Prevalence of obesity and motor performance - PH
Prevalence of obesity and motor performance - PH
Prevalence of obesity and motor performance capabilities in Tyrolean preschool children Klaus Greier, Herbert Riechelmann & Martin Burtscher Wiener klinische Wochenschrift The Central European Journal of Medicine ISSN 0043-5325 Volume 126 Combined 13-14 Wien Klin Wochenschr (2014) 126:409-415 DOI 10.1007/s00508-014-0553-1 1 23 Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by SpringerVerlag Wien. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at”. 1 23 Author's personal copy original article Wien Klin Wochenschr (2014) 126:409–415 DOI 10.1007/s00508-014-0553-1 Prevalence of obesity and motor performance capabilities in Tyrolean preschool children Klaus Greier · Herbert Riechelmann · Martin Burtscher Received: 4 January 2014 / Accepted: 13 April 2014 / Published online: 20 May 2014 © Springer-Verlag Wien 2014 Summary Background The childrens’ world of movement has changed dramatically during the last decades. As a consequence motor performance decreases particularly in children affected by overweight and obesity. This study analyses the influence of the body mass index (BMI) on motor performance of pre-school children. Methods In a cross-sectional study including 41 kindergartens in Tyrol (Austria), 4- to 5-year-old children (n = 1,063) were recruited. Four BMI groups were used according to a German BMI reference system: Group I (anorexic/underweight), group II (normal weight), group III (overweight) and group IV (obese). Motor performance was assessed by the use of the Karlsruhe Motorik-Screening (KMS 3–6). Results Out of the 1,063 preschool children (550 ♂, 513 ♀) 7.6 % (n = 81) were overweight and 5.5 % (n = 58) were obese. The results demonstrate that motor performance of under- and overweight preschool-children is not different from children with normal BMI, but obese children had significantly lower motor performance (p < 0.001). Conclusion The prevalence of overweight and obese Tyrolean preschool children is similar to those of nonmountainous areas of Austria and Germany. The fact that K. Greier, PhD () University College of Education (KPH) Stams, Stiftshof 1, 6422 Stams, Tirol, Austria e-mail: H. Riechelmann, MD Medical University Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria M. Burtscher, MD, PhD Department of Sport Science, Medical Section, University Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria 13 motor performance is reduced only in obese children suggests that targeted promotion of physical activity is urgently needed for preschool children particularly considering children with a risk to develop obesity. Besides the efforts of parents, nursery schools are the ideal setting for intervention measures. Keywords Obesity · Children’s health · Preschool children · Motor performance · Prevention Adipositasprävalenz und motorische Leistungsfähigkeit bei Tiroler Kindergartenkindern Zusammenfassung Grundlagen Die kindliche Bewegungswelt hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten grundlegend verändert. Als Folge nimmt die motorische Leistungsfähigkeit ab, wobei besonders Kinder mit Übergewicht und Adipositas betroffen sind. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht den Einfluss des Body Mass Index (BMI) auf die motorische Leistungsfähigkeit von Kindergartenkindern. Methodik In einer Querschnittsuntersuchung wurden aus 41 Kindergärten in Tirol (Österreich) 4- bis 5-jährige Kinder (n = 1063) rekrutiert. Anhand eines deutschen überregionalen BMI-Referenzsystems wurden 4 BMIGruppen gebildet: Gruppe I (anorex/untergewichtig), Gruppe II (normalgewichtig), Gruppe III (übergewichtig) und Gruppe IV (adipös). Die Beurteilung der motorischen Leistungsfähigkeit erfolgte anhand des Karlsruher Motorik-Screenings (KMS 3- 6). Ergebnisse Von den 1063 Kindergartenkindern (550 ♂; 513 ♀) waren 7,6 % (n = 81) übergewichtig und 5,5 % (n = 58) adipös. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass unterund übergewichtige Kindergartenkinder sich nicht von normalgewichtigen unterscheiden, adipöse Kinder aber hochsignifikant schlechtere motorische Leistungen aufweisen (p < 0,001). Prevalence of obesity and motor performance capabilities in Tyrolean preschool children 409 Author's personal copy original article Schlussfolgerungen Die Prävalenz von übergewichtigen und adipösen Tiroler Vorschulkindern ist durchaus vergleichbar mit jener in Nicht-Berggebieten von Österreich und Deutschland. Das Ergebnis, dass nur adipöse Kinder eine verminderte motorische Leistungsfähigkeit aufweisen, legt nahe, dass einer gezielten Bewegungsförderung im Vorschulalter, unter ganz besonderer Berücksichtigung von Kindern mit Risiko zu Adipositas, zukommen sollte. Neben dem Elternhaus stellen Kindergärten das ideale Setting für Interventionsmaßnahmen dar. Schlüsselwörter Adipositas · Kindergesundheit · Vorschulkinder · Körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit · Prävention Introduction The relevance of motor performance capabilities and physical activity for healthy development of children and adolescents has been proven by many studies [1–3]. The motor performance capabilities are part genetically determined, but they can also be influenced by training the basic motor skills like endurance and strength [4]. Motor performance capabilities and physical activity influence each other and can be regarded as a major indicator for the overall health of children and adolescents [5]. In the context of a salute-genetic understanding of health, motor performance capabilities and physical activity are therefore regarded as important health resources. In accordance, epidemiological studies underline the important role of motor performance capabilities for prevention [6–9]. The children’s movement behaviour and physical activity levels have changed substantially in almost all industrialised nations within the last decades and are characterised mainly by a lack of movement [10, 11]. Several studies [12–14] show that according to the guidelines of the World Health Organisation (WHO), the majority of children and adolescents do not have sufficient amounts of physical activity. Besides a deficit in motor performance capabilities, a lack of movement is in most cases accompanied by overweight [15–17]. Besides the level of physical activity, the genetic disposition, socio–demographic factors and malnutrition play an important role in the development of overweight and obesity [18–21]. As far as the caloric intake is concerned, studies [22] show that this factor has not changed much in the last 2 decades, while the amount of daily physical activity has reduced significantly [1, 11, 19]. Therefore, a lack of physical activity has to be regarded as a main risk factor for the development of overweight and obesity. In this context Blair [23] even says that physical inactivity is the main threat to health in the twenty-first century. The Childhood Obesity Report of the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) of the WHO was introduced in 2004 with the headline “EU childhood obesity out of control”. In this document, a rapid increase of the percentage of overweight and obese children in entire Europe was reported and it was estimated that 14 million chil- dren are overweight in Europe, out of which 3 million are obese [24]. Along the same lines, the German KiGGS study demonstrated that 15 % of the 3- to 17-year old children and adolescents were overweight and 6 % were even obese [24, 25]. Similar results were published in recent Austrian studies [26, 27]. The influence of the body mass index (BMI) on the motor performance capabilities of children and adolescents was repeatedly analysed. Several studies show that overweight and obese children and adolescents have lower motor performance capabilities compared to their normal-weight counterparts [1, 3, 11]. For preschool children, this relation has rarely been focussed upon in scientific studies [28]. Preventive measures would be especially important at this young age since the emergence of particular risk factors can be successfully prevented in these stages of development [29]. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to analyse the correlation between motor performance capabilities and weight status in preschool children in an alpine region where no corresponding information has been available so far. The hypothesis that being overweight and especially obesity is related to lower motor performance capabilities is assumed. Methodology The analysis of the weight status and the motor performance capabilities in preschool children was conducted in the federal state of Tyrol (Austria). While the relation between the weight status and the motor performance capabilities should not be influenced by the special geographical location of Tyrol (Alpine region; mountain area), the prevalence of overweight and obesity might be affected. Sample According to the Department of Education of the federal state of Tyrol, a total number of 18,000 children attended 454 kindergartens in the school year 2011/2012. Out of these, 77 kindergartens are located in very outlying and remote areas and were therefore not included in this analysis. A random sample of n = 50 was drawn from the remaining 377 kindergartens using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) random sample function. Kindergartens from rural and urban areas were included in the relation 4:3, corresponding to the Tyrolean population. Accordingly, the sample can be regarded as being representative for Tyrolean preschool children. The randomly selected kindergartens were contacted and asked for participation. Nine kindergartens could not participate for organisational reasons. Ultimately, 41 kindergartens remained in the sample, out of which a total of 1,063 four- to five-year-old children (513 girls and 550 boys) were recruited for testing. The testing was approved by the competent authorities of the federal state of Tyrol and by the management of the kinder- 410 Prevalence of obesity and motor performance capabilities in Tyrolean preschool children 13 Author's personal copy original article gartens. The parents of the participating children were informed and their approval was obtained. Standing long jump (explosive strength) Study protocol The motor tests were conducted between September 2011 and May 2012 during the regular opening hours in the facilities of the kindergartens. First, the height and the weight in sport clothing without shoes (barefoot) were measured. The height measurements were taken using the mobile stadiometer “SECA® 213” (Seca; Germany) with an accuracy of 0.1 cm and the body weight was measured with the calibrated scale “GRUNDIG® 3710” (Grundig AG; Germany) with an accuracy of 0.1 kg. Based on these data the BMI (kg/m2) was calculated in accordance to the BMI reference system by Kronmeyer-Hauschild et al. [30]. Within this reference system, children are regarded as being of normal weight if their weight is between the 10th and the 90th percentile. Values below the 3rd percentile are considered as being anorexic, those between the 3rd and the 10th percentile as underweight. If the weight is between the 90th and the 97th percentile, the children are considered as being overweight and values above the 97th percentile as obese. For the analysis, the BMI values were divided into four groups, underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese. Because of the low number of anorexic cases (n = 36; 3.4 %), the anorexic group has been pooled with the underweight group. Test implementation The motor performance capabilities were measured using the Karlsruhe Motor Screening (KMS) for kindergarten children [31]. According to the test instructions, the children first completed a test run for all items in order to familiarise themselves with the four validated test items: stand and reach, one-legged stance, standing long jump and side-to-side jumps. Stand and reach (mobility) This test serves the purpose of measuring the mobility of the torso and the active stretching ability of the muscles in the rear of the trunk. During this test the upper body has to be lowered down as far as possible while keeping the legs straight. The distance between fingers and standing surface is measured. The standing surface is the zero point of the scale, values above the standing surface are negative, below are positive. The values are recorded in centimetres (cm). The score of only one attempt is recorded. One-legged stance (balance) This test measures the ability to balance while standing. The number of contacts of the free leg with the floor 13 during 1 min. of standing on the other leg on a T-bar is recorded. The score of only one attempt is recorded. Using both legs, the child has to jump forward as far as possible. Two attempts are granted and the best distance is recorded. The child has to remain standing after the jump in order to make the jump valid. Side-to-side jumps (coordination under time pressure) The child has to jump with both legs at the same time from one side of a bar on the floor to the other as fast as possible for 15 s. The total number of successful jumps from two valid attempts are summed up and recorded. Data evaluation For interval-scaled data, the mean (M) and the standard deviation (SD) are presented. The frequencies are displayed in tables and diagrams. The sum scores of all tests (sum of the Z-values of all four test items divided by 4) was calculated using Z-standardisation. Hereby the values of the test item “one-legged stance” were multiplied by −1 in order to make the results compatible with the other three items, where high scores indicate a high motor performance capability. The normal distribution of the sum scores was tested using the one sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness of fit test and the Levene test was used to check for variance homogeneity. The alpha level was set at 0.05. The statistical processing and analysis of the collected data was done with the statistical software package SPSS 18 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY). Results The mean age of the tested preschool children was 4.9 ± 0.5 years and the mean BMI 15.8 ± 1.9. According to the used reference system [30], 7.6 % (n = 81) of the 1,063 preschool children (550 boys; 513 girls) were overweight and 5.5 % (n = 58) obese. The boys were more often overweight and obese compared to the girls, but these differences were not significant (p > 0.05) (Table 1). The total score (mean Z-values) of the KMS tests did not show any significant gender differences in this study (p > 0.4). However, the scores of the obese children are significantly different from those of the other three BMI groups (p < 0.001). As shown in Fig. 1, no significant differences in motor performance capabilities could be detected between underweight, normal weight and overweight children (p > 0.05). Looking at the results of the individual test items, it shows that under-, normal and overweight preschool children scored significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the items “one-legged stance”, “side-to-side jumps” and “standing Prevalence of obesity and motor performance capabilities in Tyrolean preschool children 411 Author's personal copy original article Table 1 Characteristics of the different BMI groups Characteristic Age Gender Height (cm) Weight (kg) BMI Underweighta Normal weight Overweight Obese Total M 4.88 4.87 4.83 4.86 4.87 SD 0.51 0.53 0.55 0.54 0.54 Male n (%) 47 (4.4) 424 (39.9) 45 (4.2) 34 (3.2) 550 (51.7) Female n (%) 53 (4.9) 400 (37.6) 36 (3.4) 24 (2.3) 513 (48.3) M 112.5 111.9 111.8 114.9 112.1 SD 6.1 5.4 7.4 6.9 6.2 M 16.4 19.4 22.9 28.2 19.8 SD 1.8 2.4 3.2 4.9 3.5 M 13.2 15.4 18.3 21.2 15.8 SD 0.4 0.9 0.5 2.0 1.9 Anorexic weight is pooled with underweight. a Fig. 1 Total scores (Z-scores) of male and female preschool children in the four groups (obese boys and girls are significantly different from the other three groups; p < 0.001) long jump” compared to their obese peers (Fig. 2a, b, and d). In the mobility test “stand and reach”, no significant differences between the weight groups could be detected (Fig. 2c). None of the four test items showed significant differences between the genders. Discussion In this study a total of 1,063 four- to five-year old children from 41 Tyrolean kindergartens were grouped into four weight groups according to the German reference curves [30] and their motor performance capabilities were measured using KMS 3–6. It showed that 7.6 % of the analysed children were overweight and 5.5 % obese. The frequency of overweight children in Tyrol seems to be comparable to non-mountainous areas in Austria and Germany. Weber et al. [32] have just recently analysed more than 2,300 first graders in Augsburg (Germany) and found that 8.2 % of them were overweight and 4.9 % obese. Accordingly, assumed differences caused by the geographical characteristics of Tyrol could not be confirmed. The motor performance capabilities of under- and overweight preschool children do not differ from those of normal weight children. However, obese children show highly significant lower motor performance capabilities. Since it was assumed that overweight children already have lower motor performance capabilities, this initially formulated hypothesis can only partially be confirmed. The presented results are also not consistent with other studies [1, 11, 33], in which overweight children had considerably lower scores. These studies focussed mainly on school children and adolescents. Besides, in some studies different test methods were used and overweight and obese children were placed in one group. It cannot be ruled out that the special geographic features of the region had an influence on the results. On the other hand it could be assumed that a higher BMI has a growing impact on the motor performance capabilities with increasing age. When looking at the individual test items of the KMS 3–6, it showed that under-, normal and even overweight preschool children scored significantly higher in the “one-legged stance”, the “standing long jump” and the “side-to-side jumps” compared to the obese children. Only the mobility test “stand and reach” did not reveal any differences between the four test groups (p > 0.05). Here, the obese children achieved similar results as their normal weight peers. This goes in line with the results of other studies also showing that overweight and obese children did not achieve lower scores in the mobility test “stand and reach” compared to normal weight children [31, 34, 35]. A potential explanation for this could be the fact that this test item requires only a minimal “dynamic” in the movement itself. Health-related consequences of obesity in children Even though, in contrast to adults, a correlation between the BMI and potential health risks in children could only be shown in individual cases [36], it is most likely that an increased fat mass is related to a heightened morbidity 412 Prevalence of obesity and motor performance capabilities in Tyrolean preschool children 13 Author's personal copy original article Fig. 2 Individual scores (Z-scores; 95 % CI) for the four test items “one-legged stance” (a), “side-to-side jumps” (b), “stand and reach” (c) and “standing long jump” (d), differentiated by weight groups (p-values indicate significant differences between the weight group “obese” and the other three groups) risk even in early childhood [37]. According to Lobstein and Jackson-Leach [38], type 2 diabetes, hypertension and lipometabolic disorder are the most common consequences. The authors start from the premise that in the European Union (EU) around 20,000 children suffer from type 2 diabetes, 400,000 from impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and over one million children have cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension and elevated blood lipid levels. In Germany it was determined that in 15 % of 12- to 15-year-old school children at least one cardiovascular risk factor exists [39]. In the “Young Finns Study” [41] it was found that obesity in childhood promotes the development of angiopathy in adulthood. Additionally, the results show that systemic blood pressure readings in 3- to 4-year-old children have a much higher predictive value than the readings in older childhood. Besides physical heath-related issues, the development of overweight in early childhood can also lead to emotional and social problems. Stigmatisation and isolation of the affected children is frequently observed. This in turn may promote harmful behaviour like physical inactivity and unhealthy eating habits that are in many cases maintained in adulthood [7, 40]. These are all reasons why obesity prevention and therapeutic measures for obese preschool children should be focussed upon and implemented already in kindergartens. It is however important to mention that successful prevention and treatment can only be achieved if parents support their children in regard to food, physical activity, education and mental health. Relevance of motor performance capabilities As mentioned earlier, the overall energy input should not have changed much during the last 2 decades [22], 13 while the level of physical activity has declined notably [1, 11, 19]. This implies that physical inactivity does not only go in hand with lower motor performance capabilities, but also constitutes a main risk factor for the development of overweight and obesity. Several studies were able to show the positive effects of an early promotion of physical activity on the motor performance capabilities, the weight levels and the overall health of children [28, 42, 43, 44]. The 2-year intervention study conducted in Berlin (Germany) with preschool children demonstrated that the motor performance capabilities in the intervention groups could be improved significantly compared to the control groups [29, 43]. Further, this intervention had positive effects on the blood pressure levels. Limitations Even though these results were acquired from a large and representative (for Tyrol) sample, some methodological limitations cannot be neglected. One limitation is that the socio–economic status of the tested children has not been assessed because this was beyond the scope of this investigation. The main focus of the presented study has been set on associations between the motor performance capabilities and weight status. It is well known that overweight and physical inactivity is influenced by socio–economic factors. Actually, migration background may represent such a factor applying to 24.9 % of the study population with a mother tongue other than German. Another limitation arises from the nature of a crosssectional study. For example, we don’t know how many obese preschool children will eventually become obese in adulthood [45, 46]. The effects of the geographical location of Tyrol do not necessarily have to be identical with the ones in other non-mountainous or urban Prevalence of obesity and motor performance capabilities in Tyrolean preschool children 413 Author's personal copy original article regions, even though no clear indicators for this are available here. Despite these limitations it has to be mentioned that so far hardly any data are available on the motor performance capabilities in relation to the weight status of preschool children. The high relevance of early prevention and measures can therefore be derived from the results of this study. Conclusion This study shows that the motor performance capabilities of obese preschool children are less developed compared to their under-, normal and overweight peers. The results suggest that measures to promote physical activity in preschool age should be implemented with special attention paid to those children with a risk of developing obesity. Since the foundation of an active lifestyle is laid in early childhood and this can positively influence the activity level later in life, kindergartens are the ideal setting for intervention measures besides the home and the parents of the children. Conflict of interest The authors declare that there are no actual or potential conflicts of interest in relation to this article. References 1. Bös K, Brehm W. Wie fit sind unsere Kinder? – Kinderfitness. Aktivität von Kindern und Jugendlichen. In: Woll A, Bös K, editors. 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