April 2012 SPE Pipeline.indd


April 2012 SPE Pipeline.indd
April 2012 - Issue 110
Publication of the SPE-PB Section
Upcoming Meetings
04/24 - Evening
with SPE, Midland
Country Club
04/26 - Environmental
Study Group,
Advanced Technology
Center, 3200 W.
Cuthbert, Midland,
Open to the Public
SPE Members and Guest $25 per person
Non-Members $35 per person
Business Casual
Cash Bar, Petroleum Club Dinner
Background music provided by ‘West Texas Winds’
200 tickets will be sold on a
first come first serve basis
Reservations and Ticket Locations:
Downtown: Darlene 432 682 6060
Page 2
April 2012 - Issue 110
Robert Reyes
SPE-PB Chairman 2011- 2012
Welcome to April from your fellow SPE Board of Directors.
The first quarter of the year has slipped by with just a slight
decrease in activity to the individual companies in the service
industry. Although activity overall is high, we will continue to
see service companies supplement their inventory of equipment as well as continue to see more new companies formulate.
With the “gas scare” from around the country, much equipment is heading to the Permian Basin. Drilling rigs, hydraulic
horsepower, etc, etc are more abundant now than before in the
Permian Basin. For the operator this may mean a price adjustment for services as many backlogs for work have cleared.
Emphasis should be placed on safety, job quality and expertise
as the call for services will be answered by a more competitive market now. Higher cost should be associated with the
companies that work safe and command leading edge expertise.
During all this, please remember that experience will run low in
many situations and go easy and show support for the employees that are doing the actual work on location.
The SPE – Plays & Clays Shootout was a good one. I shot at
9am and couldn’t have asked for better conditions. The theme
for the shoot was to promote growth in SPE and with officially
219 registered shooters and gaining 16 new members, I deem
the event a home run! Jim Newman was director, him and his
staff of Tina Johns, Aaron Hunter and Jerry Walton ran a welloiled machine. I want to give many thanks to this team. For
this to be our first clayshoot I was hearing many good things
from the crowd as to how well everything was organized.
Also, thank you to all who came out to support our chapter and
welcome new members. Also, need to thank our sponsors. The
Wolfberry Sponsor - Concho; Bone Spring Sponsors - Basic
Energy Service, Oxy, Pioneer Natural Resources, Rising Star
and Stabil Drill Specialties; Spraberry Sponser – Gray Wireline
Service and Apache; Spud – Big Dog Drilling, Select Energy
Service; and a donation from Jay H. “Timber” Floyd.
I am looking forward to filling the Board of Directors open
positions; we have five people who will be considered to filling
these spots. Lance Vasicek with Saga, Geoff Stafford with
Whiting, Casey Zachery with Concho, Richard Reeve with
WNB and Dacun Li with UTPB. If you know of anyone else
interested in being on the board, please forward me their name.
This year’s theme is growth, SPE – Permian Basin needs help
and we will expand. We will be looking for these people to
join us and look forward to them serving; it will be official after
next board of directors meeting in April. If you are on this list,
please join us for next meeting; contact me or any board meeting to see what day we schedule.
Make sure and make your reservations with Darlene for “An
Evening with SPE” – Awards Banquet. It will be held at the
Midland Country Club on April 24th at 6:00 P.M. Starting with
a social hour and include a nice dinner. The party will move to
announcing the SPE awards for the year including the Legion of Honor and Regional Awards. The Richard S. Prentice
scholarship will be formally announced. SPE international
president, Ganish Thakur will have a word on the health of SPE
internationally and domestically.
Have a great April and be safe!
Robert Reyes
2011-2012 SPE Permian Basin Chairman
April 2012 - Issue 110
Page 3
SPE-PB announces the creation of the
Richard S. Prentice Scholarship
The Board of Directors of the Permian Basin Chapter of the Society of Petroleum Engineers has unanimously voted to
establish a permanent scholarship to honor the legacy of Richard S. Prentice.
Dick died March 13, 2012 after an extended illness. Dick was an accomplished engineering professional and well
known in the Permian Basin. He was also a long time member of SPE and a dedicated servant of the society. Dick held
the position of Treasurer of the Permian Section at the time of his passing, but had been a Board member numerous
times during his career, including its Chairman in the Mid-1990s.
One of Dick’s most outstanding characteristics was his willingness to serve. No task was too small or too large for
Dick. Whether it was handing out flyers at the SPE-Fall Festival or getting the Section’s finances in order, Dick was
ready. He had the heart of a servant.
The Board is working with his family and Dick’s Concho Co-workers to define the characteristics of this scholarship.
Formal dedication of the scholarship will be at the SPE Awards Banquet on April 24.
If you are interested in contributing to The Richard S. Prentice Scholarship, please send your donation to SPE-PB, P.O.
Box 3366, Midland, TX 79702. Please write Prentice Scholarship on the check.
Robert Reyes
Chairman, SPE-PB
Page 4
April 2012 - Issue 110
SPE - Environmental Study Group
Conservation of the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard:
From Neighborhoods to Landscapes
Speaker: Lee A. Fitzgerald, Ph.D.
Professor and Curator
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University
Thursday, April 26, 2012
11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Advanced Technology Center - Lecture Hall
3200 W. Cuthbert, Midland, Texas
$20 cash or check at the door
RSVP by: 4/24/12 Sharon @ 683-1100
What allows a species to persist and what causes it to disappear? The answer depends on the species’ life history and
behavioral constraints, its role in ecological communities, and its sensitivity to landscape change. Our research on
the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard (Sceloporusarenicolus) carried out over the last 18 years has revealed how their populations are organized from local neighborhoods of interacting individuals up to the distribution of the species across its
geographic range. Dunes Sagebrush Lizards are habitat specialists, endemic to the Mescalero-Monahans shinnery oak
sand dunes in southeastern New Mexico and adjacent Texas. They occur only in and around wind-hollowed “blowouts” in a matrix of dwarf shinnery oak trees. The quality and quantity of habitat are correlated; high quality habitat
consists of many interconnected large blowouts. At the scale of habitat patches, lizards live in “neighborhoods”.
Larger neighborhoods are found in higher quality habitat and produce an excess of recruits that disperse across the
interconnected landscape. Poor quality habitat supports smaller neighborhoods, where recruitment fails to balance
mortality. At the landscape scale, the species’ presence is associated with contiguous areas of dunes, while its absence
is associated with dunes infiltrated by mesquite. How does land-use affect the lizards and their habitat? Our results
converge on the conclusion that landscape fragmentation disrupts both the hierarchy of organization of populations
and the self-organizing dynamic that maintains the shinnery dune landform. Dunes Sagebrush Lizards practically
disappear from sites fragmented by dense networks of caliche roads. In this system, top-down disturbance disrupts
the relationships between habitat quality, neighborhood size, and connectivity among populations. To conserve the
dynamic processes that maintain the unique landform in this system and the resulting hierarchical scaling of populations, land use policies should recognize the potential for hierarchical effects and conserve large contiguous areas of
shinnery dunes.
Lee Fitzgerald is Professor in the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences at Texas A&M University, Curator of
the Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection, and co-Director of the Applied Biodiversity Sciences Doctoral Program.
He has a broad background in ecology and conservation, including community-based conservation work in the Peace
Corps in El Salvador and Paraguay and research all over the Americas. A herpetologist, his research on evolutionary
ecology and conservation biology of amphibians and reptiles takes place primarily in the American Southwest and
South America. His research addresses various conservation issues, for example, sustainable use as a biodiversity conservation strategy in the tropics, habitat requirements of single species, determinants of local and regional diversity,
and mechanisms determining the fate of invasive and native species. Lee’s honors include Outstanding Peace Corps
Service (awarded by Ronald Reagan and Lorette Miller Ruppe), Sigma Xi Excellent Dissertation 1993, Texas A&M,
Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Undergraduate Teaching, Graduate Teaching, and International Programs, and Alfred P.
Sloan Foundation Minority Ph.D. Program Mentor.
April 2012 - Issue 110
Page 5
Page 6
April 2012 - Issue 110
The Permian Basin Section of SPE is a proud supporter of college students pursuing careers in the
petroleum industry. We offer scholarships to encourage the pursuit of Petroleum Engineering and related
engineering degrees. We are currently providing $2000 each to 18 students for the 2011-2012 school
year. We will be accepting applications for the 2012-2013 school year in February 2012.
Funds for our scholarships are raised primarily through the Section’s Golf Tournament, Workshop, the
CO2 Conference and with additional support from our AIMEES SPE auxiliary and our study groups. We
are very appreciative of the section members and Permian Basin companies that support our events and
make our scholarship program possible.
Please note that, in order to recognize and honor the sources of our scholarship funds, preference for
receiving a scholarship will be given to students whose hometowns are in the Permian Basin, and also to
those students who have an SPE member as a parent, grandparent or guardian.
The deadline for applications for the Permian Basin SPE Scholarship for the 2012-2013 school year will
be April 2, 2012.
Application and personal reference forms will be available in February on the website www.spe-pb.org
in downloadable form and will include information on what material is required to submit a complete
In order to maintain scholarship eligibility, each student must:
Maintain enrollment in an accredited undergraduate engineering program
Maintain a course load of at least 12 credit hours per semester
Maintain a 3.0 or higher grade point average
Have the stated intention of pursuing a career in the petroleum industry
Students must re-apply each year in order to be eligible to continue receive a scholarship. The
reapplication process and forms are the same as for the initial application. Additionally, if you meet the
qualifications, be sure to apply even if you did not qualify in past years. Every applicant is considered
anew each year.
Please submit a complete application, with references, on time, in order to be considered for our
scholarship. All components of the complete application must be mailed to the Permian Basin SPE P.O.
Box and postmarked no later than Monday, April 2, 2012. The scholarship committee begins reviewing
the applications in mid-April. Recipients should be notified by mid-June. Incomplete or late applications
will not be accepted (No Exceptions).
In addition to our section scholarships, SPE International offers the Gus Archie Memorial Scholarship.
This scholarship is for four years at $5,000 per year, for students who are entering their first year of
college in pursuit of a degree in petroleum engineering. Application information for this scholarship is
available at www.spe.org.
If you need additional information on the section scholarships, please contact the Permian Basin Section
scholarship chairman Ed Pittinger at epittinger@lynxco.biz
April 2012 - Issue 110
Page 7
Scholarship Application
Return Completed Application to:
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Permian Basin Section
Scholarship Chairman
P.O. Box 3366
Midland, TX 79702
Application MUST be complete!
Personal & Family Information (All information is required)
Full Name:
Social Sec. #:
Permanent Address:
Phone #:
Date of Birth
Place of Birth:
Email Address:
US Citizen?
Father’s Occupation:
Is he a member of SPE?
If so, what section:
Mother’s Occupation:
Is she a member of SPE?
If so, what section:
Number and ages of Brothers and Sisters:
School and GPA Information
High School Name:
College or University
City and State:
Class Ranking:
Out of
Hours Completed
As of
Out of a Max of
Overall GPA:
Major GPA:
Entrance Exam Scores:
Awards (during last 12 months)
Classification for 2012-2013 Year:
Extracurricular Activities (during last 12 months)
Financial Information
Parents Combined Gross Income:
Below $50,000 per year
Between $50,000 and $125,000 per year
Between $125,000 and $200,000 per year
Between $200,000 and $275,000
How do you plan to finance college expenses for the school year for which this
application is being made? Indicate percentages for each category.
Summer Work
Work During School
Above $275,000
if additional space is needed, attach supplementary pages to the application
Page 8
April 2012 - Issue 110
Personal Reference Statement
Return Completed Statement to:
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Permian Basin Section
Scholarship Chairman
P.O. Box 3366
Midland, Texas 79702
Instructions to the Personal Reference: Please accept the SPE’s sincere gratitude for your time and effort in
completing this form. It is requested that you give serious thought to these questions regarding the Applicant, as
this statement constitutes a significant portion of the total points in determining need. Under no circumstances
should the Applicant be allowed to read the completed form in order to allow you to freely state your opinions of
this person’s abilities and financial needs. After completing this form, please place in the stamped, pre-addressed
envelope (to be provided by the Applicant) and return to the address above. Deadline for a completed personal
reference is Monday, April 2, 2012. Thank you for your cooperation.
Applicant’s Name:
How long have you known the Applicant?
Are you related to the Applicant?
How do you know the Applicant?
Describe the Applicant’s Character and Reputation:
Why do you recommend the Applicant for this Scholarship?
How do you perceive the Applicant’s financial needs?
Very High
Reference’s Name:
Reference’s Occupation:
Home Phone Number:
Work Phone Number:
Reference’s Signature
Date Signed
• If additional space is required, please feel free to attach supplementary pages
April 2012 - Issue 110
Page 9
Petroleum Professional Development Center
Mailing Address: 221 North Main
Midland, Texas 79701
432-683-2832; Fax: 432-686-8089
ldiaz@midland.edu; jbrooks@midland.edu
April - May 2012 Classes
Midland College Petroleum Professional Development Center Courses
PetroEd E Learning Courses: Introduction to Petroleum Industry
(DIT) - Length 84 hours - Go to the website www.midland.edu/ppdc
for more information.
2012 Environmental Regulatory Seminar
Coming May 10, 2012
Midland College, Main Campus - 3600 N. Garfield, Carrasco
Room, Midland, Texas
7:30 am - 5:30 pm; Stay Tuned for More Information!!
Petroleum Geology for Non-Geologists
Instructor: Paul H. Pausé
April 2-5, Mon-Wed, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm and Thu, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
$1.295; Out of State, $1,320
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
Computer Plotting of Legal Descriptions for the Layman
Instructor: Mike Johnson
April 2, Mon, 7:45 am - 5:15 pm
$375; Out of State, $400
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
All Topo Maps - General Software Training
Instructor: Mike Johnson
April 3, Tue, 7:45 am - 5:15 pm
$375; Out of State, $400
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
Managing Sucker Rod Lift Well Failures
Instructor: Kent Gantz
April 5, Thu, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
$280; Out of State, $305
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
Basic Geochemistry for Understanding & Evaluating Shale Oil
Resource Systems
Instructor: Dan Jarvie
April 5, Thu, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
$500; Out of State, $525
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
Land and Leasing Oil and Gas
Instructor: Ernie Gilkerson
April 12, Thu, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (1-1/2 hours for lunch)
$250; Out of State, $275
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
Waterflooding: Performance Predictions and Surveillance
Instructor: Dr. William M. Cobb
April 16-20, Mon-Fri, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
$3,195; Out of State, $3,220
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
Introduction to Log Interpretation and Quality
Instructor: Gary Batcheller
April 16-18, Mon-Wed, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
$1,095; Out of State, $1,120
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
The Oilfield from Planning to Plugging
Instructor: T.E. Gill
April 17-18, Tue-Wed, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
$430; Out of State $455
CPE credits: $445; Out of State, $470
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
Completions and Stimulation for Geologists
(and other non-petroleum engineering disciplines)
Instructor: Jennifer Miskimins, Ph.D., P.E
April 20, Fri, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
$375; Out of State, $400
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
PetroSkills: Making Your Words Count
Instructor: Dr. David Pelton
April 23, 24, and 25; three (3) four (4) hour sessions; 8:00 am - 12:00
$375 each session; Out of State, $400
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
TCEQ Permit-by-Rule Registration of Permian Basin Oil and Gas
Producing Facilities
Instructor: Peter Galusky
April 24, Tue, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
$225; Out of State, $250
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
For more classes please visit: www.midland.edu/ppdc
Internet Resources for Land Professionals
Instructor: Alan Morgan
April 13, Fri, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
$250; Out of State, $275
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
Midland College is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Educator. Midland College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges
and Schools to award certificates and associate and baccalaureate degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097
or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Midland College.
Page 10
April 2012 - Issue 110
Petroleum Professional Development Center
Mailing Address: 221 North Main
Midland, Texas 79701
432-683-2832; Fax: 432-686-8089
April - May 2012 Classes
Midland College Petroleum Professional Development Center Courses
Practical Drilling Fluids Technology
Instructor: Ryen Caenn
May 1-3, Tue-Thu, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
$1,995; Out of State, $2,020
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
Oilfield Manager (OFM) - Introduction
Instructor: Celia Payne
May 15-16, Tue-Wed, 8:00 am - 4:300 pm
$870; Out of State, $895
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
An Overview of Oil and Gas Production
Instructor: John Roam
May 1-2, Tue-Wed, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
$430; Out of State, $455
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
Railroad Commission Gas Well Regulation
Instructor: Dorsey Twidwell
May 16, Wed, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
$175; Out of State, $200
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
Carbonate Petrophysics
Instructor: R. E. (Gene) Ballay
May 7-9, Mon-Wed, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
$995; Out of State, $1,020
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
“OLD” [Pre-1958] Electric Logs: A Quick Review
Instructor: Dr. George Asquith
May 17, Thu, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
$375; Out of State, $400a
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
PetroSkills: Completions and Workovers
Instructor: Victor Hugo Vargas
May 7-11, Mon-Fri, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
$3,620; to register, contact www.petroskills.com or call (800) 8215933. Fee is paid directly to PetroSkills
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
Economic Evaluation and Investment Decision Methods
Instructor: John Stermole
May 21-24, Mon-Wed, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm; Thu, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
$2,395, CPE credits, $2,410; Out of State, $2,420, CPE credits, $2,435
We have registered with the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy
as a CPE sponsor. This registration does not constitute an endorsement by the Board as to the quality of our CPE program. Eligible for
30 CPE credits. Prerequisite: None; Delivery Method: Group-Live,
PowerPoint lecture and problem solving by participants; Program
Level: Beginning/Intermediate.
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
Petroleum Land Management
Instructor: Alyce Boudreaux Hoge
May 8-9, Tue-Wed, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
$649; Out of State, $674 (includes $50 materials fee)
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
Remediation & Restoration of Hydrocarbon & Brine Contaminated Soils
Instructor: Dr. Kerry Sublette
May 15-16, Tue-Wed, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
$330, Out of State, $355
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
Understanding and Filing of Railroad Commission Forms and
Instructor: Linda Derryberry
May 15, Tue, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
$275; Out of State, $300
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
PetroSkills: New Opportunities in Oil Fields
Instructor: Curt Golike
May 21-25, Mon-Fri, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
$3,870; to register, contact www.petroskills.com or call (800) 8215933. Fee is paid directly to PetroSkills
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
Basic Drilling, Completions and Workover Operations
Instructor: Richard Schroeder
May 21-25, Mon-Fri, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
$3,570; to register, contact www.petroskills.com or call (800) 8215933. Fee is paid directly to PetroSkills
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 W. Illinois
For more classes please visit: www.midland.edu/ppdc
Midland College is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Educator. Midland College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges
and Schools to award certificates and associate and baccalaureate degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097
or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Midland College.
April 2012 - Issue 110
Page 11
The Pipeline & Internet Advertising Rates, 2011-2012
For Advertising Information or to set up an ad please contact
Scott Ranostaj - scott.ranostaj@bakerhughes.com
Ad Type
Full Page**
Back Page **
Half Page **
Quarter Page **
Business Card
Company Article/Bio *
8" X 11"
8" X 5"
8" X 5"
4" X 5"
3.5" X 2"
Up to Full Page
Web Site
Job Listing (2 Month Posting)
$60/two months
Monthly Rate 10 issues @ Monthly Rate Annual Rate
10 issues of The Pipeline are published annually from September through May (monthly) and in July
*Company Article/Bio will be a new section in the Pipeline dedicated to an individual company that wants to
highlight their new technology, equipment, etc.
**Includes company logo with link to company website on the SPE PB web page (www.spepb.org)
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Page 12
April 2012 - Issue 110
A Wholly-owned Subsidiary of Baker Hughes Inc.
Gel Systems for:
CO2 and Water Injection Conformance
Produced Water Reduction
Casing Leak Repair
High Temperature Gas Wells
Phone: 432-683-1881
Fax: 432-683-1883
Dan Pender
John Gould
M A N A G E M E N T, L T D
Sonic Fluid Level and Dynamometer Services
C ambrian Management, Ltd. offers the following services:
 Fluid Level Shot
 Polish Rod Dynamometer Survey
 Fliud Level & Polish Rod Dynamometer
 Fluid Level & Load Cell Dynamometer
 Rod Design & Downhole Failure Management
For our price list or additional information, please contact:
Cambrian Management, Ltd.
P.O. Box 272
Midland, TX 79702
Roland Gandy - 432/557-7941
April 2012 - Issue 110
Page 13
SPE Permian Basin
2011-2012 Officers and Directors
Office Phone
Robert Reyes
(432) 686-4540
Tina Johns
(432) 687-7439
Dick Prentice
Concho Resources
(432) 683-7443
Past Chairman
Chad Brown
Flow Control Products
SPEI SW Regional
Peter Schrenkel
Vision Natural Resources
(432) 682-6060
Award & Nominations
Phillip Bales
Baker Hughes Centrilift
((432) 694-9676
CO2 conference
Bill Webb
Bill Webb, Inc.
(432) 682-6821
Community Relations
Jerry Walton
Rising Star Services
(432) 661-0313
Continuing Education
Hoxie Smith
Midland College
(432) 683-2832
Golf / Fundraising
James Haest
Casedhole Solutions
(432) 557-5337
Internet Coordinator
Aaron Hunter
(432) 687-7867
Alan Erb
JVA Operating
(432) 682-1052
Hoxie Smith
Midland College
(432) 683-2832
PR and Advertising
Scott Ranostaj
Baker Hughes
(432) 685-8905
Billy Harris
Wagner & Brown
(432) 686-5931
Ed Pittinger
Lynx Operating Company
(432) 686-2101
Study Group Liasion
Libby Einhorn
Eagle Rock Energy
(432) 688-4299
TTU Chapter Liasion
Jim Newman
Basic Energy Services
(432) 571-8513
Young Professionals
Jason Miller
Kinder Morgan
(432) 688-2447
Page 14
April 2012 - Issue 110
SPE Supports Partners in Education
The Permian Basin Chapter of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, by Board vote, has elected
to support the Midland Independent School District’s “Partner in Education Program”. The
Board will use its resources to educate, promote, and recognize Petroleum Industry related
companies, which participate in this program.
Historically the local chapter has supported the education curriculum in MISD (Engineering
Week, Girls in Engineering), and at the collegiate level (scholarships). In addition to these
programs, the Board believes that there should be an increased emphasis in academic and social achievement at the early elementary and secondary levels in order to assure a competitive
workforce for the future. The Board believes there is a large need in the school system for
additional material and human resources.
MISD’s Partner in Education program is a direct and effective way for organizations to get
involved. A number of local companies already participate, but the program needs more commitment from the business community. Many schools have multiple partners. You can make
a contribution if you are a sole proprietor or a local office of a multi-national. If your company
would like to get involved, call Darlene at 432 682 6060 for more information.
April 2012 - Issue 110
Page 15
Mr. Art Carrasco
Mr. Benjamin Dillard
Mr. Jesus O Dominguez
Mr. Andrey V Fedorov
Ms. Shelli Fincher
Mr. Wesley W Hanna
Mr. Isaac L Hayes
Mr. Viktor Kalitsun
Mr. Michael Mataalii
Mr. Samuel H Owen
Mr. Douglas A Pyles
Mr. David L Sewell
Mr. Jeremy D Smith
Mr. Barry A Thomas
Ms. Anne Tseng
Mr. Matthew T Walters
Technical Rep
District Technical Engineer
Petroleum Engineer
Reservoir Engineer
Senior Operations Engineer
David H Arrington O&G Inc.
Southland Crude Inc
Rising Star Energy
Discovery Operating Inc
Parsley Energy
Hess Corp.
SM Energy Company
Concho Resources
Halliburton Co.
Basic Energy Services Inc.
Universal Pressure Pumping Inc
Concho Resources
Wolf Energy Inc
Page 16
April 2012 - Issue 110
P.O. BOX 3366
Midland, TX 79702
Affordable Rates - Contact Scott Ranostaj at scott.ranostaj@bjservices.com