Sender: Person Müller, Wilm Diedrich
Sender: Person Müller, Wilm Diedrich
Convenience Translation - The German version is decisive Countermotion to Item 4 > Sender: Person Müller, Wilm Diedrich > Date: Sunday, 6 January 2013, 6.45h > To: > > Reference: Countermotion > Copy for information purposes to company (“Firma”) Reederei Herbert Ekkenga, with seat in Bad Zwischenahn, WKN 828830 > To company (“Firma”) Wincor Nixdorf AG with its seat in Paderborn an der Pader, > Copy – due to requested form – to company PT im Turm with its seat in Mannheim an dem Rhein, > Sender: Person Wilm Diedrich Mueller > > Countermotion to item four of the agenda of the invitation to the Annual General Meeting > Persons, I have requested herewith that contrary to the proposal contained in the above mentioned invitation no member of the supervisory board shall be granted discharge (“Entlastung”) for fiscal year 2011/2012. > > I justified my request so that the above mentioned company (“Firma”) Wincor totally failed in the same fiscal year 2011/2012 to successfully motivate the above mentioned shipping company (Reederei), to execute marriage ceremonies on the lake Zwischenahner Meer by the captains of its ferryboats with potential marriage partners only in such case, after the same potential marriage partners have explicitly confirmed, that the bride has been deflowered by the fiancé and not by anybody else or not even a male person. The above mentioned Mr. Müller