AES + F - Basis Wien
AES + F - Basis Wien
Wien AES + F „Le Roi de la Forêt“ Knoll Galerie Wien Esterházyg. 29/Hof A-1060 Wien T: +43/1/5875052, F: 5875966 E-mail: U 3: Zieglergasse, 1 3 A / 1 4 A: Amerlingstraße Öffnungszeiten: Dienstag bis Freitag 14 – 18.30 Uhr Samstag 11 – 14 Uhr Ausstellungsdauer: 8.6. – 27.7.2002 ERÖFFNUNG: 8.6. 2002 SAMSTAG 10 - 18 UHR GALERIENTAG + GALERIEFRÜHSTÜCK Le Roi des Aulnesâ, 2001-2002, Farbfotografien, je 120 x 140 cm AES + F „The unhappy paedophilic protagonist of dangerously, some are brilliantly fal- Tatiana Arzamasova, Lev Evzovich, Michel Tournier's "Le roi des Aulnesâ" - af- ling and catching the rope again: the Evgeny Svyatsky + Vladimir Fridkes ter which the work of AES+F is named - point is to be on the edge. was a keen photographer, sublimating his In any case, the show is unavoidable: obsession in obsessive representation. these are those to be shown, these (...) are those to take the ingrateful job of Children are represented in a large cro- representation.“ Le Roi de la Forêt Le Roi des Aulnesâ The King of the Forest is a mythological creature wd, and there is a totalitarian twist about of Europe. It kidnaps beautiful children and hides it. Are they victims looking at the invisi- them in its palace. This plot was used in a poem by ble tyran giving them orders, as in Tour- J.W. Goethe and in the novel by Michel Tournier. nier's novel where children are entering Ekaterina Degot in: NU The Nordic Art Review», 2001 the Nazi youthcamp and the totalitarian Vladimir Fridkes The project „The King of the Forest/Le fascination with the fragile young beauty Lebt und arbeitet in Moskau, Mode- Roi des Aulnesâ“ is a series of perfor- is addressed? fotograf. Veröffentlichungen in den mances in different countries (Russia, Are they called by an invisible Forest Magazinen: VOGUE, Harper’s Bazaar, Sweden, Egypt, France, Italy etc.) King who will take the mout of this life, ELLE, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, turn them into statues? Or are they gene- Sunday Times Style. For the first performance (in throne hall rating the stereotype themselves, wil- Seit 1995 Zusammenarbeit mit AES. of the Catherine IIs palace in Pushkin lingly entering the realm of the image? town) we chose more then two hundred (...) Tatiana Arzamasova, pupils of the special ballet and sport Like children on these photographs, Lev Evzovich, Evgeny Svyatsky schools and some children from model many artists today, including AES+F, are Künstlergruppe AES seit 1987. agencies from St.Petersburg, all of them walking a rope of glamour stereotype, Leben und arbeiten in Moskau from 3,5 to 11 years old. since they feel this is the only way <> through the abyss. Some are balancing <> AES+F GALERIENTAG + GALERIEFRÜHSTÜCK 6./7. BEZIRK WIEN + ERÖFFNUNG AES+F SAMSTAG, 8.6.2002 „ZIDER“ VOM ROSENBAUM AUS ROHRBACH/GÖLSEN 10-18 UHR PRÄSENTATION „LE ROI DES AULNES“ VON AES Das Video von AES dokumentiert wie die Fotografien von Vladimir Fridkes die erste russische Performance in der Thronhalle des Palastes von Katharina II. mit über 200 Kindern zwischen 3, 5 und 11 Jahren aus Ballett- und Sportschulen sowie aus Modelagenturen von St. Petersburg. >KUNST IST FREMD< Folder 40#d © 06. 2002, Knoll Galerie Wien Phtogrpahs: Artists Many Thanks to Ekaterian Degot Knoll Galerie Wien A-1060 Wien, Esterházygasse 29/Hof