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Files FlashlTutorial6 CreatingSpecialEffectsand Publishing I Practicethe skills you learnedin tfie tutorial using the same case scenario. Review Assignments ul {J lNrg ** ,l I II tv A h salmon.ipg, DataFilcsnecdedfor the ReviewAssignments: iennysAlt.fla, hutBanner"iPg sarnple,&it.htun, OysterHut versionof theJenny's Aly wantsyou to makesomechangesto an alternate in the seabitmap a salmon to add you She wants it to she shows bannerbefore Jenn!. for displayed. be fish bitmap, the after will appear bitmap The salmon food animation. the extend will in. This fades bitmap the salmon while out fade then two seconds,and text in the letters the change you to Jenny's asks She also animationby threes.econds. fill. blockto a gradient folder.includedwith your file locatedin the Flash6\Review 1. Openthe jennysAlt.fla jennysAlternate.fla in the samefolder' DataFiles,and'thensavethe banneras folderincludedwith 2. lmportthesalmon.jpgbitmaplocatedin the Flash6\Review so bitmap'sproperties salmon the Modify library. document's your DataFilesinto the is 80. thatthe qualityvalue andthenadda animationmovieclip in symbol-editing.mode, 3. open the seafood new layerabovethe shrimplayerand nameit salmon.Makesurethe salmonlayer hidethe contentsof the fish layer,the is indentedunderthe masklayer.Temporarily shrimplayer,and the masklayerwhileyou work with the salmonlayer. and thendraga copyof the 4. At Frame120 of the salmonlayer,inserta keyframe, to 0 and X andY coordinates the set lnfo panel, ln the salmonbitmapto the Stage. bitmap salmon.jpg the Convert is selected. point makesurethe centerregistration point registration the center with symbol salmon named into a movieclip symbJ selected. At Frame120,changethe alpha 5. At Frame144of the salmonlayer,inserta keyframe. amountof the salmonsymbolto 0%. At Frame144,makesurethe alphaamount is j 00%.Createa motiontweenat Frame120. lnserta color propertykeyframeat Frame143andsetthe alphaamountto 100%. add regularframesto extendthe layers. 6. At Frame216of all the layers, at Frame192 and at Frame216. AtFrame216, Z. ln the salmonlayer,insertakeyframe changethe alphaamountof the salmonsymbolto 0%. Createa motiontween at Frame192. lnserta color propertykeyframeat Frame215 and setthe alpha amountto 0%. hidethe contentsof the salmonlayerand showthe contentsof the fish B. - Temporarily selected SelectFrame120 through Frame144of ihe fish layer,and then drag_the, f "yul. layer' fish of the 216 Frame through 192 fri*es to the right,placingth-emin Frame 9. Showall the tui"rt, toct<att the layers,testthe animation,and thenexit symboleditingmode. selectthe lenny'stextblock,andthenapplythe BreakApartcommand i 0. On the Stage, twiceto convertthetextto fills. linear usetheColorpanelto selectthe white-to-black 11. With thetextstillselected, and leavethe right gradient,changethe color of the leftcolor pointerto #FF6600, colorpointerat S000000. then changethe 12. publishthe bannerasa SWFfile with the namealtBanner.swf,,and a not do and options Settings to uncheckthe SWF Senerate Flashpublishsettings sizereport. in the Flash6\ Web.page.loc.ated 13. In yourtexteclitor,openthe sampleAlt.htm tagthathasthe image the replace Files, Datu your with incluied folder Review the reference.using altBanrr_er.swf the with tag EMBED an to reference hutBanner.jpg page Web height="250">so that the width=uSOO" code <embeJsrc="attBanner.swfil banner. new the display will Tutorial6 CreatingSpecialEffectsand publishingFilesI Flash 14. saveandclosethesampleAlt.htm file,andthenpreviewsampleAlt.htm in a web browser. 15. Submitthe iinishedfilesto yourinstruclor. . . ateand export . zo with a 't'sap fade ;- tation and a :t::ient fill. €-asc Fs$bEegcc € Frcafu$eEcr Fffi € Da[.]ilila*nstcdeei t*r ihigCa"eFrrrhletrn: [<6;rtogc.rl*, t.;]ifi"pet?.gpq $rr,t Katie'sPetResort KatieasksJohnto developa new logofor the resort's Web site.She wantsthe logoto includetwo pictures thataie eachdis[layedfor a few seconds at a time.lohnasksyou to createan animationof the pictures whereonefadesout whilethe otherfadesin to useasthe background for the logo.He alsowantsyou to createa gradient to useasthe fill for the lettersin the logo.Figure6-43 showsthe completedlo96. Katie'sPet Resortlogo 1' Open the kprLogo.flafile locatedin the Flash6\Casel folderincludedwith vour DataFiles,and thensavethe documentaskatielogo.flain the samefolder. 2. lmportthe petl.jpgand pet2.jpgbitmapslocatedin the Flash6\Case1 folder includedwith yourDataFilesdirectlyintothe document's library.Modifyeachbitmap'sproperties by changing the compression qualityto B0%. 3. Createa new movieclip symbolnamedresortanimation.ln symbol-ecliting mode, dragan instanceof the,petl.jpg.bitmapto the centerof the stage,and then]in the Infopanel,set its X andY coordinates to 0, and, if necessary, selectthe centerregistrationpoint.Convertthe bitmapinstanceto a movieclip symbolnamedpetl symbol.RenameLayer1 to petl 4. In the petl layeqinsertkeyframes at Frame36 and Frame48. At Frame36, setthe alphaamountfor the petl symbolinstanceto 100%.At Frame48, changethe alpha amountfor the petl symbolinstanceto 0o/o. Createa motiontweenat Fiame36,'add a co,lorpropertykeyframeat Frame47, andthensetthe alphaamountfor the petl symbolinstance to 0% so thatthe petl symbolinstance fadesout betweenFrame36 and Frame48. 5. In the petl layer,inserta keyframeat Frame84, createa motiontweenat Frame84, extendthe motiontweento Frame96, add a color propertykeyframeat Frame9G, and,thensetthe alpia amountfor the petl symbol'insiance to i ooy" so that the petl symbolinstancefadesin betweenFrame84 and Frame96. 6. In theTimel.ine, add a new layerand nameit pet2.ln Frame36, inserta keyframe, and,thgladd an instanceof the pet2.jpgbitmapto the stage.ln the Info panel,centh9 bitmapon the Stageand selectits centerregistration point.Conveitthe petz. ler jpg bitmapinstance to a movieclip symbolnameJpet2symbol. - FlashI Tutorial6 CreatingSpecialEffectsand PublishingFiles 7. In the pet2layer,inserta keyframeat Frame48. In Frame36, changethe alpha amountof the pet2symbolto 0%. Createa motiontweenat Frame36, and thenadd a color propertykeyframeat Frame47, andsetthe alpha amountfor the pet2 symbol instanceto 100%so thatthe pet2symbolinstancefadesin betweenFrame36 and Frame48. B. In the pet2 layer,inserta keyframeat Frame84, setthe alphaamountfor the pet2 symbolinstanceto 'l00%, createa motiontween,inserta color propertykeyframe at Frame96, andthensetthe alphaamountto 0% so thatthe peCIsymbolinstance mode. fadesout betweenFrame84 and Frame96. Exitsymbol-editing 9. ln theTimeline,selectthe backgroundlayer,and thendraga copyof the resortanimationfrom the libraryto the centerof the Stage.ln the Align panel,alignthe bitmap to the left edgeand the top edgeof the Stage.Lockthe backgroundlayer. 10. In the petresortlayer,changethetextto fillsby applyingthe BreakApart commandtwice. In the Colorpanel,changethe 11. In the Swatches panel,selectthe grayradialgradient. gradiThetext now hasa white-to-yellow color of the rightcolor pointerto #FFFF33. ent. Deselectthe text, and then lock the pet resortlayer. 12. Publishthe logoin the SWF,HTML,andJPECfileformats.Usethe defaultnames files. for the published and settings 13. Previewthe logo in aWeb browserusingthe HTMLfile createdby Flash. 14. Submitthefinishedfilesto yourinstructor. I I I I Createand then publish a logo with a bitmap and a custom gradient. eass Frqlh$effi ? h *J & #* € tiraife"ii:q Daia Filcrn*"*dtrliqr thi* {ase {'r*tlleffi;acrN-og,r:,f!*, Alamo CityZoo JanetasksAlex to createa new logothat can be usedas an advertisementon otherWeb sitesto promotethe AlamoCity Zoo'snew giraffeexhibit.Alex thatthe logoshouldincludea pictureof a giraffeand usea gradientin the backsuggests ground.To completethe logo, you needto import a bitmapof a giraffeand then add the with a radialgradient for the logo.Youwill alsoadd a rectangle bitrnupas a background overthe bitmapto enhancethe logo.Figure6-44 showsthe that is.partiallytransparent completedIogo. Alamo Citv Zoo {olderincludedwith your 1. Open the aczlogo.flafile locatedin the Flash6\Case2 DataFiles,and t"hensavethe documentaszoologo.flain the samefolder. folderincludedwith you' bitmaplocatedin the Flash6\Case2 2. lmportthe giraffe.jpg compression bitmap's the change librrary, and then DataFilesti th" OoJu*ent's qualityto B0o/o. FilesI Flash Tutorial6 CreatingSpecialEffects andPublishing layer,draga copyof the giraffebitmapfromthe libraryto the cen3. In the background ter of the Stage.In the Positionand Sizesectionof the Propertyinspector,setthe X to 0. Lockthe backgroundlayer. andY coordinates 4. In theTimeline,inserta new Iayerabovethe backgroundlayerand nameit gradient. panel,selectthe grayradialgradient. ln the Colorpanel,changethe In the Swatches Hex valueof the rightcolor pointerto f FFFF99. to makethegradientpartially 5. In theColorpanel,setthe alphaamountto 10o/o transparent. with no strokeandthe new gradient as its 6. In the gradientlayer,drawa rectangle fill thaicoversthe entireStage.lf n"."ttury, in the Propertyinspector, setthe X and Y coordinates to 0, setthe width to 300, and setthe heightIo 225, 7. With the rectanglestillselected,usethe CradientTransform tool to displaythe gradisideof"the ent'sboundingIircle.Dragthe middleeditinghandleon the lower-right reduce circle to the gradient's radius to about half its original size. bounding centerpointto the upper-left cornerof the Stagebetweenthe letB. Dragthe gradient's ters"A" and "1"in the "Alamo"text. dialogbox, createa new profileand nameit zooProfile.Set 9. ln the PublishSettings to publisha Flashfile,an HTMLfile,anda JPEGimagefile usingthe the zooProfile defaultnames. 10. In the Flashpublishseftings, changethe playerversionto FlashPlayerB anddo not includehiddenlayers.ln the HTML publishsettings, in the Playbacksection,do not displaythe menuanddo not loop.In theJPECpublishsettings, changethequality valueto 90. Publishthefiles. 11. Previewthe logoin a browserusingthe HTMLfile createdby Flash. 12. Submitthe finishedfilesto yourinstructor. . Z:'ld ui ^ en uti ti" , :Taps ' = :k an d - ated iii , ,-,' WestcreekNursery Alice and her stafflike the interactivelogo developedfor the Westcreek NurseryWeb site,but thinkthat picturesof flowersin an animationcould ,,, i,'j:r enhancethe logo evenmore.Amandaagreesand wantsyou to add somesamplepictures ,,i- of flowersto the logo.Amandaalsosuggests changingthe logo'stitleto makeit more r -,1 dynamic.You'llhelpAmandareviseth6-logoby creatingan Jnimationwith the flower bitmapsand addinga new moredynamictitle.Figure6-45 showsthe completedlogo. WestcreekNurserv Ir\fe dqlivfrcd freshl FlashI Tutorial6 CreatingSpecialEffectsand PublishingFiles folderincludedwith your 1. Open the wcnLogo.flafile Iocatedin the Flash6\Case3 DataFiles,and then savethe documentasflowerlogo.flain the samefolder. 2. Importthe flowerl.jpg,flower2.jpg,and flower3.jpgbitmapslocatedin the Flash6\ library.Modifythe Case3folderincludedwith your DataFilesto the document's qualityof B0%. properties of eachbitmapto havea compression mode, 3. Createa new movieclip symbolnamedfloweranimation.In symbol-editing the extendLayer'lto Frame90,renameLayer1 toflowerl, draganinstanceof flowerl bitmapto the centerof the Stage,and then usethe lnfo paneIto centerit on the Stase. 4. Convertthe flowerl bitmapinstanceto a movieclip symbolnamed{lowerl - symbol.Createa motiontweenbetweenFrame10 and Frame20 to fadeout the (thealphaamountshouldbe 100%at Frame10 and 0% flowerl symbolinstance at Frame20).Createa motiontweenbetweenFrameB0 and Frame90 to fadein theflowerl symbol(thealphaamountshouldbe 0% at FrameB0 and 100%at Frame90). andthendrag 5. Inserta new layerand nameit flower2.In Frame20, inserta keyframe Info panelto using the the Stage, bitmap to the center of flower2 instance of the an centerit. to a movieclip symbolnamedflower2symbol. 5. Convertthe flower2bitmapinstance Createa motiontweenbetweenFrame20 and Frame30 to fadein the flower2symbol. Createa motiontweenbetweenFrame40 and Frame50 to fadeout the flower2 sYmbol. andthen 7. Inserta new layerand nameit flower3.In Frame50, inserta keyframe, using the Info the Stage, of flower3 bitmap to the center instance of the dragan Stage. it on the panelto center B. Convertthe flower3bitmapinstanceto a movieclip symbolnamed{lower3symbol. Createa motiontweenbetweenFrame50 and Frame60 to fadein the flower3symbol. Createa motiontweenbetweenFrame70 and FrameB0to fadeout the {lower3 symbol. 9. lnserta new layerabovethe flower3layerand nameit mask.Changeit to a mask Theflowerlayers layer,and then changealt of the flowerlayersinto maskedlayers. mask layer. the shouldall be indentedunder 0.50,nostroke, f"f eXp[-Sffi€ tO. lnthemasklayer,drawafive-sidedstarshapewithapointsizeof width to 200, its and a fill color of your choice.ln the lnfo panel,setthe starshape's to 0. Lockall of the layers.Exitsymbolheightto 195,and itsX andY coordinates tool in theToolspanel, editingmode.(Hintfo drawa starshape,selectthe PolyStar and sectionof the Propertyinspector, click the Optionsbuttonin theToolsSettings dialogbox') optionsin theToolSettings thensetthe appropriate 11. Inserta new layerand nameit star.Movethe starlayerbelowthe contentlayer. symbol[o the centerof of thefloweranimation In the starlayer,addan instance the Stage. mode.Copythe textblock in the titletext 12. Openthe title symbolin symbol-editing layer.Add a new layerand nameit title mask.ln this layer,usethe Pastein Place commandto pastea copyof the text in the samerelativepositionas in the titletext deselectthe text. layer.lf necessary, fiIgXPLORE t:. Createanewlineargradient.SelectthegraylineargradientfromtheSwatchespanel in asa startingpoint. ln,theColorpanel,add two morecolor pointersclosetogethe.r white. new gradient. colors Make these two the centerof the gradientdefinitionbar. Themiddleof the gradi(#FFFFFF). gradientcolor black(#000000). MaketheJar.left (Hrnt: bar to placea new color definition Clickthe ent hasa narrowwhiteband. colorpointer.) I4. lnserta new layerabovethe title text layerand nameit gradient.In the gradient with the gradientyou createdasthe fill and with no stroke layer,drawa rectangle and is 150 pixelswide and 55 pixetshigh. thatcovers"West"in "Westcreek" Tutorial6 CreatingSpecialEffects FilesI Flash andPublishing 15. Convertthe rectangle to a movieclip symbolnamegradientsymbol.Extendall the layersto Frame20. Insertkeyframes in the gradientlayerat Frame10 and Frame20. In Frame10 of the gradientlayer,movethe gradientinstanceto the rightso that it coversthe lastiour letters("reek"1of"Westcreek." Createmotiontweensat Frame1 and FrameI0. 16. Changethe title masklayerto a masklayer,and makesurethe gradientlayer becomesthe maskedlayer.Thelettersmaskthe gradient,givingthe texta moving highlighteffect.Exitsymbol-editing mode. t/In the PublishSettings dialogbox,createa new profileand nameitwcnProfile. Set the profileto publisha Flashfile,an HTMLfile,a GIFfile,anda PNCfile usingthe defaultfilenames. 18. In the Flashpublishsettings, changethe Playerto FlashPlayer9, and thencheckthe movie,lncludehiddenlayers,IncludeXMPmetadata, Compress and Protectfrom importoptions.In the HTMLpublishsettings, usethe defaultsettings. In the GIF publishsettings, checktheOptimizecolors,lnterlace, Smooth, and Dithersolids options.In the PNC publishsetings,serthe Birdepthto 24-bit.publishthe files. ji KX p F"*R€ 19. Exportthe new profileand saveit with itsdefaultname in the Flash6\Case3 folder includedwith yourDataFiles.(Hint:Clickthe lmporl,/export profilebuttonin the PublishSettings dialogbox, and thenclick Export.) 24. Previewthe logo in a browserusingthe HTMLfile createdby Flash.Makesurethe flowerswithin the starfadein and out and the "Westcreek" text hasthe gradient movingthroughits letters. 21. Submitthefinishedfilesto yourinstructor. '=a nd l] l ,t a banner : cttmap :-ound ,stom 'it1:, u! Ftrt & (J Case Problem 4 Data Fileneededfor this CaseFrchlem:mission,jpg MissionsSupport Association BrittanyasksAnissato createa new bannerthat can be usedon the MissionsSupportAssociation Web siteto promotethe association to itsmembers. Thebannershouldincludethe mission,jpg bitmap(whichhasthedimensionsof 300 pixelsx 300 pixelst,motiontweensthatcreatea fadeeffectfor a symbol instance, and gradients.You willdesignand createthenewbanner.Figure6-46shows one possible banner. SampleMissionsSupportAssociationbanner FlashI Tutorial6 CreatingSpecialEffectsand PublishingFiles in the Flash6\Case4 1. Createa new document,and thensaveit as msaPromotion.fla to setthe dimenfolderincludedwith your DataFiles.Editthe documentproperties sionsandStagecolorappropriately. folderincludedwith you, bitmaplocatedin the Flash6\Case4 2. lmportthemission.jpg of the bitmapto allow library.Modifythe properties DataFilesinto the document's quality setting of B0%. a to have and smoothing bitmap. in the bannerdesignusingthe mission.jpg 3. Createa fadeeffectsomewhere Forexample,you could createa movieclip symbolof the bitmapand havethe imagefadein asthe banner'sbackground. to the banner,usingthe name,MissionsSupportAssociation, 4. Add the association's movie clip symbolthat a create example, you can For your choice. of properties thatfadesin gradient custom with a shape on background block a inciudesthe text banner. or movesontothe to the banner,usingthe text properties. 5. Add the key pointsaboutthe association and of your choice.Youcan usethe textSpecialevents,Volunteeropportunities, Educational tours,or makeup your own. Forexample,you could makethe textfade the fill colorto match 5. Useat leastone gradientfill color in the banner.Customize appropriately. the gradient your bannerdesiln.Transform In Z. Publishthe bannerasa Flashfile andan HTMLfile usingthedefaultfilenames. movie,lncludehiddenlayers,Include checkthe Compress the Flashpublishsettings, use and Protectfrom importoptions.In the HTMLpublishsettings, XMPmetadata, thedefaultoptions. B. Previewthe logo in a browserusingthe HTMLfile createdby Flash. 9. Submitthefinishedfilesto yourinstructor. ENDING DATA FILES [-**-r I ilT:_r bariner..tir'j b;: ir:i*i ilef:r'*ii.tx i l*r:nvsi*gi:.il; jtn nvsLrigr.-:. gii i:h*lr,ciJa*fier"iln ,r:fi*irliia**e t"ht;"r-: i p i:ir:lts ii r:ri i: e r..rrvl: hli]] s.l*-rpie. aitSanii*r":tiif i*n ii'r';Alteri:ai*.il;: san-rpltAii.i:it'r i---**] | '::::_l :cr:i-r:gc"iia Zi,,i; i,,* i:r-:.it ii-;fj zr:i:Liiq*.Ji:* 21r-:;!-5g1-1-.c'.g1 ficrr,'*:lL,:g*"11; iiclv'erLr:g*.g!i i ltii"l.: iirwer Lr;5lc;. f ir-li.ll-.i-L* 1lr;.g:n g, LLlgs.51.\'f {l{-:\,1r*f i 1"4* Prlii'iIi:.:{"il-i kati*L*gc.i'!.: \ai r6 L{} q{ r.i l i ,l -l ! l<:iiiei+go"jrg slvi i<;liieLr::ic. ic:r.i!:. rrla Fr*n-r.*: ir,' r ;saFr*nrctir;;r.h :r sa f] rii m i:ti r-,r^r.-s\,\i
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