From Our Rabbi Highlights Spotlight


From Our Rabbi Highlights Spotlight
“Our Community”
Sun., June 5
Sisterhood/Men's Club
9:30 a.m.
Tues., June 7
Let's Talk Movie
Hotel Rwanda
6:30 p.m.
Thurs. June 9
Board Meeting
7:30 p.m.
Sun., June 12
Board Installation
7 p.m.
Tikkun Leyl Shavout
10 p.m.
Fri., June 17
Shabbat B'Yachad
Service & Dinner
6:30 p.m.
B’nai Mitzvah
Zacharai Rutman
Sat., June 4
Iyar 23 - Sivan 23
June 2005
With the
summer quickly approaching, we are
in the process of
planning and preparing for next year.
In addition to planning the actual services
and programs, we are also working hard on
creating a physically warmer and welcoming B’nai Israel. These changes include
painting walls, removing old carpeting,
restructuring rooms and offices and more.
We want our building and its physical belongings to all be in great shape.
Later in the summer you will hear
from us about a few Volunteer Work Days
we are organizing to assist us to implement
all of these changes. We will need volunteers to paint, move furniture, inventory
and reorganize the kitchen, spread mulch,
etc. There will be plenty of opportunities for
people of every age to help transform our
synagogue. The work days should each be
great fun. We hope you will be able to join
A big part of this beautification
process will be Project Prayer Book. Our
current Sim Shalom siddurim (prayer
books) are in bad shape. While the
books themselves are in fine condition, the vast majority of the bindings
are falling off, tearing or just look old
and tired. Therefore, we invite and
encourage you to become a part of
Project Prayer Book. For $18 you
can “adopt” a siddur and name it in
someone’s honor or memory. Each
book adopted will be rebound and a
plaque will be placed inside indicating whom the book is dedicated to.
The cost pays for the rebinding, and
also serves as a fundraiser to help us
raise more money for our programming and operating budgets, so that
we can continue to offer the wide array of services offered by B’nai Israel.
We hope that each of you will take
the time to become a part of Project
Prayer Book, and dedicate a siddur or
two in the name of your loved ones.
For more information or to “adopt” a
siddur, please contact Taal or Kathy
in the synagogue office.
What a whirlwind of a year. As we
prepare for the summer, we cannot help but
look back on the previous year. I am very
proud of this past year at B’nai Israel and I
have so many fond memories to cherish.
Do you remember the High Holiday
hurricane season? How about building the
sukkah while still cleaning the debris of the
last hurricane? I recall a spirited Simhat Torah, and a wonderful start to the school year
in both religious school and day school. Our
Hanukkah celebration packed the social
hall to capacity and we ate latkes galore.
It was a Purim to remember with a “wild”
Megillah reading and great costumes. Our
carnival grew in spirit and intensity, and we
soon began preparing for Pesach. This
year our community seder was called
“best ever,” and we enjoyed laughter,
tradition and good food. Just a few
weeks ago we gathered for our first
“Day at the Lake” and celebrated Yom
Haatzmut with style and a wonderful sense of community. There were
beautiful Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, so many
special celebrations of birthdays and
anniversaries, births and sadly some
losses too.
Members of our community
spent countless hours cooking meals
From Our Rabbi
(continued on page 3)
From Our President
For those of you who missed the congregation
meeting, I want to share some of my message. First, I
want to thank Barbara Herbstman, Sherry Cohen, Ann
Eisenstadt, Elaine Kaplan, Richard Tragash, Bernie
Mellman, Melinda Steffey and Jason Shindler, who are
all leaving the Board of Trustees, either because their
terms have ended or for some other reason. I thank
them, as well as all the remaining board members,
for their hard work and dedication to the synagogue. I
also want to thank all the committee chairs, who have
worked tirelessly to help provide the programming and
services for the congregation, and of course, Rabbi
Kaiman and Taal Hasak-Lowy, our executive director
for everything they do.
I also want to remind all our congregants to
return their dues forms. As of this writing, less than half
of you have. Since we use the fair share system, there
is uncertainty about our revenue until these forms come
in. It is critical that we know how much to anticipate in
revenue. Also, please remember that the forms were
designed this year to produce a 10 percent increase
in dues. Assuming you had no significant changes in
your finances, and you used the work sheet, your dues
pledge should be 10 percent higher.
We will also in the coming months bring the
building expansion fundraising back to the forefront. If
you have made a pledge, and are not following through,
please do so or let the building expansion committee
know if there is a problem. Also, we will be approaching
congregants again soon about increasing their pledge
in some cases, or pledging for the first time. Please be
receptive to these requests.
Finally, the congregation voted in a new slate
of officers and board members. Effective July 1, here
is your new Board of Trustees.
Congregation B’nai Israel Newsletter
Issue No. 173
Published Monthly
Congregation B’nai Israel
3830 NW 16th Blvd.
Gainesville, Fl. 32605
David Kaiman
Taal Hasak-Lowy
Executive Director
Howard Rosenblatt
Malka Dagan
Religious School Director
Debby Kinman-Ford
Day School Administrator
Kathy Hancock
Administrative Asst/Bookkeeper
Melissa Filipkowski
Layout & Production
2 Congregation B’nai Israel
President – David Greenberg
Vice President – Jesse Lipnick
Treasurer – Mark Levine
Secretary – Jason Rosenberg
Immediate Past President – Gilda Josephson
Dawn Burgess-Krop
Lyrissa Lidsky
Joan Massre
Connie Stern
Benny Susi
Jordan Dern
Steve Bobroff
Janet Brownstein
Martin Rifkin
Victor Rush
Dennis Jett
Ariela Notzer-Guelmann
Izzy Shever
George Snyder
Sharon Vogel
Elizabeth Ziffer
*Two vacancies will be filled at upcoming board
2004-2005 Officers
David Greenberg
Izzy Shever
Vice President
Barbara Herbstman
Phil Slater
Gilda Josephson
2004-2005 Board of Trustees
Janet Brownstein
Sherry Cohen
Ann Eisenstadt
Elaine Kaplan
Jesse Lipnick
Bernie Mellman
Victor Rush
George Snyder
Melinda Steffey
Sisterhood Representative:
Men's Club Representative:
Dawn Burgess-Krop
Jordan Dern
Lyrissa Lidsky
Joan Massre
Jason Rosenberg
Jason Shindler
Connie Stern
Benni Susi
Richard Tragash
Roz Shever
Mark Levine
From Our Rabbi
Fun Stuff
Groups & Activities
School News
From Our Rabbi
Notary Public
Kathy Hancock, our administrative assistant/bookkeeper is now a Notary Public, and is available
to provide notary services during regular office
Toba M. Smith, CRS, GRI
Senior Vice President/Broker
(352) 373-3583 ext. 222 Business
(800) 755-0087 Toll Free
(352)373-8744 Fax
(352) 376-6611 Residence E-mail
Each office is
owned and
M.M. Parrish, Realtors
5200-C Newberry Road
Gainesville, FL 32607
Target & Albertson's
Don't forget to shop at Target and
Albertson's. At Target, if you use their credit card,
you can designate the B'nai Israel Day School as
a beneficiary, and a percentage of your purchase
is forwarded to the school. At Albertson's on Archer
Road, your continued support of the store's effort to
supply Kosher food, will only increase the supply. If
you use your Albertson's Community Partners card
(available in our office), a percentage of your
purchase comes back to B'nai Israel.
(continued from page 1)
for the homeless; donating hats, gloves, games and
blankets to make cold nights warm for those who needed.
We shlepped food to the shelters, and we sent generous
donations on behalf of the congregation to feed the hungry
throughout the country. We brought meals of consolation
to the bereaved families of our community, and we diligently fulfilled the mitzvot of kavod ha-met (honoring the
dead) when necessary. We prayed together. We sang together. We danced together. We cried, and we comforted
one another. We learned together. We remembered our
past – as a people and as individuals and we honored
those who no longer can be with us.
Our community grew this year – in numbers and
in spirit and in stature. We grew because like all communities we put aside individual differences and instead
valued the strength that common bonds can bring. That
has been the tradition of B’nai Israel for nearly a century,
and we pray that tradition will carry us forward for years
to come.
Soon we will observe Shavuot – the season of the
giving of the Torah. I like to imagine that community that
came to Sinai. I close my eyes, and see the people slowly
assembling at the base of the mountain. Each came with
their own family, their own ideas and beliefs, and each
came with the people that they love the most. Little by little
they filled in the spaces close to the mountain and after
awhile they began to circle around the mountain base.
Now some think that the miracle of those days
was that Moses survived his trip up the mountain and
received the tablets. Yes, that was miraculous but the fact
is, Moses had to go up that mountain twice for his first
attempt to deliver God’s Law was met with disappointing
results. No, I think the miracle was that on Moses’ second
return down the mountain the people all looked forward
– they all concentrated their vision and voices (Shemot
24:3 “kol Ha-am kol ehad) toward one (One!), and in doing so gained something that would endure until our very
own day.
In the weeks ahead we are diligently planning
for next year. I am encouraged by the growing sense of
excitement within our synagogue. In the year ahead we
look forward to reaching new levels of spiritual fulfillment
and community. We look toward innovative programs
and creative expression of our Jewish heritage. We look
toward authentic Jewish learning, study and prayer. We
look toward strengthening the bonds of holy community
and each in their own way turning their vision and voices
toward building a continuously better Congregation B’nai
Rabbi David Kaiman
B'nai Mitzvot
Todah Rabah to Noa Gotshal for a wonderful “Taste
of Passover” program. Sisterhood members who
attended were well-fed and received a packet of
Passover recipes courtesy of Noa.
Thank You
To my friends at B’nai Israel.
Once again, I need to say “Todah Rabah” for the
many gestures of kindness that have been extended to me. Your donations, cards, telephone calls
and inquiries have added to my recovery. Hopefully I shall return to my duties very soon.
Gert Bobroff
Susan Neugroschel, GRI
(352) 372-5375 Business
(800)755-0086 Toll Free
(352) 371-1526 Fax
(352) 870-1722 Cell
Mammography, Ultrasound, Bone Density
and Bone Densitometry
7003 NW 11th Place, Suite 3
Gainesville, Florida 32605-3146
Tel: (352) 331-0115 Fax: (352) 331-2044
Diplomate of
the American Board
Each office is
owned and
M.M. Parrish, Realtors
1405 NW 13th St.
Gainesville, FL 32601
The deadline for K'hillateinu, our synagogue newsletter, is the 10th of the previous month.
Submissions should be made by e-mail to or delivered to the
synagogue office on disk. Nothing that is received after the 10th will be printed.
We will only have one newsletter for July and August. Please have any information about August
4 Congregation B’nai Israel
events into the newsletter by June 10.
Fun Stuff
Alex Green
David Kaplan
Andrew Kaplan
Jack Modell
Joanna Schneider
Mark Stern
Amy Stern
Robert Emmer
Sidney Friedlaender
Robert Goldblatt
Scott Hummel
Elaine Kaplan
Jeremy Melker
Erin Buzzella
Sidney Cassin
Maxine Lampert-Sacher
Saul Silber
Carole Bernard
Alice Freifeld
Daniel Lipnick
Stephen Richman
Tamara Segal
LeAnna Kay Carnatzie
Mark Segal
Jeremy Seth Melker
Russell Bernard
Marsha Hine
Sandra Baumstein
Cherie Fine
James Gershow
Lorna Rubin
Marvin Simring
Eric Sobel
Arnost Neugroschel
Kenneth Zeichner
Carol Auerbach
Miranda Pratt
Karen Cohen
James Simring
Janet Silverstein
Yardena Kedar
Charles Scott Modell
Jodi Oren
Barry Baumstein
Esther Pessah
Dennis Jett
Daniel Klein
Dror Lewy
Rhoda Oransky
Robert Roseman
Kathleen Baumstein
Roberta Lerner
Susan Peak
Janet Sherman
Happy Birthday to YOU!
June 2
June 2
June 3
June 3
June 3
June 3
June 4
June 5
June 5
June 6
June 6
June 6
June 6
June 8
June 8
June 8
June 8
June 9
June 9
June 9
June 9
June 9
June 10
June 10
June 11
June 12
June 12
June 13
June 13
June 15
June 15
June 16
June 16
June 18
June 18
June 19
June 19
June 20
June 20
June 21
June 22
June 22
June 23
June 24
June 24
June 26
June 26
June 26
June 26
June 26
June 27
June 27
June 27
June 27
Richard Shuster
Jodie Leopold
Lori Emmer McGraff
Ilana Zebrooker
Suzy Miller
June 27
June 28
June 29
June 29
June 30
Kids birthday
Teddy Malone
Micha Rosenblatt
Danielle Stein
Ami Blasberg
Sarah Eisenstadt
Faith Faro
Josh Brownstein
Olivia Rothstein
Izzy Rudin-Rush
Leana Hirschfeld
June 6
June 9
June 10
June 13
June 15
June 15
June 17
June 19
June 26
June 30
The information on this page is taken from the Family Information Sheets that are completed by members or submitted to the newsletter. If you have
simchas that you would like to share, please send
them to, no later
than the 10th of the month.
Glatt Kosher
Full Service Butchery
Frequent Deliveries
to Gainesville, Fl
5% of ALL Gainesville
Sales will be Donated to
Congregation B’Nai Israel
�Our Quality: Superb
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Please allow us the opportunity
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Now Taking Orders for Pesach
Phone: (770) 454-8108
Order Form/Pricing:
Groups and Activities
Third Friday/Non-Traditional Services
Third Friday/Non-Traditional Services Take a Turn
Let’s Talk
Let’s Talk: What Do We Mean When We Say
Never Again?
We’re changing our venues;
We’re moving our spaceOur holy time will be
In another place.
Tuesday, June 7 – B’nai Israel community room
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Screening of the movie Hotel
A lift to your spirit;
A charge to your brainThat’s still what we offer
Again and again.
The Third Friday service on June 17 will take
place at B’nai Israel in the community room at 8 p.m.
Future gatherings will be in the community room or in
people’s homes. That’s right. We’re stepping out, and
having services in our homes. Watch this space for
future announcements.
If you’ve never participated in our services,
which are based on the premise that there are writings
and readings within the last 100 years that can be relevant in a spiritual, prayer setting, you might want to
check it out. No two services are alike but all are in the
framework of our tradition. We hope to see you there.
“Paul Rusesabagina, the manager of a Europeanowned hotel in Rwanda, creates a secret refugee
camp for the Tutsi people during the brutal genocide
committed against them by the Hutu people in 1994.
His efforts helped to save 1200 lives out of close to
a million who were killed.”
8:30 p.m. – Discussion
B’nai Israel is dedicated to building and broadening its
community. In support of this commitment, B’nai Israel
will offer a series of forums entitled “Let’s Talk” dedicated to the exploration of significant contemporary
issues. Forums will include presentations followed by
facilitated group discussion. Our goal is to stimulate
conversation, and encourage open dialogue in a
mutually respectful manner. Please join us, we want
to hear from you. Everyone welcome.
Curious? Come join us at 3:45 p.m. on Sunday,
June 5. All ages and persuasions are welcome to try
this meditative work, following the style of Rabbi Shefa
We begin unofficial chanting at 3:45 p.m., in
the community room at Congregation B’nai Israel. We
begin by setting up the room and “tuning” it to our sacred
intention with a niggun (melody without words). Official
chanting starts promptly at 4 p.m. Please be sure you
are in the room by that time. Our session ends at 4:50
We explore new chants, and revisit familiar
ones at each meeting. Hope to see you on June 5. For
any questions, please contact Sally Klein, 352-3763158 or
Please make sure to follow
Latest Happenings @ B’nai,
our weekly email notice.
If you need to update your email address,
or if you don’t have email,
please see Taal in the office or email Taal at
Congregation B’nai Israel
Mazal Tovs
Mazal Tov to Mickey Smith for being recognized by
the Renaissance Society of Hillel at the University
of Florida for all of the outstanding work he does
for that organization.
Mazal Tov to Elsa Kula, Sylvia Kalishman and Sally Klein on their upcoming Simchat Hochmah (The
Blessing of Wisdom).
Mazal Tov to the entire Sweitzer family on their upcoming Family Bar Mitzvah.
Pictures, Pictures Pictures....
To view pictures online of some ouf our recent events, go to www.bnaigainesville.phanfare.
com. Check it out.
B‛nai Israel School News
Day School
Dates for Preschool Summer Camp:
Session 1- June 9- 24 (closed June 13 & 14 for
Session 2- June 27-July 8
Session 3 – July 11-22
Session 4 – July 25- August 5
Dates for Kaleidoscope Fine Arts Camp for
Elementary School children
Session 1 – Puppetry July 11-22
Session 2- Musical theatre July 25- August 5
You would think with school ending for the
2004-05 school year we would be winding down, but
we aren’t. In fact we are gearing up for some major
reshuffling. Over the summer we are having sinks put
into many of the classrooms, we are redoing the preschool playground – taking out some older equipment,
and replacing it with a large toddler fort and a new
cottage. We are adding murals to the hallways, and
everyone (except Miss Pedie) is changing classrooms.
Beyond all of that, we are adding a computer area for
the elementary school, and adding onto the elementary
school playground. It’s going to be a busy summer but
we can’t wait for you to see how great it’s going to look
in the fall.
We are currently enrolling for the summer
camps and for fall. Many of our programs are already
full for the fall, so if you are considering sending your
child to one of our programs, please come by and take
a look around now. The waiting lists for our programs
that are filled are not very long, and we will make every
effort to include your child in our B’nai Israel Day School
Donate Blood! There is a great need for blood
right now. All types are needed. When you
donate, make sure that you tell them to credit
B’nai Israel’s account (R009-2).
Roslyn F. Levy, CRS, GRI
Senior Vice President
Multi-Million Dollar Producer
(352) 373-3583 Business
(800)755-0087 Toll Free
(352) 373-8744 Fax
(352) 332-4000 Residence
Each office is
owned and
M.M. Parrish, Realtors
5200-C Newberry Road
Gainesville, FL 32607 E-mail
Congregation B’nai Israel
1 June – 23 Iyar
* Louis Cohen
Joe Weitzen
2 June – 24 Iyar
Ida Benjamin
* Pauline Nagelberg
Eli Shever
* James S. Wershow
3 June – 25 Iyar
* Hannah Pawgan
5 June – 27 Iyar
* Paul Jensen
6 June – 28 Iyar
Fred Baggett
7 June – 29 Iyar
Irving J. Haller
Helen Majorowicz
8 June – 1 Sivan
* Henrietta Specht
9 June – 2 Sivan
Seymour Kaplan
* Rose Rabinowitz
*Edna Robbins
* Howard Simon
10 June – 3 Sivan
* Norman Budd
* Marc Trussel
11 June – 4 Sivan
* Libby Vendeland
12 June – 5 Sivan
Marjorie Hartman
* David B. Raff
13 June – 6 Sivan
* Louis Bobroff
Martin J. Goldberg
* Annie Kopelowitz
* Ike Rudderman
Fannie Stecher
14 June – 7 Sivan
* Rose Cohen Lasoff
15 June – 8 Sivan
Rachel B. Lowenstein
Andrew Ripley
* Manny Spiegler
16 June – 9 Sivan
Adele Katz
* Aron Schnaider
17 June – 10 Sivan
* Mollie Halberstein
18 June – 11 Sivan
* Abraham Silber
26 June – 19 Sivan
Jacob Goodman
* Yetta Shaar
27 June – 20 Sivan
Harold Fox
* Doris S. Marks
Frances Starr
28 June – 21 Sivan
* Jack Bram
29 June – 22 Sivan
Eliezer Decalo
* Robert Fox
Anna Grossman
Fran Katz
30 June – 23 Sivan
Joseph Burman
Hilda Gold
Al Meyer Grossman
20 June – 13 Sivan
* Sidney Fajardo
21 June – 14 Sivan
* William B. Freeman
22 June – 15 Sivan
* Jay E. Stone
23 June – 16 Sivan
* Steven Gordon Land
24 June – 17 Sivan
Bea Fisher
Louis Gassman
Max Kula
* Max Ringer
Would you like to be
notified in advance of a
Yahrzeit for your loved one?
As a benefit of membership,
B'nai Israel
provides this service.
All we need is your loved one's
name and their date of death.
Call Kathy in the office at
376-1508 for
more information.
* Denotes Memorial Plaque
Memorial Plaques
Please stop by the office if you would like to order
a memorial plaque for your loved one.
The cost is $300.00 per plaque.
Allow two months for delivery.
Synagogue Donations
Thank you for your generous contributions:
B’nai Israel Operating Fund
In Honor of/Mazel Tov to
Baby naming for Sue Pedone’s
great grandchildren .................................................Linda Stuart
Howard Lidsky for the Torah Class & the Seder ......Jeffrey Fleigel
Rabbi David Kaiman & Howard Rosenblatt for
conducting the Seder ..............................................Jeffrey Fleigel
Happy Passover ......................................................Jeffrey Fleigel
Refuah Shlema to
Gertrude Bobroff ......................................................Susan & Arnost Neugroschel
.................................................................................Shirley & Richard Dresdner
.................................................................................Linda Stuart
Arline Greer .............................................................Shirley & Richard Dresdner
Devora Seltzer .........................................................Linda Stuart
Gloria & Al Postal ....................................................Linda Stuart
Sally Ferris...............................................................Linda Stuart
Sue Pedone .............................................................Linda Stuart
Jill Spellman ............................................................Linda Stuart
In Memory of
Harry Segall .............................................................Susan & Arnost Neugroschel
Adrienne Strachman ................................................Marjorie Baros & Philip Kabler
Anne Schuster .........................................................Marjorie Baros & Philip Kabler
Yahrzeit for
Ludovit Neugroschl ..................................................Susan & Arnost Neugroschel
Frances Pertz ..........................................................Susan & Arnost Neugroschel
Charles Goldstein ....................................................Susan & Arnost Neugroschel
Pearl Port ................................................................Gilda Josephson & Jeff Weingarten
Solomon E. Howard ................................................Rebecca & Richard Howard
Building Fund
In Honor of/Mazel Tov to
In appreciation for good wishes by members
of the congregation ..................................................Gertrude & Alvin Bobroff
In appreciation for everything to Alvin Bobroff,
Jeannie, Steve, Linda & Ben Bobroff..................Gertrude Bobroff
Refuah Shlema to
Sally Ferris...............................................................Gertrude & Alvin Bobroff
Bob Feinberg ...........................................................Gertrude & Alvin Bobroff
Gloria & Al Postal ....................................................Gertrude & Alvin Bobroff
In Memory of
Harry Segall ............................................................ Gertrude & Alvin Bobroff
Herbert Berger ........................................................ Gertrude & Alvin Bobroff
Yahrzeit for
Arnold D. Roseman ................................................ The Roseman Family
Cemetery Fund
In Honor of/Mazel Tov to
Suzy & Gary Miller on the engagement of
their son Seth to Linnea Hartsuyker ........................Jaquie & Michael Resnick
Glory Ann & Howard Rothman on the engagement
of their daughter Gabrielle, to Ryan Ziegler .......Jaquie & Michael Resnick
Harry Friedman’s birthday .......................................Jaquie & Michael Resnick
Yahrzeit for
Morris J. Liss ...........................................................Jaquie & Michael Resnick
George Y. Elson .......................................................Hilda Elson
Ester Edelman .........................................................Harry Friedman
Library Fund
Yahrzeit for
Julia Wark ................................................................Michelle W. Jensen
Jack Wark ................................................................Michelle W. Jensen
Congregation B’nai Israel
Dora Geld Friedman
Religious School Fund
In Honor of/Mazel Tov to
Stephen Chester on his graduation from the
University of Florida ............................................His Loving Family
Malka Dagan and the Religious School Teachers
for a wonderful year .................................................Suzanne Chester, Harold Benson,
.................................................................................Stephen & Chaz
Charlie Hatfield and his family on his Bar Mitzvah ..The Guelmann Family
Sara Brownstein and her family on
her Bat Mitzvah .......................................................The Guelmann Family
Refuah Shlema to
Gertrude Bobroff ......................................................Suzanne Chester, Harold Benson,
.................................................................................Stephen & Chaz
In Memory of
Harry Segall .............................................................Ann, Bill, Abigail & Sarah Eisenstadt
.................................................................................Suzanne Chester, Harold Benson &
.................................................................................Rhoda Chester
Anne Schuster .........................................................Ann, Bill, Abigail & Sarah Eisenstadt
.................................................................................Suzanne Chester, Harold Benson &
.................................................................................Rhoda Chester
Yarhzeit for
HB Chester ..............................................................Suzanne Chester
Day School Trust Fund
In Memory of
Harry Segall .............................................................Ben Goodman
Kiddush Fund
In Honor of/Mazel Tov to
Suzanne Chester on her forthcoming year as
President of Hadassah ............................................Rhoda Chester
Stephen Chester on his graduation from the
University of Florida and his trip out west ................Rhoda Chester
Micha Rosenblatt on winning the Michael Alan
Schlagman Award....................................................Connie & Bob Stern
Brooke Hedlund & Jason Shindler on their
engagement ............................................................Connie & Bob Stern
Dawn Burgess-Krop ................................................Jodi & Stan Cullen
Connie Stern ...........................................................Jodi & Stan Cullen
Refuah Shlema to
Bernadine Kaplan ....................................................Selma Epstein
Gertrude Bobroff ......................................................The Guelmann Family
.................................................................................Cherie, Jack, Stephen & Julie Fine
In Memory of
Harry Segall .............................................................Jill, Scott, Joshua & Avi Tomar
.................................................................................Patty & Alan Goldblatt
Adrienne Strachman ................................................Connie & Bob Stern
Anne K. Schuster ....................................................Connie & Bob Stern
Minnie Oberlander ...................................................Barbara & Herb Oberlander
Karen Klenberg .......................................................Connie & Bob Stern
Anne Schuster .........................................................Selma Epstein
Youth Fund
In Honor of/Mazel Tov to
Russell Cullen on his Bar Mitzvah ...........................Barbara & Herb Oberlander
Kayla Greenberg, Lisa Kiperzstok,
& Eric Ottenberg for being honored at the
Youth Shabbat Banquet ...........................................Connie & Bob Stern
Synagogue Donations (cont.)
Micha Rosenblatt for receiving the Michael Shlagman
Award..................................................................Ben Goodman
Chaz Chester on his birthday ..................................Carol Bleichfeld
Stephen Chester on his birthday and
his graduation from college .....................................Carol Bleichfeld
The Youth Shabbat ..................................................Dorothy & Richard Melker
In Memory of
Anne Schuster .........................................................Nadine Schatz
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
In Honor of/Mazel Tov to
Kim, David & Josiah Lavendar, Linda Dye,
Wayne Carson and Pillar Lamacarque ....................Connie & Bob Stern
All Judaic High School New York City participants ..Connie & Bob Stern
The engagement of Ari Kaiman & Emily Green .......Estelle & Ira Segal
Rabbi David Kaiman & Rebeca Shalom in
appreciation of their wonderful hospitality ...............Estelle & Ira Segal
Rabbi Kaiman on the sale of
Chametz for Passover .............................................Jodi & Stan Cullen
Gabrielle Rothman on her engagement to
Ryan Ziegler ............................................................Roslyn & Norman Levy
Seth Miller on his engagement ................................Roslyn & Norman Levy
Berl & Channie Goldman on the birth of their son ...Roslyn & Norman Levy
Jeannie Bobroff on her special birthday ..................Elaine & Aaron Kaplan
Refuah Shlema to
Arline Greer .............................................................Roslyn & Norman Levy
Gertrude Bobroff ......................................................Roslyn & Norman Levy
In Memory of
Harry Meldon ...........................................................Jeffrey Meldon
Harry Segall .............................................................Jodi & Stan Cullen
.................................................................................Roslyn & Norman Levy
Yahrzeit for
Chana Lewenthal ....................................................Roma & Sam Decalo
Djoya Decalo ...........................................................Roma & Sam Decalo
Michael Block ..........................................................Joanne & Edward Block
Sylvia Lissauer ........................................................Joanne & Edward Block
Henrietta Stoller .......................................................Elaine & Aaron Kaplan
Seymour Kaplan ......................................................Elaine & Aaron Kaplan
In sadness to Leah & Jon Morris,
on the burning of their home ...................................Jodi & Stan Cullen
Social Action Fund
Yahrzeit for
Harold Heft ..............................................................Ann & Marc Heft
Congregation B’nai Israel - Donation Form
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Please circle one:
In honor of:
Mazel Tov to:
In Memory of:
Yahrzeit for:
Refuah Shlema to:
Please send an acknowledgement of this donation to (minimum $5 donation):
If not a member, please include his/her address____________________________________________________
Please allocate this donation to the following fund:
__B’nai Israel Operating
__Dora Geld Friedman Religious School
__Lowenthal Ramah
__Day School Trust
__Rabbi’s Discretionary
__Social Action
Your contribution will be listed in the newsletter unless otherwise requested.
Contributions received after the 10th of the month will be listed in the following month’s edition.
For contributions of $25 or more to the Library Fund, a bookplate will be made in the donor’s name and placed in a book at the Library
Committee’s discretion.
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Office: (352) 376-1508
Fax: (352) 376-1132
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Candle Lighting
June 3
8:08 pm
June 10
8:12 pm
June 17
8:14 pm
June 24
8:16 pm
If your name and address label is incorrect, please call 376-1508.
Tikkun Leyl Shavuot
Sunday, June 12, 10 p.m. at the home of
Rabbi Kaiman and Rebeca Shalom
There is a tradition that on the holiday of the giving of the Torah that we stay up all night to study
Torah. We will gather at Rabbi Kaiman‛s home, 2235
NW 38th Drive, and will spend the night in study,
discussion and learning. Refreshments will be served.