Greetings from St. Peter / Issue 08 / August 2014
Greetings from St. Peter / Issue 08 / August 2014
EUROPÄISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN UND KÜNSTE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS L ACADEMIE EUROPEENNE DES SCIENCES ET DES ARTS ACADEMIA SCIENTIARUM ET ARTIUM EUROPAEA G R E E T I N G S F R O M ST. P E T E R No. 8 / September 2014 Dear fellows, I hope you enjoyed your summer, despite we had much rain. Rain is sometimes good for relaxing and reading interesting books, what I have done. Mostly good books are inspiring and bringing new ideas. In overall the political situation is not very inspiring. I think on the Ukraine and the Orient. We find a power play and a slaughter on believers from other religions. This is contrary to all humanism and tolerance, a neglecting of respect to the next. I always have been in hope that our continent will settle in a peaceful frame. I mentioned books which I have read. There has been one from Werner Weidenfeld on “Europe”. He made a remarkable statement. Europe has at present no vision anymore, it has gone and none is in near to detect. He speaks on a new interpretation of Europe. And so I believe that our Academy has the real potential to focus on the Interpretation of Europe. We will face hard times. I do not believe that the sanctions between Europe to Russia are a one way street. The reflect mechanism will hit us strongly soon. Jean-Claude Junker is Honorary Senator in our Academy and I started approaching him finding a proper role as advisors. Work is much, it has to be started. Now the fall period starts. Next week we have a meeting in Finland organized by Juhani Laurinkari. The program is attached. On September 22 we hand over the rings of Tolerance in Cologne. We have been invited by the town of Cologne to hold the ceremony there. The program is attached too. To register for this event please contact: In October there is a meeting in Mannheim organized by Hermes Kick. there are many other meetings under preparation as in Warsaw and Rome. All our future events are listed on our website: Please mark in your calendar: on March 7th 2015 we celebrate our 25th anniversary, the program for this festive act is in preparation. From our office I learned that there is a good influx of membership fees. Those of you who have not transferred the fee, please do so. For those who are generous giving us a gift of over 2,500 € a graphic by Mimo Palladino, a famous artist and our member, is waiting for you. This wonderful piece of art named “Testa algebrica” is hand signed by him and available only in a limited number. This was organized by Thaddäus Ropac, also member of our Academy. The dimensions of the graphic are: 39 x 49 cm. Within the last 25 years we gained a respectable network, which has to be enlarged. So I try to motivate people from outside, get them interested in our work. We have as mission: to form Europe. The Alma Mater developed very well. Beside the wonderful activities in Slovenia we have courses in preparation: Social Gerontology in Salzburg and European Integration in Serbia. With best regards, Felix Unger President European Academy of Sciences and Arts Received books: • Werner Weidenfeld, Europa. Eine Strategie • Politechnika Lubelska, Rainer Horn. The Honorary Professor of the Lublin University of Technology • Politechnika Lubelska, Professor Zhihong Cao Ph.D. The Honorary Professor of the Lublin University of Technology • Małgorzata Pawłowska & Lucjan Pawłowski (Ed.), Management of Pollutant Emission from Landfills and Sludge • Małgorzata Pawłowska, Mitigation of Landfill Gas Emissions • Artur Pawłowski, Marzenna R. Dudzińska & Lucjan Pawłowski (Ed.), Environmental Engineering • Waldemar Hummer, Die Europäische Union - das unbekannte Wesen. Die EU in 150 Glossen. Band 2 • Waldemar Hummer, Die Europäischen Union - das unbekannte Wesen. Die EU in 240 Bildern • Hungarian Review, Vol. V., No. 4 • Hans-Werner Sinn, The Euro Trap. On Bursting Bubbles, Budgets, and Beliefs • Mihai Cimpoi, Mihai Eminescu. Dicţionar Enciclopedic • Artur Pawlowski (Editor in Chief), Problems of Sustainable Development. Journal of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. Vol. 9, No. 2 • Rajko Kuzmanovic, Constitutional Law Topics We have to congratulate: • • Lothar Beckel, Salzburg, 80 years Werner Weidenfeld, Deutschland, erhielt am 10. Juni den Europa-Preis EUmérite 2014 We have to regret the death of: Klaus Demmer, Germany Eloy Benito Ruano, Spain Karl K. Kaiser, Germany REQUIESCANT IN PACE The Academy is grateful for the support of the Republic of Austria European Academy of Sciences and Arts St.-Peter-Bezirk 10, A-5020 Salzburg Austria Tel: +43 / 662 / 84 13 45 Fax: +43 / 662 / 84 13 43