Bewerbung zum Auslandsstudium - IREBS
Bewerbung zum Auslandsstudium - IREBS
Bewerbung zum Auslandsstudium IREBS M.Sc. Real Estate, Universität Regensburg November 6, 2013 1 / 14 Inhalt Partneruniversitäten Reading Hong Kong Shanghai Tansania Georgia State (in Planung) Bond University (in Planung) Zeitplan Bewerbung Auswahlgespräch 2 / 14 Partneruniversitäten Es besteht die Möglichkeit, an den University of Reading oder der University of Hong Kong einen Doppelmaster zu absolvieren. Außerdem besteht ein Kooperationsabkommen mit der Tongji University (Shanghai) sowie der Ardhi University (Tansania). Desweiteren sind ab Herbst 2014 Kooperationen mit der Georgia State University (Atlanta) und der Bond University (Gold Coast, Australien) geplant. 3 / 14 Partneruniversitäten Sämtliche Bewerbungen durchlaufen den internen Auswahlprozess der IREBS. Je nach Ergebnis werden die entsprechenden Empfehlungen an die Partneruniversitäten erteilt. 4 / 14 Reading I Kapazität: 2 Plätze (Doppelmaster) I Details siehe Marians Präsentation 5 / 14 Hong Kong I Kapazität: I I I 3 Plätze(Doppelmaster) 3 Plätze (ein Semester) Details siehe Philipps Präsentation 6 / 14 Shanghai I Kapazität: 3 Plätze (ein Semester) I Zeitraum: September 2014-Februar 2015 I Studiengebühren: Befreiung für den ersten Teilnehmer, ansonsten ca. 500 Euro pro Kurs I Lebenshaltungskosten: Wohnen ca. 400 Euro monatlich (Wohnheim 200 Euro), Verpflegung ca. 5 Euro pro Tag I weitere Voraussetzungen: TOEFL (79 Punkte) I I persönliche Erfahrungen: 7 / 14 Tansania I Kapazität: 2 Plätze (ein Semester) I Zeitraum: Oktober 2014-Februar 2015 I Studiengebühren: keine I Lebenshaltungskosten: Wohnheim ca. 60 Euro, Verpflegung ca. 2 Euro pro Tag I 8 / 14 Georgia State (in Planung) I Kapazität: 2 Plätze (Doppelmaster) I Zeitraum: September 2014-August 2015 I Studiengebühren: ca. 25.000 US-Dollar I Lebenshaltungskosten: ? I weitere Voraussetzungen: GMAT, TOEFL I academic-programs/ms-in-real-estate/ 9 / 14 Bond University (in Planung) I Kapazität: 2 Plätze (Doppelmaster (EMRE in einem Jahr)) I Zeitraum: September 2014-August 2015 I Studiengebühren: ca. 22.000 AU-Dollar I Lebenshaltungskosten: ? I weitere Voraussetzungen: TOEFL (79 Punkte) I 10 / 14 Zeitplan Für den Auswahlprozess gilt folgender Zeitplan: 06.November 2013: Informationsveranstaltung 20.November 2013: Bewerbungsschluss 26.November 2013: Auswahlgespräche 11 / 14 Was sollte die Bewerbung beinhalten? I Lebenslauf (englisch) I Prioritätenliste: Gewünschte Universität und Zeitraum (max. 3 Universitäten) I Motivationsschreiben (englisch, 1 Seite): Für welche Universität(en) bewerbe ich mich? Warum bin ich für diese Uni der richtige Kandidat? I Abiturzeugnis I Bachelorzeugnis I ggf. Übersicht über die im Master erbrachten Leistungen Die Bewerbung ist bis 20. November 2013, 18.00 Uhr als pdf-Version an zu senden. 12 / 14 Auswahlgespräch Die Auswahlgespräche finden am 26.November 2013 im Konferenzraum VG.231 statt und werden ausschließlich auf Englisch geführt. Die Entscheidung wird bis spätestens 2.Dezember 2013 mitgeteilt. WICHTIG: Nach einer Zusage durch IREBS muss man sich trotzdem bei der entsprechenden Universität bewerben, d.h. gegebenenfalls auch den TOEFL-Test absolvieren. 13 / 14 Bei Fragen Johannes Stiller oder 14 / 14 University of Reading Henley Business School Lage: Unmittelbare Nähe zu London World Class – Henley Business School • University of Reading Henley Business School „World Leading Real Estate Centre – Consistently Ranked in the Top Three in ALL Major League Tables“ • “Leading Real Estate Centre in Europe” (Urban Land Institute) • Akkreditierung durch Equis (European Quality Improvement System) AACSB Association of MBAs RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) „Triple Accreditation Status“ - nur 57 weltweit Financial Times (2011): Platz 28 unter den Top 50 Business Schools in Europa The Economist (2012): MBA weltweit auf Platz 1 gerankt in den Kategorien „Student Quality“ und „Potential to Network“ “Master of Science in Real Estate” und “Master of Science in Real Estate Finance” Allgemeines: • Unterteilung des Studiums in Trimester • 1. Trimester (Oktober-Dezember) Grundlagen; Für alle Studenten identisch • 2. Trimester (Januar-März) Vertiefung; Wahl der Schwerpunkte • 3. Trimester (April-September) Revision, Klausuren, Field-Trip und Master Thesis/Project • Kurse finden generell zwischen 9 und 17 Uhr statt • Studiengebühren 13/14: £ 14.500 (Real Estate); £ 19.500 (Real Estate Finance) • Beide Kurse sind RICS Akkreditiert Master of Science in Real Estate Kursauswahl I • 1. Trimester: Core Knowledge/Basisausbildung (60 Credits) – Induction and Foundation – Real Estate Economics I (10 Credits), – Introduction to Corporate Finance (10 Credits), – Investment, Appraisal (20 Credits), – Core Options choice (je 10 Credits) (zwei aus drei): • Introduction to Law • Sustainability and Real Estate • Quantitative Methods for Real Estate Finance Kursauswahl II • 2. Trimester: Specialised Knowledge/Spezialisierung (70 Credits) – Real Estate Economics II (10 Credits) – Wahlfächer (drei zur Wahl; je 20 Credits): – – – – – – – Investment and Securities Valuation Development Management International Markets Landlord & Tenant Law Housing Economics Kursauswahl III • 3. Trimester: ‘Capstone’ –Integration und Anwendung der Core und Specialised Knowledge Module (50 Credits) – Field Trip (10 Credits) – Real Estate Opportunities (40 Credits) • Industry Challenge • Case Study I und II • Final Project Master of Science in Real Estate Finance Kursauswahl I Der Master of Science in Real Estate Finance ist ein Joint-Venture Master des ICMA und der School of Real Estate and Planning 1. Trimester: Ein gemeinsames erstes Trimester legt die Grundlagen in Finanzierung , Investition und quantitativen Grundlagen – Financial Theory and Techniques – The structure and operation of real estate markets 2. Trimester: Eine breite Auswahl an Kursen, welche es den Studenten erlaubt, die erworbenen Fähigkeiten im Immobilienkontext anzuwenden Kursauswahl II • 1. Trimester: Core Knowledge/Basisausbildung (80 Credits) – – – – – Introduction to Real Estate Appraisal (10 Credits), Real Estate Investment & Market Analysis (10 Credits), Securities, Futures & Options (20 Credits), Fixed Income & Equity Investment (20 Credits) Quantitative Methods for Finance (20 Credits) Kursauswahl III • 2. Trimester: Specialised Knowledge/Spezialisierung (60 Credits) – – – – – – Real Estate Investment (20 Credits) Real Estate Securities (20 Credits) Housing Economics (20 Credits) Real Estate Finance (10 Credits) Mortgage Backed Securities (10 Credits) Financial Econometrics (20 Credits) – Studenten müssen ein Minimum von 40 Credits in Real Estate Modulen belegen Kursauswahl IV • 3. Trimester: ‘Capstone’ –Integration und Anwendung der Core und Specialised Knowledge Module (40 Credits) – Field Trip (10 Credits), – Finance and Investment Project (30 Credits) Unterkunft • Die meisten Studenten werden in den zur Universität gehörenden Studentenwohnheimen (Halls) untergebracht ( • Kosten Die Kosten bewegen sich je nach Verpflegung und Ausstattung der jeweiligen Hall in einer Spanne von € 375 - € 700 pro Monat Absolventen sind beschäftigt bei... 15 15 Impressionen (1) Impressionen (2) Field Trips Reading Real Estate Foundation Größtes Real Estate Professionals Netzwerk weltweit Vor- und Nachteile • Vorteile – Exzellente Uni • Forschung & Lehre (Top-Rankings) • Ausstattung • Organisation • Unternehmenskontake • Alumninetzwerk (RREF) • Internationale Studenten – Nähe zu London – Nähe zu Flughafen Heathrow – Einzigartige englische Pub-Kultur • Nachteile – Hohe Lebenshaltungskosten – Hohe Studiengebühren Weitere Infos • MSc Real Estate: • MSc Real Estate and Finance: • • • Unterkunft: • Faculty of Architecture Department of Real Estate and Construction MSC Real Estate im Rahmen des Doppelmaster-Programm der IREBS Kurzer Überblick Agenda 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten Hong Kong - Infos Agenda: 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten bis 1997 Britische Kronkolonie seitdem Sonderverwaltungszone der VR China ca. 7 Millionen Einwohner (sehr hohe Bevölkerungsdichte) Währung HK$ (aktuell WK ca. € 1 = HK$ 10,47) Zeitzone UTC+8 (Sommerzeit 6h ZVS; Winterzeit 7h ZVS) Subtropisches Klima (heiss und feucht) eine der sichersten Städte der Welt (sehr niedrige Kriminalitätsrate) 7 Universitäten sehr guter und günstiger ÖPNV (MTR, Tram, Fähren, Busse, Minibusse, Taxen) Shoppingmetropole Reges Nachtleben (Lan Kwai Fong, Soho, Wan Chai etc.) Gateway to Asia (viele günstige Flugmöglichkeiten) 24 Minuten von Central zum Airport via Airport Express 1h von HK nach Macau via Ferry 2h von HK nach Shanghai via Aircraft 3h von HK nach Bangkok via Aircraft 4h von HK nach Tokio via Aircraft Hong Kong - Lage Agenda: 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten HKU Hong Kong – City (Eindrücke) Agenda: 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten HKU - Infos Seit 1911, erste Uni 10 Fakultäten Über 20.000 Studenten Aktuell zweitbeste Uni Asiens (2010 noch die Beste) Regelmäßige Platzierung als eine der besten Uni Asiens sowie unter Agenda: 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten den Top 25 Universitäten weltweit Hoher Anteil Studierende & Dozenten aus VR China & internationalem Raum Englischsprachige Studienprogramme Campusuniversität - kurze Wege 3 Mensen, Starbucks, Supermarkt, Bank, Arztpraxen, Sportcenter, Computercenter … 2013/2014 #2 University of Hong Kong 2013/2014 #26 University of Hong Kong HKU - Aufbau des Masters Aufteilung des Studiums in 2 Semester: 1. Semester: Vorlesungszeit: 1. September – 30. November Prüfungsphase: 8. – 21. Dezember 2. Semester: Vorlesungszeit: 16. Januar – 27. April Prüfungsphase: 7. – 26. Mai Vorlesungszeiten Überwiegend 18:30 – 21:30, je nach Kurswahl auch Samstag Vormittags Agenda: 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten Studiengebühren* (Achtung: Angaben 2011/2012) MSc RE (à 12 Kurse) mit/ohne Schwerpunkt: pro Kurs HK$ 7,800 1. Semester: HK$ 46,800 2. Semester: HK$ 46,800 Gesamt: HK$ 93,600 + Verwaltungsgebühr ca. HK$ 350 * Studiengebühren beinhalten kostenlose Nutzung des Sportzentrums (Fitnessraum, Schwimmbad, Fußballplatz, Tennisplätze, Badmintonplätze, Tischtennis etc.) und medizinische Versorgung HKU - Aufbau des Masters Mögliche Schwerpunkte MSc (RE) OHNE Schwerpunkt MSc (RE) majoring in Facility Management MSc (RE) majoring in Planning and Development MSc (RE) majoring in Investment and Finance MSc (RE) majoring in General Practice Surveying *zusätzliche Kurse erforderlich Curriculum MSc RE 6 Pflichtkurse: Agenda: 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten - Economics for professionals - Management theory and construction projects - Law for the real estate and construction industry - Research Methods (Exemption Möglichkeit) - Project workshop RE (Exemption Möglichkeit) - Land economics 6 Wahlkurse – ODER – 4 Wahlkurse plus Masterarbeit (verlängert das Studium um 4-6 Monate) Alternativ: MSc RE mit Schwerpunkt 6 Pflichtkurse (s.o.) 4 vorgeschriebene Kurse aus dem gewählten Schwerpunkt 2 Wahlkurse – ODER – Masterarbeit RICS-Akkreditierung für alle Programme Umfassender Wahlmodulkatalog (siehe Handbook) HKU - Mein Schwerpunkt MSc (RE) majoring in RE Investment and Finance (2011/2012) 1st Semester (vorwiegend Klausuren) 1. Economics for professionals (RECO 6003) 2. Mangement theory and construction projects (RECO 6006) 3. Law for the real estate and construction industry (RECO 6042) 4. Research methods (RECO 6047) Exemption (Seminar Bienert) 5. Real estate investment (RECO 6069) 6. Real estate finance (RECO 6070) Agenda: 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten 2nd Semester (vorwiegend Assignments) 7. Real estate investment and the capital markets (RECO 6015) 8. Land economics (RECO 6016) jetzt Pflichtkurs 9. Project finance (RECO 6017) 10. Information Management (RECO 6029) 11. Development projects (RECO 6041) 12. Project Workshop (RECO 6059) rot = Pflichtkurse grün = Schwerpunkt blau = Wahlkurse HKU - Campus (Eindrücke) Agenda: 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten Wohnmöglichkeiten 3. Möglichkeiten 1. Wohnheim 2. Privat 3. (Off-Campus-Housing unterstützt durch HKU) nicht wirklich hilfreich Agenda: 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten Wohnen - 1. Wohnheim 4 mögliche Wohnheime: 1. Graduate House – 1st choice ca. €250: 10 m2 alleine mit geteiltem Bad (2 Personen). Direkt auf dem Campus. Mit Glück Panoramablick. 2. St. John‘s College – 2nd choice (?!) ca. €380: 10 m2 alleine + eigenes Bad. 10 Gehminuten zur Uni. Direkt am Sportzentrum. ABER: - nehmen keine männlichen West´ler mehr auf - 1st choice macht nur bei Frauen Sinn (jedoch auch dann keine Garantie) 3. Pokfield Road Residences ca. €200: 20 m2 zu dritt, Mitbewohner fremd 4. Morrison Hall ca. €120: 10 m2 zu zweit, Mitbewohner fremd NEU: 5. HKU Residential Colleges ?! Gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis! Agenda: 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten (Uni-Nähe, Kantine, voll ausgestattete Zimmer, Gemeinschaftsräume, „hall-spirit“ & Gemeinschaftsaktivitiäten …) Admission Deadline: 15. July (?!) + NUR mit Uni-Zulassung möglich ABER: alle haben limitierte Plätze (keine Garantie) Wohnen - 1. Wohnheim (Eindrücke) Agenda: 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten Wohnen - 2. Privat Allgemein hohes Mietpreisniveau in HK ( SEHR SEHR KLEIN, SEHR SEHR TEUER) i.d.R. 500 € aufwärts für kleines Zimmer Meine Wohnung: Wohnung mit 3 Zimmern + Küche (Mikrowelle, Herdplatte, Kühlschank, Spüle, Waschmaschine, Trockner) Bad Kleiner Eingangsbereich mit TV u. Sofa Klimatisiert Möbliert (B(r)ett, Schrank, kleiner Tisch, Stuhl) WLAN Internetverbindung Putzfrau (2 mal die Woche) Zur Uni je nach Verkehrslage u. Transportwahl 20-45 Minuten Lage: Causeway Bay Kosten: HK$ 5,500 p.M. Agenda: 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten Kontakt: Damien Lee Tel. +852.5111 4097 E-Mail: Alternativ: Google „serviced apartments hk“ etc. Wohnen - 2. Privat (Eindrücke) Agenda: 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten Kostenübersicht Flugkosten ca. € 400-500 (One Way) Studiengebühren HK$ 93,600 (ca. € 9.400 je nach WK) Miete (Privat!!) HK$ 5,500 (ca. € 560) Lebenshaltung HK$ 3,000-4,000 (ca. € 300-400) Auslandskrankenversicherung (Tarifabhängig) bei mir: ENVIVAS (Partner der Techniker) € 0,30 pro Tag Optional: Reisen von... bis... (bei mir ca. € 2.500) Gesamtkostenspanne: € 15.000 – 25.000 (je nach Präferenz & Lebensstil)) Agenda: 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten Allgemeine Tipps Auch warme Kleidung einpacken (Klimaanlagen, keine Heizung) Toefl-Test rechtzeitig (80 Punkte) Impfungen rechtzeitig (zusätzlich mind. Hep. A u B) Bei Einreise OHNE VISUM (genug finanzielle Mittel vorweisen können) Schwerpunkt, Kurswahl nach Möglichkeit vor Abreise klären und Anrechnung von Lehrstühle bestätigen lassen Octopus Card (Studententarif mit Bescheinigung der Uni möglich) Fluggesellschaft: EMIRATES (30 Kilo Gepäck) Hin- u. Rückflug über sta-TRAVEL buchen (Studentenrabatt) Agenda: 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten Kontakte & Webseiten Kontaktmöglichkeiten: Programme Director: Dr. F.F. Ng Tel. +852.2857 8628 E-Mail: MSc Programme Administrator: Mr. Derek Luk Tel. +852.2219 4923 E-Mail: Webseiten: Agenda: 1. Infos zu Hong Kong 2. University of Hong Kong (HKU) 3. Aufbau des Masters 4. Wohnmöglichkeiten 5. Kostenübersicht 6. Allgemeine Tipps 7. Kontakte & Webseiten HKU: Fakultät: Cedars: Accomodation: Postgraduate Housing Application: Discover Hong Kong: Sta Travel: Bei Fragen... Philipp Schäfer E-Mail: Tel: Raum: 0941.943-5775 VG 221 Bei Interesse: - Handbook 2011/2012 - Präsi per E-Mail. School of Economics and Management (SEM) Tongji University, Shanghai Sep 12th, 2013 Academic Year 2013-14 Fact Sheet 1. Application for Exchange 1.1 General Eligibility for Exchange to Tongji SEM The international candidates shall be officially registered as the undergraduate or postgraduate students, and are pursuing their degree in the home institution. Academic Transcript from Home University: GPA 3.0 and above (full mark is 4),corresponding to 3.75 of 5 in Tongji University English Proficiency (choose one) - for non-native speakers of English: TOEFL Paper-based 550, Computer-based 213/ Internet-based 79, GMAT 600, GRE 1250 (V+Q) IELTS 6.5 ATTENTION: In order to be accepted to Tongji SEM as an exchange student, free of tuition, you must first contact the International Relations Office at your home university to learn the conditions of applying to the Exchange Program. Tongji SEM will not accept you as an exchange student unless you are nominated by the International Office at your home university. 1.2 Application The Application process for exchange students wishing to attend Tongji SEM consists of the following steps: Step I: Nomination by home university Please use <Tongji SEM Nomination Form> and send the electronic nominations to SEM coordinator before the deadline. Deadline for nominations (Fall semester 2013): 10th April 2013. Deadline for nominations* (Spring semester 2014): 10th October 2013. *For the nomination and application for spring term 2014, the access will be open in September 2013. Step II: Online Application by students After official nomination, students shall apply at: (More details please refer to <Online Application Instruction>) Deadline for submitting the online application (Fall semester 2013): 20th April 2013. Deadline for submitting the online application (Spring semester 2014): 20th October 2013. th, 2013 to Jan 31st, 2014. th th The study span you filled in the online system for Spring semester 2014 should be Feb 24 to Jul 31 , 2014. Attention: The study span you filled in the online system for Fall semester 2013 should be Sept 9 Step III: Preliminary review of online application by Tongji SEM After submitting the online application, students should SEND an email with the automatically generated PDF-version application form to SEM coordinator via email for preliminary review. Students should wait for acknowledgement emails from SEM before proceeding with the next step. Step IV: Send your completed application in one PDF document via email School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, P. R. China (200092) Tel: +86-21-65981143 Fax: +86-21-65988568 School of Economics and Management (SEM) Tongji University, Shanghai Students should print out the PDF-version application form that is generated by the system, get it signed and sealed by home university, then send the electronic scanned version of completed Application Form and Guarantee letter with signature and seal of responsible department at Home University along with other required supporting documents as listed following in ONE PDF DOC to Tongji SEM. Please rename the PDF doc as “Home University – Name – level of study – number of exchange semester(s)”, e.g. “Tongji-Mary ZIMMER-Graduate-1”. The required supporting documents are: Application Form and Guarantee letter with signature and seal Letter of Motivation - personal statement: the reason why you choose Tongji SEM and your study plan Curriculum Vitae in English Copy of Passport 2 Letters of Recommendation from Professors Academic Transcript from Home University English Proficiency Certificate (TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, GRE) – for students from non-native English speaking countries <Research Fields Selection> - for Double Degree Postgraduates only Receipt of Bank Transfer Confirmation of Application Fee 410 RMB – compulsory for the students financed by home university, self-financed, free movers* Filled <Application Form for on-campus housing> with signature – optional ATTENTION: *The students financed by home university, self-financed, free movers shall make the remittance of application fee (RMB 410) to TONGJI University. Please be aware that the FULL amount without any deductions must be remitted to our account. Any banking fees will be added to your balance. Notice: It would be highly appreciated if you could follow the instructions below to accelerate the payment checking process within Tongji University: 1. Make remarks with your remittance “SEM410 / Your name / Your Application Number which has been generated by the online system”, for example: “ SEM410 / Thomas Mary / 1370036”; 2. Please provide the payment receipt issued by the bank indicating the exact transaction date, the exact amount of money and the currency (not the form filled by the remitter manually ) 收款银行名称:中国银行上海市分行 Beneficiary Bank: Bank of China, Shanghai Branch 收款银行地址:中山东一路 23 号 上海,200002,中国 Bank add: 23.Zhongshan Road (E.1) Shanghai, 200002, PR China 银行代码(Swift number): BKCHCNBJ300 收款人(Beneficiary): 同济大学 TongJi University University add: No.1239, Si Ping Road, Shanghai, 200092 PR China 收款人账号(Beneficiary Bank Account No.): 433859245525 Completed PDF version of the applications must be emailed before the deadline. Fall semester: 10 May; Spring semester: 10 November School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, P. R. China (200092) Tel: +86-21-65981143 Fax: +86-21-65988568 School of Economics and Management (SEM) Tongji University, Shanghai (no need to send the paper version of application via courier) Email to:;; 2. Semester Calendar Fall term, 2013 Suggested Arrival Day Not earlier than Sep. 02, 2013 (Mon) Registration Days Sep. 03 - 04, 2013 (mandatory) Sep. 05 2013 Welcome Ceremony, Regulation Briefing (mandatory) & Chinese Placement Test (optional) Sep. 06, 2013 Shanghai City Sightseeing Tour (optional) Sep. 09 2013 Class begins Dec. 30, 2013 Examination weeks begins Jan. 24, 2014 End of examinations Spring term, 2014 Suggested Arrival Day Not earlier than Feb.17, 2014 (Mon) Registration Days Feb. 18 - 19, 2014 (mandatory) Feb. 20 2014 Welcome Ceremony, Regulation Briefing (mandatory) & Chinese Placement Test (optional) Feb. 21 2014 Shanghai City Sightseeing Tour (optional) Feb. 24 2014 Class begins Jun. 16, 2014 Examination weeks begins Jul. 4, 2014 End of examinations ATTENTION: The exam schedule is set in accordance with Tongji SEM semester dates. It is possible that there will be exams during the Christmas or on the last day of the semester. We strongly recommend that students book their return flights with the semester dates in mind. Tongji SEM will not modify the exam schedule due to early departure flights. 3. Available English Program at Tongji SEM Undergraduate (one option): Business Administration Graduate (two options): Enterprise Management / Technology Economics & Management For more course information, please visit: Undergraduate: Postgraduate: Notice: Non-degree undergraduates are NOT allowed to take the postgraduate courses. Degree seeking undergraduates are NOT allowed to select postgraduate courses in the 1st and 2nd semester, but can select postgraduate courses in the 3rd semester. The courses listed online might be subject to change due to different semesters, special needs and cases. 4. On-campus Housing Students who wish to live on-campus shall send the <Application Form for On-campus housing> with signature to SEM coordinator via email right after receiving the acknowledgement email from SEM (Application Step III). Tongji SEM coordinators will assist in booking the on-campus rooms with the International Students Service Center (hereinafter Center). Please be noted that the on-campus housing is on increasing demand and follows the “Early apply, early get” rule. The minimum rental period is five months. It is normally shared room with basic facilities. The rent is RMB 80-100 yuan per day per person, varying with the size, furnishing and position of each room. The assignment depends on the availability of the rooms. School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, P. R. China (200092) Tel: +86-21-65981143 Fax: +86-21-65988568 School of Economics and Management (SEM) Tongji University, Shanghai It is Tongji International Students themselves who can be accommodates in the on-campus dormitory buildings. The on-campus housing will be arranged by the International Students Service Center (“the Center”) according to the Tongji International Students Accommodation Regulation. The international students who stay on-campus shall conform to the arrangement. When check-in, the new international students shall pay the deposit of RMB 1500yuan and the housing expense for one semester. The international students without scholarship shall hand in the Housing extension application for next semester to the Center within 20 days before the end of this semester. It is also required to pay for the accommodation for the next semester at the same time. Without the extension application in due time, the Center will regard as check-out and the dorm room will be re-allocated then. During the stay on–campus, the international students can propose the written application for changing the dorm room to the Center. The Center will deal with the application according to the specific situation. If application permitted, the Center will arrange to change the dorm room in next semester. The electricity bill shall be paid before usage in the international dormitory. The students without the full scholarship can use 120 kilowatt monthly per person without charge. The students with the full scholarship can use 200 kilowatt monthly per person without charge. The over-quota electricity shall be paid by the students themselves. Before check-in, the international students shall sign the Housing Contract. Please read carefully prior to the signature. 5. Important notice on Health Insurance In accordance with the Regulation of Chinese Ministry of Education, all the exchange students are required to buy the designated insurance when registration. It costs about RMB300 for 6 months. Please note that the designated Ping An Insurance only undertakes Loss of life insurance, Disability insurance, Accidental Injury medical treatment insurance, Hospitalization medical insurance and Group major medical expenses insurance, not covers outpatient and emergency treatment. We highly suggest that the students purchase the international insurance in your home country prior to your departure. For details, please refer to 6. Special Dormitory Scholarship Those who apply for Tongji dormitory on campus in the online application system have chance to get Special Dormitory Scholarship from Tongji University. Students can fill in the <Scholarship Application Form for on-campus housing> and submit the completed form to before July 10 (for Fall semester) or January 10 (for Spring semester). 7. Application for Chinese Government Scholarship For details please refer to <Scholarship> at Contact List Internal Office of Tongji SEM School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, P. R. China (200092) Tel: +86-21-65981143 Fax: +86-21-65988568 School of Economics and Management (SEM) Tongji University, Shanghai Dean of Tongji SEM Prof. Dr. Jiazhen HUO (Mr) Director of International Office, Tongji SEM Prof. Dr. Haiyan WANG (Ms) (+86) 21 65982662 Deputy Director of International Office, Tongji SEM Grace SHOU (Ms) (+86) 21 65982405; Deputy Director of International Office, Tongji SEM Ting CHENG (Ms) (+86) 21 65982662 Incoming Program International Programme Coordinator (English speaking countries e.g. USA, Susan ZHOU (Ms) Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand) (+86) 21 65986991 International Programme Coordinator (France, Asia, Middle East) Spencer FAN (Mr) (+86) 21 65981143 Incoming & Outgoing Program Jack MA (Mr) Note: Ms Luisa LU( will be on maternity leave International Programme Coordinator (European countries except France, UK and Ireland) (+86) 21 65981143 School of Economics & Management, Tongji University Rm.405, Yuntong Building, 1239 Siping Rd., Shanghai 200092 Tel: 86-21-6598 1143 | Fax: 86-21-6598 8568 | Web: School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, P. R. China (200092) Tel: +86-21-65981143 Fax: +86-21-65988568 EXECUTIVE MASTER OF REAL ESTATE ENDORSED BY THE PROPERTY COUNCIL OF AUSTRALIA EXECUTIVE MASTER OF REAL ESTATE - 1 Duration: Four, two-week intensive mode workshops (Held over 4 semesters) Starting: January 2014 ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Applicants must be senior professionals with a minimum of eight years’ experience in property, real estate, development or a related field such as finance, banking, funds management or accounting. Applications outside this criteria will be considered on a case by case basis. EXECUTIVE MASTER OF REAL ESTATE Success in today’s global economy requires innovative leadership, insight and a superior understanding of real estate fundamentals, financing and capital markets. Financial risks and returns in the global property market are significantly influenced by rapidly changing legislative and political frameworks, economic fluctuations and sustainability demands, which create ongoing challenges for industry professionals. The ability to mitigate risk while maximising return is the impetus behind the Executive Master of Real Estate qualification, which has been developed by Bond University’s Institute of Sustainable Development & Architecture in conjunction with the Property Council of Australia. World-class academics and distinguished property experts from Australia and the Asia Pacific will deliver four, two-week workshops designed to equip today’s industry professionals with the insight, skills and best practices required to continue their professional development and enhance performance in senior roles. 2 - EXECUTIVE MASTER OF REAL ESTATE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Executive Master of Real Estate (EMRE) is designed to build on existing professional skills, and employs both a practical and academic approach to the global property and real estate market. Led by a team of world-renowned academics as well as prominent industry experts, the EMRE covers multiple subject areas including research, analysis, development, law, finance, portfolio and risk management, marketing, entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability. The full list of subjects is outlined in the program structure. PROFESSIONAL OUTCOMES The EMRE will equip professionals with the knowledge and skills required to broaden their areas of expertise by examining innovative strategies that address the evolving challenges in the current real estate economy. The EMRE program can be applied to various disciplines within the industry such as project management, fund management, portfolio management, private equity, construction, service management, administrative and financial management, valuation and surveying, corporate consultation, analysis and entrepreneurship. PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION The Institute has one of the highest number of accreditations within an Australian university, including the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the Australian Property Institute, providing industry professionals with career opportunities on a global scale. The EMRE program is endorsed by the Property Council of Australia. EXECUTIVE MASTER OF REAL ESTATE - 3 PROGRAM STRUCTURE The EMRE consists of a total of 12 subjects over 4 semesters. (3 semesters per year) DELIVERY* The EMRE is delivered via a two week intensive workshop per semester in Sydney, Australia. Block 1 • Real Estate Accounting and Taxation • Real Estate Marketing • The Development Process Block 2 • Real Estate Economics and Market Analysis • Real Estate Valuation and Investment Analysis • Real Estate Law Block 3 • Real Estate Finance • Public Policy • Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability in Real Estate Development 4 - EXECUTIVE MASTER OF REAL ESTATE Block 4 • Managing Building Systems and Operations • Strategic Portfolio and Risk Real Estate Management • Real Estate Investment Trust Analysis * Order of delivery is subject to change, based on academic availability EXECUTIVE MASTER OF REAL ESTATE - 5 BLOCK 1 REAL ESTATE ACCOUNTING AND TAXATION This subject advances beyond the principles of accounting in the real estate sector, by delving into the identification and analysis of key performance metrics to provide a reliable view of risk based profitability measurement. Using working studies to identify strengths, weaknesses and potential areas of stress, this subject provides the ability to affect rapid and effective turnaround in risk adjusted returns. REAL ESTATE MARKETING The objective of this subject is to address the many aspects in managing a comprehensive marketing process. From research and branding through to the successful implementation of innovative marketing programs, the subject explores the various issues of marketing in a broad range of real estate sectors. 6 - EXECUTIVE MASTER OF REAL ESTATE THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS This subject investigates the extensive issues that affect the viability of projects from both a feasibility and management perspective. Effective operational and cost management techniques are examined to facilitate best development practices, from site selection and acquisition strategies through to the capacity to remain fluid during the management of large scale development and redevelopment projects in the long term. BLOCK 2 REAL ESTATE ECONOMICS AND MARKET ANALYSIS This subject explores how global markets and changing economic conditions affect the various real estate sectors. Advanced economic modelling techniques are applied to forecast supply and demand on a national scale. Economic implications of climate change and sustainable development, central bank interest rate policy and the nature of boom and busts are examined through pertinent case studies. REAL ESTATE LAW This subject covers the diverse principles of real estate law and subsequent legislative impacts. The subject also investigates the various legal structures in real estate such as trusts and syndications, and the types of contracts in real estate. REAL ESTATE VALUATION AND INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Providing a detailed review of investment analysis concepts, this subject includes valuation principles, statutory valuation and the various impacts on valuation such as discounted cash flow and freehold versus leasehold. Industry experts demonstrate the capacity to identify unique opportunities and to achieve the highest value and best use of a site. Real life case studies examine the impacts of specialist real estate types and tenure. EXECUTIVE MASTER OF REAL ESTATE - 7 BLOCK 3 REAL ESTATE FINANCE This subject encompasses the debt and equity financing of real estate by examining sources of capital and the legal implications of various financial structures. Using real life case studies, the subject will examine recent issues experienced by major Real Estate Investment Trusts, prominent private equity firms and private developers. PUBLIC POLICY This subject provides a comprehensive analysis into the extensive legislation and government policies that affect real estate industry decision making. By taking into consideration the modes of government support and identifying potential legislative changes, the feasibility of an asset in the long term can be lucratively assessed. 8 - EXECUTIVE MASTER OF REAL ESTATE ENTREPRENEURSHIP, INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY IN REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT This subject examines the capitalisation of innovations, with a strong focus on new technologies in order to develop competitive advantage in the property industry. It investigates advanced technologies to produce more efficient, cost effective and sustainable systems for both new and existing sites. BLOCK 4 MANAGING BUILDING SYSTEMS AND OPERATIONS This subject focuses on the creation of best business cases when managing and developing assets. Through the assessment of the cost and benefit of capital, specialised methods are employed to analyse, appraise and subsequently propose financial benefits to a project in the long term. REIT ANALYSIS This subject provides comprehensive insight into the structure and operation of Real Estate Investment Trusts which are the primary structural vehicle for major developments and transactions in the industry. It also examines the advantages and disadvantages of the various structures, capital raising and global opportunities. STRATEGIC PORTFOLIO AND RISK REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT Delivering a sophisticated approach to portfolio management, this subject explores the various tactics of risk diversification, leveraging, acquisition and disposal strategies to generate above market returns. Through real life international case studies of prominent, highly leveraged structures, the strengths and weaknesses of international and portfolio diversification are discussed. EXECUTIVE MASTER OF REAL ESTATE - 9 Office of Future Students Bond University Gold Coast Queensland 4229 Australia Toll free: 1800 074 074 Phone: 07 5595 2222 Fax: 07 5595 1015 Email: (within Australia) Phone: +61 7 5595 1024 Fax: +61 7 5595 1015 Email: (from overseas) CRICOS Provider Code 00017B EXECUTIVE MASTER OF REAL ESTATE - 12 bujno.DS550 The information published in this document is correct at the time of printing (April 2013). However, all programs are subject to review by the Academic Senate of the University and the University reserves the right to change its program offerings and subjects without notice. The information published in this document is intended as a guide and persons considering an offer of enrolment should contact the relevant faculty or institute to see if any changes have been made before deciding to accept their offer.