EnergieSparService Essen - Neue Arbeit Diakonie Essen
EnergieSparService Essen - Neue Arbeit Diakonie Essen
EnergieSparService Essen Project partners: Energy saved, Money saved, Environment protected! Implementation: beraten beschäftigen qualifizieren vermitteln NEUE ARBEIT der Diakonie Essen gGmbH Am Krausen Bäumchen 132 45136 Essen Tel.: 0201 89 41 3-0 Fax: 0201 89 41 3-33 www.neue-arbeit-essen.de FREE Die NEUE ARBEIT ist Mitglied im Diakonischen Werk der Evangelischen Kirche Rheinland-Westfalen-Lippe e.V.. Title photo: www.photocase.com/kallejipp Logos interior: Stromspar-check.de IM RAHMEN DER A community campaign of: beraten beschäftigen qualifizieren vermitteln Sponsored by: der Diakonie Essen arbeitshilfe- und berufsförderungsgemeinnützige GmbH The Essen Energy Savings (EnergieSparService) Service The Essen Energy Savings Service is geared toward: the citizens of Essen who would like to reduce their energy costs continuously and make their contribution to environmental protection in Essen. This is how it works: Make an appointment with us. Just give us a call or send us an e-mail. Hotline: 0201 5232622 E-mail: energiesparservice@neue-arbeit-essen.de This is what EnergieSparService Essen can offer you We come to you. We check your energy consumption. We create an individual energy savings report for you. We give you tips on energy saving opportunities. Very easy and free. Personal consultation and appointments: Centre for Employment Service Office Langemarckstraße 28 | 45141 Essen Business hours: 9:00 am to 04:00 p.m. Service Office ‘RWE Specialists on Payment Issues’ Haus der Technik | Nebeneingang Am Handelshof 10 | 45127 Essen Business hours: Mo-Th 9:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m. and 02:00 p.m. to 05:00 p.m. Fr 9:00 to 01:00 p.m. For the reason that the energy check is only possible in German you should have an interperter during the check. We look forward to hearing from you! FREE