1 Die Medien heute - Pearson Schools and FE Colleges


1 Die Medien heute - Pearson Schools and FE Colleges
1 Die Medien heute
Student’s Book pages 6–23
Main topics and objectives
Key language
Grammar (new / revisited)
1 Rückblick: Die Medien in
meinem Leben
Talking about the media you use
in everyday life
Making sentences more
Was machst du in der Freizeit?
Ich sehe fern.
Ich gehe ins Kino.
Ich höre Musik
Ich lese Zeitschriften.
Ich simse.
Ich spiele am Computer.
Ich bin mit Freunden online.
Ich spiele an meiner Konsole.
Ich surfe im Internet.
Ich telefoniere mit Freunden.
Ich spiele Wii.
Ich lese Zeitschriften.
nie, selten, ab und zu, oft, immer
am Wochenende, am Montag, montags, nachmittags, morgens, abends
Was machst du am Computer?
Ich spiele am Computer.
Ich spiele an meiner Konsole.
Ich surfe im Internet.
Ich besuche Chatrooms.
Ich schreibe E-Mails.
Ich lade Musik herunter.
Ich lade Fotos hoch.
Ich benutze MyPage.
Position of adverbs
Revision of present tense (first person)
Developing sentences: Saying
how often and adding time
Present tense verb endings (ich, du, er
/ sie)
Developing sentences: Adding
opinions and intensifiers
2 Mein Leben online
Talking about using ICT
Using ‘he’ and ‘she’ forms of
3 Was läuft im Fernsehen?
Discussing TV habits
Giving opinions
4 Die Medien gestern
Talking about more traditional
Extending your answers
5 Clownfische und Monster
Talking about different types of
Describing a film
Ich schreibe mein Online-Profil.
Er / Sie spielt / surft / besucht / lädt / benutzt / schreibt
Du spielst / surfst / besuchst / lädst / benutzt / schreibst
Das finde ich (sehr / total) [cool].
Das ist ( ziemlich / wirklich) [toll].
super, langweilig, doof, schrecklich, gut
Ich liebe [Filme].
Ich mag [Zeichentrickfilme].
Ich mag [Krimis] nicht.
Ich hasse [Kindersendungen]
Musiksendungen, Quizsendungen, Sportsendungen, Seifenopern, Komödien,
die Nachrichten
Für mich sind sie [fantastisch].
Ich finde sie [langweilig].
Sie sind [lustig].
romantisch, schrecklich, doof, toll, wunderbar, interessant.
Was ist deine Lieblingssendung?
Meine Lieblingssendung ist [Spooks]. Sie ist [fantastisch].
Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?
Ich lese Bücher.
Ich höre Radio.
Ich stricke.
Ich lese Zeitungen.
Ich koche.
Ich fahre Rad.
Ich treibe Sport.
Ich lese Zeitschriften.
Ich lese [abends] Bücher und ich höre [oft] Radio. Das finde ich [toll]!
Mein Bruder geht [oft] ins Kino, aber das finde ich sehr [langweilig].
Was ist dein Lieblingsfilm? Was für ein Film ist das?
Mein Lieblingsfilm ist [Dogma].
Das / Es ist ein [Thriller].
eine Komödie, ein Fantasyfilm, ein Horrorfilm, ein Drama, ein Liebesfilm, ein
Science-Fiction-Film, ein Zeichentrickfilm
Das Hauptthema ist [Liebe].
Tod, Freiheit, Familie, Gut gegen Böse
Die Geschichte ist [kompliziert].
nicht and nie
Developing sentences: Adding
Giving opinions
Plural forms
Using different techniques to
extend answers
Looking for key words
Storing vocabulary – gender
and plural of nouns
6 Dynamisch und mit Funk
Talking about music
Developing the skill of asking
Preparing for a picture-based
discussion about music
Die Musik ist (nicht so) [gut].
Die Spezialeffekte sind [super / toll].
Die Charaktere sind [klasse / interessant].
[Daniel Craig] spielt die Rolle von [James Bond].
Was für Musik hörst du?
Ich höre [Dance-Musik / Popmusik].
Warum hörst du [Rap-Musik]?
[Trance] ist [rhythmisch / melodisch].
[Heavymetal-Musik] ist [dynamisch].
[Rap-Musik] hat einen guten Beat / Funkrhythmus.
Wie kaufst du Musik?
Ich lade Musik vom Internet herunter.
Ich benutze iTunes.
Ich kaufe CDs
Ich teile über Bluetooth Musik mit Freunden.
Ich kaufe online Klingeltöne
Wo hörst du Musik?
Ich höre [im Schlafzimmer] Musik.
im Bad, beim Konzert, auf einer Party, bei Freunden
Various language from the chapter
Verb as second idea
Asking questions
Speaking strategies
Using future references as well as
present tense
Controlled assessment
preparation: Speaking
Using a variety of language
Expressing opinions
Fillers and qualifiers
Preparing a longer piece of
writing about modern media
Various language from the chapter
Present tense singular
Controlled assessment
preparation: Writing
Time references
Extending sentences
Self-access reading and writing
at two levels
Various language from the chapter
1 Rückblick: Die Medien in meinem Leben
Student’s Book pages 6–7
Learning objectives
Talking about the media you use in everyday life
Making sentences more interesting
Position of adverbs
Revision of present tense (first person)
Developing sentences: Saying how often and adding time references
Key language
Was machst du in der Freizeit?
Ich sehe fern.
Ich gehe ins Kino.
Ich höre Musik
Ich lese Zeitschriften.
Ich simse.
Ich spiele am Computer.
Ich bin mit Freunden online.
Ich spiele an meiner Konsole.
Ich surfe im Internet.
Ich telefoniere mit Freunden.
Ich spiele Wii.
Ich lese Zeitschriften.
nie, selten, ab und zu, oft, immer
am Wochenende, am Montag, montags, nachmittags, morgens, abends
CD1, tracks 2–3
Übungsheft, page 4
To review the German sound-spelling link.
Remind students of the simple sound-spelling differences between German and English (German s / z /
st / sp / v / ie / ei and umlauts, for example). Give and collect in examples from the class before telling
them that they are going to see and hear some phrases from exercise 1. According to their
understanding of the German sound-spelling link, students write the phrases / key words on miniwhiteboards as you read them and share their answers with a partner. Collect ideas from the class,
underlining orthographic rules in German as they are identified.
Ich ___ iele am Computer.
Chapter 1
Page 1
Ich ___ehe fern.
Ich lese ____ eitschriften.
Ich h___re Musik.
Try to elicit the meaning of the phrases, since they may be known from prior learning.
1 Lies die Sätze. Was passt zusammen?
Reading. Students read ten sentences about media use in everyday life and match them with the correct
pictures. The activity reviews the first person form of several verbs in the present tense, as well as
vocabulary to do with media.
a Ich sehe fern.
b Ich gehe ins Kino.
c Ich höre Musik.
d Ich lese Zeitschriften.
e Ich simse.
f Ich spiele am Computer.
g Ich bin mit Freunden online.
h Ich spiele an meiner Konsole.
i Ich surfe im Internet.
j Ich telefoniere mit Freunden.
2 Hör zu. Was machen sie in ihrer Freizeit? (1–8) Wähle eine Antwort aus
den Bildern in Aufgabe 1.
Listening. Students listen to eight short audio clips in which young people say what media they use in
their free time. Students select the correct picture from exercise 1 and note it down. Remind students
that they do not have to understand every word and that they should listen out for the key words and
phrases from exercise 1.
<AS>Audioscript [CD] 2
Ich lese Bücher und Zeitschriften.
Ich mag Filme und ich gehe gern ins Kino.
Ich verbringe viel Zeit am Computer. Ich liebe Computerspiele!
Musik ist mir wichtig. Ich höre oft Musik. Ich lade Musik vom Internet herunter und ich kaufe oft
5 Ich spreche gern mit meinen Freundinnen. Ich telefoniere oft mit ihnen.
6 Abends mag ich im Schlafzimmer fernsehen. Ich sehe ganz oft fern.
7 Ich spiele oft an meiner Konsole. Sie ist besser als der Computer, finde ich!
8 Ich habe mein eigenes Handy und ich simse den ganzen Abend mit meinen Freunden. Das kostet
nicht so viel.
1d 2b 3f 4c 5j 6a 7h 8e
3 Partnerarbeit. Frag vier Personen.
Speaking. Students practise the phrases from exercise 1 by asking four other people what they do in
their free time. An example is given. Students should make a note of each answer, either by referring to
Chapter 1
Page 2
the pictures in exercise 1 or noting key words, in preparation for exercise 4.
[+] Encourage students to mention more than one use of media in their answers, and to make notes in
German, such as Kino.
4 Schreib die Resultate auf.
Writing. Students write their results from the speaking activity. They should write the name of the
person and a sentence in the first person, following the example provided.
<TB>Tipp: Developing sentences 1
The skills box gives ideas for making sentences more interesting by using adverbs of frequency and
time references. This will be useful for both exercises on page 7. Go through the position of adverbs
with students, eliciting how they come straight after the verb. Gather some example sentences from the
class with both time references and adverbs.
5 Hör zu und lies die Texte. Was machen sie in der Freizeit? (1–8)
Welche vier Sätze sind richtig?
Listening / Reading. Students listen to and read two short texts by young people about their media use.
After going through the skills box, ask students to point out the adverbs of frequency in the texts. Then
ask them to point out any time references. Students then read the eight sentences in English and select
the four that are true.
<AS>Audioscript [CD] 3
Was mache ich in der Freizeit? Ich verbringe viel Zeit an meiner Konsole. Ich bin oft mit Freunden
online und ich spiele abends am Computer. Ich spiele oft mit Freunden Wii. Ich gehe selten ins
Kino. Filme mag ich nicht, aber ich höre ab und zu Musik.
Ich verbringe viel Zeit mit Freunden. Abends telefoniere ich immer mit Freunden oder ich bin mit
Freunden online. Ich lese am Wochenende Zeitschriften und ich sehe auch fern. Ich spiele nie am
Computer. Ich mag Computerspiele nicht. Ich spiele ab und zu mit Freunden Wii. Ich simse ganz oft.
1, 4, 5, 7
6 Bereite eine Präsentation vor. Welche Medien sind wichtig für dich?
Writing. Students write a short paragraph about their use of media, using the activities covered in this
unit. Encourage students to make their writing more interesting by saying how often and when they do
each activity as well as using connectives to make their sentences longer. A key language box is
provided for support.
[R] Go through the skills box again, if necessary, and elicit some example sentences from students to
help them.
[ICT] Students use a word processing package to present their work. Remind them how umlauts are
To review high frequency words.
Chapter 1
Page 3
Grow, grow, grow
Write the phrase ich spiele am Computer on the board. Students work in groups with miniwhiteboards to extend the sentence. They pass the whiteboards on to the next person in the group to
extend again, building on what has already been added. Do this three times in all, giving the example of
ich spiele oft am Computer – ich spiele oft am Montag am Computer – ich spiele oft am Montag
am Computer und ich simse to support your explanation of the task. Underline the importance of
extending sentences with adverbs of frequency and time references.
Übungsheft, page 4
a Anna b Hans c Peter d Anna e Peter f Hans
Yellow: oft, ab und zu, selten; oft; ab und zu, oft, ab und zu
Green: abends, am Wochenende; abends, am Wochenende, nachmittags, sonntags; am Wochenende,
abends, samstags
How often …
does Hans play on computer?
does Hans read books?
does Peter text?
is Anna online?
does Anna go to the cinema?
When …
does Hans play on his console?
does Hans surf the internet?
does Peter watch TV?
does Anna ring friends?
does Anna go to the cinema?
4 Students’ own answers
Chapter 1
Page 4
2 Mein Leben online
Student’s Book pages 8–9
Learning objectives
Talking about using ICT
Using ‘he’ and ‘she’ forms of verbs
Present tense verb endings (ich, du, er / sie)
Developing sentences: Adding opinions and intensifiers
Key language
Was machst du am Computer?
Ich spiele am Computer.
Ich spiele an meiner Konsole.
Ich surfe im Internet.
Ich besuche Chatrooms.
Ich schreibe E-Mails.
Ich lade Musik herunter.
Ich lade Fotos hoch.
Ich benutze MyPage.
Ich schreibe mein Online-Profil.
Er / Sie spielt / surft / besucht / lädt / benutzt / schreibt
Du spielst / surfst / besuchst / lädst / benutzt / schreibst
Das finde ich (sehr / total) [cool].
Das ist ( ziemlich / wirklich) [toll].
super, langweilig, doof, schrecklich, gut
CD1, track 4
Übungsheft, page 5
To develop vocabulary memorising techniques.
Memory race
Refer students to the ten phrases in exercise 1 on page 6. Students list the phrases in order of ease of
learning. Give them three minutes to learn them and then they test each other in pairs. Ask students to
reflect on exactly what they did to learn the vocabulary: Did they use cognates / parts of words they
already knew / spot patterns in verb endings? Collect ideas and ask students to consider the techniques
their peers used next time they are learning or reviewing items of vocabulary.
[R] Give students word cards to draw up a list of items in order of ease of learning. Encourage students
to use the Say, Read, Cover, Write, Check technique when learning vocabulary.
Chapter 1
Page 5
1 Hör zu. Was machen sie am Computer? (1–8) Wähle eine Antwort aus
den Bildern a–h.
Listening. This activity reviews / introduces language to do with computer use, as well as regular verbs
in the first person singular. Students listen to eight short dialogues in which young people are asked
about what they do on the computer. They select the correct picture(s) and sentence(s) for each person.
Go through the sentences with students before they do the activity and tell them that there will
sometimes be more than one activity per speaker.
<AS>Audioscript [CD] 4
Habib, was machst du am Computer?
Ich surfe im Internet.
Carola, was machst du am Computer?
Ich bin oft mit Freunden online. Ich besuche Chatrooms.
Jens, und du? Was machst du am Computer?
Ich schreibe oft E-Mails. Ich habe Freunde aus aller Welt.
Julia. Was machst du am Computer?
Ich spiele am Computer. Ich liebe Computerspiele.
Michael. Spielst du Computerspiele?
Ich spiele gern an meiner Konsole. Das finde ich toll!
Was machst du am Computer, Claudia?
Ich mache ganz viel online. Ich lade Musik herunter und ich lade Fotos hoch.
Und du, Jochen? Was machst du am Computer?
Ich besuche Chatrooms und ich schreibe E-Mails.
Was machst du am Computer, Bruno?
Ich lade oft Musik herunter.
Sonst noch etwas?
Ja, ich surfe im Internet für meine Hausaufgaben. Ach ja, und ich spiele Computerspiele.
1 c 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 b 6 f, g 7 d, e 8 a, c, f
2 Lies den Text. Ergänze die Sätze auf Englisch.
Reading. This activity introduces / reviews the er / sie form of regular verbs in the present tense and
reviews the adverbs of frequency covered in Unit 1. Students read the text about Erika’s computer use,
and complete five sentences in English by filling in the missing words.
1 her homework 2 talk to her friends 3 uploads photos 4 now and again 5 at the weekend / with her
Chapter 1
Page 6
3 Gruppenarbeit. Frag vier Personen.
Speaking. In groups of five, students practise the phrases from exercise 1 by asking four other people
what they do on the computer, following the example provided. Students should make a note of each
answer in preparation for exercise 4. Encourage students to mention more than one activity in their
answers, and to use just one key word for their notes rather than whole sentences, e.g. E-Mails rather
than Ich schreibe E-Mails.
<GB>Grammatik: Present tense verb endings
Use this grammar box to review present tense singular verb endings. Ask students to give you
examples using the other verbs from this unit. Ask them to point out how the irregular verb laden is
different from the regular verbs (the vowel is changed by adding an umlaut). This grammar box will
help students prepare for exercise 4. For more on the present tense, see the Student’s Book, page 195.
4 Meinungsforscher(in). Schreib die Resultate für die Umfrage auf.
Zeichne ein Tortendiagramm.
Writing. Students write up the answers from exercise 3 using their notes. Students should write a
sentence about each person using the third person singular form of the verbs. Point out to students that
they can adapt the phrases from exercise 1 by changing the verb ending, as in the example provided.
For the second part of the activity, pool the results of the survey, asking each student to read out a
sentence about one other person until everyone in the class has been mentioned.
[ICT] Record the class results on the board, before asking students to draw a pie chart of them. Discuss
with students how best to go about this, drawing on students’ learning from ICT lessons.
5 Lies die Texte. Kopiere die Tabelle und füll sie aus.
Reading. This activity introduces the language for giving opinions, as well as the language already
covered in this unit. Students read three short texts in which young people describe their computer
activities, when, how often they do them and what they think of them. Students copy and complete a
table in English, listing each person’s name, the activities mentioned and their opinions of these
[+] Ask students to add an extra column headed ‘When? / How often?’.
with friends online
visits chatrooms
uses MySpace
downloads music
computer games
surfs internet
plays on the computer
writes emails
uploads photos
computer games
really boring
totally awful
quite good
likes it
totally stupid
<TB>Tipp: Developing sentences 2
Use this skills box to help students prepare for exercise 6. First go through the adjectives, then show
students how to use the intensifiers with the adjectives. Ask students to point out where these are used
in exercise 5. Then give the name of a computer activity, asking different students to give their opinion
of it using an adjective with an intensifier.
Chapter 1
Page 7
6 Schreib einen Eintrag für dein Blog – „Computer in meinem Leben“.
Writing. Students write an entry for their (imaginary) blog about the role of computers in their life.
They write one sentence on each of the computer activities from exercise 1. Encourage students to say
how often and when they do each activity and to give an opinion with an intensifier. They do not need
to include these in every sentence. There is a checklist to help students remember what to include.
[+] The exercise challenges students to write a further sentence on each activity about a friend or
family member, using the er / sie form of the verb.
[ICT] Challenge students to investigate changing the language on their social networking profile. Ask
them to surf some pages of German young people at home (ensuring that parental controls and
safeguarding are in place).
To review progress made in using present tense verb endings.
Spot the error
Write the four sentences below on the board, revealing one at a time. Students spot the error each time
and correct it by writing the sentence out on a mini-whiteboard. Ask students to explain their thinking
behind each correction they make.
Ich schreibt am Wochenende E-Mails.
Er besuche Chatrooms.
Sie lade Musik vom Internet herunter.
Spielt du am Computer?
Übungsheft, page 5
1 downloading music from the internet – positive
2 homework – negative
3 writing emails – positive
4 surfing online for homework – negative
5 visiting chatrooms – positive
6 uploading photos – positive
7 playing on the computer with brother – negative
8 using MyPage – positive.
2 Students’ own answers
3 surft, Fotos, Chatooms, Amerika, Wochenende, wirklich
4 surfing online for homework; uploading photos; visiting chatrooms; writing emails; playing on her
Chapter 1
Page 8
3 Was läuft im Fernsehen?
Student’s Book pages 10–11
Learning objectives
Discussing TV habits
Giving opinions
nicht and nie
Developing sentences: Adding negatives
Giving opinions
Key language
Ich liebe [Filme].
Ich mag [Zeichentrickfilme].
Ich mag [Krimis] nicht.
Ich hasse [Kindersendungen]
Musiksendungen, Quizsendungen, Sportsendungen, Seifenopern, Komödien, die Nachrichten
Für mich sind sie [fantastisch].
Ich finde sie [langweilig].
Sie sind [lustig].
romantisch, schrecklich, doof, toll, wunderbar, interessant.
Was ist deine Lieblingssendung?
Meine Lieblingssendung ist [Spooks]. Sie ist [fantastisch].
CD1, track 5
Übungsheft, pages 6–7
To review giving opinions.
Top of the Pops
Elicit ich liebe / ich mag / ich mag … nicht and ich hasse from prior learning or give students these
expressions if they are not familiar with them. Prepare a list of ten pop singers or current groups, which
will provide a range of emotional responses from students, and reveal one group at a time. Students
respond with a partner and give their opinion of the singer / group, using the above expressions plus the
name of the singer / group.
[+] Students work in groups of four, each preparing a list of five pop groups, and play the game in
1 Lies die Sätze. Was passt zusammen?
Reading. This activity introduces / reviews how to express likes and dislikes. Review the vocabulary
Chapter 1
Page 9
for television programmes first to check students’ understanding. Then go through the heart symbols,
asking students to suggest what each means (Ich mag, Ich hasse etc.). Students then match up the
sentences about television likes and dislikes with the pictures.
1e 2g 3d 4a 5f 6c 7h 8b
<TB>Tipp: Developing sentences 3
This skills box introduces students to a third way of developing their sentences, this time by using the
negatives nicht and nie. Ask students to point out the negatives in the sentences from exercise 1, before
asking them to practise saying different negative sentences in preparation for exercise 2.
2 Würfelspiel
Speaking. This is a dice game in which students practise talking about television likes and dislikes.
Students throw the dice twice, once to select a symbol and once to select a television programme. They
then say the resulting sentence. For example: 2 (one heart) + 4 (the news) would make: Ich mag die
3 Lies den Text. Wie heißen die blauen Wörter auf Englisch?
Reading. This activity develops the language of the previous two exercises by adding opinion words
(many of which were introduced in Unit 2). Students read Lotte’s text about her television likes and
dislikes and translate the blue adjectives into English, by selecting from the choices given.
[R] When translating the words that may not be familiar, remind students to look for cognates and for
parts of a word that they recognise, then to work out the rest by a process of elimination. Students can
use the glossary or a dictionary if needed.
wunderbar (wonderful), fantastisch (fantastic), lustig (funny), romantisch (romantic), spannend
(exciting), doof (stupid), schrecklich (awful), todlangweilig (deadly boring)
4 Hör zu. Christian spricht über Sendungen. Was passt zusammen?
Listening. Students listen to Christian talking about his television likes and dislikes. They match up the
opinions with the correct television programmes, given in English. Remind students to listen for key
phrases rather than trying to understand every word. Follow up by asking students to listen again and
spot two other types of programme that Christian likes (comedies and soap operas).
<AS>Audioscript [CD] 5
Hallo! Ich bin der Christian. Komödien finde ich hundert Prozent toll. Meine Lieblingssendung ist
Claudia und ihr Elefant. Musiksendungen sind auch toll. Ich liebe moderne Musiksendungen. Ich
mag Krimis und ich mag auch Seifenopern. Seifenopern finde ich romantisch. Ich mag die
Nachrichten nicht – ich finde sie langweilig und ich mag Zeichentrickfilme auch nicht. Ich finde sie
doof. Aber ich muss sagen, ich hasse Quizsendungen. Sie sind so schrecklich.
1c 2d 3a 4e 5b
[+] Ask students to listen again and pick out the adjectives that Christian uses to describe the
Chapter 1
Page 10
programmes he mentions. What is the name of his favourite programme (Lieblingssendung)? What
type of programme might this be (a children’s programme)?
<TB>Tipp: Giving opinions
This skills box covers different structures for giving your opinion. Go through the suggestions with
students before they do exercise 5. Practise with the class by asking them the question Wie findest du
(Filme)? and eliciting different structures and adjectives in their responses.
5 Partnerarbeit. Umfrage.
Speaking. Students practise talking about their television likes and dislikes and their favourite
television programme. Students then work in pairs to ask and answer the five questions using the key
language box for support.
[+] Ask students to make notes of their partner’s answers and write about his / her preferences, using
the third person singular form of the verb. Explain that ich mag becomes er / sie mag as this is an
irregular verb.
6 Was siehst du im Fernsehen? Wie findest du die Fernsehsendungen?
Writing. Students write an email to their German friend about their television likes and dislikes, giving
their opinions of the programme types they mention. They should use the key language box for support
and refer to the skills box to include a range of structures for expressing opinions in their email.
To review progress made in talking about television programmes.
Dice gamble
Students work in groups of four and decide who will play first, second, third and fourth – this choice is
the gamble. The first student throws a die. A number one corresponds to five seconds, number two to
ten seconds and so on (multiples of five). The first student must talk about different programmes and
what he / she thinks about them for that length of time. The other three players throw the die when it is
their turn to talk – they are not allowed to change order.
As the other students are listening, ask them if they can hear any adverbs of frequency, time references
and adjectives being used.
[+] Number one corresponds to ten seconds, number two to 20 seconds (multiples of ten)
Übungsheft, pages 6–7
1 ag 2 dh 3 ci 4 aj 5 be 6 df, 7 cg 8 af 9 ce 10 bi
1 Ich mag Musiksendungen. 2 Ich mag die Nachrichten nicht. 3 Ich liebe Komödien. 4 Ich hasse
Zeichentrickfilme. 5 Ich liebe die Nachrichten. 6 Ich mag Sportsendungen.
3 Students’ own answers
1 Siehst du oft fern?
2 Wie findest du Filme?
3 Magst du Musiksendungen?
Chapter 1
Page 11
4 Wie findest du Kindersendungen und Zeichentrickfilme?
5 Und was ist deine Lieblingssendung?
wunderbar (wonderful), fantastisch (fantastic), lustig (funny), todlangweilig (deadly boring), spannend
(exciting), interessant (interesting)
6 Students’ own answers
Chapter 1
Page 12
4 Die Medien gestern
Student’s Book pages 12–13
Learning objectives
Talking about more traditional media
Extending your answers
Plural forms
Using different techniques to extend answers
Key language
Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?
Ich lese Bücher.
Ich höre Radio.
Ich stricke.
Ich lese Zeitungen.
Ich koche.
Ich fahre Rad.
Ich treibe Sport.
Ich lese Zeitschriften.
Ich lese [abends] Bücher und ich höre [oft] Radio. Das finde ich [toll]!
Mein Bruder geht [oft] ins Kino, aber das finde ich sehr [langweilig].
CD1, tracks 6–7
Übungsheft, page 8
To introduce key phrases in an unusual and fun way.
Wacky sketches
Students tear a sheet of A4 paper into eight pieces. They poise their pencils on the first piece of paper
and listen as you shout out one of the key phrases, as listed below. Students then have just ten seconds
to represent this as a sketch, the wackier the better! Go through this for all eight phrases.
Ich lese Bücher.
Ich höre Radio.
Ich stricke.
Ich lese Zeitungen.
Ich koche.
Ich fahre Rad.
Ich treibe Sport.
Ich lese Zeitschriften.
Chapter 1
Page 13
Students can use their sketches as flashcards. As you shout out combinations of activities, students
raise the corresponding cards above their head. Continue these games with flashcards until
understanding is secure.
[+] Once students can produce the phrases themselves, they can play ‘Spot the missing card’ or ‘Guess
which card I am hiding’ and variations of these in small groups.
1 Lies die Sätze und schau dir die Bilder an. Was passt zusammen?
Reading. This activity introduces students to the key language of the unit – talking about more
traditional hobbies. They match up the sentences with the pictures. Encourage students to match the
ones they are sure of first and then to work out the rest by a process of elimination. When going
through the answers, make sure students recognise the difference between Zeitungen and
a8 b6 c2 d1 e3 f7 g5 h4
<GB>Grammatik: Plural forms
This grammar box reminds students that there are several ways of forming the plural in German. Go
through the box with students and ask them to point out the plural nouns in the sentences from exercise
1. Can they tell you or find out the singular form of each of these nouns? You could ask them to do the
same with other plural nouns from this unit, such as television programmes, and then challenge them to
spot the different plural forms that these nouns use. For more on plural forms, see the Student’s Book,
page 198.
2 Hör zu und überprüfe die Antworten für Aufgabe 1. (1–8) Welche
anderen Details gibt es?
Listening. Students listen to eight short sentences to check their answers to exercise 1. They should
write in English the extra detail given in each sentence.
[R] You might like to tell students that the extra details are about when, how often, where, who with or
an opinion.
<AS>Audioscript [CD] 6
1 Ich lese morgens Zeitungen.
2 Ich stricke im Wohnzimmer.
3 Ich koche gern mit Freunden.
4 Ich lese oft Zeitschriften.
5 Ich treibe am Wochenende Sport. Ich liebe Sport.
6 Ich höre Radio. Ich finde das oft sehr interessant.
7 Ich fahre im Park Rad.
8 Ich lese Bücher. Ich lese gern im Bett.
1 d – in the mornings
2 c – in the living room
3 e – (enjoy) with friends
4 h – often
5 g – at the weekend / loves sport
6 b – often very interesting
Chapter 1
Page 14
7 f – in the park
8 a – (enjoy) in bed
3 Hör zu. Was machen sie in ihrer Freizeit? (1–6) Benutze die Bilder aus
Aufgabe 1.
Listening. Ask students what Freizeit means. Then review the use of the word gern in sentences to talk
about something that you like doing, stressing its position after the verb. Students listen to six people
talking about their hobbies and make a note of them, using the numbers of the pictures from exercise 1.
Warn students to listen out for the negative in number 6 or discuss this when going through the
[+] Ask students to listen again and note the use of the word gern in the recording. How many times is
it used and with which verbs?
<AS>Audioscript [CD] 7
Janet, was machst du in deiner Freizeit?
Ich mag lesen. Ich lese gern Bücher und Zeitschriften.
Klaus, was machst du in deiner Freizeit?
Ich treibe gern Sport. Ich spiele am Wochenende Federball und Tennis.
Was machst du in deiner Freizeit, Anna?
Ich koche gern. Ich koche am Wochenende für Freunde. Abends stricke ich auch gern.
Jonas, was machst du in deiner Freizeit?
Ich fahre gern Rad. Ich fahre im Park und in der Stadt Rad. Ich treibe auch mit Freunden Sport.
Was machst du in deiner Freizeit, Laura?
Ich lese im Bett Zeitungen. Ich höre auch oft Radio, wenn ich im Wohnzimmer bin.
Zoë, was machst du in deiner Freizeit?
Sport treibe ich nicht. Ich mag Sport nicht. Aber ich lese gern Zeitschriften und ich koche abends für
die Familie.
1 4, 8 2 5 3 2, 3 4 5, 7 5 1, 6 6 3, 4
4 Lies den Text und beantworte die Fragen auf Englisch.
Reading. This activity brings together language from the unit and previous units. Markus’s email about
his hobbies include time references, how often, opinions, intensifiers and the negatives nicht and nie.
Students answer six comprehension questions in English.
1 love stories and horror stories
2 when he is babysitting
3 in bed or in the park
4 in the car
5 football, tennis and rugby
6 knitting and cooking
Chapter 1
Page 15
5 Lies den Text noch mal durch. Kopiere die Tabelle und füll sie mit
Wörtern aus dem Text aus.
Reading. Students read Markus’s email again and complete a table with the places, times, frequency,
people and opinions as mentioned in the text.
im Bett
im Park
im Auto
am Wochenende
sehr oft
ab und zu
mit meinem Bruder
mit Freunden
meine Mutter
ganz gut
<TB>Tipp: Using different techniques to extend answers
The skills box will help prepare students for activity 6. Go through the four stages of how to extend a
simple sentence with the class before giving them another short sentence from exercise 1 to extend.
Ask students to use as many of the stages shown as possible. You could provide them with words or
phrases to add to the sentence or let them suggest their own.
6 Gruppenspiel. Grow – grow – grow.
Writing. Students do this activity in groups. They start by writing one of the example sentences on a
piece of paper or a mini-whiteboard and then pass it round for each student in turn to add to. They
should do this up to six times with each of the example sentences.
7 Gruppenarbeit. Sprecht gemeinsam über das Bild und beantwortet
dann die Fragen.
Speaking. Students use the photo of an elderly lady as a stimulus for talking about hobbies in the third
and first person forms. They answer the questions about Vera and about themselves. Remind students
that they must use the sie form of the verb when talking about Vera.
[+] Ask students to write a passage about Vera (or another person) and his / her hobbies, along with use
of any modern media.
To review the ability to extend sentences using the ‘four stage rule’.
Four stage rule
Go through the ‘four stage rule’ as outlined in the skills box and ask students to work in pairs and use
prior knowledge to extend this concept into other contexts. Write the following core sentences on the
board for students to extend, using the four stages:
Ich esse Pizza.
Ich spiele Rugby.
Underline the importance of extending students’ productive German from the minimum. Also highlight
the importance of transferring skills and grammatical concepts from the context where they are first
met to other linguistic contexts – skills are not content bound.
Chapter 1
Page 16
Übungsheft, page 8
1 Ich lese Bücher. (I read books.) 2 Ich stricke. (I knit.) 3 Ich koche. (I cook.) 14 Ich fahre Rad. (I
ride my bike.) 5 Ich treibe Sport. (I do sport.) 6 Ich lese Zeitschriften. (I read magazines.)
Green: abends oder am Wochenende, samstags, sonntags
Yellow: ab und zu, ab und zu; oft
Blue: toll; langweilig
Red: Mein Vater, mit Freunden
3 Students’ own answers
Chapter 1
Page 17
5 Clownfische und Monster
Student’s Book pages 14–15
Learning objectives
Talking about different types of films
Describing a film
Looking for key words
Storing vocabulary – gender and plural of nouns
Key language
Was ist dein Lieblingsfilm? Was für ein Film ist das?
Mein Lieblingsfilm ist [Dogma].
Das / Es ist ein [Thriller].
eine Komödie, ein Fantasyfilm, ein Horrorfilm, ein Drama, ein Liebesfilm, ein Science-Fiction-Film,
ein Zeichentrickfilm
Das Hauptthema ist [Liebe].
Tod, Freiheit, Familie, Gut gegen Böse
Die Geschichte ist [kompliziert].
Die Musik ist (nicht so) [gut].
Die Spezialeffekte sind [super / toll].
Die Charaktere sind [klasse / interessant].
[Daniel Craig] spielt die Rolle von [James Bond].
CD1, track 8
Übungsheft, page 9
To practise using a dictionary to identify gender and plural forms.
Dictionary swords
Remind students of how gender and plural forms are stored in a dictionary. Students sit on a dictionary.
Write a word from below on the board and students must then take their dictionary and try to be the
first person to find the gender and plural form for that word.
Geschichte Thema Charakter Freiheit Zeichentrickfilm
[R] Use this activity simply to introduce some of the key vocabulary from the unit.
1 Lies die Wörter und schau dir die Filmtitel an. Was passt zusammen?
Reading. This activity introduces the vocabulary for different types of film. Students match the film
types with the correct film title. English translations are given where the German titles are not obvious.
Chapter 1
Page 18
Encourage students to use a process of elimination to work out any answers they are not sure of.
ein Fantasyfilm – Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix
ein Horrorfilm – Saw IV
ein Drama – Stolz und Vorurteil (Pride & Prejudice)
ein Liebesfilm – Tatsächlich … Liebe (Love ... actually)
ein Science-Fiction-Film – Alien vs. Predator
ein Zeichentrickfilm – WALL-E – Der Letzte räumt die Erde auf
eine Komödie – American Pie
ein Thriller – Nicht auflegen! (Phone Booth)
2 Partnerarbeit. Frag vier Personen.
Speaking. Students ask four people what their favourite film is and what type of film it is. Practise the
questions and example answers before students start the activity. Ask students to make a note of the
name of the film and the film type for each person they ask.
[+] Ask students to report back on the answers they were given and / or to write up the dialogues, using
their notes to help them.
3 Lies die Sätze. Findet Nemo, Casino Royale oder beide? Füll das VennDiagramm aus. [TS]
Reading. This activity introduces useful phrases for talking about films. Students read ten sentences
about two films and decide which of the films each of the sentences refers to. They complete a Venn
diagram, writing the letters of the sentences in the correct sections, and putting the letters of the
sentences which apply to both films in the central overlapping section.
These are subjective to a certain point:
Findet Nemo a, g, j
Casino Royale b, d, e, i
Beide c, f, h
4 Lies die Sätze aus Aufgabe 3 noch mal durch. Wie heißt das auf
Reading. This activity helps students to identify phrases which will be useful in their own written and
spoken work. They find the German equivalents of six English phrases in the sentences from exercise
3. Encourage students to look for cognates.
1 Das Hauptthema ist …
2 Die Musik ist …
3 … spielt die Rolle von …
4 Die Spezialeffekte sind …
5 Die Geschichte ist …
6 Die Charaktere sind …
5 Filmspiel I. Hör zu. Rate mal. Welcher Film ist das? (1–4)
Listening. This activity reinforces students’ learning of the phrases from exercises 3 and 4, as well as
Chapter 1
Page 19
the different film types. Students listen to a series of clues and try to guess the film. They score points
for how quickly they guess the film – after one, two, three or four clues. To run the activity, you will
need to pause the recording after each clue and allow students to make a guess. The recording reveals
the correct answer after the fourth clue. There is an example at the beginning of the recording to show
students how the activity works.
<AS>Audioscript [CD] 8
Erster Hinweis: Das ist ein Zeichentrickfilm.
Ähhmm – Zeichentrickfilm. Vielleicht Findet Nemo ...
Zweiter Hinweis: Es geht um Monster.
Monster – Monster Zeichentrickfilm ... Shrek?
Dritter Hinweis: Das große Monster ist haarig und blau.
Na ja. Das ist Sully von Monsters AG.
Vierter Hinweis: Sully und Mike sind die Hauptcharaktere.
Der Film ist Monsters AG.
Ich habe zwei Punkte!
Film Nummer eins
– Erster Hinweis: Das ist ein Science-Fiction-Film.
– Zweiter Hinweis: Die Geschichte ist ganz kompliziert. Es gibt drei Filme in der Serie.
– Dritter Hinweis: Es geht um Maschinen.
– Vierter Hinweis: Keanu Reeves spielt die Rolle von Neo.
– Der Film ist Matrix.
Film Nummer zwei
– Erster Hinweis: Das ist ein Fantasyfilm.
– Zweiter Hinweis: Das Hauptthema ist Gut gegen Böse.
– Dritter Hinweis: Es geht um Piraten.
– Vierter Hinweis: Es ist der originale Film.
– Der Film ist Fluch der Karibik.
Film Nummer drei
– Erster Hinweis: Das ist ein Thriller.
– Zweiter Hinweis: Das Hauptthema ist Gut gegen Böse.
– Dritter Hinweis: Tom Cruise spielt die Rolle von Ethan.
– Vierter Hinweis: Der Film spielt in Rom (Vatikanstadt) und Shanghai.
– Der Film ist Mission Impossible 3.
Film Nummer vier
– Erster Hinweis: Das ist ein Zeichentrickfilm.
– Zweiter Hinweis: Die Hauptcharaktere sind Tiere.
– Dritter Hinweis: Er ist von Dreamworks Animation Studios.
– Vierter Hinweis: Es geht um vier New Yorker Zootiere, das Zebra, den Löwen Alex, die Giraffe und
die Nilpferddame.
– Der Film ist Madagaskar.
1 Matrix
2 Fluch der Karibik
3 Mission Impossible 3
4 Madagaskar
6 Filmspiel II. Gruppenspiel. Schreibt Hinweise für drei Filme wie in
Aufgabe 5.
Chapter 1
Page 20
Writing. This activity provides an enjoyable way of practising the key language of the unit. Each
student writes four clues for a film of his / her choice. Then students play their own version of the game
in exercise 5 in groups of four. Encourage students to use the key language box at the bottom of the
page for support. You might like to prepare a selection of film titles for students who are short of ideas.
7 Welcher Film passt zu welcher Definition?
Reading. Students read four synopses of films and identify the correct film title for each one, from a
choice of five. Students are reminded they don’t need to understand every word to do this activity.
They should look for key words that will give them the answers and should use a dictionary only as a
last resort.
[+] Ask students to make a note of useful phrases that they could use in their own work, such as Es
geht um … and Es handelt sich um …
[ICT] Students surf the internet and use search engines to find the German equivalent names of films
showing this week at the cinema.
a Shrek der Dritte
b Star Wars
c Mamma Mia!
d Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix
[+]Go through some tips on dealing with storing new vocabulary, such as noting the gender and plural
form of a new noun. Encourage students to apply these methods to note down any new vocabulary
from exercise 7.
8 Nimm ein Videoclip für dein Online-Profil im Internet auf.
Speaking. Students prepare and record a video clip for a real or imaginary internet profile about their
favourite film. There are four questions in English to help them structure their work and a key language
box for support. They can expand on the clues they wrote for exercise 6 or write about a different film.
To review understanding of key structures from this unit.
Scissor sentences
Write the following phrases in two word clouds on the board:
Cloud one: Das ist ein / Das Hauptthema ist / Die Geschichte ist / Die Musik ist / Die
Spezialeffekte sind
Cloud two: Liebe / melodisch / klasse / Fantasyfilm / kompliziert
Students match the beginnings to the endings of the phrases on mini-whiteboards and then share their
answers with a partner.
[+] Only give students the sentence beginnings and they then list as many endings as possible on miniwhiteboards.
Übungsheft, page 9
1 Musikfilmkomödie 2 Familie 3 Musik 4 Schlager 5 Griechenland 6 Charaktere 7 Lieblingsfilm 8
Chapter 1
Page 21
Geschichte 9 Lieder 10 Hauptthema 11 Spezialeffekte
Musikfilmkomödie 15 Wochenende 16 Liebe 17 interessant.
12 Rolle
13 komplziert
1 love / family 2 quite complicated 3 Greece 4 absolutely first rate 5 interesting and funny
Chapter 1
Page 22
6 Dynamisch und mit Funk
Student’s Book pages 16–17
Learning objectives
Talking about music
Developing the skill of asking questions
Verb as second idea
Asking questions
Speaking strategies
Key language
Was für Musik hörst du?
Ich höre [Dance-Musik / Popmusik].
Warum hörst du [Rap-Musik]?
[Trance] ist [rhythmisch / melodisch].
[Heavymetal-Musik] ist [dynamisch].
[Rap-Musik] hat einen guten Beat / Funkrhythmus.
Wie kaufst du Musik?
Ich lade Musik vom Internet herunter.
Ich benutze iTunes.
Ich kaufe CDs
Ich teile über Bluetooth Musik mit Freunden.
Ich kaufe online Klingeltöne
Wo hörst du Musik?
Ich höre [im Schlafzimmer] Musik.
im Bad, beim Konzert, auf einer Party, bei Freunden
CD1, track 9
Übungsheft, pages 10–11
Aim [TS]
To categorise adjectives according to defined semantic parameters.
Venn diagram
Students draw a simple Venn diagram (two circles with a central intersecting part). The left-hand circle
is for adjectives that can describe music, the right-hand circle for adjectives that can describe people
and the intersecting part for adjectives that can describe both. Give students access to a dictionary,
should they need it, and write the following words on the board:
billig rhythmisch dynamisch toll lustig melodisch wunderbar
Chapter 1
Page 23
[+] Using a dictionary, students add two more words for each of the sections of the diagram. Share
these with the class and remind students that they should always include a variety of adjectives when
speaking and writing German.
1 Lies die drei Texte. Schreib die Tabelle ab und füll sie aus.
Reading. This activity introduces vocabulary for different types of music and the formats for buying
and listening to music. Students read three short texts written by young people about their music
preferences. They copy a table into their books and complete the first three columns with information
about the type(s) of music the people like, why they like it and how they buy music.
Music type?
How is it bought?
rhythmic, melodic
downloads from internet
rhythmic, dynamic
bluetooths music with
buys ringtones online
country & western
buys CDs (sometimes)
downloads from internet
2 Hör zu. Lilli und Markus werden interviewt. Füll die Tabelle oben für sie
Listening. Students listen to two young people talk about their music preferences and how they buy
music. They fill in the final two columns in the table from exercise 1 with the relevant information in
[R] Scatter the information on the board and, as students listen to the text, they identify whether the
information is relevant to Lilli or Markus.
[+] Ask students to add another row to the table and write down where each person listens to music.
<AS>Audioscript [CD] 9
– He, Lilli, was für Musik hörst du?
– Meine Lieblingsgruppen sind Black Sabbath und Led Zeppelin. Ich liebe Heavymetal-Musik. Na ja,
ich finde Heavymetal-Musik toll.
– Und warum hörst du Heavymetal-Musik?
– Heavymetal-Musik ist sehr rhythmisch und dynamisch.
– Wo hörst du Musik?
– Oft bei Freunden, aber auch oft im Park oder auf Konzerten.
– Woher bekommst du deine Musik?
– Meistens teile ich Musik über Bluetooth mit Freunden.
– Und du Markus, was für Musik hörst du?
– Ich höre gern Popmusik. Meine Top-Acts sind Mika und Scouting for Girls. Girls Aloud ist auch
– Und warum hörst du Popmusik?
– Popmusik hat meiner Meinung nach einen guten Beat.
– Wo hörst du Musik?
– Auf Partys oder bei Freunden.
– Wie kaufst du Musik?
– Ich lade Musik vom Internet herunter − ich benutze iTunes dafür.
Chapter 1
Page 24
Music type?
How is it bought?
heavy metal
rhythmic, dynamic
bluetooths music with
pop music
a good beat
downloads from internet
<TB>Tipp: Asking questions
The skills box reviews question forms, including questions using pronoun and verb inversion, and
questions using question words. Go through the box with students before they do exercise 3 and ask
them to suggest a few examples of each type of question.
3 Partnerarbeit. Rollenspiel als berühmte Person. Interviewt drei
Speaking. Students interview three people about their music preferences, how they buy music and
where they listen to music, using the four questions given. When answering the questions, students
must role play a famous person of their choice and answer with that person’s music preferences. The
activity practises question forms and music vocabulary. The key language box provides support.
The tip box beside exercise 4 will help students to improve their answers. They are encouraged to draw
pictures or jot down a few words to help them speak for a whole minute. Students are reminded to use
intensifiers and to add extra information about their favourite bands as well as their opinions of other
types of music.
4 Beantworte die Fragen aus Aufgabe 3 für dich selbst. Kannst du mit
nur fünf kleinen Bildern / Wörtern eine Minute lang sprechen?
Speaking. Students are challenged to speak for one minute about their own music tastes and habits,
answering the questions from exercise 3 to structure their work. Students are allowed to write just five
words (in German) or draw five small pictures to act as prompts for their talk. They should use the key
language box and the skills box to help them with their preparation. They can also use the grammar box
to help them vary their sentences by changing the word order to add emphasis.
<GB>Grammatik: Verb as second idea
This grammar box introduces the concept of verb as second idea in German sentences. Students are
encouraged to use this idea to vary their sentence constructions in order to add variety and emphasis to
their oral work in exercise 4. For more on the verb as second idea, see the Student’s Book, page 202.
5 Welche vier Sätze sind richtig?
Reading. This activity reinforces the language of the unit. Students read a blog entry about a teenager’s
music preferences, how he buys music and where he listens to it. They then select the four true English
sentences, according to the blogger, from a choice of eight.
3, 4, 6, 8
Chapter 1
Page 25
6 Schreib einen Eintrag für dein Blog über die Rolle von Musik in deinem
Writing. Students write a blog entry on the role of music in their lives. There are four prompts in
English telling them what to include. Students can use the blog entry from exercise 5 to help them
structure their writing, as well as the key language box, skills boxes and grammar box from this unit.
[ICT] Students upload their blog to an appropriate online forum, either the school website or their
personal virtual networking pages.
To review progress in the skill of asking questions.
Divide the class into two, with a spokesperson for each team. Give an answer to one of the key
questions in this unit (see examples below). The first spokesperson to provide the question for your
answer wins a point for his / her team.
Ich höre im Bad Musik.
Trance hat einen guten Beat.
Ich höre klassische Musik.
Ich lade Musik vom Internet herunter.
Finally, check that students understand the principles behind how both closed and open questions are
formed in German.
Übungsheft, page 10
klassische Musik
im Bad
im Schlafzimmer
beim Konzert
auf Partys
bei Freunden
guten Beat
2 Students’ own answers
Übungsheft, Grammatik, page 11
1 höre I listen to music at home.
2 besucht He often visits chatrooms and speaks to friends.
3 lade At the weekend I upload photos.
4 sieht My sister, she often watches documentaries. I prefer detective programmes.
5 spielst Do you play Civilisation on the computer?
6 lese I read newspapers and magazines now and again.
Chapter 1
Page 26
7 surft My father never surfs the internet. He cannot stand computers.
8 lädt She always buys music online – she downloads music.
2 A variety of answers are possible
3 Students’ own answers
Chapter 1
Page 27
Student’s Book pages 18–19
Learning objective
Preparing for a picture-based discussion about music
Using future references as well as present tense
Using a variety of language
Expressing opinions
Fillers and qualifiers
CD4, tracks 2–3
This spread provides practice and preparation for the speaking controlled assessment. The materials
provided in the Student’s Book are to help students prepare for a picture-based discussion about music.
To help give students a clearer idea of what is required of them in an exam situation, play the
recordings of a sample dialogue, in two parts, and work through the three exercises on page 18 with the
<AS>Audioscript [CD] 2
Teil 1
– Wo ist dieses Konzert?
– Dieses Konzert ist in Manchester.
– Und wann ist das Konzert?
– Ich gehe nächsten August ins Konzert. Es beginnt um acht Uhr abends und dauert drei Stunden.
– Mit wem gehst du ins Konzert?
– Ich gehe mit zwei Schulfreunden. Wir sind alle Fans von The Hoosiers. Das ist meine
Lieblingsgruppe. Ich mag The Hoosiers, weil die Musik sehr rhythmisch und dynamisch ist.
– Wie viel kostet es?
– Es kostet £40 pro Person. Das ist eigentlich teuer, aber wir hören tolle Musik. Die Atmosphäre ist
– Gehst du gern ins Konzert?
– Ja, es ist ganz cool. Ich sehe gern Live-Bands. Aber es gibt viele Leute und es ist ziemlich heiß in
der Halle.
<AS>Audioscript [CD] 3
Teil 2
– Und wie oft gehst du ins Konzert?
Chapter 1
Page 28
– Ich gehe ziemlich oft ins Konzert. Das finde ich toll.
– Hier im Bild spielen die Musiker Gitarre. Was für ein Instrument spielst du?
– Ich spiele Klavier und Geige. Ich muss jeden Tag spielen. Das ist ein bisschen langweilig. Ich spiele
auch in einer Band. Wir sind nicht sehr gut, aber nächsten Monat geben wir ein Konzert!
– Hörst du gern klassische Musik?
– Ab und zu höre ich klassische Musik, weil mein Vater Fan von Mozart ist. Für mich ist diese Musik
schrecklich. Ich liebe Rockmusik.
– Wo kaufst du Musik?
– Ich kaufe CDs oder ich lade die Songs direkt vom Internet herunter. Das ist ganz praktisch. Auch
teile ich mit Freunden Musik − über E-Mail auf meinen Laptop oder über Bluetooth auf mein
Handy. Ich lade alles auf meinen iPod hoch.
– Wo hörst du Musik?
– Mit meinem iPod kann ich überall Musik hören − im Bus, auf dem Weg zur Schule, beim Einkaufen.
Das ist fantastisch!
<AB> Answers
1 Listening for the questions
1 e, i, g, a, d, f, h, c, b, j
2 Listening for opinions
1 f, a, c, g, b, e, d
a That’s actually expensive.
b That’s a bit boring.
c The atmosphere is great.
d I love rock music.
e For me this music is awful. (I think this music is awful.)
f That is my favourite group.
g It’s really cool.
2 The music is very rhythmic and dynamic.
3 Listening for time references
1 d, c, b, a
a present (something he does now)
b present (something he does occasionally)
c future (something he is going to do next month)
d present (describing what the band is like)
Go through the useful language box on page 19 with students and demonstrate how they might adapt
these sentences for their own speaking.
The Results Plus box on page 19 gives advice on aspects of language which will help students work
towards a grade C.
Ask students to bring in a picture as preparation for their own speaking task. Ideally, the picture should
represent something personal to the student and thereby give a sense of task ownership to facilitate free
discussion. In the discussion, ask some open-ended questions to ensure that students can demonstrate
an ability to adapt their discussion and to respond appropriately to questions.
Students may give a short presentation (one minute maximum) to introduce their picture. After this,
begin the discussion by asking questions about the picture, before extending the conversation into
related areas. A question such as, Warum hast du dieses Bild gewählt? could serve as a good opener
for more able students. It is important to train students to give extended responses and a range of
opinions throughout the discussion.
Chapter 1
Page 29
Student’s Book pages 20–21
Learning objective
Preparing a longer piece of writing about modern media
Present tense singular
Time references
Extending sentences
This section is designed to help students prepare for the writing controlled assessment. A stimulus text
is provided with activities to help draw out language and structures which students can adapt for their
own work.
A task is then set with a list of points to include and, as support, the Results Plus box gives advice on
aspects of language which will help students raise their grade. The activities throughout the chapter
have helped students prepare for a longer piece of writing about modern media.
<AB> Answers
Page 20
1 Opinions.
a Mein Freund liebt das Kino.
b Ich liebe Filme.
c Ich mag besonders deutsche Filme.
d Aber ich hasse das Kino.
e Ich finde sie total langweilig und doof.
f Es ist schrecklich!
g Es ist bequemer und billiger.
2 Translations.
am Wochenende (at the weekend), und dann (and then), zuerst (first), nachmittags (in the afternoon),
später (later), abends (in the evening), jetzt (now)
3 Verbs.
I / me: (any four) liebe, mag, hasse, finde, möchte, höre, leihe, sehe, lade, habe, kann, will
He: (any four) geht, fährt, isst, trinkt, liebt
a verb ending -e
b verb ending -t
Page 21
1 Now you try it!
1 Das finde ich total doof!
2 Das finde ich ziemlich gut.
Chapter 1
Page 30
3 Das finde ich wirklich langweilig.
2 Now you try it!
1 Am Wochenende gehe ich schwimmen.
2 Nach dem Film essen wir in der Stadt Pizza.
3 Dienstags spiele ich in der Schule Fußball.
3 Now you try it!
1 Ich sehe fern. Ich sehe abends fern und ich simse oft Freunde.
2 Ich gehe in die Stadt. Ich gehe samstags in die Stadt und ich treffe meine Freunde.
Chapter 1
Page 31
Student’s Book pages 176–177
Learning objective
Self-access reading and writing at two levels
Two Extra pages for each chapter are provided at the back of the Student’s Book for self-access
reading and writing. Extra A contains reinforcement activities and Extra B provides extension
material for the more able. These pages are ideal for use as quiet independent work or as homework.
A Reinforcement
Find and copy out two German phrases from the list for each picture.
Reading. Students look at four pictures of people engaged in free time activities and copy two
sentences to go with each one.
a Ich sehe fern. Ich lese Zeitschriften.
b Ich surfe im Internet. Ich höre Musik.
c Ich telefoniere mit Freunden. Ich lese Bücher.
d Ich spiele am Computer. Ich höre Radio.
Complete the sentences with one of the words below so that it correctly describes your
activities. Translate the sentences into English.
Writing. Students add an adverb from the choices given to each of eight sentences to describe how
often they do each of the free time activities mentioned. They then translate them into English.
Students’ own answers, plus translations:
1 surf the internet 2 visit chatrooms 3 write emails 4 go cycling 5 download music 6 upload photos
7 watch TV 8 knit
Match each sentence to a set of images.
Reading. This activity checks students’ understanding of phrases for likes and dislikes, as well as
vocabulary for television programmes. They match up the sentences and the pictures.
1c 2d 3a 4b
Read about John’s Saturday evening. List the pictures in the order he mentions them.
Reading. This activity checks students’ understanding of free time activities in the context of a longer
passage. Students read about how John spends his Saturday evening and write the letters of the pictures
in the order these activities are mentioned in the email.
Chapter 1
Page 32
c, g, f, a, e, b, h, d
B Extension
Read the texts and then copy and fill out the Venn diagram. The left hand side is for
activities that Christian does, the right hand side for his mum and the central portion for
activities that they both do.
Reading. Students copy and complete the Venn diagram, using information from the texts.
Christian: Ich besuche Chatrooms. Ich benutze MySpace. Ich lade Fotos hoch. Ich spiele mit Freunden
online. Ich surfe im Internet. Ich teile Musik und Videos mit Freunden. Er liest Zeitungen online. Ich
lade Sendungen herunter. Ich gehe ins Konzert.
Christian und seine Mutter: Ich höre Musik. Ich sehe fern.
Christians Mutter Lotte: Ich benutze den Computer zum Einkaufen. Ich schreibe E-Mails. Ich spiele
Wii. Ich lade Musik herunter. Ich höre CDs oder meinen iPod. Ich lese Krimis und Zeitschriften.
Read the texts again and identify the person who ...
Reading. Students read the texts again and decide which person each of eight statements (in English) is
referring to: Christian, Lotte or both of them.
1 Christian 2 Lotte 3 Lotte 4 Christian 5 both 6 Christian 7 Christian 8 Lotte
Write a text about yourself similar to the ones above. Swap the text with a partner and then
complete a Venn diagram for yourself and your partner as in exercise 1.
Writing. Students write a text about their use of media. A list in English tells them what to include:
their use of MySpace or Bebo, mobile phone, television, computer games, music and chatrooms. They
then compare texts with a partner and produce a Venn diagram to show the activities that they do and
do not have in common.
Chapter 1
Page 33