Klick here - Petrus Grabe


Klick here - Petrus Grabe
Curriculum Vitae
The Power of God in Paul‟s Letters. Second Edition. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul
Siebeck), 2008. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament [WUNT],
New Covenant, New Community. The Significance of Biblical and Patristic Covenant
Theology for Current Understanding. Carlisle, U.K.: Paternoster Publishing, 2006.
Der neue Bund in der frühchristlichen Literatur unter Berücksichtigung der
alttestamentlich-jüdischen Voraussetzungen, Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2001.
(Forschung zur Bibel [FzB] 96.)
Gräbe, P. J. & Hattingh, W. J. (Eds.), The Reality of the Holy Spirit in the Church. In
Honour of F. P. Möller. Pretoria: J. L. van Schaik, 1997.
Beleef die Krag van God [Experience the Power of God. An in-depth Bible Study],
Vereeniging, South Africa: CUM Books, 2002.
A commentary on 2 Corinthians has been finished recently and is due for publication
in 2011.
Scholarly Articles
“The New Covenant and Christian Identity in Hebrews,” in A Crowd of Witnesses:
The Theology of Hebrews in its Ancient Context. Library of New Testament Studies.
MacDonald, Nathan (Ed.), 118-127. Edingburgh: T. & T. Clark, 2008.
“… as citizens of heaven live in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ …”
Perspectives on the Ethics of Philippians, in Van der Watt, Jan G. (ed.), Identity,
Ethics, and Ethos in the New Testament, pp. 289-302. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die
neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, Band 141. Berlin,
New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2006.
“Salvation in Colossians and Ephesians” in Van der Watt, Jan G. (ed.), Salvation in
the New Testament. Perspectives on Soteriology. Supplements to Novum
Testamentum, Volume 121, 287-304. Leiden, Boston: Brill Academic Publishers,
“Worship” in the Encyclopedia of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity. Edited by
Stanley M. Burgess. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing, 2005.
“Scripture, Holy” in the Encyclopedia of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity.
Edited by Stanley M. Burgess. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing, 2005.
Contribution to a panel of response and reflection essays to Douglas Jacobsen and
Rhonda Hustedt Jacobsen's book, Scholarship and Christian Faith: Enlarging the
Conversation (Oxford University Press, 2004). PNEUMA: The Journal of the Society
for Pentecostal Studies, Volume 27 (1), 124-129, 2005.
“The Pentecostal Discovery of the New Testament Theme of God‟s Power and its
Relevance to the African Context.” Pneuma. The Journal of the Society for
Pentecostal Studies 24/2, 225-242, 2002.
"The New Covenant: Perspectives from the Lord‟s Supper Traditions and from the
Pauline Letters." Scriptura, 65/2, 153-167, 1998.
"Hermeneutical reflections on the Interpretation of the New Testament with Special
Reference to the Holy Spirit and Faith,” in Gräbe, P. J. and Hattingh, W. J. (eds.),
The Reality of the Holy Spirit in the Church. In Honour of F. P. Möller. Pretoria: J. L.
van Schaik, 1997.
"Alttestamentliche Voraussetzungen für das Verständnis des Bundesmotivs im Neuen
Testament. Teil 2: Forschungsgeschichtlicher Überblick, Fazit und Ausblick" [Old
Testament prerequisites for the understanding of the covenant motif in the New
Testament. Part 2: Overview of the history of research and conclusion], Hervormde
Teologiese Studies [Reformed Theological Studies] 53, 227- 256, 1997.
"Alttestamentliche Voraussetzungen für das Verständnis des Bundesmotivs im Neuen
Testament. Teil 1: Fragestellung und Bedeutung des Wortes berit " [Old Testament
prerequisites for the understanding of the covenant motif in the New Testament. Part
I: Formulation of the question and discussion of the meaning of berit], Hervormde
Teologiese Studies [Reformed Theological Studies] 53, 209-226, 1997.
"Kainè diathéke in der paulinischen Literatur: Ansätze zu einer paulinischen
Ekklesiologie" [Kainè diathéke (the New Covenant) in Pauline literature. Trajectories
for a Pauline ecclesiology], in Kampling, R. and Söding, T. (Hg.), Ekklesiologie des
Neuen Testaments. Für Karl Kertelge [Ecclesiology of the New Testament. For Karl
Kertelge], 267-287. Freiburg/Basel/Wien: Herder, 1996.
"Ecclesiological Dimensions of the New Testament Message about the New
Covenant". Paper presented at the joint conference of the "Society for Pentecostal
Studies" and the "European Pentecostal-Charismatic Research Association,”
Mattersey Hall, Near Doncaster, England. Published in the Conference Papers, 1995.
"The All-Surpassing Power of God through the Holy Spirit in the Midst of our Broken
Earthly Existence: Perspectives on Paul's Use of dýnamis in 2 Corinthians."
Neotestamentica 28/1, 147-156, 1994.
“Paul's Assertion of Obedience as a Function of Persuasion.” Neotestamentica 26/2,
351-358, 1992.
“Dýnamis (in the Sense of Power) as a Pneumatological Concept in the Main Pauline
Letters.” Biblische Zeitschrift 36/2, 226-235, 1992.
“The Relevance of the Letter to the Hebrews for Today – A Call to Persevere in
Faith,” in Swanepoel, F. (ed.), Discover the Book Hebrews, 47-52. Pretoria: C. B.
Powell Bible Centre.
"Is wonderwerke verstaanbaar? (Die interpretasie van wonderwerke in die Nuwe
Testament)" [How should we understand miracles? (The interpretation of miracles in
the New Testament)], in Swanepoel, F. A. (ed.), Wonderwerke ... [Miracles ... ],
40-46. Pretoria: C. B. Powell Bible Centre, UNISA, 1994.
“Ontvang jou slaaf soos 'n broer! Die etiese reikwydte en ekklesiologiese implikasies
van die verbondenheid aan Jesus Christus” [Accept your slave as a brother! The
ethical scope and ecclesiological implications of the union with Jesus Christ], in
Roberts, J. H., Vorster, W. S., Vorster, J. N. and Van der Watt, J. G. (eds.), Teologie
in konteks. Huldigingsbundel aangebied aan professor A B du Toit by geleentheid
van sy sestigste verjaardag [Theology in context. Commemorative publication
presented to professor A. B. du Toit at his sixtieth birthday], 427-439. Halfway
House: Orion, 1991.
“Dýnamis (Power) in Paul's Ministry as Portrayed in his Main Letters.” Nederduitse
Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif [Dutch Reformed Theological Journal] 32/2,
201-213, 1991.
“Die verhouding tussen indikatief en imperatief in die Pauliniese etiek: Enkele
aksente uit die diskussie sedert 1924" [The relation between indicative and
imperative in Pauline ethics: Perspectives from the discussion since 1924]. Scriptura
32, 54-66, 1990.
“Ansatzpunkte für eine Theologie des Neuen Testaments bei Oscar Cullmann und
Leonhard Goppelt” [Points of departure for a theology of the New Testament: Oscar
Culmann and Leonhard Goppelt], Hervormde Teologiese Studies [Reformed
Theological Studies] 46/1, 85-101, 1990.
Accepted for publication:
“„And he made known to us the mystery of his will …‟ Reflections on the Eschatology of the
Letter to the Ephesians,” in J. G. van der Watt (ed),The Eschatology of the New Testament.
Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Book Reviews
Helyer, Larry R. 2008. The Witness of Jesus, Paul and John: An Exploration in Biblical
Theology. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, Review of Biblical Literature
Schenker, Adrian 2006. Das Neue am neuen Bund und das Alte am alten: Jer 31 in
der hebräischen und griechischen Bibel. FRLANT 212. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht, Review of Biblical Literature (2009).
Finlan, Stephen 2007. Options on Atonement in Christian Thought. Collegeville,
Minnesota: Liturgical Press, Review of Biblical literature (2009).
Schäfer, Ruth 2004. Paulus bis zum Apostelkonzil. Wissenschalftliche
Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament II/179. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, HTS 2009.
Fee, G. D. 1994. God's Empowering Presence. The Holy Spirit in the Letters of Paul,
Peabody: Hendrickson, Neotestamentica 31/2 (1997), 225-226.
Beker, J. C 1990. The Triumph of God: The Essence of Paul's Thought, translated
by Loren T. Stuckenbruck, Minneapolis: Fortress, Neotestamentica 27/1 (1993),
Beker, J. C. 1989. Paul the Apostle: The Triumph of God in Life and Thought,
Philadelphia: Fortress, Neotestamentica 25/1 (1991), 179-180.
Theological Education Renewal Awards Program, Yale University Center for Faith and
Culture: Winning team with Dr. William Cox, Regent University School of Education,
Faculty Research Grant, Regent University, 2004-2005; 2007-2008
Chancellor‟s Prize for Research, University of South Africa, 2001
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Fellowship (1999)
Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship to spend a sabbatical at the University of
Cambridge, U.K. (March-August 1999)
Life Member of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, U.K.
Senior Overseas Research Grant, Research Committee, University of South Africa,
Scholarship for Post-Doctoral Research Abroad, Centre for Science Development,
Human Sciences Research Council, 1995
Grant for delivering a paper at an international conference abroad by the Research
Committee (University of South Africa), as well as by the Centre for Science
Development (Human Sciences Research Council), 1993
Scholarship for doctoral studies in Germany (German Academic Exchange Service
[DAAD]), 1987/1988
National Scholarship
Scholarship for doctoral studies abroad, Centre for Science Development (Human
Sciences Research Council)
Andrew Murray Prize for the best student in Systematic Theology and Theological
Scholarships awarded for academic merit by the University of Pretoria (for whole
duration of study)
University of Pretoria (1977-1979)
Baccalaureus Artium (BA)
Date awarded: 04. 15.1980
(Awarded with distinction)
University of Pretoria (1980-1981)
Baccalaureus Honores (Greek)
Date awarded: 04.23.1981
(Awarded with distinction)
University of Pretoria (1983-1986)
Baccalaureus Divinitatis (BD)
Date awarded: 04. 08.1986
(Awarded with distinction)
University of Pretoria (1986-1990)
Doctor Divinitatis
Date awarded: 06.12.1990
(Awarded with distinction)
The Doctor Divinitatis is an earned research doctoral degree. Following the European
tradition, the outcome of the Doctor Divinitatis at the University of Pretoria is specialized
research-based knowledge, combined with a broad theological background. Doctoral
examinations in a main subject and in two ancillary subjects are required, as well as an
extensive dissertation.
Main subject: New Testament Studies
Ancillary subjects: Old Testament Studies; Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics
Theme of dissertation: “Dýnamis in the Sense of Power in the Main Pauline Letters.”
Doctoral research was done at the “Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität,” Münster,
Germany under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Karl Kertelge. The dissertation was
published in the series “Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament”
by Mohr Siebeck in Tübingen, Germany; see Publications above.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. B. du Toit (University of Pretoria)
External examiners:
Prof. Dr. Karl Kertelge (Westfälische Wilhelms University, Münster, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Jan Lambrecht (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium)
Post-Doctoral Research with Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Hahn, Munich, Germany, 1995, and with
Prof. Dr. Graham Stanton, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, as well as with Prof.
Dr. Alexander Wedderburn, Munich, Germany 1999.
The post-doctoral research project was published as: Der neue Bund in der frühchristlichen
Literatur unter Berücksichtigung der alttestamentlich-jüdischen Voraussetzungen, Würzburg:
Echter Verlag, 2001. (Forschung zur Bibel [FzB] 96)
Post held
Professor of New Testament
Ph.D. Program Director and
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Junior Lecturer
Part-time Lecturer
Education Assistant
Research Assistant
Regent University
Regent University
2005.04.01 – Present
2002.01.01 – 2005.03.31
1996.01.01- 2001.12.31
South Africa
South Africa
South Africa
South Africa
Also taught Greek and New Testament at Berea Theological College, Full Gospel Church of
God, Irene, Pretoria (2001).
From the beginning of his career the development of teaching skills has been a high priority.
Petrus therefore completed the module on Distance Education in the Diploma for Tertiary
Education at the University of South Africa in 1992 and participated in the following programs
and seminars:
The Pedagogies of Online Theological Instruction. A seminar organized by
the Wabash Center, Indianapolis, October 9–11, 2009.
Obtained the Quality Assurance Rubric Certificate from the Center for
Teaching and Learning at Regent University, July 17, 2009.
Participated in the webinar, Increasing Cognitive Engagement in the Online
Classroom. Presenter: Dr. Jean Mandernach, Park University. Facilitated by
the Center for Teaching and Learning at Regent University. Date: March, 26,
Certified as a Master Instructor, through following the Master Instruction
Program, Center for Teaching and Learning, Regent University (2004;
Certification as Master Instructor is current).
Blackboard Certified, Center for Teaching and Learning, Regent University
Obtained the Online Instructional Design Certificate from the Centre for
Teaching and Learning at Regent University. The following aspects of online
teaching were addressed: the importance of objectives in the online course;
organization in the online course; impacting online learning with visual
elements; connecting with the online student; meaningful assessment in the
online course; best practices in online teaching.
Obtained the Certificate on College Teaching, offered by the Virignia
Tidewater Consortium for Higher Education. The following issues were
addressed: testing and grading; teaching and learning styles; helping
students retain classroom material; lecturing and questioning skills; the use
of technology in the classroom; and student centered learning.
Virginia Tidewater Consortium for Higher Education, Retention Workshop, led
by Dr. Robert Hanny, Old Dominion University, November 7, 2003.
"Balancing Assessment and Instruction through Differentiation," Carol Ann
Tomlinson and Robin Fogarty, Conference organized by the School of
Education, Regent University, October 17-18, 2003.
Delivered a paper on "Aligning Heart, Head and Hand. A Historical and
Biblical Perspective" at the Coalition of Christian Teacher Educators
Conference, May 25-27, 2006, Regent University.
Regent University
Responsible for the establishment of the Ph.D. program in the School of Divinity:
Development of the model of instruction for a contextual Ph.D. program in Renewal
Studies. This was an extensive task, leading to a comprehensive petition to ATS
(Association of Theological Schools in the U.S. and Canada) and SACS (Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools).
Development of a program portfolio for the Ph.D. program in Renewal Studies,
meeting the most current educational requirements.
Preparation of the course descriptions and learning objects of all Ph.D. courses in
their initial phases.
Intensive discussions with consultants and the ATS relating to the model of
instruction of the Ph.D. program:
Roundtable discussion with a panel of scholars and ATS representatives: July 23, 2002.
Intensive discussion with Dr. Charles Willard (ATS) and Dr. Katherine Amos: July
12, 2003; April 14, 2003.
Courses tuaght:
Exegesis of the Letter to the Ephesians
Pauline Theology
New Testament Greek
Unity of the Bible
Jesus and the Gospels
Biblical Hermeneutics
Biblical Theology
University of South Africa – Full tenured faculty since 1991
Supervision and administration of most of the department of New Testament‟s
Master‟s and Doctoral students. Was responsible for the establishment of a graduate
program (Master‟s and Doctoral level) for UNISA students from St. Petersburg
Christian University, Russia.
Responsible for the teaching of exegesis to Biblical Studies II and III students.
Teaching of Biblical Archaeology.
Course leader for Biblical Studies II.
Actively participated in the Department‟s program of group discussions
(group visits to satellite campuses, as well as video conferences with students).
Actively involved in the development of a new curriculum, as well as accrediting of
courses with the relevant authorities.
Part of a cluster of lecturers involved in the development of a program in New
Testament spirituality on the Master‟s level.
Responsible for Pauline theology in the Department‟s graduate program.
External examiner for Ph.D. Dissertations of the University of Pretoria and of the
Apostolic Faith Mission Theological College at the University of Johannesburg.
Member of the international Society for the Study of the New Testament ( Studiorum
Novi Testamenti Societas - SNTS).
Member of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)
Member of the Institute for Biblical Research (IBR)
Response to Mark Stibbe, “Spirit, Scripture and Sacrament: The Perspective of an
Anglican Charismatic in New Testament Studies.” Spirit and Scripture Symposium,
Regent University, Virginia Beach, October 17-18, 2008.
“The Reception of the New Covenant Concept (cf. Jeremiah 31:31-34) in Early
Judaism (Especially Qumran) and in the Early Church (Barnabas, Justin, Irenaeus,
Clement of Alexandria, Origin and Aphrahat).” Paper accepted for the Society of
Biblical Literature Annual Conference, November 18-21, 2006, Washington, D.C.
“The New Covenant and Christian Identity in Hebrews.” The St. Andrews Conference
on Hebrews and Theology, July 18-22, 2006, St. Andrews University, Scotland, U.K.
“Aligning Heart, Head and Hand. A Historical and Biblical Perspective.” The Coalition
of Christian Teacher Educators Conference, Regent University, May 25-27, 2006.
Response to J. Christopher Thomas, “Toward a Pentecostal Theology of Prophetic
Witness: The Testimony of the Apocalypse (Rev. 11.3-14).” Renewal History and
Theology: Past, Present, and Future, Regent University, June 17, 2006.
“The History of Western Thought and Ideas.” Christ Chapel Ministry Institute,
Woodbridge VA, April 23, 2005.
“Revisioning Pentecostal Theological Education for the 21st Century.” Society for
Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting, March 10-12, Regent University, 2005.
“Salvation from Evil Powers. The Relevance of Colossians and Ephesians for Believers
in an African Context.” International Pentecostal Theological Conference, Auckland
Park, South Africa, September 13, 2004.
“Adult Education,” Master Instruction Program, Regent University, 2004.
Azusa Lecture Panel Discussion. “The Relevance of the Holy Spirit for the Church and
for Theology in the 21st Century.” Regent University, November 16, 2004.
“The All-Surpassing Power of God in the Midst of a Broken Earthly Existence:
Reflections on the Theology of 2 Corinthians,” SBL International Meeting, Cambridge,
England, 2003.
Response to Jeffrey S. Lamp, “Holiness and New Life in Christ: A Rhetorical Overview
of Romans 5-8,” Joint Meeting of the Wesleyan Theological Society and the Society
for Pentecostal Studies, Wilmore, Kentucky, 2003.
Response to a review of my book, Der neue Bund in der frühchristlichen Literatur
unter Berücksichtigung der alttestamentlich-jüdischen Voraussetzungen, by Mark
Elliott (Liverpool Hope University/ St. Andrews University), Tyndale Fellowship
Triennial Conference, Nantwich, England, 2003.
“Trajectories for a Theology of the New Covenant Today in the Light of Covenant
Theology in the New Testament and Early Church.” Tyndale Fellowship Triennial
Conference, Nantwich, England, 2003.
“A Concept Belonging to Two Religious Traditions: The New Covenant Motif as
„Ecumenical Challenge‟ in the Second Century.” Paper delivered at the 31st Annual
Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Lakeland, Florida, 2002.
“The New Testament Concept of God‟s Power and its Reception within the
Pentecostal Tradition, with Special Reference to the African Context.” Paper delivered
at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Asian Pentecostal Society and the 10th International
Theological Conference on the Holy Spirit, preceding the Pentecostal World
Conference, Bethesda Christian University, Anaheim, California, 2001.
“The New Covenant in the Second Century.” Faculty of Theology and Religious
Studies Research Lecture, University of South Africa, Pretoria, 2001.
“Power for Ministry, with Special Emphasis on the Pauline Concept of Power.” Paper
delivered at the annual conference of the New Testament Society of South Africa,
Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, 2000.
“The Essence of Pauline Spirituality.” Paper delivered at the conference of the
Pauline subgroup of the New Testament Society of South Africa, Pretoria, 1997.
“Ecclesiological Dimensions of the New Testament Message about the New
Covenant.” Paper delivered at the joint conference of the “Society for Pentecostal
Studies (North America)” and the “European Pentecostal-Charismatic Research
Association,” Mattersey Hall, England, 1995.
“The All-Surpassing Power of the Holy Spirit in the Midst of Our Broken Earthly
Existence: Perspectives on Paul‟s Use of dýnamis in 2 Corinthians.” Paper delivered
at the annual conference of the New Testament Society of South Africa, Stoney
Ridge, Hekpoort, 1994.
“Hermeneutical Reflections on the Interpretation of the New Testament with Special
Reference to the Holy Spirit and Faith.” Paper delivered at the twenty-third annual
meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Guadalajara, Mexico, 1993.
“Paul‟s Assertion of Obedience as a Function of Persuasion.” Paper delivered at the
annual conference of the New Testament Society of South Africa, Bloemfontein,
“Dýnamis in der hellenistischen (profan-griechischen) Literatur, in der Septuaginta
und im Frühjudentum und die paulinische Verwendung der dýnamis.“ Paper read at
the “Oberseminar, Seminar für Exegese des Neuen Testaments, Westfälische
Wilhelms-Universität,” Münster, 1988.
“Ansatzpunkte für eine Theologie des Neuen Testaments bei Oscar Cullmann und
Leonhard Goppelt.” Paper delivered at the “Oberseminar, Seminar für Exegese des
Neuen Testaments, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität,” Münster, 1987.
Married to Rachel Blomerus, two daughters: Alice and Catharina.
Fluent in Afrikaans, English, and German – has published in all three languages.
Home address: 2265 Tanglewood Trail, Virginia Beach, VA 23454.
Tel: 757.496.3972 (H); 757.352.4408 (O); Fax: 757.352.4636
E-mail: petrgra@regent.edu
Web site: www.petrusgrabe.com

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