Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5
Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5
Download Katharina Walter, Claudine Steyer U A Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 H C At home S R O V Downloadauszug aus dem Originaltitel: zur Vollversion Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 At home U A H C S R O V Dieser Download ist ein Auszug aus dem Originaltitel Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 Über diesen Link gelangen Sie zur entsprechenden Produktseite im Web. http://www.auer-verlag.de/go/dl6723 zur Vollversion _____. Klassenarbeit Englisch Klasse: ___________ Datum: ___________ Name: ______________________________________________ 1. Look at the family tree. a. Complete the sentences correctly b. Translate the sentences into German. 7 P. ___ 7 P. Mr Straw + Mrs Straw A ns ic ht Mrs Miller + Mr Miller ___ Sandra Straw (Miller) + Peter Straw Jeremy Straw U A Kate Straw a) Sandra is Peter’s ... b) Kate and Jeremy are ... and ... c) Mrs Miller is Jeremy’s ... d) Mr Straw is Mrs Straw’s ... e) Thomas is Sandra’s and Peter’s ... f) Mr and Mrs Straw are Peter’s ... g) Kate is Mr and Mrs Miller’s ... Thomas Straw H C 6 P. ___ 6 P. M us te rz Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth ur S R ___ 2. Translate the following words about „the house“ into English. a) Küche d) Treppe g) Schrank j) Garten b) Bad e) Garage h) Tisch k) Fenster c) Dusche f) Keller i) Stuhl l) Tür O V 3. Watch the pictures and write down what the kids are doing. Use present progressive. The verbs below might help you. ride (2x) – play (2x) – watch – read a) b) Thomas and Gina d) Carol e) Tony and Jacky c) Harry f) Katherine Mary and her sister zur Vollversion ___ 4. Which colour have got the following things? Write down complete sentences. a) An elephant is ... c) A polar bear is ... b) Chocolate is ... d) The sun is ... e) Grass is ... f) An English taxi is ... 5. Look at the following names of the animals. a. Translate them into German. ___ 12 P. b. Fill in the animals into the chart. ___ d) rabbit e) elephant f) dog e) mouse f) hippopotamus g) monkey “wild animal” H C ur S R h) hamster i) cow j) goldfish U A pet 6. Whose things are on the pictures? Write down whose things are ___ on the picture and use the genitive. Ex.: Peter – dog, This is Peter’s dog. b) M us te rz a) O V the Millers d) the children 6 P. A ns ic ht a) lion b) snail c) cat 6 P. c) Jenny e) 6 P. Chris f) my parents Sam 7. Look at the words below. Fill in the words correctly into the chart. ___ 9 P. sweet 1. 2. 3. drinks 1. 2. 3. 4. vegetables 1. 2. 3. 4. fruits 1. 2. 3. 4. others 1. 2. 3. 4. ___ 65 P. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer orange – water – tea – banana – apple – bread – coffee – peas – sausage – lollipop – milk – carrot – cheese – strawberry – cucumber – beans – chocolate – eggs – ice cream zur Vollversion _____. Klassenarbeit Englisch Klasse: ___________ Datum: ___________ Name: ______________________________________________ 1. Complete the following sentences correctly. a) My mother’s mother is my ... b) My uncle’s wife is my ... c) My brother’s mother and father are my ... d) My father’s brother is my ... e) My uncle’s daughter is my ... f) My aunt’s daughter is my mother’s ... 2. Watch the rooms. a. Write down which rooms you can see. Start with: This is ... b. Translate the rooms into German. 3 P. A ns ic ht ___ U A ___ 7 P. ___ 7 P. H C M us te rz Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth ur S R O V 3. Watch the chart. Write down in simple present what the children usually do. Use the signal words. ___ 10 P. Jim always – play tennis on Tuesdays – go swimming Jack and Sally on Mondays – play football sometimes – ride their horse Mary-Ann usually – meet friends on Saturdays – go dancing Tony every day – play the piano at the weekend – read books Mona’s sisters on Wednesdays – play the flute every Saturday – sing in a choir zur Vollversion ___ 10 P. 5. Look at the names of the animals below. a. Translate their names into English. A ns ic ht 4. Write the correct words on the lines below. H C U A b. Choose four animals and describe them by writing sentences about their colours. Ex.: A tiger is black and orange. d) Hase e) Elefant f) Hund S R g) Maus h) Nilpferd i) Affe ur a) Löwe b) Schnecke c) Katze ___ 12 P. ___ 8 P. j) Hamster k) Kuh l) Goldfisch M us te rz ___ 9 P. 6. Whose things are meant here? Use the genitive. Write down complete sentences. Ex.: room – Sandra å This is Sandra’s room. a) cat – Gerry d) car – Monica g) friend – my mother b) garage – the Thompsons e) dog – Chris h) house – my parents c) books – the children f) sister – Peter i) hamster – Sam O V 7. Look at the words in the box. a. Complete the sentences below with the help of some of these words. b. Translate the words into German. ___ 5 P. ___ 9 P. orange – water – tea – banana – apple – bread – coffee – peas – sausage – lollipop – milk – carrot – cheese – strawberry – cucumber – beans – chocolate – eggs – ice cream b) In England, many people drink black __________________ with milk. c) __________________ are small and red and you can grow them in your own garden. d) A traditional breakfast in England is ham and __________________________. e) I love freshly squeezed _________________ juice for breakfast. ___ 80 P. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer a) _____________________ are yellow and monkeys like them very much. zur Vollversion _____. Klassenarbeit Englisch Klasse: ___________ Datum: ___________ Name: ______________________________________________ 1. a. Complete the following sentences correctly. 2. Watch the house below. a. Write the rooms on the lines. U A b. Fill in the correct words into the gaps below. c. Translate the sentences into German. 4 P. ___ 8 P. A ns ic ht b. Translate the sentences into German. a) My father’s sister is my ... b) My aunt’s husband is my ... c) My sister’s mother and father are my ... d) My mother’s father is my ... e) My aunt’s son is my ... f) My uncle’s son is my mother’s ... g) My grandmother’s daughters are my ... and my ... ___ H C ___ 7 P. ___ 6 P. ___ 6 P. M us te rz Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth ur S R O V a) My parents cook every evening in our ... b) My bed, shelves and my cupboard are in my ... c) My dad works at home in his ... d) At the moment, mum is in the ... hanging up our clothes. e) Dad is repairing his car in our ... f) I like our ... very much, because we have got a nice shower and a big tub. zur Vollversion ___ 5 P. ___ 5 P. A ns ic ht 3. Watch the chart with the sports the children can do in a German school. a. What kind of sports can the children do and when? Write down complete sentences in English. Start with: On Monday, the children can do / play / go ... b. Which sports does (L) / doesn’t (N) Sam like? Write correct sentences. Start with: Sam likes ... / doesn’t like ... L Wochentag Sportarten Montag Tennis, Fußball Dienstag Tischtennis, Schwimmen Mittwoch Handball Donnerstag Badminton, Hockey Freitag Leichtathletik, Reiten N Tennis Tischtennis U A Handball Hockey Badminton Leichtathletik Reiten H C 4. Watch the body of the boy below. a. Write the correct parts of his body on the lines. ur S R M us te rz b. Which pieces of clothes are missing? Complete the sentences. ___ 5 P. ___ 4 P. a) When it is cold in winter I have got ... for keeping my hands warm. b) In summer you sometimes don’t wear ... on your feet. You can only wear shoes. c) Many girls and boys like blue ... I think everybody has got these trousers in the cupboard. d) When it gets warmer and you don’t wear pullovers, you can wear a ... Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer O V zur Vollversion 5. Look at the sentences below. a. Which animal is meant here? Write down: This animal is a ... b. Which colours do these animals have? Complete the chart and write complete sentences. ___ 5 P. ___ 9 P. A ns ic ht a) This animal is very big and grey. It has got a trunk and has got 2 big teeth (tusks). b) This animal is very small and can run quickly. It loves cheese and cats like to hunt it. c) This animal is the man’s best friend. You must go for a walk with it every day. d) This animal lives in the trees and it can sing and fly. e) This animal is green or brown and it can be very long. It has got a big mouth with many teeth. It can swim, too and it is very dangerous. animal lion U A colour and hamster penguin H C hippopotamus bear ur S R and or or 6. Look at the pictures and write down whose things / pet you can see. Use the genitive. b) M us te rz a) O V Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth my parents d) the children ___ 6 P. c) Mr. Miller our teachers e) Mary 7. Fill in the words in English into the chart below. ___ 10 P. Milch – Lutscher – Banane – Ei – Schokolade Wasser – Bohnen – Apfel – Erbsen – Käse sweets 1. drinks 1. vegetables 1. fruits 1. others 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. ___ 80 P. zur Vollversion _____. Klassenarbeit Englisch Klasse: ___________ Datum: ___________ Name: ______________________________________________ a) Who is my father’s mother? b) Who is my father’s brother? c) Who are my aunt’s daughters? d) Who are my mother’s parents? e) Who are my uncle’s sons to my mother? f) Who is my mother’s daughter to me? g) Who is my grandfather’s wife? 2. What’s the opposite? Write it down. a) brother e) cousin b) niece f) father ___ 7 P. A ns ic ht 1. Which family members are meant here? Write down complete sentences. Start with: This is ... / These are ... U A c) husband g) aunt H C 3. Watch the house below. a. Write the correct words for the rooms on the lines. ___ 8 P. d) grandson h) grandmother b. Which rooms are meant in the sentences? Write them down. ___ 7 P. ___ 4 P. M us te rz ur S R a) It’s the room, where you can take a shower or a bath. b) It’s the room where your parents might work if they don’t work outside of the house. c) It’s the room, where you sleep at night and where you often find a bed and a cupboard. d) It’s the room where you can sit in the evenings and watch TV or play games with your family. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer O V zur Vollversion 4. Which hobbies have the children got? Write down in English in simple present what the children usually do. jeden Montag – Gitarre spielen dienstags Freunde treffen gewöhnlich – Klavier spielen jede Woche – Hockey spielen mittwochs – Leichtathletik am Wochenende – Bücher lesen samstags – Fußball im Fernsehn schauen A ns ic ht Jim Jack and Sally Mary-Ann Tony Mona’s sisters Sarah and John Michael ___ 14 P. 5. Watch the boy’s body. Write down the English names for his parts of the body. ___ 6 P. 6. Which parts of the body are meant here? Write them down. Ex.: This body part is ... / These body parts are ... a) It’s between your shoulders and your head. b) You have got 10 on your feet. c) It’s the middle of your body. It’s not your front side. d) These are white and you bite your food with them. e) You have got two in your face and you watch with them. ___ 5 P. 7. Translate the clothes into English. ___ 6 P. U A H C M us te rz Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth ur S R O V a) Pullover b) Hose c) Strumpfhose d) Rock e) Kleid f) kurze Hose g) Badeanzug h) Mütze i) Jacke j) Handschuhe k) Strümpfe l) Schuhe ___ 8. Complete the following sentences correctly. a) In summer you usually don’t wear ... in your shoes. b) Girls sometimes like to wear ... with blouses if they go to a special event. c) In summer, you don’t wear long trousers, you wear ... d) You wear a ... on your head if it is cold outside. e) To keep your hands warm in winter you can wear ... f) If girls want to go swimming, they need to wear ... 6 P. zur Vollversion ___ 13 P. 9. Watch the pictures. How are the animals called in English? b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) A ns ic ht a) k) l) U A m) H C 10. Translate the sentences into English. a) Schnecken kriechen am Boden. b) Einige Hunde bellen gerne. c) Löwen und Tiger leben in Afrika oder Asien (Africa/Asia). d) Eisbären sind weiß und sehr groß. 8 P. ___ 5 P. ___ 5 P. 11. Watch the chart below. a. Use the genitive for saying which pet belongs to whom and what name it has got. O V b. Translate the sentences into German. pet Sheila Mimi Carlo Timmy Monroe cat dog hamster budgie rabbit X X X X X owner the Millers Chris Mary the children Mrs. Miller ___ 13 P. 12. Read the following text. Translate the text into German. „Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today I offer (dt.: anbieten) you fresh vegetables: green and red tomatoes, the best carrots in town and I have got new peas from Wales. I also offer white and red onions from my farm and very big bananas from Africa, too. The fruit are very good today. I have got green apples, yellow pears, violet grapes and the best black cherries you can find in town. Come here and taste my fresh peaches, too!“ ___ 107 P. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer M us te rz ur S R ___ zur Vollversion 1. A ns ic ht a) Sandra is Peter’s wife. Sandra ist Peters (Ehe-)Frau. b) Kate and Jeremy are brother and sister. Kate und Jeremy sind Geschwister (Bruder und Schwester). c) Mrs Miller is Jeremy’s grandmother. Frau Miller ist Jeremys Großmutter. d) Mr Straw is Mrs Straw’s husband. Herr Straw ist Frau Straws (Ehe-)Mann. e) Thomas is Sandra and Peter’s son. Thomas ist Sandras und Peters Sohn. f) Mr and Mrs Straw are Peter’s parents. Herr und Frau Straw sind Peters Eltern. g) Kate is Mr and Mrs Miller’s granddaughter. Kate ist Herrn und Frau Millers Enkelin. H C 2. d) stairs e) garage f) cellar S R M us te rz Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth 3. a) Thomas and Gina are riding a horse. b) Carol is reading a book. c) Harry is watching TV. d) Tony and Jacky are playing the guitar. e) Katherine is playing on the computer. f) Mary and her sister are riding a bike. 4. O V a) An elephant is grey. b) Cocolate is brown. g) cupboard h) table i) chair ur a) kitchen b) bathroom c) shower U A c) A polar bear is white. d) The sun is yellow. j) garden k) window l) door e) Grass is green. f) An English taxi is black. zur Vollversion 5. a. a) Löwe b) Schnecke c) Katze d) Hase e) Elefant f) Hund g) Maus h) Nilpferd i) Affe j) Hamster k) Kuh l) Goldfisch b. pet cat rabbit dog mouse hamster goldfish A ns ic ht “wild” animal lion snail elephant hippopotamus monkey cow U A H C 6. a) This is the Millers’ house. b) This is Jenny’s car. c) This is Chris’ bike. d) This is the children’s cat. e) This is my parents’ book. f) This is Sam’s apple ur S R M us te rz 7. sweets 1. lollipop 2. chocolate 3. ice cream O V drinks 1. water 2. tea 3. milk 4. coffee vegetables 1. peas 2. carrot 3. cucumber 4. beans fruits 1. orange 2. banana 3. strawberry 4. apple others 1. sausage 2. bread 3. eggs 4. cheese zur Vollversion 1. A ns ic ht a) My mother’s mother is my grandmother. b) My uncle’s wife is my aunt. c) My brother’s mother and father are my parents. d) My father’s brother is my uncle. e) My uncle’s daughter is my cousin. f) My aunt’s daughter is my mother’s niece. 2. a. b. a) This is a/the kitchen. b) This is a/the living room. c) This is a /the bathroom d) This is a/the children’s room e) This is a/the garage. f) This is a/the cellar. g) This is a/the corridor/entrance hall. Küche Wohnzimmer Badezimmer Kinderzimmer Garage Keller Flur U A H C 3. a) Jim always plays tennis and on Tuesdays, he goes swimming. b) Jack and Sally play football on Mondays and they sometimes ride their horse. c) Mary-Ann usually meets her friends and on Saturdays, she goes dancing. d) Tony plays the piano every day and at the weekend, he reads books. e) Mona’s sisters play the flute on Wednesdays and they sing in a choir every Saturday. M us te rz ur S R O V Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth 4. head eye nose mouth neck arm hand knee belly/stomach leg zur Vollversion 5. a. a) lion b) snail c) cat d) rabbit e) elephant f) dog g) mouse h) hippo(potamus) i) monkey j) hamster k) cow l) goldfish A ns ic ht b. a) A lion is yellow and brown. b) A snail is brown. c) A cat is grey or black or white or orange or brown or mixed-coloured. d) A rabbit is black, white, grey or brown. e) An elephant is grey. f) A dog is brown or white or black or grey or mixed-coloured. g) A mouse is grey or white or brown. h) A hippopotamus is grey. i) A monkey is brown. j) A hamster is yellow or brown or black and white. k) A cow is brown, white, black or mixed-coloured. l) A goldfish is orange. U A ur M us te rz a) This is Gerry’s cat b) This is the Thompsons’ garage. c) These are the children’s books. d) This is Monica’s car. e) This is Chris’ dog. f) This is Peter’s sister. g) This is my mother’s friend. h) This is my parents’ house. i) This is Sam’s hamster. 7. H C S R 6. O V a. a) Bananas are yellow and monkeys like them very much. b) In England, many people drink black tea with milk. c) Strawberries are small and red and you can grow them in your own garden. d) A traditional breakfast in England is ham and eggs, sausages and beans. e) I love freshly squeezed orange juice for breakfast. b. Orange – Wasser – Tee – Banane – Apfel – Brot – Kaffee – Erbsen – Wurst – Lutscher/ Lolli – Milch – Karotte/Möhre – Käse – Erdbeere – Gurke – Bohnen – Schokolade – Eier – Eis zur Vollversion 1. A ns ic ht a) My father’s sister is my aunt. Die Schwester meines Vaters ist meine Tante. b) My aunt’s husband is my uncle. Der Mann meiner Tante ist mein Onkel. c) My sister’s mother and father are my parents. Die Mutter und der Vater meiner Schwester sind meine Eltern. d) My mother’s father is my grandfather. Der Vater meiner Mutter ist mein Großvater. e) My aunt’s son is my cousin. Der Sohn meiner Tante ist mein Cousin. f) My uncle’s son is my mother’s nephew. Der Sohn meines Onkels ist der Neffe meiner Mutter. g) My grandmother’s daughters are my mother and my aunt. Die Töchter meiner Großmutter sind meine Mutter und meine Tante. U A H C 2. a. M us te rz Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth ur S R O V b. + c. a) My parents cook every evening in our kitchen. Meine Eltern kochen jeden Abend in unserer Küche. b) My bed, shelves and my cupboard are in my children’s room. Mein Bett, meine Regale und mein Schrank sind in meinem Kinderzimmer. zur Vollversion A ns ic ht c) My dad works at home in his office room. Mein Vater arbeitet zu Hause in seinem Büro/Arbeitszimmer. d) At the moment, mum is in the cellar hanging up our clothes. Im Moment ist meine Mutter im Keller und hängt unsere Wäsche auf. e) Dad is repairing his car in our garage. Papa repariert sein Auto in unserer Garage. f) I like our bathroom very much, because we have got a nice shower and a big tub. Ich mag unser Bad sehr weil wir eine schöne Dusche und eine große Badewanne haben. 3. U A a. a) On Monday, the children can play tennis and football. b) On Tuesday, the children can play table tennis/ping-pong and they can go swimming. c) On Wednesday, the children can play handball. d) On Thursday, the children can play badminton and hockey. e) On Friday, the children can do athletics and they can ride a horse. H C b. a) Sam likes tennis. b) Sam doesn’t like table tennis/ping-pong. c) Sam likes handball. d) Sam likes hockey but he doesn’t like badminton. e) Sam likes athletics but he doesn’t like riding horses/a horse. M us te rz ur S R O V 4. a. head eye nose mouth neck arm hand knee belly leg zur Vollversion b. a) When it is cold in winter I have got gloves for keeping my hands warm. b) In summer you sometimes don’t wear socks on your feet. You can only wear shoes. c) Many girls and boys like blue jeans. I think everybody has got these trousers in the cupboard. d) When it gets warmer and you don’t wear pullovers, you can wear a T-shirt. a. a) This animal is an elephant. b) This animal is a mouse. c) This animal is a dog. d) This animal is a bird. e) This animal is a crocodile/an alligator. b. U A H C colour yellow and brown yellow white and black grey brown or black or white ur S R M us te rz Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth animal lion hamster penguin hippopotamus bear A ns ic ht 5. O V A lion is yellow and brown. A hamster is yellow. A penguin is white and black. A hippopotamus is grey. A bear is brown or black or white. 6. a) This is my parents’ house. b) This is Mr. Miller’s car. d) This is the children’s dog. e) This is Mary’s bike. c) These are our teachers’ books. 7. sweets 1. lollipop 2. chocolate drinks 1. milk 2. water vegetables 1. beans 2. peas fruits 1. banana 2. apple others 1. egg 2. cheese zur Vollversion 1. A ns ic ht a) This is my grandmother. b) This is my uncle. c) These are my cousins. d) These are my grandparents. e) These are her nephews. f) This is my sister. g) This is my grandmother. 2. a) sister e) cousin b) nephew f) mother c) wife g) uncle 3. a. d) granddaughter h) grandfather U A H C M us te rz ur S R O V b. a) This is the bathroom. b) This is the office room/study room. c) This is the (sleeping) room. d) This is the living room. zur Vollversion 4. 5. head eye mouth chin neck back arm finger U A H C stomach/belly elbow knee leg M us te rz ur S R toe 6. Steyer/Walter: Klassenarbeiten Englisch 5 © Auer Verlag – AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH, Donauwörth A ns ic ht a) Jim plays the guitar every Monday. b) Jack and Sally meet friends on Tuesdays. c) Mary-Ann usually plays the piano. d) Tony plays hockey every week. e) Mona’s sisters do athletics on Wednesdays. f) Sarah and John read books at the weekend. g) Michael watches football on TV on Saturdays. O V a) This body part is the neck. b) These body parts are the toes. c) This body part is the back. d) These body parts are the teeth. e) These body parts are the eyes. 7. a) pullover b) trousers c) tights d) skirt e) dress f) shorts g) swimsuit h) cap i) jacket j) gloves k) socks l) shoes 8. a) In summer you usually don’t wear socks in your shoes. b) Girls sometimes like to wear skirts with blouses if they go to a special event. c) In summer, you don’t wear long trousers, you wear shorts. d) You wear a cap/bonnet on your head if it is cold outside. e) To keep your hands warm in winter you can wear gloves. f) If girls want to go swimming, they need to wear swimsuits/bathing costumes/bathing suits. zur Vollversion 9. a) e) i) m) lion b) giraffe bee f) pig cow j) snake crocodile/alligator c) hippo(potamus) g) mouse k) cat d) snail h) monkey l) horse a) Snails crawl on the floor. b) Some dogs like to bark. c) Lions and tigers live in Africa or Asia. d) Polar bears are white and very big. 11. a. a) Sheila is the Millers’ dog. b) Mimi is Chris’ cat. c) Carlo is Mary’s budgie. d) Timmy is the children’s rabbit. e) Monroe is Mrs. Miller’s hamster. U A b. Sheila ist der Hund der Millers. Mimi ist Chris Katze. Carlo ist Marys Wellensittich. Timmy ist der Hase der Kinder. Monroe ist Frau Millers Hamster. H C M us te rz ur S R 12. A ns ic ht 10. „Guten Morgen meine Damen und Herren. Heute biete ich ihnen frisches Gemüse an: rote und grüne Tomaten, die besten Karotten/Möhren der Stadt und ich habe neue Erbsen aus Wales. Ich biete außerdem weiße und rote Zwiebeln von meinem Bauernhof an und auch sehr große Bananen aus Afrika. Die Früchte/das Obst ist sehr gut heute. Ich habe grüne Äpfel, gelbe Birnen, lila Weintrauben und die besten schwarzen Kirschen, die Sie in der Stadt finden können. Kommen Sie her und probieren Sie auch meine frischen Pfirsiche!“ O V zur Vollversion