Publications - Dynamics and Vibrations Group


Publications - Dynamics and Vibrations Group
Peter Hagedorn
29. Februar 2016
[1] Hagedorn, P.: Zur Schwingungsberechnung von Block- und Kastenfundamenten von
Maschinen, Konstruktion, 20:102–106, 1968.
[2] Hagedorn, P.: Zum Instabilitätsbereich erster Ordnung der Mathieu-Gleichung mit
quadratischer Dämpfung, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 48:256–259, 1968.
[3] Hagedorn, P.: Kombinationsresonanz und Instabilitätsbereiche zweiter Art bei parametererregten Schwingungen mit nichtlinearer Dämpfung, Ingenieur Archiv, 38:80–
96, 1969.
[4] Hagedorn, P.: Die Mathieu-Gleichung mit nichtlinearen Dämpfungs- und Rückstellgliedern, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 50:321–324, 1970.
[5] Hagedorn, P.: On the Destabilizing Effect of Non-linear Damping in NonConservative Systems with Follower Forces, Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 5:341–358,
[6] Hagedorn, P.: Über Kombinationsresonanz bei parametererregten Systemen mit
Coulombscher Dämpfung, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 50:228–231, 1970.
[7] Hagedorn, P.: On the Lateral Buckling of a Beam subjected to the Reaction of a
Pulsating Fluid Jet, Publicação COPPE No. 5.70, Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro, 1970.
[8] Hagedorn, P.: Zur Umkehrung des Satzes von Lagrange über die Stabilität, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 21(5):841–845, 1970.
[9] Hagedorn, P.: Periodic Orbits, Stability and Resonances, chapter Parametric Resonance in Certain Nonlinear Systems, pp. 482–492, D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1970.
[10] Hagedorn, P.: Zur Realisierbarkeit pulsierender Folgelasten, Z. Angew. Math. Mech.,
51:188–190, 1971.
[11] Hagedorn, P.; Koval, L.R.: On the Parametric Stability of a Timoshenko Beam,
Ingenieur-Archiv, 40:211–220, 1971.
[12] Hagedorn, P.: Die Umkehrung der Stabilitätssätze von Lagrange-Dirichlet und
Routh, Archive for Rational Mech. and Analysis, 42:281–316, 1971.
[13] Hagedorn, P.: On the Converse of Lagrange-Dirichlet’s Stability Theorem, G. Grioli (Editor), Stereodynamics, Edizioni Cremonese, pp. 67–80, Centro Internazionale
Matematico Estivo, Rome, 1972, proc. CIME-session in Bressanone.
[14] Rizzi, P.; Hagedorn, P.: Die Behandlung dynamischer Durchschlagprobleme mit der
direkten Ljapunowschen Methode, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 23:852–857, 1972.
[15] Hagedorn, P.: On the Instability of Equilibrium of Partially Damped Holonomic
Mechanical Systems (in russian), Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 37:640–646, 1973.
[16] Koval, L.R.; Hagedorn, P.: The Effect of Axial Resonance on the Dynamic Stability
of Thin-Walled Columns, Proc. 13th Midwestern Mechanics Conf., Vol. 7, pp. 515–
529, 1973, developments in Mechanics.
[17] Hagedorn, P.: On the Stability of Equilibrium Sets of Discrete Conservative Mechanical Systems, AIAA Journal, 12:1057–1059, 1974.
[18] Hagedorn, P.: Some Remarks on the String Problem treated by Singh and Demin,
Celestial Mechanics, 11:59–73, 1975.
[19] Hagedorn, P.; Breakwell, J.: A Differential Game with two Pursuers and one Evader,
J. of Optimization Theory and Application, 18:15–29, 1976.
[20] Hagedorn, P.: Über die Instabilität konservativer Systeme mit gyroskopischen
Kräften, Archive of Rational Mech. and Analysis, 58:1–9, 1975.
[21] Hagedorn, P.: Ein Differentialspiel mit zwei Verfolgern und einem Verfolgten, Z.
Angew. Math. Mech., 56:342–345, 1976.
[22] Hagedorn, P.: Minimum mass structures with given natural frequencies, Proc. 3rd
Brazilian Congress on Mechanical Engineering, pp. 1129–1135, Rio de Janeiro, 1975.
[23] Hagedorn, P.: A Short Note on Hamiltonians Linear in the Momenta, Celestial
Mechanics, 17:127–129, 1977.
[24] Hagedorn, P.: Die Instabilität konservativer Systeme mit gyroskopischen Kräften,
VII. Int. Konferenz über nichtlineare Schwingungen, 1977.
[25] Hagedorn, P.: Canonical Transformations in the Optimal Control of Mechanical
Systems, Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 13:103–116, 1978.
[26] Hagedorn, P.; Kuhl, H.; Teschner, W.: Zur Stabilität einfach besetzter Wellen mit
nichtlinearer innerer Dämpfung, Ingenieur-Archiv, 467:203–212, 1977.
[27] Hagedorn, P.: Differential Games and Applications, Vol. 3 of Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1977.
[28] Hagedorn, P.; Meier-Dörnberg, K.E.: Über die Stabilität elastischer Wellen, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 58:145–148, 1978.
[29] Huseyin, K.; Hagedorn, P.: The Effect of Damping on the Stability of PseudoConservative Systems, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 58:147–148, 1978.
[30] Hagedorn, P.: Selbsterregte Schwingungen in Mechanik und Elektrotechnik, Vol. 74
of Mathematisch-Statistische Sektion, Forschungszentrum Graz, 1977.
[31] Hagedorn, P.: Nichtlineare Schwingungen, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1978, english edition: Nonlinear Oscillations (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1982), paperback edition. Portuguese edition: Oscilações Não-Lineares (Edit.
Blücher, São Paulo, 1984).
[32] Hagedorn, P.; Carmele, W.: On Non-Conservative Systems with Ignorable Coordinates, Archive for Rational Mech. and Analysis, 68:89–92, 1978.
[33] Hagedorn, P.: A Special Case of Integrability in a System with one Quasi-Cyclic
Coordinate, Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 14:143–147, 1979.
[34] Hagedorn, P.: Über die Tilgung selbsterregter Schwingungen, Z. Angew. Math.
Phys., 29:815–821, 1978.
[35] Hagedorn, P.: On the Stability of Steady Motions in Free and Restrained Dynamical
Systems, J. Appl. Mech., 46:427–432, 1979.
[36] Hagedorn, P.; Carmele, W.: A Problem in Collision Avoidance, A. Niemi (Editor),
A Link between Science and Applications of Automatic Control, pp. 989–995, Pergamon Press, 1979.
[37] Hagedorn, P.; Otterbein, S.: Some Remarks on the Control of Variable Length Tethered Satellites with Attitude-Orbit Coupling, Proc. VPI & SU/AIAA Symp. on Dynamics and Control of Large Flexible Spacecraft, Blacksburg, VA, USA, 1979.
[38] Breakwell, J.V.; Hagedorn, P.: Point Capture of Two Evaders in Succession, J. of
Optimization Theory and Applications, 27:89–97, 1979.
[39] Hagedorn, P.; Otterbein, S.: On the Control of Variable Length Tethered Satellites
with Attitude-Orbit Coupling, Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma., 5:704–714, 1979.
[40] Longman, R.; Hagedorn, P.; Beck, A.: Stabilization due to Gyroscopic Coupling in
Dual-Spin Satellites subject to Gravitational Torques, Celestial Mechanics, 25:353–
373, 1981.
[41] Hagedorn, P.; Teschner, W.: An Instability Theorem for Steady Motions in Free and
Restrained Dynamical Systems, Transactions of ASME, 47:908–912, 1980.
[42] Hagedorn, P.; Idelberger, H.; Möcks, L.: Dynamische Vorgänge bei Lastumlagerung
in Abspannketten von Freileitungen, Archiv für elektrische Energietechnik, 2:1–11,
[43] Hagedorn, P.: Ein einfaches Rechenmodell zur Berechnung winderregter Schwingungen an Hochspannungsleitungen mit Dämpfern, Ingenieur-Archiv, 49:161–177,
[44] Hagedorn, P.; Schäfer, B.: On Non-Linear Free Vibrations of an Elastic Cable, Int.
J. Non-Linear Mech., 15:333–340, 1980.
[45] Hagedorn, P.: On the Controllability and Stability of Rotor Systems, Proc. 23rd
Israel Annual Conf. on Aviation and Astronautics, pp. 139–144, Tel Aviv, 1981.
[46] Hagedorn, P.: On the Computation of Damped Wind-Excited Vibrations of Overhead Transmission Lines, J. Sound Vib., 83:253–271, 1982.
[47] Hagedorn, P.: On the Optimal Design of Stockbridge-Dampers, Int. Conf. on Large
High Voltage Electric Systems, 1981.
[48] Hagedorn, P.; Schramm, W.: Schwingungsuntersuchungen an Gürtelreifen, ein Beitrag zur Erklärung des Abrollgeräusches, Entwicklungsrichtlinien in Kraftfahrzeugtechnik und Straßenverkehr, Forschungsbilanz 1980, Statusberichte, Verlag TÜV
Rheinland, Köln, 1981, editor: Der Bundesminister für Forschung und Technologie.
[49] Hagedorn, P.: Eine Bemerkung zu schubelastischen Platten mit Klemmschneidenlagerung, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 63:326–329, 1983.
[50] Hagedorn, P.: Schwingungsprobleme an Hochspannungsleitungen, VDI-Berichte,
419:77–82, 1981.
[51] Hagedorn, P.: Steady Motions in Controlled Gyrostat Systems, Ingenieur-Archiv,
52:183–204, 1982.
[52] Hagedorn, P.: Zum Eigenwertproblem diskreter linearer mechanischer Systeme mit
schwacher Dämpfung und kleinen gyroskopischen Termen, Z. Angew. Math. Mech.,
64:48–49, 1984.
[53] Hagedorn, P.: On the Vibrations of Almost Diagonalizable Linear Gyroscopic Systems, Proc. 6th Brazilian Congress on Mechanical Engineering, Uberlandia, Brazil,
[54] Hagedorn, P.: The Eigenvalue Problem for a Certain Class of Discrete Linear Systems: A Perturbation Approach, Proc. 4th VPI&Su/AIAA Symp., Dynamics and
Control of Large Structures, 1983.
[55] Hagedorn, P.; Teschner, W.: On the Stability of Linear Conservative Gyroscopic
Systems, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 34:807–815, 1983.
[56] Hagedorn, P.: Remarks on the Analysis of Conductor Bundle Oscillations with
Spacer-Dampers, paper presented at the CIGRE SC-22 Study comittee meeting,
[57] Hagedorn, P.; Kelkel, K.: Mechanische Impedanz von Kreisplatten mit freiem Rand,
Fortschritte der Akustik, pp. 319–322, Darmstadt, Germany, 1984, proc. DAGA
[58] Deif, A.S.; Hagedorn, P.: Matrix Polynomials Subjected to Small Perturbations, Z.
Angew. Math. Mech., 66:403–412, 1986.
[59] Hagedorn, P.; Nascimento, N.: Structural Vibrations Excited by Random Field Processes: The effect of Crosscorrelation of the Excitation, 4th Int. Conf. on Structural
Safety and Reliability, 1985.
[60] Hagedorn, P.: On a New Concept of Active Vibration Damping of Elastic Structures,
H.H.E. Leipholz (Editor), Proc. Second Int. Symp. on Structural Control, pp. 261–
277, Martinus Nijhoff Publ., Dordrecht, Waterloo, Belgium, 1987.
[61] Hagedorn, P.; Schmidt, J.; Nascimento, N.: Stochastic Field Processes in the Mathematical Modelling of Damped Transmission Line Vibration, Proc. 5th Int. Conf.
on Mathematical Modelling, Berkeley, 1985.
[62] Hagedorn, P.: Wind-Excited Vibrations of Transmission Lines: A Comparison of
Different Mathematical Models, Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Berkeley, 1985.
[63] Schmidt, J.; Hagedorn, P.: A Stochastic Model for Wind Induced Vibrations and
Damage Accumulation in the Cables of Overhead Transmission Lines, S. Krishnasamy (Editor), Probabilistic Methods Appl. to Electric Power Systems, Pergamon
Press, Toronto, 1986.
[64] Hagedorn, P.: Eine Bemerkung zur Momentenimpedanz bei Plattenschwingungen
in der Substrukturtechnik, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 37:293–304, 1986.
[65] Hagedorn, P.; Meier-Dörnberg, K.E.: Tanzschwingungen in Freileitungen und ihre
Unterdrückung: Beschreibung eines laufenden Versuchs, etz-Report 21, VDE, Berlin,
[66] Hagedorn, P.: Some Remarks on Dynamic Receptance, Stiffness and Impedance of
Mechanical Systems, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 37:135–148, 1986.
[67] Hagedorn, P.; Otterbein, S.: Technische Schwingungslehre, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
[68] Hagedorn, P.; Kelkel, K.: Study of Plate Impedances, ESTEC Report 5683/83/NL/PP(SC), 200 pages, 1985.
[69] Hagedorn, P.; Kelkel, K.; Wallaschek, J.: Vibrations and Impedances of Rectangular
Plates with Free Boundaries, Vol. 23 of Lecture Notes in Engineering, Springer,
[70] Hagedorn, P.; Kelkel, K.; Weltin, U.: On the Active Control of Rotors with Uncertain
Parameters, Proc. Int. Conf. on Rotordynamics, pp. 437–442, Tokyo, 1986.
[71] Hagedorn, P.; Schmidt, J.: The Effect of a Damper on a Vibrating Conductor Calculated by Use of the Complex Mechanical Impedance of the Damper, annals CIGRE
22-86 (WG01)05, 1985.
[72] Hagedorn, P.; Schmidt, J.: Active Vibration Damping of Flexible Structure Using
the Travelling Wave Approach, Proc. Second Int. Symp. on Flight Dynamics, pp.
47–51, Darmstadt, Germany, 1986.
[73] Hagedorn, P.: Mechanisch-dynamische
Dokumentation, 1986.
[74] Hagedorn, P.; Schmidt, J.: On the Active Vibration Control of Distributed Parameter Systems, Proc. 6th VPI and SU, pp. 359–374, AIAA Symp. on Dynamics and
Control of Large Stuctures, Blacksburg, VA, USA, 1987.
[75] Hagedorn, P.: Neue Entwicklungen in der Technischen Schwingungslehre, Z. Angew.
Math. Mech., 68:22–31, 1988.
[76] Hagedorn, P.; Wallaschek, J.: On equivalent Harmonic and Stochastic Linearization for Nonlinear Shock-Absorbers, Proc. IUTAM Symp. on Nonlinear Stochastic
Dynamic Engineering Systems, pp. 23–32, Springer, Innsbruck, 1987.
[77] Hagedorn, P.; Schramm, W.: On the Dynamics of Large Systems with Localized
Nonlinearities, ASME, 55:946–951, 1988.
[78] Hagedorn, P.: Nichtlinearitäten in der Schwingungstechnik: Einige Probleme und
Lösungswege, Proc. of the Conf. ’Dynamische Probleme — Modellierung und Wirklichkeit’, Hannover, Germany, 1987.
[79] Hagedorn, P.; Wallaschek, J.: Messung der Windeingangsleistung bei wirbelerregten
Schwingungen elektrischer Freileitungen, Mitteilungen des Instituts für Mechanik
Nr. 11/87, Darmstadt, 1987.
[80] Hagedorn, P.; Sparschuh, S.: Experimental Modal Analysis vs. Power Flow Measurements Some Recent Developments, Proc. 6th Int. Modal Analysis Conf., pp.
666–672, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1987, soc. for Exp. Mech., Bethel, CT.
[81] Hagedorn, P.; Neumann, U.; Kelkel, K.; Sparschuh, S.: Aufgabensammlung Technische Mechanik, Teubner-Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany, 1988.
[82] Hagedorn, P.: Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatz ’Wirksamkeit von Dämpfungsmitteln
gegen winderregte Schwingungen’ von Meier, Schlotz und Sanders, Elektrizitätswirtschaft, 88:199–200, (Elektrizitätswirtschaft 87, 1049–1054, 1988), 1989.
[83] Hagedorn, P.: Leiterseilschwingungen in Theorie und Praxis: ein Überblick, Technical report, VDI-Verlag, 1990.
[84] Hagedorn, P.; Schmidt, J.: Active Vibration Damping in Beams, Pan American
Congress of Appl. Mech., 1989.
[85] Hagedorn, P.: Active Vibration Damping in Large Flexible Structures, P. Germain;
et al. (Editors), Theoretical and Appl. Mech., pp. 83–100, Elsevier, Amsterdam,
[86] Hagedorn, P.: Active Vibration Damping in Flexible Structures by Means of Inner
Forces and Moments, Proc. Int. Conf. on Advanced Mechatronics, pp. 225–232,
ISME, Tokyo, 1989.
[87] Hagedorn, P.; Kraus, M.: Vibration of Overhead Transmission Lines: Computations
and Experiments, 3rd European Conf. on Mathematics in Industry, 1990.
[88] Hagedorn, P.; Wallaschek, J.; Chen, P.: Active Vibration Damping In Beams, American Control Conf., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 1989.
[89] Hagedorn, P.: Technische Schwingungslehre 2, Lineare Schwingungen kontinuierlicher mechanischer Systeme, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989.
[90] Hagedorn, P.: Technische Mechanik 1, Statik, Harri Deutsch Verlag, Frankfurt, 1989,
2nd Edition 1993.
[91] Hagedorn, P.: Nonlinear Oscillations of Large Systems With Localized Nonlinearities, Proc. Second Conf. on Non-Linear Vibrations, Stability and Dynamics of
Structures and Mechanisms, Blacksburg, VA, USA, 1988.
[92] Hagedorn, P.; Sparschuh, S.: On the Gauss Principle in the Numerical Integration
of Mechanical Systems, E. Haug (Editor), Real Time Integration Methods for Mechanical System Simulation, Vol. 69 of Computer and System Sciences, pp. 293–300,
Heidelberg, Germany, 1990, nATO ASI Series F.
[93] Hagedorn, P.: Nonlinear Oscillations, Oxford University Press, Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1988, 2nd Edition.
[94] Hagedorn, P.: Technische Mechanik 2, Festigkeitslehre, Harri Deutsch Verlag, Frankfurt, 1989, 2nd Edition 1995.
[95] Hagedorn, P.: Technische Mechanik 3, Dynamik, Harri Deutsch Verlag, Frankfurt,
1996, 2nd Edition 1996.
[96] Hagedorn, P.; Kraus, M.: Winderregte Schwingungen an Freileitungen: Auswertung
eines Feldversuches, Elektrizitätswirtschaft, 89:1329–1335, 1990.
[97] Hagedorn, P.; Kraus, M.: Aeolian vibrations: Wind Energy Input Evaluated from
Measurements on an Energized Transmisssion Line, IEEE, 90:1–6, 1990.
[98] Hagedorn, P.; Wallaschek, J.: Mechanical Vibration Aspects of Piezoelectric Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motors, Proc. 2nd Int. Technology-Tranfer Conf., pp. 32–37,
Bremen, Germany, 1990, in: Actuator ’90.
[99] Hagedorn, P.; Wallaschek, J.: Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motors, Part I: Working
Principle and Mathematical Modelling of the Stator, J. Sound Vib., 155(1):31–46,
[100] Hagedorn, P.; Albrecht, J.; Collatz, L.; Velte, W.: Numerical Treatment of Eigenvalue Problems, Vol. 5, Vol. 5 of Int. Series of Num. Math., Birkhäuser, Basel, 1991.
[101] Hagedorn, P.: The Gauss Principle in the Numerical Treatments of Multiple Body
Systems, Proc. Second Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics, pp. 198–201,
Valparaiso, Chile, 1991.
[102] Botz, M.; Hagedorn, P.: Multiple Body Systems with flexible Members, Nonlinear
Dynamics, 1(6):433–447, 1990.
[103] Hagedorn, P.: Quasi-Comparison Functions in the Dynamics of Elastic Multibody
Systems, Proc. Eight VPI and SU Symp., pp. 97–108, Blacksburg, VA, USA, 1991.
[104] Hagedorn, P.; Mawhin, J.: A Simple Variational Approach to a Converse of the
Lagrange-Dirichlet Theorem, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 120:327–335, 1992.
[105] Hagedorn, P.; Konrad, W.; Wallaschek, J.: Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motors, Part
II: A Numerical Method for the Flexural Vibrations of the Stator, J. Sound Vib.,
168(1):115–122, 1993.
[106] Hagedorn, P.: The Rayleigh-Ritz Method With Quasi-Comparison Functions in
Nonself-Adjoint Problems, ASME, 115:280–284, 1993.
[107] Hagedorn, P.: The Control of Vibrations in bundled conductors via Self-Damping
Spacers, Proc. first Int. Conf. on Motion and Vibration Control, pp. 846–851, Motion
and Vibration Control (MOVIC), Yokohama, Japan, 1992.
[108] Hagedorn, P.: A Note on the Vibrations of Infinite Elastic Plates In Contact With
Water, J. Sound Vib., 175:233–240, 1994.
[109] Anderson, K.; Hagedorn, P.: Control of Orbital Drift of Geostationary Tethered
Satellites, J. of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 17(1):10–14, 1994.
[110] Hagedorn, P.; Kraus, M.: On the Performance of Spacer Dampers in Bundled Conductors, European transactions on Electrical Power Engineering, 3(4):305–311, 1993.
[111] Hagedorn, P.; Chen, P.; Wallaschek, J.: Der Ultraschall-Wanderwellenmotor, neue
Ergebnisse, VDI-Fortschrittsberichte Nr. 179, pp. 157–163, VDI-Verlag, 1993, Fachtagung Integrierte Mechanisch-Elektronische Systeme 2. und 3. März 1993.
[112] Meirovitch, L.; Hagedorn, P.: A new Approach to the Modelling of Distributed
Non-Self-Adjoint Systems, J. Sound Vib., 178(2):227–241, 1994.
[113] Botz, M.; Hagedorn, P.: On the Dynamics of Multibody Systems with Elastic Beams,
W. Schiehlen (Editor), Advanced Multibody System Dynamics, pp. 217–236, Kluwer
Academic Publ., Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1993.
[114] Anderson, K.; Hagedorn, P.: On the Energy Dissipation in Spacer-Dampers In Bundled Conductors of Overhead Transmission Lines, J. Sound Vib., 180(4):539–556,
[115] Hagedorn, P.; Botz, M.: Dynamic Simulation of Elastic Multibody Systems Using
Existing Rigid Body Codes, D. Poelaert (Editor), Proc. 2nd ESA Workshop on
Modal Representation of Flexible Structures by Continuum Methods, Noordwijk,
Netherlands, 1992.
[116] Hagedorn, P.: Nichtlinearität-Probleme, Beispiele und Lösungsversuche Grundsatzreferat, Bericht 1082, VDI, 1993.
[117] Hagedorn, P.: Active and passive Strucural Control in Germany, G.W. Housner;
S.F. Masri (Editors), Proc. Int. Workshop on Stuctural Control, pp. 181–189, Univ.
of Manoa, Honolulu, USA, 1993.
[118] Pabst, U.; Hagedorn, P.: On the Identification of Localized Losses of Stiffness in
Structures, Proc. 14th Biennal Conf. on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, ASME,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 1993.
[119] Pabst, U.; Hagedorn, P.: Identification of Boundary Conditions as a Part of Model
Correction, J. Sound Vib., 182:565–575, 1995.
[120] Pabst, U.; Hagedorn, P.: Model Correction by Identification of Local parameters,
Proc. 12th Int. Modal Analysis Conf., pp. 844–849, IMAC, Honululu, USA, 1994.
[121] Hagedorn, P.: Active Control of Structures, chapter Mechanical Vibrations and Vibration Control, No. 345 in CISM Courses and Lectures, Springer Verlag, Berlin,
[122] Kazimierczyk, P.; Hagedorn, P.: On the Optimal Placement of Spacers in Bundled Conductors, Report 3, Institute of Fundamental Technical Research, Warsaw,
Poland, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1994.
[123] Botz, M.; Hagedorn, P.: Dynamic Simulation of Multibody Systems Including Planar
Elastic Beams Using AUTOLEV, Engineering Compuation, 14(4):456–470, 1995.
[124] Hagedorn, P.; Pabst, U.: Some remarks on the Identification of Damping Parameters
at the Boundary of Vibrating Systems, Appl. Mech. Reviews, 48(11):107–110, 1995.
[125] Hagedorn, P.: Comment on Modal Analysis of Structures with Holonomic Constraints, AIAA Journal, 33(9):1754–1754, 1995.
[126] Üstündag, A.; Ludwig, R.; Levin, P.; Schmidt, J.; Hagedorn, P.: Finite Element
Analysis of Synthetically Loaded Stator for Piezoelectrically Driven Ultrasonic Traveling Wave Motor, Int. J. for Computation and Math. in Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, 15(1):15–31, 1996.
[127] Gutzer, U.; Seemann, W.; Hagedorn, P.: Nonlinear Structural Damping Described
by the Masing model and Method of Slowly varying Amplitude and Phase, Proc.
15th Biennial ASME Conference on Vibration and Noise, Vol. 3A, pp. 773–779,
Boston, 1995.
[128] Reuter, C.G.; Hagedorn, P.: On the Non-Linear Dynamics of a Travelling Cable with
Small Sag, Proc. 15th Biennial ASME Conference on Vibration and Niose, Vol. 3A,
pp. 585–593, Boston, 1995.
[129] Wolf, K.; Hagedorn, P.; Levin, P.; Ludwig, R.; Üstündag, A.: A 2D Finite Element
Simulation of Piezoelectrically Driven Bending Waves in the Stator of a Linear
Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor, Proc. of the Minisymposia of the ICIAM/GAMM
’95 Conf., Hamburg, 1995, Z. für Angew. Math. Mech. special issue 4 : ’Applied
Sciences, especially Mechanics’, 361–364, 1996.
[130] Seemann, W.; Hagedorn, P.: Analysis of a Tethered Satellite System with a New
Type of Deployment Mechanism, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 76:341–344, 1995.
[131] Seemann, W.; Hagedorn, P.: A Note on Reflexion and Transmission of Longitudinal Elastic Waves in Rods with a Sudden Change in Cross-Section, Proc.
ICIAMM/GAMM 95 Conf., Hamburg, 1995, Z. für Angew. Math. Mech. special
issue 5, 1996: Appl. Sciences, especially Mechanics, 328–331.
[132] Reuter, C.G.; Hagedorn, P.: On the Dynamics of a Travelling Cable with Small Slag,
Proc. Int. Symp. on Cable Dynamics, Belgium, 1995.
[133] Hagedorn, P.; Seemann, W.: Reflection and Transmission of Elastic Waves in Rods
and Beams with a Sudden change in Cross-Section, L. Meirovitch (Editor), Proc.
10th VPI & SU Symp. on Stuctural Dynamics and Control, pp. 427–438, Blacksburg,
VA, USA, 1995.
[134] Schmidt, J.P.; Hagedorn, P.; Bingqi, M.: A Note on the Contact Problem in an
Ultrasonic Travelling Wave Motor, Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 31:915–924, 1996.
[135] Hagedorn, P.; Schmidt, J.P.: A Note on the Mechanical Losses in Ultrasonic Travelling Wave Motors, PACAM, 1997, 1997.
[136] Hagedorn, P.: Mechanics of Musical Instruments, pp. 7–78, No. 355 in CISM Courses
and Lectures, Springer-Verlag, Wien, 1995.
[137] Hagedorn, P.; Gutzer, U.: On the Mechanical Hysteresis and Bending Stiffness of
Conductors and Cables, Proc. 6th Int. Offshore and Polar Engineering Conf., 1996.
[138] Hadulla, T.; Hagedorn, P.; Seemann, W.: Damping Mechanisms in Bundled Conductors of Overhead Transmission Lines, Proc. Int. Symp. on Cable Dynamics, Belgium,
[139] Gutzer, U.; Hagedorn, P.: On Laboratory Measurements of Damping and Bending
Stiffnesses of the Conductors of Overhead Transmission Lines, Proc. Int. Symp. on
Cable Dynamics, Belgium, 1995.
[140] Hagedorn, P.; Botz, M.: Elastic Plates in Multibody Systems: A Treatment Using
Existing Rigid Body Codes, Multibody System Dynamics, 1:351–359, 1997.
[141] Seemann, W.K.; Wolf, K.; Hagedorn, P.: Comparison of Refined Beam Theory and
FEM for Piezo-Actuated Structures, Proc. of DETC 97, 1997 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Sacramento, California, 1997.
[142] Hagedorn, P.: Investigation of a New Formulation of the Lagrange Method for Constrained Dynamic Systems, J. Appl. Mech., 64:1024–1027, 1997.
[143] Seemann, W.; Hagedorn, P.: On the Realizability of a Travelling Wave Linear Motor,
Proc. Int. Modal Analysis Conf., pp. 1778–1784, Nashville, 1995.
[144] Seemann, W.; Wolf, K.; Straub, A.; Hagedorn, P.; Chang, F.K.: Bonding Stresses between Piezoelectric Actuators and Elastic Beams, SPIE, 3041:0277-786X/97,
[145] Hagedorn, P.; Seemann, W.: Modern Methods of Analytical Mechanics and their
Application, No. 387 in CISM Courses and Lectures, Springer, 1998.
[146] Wolf, K.; Frese, S.; Hagedorn, P.; Seemann, W.: Thickness-Optimization of Piezoceramic Transducers for Energy Transfer, Proc. of DECT 97,1997 ASME Design
Engineering Technical Conferences, Sacramento, California, 1997.
[147] Hagedorn, P.; Gutzer, U.: On the Determination of the Bending Stiffness of Conductors by a Simple Vibration Experiment, Proc. Int. Seminar on Cable Dynamics,
pp. 71–80, Tokyo, 1997.
[148] Hagedorn, P.; et al.: The Importance of Rotor Flexibility in Ultrasonic Travelling
Wave Motors, J. of Smart Materials and Structures, 7:352–368, 1998.
[149] Hagedorn, P.: Mathematical Model for Piezoelectric Motors: An Example of Mechatronic Modelling, Proc. COBEM 1997, 14th Brazilian Congress of Mechanical
Engineering, Bauru, Brazil, 1997.
[150] Ravindra, B.; Hagedorn, P.: Invariants of Chaotic Attractor in a Nonlinearly Damped System, J. Appl. Mech., 65:875–879, 1998.
[151] Berg, M.; Hagedorn, P.; Sattel, T.: Comparison of Experimental and Simulation Data of Ultrasonic Travelling Wave Motors, Proc. ACTUATOR 98, Bremen, Germany,
[152] Sattel, T.; Hagedorn, P.; Berg, M.: Simulation Model used as Design Tool for Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motors, Proc. ACTUATOR 98, 6th Int. Conf. on New Actuators, pp. 249–252, 1998.
[153] Ravindra, B.; Hagedorn, P.: State-Space Reconstruction of Non-Linear Vibrating
Systems, Weber; et al. (Editors), Appl. Mech. in the Americas, Vol. 8, pp. 1259–
1262, American Academy of Mechanics, 1999.
[154] Berg, M.; Hagedorn, P.: Experimental Verification of Non-Linear Behavior of Monolithic PZT-Cylinders, Technische Anwendungen von Erkenntnissen der nichtlinearen Dynamik, pp. 295–300, VDI Technologiezentrum, Frankfurt, Germany, 1999.
[155] Sattel, T.; Hagedorn, P.: A Note on Non-Intermittend Contact Problems of a Special Class of Ultrasonic Motors, Proc. DECT’99, Las Vegas, 1999, ASME Design
Engineering Technical Conferences. Paper VIB-8355.
[156] Hagedorn, P.; Gutzer, U.: Distibuted Jenkin Elements in Modelling Hysteresis in
Cables, Proc. DECT’99, Las Vegas, 1999, ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences. Paper VIB-8079.
[157] Hagedorn, P.: Some Remarks on the Nonlinear Phenomena in Piezoelectric Motors,
Proc. ICONNE 2000, Third Int. Conf. on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and
their Application to Engineering Sciences, Campos do Jordao, Brazil, 2000.
[158] Hagedorn, P.; Berg, M.: Piezoelektrische Aktoren und Motoren, Technical report,
TU Darmstadt, 92–102, 2000.
[159] Ravindra, B.; Hagedorn, P.; Mallik, A.K.: Sweep Tests on Vibrating systems with
Power-Law Damping, Nonlinear Dynamics, 20:297–308, 1999.
[160] Hagedorn, P.; Hadulla, T.: On the Mathematical Modeling of Vortex Excited Vibrations in Bundled Conductors, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Flow Induced Vibrations,
pp. 69–74, Lucerne, Switzerland, 2000.
[161] Sattel, T.; Hagedorn, P.: On the Contact between Rotor and Stator in an Ultrasonic
Travelling Wave Motor, Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Vol. 2, pp. 948–955, ISROMAC-8, Honolulu, USA,
[162] Hagedorn, P.: A Note on The Finite Residual Motion of a Damped Three-Degreeof-Freedom Vibrating System, J. Sound Vib., 232:834–837, 2000.
[163] Berg, M.; Hagedorn, P.: A note on Minimization of Electrical Losses in Controllers
of Piezoelectric Motors, Proc. ACTUATOR 2000, 7th Int. Conf. on New Actuators,
pp. 435–438, Bremen, Germany, 2000.
[164] Raman, A.; Wolf, K.D.; Hagedorn, P.: Observations on the Vibrations of Paper
Webs, 6th Int. Conf. on Web Handling, 2001.
[165] Sauter, D.; Qian, L.; Hagedorn, P.; Rahman, A.: On the Damping of Vortex-Excited
Vibrations of Stay-Cables, Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Cable Dynamics, pp. 277–284,
Montreal, Canada, 2001.
[166] Sauter, D.; Hagedorn, P.: Remarks on the Bending Behaviour of Wire Cables, Proc.
4th Int. Symp. on Cable Dynamics, pp. 331–337, Montreal, Canada, 2001.
[167] von Wagner, U.; Hagedorn, P.; Truckenmüller, K.: On Pantograph/Catenary Interaction with respect to a Section Insulator, Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Cable Dynamics,
pp. 121–128, Montreal, Canada, 2001.
[168] von Wagner, U.; Hagedorn, P.; Nguyen, M.N.: Non-Linear Behaviour of Piezo-BeamSystems Subjected to Weak Electric Field, Proc. DECT 2001, ASME Design, pp.
1–6, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2001.
[169] Sauter, D.; Hagedorn, P.: On the Hysteresis of Wire Cables in Stockbridge Dampers,
Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 37:1453–1459, 2002.
[170] Jearsiripongkul, T.; Chakraborty, G.; Hagedorn, P.: Stability Analysis of a Floating
Caliper Disc Brake, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 1:66–67, 2003.
[171] Hagedorn, P.; Mitra, N.; Hadulla, T.: Vortex-Excited Vibrations in Bundled Conductors: A Mathematical Model, J. of Fluids and Structures, 16:843–854, 2002.
[172] Gutschmidt, S.; Hagedorn, P.: On the Mathematical Model of a Wobbling-Disc
Ultrasonic Motor, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on New Actuators, 2002.
[173] Chakraborty, G.; Jearsiripongkul, T.; von Wagner, U.; Hagedorn, P.: A New Model
for Floating-Caliper Disc-Brake and Active Squeal Control, Bericht 1736, VDI, 2002.
[174] Gutschmidt, S.; G., C.; Hagedorn, P.: A Nonholonomic Nonlinear Oscillator Model
for a Bar-Type Piezoelectric Motor, Proc. SPIE 9th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Vol. 4693, pp. 538–546, 2002.
[175] Diana, G.; Hagedorn, P.; et al.: Aeolian Vibrations of Single Conductors: Assesment
of the Technology, Electra 181, 1998.
[176] von Wagner, U.; Hagedorn, P.: Piezo-Beam Systems Subjected to Weak Electric
Field: Experiments and Modelling of Non-Linearities, J. Sound Vib., 256:861–872,
[177] Berg, M.; Hagedorn, P.; Gutschmidt, S.: On the Dynamics of Piezoelectric Cylindrical Shells, J. Sound Vib., 274:91–109, 2004.
[178] von Wagner, U.; Hagedorn, P.: Nonlinear Effects of Piezoceramics Excited by Weak
Electric Fields, Nonlinear Dynamics, 31:133–149, 2003.
[179] Zhang, Y.; Agrawal, S.K.; Hagedorn, P.: Modelling and Control of Flexible Transporter Systems with Arbitrarily Time varying Cable Lengths, Proc. DECT 2003,
ASME 2003, Chicago, 2003.
[180] Cloutier, L.; Hagedorn, P.; et al.: State of the Art Survey on Spacers and Dampers
Part1: General Description, Electra 209, 2003.
[181] von Wagner, U.; Hagedorn, P.: Nonlinearities of Piezoceramics Subjected to Weak
Electric Fields: Experiments and Modeling, Proc. 3rd Workshop on Structural Health
Monitoring, pp. 1183–1191, Stanford Univ., 2001.
[182] DasGupta, A.; Hagedorn, P.: Critical Speeds of a Spinning Thin Disc with an External Ring, J. Sound Vib., 283:765–779, 2005.
[183] von Wagner, U.; Jearsiripongkul, T.; Vomstein, T.; Chakraborty, G.; Hagedorn, P.:
Brake Squeal: Modeling and Experiments, Bericht 1749, VDI, 2003.
[184] Gutschmidt, S.; Hagedorn, P.: Transient Behavior of an Ultrasonic Wobbling Disk
Motor, SPIE Conf., San Diego, USA, 2003.
[185] Hagedorn, P.; et al.: State of the art survey on Spacers and Spacer Dampers Part
3: Experience with current practice, Electra 221, tB No. 277 - SC B2, WG B2.11,
[186] Diana, D.; Cloutier, L.; Hagedorn, P.; et al.: Modelling of Aeolian Vibrations of a
single conductor plus damper: Assessment of Technology, Electra 223, 2005.
[187] Parashar, S.; DasGupta, A.; Hagedorn, P.: Investigation of nonlinear shear induced flexural vibrations of piezoceramic actuators, C.S. Ralph (Editor), Proc. SPIE,
Vol. 5383 of 2004, pp. 71–81, Bellingham, WA2, GB, 2004, smart Structures and
Materials 2004, Modeling, Signal Processing and Control.
[188] Mankala, K.K.; Agrawal, K.S.; Hagedorn, P.: Equillibrium-to-Equillibrium Maneuvers of Rigid Electrodynamic Tethers, 14th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics
Conf., pp. 1–13, Maui, Hawaii, 2004.
[189] Verma, H.; Hagedorn, P.: Wind Induced Vibrations of Long Electrical Overhead
Transmission line spans: A Modified Approach, Wind and Structures, 8:89–106,
[190] Parashar, S.; von Wagner, U.; Hagedorn, P.: Nonlinear Shear-Induced Flexural Vibrations of Piezoceramic Actuators: Experiments and Modeling, J. Sound Vib.,
285:989–1014, 2005.
[191] Meynen, S.; Verma, H.; Hagedorn, P.; Schäfer, M.: Numerical Methods for the Simulation of Vortex-Induced Vibrations of Cables, Proc. Flow Induced Vibrations,
Paris, 2004.
[192] Parashar, S.; von Wagner, U.; Hagedorn, P.: A Modified Timoshenko Beam Theory
for Nonlinear Shear-Induced Flexural Vibrations of Piezoceramic Continua, Nonlinear Dynamics, 37:181–205, 2004.
[193] Zhang, Y.; Agrawal, S.; Hagedorn, P.: Longitudinal Vibration Modeling and Control
of a Flexible Transporter System with Arbitrarily Varying Cable Lengths, J. of
Vibration and Control, 11:431–456, 2005.
[194] Hagedorn, P.; von Wagner, U.: Smart Pads: A New Tool for the Suppression of
Brake Squeal?, Proc. 24th µ-Symp., Bad Neuenahr, Germany, 2004.
[195] Parashar, S.; DasGupta, A.; von Wagner, U.; Hagedorn, P.: Non-Linear Shear Vibrations of Piezoceramic Actuators, Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 40:429–443, 2005.
[196] Samal, M.K.; Seshu, P.; Parashar, S.K.; von Wagner, U.; Hagedorn, P.; Dutta, B.K.;
Kushawaha, H.: Nonlinear Behavior of Piezoceramics under Weak Electric Fields
Part I: Finite Element Formulation, Int. J. of Solids and Structures, 43(6):1422–
1436, 2006.
[197] Samal, M.K.; Seshu, P.; Parashar, S.K.; von Wagner, U.; Hagedorn, P.; Dutta, B.K.;
Kushawaha, H.: Nonlinear Behavior of Piezoceramics under Weak Electric Fields
Part II: Numerical Results and Validation with Experiments, Int. J. of Solids and
Structures, 43(6):1422–1436, 2006.
[198] Gutschmidt, S.; Hagedorn, P.: A Mathematical Model for the Start-up of an Ultrasonic Bar-Type Motor, Proc. IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent
Mechatronics, Japan, 2003.
[199] von Wagner, U.; Hochlenert, D.; Jearsiripongkul, T.; Hagedorn, P.: Active Control
of Break Squeal Via Smart Pads, Proc. 22nd Annual Brake Colloqium & Exhibition,
Anaheim, USA, 2004, also published in ’SAE Transactions, J. of Passenger Cars:
Mechanical Systems, 1186–1192 (2004)’.
[200] Gutschmidt, S.; Hagedorn, P.: Modelling the steady and unsteady Operation of a
Piezo-Electric Bar Type Motor, Proc. ICA, 18th Intl Congress on Acoustics, Kyoto,
Japan, 2004.
[201] Jearsiripongkul, T.; Chakraborty, G.; Hagedorn, P.: Stability Analysis of a New
Model for Floating Caliper Disk Brake, Integrated Computer Aided Engineering,
11:77–84, 2004.
[202] Jearsiripongkul, T.; Hagedorn, P.: Parameter Estimation of the Disk in a Floating
Caliper Disk Brake Model with respect to Squeal, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech, 4:93–94,
[203] Hagedorn, P.; Hochlenert, D.; Dunlop, R.: Piezoelectric Sensors and Actuators in
Disk Brakes, Proc. 5th Int. Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, pp. 762–769,
Chang, F. K., Stanford Univ., 2005.
[204] Hochlenert, D.; Hagedorn, P.: Control of Disc Brake Squeal – Modelling and Experiments, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 13:260–276, 2006.
[205] Hagedorn, P.; Hochlenert, D.: Different Control Strategies for the Active Suppression
of Brake Squeal, Proc. IUTAM Symp. Vibration Control of Nonlinear Mechanisms
and Structures, Munich, 2005.
[206] Verma, H.; Chakraborty, G.; Krispin, H.J.; Hagedorn, P.: On the Modeling of Wind
Induced Vibrations of Long Span Electrical Overhead Transmission Lines, Proc. 5th
Int. Symp. on Cable Dynamics, Santa Margherita, Ligure, Italy, 2003.
[207] Verma, H.; Dighe, A.M.; Hagedorn, P.: On the Dynamics of Bundled Conductors in
Overhead Transmission Lines, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., Vol. 4, pp. 115–116, 2004.
[208] Verma, H.; Dighe, A.M.; Hagedorn, P.: On the Solution of Transcendental Eigenvalue Problem in Transmission Line Bundled Conductors, Proc. of ASME Int. Mech.
Eng. Congress, Anaheim, USA, 2004.
[209] Hagedorn, P.; Hochlenert, D.; Fischer, F.: Remarks on an Annular Plate with Partial
Elastic Bedding, Proc. of the 5th Int. Symp. on Vibrations of Continuous Systems,
pp. 24–26, Berchtesgarden, Germany, 2005.
[210] Meynen, S.; Verma, H.; Hagedorn, P.; Schäfer, M.: On the Numerical Simulation of
Vortex-Induced Vibrations of Oscillating Conductors, J. of Fluids and Structures,
21:41–48, 2005.
[211] Verma, H.; Sinha, N.K.; Hagedorn, P.: Some New Results on the Computation of
Wind Power Input for Bundled Conductors via CFD, Proc. of 6th Int. Symp. on
Cable Dynamics, pp. 235–247, Charleston, SC, USA, 2005.
[212] Verma, H.; Hagedorn, P.: Different Numerical Techniques for the Solution of Transcendental EVP in Transmission Line Bundles, 7th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conf., Melbourne, Australia, 2005.
[213] Verma, H.; Hagedorn, P.; David, T.: Computing the Power Imparted by the Fluid
on an Oscillating Cylinder in Cross-Flow: Some Results and Many Questions, 4th
Conf. on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations, Santorini, Greece, 2005.
[214] Gutschmidt, S.; Hagedorn, P.: Modeling the Piezoelectric Excitation in a Bar-Type
Motor, Proc. ISROMAC 11, Honolulu, USA, 2006.
[215] Sinha, N.K.; Hagedorn, P.: Wind-excited overhead transmission lines: Estimation
of connection stresses at junctions, J. Sound Vib., 301(1-2):400–409, 2007.
[216] Dunlop, R.; Schlotter, M.; Hagedorn, P.; Jones, T.: Robot Design, Dynamics and
Control, chapter A Singularity Free Parallel Robotic Mechanism for Aiming Antennas and Cameras, pp. 31–38, No. 487 in CISM Courses and Lectures, Springer,
[217] Hochlenert, D.; Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Hagedorn, P.: Friction Induced Vibrations in Moving Continua and Their Application to Brake Squeal, J. Appl. Mech.,
74(3):542–549, 2007.
[218] von Wagner, U.; Hochlenert, D.; Hagedorn, P.: Minimal models for disk brake squeal,
J. Sound Vib., 302(3):527–539, 2007.
[219] Kapuria, S.; Hagedorn, P.: Unified Efficient Layerwise Theory for Smart Beams
with Segmented Extension/Shear Mode, Piezoelectric Actuators and Sensors, J.
Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2(7), 2007.
[220] Hagedorn, P.: Dynamics of Cables: Overhead Lines, Belt-Drives and Electrodynamics Tethers, Proc. Symp. on the Mechanics of Slender Structures, pp. 1–25, Univ.
of Northampton, 2006.
[221] Hagedorn, P.; DasGupta, A.: Vibrations and Waves in Continuous Mechanical Systems, Wiley, 2007.
[222] Gutschmidt, S.; Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Hagedorn, P.: Modelling and Stability
Analysis for an Ultrasonic Motor, Vietnam Journal of Mechanics, 29(3):303–319,
[223] Samal, M.; Seshu, P.; Parashar, S.; von Wagner, U.; Hagedorn, P.; Dutta, B.; Kushwaha, H.: A finite element model for nonlinear behaviour of piezoceramics under weak electric fields, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 41(15):1464–1480,
[224] Hagedorn, P.: A mathematical model for vibrating piezoelectric shells, Proc. of 3rd
Int. Symp. Vibrations of Continuous Systems, pp. 19–21, Grand Teton Nat. Park,
USA, 2001.
[225] Hochlenert, D.; Hagedorn, P.: Jordan Canonical Form Approach to Actively Suppress Disk Brake Squeal, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Motion
and Vibration Control (MOVIC), pp. 268–274, Daejeon, Korea, 2006.
[226] Hochlenert, D.; Hagedorn, P.: Modeling, Experimental Investigation and Active
Suppression of Disk Brake Squeal, Nichtlineare Schwingungen – Reibung und Kontaktmechanik (VDI-Berichte 2022), pp. 21–34, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2007.
[227] Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Hochlenert, D.; Kirillov, O.N.; Hagedorn, P.: In- and Outof-plane Vibrations of a Rotating Plate with Frictional Contact: Investigations on
Squeal Phenomena, J. Appl. Mech., 76(4):041006–1–041006–15, 2009.
[228] Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Kirillov, O.; Hagedorn, P.: Modeling and Stability Analysis
of an Axially Moving Beam With Frictional Contact, J. Appl. Mech., 75:031001,
[229] Samal, M.K.; Seshu, P.; Von Wagner, U.; Hagedorn, P.; Dutta, B.K.; Kushwaha,
H.S.: A mathematical model in three-dimensional piezoelectric continuum to predict
non-linear responses of piezoceramic materials, Proceedings of the I MECH E Part
C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 222(11):2251–2268, 2008.
[230] Schönecker, M.; Hagedorn, P.: New Developments in Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Travelling Wave Motors, Proceedings, AES-TEMA 2009 Third International Conference,
pp. 67 –73, Montreal, Canada, 2009.
[231] D. Hochlenert, G. Spelsberg-Korspeter, P.H.: Nonlinear normal modes and the control of self-excited vibrations, EUROMECH Colloquium, 2009.
[232] Wiendl, S.; Hochlenert, D.; Hagedorn, P.: Control of a Test Rig for Vibration Measurements of Overhead Transmission Lines, Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Control and Automation, pp. 2129–2135, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2009.
[233] Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Hochlenert, D.; Hagedorn, P.: On the structural optimization of brake disks with respect to their vibrational behavior, Proceedings of the
7th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, pp. 698–704, 2009.
[234] Arrieta, A.; Erturk, A.; Hagedorn, P.; Inman, D.: Dynamics and morphing of a bistable plate, 21st International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies
(ICAST), 2010.
[235] Sattel, T.; Hagedorn, P.: The contact Problem in Ultrasonic Traveling-Wave Motors,
J. Appl. Mech., 77:031014–1 – 031014–11, 2010.
[236] Arrieta, A.; Hagedorn, P.; Erturk, A.; Inman, D.: A piezoelectric bistable plate
for nonlinear broadband energy harvesting, Applied Physics Letters, 97:104102–1 –
104102–3, 2010.
[237] Arrieta, A.; Neild, S.; Wagg, D.; Hagedorn, P.: Dynamics of snap–through of bi–
stable composite plates, Proceedings of XXXVIII International Summer School–
Conference APM 2010, 2010.
[238] Arrieta, A.; Hagedorn, P.; Erturk, A.; Inman, D.: Electromechanical Modeling and
Experiments of a Bistable Plate for Nonlinear Energy Harvesting, Proceedings of the
ASME 2010 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent
Systems SMASIS2010, 2010.
[239] Hochlenert, D.; Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Hagedorn, P.: A Note on Safety–Relevant
Vibrations Induced by Brake Squeal, J. Sound Vib., 329:3867–3872, 2010.
[240] Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Schönecker, M.; Hagedorn, P.: On the relation between
rotor asymmetry and brake squeal, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Brake Colloquium
and Exhibition, pp. 177–182, 2010.
[241] Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Hochlenert, D.; Vomstein, T.; Hagedorn, P.: Combination
of finite elements with analytical contact formulations for the analysis of brake
squeal, VDI Berichte 2218, pp. 279–288, 2010.
[242] Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Hochlenert, D.; Hagedorn, P.: Self-Excitation Mechanisms
in Paper Calenders formulated as a Stability Problem, Technische Mechanik, 31:15–
24, 2011.
[243] Wiendl, S.; Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Hagedorn, P.: A Dynamical Model of a Paper
Calendering Unit with Surface Wear, COMPDYN 2011 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Corfu, Greece, 2011.
[244] Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Hochlenert, D.; Hagedorn, P.: Non-linear investigation of
an asymmetric disk brake model, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 225, 2011.
[245] Arrieta, A.F.; Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Hagedorn, P.; Neild, S.A.; Wagg, D.J.: Low
order model for the dynamics of bi-stable composite plates, Journal of Intelligent
Material Systems and Structures, 22:2025–2043, 2011.
[246] Arrieta, A.F.; Bilgen, O.; Friswell, M.I.; Hagedorn, P.: Morphing dynamic control
for bi-stable composites, ICAST2011, 22th International Conference on adaptive
Structures and Technologies, Corfu, Greece, 2011.
[247] Heffel, E.; Wagner, A.; Arrieta, A.F.; Fischer, F.; Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Hagedorn, P.: On the dynamics of an oscillatory Painlevé-Klein apparatus, 11th Conference on Dynamical Systems and Applications, Lodz, Poland, 2011.
[248] Wagner, A.; Heffel, E.; Arrieta, A.F.; Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Hagedorn, P.: On a
nonholonomic version of an oscillatory Painlevé-Klein apparatus, 11th Conference
on Dynamical Systems and Applications, Lodz, Poland, 2011.
[249] Awrejcewicz, J.; Saltykova, O.A.; Zhigalov, M.V.; Hagedorn, P.; Krysko, V.A.: Analysis of Non-Linear Vibrations of Single-Layered Euler-Bernoulli Beams using Wavelets, International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures, 1:203–219,
[250] Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Hochlenert, D.; Heffel, E.; Wagner, A.; Hagedorn, P.: Construction of Liapounov Functions for the Estimation of Basins of Attraction, Conference Uncertainties 2012, Maresias, Brazil, 2012.
[251] Arrieta, A.F.; Bilgen, O.; Friswell, M.I.; Hagedorn, P.: Passive load alleviation bistable morphing concept, AIP ADVANCES, 2, 2012.
[252] Arrieta, A.; Hagedorn, P.: Dynamic Response Tailoring for Efficient Morphing Control of Bistable Structures, 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference; AIAA 2012-1742, Honolulu, Hawaii; American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2012.
[253] Hagedorn, P.; Hochlenert, D.: Technische Schwingungslehre, Schwingungen linearer
diskreter mechanischer Systeme, Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt am Main, 2012.
[254] Wagner, A.; Heffel, E.; Arrieta, A.F.; Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Hagedorn, P.: Analysis of an Oscillatory Painlevé-Klein Apparatus with a Nonholonomic Constraint,
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 2012.
[255] Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Hochlenert, D.; Heffel, E.; Wagner, A.; Hagedorn, P.; Sampaio, R.: Construction of Lyapunov functions for the estimation of basins of attraction, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering,
34:633–639, 2012.
[256] Awrejcewicz, J.; Hagedorn, P. (Editors): Nonlinearity, Bifurcation and Chaos Theory and Applications, InTech, 2012.
[257] Bastaits, R.and Rodrigues, G.; Jetteur, P.; Hagedorn, P.; Preumont, A.: Multi-layer
adaptive thin shells for future space telescopes, Smart Materials and Structures, 21,
[258] Bilgen, O.; Arrieta, A.F.; Friswell, M.I.; Hagedorn, P.: Dynamic control of a bistable
wing under aerodynamic loading, Smart Materials and Structures, 22, 2013.
[259] Arrieta, A.F.; Bilgen, O.; Friswell, M.I.; Hagedorn, P.: Dynamic control for morphing of bi-stable composites, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 24:266–273, 2013.
[260] Eckstein, M.; Spelsberg-Korspeter, G.; Hagedorn, P.: Interactions between structural dynamics and wear propagation in paper calenders, Proceedings of the SIRM,
10th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machines, 2013.
[261] Heffel, E.; Hagedorn, P.: Friction Induced Vibrations for Energy Harvesting Applications, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials
and Applications in Actuators and 8th Annual Energy Harvesting Workshop, 2013.
[262] Ilanko, S.; Mochinda, Y.; Hagedorn, P.; Wagner, A.; Kennedy, D.: Modelling voids
using embedded negative structures - the story of the spurious modes, Proceedings
of the 9th International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems, 2013.
[263] Eckstein, M.and Hagedorn, P.: Modeling of the Non-Smooth Contact in Paper Calenders, ICOVIS: 3rd International Conference on Vibro-Impact-Systems and Systems with Non-Smooth Interactions, 2013.
[264] Heffel, E.; Hagedorn, P.: Transmission Characteristics of Energy Harvesting Systems Using Self-Excited Vibrations, 3rd International Conference on Vibro-ImpactSystems and Systems with Non-Smooth Interactions, 2013.
[265] Hagedorn, P.; Eckstein, M.; Heffel, E.; Wagner, A.: Discussion: The Temporal Evolution of Buckling in a Dynamically Impacted Column (Ji, W., and Waas, A. M.,
2013, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 80, p. 011026), J. Appl. Mech., 81, 2013.
[266] Hagedorn, P.; Heffel, E.; Lancaster, P.; Müller, P.C.; Kapuria, S.: Some recent results
on MDGKN-systems, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 95(7):695–702, 2014.
[267] Hagedorn, P.; Spelsberg-Korspeter, G. (Editors): Active and Passive Vibration Control of Structures, CISM Courses and Lectures 558, Springer Wien, 2014.
[268] Hagedorn, P.: Self-Excited Vibrations in Mechanical Systems: Old Observations
and New Results, ENOC 2014 - Proceedings of 8th European Nonlinear Dynamics
Conference, 2014.
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[275] Heymanns, M.; Hagedorn, P.: Optimal Impedance Load of a Bistable Energy Harvester, PAMM, 15(1):249–250, 2015.
P 34 37 958.0
P 34 42 077.0
EP 85 113 103.7
P 29 42 621.9
P 40 02 254
P 39 27 040
P 42 15 744.7
DE 10 2013 109 787.1
Damping device
Damping device
Damping device for transverse oscillations of conductors
Damping device with tangential action for galloping oscillations of
overhead lines
Ultrasonics motor with two rotors
Ultrasonics motor with two or more stages
Device for the detection of perturbations using ultrasonic waves
Bicycle brake disk