Intel 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit
Intel 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit
Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual December 2001 Order Number: 273632-001 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked “reserved” or “undefined.” Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. The 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request. This document and the software described in it are furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of the license. The information in this document is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Intel Corporation. Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document or any software that may be provided in association with this document. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Intel Corporation. Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order. Copies of documents which have an ordering number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature may be obtained by calling 1-800-548-4725 or by visiting Intel's website at Copyright © Intel Corporation, 2001 AlertVIEW, i960, AnyPoint, AppChoice, BoardWatch, BunnyPeople, CablePort, Celeron, Chips, Commerce Cart, CT Connect, CT Media, Dialogic, DM3, EtherExpress, ETOX, FlashFile, GatherRound, i386, i486, iCat, iCOMP, Insight960, InstantIP, Intel, Intel logo, Intel386, Intel486, Intel740, IntelDX2, IntelDX4, IntelSX2, Intel ChatPad, Intel Create&Share, Intel Dot.Station, Intel GigaBlade, Intel InBusiness, Intel Inside, Intel Inside logo, Intel NetBurst, Intel NetStructure, Intel Play, Intel Play logo, Intel Pocket Concert, Intel SingleDriver, Intel SpeedStep, Intel StrataFlash, Intel TeamStation, Intel WebOutfitter, Intel Xeon, Intel XScale, Itanium, JobAnalyst, LANDesk, LanRover, MCS, MMX, MMX logo, NetPort, NetportExpress, Optimizer logo, OverDrive, Paragon, PC Dads, PC Parents, Pentium, Pentium II Xeon, Pentium III Xeon, Performance at Your Command, ProShare, RemoteExpress, Screamline, Shiva, SmartDie, Solutions960, Sound Mark, StorageExpress, The Computer Inside, The Journey Inside, This Way In, TokenExpress, Trillium, Vivonic, and VTune are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Contents 1 About This Manual ............................................................................................................. 7 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 Getting Started .................................................................................................................11 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3 Content Overview.................................................................................................. 7 Text Conventions .................................................................................................. 7 Technical Support .................................................................................................9 1.3.1 Electronic Support Systems .................................................................9 1.3.2 Telephone Technical Support .............................................................. 9 Product Literature.................................................................................................. 9 Related Documents.............................................................................................10 Overview .............................................................................................................11 2.1.1 Baseboard Features ...........................................................................11 Included Hardware ..............................................................................................12 Software Key Features........................................................................................13 2.3.1 Embedded BIOS for the Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit .................................................................................13 2.3.2 Software .............................................................................................14 Hard Hat* Linux ....................................................................14 Wind River’s VxWorks* Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) ....................................................................14 Before You Begin ................................................................................................16 Setting up the Evaluation Board..........................................................................17 Configuring the BIOS ..........................................................................................19 Theory of Operation .........................................................................................................21 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Block Diagram .....................................................................................................21 Mechanical Design ..............................................................................................22 Thermal Management .........................................................................................22 System Operation................................................................................................22 3.4.1 Intel® Pentium® III Processor .............................................................22 3.4.2 Intel® Celeron® Processor..................................................................23 3.4.3 Intel® 440MX Chipset .........................................................................23 3.4.4 System Memory SDRAM ...................................................................24 3.4.5 System I/O..........................................................................................24 Floppy Disk Drive Support ....................................................24 IDE Support ..........................................................................24 RS-232 Serial Ports ..............................................................25 USB Ports .............................................................................25 Audio Subsystem..................................................................25 Keyboard/Mouse...................................................................25 IR Header .............................................................................25 3.4.6 Expansion Connectors .......................................................................25 32-bit/33-MHz PCI Connectors.............................................25 Compact Flash Slot ..............................................................25 3.4.7 Post Code Debugger ..........................................................................26 3.4.8 Clock Generation................................................................................26 System Clocks ......................................................................26 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 3 3.5 4 Hardware Reference ........................................................................................................ 29 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 Thermal Management ......................................................................................... 29 4.1.1 Changing the Processor..................................................................... 29 Connector Pinouts............................................................................................... 32 4.2.1 ATX Power Connector........................................................................ 33 4.2.2 Dual Stacked USB Connector ............................................................ 33 4.2.3 PS/2-Style Mouse and Keyboard Connectors.................................... 34 4.2.4 Serial Ports......................................................................................... 34 4.2.5 Audio Connectors............................................................................... 35 4.2.6 Compact Flash Connector.................................................................. 35 4.2.7 IDE Connector.................................................................................... 36 4.2.8 Floppy Drive Connector...................................................................... 37 4.2.9 32-Bit PCI Slot Connector .................................................................. 37 Jumpers .............................................................................................................. 39 4.3.1 CMOS Jumper.................................................................................... 39 4.3.2 ENET Jumper..................................................................................... 39 4.3.3 CF MASTER Jumper.......................................................................... 40 4.3.4 BIOS UNLOCK Jumper...................................................................... 40 BIOS Quick Reference..................................................................................................... 41 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 4 3.4.9 Power Supply Requirements.............................................................. 27 Battery Requirements ......................................................................................... 27 Embedded BIOS Introduction ............................................................................. 41 5.1.1 Features ............................................................................................. 41 5.1.2 PC BIOS Features.............................................................................. 43 5.1.3 Software Compatibility........................................................................ 44 Power On Self Test ............................................................................................. 44 5.2.1 The BIOS User Interface .................................................................... 44 Setup Screen System ......................................................................................... 46 5.3.1 Basic CMOS Configuration Screen .................................................... 46 5.3.2 Configuring Drive Assignments .......................................................... 47 5.3.3 Configuring Floppy Drive Types ......................................................... 47 5.3.4 Configuring IDE Drive Types.............................................................. 48 5.3.5 Custom Configuration Setup Screen.................................................. 50 5.3.6 Shadow Configuration Setup Screen ................................................. 50 5.3.7 Start System BIOS Debugger Setup Screen...................................... 51 5.3.8 Start RS232 Manufacturing Link Setup Screen.................................. 51 5.3.9 Manufacturing Mode........................................................................... 52 Sample Manufacturing Mode HOST Program ...................... 52 Manufacturing Mode Drive Redirection ................................ 53 Console Redirection............................................................................................ 54 CE-Ready—Windows CE Loader ....................................................................... 54 Integrated BIOS Debugger.................................................................................. 55 Troubleshooting POST........................................................................................ 56 5.7.1 Embedded BIOS POST Codes .......................................................... 57 Critical Error Beep Codes ................................................................................... 60 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Figures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Block Diagram .....................................................................................................21 Back Panel I/O Connectors .................................................................................24 View of the Fan/Heat Sink...................................................................................29 Top View of the Heat Sink...................................................................................30 Bottom View of Heat Sink....................................................................................31 Baseboard Layout Diagram.................................................................................32 BIOS POST, the Text-based System ..................................................................45 The Graphical POST ...........................................................................................45 Embedded BIOS Setup Screen Menu.................................................................46 Embedded BIOS Basic Setup Screen.................................................................47 Embedded BIOS Custom Setup Screen .............................................................50 Embedded BIOS Shadow Setup Screen.............................................................50 Standard Diagnostic Routines Setup Screen ......................................................51 Start RS232 Manufacturing Link Setup Screen...................................................52 The CE-Ready Feature .......................................................................................55 Integrated BIOS Debugger..................................................................................56 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Related Documents.............................................................................................10 Power Connector (ATXPR1) ...............................................................................33 USB Connector Pinout (USB1) ...........................................................................33 PS/2-Style Mouse and Keyboard Pinout (U1) ....................................................34 Serial Port Connector Pinout (COM1 and COM2)...............................................34 Audio Line-Out Connector Pinouts......................................................................35 Audio Line-In Connector Pinouts.........................................................................35 Audio Mic-In Connector Pinouts..........................................................................35 Compact Flash Connector...................................................................................35 IDE Connector Pinouts for IDE1 and IDE2..........................................................36 Floppy Drive Connector Pinouts (FDC1).............................................................37 32-Bit PCI Slot Connector Pinouts ......................................................................38 Bill of Materials ....................................................................................................63 Tables Revision History Revision Date 001 December 2001 Description First release of document. Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 5 About This Manual 1 This manual tells you how to set up and use the evaluation board and processor assembly included in your Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit. 1.1 Content Overview Chapter 1, “About This Manual” — This chapter contains a description of conventions used in this manual. The last few sections tell you how to obtain literature and contact customer support. Chapter 2, “Getting Started”— Provides complete instructions on how to configure the evaluation board and processor assembly by setting jumpers, connecting peripherals, providing power, and configuring the BIOS. Chapter 3, “Theory of Operation” — This chapter provides information on the system design. Chapter 4, “Hardware Reference” — This chapter provides a description of jumper settings and functions, and pinout information for each connector. Chapter 5, “BIOS Quick Reference” — This chapter describes how to configure the BIOS for your system configuration. A summary of all BIOS menu options is provided. Appendix A, “Bill of Materials” — This appendix contains the bill of materials for the evaluation board. Appendix B, “Schematics” — This appendix contains schematics for selected connectors and subsystems for the evaluation board. 1.2 Text Conventions The following notations may be used throughout this manual. # The pound symbol (#) appended to a signal name indicates that the signal is active low. Variables Variables are shown in italics. Variables must be replaced with correct values. Instructions Instruction mnemonics are shown in uppercase. When you are programming, instructions are not case-sensitive. You may use either upper- or lowercase. Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 7 About This Manual Numbers Hexadecimal numbers are represented by a string of hexadecimal digits followed by the character H. A zero prefix is added to numbers that begin with A through F. (For example, FF is shown as 0FFH.) Decimal and binary numbers are represented by their customary notations. (That is, 255 is a decimal number and 1111 1111 is a binary number. In some cases, the letter B is added for clarity.) Units of Measure The following abbreviations are used to represent units of measure: A Gbyte Kbyte KΩ mA Mbyte MHz ms mW ns pF W V µA µF µs µW Signal Names 8 amps, amperes gigabytes kilobytes kilo-ohms milliamps, milliamperes megabytes megahertz milliseconds milliwatts nanoseconds picofarads watts volts microamps, microamperes microfarads microseconds microwatts Signal names are shown in uppercase. When several signals share a common name, an individual signal is represented by the signal name followed by a number, while the group is represented by the signal name followed by a variable (n). For example, the lower chip-select signals are named CS0#, CS1#, CS2#, and so on; they are collectively called CSn#. A pound symbol (#) appended to a signal name identifies an active-low signal. Port pins are represented by the port abbreviation, a period, and the pin number (e.g., P1.0). Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual About This Manual 1.3 Technical Support 1.3.1 Electronic Support Systems Intel’s site on the World Wide Web ( provides up-to-date technical information and product support. This information is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, providing technical information whenever you need it. 1.3.2 Telephone Technical Support In the U.S. and Canada, technical support representatives are available to answer your questions between 5 a.m. and 5 p.m. PST. You can also fax your questions to us. (Please include your voice telephone number and indicate whether you prefer a response by phone or by fax). Outside the U.S. and Canada, please contact your local distributor. 1.4 1-800-628-8686 U.S. and Canada 916-356-7599 U.S. and Canada 916-356-6100 (fax) U.S. and Canada Product Literature You can order product literature from the following Intel literature centers. 1-800-548-4725 U.S. and Canada 708-296-9333 U.S. (from overseas) 44(0)1793-431155 Europe (U.K.) 44(0)1793-421333 Germany 44(0)1793-421777 France 81(0)120-47-88-32 Japan (fax only) Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 9 About This Manual 1.5 Table 1. Related Documents Related Documents Document Title Intel Pentium® III Processor Low Power datasheet 273500 ® ® 244453 ® ® 273325 ® ® Intel Pentium III Processor Specification Update Intel Pentium III Processor Thermal Design Guide 10 Order Number Intel Celeron Processor Low Power/Ultra Low Power datasheet 273509 Intel® Celeron® Processor Specification Update 243748 P6 Family of Processors Hardware Developer’s Manual 244001 Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, Volume1: Basic Architecture 243190 Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 2: Instruction Set Reference Manual 243191 Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 3: System Programming Guide 243192 Intel Processor Serial Number application note 245125 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Getting Started 2 This chapter identifies the evaluation kit’s key components, features and specifications. It also tells you how to set up the board for operation. 2.1 Overview The evaluation board consists of a baseboard (with one Intel® Pentium® III processor populated), 440MX chipset, and other system board components and peripheral connectors. Note: 2.1.1 The evaluation board is shipped as an open system allowing for maximum flexibility in changing hardware configuration and peripherals. Since the board is not in a protective chassis, take extra precaution when handling and operating the system. Baseboard Features The evaluation board features are summarized below: CPU • Supports both Intel® Celeron® processors low power/ultra-low power (300 MHz and above) and Intel® Pentium® III processors low power (up to 700 MHz); both in the micro-PGA package. • Supports a 66 or 100 MHz processor system bus (PSB). Intel 440MX Chipset • 82443MX PCIset • Integrated IDE controller for Ultra DMA/33 Synchronous DMA mode Memory Support • 100 MHz system memory interface • Two 168-pin DIMM sockets support SDRAM (3.3 V, non-ECC) modules • Supports 8-Mbyte to 256-Mbyte using 16 Mbit/64 Mbit/128 Mbit technology Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 11 Getting Started Flash System BIOS ROM • General Software system BIOS Power Supply/Management • Standard ATX power supply connector • SMRAM space remapping to A0000H (128 Kbyte) • Optional Extended SMRAM space above 256 Mbyte, additional 512 Kbyte/1 Mbyte TSEG from top of memory, cacheable • Stop clock grant and halt special cycle translation from the host to the hub interface • APIC buffer management System I/O • • • • • • • One floppy connector supporting up to 2.88 Mbytes, and three-mode floppy drives One Ultra ATA 100/66/33 IDE connector supporting up to two IDE devices Built-in standard/EPP/ECP parallel port connector Two built-in 16550 fast UART compatible serial port connectors Two built-in Universal Serial Bus (USB) connectors Built-in PS/2-style keyboard and PS/2 mouse (6-pin mini-DIN) connectors Built-in audio connectors (Line-in, Line-out, MIC-in) with Sigmatel CODEC Peripheral Connectors • Three PCI expansion slots Miscellaneous Features • • • • • • 2.2 Two built-in SMBus headers Built-In standard IrDA TX/RX header One built-in FAN power connector Power/Reset jumpers Jumper to clear CMOS Included Hardware • • • • • 12 Micro ATX form factor Evaluation board (baseboard) with battery One 500, 700 MHz Intel® Pentium® III Processor Low Power with a 100 MHz PSB One 300 MHz Intel® Celeron® Processor Ultra Low Power with a 100 MHz PSB One fansink thermal solution One 128-Mbyte PC100 SDRAM (168-pin) Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Getting Started • ATA66 hard disk drive pre-loaded with an evaluation copy of Hard Hat* from MontaVista* • 80-pin ATA/66 IDE cable for the hard disk drive • Intel 69000 graphics card 2.3 Software Key Features The software in the kit was chosen to facilitate development of real-time applications based on the components used in the evaluation board. The software tools included in your kit are described in this section. Note: Software in the kit is provided free by the vendor and is only licensed for evaluation purposes. Refer to the documentation in your evaluation kit for further details on any terms and conditions that may be applicable to the granted licenses. Customers using the tools that work with Microsoft* products must license those products. Any targets created by those tools should also have appropriate licenses. Software included in the kit is subject to change. Refer to for details on additional software from other third-party vendors. 2.3.1 Embedded BIOS for the Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit The Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit ships pre-installed with Embedded BIOS* pre-boot firmware from General Software. Embedded BIOS provides an industry-standard BIOS platform to run any standard operating system, including DOS*, Windows* NT, NT Embedded*, Windows 95/98, Windows CE, QNX*, VxWorks*, and Linux* among others. The Embedded BIOS Application Kit (available through General Software) includes complete source code, a reference manual, and a Windows-based expert system, BIOStart*, to enable easy and rapid configuration of customized firmware for your Intel* 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit. The following features of Embedded BIOS have been enabled in the Intel® 440MX Low Power Development Kit: • • • • • • • • • • • SDRAM detection, configuration, and initialization Intel® 440MX chipset configuration Post codes displayed to port 80H Two serial ports, one EPP/ECP parallel port PCI bus and device enumeration and configuration SMC LPC Super I/O programming Pentium® III processor microcode update Integrated debugger Burn-in diagnostics Console redirection Manufacturing mode Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 13 Getting Started 2.3.2 Software Hard Hat* Linux The drive comes pre-loaded with Hard Hat Linux. Some of the features of Hard Hat Linux include: Hard Hat Linux is a cross development platform and a set of tool kits designed specifically for embedded solutions. Hard Hat Linux is designed for the scalability, dependability and performance required of welldesigned embedded applications. Hard Hat Linux includes more than 75 Linux Support Packages (LSPs), 200+ software packages plus a comprehensive set of development tools. MontaVista Software also makes available valuable technology add-on packages that address specific customer requirements such as the Java development environment, High Availability technology, GUI toolkit and more. Hard Hat Linux supports a variety of capabilities exclusively for embedded applications. Technologies such as special back-plane communication for CompactPCI allow multiple boardlevel systems to communicate over a common bus interface. Support for headless operation enables the embedding of Linux in a video display, keyboard or mouse. Networks can be installed and booted without the need for rotating media. The Flash memory file system supports rugged solid-state storage needed for very small consumer devices. Run-time instrumentation makes it easy to monitor system integrity and performance. Hard Hat Linux also includes scaling and configuration tools that let developers right-size Linux kernel and filesystems to suit their memory footprint. Wind River’s VxWorks* Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) Wind Microkernel • Efficient task management — Multitasking, unlimited number of tasks — Preemptive and round-robin scheduling — Fast, deterministic context switching — 256 priority levels • Fast, flexible intertask communications — Binary, counting and mutual exclusion semaphores with priority inheritance — Message queues — POSIX pipes, counting semaphores, message queues, signals and scheduling — Control sockets — Shared memory • High scalability • Incremental linking and loading of components • Fast, efficient interrupt and exception handling 14 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Getting Started • Optimized floating-point support • Dynamic memory management • System clock and timing facilities Networking Support • • • • • • • • • • • BSD 4.4 TCP/IP networking IP, IGMP, CIDR, TCP, UDP, ARP RIP v.1/v.2 Standard Berkeley sockets, zbufs (a.k.a., zero-copy sockets) SLIP, CSLIP, PPP BOOTP, DNS, DHCP, TFTP NFS, ONC RPC FTP, rlogin, rsh, telnet SNTP WindNet SNMP v.1/v.2c with MIB compiler—optional WindNet OSPF v.2—optional Fast, Flexible I/O and Local File System • • • • • • SCSI support MS-DOS compatible file system Raw disk file system TrueFFS flash file system—optional ISO 9660 CD-ROM file system PCMCIA support Target Development Features • Full ANSI C compliance and enhanced C++ features for exception handling and template support • • • • • • • • • • Extensive POSIX 1003.1, .1b compatibility Interactive C interpreter target shell Symbolic debugging and disassembly Powerful performance monitoring Extensive kernel, task and system information utilities Dynamic linking loader Libraries of over 1800 utility routines Flexible booting from ROM, local disk, or over the network Highly scalable design allows for a wide range of applications System-level debugging via Ethernet, serial line, ICE, or ROM emulator Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 15 Getting Started Supported VxWorks 5.x Targets • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2.4 PowerPC 68K, CPU 32 ColdFire MCORE 80x86 and Pentium i960 ARM and StrongARM MIPS SH SPARC NEX V8xx M32 R/D RAD6000 ST 20 TriCore Before You Begin Before you set up and configure your evaluation board, you may want to gather some additional hardware and software. VGA Monitor: You can use any standard VGA or multi-resolution monitor. The setup instructions in this chapter assume that you are using a standard VGA monitor. Keyboard: You need a keyboard with a PS/2-style connector or adapter. Mouse: Optional. You can use a mouse with a PS/2-style connector or adapter. Hard Drives andFloppy Drives: You can connect up to two IDE drives and one floppy drive to the evaluation board. Two devices (master and slave) can be attached to the IDE connector. Only one hard drive is included in your kit, so you will need to provide the cables for any additional drives. You may have all these storage devices attached to the board at the same time. The compact flash is considered an IDE device, so only the compact flash and one IDE hard drive can be used at the same time. Video Adapter: You must install a PCI video adapter. It is your responsibility to install the correct driver software for any video adapters. Network Adapter: The network adapter is already installed on the board. You may use a different network card other than the one included in the kit; you are responsible for installing the correct drivers for such a network card. The evaluation board supports all standard PCI-compatible network cards. You must supply a network cable to connect to the LAN connector or any other network card you chose to install. 16 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Getting Started Power Supply: You must use a standard ATX power supply. Other Devices and Adapters: The evaluation board functions much like a standard desktop computer motherboard. Most PC compatible peripherals can be attached and configured to work with the evaluation board. 2.5 Setting up the Evaluation Board Once you have gathered the hardware described in section Section 2.4, follow the steps below to set up your evaluation board. This manual assumes you are familiar with the basic concepts involved with installing and configuring hardware for a personal computer system. Refer to Figure 6 on page 32 for locations of connectors, jumpers, etc. 1. Create a safe work environment. Make sure you are in a static-free environment before removing any components from their anti-static packaging. The evaluation board is susceptible to electrostatic discharge damage, and such damage may cause product failure or unpredictable operation. 2. Inspect the contents of your kit. Check for damage that may have occurred during shipment. Contact your sales representative if any items are missing or damaged. Caution: Note: Connecting the wrong cable or reversing the cable can damage the evaluation board and may damage the device being connected. Since the board is not in a protective chassis, use caution when connecting cables to this product. The evaluation board is a standard micro-ATX form factor. An ATX chassis may be used if a protected environment is desired. 3. Check the jumper settings. CMOS jumper is used to clear the CMOS memory (pin 2 and 3). Make sure this jumper is set for normal operation (jumper pins 21 and 22). Refer to Section 4.3.1, “CMOS Jumper” on page 39. 4. Make sure the following hardware is populated on your evaluation board: — One Intel® Pentium® III processor — One 128-Mbyte PC100 SDRAM DIMM (168-pin) — One fan (thermal solution) 5. Install the IDE hard disk drive included in your kit: The evaluation board supports Primary and Secondary IDE interfaces that can each host one or two devices (master/slave). When you are using multiple devices, such as a hard disk and a CD-ROM drive, make sure the hard disk drive has a jumper in the master position and the CDROM has a jumper in the slave position. When using a single IDE device with the evaluation board, ensure that the jumpers are set correctly for single drive operation. For jumper settings for different configurations, consult the drive’s documentation. — Connect the hard drive’s IDE cable connector to the IDE1 connector on the evaluation board. — Connect the other end of the cable to the hard disk drive. Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 17 Getting Started — Connect a power cable to the hard drive. Caution: Make sure the tracer on the ribbon cable is aligned with pin 1 on both the hard disk and the IDE connector header. Connecting the cable backwards can damage the evaluation board or the hard disk. 6. Connect any additional storage devices to the evaluation board. Note: The hard disk is already formatted and is pre-loaded with a customized target image of Hard Hat Linux by Montavista. 7. Connect a Floppy drive (optional). — Insert a floppy cable into FDC1 (be sure to orient pin 1 correctly). — Connect the other end of the ribbon cable to the floppy drive. — Connect a power cable to the floppy drive. 8. Connect the keyboard and mouse. Connect a PS/2-style mouse and keyboard (see Figure 6 on page 32 for connector locations). Note: The bottom connector is for the keyboard and the top is for the mouse. 9. Connect the Ethernet adapter provided in your kit (optional). 10. Connect the audio speakers (optional). For audio, connect the audio speakers to the on-board line out connector. 11. Connect the power supply. Connect an ATX power supply to the evaluation board. Make sure the power supply is not plugged into the wall (turned off). Insert the board connector of the power supply cord into the ATXPR1 power supply header on the evaluation board. After connecting the power supply board connector to the ATXPR1 header, plug the power supply cord into the wall. 12. Power up the board. Power and reset are implemented on the evaluation board through jumpers located on PN1 and PN2. Power Jumper: The power jumper consists of pins 5 and 7 on the front panel connector. To power on the evaluation board, briefly short pins 5 and 7, then, release the short. (To power off, short pins 5 and 7 for about five seconds, until the power shuts off.) Reset Jumper: The reset jumper consists of pins 1 and 3 on the front panel connector. To reset the evaluation board, short pins 1 and 3 until the board resets, and then release the short. Turn on the power to the monitor and evaluation board. Ensure that the fansink on the processor is operating. 18 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Getting Started 2.6 Configuring the BIOS General Software’s BIOS is pre-loaded on the evaluation board. You will need to make changes to the BIOS to enable hard disks, floppy disks and other supported features. You can use the Setup program to modify BIOS settings and control the special features of the system. Setup options are configured through a menu-driven user interface. Chapter 5, “BIOS Quick Reference” contains a description of BIOS options. BIOS updates may periodically be posted to Intel’s Developers’ Web site at: Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 19 3 Theory of Operation 3.1 Block Diagram Figure 1. Block Diagram Micro-PGA Socket Processor VRM Clock DATA CTRL ADDR ITP Socket Termination GTL Bus DATA CTRL ADDR AGP Connector Compact Flash IDE Primary IDE USB Port 1 USB Port 2 USB PCI CONN 3 PCI PCI CONN 2 Intel® 440MX Chipset Digital Video PCI CONN 1 2 DIMM Modules 82559 Ethernet RJ-45 AC'97 Link Audio Codec SIO Speaker HP Out Mic In Line In IR Header Serial 2 Serial 1 Keyboard Mouse Floppy A9312-01 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 21 Theory of Operation 3.2 Mechanical Design The evaluation board conforms to the micro-ATX form factor. For extra protection in a development environment, you may want to install the evaluation board in an ATX chassis. The evaluation board has three 32 bit/33 MHz PCI connectors, one AGP connector, one CNR connector, two SDRAM DIMM connectors, and one ABIT V-Bus connector. The system I/O connectors are in the rear of the board in the defined micro-ATX I/O window. 3.3 Thermal Management The objective of thermal management is to ensure that the temperature of each component is maintained within specified functional limits. The functional temperature limit is the range within which the electrical circuits can be expected to meet their specified performance requirements. Operation outside the functional limit can degrade system performance and cause reliability problems. The development kit is shipped with a heatsink/fan thermal solution pre-installed on the processor using metal clips. This thermal solution has been tested in an open air environment at room temperature and is sufficient for evaluation purposes. The designer must ensure that adequate thermal management is provided for any customer-derived designs. 3.4 System Operation The Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit is designed to support Intel® Celeron® processors low power/ultra low power (300 MHz and above) and Intel® Pentium® III processors low power up to 700 MHz in the BGA2 package. The 440MX chipset includes the GMCH, ICH2, and the FWH. 3.4.1 Intel® Pentium® III Processor The Intel® Pentium® III processor is a member of the P6 family in the Intel® IA-32 processor line. Like the Intel® Pentium® II processor, the Intel® Pentium® III processor implements the Dynamic Execution microarchitecture — a unique combination of multiple branch prediction, data flow analysis, and speculative execution. Intel® Pentium® III processor features include the following: • • • • Dynamic Execution technology Includes Intel MMX media enhancement technology Intel streaming SIMD extensions Incorporates separate 16 Kbyte level-one caches (32 Kbytes total); one for instructions and one for data • 256 Kbytes integrated, full-speed level two cache with error correcting code (ECC) • 8-way level two cache associativity, which provides improved cache-hit rate on read/store operations • Double quad word-wide (256 bit) cache data bus, which provides extremely high throughput on read/store operations 22 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Theory of Operation • Support for 66 MHz and 100 MHz processor system bus frequencies • Intel® processor serial number 3.4.2 Intel® Celeron® Processor The Intel® Celeron® processor family delivers quality, reliability, and compatibility while offering good performance for today’s most widely-used applications. Intel® Celeron® processor features include: • • • • Dynamic Execution technology Includes Intel MMX* media enhancement technology Intel streaming SIMD extensions Incorporates separate 16 Kbyte level-one caches (32 Kbytes total); one for instructions and one for data • Incorporates a 128 Kbyte unified, non-blocking, level-two cache that improves performance by reducing the average memory access time and providing fast access to recently used instructions and data • 66/100 MHz Intel® P6 micro-architecture’s multi-transaction system bus that supports multiple outstanding transactions to increase bandwidth availability • A pipelined Floating-Point Unit (FPU) for supporting the 32-bit and 64-bit formats specified in IEEE standard 754, as well as an 80-bit format • Parity-protected address/request and response system bus signals with a retry mechanism for high data integrity and reliability 3.4.3 Intel® 440MX Chipset Features: • • • • • 492 BGA package 66 or 100 MHz Processor System Bus 32-bit host bus addressing Four deep in-order queue Processor support — Celeron® processor low power/ultra low power (128 Kbytes) in a micro-PGA package — Pentium® III processor low power (256 Kbytes) in a micro-PGA package • System DRAM controller — Two DIMM slots — 100 MHz clock Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 23 Theory of Operation 3.4.4 System Memory SDRAM Memory Features: • Two 168-pin SDRAM DIMM sockets • Supports 8 Mbyte to 256 Mbyte using 16 Mbit/64 Mbit/128 Mbit/256 Mbit technology • Supports 100 MHz system memory bus 3.4.5 System I/O The evaluation board contains the following I/O devices. • • • • • • • • Single floppy controller support Primary and secondary IDE interface (supports two drives) Two serial ports Two USB ports AC’97 specification compliant audio Speaker Out, Line IN, and MIC IN connectors PS/2-style keyboard and mouse ports IR header Figure 2. Back Panel I/O Connectors RJ-45 e us Mo COM1 COM2 rd oa b ey K Dual USB t e Lin Ou n eI Lin C MI In A9315-01 Floppy Disk Drive Support One 34-pin floppy connector is provided on the evaluation board. IDE Support The evaluation board supports a primary IDE interface via a 40-pin IDE connectors. 24 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Theory of Operation RS-232 Serial Ports The evaluation board provides two built-in serial ports (COM1 and COM2). USB Ports The evaluation board provides two USB connectors (USB1). Audio Subsystem The evaluation board has an integrated (on-board) AC’97 compliant subsystem. Audio Subsystem Features: • Line input (back panel) • Speaker output (back panel) • Microphone input (back panel) Keyboard/Mouse The keyboard and mouse connectors are PS/2 style, 6-pin stacked miniature DSUB connectors. The top connector is for the mouse and the bottom connector is for the keyboard. IR Header The evaluation board provides one IR header. The IR header can be used in place of COM2. To use the IR header, the BIOS vendor must modify the BIOS to activate IR and deactivate COM2. Contact either General Software or your own BIOS vendor to assist with the modification. 3.4.6 Expansion Connectors The evaluation board contains the following expansion connectors: • Three PCI 32/33 slots • One compact flash slot • Two SMBus headers 32-bit/33-MHz PCI Connectors Three industry standard 32-bit/33-MHz PCI connectors (PCI1, PCI2, and PCI3) are provided on the evaluation board. Compact Flash Slot One compact flash slot is included on the board. The compact flash can be used as the IDE master with the proper jumper setting. Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 25 Theory of Operation 3.4.7 Post Code Debugger An on-board Post-Code Debugger is implemented on the evaluation board. 3.4.8 Clock Generation The clock synthesizer on the baseboard generates and distributes the clocks used by the entire system. System Clocks The CK Intel® 815E Chipset: 3 DIMM Clock Synthesizer is the primary source of clock generation for most of the clocks on the baseboard. The following clock groups are found on the Intel® 815E Scalable Performance Board Development Kit: 26 CPU 66 MHz/100 MHz PCI 33 MHz SDRAM 100 MHz 3V66 66 MHz (3.3 V) USB 48 MHz DOT 48 MHz REF 14.31818 MHz APIC 33 MHz Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Theory of Operation 3.4.9 Power Supply Requirements The Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit uses a standard ATX power supply. 3.5 Battery Requirements A type 2032, socketed, 3 V lithium coin cell battery is used on this evaluation board. The battery has a shelf life of greater than three years. Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 27 Hardware Reference 4 This section provides reference information on the hardware, including connector pinout information and jumper settings. 4.1 Thermal Management The development kit is shipped with a heatsink/fan thermal solution pre-installed on the processor using metal clips. This thermal solution has been tested in an open-air environment at room temperature and is sufficient for evaluation purposes. The designer must ensure that adequate thermal management is provided for any customer-derived designs. For additional thermal design information refer to the following documents: • Pentium® III Processor for the PGA370 Socket at 500 MHz to 1.0B GHz Datasheet (order number 245264) • Intel® Pentium® III Processor Thermal Design Guide (order number 273325) • Intel® Celeron® Processor up to 850 MHz datasheet (order number 243658) • Intel® Celeron® Processor Thermal Design Guide (order number 273421) 4.1.1 Changing the Processor If you wish to change the processor, follow these instructions to remove the heat sink assembly. 1. Disconnect the fan cable from the ATX power supply. 2. Remove the pins from the body on the four attachment rivets (see Figure 3) with needle-nose pliers. Figure 3. View of the Fan/Heat Sink Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 29 Hardware Reference 3. Remove the body of the attachment rivets with needle-nose pliers. Warning: Be sure to support the board directly around the hole that a rivet is being removed from. Failure to do so could result in too much deflection and damage to the board. 4. Remove the heat sink assembly from the board. 5. Replace the processor by turning the screw on the socket to loosen the processor. Note: Before replacing the heat sink assembly, it is very important to remove all thermal interface material (TIM) from the heat sink and processor. Be sure to clean the heat sink surface and surface of the die with isopropyl alcohol before re-installation. 6. Place the attachment shroud over the heat sink, as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4. Top View of the Heat Sink 7. Turn the heat sink over so that the bottom is facing up. 8. Remove the protective liner from one side of the thermal interface material. It should come off fairly easy from the strips. 9. Place the protective liner on the bottom of the heat sink with ‘rolling finger pressure.’ 10. Remove the remaining protective liner. To remove the protective liner, place a piece of tape at one corner (as shown in Figure 5) and pull up at a 180-degree angle. 30 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Hardware Reference Figure 5. Bottom View of Heat Sink 11. Place the heat sink on top of the die, making sure to align the holes in the shroud with those on the board. 12. Place the body of the rivet through the hole in the attach shroud. Ensure the spring is on the body and above the tab on the shroud. 13. Push the body through the hole in board. It is easiest to insert the rivet using a mechanical pencil or some other object that will allow you to push with even pressure. Be sure to insert the rivets in opposite corners, so even pressure on the die is maintained. Warning: Be sure to support the board directly around the hole that a rivet is being inserted into. Failure to do so could result in too much deflection and could damage the board. 14. After all rivet bodies are inserted into the board, push the pins all the way into the body. It should look like Figure 3. 15. Plug the fan cable into the ATX power supply. Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 31 Hardware Reference 4.2 Connector Pinouts COM A PS/2 RJ-45 MOUSE KEYBD COM B USB 1 USB 0 ENET LM1877 RS232 CD IN RS232 XTAL Dual USB SPKR OUT 3.3v FUSE 45H11 PCI SLOT 1 93C46 Intel 82559 ’LVC14 PCI SLOT 2 FUSE PCI SLOT 3 MOUSE LINE IN FUSE MIC IN AC97 Codec KEYBD Figure 6. Baseboard Layout Diagram ’LVC06 Crystal THMC10 120 FET Driver CPU FAN Pulse PE53591 Intel 443MX 5 mohm 340 Switcher 4420 4420 uPGA Socket ITP SMSC SuperIO SMBus 2 + + SMBus 1 ’HC00 DIMM 0 DIMM 1 CLK100 28F004 COMPACT FLASH 22V10 RST PWR SLP HD LED + P LED + SPKR + Crystal IrDA + 22V10 PWR PRIMARY IDE CompactFlash Type II FUSE FLOPPY ENET DIS EN CMOS CLR NRM CF MASTER SBY POST CODE BIOS UNLOCK A9443-01 32 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Hardware Reference 4.2.1 ATX Power Connector Table 2 lists the signals assigned to the ATX style power connector. Table 2. 4.2.2 Power Connector (ATXPR1) Pin Name Function 1 3.3 V 3.3 V 2 3.3 V 3.3 V 3 GND Ground 4 +5V +5 V VCC 5 GND Ground 6 +5 V +5 V VCC 7 GND Ground 8 PWRGD Power Good 9 5 VSB Standby 5 V 10 +12 V +12 V 11 3.3 V 3.3 V 12 -12 V -12 V 13 GND Ground 14 PS_ON# Soft-off control 15 GND Ground 16 GND Ground 17 GND Ground 18 -5 V -5 V 19 +5 V +5 V VCC 20 +5 V +5 V VCC Dual Stacked USB Connector Table 3 lists the signals assigned to the dual stacked USB connector (USB1). Table 3. USB Connector Pinout (USB1) Pin Signal Name 1,5 Power (fused) 2,6 USBP0# [USBP1#] 3,7 USBP0 [USBP1] 4,8 GND Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 33 Hardware Reference 4.2.3 PS/2-Style Mouse and Keyboard Connectors Table 4 lists the signals assigned to the keyboard and mouse connector (U1). The mouse port is on the top and the keyboard port is on the bottom. Table 4. PS/2-Style Mouse and Keyboard Pinout (U1) Pin 4.2.4 Signal Name 1 Data 2 No Connect 3 GND 4 +5 V (fused) 5 Clock 6 No Connect Serial Ports Table 5 lists the signals assigned to the serial port connectors (COM1 and COM2). Table 5. Serial Port Connector Pinout (COM1 and COM2) Pin 34 Signal Name 1 DCD 2 Serial In (SIN) 3 Serial Out (SOUT) 4 DTR 5 GND 6 DSR 7 RTS 8 CTS 9 RI Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Hardware Reference 4.2.5 Audio Connectors Refer to Figure 2 on page 24 for the connectors referenced in this section. Table 6 lists the signals assigned to the audio line-out connector. Table 6. Audio Line-Out Connector Pinouts Pin Signal Name Sleeve GND Tip Audio Left Out Ring Audio Right Out Table 7 lists the signals assigned to the audio line-in connector. Table 7. Audio Line-In Connector Pinouts Pin Signal Name Sleeve GND Tip Audio Left In Ring Audio Right In Table 8 lists the signal assigned to the audio mic-in connector. Table 8. 4.2.6 Table 9. Audio Mic-In Connector Pinouts Pin Signal Name Sleeve GND Tip Mono In Ring Mic bias voltage Compact Flash Connector Compact Flash Connector (Sheet 1 of 2) Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name 1 Ground 26 Ground 2 Host Data 3 27 Host Data 11 3 Host Data 4 28 Host Data 12 4 Host Data 5 29 Host Data 13 5 Host Data 6 30 Host Data 14 6 Host Data 7 31 Host Data 15 7 IDEPDCS1# 32 IDEPDCS3# 8 Ground 33 N/C Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 35 Hardware Reference Table 9. 4.2.7 Compact Flash Connector (Sheet 2 of 2) 9 Ground 34 IDEPDIOR# 10 Ground 35 IDEPDIOW# 11 Ground 36 VCC 12 Ground 37 IDEPDIRQ 13 VCC 38 VCC 14 Ground 39 IDEPCSEL1# 15 Ground 40 N/C 16 Ground 41 IDERST# 17 Ground 42 IDEPDIORDY 18 Addr 2 43 N/C 19 Addr 1 44 VCC 20 Addr 0 45 IDEPDASP# 21 Host Data 0 46 IDEPDIAG# 22 Host Data 1 47 Host Data 8 23 Host Data 2 48 Host Data 9 24 IDEIOCS16# 49 Host Data 10 25 Ground 50 Ground IDE Connector Table 10 lists the signals assigned to the IDE connectors (IDE1 and IDE2). Table 10. IDE Connector Pinouts for IDE1 and IDE2 (Sheet 1 of 2) 36 Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name 1 Reset IDE 21 DRQ3 2 Ground 22 Ground 3 Host Data 7 23 I/O Write# 4 Host Data 8 24 Ground 5 Host Data 6 25 I/O Read# 6 Host Data 9 26 Ground 7 Host Data 5 27 IOCHRDY 8 Host Data 10 28 Ground 9 Host Data 4 29 DACK3# 10 Host Data 11 30 Ground 11 Host Data 3 31 IRQ14 12 Host Data 12 32 IOCS16# 13 Host Data 2 33 Addr1 14 Host Data 13 34 PDIAG 15 Host Data 1 35 Addr 0 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Hardware Reference Table 10. IDE Connector Pinouts for IDE1 and IDE2 (Sheet 2 of 2) 4.2.8 Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name 16 Host Data 14 36 Addr 2 17 Host Data 0 37 Chip Select 0# 18 Host Data 15 38 Chip Select 1# 19 Ground 39 Activity 20 N/C 40 Ground Floppy Drive Connector Table 11 lists the signals assigned to the floppy drive connector (FDC1). Table 11. Floppy Drive Connector Pinouts (FDC1) 4.2.9 Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name 1 Ground 2 DRVDENO 3 Ground 4 Reserved 5 N/C 6 DRVDEN1 7 Ground 8 Index 9 Ground 10 Motor Enable A# 11 Ground 12 Drive Select B# 13 Ground 14 Drive Select A# 15 Ground 16 Motor Enable B# 17 Ground 18 DIR# 19 Ground 20 STEP# 21 Ground 22 Write Data# 23 Ground 24 Write Gate# 25 Ground 26 Track 00# 27 Ground 28 Write Protect# 29 N/C 30 Read Data# 31 Ground 32 Side 1 Select# 33 N/C 34 Diskette Change# 32-Bit PCI Slot Connector Table 12 lists the signals assigned to the 32-Bit PCI slot connectors (PCI1, PCI2, and PCI3). Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 37 Hardware Reference Table 12. 32-Bit PCI Slot Connector Pinouts Pin A01 38 Signal Name GND Pin B01 Signal Name -12 V Pin A32 Signal Name Pin Signal Name AD16 B32 AD17 A02 + 12 V B02 GND A33 3.3 V B33 CBE2# A03 VCC B03 GND A34 FRAME# B34 GND A04 VCC B04 No Connect A35 GND B35 IRDY# A05 VCC B05 VCC A36 TRDY# B36 3.3 V A06 PIRQ1# B06 VCC A37 GND B37 DEVSEL# A07 PIRQ3# B07 PIRQ2# A38 STOP# B38 GND A08 VCC B08 PIRQ0 A39 3.3 V B39 LOCK# A09 No Connect B9 PRSNT1B # A40 SDONE B40 PERR# A10 VCC B10 No Connect A41 SBO# B41 3.3V A11 No Connect B11 PRSNT2B # A42 GND B42 SERR# A12 GND B12 GND A43 PAR B43 3.3 V A13 GND B13 GND A44 AD15 B44 CBE1# A14 No Connect B14 No Connect A45 3.3V B45 AD14 A15 RST# B15 GND A46 AD13 B46 GND A16 VCC B16 PCLK3 A47 AD11 B47 AD12 A17 GNT1# B17 GND A48 GND B48 AD10 A18 GND B18 REQ# A49 AD9 B49 GND A19 PPME# B19 VCC A50 KEY B50 KEY A20 AD30 B20 AD31 A51 KEY B51 KEY A21 3.3 V B21 AD29 C52 CBEO# D52 AD8 A22 AD28 B22 GND C3 3.3 V D53 AD7 A23 AD26 B23 AD27 C54 AD6 D54 3.3 V A24 GND B24 AD25 C55 AD4 D55 AD5 A25 AD24 B25 3.3 V C56 GND D56 AD3 A26 IDSEL B26 CBE3# C57 AD2 D57 GND A27 3.3 V B27 AD23 C58 AD0 D58 AD1 A28 AD22 B28 GND C59 VCC D59 VCC A29 AD20 B29 AD21 C60 N/C D60 ACK64# A30 GND B30 AD19 C61 VCC D61 VCC A31 AD18 B31 3.3 V C62 VCC D62 VCC Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Hardware Reference 4.3 Jumpers Front Panel Connector RST PWR SLP HD LED Pin 1 + Pin 2 Pin 19 Pin 20 SPKR + P LED + FRONT VIEW 1 RESET BUTTON (GND) 2 RESET BUTTON (NON-RESUME) 3 5 RESET BUTTON (RESUME WELL) POWER BUTTON 4 6 ONBOARD SPEAKER IN (-) SPEAKER (-) 7 POWER BUTTON 8 GND 9 SLEEP BUTTON 10 N.C. 11 SLEEP BUTTON 12 SPEAKER (+) 13 N.C. 14 N.C. 15 N.C. 16 POWER LED (-) 17 HD LED (-) 18 N.C. 19 HD LED (+) 20 POWER LED (+) NOTES: 1. Normal RESET should connect between pins 1 and 3. Alternate reset connects between 1 and 2, but RESUME well will not be reset in this case. 2. Onboard speaker is enabled with a jumper on pins 4 and 6. To use an external speaker, remove jumper and connect cable to pins 6, 8, 10, and 12. 4.3.1 CMOS Jumper The CMOS jumper controls the power to the battery backed-up CMOS memory. This CMOS memory stores system information required by the BIOS during startup. For normal operation, jumper pins 1 and 2. To clear the CMOS RAM, perform the following steps: 1. Shut down the system. 2. Disconnect the power supply (ATXPR1). 3. Remove jumper from pins 21 and 22. Short pins 20 and 21 (clear CMOS). 4. Wait 10 seconds. 5. Replace the jumper on pins 21 and 22 (normal operation). 6. Reconnect the power supply (ATXPR1). 7. Boot the system and enter the BIOS setup screen to reconfigure the system. 4.3.2 Short Pins 21 and 22 Normal Operation (default) Short Pins 20 and 21 Clear saved CMOS data ENET Jumper When using the Ethernet controller you must short pins 18 and 19 on the ENET jumper. To deactivate, short pins 17 and 18. Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 39 Hardware Reference 4.3.3 CF MASTER Jumper To make the compact flash the IDE master, short pins 23 and 24. 4.3.4 BIOS UNLOCK Jumper You can choose to lock access to the BIOS by shorting 25 and 26. 40 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual BIOS Quick Reference 5 The evaluation board is licensed with a single copy of Embedded BIOS and Embedded DOS software from General Software, Inc. This software is provided for demonstration purposes only and must be licensed directly from General Software, Inc. for integration with new designs. General Software may be reached at (800) 850-5755, on the Web at, or via e-mail at BIOS updates may periodically be posted to the Intel Developers’ Web site at 5.1 Embedded BIOS Introduction General Software’s Embedded BIOS brand BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) pre-boot firmware is the industry’s standard product used by most designers of embedded x86 computer equipment in the world today. Its superior combination of configurability and functionality enables it to satisfy the most demanding ROM BIOS needs for embedded designers. Its modular architecture and high degree of configurability make it the most flexible BIOS in the world. Although Embedded BIOS can be made to behave like a PC BIOS, it has a fundamentally different role. The goal of a PC BIOS is to provide the same standard user experience for all the systems it runs on. For example, this allows a wide range of users to intuitively use any notebook computer, regardless of brand. The goal of Embedded BIOS is completely different—it allows the embedded equipment manufacturer to differentiate its product from competing products in a way that is quick and cost effective—allowing the manufacturer to pass savings on to the end user. This operating guide describes all of the possible user features of Embedded BIOS. Most of these features are included in the demonstration BIOS on this platform, but not all can be included, either due to space limitations or because features have conflicting requirements. Some features require hardware support that is not present in all designs. You can see a list of included and available features in the BIOS browser included in your demonstration BIOS. Instructions for accessing the BIOS Browser are found later in this guide. Once you move from the demonstration BIOS to your own custom adaptation, you may choose to incorporate some or all applicable features, modifying them as necessary to fit your application. Therefore, some of the features discussed in this operating guide may not apply to your system’s Demonstration BIOS. 5.1.1 Features Dedicated to the embedded 80x86-based market, Embedded BIOS offers special-purpose features not provided by typical PC BIOS implementations. Embedded BIOS’s CPU-specific personality modules allow support of high-integration processors that have on-board timers, DMA controllers, serial ports, watchdog timers, power management, and other features. Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 41 BIOS Quick Reference With chipset support, virtually any add-on chipset, or CPU with on-board chipset can be supported by Embedded BIOS. Traditionally, chipsets provide DRAM memory management, bus control, and address space management. The Embedded BIOS architecture provides for chipset personality modules that can be selected for a project. Embedded BIOS’s board-level support provides for the OEM to control the BIOS’s access to chipset and CPU modules in major or subtle ways. Essentially a routing module, the board module contains routines, which call associated routines in the chipset and CPU personality modules. The board module routines can be modified as needed to replace the calls to the underlying CPU and chipset modules with custom code, as needed for hardware designs that work differently than standard reference designs supported by General Software. Embedded BIOS is implemented in hand-optimized 80x86 assembly language, with special code paths for many generations of processors. The code paths have been hand-tuned to minimize the interrupt latency commonly found in desktop BIOS implementations, and many of the “hot paths” of the BIOS have been straight-line optimized for the common case. ROM disk software is integrated directly with the system BIOS itself, eliminating the need to populate the ROM scan area with ROM BIOS extensions to simulate one or more floppy or hard disks in ROM. Instead, with the ROM disk configuration feature enabled, an image of a floppy or hard disk can be stored in ROM anywhere in the address space of the TARGET and treated as a solid-state drive. If the ROM disk feature is enabled, the ROM disk can be selectively turned on or off in the setup screen. RAM disk software is also integrated directly into the system BIOS to support PCMCIA SRAM cards and other RAM areas as floppy or hard disk emulators. SETUP even has a formatting screen for the RAM disk. The system BIOS supports a Resident Flash Disk (RFD) that provides read/write access to sectored Flash devices as though they were a floppy or hard disk of up to 32 Mbytes in size. The inclusion of this software makes it easy to support Flash in embedded and hand-held consumer electronics. Multiple RFDs can be supported in the same TARGET. The integrated BIOS debugger gives the engineer bringing up new hardware the capability of debugging the hardware with powerful tools like a disassembler, breakpoints, CMOS editing, A20line gating commands, cache control commands, PCI bus management commands, and Super I/O controls. The debugger is very useful for debugging chipset modules, CPU class modules, and initialization of user ROM extensions and hardware. Like the setup screen, the integrated BIOS debugger can run directly on a PC keyboard and video screen, or it can be redirected over an RS232 serial link. Embedded systems deployed into more inaccessible areas need watchdog timer support, so that they can automatically restart in the event that application or system software fails. Embedded BIOS provides watchdog timer control functions to allow operating systems and application programs to use watchdog timer hardware found in chipsets and certain CPU classes. Keyboard and video output may be selectively redirected over RS-232 serial links for different system components. For example, standard console I/O, such as that used by DOS and DOS applications, can be redirected over any COM port, including those built-into high-integration CPUs. Debugger I/O and setup screen I/O can also be redirected over the same or different RS-232 serial links. 42 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual BIOS Quick Reference A special Manufacturing Mode feature provides the necessary provisions for programming electronics products through a high-speed serial link, and then testing and repairing the same items in the field at service centers. The OEM can write custom software that uses Embedded BIOS Manufacturing Mode functions to perform virtually any maintenance or programming task on the TARGET under host control. 5.1.2 PC BIOS Features Embedded BIOS provides a comprehensive Power-On Self-Test (POST) algorithm that is automatically configured for the peripherals and capabilities selected by the adaptation engineer. During POST, hardware is initialized and tested, including the CPU, RAM, and peripherals. POST provides beep code diagnostics for errors when a display is not available, as well as error message diagnostics on the display when available. POST can also be configured to output status report codes to a manufacturing port (typically, port 80h) so that automated Q/A equipment can determine the status of a system during POST. A special set of ASCII POST status codes are also available through a serial port, for flexibility in the debugging process when new hardware is being brought up. Either POST code system, or both, can be used during debugging. The Embedded BIOS SETUP screen system is configurable at the source level by the adaptation engineer to contain any combination of subscreens, including basic CMOS configuration, custom configuration, shadow configuration, diagnostics screens, manufacturing mode, debugger access, and formatting of drive emulators such as RAM and RFD drives. Setup screens can also be customized at the source level (in the board personality module) to contain custom fields as required by the application. The BIOS browser is also available for your use. Selectable as a boot action or from within setup, it can present HTML files to your end users to document the platform, provide contact information for your company, etc. This provides a convenient means of providing information to help users recover from hardware problems, like a failed hard drive. Also available is a password protection system, so that a password must be provided by the enduser before POST allows booting of an operating system. The password is stored in CMOS, is oneway encrypted, and can be modified in a setup screen. The ability to shadow slower ROM devices with DRAM or SRAM is selectable in the shadow setup screen and calls chipset-specific code to enable shadowing for the BIOS ROM itself or for feature ROMs on a 16 Kbyte region basis. DRAM may take the form of FP, EDO, SDRAM, RDRAM, or other technologies. Embedded BIOS provides extensive support for both internal CPU cache control (i486 and above) and external cache control (typically chipset-controlled). Internal cache is managed by the CPU class personality modules, whereas external cache is managed by the cache manager, which directs peripherals (chipset, 8042, custom I/O ports, or CPU integrated peripherals) to manage the cache. Keyboard controls on the PC/AT keyboard are implemented for enabling and disabling the cache on the fly (while the system is running). The BIOS provides cache control services to applications that allow operating systems and user code to control and inspect the status of the cache. CPU speed controls are handled by the system BIOS by routing control through the appropriate logic (chipset, 8042, custom I/O ports, or CPU integrated peripherals). As with cache control, CPU speed is controllable while the system is running at the keyboard or via programming interfaces. Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 43 BIOS Quick Reference 5.1.3 Software Compatibility Embedded BIOS offers a high degree of compatibility with past and current BIOS standards, allowing it to run off-the-shelf operating system software and application software. Embedded BIOS has been tested with all industry-standard operating systems, including versions of Windows, Linux, DOS, and real time operating systems. Embedded BIOS is rigorously tested with programs such as AMI Diag, MSD, Check-It, Manifest, Q/A Plus, ensuring its compatibility with established desktop application standards. In addition to its standard data structures and programming interfaces, Embedded BIOS provides support for industry-standard initiatives, including ACPI, APM, El Torito, Legacy USB, MP, PCI, PMM, PXE, and SMBIOS (formerly DMI). 5.2 Power On Self Test When the TARGET is powered on, Embedded BIOS tests and initializes the hardware and programs the chipset and other peripheral components. During this time, Power On Self Test (POST) progress codes are written by the system BIOS to I/O port 80h, allowing the user to monitor the progress with a special monitor. Section 5.7.1, “Embedded BIOS POST Codes” on page 57 lists the POST codes and their meanings. During early POST, no video is available to display error messages should a critical error be encountered; therefore, POST uses beeps on the speaker to indicate the failure of a critical system component during this time. Consult Section 5.8, “Critical Error Beep Codes” on page 60 for a list of beep codes used by the TARGET’s BIOS. 5.2.1 The BIOS User Interface The TARGET BIOS can use the standard keyboard and video device, or use console redirection to demonstrate headless operation. For headless operation, remove the standard keyboard and screen devices and the system will boot unattended. If an RS232 cable is attached to COM1, a PC/ATstyle character-based POST is available from HyperTerminal, PROCOMM, or any other terminal emulator software that supports VT100 emulation. When a keyboard and video device are attached, the TARGET can display either a traditional character-based PC BIOS display with memory count-up, or it can display a graphical POST with splash screen and progress icons. Both POST displays accept a <DEL> key press to enter the setup screen, and both display boot-time progress activity displays. The graphical display shows the status of file system devices and even OEM-defined devices (when the OEM adapts the BIOS to a particular OEM platform), but omits character-based PCI resource display. The text-based POST displays the memory count-up and the PCI resource assignment table. Figure 7 shows the format of the text-based POST display. The display is very similar if console redirection through a COM port is used instead. 44 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual BIOS Quick Reference Figure 7. BIOS POST, the Text-based System Figure 8 shows the graphical version of POST. The BIOS decompresses the main image, and can display multiple overlaid graphics at various points in POST. The OEM can define the entire sequence and control the timing of the system for an embedded application, and can arrange to have different graphics displayed on each successive boot of the system. This feature is ideal for embedded systems that must show evidence of operation during startup, while the application loads underneath the splash screen. Once the application begins writing to the screen, the splash screen relinquishes control, providing a seamless graphical progression for the end user. Figure 8. The Graphical POST Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 45 BIOS Quick Reference When the TARGET is powered on for the first time, you’ll need to configure the system through the Setup Screen System (described later) before peripherals, such as disk drives, are recognized by the BIOS. The information is written to battery-backed CMOS RAM on the board’s Real Time Clock. Should the board’s battery fail, this information will be lost and the board will need to be reconfigured. The TARGET’s Basic Setup Screen provides an option to disable the graphical POST and switch to the legacy text-based version. This feature may not permanently disable the graphical POST if the BIOS adaptation calls for reverting to the graphical form after so many boots. If you find that the graphical POST comes back after several boots, it is because this option is enabled for this platform. Naturally, the OEM can use the Embedded BIOS Adaptation Kit to control whether Setup can be used to dictate the policy, and whether it is permanent or temporary. 5.3 Setup Screen System The TARGET is configured from within the Setup Screen System, a series of menus that can be invoked from POST by pressing the <DEL> key if the main keyboard is being used, or by pressing Ctrl C (^C) if the console is being redirected to a terminal program. Figure 9. Embedded BIOS Setup Screen Menu Once in the Setup Screen System (Figure 9), the user can navigate with the UP and DOWN arrow keys from the main console or use the Ctrl E (^E) and Ctrl X (^X) keys from the remote terminal program to accomplish the same thing. TAB and ENTER are used to advance to the next field, and ‘+’ and ‘-’ keys cycle through values, such as those in the Basic Setup Screen or the Diagnostics Setup Screen. 5.3.1 Basic CMOS Configuration Screen The TARGET’s drive types, boot activities, and POST optimizations are configured from the Basic Setup Screen (Figure 10). To use disk drives with your system, you must select appropriate assignments of drive types in the left-hand column. Then, if you are using true floppy and IDE drives (not memory disks that emulate these drives), you need to configure the drive types themselves in the Floppy Drive Types and IDE Drive Geometry sections. Finally, you’ll need to configure the boot sequence in the middle of the screen. Once these selections have been made, your system is ready to use. 46 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual BIOS Quick Reference Figure 10. Embedded BIOS Basic Setup Screen 5.3.2 Configuring Drive Assignments Embedded BIOS allows the user to map a different file system to each drive letter. The BIOS allows file systems for each floppy (Floppy0 and Floppy1), each IDE drive (Ide0, Ide1, Ide2, and Ide3), and memory disks when configured (Flash0, ROM0, RAM0, etc.). Figure 10 shows how the first floppy drive (Floppy0) is assigned to drive A: in the system, and then shows how the first IDE drive (Ide0) is assigned to drive C: in the system. To switch two floppy disks around or two hard disks around, map Floppy0 to B: and Floppy1 to A:, and for hard disks map Ide0 to D: and Ide1 to C:. Caution: Take care to not skip drive A: when making floppy disk assignments, as well as drive C: when making hard disk assignments. The first floppy should be A:, and the first hard drive should be C:. Also, do not assign the same file system to more than one drive letter. Thus, Floppy0 should not be used for both A: and B:. The BIOS permits this to allow embedded devices to alias drives, but desktop operating systems may not be able to maintain cache coherency with such a mapping in place. A special field in this section entitled “Boot Method: (Windows CE/Boot Sector)” is used to configure the CE Ready feature of the BIOS. For normal booting (DOS, Windows NT, etc.), select “Boot Sector” or “Unused.” 5.3.3 Configuring Floppy Drive Types If true floppy drive file systems (and not their emulators, such as ROM, RAM, or Flash disks) are mapped to drive letters, then the floppy drives themselves must be configured in this section. Floppy0 refers to the first floppy disk drive on the drive ribbon cable (normally drive A:), and Floppy1 refers to the second drive (drive B:). Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 47 BIOS Quick Reference 5.3.4 Configuring IDE Drive Types If true IDE disk file systems (and not their emulators, such as ROM, RAM, or Flash disks) are mapped to drive letters, then the IDE drives themselves must be configured in this section. The following table shows the drive assignments for Ide0-Ide3: Controller Master/ Slave Ide0 Primary (1f0h) Master Ide1 Primary (1f0h) Slave Ide2 Secondary (170h) Master Ide3 Secondary (170h) File System Name Slave To use the primary master IDE drive in your system (the typical case), configure Ide0 in this section, and map Ide0 to drive C: in the Configuring Drive Assignments section. The IDE Drive Types section lets you select the type for each of the four IDE drives: None, User, Physical, LBA, or CHS. The User type allows the user to select the maximum cylinders, heads, and sectors per track associated with the IDE drive. This method is now rarely used since LBA is now in common use. The Physical type instructs the BIOS to query the drive’s geometry from the controller on each POST. No translation on the drive’s geometry is performed, so this type is limited to drives of 512 Mbytes or less. Commonly, this is used with embedded ATA PC cards. The LBA type instructs the BIOS to query the drive’s geometry from the controller on each POST, but then translate the geometry according to the industry-standard LBA convention. This supports up to 128 Gbyte drives. Use this method for all new drives. The CHS type instructs the BIOS to query the drive’s geometry from the controller on each POST, but then translate the geometry according to the Phoenix CHS convention. Using this type on a drive previously formatted with LBA or physical geometry might show data as being missing or corrupted. EMBEDDED BIOS supports user-defined steps in the boot sequence. When the entire system has been initialized, POST executes these steps in order until an operating system successfully loads. In addition, other pre-boot features can be run before, after, or between operating system load attempts. The following actions are supported: • Drive A: - D: Boot operating system from specified drive. If “Loader” is set to “BootRecord” or “Unused,” then the standard boot record will be invoked, causing DOS, Windows95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows XP, Linux, or other industry-standard operating systems to load. If “Boot Method” is set to “Windows CE“, then the boot drive’s boot record will not be used, and instead the BIOS will attempt to load and execute the Windows CE Kernel file, NK.BIN, from the root directory of each boot device. • CDROM 48 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual BIOS Quick Reference Boot from the first IDE CDROM found that contains an El Torito bootable CDROM. • Debugger Launch the Integrated BIOS Debugger. To return exit the debugger environment, type “G” at the debugger prompt and press ENTER. • MFGMODE Initiate Manufacturing Mode, allowing the system to be configured remotely via an RS232 connection to a host computer. • WindowsCE Execute a ROM-resident copy of Windows CE, if available. This feature is not applicable unless configured by the OEM in the BIOS adaptation. • DOS in ROM Execute a ROM-resident copy of DOS, if available. This feature is not applicable unless an XIP copy of DOS has been stored in the BIOS boot ROM. • Alarm Generate an alarm by beeping the speaker and sending a signal to a Firmware Application running in the firmbase environment. The application can perform whatever processing is necessary to handle the alarm, including taking local action, interacting with other tightly coupled computers, or even notifying other systems on the network, for example. These applications are beyond the scope of the Embedded BIOS Adaptation Kit. • Maintenance Enter maintenance mode by sending a signal to a firmware application running in the firmbase environment. The application can perform whatever processing is necessary to implement the maintenance mode, which is largely defined to mean some state where the system is capable of being diagnosed and/or repaired in the field. These applications are beyond the scope of the Embedded BIOS Adaptation Kit. • RAS Enter remote access mode by sending a signal to a firmware application running in the firmbase environment. The application can perform whatever processing is necessary to implement the RAS mode, which is largely defined to mean some state where the system accepts remote connections for normal operation; not specifically for field maintenance. These applications are beyond the scope of the Embedded BIOS Adaptation Kit. • Power Off Cause the TARGET to switch off its power with a “soft off” feature, and signal firmware applications running in the firmbase environment that power is going down. These applications are beyond the scope of the Embedded BIOS Adaptation Kit. • Reboot Reboot the TARGET, and send a signal to a Firmware Application running in the Firmbase environment indicating that the TARGET is rebooting. These applications are beyond the scope of the Embedded BIOS Adaptation Kit. • CLI Enter command line mode by calling a special Board Module Function (BoardPostControl) that can be used to implement an OEM-defined Command Language Interpreter. The design of such an interpreter is beyond the scope of the Embedded BIOS Adaptation Kit. • None Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 49 BIOS Quick Reference No action; POST proceeds to the next activity in the sequence. 5.3.5 Custom Configuration Setup Screen The TARGET’s hardware-specific features are configured with the Custom Setup Screen (Figure 11). All features are straightforward except for the Redirect Debugger I/O option, which is an extra embedded feature that allows the user to select whether the Integrated BIOS Debugger should use standard keyboard and video or RS232 console redirection for interaction with the user. If no video is available, the debugger is always redirected. Figure 11. Embedded BIOS Custom Setup Screen 5.3.6 Shadow Configuration Setup Screen The TARGET’s Shadow Configuration Setup Screen (Figure 12) allows the selective enabling and disabling of shadowing in 16 Kbyte sections, except for the top 64 Kbytes of the BIOS ROM, which is shadowed as a unit. Normally, shadowing should be enabled at C000/C400 (to enhance VGA ROM BIOS performance) and then E000-F000 should be shadowed to maximize system ROM BIOS performance. Figure 12. Embedded BIOS Shadow Setup Screen 50 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual BIOS Quick Reference Embedded systems may require automated burn-in testing in the development cycle. This facility is provided directly in the TARGET’s system BIOS through the Standard Diagnostics Routines Setup Screen (Figure 13). To use the system, selectively enable or disable features to be tested, and then enable the “Tests Begin on ESC?” option to cause the system test suite to be invoked. To repeat the system test battery continuously, you should also enable the “Continuous Testing” option. When continuous testing is started, the system will continue until an error is encountered. Caution: Warning: The disk I/O diagnostics perform write operations on those drives; therefore, only spare drives should be used that do not contain data that could be harmed by the test. The keyboard test may fail when in fact the hardware is operating within reasonable limits. This is because although the device may produce occasional errors, the BIOS retries operations when failures occur during normal operation of the system. Figure 13. Standard Diagnostic Routines Setup Screen 5.3.7 Start System BIOS Debugger Setup Screen The Embedded BIOS Integrated Debugger may be invoked from the Setup Screen main menu, as well as a boot activity. Once invoked, the debugger will display the debugger prompt: EBDEBUG: and await debugger commands. To resume back to the Setup Screen main menu, type the following command, which instructs the debugger to “go”: EBDEBUG: G (ENTER) 5.3.8 Start RS232 Manufacturing Link Setup Screen The Embedded BIOS Manufacturing Mode may be invoked from the Setup Screen main menu, as well as a boot activity. Once invoked, Manufacturing Mode takes over the system and freezes the system console (Figure 14). The host can resume operation of the system and give control back to the TARGET Setup Screen system with special control software. Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 51 BIOS Quick Reference Figure 14. Start RS232 Manufacturing Link Setup Screen 5.3.9 Manufacturing Mode The TARGET’s BIOS may provide a special mode, called Manufacturing Mode, which allows the TARGET to be controlled by a host computer such as a laptop or desktop PC. Running special software supplied by General Software, the host can access the TARGET’s drives and manage the file systems on the TARGET, reprogram Flash memories, and test the TARGET hardware. There are several methods by which the TARGET can enter Manufacturing Mode. These methods are detailed elsewhere in this manual and others. Once the TARGET has entered Manufacturing Mode, the host PC may cause the TARGET to perform functions by issuing commands in protocol over the RS-232 connection. There are two ways to access the TARGET from the host PC. Sample Manufacturing Mode HOST Program The first way is to run a program that accesses the host-side Manufacturing Mode functions. An example of such a program is HOST.EXE, which can be obtained from General Software. This program runs under DOS and, using a full-screen windowing interface, illustrates the basic functionality of the Manufacturing Mode protocol. It should be noted that this program is a working example program, and is not intended to be a production-quality control tool. Run the HOST program on a “host” computer, so that its main menu is displayed. By default HOST connects via COM1 (3F8h). The default baud rate is set to “auto,” meaning it will use whatever baud rate the TARGET is set to. You can change both of these by using command line switches. Type “HOST /?” for the available switches. On the host, select “Get Target Attention,” within a couple seconds of selecting the manufacturing mode on the TARGET. You should see the host program immediately display a yellow status box that shows that the connection has been established. 52 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual BIOS Quick Reference If the connection has not been established, try the connection again on the host side, or reboot the TARGET and try again, this time having the host program get the TARGET’s attention within about two seconds of the TARGET’s entering of manufacturing mode. If this still fails, check that your null modem serial cable is connected securely to the proper ports. You may also want to lower the baud rate for the manufacturing mode on the TARGET, since a higher baud rate may be more error prone. Once you have established a connection, you can use HOST to test the link by continuously exercising it, or scanning the TARGET’s drives, or uploading files in Flash, and more. Manufacturing Mode Drive Redirection The second way to access the TARGET through Manufacturing Mode is to install the MFGDRV.SYS device driver on the host system. This device driver loads under MS-DOS and Windows 98 DOS mode, and maps a new drive letter on the host to a drive on the TARGET. It is a DOS-only driver, and will not operate under Linux or Windows, not even in a Windows DOS box. The INT 13h redirection support in the Manufacturing Mode protocol can be exposed by loading the MFGDRV.SYS device driver on the host by using the following CONFIG.SYS line: DEVICE=MFGDRV.SYS /BAUD=rate /PORT=COMn /UNIT=u /AUTO This device driver runs under any DOS-compatible operating system, and creates a drive letter on your host PC (usually D: if your last hard drive is C:) that can be used to interact with the specified INT 13h unit. The u parameter specifies the BIOS unit number of the floppy disk, RAM disk, RFD drive, or ROM disk to be redirected, where 0 corresponds to drive A: and 1 for drive B. By default, this value is 80 (a hex number without a “0x” in front or ‘h’ appended to it), which corresponds with the unit for the first hard drive or emulator. The /BAUD=rate parameter can be used to match the baud rate used by the TARGET’s BIOS. Legal values are 19K, 28K, 38K, 56K, and 115K. If this parameter is not specified, then the baud rate is autodetected. The /AUTO parameter, if specified, tells MFGDRV.SYS to automatically format the remote drive if it determines that it is unformatted. By default, MFGDRV.SYS will not automatically format the remote drive, and will instead examine the media for a pre-existing format. If not found, then MFGDRV.SYS asks the host PC operator if the remote drive should be formatted. Once the connection is established, you can read and write the TARGET’s drive as if it were simply another drive on your host system. The only difference is that it will be a bit slower over the serial connection. Note: MFGDRV.SYS assumes that other software does not reprogram the COM port being used on the host for its purposes, and that it has exclusive access to it. If you run other software, such as terminal Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 53 BIOS Quick Reference emulation programs, they may disable the COM port UART, causing MFGDRV.SYS to appear to stop working. It is best to avoid running such software on the host when MFGDRV.SYS is loaded. Note: HOST.EXE is an example of such a program, since it takes over the UART for its own purposes. If you run HOST.EXE when MFGDRV.SYS is loaded, you must reboot the host PC for the MFGDRV.SYS driver to reestablish its control over the UART. A full discussion of the uses of Manufacturing Mode is beyond the scope of this manual. Complete documentation and host-side software are available directly from General Software. For more information, visit the General Software web site at 5.4 Console Redirection The TARGET can operate either with a standard PC/AT or PS/2 keyboard and VGA video monitor, or with a special emulation of a console over an RS232 cable connected to a host computer running a terminal program. To see an example session with HYPERTERMINAL, see the debugger section’s screen display. To use the Console Redirection feature, remove the video display card from the system so that no video ROM is available for the BIOS to detect. In the absence of any video support, the BIOS automatically switches its keyboard and screen functions to serial I/O over COM1 on the board. The hardware connection to the host computer requires a null modem cable. The software on the TARGET can be any terminal emulation program that supports ANSI terminal mode, using 9600 baud, no parity, and one stop bit (Note: This can be modified by the OEM during BIOS adaptation.) The program must be set to not use flow control, or the console may seem to stall or not accept input. Caution: 5.5 Hyperterminal’s default setting is to use flow control, which will render the console inoperative. To change this, create a new session, change the flow control setting to “none,” save the session, and exit Hyperterminal. Then reinvoke Hyperterminal with the session and it will operate with the new flow control setting. CE-Ready—Windows CE Loader Your TARGET’s BIOS is CE-Ready and can directly boot Windows CE without loading an intermediate operating system such as DOS and LOADCEPC. Instead, the NK.BIN file can be placed on a disk drive or drive emulator, and then the BIOS can be configured through the Basic CMOS Configuration Setup Screen to boot the NK.BIN file from the boot drives instead of the boot records on those drives. To configure your system to boot Windows CE natively from a disk drive, set the Boot Method field to “Windows CE” in the Basic CMOS Configuration Setup Screen. Then, place a copy of NK.BIN suitable for execution by LOADCEPC in the root directory of your normal boot drive, such as drive C:. Then, reboot the system. The configuration box should be displayed (Figure 15) followed by the message “Loading Windows CE…” This indicates that the loading process is continuing. Once fully loaded, Windows CE takes over the system and runs using the standard PC keyboard, screen, and PS/2 mouse. 54 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual BIOS Quick Reference Figure 15. The CE-Ready Feature 5.6 Integrated BIOS Debugger The TARGET’s BIOS contains a built-in debugger that can be a valuable tool to aid the board bring-up process on new designs similar to the reference board. It supports a DOS SYMDEB-style command line interface, and can be used on the main console’s keyboard and screen, or over a redirected connection to a terminal program (see Section 5.4, above). To activate the debugger at any time from the main console, press the left shift and the control keys together. A display similar to the one in the Hyperterminal session below (Figure 16) will appear, containing the title, “Embedded BIOS Debugger Breakpoint Trap” and a snapshot of the CPU general registers. Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 55 BIOS Quick Reference Figure 16. Integrated BIOS Debugger To leave the debugger and resume the interrupted activity (whether POST, BIOS, DOS, Windows, or an application program), enter the “G” command (short for “go”) and press ENTER. If you were at a DOS prompt when you entered the debugger, then DOS will still be waiting for its command, and will not prompt again until you press ENTER again. The debugger can also be entered from the Setup Screen System, and as a boot activity (see Basic CMOS Setup Screen), as a last ditch effort during board bring-up and development if no bootable device is available. If your version of DOS, an application, or any OEM-supplied BIOS extensions have debugging code (i.e., “INT 3” instructions) remaining, then these will invoke the debugger automatically, although this is not an error. To continue, use the “G” command. When Embedded BIOS is adapted by the OEM, the debugger can be removed from the final production BIOS, and superfluous debugging code in the application will not cause the debugger to be invoked. A complete discussion of the debugger is beyond the scope of this chapter; however, complete documentation is available from General Software. 5.7 Troubleshooting POST This section provides a reference for debug aids useful in diagnosing booting. 56 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual BIOS Quick Reference 5.7.1 Embedded BIOS POST Codes To provide information to OEM developers about system faults, Embedded BIOS writes progress codes, also known as POST codes, to I/O port 80h during POST. These POST codes may be monitored by a port 80h card in either an ISA slot or PCI slot; they are not displayed on the screen. For more information about POST codes, contact General Software. Please note that the Embedded BIOS adaptation may be configured to reroute these codes over another I/O port or device. Mnemonic Code Code System Progress Report POST_STATUS_START 00h Start POST (BIOS is executing) POST_STATUS_CPUTEST 01h Start CPU register test POST_STATUS_DELAY 02h Start power-on delay POST_STATUS_DELAYDONE 03h Power-on delay finished POST_STATUS_KBDBATRDY 04h Keyboard BAT finished POST_STATUS_DISABSHADOW 05h Disable shadowing & cache POST_STATUS_CALCCKSUM 06h Compute ROM CRC, wait for KBC POST_STATUS_CKSUMGOOD 07h CRC okay, KBC ready POST_STATUS_BATVRFY 08h Verifying BAT command to KB POST_STATUS_KBDCMD 09h Start KBC command POST_STATUS_KBDDATA 0ah Start KBC data POST_STATUS_BLKUNBLK 0bh Start pin 23,24 blocking & unblocking POST_STATUS_KBDNOP 0ch Start KBC NOP command POST_STATUS_SHUTTEST 0dh Test CMOS RAM shutdown register POST_STATUS_CMOSDIAG 0eh Check CMOS checksum POST_STATUS_CMOSINIT 0fh Initialize CMOS contents POST_STATUS_CMOSSTATUS 10h Initialize CMOS status for date/time POST_STATUS_DISABDMAINT 11h Disable DMA, PICs POST_STATUS_DISABPORTB 12h Disable Port B, video display POST_STATUS_BOARD 13h Initialize board, start memory detection POST_STATUS_TESTTIMER 14h Start timer tests POST_STATUS_TESTTIMER2 15h Test 8254 T2, for speaker, port B POST_STATUS_TESTTIMER1 16h Test 8254 T1, for refresh POST_STATUS_TESTTIMER0 17h Test 8254 T0, for 18.2Hz POST_STATUS_MEMREFRESH 18h Start memory refresh POST_STATUS_TESTREFRESH 19h Test memory refresh POST_STATUS_TEST15US 1ah Test 15usec refresh ON/OFF time POST_STATUS_TEST64KB 1bh Test base 64 Kbytes memory POST_STATUS_TESTDATA 1ch Test data lines POST_STATUS_TESTADDR 20h Test address lines POST_STATUS_TESTPARITY 21h Test parity (toggling) POST_STATUS_TESTMEMRDWR 22h Test Base 64 Kbytes memory Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 57 BIOS Quick Reference 58 Mnemonic Code Code System Progress Report POST_STATUS_SYSINIT 23h Prepare system for IVT initialization POST_STATUS_INITVECTORS 24h Initialize vector table POST_STATUS_8042TURBO 25h Read 8042 for turbo switch setting POST_STATUS_POSTTURBO 26h Initialize turbo data POST_STATUS_POSTVECTORS 27h Modification of IVT POST_STATUS_MONOMODE 28h Video in monochrome mode verified POST_STATUS_COLORMODE 29h Video in color mode verified POST_STATUS_TOGGLEPARITY 2ah Toggle parity before video ROM test POST_STATUS_INITBEFOREVIDEO 2bh Initialize before video ROM check POST_STATUS_VIDEOROM 2ch Passing control to video ROM POST_STATUS_POSTVIDEO 2dh Control returned from video ROM POST_STATUS_CHECKEGAVGA 2eh Check for EGA/VGA adapter POST_STATUS_TESTVIDEOMEMORY 2fh No EGA/VGA found, test video memory POST_STATUS_RETRACE 30h Scan for video retrace signal POST_STATUS_ALTDISPLAY 31h Primary retrace failed POST_STATUS_ALTRETRACE 32h Alternate found POST_STATUS_VRFYSWADAPTER 33h Verify video switches POST_STATUS_SETDISPMODE 34h Establish display mode POST_STATUS_CHECKSEG40A 35h Initialize ROM BIOS data area POST_STATUS_SETCURSOR 36h Set cursor for power-on msg POST_STATUS_PWRONDISPLAY 37h Display power-on message POST_STATUS_SAVECURSOR 38h Save cursor position POST_STATUS_BIOSIDENT 39h Display BIOS identification string POST_STATUS_HITDEL 3ah Display “Hit <DEL> to ...” message POST_STATUS_VIRTUAL 40h Prepare protected mode test POST_STATUS_DESCR 41h Prepare descriptor tables POST_STATUS_ENTERVM 42h Enter virtual mode for memory test POST_STATUS_ENABINT 43h Enable interrupts for diagnostics mode POST_STATUS_CHECKWRAP1 44h Initialize data for memory wrap test POST_STATUS_CHECKWRAP2 45h Test for wrap, find total memory size POST_STATUS_HIGHPATTERNS 46h Write extended memory test patterns POST_STATUS_LOWPATTERNS 47h Write conventional memory test patterns POST_STATUS_FINDLOWMEM 48h Find low memory size from patterns POST_STATUS_FINDHIMEM 49h Find high memory size from patterns POST_STATUS_CHECKSEG40B 4ah Verify ROM BIOS data area again POST_STATUS_CHECKDEL 4bh Check for <DEL> pressed POST_STATUS_CLREXTMEM 4ch Clear extended memory for soft reset POST_STATUS_SAVEMEMSIZE 4dh Save memory size POST_STATUS_COLD64TEST 4eh Cold boot: Display 1st 64 Kbytes memtest Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual BIOS Quick Reference Mnemonic Code Code System Progress Report POST_STATUS_COLDLOWTEST 4fh Cold boot: Test all of low memory POST_STATUS_ADJUSTLOW 50h Adjust memory size for EBDA usage POST_STATUS_COLDHITEST 51h Cold boot: Test high memory POST_STATUS_REALMODETEST 52h Prepare for shutdown to real mode POST_STATUS_ENTERREAL 53h Return to real mode POST_STATUS_SHUTDOWN 54h Shutdown successful POST_STATUS_DISABA20 55h Disable A20 line POST_STATUS_CHECKSEG40C 56h Check ROM BIOS data area again POST_STATUS_CHECKSEG40D 57h Check ROM BIOS data area again POST_STATUS_CLRHITDEL 58h Clear “Hit <DEL>“ message POST_STATUS_TESTDMAPAGE 59h Test DMA page register file POST_STATUS_VRFYDISPMEM 60h Verify from display memory POST_STATUS_TESTDMA0BASE 61h Test DMA0 base register POST_STATUS_TESTDMA1BASE 62h Test DMA1 base register POST_STATUS_CHECKSEG40E 63h Checking ROM BIOS data area again POST_STATUS_CHECKSEG40F 64h Checking ROM BIOS data area again POST_STATUS_PROGDMA 65h Program DMA controllers POST_STATUS_INITINTCTRL 66h Initialize PICs POST_STATUS_STARTKBDTEST 67h Start keyboard test POST_STATUS_KBDRESET 80h Issue KB reset command POST_STATUS_CHECKSTUCKKEYS 81h Check for stuck keys POST_STATUS_INITCIRCBUFFER 82h Initialize circular buffer POST_STATUS_CHECKLOCKEDKEYS 83h Check for locked keys POST_STATUS_MEMSIZEMISMATCH 84h Check for memory size mismatch POST_STATUS_PASSWORD 85h Check for password or bypass setup POST_STATUS_BEFORESETUP 86h Password accepted POST_STATUS_CALLSETUP 87h Entering setup system POST_STATUS_POSTSETUP 88h Setup system exited POST_STATUS_DISPPWRON 89h Display power-on screen message POST_STATUS_DISPWAIT 8ah Display “Wait...” message POST_STATUS_ENABSHADOW 8bh Shadow system & video BIOS POST_STATUS_STDCMOSSETUP 8ch Load standard setup values from CMOS POST_STATUS_MOUSE 8dh Test and initialize mouse POST_STATUS_FLOPPY 8eh Test floppy disks POST_STATUS_CONFIGFLOPPY 8fh Configure floppy drives POST_STATUS_IDE 90h Test hard disks POST_STATUS_CONFIGIDE 91h Configure IDE drives POST_STATUS_CHECKSEG40G 92h Checking ROM BIOS data area POST_STATUS_CHECKSEG40H 93h Checking ROM BIOS data area Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 59 BIOS Quick Reference 5.8 Mnemonic Code Code System Progress Report POST_STATUS_SETMEMSIZE 94h Set base & extended memory sizes POST_STATUS_SIZEADJUST 95h Adjust low memory size for EBDA POST_STATUS_INITC8000 96h Initialize before calling C800h ROM POST_STATUS_CALLC8000 97h Call ROM BIOS extension at C800h POST_STATUS_POSTC8000 98h ROM C800h extension returned POST_STATUS_TIMERPRNBASE 99h Configure timer/printer data POST_STATUS_SERIALBASE 9ah Configure serial port base addresses POST_STATUS_INITBEFORENPX 9bh Prepare to initialize coprocessor POST_STATUS_INITNPX 9ch Initialize numeric coprocessor POST_STATUS_POSTNPX 9dh Numeric coprocessor initialized POST_STATUS_CHECKLOCKS 9eh Check KB settings POST_STATUS_ISSUEKBDID 9fh Issue keyboard ID command POST_STATUS_RESETID 0a0h KB ID flag reset POST_STATUS_TESTCACHE 0a1h Test cache memory POST_STATUS_DISPSOFTERR 0a2h Display soft errors POST_STATUS_TYPEMATIC 0a3h Set keyboard typematic rate POST_STATUS_MEMWAIT 0a4h Program memory wait states POST_STATUS_CLRSCR 0a5h Clear screen POST_STATUS_ENABPTYNMI 0a6h Enable parity and NMIs POST_STATUS_INITE000 0a7h Initialize before calling ROM at E000h POST_STATUS_CALLE000 0a8h Call ROM BIOS extension at E000h POST_STATUS_POSTE000 0a9h ROM extension returned POST_STATUS_DISPCONFIG 0b0h Display system configuration box POST_STATUS_INT19BOOT 00h Call INT 19h bootstrap loader POST_STATUS_LOWMEMEXH 0b1h Test low memory exhaustively POST_STATUS_EXTMEMEXH 0b2h Test extended memory exhaustively POST_STATUS_PCIENUM 0b3h Enumerate PCI busses Critical Error Beep Codes Embedded BIOS tests much of the hardware early in POST before messages can be displayed on the screen. When system failures are encountered at these early stages, POST uses beep codes (a sequence of tones on the speaker) to identify the source of the error. The following is a comprehensive list of POST beep codes for the system BIOS. BIOS extensions, such as VGA ROMs and SCSI adapter ROMs, may use their own beep codes, including short/long sequences, or possibly beep codes that sound like the ones below. When diagnosing a system failure, remove these adapters if possible before making a final determination of the actual POST test that failed. 60 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual BIOS Quick Reference Mnemonic Code Beep Count Description of Problem POST_BEEP_REFRESH 1 Memory refresh is not working POST_BEEP_PARITY 2 Parity error found in 1st 64KB of memory POST_BEEP_BASE64KB 3 Memory test of 1st 64KB failed POST_BEEP_TIMER 4 T1 timer test failed POST_BEEP_CPU 5 CPU test failed POST_BEEP_GATEA20 6 Gate A20 test failed POST_BEEP_DMA 7 DMA page/base register test failed POST_BEEP_VIDEO 8 Video controller test failed POST_BEEP_KEYBOARD 9 Keyboard test failed POST_BEEP_SHUTDOWN 10 CMOS shutdown register test failed POST_BEEP_CACHE 11 External cache test failed POST_BEEP_BOARD 12 General board initialization failed POST_BEEP_LOWMEM 13 Exhaustive low memory test failed POST_BEEP_EXTMEM 14 Exhaustive extended memory test failed POST_BEEP_CMOS 15 CMOS restart byte test failed POST_BEEP_ADDRESS_LINE 16 Address line test failed POST_BEEP_DATA_LINE 17 Data line test failed POST_BEEP_INTERRUPT 18 Interrupt controller test failed POST_BEEP_PASSWORD 1 Incorrect password used to access SETUP Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 61 Bill of Materials A Table 13. Bill of Materials (Sheet 1 of 7) Reference Description R45-46,R49,R108-110, R122,R302 Description Quantity Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number Resistor, 100, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 8 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-1000FRT1 Resistor, 1K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 36 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-1001FRT1 R4,R6,R8,R13,R5761, R72,R77,R87,R8993, R116,R128,R137,R139, R158,R173,R184185, R188189,R192, R195-196,R200,202, R212,R215,R220, R232,R261-262, R268,R277,R284,R292, R296,R299,R500503, R506,R514-517 Resistor, 10K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 54 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-1002FRT1 R95,R115,R127,R33 Resistor, 100K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 4 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-1003FRT1 R102,R117,R126,R129 Resistor, 1.21K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 4 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-1211FRT1 R187,R191,R308-309 Resistor, 150, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 4 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-1500FRT1 Resistor, 1.5K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 12 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-1501FRT1 R156-157,R162,R164 Resistor, 15K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 4 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-1502FRT1 R149,R167,R170 Resistor, 2K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 3 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-2001FRT2 R37,R50,R94,R505 Resistor, 221, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 4 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-2210FRT1 R5,R7,R10,R301 Resistor, 2.21K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 4 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-2211FRT1 R15,R43,R81 Resistor, 22.1K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 3 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-2212FRT1 Resistor, 232K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 8 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-2323FRT1 Resistor, 243, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 3 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-2430FRT1 R3,R9,R11-12,R20, R22-23,R7476,R7980, R85,R97-99,R105, R113,R124,R144, R166,R168,R186,R194, R198,R204,R259-260, R263-266,R294,R298, R303,R504 R106,R111,R118-120, R125,R134-136,R146, R148,R199 R16,R19,R21,R24,R44, R96,R509-510 R175-176,R213 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 63 Bill of Materials Table 13. Bill of Materials (Sheet 2 of 7) Reference Description Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number Description Quantity Resistor, 2.74K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 21 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-2741FRT1 Resistor, 332, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 19 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-3320FRT1 R112 Resistor, 3.92K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 1 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-3921FRT2 R18,R3334,R3841,R86, R171,R174,R197, R207-211,R214, R216-219,R248,R267 Resistor, 4.75K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 23 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-4751FRT1 R31 Resistor, 47.5K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 1 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-4752FRT2 R36,R42 Resistor, 475K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 2 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-4753FRT1 R30,R314 Resistor, 549, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 2 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-5490FRT1 R238,R293 Resistor, 5.62K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 2 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-5621FRT1 R35,R54 Resistor, 562K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 2 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-5623FRT1 R28,R103 Resistor, 619, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 2 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-6190FRT1 R29 Resistor, 66.5K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 1 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-6652FRT1 R32,R88,R131133, R138,R141-143, R153,R161,R511-512 Resistor, 8.25K, 1%, 1/16W, 100PPM, 0603 13 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-8251FRT1 R121,R123 Resistor, 10, 1%, 1/16W, 200PPM, 0603 2 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-10R0FRT1 Resistor, 22.1, 1%, 1/16W, 200PPM, 0603 13 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-22R1FRT1 Resistor, 27.4, 1%, 1/16W, 200PPM, 0603 4 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-27R4FRT1 Resistor, 33.2, 1%, 1/16W, 200PPM, 0603 29 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-33R2FRT1 R190,R193 Resistor, 47.5, 1%, 1/16W, 200PPM, 0603 2 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-47R5FRT1 R101,R172,R205 Resistor, 56.2, 1%, 1/16W, 200PPM, 0603 3 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-56R2FRT2 Resistor, ZERO ohm, .05 ohm MAX, 0603 16 DALE/VISHAY CRCW0603-000RT1 R25-26,R47-48,R51-52, R55-56,R82-84,R107, R114,R130,R145, R178-183 R53,R104,R305,R310, R312-313,R315322, R324,R325,R327-329 R203,R269,R279-282, R285-291 R159-160,R163,R165 R140,R154,R222-230, R234-237,R239-242, R249-257,R297 R17,R67-71,R206, R270-276,R278,R513 64 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Bill of Materials Table 13. Bill of Materials (Sheet 3 of 7) Reference Description Description Quantity Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number R169 Resistor, 1M, 1%, 1/8W, 100PPM, 1206 1 DALE/VISHAY CRCW1206-1004FRT2 R100 Resistor, 10, 1%, 1/8W, 100PPM, 1206 1 DALE/VISHAY CRCW1206-10R0FRT1 R306-307 Resistor, 75, 1%, 1/8W, 100PPM, 1206 2 DALE/VISHAY CRCW1206-75R0FRT1 R150-151,R507-508 Resistor, 2.7ohm, 5%, 1/8W, 400PPM, 1206 4 DALE/VISHAY CRCW1206-2R7JRT2 R177 Resistor, .005, 1%, 2W, 20PPM, smt 1 IRC OARS1R005FTR No loads 21 C1,C5-8,C13-16, C35-37,C44-45,C51, C99,C112,C115,C157, C192,C204 Capacitor, mon cer, 1uF, +80-20, 25V, 1206 21 AVX 12063G105ZAT2A C73,C300,C308,C311 Capacitor, mon cer, 10PF, 10%, 50V, 0603 4 AVX 06035A100KAT2A Capacitor, mon cer, 100P, 5%, 50V, 0603 23 AVX 06035A101JAT2A Capacitor, mon cer, 22P, 5%, 50V, 0603 6 AVX 06035A220JAT2A Capacitor, mon cer, 47P, 5%, 50V, 0603 6 AVX 06035A470JAT2A Capacitor, mon cer, 470P, 5%, 50V, 0603 9 AVX 06035A471JAT2A Capacitor, mon cer, 1000P, 10%, 50V, 0603 9 AVX 06035C102KAT2A Capacitor, mon cer, 0.01uF, 20%, 50V, 0603 43 AVX 06035C103K(M)AT2A R6266,R78,R147,R152, R155,R231,R233, R243-R247,R258,R283, R295,R300,R326 C18-33,C38,C40-41, C53-55,C167 C63-64,C107-108, C240-241 C174-175,C219-220, C224,C231 C34,C50,C57-60,C294, C297,C304 C74,C86,C156,C163, C165,C299,C301-302, C305 C39,C52,C79,C83-85, C90-92,C101-103, C136-144,C177-178, C181-182,C226,C228230,C244,C255-257, C261-262,C266, C317-323 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 65 Bill of Materials Table 13. Bill of Materials (Sheet 4 of 7) Reference Description Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number Description Quantity Capacitor, mon cer, 0.1uF, 20%, 16V, 0603 168 AVX 0603YC104K(M)AT2A C164 Capacitor, mon cer, 1500p, 10%, 50V, 0603 1 AVX 06035C152KAT2A C3,C10,C147 Capacitor, mon cer, 2200PF, 10%, 50V, 0603 3 AVX 06035C222KAT2A Capacitor, alum, 1200uF, 20%, 25V, .197 radial 7 PANASONIC EEUFC1E122 SANYO 25MV1200AX or -GX C56,C67 Capacitor, alum, 220uF, 20%, 25V, .197 radial 2 PANASONIC EEUFC1E221B C104,C111 Capacitor, alum, 150uF, 20%, 35V, .138 radial 2 PANASONIC EEUFC1V151 C66,C109-110,C151, C155,C186-187,C216, C242-243,C252-253, C267,C272,C278,C290, C293,C309,C312 Capacitor, tant, 4.7UF, 20%, 10V, 3528 19 KEMET T491B475K010AS C81-82,C303,C500 Capacitor, tant, 22U, 20%, 16V, 7343 4 KEMET T491D226K025AS-TR C258 Capacitor, tant, 33U, 20%, 16V, 7343 1 KEMET T491D336M016ASTAPE FB1-23 Inductor, ferrite bead, 3A, 30ohm@100MHz, 0805 23 MURATA ELECTR BLM21P300SPT L2 Inductor, 1.68uH, 13.9A, smt 1 PULSE PE-53691T L1 Inductor, 4.7uH, 10%, 30mA, DCR=1ohm, 0805 1 MURATA ELECTR LQG21N4R7K10T1 D2-3 Diode, signal, 30V, 500mA, SOT23 2 GENERAL SEMICON BAT54C C2,C4,C9,C11-12,C17, C46-49,C61-62,C65, C68-72,C75-78,C80, C87-89,C93-97,C100, C105-106,C113-114, C116-135,C145-146, C148-150,C152-154, C158-161,C166,C169173,C176,C179-180, C183-185, C188-191,C193-195, C197-199,C201-203, C205-215,C217218, C221,C225,C227, C232-239,C245-251, C259-260,C263-265, C268-271,C273-277, C279-289,C291-292, C295-296,C298, C306-307,C310, C313-316,C324-325, C501-505 C162,C168,C196,C200, C222-223,C254 PHILIPS 66 BAT54C Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Bill of Materials Table 13. Bill of Materials (Sheet 5 of 7) Reference Description Description Quantity DS1 Diode, rectifier, 3A, 40V, smt 1 D1 Diode, signal, 150mA, 75V, SOT23 1 Y3 Crystal, 32.768KHz tuning fork, thruhole 1 Y4 Crystal, 14.318 MHz, .005%, smt 1 Y1 Crystal, 24.567MHz, 50PPM, Y2 U9 Manufacturer Manufacturer Part Number ON SEMI MBRS340T3 VISHAY MMBD4148-7 FAIRCHILD MMBD4148 FOX NC-38,32.768KHz M-TRON MMCC-1 FOX FPX-143-14.318MHz T/ R M-TRON SX2050P-14.31818MHz T/R 1 FOX FE245F-20 Crystal, smt, 25.000MHz, .005% 1 EPSON MA-406-25.000M-G IC, Digital temp monitor, SSOP16 1 TI THMC10DBQR U2-3 IC, Digital RS232 Driver, SO20 2 TI SN75C185DWR U7 IC, Digital LVC Hex Inverter, SO14 1 TI SN74LVC06AD U8 IC, Digital LVC Hex Inverter Schmitttrigger, SO14 1 TI SN74LVC14ADR U50 IC, Digital HC Nand Gate, SO14 1 TI SN74HC00ADR U4 IC, Audio amplifier, stereo, 2W/ch, SOL14 1 NATIONAL SEMI LM1877M-9 VR1 IC, Voltage Regulator, 3.3V@250mA, SOT223 1 SEMTECH EZ5Z3L-S3.3 TR U6 IC, EEPROM, 64X16, I2C, SO8 1 ATMEL AT93C46-10SC-1.8 T&R CATALYST CAT93C46BS-TE13 U13 IC, 440MX chipset, 100MHz, BGA492 1 INTEL FW82443MX100 U5 IC, 10/100 Ethernet controller, PCI, BGA196 1 INTEL GD82559 U14 IC, Super I/O, PC98/99, 5V, PQFP100 1 SMC FDC37M812 QFP U15 IC, System clock generator, SSOP56 1 ICS ICS9250BF-19 U12 IC, Power FET drivers, TSSOP14 1 ANALOG DEVICES ADP3410KRU U10 IC, Switching power regulator, TSSOP28 1 ANALOG DEVICES ADP3421JRU Q8-9 Transistor, FET, 30V, 12.5A, 9mohm@10v, SO8 2 SILICONIX/ VISHAY SI4420DY Q3-4 Transistor, FET, 60V, 115mA, SOT23 2 ON SEMI 2N7002LT1 Q7 Transistor, npn, 200V, 320mA, SOT223 1 ZETEX ZVNL120GTA Q1-2,Q12 Transistor, npn, 40V, 200mA, SOT23 3 ON SEMI MMBT3904LT1 Q6 Transistor, pnp, 60V, 600mA, SOT23 1 ON SEMI MMBT2907ALT1 Q5 Transistor, pnp, 80V, 8A, DPAK 1 ON SEMI MJD45H11T4 S1 Audio speaker, 5v, 2.7KHz, thru-hole 1 GOLDEN PACIFIC GB-0905EP-1 Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 67 Bill of Materials Table 13. Bill of Materials (Sheet 6 of 7) Reference Description D6-7 LED, green, 7-seg display, 10pin Quantity 2 Manufacturer AGILENT Manufacturer Part Number HDSP-7801 D4 LED, green, 1206-smt 1 STANLEY BG1101W-TR D8 LED, yellow, 1206-smt 1 STANLEY AY1101W-TR F3 Fuse, resettable, 1.5A, 15V, smt 1 RAYCHEM SMD150-2 F1-2,F4 Fuse, resettable, 1.1A, 30V, smt 3 RAYCHEM SMD100-2 KYCON GSP-B-S2-GG-9100 AMPHENOL RJMG-7326-71-01 BEL FUSE 0812-1X1T-03 J7 68 Description Connector, Stacked RJ45 and Dual USB, with 10/100Base-T magnetics, and status LEDs 1 U1 IC, Audio codec, ’AC97, LQFP48 1 SIGMATEL STAC9721T J18 Connector, CompactFlash Type-II socket, r/a 1 3M N7E50-7516HG-40 J9-11 Connector, PCI Edge Socket, 5V/32bit 3 AMP 145154-8 J12 Connector, ITP Debug Header, 30pin 1 AMP 104068-3 J8 Connector, CD-ROM Audio Header, 4pin 1 JST B 4B-PH-K J4 Connector, PS/2 Dual Stack, 6pin mini-din 1 KYCON KMDG-6S/6S-S4N P1 Connector, CPU Fan, 3P w/ friction lock 1 AMP 640456-3 MOLEX 22-23-2031 J1-3 Connector, 3.5mm Stereo Jack, r/a 3 RDI SJ510C J19 Connector, 10x2 r/a header, 0.1" spacing 1 MOLEX 10-88-3201 J16 Connector, Floppy Header, 34pin, shrouded 1 AMP 103308-7 J17 Connector, IDE Header, 40pin, shrouded 1 AMP 103308-8 J5-6 Connector, Serial 9pin Sub-D Plug, r/ a 2 AMP 788754-2 J13 Connector, ATX Power, 20pin, straight, shrouded 1 MOLEX 39-29-9202 E1-26 Machine-applied pin 26 AMP 87623-4 U16 Socket, TSOP40, smt, w/ cover 1 YAMAICHI IC197-4004-2000 J14-15 Socket, DIMM, 168pin, 3.3v nonbuffered 2 AMP 390074-6 U11 Socket, uPGA-2, ZIF, 495pin 1 FOXCONN PZ49505-2141-02 BS1 Battery Socket, 2032-type coin, w/ eject tab 1 MEMORY PROT DEV BA2032 U17-18 IC, PLD, PAL22V10, PLCC28 (needs programmed) 2 LATTICE PALCE22V10H-15JC/4 XU16 IC, flash, 512kx8, 80ns, TSOP40 (needs prog’d) 1 MICRON MT28F004B5VG-6T Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual Schematics B Schematics are provided for the following items listed below. Schematics are available from the Intel Developer’s Web site in PDF format. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Block diagram Routing guidelines Processor Part 1 and 2 ITP socket 440MX part 1 and 2 DIMM sockets Super I/O, BIOS and post code display IDE, Compact Flash and floppy connectors Serial, keyboard, mouse, USB connectors Power and front panel connectors 82559 Ethernet AC’97 CODEC and sound I/O PCI 1 and 2 PCI 3 Voltage regulators Pullup/Pulldown resistors Intel® 440MX Scalable Low Power Development Kit User’s Manual 69 D C B A PAGE 14 15 16 17 18 19 AC97 CODEC AND SOUND I/O PCI CONNECTORS 1 AND 2 PCI CONNECTOR 3 VOLTAGE REGULATORS PULLUP/PULLDOWN RESISTORS 6 5 4 THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. 3 2 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED THIS SCHEMATIC IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted herein. Intel disclaims all liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to use of information in this specification. Intel does not warrant or represent that such use will not infringe such rights. 13 9 DIMM SOCKETS 82559 ETHERNET 8 SYSTEM CLOCK & STRAPPING OPTIONS 12 7 440MX 2 OF 2 POWER AND FRONT PANEL CONNECTORS 6 440MX 1 OF 2 11 5 PROCESSOR 2 OF 2 SERIAL, KEYBOARD, MOUSE, USB CONNECTORS 4 PROCESSOR 1 OF 2 AND ITP SOCKET IDE, COMPACTFLASH, AND FLOPPY CONNECTORS 3 ROUTING GUIDELINES 10 2 BLOCK DIAGRAM SUPER I/O, BIOS, AND POST CODE DISPLAY 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE 2 B 1 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING TABLE OF CONTENTS Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 05/30/01 DATE TITLE B 09-20-01 Changes to the following: Changed TEST# pullup on MX to 3VSB Super I/O: added circuitry to generate AEN during DMA cycles (needed on SMSC SIO) A 08-06-01 Initial Revision A Schematics 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 REVISION HISTORY 5 INTEL(R) 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD 6 SHEET LAST REV 1 OF 19 09/20/01 10:29 AM B D C B A D C B A 6 BLOCK DIAGRAM PCI Slot 2 Sheet 16 5 Sheet 14 RJ-45 Sheet 14 82559 Ethernet PCI Slot 1 PCI Sheet 16 PCI Slot 3 Sheet 17 Sheets 4,5 Low Power Celeron(R) Processor Sheet 12 Sheet 10 THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. 3 2 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT Sheet 12 PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse Sheet 13 IR Header Sheet 11 Floppy Sheet 15 Mic In Sheet 15 Line In Sheet 15 Spkr/HP Out Sheet 11 CompactFlash Sheet 11 IDE (40 pin) Sheet 9 B 1 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING BLOCK DIAGRAM Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 05/30/01 DATE TITLE Sheet 18 Sheet 8 DIMM Sockets (2) System Power 2 System Clock NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Sheet 10 Sheet 10 Super I/O Sheet 15 IDE MEM AC97 Sound 3 Serial RS232 (2) Sheets 6,7 440MX100 Integrated Chipset 512kB Flash BIOS 4 Sheet 4 ITP Socket 4 POST Code Display INTEL(R) 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD 5 GTL+ X-Bus 6 AC97 Link SHEET LAST REV 2 OF 19 09/20/01 10:29 AM B D C B A D C B A 5 GTL+ signals between the CPU and 440MX should be between 1.9” and 4.3” long. Route GTL+ signals on layer adjacent to GND, and do not change layers. Signals between the CPU and 440MX must not differ in length by more than 1”. Spacing between adjacent signals should be as large as possible > 10 mils except for short distances for fanout. Total distance for fanout allowance is 250 mil. Route VREF_GTL signal as a minimum 25 mil trace, and keep 25 mil from other traces. Route CPU_PLL[2:1] using 25 mil trace, minimize loop area, and keep 25 mil from other traces. • • • • • • • • • • 6 5 4 Series damping resistors must be less than 0.5” from clock IC. Clock traces should be routed on inner layers, with layer transitions at an absolute minimum. Spacing between clock trace and any other trace should be > 12 mils, serpentine spacing > 18 mils. MX_HCLK must be between 3.25” and 5.85” long, and CPU_HCLK must be 877 mils +/- 1 mil longer than MX_HCLK. ITP_HCLK should be the same length as CPU_HCLK. PCI clocks to the slots should be the same length, +/- 2”, but less than 12.5” long. Onboard PCI device clocks same as above, but 2.5” longer than PCI clocks to slots. MEM_CLKs to the DIMMs should be the same length, +/- 0.1”, and between 1.0” and 4” long. CLK_DCLKOUT should be the same length as the MEM_CLKs, +/- 0.1”. CLK_DCLKIN should be 2.5” longer than CLK_DCLKOUT, +/- 0.1”. Clock Specific Routing Requirements • • • • • • CPU Routing Requirements • Nominal trace impedance must be 65 ohms +/- 10%. Vias for decoupling capacitors must be kept as close as possible to capacitor pad. Finished board thickness is .062” +/- .007”. Outer layers must be ½ oz copper before plating, inner layers must be 1 oz copper. Series termination resistors must be kept as close to the driving pins as possible Signals with multiple endpoints should be daisy-chained, signal should not split into branches. GND plane must not be split Bypass capacitors on signals going to I/O connectors should be located as close to the connector as possible Check specific schematic pages for additional routing information THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. 3 2 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT B 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING ROUTING GUIDELINES Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 05/30/01 DATE TITLE SHEET LAST REV 3 OF 19 09/20/01 10:29 AM B PCI signals should be similar length, routed in a daisy-chain fashion together to each component, with the 440MX as the last component. Total length of PCI signals must be less than 25”. NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED • • PCI Bus Routing Requirements • • Length of MEM Bus lines should be between 1” and 4”. Spacing between other MEM Bus traces should be 10mil, spacing should be 5 mil for no more than 0.5”. Spacing to non-MEM Bus traces should be atleast 20 mil. MEM Bus traces should not transition between layers, except to get to the topside for the chipset. Memory Bus Routing Requirements • • 1 Keep all unrelated signals and power planes away from switching regulator and related circuitry. Power input and output traces should be routed with minimal length while maximizing width. • • 2 Switching Power Supply Routing Requirements 3 • • • • • • • • 4 General Board Design Requirements ROUTING GUIDELINES INTEL(R) 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD 6 D C B A D C B 6 4,6 8 4,6,19 6,19 6,19 6,19 19 6,19 13 6,19 6,19 19 6,19 6,19 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 19 6 6 6 6 6 GTL_HREQ#0 VREF_GTL CPU_HCLK GTL_CPURST# CPU_INIT# CPU_NMI CPU_INTR CPU_SLP# CPU_STPCLK# CPU_PWRGD CPU_SMI# CPU_IGNNE# CPU_FLUSH# CPU_FERR# CPU_A20M# GTL_HTRDY# GTL_RS#2 GTL_RS#1 GTL_RS#0 GTL_DEFER# GTL_HITM# GTL_HIT# GTL_HLOCK# GTL_BNR# GTL_BPRI# GTL_BREQ0# CPU_IERR# GTL_ADS# GTL_HREQ#4 GTL_HREQ#3 GTL_HREQ#2 GTL_HREQ#1 VIA30 SMT0603 6 VIA8 VIA18 VIA31 VIA33 VIA32 VIA29 VIA16 VIA20 VIA17 VIA19 GTL_HA#31 GTL_HA#30 GTL_HA#29 GTL_HA#28 GTL_HA#27 GTL_HA#26 GTL_HA#25 GTL_HA#24 GTL_HA#23 GTL_HA#22 GTL_HA#21 GTL_HA#20 GTL_HA#19 GTL_HA#18 GTL_HA#17 GTL_HA#16 GTL_HA#15 GTL_HA#14 GTL_HA#13 GTL_HA#12 GTL_HA#11 GTL_HA#10 GTL_HA#9 GTL_HA#8 L1 L4 M3 A6 AA10 AC19 AB18 AB12 AC11 V5 AB10 AC13 AC9 AC12 AD10 U2 Y1 W1 AA2 U1 U3 Y4 V1 R1 T4 U4 C6 AD9 V21 E6 Y2 AB1 AA1 AB2 W2 W5 W3 V2 V4 T2 C5 B4 A5 A4 C2 B2 A3 B3 C1 C3 D4 D5 E2 D1 D3 C4 E1 F2 F4 F1 E4 H1 G1 K4 J3 J1 K1 K5 D5# D6# D7# D8# D9# D10# D11# D12# D13# D14# D15# D16# D17# D18# D19# D20# D21# A8# A9# A10# A11# A12# A13# A14# A15# A16# A17# A18# A19# A20# A21# A22# A23# A24# D25# D26# D27# D28# D29# D30# D31# D32# A28# A29# A30# A31# A32# A33# A34# A35# D35# D36# D37# D38# REQ1# REQ2# REQ3# REQ4# D41# ADS# D44# D45# D46# D47# D48# AP0# AP1# BERR# BINIT# IERR# D51# D52# D53# D54# D55# D56# BPRI# BNR# LOCK# HIT# HITM# DEFER# D60# D61# D62# RS2# RSP# TRDY# DEP1# DEP2# DEP3# DEP4# FLUSH# IGNNE# SMI# PWRGOOD# NMI/LINT1 BCLK RESET# EDGECTRLP BSEL1 BSEL0 THERMDC THERMDA DRDY# INTR/LINT0 INIT# DEP7# DBSY# SLP# DEP6# STPCLK# DEP5# DEP0# FERR# D63# D59# RS1# A20M# D58# RS0# D57# D50# BREQ0# D49# D43# AERR# D42# D40# RP# D39# D34# REQ0# D33# D24# D23# A27# A26# D22# D4# A7# Mobile PIII/Celeron 1 of 4 D3# A6# A25# D2# A5# GTL_HD#6 GTL_HD#7 GTL_HD#8 GTL_HD#9 GTL_HD#10 GTL_HD#11 GTL_HD#12 GTL_HD#13 GTL_HD#14 GTL_HD#15 GTL_HD#16 GTL_HD#17 GTL_HD#18 GTL_HD#19 GTL_HD#20 GTL_HD#21 GTL_HD#22 GTL_HD#23 GTL_HD#24 GTL_HD#25 GTL_HD#26 GTL_HD#27 GTL_HD#28 GTL_HD#29 GTL_HD#30 GTL_HD#31 GTL_HD#32 GTL_HD#33 GTL_HD#34 GTL_HD#35 GTL_HD#36 GTL_HD#37 GTL_HD#38 GTL_HD#39 GTL_HD#40 GTL_HD#41 GTL_HD#42 GTL_HD#43 GTL_HD#44 GTL_HD#45 GTL_HD#46 GTL_HD#47 GTL_HD#48 GTL_HD#49 GTL_HD#50 GTL_HD#51 GTL_HD#52 GTL_HD#53 GTL_HD#54 GTL_HD#55 GTL_HD#56 GTL_HD#57 GTL_HD#58 GTL_HD#59 GTL_HD#60 GTL_HD#61 GTL_HD#62 GTL_HD#63 C10 B11 C12 B13 A14 B12 E12 B16 A13 D13 D15 D12 B14 E14 C13 A19 B17 A18 C17 D17 C18 B19 D18 B20 A20 B21 D19 C21 E18 C20 F19 D20 D21 H18 F18 J18 F21 E20 H19 E21 J20 H21 L18 G20 P18 G21 K18 K21 M18 L21 R19 K19 T20 J21 L20 M19 U18 R18 VIA4 VIA6 VIA3 VIA9 VIA1 VIA2 VIA5 T21 U21 R21 V18 P21 P20 U19 AA16 AB15 AA12 5 SMT0603 SMT0603 THERMDA THERMDC GTL_DBSY# GTL_DRDY# AB16 T1 AA15 AA3 R123 VIA7 V20 10 GTL_HD#5 A9 R122 GTL_HD#4 B9 100 GTL_HD#3 C8 4 4 6 6 6 VCC3 8 4 4 13 4,6,19 CPU_BSEL1 CPU_BSEL0 ITP_HCLK ITP_TMS ITP_TCK ITP_RST# 8 8 Reserved 10 4 133 MHz (NOT Supported) 100 MHz 01 11 66 MHz 00 System Bus Freq SMT0603 R190 SMT0603 R193 47R5 SMT0603 R175 47R5 243 BSEL[1:0] GTL_CPURST# VCC3 2. The ITP connector should be located near the processor 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 SMT0603 R213 VCC3 VCC3 SMT0603 SMBUS Address: 1001 110x THERMDC THERMDA 243 R205 VCC3 4 4 4 4 4 8 7 6 10 4 3 2 STBY# 11 14 12 15 3 0 SMT0603 R78 EMPTY 4.7UF C242 SMB_CLK SMT0805 2 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. L1 6,8,9,13,14,19 7,19 SMT0603 VIA10 VIA11 VIA12 VIA13 VCC1_5 VIA28 SMT0603 VCC1 VCC2 PICCLK VCC5 VCC6 VCC7 BP3# BPM0# BPM1# VCC10 VCC11 VCC12 VCC13 VCC14 VCC15 TDI TDO TMS TRST# PREQ# PRDY# VCC20 CMOSREF2 VCC29 VCC30 VCC31 VCC32 VCC33 VCC34 VCC35 VREF2 VREF3 VREF4 VREF5 VREF6 VREF7 VCC39 VCC40 TESTLO1 TESTLO2 VCC44 VCC45 TESTP3 TESTP4 PLL2 PLL1 VCC43 TESTP2 +12 B CPU FAN AB19 U15 U13 U11 U9 U7 T16 T14 T12 T10 T8 R15 R13 R11 R9 R7 P16 P14 P12 P10 P8 N15 N13 N11 N9 N7 M16 M14 M12 M10 M8 L15 L13 L11 L9 L7 K16 K14 K12 K10 K8 J15 J13 J11 J9 J7 H16 H14 H12 H10 H8 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING P1 2.54MM HEADER 3 2 1 Mobile PIII/Celeron 2 of 4 RSVD VCC49 VCC48 VCC47 VCC46 VCC42 TESTP1 VCC41 VCC38 TESTHI VCC37 VCC36 VCC28 VREF1 VCC27 VCC26 VCC25 VCC24 VCC23 VCC22 VREF0 GHI# RTTIMPEDP VCC19 CMOSREF1 VCC21 VCC18 CLKREF VCC17 VCC16 VCC9 TCK VCC8 VCC4 BP2# VCC3 VCC0 PICD1 1 PICD0 VCC M2 L2 G4 AA17 H4 AD20 N5 Y5 AD17 Y18 Y17 U5 F17 F5 E17 E16 E5 R2 AD19 AD18 AA9 P2 W20 AB20 AA14 AD14 AC15 AD13 AA11 W19 W21 Y21 AA21 AA18 Y20 AB21 U11 PROCESSOR 1 OF 2 AND ITP SOCKET Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 09/18/01 DATE TITLE CPU_PLL2 C258 16v 33UF CPU_PLL1 VIA26 VIA14 VIA27 VIA15 Place between CPU and MX MLF2012A4R7 4.7UH VCC1_5 ITP_PRDY# ITP_PREQ# ITP_TRST# ITP_TMS ITP_TDO ITP_TDI 6,8,9,13,14,19 VCC1_5 SMB_ALERT# 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ITP_TCK VREF_CMOS 2 VREF_GTL SMT0603 SMB_DATA 4,6 SMT0603 THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT ALERT# SMBCLK SMBDATA NC:1,5,9,13,16 THMC10DBQR GND1 GND ADD1 ADD0 DXN DXP VCC U9 VCC3 CPU THERMAL MONITOR ITP_PRDY# ITP_PREQ# ITP_TRST# ITP_TDO ITP_TDI 10v VREF_CLK VCC2_5 NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 4 4 ITP DEBUG PORT AMP 104068-3 30 12 11 29 10 8 6 4 2 9 7 5 3 1 J12 VCC1_5 1. Terminating resistors on the ITP signals should be located within 1" of the ITP connector ROUTING NOTES - ITP SMT0603 GTL_HA#7 GTL_HD#2 C7 GTL_HD#[63:0] SMT0603 GTL_HA#6 D1# A4# GTL_HD#1 D11 SMT0603 J2 GTL_HD#0 D10 R176 243 D0# R198 1K A3# R186 1K SMT0603 U11 SMT0603 L3 R204 1K A SMT0603 R187 150 GTL_HA#5 SMT0603 R191 150 K3 SMT0603 TANT_3528 R170 2K R167 2K SMT0603 SMT0603 R136 1.5K R144 1K GTL_HA#4 R125 1.5K SMT0603 C195 0.1UF R97 1K GTL_HA#3 SMT0603 SMT0603 R194 1K 2200PF C147 SMT0603 R99 1K C161 0.1UF 3 SMT0603 4 TANT_D GTL_HA#[31:3] 5 R124 1K SMT0603 SMT0603 R79 SMT0603 SMT0603 R98 1K R149 2K R101 56.2 R199 1.5K SMT0603 1K SMT0603 SMT0603 6 C232 0.1UF C202 0.1UF C123 0.1UF C169 0.1UF C236 0.1UF C133 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 R111 1.5K R168 1K SMT0603 SMT0603 R77 10K R166 1K 6 SMT0603 56.2 C146 0.1UF R206 0 SMT0603 SMT0603 SHEET LAST REV VCCCORE1 4 OF 19 09/20/01 10:29 AM B D C B A D C B 6 N2 M20 M15 M13 M11 M9 M7 L19 L16 L14 L12 L10 L8 L5 K20 K15 K13 K11 K9 K7 K2 J19 J16 J14 J12 J10 J8 J4 H20 H15 H13 H11 H9 H7 H2 G19 G3 F20 F16 F15 F14 F13 F12 F11 F10 F9 F8 F7 F6 F3 E19 E13 E11 E10 E9 E8 E7 E3 D9 D7 D6 D2 C19 C16 C15 C11 C9 B18 B15 B10 B8 B7 B6 B5 B1 A21 VSS79 VSS78 VSS77 VSS76 VSS75 VSS74 VSS73 VSS72 VSS71 VSS70 VSS69 VSS68 VSS67 VSS66 VSS65 VSS64 VSS63 VSS62 VSS61 VSS60 VSS59 VSS58 VSS57 VSS56 VSS55 VSS54 VSS53 VSS52 VSS51 VSS50 VSS49 VSS48 VSS47 VSS46 VSS45 VSS44 VSS43 VSS42 VSS41 VSS40 VSS39 VSS38 VSS37 VSS36 VSS35 VSS34 VSS33 VSS32 VSS31 VSS30 VSS29 VSS28 VSS27 VSS26 VSS25 VSS24 VSS23 VSS22 VSS21 VSS20 VSS19 VSS18 VSS17 VSS16 VSS15 MTG1 MTG2 MTG3 MTG4 MTG5 MTG6 VSS156 VSS155 VSS154 VSS153 VSS152 VSS151 VSS150 VSS149 VSS148 VSS147 VSS146 VSS145 VSS144 VSS143 VSS142 VSS141 VSS140 VSS139 VSS138 VSS137 VSS136 VSS135 VSS134 VSS133 VSS132 VSS131 VSS130 VSS129 VSS128 VSS127 VSS126 VSS125 VSS124 VSS123 VSS122 VSS121 VSS120 VSS119 VSS118 VSS117 VSS116 VSS115 VSS114 VSS113 VSS112 VSS111 VSS110 VSS109 VSS108 VSS107 VSS106 VSS105 VSS104 VSS103 VSS102 VSS101 VSS100 VSS99 VSS98 VSS97 VSS96 VSS95 VSS94 VSS93 VSS13 VSS14 VSS92 VSS91 VSS90 VSS89 VSS88 VSS87 VSS86 VSS85 VSS84 VSS12 VSS11 VSS10 VSS9 VSS8 VSS7 VSS6 VSS5 VSS4 496 497 498 499 500 501 AD21 AD16 AD5 AD1 AC21 AC18 AC16 AC14 AC10 AC5 AC2 AC1 AB17 AB14 AB13 AB11 AB9 AB5 AB3 AA20 AA13 AA4 Y19 Y16 Y15 Y14 Y13 Y12 Y11 Y10 Y9 Y3 W18 W4 V19 V3 U20 U16 U14 U12 U10 U8 T19 T18 T15 T13 T11 T9 T7 T5 T3 R20 R16 R14 R12 R10 R8 R5 R4 R3 P19 P15 P13 P11 P9 P7 P5 N20 N19 N18 N16 N14 N12 N10 N8 N4 N3 4.7UF C151 4.7UF C253 10v 4.7UF C110 VCC1_5 10v VCCCORE1 10v VCCCORE1 10v 10v 10v 5 4.7UF C243 4.7UF C252 4.7UF C109 10v 4.7UF C216 10v 4.7UF C155 VCCCORE1 VCCCORE1 VCC1_5 C145 0.1UF VSS83 C251 0.1UF VSS82 C179 0.1UF VSS81 C154 0.1UF VSS80 C184 0.1UF VSS3 C206 0.1UF VSS2 4 C130 0.1UF VSS1 C118 0.1UF VSS0 C120 0.1UF A8 C172 0.1UF A7 C119 0.1UF A2 C152 0.1UF W11 W10 W9 W8 W7 W6 V17 V16 V15 V14 V13 V12 V11 V10 V9 V8 V7 V6 U17 U6 T17 T6 R17 R6 P17 P6 P1 N17 N6 M17 M6 L17 L6 K17 K6 J17 J6 H17 H6 G17 G16 G15 G14 G13 G12 G11 G10 G9 G8 G7 G6 NC24 NC23 NC22 NC21 NC20 NC19 NC18 NC17 NC16 NC15 NC14 NC13 NC12 NC11 NC10 NC9 NC8 NC7 NC6 NC5 NC4 NC3 NC2 NC1 VID4 VID3 VID2 VID1 VID0 VCCT71 VCCT70 VCCT69 VCCT68 VCCT67 VCCT66 VCCT65 VCCT64 VCCT63 VCCT62 VCCT61 VCCT60 VCCT59 VCCT58 VCCT57 VCCT56 VCCT55 VCCT54 VCCT53 VCCT52 VCCT51 4 of 4 Intel Mobile Celeron/PIII VCCT50 VCCT49 VCCT48 VCCT47 VCCT46 VCCT45 VCCT44 VCCT43 VCCT42 VCCT41 VCCT40 VCCT39 VCCT38 VCCT37 VCCT36 VCCT35 VCCT34 VCCT33 VCCT32 VCCT31 VCCT30 VCCT29 VCCT28 VCCT27 VCCT26 VCCT25 VCCT24/VCC VCCT23 VCCT22 VCCT21 VCCT20 VCCT19 VCCT18 VCCT17 VCCT16 VCCT15 VCCT14 VCCT13 VCCT12 VCCT11 VCCT10 VCCT9 VCCT8 VCCT7 VCCT6 VCCT5 VCCT4 VCCT3 VCCT2 VCCT1 VCCT0 U11 AD15 AC20 AC17 AC3 AA19 AA5 P4 P3 M5 M4 J5 H5 H3 G18 G5 G2 E15 D16 D14 D8 C14 A17 A16 A15 AB4 AC4 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD8 AD7 AD6 AC8 AC7 AC6 AB8 AB7 AB6 AA8 AA7 AA6 Y8 Y7 Y6 W17 W16 W15 W14 W13 W12 VCC1_5 SMT0603 0 0 SMT0603 R70 SMT0603 R68 3 VCC3 VCC3 VCC3 2 VCC3 CPU_VID4 CPU_VID3 CPU_VID2 CPU_VID1 CPU_VID0 THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. 2 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT SMT0603 R71 SMT0603 R69 SMT0603 R67 NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 0 0 0 VCC3 R61 10K A12 C189 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 0 EMPTY R66 R60 10K A C198 0.1UF VCC1_5 C117 0.1UF VCCCORE1 C127 0.1UF 3 C124 SMT0603 SMT0603 0 EMPTY R65 R59 10K U11 4 C149 0.1UF 5 C121 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 0 EMPTY R64 R58 10K 0 R63 R57 10K R62 EMPTY SMT0603 SMT0603 6 TANT_3528 TANT_3528 TANT_3528 SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 TANT_3528 TANT_3528 TANT_3528 C126 0.1UF C201 0.1UF C218 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C235 0.1UF C134 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C234 0.1UF C215 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C214 0.1UF C180 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C129 0.1UF C211 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C122 0.1UF C237 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C171 0.1UF C135 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C128 0.1UF C173 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C148 0.1UF C185 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C247 0.1UF C207 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C250 0.1UF C239 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C210 0.1UF C190 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C249 0.1UF C170 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C158 0.1UF C199 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C131 0.1UF C132 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C233 0.1UF C159 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C125 0.1UF C153 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C160 0.1UF C150 0.1UF 0.1UF C248 0.1UF C203 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C246 0.1UF C238 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 0 EMPTY TANT_3528 TANT_3528 B 1.90v 1.85v 1.80v 1.75v 1.70v 1.65v 1.60v 1.55v 1.50v 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001 01010 1.200v 1.175v 1.150v 1.125v 1.100v 1.075v 1.050v 1.025v 1.000v 0.975v 0.950v 0.925v No CPU 10100 10101 10110 10111 11000 11001 11010 11011 11100 11101 11110 11111 1.250v 10011 1.275v 10001 1.225v No CPU 10000 10010 1.30v 01111 1.35v 1.40v 01110 01101 01100 1.45v 1.95v 00001 01011 2.00v 00000 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING PROCESSOR 2 OF 2 Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 09/18/01 DATE TITLE 18 18 18 18 18 VCC CPU VID[4:0] CORE VOLTAGE 1 SHEET LAST REV 5 OF 19 09/20/01 10:29 AM B D C B A D C B 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4,19 4 4 4 4 4 4,6 4,6 GTL_RS#2 GTL_RS#1 GTL_RS#0 VREF_GTL GTL_HTRDY# GTL_HREQ#4 GTL_HREQ#3 GTL_HREQ#2 GTL_HREQ#1 GTL_HREQ#0 GTL_HLOCK# GTL_HITM# GTL_HIT# MX_HCLK GTL_DRDY# GTL_DEFER# GTL_DBSY# GTL_CPURST# GTL_BREQ0# GTL_BPRI# GTL_BNR# GTL_ADS# GTL_HA#[31:3] 6 GTL_HA#31 GTL_HA#30 GTL_HA#29 GTL_HA#28 GTL_HA#27 GTL_HA#26 GTL_HA#25 GTL_HA#24 GTL_HA#23 GTL_HA#22 GTL_HA#21 GTL_HA#20 GTL_HA#19 GTL_HA#18 GTL_HA#17 GTL_HA#16 GTL_HA#15 GTL_HA#14 GTL_HA#13 GTL_HA#12 GTL_HA#11 GTL_HA#10 GTL_HA#9 GTL_HA#8 GTL_HA#7 GTL_HA#6 GTL_HA#5 GTL_HA#4 GTL_HA#3 SMT0603 V21 V24 W26 T24 U25 V25 T22 T23 T26 U23 U26 V23 J24 U22 R22 U21 J26 W25 R24 R26 V26 K25 K26 L24 N23 H23 J23 M26 L25 K22 M25 L23 K23 N25 J21 L26 L22 N26 P26 M22 M23 M24 P23 T25 N24 P22 R25 N22 R23 P25 F20 K21 RS2# RS1# RS0# HTRDY# HREQ4# HREQ3# HREQ2# HREQ1# HREQ0# HLOCK# HITM# HIT# HCLKIN DRDY# DEFER# DBSY# CPURST# BREQ0# BPRI# BNR# ADS# HA31# HA30# HA29# HA28# HA27# HA26# HA25# HA24# HA23# HA22# HA21# HA20# HA19# HA18# HA17# HA16# HA15# HA14# HA13# HA12# HA11# HA10# HA9# HA8# HA7# HA6# HA5# HA4# HA3# VTTB VTTA GTLREF 82443MX100 1 of 4 STPCLK# SMI# RCIN# NMI INTR INIT# IGNNE# FERR# A20M# A20GATE HD63# HD62# HD61# HD60# HD59# HD58# HD57# HD56# HD55# HD54# HD53# HD52# HD51# HD50# HD49# HD48# HD47# HD46# HD45# HD44# HD43# HD42# HD41# HD40# HD39# HD38# HD37# HD36# HD35# HD34# HD33# HD32# HD31# HD30# HD29# HD28# HD27# HD26# HD25# HD24# HD23# HD22# HD21# HD20# HD19# HD18# HD17# HD16# HD15# HD14# HD13# HD12# HD11# HD10# HD9# HD8# HD7# HD6# HD5# HD4# HD3# HD2# HD1# HD0# 5 GTL_HD#42 GTL_HD#43 GTL_HD#44 GTL_HD#45 GTL_HD#46 GTL_HD#47 GTL_HD#48 GTL_HD#49 GTL_HD#50 GTL_HD#51 GTL_HD#52 GTL_HD#53 GTL_HD#54 GTL_HD#55 GTL_HD#56 GTL_HD#57 GTL_HD#58 GTL_HD#59 GTL_HD#60 GTL_HD#61 GTL_HD#62 GTL_HD#63 A21 B21 D20 D19 E20 F18 E19 C20 E16 A22 C18 A20 E17 D18 D17 B19 A19 E18 B18 F17 A18 D16 MX_FERR# CPU_IGNNE# CPU_INIT# CPU_INTR CPU_NMI XBUS_RCIN# CPU_SMI# CPU_STPCLK# B1 A2 B2 B3 A3 D4 C2 E3 CPU_A20M# GTL_HD#41 B20 XBUS_A20GATE GTL_HD#40 C17 B4 GTL_HD#39 D22 C4 GTL_HD#38 GTL_HD#25 E22 F19 GTL_HD#24 B24 GTL_HD#37 GTL_HD#23 H22 D21 GTL_HD#22 G22 GTL_HD#36 GTL_HD#21 C24 B22 GTL_HD#20 D23 GTL_HD#35 GTL_HD#19 D26 A24 GTL_HD#18 D25 GTL_HD#34 GTL_HD#17 F24 C21 GTL_HD#16 B25 GTL_HD#33 GTL_HD#15 H25 B23 GTL_HD#14 F26 GTL_HD#32 GTL_HD#13 C25 GTL_HD#31 GTL_HD#12 G23 GTL_HD#30 GTL_HD#11 F23 GTL_HD#29 GTL_HD#10 G25 E21 GTL_HD#9 J22 B26 GTL_HD#8 H21 E23 GTL_HD#7 E25 A25 GTL_HD#6 J25 GTL_HD#28 GTL_HD#5 F25 A23 GTL_HD#4 H26 GTL_HD#27 GTL_HD#3 D24 C23 GTL_HD#2 E26 GTL_HD#26 GTL_HD#1 G26 C26 GTL_HD#0 4,19 4,19 10,19 4,19 4,19 4,19 4,19 4,19 10,19 4,19 CPU_FERR# ZVNL120 VCC3 2 4 SMT0603 G24 4 R116 10K F22 GTL_HD#[63:0] 3 4 VCC1_5 Q7 1 SMT0603 VREF_GTL SMT0603 R117 1.21K SMT0603 U13 AE19 AC18 AB18 AD20 AE20 AF20 AE21 AE22 AD21 AF21 AF22 MEM_MAA3 MEM_MAA4 MEM_MAA5 MEM_MAA6 MEM_MAA7 MEM_MAA8 MEM_MAA9 MEM_MAA10 MEM_MAA11 MEM_MAA12 MEM_MAA13 AF19 AE17 AD19 AC16 AB25 MEM_CS#0 MEM_CS#1 MEM_CS#2 MEM_CS#3 CLK_DCLKIN AF17 AD26 AC26 MEM_DQM5 MEM_DQM6 MEM_DQM7 IDE_PDIORDY_R IDE_PDIOW#_R IDE_PDIOR#_R IDE_PDDRQ_R IDE_PDDACK#_R AA5 AB7 AF6 AF5 AB5 AC6 AF7 IDE_PDD13_R IDE_PDD15_R AA9 IDE_PDD12_R AE8 AE7 IDE_PDD14_R AC8 AA8 IDE_PDD7_R AB9 AB8 IDE_PDD6_R AA10 AC7 IDE_PDD5_R IDE_PDD11_R AE5 IDE_PDD4_R IDE_PDD10_R AD8 IDE_PDD3_R IDE_PDD9_R AD5 IDE_PDD2_R IDE_PDD8_R AE6 AC5 IDE_PDCS3#_R IDE_PDD1_R AB6 IDE_PDCS1#_R AA7 AD7 IDE_PDA2_R IDE_PDD0_R AA6 IDE_PDA1_R IDE_PDD[15:0]_R AF8 IDE_PDA0_R AA19 AE15 MEM_DQM4 MEM_WE# AC25 MEM_DQM3 AE16 AD25 MEM_DQM2 MEM_RAS# AF16 MEM_DQM1 AF18 AD16 MEM_DQM0 MEM_CAS# MEM_DQM[7:0] AC24 AC20 MEM_CKE3# SMT0603 AB19 MEM_CKE2# CLK_DCLKOUT AB17 MEM_CKE1# CLK_DCLKO_R AC19 MEM_MAA2 R203 AC17 MEM_MAA1 AA18 22.1 AE18 MEM_MAA0 MEM_CKE0# MEM_MAA[13:0] SMT0603 PIORDY PDIOW# PDIOR# PDDRQ PDDACK# PDD15 PDD14 PDD13 PDD12 PDD11 PDD10 PDD9 PDD8 PDD7 PDD6 PDD5 PDD4 PDD3 PDD2 PDD1 PDD0 PDCS3# PDCS1# PDA2 PDA1 PDA0 WE# SRAS# SCAS# DQM7 DQM6 DQM5 DQM4 DQM3 DQM2 DQM1 DQM0 DCLKO DCLK CS3# CS2# CS1# CS0# CKE3# CKE2# CKE1# CKE0# MA13 MA12 MA11 MA10 MA9 MA8 MA7 MA6 MA5 MA4 MA3 MA2 MA1 MA0 U13 TEST# RTCX2 RTCX1 VCCRTC SMBCLK SMBDATA MD63 MD62 MD61 MD60 MD59 MD58 MD57 MD56 MD55 MD54 MD53 MD52 MD51 MD50 MD49 MD48 MD47 MD46 MD45 MD44 MD43 MD42 MD41 MD40 MD39 MD38 MD37 MD36 MD35 MD34 MD33 MD32 MD31 MD30 MD29 MD28 MD27 K5 M3 M1 N2 J3 J2 V22 Y26 Y25 Y24 AB24 AA25 AA26 AB26 AF25 AE26 AD23 AE25 AF24 AF23 AE24 AE23 AD17 AC15 AB16 AB15 AC14 AD12 AC13 AB14 AD13 AB12 AD11 AC12 AB11 AC11 AB10 AC9 W24 Y23 W23 W21 W22 Y22 AA23 AB23 AC22 AC23 AA22 Y21 AB21 AB22 AC21 AB20 AE14 AF15 AF14 AE13 AD15 AE12 AF13 AF12 AF11 AE11 AC10 AD9 AE10 AF10 AF9 AE9 3 SMT0603 4.75K R174 SMT0603 R169 SMT1206 Y3 32.768KHZ 1M SMB_CLK SMB_DATA MEM_MD63 MEM_MD62 MEM_MD61 MEM_MD60 MEM_MD59 MEM_MD58 MEM_MD57 MEM_MD56 MEM_MD55 MEM_MD54 MEM_MD53 MEM_MD52 MEM_MD51 MEM_MD50 MEM_MD49 MEM_MD48 MEM_MD47 MEM_MD46 MEM_MD45 MEM_MD44 MEM_MD43 MEM_MD42 MEM_MD41 MEM_MD40 MEM_MD39 MEM_MD38 MEM_MD37 MEM_MD36 MEM_MD35 MEM_MD34 MEM_MD33 MEM_MD32 MEM_MD31 MEM_MD30 MEM_MD29 MEM_MD28 MEM_MD27 MEM_MD26 MEM_MD25 MEM_MD24 MEM_MD23 MEM_MD22 MEM_MD21 MEM_MD20 MEM_MD19 MEM_MD18 MEM_MD17 MEM_MD16 MEM_MD15 MEM_MD14 MEM_MD13 MEM_MD12 MEM_MD11 MEM_MD10 MEM_MD9 MEM_MD8 MEM_MD7 MEM_MD6 MEM_MD5 MEM_MD4 MEM_MD3 MEM_MD2 MEM_MD1 MEM_MD0 THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. 2 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT 82443MX100 2 of 4 MD26 MD25 MD24 MD23 MD22 MD21 MD20 MD19 MD18 MD17 MD16 MD15 MD14 MD13 MD12 MD11 MD10 MD9 MD8 MD7 MD6 MD5 MD4 MD3 MD2 MD1 MD0 NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 9 9 9 9 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8,9 SMT0603 3VSB 4,8,9,13,14,19 4,8,9,13,14,19 CLR E20 E21 3 E22 NRM CMOS CLR MEM_MD[63:0] B 440MX 1 OF 2 9 2 D3 1 SOT23 BAT54C 2 1 3VSB 3 1 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 09/18/01 DATE TITLE SMT0603 2 SMT0603 3 C245 0.1UF SMT0603 4 C241 22PF C240 22PF R302 100 R303 1K VCC1_5 5 BA2032 A C209 0.1UF C183 0.1UF C188 0.1UF C213 0.1UF C217 0.1UF C197 0.1UF 6 BS1 SMT0603 SMT0603 SHEET LAST REV 6 OF 19 09/20/01 10:29 AM B D C B A D C B A 3VSB 19 15,19 15 12 12 12 12 12 12 8 10 10 10 10,19 10 8,10 10,19 10,19 11,19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 10,19 10,19 10,19 10,19 10,19 19 10 U4 R1 Y4 U3 AD2 Y3 AF3 W6 Y2 AE3 AF2 F5 U1 U2 XBUS_DREQ2 XBUS_IOCHRDY XBUS_IOR# XBUS_IOW# XBUS_IRQ1 XBUS_IRQ3 XBUS_IRQ4 XBUS_IRQ5 XBUS_IRQ6 XBUS_IRQ7 XBUS_IRQ12 XBUS_IRQ14 XBUS_MEMR# XBUS_MEMW# XBUS_SA0 V1 XBUS_DREQ1 M4 J1 L4 K2 L2 USB_P1_OC# USB_P0+_R USB_P0-_R USB_P1+_R USB_P1-_R D2 E1 AC_SDIN0 6 C1 AC_BITCLK AC_SDIN1 K1 L1 L5 AD4 V3 N1 SMT0603 R513 XBUS_SYSCLK USB_P0_OC# 0 U5 XBUS_SA18 T1 W4 XBUS_SA17 XBUS_SD7 U6 XBUS_SA16 T3 Y1 XBUS_SA15 XBUS_SD6 W2 XBUS_SA14 V4 AC3 XBUS_SA13 XBUS_SD5 W5 XBUS_SA12 V6 AC2 XBUS_SA11 XBUS_SD4 AA1 XBUS_SA10 R2 W1 XBUS_SA9 XBUS_SD3 AB3 XBUS_SA8 T2 AC4 XBUS_SA7 XBUS_SD2 AA3 XBUS_SA6 V2 AB2 XBUS_SA5 XBUS_SD1 AA2 XBUS_SA4 V5 AE2 XBUS_SA3 XBUS_SD0 AD1 XBUS_SA2 USB_CLK48 XBUS_TC VIA44 XBUS_SD[7:0] AE1 XBUS_SA1 AC1 T4 XBUS_RSTDRV XBUS_SA[18:0] R4 XBUS_BIOSCS# AB4 AE4 XBUS_DREQ0 XBUS_OSC AB1 XBUS_DACK#2 AC_DATA_IN1 AC_DATA_IN0 AC_BIT_CLK VSSUSB USBP1- USBP1+ USBPO- USBPO+ OC1 OC0 CLK48 VCCUSB TC SYSCLK SD7 SD6 SD5 SD4 SD3 SD2 SD1 SD0 SA18 SA17 SA16 SA15 SA14 SA13 SA12 SA11 SA10 SA9 SA8 SA7 SA6 SA5 SA4 SA3 SA2 SA1 SA0 RSTDRV BIOSCS# OSC MEMW# MEMR# IRQ14 IRQ12 IRQ7 IRQ6 IRQ5 IRQ4 IRQ3 IRQ1 IOW# IOR# IOCHRDY DREQ2 DREQ1 DREQ0 DACK2# 82443MX100 3 of 4 5 AC_SYNC AC_SDATA_OUT AC_RST# VREF TRDY# STOP# SERR# PREQ2# PREQ1# PREQ0# PLOCK# PIRQB# PIRQA# PGNT2# PGNT1# PGNT0# PCIRST# PCICLK PAR IRDY# FRAME# DEVSEL# CLKRUN# C/BE3# C/BE2# C/BE1# C/BE0# AD31 AD30 AD29 AD28 AD27 AD26 AD25 AD24 AD23 AD22 AD21 AD20 AD19 AD18 AD17 AD16 AD15 AD14 AD13 AD12 AD11 AD10 AD9 AD8 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 PCI_AD2 D1 G5 F2 F7 F10 F9 D8 AC_SYNC AC_SDOUT AC_RST# PCI_TRDY# PCI_STOP# PCI_SERR# PCI_REQ#2 PCI_REQ#1 A14 E14 PCI_REQ#0 PCI_LOCK# PCI_IRQ#B PCI_IRQ#A PCI_GNT#2 PCI_GNT#1 PCI_GNT#0 PCI_RST# PCI_CLKF PCI_PAR PCI_IRDY# PCI_FRAME# PCI_DEVSEL# PCI_CLKRUN# PCI_CBE#3 PCI_CBE#2 PCI_CBE#1 PCI_CBE#0 PCI_AD[31:0] D15 F8 E5 D5 D14 C16 E15 E12 A15 B12 D9 A12 E8 B17 D13 A13 B10 B6 PCI_AD31 C15 PCI_AD29 PCI_AD30 PCI_AD28 B13 B16 PCI_AD27 A17 PCI_AD26 C13 PCI_AD25 A16 B15 PCI_AD24 PCI_AD23 D12 C11 PCI_AD22 PCI_AD21 C12 E13 PCI_AD20 PCI_AD19 PCI_AD18 PCI_AD17 PCI_AD16 PCI_AD15 PCI_AD14 PCI_AD13 B14 C10 E10 D11 C9 B11 A10 A11 PCI_AD12 E9 PCI_AD9 PCI_AD8 PCI_AD11 PCI_AD10 D10 C8 A8 B9 PCI_AD7 PCI_AD6 A6 A7 PCI_AD5 A9 PCI_AD4 PCI_AD3 PCI_AD1 B7 E7 B8 PCI_AD0 A5 D7 15 15 15 10v 4.7UF C267 VCC3 14,16,17,19 14,16,17,19 14,16,17,19 16,19 16,19 14,19 16,17,19 16,17,19 16,17,19 16,19 16,19 14,19 11,14,16,17 8 14,16,17 14,16,17,19 14,16,17,19 14,16,17,19 14,19 14,16,17 14,16,17 14,16,17 14,16,17 14,16,17 10v 4.7UF C186 10v 4.7UF C187 10v MX_VREF VCC 4.7UF C272 SMT0603 DACK1# TANT_3528 R85 1K DACK0# 4 VCC3 SMT0603 U13 TANT_3528 C113 0.1UF Y5 VCC3 13 14 13,14 10,13 13,19 8 17,19 17,19 19 13,19 14,16,17,19 16,17,19 19 13,15 12 19 19 4,19 10,19 19 19 19 19 19 19 10,14,16,17,19 G2 PM_SUSB# VIA23 F4 D6 C5 J5 MX_GPIO1 MX_GPIO2 MX_GPIO3 MX_GPIO4 J4 PM_RI# B5 PCI_GNT#3 P4 P5 A4 3VSB MX_GPIO28 VIA41 VIA42 R5 MX_GPIO26 VIA43 PCI_REQ#3 MX_GPIO27 T5 MX_GPIO25 E2 PM_EXTSMI# K3 MX_GPIO20 VIA35 E6 N4 MX_GPIO19 VIA38 PCI_IRQ#D G4 MX_GPIO18 VIA25 C6 K4 MX_GPIO17 VIA34 PCI_IRQ#C P3 P2 N5 MX_GPIO16 VIA37 P1 MX_GPIO15 VIA39 MX_GPIO21 MX_SPKR H3 MX_GPIO11 R3 H4 MX_GPIO10 MX_GPIO13 H6 VIA40 F6 SMB_ALERT# J6 H5 MX_GPIO6 PCI_SERIRQ AF4 F1 PCI_PME# MX_GPIO5 G1 PM_SUSC# MX_GPIO9 G3 PM_SUSA# VIA36 VIA22 H1 L3 PM_SUSCLK M5 PM_RSMRST# PM_SUSSTAT# VIA24 M2 E4 D3 PM_PWROK PM_PCISTP# H2 VIA21 PM_PWRBTN# PM_CPUSTP# 3 * * * * * * * * * * * * 82443MX100 4 of 4 3 VCCC3 VSSF21 VSSK24 VSSAD22 VSSAA24 VSSAD14 VSSAF26 VSSA26 VSSAA20 VSSU24 VSSP24 VSSC14 VSSH24 VSSE24 VSSR15 VSSC22 VSSM15 VSSR12 VSSC19 VSSAD18 VSSM12 VSSAD10 VSSR16 VSSM16 VSST15 VSSP15 VSSN15 VSSL15 VSSR14 VSSP14 VSSN14 VSSM14 VSSR13 VSSP13 VSSN13 VSSM13 VSST12 VSSP12 VSSN12 VSSL12 VSSR11 VSSM11 VSSC7 VSSAD6 VSSW3 VSSN3 VSSAF1 VSSF3 VSSA1 VCCSUS VCCAD24 VCCT16 VCCP16 VCCN16 VCCL16 VCCAA21 VCCG21 VCCT14 VCCL14 VCCT13 VCCL13 VCCAA17 VCCAB13 VCCT11 VCCP11 VCCN11 VCCL11 VCCE11 VCCY6 VCCG6 VCCAD3 F21 K24 AD22 AA24 AD14 AF26 A26 AA20 U24 P24 C14 H24 E24 R15 C22 M15 R12 C19 AD18 M12 AD10 R16 M16 T15 P15 N15 L15 R14 P14 N14 M14 R13 P13 N13 M13 T12 P12 N12 L12 R11 M11 C7 AD6 W3 N3 AF1 F3 A1 K6 AD24 T16 P16 N16 L16 AA21 G21 T14 L14 T13 L13 AA17 AB13 T11 P11 N11 L11 E11 Y6 G6 AD3 C3 VCC3 3VSB 2 THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. 2 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT GPIO30/GNT3# GPIO29/REQ3# GPIO28/DACK3# GPIO27/DRQ3 GPIO26/KBCCS# GPIO25/MCCS# GPIO24/EXTSMI# GPIO23/PIRQD# GPIO22/PIRQC# GPIO21/ZEROWS# GPIO20 GPIO19/PCS0# GPIO18 GPIO17 GPIO16/PCS1# GPIO15 GPIO14/SPKR GPIO13 GPIO12/RI# GPIO11/BATLOW# GPIO10/LID GPIO9 GPIO8/THERM# GPIO7/SERIRQ GPIO6/IRQ8# GPIO5 GPIO4 GPIO3/GNTA# GPIO2/REQA# GPIO1 GPIO0/PME# SUSC# SUSB# SUSA# SUSCLK SUS_STAT# RSMRST# PWROK PWRBTN# PCISTP# CPUSTP# U13 NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SMT0603 AA4 SMT0603 VIA45 SMT0603 XBUS_DACK#1 SMT0603 10 4 SMT0603 5 SMT0603 6 C270 0.1UF C269 0.1UF C259 0.1UF C271 0.1UF C194 0.1UF C260 0.1UF C193 0.1UF C221 0.1UF C205 0.1UF 3 C225 1 SMT0603 SOT23 0.1UF 2 BAT54C D2 SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 TANT_3528 TANT_3528 B 440MX 2 OF 2 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 09/18/01 DATE TITLE 1 SHEET LAST REV 7 OF 19 09/20/01 10:29 AM B D C B A 6 C311 C308 10PF 10PF MEM_CLK7 MEM_CLK6 MEM_CLK5 MEM_CLK4 MEM_CLK3 MEM_CLK2 0 0 0 0 C300 SMT0603 R270 0 R272 SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 CLK_XTAL_OUT CLK_XTAL_IN R_MEM_CLK7 R_MEM_CLK6 R_MEM_CLK5 R_MEM_CLK4 R_MEM_CLK3 R_MEM_CLK2 R_MEM_CLK1 R_MEM_CLK0 6 5 24 25 32 33 18 19 21 22 35 36 38 39 40 41 43 44 46 17 SMBUS Address: 1101 001x SMT0603 R273 0 R278 SMT0603 R271 R276 SMT0603 0 SMT0603 R274 SMT0603 TANT_3528 R275 0 SMT0603 R_CLK_DCLKIN SMT0603 XTALOUT XTALIN SDR_15 SDR_14 SDR_13 SDR_12 SDR_11 SDR_10 SDR_9 SDR_8 SDR_7 SDR_6 SDR_5 SDR_4 SDR_3 SDR_2 SDR_1 SDR_0 SDR_F BUF_IN SMT0603 VDDPCI_1 5 ICS9250BF-19 CLK100 SDATA SCLK FS2#/REF1 PCI_STOP#/REF0 CPUSTOP# APIC_F APIC_0 24MHZ/FS0# 48MHZ/FS1# PCICLK_5 PCICLK_4 PCICLK_3 PCICLK_2 PCICLK_1 FS3#/PCICLK_0 MODE/PCICLK_F CPUCLK_2 CPUCLK_1 CPUCLK_F R_CPUMX_HCLK R_PCI_CLK1 R_PCI_CLK2 R_PCI_CLK3 R_PCI_CLK4 11 12 13 14 R284 R503 4 3 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1 R288 SMT0603 R291 EMPTY SMT0603 R269 SMT0603 R282 SMT0603 R285 SMT0603 R290 SMT0603 0 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1 SMT0603 R283 SMT0603 R279 SMT0603 R281 SMT0603 R287 SMT0603 R286 SMT0603 R289 CPU_BSEL0 USB_CLK48 PCI_CLK4 PCI_CLK3 PCI_CLK2 PCI_CLK1 PCI_CLK0 PCI_CLKF MX_HCLK CPU_HCLK ITP_HCLK 4 XBUS_OSC GND_6 GND_5 GND_4 GND_3 GND_2 GND_1 GND_0 CAP GND PAD 6,9 MEM_MAA[13:0] VIA TO GND EMPTY MEM_MAA8 EMPTY 10K 10K 10K 10K 3 R233 SMT0603 R247 SMT0603 R246 SMT0603 R232 SMT0603 R244 SMT0603 R243 SMT0603 R231 SMT0603 R245 SMT0603 VCC3 2 Clear the RTC CMOS Install to Reprogram the BIOS Install to Set the CompactFlash as Master Enable or Disable the Ethernet Controller CMOS CLR BIOS UNLOCK CF MASTER ENET ENA/DIS THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. 2 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN Default Disable One 66MHz A20M# Low IGNNE# Low INTR Low B Reserved Enable Max 100MHz A20M# High IGNNE# High INTR High NMI High PULLUP ENA = Enabled Installed = CF Master Installed = Unlocked CLR = Clear NRM = Normal PULLDOWN PULLUP PULLUP PULLDOWN PULLDOWN PULLDOWN PULLDOWN PULLDOWN 1 SHEET LAST REV 440MX DEFAULT DIS = Disabled 8 OF 19 09/20/01 10:29 AM B Not Installed = CF Slave Not Installed = Locked 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING 1 JUMPER INSTALLATION OPTIONS SYSTEM CLOCK & STRAPPING OPTIONS Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 09/18/01 DATE TITLE Board Stuffing Default Quick Start Select MA10 Reserved In-Order Queue Depth Enable MA11 MA8 Host Frequency Select Processor Core/Bus Ratio Select (not used) Processor Core/Bus Ratio Select (not used) MA12 MA1 MA7 Processor Core/Bus Ratio Select (not used) NMI Low Processor Core/Bus Ratio Select (not used) MA13 MA9 PULLDOWN FUNCTION SIGNAL STRAPPING OPTIONS Indicates Default Jumper Location FUNCTION JUMPER JUMPER DEFINITION TABLE THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT MEM_MAA10 MEM_MAA11 EMPTY 10K EMPTY MEM_MAA1 MEM_MAA12 10K EMPTY MEM_MAA7 10K EMPTY MEM_MAA9 10K EMPTY MEM_MAA13 NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 4,6,9,13,14,19 4,6,9,13,14,19 7,10 7 4 7 14 17 16 16 10 7 6 4 4 CAP PWR PAD VIA TO PWR PM_CPUSTP# CPU_BSEL1 IC PIN 4. Power trace should run from IC pin to cap pad, then through via to power island as shown 3. Connection from power pin to bypass capacitors must be as short as and wide as possible. 2. The two clock powers should be separate islands on the power plane under the corresponding pins of the IC 1. Place a copper area under the clock IC body on the component side, and connect it to GND through several vias ROUTING NOTES - SYSTEM CLOCK SMB_DATA SMT0603 27 SMT0603 SMB_CLK R_XBUS_OSC VCC2_5 BLM21P300SPT FB22 4 SMT0603 28 2 3 47 54 55 30 29 R_USB_CLK48 R_PCI_CLK0 9 16 R_PCI_CLKF 8 49 R_ITP_HCLK SMT0603 51 TANT_3528 52 4.7UF 10v C309 R500 CLK_VCC2_5_L SMT0603 GND_7 D C 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 MEM_CLK1 MEM_CLK0 R280 SMT0603 SMT0603 VDDREF 9 22.1 VDD48 CLK_DCLKIN VDDPCI_0 CLK_DCLKOUT SMT0603 U15 VDDSDR_0 6 6 4.7UF 10v C293 VDDSDR_1 B BLM21P300SPT CLK_VCC3_L R501 FB18 R502 VCC3 SMT0603 5 SMT0603 A 6 VDDSDR_2 Y4 VDDAPIC 14.318MHZ VDDCPU 10PF C296 0.1UF C299 0.001UF C298 0.1UF C301 0.001UF C310 0.1UF C302 0.001UF C305 0.001UF C307 0.1UF C306 0.1UF 7 10K 15 10K 1 10K 31 10K 20 10K 37 R292 45 SMT0603 56 10K 50 53 48 42 34 26 23 10 4 D C B A D C B TANT_3528 6 6 10v 4.7UF C278 VCC3 MEM_MD[63:0] MEM_DQM7 MEM_DQM6 MEM_DQM5 MEM_DQM4 MEM_DQM3 MEM_DQM2 MEM_DQM1 MEM_DQM0 SMT0603 MEM_MAA[13:0] MEM_DQM[7:0] VCC3 MEM_MAA12 MEM_MAA11 MEM_MAA13 MEM_MAA12 MEM_MAA13 MEM_MAA10 MEM_MAA9 MEM_MAA8 MEM_MAA7 MEM_MAA6 MEM_MAA5 MEM_MAA4 MEM_MAA3 MEM_MAA2 MEM_MAA1 MEM_MAA0 MEM_MD15 MEM_MD14 MEM_MD13 MEM_MD12 MEM_MD11 MEM_MD10 MEM_MD9 MEM_MD8 MEM_MD7 MEM_MD6 MEM_MD5 MEM_MD4 MEM_MD3 MEM_MD2 MEM_MD1 MEM_MD0 MEM_MD47 MEM_MD46 MEM_MD45 MEM_MD44 MEM_MD43 MEM_MD42 MEM_MD41 MEM_MD40 MEM_MD39 MEM_MD38 MEM_MD37 MEM_MD36 MEM_MD35 MEM_MD34 MEM_MD33 MEM_MD32 VCC3 168 157 143 133 84 73 59 49 124 110 102 90 41 40 26 18 6 20 19 17 16 15 14 13 11 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 104 103 101 100 99 98 97 95 94 93 92 91 89 88 87 86 24 25 31 44 48 50 51 61 80 81 109 108 145 39 122 131 130 113 112 47 46 29 28 132 126 123 38 121 37 120 36 119 35 118 34 117 33 DIMM168 SOCKET VCC168 VCC157 VCC143 VCC133 VCC84 VCC73 VCC59 VCC49 VCC124 VCC110 VCC102 VCC90 VCC41 VCC40 VCC26 VCC18 VCC6 DQ15 DQ14 DQ13 DQ12 DQ11 DQ10 DQ9 DQ8 DQ7 DQ6 DQ5 DQ4 DQ3 DQ2 DQ1 DQ0 DQ47 DQ46 DQ45 DQ44 DQ43 DQ42 DQ41 DQ40 DQ39 DQ38 DQ37 DQ36 DQ35 DQ34 DQ33 DQ32 NC24 NC25 NC31_OE0 NC44_OE2 NC48_WE2 NC50 NC51 NC61 NC80 NC81 NC109 NC108 NC145 BA1_A12 BA0_A11 DOMB7_CAS7 DOMB6_CAS6 DOMB5_CAS5 DOMB4_CAS4 DOMB3_CAS3 DOMB2_CAS2 DOMB1_CAS1 DOMB0_CAS0 A13_DU A12_DU A11_A13 A10_AP A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 J14 5 DIMM 0 VSS162 VSS152 VSS148 VSS138 VSS127 VSS116 VSS107 VSS96 VSS85 VSS78 VSS68 VSS64 VSS54 VSS43 VSS32 VSS23 VSS12 VSS1 DQ31 DQ30 DQ29 DQ28 DQ27 DQ26 DQ25 DQ24 DQ23 DQ22 DQ21 DQ20 DQ19 DQ18 DQ17 DQ16 DQ63 DQ62 DQ61 DQ60 DQ59 DQ58 DQ57 DQ56 DQ55 DQ54 DQ53 DQ52 DQ51 DQ50 DQ49 DQ48 DU_CLK3 DU_CLK2 DU_CLK1 DU_CLK0 DU_RAS# DU_CAS# WE0# RAS0_S0# RAS1_S1# RAS2_S2# RAS3_S3# SDA SCL SA2 SA1 SA0 CB7 CB6 CB5 CB4 CB3 CB2 CB1 CB0 DU_CKE0 NC_CKE1 REGE NC134 NC135 NC146 NC164 NC62 MEM_MD63 MEM_MD62 MEM_MD61 MEM_MD60 MEM_MD59 MEM_MD58 MEM_MD57 MEM_MD56 MEM_MD55 MEM_MD54 MEM_MD53 MEM_MD52 MEM_MD51 MEM_MD50 MEM_MD49 MEM_MD48 163 79 125 42 162 152 148 138 127 116 107 96 85 78 68 64 54 43 32 23 12 1 77 76 75 74 72 71 70 69 67 66 65 60 58 57 56 55 MEM_MD31 MEM_MD30 MEM_MD29 MEM_MD28 MEM_MD27 MEM_MD26 MEM_MD25 MEM_MD24 MEM_MD23 MEM_MD22 MEM_MD21 MEM_MD20 MEM_MD19 MEM_MD18 MEM_MD17 MEM_MD16 MEM_RAS# MEM_CLK3 MEM_CLK2 MEM_CLK1 MEM_CLK0 115 161 160 159 158 156 155 154 153 151 150 149 144 142 141 140 139 MEM_WE# MEM_CAS# 111 MEM_CS#0 30 27 MEM_CS#1 SMB_DATA SMB_CLK 114 45 129 82 83 167 166 165 SMBUS Address: 1010 000x MEM_CKE0# 128 137 136 106 105 53 52 22 21 MEM_CKE1# 63 147 134 135 146 164 62 8 8 8 8 6,9 6,9 6,9 6 6 4 4,6,8,9,13,14,19 4,6,8,9,13,14,19 6 6 4.7UF SMT0603 SMT0603 TANT_3528 VCC3 MEM_MAA12 MEM_MAA11 MEM_MAA13 MEM_MAA12 MEM_MAA13 MEM_MAA10 MEM_MAA9 MEM_MAA8 MEM_MAA7 MEM_MAA6 MEM_MAA5 MEM_MAA4 MEM_MAA3 MEM_MAA2 MEM_MAA1 MEM_MAA0 DIMM168 SOCKET VCC168 VCC157 VCC143 VCC133 VCC84 VCC73 VCC59 VCC49 VCC124 VCC110 VCC102 VCC90 VCC41 VCC40 VCC26 VCC18 VCC6 DQ15 DQ14 DQ13 DQ12 DQ11 DQ10 DQ9 DQ8 DQ7 DQ6 DQ5 DQ4 DQ3 DQ2 DQ1 DQ0 DQ47 DQ46 DQ45 DQ44 DQ43 DQ42 DQ41 DQ40 DQ39 DQ38 DQ37 DQ36 DQ35 DQ34 DQ33 DQ32 NC24 NC25 NC31_OE0 NC44_OE2 NC48_WE2 NC50 NC51 NC61 NC80 NC81 NC109 NC108 NC145 BA1_A12 BA0_A11 DOMB7_CAS7 DOMB6_CAS6 DOMB5_CAS5 DOMB4_CAS4 DOMB3_CAS3 DOMB2_CAS2 DOMB1_CAS1 DOMB0_CAS0 A13_DU A12_DU A11_A13 A10_AP A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 J15 DIMM 1 3 REGE NC134 NC135 NC146 NC164 NC62 2 VSS162 VSS152 VSS148 VSS138 VSS127 VSS116 VSS107 VSS96 VSS85 VSS78 VSS68 VSS64 VSS54 VSS43 VSS32 VSS23 VSS12 VSS1 DQ31 DQ30 DQ29 DQ28 DQ27 DQ26 DQ25 DQ24 DQ23 DQ22 DQ21 DQ20 DQ19 DQ18 DQ17 DQ16 DQ63 DQ62 DQ61 DQ60 DQ59 DQ58 DQ57 DQ56 DQ55 DQ54 DQ53 DQ52 DQ51 DQ50 DQ49 DQ48 DU_CLK3 DU_CLK2 DU_CLK1 DU_CLK0 DU_RAS# DU_CAS# WE0# RAS0_S0# RAS1_S1# RAS2_S2# RAS3_S3# SDA SCL SA2 SA1 SA0 CB7 CB6 CB5 CB4 CB3 CB2 CB1 CB0 DU_CKE0 NC_CKE1 2 TITLE MEM_CS#2 45 MEM_MD63 MEM_MD62 MEM_MD61 MEM_MD60 MEM_MD59 MEM_MD58 MEM_MD57 MEM_MD56 MEM_MD55 MEM_MD54 MEM_MD53 MEM_MD52 MEM_MD51 MEM_MD50 MEM_MD49 MEM_MD48 MEM_CS#3 162 152 148 138 127 116 107 96 85 78 68 64 54 43 32 23 12 1 77 76 75 74 72 71 70 69 67 66 65 60 58 57 56 55 B 8 8 8 8 6,9 6,9 6,9 6 6 4,6,8,9,13,14,19 4,6,8,9,13,14,19 1 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING DIMM SOCKETS Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 09/18/01 DATE MEM_CLK7 MEM_CLK6 MEM_CLK5 MEM_CLK4 163 79 125 42 MEM_MD31 MEM_MD30 MEM_MD29 MEM_MD28 MEM_MD27 MEM_MD26 MEM_MD25 MEM_MD24 MEM_MD23 MEM_MD22 MEM_MD21 MEM_MD20 MEM_MD19 MEM_MD18 MEM_MD17 MEM_MD16 MEM_RAS# 115 161 160 159 158 156 155 154 153 151 150 149 144 142 141 140 139 MEM_CAS# 111 27 30 MEM_WE# SMB_DATA SMB_CLK 114 6 6 SMBUS Address: 1010 001x 129 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. VCC3 MEM_CKE2# MEM_CKE3# 82 83 167 166 165 137 136 106 105 53 52 22 21 128 63 147 134 135 146 164 62 HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT 168 157 143 133 84 73 59 49 124 110 102 90 41 40 26 18 6 20 19 17 16 15 14 13 11 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 MEM_MD15 MEM_MD14 MEM_MD13 MEM_MD12 MEM_MD11 MEM_MD10 MEM_MD9 MEM_MD8 MEM_MD7 MEM_MD6 MEM_MD5 MEM_MD4 MEM_MD3 MEM_MD2 MEM_MD1 MEM_MD0 VCC3 104 103 101 100 99 98 97 95 94 93 92 91 89 88 87 86 MEM_MD47 MEM_MD46 MEM_MD45 MEM_MD44 MEM_MD43 MEM_MD42 MEM_MD41 MEM_MD40 MEM_MD39 MEM_MD38 MEM_MD37 MEM_MD36 MEM_MD35 MEM_MD34 MEM_MD33 MEM_MD32 24 25 31 44 48 50 51 61 80 81 109 108 145 39 122 131 130 113 112 47 46 29 28 132 126 123 38 121 37 120 36 119 35 118 34 117 33 NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 10v C290 VCC3 MEM_DQM7 MEM_DQM6 MEM_DQM5 MEM_DQM4 MEM_DQM3 MEM_DQM2 MEM_DQM1 MEM_DQM0 SMT0603 A 6 SMT0603 R261 3 SMT0603 6,8 SMT0603 4 SMT0603 5 SMT0603 SMT0603 6 C284 0.1UF C280 0.1UF C279 0.1UF C288 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 R268 10K SMT0603 10K C286 0.1UF C277 0.1UF C291 0.1UF C285 0.1UF C289 0.1UF C283 0.1UF C292 0.1UF C287 0.1UF R262 10K SMT0603 SMT0603 SHEET LAST REV 9 OF 19 09/20/01 10:29 AM B D C B A D C B A 19 7,14,16,17,19 7,19 7,19 7,19 7,10 7,8 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 7 7,10 7,10 19 10 7,10,19 7,19 8 6 6 XBUS_SD0 4 45 XBUS_SD1 33 44 XBUS_SD2 PS2_P17 43 XBUS_SD3 PCI_PME# 42 PCI_SERIRQ 40 XBUS_SD4 55 39 XBUS_SD5 46 38 XBUS_SD6 XBUS_IOCHRDY 37 81 83 82 67 78 79 80 66 77 19 85 84 87 90 89 86 91 88 17 15 13 14 16 54 47 49 51 34 36 35 32 20 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 XBUS_SD7 XBUS_SA11 XBUS_SA0 XBUS_SA1 XBUS_SA2 XBUS_SA3 XBUS_SA4 XBUS_SA5 XBUS_SA6 XBUS_SA7 XBUS_SA8 XBUS_SA9 XBUS_SA10 SMT0603 XBUS_RSTDRV XBUS_SD[7:0] XBUS_OSC SER_TXDA SER_RXDA SER_RTS#A SER_RI#A SER_DTR#A SER_DSR#A SER_DCD#A SER_CTS#A FLOP_DSKCHG# FLOP_WRTPRT# FLOP_INDEX# FLOP_TRK#0 FLOP_RDATA# XBUS_TC XBUS_DACK#1 XBUS_DACK#2 PS2_P16 XBUS_AEN XBUS_IOW# XBUS_IOR# PCI_CLK0 XBUS_SA[18:0] R504 1K IO_PME# SER_IRQ P17 VSS_76 VSS_60 VSS_41 5 VSS_7 VTR IRRX2 IRTX2 A20M KBRST MCLK MDAT KCLK KDAT TXD2/IRTX RXD2/IRRX CTS2#/SA13 RTS2#/SA12 RI2#/P16 DCD2#/P12 DTR2#/SA14 DSR2#/SA15 PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 PD7 DRVDEN1 DRVDEN0 DIR# STEP# DS0# MTR0# HDSEL# WGATE# WDATA# DRQ1 DRQ2 DRQ3/P12 VCC_93 VCC_65 VCC_53 SMSC FDC37M812 IOCHRDY RESET_DRV D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 BUSY ALF# STROBE# INIT# ERROR# SLCT PE SLCTIN# ACK# CLOCKI TXD1 RXD1 RTS1#/SYSOPT RI1# DTR1# DSR1# DCD1# CTS1# DSKCHG# WPRT# INDEX# TRK0# RDATA# TC DACK1# DACK2# DACK3#/P16 AEN IOW# IOR# PCI_CLK CS#/SA11 SA0 SA1 SA2 SA3 SA4 SA5 SA6 SA7 SA8 SA9 SA10 FLOP_DRVDEN#0 1 SER_DTR#B SER_DSR#B 93 65 53 76 60 41 7 18 61 62 63 U50 7,10 7,10 6 VCC;14 SN74HC00AD 13 12 8 11 SN74HC00AD U50 VCC;14 10 9 4 2 XBUS_DACK#1 U50 VCC 3 VCC;14 SN74HC00AD 1 XBUS_DACK#2 SN74HC00AD U50 VCC;14 5 13 13 6,19 6,19 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 7,19 7,19 19 XBUS_AEN VCC 7,10,19 7,10 7,10 7,13 7 7,19 7,19 7,10 VCC XBUS_IOW# XBUS_SA[18:0] XBUS_SD[7:0] PM_PWROK XBUS_BIOSCS# XBUS_MEMR# XBUS_MEMW# XBUS_SA[18:0] SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 1 2 3 4 5 6 36 7 8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 XBUS_SA16 XBUS_SA15 XBUS_SA14 XBUS_SA13 XBUS_SA12 XBUS_SA11 XBUS_SA10 XBUS_SA9 XBUS_SA8 XBUS_SA7 XBUS_SA6 XBUS_SA5 XBUS_SA4 XBUS_SA3 XBUS_SA2 XBUS_SA1 XBUS_SA0 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 XBUS_SD2 XBUS_SD3 XBUS_SA1 XBUS_SA2 XBUS_SA3 XBUS_SA4 XBUS_SA5 XBUS_SA6 11 12 3 VCC;28 GND;14 22V10 VCC;28 GND;14 22V10 PLCC28 I11 I10 I9 I8 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 I0/CLK U17 PLCC28 I11 I10 I9 I8 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 I0/CLK U18 IO9 IO8 IO7 IO6 IO5 IO4 IO3 IO2 IO1 IO0 IO9 IO8 IO7 IO6 IO5 IO4 IO3 IO2 IO1 IO0 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 VPP NC_38 NC_37 NC_29 NC_13 DQ0 DQ1 DQ2 DQ3 DQ4 DQ5 DQ6 DQ7 GND_23 GND_39 VCC_30 11 38 37 29 13 25 26 27 28 32 33 34 35 23 39 30 31 12 +12 THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. 2 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR EMPTY XBUS_SA18 VCC HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT 16 13 9 10 7 XBUS_SA0 XBUS_SA11 6 XBUS_SD7 XBUS_SA10 5 XBUS_SA9 4 XBUS_SD6 XBUS_SA8 3 XBUS_SD5 2 XBUS_SD4 XBUS_SA7 4 16 3 2 XBUS_SD1 DU VCC_31 MT28F004B5VG-6T TSOP40 RP# CE# OE# WE# A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 U16 XBUS_SD0 10 22 24 9 40 XBUS_SA17 NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 10 SMSC Super I/O requires AEN to be high during DMA transfers IR_TX IR_RX XBUS_A20GATE XBUS_RCIN# PS2_MOUSECLK 56 64 PS2_MOUSEDATA PS2_KEYBDCLK PS2_KEYBDDATA SER_TXDB 57 58 59 96 SER_RXDB SER_CTS#B 99 95 SER_RTS#B SER_RI#B SER_DCD#B 98 92 94 100 97 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 FLOP_DRVDEN#1 FLOP_DIR# 2 FLOP_STEP# FLOP_DS#0 FLOP_MTR#0 FLOP_HDSEL# FLOP_WGATE# FLOP_WDATA# XBUS_DREQ1 8 4 PS2_P12 XBUS_DREQ2 9 5 3 12 11 10 48 50 52 2 R323 100K 7,10 VCC SMT0603 3 SMT0603 e f HDSP-7801 DP# G# F# E# D# C# B# A# d g a c dp b AN2 AN1 7,10 B 1 6 1 VCC I4 I3 I2 I1 IO9 I11 I10 I9 I8 I7 I6 I5 BCD8 BCD4 BCD2 BCD1 R325 R322 R316 332 332 332 R320 332 R327 R318 332 332 R313 R329 332 332 7 3 2 4 5 8 9 10 HDSP-7801 DP# G# F# E# D# C# B# A# 1 d IO7 IO6 IO5 IO4 IO3 IO2 IO1 IO0 g a c dp b AN2 AN1 Q7 D7 CLK Q6 D6 LED_g I0/CLK Q5 Q4 D5 D4 Q3 LED_f LED_e D3 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING e f Q1 LED_d Q2 Q0 D7 LATCH D1 D2 D0 LED_b LED_c LED_a IO8 6 1 VCC 09/20/01 10:29 AM B 10 OF 19 SHEET LAST REV Both parts programmed the same DECODE BCD-to-7 SEG DECODE EN EN6# EN5# EN4# EN3# EN2# EN1# EN0# ADDRESS DECODE 22V10 Internal Programming XBUS_SD[7:0] SUPER I/O, BIOS, AND POST CODE DISPLAY 09/18/01 DATE 7 3 2 4 5 8 9 10 D6 BIOS UNLOCK Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 R326 R319 R315 R324 R328 R321 R312 R310 TITLE 332 332 332 332 332 332 332 332 XBUS_SD0 XBUS_SD1 XBUS_SD2 XBUS_SD3 XBUS_SD4 XBUS_SD5 XBUS_SD6 XBUS_SD7 E25 E26 VCC SMT0603 U14 SMT0603 C324 0.1UF 4 SMT0603 5 SMT0603 6 C503 0.1UF C315 0.1UF C316 0.1UF C314 0.1UF C282 0.1UF C281 0.1UF C295 0.1UF C325 0.1UF D C B A D C B 6 6 13 6 6 6 7,19 6 6 6 6 6 7,14,16,17 6 IDE_PDCS1#_R IDE_PDCS3#_R IDE_ACTLED# IDE_PDA0_R IDE_PDA1_R IDE_PDA2_R XBUS_IRQ14 IDE_PDDACK#_R IDE_PDDRQ_R IDE_PDIORDY_R IDE_PDIOR#_R IDE_PDIOW#_R PCI_RST# IDE_PDD0_R IDE_PDD1_R IDE_PDD2_R IDE_PDD3_R IDE_PDD4_R IDE_PDD5_R IDE_PDD6_R IDE_PDD7_R IDE_PDD8_R IDE_PDD9_R IDE_PDD10_R IDE_PDD11_R IDE_PDD12_R IDE_PDD13_R 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 33.2 R240 SMT0603 R224 SMT0603 R235 SMT0603 R297 SMT0603 R241 SMT0603 R223 SMT0603 R254 SMT0603 R154 SMT0603 R234 SMT0603 R226 SMT0603 R222 SMT0603 R239 SMT0603 R250 SMT0603 R140 SMT0603 R249 SMT0603 R237 SMT0603 R236 SMT0603 R228 SMT0603 R225 SMT0603 R253 SMT0603 R255 SMT0603 R252 SMT0603 R230 SMT0603 R242 SMT0603 R256 SMT0603 R227 SMT0603 R257 SMT0603 IDE_PDCS1# IDE_PDCS3# IDE_PDASP# IDE_PDA0 IDE_PDA1 IDE_PDA2 IDE_PDIRQ IDE_PDDACK# IDE_PDDRQ IDE_PDIORDY IDE_PDIOR# IDE_PDIOW# IDE_RST# IDE_PDD0 IDE_PDD1 IDE_PDD2 IDE_PDD3 IDE_PDD4 IDE_PDD5 IDE_PDD6 IDE_PDD7 IDE_PDD8 IDE_PDD9 IDE_PDD10 IDE_PDD11 IDE_PDD12 IDE_PDD13 IDE_PDD14 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 IDE_PDD[15:0] 5 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 IDE_PDASP# IDE_PDCS1# IDE_PDA0 IDE_PDA1 IDE_PDIRQ IDE_PDDACK# IDE_PDIORDY IDE_PDIOR# IDE_PDIOW# IDE_PDDRQ IDE_RST# IDE_PDD0 IDE_PDD1 IDE_PDD2 IDE_PDD3 IDE_PDD4 IDE_PDD5 IDE_PDD6 IDE_PDD7 VCC VCC 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 2.54MM HEADER 12 8 7 10 6 5 9 4 3 11 2 1 J17 PRIMARY IDE 4 IDE_PDD9 IDE_PDD8 IDE_PDD15 IDE_PDD14 IDE_PDD13 IDE_PDD12 IDE_PDD11 IDE_PDD10 IDE_PCSEL0# 2. Trace width between IDE and CompactFlash connectors should be less than 2" 1. Series terminating resistor of each data signal should be located within 1" of the chipset ROUTING NOTES - IDE R298 1K IDE_PDD15 SMT0603 R229 SMT0603 R251 SMT0603 SMT0603 5.62K R238 R294 1K SMT0603 SMT0603 33.2 5.62K R293 33.2 SMT0603 IDE_PDD14_R R295 549 IDE_PDD15_R VCC SMT0603 IDE_PDD[15:0]_R EMPTY R296 10K 4 10v 11 11 11 11 VCC IDE_PDIAG# IDE_PDASP# IDE_PDIORDY IDE_RST# IDE_PDIRQ IDE_PDIOW# IDE_PDIOR# IDE_PDCS3# IDE_PDD10 IDE_PDD9 IDE_PDD8 E24 E23 CF MASTER CONNECT TO MAKE CF MASTER 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 IDE_PDD15 IDE_PDD14 IDE_PDD13 IDE_PDD12 IDE_PDD11 3 SMT0603 VCC 14 15 16 17 40 41 42 25 50 VCC IDE_PDD2 IDE_PDD1 IDE_PDD0 IDE_PDD7 IDE_PDD6 IDE_PDD5 IDE_PDD4 IDE_PDD3 3 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 23 25 27 29 31 33 20 21 19 16 15 18 14 13 17 12 8 7 10 6 9 4 5 11 2 3 J16 1 2 IDE_IOCS16# IDE_PDA0 IDE_PDA1 IDE_PDA2 IDE_PDCS1# THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. 2 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN 11 11 11 11 11 2.54MM HEADER THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT 3M N7E50-7516HG-40 24 23 22 21 20 19 49 48 47 46 45 44 18 13 39 43 12 38 8 33 11 7 32 37 6 31 36 5 30 9 4 29 10 3 28 35 2 27 34 1 26 J18 COMPACTFLASH ONE DRIVE ONLY FLOPPY NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 4.7UF C312 VCC IDE_PDCS3# IDE_PDA2 IDE_PDIAG# IDE_IOCS16# TANT_3528 A 6 5 SMT0603 6 C313 0.1UF IDE_PCSEL1# R314 549 R263 1K SMT0603 R260 1K SMT0603 SMT0603 VCC FLOP_DSKCHG# FLOP_HDSEL# FLOP_RDATA# FLOP_WRTPRT# FLOP_TRK#0 FLOP_WGATE# FLOP_WDATA# FLOP_STEP# FLOP_DIR# FLOP_DS#0 FLOP_MTR#0 FLOP_INDEX# FLOP_DRVDEN#1 FLOP_DRVDEN#0 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 B 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING IDE, COMPACTFLASH, AND FLOPPY CONNECTORS Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 09/18/01 DATE TITLE R264 1K VCC SMT0603 VCC R265 1K VCC SMT0603 VCC R266 1K 09/20/01 10:29 AM B 11 OF 19 SHEET LAST REV D C B A D C B 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 6 PS2_KEYBDDATA PS2_KEYBDCLK PS2_MOUSEDATA PS2_MOUSECLK USB_P1+_R USB_P1-_R USB_P0+_R USB_P0-_R VCC 4.75K R41 C220 47PF C219 47PF USB_P1_OC# C231 VCC 4.75K R38 7 SMT0603 47PF SMT0603 C224 VCC 47PF SMT0603 VCC VCC SMT0603 USB_P0_OC# 4.75K R40 7 SMT0603 A 4.75K R39 1 R160 R159 R165 R163 BLM21P300SPT FB12 BLM21P300SPT FB9 BLM21P300SPT FB11 BLM21P300SPT FB10 SMT0603 27.4 SMT0603 27.4 SMT0603 27.4 SMT0603 27.4 SMD100-2 F2 FUSE=1A C74 0.001UF C86 2 R36 475K PS2_KEYBDDATA_L PS2_KEYBDCLK_L PS2_MOUSEDATA_L PS2_MOUSECLK_L 0.001UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C81 C82 16v 22UF USB1_VCC_F TANT_D TANT_D R35 562K R42 475K SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 R54 562K R157 15K R156 15K R164 5 15K FB15 BLM21P300SPT R162 15K SMT0603 SMT0603 C75 0.1UF C77 0.1UF FB14 USB1_VCC_F_L USB0_VCC_F_L SMT0603 BLM21P300SPT BLM21P300SPT 16v 22UF USB1_GND 4 USB_P1+ 3 USB_P1- 2 CLK_T 5_T CLK_B 5_B NC6_T NC6_B 6_B 1 USB0_GND 8 USB_P0+ 7 4_T 2_T 1_T 3_T RJMG-7326-71-01 GND_B DATA+B DATA-B VCC_B GND_T DATA+T DATA-T VCC_T J7 NC_B +5V_F_B 4_B 2_B 1_B 1 of 2 SGND_B3 SGND_B4 SGND_T1 SGND_T2 DUAL USB 9 10 11 12 VCC 4 KEYBD MOUSE 5. The pairs should be atleast 25 mils from other traces and the other pair 4. The pairs should stay on the same layer, adjacent to ground, to the extent possible 3. Series terminating resistor of each data signal should be located within 1" of the chipset 2. Each trace in the pair must be routed exactly the same, and have the same length 1. Each pair should be routed with 90ohm differential impedence ROUTING NOTES - USB DIFFERENTIAL PAIRS GND_B 3_B DATA_B J4 +5V_F_T NC_T DATA_T GND_T STACKED PS/2 FB1 6_T 5 USB_P0- 6 BLM21P300SPT USB0_VCC_F SMT0603 C50 470PF C34 470PF 2 FUSE=1.5A FB13 F1 FUSE=1A SMD150-2 F3 BLM21P300SPT SMT0603 SMD100-2 SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C59 470PF 470PF C60 SMT0603 SMT0603 C58 470PF 470PF C57 PS2_VCC_F PS2_VCC_F_L C61 0.1UF 1 VCC +12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 16 15 14 13 12 SER_RTS#A SER_TXDA SER_CTS#A SER_DTR#A SER_RI#A 18 17 16 15 14 SER_DSR#B SER_RXDB SER_RTS#B SER_TXDB SER_CTS#B 13 12 SER_DTR#B SER_RI#B -12 19 SER_DCD#B PM_RI# 17 19 SER_RXDA SMT0603 18 SMT0603 SER_DSR#A SER_DCD#A 3 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 Q1 3 3VSB 2N3904 1 3 10K 10K R6 SMT0603 R8 SMT0603 2 THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. 2 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT -12;10 +12;1 SN75C185DWR GND;11 VCC;20 U3 2 Q2 3 1 -12;10 2N3904 GND;11 +12;1 SN75C185DWR VCC;20 U2 C24 SMT0603 NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SMT0603 VCC SMT0603 4 SMT0603 SMT0603 5 SMT0603 RI CGND2 CGND1 GND 5 4 DTR SOUT 3 SIN 2 1 DCD RI CGND2 GND 5 CGND1 4 DTR SOUT 3 SIN 2 1 DCD 9P SUB-D PLUG 11 10 9 CTS 8 RTS 7 DSR 6 J6 9P SUB-D PLUG 11 10 9 CTS 8 RTS 7 DSR 6 J5 COM B COM A 1 B 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING SERIAL, KEYBOARD, MOUSE, USB CONNECTORS Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 09/18/01 DATE TITLE C33 R13 10K C25 100PF R7 C23 100PF 2.2K 100PF R5 C32 100PF 6 C72 0.1UF C68 0.1UF C47 0.1UF C46 0.1UF C49 0.1UF C48 0.1UF SMT0603 C31 100PF 2.2K C22 C30 100PF 100PF C20 C29 100PF 100PF C21 100PF C19 C28 100PF C18 100PF 100PF C27 100PF 100PF C26 100PF SMT0603 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 FB8 SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 09/20/01 10:29 AM B 12 OF 19 SHEET LAST REV D C B A D C 6 FP_RST# VR_PWRGD PS_POK ITP_RST# 3VSB 13 18 13 4 3VSB SMT0603 R81 VCC3 22.1K SMT0603 B SMT0603 R506 10K 221 1 4148 SOT23 3 3VSB D1 C99 1UF U7 R94 8 3VSB;14 U8 -12 2 3VSB;14 U8 3VSB;14 U8 U7 +12 SN74LVC14AD 11 3VSB;14 U8 SN74LVC06AD 13 3VSB;14 SN74LVC14AD 13 SMT0603 3VSB;14 U8 5 10 12 12 8 4 VCC3 SN74LVC14AD 3 SN74LVC14AD 9 SN74LVC14AD 1 SN74LVC06AD 9 3VSB;14 SMT1206 PM_SUSC# SMT0603 5VSB 221 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 U7 U7 U7 U7 VCC3 SN74LVC06AD 1 3VSB;14 SN74LVC06AD 3 3VSB;14 SN74LVC06AD 5 3VSB;14 SN74LVC06AD 11 3VSB;14 R505 2 12 2 4 6 10 VCC ATX PWR CONN 1 J13 11 VCC3 VCC SN74LVC14AD 5 6 +12 3VSB;14 U8 5VSB 1 2N7002 4 2 3 Q4 VCC2_5 1 2N7002 2 3 Q3 7,14 13 3VSB PM_RSMRST# PS_POK 2 VCC FP_RSMRST# PM_PWRBTN# PM_EXTSMI# IDE_ACTLED# 1 2 1 SMT0603 Power LED SMT0603 R309 150 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 IrDA SMBus 2 SMBus 1 20 19 J19 2.54MM HEADER, R/A 3 PWRLED + SMT0603 +12 VCC_SMBIF_F E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 E3 E5 E7 E9 BLM21P300SPT FB19 BLM21P300SPT FB20 VCC_IRDA_F VCC_SMBIF_F E11 E1 E2 E4 E6 E8 E10 FB23 BLM21P300SPT VCC C323 2 FB21 R308 VCC VCC 3 1 IR_TX IR_RX VCC 10 10 4,6,8,9,14,19 4,6,8,9,14,19 AC97SPKR MX_SPKR speaker S1 15 7,15 B 1 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING POWER AND FRONT PANEL CONNECTORS 2 SMB_DATA SMB_CLK EMPTY SMT0603 2.2K R300 SMT0603 2.2K R301 F4 FUSE=1A 1 SMD100-2 2N3904 VCC Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 2 Q12 09/18/01 DATE TITLE C303 16v 22UF VCC_IRDA 13 SMT1206 R306 SMT1206 R307 SMT0603 FP_RST# BLM21P300SPT END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. 75 150 75 BLM21P300SPT FB17 HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT SMT0603 SMT0603 NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED YEL Standby LED 7,10 4 5VSB PM_PWROK CPU_PWRGD 7,19 7,19 11 VCC HDLED SLP PWR RST 7 SMT0603 R87 SMT0603 A C114 0.1UF C116 0.1UF C115 1UF 4.75K R86 SMT0603 SMT1206 C275 .1UF C265 .1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 VCC3 SMT0603 R74 1K VCC3 SMT0603 SMT0603 VCC -12 SMT0603 R72 10K R80 1K C317 0.01UF C319 0.01UF C320 0.01UF C322 0.01UF C321 0.01UF C318 0.01UF + SPKR + + + SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 C273 0.1UF 0.01UF SMT0603 470PF C304 SMT0603 5VSB SMT0603 2 TANT_D 3 470PF C294 4 SMT0603 5 SMT0603 R317 332 D8 R305 332 GRN D4 10K C264 .1UF C274 .1UF C268 .1UF C276 .1UF C263 .1UF 6 470PF C297 + 09/20/01 10:29 AM B 13 OF 19 SHEET LAST REV D C B A D C B 4 10 11 12 SLOT 1 SLOT 2 SLOT 3 7 ENET DEV NUM SLOT 440MX 6 A, B, C, D AD23 C, D, A, B B, C, D, A D, A, B, C AD22 AD21 A, B, C, D INT[A,B,C,D]# AD15 AD18 IDSEL PCI RESOURCES 3 2 1 4 0 PCICLK REQ/GNT 3 2 1 0 n/a J2 PCI_PERR# PCI_SERR# G1 PCI_RST# PCI_CLK4 E17 DIS E18 C9 PM_SUSSTAT# A10 SMB_DATA SMT0603 SMB_CLK B10 C8 C5 A6 PCI_PME# PCI_CLKRUN# A9 PM_RSMRST# B9 J3 C2 PCI_GNT#0 VCC3 C3 PCI_REQ#0 5 H2 A2 PCI_IRQ#D ENA R76 J1 PCI_PAR E19 1K H1 PCI_STOP# A4 H3 PCI_DEVSEL# R45 G3 PCI_TRDY# SMT0603 F1 PCI_IRDY# 100 F2 PCI_FRAME# B8 PCI_AD31 C4 A8 PCI_AD30 PCI_CBE#3 C7 PCI_AD29 F3 C6 PCI_AD28 PCI_CBE#2 B6 PCI_AD27 L3 B5 PCI_AD26 PCI_CBE#1 ENET ENA/DIS 7 4,6,8,9,13,19 4,6,8,9,13,19 7,19 7,10,16,17,19 7,13 8 7,11,16,17 7,19 7,19 7,16,17,19 16,17,19 7,16,17,19 7,16,17 7,16,17,19 7,16,17,19 7,16,17,19 7,16,17,19 7,16,17,19 7,16,17 7,16,17 7,16,17 7,16,17 A5 PCI_AD25 M4 B4 PCI_AD24 B1 B2 C1 PCI_AD22 PCI_AD23 PCI_AD21 PCI_CBE#0 PCI_AD15 PCI_AD18 D3 E3 D1 PCI_AD17 D2 K1 PCI_AD16 PCI_AD20 L2 PCI_AD15 PCI_AD19 L1 N3 PCI_AD9 PCI_AD14 P3 PCI_AD8 M3 N4 PCI_AD7 M2 P4 PCI_AD6 PCI_AD13 M5 PCI_AD5 PCI_AD12 N5 PCI_AD4 N2 P5 PCI_AD3 M1 P6 PCI_AD2 PCI_AD11 M7 PCI_AD1 PCI_AD10 N7 PCI_AD0 SMBD SMBCLK SMBALRT# CLKRUN# RDN RDP TDN TDP SPEEDLED X2 X1 RBIAS100 RBIAS10 VREF TO TI TCK TEXEC TEST FLWE# FLOE# FLCS#/AEN EECS FLD0 FLD1 FLD2 FLD3 FLD4 FLD5 FLD6 FLD7 FLA0/PCIMODE# FLA1/AUXPWR FLA2 FLA3 FLA4 FLA5 FLA6 FLA7/CLKEN FLA8/IOCHRDY FLA9/MRST FLA10/MRING# FLA11/MINT FLA12/MCNTSM# FLA13/EEDI FLA14/EEDO FLA15/EESK FLA16/CLK25 82559 1 of 2 CSTSCHG/WOL PME# ALTRST# ISOLATE# CLK RST# GNT# REQ# IDSEL SERR# PERR# INTA# PAR STOP# DEVSEL# TDRY# IRDY# FRAME# C/BE3# C/BE2# C/BE1# C/BE0# AD31 AD30 AD29 AD28 AD27 AD26 AD25 AD24 AD23 AD22 AD21 AD20 AD19 AD18 AD17 AD16 AD15 AD14 AD13 AD12 AD11 AD10 AD9 AD8 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 P11 N11 B13 B14 C12 B12 D12 D14 D13 A13 M9 M8 N9 P7 F14 F13 F12 G12 H14 H13 H12 J14 J13 J12 K14 L14 L13 L12 M14 M13 N14 P13 N13 M12 M11 P10 N10 M10 P9 E14 E13 C14 C13 B11 C11 619 549 R29 4 SMT0603 R28 SMT0603 R30 SMT0603 66.5K RJ45_RDN RJ45_RDP RJ45_TDN RJ45_TDP RJ45_SPEEDLED# RJ45_ACTLED# RJ45_LINKLED# 100 100 SMT0603 R49 SMT0603 R46 Y2 25.000MHZ 4 3 2 1 U6 NC 7 6 ORG VCC3;8 93C46 DO DI CLK EECS VCC3 R75 TANT_3528 10v 4.7UF C66 VCC3 SMT0603 21 TD+ 17 RDC 18 RD- 19 RD+ 20 TD- 22 TDC 100Base-T Magnetics 221 R37 RJMG-7326-71-01 2 of 2 J7 75 0.01 13 LED2 LED1 14 16 15 AMB J8 J7 J6 J5 J4 J3 J2 J1 YEL VCC3 GRN RJ-45 3 SMT0603 SMT0603 C71 SMT0603 SMT0603 2 THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. 2 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT SMT0603 SMT0603 NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 1K A12 C73 10PF LILED SMT0603 C76 0.1UF ACTLED SMT0603 VIO SMT0603 G2 C69 0.1UF PCI_AD[31:0] C97 0.1UF 7,16,17 SMT0603 A 6. The pairs should stay on the same layer, adjacent to ground, to the extent possible 5. The pairs should be atleast 25 mils from other traces and the other pair 4. The trace length of the pairs should be minimized, less than two inches preferred SMT0603 C88 3. The termination resistor between the signals in the pair should be close to the 82559 C95 0.1UF SMT0603 2. Each trace in the pair must be routed exactly the same, and have the same length C105 0.1UF 0.1UF 1. Each pair should be routed with 100ohm differential impedence C89 0.1UF U5 SMT0603 ROUTING NOTES - ETHERNET DIFFERENTIAL PAIRS C78 0.1UF 221 25 23 VCC SMT0603 R50 SMT0603 3 C100 0.1UF 26 24 C70 0.1UF 4 C93 0.1UF 5 C87 0.1UF 6 C107 22PF C108 22PF C106 0.1UF R53 0.1UF 332 SMT0603 VSS32 VSS31 VSS30 VSS29 VSS28 VSS27 VCC26 VCC25 VCC24 VCC23 VSS25 VSS26 VCC22 VCC21 VCC20 VCC19 VCC18 VCC17 VCC16 VCC15 VCC14 VCC13 VCC12 VCC11 VCC10 VCC9 VCC8 VCC7 VCC6 VCC5 VCC4 VCC3 VCC2 VCC1 VCCPP6 VCCPP5 VCCPP4 VCCPP3 VCCPP2 VCCPP1 VCCPT VCCPL4 VCCPL3 VCCPL2 VSS24 VSS23 VSS22 VSS21 VSS20 VSS19 VSS18 VSS17 VSS16 VSS15 VSS14 VSS13 VSS12 VSS11 VSS10 VSS9 VSS8 VSS7 VSS6 VSS5 VSS4 VSS3 VSS2 VSS1 VSSPP6 VSSPP5 VSSPP4 VSSPP3 VSSPP2 VSSPP1 VSSPL4 VSSPL3 VSSPL2 VSSPL1 NC10 NC9 NC8 VCCPL1 82559 2 of 2 VSSPT NC4 NC3 NC7 NC6 NC5 E12 J11 L10 L9 L5 L4 K11 K4 G5 K10 K9 K8 K7 K6 K5 J10 J9 J8 J7 J6 J5 H8 H7 H6 H5 G6 P2 N6 K3 E1 A7 A3 A11 P12 N8 K13 G13 P14 P1 L8 L7 J4 H4 B 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING 82559 ETHERNET Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 L11 L6 H11 G11 E11 E4 F11 F4 D11 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 H10 H9 G10 G9 G8 G7 F10 F9 F8 F7 F6 F5 E10 E9 E8 E7 E6 E5 N1 M6 K2 E2 B7 B3 P8 N12 K12 G14 C10 D9 A14 NC2 NC1 NC0 09/18/01 DATE TITLE A1 G4 D10 U5 VCC3 1 09/20/01 10:29 AM B 14 OF 19 SHEET LAST REV D C B A D C B BLM21P300SPT FB7 LINEOUT_L LINEOUT_R AC97SPKR CDIN_REF CDIN_L CDIN_R MICIN LINEIN_L VCC3 VCC 15 15 13 15 15 15 15 15 AGND 6 R4 SMT0603 AVCC 10K R31 AGND C16 C37 C36 C14 C6 AGND SMT1206 1UFSMT1206 C8 1UF SMT1206 1UF SMT1206 1UFSMT1206 C45 1UFSMT1206 C44 1UF SMT1206 1UF SMT1206 1UFSMT1206 C15 1UF AGND AGND C51 SMT1206 1UF VCC3 7 4 9 1 42 26 38 25 40 44 43 39 41 35 36 37 13 15 14 16 17 19 18 20 22 21 23 24 12 DVSS2 DVSS1 DVDD2 DVDD1 AVSS2 AVSS1 AVDD2 AVDD1 NC_40 NC_44 NC_43 AGND 0 SMT0603 R17 RESET# AFILT_1 AFILT_2 FILT_L FILT_R RX3D CX3D VREF VREF_OUT XTAL_OUT XTAL_IN CHAIN_IN MODE CS0 CS1 BIT_CLK SYNC SDATA_IN SDATA_OUT 29 30 32 31 33 34 27 28 3 2 47 48 45 46 6 10 8 5 11 5 C9 C13 SMT0603 SMT0603 2200PF C3 2200PF C10 SMT1206 1UFSMT1206 C5 1UF SMT0603 0.1UF PLACE CLOSE TO AUDIO IC AC97 CODEC LNLVL_OUT_L LNLVL_OUT_R LINE_OUT_L LINE_OUT_R MONO_OUT PHONE_IN AUX_R AUX_L VIDEO_L VIDEO_R CD_GND_REF CD_L CD_R MIC2 MIC1 LINE_IN_L LINE_IN_R PC_BEEP U1 2 1 LINEIN_R SMT0603 AGND C63 C64 AGND SMT0603 22PF SMT0603 22PF AGND SMT1206 AGND MIC_VREF AC_BITCLK AC_SYNC AC_SDIN0 AC_SDOUT AC_RST# AGND 15 7 7 7,19 7 7 5. The SPKROUT traces from the audio amplifier need to be sized to handle 1A each SMT0603 15 SMT0603 SMT0603 4. Non-audio signals should be kept 25mils from audio signals and also AGND SMT0603 SMT0603 4.75K R18 AGND 4 3. AGND should be a copper pour on the component side surrounding the audio traces and components 24.576MHZ C2 0.1UF R3 2. AVCC should be a power plane division under the audio portion of the IC and all audio traces and components C4 0.1UF 47.5K SMT0603 1. The audio portion of the codec includes all signals coming from pins 13 thru 44 of the codec SMT0603 Y1 AVCC C1 1UF SMT0603 SMT1206 ROUTING NOTES - AUDIO SIGNALS SMT1206 MX_SPKR C12 0.1UF C17 0.1UF C11 0.1UF 1K C35 1UF C7 1UF 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 CDIN_R CDIN_L CDIN_REF MICIN MIC_VREF LINEIN_L LINEIN_R LINEOUT_L LINEOUT_R 10K 10K R515 SMT0603 R514 SMT0603 R516 10K SMT0603 SMT0603 C505 C504 SMT0603 0.1UF SMT0603 0.1UF AGND FB16 22.1K 22.1K BLM21P300SPT +12 SMT0603 SMT0603 R43 SMT0603 R15 AGND AGND AGND 3 R16 V+ 14 U4 1/2 LM1788 BIAS AGND AGND AGND C79 13 AGND AGND SPKROUT_L SPKROUT_R AGND LM1877M-9 2 SMT0603 0.01UF R44 C52 SMT0603 0.01UF SMT0603 AGND 232K SMT0603 232K R509 AGND C500 16v 22UF 9 8 1 6 7 SMT0603 1/2 LM1788 SMT0603 232K R510 232K VCC_AUDAMP AGND AGND TANT_D 3 1K 2.2K 1K 1K EEUFC1E221B R23 1K SMT0603 R20 SMT0603 1K SMT0603 R22 1K SMT0603 R9 SMT0603 R10 SMT0603 R11 SMT0603 R12 EEUFC1E221B 2 FB4 FB3 BLM21P300SPT FB2 BLM21P300SPT FB5 2 4 3 2 1 J8 AGND 1 2 10 11 3 AGND 1 2 10 11 3 1 2 10 AGND B AC97 AUDIO 09/18/01 DATE TITLE 3 11 3.5MM PHONO J1 3.5MM PHONO J2 3.5MM PHONO J3 MIC IN LINE IN 1 09/20/01 10:29 AM B 15 OF 19 SHEET LAST REV HEADPHONE / SPKR OUT 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 CD IN SPKROUT_L_AMP_F 2MM HEADER END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. SPKROUT_R_AMP_F BLM21P300SPT SPKROUT_L_AMP_C BLM21P300SPT FB6 BLM21P300SPT SPKROUT_R_AMP_C THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT AGND AGND C502 NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED AGND R517 10K C80 0.1UF 4 SMT0603 C41 100PF C39 0.01UF C40 100PF C38 100PF SMT0603 5 R19 232K GND1 GND2 GND3 GND4 GND5 GND6 C53 100PF C501 6 SMT0603 3 4 5 10 11 12 R21 232K SMT0603 SMT1206 7,13 SMT0603 C54 100PF SMT0603 SMT1206 A C62 0.1UF C65 0.1UF R24 232K 0.1UF R507 2.7 SMT0603 0.1UF R508 2.7 25v 220UF C55 C67 100PF 220UF 25v C56 D C B A D C B PCI_CBE#1 PCI_SERR# PCI_PERR# PCI_LOCK# PCI_DEVSEL# PCI_IRDY# PCI_CBE#2 PCI_CBE#3 PCI_REQ#1 PCI_CLK1 PCI_IRQ#D 7 4 ENET 10 11 12 SLOT 1 SLOT 2 SLOT 3 6 DEV NUM SLOT 440MX AD23 AD22 AD21 AD15 AD18 IDSEL C, D, A, B B, C, D, A A, B, C, D D, A, B, C A, B, C, D INT[A,B,C,D]# PCI RESOURCES PCI_AD[31:0] SMT0603 2.74K R182 7,14,16,17 VCC 7,14,16,17 7,14,16,17,19 14,16,17,19 7,16,17,19 7,14,16,17,19 7,14,16,17,19 7,14,16,17 7,14,16,17 7,19 8 7,14,16,17,19 7,16,17,19 PCI_IRQ#B 3 2 1 4 0 PCICLK REQ/GNT 3 2 1 0 n/a PCI_AD1 PCI_AD3 PCI_AD5 PCI_AD7 PCI_AD8 PCI_AD10 PCI_AD12 PCI_AD14 PCI_AD17 PCI_AD19 PCI_AD21 PCI_AD23 PCI_AD25 PCI_AD27 PCI_AD29 PCI_AD31 VCC VCC3 D62 D61 D60 D59 D58 D57 D56 D55 D54 D53 D52 B49 B48 B47 B46 B45 B44 B43 B42 B41 B40 B39 B38 B37 B36 B35 B34 B33 B32 B31 B30 B29 B28 B27 B26 B25 B24 B23 B22 B21 B20 B19 B18 B17 B16 B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B09 B08 B07 B06 B05 B04 B03 B02 PCI, 32-BIT, 5V +5V_D62 +5V_D61 ACK64# +5V_D59 AD1 GND_D57 AD3 AD5 3_3V_B54 AD7 AD8 GND_B49 AD10 AD12 GND_B46 AD14 C_BE1# 3_3V_B43 SERR# 3_3V_B41 PERR# LOCK# GND_B38 DEVSEL# 3_3V_B36 IRDY# GND_B34 C_BE2# AD17 3_3V_B31 AD19 AD21 GND_B28 AD23 C_BE3# 3_3V_B25 AD25 AD27 GND_B22 AD29 AD31 +5V_B19 REQ# GND_B17 CLK GND_B15 RSV_B14 GND_B13 GND_B12 PRSNT2# RSV_B10 PRSNT1# INTD# INTB# +5V_BO6 +5V_B05 TD0 GND TCK -12V J11 +12 +5V_C62 +5V_C61 REQ64# +5V_C59 AD0 AD2 GND_C56 AD4 AD6 3_3V_C53 C_BEO# AD9 GND_A48 AD11 AD13 3_3V_A45 AD15 PAR GND_A42 SBO# SDONE 3_3V_A39 STOP# GND_A37 TRDY# GND_A35 FRAME# 3_3V_A33 AD16 AD18 GND_A30 AD20 AD22 3_3V_A27 IDSEL AD24 GND_A24 AD26 AD28 3_3V_A21 AD30 PME# GND_A18 GNT# +5V_A16 RST# RSV_A14 GND_A13 GND_A12 RSV_A11 +5V_A10 RSV_A09 +5V_A08 INTC# INTA# +5V_A05 TDI TMS +12V TRST# -12 5 PCI_AD20 A29 PCI_AD4 C55 PCI_AD2 PCI_AD0 C58 C62 C61 C60 C59 C57 C56 PCI_AD6 C54 C53 C52 A49 PCI_AD9 PCI_AD11 A47 A48 PCI_AD13 A46 A45 A44 A43 A42 A41 A40 A39 A38 A37 A36 A35 A34 PCI_AD15 PCI_AD16 A32 A33 PCI_AD18 A31 A30 PCI_AD22 A28 A27 A26 A25 PCI_AD24 PCI_AD26 A23 A24 PCI_AD28 A22 A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A09 A08 PCI_AD21 PCI_PME# PCI_GNT#1 PCI_RST# PCI_IRQ#C PCI_AD30 3VSB A07 VCC3 PCI_IRQ#A VCC A06 A05 A04 A03 A02 A01 +12 7,14,16,17 7,14,16,17 SMT0603 VCC 7,14,16,17,19 7,14,16,17,19 7,14,16,17,19 2.74K R183 PCI_CBE#0 PCI_PAR PCI_STOP# PCI_TRDY# PCI_FRAME# 7,10,14,16,17,19 7,19 7,11,14,16,17 7,16,17,19 7,16,17,19 SMT0603 B01 C257 R110 100 A SMT0603 SMT0603 C141 0.01UF C85 VCC -12 SMT0603 SMT0603 VCC3 SMT0603 SMT0603 4 4 DEV NUM 7 4 10 11 12 SLOT 440MX ENET SLOT 1 SLOT 2 SLOT 3 AD23 AD22 AD21 AD15 AD18 IDSEL C, D, A, B B, C, D, A A, B, C, D D, A, B, C A, B, C, D INT[A,B,C,D]# PCI RESOURCES 3 2 1 0 REQ/GNT n/a VCC VCC3 PCI_AD[31:0] SMT0603 B48 D53 PCI_AD7 +12 -12 PCI, 32-BIT, 5V +5V_D62 +5V_D61 ACK64# +5V_D59 AD1 GND_D57 AD3 AD5 3_3V_B54 AD7 AD8 GND_B49 AD10 AD12 GND_B46 AD14 C_BE1# 3_3V_B43 SERR# 3_3V_B41 PERR# LOCK# GND_B38 DEVSEL# 3_3V_B36 IRDY# GND_B34 C_BE2# AD17 3_3V_B31 AD19 AD21 GND_B28 AD23 C_BE3# 3_3V_B25 AD25 AD27 GND_B22 AD29 AD31 +5V_B19 REQ# GND_B17 CLK GND_B15 RSV_B14 GND_B13 GND_B12 PRSNT2# RSV_B10 PRSNT1# INTD# INTB# +5V_BO6 +5V_B05 TD0 GND TCK -12V 3 J10 +5V_C62 +5V_C61 REQ64# +5V_C59 AD0 AD2 GND_C56 AD4 AD6 3_3V_C53 C_BEO# AD9 GND_A48 AD11 AD13 3_3V_A45 AD15 PAR GND_A42 SBO# SDONE 3_3V_A39 STOP# GND_A37 TRDY# GND_A35 FRAME# 3_3V_A33 AD16 AD18 GND_A30 AD20 AD22 3_3V_A27 IDSEL AD24 GND_A24 AD26 AD28 3_3V_A21 AD30 PME# GND_A18 GNT# +5V_A16 RST# RSV_A14 GND_A13 GND_A12 RSV_A11 +5V_A10 RSV_A09 +5V_A08 INTC# INTA# +5V_A05 TDI TMS +12V TRST# 2 C62 C61 C60 C59 C58 C57 C56 C55 C54 C53 C52 A49 A48 A47 A46 A45 A44 A43 A42 A41 A40 A39 A38 A37 A36 A35 A34 A33 A32 A31 A30 A29 A28 A27 A26 A25 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A09 A08 A07 A06 A05 A04 A03 A02 A01 +12 THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. 2 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT D62 D61 D60 D59 D58 D57 D56 PCI_AD3 PCI_AD1 D55 PCI_AD5 D54 D52 PCI_AD8 B49 B47 PCI_AD10 B46 B45 B44 B43 B42 B41 B40 B39 B38 B37 B36 B35 B34 B33 B32 PCI_AD12 PCI_AD14 PCI_AD17 B30 B31 B29 PCI_AD19 B28 B27 B26 PCI_AD21 PCI_AD23 B24 PCI_AD25 B25 B23 PCI_AD27 B22 B21 PCI_AD29 B19 B18 B17 B16 B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B09 B08 B07 B06 B05 B04 B03 B02 B01 B20 VCC -12 PCI_AD31 VCC3 NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 3 2 1 4 0 PCICLK PCI_CBE#1 PCI_SERR# PCI_PERR# PCI_LOCK# PCI_DEVSEL# PCI_IRDY# PCI_CBE#2 PCI_CBE#3 PCI_REQ#2 PCI_CLK2 PCI_IRQ#A 2.74K R181 7,14,16,17 VCC 7,14,16,17 7,14,16,17,19 14,16,17,19 7,16,17,19 7,14,16,17,19 7,14,16,17,19 7,14,16,17 7,14,16,17 7,19 8 7,16,17,19 7,16,17,19 3 PCI_IRQ#C C256 5 SMT0603 SMT0603 C139 VCC PCI_IRQ#B PCI_AD22 PCI_PME# PCI_GNT#2 PCI_RST# PCI_IRQ#D 7,10,14,16,17,19 7,19 7,11,14,16,17 7,14,16,17,19 7,16,17,19 7,14,16,17 7,14,16,17 B 1 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING PCI CONNECTORS 1 AND 2 SMT0603 VCC 7,14,16,17,19 7,14,16,17,19 7,14,16,17,19 2.74K R180 PCI_CBE#0 PCI_PAR PCI_STOP# PCI_TRDY# PCI_FRAME# Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 PCI_AD0 PCI_AD2 PCI_AD4 PCI_AD6 PCI_AD9 PCI_AD11 PCI_AD13 PCI_AD15 PCI_AD16 PCI_AD18 PCI_AD20 PCI_AD22 PCI_AD24 PCI_AD26 PCI_AD28 PCI_AD30 3VSB 09/18/01 DATE TITLE VCC3 SMT0603 6 SMT0603 SMT0603 C103 0.01UF C142 0.01UF 0.01UF C230 0.01UF C182 0.01UF SMT0603 SMT0603 0.01UF C92 0.01UF SMT0603 SMT0603 C102 0.01UF C140 0.01UF 0.01UF C229 0.01UF 0.01UF C181 0.01UF SMT0603 SMT0603 C84 0.01UF C91 0.01UF R109 100 09/20/01 10:29 AM B 16 OF 19 SHEET LAST REV D C B A D C B 11 12 6 10 SLOT 3 4 ENET SLOT 2 7 SLOT 1 DEV NUM SLOT B21 PCI_AD29 PCI_CBE#1 PCI_SERR# AD23 AD22 AD21 AD15 AD18 IDSEL C, D, A, B B, C, D, A A, B, C, D D, A, B, C A, B, C, D INT[A,B,C,D]# PCI RESOURCES PCI_AD[31:0] SMT0603 B48 PCI_AD10 D53 PCI_AD7 3 2 1 4 0 PCICLK 3 2 1 0 REQ/GNT n/a +5V_D62 +5V_D61 ACK64# +5V_D59 AD1 GND_D57 AD3 AD5 3_3V_B54 AD7 AD8 GND_B49 AD10 AD12 GND_B46 AD14 C_BE1# 3_3V_B43 SERR# 3_3V_B41 PERR# LOCK# GND_B38 DEVSEL# 3_3V_B36 IRDY# GND_B34 C_BE2# AD17 3_3V_B31 AD19 AD21 GND_B28 AD23 C_BE3# 3_3V_B25 AD25 AD27 GND_B22 AD29 AD31 +5V_B19 REQ# GND_B17 CLK GND_B15 RSV_B14 GND_B13 GND_B12 PRSNT2# RSV_B10 PRSNT1# INTD# INTB# +5V_BO6 +5V_B05 TD0 GND TCK -12V J9 PCI, 32-BIT, 5V VCC D62 D61 D60 D59 D58 D57 D56 PCI_AD3 PCI_AD1 D55 PCI_AD5 D54 D52 PCI_AD8 B49 B47 PCI_AD12 B46 B45 B44 B43 B42 B41 B40 PCI_PERR# B38 B37 B36 B35 B34 B33 B32 B39 PCI_AD14 PCI_AD17 B30 B31 B29 PCI_AD19 B28 B27 B26 PCI_AD21 PCI_AD23 B24 PCI_AD25 B25 B23 PCI_AD27 B22 B20 PCI_AD31 B19 B18 B17 B16 PCI_LOCK# PCI_DEVSEL# PCI_IRDY# PCI_CBE#2 PCI_CBE#3 PCI_REQ#3 PCI_CLK3 B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B09 B08 PCI_IRQ#B 2.74K R178 440MX 7,14,16 VCC 7,14,16 7,14,16,19 14,16,19 7,16,19 7,14,16,19 7,14,16,19 7,14,16 7,14,16 7,19 8 7,16,19 7,14,16,19 B07 PCI_IRQ#D B06 B05 B04 B03 B02 VCC3 C255 B01 C101 0.01UF A VCC -12 SMT0603 SMT0603 VCC3 SMT0603 SMT0603 TDI TMS +12V TRST# 5 +12 +5V_C62 +5V_C61 REQ64# +5V_C59 AD0 AD2 GND_C56 AD4 AD6 3_3V_C53 C_BEO# AD9 GND_A48 AD11 AD13 3_3V_A45 AD15 PAR GND_A42 SBO# SDONE 3_3V_A39 STOP# GND_A37 TRDY# GND_A35 FRAME# 3_3V_A33 AD16 AD18 GND_A30 AD20 AD22 3_3V_A27 IDSEL AD24 GND_A24 AD26 AD28 3_3V_A21 AD30 PME# GND_A18 GNT# +5V_A16 RST# RSV_A14 GND_A13 GND_A12 RSV_A11 +5V_A10 RSV_A09 +5V_A08 INTC# INTA# +5V_A05 5 -12 PCI_RST# PCI_AD24 PCI_AD22 PCI_AD20 A29 PCI_AD16 PCI_AD4 C55 PCI_AD2 PCI_AD0 C58 C62 C61 C60 C59 C57 C56 PCI_AD6 C54 C53 C52 A49 PCI_AD9 PCI_AD11 A47 A48 PCI_AD13 A46 A45 A44 A43 A42 A41 A40 A39 A38 A37 A36 A35 A34 PCI_AD15 PCI_AD18 A32 A33 A31 A30 A28 A27 A26 A25 7,14,16 7,14,16 7,14,16,19 7,14,16,19 7,14,16,19 SMT0603 VCC 7,10,14,16,19 7,19 7,11,14,16 7,16,19 7,16,19 2.74K R179 PCI_CBE#0 PCI_PAR PCI_STOP# PCI_TRDY# PCI_FRAME# PCI_AD26 A23 A24 PCI_AD28 PCI_AD23 PCI_PME# PCI_GNT#3 A22 A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A09 A08 PCI_IRQ#A PCI_AD30 3VSB PCI_IRQ#C VCC3 A07 VCC A06 A05 A04 A03 A02 A01 +12 SMT0603 6 SMT0603 SMT0603 C136 0.01UF C228 0.01UF 0.01UF C177 0.01UF C137 0.01UF SMT0603 SMT0603 C83 0.01UF C90 0.01UF R108 100 4 4 3 2 THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. 2 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 3 B 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING PCI CONNECTOR 3 Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 09/18/01 DATE TITLE 1 09/20/01 10:29 AM B 17 OF 19 SHEET LAST REV D C B A D C 13 5 5 5 VCC2_5 CPU_VID0 CPU_VID1 CPU_VID2 CPU_VID3 CPU_VID4 VR_PWRGD 6 35v C111 150UF VCC1_5 35v C104 150UF VCC3 4 Q5 3 3 Q6 1 1 MJD45H11 MMBT2907 2 100K R96 R95 SMT0603 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 FB15 BASE15 FB25 BASE25 EN PWRGD UVLO SSL SSC CORE DACOUT GND VID0 VID1 VID2 VCC RAMP OUT ADP3421 REG CS+ CS- VID3 VID4 LTB LTI LTO CLSET HYS U10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5 C165 C163 4 VR1 2 1 NC 3 VOUT VIN SMT0603 3.3V EZ5Z3L-S3.3 NC1 C156 SMT0603 0.001UF SMT0603 0.001UF SMT0603 1500PF C164 SMT0603 0.001UF C167 100PF SMT0603 R113 1K 232K 2.74K R107 R115 100K SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT1206 SMT0603 R112 3.92K R100 SMT0603 5VSB SMT0603 3VSB 1.21K SMT0603 2.74K R114 4 SMT0603 R129 VCC VCC 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ADP3410 VCC GATEL PGND SRMON DRN GATEH BST 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 C212 2.7 2.7 SMT1206 R150 SMT1206 R151 SMT0603 0.1UF VCC 3A_40V DS1 4 4 Q8 Q9 PULSE PE-53691T L2 3 R177 WSL2512-0.002-5% 0.002 SMT0603 25v EEUFC1E122 C200 1200UF SMT0603 2 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. 25v C168 EEUFC1E122 25v C162 1200UF 25v 1200UF 25v C222 25v 1200UF C196 1200UF EEUFC1E122 VR_SENSE+ C254 25v 1200UF C223 1200UF B VCCCORE1 Place close to CPU SMT1206 1 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING VOLTAGE REGULATORS Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 09/18/01 DATE TITLE EFFECTIVE ESR REQUIRED FOR CAPS < 10mohm THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT 3 2 1 8765 3 2 1 8765 +12 NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED VCCGD DLY SMOD IN GND EN OVPSET U12 VCC 5. The core voltage sense resistor and parallel capacitor must be located close to the CPU, but far from the switcher 4. Avoid routing any signals, including power supply control signals, over the switching power path loop SMT1206 3. Add multiple vias where high current traces switch layers to reduce resistance and inductance and improve heat dissipation 2. Connection between components in the high current path must be sized to handle 25A 1. Distance from MOSFETs to driver IC should be as small as placement allows ROUTING NOTES - POWER SUPPLY SMT1206 SMT0603 SMT0603 R102 SMT0603 C175 47PF R128 10K C192 1UF 1.21K SMT0603 C208 0.1UF VCC3 R127 100K 2 EEUFC1E122 3 EEUFC1E122 +12 C176 0.1UF 5 SMT1206 C174 47PF 5 EEUFC1V151 C204 1UF SI4410DY SI4410DY 4 EEUFC1E122 C227 0.1UF EEUFC1E122 B C112 1UF R126 1.21K 10 C166 0.1UF C191 0.1UF SMT0603 SMT0603 A 5 SMT0603 C157 1UF 6 C94 0.1UF C96 0.1UF R121 10 MBRS340 SMT0603 2.74K R130 SMT0603 SMT0603 SMT0603 EEUFC1V151 09/20/01 10:29 AM B 18 OF 19 SHEET LAST REV D C B A D C B A X8 X1 6 6 X5 X4 VCC VCCCORE1 C262 C261 C178 C226 C144 C266 C138 C244 C143 X7 X10 SMT0603 0.01UF SMT0603 0.01UF SMT0603 0.01UF SMT0603 0.01UF SMT0603 0.01UF SMT0603 0.01UF SMT0603 0.01UF SMT0603 0.01UF SMT0603 0.01UF VCC3 VCC3 X2 X11 POWER PLANE DECOUPLING X6 5 5 7 7,10 7,10 6,10 6,10 7,10 7,10 7,10 7,10 7,10 7,10 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7,11 7,10 7,10 7,10 7,10 7,10 7,10 7,10 7,10 XBUS_DREQ0 XBUS_DREQ1 XBUS_DREQ2 XBUS_A20GATE XBUS_RCIN# XBUS_IOCHRDY XBUS_MEMW# XBUS_MEMR# XBUS_IOW# XBUS_IOR# XBUS_RSTDRV XBUS_IRQ1 XBUS_IRQ3 XBUS_IRQ4 XBUS_IRQ5 XBUS_IRQ6 XBUS_IRQ7 XBUS_IRQ12 XBUS_IRQ14 XBUS_SD0 XBUS_SD1 XBUS_SD2 XBUS_SD3 XBUS_SD4 XBUS_SD5 XBUS_SD6 XBUS_SD7 4 R207 R197 SMT0603 4.75K SMT0603 4.75K SMT0603 R214 SMT0603 R147 SMT0603 R152 SMT0603 R259 SMT0603 R277 SMT0603 R299 SMT0603 R212 SMT0603 R220 SMT0603 R215 SMT0603 R195 SMT0603 R188 SMT0603 R200 SMT0603 R184 SMT0603 R192 SMT0603 R196 SMT0603 R201 SMT0603 4.75K 8.25K 8.25K 1K 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K R173 SMT0603 4.75K R216 SMT0603 4.75K R208 SMT0603 4.75K R217 SMT0603 4.75K R209 SMT0603 4.75K R218 SMT0603 4.75K R210 SMT0603 4.75K R219 SMT0603 4.75K R211 10K XBUS 4 EMPTY EMPTY VCC3 VCC PS2_P17 PS2_P16 PS2_P12 8.25K R83 R82 SMT0603 R512 SMT0603 R138 SMT0603 R141 SMT0603 R143 SMT0603 R142 SMT0603 R133 SMT0603 R132 SMT0603 R153 SMT0603 R131 SMT0603 R161 SMT0603 2.74K 8.25K R84 SMT0603 2.74K 8.25K R26 SMT0603 2.74K 8.25K R47 SMT0603 2.74K 8.25K R48 SMT0603 2.74K 8.25K R51 SMT0603 2.74K 8.25K R55 SMT0603 2.74K 8.25K R52 SMT0603 2.74K SMT0603 2.74K 8.25K R25 R145 SMT0603 2.74K SMT0603 2.74K 8.25K R56 SMT0603 2.74K SMT0603 4.75K R267 SMT0603 4.75K R248 SMT0603 4.75K R258 SUPER I/O PCI_CLKRUN# PCI_GNT#3 PCI_GNT#2 PCI_GNT#1 PCI_GNT#0 PCI_IRQ#D PCI_IRQ#C PCI_IRQ#B PCI_IRQ#A PCI_SERIRQ PCI_REQ#3 PCI_REQ#2 PCI_REQ#1 PCI_REQ#0 PCI_FRAME# PCI_IRDY# PCI_TRDY# PCI_DEVSEL# PCI_STOP# PCI_LOCK# PCI_SERR# PCI_PERR# EMPTY VCC VCC3 VCC 3 7 7,15 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 MX_GPIO21 MX_GPIO11 MX_GPIO6 MX_GPIO5 MX_GPIO4 MX_GPIO3 MX_GPIO2 MX_GPIO1 SMB_ALERT# PCI_PME# PM_EXTSMI# PM_PWRBTN# SMB_DATA SMB_CLK AC_SDIN1 AC_SDIN0 MX_GPIO27 MX_GPIO10 4,7 7,10,14,16,17 7,13 7,13 4,6,8,9,13,14 4,6,8,9,13,14 2 THE MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. 2 END USER PRODUCT. INTEL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED FOR MANUFACTURING AS AN 10K 10K 10K 10K SMT0603 R32 SMT0603 R88 SMT0603 R511 SMT0603 R91 SMT0603 R158 SMT0603 R155 SMT0603 R189 SMT0603 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6 4 4,6 4,6 4 4,6 4 4,6 GTL_CPURST# CPU_STPCLK# CPU_INIT# CPU_NMI CPU_INTR CPU_SLP# CPU_SMI# CPU_IGNNE# CPU_FLUSH# CPU_FERR# CPU_IERR# CPU_A20M# B VCC1_5 SMT0603 R172 SMT0603 R103 SMT0603 R105 SMT0603 R119 SMT0603 R106 SMT0603 R135 R104 SMT0603 R118 SMT0603 R148 SMT0603 R134 SMT0603 R146 SMT0603 R120 1 1 440MX SCALABLE LOW POWER BOARD DRAWING 56.2 680 1K 1.5K 1.5K 1.5K 332 1.5K 1.5K 1.5K 1.5K 1.5K GTL+ BUS PULLUP/PULLDOWN RESISTORS 09/18/01 DATE TITLE 3VSB Intel Corporation 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85226 VCC3 3VSB EMPTY SMT0603 R185 SMT0603 R89 SMT0603 R92 SMT0603 R202 SMT0603 R93 SMT0603 R137 SMT0603 R139 SMT0603 R90 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K SMT0603 4.75K R171 8.25K 8.25K 8.25K 4.75K R33 SMT0603 4.75K R34 MX CHIPSET THIS DRAWING CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT NOTE: ALL RESISTORS +/- 1%, ALL CAPACITORS +/- 20% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 10 10 10 7,14 7,17 7,16 7,16 7,14 7,14,16,17 7,16,17 7,16,17 7,16,17 7,10 7,17 7,16 7,16 7,14 7,14,16,17 7,14,16,17 7,14,16,17 7,14,16,17 7,14,16,17 7,16,17 7,14,16,17 14,16,17 PCI BUS 3 09/20/01 10:29 AM B 19 OF 19 SHEET LAST REV D C B A