the official
the official
WELCOME! We are so happy to be here with you! This is definitely one of our very favorite days. This year, we find ourselves intrigued by escalating scale and growth. Never before have we been asked to calibrate and recalibrate the edges of our worlds in such provocative ways. Really, how does one make sense of 200 million tweets a day or a population projected to zoom past seven billion? And how do we handle the amazing (yet often daunting) complexity all of this creates? Most importantly, we wonder what it means to be human at this specific point in time. How do we absorb, contribute and create in the midst of such fast-paced swirl and possibility, among so many shifting ideas and ideals and within this period of unfathomable change? How fantastic to dive straight into the currents that surround our lives and to have this space to debate their implications. It’s really quite extraordinary, don’t you think? A very BIG thank you to our generous speakers, performers and partners who make this day possible! We’re grateful you have chosen to spend this day together. Here’s to a phenomenal 2012 and the opportunity we each have to make it a year (and a life) that can only be described as Beyond Measure! Xo, Nancy Giordano + Shawna Butler + Romy Suskin + The TEDxAustin Team B OF Y E A RS IN A DV N DRE HIL FC #O ER IN G 30 TIS NUM NUMBER OF YEARS AS HEAD OF STRATEGIC PLANNING AT W I E D E N + K E N N E D Y ADVERTISING AGENCY ER 15,000 NUMBER OF PHOTOS SHOT IN THE PAST YEAR 12 No.OF VISITED COUNTRIES IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS CHRIS RILEY T WITTER: @studioriley WEBSITE: In a world no longer clearly divided between media producers and consumers, a revolution can begin anywhere with a single tweet. Chris Riley has witnessed firsthand the power of mobile and social media platforms that are transforming our monolithic media market into a pluralistic one. He led strategy at both Wieden + Kennedy and Apple before founding Studioriley, where he and his colleagues currently explore the relationship between business and culture. Chris travels a lot and has recently returned from his first adventure to Antarctica. R100S MODEL NUMBER OF THE FULLY RESTORED BMW MOTORCYCLE RILEY OWNS NOTES AS THE NUMBER OF STORIES SURGES, WHAT WILL CHANGE AND HOW? 100 1.5 No. OF DEATH ROW INMATES REPRESENTED IN COURT ? CHILDREN WITH NUMBER OF TIMES 10,000 PER DAY DAVID EATS ICE CREAM NO. OF INCARCERATED CHILDREN OF THEIR OWN NO. OF CASES REVIEWED BY TEXAS INNOCENCE NETWORK NO. OF DECADES REPRESENTING DEATH RO W INMATES IN COURT NO. OF YEARS LITIGATION DIR. FOR TEXAS DEFENDER SERVICE NO. OF EXONERATIONS BY T E X A S I NNO CE NCE NE T W O RK DAVID R. DOW T WITTER: @drdow WEBSITE: In the realm of today’s death penalty debate, few of us know how the system really works and how much death penalty supporters and their opponents actually agree on. A former death penalty supporter who has been representing death row inmates for more than 20 years, David Dow doesn’t just know these things; he lives them. As a respected legal scholar and one of the nation's best known death penalty lawyers, David's writing and published work shares with us the disturbing realities that are painful to confront, while also pointing to hope and common ground. David encourages us to consider the issue from an expanded perspective. Make the problem bigger, he suggests. Redefine its beginning. That's how we'll solve this intractable problem. PUBLISHED WORK BOOKS JO URNALS FO REW ORD POEMS NOTES WHERE DOES ONE DECIDE THE PROBLEM ACTUALLY STARTS? NUMBER 20 OF YEARS AGO THAT PEOPLE WERE LARGELY UNCONCERNED WITH THE SECURITY OF THEIR PERSONAL COMPUTERS 3 5 300,000 NUMBER MILE RADIUS THAT MOBILE PHONE COMPANIES CAN TRACK WHERE YOU ARE LOCATED AT ALL TIMES VIA GPS NUMBER OF HITS FOR INTERNET SEARCH ON “GPS JAMMERS,” MANY OF THEM LINKING TO SALES SITES 19 72 19 82 19 92 20 02 20 4 GPS No. OF DECADES SINCE AMERIC A’S MILITARY DEVELOPED TODD HUMPHREYS 12 3 YEARS SINCE BRITISH POLICE BEGAN FINDING JAMMING EQUIPMENT USED AMONG CRIMINALS FO R T R A C K I N G D E V I C E INTERFERENCE WEBSITE: If a digital Justice League existed, Todd Humphreys would easily have a seat. In 2008, he co-founded a start-up that reinforces GPS technology by using signals from the Iridium satellite constellation. Most recently, he and his team at UT Austin’s Radio Navigation Lab have been studying possible defensive tactics against intentional GPS jamming that puts our national infrastructure, and even our personal well-being, at risk. Which all begs one question: Where am I and who else knows? PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS WHO SAID THEIR ORGANIZATIONS' COMPUTERS HAD 90% BEEN BREACHED AT LEAST ONCE BY HACKERS OVER THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN A JUNE 2011 SURVEY OF 583 U.S. COMPANIES CONDUCTED BY PONEMON RESEARCH ON BEHALF OF JUNIPER NET WORKS) NOTES CONSIDER THAT YOUR LOCATION IS NEITHER TRUSTWORTHY NOR PRIVATE; HOW DOES THAT FEEL? 3 NUMBER OF LANGUAGES ELLIE CAN SPEAK No. OF POUNDS OF PAPER THAT IS CONSUMED BY THE AVERAGE AMERICAN EACH YEAR 16 YEARS of AGE NUMBER OF STUDENTS DESTINATION IMA GINATION REACHES EACH YEAR IN MORE THAN 30 COUNTRIES ELLIE AUDET TUMBLR: EMAIL: When Ellie Audet encounters a piece of paper, she’s not thinking about what to write, she’s thinking about what to wear. She combines technical and creative expertise in her designs to produce delightfully fresh creations. Her resourcefulness in her work has been honed working with Destination ImagiNation, a creative problem-solving contest that challenges kids like Ellie to think, create and do. 37 NUMBER OF MUSIC GENRES ON ELLIE’S NOTES IS THERE A STANDARDIZED TEST THAT CAN MEASURE THE IMPACT OF CREATIVITY? PH NUMBER OF TRAVEL ASSIGNMENTS TR N PHOTOGRAPHY NT NUMBER OF GRANTS, FELLOWSHIPS & AWARDS FOR HER DOCUMENTARY COU 18 PH OGRA ED OV IES 792,550 ON ASSI ME NUMBER OF T WITTER FOLLOWERS OT ER 9,593 360 GN No. OF PUBLICATIONS No. OF MILES FLOWN FOR ASSIGNMENTS PENNY DE LOS SANTOS CONTRIBUTED TO T WITTER: @pennydelosantos WEBSITE: From the historical all-male dining clubs of the Basque Country to Jerusalem’s most bomb-besieged markets, photographing culture has been at the heart of Penny De Los Santos’s work. She began shooting photos as a way to understand her own diverse cultural background and identity. Her recent evolution into food photography has allowed her to explore and celebrate culture, history and community through the lens of food. 1 1 No. OF CAMERA BODIES USED No. OF LENSES USED ON THE MAJORITY OF HER ASSIGNMENTS 1 ,0 0 0 No. OF YEARS SPENT SHOOTING & DEVELOPING THE TEJANOS PROJECT NOTES WAS THERE A MEAL THAT CHANGED YOUR LIFE? 12 2012 TYPES OF VENUES IN WHICH HE’S PERFORMED 7 22 1 No. OF TONIGHT SHOWS AMENDMENTS IN THE BILL OF RIGHTS 8 No. OF STADIUMS NUMBER OF ROCK STARS HE’S TOURED WITH 220 NUMBER OF YEARS 1500 CHRIS BLISS THEATRE ROYALE 14 NUMBER OF ORIGINAL COPIES of the BILL OF RIGHTS SINCE THE BILL OF RIGHTS WAS RATIFIED T WITTER: @iamchrisbliss WEBSITE: When Chris Bliss was touring the country as a comedian and viral internet legend, he found a common theme in his audiences: a feeling that we’d lost our way. Chris saw an opportunity to reconnect people to the principles that have guided our country for generations. It also inspired him to start, which seeks to install Bill of Rights displays in civic centers across America. Most people move to Austin for the culture or start-up scene. Chris came to launch his mission. 1984 80,000,000 THE YEAR HE WAS MICHAEL JACKSON’S OPENING ACT ON THE VICTORY TOUR NUMBER OF VIEWS OF CHRIS J U G G L I N G TO T H E B E AT L E S NOTES CAN THE POWER OF A MONUMENT BE MEASURED? 3,000 142 NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO CAME OUT IN 100 DEGREE TEMPERATURE FOR ONE PROJECT 100 LENGTH OF AN AVERAGE CITY BLOCK IS 330 - 660 FEET NUMBER OF TREES AND SHRUBS USED FOR ONE PROJECT or OF A MILE 15 WHO DEVELOPED THEIR OWN NUMBER OF ARTISTS No. OF COMMUNITIES NATIONWIDE WHO HELPED TRANSFORM A THEATER IN 2005 BETTER BLOCK PROJECTS 48 JASON ROBERTS NUMBER OF HOURS SPENT COMPLETING THE FIRST BETTER BLOCK PROJECT T WITTER: @mannytmoto $1,000 AMOUNT SPENT TO COMPLETE FIRST PROJECT WEBSITE: You know that old eyesore that’s been languishing around the corner for the last decade? What if you could change it overnight? Arts activist Jason Roberts and urban planner Andrew Howard show us how it’s done. Using their living charrette model (read: urban guerrilla design), community members seize a 48-hour window to create an urban intervention that inspires improvement and makes change feel tangible. They build. They paint. They break through. One block at a time. $1,000,000 D O L L A R S D E D I C AT E D T O A R E A IMPROVEMENTS IN D ALL A S FOR BETTER BLOCK AFTER THE SUCCESS OF FIRST PROJECT THERE NOTES HOW CAN ART BECOME LIFE BECOME CHANGE? SOPRANOS ALTOS TENORS BASSES COMPANY OF VOICES IN CONSPIRARE’S CHAMBER CHOIR 5 No. OF GRAMMY NOMINATIONS YEAR JOHNSON WAS INDUCTED INTO THE RENOWNED AUSTIN ARTS HALL OF FAME NUMBER OF TIMES AWARDED SPEED ROPING CHAMPION IN Virginia, MN 21 YEARS SINCE CONSPIRARE WAS FORMED CRAIG HELLA JOHNSON WEBSITE: At the helm of the multi-Grammy-winning choir, Conspirare, Craig Hella Johnson has fast become one of the most influential voices in choral conducting. He leads with an open heart as he explores the interconnectedness of musical genres, the classical and the popular, the sacred and the secular. Craig is well deserving of his 2008 induction into the Austin Arts Hall of Fame. Voice, he says, is our primal instrument. And he wants us all to embrace our own. 11 NUMBER OF YEARS JOHNSON SPENT AS DIRECTOR OF CHORAL ACTIVITIES FOR UT AUSTIN 1400−2012 TIMESPAN OF THE ORIGINS OF THE WORKS PERFORMED BY CONSPIRARE NOTES CAN YOU IMAGINE THE BEAUTY AS WE ALL BREATHE AS ONE? OVER NUMBER OF MILITARY WIDOWS SUPPORTED BY THE AMERICAN WIDOW PROJECT SINCE 2007 6,300 NUMBER OF U.S. SERVICE MEMBERS KILLED IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN 3,000 ESTIMATED NUMBER OF MILITARY WIDOWS ACROSS THE COUNTRY AGE OF TARYN DAVIS WHEN SHE LOST HER HUSBAND IN IRAQ TARYN DAVIS T WITTER: @tar yndavis WEBSITE: Taryn Davis found and married her soul mate at an early age. Looking forward to a long life together, one day everything changed. Seeking closure and solace, Taryn began documenting military widows and ended up creating an organization that united them all into a community. Taryn has been recognized as CNN’s Heroes Award 2010 National Woman of Worth and was one of 2011 Newsweek’s “150 Women Who Shake the World.” We are honored to have her on our stage today. 25,968 NUMBER OF “LIKES” ON THE AWP FACEBOOK PAGE NOTES HOW DO YOU DEFINE A WIDOW? 42 MILLION NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO WERE DISPLACED GLOBALLY BY NATURAL DISASTERS IN 2010 No. OF COUNTRIES THAT McD ANIEL TRAVELED TO IN 2011 NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO AN EXO CAN PROVIDE SHELTER FOR 1985 4 YEAR THAT McDANIEL ATTENDED SPACE CAMP MICHAEL McDANIEL THE AGE OF HIS TWIN DAUGHTERS T WITTER: @mcdanyel WEBSITE: Just days after Hurricane Katrina made landfall, award-winning designer and strategist Michael Daniel found himself gripped by creative obsession. The pictures of survivor conditions disturbed him deeply and inspired him to devise the revolutionary Reaction Housing System, a solution with both dignity and practicality at its core. This is just one in a long line of achievements in Michael’s name. As a senior designer at Frog Design here in Austin, Michael leads interdisciplinary teams that create products and services for top name brands. Us? We’re glad to have his compassionate voice reminding us of what it means to prepare and design with purpose and humanity. 1 MILLION NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO WERE DISPLACED BY HURRICANE KATRINA 2 MILLION NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO WERE DISPLACED BY THE 2010 HAITI EARTHQUAKE NOTES WHEN A DESIGNER CHANNELS HIS ANGER AND FRUSTRATION INTO SOLUTIONS, HOW DOES THE WORLD CHANGE FOR THE BETTER? 2447 No. of tweets 1638 No. of Twitter followers NUMBER OF SPEECHES EGGERS AVERAGES PER YEAR $ 15.2 PERCENTAGE OF AMERICANS who TRILLION TRUST THE GOVERNMENT TO DO T H E R I G H T T H I N G , A CCO R D I N G TO A NEW YORK TIMES POLL THE CURRENT BAL ANCE OF THE U.S. DEBT 200 K 75 WILLIAM EGGERS NUMBER OF MILES HE TRAVELS PER YEAR NUMBER OF CASE STUDIES OF MA JOR P U B L I C I N I T I AT I V E S A N A LY Z E D I N HIS MOST RECENT BOOK, If We Can Put A Man On The Moon... T WITTER: @wdeggers WEBSITE: Few of us are optimistic about Washington’s ability to solve problems these days. Fortunately, William Eggers is. He’s one of the country’s best-known authorities on government reform and is a voice of optimism when he advises governments of all sizes. Author of the best-selling (and required White House reading) If We Can Put A Man on the Moon. . ., William believes government can help catalyze entrepreneurs and innovation not only in society but also within its own walls. That is good news. 6 NO. OF BOOKS PUBLISHED 855 2 3 8 ,ES BET WEEN M IL ON NO. OF T H A N D M O R THE EA NOTES WHAT IS THE POTENTIAL OF EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT? $ 690 THE AVERAGE COST TO SAVE A CHILD’S LIFE PERCENTAGE OF A SINGLE SURGICAL/TRAINING MISSION 85% FUNDED BY LOCAL IRAQI CONSTITUENT INSTITUTIONS 204 No. OF CHILDREN IN IRAQ GIVEN HEART SURGERY FROM 2007 2011 NUMBER OF 5 CORE VALUES: 2 - HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS NUMBER OF - WHOLE SOLUTIONS FOR WHOLE PEOPLE CHILDREN WITH WIFE - FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY JESSICA JEREMY COURTNEY - LONG-TERM, LOCAL SOLUTIONS - THE PURSUIT OF PEACE T WITTER: @JCourt WEBSITE: If performing heart surgery isn’t difficult enough, try doing it in the middle of a war zone. When Jeremy and Jessica Courtney first visited Iraq, they were shocked to find a staggering number of children in dire need of heart surgery. Preemptive Love was born, recruiting non-Muslim doctors to work with a Muslim population. Not long after, Jeremy was asked by the inaugural TEDxBaghdad to talk about the power of ideas to change the world. We’ve invited him back home to do the same. 7 ,000 No. OF MILES A SURGICAL TEAM MUST TRAVEL TO GET TO THE OPERATING ROOM 16 No. OF SURGICAL/TRAINING MISSIONS PER YEAR NOTES IS IT POSSIBLE TO BRIDGE A CULTURAL GULF THAT HAS STOOD FOR GENERATIONS? HIS BOOK RHYTHM SCIENCE HAS BEEN CHOSEN AS ONE OF THE BEST DESIGNED BOOKS BY THE AIGA YEAR FIRST ALBUM RELEASED A.K.A. *DJ SPOOKY* No. OF BOOKS PUBLISHED PAUL MILLER No. OF ALBUMS RELEASED T WITTER: @djspooky No. OF FILM SCORES COMPOSED WEBSITE: WARNING: talking with Paul Miller/*DJ Spooky* for too long can make even a TEDster feel like a dimwit. So says New Zealand’s Sunday Star Times. “Brainy as a Mensa meeting, sharp as Zorro's sword, funny as Falstaff. He is Einstein with a better haircut, a streetwise Tolstoy, a revved-up renaissance man for the digital age.” Paul’s latest venture takes him to Antarctica, which he uses as an entry point for considering humanity’s relationship with the natural world. The result: an unexpected manifesto on the physics of ice, compositional strategy and graphic design. Information aesthetics and contemporary digital media: that’s signature Paul. 9,000,000 NUMBER OF TIMES HIS DJ MIXER APP HAS BEEN DOWNLOADED NOTES LET’S TAKE A STAB AT DEFINING CREATIVITY, SHALL WE? NUMBER OF WORLD RECORDS NO. OF LIKES ON FACEBOOK AGE SHE TOOK UP FREEDIVING: 25 AGE SHE BROKE HER FIRST RECORD: 25 1 6.30 NUMBER OF GREAT WHITE SHARKS SEEN WHILE DIVING 525 FEET (160 m) 10 4,014 BEATS PER MINUTE HER HEART R AT E D RO P S TO W H I L E D I V I N G NUMBER OF MINUTES BREATH HELD FOR 12:1 DEPTH IN FEET OF RECORD “NO LIMITS” FREEDIVE With 1 single breath of air. TANYA STREETER T WITTER: @tanyastreeter WEBSITE: Tanya Streeter shouldn’t be able to do what she does. And yet she has delved the depths of our oceans, broken just about every freediving record in the world and pushed far past the limits of physiology. And she hasn’t stopped there. As an activist and adventurer, Tanya is living proof that the greatest risk is not being what others expect of us. As her daughter recently told her classmates: “She’s a mermaid. And right now she’s off playing with lions.” Go, Mama, go! 7 LITERS OF LUNG C A PA C I T Y OVER No. OF SPECIES THAT HAVE OR BECOME 250 INGESTED ENTANGLED IN PL ASTIC NOTES HOW DO YOU ACCURATELY MEASURE RISK? PERFORMERS TRUMPETER & JAZZ ADVOCATE Not every musician gets a day devoted to him, but that’s exactly what happened to trumpeter Jeff Lofton in 2009 when Austin’s mayor honored him for his contributions to the jazz scene in the “live music capital of the world.” Both a virtuoso and a tireless advocate for the form, Lofton is the Miles Davis of our day. In 2010 he graciously welcomed our attendees as they rode up the elevator. This year, he’s lighting up the main stage. There’s being classically trained, and there’s being classically innovative. Ballet Austin is firmly the latter. Their credo: Dance with innovation and creativity. Preserve and evolve the rich tradition of classical ballet. Teach the next generation of artists. Encourage lifelong health and well-being. Honor the diversity of the human experience. Enrich community. Dance. NOTES ARE THERE ANY TRUE BOUNDARIES BETWEEN ARTISTIC GENRES? xLAB Ideas worth sharing can sometimes be communicated powerfully through an interactive experience. Sometimes you need to touch, smell, taste or talk to an idea before you can absorb the science, technology or craft that goes into it. The TEDxAustin XLab is a playground carefully curated to share even more of what’s going on in Austin this year. We present to you the Chefs, Artists, Designers, Doers and Makers of this incredibly talented town in which we live and thrive. Our thanks and respect to all our participants. Enjoy! 44 DOORS 44Doors is a mobile marketing solutions provider that connects brands with audiences where they work, live and play. AGAVEPRINT AgavePrint is a small digital print shop located in East Austin, Texas, owned and operated by Peter Williams. BARNES & NOBLE Barnes & Noble is hosting a literary installation furnished with a selection of works curated by our speakers and the TEDxAustin team. The collection includes works from innovative and creative minds around the world and around the corner. BELLA GLASEL Bella Glasel is a mixed-media, paper, ink, pencil and watercolor artist, casting a net into space and waiting for answers. BUILD A BETTER BLOCK The “Better Block” project is a demonstration tool that acts as a living charrette where communities can actively engage in the buildout process and provide feedback in real time. CALLEN THOMPSON Callen Thompson is an artist and textile designer living in Austin, Texas. CAROLINE WRIGHT Caroline Wright is a painter and cellist and finds the disciplines to instruct each other. DAN WINTERS Acclaimed photographer and Austin local Dan Winters contributed his portfolio to the opening video collaboration with trumpet player Jeff Lofton. DAVID TRUBRIDGE This world-renowned designer has created a lighting collection based on organic forms while maintaining a commitment to sustainability and minimizing environmental impact. ELLIE AUDET Challenged to create costumes with almost no budget, this 16-year-old completely redefines the possibilities of paper. FEEDMAGNET FeedMagnet is a web application that helps brands curate and display social media. FIRE TREE STUDIOS We approach creativity with fiery passion and rooted practicality...stretch your imagination to what is possible in your art, business and life. FROG Bastrop Inside/Out produced by Sam Martin of Frog Design shows the resilience of a Texas town faced with wildfires and documented as part of the Inside Out project. JEREMY EARHART Jeremy Earhart’s mixed-media sculptures/ design objects are rife with historical ornamentation. The work is made entirely by hand. KEVIN GREER Kevin Greer is an Austin painter who is excited about the quiet language between the materials as they collide with one another. REACTION HOUSING The Reaction Housing System is emergency housing that arrives in time for the actual emergency. SARABI STUDIO Furniture to last a lifetime designs that turn heads and make a bold, minimal statement. STUDIO MODO studioMODO LaRuche: a collaborative design practice exploring immersive environments through space, light, technology and image. THRESHOLD FURNITURE Threshold Furniture is the official design consultant for the XLab and sponsor of the Threshold Art Gallery through their Local Artist Spotlight series. VISUAL INNOVATIONS We provide an engaging way to share information across teams, whether they are in the same room or spread across the globe. xLUNCH Austin is a town full of foodforward, health-aware, locally conscious consumers who above all enjoy breaking bread with friends and family. Our figurative cup literally brims to the rim with culinary talent. So much so that we could not give you just one acclaimed chef this afternoon; we are giving you six. That’s why we’re expanding xLab to include your midday meal, which we are affectionately referring to as xLunch. In partnership with Whole Foods Market and our favorite local food friends, we invited these six chefs to design a menu in their distinct styles from a list of the same ingredients. While you will all be enjoying the best, locally sourced meats, dairy and produce, each will be prepared for you at the discretion of your chef. Your meals are lovingly served by the volunteer staff from Natural Epicurean. We thank all of the participants in today’s lunch Xperiment! Bon appétit! Swift’s Attic: Mat Clouser, Zack Northcutt, Callie Speer A native Texan and a longtime Austin resident, Swift’s Attic’s Mat Clouser describes himself as being a “bit of a corsair water-dog.” As any Jolly Old Roger will tell you, Mat says “it isn’t so much the style of the blade, but more the skill in the wielding.” The food at Swift’s Attic is wholly drawn from this sentiment with as wide an array of tastes and flavors as its itinerant jack-tar chef. Uchiko: Philip Speer Philip Speer of Uchiko is famous for his ability to combine seasonal ingredients with an infinite array of seafood from around the globe for an experience that pushes diners’ gastronomic boundaries. But when we asked him if he had any food secrets, he kept it simple. “I’ll put eggs on anything,” he said. “And I challenge you to name one thing peanuts don’t go with.” You hear that, TEDsters? You’ve been challenged. Get peanutting. BC Tavern/Wink: Matt Taylor Matt Taylor of BC Tavern / Wink believes in simplicity. “Cook with fewer ingredients,” he says. “Just make them the right ones.” The menu at his restaurant is American at heart, finding its roots in Southern tradition and hospitality. Ingredients are drawn from the region, with the mentality that there’s nothing better than seeing, touching, smelling and tasting food that’s locally grown. It’s comfort food. Done well. Carillon at the AT&T Executive Center: Josh Watkins You probably know Josh Watkins from the sophisticated fare on offer at the Carillon, where he’s led the push for farm-fresh, ingredient-driven menus since 2008. But he’s got a secret. “I love Cheez-Its,” he says. “The plain ones. I’m a junk food purist.” Still, when he’s cooking for others, it’s the produce that inspires him. He knows that Austinites are educated diners and that sourcing is key. True. But we’ll admit, we love our Cheez-Its, too. Lenoir Austin: Todd Duplechan, Jessica Maher Todd Duplechan and Jessica Maher named their restaurant Lenoir after a French black grape varietal that’s as adaptable as they are. But we think it’s their take on how to eat popcorn that showcases their mentality best of all. Says Todd: “I season my popcorn with salt, pepper and Tabasco, and I eat it with chopsticks. I learned from my dad, and now my wife is doing it, too. You don’t get oil on your hands, and it makes it last half an hour into the movie.” Now that’s adaptability. Fino/Asti: Jason Donoho Cozy, yet modern. Mediterranean, Spanish, Greek and North African. These are just a few words that describe Fino, located in Central Austin. Executive chef Jason Donoho has worked all over the map. He goes for taste, not extremity, shirking the temptation to throw together crazy ingredients. But what deep, dark secret has this bacon-loving artiste been hiding from us? “I used to be a vegetarian,” he says, and then adds quickly, “But not anymore.” Easy Tiger: David Norman Is there any better combination than bread and beer? David Norman, whose pedigree includes head-baking positions at Grand Central Bakery, TriBakery, Ecce Panis and Bouley Bakery, is an artisan baker, a true master of his craft. From French country levain to German pretzels and everything in between, Easy Tiger showcases yeasty goodness in its every form. Does Whole Foods need any introduction? Manna for the health conscious, thought leader for the eco-friendly, Whole Foods is a model of a company that can do good and do well while speaking from the heart. Their Health Starts Here Initiative encourages consumption of the purest, most nutrient-dense diet, built on plants and healthy fats. Even better: Healthy Eating Specialists are ready and waiting at your local store to help you get on the right track. Just their way of being their motto: Whole Foods, Whole People, Whole Planet. Have you ever tried that diet that bans all grains? How about the liquid diet, the raw diet or that one where you’re only allowed to eat reconstituted vegetables at sunset and dawn? (Okay, we made that last one up.) The folks at Natural Epicurean don’t believe in diets. They embrace a holistic view of health that takes physical, energetic, mental, emotional, societal and environmental influences into consideration. A fresh, natural food diet isn’t the core of health, it bolsters it in all of its forms. Just a non dogmatic approach for very nice (and healthy!) people. FOOD PARTNERS UCHIKO CARILLON LENOIR BC TAVERN WINK 6 6 SWIFT’S ATTIC 5 5 5 8 3 4 7 8 4 2 FINO / ASTI UPSTAIRS VENUE MAP 1 - SARABI STUDIO LOUNGE 2 - BARNES & NOBLE BOOKSELLERS 3 - ELLIE AUDET 4 - BUILD A BETTER BLOCK 5 - JEREMY EARHART 6 - STUDIOMODO / LARUCHE / SHARPE 7 - DAVID TRUBRIDGE DESIGN 8 - 44 DOORS 1 TEDx TALK 5 1 6 2 3 4 1 DOWNSTAIRS VENUE MAP 1 - BASTROP INSIDE/OUT PROJECT 2 - FEEDMAGNET + 44 DOORS + VISUAL INNOVATIONS + xLAB TOUCHSCREEN 3 - FIRE TREE STUDIO INTUITIVE PAINTING 4 - THRESHOLD GALLERY 5 - EASY TIGER BREAD BAY 6 - 44 DOORS PARTNERS INSPIRED THINKING. SHARED. TEDxAustin is a knowledge-sharing platform. We amplify and activate idea-centered collaborations with our partners based on a shared vision. And trust. It’s an experience where ideas jump up, run around and change the world. But none of this is possible without all of the people and companies who commit their financial and practical support to creating the TEDxAustin experience. Thanks + Gratitude to our Beyond Measure partners who make great things happen here in Austin and all around the planet! PREMIER EVENT PARTNER PARTICIPATING PARTNERS COMMUNITY PARTNERS IN-KIND PRODUCTION TEDxAustin is a team effort. Produced by people who are passionate about sharing ideas and inspiring others. 90% of our work is virtual. 100% pro-bono. We produce from a place of excellence, creativity, joy and risk. We are honored to create this experience and work within such a vibrant community. We hope you are as transformed by the experience as we have been. 28 NUMBER OF WEEKS SPENT PLANNING BEYOND MEASURE 218 THE NUMBER OF AUSTIN COMMUNITY MEETINGS WE'VE HAD (PARTNERS, OUTREACH, CREATIVE) 23,4 62 NUMBER OF DECISIONS MADE BY TEDxAustin TEAM (AND YES, WE CATALOGUED EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!) BEYOND MEASURE UMBER OF SPEAKERS AND VETTED 143 NRESEARCHED 8,888 AVERAGE NUMBER OF EMAILS PER TEDxAustin EXEC PRODUCER HOURS SPENT THINKING, PLANNING, REVISING: COUNTLESS FRIENDSHIPS AND PARTNERSHIPS FORGED: COUNTLESS NUMBER OF IDEAS BIRTHED: COUNTLESS NUMBER OF CONVERSATIONS CATALYZED: BEYOND MEASURE PRODUCTION EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS NANCY GIORDANO | LICENSEE + CHIEF IDEA WRANGLER | PLAY BIG INC SHAWNA BUTLER | CO-CURATOR + ENGAGEMENT CATALYST | IBEX GROUP ROMY SUSKIN | CREATIVE DIRECTOR + EXPERIENCE CURATOR | HENRY PEARL INC. JENNIFER LOVELAND | PROCESS + INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARCHITECT | DELL OLIVIA SHARRATT | EVENT DESIGN + LOGISTICS | LIV BY DESIGN STACY WEITZNER | COMMUNITY VIBE + VOICE | BOLD MUSE CREATIVE LIONEL FELIX | TECH WRANGLER + POSSIBILITY CREATOR | ENFATICO ASSOCIATE PRODUCERS JOSH ALEXANDER | FINANCIAL ORCHESTRATION | DURBIN BENNETT PETERSON BEN QUIRT | APPLICATION + REGISTRATION ARCHITECT | ACCENTURE MACKENZIE ALLEN | SPEAKER CONCIERGE | CONSULTANT LISA COGLIATI | ORGANIZATIONAL RINGLEADER | PROOF ADVERTISING LISA APFELBERG | SIMULCAST DIRECTOR KRISTIN BENDER | COMMUNITY OUTREACH ENTHUSIAST | ENFATICO WITH SUPPORT FROM TIM WILLINGHAM, TOYA HALEY CREATIVE PRODUCERS LEAH KAMINSKY | WRITING + PROJECT MANAGEMENT | JUST START APPLICATIONS LINDSEY GREGORY TYNER | WEBMASTERY | ALT CREATIVE NOAH DAVIS | ART + IDEAS | AUSTIN ADWORKS xLAB PRODUCERS JENNIE CHEN | FOOD IMPRESARIO | CHENERGY CONSULTING MOODY ANDREWS | PRODUCTION MANAGER | MAFAB DESIGNS JEFF SHARPE | xLUNCH ENVIRONMENT ARCHITECT | BE PLAYFUL DESIGNS CHRIS CZICHOS | xLUNCH ENVIRONMENT ARCHITECT | CHRIS CZICHOS MATT STEPHANS | DIGITAL CONTENT CURATION | COMPETITION UNLIMITED TEDxAustin TEAM SUPPORT WE HAVE SO MUCH GRATITUDE FOR THESE FOLKS AND ALL THEY’VE SHARED ALONG THE WAY SPEAKER/PERFORMER SUPPORT: MARGARET KEYS, JOHN MCGRATH, JUSTIN FOLLIN, STEPHEN MILLS, NANCY GRAVES AUSTIN MUSIC HALL: BELINDA BOWERS, RONNY SMITH & JESSICA REYNOLDS AUSTIN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION: MARIBEN RAMSEY, PAULA LANGE ENFATICO: SIMON HJORTH PROGRAM DESIGN: GSD&M NOTES