News Bulletin THE ROTARY CLUB OF GUELPH A Weekly Report on the Activities of the Rotary Club of Guelph – Feb 10, 2012 The Rotary Club of Guelph Box 511, Guelph, ON N1H 6K9 President: Norris Hoag Treasurer: Trevor Lee Secretary: Kerry Johnson 519-821-3863 District 7080 Club 4645 Charter Feb 23, 1920 Valentine Program President Norris opened our meeting and mentioned the fact that this was the 4,490th meeting of our Club. He stated that unfortunately there would be no music this week or next. President Norris congratulated our Fellowship committee for another very successful and enjoyable “After Hours” Rotary event last Tuesday. He also drew attention to the passing of Percy Cole – a former member of our Club. John Brubacher gave an interesting note of thanksgiving for our grace before our lunch. Introduction of Speaker Murray Taylor introduced our guest speaker John Van de Kamer, Manager at Knar Jewellery in Guelph. After graduating from the University of Guelph John switched directions into the jewellery business and did further studies at the American Gem Society and the Gemological Institute of America. John Van de Kamer — Diamonds Rotary International President: Kalyan Banerjee Vapi, Gujarat, India District 7080 DG: Brian Carmichael, Erin Upcoming Meetings Feb 17: Classification Talk — Trevor Reid Feb 24: Linamar — Frank Hasenfratz Mar 2: A Day in the Life of an Emergency Room Doctor — Dr. Aaron Smith Mar 9: The Changing Landscape in Higher Education — Julia Christenden Hughes, Dean CME at U of G John had achieved a degree in Soil Science and decided he preferred Carats to corn. He has worked at Knar for more than 25 years and proceeded to give us an informative talk about diamonds. Diamonds Diamonds are the hardest material known to man and 17% of the world’s supply of diamonds are mined in Canada. We also produce some of the best quality in the world. Diamonds are created and formed via volcanic activity at approximately 150 John Van de Kamer, kilometres below the earth surface. As Knar Jewellery the diamonds are brought closer to the surface due to glacier movement they can be mined, mostly from open pits although underground mining is the norm in the most Northern and Southern Latitudes. Program — Continued on Page 4 The Rotary Club of Guelph News Bulletin - February 10th, 2012 Attendance Present January 27 Arnold, Beattie, Bothwell, Bradey, Breil, Broadwith, Clayton, Clark, Cooney, Curry, Dance, Del Rosario, Demarco, Elliot, Farrelly, Forsythe, Funnell, Groenewald, Hammill, Hewson, Hoag, Housser, Jadeski, Johnson, R. Jones, L. Jones, Kiely, Knowles, Kothari, Lymburner, MacKenzie, Marshall, Mau, McCallum, McCarl, McDonnell, G. Moore, Neufeld, Newton, Parr, Ralph, Ramprashad, Rennie, Rice, Ricketts, M. Richardson, Runions, Shortreed, Singh, Slisarenko, Spratt, Steele, B. Stevens, Tam, P. Taylor, M. Taylor, Thatcher, E. Valeriote, Vanderkamp, Vieira, Wadleigh, Whittaker, Winegard, Wisdom Present February 3 Arnold, Beattie, Bothwell, Bradey, Breil, Broadwith, Clayton, Clark, Cooney, Curry, Dance, Del Rosario, Demarco, Elliot, Farrelly, Forsythe, Funnell, Groenewald, Hammill, Hewson, Hoag, Housser, Jadeski, Johnson, R. Jones, L. Jones, Kiely, Knowles, Kothari, Lymburner, MacKenzie, Marshall, Mau, McCallum, McCarl, McDonnell, G. Moore, Neufeld, Newton, Parr, Ralph, Ramprashad, Rennie, Rice, Ricketts, M. Richardson, Runions, Shortreed, Singh, Slisarenko, Spratt, Steele, B. Stevens, Tam, P. Taylor, M. Taylor, Thatcher, E. Valeriote, Vanderkamp, Vieira, Wadleigh, Whittaker, Winegard, Wisdom Present February 10 Armstrong, Arnold, Bothwell, Broadwith, Brubacher, Clark, Cooney, Dance, Del Rosario, Demarco, Dredge, Eszes, Fairbairn, Farrelly, Forsythe, Fryett, T. Funk, Funnell, J. Funk, Gammie, Hammill, Hewson, Hoag, Irvine, Jadeski, Jofriet, R. Jones, L. Jones, Kich, Kiely, Knowles, Kothari, Lee, MacKenzie, Marshall, McCallum, McCarl, McLeod, Newton, A. Pennock, P. Pennock, Pietrobon, Ralph, Ramprashad, Reid, Rennie, Runions, Russo, Sather, Shortreed, Editor Feb 10 Diane Spratt Editor Feb 17 Norman McLeod Page 2 Upcoming Events Skipper, Slisarenko, Spratt, Steele, L. Stewart, Tam, P. Taylor, M. Taylor, Thase, Thatcher, Truex, Valle, Vanderkamp, van Boxmeer, van Dreumel, Whittaker, Winegard, Wisdom, Zajdlik Makeups (Aboriginal Concerns: January 21): Dance, (Africa: January 31): Buisman, Farrelly, Jackson, (Board Meeting: January 16): Smith, (Canada Day: January 27): R. Jones, (Corporate Coordinating Committee: February 2): Wettstein, (District Meeting: February 4): Seager, (Dream Lottery: January 26): Breil, (International Service Development C’tee: January 21): L. Jones, (Sports Challenge: January 31): Lymburner, Lymburner, Reid, Slisarenko, G. Stewart Other Clubs Holmes (Fort Myers South, Florida: Jan. 30); MacKenzie (Fergus-Elora: Jan. 17); Maher (Little River NC: Jan. 13, 18,25,Feb 1;P letsch (Avon Park Breakfast, FL: Jan. 20, 27 & Feb 3) Guests Rob Dupree – Jim Fryett Rosemary Kennedy – Bernie Kiely Len Robitaille – Charlie Whittaker Marj Newton – Ron Newton Marney Fryett – Jim Fryett Jean Funnell – Ray Funnell Dana Slisarenko – Helmuth Slisarenko Eileen Arnold – John Arnold Margaret Malek – Hank Valle Jane Funk – Tom Funk Eleanor Shortreed – Jim Shortreed Eileen Hammill – of Ken Hammill Carrie Burden – GSE Team member Christine Wood – GSE Team Leader Priya Mehta – GSE Team member Fri Feb 24: Bring a Prospect to Rotary — See Tom Funk Sat Feb 25: Hockey Challenge — See Trevor Reid or Paul Demarco Sat Feb 25: Toronto Mass Choir — See Marva Wisdom Tue Mar 6: Rotary After Hours — See Roxanne Eszes Sat Mar 31, 6 pm: Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner — See Jane Armstrong Tue Apr 3: Rotary After Hours — See Roxanne Eszes Apr 21: Tree Planting on Rotary Earth Day — See Lyndon Stewart Tue May 1: Rotary After Hours — See Roxanne Eszes May 6-9: RI Convention, Bankok, Thailand - See Tim Mau Birthdays February 13..............Anne Dance Rotary Anniversaries February February February February February 13.......Bob Ireland (21) 15...... Norris Hoag (10) 16.. Steve Stepinac (11) 17........Milt Sather (50) 17.......Jim Stevens (34) Head Table Murray Taylor John VandeKamen (speaker) Paul DeMarco David Ralph President Norris Electronic Warning If you take your laptop computer for a run you could jog your memory. Jewellery Draw The usual 50/50 draw was replaced with a draw for a Silver Heart pendant necklace from Knar Jewellery. It was won by Monte Hewson. The Rotary Club of Guelph News Bulletin - February 10th, 2012 Page Announcements Africa Committee Graham Knowles made a special announcement and presentation to Dave Marshall on behalf of the Africa Committee. “During the 1996/97 Rotary year, our past president Dave Marshall challenged our committee and the International Service committee to encourage other clubs to partner with our Club with the potential benefit of the involvement of many more Rotarians, increased understanding of international projects and increased funding opportunities.” Graham outlined the historical successes and accomGraham Knowles makes the presentation of a plishments which were a direct confirmation of Dave’s painting from Cameroon to Dave Marshall vision from a decade earlier. To recognize the positive impact of Dave’s advice he was presented a copy of art work generated in Cameroon which shows a woman carrying water on her head. Thanks to Dave, to the “Hand Up” programs and to the many water projects our Club has participated in, this is now a short trek to the village stand tap – where the water is safe. Tom Funk making the Membership report Membership Committee Tom Funk made an announcement on behalf of the Membership committee: “A Club update – we have five new members this year (four under 40) and three others in the pipeline, however we have had four resignations and one passing member.” On February 24th Frank Hasenfratz, the founder of Linamar, is our guest speaker and Tom encouraged our members to “invite a prospect” to that meeting and the guest’s lunch cost will be covered by the committee. Tom mentioned that there were lists on each table of the past few years’ recipients of the top 40 under 40 from the Guelph Mercury – he asked us to review the list and would like any members who have a connection with or contact info on any of these on the list to please mark down their name and Tom will follow up. Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner Jane Armstrong on behalf of the Fellowship Committee asked for members to sign up for the “Guess Who’s coming to Dinner” event on March 31st. Hosts are asked to provide the main course and the guests bring other items. End Polio Now Campaign Terry Van Dreumel thanked the Club for a successful End Polio Now gift certificate campaign – over $4,000 was raised. 3 The Rotary Club of Guelph News Bulletin - February 10th, 2012 Program – continued from page 1 Mining Diamonds in Canada In areas of Africa, diamonds are sifted from streams and rivers, however in Canada they are mined through hard rock. The Canadian diamond mines are approximately 200 kms south of the Arctic and approximately five million carats are mined per year. John showed us videos of the large equipment used during this mining process and also the automated equipment that crushes and separates the diamonds – approximately one carat of diamond is harvested from one tonne of ore. Diamond crystals are then x-rayed and scanned to determine how large a diamond can be cut optimally from the crystals. Page 4 against Polio for children donated on his behalf. President Norris then closed the meeting by quoting a romantic passage by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Previous Week’s Speaker Sheeba Varghese — Life Decisions Sheeba presented members and guests with an interesting exposé of the life and times of Sheeba Varghese, her passion and profession along with some underlying promotion of the new book “Sheeba’s Polishing Diamonds Secret - A Formula for Diamond dust is then utilized to polish the diamond More Success Through after it has been cut. John displayed extreme trust in Greater Self Awareness.” Sheeba’s fundamental thesis our Club membership by passing around for viewing is embedded in her simple formula. (See diagram on two diamond rings with very large stones. next page.) However, the key to the formula is greater World Diamond Market Has Changed self-awareness – a theme that Sheeba returned to sevHe mentioned that DeBeers used to control 85% of eral times during her presentation. the world’s diamond market but now has 35% of the Self-Awareness + Focus + Strategy = market – Russia, Africa and Canada are now key playSuccess ers in the diamond manufacturing market. Emerging consumer markets for diamonds are China and India. Sheeba works with individuals who desire more sucCanada has been able to more effectively compete in cess. Typically, clients are individuals who are somethe market as the federal Government in 2006 got rid how dissatisfied with their current situation in their personal and professional life, have a belief that there of a hidden excise tax on this product. is something missing from their lives or are tired of Knar’s Hearts on Fire Diamonds being in a rut or stuck doing the same old – same old John then described the “Hearts on Fire” diamonds thing. Sheeba’s secret path to more success starts with and showed us several pictures displaying the intricate getting her clients to identify where they are in terms manual work that is done by his expert team in the of their satisfaction in various parts of the life in the Knar workshop. He described the stress of working well-known wheel of life model. Concurrently Sheeba with older jewellery due to the expense of a mistake encourages and assists clients to identify and priorbut also the emotional attachment that customers have ise their innermost and most significant values and with their heirloom jewellery. view their situation through the prism of these values John emphasized how much he loves and enjoys what particularly the ones that create the most excitement, he does and the intricacies of designing new jewellery enthusiasm and passion from their own perspective. or redesigning older pieces. Subsequently Sheeba encourages them to adhere tightly to the integrity of these values in applying Thank You these values in their decision making and choices in David Ralph thanked our speaker by pointing out that it was a “gem of a talk” with “rock hard facts” and presented John with a certificate for 100 vaccinations Program – continued on page 5 The Rotary Club of Guelph News Bulletin - February 10th, 2012 Page 5 multilingual professional assist them in refocusing and re-energising their lives and fortunes given the wherewithal to afford the service. their significant areas of their life model and what’s The self oriented focus of the service may be somemore, pursue the chosen path with care and concern what in conflict with the “Service Above Self” maxim but above all with conviction and boldness. Sheeba of Rotary. However, if helping others and giving back are cherished values to you, then pursuing this goal has obviously had significant with boldness and conviction success in this activity parPersonal will undoubtably unleash the ticularly with her favourite Growth Health & Physical tiger. target client group: the ageFitness Surroundings ing corporate executive. The Book Romance Friends & Sheeba and Sheeba’s story The book is a good read and Family is very impressive from a has some memorable one Fun & Career marketer’s perspective – she liners and quotes. A dash of Recreation Money has, by good management introspection, evaluation, and life’s tapestry, identified reorientation and focus never a valuable service, a rich hurts. Sheeba Varghese’s Formula for Success vein of client prospects facThank You ing uncertainty about their future, their station and prospectively their capabili- Evan Valeriote thanked Sheeba for her fantastic talk ties. Moreover, she has identified a relatively uncom- and presented Sheeba with a certificate acknowledging plicated, understandable formula and who wouldn’t a contribution to Polio plus in her name. be interested in having an articulate, multicultural, Program – continued from page 4 Happy Bills $ Richard Broadwith Richard gave several happy bucks – Carrie Burden asked him to sit with her and be her Valentine at lunch, but he also apologized for an error in the bulletin last week regarding the donation of soccer equipment – he has submitted the following correction: The soccer balls and hats destined for Africa that Susan Farrelly gave Happy Bucks for last week were donated by the I.C.C. and not as reported in last week’s Bulletin. $ Jim Fryett Jim gave some happy bucks and showed some pictures of his soaring adventure in New Zealand in celebration of his 60th birthday. He thanked his wife Marney for encouraging him to enjoy this adventure. Stories from British Newspapers Irish police are being handicapped in a search for a stolen van, because they cannot issue a description. It’s a Special Branch vehicle and they don’t want the public to know what it looks like. (The Guardian) A young girl who was blown out to sea on a set of inflatable teeth was rescued by a man on an inflatable lobster. A coast guard spokesman commented, “This sort of thing is all too common”. (The Times) At the height of the gale, the harbour master radioed a coast guard and asked him to estimate the wind speed. He replied he was sorry, but he didn’t have a gauge. However, if it was any help, the wind had just blown his Land Rover off the cliff. (Aberdeen Evening Express)
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