Projektgruppe für Automatisierung in der Medizin und Biotechnologie Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3, D-68167 Mannheim Dr.-Ing. Jan Stallkamp Head of Department Mannheim, October 8th, 2013 Dr. Nikolaos Deliolanis Group leader Telefon: + 49 711 970 1782|Fax -1005 JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: SCIENTIST (BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING - OPTICS) IN MANNHEIM Fraunhofer PAMB (Project group for Automation in Medicine and Biotechnology) is a newly established multidisciplinary group of 20+ scientists located in University Hospital in Mannheim active in the R&D of automation technologies for biomedical applications, with expertise in IT in Biosciences, Bioprocess Technologies, Micromechatronics, and Biomedical Optics. PAMB belongs to Fraunhofer IPA - member of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, an organization with more than 20,000 employees in institutes spread out in Germany. Job Title: Research Scientist (PhD or Post-doc position) Working time: full-time Salary: Full position according to TVöD Job Location: Fraunhofer PAMB in Universität Klinikum Mannheim, 68167, Mannheim Job description: The researcher will work in the Biomedical Optics group in the development of state-of-the-art measurement and imaging methods for biomedical applications. A main field of work is the R&D of novel fluorescence multispectral imaging systems for clinical imaging applications, in the fields of diagnostics and intervention, i.e. surgical imaging, endoscopy, and others. Requirements: § Strong background in Physics, Electrical or Biomedical Engineering, or relevant field. § Practical experience in optics, data, or image processing. § Preferable experience in biomedical and clinical applications. § Strong analytical skills in science and R&D. Please send CV and references via email to: Dr. Nikolaos Deliolanis Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V., München Executive Board Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Prof.E.h. Dr.-Ing. E.h. mult. Dr. h.c. Reimund Neugebauer, President Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Buller Prof. (Univ. Stellenbosch) Dr. rer.pol. Alfred Gossner Dr. rer. publ. Alexander Kurz Cheques and transfers payable to: Deutsche Bank, München Account752193300 BLZ700 700 10 IBANDE86 7007 0010 0752 1933 00 BIC (SWIFT-Code)DEUTDEMM V.A.T. Ident No.DE129515865 Tax Number143/215/20392