean liquid/water
Cook about 30 minutes.
Heat the oil and soy sauce in
a saucepan*. When hot, add onions, then mushrooms. Cook in
covered pot at medium, then
low heat. The onions and mushrooms will release, and cook in,
their juices. When tender, using
a fine strainer, sprinkle in
starch; stir, and turn off heat.
Gravy will thicken more on
*For shorter cooking time, presoak
beans. Drain, and add fresh water to
cover beans placed in a pressure cooker.
Cook for 30 minutes.
Melissa Maly making
the bean burgers
BEAN BURGERS (24 burgers)
1 lb. pinto beans
6 or 7 cups water (Add more hot
water as needed to keep beans
covered while cooking.)
1 Tbsp. caraway, celery, fennel,
fenugreek—a ground-seed mix
2 tsp. ground cumin
1 Tbsp. mixed dried herbs
4 garlic cloves
Sequoia Maly tasting
the yummy food
1 cup millet
1 cup pineapple juice
2 cups water
Cook about 20 minutes.
Add grains to beans; mix and
mash. Add:
3 Tbsp. apple sauce
¼ cup shoyu soy sauce
2 Tbsp. sesame tahini
½ cup minced fresh sage
1 Tbsp. dried tarragon
¼ cup lemon juice
Mix well. Leave overnight to
cool and set. Measure with halfcup scoop onto oiled baking
sheet; press and shape with fork.
Bake at 375ºF. for 40 minutes,
switching racks halfway through
cooking. Freeze extra burgers for
later use.
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
1 Tbsp. oil
1 Tbsp. soy sauce
2 cups sliced onions
2 cups sliced mushrooms
1 Tbsp. starch (arrowroot, corn,
potato starch, etc.)
*Using an appropriate-sized saucepan,
rather than a frying pan, minimizes the
amount of oil needed.
Photos by Jana-Lyn Medina
The menu also included
herbed teas and fruit juices;
crackers and vegan “cheeses”,
salads, patés, and cookies—
contributed by volunteers.
1 cup carrots—chopped, cooked
Cooking water from carrots
¼ cup olive oil
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
Purée in a blender, then add
½ cup fresh lemon balm leaves.
Blend briefly, with optional salt
to taste. Serve with steamed
(4 lbs. potatoes serves 10 people)
½ cup Vegenaise®
6 Tbsp. olive oil (3 fl oz)
2 Tbsp. vinegar
2 tsp. prepared mustard
1 Vidalia onion, diced
1 celery heart, diced
1 cucumber, diced
parsley, minced
Mix dressing into peeled,
diced, cooked potatoes while
they are still hot/warm.
Sarah Summerville
icing the carob cakes
(2 cakes, 16 slices)
Dry Mix:
3 cups whole grain spelt flour
(or 1½ cups whole wheat bread
flour and 1½ cups whole wheat
pastry flour)
1½ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
2/3 cup toasted carob powder
1 Tbsp. Five-Spices, a mix of
cinnamon, anise, ginger, nutmeg, cloves
Wet Mix:
¾ cup corn oil
2 cups maple syrup (grade B)
(2 tsp. vanilla)
2 cups soy milk or vanilla soy
Optional ingredients for richer cake:
2/3 cup roasted hazel nuts, ground
3 Tbsp. lemon juice
Combine wet and dry mixes.
Pour into oiled cake pans. The
batter depth should be ½-inch.
Bake cakes at 350ºF. for 40 to 45
minutes—until a toothpick comes
out clean.
24 dates pitted,
soaked or simmered in water
2 Tbsp. soy powder
2 Tbsp. almond butter
2 Tbsp. toasted carob powder
2 Tbsp. roasted-grain coffeesubstitute powder
Water from dates, more if
needed. Mix everything in a
blender to a thick puree; it will
set up on standing.
(2 cups)
1 cup dry green split peas
2¼ cups water
½ cup fresh spearmint leaves,
finely minced
Cook peas in water for 45
minutes to 1 hour, until well
cooked. When stirred they
should purée. Stir herbs into
Plan to attend our
next Garden Party on
May 24 2009 when
Erin Williams, co-author
of Why Animals Matter,
will speak.
Mary Grigonis plucking
mint leaves.
Recipes by Freya Dinshah;
We were saddened to hear of
the death of our dear friend Dr.
Bhamgara—a vegetarian naturopath, on August 18 2008 at
9:30pm Indian time. On hearing
the news, Saurabh Dalal wrote,
“He always impressed me with
his humility, and I greatly respected his serenity, sincerity,
and grace. I found his knowledge
of Naturopathy and traditional
Ayurveda highly interesting”.
The association between the
American Vegan Society and Dr.
Bhamgara went back to 1967
when AVS’ president H. Jay Dinshah was in India to promote and
attend the International Vegetarian Union’s XIX World Vegetarian Congress which took place in
Delhi, Calcutta, Madras, and
Bombay. Returning to Bombay
from tours of different regions,
Jay found haven in Meherwan’s
third-floor flat at Bharat Mahal
on Marine Drive. The fresh fruit,
vital raw vegetable salads, and
conservatively cooked (boiled,
baked, or steamed) vegetables
were balm to a digestive system
assaulted by the typical highlyspiced and oily Indian fare.
Dr. Bhamgara organized the
scientific committee of this Congress. His involvement with IVU
had grown for years through his
association with J.N. Mankarji.
He shared the job of Regional
Secretary for India and the East
(1977 to 1986) first with Shri
Surendra Mehta and later with
Shri Jashu Shah. In 1983
Bhamgara was a cofounder of
The Vegetarian Society in India
(Reverence for Life), headquartered in Mumbai (Bombay).
At congresses, he
morning meditation and exercise
sessions. At the last congress he
attended, Goa India in 2006, he
made a passionate plea to lactovegetarians to stop drinking milk
and to see the vegan way as the
next step in compassionate living.
A Parsi, Dr. Bhamgara grew
up eating meat and fish, despite
his distaste for them. His interest
in health and natural ways of living led him to study naturopathy
at schools in Pudukottai and
Pune, India. On a fellowship from
the Indian Institute of Natural
Therapeutics, he studied in the
United Kingdom as a scholar of
the J.N. Tata Endowments.
In c. 2006, Dr Bhamgara
(right) received a gold medal
award from Gujarat University.
Dr. Bhamgara ran a nursing
home in Surat prior to establishing his clinic for outpatients in
Mumbai. He helped acute and
chronic sufferers—laypersons
and dignitaries—through lifestyle
counseling, diet, exercise, and
hydrotherapy. Long-term benefits
came about from health education.
Dr. Bhamgara traveled widely
on five continents teaching and
learning about natural health and
healing methods. As a delegate
selected by the government of
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
India, he lectured in Australia,
Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore,
Indonesia, Malaya, Kenya, and
Mauritius. He visited the U.S.
over a dozen times, lastly in 2003.
Bhamgara at 67 on trampoline
Dr. Meherwan M. Bhamgara
Dr. Bhamgara believed it is as
important to exercise everyday as
to eat. He did breathing, yoga
asanas, and calisthenics in the
morning; fast walking or hill
climbing in the evening. Opportunities to jump on a trampoline, or
climb a tree were taken eagerly!
Shunning allopathic methods,
he put his trust in Nature—
himself overcoming cancer many
years ago, through fasting and
diet. He espoused the benefits of
relaxation and meditation (mental
fasting). A teacher, replacing ignorance with knowledge, he
brought understanding. But of
greater value than the head, he
said, was the heart. A loving attitude to all people and creatures is
the key to living.
In 1998 he closed his clinic,
settling in Lonavla. He continued
writing in English, and Gujarati.
Booklets and essays were published under Health Science Trust
and also by The Vegetarian Society (India), and Panchay Trust.
Some can be found on the web,
such as collected essays in Reverence for Health at www.health
-Freya Dinshah
Health is the first wealth. Invest time and discipline and
Let Nature Heal!
Dr. Meherwan M. Bhamgara
The first principle of
Nature Cure is that the
vital power is the curative power. The vital power
is that which attends to all the
functions and systems of the body
over which we have no voluntary
control; it is also the power which
heals, repairs, and sets right disturbed metabolic or physiologic
functions; hence the need for conserving or economizing this
power, especially when one is ill.
● The best way to promote elimination is to more or less completely suspend assimilation.
Thus by abstaining from food we
give an opportunity to the vital
power to attend to its curative
job. In acute conditions physiological rest is provided by a complete fast, or very light sustenance
on light liquids—water of tender
coconut, fruit/vegetable juices,
vegetable broth, herb teas.
● Abstain from drugs which have
toxic side or after effects. Chronic
diseases arise because acute conditions are repeatedly suppressed
by drugs which mask the symptoms but do not remove the underlying cause(s) of disease.
● Lack of rest, relaxation, and
sleep thwarts the remedial work
of our vital power.
● Popular beverages such as tea,
coffee, and cocoa have harmful
alkaloids, theine, caffeine, and
theobromine. Alcohol affects the
higher centers of the brain.
Tobacco injures the mucus lining
of the mouth, esophagus, and
stomach. Avoid these.
● Shun foodless foods. Especially
avoid refined starch and sugar;
they are responsible for a great
number of diseases including
rickets, osteomalacia, poliomyelitis, and arthritis.
● Avoid processed and chemically treated foods. There are additives, artificial colors and flavors, preservatives and other substances which increase shelf life
or improve eye appeal, but often
harm the digestive system.
Beware of the so-called advantages of food technology. Hydrogenated fat is likely to cause digestive disturbances, heart trouble, and cancer.
Food grown with chemical
fertilizers and sprayed with pesticides can harm human beings.
● Spices and condiments should
be used minimally so that the
taste of the food is not masked.
Pepper, mustard, chilies, asafetida
and vinegar are the more harmful
spices. Onion, ginger, coriander,
and cumin seeds can be used.
● Common salt (sodium chloride)
should be used the least. The
more one uses sodium, the more
one drives potassium out of the
system. Another drawback of salt
is that it is hygroscopic, even an
ounce of salt can hold several
pounds of water in the system.
● As per the late Swiss Dr.
Bircher-Benner, a sick person
should eat all his food raw
(uncooked), and a healthy person
should eat at least fifty percent
uncooked food. This is an important theory of diet reform.
● Fried foods must be avoided.
Whenever starch is fried, the particles of starch are enveloped in
an impregnable film of fat, hence
food remains undigested or
poorly digested. When nonvegetarian food is fried, the protein is similarly affected.
● All food should be thoroughly
chewed, and liquids held to linger
in the mouth.
● The food we are meant
to eat is the produce of the
vegetable kingdom: fruits, flowers, leaves, stems, grains, tubers,
roots, seeds. Right food is the
best medicine.
● A physically fit person
has balance, flexibility, strength,
endurance, power, and agility.
Outward fitness automatically
improves visceral function. The
liver, stomach, intestines, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, all the endocrine glands, all blood vessels,
and nerve pathways benefit by an
all-around program of exercises.
● Ecological Health is the
study of the interdependence of
the human organism. There is an
inner environment within our
body; and there is interdependence of the various organs and
systems of the body.
● Holistic Health is a vast
subject which embraces all of us,
our entire beings, and the environment in which we live and
● Body, Mind and Spirit
The study of the patient is still
more important than the study of
his disease. The human being is
not only the human body, but the
human mind, and the spirit that
dwells within.
Nature Cure is also known as
Natural Hygiene in the U.S.
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
As vegans socialize with non-vegans, our food choices can be a source of frustration
or an opportunity for positive interactions and fun festivities. This series of articles
provides ideas to improve dating experiences as we share our recipes for relationships.
Meet Hank Hawkins
For our “date” Hank and I decided to plant a
small garden, eat dinner, and then take a sunset
cruise on Chautauqua Lake in his boat. We also
enjoyed just sitting on the boat, watching the sunset
without the motor competing for conversation or
sucking gas.
Hank has a nice little fenced garden plot that
he rototills ready for planting. His site has more
Hank Hawkins, Photo: Anne Dinshah
possibilities than my wooded thorn-filled land.
We picked out $11 of plants at a local greenhouse. I stuck the plants in their new organic home in about an hour while Hank mowed his lawn. Hank
volunteered to do the weeding. The problem with his weeding offer is that I know what plants are where
and how they look different from the weeds. He does not. Preferring art over gardening, I doodled on large
wooden stakes. Each stake has a picture of the plant on one side, and a picture of the harvestable vegetable
on the other side as well as the name of the plant. “The stakes are fun and provide idiot-proof gardening!”
he commented.
Stakes go in the garden, no steaks on the table. For dinner I made a Lentil Garden Stew (see recipe),
which we enjoyed with fresh Italian bread and vegan margarine. Hank mused, “The lentil base makes the
vegetable flavors meld nicely together. I didn’t even know what lentils are. Maybe a grain? The taste was good,
and I learned they are like a bean.”
We bought everything for stew at the store. As summer progresses we will alter the
ingredients to use garden vegetables, except the lentils. Lentils, which we are not growing
ourselves, are a good protein to give substance to a stew. They do not require the extra
planning of other dry beans as they cook along with the vegetables.
The garden has muskmelon, a refreshing appetizer for a summer meal, which can be
served cubed fresh or slightly frozen. A variety of lettuces called a mesclun mix will
make great piquant garden salads. Kale, tomatoes, red bell peppers, broccoli, and zucchini
can go from garden to stew. Acorn squash bakes either with a dash of maple syrup or
vegan margarine for a side dish. The acorn squash usually leaves one not needing
additional dessert.
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
Since the acorn squash is a long way from being ready to harvest, I made a Pineapple Upside-down
Cake (see recipe) for dessert. In order to enjoy more date time, I made the cake the day before, and chilled.
“Pineapple Upside-down Cake is my favorite dessert. I didn’t notice any difference in taste, consistency,
or texture from what I like. I couldn’t tell it was vegan. The syrupy pineapple and cake were perfect. Goes
great with vegan vanilla ice cream.”
The cake recipe is not difficult; however, someone not familiar with baking might prefer to purchase a
mix. In Hank’s cupboard there is a box of Dr. Oetker’s Organics lemon cake mix. The directions are on the
back. I changed the pictures of additional ingredients, eggs and milk, to a mashed banana and soymilk. “She
makes me laugh with the banana drawing. But it works. I can bake a delicious vegan cake.” Hank would
serve the cake right side up with fresh pineapple and vegan ice cream. “Now I know how to buy a fresh
pineapple. Look for the yellow color, not too green or brown.”
One of his favorite dinners is Hank’s Stir-fry Veggies (see recipe). He makes it with garden vegetables
and a few mushrooms from the store. He serves it with refried beans, which he is careful to purchase
without lard or other non-vegan ingredients. We consume tortillas or tortilla chips with the meal.
The other vegan meal Hank is very confident making centers on Pasta with Garden Vegetable Sauce (see
recipe). He purchases a vegan pasta sauce and mixes it with Hank’s Stir-fry Veggies. He serves Festive
Garlic-free Bread (see recipe). For dessert, Hank offers store-bought vegan cookies such as Country Choice
organic sandwich crèmes: ginger lemon cookies.
Hank and I met in the summer of 2005 at a contra dance. We had both arrived during a dance and were
waiting for the next dance to begin. He said, “Hi, I’m Hank.” I replied, “I have a truck named Hank.”
“Then we must dance!”
Hank is one of those terrific datable men who just isn’t right for me to date (we’re at different places in
our lives) so we hang out as friends. It’s like dating without any pressure of how the date will end.
Sometimes we even discuss our respective dates.
I will never forget the time he said, “So, I was on this date and she was talking about beef or chicken. I
couldn’t believe we were discussing beef or chicken. I was so bored. You’ve spoiled me for dating other
women!” What that means is he has been hanging out with a vegan friend who influenced him to think
about his food choices, inspired intelligent conversation on a variety of topics, and taught him how to cook
a little. That was his way of saying thank you.
At the time of this writing, he is still single and datable. He is, we joke, mildly trainable. Hank would
date a vegan, would try any vegan food that is prepared for him, and is interested in good health. Left to his
own devices, don’t expect to find a vegan fridge in his house. He has attended local vegetarian society potluck
dinners and is considering attending a vegetarian conference.
Easy Meals a vegan and non-vegan can make for each other:
● Lentil Garden Stew, Italian bread with vegan margarine,
Pineapple Upside-down Cake with vegan vanilla ice cream.
● Melon appetizer, mixed lettuce salad, Lentil Garden Stew, bread,
acorn squash. ● Hank’s Stir-fry Veggies, refried beans, tortillas or
tortilla chips, fresh fruit ● Pasta with Garden Vegetable Sauce,
Festive Garlic-free Bread, cookies.
Festive Garlic-Free Bread (Yield: 6 pieces)
Lightly spread each piece
6 slices Italian bread
with 1 tsp. marga6 tsp. vegan soy margarine
rine. Place bread on baking
1½ tsp. nutritional yeast
sheet. Sprinkle flavorings on
¾ tsp. paprika
bread. Bake at 350ºF. for 8
¾ tsp. rosemary
minutes or until lightly
½ tsp. sage
¼ tsp. salt (optional)
Lentil Garden Stew (shown above)
and more recipes on next page.
Photo: Anne Dinshah
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
Lentil Garden Stew
1 cup lentils, green-brown
3 cups water
1 onion
1 carrot
1 potato
1 small head broccoli
½ small head cauliflower
Wash lentils. Place in medium
pot with water and bring to a boil,
reduce heat and cover with lid.
While lentils are cooking, wash
and chop onion, carrot, and potato; put into pot. Bring to a simmer again. Wash and chop broccoli and cauliflower; add to stew.
Simmer a total of 40 minutes
or until potato and lentils are tender. Serve warm with bread.
I also like it served as a cold
stew. Leftover stew, hot or cold,
is great with a tomato product
such as juice or sauce mixed in
and some black olives.
This is the standard anytime of
the year recipe with typical vegetables from the store. Substitute
vegetables from the garden when
available such as kale, tomatoes,
red bell peppers, and zucchini.
Hank’s Stir-fry Veggies
1 large carrot
1 zucchini
1 small head broccoli
½ green bell pepper
10 baby portabella or white button
dash of olive oil
Wash all vegetables. Slice
carrot diagonally very thinly.
Add carrot to hot oil and continue cooking at medium-high
heat. Stir frequently, adding vegetables as they are sliced—
mushrooms last. It will take approximately 10 minutes, depending on how crunchy or soft veggies are preferred.
Upside-down Cake
(Yield: 9x13” cake)
This looks like a long list of
ingredients and instructions compared with most recipes I make.
However, it is not difficult.
Friends say it is worth the effort!
8 rings sliced pineapple,
canned or fresh
8 pitted cherries
(maraschino or bing)
¼ cup light brown sugar
3 Tbsp. vegan margarine
½ lemon, organic
1½ cups light brown sugar
(yes, additional)
¾ cup white grape juice
½ lb. tofu
1 Tbsp. vanilla extract
1 cup whole wheat bread flour
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1½ tsp baking soda
1 Tbsp. poppy seeds
Melt margarine. Mix ¼ cup
sugar with margarine. Spread
margarine/sugar mixture in 9x13”
casserole dish. Arrange pineapple
slices in bottom of pan. Place one
pitted cherry* in the center of
each pineapple slice.
Pasta with
Garden Vegetable Sauce
To make pasta: spaghetti,
macaroni, rotini, etc., follow the
directions on box. For example:
to cook tri-color rotini, place 3
quarts water in large pot. Bring to
boil. Add ¾ lb. rotini. Stir. Reduce heat and cook 10 minutes.
Stir occasionally. Drain.
For sauce: combine Hank’s
Stir-fry Veggies (see recipe) with
a jar of marinara pasta sauce with
vegan ingredients. Serve on pasta.
These recipes make dinner
for two with second servings,
or leftovers.
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
Pineapple Upside-down Cake
Photo: Anne Dinshah
Squeeze lemon to obtain 1½
tsp. lemon juice and cut 1 Tbsp.
fresh organic lemon zest (yellow
part of peel, not white part). Place
lemon products in blender with
1½ cups sugar, grape juice, tofu,
and vanilla. Blend until smooth.
In a large mixing bowl, combine both flours, soda, and poppy
seeds. Add wet ingredients from
blender and mix well. Pour batter
over pineapple, being careful not
to disrupt slices.
Bake at 350ºF. for approximately 40 minutes. A toothpick
should come out clean from the
center. While hot, carefully place
platter or cookie sheet over cake
and flip it upside down. Cool and
*Traditionally one maraschino
cherry is placed in the center of
each pineapple slice where the core
was removed. However, maraschino cherries typically are
packed with chemicals, dyes, lots
of sugar, etc. Fresh bing cherries
may be used as a garnish after
baking so as to retain their natural
Anne Dinshah coaches rowing
at The Ohio State University.
She enjoys taking grad classes
and learning wrestling. She lives
with rescued rabbits, Guinevere
and Hargrove.
“Best Cookbook of the Year” —Veg News magazine
Book Review:
Great Chefs Cook Vegan
by Linda Long
I am honored to pay tribute to
Linda Long and her great accomplishment, the gorgeous and paradigm shifting book, Great Chefs
Cook Vegan.
As a culinary instructor, author
and admitted foodie—who just
happens to be vegan—I have
yearned for a book of this caliber.
It took visionary vegan, food
writer, and photographer Linda
Long to manifest the new standard for plant-based cuisine,
proving unquestionably that you
can eat haute, and healthy too.
Linda has created a culinary reference for foodies of all persuasions and skill levels with Great
Chefs Cook Vegan.
That Linda convinced twentyfive of today’s (non-vegan)
award-winning uber-star chefs
(think Thomas Keller, JeanGeorges Vongerichten, Eric
Ripert, Charlie Trotter, and Iron
Chef Cat Cora among others), to
create fantastically creative multicourse vegan meals is incredible.
That Linda crisscrossed the U.S.
to style and take the exquisite photographs of mouthwatering meals is
remarkable. Each chef section in
the book includes a three- or fourcourse vegan meal, complete with
instructive recipes and mouthwatering photographs of the meal. Interviews of the chefs add even more
You will want to eat this book,
but trust me, buy a copy for yourself and use it, then buy copies
for everyone you know. Now
when you are asked,” but what do
vegans eat?” you might suggest:
Linda Long with American Vegan Society at the Collingswood NJ
Book Fair, October 4 2008.
Photo: Ronda Martinez
Jean-Georges’ Chilled Watermelon Gazpacho, or Daniel Boloud’s Beet Salad with Red Beet
Reduction, Walnut Chutney, Arugula, and Horseradish or perhaps
Bradford Thompson’s Baby Beet
Salad with Pistachio Vinaigrette
and Chickpea Fritters, Gabriel
Kreuther’s Seasonal Vegetable
Medley with Sautéed Tofu and
Horseradish Broth, Dan Barber’s
Cauliflower Steak with Quinoa,
or Terrance Brennen’s Warm
Provençal Vegetables with Olive
and Basil Tempura.
Do save room for dessert and
David Burke’s Stir Fried Fruit
and Peach Sorbet, John Besh’s
Chocolate Cake with Chocolate
Truffle Molten Center and Johnny
Iuzzini’s Crisp Chocolate with
Sautéed Bananas, Fresh Figs,
Blackberry Coulis, and Brandied
Some recipes are actually
quite simple, while others take
longer preparation time and attention to detail, giving cooks of all
levels a choice. A glossary of ingredients is included. Move over
brown rice and steamed veggies,
we’ve got far more choice now.
Thank you Linda!
Reviewed by Fran Costigan,
New York City-based culinary
instructor and author of
More Great Good Dairy-Free
Desserts Naturally,
Great Chefs Cook Vegan—
Linda Long 2008, 272pp
9x10¼”, 98 color plates,
hard $35 (or $25 until Dec 31
2008— This price cannot be
combined with other discount
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
Vegetarian School Lunch Resolution Passes
by William Harris, MD
Senate Concurrent Resolution
SCR84, “Requesting the Department of Education and the Hawaii Public School Food Service
to Develop Nutritionally-sound
Public School Menu Plans That
Include Vegetarian and Vegan
Meals,” passed the 2008 Hawaii
Legislature. Most of the original
provisions had been removed
from its predecessor SB2136, because of objections from the Departments of Education and
Health, and from the Hawaii
School Food Service itself, but in
its final form it received the
blessings of both the DOE and
the DOH. From my position the
most pertinent parts are 1 and 3:
1. The Department of Education
and the Hawaii School Food Service [should] consider nutritionally-sound public school menu
plans that give students the option
of vegetarian and vegan public
school meals.
3. The DOE. [should] post on its
website a list of schools that have
vegetarian and vegan menu options.
History: our December 1991
newsletter included a petition by
member Eliot Rosen requesting
support for HB3195 in the Hawaii State House of Representatives, which required that an optional low-fat vegan diet be made
available in schools where students, faculty, or school lunch
managers express interest.
The bill went nowhere, but in
the intervening years members
Cheryl Chung, Carol Gabbard,
Laurie Veatch, Jim Deutch, and I
continued to encourage vegetarian school lunch options with Ha12
waii Food Service manager Gene
Kaneshiro, who has since been
succeeded by Glenna Owens.
In 2001 SCR151, very similar
to SCR84, made it through the
Senate, but HCR152, its companion, failed in the House. However, the resolutions generated
some interest on the Mainland
and the language was used for a
similar bill in California.
Finally, in 2008, Freshman
Representative Joe Bertram III,
11th District (Makena-WaileaKihei on Maui), a raw-food vegan
himself, introduced SB2136, a
mandate bill “To Require the Department of Health to Develop
Nutritionally-sound Public
School Menu Plans That Give
Students the Option of a Vegetarian School Lunch Meal.” The
video of Bertram’s March 2008
VSH talk is online (all URLs are
listed at the end of this article).
SB2136 failed as noted above,
but after modifications to some of
its Whereases and Therefores it
became SCR84 SD1, cleared the
last hurdles, and was passed with
the assistance of about 34 individuals and organizations
(including HMSA) who sent in
positive testimony.
So, after sporadic VSH efforts
spanning 15 years, the 2008 Hawaii Legislature has finally endorsed the concept that vegetarian
meals may be a healthy school
option. Where it goes from here
is anyone’s guess. However, VSH
has put up a school lunch page
and will link it to the DOE Vegetarian School Lunch URL when it
appears. Using these as a springboard, perhaps some interested
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
vegetarian parents can continue
the process we began.
A fitting finale to this win was
our May 13th speaker, John Cadman from Haiku Elementary
School on Maui. To our knowledge, John is the only school food
service manager in Hawaii offering USDA-reimbursable vegetarian options to students on a regular basis. John’s strategy to meet
the USDA requirement of 18%
protein by weight of food is to
use beans, and his web page displays many veggie bean recipes,
bean lore, and strategies for properly cooking beans. His video “A
Successful Vegetarian School
Lunch Program: One Man’s
Commitment,” will show on
Olelo and the other Public Access
TV stations sometime after June
1 2008, but it’s already online.
Cadman gave us a very clear
and entertaining overview of the
history and practicalities of the
school lunch program, and I hope
that interested parties countrywide will take advantage of it in
concert with the veggie school
lunch pages at DOE and VSH.
For my part, I don’t hold the
school lunch program responsible
for childhood obesity. It’s the
junk food that permeates society
and TV advertising, all federally
subsidized by the USDA and taxdeducted by the IRS that’s causing it. But the Hawaii DOE got
soft drinks out of the school
vending machines a couple of
years ago and that was a huge
step. SCR84, if implemented vigorously, could be another.
Contacts and websites
Typestyle and text as above
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Adult sizes: $15 each ($12-AVS members)
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Children’s sizes (Youth): $12 ($10-AVS members)
Sequoia (5 yrs), Cypress (3 yrs), and Sebastian (7 yrs)
of the Maly family, from Elmer NJ, model AVS T-shirts.
Photo: January 2008
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You use them just as you would any search engine, and they are
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Go to www.goodsearch.com or www.goodshop.com and enter
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American Vegan Society
56 Dinshah Lane, PO Box 369
Malaga NJ 08328-0908
Phone (856) 694–2887, Fax:–2288
Sign on to our
E-Alert for messages.
Congratulations to the Philadelphia Phillies, 2008 World Series Champions!
Their Citizens’ Bank Park was named North America’s Most Vegetarian-Friendly Baseball Park for 2007 and 2008. Vegan versions of hot dogs, burgers, steak sandwiches;
mock-chicken, and crabless-crabcakes are on the menu. For season updates at ball parks
across North America, see the Venue Reference Guide at www.soyhappy.org/venue.htm.
Healthy School Lunch Program Resolutions Have Been Passed in Four States:
California (2003), New York (2004), Florida (2007), and now Hawaii (2008). Texts of the resolutions,
which include provision of vegetarian and vegan meal options, may be read at www.choiceusa.net, a web
site to encourage and support such initiatives—that need public support to succeed in the long run.
Vegetarian School Lunch Resolution Passes
reprinted from The Island Vegetarian,
quarterly newsletter, Vegetarian Society of Hawaii, Vol. 19, issue 3, July-September 2008.
Contacts and Websites:
by William Harris, MD
Hawaii Department of Education Superintendent, Patricia Hamamoto: doe.k12.hi.us/about/meet_the_supt.htm, patricia_hamamoto@notes.k12.hi.us
Hawaii Board of Education: www.boe.k12.hi.us
Office of School Facilities and Support Services, School Food Service Director, Glenna Owens: 808-733-8400, glenna_owens@notes.k12.hi.us
Office of Hawaii Child Nutrition Programs, Child Nutrition Specialists, Alice Toguchi-Matsuo, Kenneth Ortiz: 808-587-3600
Office of Curriculum, Instruction & Student Support, Coordinated School Health Specialists, Dave Randall/Shirley Robinson: 808-733-9141 ext. 329
Department of Health, Departmental School Health Coordinator, Cathy Yamamoto Tanaka: 808-586-4437, cathykt@doh.hawaii.gov
DOE school lunch website: doe.k12.hi.us/foodservice/toolkit/index.htm
VSH school lunch website: www.vsh.org/links_Lunch,htm
Rep. Joe Bertram III, 11th District: 808-586-8525, repbertram@Capitol.hawaii.gov
“Vegetarian School Lunch Meal”: vsh.voip-info.org/Bertram.html
John Cadman: mauisurfer1961@gmail.com, www.thebeanpages.com, vsh.voip-info.org/Cadman.html
Positive testimony to SCR84 SD1: www.vsh.org/SCR84%20SD1.pdf
Text: www.capitol.hawaii.gov/site1/docs/getstatus2.asp?billno=SCR84
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
100% VEGAN
Kenney. Celebrity chef’s straightforward and flavorful raw food book.
40pp full-color photos. 2008, 144pp
7½x9¾” $19.99.
170 Raw Vegan Recipes. 2nd Edition ─Anna Maria Clement, PhD,
NMD, Chef Kelly Serbonich, Chef
Chad Sarno. Lavishly produced—
42pp full-color photos. 2007, 141pp
Spiral Bound 7½x11” $21.95.
REFRESH: Contemporary Vegan
Recipes from the Award-winning
Fresh Restaurants ─Ruth Tal with
Jennifer Houston. A juice bar
morphed into 3 Toronto cafés that
feed the mind, body, and soul. Quality and variety in lunch and dinner
menus, vital juices and elixirs. 33pp
full-color photos. 2007, 212pp
8½x8½” $25.95.
TOFU COOKERY: 25th Anniversary Edition ─Louise Hagler. The
updated and greatly expanded edition
of this venerable classic! More than
30 intriguing new recipes. 42pp fullcolor photos. 2008, 188pp 8x9¼”
Mingkwan. Renowned Asian culinary expert adapts Vietnamese cuisine to present time-honored favorites using completely vegan ingredients. 6pp full-color photos. 2007,
160pp 7x8” $14.95.
Cheap, and Tasty Vegan Recipes
—Carole Raymond. Recipes for
full-days’ menus, guidance and advice from a mother to the college
crowd, and high schoolers too. 2006,
225pp 5½x8¼” $13.95.
Stop Diabetes with an Easy-toFollow Plant-Based, CarbCounting Diet ─Bonnie House,
Diana Fleming, PhD, LDN, Linda
Brinegar, Linda Kennedy, Ian Blake
Newman. The companion cookbook
from the folks at the Lifestyle Center
of America, who brought us the 30Day Diabetes Miracle! 8pp fullcolor photos. 2008, 308pp 7½x9”
VEGAN FIRE & SPICE: 200 Sultry and Savory Global Recipes
─Robin Robertson. Your culinary
passport to world cuisines ranging
from mildly spiced to nearly
incendiary. Explore food of the
Americas, Mediterranean Europe,
the Middle East and Africa, India
and East Asia. Make traditional
dishes using readily available
ingredients. Best of all, you can
adjust the heat yourself and enjoy
these recipes hot —or not. 2008,
238pp 7½x9” 18.95.
VEGAN BITES: Recipes for Singles ─Beverly Lynn Bennett. Not
just quick, small quantity, vegan
recipes, but commentary opens each
chapter and adds to each dish.
Glossary of less common ingredients. 2008, 154pp 8x9¼” $15.95.
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
COMPASSIONATE COOKS: Delicious, Nutritious, Easy-to-Make
Dishes ─Colleen Patrick-Goudreau,
Alka Chandra. The engaging hosts
of this informative DVD demonstrate six tantalizing dishes, packing
them full of nutritional facts and
shopping tips. Includes a helpful
segment about finding vegetarian
products in the supermarket. 2006,
70 min DVD $19.95.
WORLD PEACE DIET: Eating for Spiritual Health and
Social Harmony ─Will Tuttle, PhD. Unabridged audio version of Tuttle’s book. MP3 format, playable on computers
and many (not all) CD players. 13 hours 26 minutes $20.00.
DIABETES: The Scientifically
Proven System for Reversing Diabetes Without Drugs ─Neal D.
Barnard, MD, Bryanna Clark
Grogan. Paperback edition of this
must-read book for anyone with diabetes. Information for many other
major health conditions, as well.
2007, 272pp 6x9” $15.95.
A Six Step Program to Create an
Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyle. Saving the Planet …One
Household at a Time ─David Gershon. With this program of environmental action, you can make a difference over a two-week period.
2008, 153pp 8½x11” $14.95.
GOD: Compassion for Animals as
Christian Spirituality ─Annika
Spalde, Pelle Strindlund. Beyond
doctrine and obedience, God’s
compassion is the core of Christianity. Concerned about being
Christian in a world shared by other
beings, Spalde and Strindlund blend
stories of compassion for animals
from throughout religious history
with accounts of modern activism
and their personal witness. Encourages
Christians of all denominations to
follow this powerful tradition. 2008,
162pp 6x9” $18.00.
SKINNY BITCH: Bun in the Oven
─Rory Freedman, Kim Barnouin.
The smart and sassy SB girls are
back with their third book, another
no-nonsense guide, this time dedicated to the pregnant vegan. 2008,
329pp 5¼x7¼” $14.95.
on the Abolition of Animal Exploitation ─Gary L. Francione. Advocates a wholly consistent animal
rights position which is uncompromisingly against any use and abuse
of animals. Pro-vegan, and rigorously argued. 2008, 235pp 6¼x9¼”
Hard $35.00.
Hearts and Minds About Animals
and Food ─Gene Baur. Leading
animal rights activist examines the
real cost of meat on our plates—for
humans and animals alike—in this
provocative and thorough examination of the modern farm industry.
2008, 287pp 6½x9½” Hard $25.00.
Guide for Global Health ─John
McCabe; fwd: David Wolfe. The
new bible (reference book), on how
to live ecologically for Mother
Earth, from a vegan’s point of view.
2007, 562pp 6x9” $29.95.
30% Discount to
AVS Members on all Books
until December 31 2008.
Thereafter: 20% discount,
30% for 10 or more books.
Order from
American Vegan Society, PO Box 369, Malaga NJ 08328
Phone: 856-694-2887, Fax: 856-694-2288
Free shipping by media mail within the U.S.
Shipping & Handling minimums on foreign orders: Canada: $20.00.
Other countries: $30.00 or $50.00. Purchaser responsible for import taxes.
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
The Raw Beet
The Living Light Culinary Arts Center
Paulette Eisen
I arrived at the Living
Light Culinary Arts Center in Fort Bragg on the
day that the associateraw-food-gourmet chefs
were doing their demos.
I was ready to immerse
myself in a full experience
of wonderful cuisine—as
taught by Cherie Soria.
My interest had first
been aroused a few years
ago at a big gala event in
Los Angeles where
Cherie’s delectable creations were served—such
flavors and textures as I
would not have known
were possible.
The next opportunity to meet
her was when I attended the Raw
Food Festival in Portland Oregon,
and was equally impressed.
Cherie not only revealed that she
was a top-notch gourmet-rawfoods chef, but also an incredibly
gifted teacher and organizer. Her
skills were so superior to anyone
else’s I had so far experienced in
the raw food movement that I attended every single demo she
gave at this three-day event. It
was at this function that I learned
about her Living Light Culinary
Arts Center in Fort Bragg California, where she teaches students
the skills and information they
need to become qualified rawfood chefs.
The school that Cherie and her
husband Dan Ladermann estab16
wood paneling everywhere. The equipment is
all cutting-edge. At the
back of the demo room,
an audio-visual technician is able to sit at a
computer and monitor
and press buttons that
angle multiple cameras
to optimize the view of
the food being prepared.
I watched one student
after another as they did
their demos. These men
and women were not
only being taught how to
skillfully prepare gourmet raw foods, but also
Dan Ladermann and Cherie Soria how to demonstrate and
Photo: Living Light Culinary Arts Center teach others how to do
it. They were also exlished is housed in a beautifully pected to know about the ingredirenovated old building that used ents they were using—from their
to be the Union Lumber Com- culinary history to their nutripany department store, when Fort tional components. These stuBragg was a lumber town. A third dents are required to be able to
of the building now contains the teach the curriculum of the
school, the attached deli/café, and school. They are given prep
the Living Light Marketplace sheets of what to prepare for their
store. The café offers a great se- demos. Cherie has these prep
lection of juices, smoothies, raw sheets highly structured and very
sandwiches, salads, raw soups, thorough, but at the same time
entrées, and desserts. The Mar- she encourages her students to
ketplace is the ultimate store for bring their own ideas and uniqueraw-food chefs, offering gadgets ness to their demos.
and equipment that is used in the
I was impressed with most of
school, as well as raw-food the students and felt enriched by
books, DVDs, specialty oils, and their presentations. I had a few
other special ingredients.
minutes between demos to talk
The school itself has been with some of them. I discovered
beautifully constructed, with that they were from different
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
countries and were there for different reasons. Some were raw
foodists and others were not.
Some wanted to apply their new
skills professionally, after
graduation, while others just
wanted to learn more about preparing raw-food cuisine. All
were very enthused about being
My visit to the Living Light
Culinary Arts Center was indeed
a special, uplifting adventure. I
felt nourished and inspired.
Cherie and Dan were very gracious
and it was wonderful to meet
their staff—people who clearly
loved what they were doing.
Cherie and Dan also hold the
annual Vibrant Living Expo at
the Center during the fourth
week in August (August 21-23
2009). It attracts most of the
leaders and founders of the raw
food movement. For more information on the school and the Vibrant Living Expo, you may visit
www.RawFoodChef.com. Phone:
800-816-2319. Living Light Culinary Arts Institute, 301-B N
Main St, Fort Bragg CA 95437.
(Left) Cherie Soria, now in her
60s, on cover of her new book
DIET: Feast, Lose Weight,
Gain Energy, Feel Younger,
written with nutritional guidance
from Brenda Davis, RD, Vesanto
Melina, MS, RD. 2008, 238pp
8x9” $21.95.
Cherie’s Story
Alex Malinsky, a young, exciting and up-and-coming raw-food
chef himself, interviewed Cherie a
few months ago about herself
and her school. Here are some
excerpts from that interview:
How did you start on raw
foods? I began my raw journey
in 1992 when I went to Puerto
Rico to study with Dr. Ann
Wigmore, after reading books
about the amazing results she
achieved using wheat grass and
raw food to heal cancer and other
terminal illnesses. I was curious
about Dr. Wigmore’s work and
thought a vacation in Puerto Rico
sounded like a good idea. I had
no intention of trading my
cooked-vegan diet for a raw-food
diet, but after witnessing the
amazing healings that transpired
there, I came home a true believer in the power of the rawfood lifestyle. I knew that the
majority of Dr. Wigmore’s clients
would return to their old ways of
eating, because her diet was de-
signed for cleansing and healing.
I understood human nature
enough to know that most people
would be bored to death if forced
to eat that way the rest of their
lives, because food has to feed
more than the body, more than
the emotions—food must nourish
the soul. So, as soon as I returned
home, I began creating foods that
were delicious, satisfying, comforting, and nourishing. Foods
like lasagna, burritos, burgers,
spaghetti, pizza, brownies, and
ice cream, are not easily forgotten. My goal became to make
them organic, raw, and healthpromoting—leading to the birth
of the gourmet raw cuisine I
teach today.
Then I began teaching rawvegan culinary arts—first in my
home, then through community
colleges and vegetarian conferences throughout the country. In
1996, I published my first recipe
book, ANGEL FOODS: Healthy
Recipes for Heavenly Bodies. I
included some cooked vegan
recipes in it, because I wanted
the raw message to reach people
who had no idea what raw-living
foods were. In those days, there
were no gourmet-raw-recipe
books. Later, my friendship with
Viktoras Kulvinskas motivated
me to start Living Light Culinary
Arts Institute.
How did Viktoras influence
you to create a culinary institute? When I studied with Dr.
Ann Wigmore, I had already
been teaching vegetarian culinary
arts for 20 years. Dr. Ann loved
the raw foods I was inspired to
create and she told me that I
would be a beacon of light for
her teachings. She suggested that
I go out and share my delicious
raw-living cuisine with the world,
so I took her advice and stopped
teaching the cooked-vegan classes
and began teaching classes in rawvegan foods. I spent every spare
moment creating my new culinary
art: gourmet-raw-vegan cuisine.
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
Cooking Class at the
Living Light Culinary Arts Center
Photo: LLCAI
Also, I began catering the
National Essene Gatherings at
Breitenbush Hot Springs and
became friends with Viktoras
Kulvinskas. He and his wife
Youkta loved the raw-vegan
gourmet cuisine I was creating,
and invited me to cater their
yearly retreat for women in the
healing arts. Viktoras was adamant that my new style of cuisine
should be taught to the top chefs
in the world. About the same
time, I met an inspiring woman
named Dr. Janedare Winston, a
professor and teacher of the living-food lifestyle, who insisted I
should devote myself to teaching
teachers, so there would be an
army of people sharing the livefood lifestyle with the world.
“One person can only do so
much,” she told me. I felt I had
received a mandate from these
three people, whom I admired, to
create a school designed for the
purpose of teaching individuals,
chefs, and instructors of raw living foods. I called it Living Light
Culinary Arts Institute because I
wanted it to reflect the interconnection of all things, and kept
remembering what Dr. Ann had
said to me about being a beacon
of light for her teachings. I also
wanted it to express my commitment to living lightly on the land,
eating light, and being in the
light, so Living Light Culinary
Arts Institute was born.
Who are some of the raw
chefs who have trained at Liv18
ing Light Institute, or written
recipe books? Roxanne Klein,
who was recently featured on the
cover of Bon Appétit magazine as
one of the ten most innovative
chefs of the decade, trained with
us about a year before she
opened her highly acclaimed restaurant, Roxanne’s. I placed one
of my protégés, Chad Sarno, and
another chef training graduate,
Suzanne Alex Ferrara, with Roxanne to help her with recipe and
menu development for the restaurant. All three of them have since
written recipe books of their
own. There are many other internationally-known instructors of
raw foods who have trained with
us and several who have authored raw-recipe books. Some
came to us as novices and others
were already raw-food chefs and
teachers, but wanted an opportunity to work with me personally.
The number of people who have
taken our workshops or graduated
from our chef trainings who have
written recipe books are too numerous to mention. A few names
you may recognize are the
Boutenkos, Renee LouxUnderkoffler, Alicia Ojeda,
Elaina Love, Nomi Shannon,
Rose Lee Calabro, Matt Samuelson,
Ito, and Rayek.
Your book, Angel Foods, has
a spiritual quality along with
both cooked and raw food
preparation. Would you share
the essential message of the
book with our readers? Are
you planning another book? I
spent many years championing
EarthSave and learned the importance of meeting people where
they are. That is why my book,
Angel Foods, is not 100% raw. It
is 100% vegan and contains
about 125 raw recipes and 125
cooked recipes. I feel my place is
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
to help people move in the direction of healthy living without
judgment about where they are or
how far they want to go. I have a
gentle approach and consequently
attract a lot of people who are not
vegetarians when they first come
to our school. My book reflects
my spiritual approach to life. Believing that love and appreciation
are powerful creators, I use
prayer and intention as a means
of creating a joyful life. It was
inconceivable to me to separate
my spiritual self and my work,
even though I was warned that
many health-food stores would
not carry a recipe book that included spiritual content. I have a
second book in print that was
written in Spanish: Comiendo
Pura Vida, meaning “Eating Pure
Life”, which is 100% raw. I coauthored it with a Costa Rican,
Rodrigo Crespo. Angel Foods
has now been published in German and I am working on a third
raw book, and have two others
that will follow.
The raw food movement has
grown a lot in the last few
years. Where do you see it
heading? The raw-food movement is growing faster than the
vegetarian movement did in its
infancy because people don’t
have to give anything up. They
can simply add more delicious
raw foods to their diet. The more
they eat the better they feel. Raw
food is less threatening than diets
that restrict certain foods. Also, it
just makes sense to people that
the more raw food they eat the
better they will feel. We have
over 300 Living Light instructor
graduates out there sharing this
message with people who are
sharing with others, and so forth.
It is exponential growth.
Cherie’s Recipes
Cherie’s Recipes
Here are some recipes of condiments that were
prepared in the demos on the day Paulette was there:
Cashew “Mayonnaise”
Hot Mustard
(Yield: 1½ cups—6 servings)
(Yield: 1 pint—36 servings)
1 cup cashews, soaked 4 hours,
rinsed, and drained
6 Tbsp. purified water
2 Tbsp. olive oil
2 Tbsp. flax oil
1½ Tbsp. lemon juice
2 dates, pitted
1 tsp. onion powder
¾ tsp. solar-dried sea salt
½ tsp. garlic powder
pinch white pepper
Purée all of the ingredients in
a blender, stopping the blender to
scrape down the sides with a
spatula and resuming blending
until the “mayonnaise” is completely smooth and emulsified.
Store in airtight container in
the refrigerator up to two weeks.
½ cup mustard seeds
(preferably a mix of yellow and
brown), soaked 8 to 12 hours
and drained
½ cup lemon juice
¼ cup water
9 pitted dates or 2 Tbsp. agave*
2 Tbsp. unpasteurized tamari
or ½ Tbsp. salt
Purée all ingredients together
in a blender to form a smooth
Store in a sealed glass jar in
the refrigerator for two weeks
before using—to allow it to
mellow. Keeps for up to two
months in the refrigerator.
*syrup from agave cactus
Trio of Condiments with Zoomburger.
(Zoomburger recipe in The Raw Revolution)
Real Tomato Ketchup
(Yield: 2 cups—12 servings)
2 cups chopped tomatoes
3/8 cup sun-dried tomato powder
1½ Tbsp. evaporated cane juice
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
1 Tbsp. tamarind paste,
or 2 tsp. additional lemon juice
¾ tsp. solar-dried sea salt
pinch white pepper
Purée all of the ingredients in
a blender, or food processor outfitted with the “S” blade.
Store in a sealed glass jar in
the refrigerator for up to one week.
A Raw Food Program should not be followed dogmatically. There are important benefits from eating uncooked
food. A general goal of taking one third to one half of one’s diet raw is good for the average person, but individual
needs and constitutions should be considered. As an elimination diet for curative purposes, a raw food program may
be followed for a limited period of time. And it is good for losing weight. Those who are very active and/or want to
gain weight probably need some cooked food, including beans. Due to metabolism rates, older women who tend to
be overweight may adapt well to eating all or most food uncooked, whereas for men, growing children, and others to
do so would be too limiting. So, explore, have fun, and enjoy raw food. Let it become a vital part your diet!.–Ed.
Participate in nutrition research, investigating the long-term effects of vegan diets,
by any or all of these ways:
Complete a questionnaire.
Provide blood and urine samples for
lab testing—fee charged.
Donate tax-deductible funding.
Michael Klaper, MD, Director
Institute of Nutrition
Education & Research
1601 N Sepulveda Ave #342
Manhattan Beach CA 90266
feeds the hungry
without exploiting animals
VEGFAM ℅ Cwm Cottage
Cwmynys, Cilycwm, LLandovery, Carmarthenshire
Checks to American Vegan Society designated
projects only or projects & administrative costs,
and marked for overseas relief will be forwarded in £s
Or Vegfam’s online giving facility
can be used from the U.S.
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
Question Time:
Why Is Our Teen So Thin?
Query: Hi. I need some help
with my teenage son’s being vegan. He's 16 yrs. old and my wife
and I want to support him. Trouble is in two months he's lost 12
lbs. and is now a very thin and
pale looking 111 lbs. and 5'6"
tall. He has stopped growing
taller as well. He was always
thin to begin with. This is pretty
scary for us as parents. We want
to support his principles, so what
can we do? Why is he so thin?
And getting thinner? We often
have to remind him to eat and
then eat good food choice combinations to get the nutrients he
needs. Do you have some suggestions, please?
AVS: In their book, Becoming
Vegan, dieticians Brenda Davis
and Vesanto Melina make these
recommendations to teenagers,
which we summarize:
● Eat breakfast: scrambled tofu
on toast, oatmeal with sunflower
seeds and raisins, etc.
● Replace meat with protein-rich
plant foods: veggie "meats", tofu,
beans (many kinds, many ways),
nuts, seeds, and their "butters".
● Replace cow milk with soy
milk (Drink it. Put it on cereal, in
soups, etc.)
● Eat plenty of vegetables—raw
and cooked. Especially greens.
● Buy Red Star® Vegetarian
Support Formula Nutritional
Yeast (which is fortified with
vitamin B12). Use like parmesan
cheese, on and in foods.
● Use flax oil on food.
● A multi-vitamin-mineral supplement, although not necessary
if you eat well, may be advisable
if eating habits are haphazard.
George Eisman RD says, in A
Basic Course in Vegetarian &
Vegan Nutrition, regarding underweight: "Because of the high
fiber content of most vegetarian
diets, there is a tendency to eat
fewer calories if the same volume of food is eaten. This can
easily be overcome by eating a
greater volume of food at each
meal, and/or by eating more
frequent meals."
As much as possible, avoid
junk food. Eat nutritious whole
grains such as brown rice and
brown bread. Hummus, a spread
made from chick peas and tahini
(sesame seed) with flavorings, is
a good staple food to have
around to eat any time on bread
or crackers, or as a dip with raw
vegetables. Baked potatoes with
toppings are tasty. Mashed yams
with nut butter make a lovely
sandwich filling.
Most people do not eat recommended amounts of fresh fruit
and raw vegetables. But vegans
eating raw salads may not have
time to eat enough calories, or
may be expending too much energy for calories gained. Take a
hot soup for a lunchtime change;
eat over rice or with a sandwich.
Vegan teens need to look out
for themselves, learn basic nutrition, even cook and self-cater.
Otherwise, there are situations
where they will go hungry.
When eating out, take a small
can of beans, and/or grated nuts,
to add to a basic pasta marinara
and salad. Ask for mushrooms.
Request slices of tofu on tomato
pizza (under the sauce), veggies
on top. In towns lacking better
eateries, do this until adequate
menus for vegans arrive.
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
Exercise! While some people exercise to lose weight, thin
teens can benefit from weight
training (followed by a good
meal) to put on some pounds.
Being thinner than average
Americans is desirable. Being
too thin or anorexic is a problem that needs to be addressed.
Another suggestion for calorie-dense nutrition is to eat fruit
cake or muffins. Preferably, all or
most flour should be whole grain.
An applesauce or carrot cake recipe—with added raisins, dates,
walnuts and sunflower seeds is
good. Muffins are handy for teens
on the run. The advantage of cake
and muffins over eating handfuls
of nuts and raisins is that they
move through the digestive system
more slowly and the nutrition has
time to be absorbed.
Above all, a vegan diet should
not be restrictive. Most people
who become and stay vegan eat a
more interesting and varied menu
than before—all from plants.
Pile it up! Make a “pyramid”
or “haystack” on your plate.
Layer the food groups. Use a
base of rice, potatoes, bread, or
pasta. Add greens and vegetables
(raw and cooked), then beans (or
peas or lentils), and garnish with
avocado, olives, nuts, seeds, or a
dressing incorporating them. Eat
dessert for extra calories: puddings, pies, cakes, and vegan ice
“cream”. Add dried fruits and nut
butters to snacks of fresh fruits
and raw vegetables.
Have confidence. The American Dietetic Association has endorsed well-planned vegan diets
at all stages of life.
More help with meal planning
is at www.NutritionMD.com.
Consult a registered dietitian
if need be—a good one will give
advice within the context of your
See book list for teens on next page.
Employees at Pig Farm Charged
October 23 2008 According to reports by the People For the Ethical
Treatment of Animals (PETA), their undercover investigation last month
on an Iowa pig farm (that breeds piglets to supply Hormel) revealed that
pregnant pigs were confined to barren gestation crates, beaten with metal
gate rods, and kicked by farm workers. Workers were documented shocking pigs and spraying toxic
paint around their eyes and up their noses, and one supervisor even raped a pig with a cane.
The Greene County Sheriff stated in a news release dated October 22 2008 that six individuals employed by the farm at the time of PETA's investigation now face a total of 22 counts of livestock neglect and abuse.
Those charged include a former farm manager and a supervisor. Fourteen of the counts are aggravated misdemeanors—the stiffest possible charges under Iowa state law for crimes committed against
farmed animals—and each carry up to two years behind bars. Such charges are unprecedented.
Further information from People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA): PETA, 501 Front St,
Norfolk VA 23510, Ph: 757-622-PETA (7382), Fax: 757-622-0457, www.peta.org.
Teen Book List:
Edition Revised ─George Eisman,
MA, MSc, RD. 2006, 148pp 8½ x11”
BECOMING VEGAN: The Complete Guide to Adopting a PlantBased Diet —Brenda Davis, RD and
Vesanto Melina, RD, MS. 2000,
224pp 8x11" $17.95.
Fast-food favorites—veg’n versions.
1993, 55pp 5¼x8½" $5.00.
—Anne Dinshah. For the high
school and college crowd. 1999,
128pp 6x9" Otabind lie-flat $8.95.
MUNCHIE MADNESS: Vegetarian Meals for Teens —Dorothy R.
Bates, Bobbie Hinman, Robert Oser;
nutr. info: Suzanne Havala, MS, RD,
FADA. Excellent info (particularly
for non-vegetarian parents of vegan
teens). 2001, 159pp 6x9" $9.95.
Cheap, and Tasty Vegan Recipes
—Carole Raymond. 2006, 225pp
5½x8¼” $13.95.
These books are available, from
the American Vegan Society.
Take 20% discount.
Letters to Editors
Cut the Meat
Re: “The Cost of Steak”
Opinion, Aug 23 2008
A Healthier Diet Choice
Re: “What’s Not for Dinner”
Editorial, June 9 2008
Paul Roberts does a terrific
job of laying out the case
against factory farms. I have
only one complaint. He expresses concern about the rising
meat prices that will accompany
the return to more traditional
methods of raising meat animals, but neglects to mention
the benefit: With higher prices,
people will eat less meat.
Meat consumption is associated with high rates of heart
disease, hypertension, and colon cancer; it is a vastly less
efficient means of providing
food in terms of water and grain
usage; and it is a huge contributor to greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere.
I say, let those prices soar,
and pass the hummus. We’ll all
be better off.
I’m glad to read that the
United Nations acknowledges
that our appetite for meat products has exacerbated climate
As a nutritionist, I would also
like to underscore the heavy toll
that our meat-laden diets take
on our personal health.
Many studies indicate that
the consumption of high-fat,
meat-heavy diets contributes to
obesity, diabetes, heart disease
—even some forms of cancer.
These chronic diseases,
which can be prevented in part
by consuming a healthy, plantbased diet, also cost billions in
taxpayer dollars.
Choosing the veggie burger
over the cheeseburger isn’t just
the best choice for our planet,
its also the best choice for our
own health.
Catherine McCallum, Monrovia CA
Los Angeles Times 8-30-08
Joseph Keon, Greenbrae CA
Los Angeles Times 9-13-08
Clippings of Letters to Editors printed in mainstream newspapers or
magazines that express a vegan viewpoint may be submitted to American Vegan Society by the writer, or a reader, to qualify the writer for a
free one-year membership and subscription to American Vegan.
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
Book Review:
The Asian Vegan Kitchen:
Authentic and Appetizing Dishes from a
Continent of Rich Flavors
by Hema Parekh
Most of the wonderful vegetarian and vegan Asian cookbooks
concentrate on Chinese, Japanese
and/or Indian dishes. The Asian
Vegan Kitchen includes these
and adds the cuisines of Burma,
Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia,
Malaysia, and Korea.
Recipes include soups, salads,
snacks; main, noodle, and rice
dishes; desserts, and drinks,
from each country.
Born into a Jain family in India,
Hema Parekh has been a strict
vegetarian since birth. Now living in Tokyo, she learned to
cook from people from around
the world. This book focuses on
recipes that Asians eat daily in
their homes. As she says,
“Nothing can compare with a
meal put together in the comfort
of your own kitchen, in the
warmth of your home, for the
people you love.”
Each dish includes both the
English and Asian name—for
example, Vietnamese Pancakes
Rolled with Vegetables – Banh
xeo chey. This is very helpful
for English speakers who want
the name to describe the food,
but also want to know what it’s
“really” called.
The glossary describes the exotic ingredients, and sometimes
offers more common substitutions. Descriptions of each
country’s unique dining style
precedes the recipes.
India: “Piquant spices are at
the heart of Indian cooking, adding zing, color, and energy. … Yet
spices are not just an indulgence
of the palate; they also impart a
medicinal benefit to the food.”
Japan: “Like all things Japanese, discipline, detailing, and
aesthetics define the country’s
cuisine. …The subtle flavors...
gently mingle to give a harmonious whole that is Japanese in its
elegance and frugality.”
China: “What would we do
without the wok… or the endless
ways to cook noodles. ... Spring
rolls and sweet corn soup … Ma
po dou fu, silky tofu cubes swimming in the hot sauce … quickly
tossed fried rice.”
Thailand: “Just the mention
of Thailand brings startlingly
clear images of food to my mind:
fiery red curry, sweet and sour
pad thai noodles, vibrant papaya
salad. The aromas are there as
Vietnam: “The northern region … uses black pepper and
ginger, while Central Vietnamese cuisine tends to be hotter
and spicier. South Vietnamese
food incorporates a lot of fruit
and vegetables. And France’s
long presence in the country is
evident from the Vietnamese
love of potatoes, asparagus,
and French bread.”
Indonesia: “Satay, Gado
gado, Soto, Sayur lodeh, Sambal terong, Nasi joreng, Sambal,
Bakvan, Sambal goreng, Tempeh. These exotic sounding
names … [are] the fabulous
dishes that make up the Indonesian culinary repertoire.”
Burma: “The Burmese restaurant...in a posh residential
[area] of Tokyo...transported
me to a land of orange-robed
monks and golden pagodas
[where] meditation and discipline are a natural part of the
people’s upbringing.”
Malaysia: “Since so much of
Malaysia’s cuisine is influenced
by its neighbors...and its immigrant populations..., the country
deserves its reputation as the
melting pot of Asia’s culinary
Korea: “A typical Korean table consists of colorful bowls of
kimchi, simple vegetable dishes
known as namul and chorim, a
spicy soup, and sometimes noo-
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
Authentic and Appetizing
Dishes from a Continent of
Rich FlavorsHema Parekh,
32pp full-color photos. 2007,
192pp 7½x10” $19.95.
dles, all arranged beautifully and
served with a heaping bowl of
piping hot white rice. … But it is
the chili pepper and the enthusiasm with which it is used that
sets Korean cookery apart from
other cuisines.”
The recipes include clear instructions and ingredient lists.
Spice combinations are explained,
demonstrating the subtle nuances
and flavors unique to each nation.
Perhaps the only shortcoming
is the index, sorted by main ingredient and not by the name of
the dish. It is difficult to find a
recipe if you don’t already know
what it contains. But the index
does list dishes more than once
if there are several main ingredients.
The Asian Vegan Kitchen is a
marvelous cookbook, filled with
delights for the palate of anyone
who craves flavor and adventure
on their plate.
My favorite recipes include
Japanese Vegetable Pancakes
(Okonomiyaki), Korean Cucumber
Kimchi (Oi kimchi) and Indonesian Fried Rice (Nasi goreng).
I’m looking forward to preparing
many other dishes.
Reviewed by Maureen Koplow
Kids Make a Difference Invites You to Celebrate
Saturday November 1 2008 1pm-5pm
Animal Acres, 5200 Escondido Canyon Rd, Acton CA 93510
Ph: 661-269-5404, www.animalacres.org, info@animalacres.org
A Celebration of Food, Music, Company & Living!
Prizes Voting for LA's Best Vegan Restaurant Scrumptious Foods
Uplifting Live Music Loving Visits with the Rescued Animals
Pay at the door, but RSVP in advance to: RSVP@VeganDay.info
Goodie-bags with a copy American Vegan and other vegan goodies,
(worth more than the price of admission) will go to those who RSVP first.
$10 Adult Admission, $5 Child Admission
Invite your Non-Vegan Friends!
Be sure to also celebrate at LA's wonderful vegan restaurants, and then email your vote,
by December 1st, to Vote@veganday.info for “LA's Best Vegan Food in 2008”.
For more info, and a list of LA restaurants, visit www.veganday.info or phone 818-344-7838.
Thursday, October 30 2008, TIME online acknowledged November 1 as World Vegan Day in an article
by Claire Suddath entitled A Brief History of Veganism.
PlanYour 2009 Celebration Now!
For the health of people, the environment, and farmed animals,
veganism is the best choice. World VEGAN Day embodies this
idea. As an international campaign, it encourages people around
the world to experience the benefits and joys of a more compassionate way of life.
Share a vegan meal with family and friends
Enter cooking competitions, using vegan recipes
Talk & write about veganism and respect for animals
Hand out vegan literature
Show a DVD
Ask cafeterias to serve vegan meals
Contact a local newspaper to do a feature story
For more info, visit www.worldgovegandays.com.
Observed since
Worldwide Events listed at
Download these booklet guides:
"Veganism gives us all the opportunity to say what we
'stand for' in life-- the ideal of healthy, humane living.
Add decades to your life, with a clear conscience as a
bonus." —Donald Watson, Founder of The Vegan Society
●Vegan Catering for All
●Vegan Catering Guide for
Hospitals and Care Homes
The founder of American Vegan Society, H. Jay Dinshah (1933-2000), had his birthday on
November 2. He was a lonely voice promoting the vegan ideal across the U.S. in the early 1960s,
lecturing around the world in 1967-68, and continuing through the 70s, 80s and 90s. His fervor
ignited many of today’s vegan and animal rights leaders to passionate advocacy.
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
(Yield: 6 servings)
large onion, chopped
Tbsp. olive oil
cups sliced fresh mushrooms
Tbsp. dill weed
Tbsp. Hungarian paprika, or
more, to taste
1 Tbsp. tamari
2 cups vegetable stock or water
3 Tbsp. whole wheat flour
1 cup soymilk or unsweetened
Nut Milk1
½ tsp. salt (optional)
freshly ground black pepper,
to taste
Tofu Sour Cream2 (optional)
Additional dried dill weed, fresh
dill weed, paprika (optional)
Sauté onion in olive oil until
soft, about 10 minutes. Add
mushrooms, dill weed, ½ cup
stock or water, tamari, and paprika. Cover and simmer 15
Place flour and soymilk or
nut milk in blender and process
briefly until smooth. (Or use a
wire whisk, making sure mixture has no lumps.) Stir into
mushroom mixture and cook,
uncovered, stirring almost constantly, until thickened. Stir in
remaining stock or water and
season with salt, pepper, and
some additional dill weed or paprika, to taste. Cook until hot,
but do not boil.
Garnish with a dollop of tofu
sour cream and fresh dill weed,
if desired.
(Yield: 1 quart)
½ cup raw nuts (almonds—
blanched, cashews, sesame
seeds, or mixture)
4 cups water
Place nuts or seeds with 2
cups water in blender and process on high for 2-4 minutes.
Strain well through a very fine
strainer or cheesecloth to remove ground nut meal. (Meal
may be used as a body scrub!)
Blend in remaining water.
(Yield: 6-8 servings)
1½ cups whole wheat pastry
1/3 cup Tasty Topping
½ cup melted vegan margarine
3 Tbsp. water
2 Tbsp. olive oil
⅛-¼ tsp. asafetida
1 cup cauliflower florets
½ cup sliced carrots
¼ cup sliced zucchini
1¼ cups Tofu Sour Cream2
½ cup Tasty Topping3
1 cup Cashew Cheddar Cheeze
2 Tbsp. arrowroot powder
½ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. black pepper,
freshly ground
⅛ tsp. turmeric
¼ cup water-packed artichoke
hearts, drained well and quartered
CRUST: Blend together flour,
Tasty Topping3 and margarine.
Add water, a little at a time. Pat
mixture on bottom and along
sides of 9” quiche pan. Bake at
400°F. for 8 minutes.
FILLING: In a large skillet, heat
olive oil and asafetida*. Add
cauliflower and carrots and stir
to coat evenly. Cover and cook
over medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add
zucchini and cook 5 minutes
In a large bowl, combine
Tofu Sour Cream2, Tasty Topping3, Cashew Cheddar Cheeze
Spread4, arrowroot, salt, pepper, and turmeric. Fold in sautéed vegetables and quartered
artichoke hearts. Pour into prepared crust. Bake at 400°F. for
40 minutes until the edges of
quiche are brown and quiche is
golden. Remove from oven and
allow to rest about 30 minutes
before cutting and serving.
Jo’s Recipes
(Story next page)
(Yield: 1¼ cups)
10 oz. firm silken tofu, drained
3 Tbsp. vegetable oil
1 tsp. brown rice syrup
Juice of 1 lemon
½ tsp. salt, or to taste
Blend all ingredients until
very smooth, in blender or food
processor. Store in refrigerator.
(Yield: about ¾ cup)
6 Tbsp. raw hulled sesame
8 Tbsp. nutritional yeast flakes
½ tsp. salt
½ tsp. Vegesal
1 tsp. onion powder
pinch of asafetida
pinch of ground dill seed
Grind sesame seeds in a
small blender jar, seed mill, or
an electric spice grinder or coffee grinder until they are a fine
powder. Blend with remaining
ingredients. Store in a covered
shaker container or a jar.
(Yield: 3 cups)
½ cup raw cashews
1 cup water
2 whole pimentos, drained and
cut into large pieces (about
1 cup)
½ tsp. salt (or to taste)
½ tsp. Vegesal
2½ tsp. onion powder
4 Tbsp. nutritional yeast
2 cups tahini
1/3 cup lemon juice (use up to ¾
cup, depending upon taste)
Blend together all ingredients, except tahini, until very
smooth. Pour into a bowl and
stir in just enough tahini to
achieve the consistency you
like. The spread keeps well in
the refrigerator, or frozen.
These recipes are from Jo’s first cookbook, written with Kathy
Hecker, ECOLOGICAL COOKING, 1991, 228 pp 6x9” $10.95.
Look for Zucchini Fritters on page 130.
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
Jo and Michael
Anne Dinshah talks with Jo Stepaniak
Jo Stepaniak is a rare vegan gem who inspires people with her
sixteen dazzling books on vegan living and cooking. Her website is
Grassroots Veganism with Jo Stepaniak, www.vegsource.com/jo/,
which provides recipes, essays on vegan living, quotes, and
advice. She invites readers to “Ask Jo!” where she answers
questions about vegan ethics, philosophy, practical
applications, and living compassionately. I asked Jo about
her dating experience with her husband Michael.
Anne: When and how did you
become vegetarian?
Jo: I became a vegetarian in the
mid-sixties. I didn’t know much
about it back then, and I didn’t
know any other vegetarians.
There were precious few books or
other resources available on the
subject, so I just winged it. I’m
sure I was not the ideal vegetarian, as there were many of the
finer points I wasn’t aware of.
My motivation was simply a deep
feeling in my heart that killing
and eating other animals was inherently wrong. I became vegan
about sixteen years later along
with my husband, Michael.
Anne: How did you meet Michael?
Jo: Michael and I met when I
was a teacher at a sheltered workshop for adults with multiple
physical and mental challenges.
Michael knew one of the other
teachers at the workshop and
found out that there was a job
opening for a production manager.
When he interviewed for the position, our eyes met, and it was
literally love at first sight for both
of us. Luckily, he got the job!
Anne: What was your first date?
First meal?
Jo: Our first date was a long hike
in a state forest in West Virginia
about a week after we met. If I
recall correctly, I packed a picnic
lunch of hummus, pickle, and alfalfa sprout sandwiches on homemade whole-wheat buns and fresh
fruit for dessert.
Anne: How did he learn you
were vegetarian? His response?
Jo: I told him right up front that I
was a vegetarian. I don’t think he
said much in response—even
though I was the first vegetarian
he had ever met. I think our attraction for each other was so
strong that he would have gone
out with me no matter what.
Anne: What was memorable
about dating a non-veg in the
early days of your relationship?
Jo: The most memorable aspect
of dating a non-veg in the early
part of our relationship was that
Michael never challenged me or
questioned my choice. He just
“went with the flow,” so to speak.
He never ate meat in front of me
or around me, so it wasn’t an issue.
Anne: When did you decide he
was “the one”?
Jo: I knew the minute I saw Michael that I had to get to know
him. And once I got to know him,
I knew I couldn’t let him get away.
Anne: How big a role did your
ability to cook play in your relationship, his eating habits, and
your happiness together?
Jo: My ability to cook played a
huge role in our relationship. I
literally wooed him with food. I
was really big into cooking in
those days and making everything
from scratch including homemade bread, yogurt, and mayonnaise, as well as sprouting and
container gardening. Fortunately,
Michael has always been a good
eater and loves vegetables, so it
was easy to please him. Over the
years, he has consistently enjoyed
what I’ve prepared.
Anne: What was a favorite menu
you might have enjoyed when
you were getting to know each
Jo: It’s hard to remember what I
cooked over thirty years ago, but
I do recall that the first dinner I
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
made for Michael was an unusual
concoction of bulgur, red cabbage, Red Delicious apples, and
red onions. Some of the other
dishes he fondly remembers are
zucchini fritters with spearmint,
vegetarian chili with cornbread,
mixed vegetable quiche, openface sandwiches made with
shredded vegetables and cauliflower piled high on toasted English muffins and drizzled with a
creamy Dijon-dill mayonnaise
sauce, split pea soup, Hungarian
mushroom soup, spaghetti-squash
casserole, stuffed eggplant, and
always, always brownies. We
also had a favorite restaurant that
we frequented regularly because
the atmosphere was romantic and
they had a fabulous salad bar.
Although our courtship was so
long ago, one of the main difficulties with remembering what I
cooked in the early days is that I
rarely made the same thing twice.
I loved experimenting in the
kitchen and trying out new recipes and techniques. Michael was
the primary tester of my recipes
from the get-go and during all the
development of the recipes for
my cookbooks.
Anne: When and how did he become vegetarian?
Jo: When we decided to get married, which was just three months
after we met, I told Michael that I
would not allow any meat in
“my” kitchen. It was “mine” because, although Michael was involved with everything around
the house from car care to cleaning to laundry, he was not yet
willing to prepare food. He told
me that he could live with not
having meat in the house, but he
didn’t want me strong-arming
him into becoming vegetarian. He
told me that if he was ever going
to be vegetarian, it would have to
be his own decision, on his own
terms, for his own reasons, and in
his own time. I am very grateful
that by the time we did get married
(which was three months later, a
total of six months after we met),
he had made the choice on his
own, with no coercion from me.
Anne: When and why did you
both become vegan?
Jo: When I met Michael, I had
been considering eliminating
eggs and dairy products from my
diet. Although I’m not sure of the
exact reasons why, I am confident
there was both a health and ethical motivation. However, since he
was so new to vegetarianism, I
didn’t want to rock the boat with
something that might seem so
extreme. So, I waited until we
were married two years and he
was well settled into the vegetarian way. When I brought up the
idea of going vegan, Michael was
very receptive to it, especially
because the ethical component of
being vegetarian was always his
primary incentive. He felt that as
long as I could continue to make
tasty dishes, he was perfectly
happy to become vegan, both in
diet and lifestyle.
Anne: What is a simple or favorite menu you might prepare for
dinner these days?
Jo: Nearly all of the dishes I currently prepare are simple, because
we both have very busy work
schedules and minimal time. We
often just have a giant salad, what
I refer to as Monster Salads, in
enormous bowls. I am very much
into fresh leafy greens, so our salads typically contain plenty of
leaf lettuce, romaine, mesclun,
baby spinach, baby arugula, and
fresh herbs, as well as chopped or
shredded raw veggies such as
radish (red or daikon), carrots,
and red, orange, or yellow bell
peppers. We also might add
cooked greens or broccoli, asparagus, green beans, or artichoke
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
hearts, and usually include
cooked beans or raw nuts or seeds.
We both like red and green onions and garlic, so as long as we
both are eating the same dish, it
doesn’t put a damper on our being close. I still grow a variety of
sprouts, so they find their way
into our salads occasionally, and
English cucumbers and homegrown tomatoes have a royal place
as well. Two of our favorite dressings to top our salads are my Bestof-the-House Dressing and Sea-Sar
Dressing, both from my book Vegan Vittles: Second Helpings.
We also often eat meals as described in my book The Saucy
Vegetarian. Basically, these are
layered, one-bowl meals that
might start with a whole grain,
such as brown rice or polenta,
followed by raw and cooked veggies of all kinds. Perhaps beans,
tofu, tempeh, or nuts or seeds will
be added. Then the whole mixture
is topped off with a delectable
sauce, such as Spicy Peanut Sauce
or Warm Miso-Almond Gravy.
Other quick meals we like are
wraps with hummus (I’ve got
several hummus recipes in my
book, Vegan Deli, that are outstanding), olives, and tender raw
greens like mesclun, or pasta with
beans and greens. One pasta dish
we never grow tired of is Noodles
and Greens from Vegan Vittles:
Second Helpings. Both of us
adore kale and collard greens, so
one or the other tends to make its
way into almost all of our main
Anne: What might he pick to
make for you?
Jo: It took several years to get
Michael to spend some time in
the kitchen, but once he donned
an apron, there was no stopping
him! I taught him three basic
“recipes,” and he’s since taken
them into never-anticipated new
territories. First, I taught him how
to make a salad. Give a man tools
(a knife and a cutting board) and
tell him he can use his hands (to
toss the greens) and he’s good to
go. What Michael loves most
about making salads is that he can
be creative, and there’s really
nothing “wrong” that he can do.
He doesn’t have to worry about
precise timing or burning anything, and salads are just plain
fun to construct.
The next thing I taught him how
to make was marinara sauce. Using fresh or canned ingredients,
he can go as wild as he pleases
with it. Michael really gets into
chopping and sautéing onions and
then adding tomatoes and whatever else he likes to the sauce.
He’s big on hot chiles, hot sauce,
black pepper, cayenne, and capers, so I know that whenever
he’s making pasta sauce, it’s going to be spicy and have plenty of
flavor and zip.
The last dish I taught him how
to prepare was soup. Again, since
there’s no wrong way to make
soup, it was easy for him to feel
confident about his creations.
Granted, he doesn’t always come
up with flavor combinations that
are common (and sometimes this
is with good reason!), but his soups
are always original and inspired.
I would advise anyone (man or
woman) starting off in the kitchen
to begin with these three dishes.
They can be made without any
hard and fast rules to follow, so
novice cooks can be creative, have
fun, and let go of their fear of cooking. That’s what happened to Michael, and now he loves it whenever I ask him to prepare dinner.
Anne: What is the secret to a successful relationship?
Jo: Michael and I believe there
are several components to a successful relationship, each
weighted the same: respect (for
yourself and each other), trust,
shared values, listening well,
willingness to compromise, appreciation, kindness, gratitude,
letting go of having to always be
right, and picking your battles
We also firmly believe that
there are three essential parts to
every relationship that must be
given equal consideration and
care: the two individuals themselves, and the bond they form
Anne: What do the two of you
enjoy doing together on a “date”
Jo: Our favorite “dates” usually
entail a long walk or bike ride,
lunch at a restaurant, or watching
a movie together at home. It
doesn’t take much to please us—
we’re happy just sharing each
other’s company.
Anne: How would you describe
your job? His?
Jo: I have two jobs, each quite
demanding in its own right. I am
a senior editor with Book Publishing Company and primarily
edit vegan and vegetarian recipe
books, books on natural and alternative health, and occasionally
books on Native American culture, history, and spirituality. I
love being able to mentor new
authors as well as work with seasoned ones. My job is the ideal
extension of my own skills in recipe development and writing, and
it is wonderful to be able to pass
on what I’ve learned.
My other job is in alternative
dispute resolution. I work for a
privately held company as an
online mediator for international
business conflicts. It can be very
stressful work, but it is also rewarding to know I am playing
some small role in contributing to
a more peaceful world.
Michael works for a grassroots
environmental organization
where he coordinates programs
involving household hazardous
waste, recycling and waste minimization, and environmentally
preferable purchasing.
Although we have had some
rocky times over the years, we
both are very proud that we have
stuck by our ideals and continued
to do what we feel is “right work,”
even to this day. Just as we won’t
compromise on our diet and lifestyle, we feel equally as strong
when it comes to our livelihoods.
Anne: What are your hobbies?
Jo: My work envelops a lot of
my personal interests—writing,
reading, editing, and conflict
resolution. When time permits, I
write advice columns for my
website, and occasionally poetry
and haiku. Of course, I also enjoy
preparing food. I do artwork (pen
and ink, colored pencil, and needle art) and enjoy doing Sudoku
and playing Scrabble. We both
like walking and biking and getting outdoors whenever we can.
Michael also enjoys car and
bike maintenance, home repair,
taking care of plants, landscaping,
and playing the “bones” (a percussion instrument—the vegan
version, of course). He is also an
avid reader and music aficionado.
Anne: What are the psychological aspects of being vegan that
you would like to share with vegan and non-vegan readers?
Jo: We’ve been vegan for so
many years now that it is no
longer what we do, it is simply
who we are. We do not respond
to someone challenging our veganism any more than we respond to someone challenging
our being left-handed or having
brown eyes. When veganism infiltrates every part of your being,
there is no way to separate it from
any other part. To us, being vegan
seems like the most natural thing
in the world.
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
Eating Vegan at
Ethnic Restaurants
Maureen Koplow
What’s a vegan to do? You want to
eat out, but you’re not sure what to
order. What kind of animal products
are lurking in the items on the menu?
It’s hard enough to find good meals
without meat, fish or poultry, and
even more challenging without dairy,
eggs, and honey.
Some of the best vegan meals can
be found at ethnic restaurants. While
American meals tend to concentrate
on the animal protein with various
“side” dishes, other countries rely on
vegetables, legumes, and grains to
create flavorful and nutritious dishes.
Always ask if the food is made
with dairy, eggs, or honey, if a soup
has beef or chicken broth or fish stock
(still pervasive although vegetable
stock is increasing in popularity).
Ask if a dish or sauce uses any meat
ingredient or garnish. If you think
there may be a language barrier, you
can make a card with pictures of a
cow, pig, sheep, fish, chicken, egg,
milk, honey (bee) to show the server.
Point to all the pictures while shaking
your head “no”. You can get the pictures from a children’s book or a grocery ad. Or, use The Vegan Passport.*
Indian food can be spicy or
mild, and there are lots of wonderful
choices. Samosas are vegetable
filled triangles, and Pakoras are batter-dipped appetizers. Watch out for
paneer—homemade cheese, and yogurt. Also, many dishes are made
with ghee—clarified butter. Dal
dishes are made with lentils or other
beans or peas, and there is usually a
wide variety of vegan selections.
Vegetable dishes are made with eggplant, cauliflower, spinach, okra,
and chickpeas. Mango desserts and
beverages are available. Curry spices
include cumin, coriander, ginger,
mustard seed, turmeric, asafetida,
garlic, chili, fennel, fenugreek, anise,
and cardamom. Make sure to tell the
server whether you want your meal
hot and spicy, or mild.
Middle Eastern restaurants
have a wide variety of delicacies.
Dolmades are grape leaves stuffed
with rice. Tabouleh is bulgar wheat
with parsley, lemon juice, tomatoes,
and cucumber. Falafel are spicy
chick pea balls, and they are served
with a tahini (sesame seed paste)
dressing. Hummus combines chick
peas with tahini, and Baba Ghanouj
has eggplant with tahini. Scoop it all
up with pita bread. Be cautious about
the desserts—they’re usually made with
honey as the sweetener. Seasonings
often include lemon, garlic, cumin,
cardamom, turmeric, sumac, cinnamon, and aniseed.
Japanese food can be tricky, but
there are wonderful choices available.
Try the miso soup with kombu or
mushroom stock, but note common
use of fish stock/ingredients. Seaweed
salad is a nice appetizer, and you may
be able to order Vegetable Gyoza—
dumplings—either fried or steamed.
Vegetable Tempura is deep-fried with
an egg-free batter. Vegetable Teriyaki
is prepared in a shoyu soy sauce. Ask
for vegetable rolls—sushi-style goodAmerican Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
ies made with avocado, cucumber,
radish, or other vegetables, and served
with pickled ginger and wasabi (very
hot, green horseradish).
Chinese food offers a large selection, and many restaurants now offer
“mock” meats. If you’re lucky, you
can find General Tzo’s “Chicken”—a
sweetly spicy dish. Some places offer
vegetarian spring rolls and vegetarian
hot & sour soup, but make sure you
ask if it’s made with egg. There’s usually egg in the vegetable fried rice, but
you might be able to get it without. If
you order the long green beans, make
sure they don’t add tiny shrimp or
pieces of pork—some restaurants add
this without noting it on the menu.
Chinese Pizza is actually crisp-fried
onion pancake served with soy dipping sauce. Vegetable dumplings may
be fried or steamed. Chinese spices
include garlic, ginger, soy, sesame oil,
mirin (rice wine/vinegar), scallions,
and five spice powder (cinnamon, star
anise, cloves, fennel seed, and
szechuan peppercorns). You can ask
for hot pepper oil on the side and
spice up your meal to your taste.
Mexican food usually includes
cheese and sour cream, but you can
request your meal without these. Try
Portabello and Pepper Fajitas, with
freshly made tortillas. Guacamole is
made with avocado, lemon juice, garlic, and tomatoes. Taco chips and refried beans are usually vegan, but to
be safe, ask if they’re made with lard
(traditional). Mexican food usually
includes some form of tomatoes, corn,
beans, rice, and chilis. Your meal can
be spiced up with hot chilis, and many
restaurants provide salsa (chopped
tomatoes and/or tomatillo, garlic,
lemon juice, onions, and canned or
raw chili peppers) with various degrees of heat.
Thai restaurants offer a nice variety. Many will substitute tofu for the
meat, and omit the prevalent fish
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
sauce, if asked. Watch out for egg in
the Pad Thai. Coconut milk is used in
place of dairy and the flavor is marvelous. Curry may be red or green and
you can choose spicy or mild. Herbs
and spices include basil, cilantro,
cumin, galanga, ginger, lime, lemon
grass, and chilies. Most dishes use a
variety of vegetables, and are served
with rice or noodles. Peanuts are
popular in dishes and sauces.
Caribbean food is usually colorful, with a variety of vegetables and
grains. Yams, okra, peanuts, beans,
and rice are combined in various
dishes. Tropical fruit dishes may include mangos, bananas, and coconut.
Spices may include ginger, cinnamon,
vanilla, chili, cayenne, oregano, nutmeg, and allspice.
Korean food is traditionally made
with meat or fish, and it may be difficult to find a vegan meal, but if you’re
lucky you can enjoy some wonderful
flavors. Try Kimchi, pickled cabbage
with red pepper and garlic, but make
sure it’s not made with shrimp or fish
sauce. Bee bim bop can be made with
tofu instead of meat, and usually includes rice, shredded carrots, greens,
bean sprouts, mushrooms, and other
vegetables, topped with soy or chili
sauce. Korean seasonings include soy,
sesame oil, ginger, garlic, hot pepper
paste, hot pepper flakes, dried peppers, and soy bean paste.
If you’ve been afraid to eat out because you don’t want to risk animal
products in your meal, take a chance
on these wonderful and exotic cuisines. Ask the right questions before
you order, and then dig in. You’ll
never be satisfied with salt, pepper,
and ketchup again!
*Useful travel companion, pocketsized VEGAN PASSPORT: Each
language page (56 languages) lists
what a vegan cannot and can eat.
2005, 80pp 4¼x5¾” $8.00.
FUN AT THE BEACH! Cookin' it Up! February 1-8 2009. Join vegan chef Al Chase and
lifestyle coach Donna Benjamin at the Oregon coast for 5 days cooking it up and two days touring vegan
Portland cafés and businesses. E-mail pdxvegan@gmail.com or call 503-752-2588 for more information.
Presented by CULINARY AWAKENINGS Chef Al Chase, 4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd #17, Portland OR 97214.
Custom Programs tailored to your goals are also available with at least 2 months notice.
The above and other vegan cooking classes are listed at www.americanvegan.org.
3rd International Green Lifestyle Film Festival (formerly The Raw Lifestyle Film
Festival), March 13-15 2009, Los Angeles. Sustainable choices and healthy joy-filled living.
www.greenlifestylefilmfestival.com, 310-854-2078. Submit films by December 31 2008.
American Vegan Society Annual Meeting Garden Party, Sunday May 24 2009,
AVS HQ Malaga NJ. Speakers Erin Williams, Why Animals Matter, and TBA. See page 5, and watch
The 5th Annual Vibrant Living Expo, August 21-23 2009. Plus FREE Thursday Night
Plenary August 20, 7pm at the Town Hall, Fort Bragg CA. Culinary demos, mini film festival, health
panels, raw pie contest, renowned speakers, Rising Star Chef showcase, exhibitor booths, workshops,
seminars, wellness pavilion, food vendors, and delicious raw food! There are also pre- and post-Expo
events and workshops. Register early and save. Living Light Culinary Arts Institute, 301-B N Main St,
Fort Bragg CA 95437. Ph: 800-816-2319, 707-964-2420, info@rawfoodchef.com,
Holistic Holiday at Sea™ VI, A Voyage to Well-being, Saturday, March 1-8 2009.
A 7-night Western-Caribbean Cruise that includes lectures, workshops, and cooking classes. Enjoy gourmet,
healthful, natural, vegan meals and desserts. Onboard: Dr. T. Colin Campbell (author and research scientist), Dr. Will Tuttle (World Peace Diet), Christina Pirello (TV cooking show, author), Denny Waxman
(macrobiotics), Yogi Amrit Desai, Dr. Sherry Rogers (environmental medicine), Isa Moskowitz (cookbook
author), Dirk Benedict (author, TV) and other teachers. Presented by A Taste of Health, and Physicians
Committee for Responsible Medicine. Holiday at Sea info: Ph: 828-749-9537, www.atasteofhealth.org.
12th International Vegan Festival, July 22-25 2009, at Pontificia Universidade Catolica
(PUC University), Rio de Janeiro Brazil, with added post-festival tours and meetings. Check for regular
updates at www.vegansworldnetwork.org/festival_12.php.
39th IVU World Congress 2010, Jakarta-Bali Indonesia October 1-7 2010, sponsored by the International Vegetarian Union. Information, as it becomes available, at www.ivu.org/
See AVS’ website: www.americanvegan.org. Check for updates throughout the year.
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
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American Vegan Society
Together we explore and apply compassionate living concepts, and reflect on the beauty of life.
We learn: How to save the animals. How to revere the Earth. How to care for ourselves.
Learn to live in harmony, creating a better world for all.
People follow a vegan lifestyle for ethical reasons, for health, for the environment. A vegan diet is an adventure in
taste offering an amazing variety to please the palate. Vegetables, grains, fruits, and legumes are the basics from
which delicious meals are made. Foods from plants best provide for all people in the world.
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AV 8-2
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
Thought-provoking poetry
and photos speak of animal,
environmental, and human
Written by a 30-year vegan,
the 50 rhyming poems in this
book unite to offer a powerful
message of the need to change
our world, and deliver Truth
in a palatable way.
Included topics: veganism,
deep ecology, animal rights,
and saving our environment
and humanity. Beautiful color
photos accompany the poems
throughout the book.
Poems to Inspire Transformation —Vegan Poet. (Selfpublished by M. Katz.) 50pp
full-color photos. 2008,
104pp 6x9” $20.00 (postpaid
in U.S.) from AVS.
American Vegan
Published by
The American Vegan Society
56 Dinshah Lane PO Box 369
Malaga NJ 08328-0908
Ph: 856-694-2887 Fax: 856-694-2288
American Vegan 8—2, FALL 2008
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