1 Publikationen Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm


1 Publikationen Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm
Publikationen Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm
Grimm, V., A. Martin, M. Weibelzahl, and G. Zöttl (2015). Market Splitting may Decrease Welfare – for
badly configured pricing zones. Mimeo, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, forthcoming, Energy Policy.
Abraham, M., V. Grimm, C. Meyer, and M. Seebauer (2012). Reputation Formation in Economic
Transactions, mimeo, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, forthcoming, Journal of Economic Behavior and
Feicht, R., Grimm, V., and Seebauer, M. (2012). Corporate Social Responsibility in Bertrand Markets: an
Experimental Study, mimeo, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, forthcoming, Journal of Economic Behavior and
Gärtner, D., Grimm, V. Lang, J., and Stephan, G. (2014). Kollektive Lohnverhandlungen und der Gender
Wage Gap: Befunde aus einer qualitativen Studie, IAB-Discussion Paper 14/2014. Industrielle
Beziehungen, 22(3-4), 2015, pp. 260-281.
Bolle F., V. Grimm, A. Ockenfels and X. del Pozo (2013). An Experiment on Supply Function Competition,
European Economic Review, 63, 170-185.
Grimm, V. and L. Ilieva (2013). An Experiment on Emissions Trading: The Effect of Different Allocation
Mechanisms, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 44 (3), 308-338.
Grimm, V. and G. Zöttl (2012). Investment Incentives and Electricity Spot Market Competition, Journal of
Economics and Management Strategy 22 (4), 832-851.
Grimm, V. and F. Mengel (2012). An Experiment on Learning in a Multiple Games Environment, Journal of
Economic Theory, 147 (6), 2220-2259.
Engelmann, D. and V. Grimm (2012). Mechanisms for Efficient Voting with Private Information about
Preferences. The Economic Journal, 122 (563), 1010-1041.
Grimm, V. and F. Mengel (2011). Matching Technology and the Choice of Punishment Institutions in a
Prisoner’s Dilemma Game. Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 78 (3), 333-348.
Grimm, V. and F. Mengel (2011). Let me Sleep on it: Delay Reduces Rejection Rates in Ultimatum Games.
Economics Letters, 111 (2), 113-115.
Grimm, V. and G. Zöttl (2010). Investment Decisions in Liberalized Electricity Markets: The Impact of Market
Design. In: Wolfgang Franz, Werner Güth, Hans J. Ramser, und Manfred Stadler (eds.):
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Seminar Ottobeuren, Band 40 (Marktmacht), Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen.
Grimm, V. and G. Zöttl (2010). Price Regulation under Demand Uncertainty. The B.E. Journal of
Theoretical Economics (Advances), 10 (1), 589-605.
Engelmann, D. and V. Grimm (2009). Bidding Behavior in Multi-Unit Auctions - An Experimental
Investigation. The Economic Journal, 119 (537), 855-882.
Grimm, V. and F. Mengel (2009). Cooperation in Viscous Populations - Experimental Evidence. Games and
Economic Behavior, 66 (1), 202-220.
Grimm, V., A. Ockenfels, and G. Zöttl (2008). Ein Vergleich ausgewählter europäischer Strombörsen.
Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 32 (3), 162-170.
Grimm, V., A. Ockenfels, and G. Zöttl (2008). Strommarktdesign: Zur Ausgestaltung der Auktionsregeln an
der EEX. Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 32 (3).
Grimm, V., F. Mengel, G. Ponti, and L. Viianto (2009). Investment Incentives in Procurement Auctions: An
Experiment. In J. Hinloopen and H.-T. Normann (eds.), Experiments and Competition Policy, Cambridge,
U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
Grimm, V., J. Kovarik, and G. Ponti (2008). Fixed Price plus Rationing: An Experiment. Experimental
Economics 11 (4), 402-422 (with J. Kovarik and G. Ponti).
Grimm, V. (2007). Sequential versus Bundle Auctions for Recurring Procurement. Journal of Economics, 90
(1), 1 - 27.
Bierbaum, J. and V. Grimm (2006). Selling Shares to Retail Investors: Auction versus Fixed Price. Review of
Economic Design, 10 (2), 85-112 (with J. Bierbaum).
22. Grimm, V., R. Paccini, G. Spagnolo, and M. Zanza (2006). Division in Lots and Competition in Procurement
Auctions. in: N. Dimitri, G. Piga, and G. Spagnolo (eds.), Handbook of (e-) Procurement, Cambridge
University Press.
23. Engelmann, D. and V. Grimm (2005). Overbidding in First Price Private Value Auctions: Implications of a
Multi-Unit Auction Experiment. in: U. Schmidt and S. Traub (eds.), Advances in Public Economics: Utility,
Choice, and Welfare, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
24. Grimm, V., F. Riedel, and E. Wolfstetter (2004). The Third-Generation (UMTS) Spectrum License Auction in
Germany. in: G. Illing (ed.) Spectrum Auctions and Competition in Telecommunication, MIT Press.
25. Grimm, V., F. Riedel, and E. Wolfstetter (2003). Low Price Equilibrium in Multi-Unit Auctions: The GSM
Spectrum Auction in Germany. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 21 (10), 1557-1569.
26. Grimm, V., F. Riedel, and E. Wolfstetter (2003). Implementing Efficient Market Structure. Review of
Economic Design, 7 (4), 443-463.
27. Grimm. V. and U. Schmidt (2000). Revenue Equivalence and Income Taxation. Journal of Economics and
Finance, 24 (1) 2000,. 56-63 (with U. Schmidt).
28. Grimm, V. and U. Schmidt (2000). Equilibrium Bidding without the Independence Axiom: A Graphical
Analysis. Theory and Decision, 49 (4), 361-374.
29. Grimm, V. and U. Schmidt (1999). Optimale Auktionen. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium: Wist,
Zeitschrift für Ausbildung und Hochschulkontakt, 28 (12) , 670-675.
30. Revise & Resubmit
31. Grimm, V., A. Martin, Schmidt, M., M. Weibelzahl, and G. Zöttl (2015). Transmission and Generation
Investment in Electricity Markets: The Effects of Market Splitting and Network Fee Regimes, IWQW
Discussion Paper No. 4, 2014, Revise and resubmit, European Journal of Operations Research. Preprint:
32. Dieckmann, A., Fischbacher, U., Grimm, V., Unfried, M., Utikal, V., and Valmasoni, L. (2013). Trust in
Character, Capability and Institutions among Europeans. Mimeo, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,
Andere Publikationen
33. Grimm, V. and G. Zöttl (2015). Investitionsanreize im Strommarkt der Zukunft. In: Wolfgang Lemb (Hg.)
Welche Industrie wollen wir?, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.
34. Grimm, V. (2007). Book Review: An Introduction to the Structural Econometrics of Auction Data. by H.
Paarsch and H. Hong, Journal of Economics 92 (2), 205-208.
35. Grimm, V. (2002). Three Essays on Mechanism Design and Multi-Object Auctions. Aachen, Shaker Verlag.
36. Grimm, V., U. Schmidt, and M. Weber (2003). Auktionen: Zu viel oder zu wenig geboten?. in: Forschung für
die Praxis, Band 14, Behavioral Finance Group, University of Mannheim.
37. Grimm, V. (1999) Auction Theory: A Survey. in: S.B. Dahiya (eds.), The Current State of Economic Science,
Spellbound Publications, Rothak.
38. Grimm, V., Schewe, L., Schmidt, M., and G. Zöttl (2015b). Peak-Load Pricing on a Network. Submitted:
Preprint: http://www.optimization-online.org/DB_HTML/2015/08/5072.html
39. Grimm, V., and Mengel, F. (2013). An Experiment on Updating in Networks, mimeo, FAU ErlangenNuremberg, submitted.
40. Feicht, R., Grimm, V., Rau, H., and Stephan, G. (2013). An Experiment on Ultimatum Collective Bargaining.
Mimeo, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, submitted
41. Grimm, V., Utikal, V., and Valmasoni, L. (2013). In-group favoritism and discrimination among multiple outgroups. Mimeo, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, submitted
42. Cagala, T., Glogowski, U., Grimm, V., and Rincke, J. (2013). Cooperation in the Presence of Corruption.
Mimeo, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, submitted.
43. Cagala, T., Glogowski, U., Grimm, V., and Rincke, J. Tuset, A. (2015). Corruption and Social .Capital
Formation. Mimeo, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, submitted.
44. Engelmann, D., Grimm, V., and. Tonn, M. (2013). On Bargaining under Incomplete Information. Mimeo,
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
45. Engelmann, D., Grimm, V., and. Tonn, M. (2015). Mechanisms to improve cooperation in a social dilemma
under incomplete information. Mimeo, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
46. Cagala, T., Glogowski, U., Grimm, V., Sproten, A. (2015). Efficiency Concerns with Non-Monetary
Incentives. Mimeo, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
47. Büttner, T., Grimm, V., and Erbe, K. (2013). Gender Differences in Tax Compliance and Tax Planning.
Mimeo, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
48. Grimm, V., A. Martin, C. Sölch, M. Weibelzahl, and G. Zöttl (2015). Cost-Based versus Market Based
Redispatch on a Network. Mimeo, University of Erlangen-NurembergGrimm, V. Lang, J., Stephan, J. (2015).
Tarifverträge und die Lohnlücke zwischen Männern und Frauen Empirische Evidenz aus
Zerlegungsanalysen, submitted
49. Grimm, V. and C. Leepa (2011). Determinants of Contract Awarding in Non-Binding Auctions, mimeo, FAU
50. Grimm, V., (2008). Cournot Competition under Uncertainty, mimeo, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg.
51. Grimm, V. and G. Zöttl (2005). Strategic Capacity Choice under Uncertainty: The Impact of Market
Structure on Investment and Welfare, mimeo, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg.
52. Grimm V. and G. Zöttl (2005). Access to Commitment Devices Reduces Investment Incentives in Oligopoly,
mimeo, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg.
53. Grimm V. (2004). On Procurement Auctions of Complementary Goods. IVIE Working Paper No. WP-AD
54. Engelmann, D. and V. Grimm (2003). Bidding Behavior in Multi-Unit Auctions - An Experimental
Investigation and some Theoretical Insights. CERGE-EI WP 210.
55. Bierbaum, J. and V. Grimm (2002). Uniform Price Auction vs. Fixed Price Mechanisms: A Numerical
Analysis. WP.
56. Grimm, V. and B. Rupp (2002). Automated Bandtwidth Exchange. Working Paper.