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\WI THIS WEEK IN TEXAS Volume 7, Number 43 January 15-21, 1982 JAPAN Part II of a Far East Diary by Christopher Hart Didyou know that for as little as $25 per month (plus $50 start up fee) you can belong to the Fitness Exchange? Wetailor a program to your individual needs and totally supervise you on our revolutionary Nautilus equipment. Also available are free weights, Suntana sun tanning system, juice bar,jacuzzi, sauna and great music all in a clean, comfortable atmosphere. Please feel free to stop by and tour our facility. We're happy to answer all of your questions. Memberships reciprocal between Dallas and Houston. GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE HOUSTON. TEXAS MA~c.. ROt>eflSOIJ DALLAS 26150aklawn Suite 101 Dallas, TX 75219 214/526-1220 I0J)RT~ \@)XCIH~ NAUTILUS FOR MEN PAGE 2 TWT JANUARY 15-21, 1982 HOUSTON 3307 Richmond Ave, Houston Texas 77098 713/524-9932 1430 N. MAIN SAN ANTONIO 225-6654 SUNDAY SHOW 11PM JAN 17 PAULETTA LEIGH ALICE PHALLUS LlNDSY LOVE ELECTRA STAHR THURSDAY SHOW 11PM JAN 21 LISA KING JAHONAU REIS DONNA DAY SWEET SAVAGE MISS GAY SAN ANTONIO APPLICATIONS 'ACCOMPANIED BY ENTRY FEE MUST BTURNED IN BY SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 a .\) ~,., ~ ",,,<S' ~(,x ,-~', ~ () "q ~0 0' .~0' ~ 'i'",-{lr.VI- 'O"~~<;~~ , 1,,<\ ~~ <5- ~ "S' ~ .• &~ "S- ). 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Subscriotlon rates: $55 per year; $35 per half-year. Rates cover cost of first-class postage. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. First-class postage paid at Houston, Texas. Copyright © 1982 by Montrose Ventures, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. PAGE 6 TWT JANUARY 15·21. 1982 TWT JANUARY 15·21,1982 PAGEl \\01/ __ TWT MAGAZINE, a division of Montrose Ventures, Incorporated 2205 Montrose Houston, Texas 77006 (713) 527-9111 Dallas Office: 3819 Bowser Dallas, Texas 75219 (214) 521-0622 VOTE "AGAINST" AUSTIN'S HOUSING ORDINANCE SATURDAY Publisher Chuck Patrick Editor Blase DiStefano Entertainment Editor Rob Clark News/Sports Editor Chuck Patrick Poetry Editor Art Tomaszewski Contributing Editors Lisa Branom, Harry Deutsch, David Fields, Christopher Hart, Paul Herrera, Harold Hoya, W. J. Quigley, Jack Varsi Art Director Steven Douglas Fritz Production Manager Dennis Walker Assistant Art Director Mitch Bartlow Graphics Artists Thorn Bisping, Mike Sullivan, Frank White, Guy Keefer, John Buschlen Typographers William J. Quigley, Leslie Holmes Staff Photographers Eli Gukich, Graham, Scott Taylor, Woody Keas, Greg Havican, AI Macareno, Blase DiStefano AUSTIN - This Saturday, January 16, the voters of this city will be asked to vote "against" Austin's proposed fair housing ordinance. Polls will be open from 7:00am until 7:00pm. "A high voter turnout is expected to favor defeating the ordinance," TWT NEWS was told by a Capitol City political observer. Over 30,000 leaflets, radio and TV commercials and newspaper ads have flooded the market, urging the voters to vote "against" the ordinance. The Citizens for a United Austin has spearheaded this crucial drive, which has cost around $55,000, TWT NEWS was told. The burning issue at stake is whether property owners should be allowed to discriminate against homosexuals when renting apartments. Over 50 ministers and the Austin American Statesman say no. In fact, the Statesman took a stand last month in an editorial saying, "The Amendment is unworthy of Austin and must be fought." The culprits in the donneybrook are the Austin Citizens for Decency. They say, "Fairies and queers don't deserve a place to live ... sodomites can't reproduce so they must recruit." Their anti-gay literature was distributed last Sunday, being placed on car windshields in various parking lots of Mexican-American Catholic churches. Their pamphlet, printed in Spanish, reproduced without permission TWT'S cover of a male "nun." The aim was to show that queers don't believe in God. The model who posed for that TWT cover, the photographer who took the photo, and the publisher of TWT, have conferred with TWT'S corporate law firm SALES Executive Safes Manager Jim Veteto Advertising rates are available on request by telephoning the salesperson in your nearest city, from 10am-5pm, weekdays. Deadline for ALL ads: Friday, one week prior to publication. Austin Seles- Chuck Patrick (713) 527·9111 Distribution·Scott Taylor (512) 926-0253 Dallas Sales and DistributionRichard Rogers (214) 521-0622 Fort Worth Sales and DistributionJerry Cassidy (817) 335'()742 Galveston Sales- Chuck Patrick (713) 527-9111 Distribution- Robert Gogen .. (713) 763-9435 Houston Sales and DistributionJim Veteto (713)527·9111 San Antonio Sales and DistributionAlan Gellman (512) 492-6894 Classified Director- Cheryl Chamberlain Comptroller-James D. Cagle Assistant Comptroller- Doug Felix Office Administrator- Cheryl Chamberlain Circulation Manager- Leslie Holmes Distribution Manager- Philip Beier PAGE 8 NEWS__ TWT JANUARY 15-21, 1982 TWT JANUARY 15-21, 1982 about filing a triple lawsuit regarding infringement of copyright laws by the Austin Citizens for Decency, who didn't have the decency to get permission from TWT to reproduce the cover of Volume 7, Issue 28. "The Austin Citizens for Decency have distorted the original satirical intent of the nun cover and turned it into a hate-God exhibit," observes TWT NEWS. "Never before has the gay community of Austin faced such a dangerous threat to human rights," said Jana Zumbrun, campaign director of the Citizens for a United Austin. "Low voter turnout could spell disaster," she told TWT NEWS. "Therefore it is imperative that you vote against the ordinance this Saturday." If the pro-gay PAC loses this battle, a costly appeal and court challenge will follow. "The ordinance is a thinly-veiled authorization for discrimination based on race or religion as well as sexual orientation," said Robb Southerland, a businessman who heads Citizens for a United Austin. If the anti-gay faction wins, no appeal will be possible for several years under city charter, TWT NEWS was told. "We have the chance to kill this hate ordinance once and for all this Saturday at the polls," the ALGPC-PAC affirmed to TWT NEWS. HARASSMENT OF GAYS HOUSTON - Since the first of the New Year, vice officers of the Houston Police Department have seemingly concentrated their efforts on harassment of homosexuals in bars and bookstores and on the streets. Vice have appeared plainclothed in both bars and bookstores waiting for customers to make an approach. Those arrested in bars have usually PAGE9 been charged with public intoxication. Those arrested in bookstores have generally been charged with assault on police officer or public lewdness, lWT NEWS has learned. "You should be extra careful when asking someone to watch an arcade movie or offering to buy someone a drink," remarked an observer. "It's still alright to go out, you just have to be a bit more careful whom you mingle with," he added. "If HPD officers dislike being approached by gays, why is it that they dress up in gay drag and hang out in gay places," asked an employee of a Montrose bookstore. "I'm sure most of our customers would not knowingly assault a police officer," he continued. Arrests on Montrose streets have also peaked as plainclothesmen, dressed as willing male hustlers, have been observed by lWT NEWS to be playing the entrapment role. Vice officer Steve Jett was observed around 3:00pm Wednesday, January 6, standing on Westheimer in front of Babylon with a shopping sack. Our informant concluded Jett was waiting for a motorist to pick him up, go someplace, and make a sexual advance or offer. It is believed that an apartment on Avondale between Taft and Mason has been rented to serve as a rendezvous point for plainclothesmen to take their "customers." Several vice officers and an unmarked car were observed in front of said address. The crackdown on male prostitution in Montrose has been stepped up since late last year. The crackdown is also coupled with the much publicized crackdown on heterosexual prostitution on South Main Street and Jensen Drive areas. The situation has forced most prostitutes off the streets and into swank hotels, posh bars, and gay clubs. Reportedly, vice intends to pursue their efforts indoors. With murder and robbery at an all time high in Houston, the, nation's fourth largest city, several community leaders questioned HPD priorities. PAGE 10 1Wf JANUARY 15· 21,1982 DGA ELECTS NEW BOARD DALLAS - On December 14, the Dallas Gay Alliance (DGA) met for the election of five board members to take office on January 1, 1982. The by-laws provide that board members be elected for one-year terms, the DGA explained in a copyrighted story in Dialog, Elections are held twice a year with four places elected in June and five elected in December each year. At the December meeting, the names of the persons who nominated themselves were presented on the ballot, and one person was nominated from the floor but declined the nomination. As there were five positions up for election to the board, a motion was made and passed which accepted the four nominees by acclamation rather than by formal election. As a result, AI Calkin and Bill Nelson have been reelected to the board, and Peter Brooks and John Thomas will begin their first term. The four continuing board members are D.A, Williams, Terry Tebedo, Mike Stewart and Ann Brown. The by-laws provide that the remaining vacancy be filled by board appointment, subject to approval by the general membership, Dialog noted that the membership expressed its appreciation to outgoing board members Mike Williams and Dick Weaver. The fifth vacancy on the board was created by the election of Campbell Read as vice president. DALLAS GAY PRIDE WEEK NEEDS HELP DALLAS - This city's Gay Pride Week (GPW) Association is actively seeking volunteers to help with the plans for GPW '82. The association meets every Sunday at 2:00pm, in the Dallas Gay Alliance (DGA) office at 3409 Oak Lawn, Suite 201. You're invited to bring yourself and a friend and make the 1982 GPW celebration the best that Dallas has ever had, DGPWA told lWT NEWS. 1Wf JANUARY 15·21, 1982 ~ The Austin Citizens For Decency say • "God hates homosexuals." • "Fairies and queers don't deserve a place to live." • "Sodomites can't reproduce, so they must recruit." SATURDAY January 16 They want to turn prejudice into law. ;VOTE M AGAINST the discrimination ordinance. PAID FOR BY THE ALGPC-PAC P,O. Box 822, Austin, TX 78767 PAGE 11 Ulrn lDDilll 5025 BOWSER - DALLAS - 526·9211 WELCOME OUR FRIENDS AND BROTHERS DALLAS MOTORCYCLE CLUB'S WOULD LIKE TO ALL TO THE 6TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION REGISTRATION: HOUSTON-What will the theme of this year's gay pride week be? What will the official poster look like? When will the parade be? These and other questions will be discussed at the January 31 "open to the public meeting" to be held at 2:30pm at Babylon, 300 Westheimer. The deadline for submitting a theme and a poster is March 7. It is on that date that the public will make a voting decision regarding these matters. All entries should be sent by March 7,1982 to Larry Bagneris, Jr., 2001 Branard #8, Houston, Texas 77098. Previous themes have included "We The People," "United We Stand," and "Proud To Be," recalled TWT NEWS. Traditionally the last Sunday in June has been accepted as the annual date for Houston's Gay Pride Parade, However, there has been some discussion this year to move the parade ahead one week which would be Sunday, July 4, Independence Day. It was hoped to invite the Los Angeles Band back again this year, but that would be impossible since the Los Angeles parade is also on June 27. However, it was alternately suggested that another band, perhaps San Francisco's, should be invited this year. The San Francisco and Houston parades do not occur on the same day. TWT NEWS has learned that there is some controversy about having the Gay Pride parade moved to a national (AT THE HIDDEN DOOR) CELEBRATION EVENING: SATURDAY JANUARY 16 7:30PM COCKTAIL DINNER 10PM PROGRAM EXECUTIVE INN 3232 W. MOCKINGBIRD PAGE 12 LANE TWT JANUARY 15·21, 1982 TWT JANUARY 15·21, 1982 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT UPSTAIRS IN OUR PIANO BAR MARGUERITE FRI-SAT-SUN-MON and MICKEY RANKIN TUESDAY-SUNDAY HOUSTON'S GAY PRIDE WEEK PLANS FRIDAY JANUARY 15 9PM·2AM Meanwhile, the DGPWA wishes to thank Shute #2 for being the first business to respond with a donation in the Patron program. The DGPWA is searching for sketches or photos, in black and white or color, to use in a calendar for 1983, These entries should depict historic Oak Lawn. Anyone interested is asked to submit entries to Bruce Guess clo Dallas GPW Association, P.O. Box 190412, Dallas, TX 75219. Any questions may be referred to (214)521-0432. ... NO COVER HAPPY HOURS llAN-lPN 4PN-8PN NON-FRt 1318 Wf:STHf:IMf:R HOUSTON (713) 523·003~ PAGE 13 WINTER SALE THRU JAN ~7 Bill DITFORT SWEATERS LEVI') 501 • POLO • LACOSTE • OOLFIN. ALKIRE. SPERRY TOPSIOER. JOCKEY SPORTS LOCKER 311 8853 PAGE 14 • WESTHEIMER RD • HOUSTON • TEXAS • 520-6555 556 • CASTRO ST, • SAN FRANCISCO • CALIFORNIA • SANTA MONICA BLVD .• WEST HOLLYWOOD • CALIFORNIA TWTJANUARY15-21,1982 holiday such as the 4th of July. One observer noted that non-gay media coverage would suffer since the newspapers and TV would be too busy focusing in on Independence Day fireworks, parades and picnics to have room or time to cover any gay pride activities. "If Dallas and Houston are to again cross cooperate on their parades as they did last year, it would be best to keep the Houston parade on June 27 which is the normal one-week separation from the Dallas parade which will be held this year on June 20. To hold off the Houston parade until July 4, makes for too long of a delay," remarked a Dallas business owner to TWT NEWS, adding that "we can't keep our floats in tact for over two weeks!" A Galveston reader remarked that having the parade on July 4 would interfere with the traditional mid-summer splash day. A Houston bar owner remarked that he had too many annual 4th of July events already scheduled such as bar-b-ques. "We would be too busy running our own bar activities to think of having time to even participate in the parade let alone have a float." "Our fireworks would have to compete with the hundreds of other fireworks on the 4th of July, namely the spectacular Astroworld Fireworks," said another. "Our fireworks would simply be lost in the maze in the sky." "Moving the gay pride parade to the 4th of July loses all meaning of what gay pride week is about," remarked a gay history buff. "Gay Pride Week is the celebration of Stonewall; not of our nation's independence. If we move the parade to the 4th of July, we might as well hold Christmas and New Year's on the same day. It would simply be too much all crammed into one day," she added. Your thoughts on this year's gay pride week will be welcomed at the general public meeting the last Sunday in January. Meanwhile, two private meetings will proceed the public meeting as the Board of Directors of Gay Pride Week will meet this Sunday, TWTJANUARY 15-21,1982 January 17, and the chairs of Gay Pride Week '81 will meet the following Sunday, January 24, to iron out logistics. FORUM ON GAY CANCER HOUSTON - There has been an unusual outbreak of Kaposi's Sarcoma, a very rare form of cancer, and related diseases during the past several months. Gay men between the ages of 25 and 40 are affected almost exclusively. TWT NEWS' reports first came from New York City and San Francisco. However, this rare disease is now occurring in Houston's gay community. The Center for Disease Control (CDG) in Atlanta has told TWT NEWS that they are now receiving an average of more than one report per day from across the country, a number that far exceeds the expected in such a specific and relatively small population as gay men. To date more than 200 cases have been reported to the CDC during this outbreak within 1981. As a beginning effort to educate and alert the gay community, you are invited to attend an educational forum at GPC Headquarters, 4600 Main, second floor, next Wednesday, January 20, at 8:00pm. Dr. Guy R. Newell, Director of Cancer Prevention at UT M.D. Anderson Hospital, and Dr. Peter W.A. Mansell, Associate Director, will explain the background and suspected causes of the disease. Kaposi's Sarcoma occurs with or without infections by rare organisms. Symptoms include fatigue, loss of weight and red-purplish skin lesions which are painless and do not itch. Enlarged glands around the head and neck may also be a presenting symptom. Although the cause of this rare cancer is unknown, a typical picture is emerging. The patients are typically young homosexual men, most of whom live in large cities. Somehow the disease is related to life style factors which may include multiple sexually transmitted diseases PAGE'1s 25¢ ADULT MOVIES SPECIAL FALCON FILMS 200FT. $5.95 FALCON FILMS 300FT. $7.95 POPPERS $2.99 CEDAR SPRINGS NEWS 4026 CEDAR SPRINGS (BETWEEN THROCKMORTON AND KNIGHT) DALLAS 522-0901 OPEN lOAM-2AM 7 DAYS A WEEK YES! WE'RE STILL OPEN! WITH THE LONGEST HAPPY HOUR IN TOWN MONDAY-SATURDAY 10AM-8PM SUNDAY BEER BUST 5PM • 9PM • 11 PM HOME OF THEBRANDING IRON 4117 MAPLE DALLAS 526·9302 PAGE 16 rwrJANUARY 15· 21,1982 obtained from multiple sex partners, andlor use of "recreational drugs" such as marijuana, poppers and cocaine. The mortal ity rate on the rare disease has been averaging between 40 to 59%, TWT NEWS learned. that sought removal of homosexual school teachers. "This decision should prove decisive in convincing the federal court that First Amendment protections apply to all-regardless of sexual orientation," he told TWT NEWS. OU ORDERED TO RECOGNIZE GAYS GAY THEATRE CONTEST WINNERS NORMAN, OK - Ending over five years of litigation, the Supreme Court of Oklahoma has just ordered the Regents of the University of Oklahoma to grant recognition to the Gay Activists Alliance, a gay student group that has been seeking official status since 1976. The Court's action reversed decisions by the Student Congress, the Board of Regents and lower courts, all of which had denied GAA's application for recognition as a student organization, principally on the ground of "immorality." In a 5-2 decision, the Court held that the students' First Amendment rights of speech and association required recognition as a university organization: "Mere undifferentiated fear or apprehension on the part of the University Regents or disagreement with philosophy, no matter how repugnant to those officials, is not enough to overcome First Amendment freedoms." The case is the latest of several decisions against such institutions of higher education as Texas A&M and the Universities of Missouri and Virginia, unanimously forbidding discrimination against gay student organizations. "It is significant," said Don Knutson of Gay Rights Advocates, "that this decision comes from one of the most homophobic Bible-belt states. We should learn from these decisions that our First Amendment claims will receive fair hearing from even the most conservative courts." Knutson predicted that the opinion would have an important impact on Gay Rights Advocates' federal court challenge to Oklahoma's version of Proposition Six, the California initiative NEW YORK - The Gay Theatre Alliance has announced to TWT NEWS the winners of its 1981 International Gay Playwriting Contest. The winner of the $500 first prize is Peter Napolitano of New York City for his play, Nicky's Wedding, about a man and his lover who visit a very traditional wedding of the man's relatives. Tom Robinson of Los Angeles won the runner-up award of $250 for his play, Chums, about two very close high school friends who have reunions on successive Thanksgiving Days. Several GTA member theatre companies have expressed interest in producing both plays. Three playwrights received honorable mention: Jeff Hagedorn of Chicago for Should Have Been a Love Play, depicting how a relationship between two men actually happened versus how one of the men wishes it had taken place; Susan Lersch also of Chicagoior Sisters, about a woman who discovers her lesbianism while in the process of taking vows to become a nun; and Peter Robins of London, England, for Gay Delightful Guise, about two men who establish a relationship after masquerading as members of opposite social classes. Thirteen judges made the final selection: playwrights Megan Terry and Doric Wilson; critics Tish Dace, Leah Frank and Richard Hall; producers Frederick Combs and Lee Barton; GTA coordinators William Wade, Richard Rehse, Rick Paul, Terry Helbing and Allan Estes; and Chuck Solomon, Gay Theatre Collective member. "We will be sponsoring another playwriting contest in 1982," GTA told TWT TWTJANUARY 15·21.1982 NEWS. '\IJJ? PAGE 17 f!T1te #~C(j~ UteIwnct of yo«4~ ~d6 and~ in tIu #~f/Jall of ~ ~ on 9'~ in tIu ~ Invitation "The measure of a city's greatness is not taken by its size alone, nor its wealth, nor the grandeur of its skyline. A great city is one that serves its people. I know that we can fulfill Houston's promise of greatness by combining our resources and uniting our spirits, in working toward our goals. I ask all the citizens of Houston to lend their support and commitment, to making Houston a truly great city ... for all of us. - Kathryn J. Whitmire, January 2, 1982 PAGE 18 TWT JANUARY 15·21. 1982 $. 0/' lite O)flu:tnu:w C(jity 8~'f/tlu2ndof$~, 0/' ~ f!i1tMna6 CfiO'l'WenUon CfienWt, Required $10 Admittance RSVP by December 29th -1982 8/() at $~ 7:3()jt.'1n. 9'twd Cash Bar 520·7021 Pictured below are some local celebrities and personalities who attended the inaugural ball in honor of our new mayor: (I-r) Lee Harrington, GPC President; Dan Stoecker; Bill Ramsey of the Swim Club; Debra Danburg, State Representative; Gina and Larry Bagneris, Jr., Gay Pride Week Chair; George Greanias, City Councilman of District C (Montrose); Scott Prescott of the Urban Animals; Mary Hooper, actress; and her sister Kat Chrisope. TWTJANUARY15·21.1982 PAGE 19 ACC h." ,. PRESENTS "\., SAN FRANCISCO'S OWN JUDITH MAYNARD AND tpHR FINRf!)tp IN <b-FY NI<b-Htp hIFR MICHAEL BAILY JANUARY 19 THROUGH FEBRUARY 13 9:30PM-1:30AM TUESDAY-SATURDAY WWWWWWWWWWWWWW)( MONDAY EVENINGS WITH PAM McCARTHY SERVING LUNCH 11:30AM-2PM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY DINNER 6:30PM-11PM MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY DINNER 6:30PM-12AM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 304 ORLEANS AT LIBERTY 832-4206 RESERVATIONS NECESSARY 2102 KIRBY· 524-6272 HOUSTON PAGE 20 nNTJANUARY15-21,1982 BEAUMONT nNT JANUARY 15 - 21,1982 PAGE 21 \\ijq _~(OMMENl __ In this column, readers exchange ideas with other readers and with our editor in a public forum. Address all letters to: Comment, TWT, Montrose Ventures Building, 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006. All letters become the property of TWT and must be signed (if you don't wish your name printed, please specify). And PLEASE keep your letters short. ~ ::is Q ~E-t Q ~ 0 •. ~ <~ZQ m~o ~ ~ foot C'. 8~ ~~o <fIlQ :s~::J Q1-40 ~~~ o 10< mCIJ ~::s ~~ (/)-t--4 ~ ~~g8~ Z~r:1..<~f;I;l o~~~E-t" ~~r "Z~ E-t"O<f;I;l< ~~~~~~ ~ ~Z= f;I;l~> mO f;I;l c < ~ ~ love Relationships ~~ «9 Irl Irl "'" «~ ...:l...:l~ ~~Q ~~; C'ilO~ ~~Q eX) C'l .-4 .-4 1""4 ~ Dear TWT: "Improving Love Helationshlps for Gays" will be offered again through Leisure Learning Unlimited. This time on Mondays: January 25, February 1 and 8, from 7:30pm to 9:15pm. This lecture-group discussion class presents proven (immediately usable) information that works in the real world of gay love relationships. It is designed to help avoid universal (yet confusing and little understood) pitfalls that get in the way of happiness in gay relationships. Sample topics include: How to go about finding and meeting the right person; why relationships get into trouble and what can be done to help; how to avoid becoming a victim in a relationship; monitoring your progress-the stages and progressions of a good love relationship; guidelines for determining when a relationship is over; how to tell if they really love you or are just giving you lip service; achieving emotional closeness, the bedrock essential for a lasting, quality relationship; coming out to friends and family; and developing a quality gay lifestyle. The last class was well attended. Discussion was lively and friendly. Everyone seemed to feel that they had gained insights with which to improve their relationships. I look forward to seeing more of my gay friends in the January class. To register or for further information, please call Leisure Learning at (713) 721-7299,or call me at (713)527-8596. Neill Scott, S.P. Houston, Texas Gay Switchboard Dear TWT: The Gay Switchboard of Houston is open and operating thanks to the support of numerous individuals, organizations, and bars. I'd like to pay special mention to those people who have been especially helpful. Walt and Cody at the Barn, Marion at Kindred Spirits, David at Venture-N, Greg PAGE 22 TWTJANUARY 15 - 21. 1982 at TruckstoplBadlands, Miss Charlotte and David at Miss Charlotte's, Andy at Mary's, Jim and Hank at Dirty Sally's, Bill at Baja's, Peaches and Kathy at Just Marion and Lynn's, Jay and Michael at Galleon, Moe and Gary at Copa, Terry at Parade, Alan at Loading Dock, Bobby at Different Drum, Stephen and Taga at Babylon, and Larry at BRB were all great in helping us in our informationlfundraising drive on the weekend of December 18th and 19th. We raised over $400 and let thousands know about our service. Advice, support, and information have also come from Ray Hill, Dr. Didier Piot, and Bill Scott, Gary Treese, and Jim Kuhn at the Montrose Counseling Center. Chuck Patrick and Jim Veteto at TWT and Les Williams at the Voice have also been a great help in letting the community know about our service. Our staff also deserves a round of applause. They have successfully completed over thirty hours of training to become highly proficient in telephone counseling. I'd like to remind the community that we are now open Tuesday through Saturday from 6pm until 11pm. We listen if you want to talk. We are also keeping a calendar of events and information about Gay Houston and Gay America. Sincerely, Rich Neil Director Gay Switchboard of Houston What's Going on in Dallas Dear TWT: Thanks for a great year in TWT. I've been meaning to write to the "editor" and thank TWT for giving me an informative publication, one full of news, HOT TEA, and happenings in Texas. I refer to it each week and plan my weekends on what's going on in Dallas through the ads. All this and it's free! That's the best part of it, too. Thanks for a great year again. R. Garcia Dallas, Texas 'IIII' PAGE 23 __ DALLAS 526·5590 3911 CEDAR SPRINGS SUNDAYS Syzygy, by Frederik Pohl, 248pp., Bantam Books, lnc., paperback $3.50. NO COVER lOPM lOPM SUNDAY BEER BUST 8-10PM NO COVER • WEDNESDAYS 9PM DANCE LESSONS PLUS 75¢ LONGNECKS FROM 8·10PM • LONG HAPPY HOUR IPM-8PM PAGE 24 • TWT JANUARY 15·21,1982 ()OOI<S__ .. ...• THRUSDAYS NO COVER \1DI1 Reviewed by David Fields The unique event this book is based on is the conjunction of all the planets in one line with the sun sometime this year. Called syzygy, this arrangement has been supposedly predicted by astrologists as one of the signs of the "Age of Aquarius" and occurs every 179 years. Others have claimed that it marks the end of Earth as we know it because the physical forces of all the planets combined will cause great upheavals in the magnetic fields, temperatures and water levels of the oceans of the planet. This work of fiction by Frederik Pohl is apparently an attempt TWT JANUARY 15·21,1982 to capitalize on the upcoming astronomical event. Whatever the effects of syzygy, they are lost in the crowd of events that occur to the people mentioned in the book, set in the city of Los Angeles. Tib Sonderman is a geologist, attending a convention of scientists there. In Arecibo, Puerto Rico (where the book opens), he met a female research scientist, Rainy Keating, who was demonstrating to politicians the benefits gained by maintaining funding for her project, a currently functioning space probe, Newton-8. Having fulfilled all its goals, it is still sending data of a useful nature as it passes out of the solar system. Now, they are in Los Angeles trying to discover why her probe suddenly malfunctioned. The main affair between them is how Tib overcomes his adolescent sexual insecurities with the beautiful (of course) astrophysicist from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Frederik Pohl has written some good science fiction stories in the past, of which I own a few. But the book he writes here is basically a story of how bad conditions are in Los Angeles, due to the flooding, mudslides; and how easily it could drop off into the Pacific Ocean because it sits on the San Andreas fault (well, it's not San Andreas' fault it's there). The main conflict in the story is the profit people attempt to make of the supposed disaster, particularly one Danny Deere, a small-time hood who whips up a defunct religious cult into a major doom-prophecy factory in the city. There are no likeable, or even interesting, aspects about Deere. He is cruel, but not very despicable, yet one may be satisfied when he gets it in the end. Deere is into real estate and tries to frighten people into selling property to him. He believes the storm will blow over and he will be the new owner of choice real estate. There are several PAGE 25 SUNDAY Free Draft Beer 2:00 PM Pool Tourney 6:00 PM $50.00 in Cash Prizes MONDAY C & W Dance Lessons With Chip N' Dale 7 -9:00 PM doom-prophecy groups here in the United States, and many of these are trying to make a profit off the supposed upcoming disasters and riots. Pohl has introduced a new twist to this trend by writing a fictional story of people who try to profit from disaster prophecies, thus himself profiting from the concern of others about this subject. Most of the book is littered with the introduction of new characters; only infrequently does the plot regain shape when Pohl recalls the main characters to the stage. The constant parade of new characters seems unnecessary (as do some of the characters sometimes) and distracts from the plot. Between chapters, Pohl includes snippets of information that occasionally relate to the plot. He makes a strong point in the novel by describing the painstaking process scientists must go through to receive and maintain their funding sources in grants from the government. He goes into great detail about how scientists must try to justify their work to persons who have not the slightest scientific education needed to appreciate the importance of the information received through outer space research. I suppose Pohl writes this in response to people like William Proxmire with his "Golden Fleece" award (it is mentioned), who stifle research in the areas highly specialized and/or esoteric, yet have potential for great rewards to science and therefore mankind. The title disaster is actually a nonevent in this book, precluded as it is by common calamities he describes that occur there every year. In fact, Pohl seems to have a grudge against Los Angeles. The main character, Tib, feels the city is no place to live; he calls it "Sodom" at one point and couches his thoughts of the possible destruction of Los Angeles in "moral terms." Pohl says essentially the same thing in some of the little blurbs between chapters. Earthquakes supposedly will hit Los Angeles at syzygy, and it will slide off into the ocean because it is on the fault line. A deserved fate because of its perversions there. At the end, Pohl goes into detail to describe the mudslides caused by the rain, the damage it causes, the foolhardiness of people who build on top of the mudhills, and the greed of real estate agents and the city in allowing them to build there. At the very end he throws in a wild card which connects with nothing else in the book. Due to the "offing" of Los Angeles in this novel, the L.A. Chamber of Commerce will probably not look upon him very kindly. As I said earlier, Frederik Pohl's science fiction has been very successful, and though this work is not science fiction, it is disappointing because he still should be able to reproduce here the aspects of his other books that made them so successful. What puzzles me is that for a disaster book, with all these elements described above, it does not contain much suspense, excitement or humor (at least for comic relief). With Pohl's track record, it should. '\II.f TUESDAY Free Draft Beer 6:51 PM THURSDAY Free Draft Beer 6:51 PM the651 CLUB 6511. JEnninGS COWTOWN PAGE 26 RESOLUTION: THE ROLF I SHALL NEVER MISS ANOTHER COpy OF TWT AGAIN! PROCESS "Enchance Your Self-Awareness And Improve Your Appearance." TODA - UBSCRIBE --------_________ I For The New Year Invest In Your Own Well-Being. Free Consultation Call (713) 531·6711 MICHAEL MciVER licensed Rolf Practitioner CLIP & MAIL : MAIL TO: TWT-SUBSCRIPTION : 2205 MONTROSE HOUSTON, TX 77006 Subscription orders from out-ofstate must be paid by money order or cashier's check. not personal check. No exceptions. All Texas checks must include Texas Driver's License number. D 6 MONTHS $35 D 1 YEAR $55 I I NAME --------------I ADDRESS I CITY ZIP STATE _ _ _________ CLIP & MAIL I _ _ --------- TWT JANUARY 15·21,1982 TWT JANUARY 15·21, 1982 I I I I I I I I I I PAGE 27 SAVE TAX DOLLARS NORMAN D. ALTMAN TAX CONSULTANT Bruce Smith, DDS GENERAL DENTISTRY Hours by appointment OPEN Tuesdays thru Fridays lOAM-7PM J.D., LL.M. TAXATION AUTHENTIC COMING FORMER I.R.S. TAX LAW SPECIALIST 24 HOURS A DAY HOUSTON 529-4364 •. ,...: ...::~::/::'.!;.~.:.::: ... ~ "'''''::::':'0'''::''·- J.. 3906 CEDAR SPRINGS DALLAS 522·3470 (ACROSS FROM THE BLACK·EYED PEA) ..:;,..,J:'/~~ ...::::r,;-·O~<:·;:;~" NEW RelEASES FROM MOBY DICK: IMPORTED DISCO ALSO, ASK ABOUT OUR TREMENDOUS SELECTIONS OF OLDIES 4410 MONTROSE (SOUTH OF RICHMOND) HOUSTON 522·2365 MEGATRON MAN (LP) AMY BOLTON (LP) INSURANCE WELCOMED MASTERCARD & VISA PETESHELLY (LP) TELEX "XEX" (LP) HOURS: 12·8PM MON·SAT :':;:"'9 ~ the friendliest bar in ::::::::::::::::::::::::::A:I;J:BT1N:{{:::::::::::::::: OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 3PM-MIDNIGHT SATURDAY TILL 1AM llIl\ Gfwms 535 WESTHEIMER HOUSTON 520-0244 -POOL-PIN BALL-BEER-WINE900 RedRiver PAGE 28 nNTJANUARY15·21,1982 nNTJANUARY15·21,1982 478-0430 PAGE 29 \\BU Also coming to the River Oaks on Thursday, Jan. 21, are the two films which are the ultimate exercise in bad taste. Divine wallows in Pink Flamingoes at 7:30pm, and Female Troubles at 9:30pm. _ENTEr\Tf\INMENT_ TEXAS by Rob Clark HOUSTON (713) A musical fantasy, The Yellow Brick Road is about the colorful adventures The Houston premier of Tom Stopin a fairy tale world of Dorothy and her pard's Night and Day will play at the well-known companions, the Tin Man, Chocolate Bayou Theatre Co., Jan. 15 Scarecrow and Cowardly Lion. As they to Feb. 13. The comedy, which comtravel along the magical road, they bines a love story, an African revolution meet Cinderella, Snow White, Peter and a provocative look at journalism, is Pan and many others. The production filled with the irreverent humor for features the music of Houstonian which two-time Tony winner Stoppard George Morgenstern and a cast of over is famous. Clive Carlin (left) as Dick 70, directed by Bob Feingold. Tickets Wagner, Alan Kimberly (center) as are priced at $2.00, and are available Jacob Milne, and Pat Miller (right) as from the Alley Box Office, 615 Texas Ruth Carson, in the production of Night Ave. and Day. Bella Davidovich, the incomparable Russian pianist, who emigrated from the Soviet Union to America in 1978, will perform in her second appearance with the Houston Symphony under the baton of maestro Sergiu Comissiona, interpreting the Chopin Piano Concerto No. 2 in Fmlnor. The concerts are scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 16 at 8:00pm, and Sunday, Jan. 17 at 2:30pm in Jones Hall. Earl Wild, one of America's most recorded pianists, will interpret Tchalkovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor during the Houston Symphony's third Pop Series concert, also at Jones Night and Day Hall, on Saturday.v.Ian. 23 at 8:00pm, The Chocolate Bayou Theatre also with associate conductor C. William announces a new series of plays: The Harwood conducting. Tickets for both Other Production Series (TOPS), for the performances are available at Tickettheatre-goer who wants to see contemron outlets including all Joske's, the porary classics, new plays and new Houston Ticket Center in Jones Hall, or forms. TOPS opens on Jan. 24 and by calling 224-ARTS. plays Sunday, Monday and Tuesday My Fair Lady, the most popular of all nights at 7:30pm. Call 759-9840 for all Lerner and Loewe musicals, will be ticket reservations. staged by Theatre Under the Stars for Alley Theatre's training-wing for eight performances, Feb. 11-14 and young people, The Merry·Go·Round, 18-21, at the downtown Music Hall. will conclude its current semester with Showtimes are 8:00pm, Thursday two performances of its popular musicthrough Saturday, with matinees at al production, The Yellow Brick Road, 2:00pm on Sunday. Adapted from Ber· on Saturday, Jan. 30 at 10:30am and nard Shaw's most popular play, Pygma1:00pm. lion, this delightful musical comedy PAGE 30 TWTJANUARY 15- 21,1982 DALLAS (214) 1 ~ I I '1 My Fair Lady tells the story of an English professor of speech, Henry Higgins, who bets his friend Colonel Pickering that he can improve a Cockney flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, until she is accepted in the best of London society. And he succeeds, only to then realize that he is as much elated with his subject as his achievement. For ticket information call TUTS' box office, 522-1422. I ,I I The Venetian Room in the Fairmont Hotel presents the talents of Buddy Greco through Jan. 23. Buddy's talent has always merited his success, but a recently dramatic upsurging in his popularity and charisma has occurred, due to the romantic acquaintance and eventual marriage to Jackie Linville, a beautiful blue-eyed blonde and former Playboy bunny-of-the-year. Since he met Jackie, Buddy has merged emotion with professionalism to produce an even more energetic and happy career. See the always-controversial Shelley Winters in The Gingerbread Lady, which opened Tuesday at Granny's Dinner Playhouse, 12205 Coit Road. The Neil Simon comedy, on which the film Only When I Laugh is based, will continue Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8:15pm, and Sundays at 2:00pm and 8:15pm through Feb. 14. Tickets range from $14.95 to $18.95. Call 239-0153for information. Eduardo Mata, music director of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, makes his super-pops debut, Friday, Jan. 22 at 8:00pm at the Music Hall, Fair Park. One of the world's most sought-after conductors together with guitarist Robert Gutherie in an evening of pops a la Spain. '-W.f River Oaks Theatre presents the eyes that we discovered long before Kim Carnes. Jezebel, starring Bette Davis, will be shown at 7:30pm, Sunday, Jan. 17. The second feature that night will be Dark Victory, also starring Ms. Davis, to be shown at 9:30pm. TWTJANUARY 15 - 21, 1982 PAGE 31 ,""' Special Winter Clearance Sale now in progress Houston • 4 PAGE 32 • 622·3100 nNTJANUARY15-21,1982 t __ \\OIl SHOW()IZ __ by Jack Varsi --- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III ~ ~ ~ --~ -------~ ~ ~ ~ ~''i!1411U.~'" iW:w:.~f..V~~' 11111111111111111111111 Paul Lynde 11111111111111111111111 IN MEMORIAM - Paul Lynde, character actor par excellence, whose greatest characterization was himself, died Jan. 11. He was 55. Lynde's first big showbiz break came with his appearance in Broadway's New Faces of 1952. Later he won acclaim in both the stage and film productions of Bye, Bye, Birdie. His distinctive style also contributed immensely to such films as Under the Yum, Yum Tree (1963) and Send Me No Flowers (1964),as well as numerous television appearances. He will undoubtedly be most remembered for his wisecracks on Hollywood Squares. Another major character, Hans Conried, a verteran of more than one hundred films and even more television shows, died at age 64 on Jan. 5. He will be remembered best as Uncle Tonoose on Danny Thomas' Make Room for Daddy. "Stardust" has been called "the most recorded song of all time." Hoagy Carmichael, the composer of that song and countless others, including 1951's Oscar winning tune, "In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening," died at age 82 on Dec. 27. PAGE 34 WANNA BUY A FLOWER? - Inchon, an upcoming film starring Laurence Olivier, Jacqueline Bisset and the late David Janssen, is reportedly a production backed by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Does that make Sir Larry a Moonie? TAKE '82 - Cannery Row, the controversial film based on John Steinbeck's novels Cannery Rowand Sweet Thursday, will be opening nationally Feb. 12. The film stars Nick Nolte and Debra Winger. Raquel Welch, originally cast as femme lead, was "fired" from the production ... Horror director John Carpenter is planning a film of Stephen King's Firestarter. King's first original screenplay, Creepshow, has been filmed by cult horror director George Romero (Night Of the Living Dead), who also plans to film King's novel The Stand. Creepshow, described as a "comic book come to life," stars Hal Holbrook, Adrienne Barbeau, Leslie Nielson, Carrie Nye, E.G. Marshall and Viveca Lindfords ... Woody Allen's - 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 - - iiiiiii ~ iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii -- -- ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ iiiiiii iiiiiii 1111111111111111111111 iiiiiii iiiiiii Woody Allen 1111111111111111111111 latest film, tentatively titled Summer Nights and starring Mia Farrow, will be released June 11. Farrow is also in another Allen film which will be out for Christmas '82 ... Sylvester Stallone's film First Blood, currently lensing in nNTJANUARY15·21.1982 British Columbia, has been plagued with all manner of difficulties including injuries to stuntmen-the "Italian Stallion" himself cracked a rib in one stunt. Also, because of a "creative difference," co-star Kirk Douglas left the producton ... Warren Beatty's Reds has been chosen as 1981's "Best Picture" by The New York Film Critics and by The National Board of Review (for the National Board Award, Reds tied with Chariots of Fire). Look-tor Reds to also clean-up at this year's Oscar ceremony ... Rock singer and composer Burton Cummings is the star of a Canadian film, Melanie, which also stars Glynnis O'Connor and Paul Sorvlno ... A series of three films will be derived from Isaac Asimov's popular Foundation Trilogy science fiction novels. Also expect a remake of the 1960 science fiction film Vii/age of the Damned to be made under the original title The Widwich Cuckoos ... The Republic of China is being considered as a location for Raiders of the Lost Ark 2 which goes into production later this year ... A search is underway to fill the title role of a movie to be based on the life of Bobby Darin. I can't wait to see who plays Sandra Dee. -- 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ---- . iiiiii iiiiii iii _ iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii 1111111111111111111111 -- --iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiii iiiiiii David Bowie 1111111111111111111111 ROCK THESPIANS - When David Bowie received acclaim for his performance in Broadway's The Elephant Man, and Linda Ronstadt and Rex Smith received similar accolades for their appearance in The Pirates of Penzance, it was the beginning of a trend of record stars turning to legitimate theatre. A while back former teen idol David Cassidy toured in Little Johnny Jones, a nNT JANUARY 15·21. 1982 George M. Cohan musical, and Donnie Osmond will star in a Broadway production of the show. Debbie Boone is planning to star in a musicalization of the 1954 film Seven Brides for Seven 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i ~~ ~ "- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iiiiii iiiiii iiiiiii iiiiii iiiiii -- iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii •• iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiii 11111111111111111111111111 Cher 11111111111111111111111111 Brothers. And Char, of all people, will be directed by Robert Altman, of all people, in Come Back To The Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean, also headed for Broadway. The latter also features Sandy Dennis and Karen Black. Meanwhile, on the tour front, former Herman's Hermits' lead, Peter Noone, has been performing in The Pirates of Penznace, and Patti LaBelle has been in the gospel musical Your Arm's Too Short To Box With God. ----- ----- 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ ~ ---~ ~ - .••••.........~- 1111111111111111111 Faye Dunaway - 11111111111111111111111 SPEAKING OF BROADWAY - Faye Dunaway will appear in a "limited run" of Curse of the Aching Heart. She's also in a stage production of The Country Girl, produced for cable-TV. PAGE 35 araDI! 1416 RICHMOND, HOUSTON RESENTS COMING ATTRACTIONS FOR JANUARY DAGO T PARTY PARADE HOUSTON PRESENTS AN ITALIAN FESTIVAL FOR OUR END OF THE MONTH EXTRAVAGANZA FREE PARADE ITALIAN FESTIVAL T·SHIRTS TO THE FIRST 1000 CUSTOMERS DRINK SPECIALS ALL WEEKEND SPECIAL DJs AROUND THE CLOCK ITALIAN BUFFETS AND ITALIAN ICES FOR AFTER HOURS $1 .BEER BUST SUNDAYS $1 COVER ALL NIGHT NEVER A DRESS CODE 5PM·TILL Jotted down by Christopher Hart Part II: Japan ~e Far East is far out It's a different world with contrasting lifestyles and cultures; heavily populizPAGE 38 ed home of a highly intelligent breed of people who call themselves yellow, although their skin is as yellow as a black man's is black or a white man's is white. nNTJANUARY15·21,19i2 Traditional 5!..fnda'j happenin9 in Tokyo! teens "rock around -ehe cloc.k" With 9reoSj look in 50's ~drb ~ome Superjocks & Tow Big Macs Chubb:i chums sport.ing pi9tdils and ros::I cheeks. One of the u[t;ima1;e5of Asian architectural beauty: Kjoto's -fdmou.s Golden Pavilion. Tokyo Tower, .Japanese relative of Monsieur Eiff'el There aren't any fat people in Tokyo. No, that's not quite true. I saw about 35. They were the Sumo wrestlers who participated in the exciting autumn tournament which dominated the sporting headlines in September. Gigantic chums, they are. Almost naked, except for a jockstrap, they do some elephantlike shuffling and rhino-like head-on attacking during the heavy schedule of the rough 'n' tough 15-day autumn championships. But aside from the Sumo strongmen, all other Japanese are slim and slender, almost tiny or fragile. Or so it seems. And what's the reason for that? Scarsdale and Beverly Hills watch out! Here comes the Tokyo diet. Although you find the Big Mac people allover town and even (Church's) Texas Fried Chicken outlets, the classic ancient Japanese specialty which, incidentally, also started out as an ordinary fast food, is raw fish. Sushi and Sashimi, made popular by TV's Shogun, have meanwhile found their way into Texas' bigger cities. My policy was to try any of those delicacies at least once. Except for the live shrimp (I'm old fashioned: whatever I take into my mouth, I want to be the only one with a potential chance to take the first bite). I'm also not terribly crazy about octupus or squid (the latter is a lot like chewing sugarless gum and you may munch on it for hours). But otherwise, anything goes. Ana you better believe that I did not gain as much as an ounce, no matter how much of the Far Eastern fare I consumed. Even when I took a break from the traditional menus and surprised my belly with an ordinary hamburger, I told the girl to hold the bun and chopsticked an order of rice instead. TWT JANUARY 15·21. 1982 During a more formal dinner you often have to leave your shoes at the door (make sure your socks are intact) and make yourself comfy on the floor. With a steaming hot towel you are supposed to clean hands, and if you feel like it, burn your mouth, then the cook takes over. He acts like a magician with his delicate utensils as he prepares appetizer and main chow right before your very eyes. (He's doing far better than Belushi on Saturday Night). If you want, you can of course also enjoy a bowl of flied lice. About Click;ng & Tratt;ck;ng It is an utterly false concept to assume that every Japanese suffers from clickitis and constantly runs around with a camera. I did my best to reverse this common prejudice and joined several other westerners in aiming my Nikon at all the fantastic shrines and fairy-tale temples in Kyoto, the old emperor's town. If my Japanese were any better, I probably would have overheard one of the youngsters as saying: "Mommy, do those Americans all carry a camera? And why do they all look alike?" One word about traffic to make all you regular rush-hour victims in Houston and Dallas feel that you're not alone- Tokyo's streets are as much screwed up at certain times of the day as the Loop or 1-10.And hardly anyone would ride to work in his/her own Toyota, mind you. This city of 11 million has a fabulous mass transit system, but still there's a sickening traffic mess with wall to wall cabs and buses, and all they find is standing room only. A subway ride is not made more enjoyable by specially trained PP's (people pushers). They shove you into the train at the station until no one fits into the car anymore. That way the usage rate is near to perfect. If you feel like fainting in the jampacked atmosphere, you at least don't have to worry about falling down. PAGE41 l.et's Lonesome painter capturinj People Sn1d/( -pocked in -fr-OYlt of the Ol~rnpic town Scene SWim St.:\diUn1 Dance,Man Night life in Tokyo is very attractive, especially if you, like me, consider the natives to be just that, too. There.are several hot spots (my favorites were in Ginza and Roppongi) with loads of discos, pubs and restaurants, all in walking distance. It's not always easy, by the way, to gain entrance if unaccompanied by a member of the opposite sex. I was joined by a biz friend (if on your own, you're bound to get lost because of the ever-obvious language barrier), and we were refused admittance at a few fancy-looking joints by some not-sa-big bouncers. I figured they knew karate so I didn't raise a stink. I mumbled something about discrimination which my friendly guide chose to ignore. "Why won't they let in a coupla guys?" I pursued. "They are afraid men are just out to harass the girls." "Not me," I whispered. Eventually we made it inside. We had to buy a one litre bottle of whiskey which would be held for us by the bar for up to three months or until empty, whichever comes first. Much to my surprise there were very few mixed couples, but mainly guys dancing with guys on the floor and gals with gals. "How come?" I asked my companion. "The Japanese are very shy," my host explained. "We prefer to dance only once we know a person better." "Hmm. If scenes like this happened in Texas, people would think you're gay." "Is that so?" Michiko Suzuki asked. I had initiated a thinking process. Then, after a few seconds, he concluded: "Maybe some of these folks are queer. Gee, it's so hard to tell." We had finished two shots of bourbon when Michiko started to loosen up. "Hey, man, let's dance!" W-w-what?" "Yeah, come on, let's dance. Love that song." TWT JANUARY 15·21, 1982 "D-d-dance?" "Right." "The two of us?" Why am I so slow sometimes? "Sure." And then we joined the other gaily matched couples on the floor. I swear this happened! I swear this was a straight bar. I swear my friend was supposed to be as straight as can be. He was a good dancer, too. I remembered his words ... Maybe some of the folks are queer. Gee, it's so hard to tell. For private, personal reasons I declined the generous invitation to visit one of the famed Tokyo geisha houses. After all, who's heard of geisha boys? I received some second hand info on what may happen when an American explores that sort of entertainment. First of all, the women are truly experts in their field. That friend of mine wound up with his mate for the night at an extraordinary motel. The TV showed enticing X-rated movies. The bed was round and started turning after he had started the motions. In the middle of the game, the experienced lady switched the TV channel and he saw some fellow on the tube whose activities seemed synchronized to his own. A minute later it dawned on him that he was the star of this motel-made porn. This relaxed things quite a bit, for he feared he'd be playing a feature role in a soon to be released flick titled BillyJoe Does Tokyo. Then he decided "Who gives a flying hoot. No one'li know me here," and he gave up looking for the hidden camera and focused on the hidden sacred secrets of Yoko. To each his/her own. It appears, the extremely formal land of Nippon is less formal and most accommodating for some of the sweeter pleasures of life. Women, it seems, are unfortunately only objects in most cases. As wives they are homemakers, as tricks paid orgasm fakers; the student movement in Japan, however, is getting more and more aggressive. This will undoubtedly help to free citizens from old, firmly defined and often unjust role behavior codes. ~\II.f PAGE 43 • I~I Me Tuesday Sunday ,.,,..11 ~~ "-~ ' ~ 202' \ 'I 10 " 12 .() . 7 :R ,0 '" .!:: 1_' ~),,:1 ~': .'1' 2r 1:) 1~ 1 'n T~ur~. y s.. ,...,. ...~-, ,., '~,\~>"", ,,~_.~~~ "~ ~\-Y..A~ ~'" V\c, ",,,,,,,0 "I" ".."..."...,,;J, f{"'"',U).,-F>O 1'1, 11 l'-~'\~?- ",o0"'S's 1 ~\\00 \~ \ 17 i \ '... -p \' ~ "",~•••~ /"'P HOURS N 7AM-NOO MON-SAT AND I s- Sf'-~~"'" . M¢' "LfH fl# , 20 ,.::~o•.ous : \: ...,,;. "N' .,o.~o},.;<,~,,::" v o~. 00 an ,,,,,:;;.:';:;" : ••••••.•, or :, -t"- -I"" , «o .""";!:i ~..., V'< ~,o -t,o '" C» • C» '8 -0 llOIfl: - ", 28 o/l1J,<N -r,-'. ,I "'" /.1 ".II'-wl ' ;Jlh!; Ii ftf', IM'- Sw£'Er _~~t§:=,.~ :r~ ;-..:...-.~.-~c: • 1t~~$ YL: .? QOt:? 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V'f()!1$ ,&lJl111 If, lit.! . .,. • Y"sT:J'~':~i';;,"···" s-'( ffl 8 MO~F~ 4-7PM 18,.,·· ••.--l9 ~ ~ ~ ,I,.' o c ,0'" MARY'S ~~~ . ~•. -.."...".12 ~ t\.# ""'- EL:.1.- ~o.;:s $""'~_~-_("...o-;: ~1. 01,) .------ 1 ~7 «..<..~~ 6 ~.."..."...".",", \ ;_7~ 'I. HAPPY _"" ,,,,,, " ~-;.5 'I. r-:. ~ SUNDAY ~1> --- Saturday ~ .V' 10 • llt lA ' ,f!" \ °0';.5> " 4G~ ~ BEER BUST ~~.... ~ ~ '"' .!.~.;:'_; X' 3------7 •••. ~ •..•• Guild. 1 ~ • ,l. ': • ..'~ .'~ \0 " SUNDAY T•.•.erG 'Wednesday, s~~"<I>-:'( '1\U~sQI>- LtC, '2 \ -3 10 e t' ,r, " :.\ v'v 1 •..• b \\ of the ~u.ton Ulbef Monday S ~~ ~~2:ftf,/f"w r Friday', FRIDAY SHOW •••• { {apital iRding {ompany «zr:n " "Ulny 1ftn as JANUARY 15 B.ROADWAY NAOMI SIMS _The ffiritten and IJireded by REVUE STARRING Our studs aren't nailed down. Fresents Lumber Componlj Roger -iodon ( lilarring Fder JRadisan Sam JesKe JRiI:haei -Henley ffiill Richert & Rager 'artan Premiers January al -, ,- 700 S.Jennings· Cowtown SUNDAY BRUNCH & BLOODY MARY 12 - 2 PM "Lowest Prices In Town" 17 ifnly on Sundays al 6pm 1 Esther's fallies TUESDAY POOL TOURNEY 7:30 PM $50.00 In Cash Prizes 515 Easl 61h Slreet, fluslin ~dmissian $5· Ra Resernatians 1I0n'l 4Jiiss Eslher's follies {hurs-Sal Infnrmaflnn (5 I 2) 474·9332 •• •• 4 •• •• • •• .:it~'·,:\~;, THE ETC. ETC. CLUB d'i;:)~~':J PLUS SABRINA MISS GAY CENTRAL TEXAS CANDI . '~McALLEN LADY OF SOUL CHANTE CARTIER OPEN: WED, FRI, SAT & SUN EOY '82 GALVESTON 1617 N. l1Yz STREET, !~\1! McALLEN, TEXAS 78S01 ISI2) 687·9922 LEONARD MENA (OWNER) NOE MAImNEZ, JR. (MANAGER) GALVESTON 763·9031 214 23RD STREETTREMONT PAGE 46 nNTJANUARY15-21,1982 nNT JANUARY 15 -21,1982 PAGE 47 L OIJ OJI 300 J ........ ::~~~~~~ 1982 NEWCOMER OF THE YEAR ALL THE TALENT FINAL WINNERS OF 1981 COMPETING FOR $500 CASH PLUS RUNNER-UP TROPHIES I I " SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT BY NAOMI SIMS I·, TWO BIG NIGHTS i~ I . Ii ~--........ I. I"~ I MONDAY JANUARY 25 TUESDAY JANUARY 26 TWO TONS 0' FUN [ FRIDAY JANUARY 15 JJ REGULAR COVER ONLY SUNDAY SHOW JANUARY 17 WITH MR. TIFFANY JONES DONNA DAY COCO AND COMPANY WITH SPECIAL GUEST KELLY (MISS GAY HOUSTON) FREE BEER TILL PAGE 50 lWT JANUARY 15 - 21. 1982 MIDNIGHT •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ···················PR·O·FESsioNAL· ! Hypnosis & Counseling ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Service MEMBERSHIP Personal FEE $75.00 James D. Kristian, Ph.D. SPECIALS 2 FOR 1 RENTALS (WITH THIS AD) REGISTERED MON., TUES., WED. RENTALS RETURNED BY 6PM THURS i ''".I.II.I.I.II.II.n.II.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I. ALSO VISIT OUR 25¢ MINI·MOVIE ARCADE-OVER 100 SELECTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM IN OUR PRIVATE BOOTHS .! ! L HYPNOLOGIST IMPROVE: OVERCOME: Sleep. confidence. self-worth. Fear. anxiety. guilt. depres shyness. memory. concentrasion. nervousness. drug abuse. tion. self-esteem. relaxation. alcohol abuse. anger. lonelihabits. love emotion, ness. weight. Member Houston Professional Hypnotists Association LATEST FULL·LENGTH FEATURE FILMS ON VIDEO TAPE HUNDREDS OF TITLES TO CHOOSE FROM ALL RATINGS ! ! ; ! • Confidential FIRST VISIT DISCOUNT WITH AD KIRBY DRIVE NEWSTAND HOUSTON'S NEWEST & FINEST FULL·LlNE NEWSTAND OPEN 24 HOURS 3115 KIRBY DR 520·0246 CALL 977 -2485 STUDENT AND SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1I.1I.1I.1I.1I.1I.1I. , IN CORPUS CHRISTI IT'S ~ C@U~[0 MONDAYS: BEER BUST HOURS: 8PM-2AM TUESDAY-SUNDAY 10PM 617 S. STAPLES • 883-7753 HOURS: 12·2AM 7 NIGHTS A WEEK CORPUS CHRISTI • TEXAb 413 PEOPLES (512) 882-0361 CORPUS CHRISTI • TEXAS MEMBER HOUSTON TAVERN GUILD PAGE 52 TWT JANUARY 15·21, 1982 TWT JANUARY 15·21, 1982 534 WESTHEIMER 526·7519 PAGE 53 \VQ HOT TE/\ OUR THIRTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY SALE ,,,,, l THE BIG D TEA - Over $2,000 was raised for the Oak Lawn Symphonic Band during a holiday benefit at the Sundance Kid, as Norman of the Crisco Sisters(see CRUISE CAMERA photo above) upped the ante of donations, while ace DJ Jimmy Spaulding did his "Boston Stronggirl" climb-on onstage. Meanwhile, across town, the legendary co-managers of the Eighth Day (see below), Black Betty and White A.c., held a double-blast birthday and Christmas party. Quite gayla! Chocolate fudge and white creamy divinity were the appropriate sugar-sweet treats for all the carbohydrate connoisseurs. Photos by graham of TWT'S Dallas bureau. 1: LITTLE WATCH SHOP 1919 S. SHEPHERD AT WELCH • HOUSTON • (713) 524-2648 ESTABLISHED 1947 MONDAY-FRIDAY 9AM-5:30PM, SATURDAY lOAM-3:30PM ALL WATCHES 25-40% OFF 14K AND 18K GOLD WATCHES INCLUDED IT'S OUR FIRST SALE IN 35 YEAR. DON'T MISS IT. ffi :c f- ::J <t: (J SALE ENDS JANUARY 30 ....J u.J <f) <f) ::J 0::: ~ SEIKO GOLD • LON GINES • JAGER-LeCOULTRE • BULOVA o f- o :r: P... PAGE 54 TWTJANUARY 15·21.1982 LARRY BAGNERIS, JR. - A man whose time has come! Look for a TWT NEWS headline in February to read "Bagneris Elected New HGPC Prez!" TWTJANUARY 15·21.1982 by Chuck AUSTIN - If you are a registered voter of the capital city, there's only one thing to remember to do this weekend and that's to vote AGAINST the anti-gay, un-fair housing ordinance. Polls will be open this Saturday from 7am-7pm. Your lifestyle is at stake! HOUSTON HOTLINE - In addition to a new large disco opening in the spring, look also for The Deep to open next to Miss Charlotte's, look for a new country bar to open on Westheimer, look for Pete St. George of the Brasserie to open the Banister Restaurant next to the Montrose Pub, and look for the Wildwood Saloon to undergo a total face lift ... Partners In Pride are planning a voluminous pre-Gay Pride Week party comparable to Razzle Dazzle Dallas ... Tres Chic Optical has moved to 2708 Whitney, just off Westheimer ... and, Richard Taylor has told HOT TEA that Fantasy Winter Wonderland will be the theme of this year's Miss Gay Metroplex Houston Pageant at Babylon ... preliminaries will be on March 16 and finals on March 22. DALLAS - TMC's manager David Hall is now also managing the Wooden Nickel and presenting country review shows on Sundays and Thursdays ... Alcatraz is transforming the old Night Life into the Oak Lawn Transfer and gearing for a January 23 opening with construction parties to continue until remodeling is completed ... Joe E. and Pat H. are docketed to star in next Friday night's maddness show at The Landing ... and, the Dallas Motorcycle Club will celebrate it's sixth anniversary all this weekend with a super party this Saturday night at The Executive Inn. ANOTHER STABBING - Howard Glick of Dallas has been stabbed in the back with a knife, in the same location on Throckmorton just off Maple where John Sholl was recently stabbed to death. Fortunately, Glick survived, and drove to the Hidden Door where he knew he would be helped. Glick's assailants were three Mexican-Americans in a white automobile, the same description reported in the Sholl murder. Obviously the three unsavory beings have struck again with their knife. No robbery ensued.• PAGE 55 NEW FOR '82 FRIDA YS & SA TURDA YS 50C WELL DRINKS .·IO:IOPM SUNDAYS BEER BUST 9·IO:IOPM SHOW AT IO:45PM WITH BETTE SHEBA AND TRUDY TYLER Special Guest BOBBIE HOLIDAY MONDAYS NO COVER TUESDAYS BEER BUST 9PM·MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAYS .JOCKEY SHORTS CONTEST S100 CASH TO WINNER THURSDAYS 50C WELL DRINKS 9PM·ZAM ~l o ~~ f-~COMPAN'y~ 735 N. COLLINS 265-6448 ARLINGTON, TEXAS COMING JANUARY 24 TIGER LIL PAGE 56 TWT JANUARY 15·21. 1982 SAN ANTONIO - Winning the newcomer of the year awards in both Dallas and San Antonio was the talented Jackie DeShawn shown here in a CRUISE CAMERA photo (see above) taken at Sunset Boulevard. (Left to right) Toi Lane who was second runner-up, Jackie DeShawn who is the 1982 winner, Electra Stahr who was the 1981 winner, and Cheree L'More who was first runner-up. Photo by Scott Taylor of TWT'S hill country bureau. CAROL JIANI - Her three-city tour de song which began Thursday at Babylon, continues to Sunset Boulevard this Friday and winds up at Tex's Colorado Street Bar this Sunday. "Mercy, Mercy!" First big vocalist tour of the New Year. $70,000 PARTY - Over $70,000 is being lavishly spent on this year's herculean annual Mardi Gras Madness Party which will be held February 27. The Houston location is being kept top secret and will be revealed only through private invitations! FAT TUESDAY - Mardi Gras in New Orleans climaxes on Fat Tuesday, February 23, with the Edd Smith MG Awards in front of the Bourbon Street Pub. Smith told HOT TEA that this year's costume extravaganza will salute Texas! Sounds gargantuan! QUESTION OF WEEK - What certain Montrose Mine employee literally swung naked through the trees of fashionable River Oaks at 1pm, in broad daylight, with a Montrose Pub employee? LONGEST NIGHT - After hours last Saturday night at Houston's big pyramid, Babylon, endured until noon Sunday! Has Montrose become New York? PARTY OF WEEK - Last Sunday at the Loading Dock the booze flowed, the dissonance thumped and the men danced and danced. Even a few women, real Suzies, joined the party-an LD first! The rest of the year's parties have a long way to go to top this soiree! TWT JANUARY 15·21. 1982 PAGE 57 MISS LATIN - Cookie Cantu will give up her crown to the new Miss Latin next Wednesday and Thursday nights at Houston's La Musiquera Night Club. Little Bobby and Miguel Bravo will emcee amid folkloric entertainment. Ole! TATTlE TALE - Astraptes has axed all drag shows, supposedly due to projected remodel ing ... "I support The Montrose Patrol" slogans are now on sale at Eagle Leathers, Q-1 Leather and Wilde 'n' Stein, to help stamp out crime ... and, a Texan has won Mr. Key West, which was held at the Palladium on January 2 . congratulations to Colt Thomas, of the UT Medical School in Galveston. FORT WORTH TEA - After being yoked for just one week, the Krazy Kowboy is open again for the new year under the new ownership of Chuck and the new management of Larry Larkin. the well received opening of the Lumber Company on December 21 has generated heavy foot traffic between it and Billy Ray's 651 Club across the street ... and Gordon's Corral which is in the same gay nest ... the Lumber Company is a winner . meanwhile, Woodworks has exchanged hands again. FORT WORTH COVER - Meet Blake Boyd, a 19-year-old Taurus who is the current Mr. Corral and the winner of The Other Place Buns contest. Blake, a highschool letterman, unfolds in a photo essay beginning on page 66. Photos (see below) by AI Macareno of TWT'S Fort Worth Bureau.~ , '.';~t~ ;;r .~r., .~9' NAME DROPPER - Terri Ann Melton and Kenny Dale have just released their first duet record, "Magic Man," and it sounds hitbound ... K.C's David Wood is the new manager at the cozy Keyboard Lounge ... Scarlet Fever has been starring for two months at La Cage Aux Folies in Los Angeles where all the non-gay Hollywood luminaries are seen . Houston's first classical bar d], KLEFFM's Rohn Steelman, has turned Monday nights at the Venture-N into a class act .. and the new heirarchy at The "no dress code" Parade includes Robert Jones as bar manager, Mike Younghans as club manager, and Claudia Spiecher as office manager. GET WELL - Don "Peaches" May is fortunately recovering from cirrhosis of the liver, and is expected to be back on the Mary's job of bartending by next month. Send flowers, not booze, to room 942 of the Park Plaza Hotel in the Warwick complex. PHOTO OF YEAR - Two of TWT'S longest employed reporterettes and salesladies are Jerry Cassidy (left) and Alan Gellman (right) shown here (see photo) as Big Mama and Alice Phallus. The cities of Fort Worth and San Antonio should indeed be honored to be represented by two such lovely tons of fun. Yes folks, it's things like this that have made TWT what it is today. This vintage CRUISE CAMERA photo was taken during a 1939 New Year's Eve ball as the two debutantes were wisked aboard a Polish cruise ship in the North Atlantic fleeing a Berlin gay speakeasy. ,,1,1I.1 :'~': ~;. <7heB~R~ THINR DEEP PRESTON THINR DEEP BILL THINR DEEP VERA .• ,....'~ .'. .: .,/ !1 .... PAGE 58 nNTJANUARY15-21.1982 .. nNT JANUARY 15 - 21. 1982 PAGE 59 AVO SVH9 IOHVW )1:)01:)/0 f! Ot NOON NORMOOR le NNV us- Fl<U1S uoqmog 108. qnd uoqmog ;HIl lC AUo::lIcq Cll(l ClIqcncAc SlCl'F'!l 10} OHVMV S3)1VISd33MS sClwnlSO:) dwc:) puc dno19 ~~I~~ lSCllU~~l~~~ ol(~cW 'ClIcWCl.:I 'ClIcW lSClg}O A103CllC:)l(~c3. U! pClp1CMVSClz!ld ClCl1l(l N co 0- SlN1S1Hd lOVHVd I HOd NOH}lOOH 3:H1.. N co 0- \\DU _---""SPOf\TS __ GAY TEAM WINS TEXAS CITY - Texas Sky of Austin placed second in the January 9 US-VBA Tournament, winning against such non-gay teams as Lackland Air Force Base, NASA and Texas City. The Austin team split with Marsh's Coffee Shop and lost only one team, BS & S of Austin. Texas Sky was the only gay team participating in the tournament, TWT SPORTS was informed. HAPPY HOLERS LEAD HOUSTON - In the MSA Eddie Chavez mixed bowling league, the Happy Holers are in first place, followed by Just Marion and Lynn's Tropical Fruit and Kindred Spirits #2, reported Robb Connors to TWT SPORTS. Bowling games of 200 and over, Thursday night, January 7, were Mike Linder with 211, and Richard Dauchy with 200. Jesse Young bowled 210 and 221, while Mark Hall bowled 213 and 206. OAK LAWN SCORES DALLAS - The second night of 1982 bowling in the Oak Lawn bowling association has produced some league standing changes, TWT SPORTS observes. Here are the latest through January 11 action. Division A: 1) Sundance Kids; 2) Pill Pushers; and 3) Branding lron/Tex's Ranch. Although Sundance Kids clung to their lead, slots two and three exchanged places from last week. Division B: 1) Oh Daddy's; 2) Crisco Kids; and 3) Lobo Bookstore. Positions one and two remain unchanged from last week, but Lobo has knocked Picky Pecker Pickers out of third place. Division C: 1) High Bailers; 2) Cutterettes; and 3) Lone Star Boys. No changes occurred from last week's positioning of the top three. PAGE 62 TWTJANUARY15·21.1982 TWTJANUARY 15·21.1982 In Division A, Don Draper's scores of 222 and 571 won both high game and high series. In Division B, Steve Black's 204 won high game, and Glen NetherIy's 500 won high series. In Division C, David Barton's 214 won high game, while Ron Adams' 574 won high series. MSA SCOREBOARD HOUSTON - Here are the latest top three standings in the four division of the MSA winter bowling league, through January 11, as reported to TWT SPORTS by Mike Steiniger. Division A: 1) Tammany Haul; 2) Untouchables; and 3) Briar Patch #1. Last week, Tammany Haul was in second place. Therfore, they have improved their positioning over the Untouchables, who were in first place last week. John Murray, with a 163 average, claimed top honors with scores of 203, 235 and 233, for a 671 series, thus moving his team, Tammany Haul, back into first place. Steve McConaughy bowled a 255 game and a 640 series, while Bill Mallory clinched high game with a 256. Division B: 1) 0-1 Leather; 2) Second Hole; and 3) EuroTan International. No changes in these top three positions have occurred since last week. Division C: 1) The Circuit; 2) Gator Aide; and 3) Briar Patch #3. There were no changes in the top three Division C leaders from last week's standings. Division D: 1) Cherry Pickers; 2) Five Easy Pieces; and 3) Hole Control. Five Easy Pieces moved from third to second place, as Hole Control slipped a notch. As scores were soaring, enthusiastic talk continued about TROT III, which will be held in Dallas during Valentine's weekend, February 13 and 14. Efrain Calderon, who was a member of a past TROT winning team, fired his first over-200 game last Monday night with a score of 210.,\Ii., PAGE 63 Simply the Best OUR LAST SATURDAY SHOW JANUARY 16 WITH of Adult Bookstores in Houston. 42 Movie Arcades. BRANDI WEST New for '82 NON-STOP DISCO every Saturday beginning January 23 cover reduced to only HOUSTON I ----- I $200 with 50¢ 4th and Walnut Abilene. Texas BEERAND $100 WELL 677-2522 9-10PM 3519 BELLAIRE BLVD. (S.W.) CLOSED SUNDAYS WATCH FOR 4629 WEST 34TH ST. (N.W.) COMING OPEN SUNDAY 3PM-12AM HOURS: MON-THURS IOAM-2AM FRI-SAT IOAM-3AM CHUCK WELCOMES YOU TO .,' ,. . '".;~ , ': '\ ',,~ ,\ 82 0 {fIQtJ · '~~" ,', -~~ ~ tJr' "' PAGE 64 SPECIALS 805C OLD WELBORN RD. COLLEGE STATION 696-1100 MASTERCARD AND VISA ALSO CHECKS ACCEPTED THIS NEW YEAR HAPPY HOUR 2PM-8PM THURSDAYS CLUB COLOR NIGHT AND POOL TOURNEY 9:00PM ~ nNTJANUARY15-21, 1982 - - SUNDAY BUFFET AT NOON BENEFIT FOR MONTROSE CLINIC HOME OF THE MUSTANGS HOUSTON MEMBER ' NOW OPEN SAT MORNINGS WITH HANGOVER HAPPY HOURS 7AM-NOON 710 PACIFIC J nNTJANUARY15-21,1982 - - TUESDAYS STEAK 8:00PM 2 FOR 1 '" 25¢ DRAFT BEER 4400 WHITE SETTLEMENT RD. FT. WORTH TEXAS (817) 731-8030 HAPPY HOURS 4-7PM MON-FRI MONDAYS T-SHIRT NIGHT HAPPY HOUR PRICES WH.EN WEARINq A BARN J.:!HIRT OE-THE HOUSTON TAVERN 528-9427 GUILD ~ PAGE 65 I BLAKE BOYD OF FORT WORTH. A 19-YEAR-OLD TAURUS. PHILOSOPHY: "A person must not only accept themselves, they must also appreciate themselves for what they are." .t o c ~ CIS o CIS ~ ~'I' >-1 .0 (j) o o s: c. ~ ,~ I NY CHEESECAKE • hOUSE 0 pIES RESTAURAN • MUSTA • FREE W • F1<~~'DRAF' .,,*,,*: E EAT, 0 ~~'\:r,,':~'-Wit-¥ " AND BAKERY ", 3112 KI RBY • HOUSTON • 528·3816 6142 WESTHEIMER • HOUSTON • 782·1290 *y,'$%::i 1213 RICHMOND • HOUSTON • 527·9071 EXTRA PARKING ON THE CORNER OF MT. VERNON & RICHMOND WE ARE EXPANDING NEXT DOOR TO 2111 RICHMOND TO SERVE YOU BETTER IN 1982 ~ 523-8348 HOUSTON 21 17 RICHMOND i. MOVING SALE SAVE S 1.00 ON ALL OUT-OF- TOWN MAIL/PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED VISA/MASTERCARD/AMERICAN PAGE 70 TWT JANUARY 15·21. 1982 TWT JANUARY 15·21.1982 EXPRESS L.P.S THROUGH JANUARY 22 PAGE 71 s ---- SUNDAy,JANU~RY17 SHOW --- WITH ---- DINA JACOBS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 --- SHOW WITH DINA JACOBS AND TIGER {IlL ---- FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 ------ FRIDAY NIGHT MADNESS :YNGTAS,:£ WITH JOE E. 7he AND PAT H. .~. £andtfrg 2617 PAGE 72 NORTH PEARL DALLAS 7 41-0300 ~.'l ~~~ nNT JANUARY 15-21,1982 "lge Week of January 15 - 21 'F0R~'L'L SIgNS: The Sun will leave Gapricorn and enterc5\quarius next Wednesday morning, at 3:32am. This solar shift is the topic of this week's s-r~ SG0PE message. S'1A'RgAZER: Thec:Moon will be just a little north of Saturn this Saturday. Then, on Sunday, January 17, thec:Moon will have shrunk to a last-quarter c:Moon. of the year for overt actions regarding personality improvement. Use your GA'PRIG0~N: Your best time of the year for personal matters will end new-found charm to gain. next Wednesday, when the Sun ends 'PISG'ES: The Sun has been travelits annual journey through your ing through your eleventh house zodiac sign. Therefore, now would be since the holiday season, heralding a your best time to hurry and wrap up highly social and busy period. With any unfinished personal business. the Sun moving into your twelfth When the Sun moves intoc5\quarius house next Wednesday, you are next Wednesday, you will enter a about to enter a quieter period. Durfour-week cycle which will favor ing the coming four-week cycle, being financial matters. You are about to alone will have its definite rewards. enter a banner money cycle. You will be able to recharge your mental batteries. ~QUA'IUUS: The Sun has been posted in your house of secrets and ~"lUES: The Sun has been traveling inner self since the holiday season. All through your tenth house since the of that quiet planning now pays off holiday season, which has caused after next Wednesday, when the Sun you to be in a very busy career cycle. enters your own sign. The coming Next Wednesday the Sun moves into four-week cycle will be your best time your eleventh house, which will nNTJANUARY15-21,1982 PAGEr, You look like you could use a BomeCooked Meal! .Pot Roast - .Baked BBQ Chicken ~ • Meat Loaf and other fixin's? And don't forget your lIegetablesl ~ ~~~ 3508 McKinney 522·1542 Dallas swing the emphasis from work to pleasure. Social events and friendships will now become a higher priority. especially to those who have earned it. 'fAURUS: The Sun has been traveling through your ninth house since the holiday season. which has brought travel and education into the forefront. Next Wednesday the Sun will move over into your tenth house. which will bring you back to your normal serious sense of persistent goal-setting to capturing success. Career. work. responsibility and goalsetting become your game plan as you begin to settle into the'New'Year. gEMINI: The Sun has been traveling through your eighth house since the holiday season. which has placed the emphasis on mutual matters. The emphasis will now switch from dealing with other people to dealing with yourself. as the Sun moves into your ninth house next Wednesday. Educational matters. a short productive trip. and mental achievements. will now become your self goals as you settle into the'New'Year. GANGER: The Sun has been traveling through your seventh house of marriage since the holiday season. placing added emphasis on partnership matters. That will begin to change after next Wednesday. when the Sun changes into your eighth house. The coming four-week cycle emphasis will be on matters of mutually held money. tax and estate matters. sexual encounters and perhaps self-undoing. 'L'E0: The Sun has been traveling through your sixth house since the holiday season. which has placed added emphasis on both your health and job. Such matters now become less important in your life when the Sun moves into your seventh house next Wednesday. The coming fourweek cycle emphasis will be more on partnerships than on self. Togetherness seems to be advised by the planets if you are seeking satisfaction and success. 'VIRg0: The Sun has been traveling through your fifth house of love affairs and entertainment since the holiday season. That cycle comes to an end next Wednesdy. when the Sun moves over into your sixth house. which rules health and job. You can expect the coming four-week cycle to be less fun-oriented and more job-oriented. Your ambitions now become very success guided. You're also more prone to take care of your health. to see a doctor or dentist. and to exercise. Simply stated. you are about to enter a period when you take care of yourself more seriously. 'LI~RA: The Sun has been traveling through your fourth house of the home since the holiday season. which has placed added emphasis on all domestic matters. The "home-for-theholidays" mood usually lingers longer for romantic 'Llbrans than most other signs. But. finally. that leash breaks when the Sun moves out of your house of home and into your house of love affairs. You now enter a period when finding and keeping a romance matter much. You now wish to bring true love into your own nest. SG0R'PI0: The Sun has been traveling through your third house of communication since the holiday season. That sensation now winds down as the Sun moves over into your fourth house next Wednesday. where it will stay for about four weeks. The coming cycle will find you more domestic and home-oriented. Real estate matters. redecorating. and even finding a new address will be favored. SAgIff'A'lUUS: The Sun has been traveling through your second house of money since the holiday season. Recently. money matters have been one of your main topics of conversation and concern. That now gives way to other matters beginning next Wednesday. when the Sun enters your third house. During the coming fourweek cycle. the emphasis will be placed on short trips. communicating. writing. talking. selling and convincing. Such mental matters will now be blessed. Coming next week: Your January 'l'{.ewc::Moon.,-\II; ~u£S THE OFFICIAL PREPPY LOOK FROM ENGLAND CERTIFIED OPTICIANS 4709 RICHMOND AT LOOP 610-2 BLKS EAST 961-9705 • • • OPEN DAILY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE , ~~!~-------------------------------------'~ lWT JANUARY PAGE 74 TWT JANUARY 15 - 21,1982 15-21, 1982 OPEN 24 HOURS WED TO SUN PAGE 75 o 611 RED RIVER ~ ~ _ ~ AUSTIN 11PM JAN 17 SUNDAY SHOW 477-0391 aED j ~~' RIVER ~ WITH RAINA LEA LYNN CHRISTOPHER VANESSA LAUREN ~assl.Ci AND SPECIAL GUEST LISA KING TEX. u.s BAND • SAT JAN 16 9:30PM-1:30AM 11PM THURSDAY JAN 21 SUPER SHOW WITH RAINA LEA TASHA KOHL (BOY D/FW '82) NAOMI SIMS COMING JAN 21 LINDSY LOVE (EOY ABILENE '82) It'," AND SPECIAL GUEST, NAOMI SIMS MUSTANG BAND (TEXAS EOY '82) 8:30PM-12:30AM J;j TUESDAYS 9PM-MIDNI0I1T BEER BUST SUN 6PM·MIDNIOHT QUARTER DUff nobody covers dallas like 'LiDda'~a surplus CJslore Fatigue Jacket Fatigue Pants Cameo Shirt 6 Pocket Shorts THE BELL PEPPER ANNOUNCES OUR NEW CHICKEN FRIED STEAK WITH A l\!ONDAY ;S~ECIAL ,,.4tflf- VEGETA~L~'P~\lH~PAY MASHED POTATO.ES-::SAI1AD:OR SOUP ~ come discover a different kind of clothing store LJunusual articles b excellent prices lJ colors "OUR MEAT IS"FRESHLY GROUND" - - : j selection 3411 McKINNEY • DALLAS • 521-9035 4323 MAPLE AVE. AT WYCLIFF DALLAS PAGE 76 - TWTJANUARY 15-21, 1982 TWTJANUARY 15 - 21, 1982 PAGE 77 __ "FLESH" A REVEALING PARTY FOR MEN IN JOCKS WEDNESDAY JANUARY 20 9PM-2AM MUSIC BY MIKE DREWETT LARRY FOUGHT DRESS CODE AFTER 9PM 1735 WESTHOTHEIMER 520·1818 \UU CI\LENDI\r\ __ (SA) (SA) (SA) (SA) (SA) FRIDAY - JANUARY 15 New Apt: Live Band, 8-11 p Hidden Door. DMC 6th Annlv. Reg, 9p-2a Landing: Friday Night Madness Show Kon Tiki: Show w/Naomi BRB: Mustang Band Community Coffeehouse: 9p Copa: Two Tons 0' Fun, live Different Drum: Movie, 2a Exile: Randy Allen & Band, 9:30p-1:30a Hole: Keoki Kona Keyboard: Bill Hudson, 8:30p-2a Kindred Spirits: Karen Wiltz, 5-8p Montrose Pub: Marguerite & Mickey Rankin MCC: Coffeehouse, 9-12p Snuffy's: Terri Ann Melton Sunset Blvd: Carol Jiani in Concert SATURDAY - JANUARY 16 VOTE AGAINST AUSTIN'S HOUSING ORDINANCE POLLS OPEN 7AM-7PM (AU) Lambda AA: Meeting, 8p (AU) Mr_ Peepers: V_D_Screening, 12-2a (AU) Red River. U_S. Band, 9:30p-1 :30a (AU) Tex's Colo. 51. Bar. Carol Jiani in concert (CS) Astraptes: Show w/Brandi West (DA) Executive Inn: DMC dinner & party, 7:30p (HO) BRB: Mustang Band (HO) CBC: V.D. Screening, 9p-1a (HO) Di~nity: Meeting, 7p (HO) Exile: Randy Allen & Band, 9:30-1:30a (HO) Hole: Keoki Kona (HO) Keyboard: Bill Hudson, 8:30p-2a (HO) Montrose Pub: Marguerite & Mickey Rankin (HO) Pink Elephant: Show w/Laura Lee Love, Lana Kane, Eydie Mae, Danielle DeCarlo, 10:30p (SA) Snuffy's: Terri Ann Melton SUNDAY - JANUARY 17 (AB) Exodus MCC: Meeting, 11a (AR) TCMC: Show wi Bette Sheba, Trudy Tyler & Bobbie Holiday, 1O:45p (AU) MCCA: Services, 2p (AU) Tex's coto, 51. Bar. Carol Jiani in concert (BE) Copa: Show, 10p (DA) FCC: Service, 1:30p (DA) Gayline: Meeting, 7:30p (DA) Landing: Show w/Dina Jacobs, 10:30p (DA) MCCD: Services 9a, 11a & 7:15p (DA) UCC: Services, 11a & 7:30p; Social, 6p (DA) Wooden Nickel: Country Revue, 10p (FW) Allape MCC: Service, 11a, 7p (FW) Dlgnity/Ft. Worth: Meeting (FW) Lumber Co: Pool Tourney, 6p (FW) Other Place: ShOW, 11 P (FW) 651: Pool tourney, 6p (GA) MCC: Services, 1p (GA) Robert's LaFitte: Shows, 8p & 10p (HO) Babylon: Thrice as Hot show (HO) Bering UMC: Services, 10:50a (HO) BRB: Mustang Band (HO) CCF: Services, 10:45a, 7:15p (HO) Copa: Show, 10:30p (HO) Exile: Little Bobby's Variety Revue, 8:30p (HO) First Unitarian Church: Services, 11:15a (HO) GBI: Terri Ann Melton, 5-9p (HO) Hole: Keoki Kona (HO) Keyboard: Tommy Williams, 8:30p-2a (HO) Lazy J: Show, 8p (HO) MCCR: Worship, 10:45a (HO) Mont Church of Christ: Services, 12:30p (HO) Montrose Pub: Marguerite & Mickey Rankin (HO) Twins: Playhouse Theatre, 9:30p (AU) (DA) (DA) (GA) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (SA) (SA) (SA) (AU) (DA) (FW) (FW) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (BE) (DA) (DA) (FW) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (AR) (AU) (AU) (AU) (DA) (DA) (DA) (DA) (FW) (FW) (FW) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (AU) (DA) (FW) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (SA) (SA) Dignity: Mass, 5p Lambda: Meeting, 5p MCC: Service, 11a & 7p Sunset Blvd: Show, 11 p Warehouse: Live band MONDAY - JANUARY 18 Lambda: Awareness group, 8p Metaphysical/Spiritual Assoc: Meeting, 8p Dignity: Meeting, 7:30p 651 Club: caw Dance Lessons EJ's: "Hi, Neighbor" Party, 1st Anniv. Keyboard: Marguerite, 5-8p; Virgil Dixon, 8:30p-2a Kindred Spirits: Reynolds & Rand, 6-8p; Pool Tourney 8p Mary's: Pool Tourney, 9p Stadium Bowl: MSA Bowling, 9p TUESDAY - JANUARY 19 Copa: Talent contest, 10:30p Dignity/Outreach: Meeting, 7:30p Round Up: caw dance lessons, 8:30-10p Lumber Co: Pool Tourney, 7:30p BRB: caw dance lessons, 8p Different Drum: Movie, 2:30p GPC: Meeting, 7:30p; Forum on gay cancer Keyboard: Marguerite, 5-8p; Tommy Williams, 8:30p-2a Kindred Spirits:Reynolds & Rand, 6-8p Loading Dock: Pool Tourney, 10p Mary's: Movie, Rancho Notorious, 10:30p Montrose Pub: Mickey Rankin WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 20 TCMC: Jockey Shorts contest New Apt: Pool tourney Lambda AA: Meeting, 8p MCCA: Service, 7:30p Landing: Show wlDina Jacobs & Tiger Lil, 10p MCCD: Services, 7:30p Round-Up: caw dance lessons, 8:30p Wooden Nickel: Dance lessons, 9p Agape MCC: Services, 7:30p Corral: Pool tourney, 8p 651: Male dancers Briar Patch: Pool tourney Hole: Keoki Kona Keyboard: Margarite, 5-8p; Tommy Williams, 8:30p-2a Kindred Spirits: Rawslyn Ruffin, 5-8p La Musiquera: Miss Latin Pageant '82, 8:30p Mary's: Movie, Hell Cats of the Navy MCCR: Services, 7:30p Midnite Sun: Amateur nite, 10p Montrose Pub: Mickey Rankin THURSDAY - JANUARY 21 Red River. Mustang Band, 8:30p-12:30a Wooden Nickel: Country Review, 10p Other Place: Raina Lea Show w/Tasha Kohl, Lindsy Love & Naomi Sims, 11p Barn: Club Color Nite & Pool Tourney, 9p E_J.'s: Pool Tourney, 9:30p Hole: Keoki Kona Keyboard: Marguerite, 5-8p; Tommy Williams, 8:30p-2a Kindred Spirits: Reynolds & Rand, 6-8p La Musiquera: Miss Latin Pageant '82, 8:30p Montrose Pub: Mickey Rankin Twins: Talent night Faces: Miss Gay SA Metroplex 10p Sunset Blvd: Show w/Jahonau Reis, Sweet Savage, Lisa King & Donna Day, 11p '-\II? 1WT JANUARY 15 - 21. 1982 PAGE 79 S...,tI..JLllc.- .,t~ A BRASSERIE LUNCH: MONDAY-FRIDAY 11 :30AM-2:30PM (CLOSED SUNDAY EVENINGS) DINNER: MONDA Y-THURSDAY 6-10:30PM FRIDAY & SATURDAY 6-11PM SUNDAY BRUNCH 12-3PM-FREE 7:30-9:30PM CHAMPAGNE TUESDAY-SATURDAY JANE SWINDLER WESTCOAST CONNECTION TUESDAY-SATURDAY 10PM-2AM __ \\OIl CLI\SSIFIED__ To advertise in TWT Classified, send 35¢ per word (key words requested in all caps or italics are 75¢; centering, 50¢) to TWT Classified, 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006 or call (713) 527-9111. Ad copy and payment must reach TWT office by 12 noon the Monday preceding publication. Ads cannot be accepted after deed-line. TWT places ad in proper category. Include area code in telephone number. TWT not responsible for errors after first insertion. Acceptability of ad content subject to the discretion of TWT. Dallas. Oak Lawn. One bedroom, 1 bath, dishwasher, garage. Bubba, (214) 526-1500 days; Jerome, (214)521-6967evenings. Houston. Montrose. 2-1, hardwood floors, fake fireplace, separate dining. $450 plus bills and deposit. Call Shaun, (713) 781·5660;call (713)526-0557after 6pm. Houston. Montrose. Large one bedroom apartment, small complex, two off-street parking spaces. $3001 month plus electric, gas. Deposit. (713) 528-5884. All ads must be paid tor in advance. All Texas checks must include Texas Driver's License number. Out-ot-state ads must be paid by money order; not check. No exceptions. Houston. Montrose. Efficiency, spacious, new paint, pool, nice area, bills paid. Near bus lines. (713)523-2477. FOR RENTILEASE BinziMedical Center. Remodeled 2-1'12-2 downstairs duplex. Hardwood floors, new curtains, updated kitchen, central air and heat (heat pump), washer & dryer, lots of windows & closets. Water paid. $550. (713)522·8551 Houston. Austin. APARTMENT RENTAL SERVICES Fast, free rental assistance. Anywhere in Austin. Apartments, duplexes, townhouses, condos. Lou or Phil. (512)458-6111. Houston. Garage for rent, Montrose. $30 per month. (713)524-3340. Houston. Medical Center/Binz. Huge garage apartment, central AlH, spectacular view of downtown, high security, nice enclosed patio. Mr. Haar, (713) 777·7100. Dallas. Oak Lawn, Turtle Creek. Two bedroom and efficiency apartments, share quiet courtyard overlooking pool. Private balconies, patios, WID facilities, parking, bus lines, reasonable rents, all bills paid. (214) 526·3096. Oak Lawn. Large luxury 1 bedroom on Rawlins. Great for entertaining. Enjoy features like balcony, deck, French doors, Chicago brick kitchen, formal dining, sun room, raised custom-built bathtub, skylighting, track lighting, built-in king-size platformed bed with mirrored headboard and builtin stereo. $750/month and utilities. (214) 741-1894 days; (214)349-0531weekends and evenings. Dallas. Montrose Large 1 bdrm., patio, track lights, covered parking, central air. (713) 520-5026. Dallas. 2 bedroom house in "our" new neighborhood. Newly redone with hardwood floors. Near Lovers Lane at Lemmon. Skip, (214)358-5972evenings. Houston. BinzlMacGregor area. 1-1-1, completely renovated, central H/A, cathedral ceilings, large decks, new kitchens, baths, come see. $325 plus elect. (713)524-6730,(713) 528-1403. Houston. Oak Lawn. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, flats and studios. An apartment community with gay people in mind. $100 off 2nd month's rent. Call Paula or David, (214) 748-6760. Dallas. 2911 ROUTH AT CEDAR SPRINGSIDALLAS 698-0034 -ACROSS PAGE 80 FROM VICTORIA STATIONTWTJANUARY 15·21. 1982 lWT JANUARY 15·21. 1982 Houston. HEIGHTS APARTMENT LOCATORS Renovated apartments. Fenced in patios, landscaped courtyards, individual central air. $240 and up. (713)869-7364. FOR SALE Dallas. Can you believe? A totally remodeled 2 bedroom, 1 bath on a creek for $42,500 w/95 percent financing. Beautiful Oak Cliff w/gay neighbors. (214)943-4472. Ft. Worth. Gay movies, excellent condition, '12 price. (817) 731-0335. Dallas. Beautiful Big Prairie style home on 0.89 acres, close to downtown Dallas. $89,500. (214) 943-2678. Houston. Heights. Exciting, totally renovated, 3-2-2, plus garage apartment. Low 100s. 20- down assumes. Agent, (713) 271-3232. Houston. Harpsicord-2-manual (8'x8'x4'), shove coupler. Handbuilt; dark Mandarin orange, cobalt blue, gold trim. 8' long, 3' wide. Capable of large sound for church services or performance in chamber groups. Built with Flemish characteristics. $7,000. Call Bill, (713)840-1175or 871-9772. Houston. Model 800, bonded, Check Writer Paymaster A. Perfect condition, $50. Chris, (713) 451-0265. Houston. Residential lot at 1409 Welch for sale. Asking $8 per foot. (713) 528·3900 evenings. Houston. BOOKS REVIEWED in lWT are usually available at Wilde & Stein Books, 520-B Westheimer, Houston 77006. (713)529-7014. HELP WANTED Houston. Help wanted for local spa. Must have home phone. Good benefits. Apply in person. 3100 Fannin. Houston. GENERAL HELPER NEEDED 1M· MEDIATELY. Wholesale furniture showroom, 9 to 5, Mon thru Fri. REFERENCES REQUIRED. Call manager BEFORE NOON. (713)622-0530. Houston. Now taking applications for HOUSTON MARDI GRAS MADNESS PARTY bartenders and barbacks. Party to be held Feb. 27, 1982 and must be available Feb. 26 and 27. Some epxerience helpful. Call (713) 520-8061 (Dennis) or (713) 523-9465(Ross) for information and applications. Austin. Floral Designer. Experienced only. Warren's Flowers, (713)453-4455. ..~ PAGE81 Houston. American Make Ready help wanted. Apartment painters, cleaners and carpet shampooers. Full time and part time. Call Jim or Larry at (713) 529-9985. Must have own transportation. Gas allowance paid. Dallas. Wanted-Butch male dancers and entertainers for Adam's Inn. No drag. Call (214) 522-5935 after 5pm. Houston. $1,500 monthly. Good skills required. America. (713) 864-2438. Great general office spot. Personnel Services of Houston. Personnel Counselor sharp person with good work future. (713) 864-2438. Trainee spot for references. Great Houston. Male typist needed one week in Acapulco (FLB). Air & hotel paid. Send statistics/photo to: TLBB Design, 1809 Brun, No.4, Houston, 77019. Houston. Help wanted for local spa. Must have home phone, good benefits. Apply in person. 3100 Fannin. Houston. Exciting positions available at three Montrose area adult bookstores. (Studz, Ballpark, Asylum). START $4.00 per hour. Call (713) 527-0686, 10am-5pm for interview. Polygraph required. MonFri. ROOMMATES WANTED Houston. Montrose area. GIW/M roommate wanted to share large two bedroom duplex. $300 plus V2 bills. Call Dan, (713) 522-8453 or 781-1290. Austin. Confidential respected." ROOMMATE NETWORK gay roommate service. "Your Call (512) 473-2800. Houston. A-1 ROOMMATES You get the best when you use the best-I'm (713) 932-1363. privacy No.1. San Antonio. GIW/M will share two bedroom house with discreet person; an old house close to downtown, nice neighborhood. $125 plus half utilities. Spanish welcome. Michael Miller, P.O. Box 10503, San Antonio, 78210. SERVICES Dallas. DALLAS DESIGNER can save you money on mini-blinds, woven woods and custom draperies and spreads (our fabric or yours). Call for free inhome appointment. INTERIOR TRENDS, (214) 526-2470. Houston. FREE FACIAL for men AND women Quality SKIN CARE and COSMETICS consultation FREE in your home or mine by friendly femme lesbian. Call Tiffy, (713) 621-1031. Dallas. PIANO LESSONS. Especially for adult beginners. Call Bill, (214) 343-8293, evenings and weekends. M.A. in Piano. Houston. DON'T TAKE CHANCES WALKING! Ride with, and request: Your own personal gay chauffeur: JOHN ALLEN RIGGS 7:30pm until 5am, (713) 654-4040 UNITED CAB, No. 1362 Houston. cleaning. MASTER MAID (713) 529-4296. house and apartment Dallas. INCOME TAX and bookkeeping services offered by experienced tax accountant. Competative rates. (214) 941-4384 (24-hour answering service). Houston. MASSEUR You should not allow the world to rub you the wrong way. ROY A. MA TU LA (713) 523-3664. Dallas. Electrical services. Expertly serving the gay community. Call David at (214) 522-2709. Houston. ROOMMATE CONNECTIONS THE ONLY GAY ROOMMATE SERVICE For Houston Don't be fooled by small time, one man services. WE ARE Houston's largest and only agency recognized by the National Association of Roommate Referral Agencies. "We The People ..." Being the best for you. Houston, (713) 526-8002. Houston. The BodyWorks, therapeutic and relaxing massage. William Carpenter, nationally certified Massage Technician. (713) 522-0947 days, (713) 665-3884 eves. Dallas. GIW/M perfers mature, professional male to share 2 bedroom, 2 bath North Dallas condo. Nonsmoker. All bills paid. $2oo/month. Central & Royal Ln. (214) 692-9582. Houston. FURNITURE RE-UPHOLSTERY & REFINISHING. Professional workmanship, Large selection of fabrics. Reasonable prices, free extimates. References upon request. Call Romey Diaz or Johnny Diaz (713) 861-9804. Houston. Friendswood. Share 2 bedroom, home. $250/month, bills paid. Call Cami, 482-5411. patio (713) Houston. Masculine, FINANCIALLY SECURE, GIW/M wanted to share 211 duplex near River Oaks Shopping Center on or before Jan. 15. Many extras, including: private entrance, cathedral ceilings, track lights, skylights, 2 decks, washer/dryer. Your share: $247.50 + 1 utilities + deposit. Call Mike at (713) 522-4819. Dallas. Share large 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment on Cedar Springs. Furnished, carpet, AC, VEU-TV. $210 plus $50 deposit. Looking for reliable, mature roommate only. Positively no drugs, no drunks. Relaxed, quiet home atmosphere. Immediately available. (214) 526-6744 evenings 7-10pm. Austin. Roomie wanted. White, under 23, student type, Univ. of Texas area. Timmy, (512) 479-8113. PAGE 82 Houston. We specialize in pasta parties and fullservice catering. Also gourmet gifts. Itinerant and demi catering. Norman G. Salvato, Pasta Plus Catering. (713) 861-4810. Houston. Violin and piano lessons. Experienced teachers in Montrose. Also, make a fine occasion a truly elegant one with chamber music: From two to four players. Two violins, viola, and cello. Call (713) 529-4703. Houston. Relaxation ... professional massage by handsomeyoung masseur. Appointments preferred. Evenings/weekends. (713) 965-9330. Houston. TASTEFUL PRODUCTIONS For the discriminating taste of unique. Specializing and catering Sculptured cakes with Graphics. Call John at (713) 523-9490 Houston. NEW Monday-Friday, 721-5583. IN TOWN? Call LAMBDACOMP. 5-10pm, Saturday 1-4pm. (713) nNTJANUARY15-21.1982 Houston. ATIORNEY STEPHEN COATES Practice limited to Family Law (Marital, Juevenile, ParentiChild). By appointment. Retainer required. Houston, (713) 521-2148. Houston. VALUE RELATIONSHIPS? Call DACOMP. Monday-Friday, 5-10pm, Saturday (713) 721-5583. LAMB1-4pm. Dallas. Steve's Hairstyling. Cut & blow dry, $10; perms, $25. Open Thurs, Fri & Sat, 11am-7pm. 5415 Maple. (214) 631-9509. Houston. Montrose/Heights. deliveries. (713) 880-3502. Light moving, hauling, Dallas. TOTAL CARE SYSTEMS. Residential and commercial cleaning specialists. Landscape, lawn maintainance. Catering and party specialists. Casey Conner. (214) 528-5227. Houston. REMODELINGIIMPROVEMENTS. Full carpentry, excellent workmanship, experienced, references. (713) 529-3869. Dallas. THE MOVING CO. "You Call-We Haul" Most moves under $89. (214) 742-5851, 742-8088 Houston. PSYCHOTHERAPY Stuart Felps, M.A. Ed.S. (Licensed PSYChotherapist). Individual, group, couples. (713) 528-0289. Dallas. RENT-A-ROD. Dependable used rent cars catering to the Oak Lawn area. As low as $121day or $67/week. 250 free miles. Free delivery in Oak Lawn. Let us reserve one for you! (214) 742-3160. Houston. Professional massage by certified LA masseur. Deeply relaxing Swedish massage. Nonsexual. J.C. (713) 529-7467. Houston. ROOMMATE CONNECTIONS THE ONLY GAY ROOMMATE SERVICE For Houston (713) 526-8002 Houston. John Boone-hair stylist-cuts, perms and colors. By appointment only-MondaySaturday.603 Avondale, (713) 520-9777. Houston. Bayland Mobile Services. Car repair. All types. Call John or Eddie. (713) 691-7131. PERSONALS San Antonio. d 0 s d i c i e m b r e 1281 7475 HIGHWAY ARTE (7 destination-posters). WILL TRADE-IN FOR: TOYOTA-late model. Standard: air; am-fm; BLUE; plus gas; plus insurance. REPLY: 7475/box 6165/fm 1517/San Antonio, 78240. Austin. U.T. student, W/M, 23, 5'11",130, B/B, attractive. Seeking W/M for correspondence and hopefully more. Write me a letter (picture helps). Kept private. Box 49596, Austin, 78765. Dallas. If you liked what we did in '81, you'll love what we're going to do in '82. The Men of the Lakewood Station and the North Pole. Dallas. Gale, now it's legal, we demand: More little brothers (Hairy, Jr.), more dirty floors (Mildred), more bingo (Tuffy), more cookies (The Burglar), more honey buggle burgers (Little ButCh). Love you! Houston. Classical music. Amateurs interested in getting together regularly to play for enjoyment (any classical instrument, piano, or voice), nonsmokers. Bill Jackson, P.O. Box 56641, Houston, 77056. San Antonio. GIW/M, 23, 5'9", 155, blonde, muscular. New in town. Would enjoy meeting someone who takes pride in his body. Write George, 8631 Fairhaven, Apt. 10324, San Antonio, TX 78229. Houston. Softball players. Established MSA softball team is recruiting. Call (713) 988-7548. Dallas. Ft. Worth area. Masculine, handsome, darkhaired, professional GIW/M, 35, not into gay scene, but bright, stable & interesting with light-hearted interest in esoteric sciences, seeks permanent, mono relationship with Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo or Cancer W/M born 1944-1950, birth date between 10th and 20th of month. Call Lary, (214) 423-8158 days or leave message. Houston. Houston. $1000 reward for information leading to the arrest of NORMAN and JAY for theft of a Norwegian Seal Parka coat (salt and pepper). (713) 643-7520. Houston. Scott the hunk, don't thing going! Love always, Bob. Houston. Stravinsky. Heinlein. Szell. Hi-Fi. Mahler. Rubens. Mies. Food. Gaulkner. Versatility. Records. Solti. Asimov. Sun. Silverberg. Ravel. Books. The Boss. Niven. Nautilus. Travel. Haydn. Alan Parsons. Video. People. Jean Michel Jarre. Track. Patrick Cowley. If some of these interest you, write a couple of pages about yourself, in your own hand, with a photo, to TWT/ad, P.O. Box 42809, Dept. 460, Houston, Texas 77042. I'm 32, financially and physically well-endowed, open to lots of suggestions and experiences. we have a good Dallas. European guy, alone in America, 26, Taurus, blue eyes, blonde, 6'4", 165, versatile, very athletic, seeks romantic, sensitive partner, 28-38, for permanent relationship. Please write now. P.O. Box 2506, Dallas, Texas, 75221. LAMBDACOMP A COMPATIBILITY MATCHING SERVICE Face it! It's hard to even find a decent friend in a bar-let alone a lover. Let LAMBDACOMP help you find a relationship NOW! An exciting way to meet some fun people. Monday-Friday, 5-10pm, Saturday, 1-4pm, closed Sundays. (713) 721-5583. "SERVING THE HOUSTON AREA FOR OVER ONE YEAR" Houston. ALONE AGAIN? Call LAMBDACOMP. Monday-Friday, 5-10pm, Saturday 1-4pm. (713) 721-5583. Houston. Steady relationship, responsible, affectionate, thoughtful guy to share cultural activities, outdoors, quiet evenings at home. Attr. prof. W/M, young 38. Photo. Box 358, 1669 South Voss, Houston, Texas 77057. Austin. Want smooth, under 24, for friendship Bucky, (512) 479-8113. Irving. G/W/M, 23, seeks honest, sincere friends/possible relationship. Phil, (214) 255-4802. Houston. Partner needed to start a health lunch restaurant business. I have all the equipment required. Your share: Find location, install equipment and initial working capital. Serious only! Send phone number to: Restaurant, P.O. Box 42445, Houston, TX 77242. Austin. To young man terminated by Westinghouse Who appeared on KTBC-TV News January 5. Please call Ron, (512) 459-9419 after 7pm. TWT JANUARY 15-21.1982 BUSINESS young-looking, white male, sessions. Univ. Texas area. OPPORTUNITIES PAGE 83 Austin. Local film crew needing approx. 500 sq. ft. office/meeting space in exchange for tax benefit plus credit in movie. Stan, (512) 476·9809. Houston. Christian Scientists: informal group for the gay Christian Scientist. Write to Emergency c/o 3317 Montrose, Suite 1099, Houston, Texas 77006. TRAVEL Abilene. Exodus Metropolitan Community Church. We're growing! Come worship the Lord with other gay Christians. Inter-denominational. Sunday ser· vices, 11am. 5220 Hartford #609. Scottie, (915) 672-9688, Neil, (915) 695-6443. A church for all people in Christian love! Glen Rose. Its all year fun at EL RANCHO VISTA. The Ranch Guest House for lodging and cozy winter activities. P.O. Box 245, Glen Rose, TX 76043, (817) 897·4982, (817) 645-5192. San Francisco. SUITE SAN FRANCISCO Fine condominium accommodations in your favorite San Francisco locations. TOLL FREE 800·652·1880 Suite San Francisco office: 120 Hancock Street San Francisco, CA 94114 (415) 552·7526 NOTICES Texas. Have you done work with gay young people? Alyson Publications, the Boston-based publisher of books for gay youth such as Young, Gay and Proud! and Reflections of a Rock Lobster, is looking for contributors to a new book they are planning. This new volume will be aimed at teachers, social workers, counselors and others who encounter gay young people in their jobs. For details about submitting essays for possible inclusion, anyone with experience in this field should write to Alyson Publications, P.O. Box 2783, Boston, MA 02208. Houston. Gay Hispanic Caucus, (713) 521·0037, 2722 Newman St., No. 12, Houston, TX 77098. Houston. Hung over? If you want to drink, that's your business; if you want to stop, that's ours. Two new Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) groups are now meeting! Mondays-8pm, Brothers & Sisters group-open; Speaker, Thursdays, 8pm, Growth group-open discussion-Alanon Group (for friends, lovers & relatives of the alcoholic) Mondays 8pm. Meetings held at MCCR, 1919 Decatur St. Houston. Austin. Brighter Day Counseling Resource Center, a 24·hour counseling service, is now taking phone calls from people with basic conflicts, such as: Drugs, loneliness, family survival, emotional crises, etc. All calls are confidential. For services, more information, or if you would like to volunteer, call (512) 451·2255. Houston. Interact/Houston, a forum for the gay and lesbian community of Houston, meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month, 7:30pm, at 3405 Mulberry. All are welcome. 529·7014. Abi/ene. Exodus Bible Study. Fellowship with other gay Christians. Inter-denominational. Sunday Fellowship, 11am. 5220 Hartford #609. Scottie, (915) 672·9688' Neil, (915) 695-6443. Dallas. GAY?? METHODIST?? Interested in sharing fellowship with other gay Methodists in the Metroplex? AFFIRMATION is for you! For more info, write: P.O. Box 19059, Dallas, TX 75204. Forth Worth/Arlington. FIND LOVE AND PEACE in the Church "LOVE IS BUILDING"-AGAPE MCC, 2336 HEMPHILL AT PAGE·FTIW (817) 926·7000. services 11am, 7pm Sunday-7:30pm, Wednesday. Houston. Gay Joggers Assoc. Any interested men and women can contact Danny Devine, P.O. Box 13163, Houston, TX 77019, or call (713) 523-8788. Houston. Episcopal Integrity/Houston, for lesbian and gay Episcopalians and friends, meets second Tuesdays at 7:30pm at Autry House, 6265 Main. For more information call: (713) 520-8298. PAGE 84 PUBLIC SERVICE Houston. Are you concerned for your safety and protection? Your volunteer effort of two nights per month is all the Montrose Patrol needs. The membership meets on the 1st Sunday of each month in our offices at 2pm. Come by or call (713) 528-CARE to contribute. FJ~ PFJODU~tpION~ PRESENTS 224-7739 MI~~ hfltpIN FflCGEflNtp C ~O~ t;1t''' "Where Country Is Number I" 1982 FRIDAY & SATURDAY JAN 15-16 TERRI ANN MELTON AND HER TEXAS HOMEGROWN BAND M~s hIWWhE BOBBY Dallas. Gay Episcopalians. IntegrityIDFW regular meetings, 7:30pm, last Thursday of each month. St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Mockingbird at lnwood. Also 5pm each Sunday. Houston. Gay and Lesbian Couples Groups now forming to deal with communication and relationship problems. Call the Institute for Mental Development, (713) 523-0760, for information. 820 San Pedro San Antonio (Miss Country) MI~UEh flN~Eh BFlflVO (Mr. Latino) and the reigning ~OOKIE Dallas. DIGNITY-OUTREACH meets each Tuesday night at 7:30pm in the Catholic Charities Building, 3845 Oak Lawn, just north of Holy Trinity Church. The chapter is supported by five priests from the Dallas area who alternate as chaplains to us. Miss Latin, ~flNWU with special JAN 22-23 TEX U.S. BAND guest WFlfl~Y (Miss Apollo) Houston. Congregation Beth Chaim, gay and lesbian Jews, meet for shabbat services every 2nd and 4th Friday each month at 8:15pm at MCCR, 1919 Decatur. A short business meeting and oneg will follow. For information call (713) 688-8997, (713) 686-2240, or (713) 529-4876. WINNER $300 1st RUNNER-UP Houston. The MSA Tennis League meets every Thursday night at 7:30pm at Memorial Park Courts. We welcome new members, so come on out and hit a few balls with us. For more info contact J.C. at (713) 529-7467. 2nd RUNNER-UP Dallas. GAY?? METHODIST?? Interested in sharing fellowship with other gay Methodists in the Metroplex? Affirmation is for you!! For more information, write: P.O. Box 64427, Dallas, TX 75206. $100 SECOND ANNUAL MISS GAY SAN ANTONIO METROPLEXPAGEANT 8:30PM JANUARY 20 & 21 10PM THURS JAN 21 Reservations Recommended (Early. Please) 862-9187 (Maria) EMCEE: IRENE Houston. MONTROSE COUNSELING CENTER: Professional counseling and psychotherapy are provided for individuals, couples, families and groups. The Center seeks to address adaptional needs and life concerns of gay men and lesbians. The Center is available to all persons for whom same-sexuality is an issue. By appointment only. All donations are tax-deductible. 900 Lovett, Houston, TX 77006. (713) 529-0037. Ft. Worth. FIND LOVE ANG PEACE in the church that LOVE IS BUILDING, AGAPE METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH of Fort Worth, 2336 Hemphill at Page. Sunday services - 11am & 7pm. Jim Norwood, Worship coordinator. Houston. The Rice University Gay/Lesbian Support Group is open to all Rice students, faculty, staff and alumni. Phone Annise, (713) 524-2788, or Neal (713) 988-7548. Dallas. Dignity Outreach in Dallas meets Tuesday night at 7:30pm at MCC Church. every Austin. Lambda-a social, cultural community center for lesbians and gay men-invites you to phone or visit us; or, see our monthly newsletter for events and activities. Check us out, we may have something you need. (512) 478·8653, 7·lOpm, daily. 603 W. 12th St. \\II.t TWTJANUARY 15· 21.1982 $150 HOSTED BY SPECIAL LA MUSIQUERA NIGHT CLUB GUEST APPEARANCE VERNICE MONTROSE $300 IN CASH PRIZES PLUS TROPH IES ENTRY FORM name: - address: phone: (__ zodiac sign: previous ADVANCE TICKETS $3 $5 DAY OF CONTEST ) titles: Entry deadline January 17 $50 entry fee 4830 N. MAIN ST.862·9187 nNTJANUARY15·21,1982 r=A£~S 119 EL MIO/SAN ANTONIO/341-4302 I PAGE 85 ." THE GUIDE __ . ABILf;NI ExodusMCC. CLUB IBc: DALLAS 2616 SWISS 821-1990 PAGE 86 1.,1IUfH,11 'j,','1 Gregory Koss ,I, . !.II::'!I'I~'J'rl .bl..!·~ ABILENEc Cl UIl\A,cd cooe: 915) Walnut SI. Pub 4111 & Walnut 677·2522 ARLINGTON CLUBSIBUSINESSES (Area Code: 817) Tarrant County Mining Co. . .735 N. Collins ..... 26&6448 ARLINGTON ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 817) Gay/Lesbian AssodUTA ... Box 19823, UTA Sta. ZIP 76019 .. Tarrant County Gay Alliance . . .. 926-7000 UT·A Comm. Serv. Cntr. (psychiatric help) ... 273-2165 AUSTIN ADULT BOOKSTORES (Area Code: 512) Mr. Peepers 213 E. 6th. . 478-0243 Stallion Bookstore 706 E. 6th 477-0148 Texas No.1 News Stand 1910 Guadalupe.. ..472-0010 Citadel 613 W. 29th . . . 477-0457 AUSTIN BATH (Area Code: 512) Club Austin 3()8W. 16th 476-7988 AUSTIN BUSINESSES/SERVICES (Area Code: 512) Warren's Flowers 3700 Jefferson 454-5265 AUSTIN CHURCHES (Area Code: 512) MCCA. . 404 W. 23rd, PO Box 18581 477-7747 AUSTIN CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Boat House Bar & Grill 407 Colorado 474-9667 New Apartment lounge. . .2828 Rio Grande 478-0224 Private Cellar 709 E. 6th 477-0387 Red River Crossing. . . . .611 Red River. . . . .. 477-0391 Tex's Colorado SI. Bar 404 Colorado 474-7003 Un-Named Bar 900 Red River 472-0035 Waller Creek Saloon & Dance Hall ... 709 E. 6th 477-0387 AUSTIN ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 512) Alcoholics Anonymous (Hill Country Intergroup) .... 472-8251 Austin Lambda 603 W. 12th. .478-8653 Austin VD Screening. . ... 21 Waller. . 472-3381 Dignity/Austin P.O. Box 4347 477-6600 Gayline 2330 Guadalupe 477-6600 Gay Nurses Alliance ..... 1010B Romeria Dr 453-0816 Hotiine-MH/MA(24hrs) . . . .. . 472·HElP Lambda Center for Alcoholics . 7530 N. Lamar #201 .928-4576 Law Students for Human Rights. . ... UT Law School ...... 727 E. 26th ZIP178705. lesbian/Gay Alcohol & Drug Abuse Collective .... 603 W. 12th ...... 478-8653 lesbian/Gay Political Caucus .. Box 822 ZIP 78767 .. 474-2717 lesbian/Gay Speakers Group. . . 478-8653 lone Star Deaf Rainbow Society . . 479-6600 Rebekah B. Johnson Clinic 21 Waller 472·3381 Republican Alternative Committee for Texas. . . .. Box 225 ZIP 78767 .472·2020 UGSO . . Box 275, UT Union Bldg ZIP 78712 . V.D. Clinic. . .1313 Sabine 474-8581 BEAUMONT CHURCHES (Area Code: 713) Golden Triangle Church of Christian Faith1995 Tulane832·2719 Trinity Ale. 41P.O.Box 259C ZIPm638 883-8655 BEAUMONT CLUBS (Area Code: 713) The Copa . . .. 304 Orleans . . .... 832-4206 COLLEGE STATION CLUBS (Area Code: 713) Astraptes 805C Old Wellborn Rd . .696-1100 COLLEGE STATION ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 713) Alternative. .. . Box 8109 ZIP 77844. .846-8022 Gay Student Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 846-8022 CORPUS CHRISTI CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Hidden Door 1003 Morgan Ave 882-0183 Odd Couple 413 Peoples. . 882-0381 PlayPen lounge 2818 Ayers. . 882-0704 Zodiac Disco. . . 617 S. Staples. .883-7753 CORPUS CHRISTI ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 512) Alpha Plasma Center 3105 Ayers SI. 883-2640 Gay Alcoholics Anon. 3125 Horne Rd. Unitarian Church-8PM ............ 882-0709/937·1381 DALLAS ACCOUNTANT (Area Code: 214) Bob GriffiRabb 4306 Rawlins@Wycliff. 521·2103 DALLAS ATTORNEY (Area Code: 214) Kim K. Day. . .1309 Main #1112 .742·2281 DNT JANUARY 15:21.1982 DNTJANUARY15·21.1982 4503 lemmon 5594760 DALLAS BATH (Area Code: 214) . .. 2616 Swiss 821·1990 DALLAS BUSINESSESISERVICES (Area Code: 214) A Floral Adventure 3901 Cedar Springs. . . .651-0025 B&W liquors 4044 Cedar Springs 526-5820 ........ 2402N.Fitzhugh 821-0411 Butler's Pantry Too .. 3930 Cedar Springs 521-0432 Cedar Springs News 4026 Cedar Springs 522-0901 Coffee Beanery 2817 Greenville 821·2090 Cookie Gram, Inc. . . . . .. . 340-2140 Dean Galleries. .5435 Belt line Rd 386-8065 ......... 3226 Knox SI. 522-8371 DeBrucque, DDS 2735 N. Washington .. 522·2OOJ Dramatika 3214 Oak Lawn 521-6450 Eagle Uniforms 4025 Maple Ave 528-4620 ........ 4117 Maple Ave. . 528-4620 Empcrium . . . . . .3921 Cedar Springs. . 528-7241 Friday's Florist 4310 lemmon 521·2002 Gaspipe. . 4435 Maple 526-5982 Graham, the Photographer .... P.O. Box 19875 522·5298 Hair Revue . .. 2525 Wycliff 522-6481 High Voltage 4008 Cedar Springs 522·5800 lemmon Ave. Blood & Plasma Center4821 lemmon526-7411 linda's Surplus Store. . 4323 Maple 526-6601 lobo Bookshop. . .. 4008 "C" Cedar Springs .. 522·1132 Memorabilias 3908 Cedar Springs 522-6601 Oaklawn Garage 4402 W. University. . .. 351-3058 Oak Lawn Records 3810 Congress #121 521-0350 Off the Street. . 3851 Cedar Springs 521·9051 Rare Discoveries Gallery 3919 Cedar Springs 522·9571 A.J. Productions PO 10934/75207 . Season Air (AlC, elec., plumb.). . 742·2311 Unit 7139 ................ or 2356969 Sera Florist 2640 N. Fitzhugh 826-3503 Shute #2 4008 Cedar Springs #B 521·2431 Sound Climax (stereo/TV) 3251 Oradell 352-4266 Sugar Free Co. . . PO 18165/75218 . . .... Tonsorium 2900 Henderson 823-1410 Total Care Systems. . 4409 Normandy 528-5227 TWT 3819 Bowser 521-0022 Union Jack 3918 Cedar Springs 528-9604 VW Records 3906 Cedar Springs 522·3470 Woodwick Spence (framing) .... 2728 Oak Lawn 522·1521 DALLAS CHURCHES (Area Code: 214) First Unitarian Church of Dallas ........ 4015 Normandy 528-3990 or 821-8119 Faith Community Church 922 S. Beckley 94HJ346 MCC-Dallas . .2701 Reagan 5266221 United Community Church .... 4402 Roseland 827·5088 DALLAS CLUBS (Area Code: 214) Adam's Inn 4038 Cedar Springs 522·5935 Crews Inn 3220 N. Fitzhugh. . . 526-9320 DEN (private) 4207 Cole (rean 522·7476 Eighth Day. . 2509 N. Fitzhugh. . . 823{)276 Executive Country 3119 Inwood 351·9732 Fraternity House 3215 N. Fitzhugh 52t·1651 Hidden Door 5025 Bowser 526-9211 High Country . . .3121 Inwood 351·2278 J.R.'s. . .3923 Cedar Springs. . 528-1004 Jugs 2812 W. Henderson 823{)746 Landing 2617 N. Pearl. . . . . . . . .741-0300 No Name Bar 2513 N. Fitzhugh , 823{)790 Peacock 3224 N. Fitzhugh. . 526-9590 Peeples .. 4546 McKinney . . . . . . 526-9291 Ranch ..... . .. 4117 Maple ..526-9302 Round·Up Saloon & Dance Hall. 3912·14 Cedar Spgs. 522·9611 Sassi's 4516 McKinney 526-9328 Sundance Kids 4025 Maple. . 526-9173 Throckmorton Mining Co. ..3014 Throckmorton. .521-4205 Village Station 4001 Cedar Springs 528-6161 Wild Crowd Saloon 2515 N. Fitzhugh 824-9158 Wooden Nickel 3911 Cedar Springs 526-5590 DALLAS COUNSELING (Area Code: 214) Oak Lawn Counseling CIr ... 3409 Oak Lawn #202 .. 528-2081 CBC. PAGE87 FANTASY ... • SPECIAL • SUNDAY BRUNCH 1. HEAVY LOAD 2. GEMINI FREE CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST AND COFFEE 1·2PM COME ENJOY A "FUN· DAY" AFTERNOON ... INCOME TAX PREPARATION MONTHLY ACCOUNTING SERVICES FOR BUSINESS GRIFFS-R.A.DD ACCOUNTING SERVICE 4306 RAWLINS @ WYCLIFF DALLAS(214) 521·2103 PAGE 88 1WT JANUARY 15-21.1982 DALLAS FITNESS CENTERS (Area Code: 214) FitneSSExchange ..... 2615 Oak Lawn #101 ..... 526-1220 DALLAS ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 214) Affirmation/Methodist. .. P.O. Box 19059175204 5~ AlCOholiCSAnonymous. . . . . . . . 744-3281 American Red Cross . . . . . . . . . . 741-4421 Charleton Methodist Hospital Drug Abuse 296-2511 Cliff Dwellers Social Club 321 N. Zang .. 943-0069 Community Resource Center/Gayline . . . . . . . . 7~790 Concerned Arner./Preserv/Human Rights. . .. 233-3100 CONTACT· phone counseling. ..... .361-6624 DAIR . . . . 3918 Cedar Springs. Dallas Alternative. . . . . . 7~790 Dallas County Rape Crisis. . . . . . . . . . . . 521-1020 Dallas Gay Activities Line ..... . 5~161 Dallas Gay Alliance ..... Box 35011 ZIPI75235 . .528-4233 Dallas Suicide Prevention Service . 521-5531 Dept. Human Res. Child Abuse Unit. . 637-4020 OOPW Assoc Box 19412175219 521.Q432 Dignity/Outreach of Dallas ..... P.O. Box 50868/75250 . Emergence (Christian Scientists) ... Box 19973 ZIP 75219 . Episcopallntegrity/[)'FW . P.O. Box 190331 .522-1196/691-8403 Gay Academic Union of N. TX . Box 2402 ZIP 75221 .891.Q043 Gay Alanon. ........ ........ . 744-3281 Gay Alcoholics Anonymous. . . . . . . . . 744-3281 Gay Atheist League of America ..... PO 190215175219 ..... Gay Bowling League . . . . . . . . . . . 526-4938 Gay Organization of Dallas. .. . ... 6146 St. Moritz . Gayline ......... . 7~790 Greater Dallas Info & Referral Service 747-3711 Mental Health-Mental Retardation. . . . . . . . . .. . .. 33().7721 Metaphysical/Spiritual Assoc 522-6314/821-7442 Nat'l. Org. for Women. . Box 140158.. . 821-7471 NEI Blood & Plasma Center 801 Elm 651-9828 N.O.w. Lesbian Rights 3108 Routh St. 742-6918 Oak Lawn Bowling Association 526-4938 Oak Lawn Marching Band. . . . . . . . . .351-5509/521.Q432 Oak Lawn Tennis Assoc ..... 3703 Travis #204 .... 522-7785 Parents Anonymous ....... . .353.()186 Police Department-Social Services. . 67()'5844 Police Harassment Repcrting 522-5991 .... or 528-4233 Presbyterians for Lesbian/Gay Concerns. . . . .. . .. 522-7813 Psychiatric Emergencies-Parkland Hospital 63&1800 Suicide Prevention. . . ........ . 521-5531 Take Back the Night Box 140158. . 742-6918 The Family Place. .. .. .. 941-1991 T.H.R.F.... 3128 Lemmon Ave E #304 ZIP 75204 522-5991 (Texas Human Rights Foundation) Turtle Creek Chorale P.O. 198060 . . . . .821-3086 V.D. Clinic 1938 Amelia Ct. .. 67().6115 DALLAS RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 214) Bell Pepper 3411 McKinney 521-9035 Buns 2810 Henderson. . 823.()825 Crackers 2621 McKinney 827-1660 J.R.'s. . . . . . . .. .3923 Cedar Springs. . 528-1004 Peppino's Too 3326 N. Fitzhugh .. . 521-4580 String Bean 3506 McKinney. . .522-1542 Sutherlands 2911 Routh . . 898.Q034 DALLAS THEATRES (Area Code: 214) Inwood 5458 Lovers Lane. . . .. 352-6040 Granada Theatre 3524 Greenville Ave 823-9610 Park Cities TWO NW Hwy at Preston Ctr. E 368-1447 DICKENSON ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 713) Texas Bay Area Gays P.O. Box 861 332-3737 EL PASO CLUBS (Area Code: 915) Old Plantation 219 S. Ochoa 533-6055 San Antonio Mining Co 800 E. San Antonio 546-9903 EL PASO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 915) Alpha Plasma Center 720 Texas Ave. . .. 532-5322 Dignity/EI Paso P.O. Box 26523 . Gala EI Paso 1836 E. Cliff. . . . .544-7475 FORT WORTH BUSINESS (Area Code: 817) Cold Rush Popcorn Shoppe .... P.O. Box 11254 .... 732-1180 FORT WORTH CHURCH (Area Code: 817) Agape MCC. . . .. 2336 Hemphill @ Page 926-7000 FORT WORTH CLUBS (Area Code: 817) Corral. . . . . . . 621 Hemphill 335-0196 Krazy Kowboy . .4400 White Settlement Rd 73Hl080 Mickey's. . . . . . . . . . 7M Carroll 33&2472 651 Club. .651 S. Jennings. . . . . . . 332'()745 TenderTrap 1815 E. Lancaster 335-0031 The Lumber Company 700 S. Jennings.. . .. 332'()192 lWT JANUARY 15-21.1982 The Other Place. . . 1036 N. Henderson 335-1901 FORT WORTH ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 817) Crisis/Suicide Intervention (24 hour help) 33&3355 Dignity/Fort Worth P.O. Box 296, Bedford, Tex. 76021 268-3721 Lambda AA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332-3533 Tarrant Co. Gay Alliance ..... P.O. Box 11044ZIP76109. V.D. Clinic 1800 University 87()'7223 GALVESTON CHURCH (Area Code: 713) Metropclitan Community Church .... 1804 69th .... 765-7626 ........ . .. or 529-0016 GALVESTON CLUBSIHOTELS (Area Code: 713) The Fly. . . . . . . . .. 2101 OV, St 763-9842 Kon-Tiki 214 23rd 763-9031 Mary's II . 2502 Q'h St 763-9435 Robert's laFitte. . 213 Kempner 7~ Silver Palace 2214 Mechanic 763-9334 GLENROSE HOTEL (Area Code: 817): EI Rancho Vista ... P.O. Box 245170043. .897-4982J645.5192 HOUSTON ADULT THEATRE (Area Code: 713) French Quarter 3201 Louisiana. . 527'()782 HOUSTON ACCOMMODATIONS (Area Code: 713) Houston Guest House .106 Avondale 52().9767 HOUSTON ADULT BOOKSTORES (Area Code: 713) Asylum 1201 Richmond. Ballpark 1630 W. Alabama. Kirby Newstand 3115 Kirby 52().Q246 Stadium I 4629 W. 34 . Stadium II . . . . . . . .. .3519 Bellaire Blvd . StudzNews . . 1132W. Alabama . HOUSTON ATTORNEY (Area Code: 713) M. Robert Schwab 526-9139 HOUSTON BATHS/GYM (Area Code: 713) Box Office 1625 Richmond. . 522-1825 Club Houston. . 2205 Fannin 659-4998 2306 Club 2306 Genesee . . . . . . 5~235 HOUSTON BUSINESSES/SERVICES (Area Code: 713) Academy . . .. 2030 Westheimer 526-0929 Artcards 2015-D W. Gray. . . • . .52().£3: -. ( -N o I " al ~N -l!l CIl" -. >- ~ <C~ Os .s ~ ~~ Oll- o· ~~ ro 0 w CIl • Z ~§ 0 Z ~; ......z I - ~~ I- <! Cl '0 iii VI 'sI1l .~ o~ Nc;t ~N ~o;t ~" ",-<1 ':;- CIl£:! l\J PAGE 89 Audio Visual Plus 1225 Waugh 526-9065 Bar Dice Game 2615 Waugh Dr. #155 522-2688 Blue Iris 3618 S. Shepherd 523-1827 Bolton Stained Glass 6601 Kirby. .668-1788 Boom Town Blooms 32lOS. Shepherd 526-8110 Brazos Paint and Body Shop ..... 2500 Brazos 522'()722 Byman's Fine Furnishings and Environmental Design .... .... 608 Westheimer 5~2 Cherryhurst Pharmacy 1340 Westheimer 524-3114 D.l.F. Shirt Works 2918 Plumbf77005 . Downbeat Records. . .2117 Richmond 523-8348 Dramatika 3224 Yoakum 528-5457 Dunwoody Graphics 2029 Singleton 668-3084 Eagle Leathers. . .. 1732 Westheimer 526-1400 ..... 302 Avondale 522.()651 ... 1022 Westheimer 522.()651 Eagle Uniforms 1735 Westheimer. . . .. 526-1400 Eurotan 3701 Montrose 529-5100 Facets... .. 1412Westheimer 523-1412 Friday's Florist 1338 Westheimer 524B518 Hair Craft One 2110 Lexington. .526-5472 Hair Craft Two 2011 Shepherd 528-2260 Highballs (balloons) . . .1402 Castle Ct 527'()739 Jardin De St. Francis (Flowers) .... 1016 Peden 529-7576 Kwik-Kopy 3317 Montrose 522-1896 Manhole (clothing) 1983 W. Gray 522-1089 Message Corps of Houston .. 202 N. Loop W. #220 .. 884-6207 Montrose Ventures, Inc 2205 Montrose 527.()688 Park Liquor 1006 Fairview. . 523-0427 Pasternak's Grocery 529 W. Alabama 528-2394 Pet Shop & Bird Clinic 3118 Smith 529-7288 pHOTography; Eli Gukich ..... .523-0315 P.O. Boxes 1713 Westheimer 529-3020 0.1 Leather 408 Westheimer 527-0044 Record Rack 3109 S. Shepherd 524-3602 Reed Keys 1612 Westheimer .523-2927 ........... 1620 Commonwealth Richard Allen Florist 1848 Westheimer. .526-7795 Rolf Processing . . .531-6711 Sheer Fantasy 1401 Westheimer . .528-3325 The HOLY BIBLE on homosexuality: " ... those practicing such things deserve death ... " (Romans 1 :32) Christianity in the United States must be separate from and must be denied access to the Government in ALL ways. GAY ATHEIST lEAGUE OF AMERICA GA LA/Houston 3317 Montrose, Suite 1193 Houston,TX 77006 GALA/Dallas P.O. Box 190215 Dallas, TX 75219 Dial-A-Gay-Atheist (713) 524-2222 PAGE 90 - Ft. Worth Single Services (Iaundryfd.c.) 1621 Westheimer 524-9560 Sling Machine 521.()Q51 Specs of Houston (eyewear) 4709 Richmond 961-9705 Speedy Printing Serv 5400A Bellaire Blvd 667-7417 Sports Locker 311 Westheimer 520-6555 The Little Watch Shop 1919 S. Shepherd 524-2648 Trans Video 2303 W. Alabama 850.()219 ...... 11727 Airline Drive 847-1889 Travel Tech (travel agency) 5719 Kirby #20 522-8227 Tres Chic (eyewear) 2708 Whitney 526-0878 TWT . . 2205 Montrose 527-9111 TWT Graphics (Art Design, Typesetting) 527-9111 Union Jack 4025 Westheimer . . . . .622-3100 1212 Westheimer . . opening soon Video Environment 1988 W. Gray 526-4327 Wilde 'n' Stein Books 520 Westheimer . .529-7014 HOUSTON CHURCHES (Area Code: 713) Bering Memorial UMC .1440 Hawthorne 526-1017 Church of Christ 520 Westheimer 777-9286 Church of Christian Faith .. 413 Westheimer 529-8005 Congregation Beth ChaimiMCCR 688-89971861-9149 First Unitarian Church 5210 Fannin 526-1571 Gospel Outreach 3317 Montrose #143 332-3477 MCCR . . . . . . . . . .. 1919 Decatur 861-9149 HOUSTON CLUBS (Area Code: 713) Babylon. . . . 300 Westheimer 526-6551 Badlands 304 Avondale 526-2160 Baja's 402 Lovett 527-9866 Barn 710 Pacific 528-9427 Brazos River Bottom 2400 Brazos 528-9192 Briar Patch 2294 Holcombe 665-9678 Chicken Coop 535 Westheimer 526-2240 Copa . . .2631 Richmond 528-2259 Different Drum. . 1732 Westheimer 528-8528 Dirty Sally's 220 Avondale 529-7525 EfJ's 1213 Richmond 527-0071 Exile . . . . . . . 1011 Bell 659.Q453 Galleon 2303 Richmond 522-7616 Gay Boy Inn 1419 Richmond. . . 528-8003 Hole, The 109 Tuam 528-0066 Just Marion & Lynn's 817 Fairview 528-9110 Keyboard 3012 Milam 528-6988 Kindred Spirits.. . .. 5245 Buffalo Speedway 665-9756 Lampost 2417 Times Blvd. . 528-8921 Lazy J 312 Tuam 528-9343 Loading Dock 1735 Westheimer . . . . .52().1818 Loading Zone 1416 Richmond coming 1982 Mary's 1022 Westheimer 528-8851 Midnite Sun 534 Westheimer 526-7519 Miss Charlotte's Dance Hall & Saloon. 911 W. Drew. 528-8840 Montrose Mining Co B05 Pacific 529-7488 Montrose Pub 1318 Westheimer 523-0035 Office Lounge. . .307 Tuam 528-9465 Parade 1416 Richmond 52().1848 Pink Elephant. . . . . . .1218 Leeland 659.Q040 Ranch 6620% S. Main . . . 528-8730 Rocky's 3416 W. Dallas 528-8922 Truck Stop 302 Avondale 526-2160 Twins 535 Westheimer @ Stanford 520.()244 Venture-N. . 2923 S. Main 522.QOOO Wildwood Saloon 1504 Westheimer. . 522-2839 HOUSTON COUNSELING (Area Code: 713) Ambrosio Gonzales (MSW) ..... 3323 Yoakum 527-9302 Peter Kingan, MA (Psychiatry) . ' 522-9816 James D. Kristian Ph.D.(hypnosis). . 977-2465 Institute for Mental Development ... 3700 Milam 523-0760 HOUSTON DOCTORS (Area Code: 713) David Hinkle, MD (PSYChiatry) 522-9816 Bruce W. Smith, DDS 4410 Montrose 529-4364 Gerald Z. Strauss, MD 120ak Tower, #1330 877-8805 HOUSTON FITNESS CENTERS (Area Code: 713) Fitness Exchange 3307 Richmond 524-9932 Jim's Gym. . 607 Westheimer 528-5467 HOUSTON ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 713) A Capella Chorus (Church of Christ) 777-9286 AffirmationfMormons .. 3317 Montrose, Box 1139, ZIP 77006. Alpha Plasma Center 1520 Capitol 225-9178 Astro Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf. . .529-8514 Autry House 6265 Main . Bayou City Men's Chorus 523-52281522-9318 Between Two Worlds .3317 Montrose #A Box 1018 .529-1913 BWMT(Black & White Men Toqether) 529-50061747-9812 TWT JANUARY 15-21,1982 -- t=tAVi:L SERVING tacu, GAY MOVIES5(O~N=== VIDEO TAPE. LARGESTSELECTION IN THE SOUTHWEST BESTPRICESANYWHERE THE HOUSTON GA Y COMMUNITY Key West ... '. ,$30700* San Francisco. ,$33800* New York $24900* Aspen ... , , .~'.. $30400* Los Angeles. _.. $29800* $39.99 EXCHANGE ALL BIG THEATRICAL RELEASES HUNDREDS IN STOCK SELECTED SELECTIONS FOR RENT <Round-trip airfare, restrictions vary, Call for exact information, TRANS-VIDEO _1- may ~~ 713-522-8227 5719 KIRBY / SUITE 20 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77005 lWT JANUARY 15 - 21, 1982 OPEN 7 DA~~S,~9~AM~-:9P~M~:::::: HOUSTON 2303 W. ALABAMA 850-0219 HOUSTON~~1~17~2:7~A~IR~L~IN~E:D:R:IV:E:::= 847-1889 (NEAR GREENSPOINTMALL) DALLAs--8024 348-9460 FORESTLANE _ PAGE 91 COME HAVE A DRINK WITH THE CREW ~ 309 W. MARKET (223-0333) SAN ANTONIO PLAY PEN LOUNGE SUNDAYS: BLOODY SUNDAYS NOON·1PM 7S¢ BLOODY MARYS HAPPY HOUR MONDAY-FRIDAY SPM-7PM HOURS: NOON-2AM 7 DAYS A WEEK OWNER ALAN TOVES 2818 AYERS CORPUS CHRISTI. 882·0704 PAGE 92 Community Coffee House ..... 3405 Mulberry 529-7014 Court of the Single Star. .109 Avondale #15 526-2469 Crisis Hotline 228-1505 Dial·A·Gay·Atheist 524-2222 Diana Foundation 2700 Mason ZIP 77006 . Dignity (Catholic gays) 1703 Bolsover. . .. 528-7644 Episcopal Integrity Houston Box 66008 52<Hl298 Families and Friends of Gays 664-5339 FM 196QJGreenspoint Far Away Friends . ...... PO 73448 Dept 150 821·9681 Gay & Alive Sharing Experience 524-D8911528-1311 Gay Archives of Texas P.O. Box 16041177022. Gay Atheist League of America 3317 Montrose #1193 Gay Hispanic Caucus .... 2722 Newman St #12 .... 521-0037 Gay Nurses & Physicians of Houston Hepatitis Hotline ..... .............. 10A·2p . . . . . . . 933-&l20 ........ . 2p-1Op 777-2287 .... 12mn-3a 933-&l20 ................ 3a·10a m·2287 Gay Political Caucus (mail add: Box 66664, Houston 77(06) (meeting at)4600 Main #217 521·1000 Gay Resource Services UH/Central Campus 749-3489 Gay Rights A.C.LU Box 66844 ZIP 77006 Gay Rights National Lobby. .......... . 521-0196 Gay Switchboard 529-3211 H.O.M.E. Coalition 1409 Oakdale 521-0196 Houston Data Professionals ...... .. . .523-0022 Houston Health Dept. 1115 N. McGregor 222-4201 Houston Plasma Services 4040 SW Fwy #222 871·1456 Houston Symphony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224-4240 Human Rights League .... Box 3624 ZIP 77001 .. 52~969 Interact Box 16041 ZIP 77022 529-7014 Lambda Alanon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .521·9772 Lambda Center For Alcoholics ............•.... 521·9772 Lesbian & Gay People in Medicine 665-4760 Lutherans Concerned for Gay People 453-1143 ........... or 521-0863 Montrose Activity Center 1423 Holman. Montrose Clinic 104 Westheimer 528-5531 Montrose Counseling Center ... 900 Lovett #207 529-0037 Montrose Family 3207 Montrose 522·5427 Montrose Patrol P.O. Box 3633177001. ....... 520 Westheimer 528-CARE Montrose Sports Assoc ... Eddie Chavez, Director. 7615 Gardenm012 921-0816 Men's Bowling. . Richard 961·5409 Flag Football Nan 529-4149 Joggers Danny 52~788 Softball. . . . . . . . . . . Don 52~2 Tennis Rich 524-2152 Volleyball. . Royce 880-2930 Montrose Symphonic Band 527·9669 Mustang Club, Inc Box 66134 ZIP 77006. Neartown Assoc 3317 Montrose #131 Plasma Services of Houston .. 4040 S.w. Fwy. #222 .. 871-1456 Rice Gay/Lesbian Support Group P.O. Box 1892 (Univ.)988-7548 TexasBayAreaGays . P.O. Box 881, (DiCkinson, TX) .332·3737 Texas Human Rights Found .... 1519 Maryland .... 526-9139 Unitarian·Universalist Gay Caucus .. 5210 Fannin .. 520-9767 Weslayan Fellowship (Meth) .... 1222 Eastwood .... ~734 HOUSTON RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 713) Baia's 402 Lovett. . . . . . . . . .. .527·9866 Brasserie 515 W. Alabama 526-6566 Don's Le Patois 428 Westheimer 523-5595 Heights Mexican Restaurant .... 3921 N. Main 869-1706 House of Pies 3112 Kirby 528-3816 House of Pies. . . 6142 Westheimer 782·1290 Mexican Restaurant 813 Richmond 522·2365 Rascal's. . . . . . . . 2702 Kirby 524-6272 Steak 'n' Eggs. . 4321 Montrose. . . . .. 528-8135 Tim's Coffee Shop 1525 Westheimer 529-2289 HOUSTON THEATRES (Area Code: 713) Greenway III . . . Hwy 59 at Bllo. Spdwy. . .... 626-3339 River Oaks Theatre 2009 W. Gray. . . .. 524-2175 "The Elder Brother" nNTJANUARY15·21,1982 LUBBOCK CLUB (Area Code: 806) 1204 Broadway 763-7729 LUBBOCK ORGANIZATION (Area Code: 806) EpiscopallntegritylW. TX .. .. P.O. Box 5460 ..... 839-2809 McALLEN CLUB (Area Code: 512) Etc., Etc. Club 1617 N. 11Y, St 667·9922 NEW ORLEANS CLUB Bourbon Pub 601 Bourbon St. ODESSA CLUB (Area Code: 915) The Capri 8401 Andrews Hwy 366-6799 Papillion SAN ANTONIO BUSINESSES (Area Code: 512) Bexar Florist 112 Mission. . 271·3643 First Star News 513 E. Houston . First Star News 6724 San Pedro 826-9057 Kevin Wagner Unique Cards/Gifts .. 1805';' Main .. 733-3555 Unicorn Gift Shop 4104 McCullough 824-6204 SAN ANTONIO CHURCH (Area Code: 512) MCCSA . . 107 S. Pine. .. . 271·7353 SAN ANTONIO CLUBSIBATHS (Area Code: 512) Bonham E.xchange 411 Bonham 271·3811 Club Atlantis 321 Navarro 225-9466 Crew 309 W. Market 223-0333 EI Jardin 106 Navarro 223-7177 E.xecutive Health Club 723 Ave. B 225-8807 Faces 119 EI Mio 341-4302 Korral , 622 Roosevelt. 533-5049 LJ.'s. . 3503 WesfAve opening soon Madam Arthur's 607 N. St. Mary's 225-9678 Our Place 115 General Kruger 341·9094 Snuffy's Saloon 820 San Pedro 224-7739 Sunset Boulevard 1430 N. Main 225-6654 Talk of the Town. . 3530 Broadway 826-9729 Warehouse Saloon 134 W. Turbo 349-2712 SAN ANTONIO ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 512) Alcohol Counseling & Detox MHMR ... 421 6th St 225-4227 Alpha Plasma Center 302S. Aores 224-1749 Church Theatre 1150S.Alamo . . .224-4085 Crisis Hotline 227-435717361876 Dignity/San Antonio(Gay Catholics) 310 GardinalZlP 78201 . 735-7191 Drug Abuse MHMR 3721A S. Presa St. . 533-9156 Eleanor Roosevelt Demo. Club P.O. Box 12197 733-8388 Family Services Assoc 230 Pereida . . . .226-3391 Forward Found., Inc. (community education) 222·9575 Friends, Etc.. . .. 7115 Blanco Rd. #114-315,ZIP 78216 ..... Gay Services Healthline Box 12706, ZIP 78212 222·1810 Gay Switchboard 733-7300 Helpline (Drug Abuse Central) . . . . . . . . . .225-4066 Lambda 402 E. Carson 271·3643 Las Muieres/Women's Center ... 602 E. Mistletoe 73!Xl478 Lesbian & Gay People in Medicine. 1015 W. Woodlawn178201 . N.O.w. 826-1102 (Emergency) 826-5095 Parents & Friends of Gays 511 E. Park 222·1810 Plasma Services 112 Auditorium Circle 223-2956 Professional Assoc. of San Antonio (PASA) Box 5992178201 Runaways (youth Service Project) 299-7660 SAGA P.O. Box 926/78294. . . 733-5741 San Antonio Chamber of Commerce (referrals) 227-8181 San Antonio College (Cath. Stdnt Ctr) ... 312W. Courtland. San Antonio Free Clinic .... 1136 W. Woodlawn 733-0383 ........... . or 732-4661 San Antonio Plasma Services. 112 Auditorium Cir .. 223-2956 The Bridge (youth shelter) .... 806 Wilson Blvd. .. 734-9532 V.D. Testing (Healthline). . . . . . .222·1810 TEXAS ORGANIZATIONS Lesbian/Gay Dem. of Texas (Austin) P.O. Box 822(512)478-8653 Texas Gay Task Force (Dallas). . (214)827·2957 Texas Gay Task Force (Denton-Newsletter & Pubs Office) P.O. A·K, 76201 (817)387-8216 Texas Gay Task Force (Houston-State Headquarters) P.O.66282, 77006 (713)529-70141522·1659 is I Jes US January nNT JANUARY 15·21,1982 ANSWERING SERVICE ONLY '5.00 PER MONTH * No minimum amount of calls * Call-forwarding privileges available * 7-Day service CALL 17131864-6207 Mellage Corpi of HOUlton 202 North Loop West, Suite 220 Houston, Texas 77018 29 PAGE 93 CHEERLEADER HAPPY HOURS -TRYOUTS 7AM-NOON 4-8PM AND 11PM-2AM FOR OUR SOFTBALL TEAM 3PM SATURDAY JANUARY 16 COMING 220 AVONDALE HOUSTON 529-7525 SUNDAY FEBRUARY 7 CHILI COOK-OFF ) J. .~ If f PAGE 94 1: 1WTJANUARY 15·21, 1982 1WTJANUARY 15·21,1982 PAGE 95 \ftUST BE .] ••,~T~ING OUR CARDS RIGHT. .. FRIDAY & SATURDAY AFTER HOURS WITH OUR D.J..~ ~D'