Auction 2014 - Wedding Window
Auction 2014 - Wedding Window
Marblehead Community Charter Public School Auction 2014 Saturday, May 10th Lynn Museum & Historical Society Dear Parents, Teachers, Friends and Community Supporters, On behalf of the 2014 MCCPS Auction Committee, welcome to our 2014 Annual Auction, “Sailing to Success.” This is a wonderful community gathering full of fun, camaraderie and the opportunity to support our students in a meaningful way. Each one of us is here tonight because we made a thoughtful and deliberate choice about our children’s education and future. As MCCPS parents, we have the privilege to directly impact their education. The funds raised tonight will directly benefit our students by providing the school the resources to afford the best possible learning experience for our children. We are very grateful for the efforts and donations of our parents, faculty, friends of the school and other community donors whose hard work and generosity have made this event possible, thank you. Please be sure to thank the businesses that have donated items and services the next time you visit their places of business. This will let them know that their contribution is appreciated and valued. We hope you have a great time tonight and win great prizes but remember, where the money goes! So bid high and bid often, because it is our children who win. Enjoy and have a great night! Thank you to our Foundation Members and Auction Committee: Emma Amsler, Sarah Arnold, Jeff Barry, Pam Castner, Robert Crosby, Nina Cullen-Hamzeh, Michael Gitelman, Pam Haley, Bill Laganas, Andy Leband, and Stephen MacCallum MCCPS Welcome to the 2014 MCCPS Auction “Sailing to Success” 7:00 pm. Doors Open Silent Auction Quickie Boards Open See next page for “Sailing to Success” auction rules. 8:30 pm. Silent Auction Quickie Boards Begin to Close Boards will close at 10 minute intervals. 9:00 pm. Raffles Close, Live Auction Begins Auctioneer, Barton Hyte 10:00 pm. Raffle Winners to be Drawn Grade Level Baskets Lottery Ticket Board Thanks to our 2014 Auction Benefactors Emma and Fel i x Am s l e r Al ex a n d J e n n i Le i k i k h S arah and Alex Ar n ol d Amy a n d Ch a rl e s Leve ro n i Pam and Chri s Ca s t n e r M a r y & S e a n M c Cra e B ruce and Pa u l a G ol d Kir t a n d Pa u l a Po s s Cour t ney and Jo h n Ke l l y Ste p h a n i e a n d J o h n S co l a S ean and Carrie Kil l e e n N ich o l e a n d An d y Th o m p s o n Ei leen and And rew L a b a n d AU C T I O N RU L E S QUICKIE BOARDS Quickie Board items will be displayed on white boards. Provide your bid number and your bid amount to the Quickie Board Captains. You can bid as many times as you like! Bids must be raised by increments of $10, unless otherwise noted. Please make sure to note whether the item has a minimum starting bid. The highest bidder at the time the Quickie Board closes will be the winner of that item. The Quickie Board Captains reserve the right to settle any dispute regarding the winner of the item, and their decision will be final. HEADS OR TAILS Get ready for some FUN! Prize: A Sonos Playbar and Bridge valued at $750! This compact wireless speaker brings high-quality audio to any space in your home. A single app lets you play your entire music library, stream all of your favorite music services and tune in to more than 100,000 Internet radio stations. How To Play: $10 gives you a flashing necklace and a chance to play this coin toss game. As we gather for the live auction, our auctioneer, Barton Hyte, will ask all Heads or Tails participants to stand up. Before he tosses the coin, he will ask participants to choose “heads” or “tails” by placing their hands on either their heads or their “tails.” After the coin is tossed, “losers” sit down, and the game begins again. This continues until the crowd whittles down to two final participants, and then finally, the lucky winner remains standing. LIVE AUC TION Bid using your assigned bid number. The highest bidder recognized by the auctioneer will be the winner of the item. In the event of a dispute between bidders, the auctioneer has sole discretion to determine the winning bidder, and the auctioneer’s decision is final and binding. If one person bids for a group (several people going in on one item), the bidder is required to pay the total amount of the bid. That person is then responsible for collecting money from the group. 4 Sailing to Success R A F F L E T I M E R A F F L E LOT TERY TICKE T BOARD T I M E BASKE T R AFFLE Place your raffle tickets in the bowls placed in front of any of the gift baskets. Place them all in one or spread them around. If your ticket is drawn - you win! Drawings will take place at 10:00 pm. You must be present to win. 4 th G rade “Indulge Me” - Indulge yourself in this spa themed basket. 5 th grade “Game Night” - Picture what you would enjoy snuggled in your home on a cold winter day! 6 th grade “Kitchen Capers” – Imagine your kitchen with everything you need at your fingertips. Get your chef on! 7 th grade “Backyard Beauty” – From flowers to fun, an array of items to beautify your yard and entertain out there all summer long! 8 th grade “Man Cave” – Lots of great gifts for that special guy in your life! R oomba A vacuum cleaning robot valued at $650 This could be your lucky night! Tickets for all raffles are one for $2; three for $5; or arm’s length for $20! MCCPS Auction 2014 5 S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q UI C K I E B OA R D 1 “Culture Vultures” Q1 Private Voice Lessons 2 60-minute voice lessons with Christine Lucas, the lead singer of tonight’s entertainment, “Take Two.” Value: $120 Donated by: Christine Lucas Q2 Walk ing Tour of B oston Freedom Trail 3-hour tour of Boston’s Freedom Trail with professional tour guide Brigitta Amsler. Brigitta has guided visitors to Boston for 21 years. Experience the history of Boston with a professional! Maximum 12 people. Value: $350 Donated by: Brigitta Amsler Q3 Private Music Lessons at M arblehead & S alem S cho ols of Music Have you ever wanted to take music lessons, but just weren’t sure which instrument was right for you? This 4 lesson sampler will give you a chance to dabble in a few popular instruments to help you make your choice! Package consists of one (1) thirty minute guitar lesson, one (1) thirty minute piano lesson, one (1) thirty minute drum lesson and one (1) thirty minute voice lesson. Lessons will be scheduled in available slots that fit your schedule and may be split up between family members or friends. Lessons must be redeemed within twelve months from June 2014. Value: $160 Donated by: Marblehead & Salem Schools of Music Q4 Private Voice lessons with B arbara Evans Barbara Evans has studied classical, popular, and operatic vocal techniques with well-known teachers in and around Boston. She, herself, has been a vocal instructor since the 1970’s, teaching students of all ages and vocal ranges, from beginner to professional. The winning bidder will enjoy 2 1-hour voice lessons. Value: $100 Donated by: Barbara Evans 6 Sailing to Success S I L E N T Q5 AU C T I O N Children’s Potter y Classes 2 children’s pottery classes with Roz Kipp (1 hour and 15 minutes each). Work with other students, build clay creations by hand and then glaze items when fired. A truly hands-on experience for your child! Value: $44 Donated by: Roz Kipp 781.631.7299 MCCPS Auction 2014 7 S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q UI C K I E B OA R D 2 “Family Ties” 8 Q6 M ovie Bir thday Par t y Pack age Celebrate the big day at the movies with 10 free passes to Cinema Salem. Afterwards, grab lunch/dinner at Cafe Vesuvius with this $50 gift certificate. Value: $166.00 Donated by: Cinema Salem, Cafe Vesuvius Q7 1-hour Por trait S ession Susan Golden has had a lifelong interest in photography, beginning with the photography club in high school. After a circuitous route through the fields of chemistry and public health, she returned to her passion. The spark was reignited after having three children who often found themselves at the other end of her lens. She then pursued formal training at the New England School of Photography. Take advantage of this 1-hour portrait session which come with an 11 x 14” print. Value: $300 Donated by: Golden Photography Q8 Family Photo Sho ot in M arblehead The testimonials say it all…Jenny is “a wonderful photographer” who, by creating a “relaxed environment,” takes “outstanding” photos which really “capture the moment.” 2-hour photo shoot comes with CD of 5 final images for printing. Value: $250 Donated by: Jenny Rebecca Photography Q9 R ide home from MCCPS in a Fire Truck Fire truck will pick up and drop off 2 students from MCCPS to your home within the town limits. Value: Priceless Donated by: Marblehead Fire Department Sailing to Success S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q10 Police Cruiser R ide to MCCPS Get a ride to school in the comfort of a Marblehead Police Cruiser, courtesy of the Marblehead Police Department and Officer Brendon Finnegan. Value: Priceless Donated by: Marblehead Police Department and Officer Finnegan Q11 Pamp er Your Pet Your pet is sure to enjoy this $100 gift certificate to Personal Comforts for pet services and $50 gift certificate to Wags ’n’ Whiskers. Value: $150 Donated by: Personal Comforts Pet Care and Wags ’n’ Whiskers Q12 M ini Por trait S ession Living on the rocky and historic North Shore of Massachusetts offers Lisa Mancuso endless inspiration and a built-in backdrop for innovative capture of her subjects’ lives. While photography is Lisa’s passion, moments in people’s lives are her muse as she integrates these time posts with light, love and permanence in portrait form. Enjoy this 30-minute outdoor mini portrait (family portrait, high school senior session or head shot) in or around Marblehead. Value: $150 Donated by: Lisa Mancuso Q13 Chet ’s M emorabilia It’s hard to grow up in and around Marblehead and NOT have fond memories of Chet’s Video! Now you can cherish these memories for years to come with this Hestia of Chet’s, Chet’s cap and $25 gift certificate. Value: $66 Donated by: Chet’s Video and Candy Shoppe MCCPS Auction 2014 9 S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q14 Chet for a Day A unique opportunity to be Chet for a night! Wait on customers, make popcorn, eat pizza with Chet and take home a movie, popcorn, candy and a Chet’s shirt or hat (Friday or Saturday early evening for 2 hours). Value: Priceless Donated by: Chet’s Video and Candy Shoppe Q15 Veterinarian for the Day The lucky winner of this donation will be able to join the staff at Atlantic Veterinary Hospital for a morning or longer and be “Veterinarian for the day!” Appropriate for ages 9 and older. Value: Priceless Donated by: Atlantic Veterinary Hospital 10 Sailing to Success S I L E N T AU C T I O N QU I C K I E B OA R D 3 “Feast Your Eyes” Q16 D inner with the D irec tor Did you know Mrs. Cullen-Hamzeh’s husband is an award-winning filmmaker? Join them for dinner and discuss movies and movie making. Date to be determined for up to 3 couples. Value: Priceless Donated by: Nina Cullen-Hamzeh and Ziad Hamzeh Q17 1 Case (12 b ottles) of B arker ’s M arque Wine Four bottles each of three different Sauvignon Blancs from the Barker family vineyard in Marlborough, MA. Value: $150 Donated by: Edmund Barker Q18 2 B ottles of Premium Wine 1 bottle of Patrick Piuze 2009 Chablis Premier Cru and 1 bottle of 2008 Ca’marcanda Promis Toscana. Value: $115 Donated by: Shubie’s Q19 Sweet water Trading Co. Wine Lovers B asket Basket of wine paraphernalia. Value: $30 Donated by: Sweetwater Trading Co. Q20 Co ok ie -M ak ing Class for 8 at MCCPS 10 children will roll up their sleeves and join Terri Tauro and Alexandra Jaffe in the MCCPS kitchen for a one-hour cookie baking class! Class will be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon date. Value: Priceless Donated by: Terri’s Cookies, Terri Tauro and Alexandra Jaffe Q21 B ar tender for the N ight Auction winner picks any Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evening to join a Landing bartender from 6-10pm. Keep your tips or give back what you make to MCCPS! Either way, invite your friends. Value: Priceless Donated by: The Landing Restaurant MCCPS Auction 2014 11 S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q UI C K I E B OA R D 4 “House Beautiful” Q22 Home M akeover with Leaf Ives G urr One hour of interior design consultation with Leaf Ives Gurr: Rearrange a room, choose a new paint color, suggestions on how to freshen up your space. After you’ve made your decorating choices, use this $100 gift certificate to Waters & Brown and $35 towards framing at the The Arnould Gallery. Value: $320 Donated by: Leaf Ives Gurr, Waters & Brown and The Arnould Gallery Q23 Home M akeover with M olly B o oth I nteriors Located in Marblehead, Molly Booth Interiors is a full-service design company with 16 years experience which offers fine interior design to help make your home beautiful, from top to bottom. Winning bidder receives and in-home consultation with Molly Booth for design and decorating needs. Value: $350 Donated by: Molly Booth Interiors Q24 Closet System Custom reach-in closet system that includes 5 drawers, 3 additional hanging and shelving sections in standard white with standard hardware and 1 belt/tie rack for North Shore/Boston area home installation. Value: $1600 Donated by: Closets by Design Q25 Home Consultation and G if t Cer tific ate to Yankee Do o dler $50 gift certificate plus 1-hour home consultation (layout, wall hangings, picture hangings, conservation of artwork or pictures). Value: $110 Donated by: Yankee Doodler 12 Sailing to Success S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q26 Fish Prints 1 black sea bass print and 1 striped sea bass print. Value: $450 Donated by: Joe’s Fresh Fish Prints Q27 2 Lobster Adirondack Chairs These attractive and well-constructed chairs were created especially for the MCCPS auction by Chris Castner of Castner Carpentry. Value: $500 Donated by: Castner Carpentry Q28 L awn M aintenance Would you rather use your weekends for something other than mowing the lawn? Then this item’s for you. One month of lawn maintenance, which includes four weekly lawn cuttings, used consecutively, in Marblehead or Swampscott. Value: $160-$340 (depending on lawn size) Donated by: Lassana’s Landscaping Q29 B eats by D r. D re Pill Wireless Sp eaker Amazing great sound from a speaker! Value: $199 Donated by: Mark Hempel Q30 M oving? Need to De - clutter? Q31 (t wo separate items) Use this $250 gift certificate towards a move or clean-out courtesy of Flannery’s Handymen. Value: $250 each Donated by: Todd Flannery MCCPS Auction 2014 13 S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q32 Home I nsp ec tion Is a new home in your future? Are you selling a home and interested in a pre-listing inspection? Either way, high quality, professional home inspection is a must! Bob Erbetta of Management Design Associates will conduct a complete home inspection service for your home in the North Shore area - Marblehead, Salem, Swampscott, Lynn and Beverly. Value: $375 Donated by: Bob Erbetta Q33 Custom-made Full-Size Headb oard Winner will pick fabric for padded full-size headboard made especially for you by Amy Leveroni. Fabric and labor included. Value: $350 Donated by: Amy Leveroni Q34 M arblehead Blanket Value: $68 Donated by: Shipshape Q35 O ne Doubl e -Stem Phalaenopsis O rchid Spruce up any room when you use this $150 gift certificate towards on double-stem phalaenopsis orchid in a decorative pot. Value: $150 Donated by: Flores Mantilla Q36 Lilly Pulitzer B ag, Chip and D ip Platter + G if t Cer tific ate to S easide Allure Bring a little preppy to your life with this colorful Lilly Pulitzer tote and Mudpie whale-themed chip and dip platter. Then use this $25 gift certificate to Seaside Allure! Value: $70 Donated by: Seaside Allure 14 Sailing to Success S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q UI C K I E B OA R D 5 “Induldge Yourself ” Q37 B eaut y in a B asket Enjoy feel-good face and body treatments that will help you relax and look refreshed. Value: $100 Donated by: Ann Chandler Q38 M ake - O ver Pack age! Book your day (or two!) of decadence with a facial from Minus 10 Aesthetic Spa, LLC, a make-up lesson at Rouge Cosmetics, and finally a private hair consultation, cut & color at Toby Lew Conley. What a great last-minute Mother’s Day gift! Value: $320 Donated by: Minus 10 Aesthetic Spa, LLC, Rouge Cosmetics, and Toby Lew Conley Q39 $300 to Use at the Nor th Shore L aser Center The North Shore Laser Center is New England’s most progressive independent laser hair removal clinic. They treat both men and women, all skin types and all body areas. They can remove back hair, facial hair, underarm hair, hair in the bikini area and any other unwanted body hair. Laser hair removal is a safe, fast, gentle and effective alternative to shaving, plucking, waxing and painful electrolysis needles. Value: $300 Donated by: The North Shore Laser Center and Jenni Lekikh Q40 Chiroprac tic Care Enjoy a 30-minute Massage/Free Chiropractic initial exam and first office visit at Kilroy Chiropractic. The Kilroy Chiropractic Health Associates mission is to inspire you to towards greater health and well being through compassionate chiropractic care. Value: $250 Donated by: Kilroy Chiropractic MCCPS Auction 2014 15 S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q41 Black Handbag Feel chic donning this fashionable handbag from All Chic Boutique. Fun for any outfit! Value: Unknown Donated by: All Chic Boutique Q42 Coach Sunglasses Be fabulous in these au courant sunglasses by Coach. Value: $229 Donated by: Marblehead Opticians Q43 O ne - of-a Kind Bracelet This unique bracelet was created by Derome Brenner in his studio in Bracieux, France, on the banks of the Loire. Value: $185 Donated by: French and Italian Q44 Sterling Silver “Entering M arblehead ” Bracelet Enjoy this sterling silver swap-top bracelet on black nylon cord with sterling clasp. Value: $84 Donated by: Tory’s Jewelry Q45 Oo oh L a L a! Treat yourself to a beautiful Wacoal bra and panty set and take advantage of a free bra fitting. Check out the bottle of wine, too, and its very festive coaster! Value: $87 Donated by: Arabella Lingerie 16 Sailing to Success S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q UI C K I E B OA R D 6 “It’s Party Time” Q46 Af ter-Work Po ol Par t y for 20 Includes chips/salsa and chicken wings. Must be booked MondayFriday from 6pm-8pm (booked in advance). All guests must be 21+. Value: $200 Donated by: Jillian’s Q47 O vernight Stay in S alem Sleep tight in Salem in a standard room at the Salem Waterfront Hotel and Marina. Value: $200 Donated by: Salem Waterfront Hotel and Marina Q48 L aser Q uest Bir thday Par t y Pack age Bring your party to Laser Quest and apply the “Family Fun Pack” for 4 towards your celebration (one free game for up to 4 people with use of the party room based on availability). When the kiddos have worked up an appetite, satiate their hunger with pizza ($30 in Tony’s pizza gift certificates)! Value: $68 Donated by: Laser Quest and Tony’s Pizza Q49 Bir thday Par t y at the YMC A for up to 12 Does you child like to swim? How about gymnastics? Maybe it’s rock climbing? Celebrate your child’s birthday with a bang at the YMCA! Value: $200 Donated by: YMCA of the North Shore Q50 Sweet D reams at 36 Chestnut Sweet No, that’s not a typo! To enjoy this new bed and breakfast, you won’t have to travel very far. Two days, two nights at Chestnut Sweet, a lovely new weekend retreat in Marblehead, one block from the ocean. Standalone building, three rooms, two floors, bath and a half, kitchenette, TV and parking. Contemporary cottage decor, quiet neighborhood. Breakfast is provided. Year-round availability. Value: $250 Donated by: 36 Chestnut Sweet MCCPS Auction 2014 17 S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q51 Flagshi p Travel Use this $200 gift certificate towards a cruise or vacation package at Flagship Travel. Value: $200 Donated by: Flagship Travel Q52 Rental of the M arblehead Ar ts Asso ciation King Ho op er M ansion Great for holiday entertaining, intimate weddings, birthday parties, bridal showers, anniversaries and business meetings. Value: $1200 Donated by: Marblehead Arts Association Q53 Evening Away at the I nn at Brunswick Station Enjoy a 1 night stay complete with a 3 course dinner for two in the Inn’s Tavern and two tickets to the Maine Maritime Museum. Value: $350 Donated by: The Inn at Brunswick Station Q54 S ail Swampscott B ay Enjoy the cool of the morning or the warmth of the afternoon sun on pleasure sail for 4 out of Swampscott harbor on a 31’ Beneteau sailboat - includes a gourmet German lunch plus adult beverages. Value: $500 Donated by: Ulf and Emily Westhoven The MCC P S Fo u n d at i o n a n d t h e 2 0 1 4 Au c t i o n Com m i t te e o f fe r t h e i r s i n ce re t h a n k s to M r . B arton H yte , C E O o f B K H CO, for his se r v i ce to t h e c h i l d re n o f M CC P S . M r. H y te has condu c te d ove r 1 2 ,0 0 0 a u c tio n s ( b o t h l o c a l l y & internat i o n a l l y ) , a n d h i s p a s s i o n ate co m m i t m e nt to M arb l e h e a d Ch a r te r i s g re at l y a p p re c i ate d. Che ck h im ou t at http :/ / b k h m /. 18 Sailing to Success S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q UI C K I E B OA R D 7 “Taking Care of Business” Q55 Living Trusts-B ased E state Planning An individual revocable living trust-based state plan. Avoid probate, be prepared should you become incapacitated, name guardians for your children and protect your children’s inheritance from creditors/divorce/ financial misfortune. The estate plan will include (1) revocable living trust, (1) pour-over will, (1) durable power of attorney, (1) health care proxy, (1) living will, (1) HIPAA authorization and (1) emergency guardianship proxy. Note - must be retained within one year. Value: $2500 Donated by: Atty Paul Bernstein, Bernstein Law Group, Salem Q56 Real E state S er vices Two hours of real estate services including: buyer or seller representation in house purchase or sale; landlord/tenant eviction work; property transfer/deed drafting, and zoning. Valid for 2 years from auction date. Value: $750 Donated by: Philip A. Mann, Esq. Attorney at Law Q57 I mprove Your Company ’s Website One-hour consultation on how to best utilize video on your company’s website. Squashhouse Media is a full-service, high-definition video production company. Whether you already have an idea you want made into reality, need a video to fit a plan in progress, or no idea where to begin, Squashhouse can assist you. Value: $500 Donated by: Jeff Hoffman, President, Producer, Director of Squashhouse Media Q58 Professionally Created Faceb o ok Fan Page Take advantage of Michael Clough’s expertise as an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) consultant! He will professionally create a Facebook Fan Page for your business. Value: $350 Donated by: Michael Clough MCCPS Auction 2014 19 S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q UI C K I E B OA R D 8 “The Geek Squad” Q59 Preser ve Your M emories Scan up to 600 photos to be preserved digitally o a disk. You send a gift box of photos, and they scan and return them to you with a disk. Value: $230 Donated by: Scan Cafe Q60 Q61 iPad M ini, 32gb (t wo separate items) Value: $430 each Donated by: Ergonomics 20 Sailing to Success S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q UI C K I E B OA R D 9 “What a Sport” Q62 G et Ready to G et in Shap e Receive a baseline assessment (measurements/health/history/goals), 30-minute nutrition consultation, 3 30-minute sessions with a personal trainer. Value: $297 Donated by: Get in Shape for Women Q63 S er vice Your B oat at R yan M arine Get your boat in shape with this $500 gift certificate to Ryan Marine Value: $500 Donated by: Ryan Marine Q64 Just Dance! Use this gift certificate towards one quarter of the dance tuition at All About Dance, 1 free recital costume, 4 recital tickets, and then take home this cute water bottle tonight! Value: $350 Donated by: All About Dance Q65 G et Your Zen O n Enjoy two classes at the Yoga Loft Studio in Marblehead. You’ll be ready to go in this Lululemon “Practice Freely” tank (size 8, no exchanges) and Yoga Loft hand towel. Value: $94 (expires 7-10-14) Donated by: Yoga Loft Marblehead Q66 G roup TR X Class/BOSU Conditioning Class Gather together a group of up to 10 people (kids or adults) for your own private group TRX/BOSU conditioning class led by certified instructor, Lisa Gillis! Class to be held at Energy Within on Sewall Street in Marblehead at a mutually agreed upon time. Value: $150 Donated by: Lisa Gillis MCCPS Auction 2014 21 S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q67 Let ’s G et Physic al! Help yourself to two 1-hour personal training sessions and a 3-day membership trial. Value: $200 Donated by: Marblehead Fitness Center (formerly Muscular Sports Therapy) Q68 Af terno on Kayak Adventure Enjoy 4 kayaks for 4 hours, launch in Salem Juniper Cove. Use between June 15 - September 30th, 2014 (blackout dates July 3rd-4th, 2014). Value: $200 Donated by: The O’Sullivan Family Q69 JCC Summer M emb ership Summer fun for everyone! Your whole family will have privileges at the outdoor pool, tennis courts and the entire work-out facility, including exercise classes. Value: $479 Donated by: Jewish Community Center and Marty Schneer, Executive Director Q70 Exp erience the B oating Freedom of the Freedom B oat Club Charter a boat from one of numerous locations across the US, from seashores to lakeshores. Good for a 4-hour in-shore fishing trip or harbor cruise for up to 6 people. Must be scheduled in advance and used before 10/31/14. Incorporate this into your next trip! Value: $1000 Donated by: Matt O’Connor Q71 Fishing/Lobstering Excursion for 4 Take home what you catch! Date and time to be mutually agreed upon. Value: Priceless Donated by: The Ryan Family 22 Sailing to Success S I L E N T AU C T I O N QU I C K I E B OA R D 1 0 “Tip-Top Teacher Treats” Q72 Parlez-Vous Franc ais? Sharpen your French-speaking skills with two private French lessons avec Madame Liebowitz. Value: $120 Donated by: Kate Lerner Liebowitz Q73 Music Lessons with Ms. Smith 5 30-minute lessons on any instrument, including music theory, composition or music tutoring. Value: $200 Donated by: Adria Smith Q74 Cosmic B owling and Pizza Par t y for 5 with M rs. Perc y Value: $100 Donated by: Kristin Percy Q75 Family Favorites B o ok B asket Enjoy pouring through this selection of books carefully chosen by Ms. Shone. Value: $100 Donated by: Alanna Shone Q76 “Clubs and Cones” O uting Take 9 of your fun-loving friends for mini-golf and ice cream with your four favorite mini-golf masters, Mrs. Brooks, Ms. O’Dwyer, Mr. Sullivan and Ms. Miller. Date and time TBD. Value: Priceless Donated by: Mrs. Brooks, Ms. O’Dwyer, Mr. Sullivan and Ms. Miller Q77 Private Ukelele Concer t! Mr. Pert will serenade you for an hour in a private ukelele concert. Must be redeemed in the month of August. Value: Priceless Donated by: Matt Pert MCCPS Auction 2014 23 S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q78 Breakfast Club Savor one week’s worth of breakfast or lunch for an adult at MCCPS. Value: $25+ Donated by: Chef Wood Q79 Birdwatching on Plum Island Join Mr. Hazlett, 7th grade math and science teacher, for an enjoyable day seeking out various species of birds while appreciating the beauty of Plum Island and the Parker River Wildlife Refuge (up to 4 participants). Value: $50 Donated by: Jim Hazlett Q80 Singing Telegram Mr. Pert will sing a song to the teacher/administrator/board member/ parent of your choosing. Perfect for celebrating birthdays, holidays and teacher appreciating days (location within reason). Must be redeemed in the month of August. Value: $100 Donated by: Matt Pert Q81 Kids Cake Decorating with Ms. Lo dgen Bring 3 of your friends along to bake and decorate cakes and cupcakes on a mutually convenient Saturday or Sunday morning. Value: Priceless Donated by: Ellen Lodgen Q82 Let ’s B ead it! Enjoy and afternoon of beading. Your child and 4 friends can create beaded jewelry of their choice in your home. A date will be mutually agreed upon. Value: Priceless Donated by: Pam Haley and Ann Chandler 24 Sailing to Success S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q83 A S onnet of Celebration A beautiful gift for any student! A sonnet written by Ms. Conti as a tribute to your child for a birthday or other special occasion. Value: Priceless Donated by: Polly Conti Q84 S c avenger Hunt of S alem What is an original “Planter” and why were they significant to Salem’s history? Have you ever wondered where the original Salem Settlement of 1630 is located in modern day Salem? Who were Roger Conant, John Endicott, and John Winthrop? What was the first year like for the settlers of Salem? Why was Salem chosen for a spot to settle? Who were the Naumkeag? Who likes frozen yogurt? Win a $20 gift card to Orange Leaf for the winner of the Salem Scavenger hunt! Find the answers to these questions and many more by taking a tour with historical docent Michael Condon about the rich history of Salem. Michael Condon was a docent at Salem’s Pioneer Village for many years, performed at Haunted Happenings giving ghostly recounts of some of Salem’s rich folklore history, and has acted in the movie, “The True 1692,” which is featured at Cinema Salem. For 10-15 people at a mutually agreed upon time. Value: $200 Donated by: Michael Condon Q85 Habla E spanol? Señora Latusky will tutor your kids with two private one-hour Spanish classes at your home. A date will be mutually agreed upon. Value: $60 Donated by: Maria Latusky MCCPS Auction 2014 25 S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q86-92 A Park ing Space for Exhibition (seven separate auc tion items) Everyone knows how parking is at a premium at an Exhibition Night. Now have your own parking space guaranteed! The top 7 bidder families will have that luxury. Value: Priceless Donated by: MCCPS Q93 26 The B est S eats in the House at Exhibition, G uaranteed No more rising in early to snag your spot or craning your neck to snap a photo of your student. 4 front row seats at all 3 Exhibitions are yours for the 2014/2015 school year. Value: Priceless Minimum bid: $75 Donated by: MCCPS Sailing to Success S I L E N T AU C T I O N QU I C K I E B OA R D 1 1 “Gear Up” Q94 M arblehead Ho o ded Sweatshir t Navy blue, size XL Value: $40 Donated by: Marblehead Outfitters Q95 Q96 Let ’s G o Camping! (t wo separate donations) Everything you need for an adventure in the great outdoors! Each donation includes: 3 EMS Solstice 20 degree sleeping bags 1 Kelty Yukon 3000 Tech Pack 1 Kelty Lynx 2650 ST Backpack 1 EMS Star 3+ tent Also Included: 3 foam sleeping pads, under-tent tarp Value: over $850 Donated by: Anonymous MCCPS Auction 2014 27 Try a day out on the ocean Special Packages: • Sunset Cruise • Sightseeing • Special Event • Whale Watching •Overnights Contact Captain Lloyd Wilson 978-219-sail (7245) www.SailIndependence.Com 28 Sailing to Success S I L E N T AU C T I O N QU I C K I E B OA R D 1 2 “Author, Author” Q97 Auto graphed B o ok Q98 Autographed copy of Ulrike Welsch’s book, “Stock Photography: Professional Techniques and Images.” Value: $30 each Donated by: Ulrike Welsch Q99 Auto graphed S et of Novels Own 5 of National Book Award winner Julia Glass’s novels, in hardcover and individually autographed. Value: $135 Donated by: Julia Glass Q100 Creative Writing Workshop with Young Adult Author, L aurie Stolar z Students will begin thinking and creating their own stories, working with both character and plot. They will discuss such literary devices as setting, voice, and point-of-view, and do exercises to practice them. Value: $50 each (Workshop is open to the first 15 bidders) Donated by: Laurie Stolarz Q101 B asket of M iddle S cho ol B o oks Gift basket of assorted books from Wit and Whimsy for kids ages 8- to 15. Value: $95 Donated by: Wit and Whimsy Alessandro Rinaldi 781-639-2817 MCCPS Auction 2014 29 S I L E N T Q102 30 AU C T I O N A Trilo gy of Auto graphed Narrative Do cumentaries by Ziad Hamzeh ( Woman, The Letter: An Americ an Town and the S omali I nvasion and Play by Play M en) Ziad Hamzeh’s work has earned over forty awards and accolades for directing, producing, and writing. Most recently he received the Best Producer award from the Abu Dhabi Film Festival for his work on Ridha Behi’s Always Brando, which had its world premier at The Toronto International Film Festival. Ziad’s other work includes Woman (included in this donation!), which won the Golden Palm award from the Beverly Hills Film Festival; Henry O!, winner of the Accolades Award for Excellence in Film, Best of Fest from the Breckenridge Film Festival, and Best Documentary at the Beverly Hills Film Festival; and the American Film Institute’s premiere of The Letter: An American Town and the “Somali Invasion” (also included in this donation), a multi-award winning feature-length documentary about the influx of black Muslim immigrants into a small New England town in post-9/11 America. Value: $150 Donated by: Ziad Hamzeh Sailing to Success S I L E N T AU C T I O N QU I C K I E B OA R D 1 3 “Anything Goes” Q103 Will Your Idea Fly? 90-minute consultation using the CrowdNews Ideation Process. You’ve got a great idea for an app, web site, marketing campaign, or business process. What are the first steps to bring that idea into the world? At CrowdNews, we’ve created some very efficient tools and techniques to get from idea to first-stage development. These tools and techniques have been instrumental for us to work out concepts, processes, designs, and development. We’ve used this Ideation Process to develop business concepts, web sites, application processes, marketing campaigns, and more. Minimum bid: $225 Donated by: J. Michael Wheeler, CrowdNews, Inc. Q104 90-M inutes of M arketing Consultation from a Veteran M arketeer Would a 90-minute marketing consultation with a veteran marketeer and designer help you or your company? Since 1989, my marketing and design firm, WheelerDesignGroup (offices in Boston, Paris, and the North Shore), has helped companies conceive, design, and produce web sites, marketing campaigns, and a whole lot more. Let me help you or your company with 90 minutes of marketing consultation based on my 20 years of marketing experience. Minimum bid: $225 Donated by: J. Michael Wheeler, CrowdNews, Inc. Q105 O riginal Paintings from R aw Ar t works Students RAW Artworks, located in downtown Lynn, is a 501c3 dedicated to helping young people from the local community through art. RAW’s clinical art therapists and professional artists build meaningful relationships with each kid, helping them see a broader palette of life choices. They challenge them to change negative patterns while giving unrelenting support to reach what may seem unattainable. Enjoy these two paintings by RAW students, complete with a biography of each artist on the back. Who knows?! Maybe these will fetch a pretty penny in the future! In the meantime, they’ll look amazing on your wall. MCCPS Auction 2014 31 S I L E N T AU C T I O N Q106 11 CD ’s and 2 DVD ’s Featuring the Works of Judith Black , Acclaimed Stor yteller Judith Black is a professional storyteller who has toured internationally, telling stories to a wide ranging audience in the United States, Europe, and the Near East. Judith resides in Marblehead and has performed at MCCPS, using our students to “test” her stories! She has produced many CDs, and won a variety of awards, such as the coveted Oracle Award. Her work has been featured in venues such as the Smithsonian Institution and the Montreal Comedy Festival and has been featured seven times at the National Storytelling Festival. In addition she has produced a variety of seminars and workshops for storytellers. She has been commissioned by the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Public Radio, religious institutions, and nonprofit organizations to create original stories that strengthen their respective missions. Q107 14K G old Earrings A pair of 14k gold artisan “cocktail” dangle earrings with wire wrapped sea green peridot stones and creamy freshwater pearls. A Summer stunner! Value: $120 Donated by: Pam Haley Q108 Explosive Fun will M r. Sullivan You’ve seen it on YouTube. Now try it for yourself. Mr. Sullivan will offer a mentos diet coke outdoor lab. For a student and 3 friends, in the MCCPS parking lot on an agreed upon weekend. we will spend 90 minutes with over $100 worth of mentos, assorted carbonated beverages, and paraphernalia. Auction winners will learn not only the science behind the reaction, but some fun and sticky ways to display our new found knowledge. Foul weather gear is optional, but recommended. Value: Priceless Donated by: Bill Sullivan Q109 4 Red S ox Tickets Tuesday, July 29th 2014 7:10 PM game against the Toronto Blue Jays. Value: $396 Donated by: John DeVries 32 Sailing to Success 129 Washington Street · Marblehead MA 01945 · t. 781.639.5129 MCCPS Auction 2014 33 L I V E AU C T I O N L1 S ail I ndep endence 3-hour sunset cruise for 4 people from Salem Harbor onboard Independence, a 65 foot Macgregor luxury sailing yacht (M-F between June and October, 2014) Donated by: Lloyd Wilson of Sail Independence L2 Principal for a Day Your student will have the enviable role of serving as principal for the day at MCCPS - run community meeting and lunch, present commendations, attend meetings, choose to extend recess or even eliminate laps for the day! Value: Priceless Donated by: Nina Cullen-Hamzeh L3 G ourmet D inner Par t y by M r. Blak ney Enjoy a gourmet dinner prepared and served in your home for you and two other couples Seasoned fare exquisitely cooked and presented by our own Mr. Blakney, who has done dinners for several prominent North Shore families. Alcohol not included, and menu and date TBD. Value: $500 Donated by: Glen Blakney L4 Weekend G etaway to B ethel, M aine Spend a weekend this summer or fall in Maine’s “most beautiful mountain village.” Hike, bike, swim, golf, zip-line, or just relax and soak in the fresh air. House has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, loft great room, deck and playroom. It is situated on 2 private acres only 2 miles to downtown Bethel. Value: $500 Donated by: The Rietti Family L5 Patriots Tickets 2 great seats! The lucky winner will get to pick one game out of three choices. Seats are low and excellent, with a diagonal view of the field from the end zone. Section 224, Row 5, seats 14-15. Walk in from the rear area of the stadium, then walk up one short set of stairs. Donated by: Robert Crosby 34 Sailing to Success L I V E AU C T I O N L6 Sleep over at MCCPS What an awesome idea! Sleepover for 10 kids with movies, supper, breakfast and games. Mom and Dad get the night off while your students are partying it up with Ms. Cullen-Hamzeh and the MCCPS staff. Value: Priceless Donated by: Nina Cullen-Hamzeh and MCCPS L7 Sk i Weekend at Water ville Come spend a 2014-2015 ski weekend in our relaxing vacation home in the woods, just 2 hours away. Our 4-bedroom home is a true vacation getaway located in the Waterville Estates community. Bedrooms include king, queen, full and 6 twin/bunk beds, sleeping 6 adults and 6 children. Value: $ 725 Donated by: The Leveroni Family L8 Asso ciate Pro ducer for the Day at WBUR You and a guest are entitled to join the team of On Point with Tom Ashbrook or Here and Now with Robin Young and Jeremy Hobson at WBUR’s studios in Boston to watch a segment of a live broadcast. You will see how the talented staff and a national community of guests and listeners come together to produce the voices you hear on the other end of the radio. (Must be on a mutually agreed upon date and must be redeemed within one year.) Minimum bid: $1500 Donated by: WBUR MCCPS Auction 2014 35 L I V E AU C T I O N L9 M ovie N i ght at the Principal ’s Home Party at the principal’s?! Up to 10 students will enjoy a movie with pizza and popcorn. Date to be mutually agreed upon. Value: Priceless Donated by: Nina Cullen-Hamzeh L10 Jackson, NH Vac ation Home This Jackson, NH home sleeps 8-10 people and has 3 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, 2 family rooms and a large deck with views of Mount Washington and the surrounding valley. The main level is a large living room and dining room area with a kitchen and two bedrooms (one king and one queen) and 2 bathrooms. The lower level has an additional family room, full bathroom and bunk room. The winning bidder will arrange for a mutually agreed upon date for a weekend or week-long vacation this fall or summer 2015. Value: $750 Donated by: The Scola Family L11 Stowe M ountain Resor t Vac ation G etaway Pack age for Two Escape to beautiful Stowe, Vermont for a weekend of skiing! Enjoy this 2-night stay for two in a luxurious Stowe Mountain Lodge Timberline Studio, and take advantage of some of the best skiing in the East with these two adult 2-day lift tickets (non-holiday). Value: $1450 Donated by: Stowe Mountain Resort L12 A Ro om with a View...G o Red S ox! What could be better than watching the Red Sox play at Fenway Park? Not much, that’s for sure. But what if you and three guests could watch the game from the Hill Holliday luxury suite? Now that would be an experience worth bidding on! Food, drinks, a private bathroom, a big-screen TV…and an unparalleled view of the game. W-O-W! VALUE: $1000 Donated by: Hill Holliday 36 Sailing to Success bright ideas begin at lucía lucía lighting & design 311 western avenue (rt-107), lynn, ma 888-595-0026 Thank you to our generous donors 36 Chestnut Sweet A&B Burgers Adria Smith Alanna Shone All About Dance All Chic Boutique American Beauty by Rose American Nail Studio Amy Leveroni Ann Chandler Arabella Lingerie Arnould Gallery Atlantic Veterinary Hospital Attorney Paul Bernstein of the Bernstein Law Group, PC Barbara Evans Boston Hair Salon Brigitta Amsler Bus Stop Cafe Vesuvius Castner Carpentry Chef Wood Chet’s Video and Candy Shoppe Christine Lucas Cindy’s Nail Spa Cinema Salem Closets by Design Cutting Edge Hair Studio Dunkin’ Donuts (Village Plaza) Edmund Barker Robert Erbetta Ellen Lodgen Ergonomics Evan’s Deli F. L. Woods Five Corners Kitchen Flagship Travel Flores Mantilla Flower House French & Italian Get in Shape for Women 38 Sailing to Success Gilbert and Cole Glen Blakney Golden Photography Haley’s Wine and Market Cafe Hand in Hand Massage Hawthorne Hotel Hill Holliday Hip Baby Gear J. Michael Wheeler, CrowdNews, Inc. J. Mode Jack-Tar American Tavern Jambu Jenny Rebecca Photography JetBlue Jillian’s Jim Hazlett Joe’s Fresh Fish Prints John De Vries John Fagone Judith Black Julia Glass Kappy’s Fine Wine & Spirits Kate Lerner Liebowitz Kilroy Chiropractic Kristin Percy Laser Quest Lassana’s Landscaping Laurie Stolarz Le Bistro Leaf Ives Gurr Interiors Lisa Gillis Lisa Mancuso Photography Lloyd Family MacKimmie & Co Maddie’s Sail Loft Management Design Associates Manhattan Sandwich Company Marblehead Arts Association Marblehead Fire Department Marblehead Fitness Center Marblehead Opticians Marblehead Outfitters Marblehead Police Department and Officer Brendon Finnegan Marblehead Sports Shop Marblehead/Salem School of Music Maria Latusky Mark Hempel Matt O’Connor Matt Pert Michael Clough Michael Condon Michael Wheeler Minus 10 Aesthetic Spa, LLC Molly Booth Interiors Mrs. Brooks, Ms. O’Dwyer, Mr. Sullivan and Ms. Miller Mud Puddle Toys Nina Cullen-Hamzeh Nuggets Inc. Fine Jewelry Orange Leaf Palmers Pam Haley Papermoon Passionate Hair Peabody Essex Museum Personal Comforts Pet Care Philip A. Mann, Esq Attorney at Law Polly Conti Raw Artworks Robert Crosby Rockafellas Rouge Cosmetics Roz Kipp Ryan Marine Sail Independence Salem Cycle Salem Waterfront Hotel Salem Wine Imports Salon L’Ondina Scan Cafe Seamus Daly Seaside Allure She Shipshape Shubie’s Silver Shears Spinale & Company Squashhouse Media Starbucks Stowe Mountain Resort Sweetwater Trading Company Tavern on the Square Terri’s Cookies Terri Tauro and Alexandra Jaffe Terry’s Ice Cream The Butterfly Place The Healing Element The Inn at Brunswick Station The Landing Restaurant The Leveroni Family The North Shore Laser Center The O’Sullivan Family The Rietti Family The Ryan Family The Scola Family The Wild Horse Three Cod Tavern Toby Lew Conley Todd Flannery Tony’s Pizza Tory’s Jewelry Turner’s Seafood at Lyceum Hall Ulf and Emily Westhoven Ulrike Welsch Wags ‘n’ Whiskers Waters and Brown WBUR Wit and Whimsy Yankee Doodler YMCA of the North Shore Yoga Loft Marblehead Ziad Hamzeh MCCPS Auction 2014 39 Giovannucci Brothers, Inc. CUSTOM CARPENTRY & REMODELING SERVICES Quality Craftsmanship Guaranteed Kitchens ~ Bathrooms ~ Additions Decks ~ Porches ~ Patios Siding ~ Windows ~ Doors 59 Atlantic Avenue, Marblehead, MA 01945 781-639-4400 MCCPS Parent-Teacher Organization We’re working together to nourish a happy & productive learning community for all. At MCCPS, we know that school is a better place for kids when their parents/guardians know what’s going on, have helped to make things happen, and are involved in the life of the school. Because of this belief, our Charter mandates high levels of participation. The purpose of the PTO is to create opportunities for parent/guardian involvelment, to build community among the adults of MCCPS, and to support the school in the fulfillment of its mission. In order for us to do what the kids deserve, an investment of time, energy, and expertise from the entire adult community is necessary, so please do what you can to get involved. Thank you for choosing Charter. O ur t hank s to… The Auc tion Committee Emma Amsler • Sarah Arnold • Pam Castner • Andrew Laband • Bill Laganas B ehind the S cenes M agicians Nina Cullen-Hamzeh • Pam Haley • Jeff Barry App etizers/D rinks Atlantic Importing and David Haley • Eastern Harvest and Bill Laganas Pam and Chris Castner • Haley’s Wines & Market Cafe • Harpoon Brewery Kappy’s Fine Wines & Spirits • Stephen MacCallum Auc tioneer Barton Hyte Enter tainment Christine Lucas and Take Two Check O ut O versight Patricia Hazelton • Pam Haley • Michael Gitelman Auc tion Pro gram Sarah Arnold Stephanie Scola Auc tion Posters Emma Amsler Helen Riegle Auc tion Website Amy Ruocco Donation S olicitors Emma Amsler • Sarah Arnold • Pam Castner • Robert Crosby Nina Cullen-Hamzeh • Andrew Laband • Eileen Laband • Bill Laganas Jenni Leikikh • Christine Lucas • Andi Oberlander • Julie Vinette • Sandra Warren Donation Lo gistics Sarah Arnold G rab B ags Pam Castner Classro om B askets Pam Castner, organizer 4th Grade - Pam Castner, Elizabeth Scroope 5th Grade - Lynn Gardali, Kerry Carr 6th Grade - Christine Tierney, Molly Reilly Healy 7th Grade - Emily Westhoven, Susan Golden 8th Grade - Avery Russell, Grace Bernstein Auc tion Day Help ers Cindie Boccia • Kate Weekley • Michael Condon • Heather Dalton Dominique Dart • Bob Erbetta • Patricia Hazelton • Kathleen Jasaitas Verena Karsten • Jenni Leikikh • Amy Leveroni • Lisa Louden • Patricia Rietti Katie Souza • Sandra Warren • Suzanne Wright The Teachers & Staff Without you, MCCPS wouldn’t be the wonderful and special place that it is every day of the year!