
B – A*
J Myers 2005
1. Speaking Test Revision Tips
The German Speaking Test constitutes 25% of the overall GCSE
You should aim to start your practice for the speaking test at the beginning
of September in Year 10.
Your teacher will run extra sessions at lunchtimes in Year 11 for you to
practise the test with them. It is well worth taking advantage of these
sessions, as your teacher will be your examiner in the final examination.
The test is divided into three sections as follows:
Role Play 2
8 points
Role play 3
8 points
1 Minute Presentation
4 points
Discussion and Conversation
10 points
Overall quality of language mark
20 points
Total mark
50 points
How to revise for each section
Role play 2
Learn the vocabulary and key phrases for these role plays.
Practise each week, both out loud at home and at school at the extra
Work your way through all of the practice role plays contained in this pack
until you can do them all from memory – it is likely that you will get
something very similar in your examination.
Role Play 3
Learn the vocabulary and key phrases for these role plays.
Practise each week, both out loud at home and at school at the extra
Work your way through all of the practice role plays contained in this pack
until you can do them all from memory – it is likely that you will get
something very similar in your examination.
1 Minute Presentation
Your teacher will help you to prepare a one minute presentation based on
one of the topic areas from the orange conversation booklet. You should
choose an area that you feel confident talking about, and try to be as
original as possible with your content. You will be asked questions about
your presentation at the end.
Think about the kind of questions that lead naturally from what you have
said in your presentation – you can almost predict what they will be if you
think carefully. Prepare answers to these questions and learn them!
It is worth recording your presentation onto tape and playing it back to
yourself, to help you to remember it.
that you say beyond this point receives no marks.
Tenses are also very important in your presentation – make sure that you
refer to the past, the present and the future in what you say – failure to
do so will result in your maximum mark for this section being the
equivalent of a grade C only.
You can take 5 cue cards into the examination room with you to help you
to remember your presentation. These cards can contain 5 short
sentences in German – no more.
Discussion and Conversation
When you have finished your presentation, your teacher / examiner will
ask you questions about your presentation.
You will then be asked questions on TWO more topics from the
Speaking Test questions your teacher has practised with you.
The best way to practise for this section of the exam is out loud! You can
listen to a tape of the questions and practise answering them walking
down the street, in bed, in the bath – wherever – it doesn’t matter as long
as you are speaking German!
Make sure that you have answers written on to your Speaking Test
Question sheets for all of the topics and that you have learned them.
Your teacher will help you to prepare these answers in class.
Practise with a friend or parent – take it in turns to ask and answer all of
the questions on the sheet. The more familiar you are with the questions,
the better you will perform in the exam.
2. Role Play 2 Key Phrases and Vocabulary
Role play 2 is all about surviving in everyday situations in German. You
will have to say 4 short sentences in German as part of a conversation
with the examiner. You will see three of these in English before entering
the exam room, and will have 12 minutes to prepare them along with role
play 3. The fourth sentence will be in response to a question that the
examiner will ask you. You will not know what this question will be
beforehand, but it is possible to predict the kind of thing that you will be
asked. What is the logical question? Think about this during preparation
time and prepare a couple of logical answers.
Role play 2 is marked as follows:
2, 1 or 0 points for each of the 4 items communicated - total 8 points
Favourite topics of the exam board include:
At the doctor’s / chemist’s / dentist’s
Lost property
At the hotel
At the restaurant
Shopping for clothes
A job interview
Breaking down
At the bank / bureau de change
Booking a trip / holiday
Sending an email
Useful Vocab and Phrases – these are taken from past examination papers
from years 1999 - 2005:
At the doctor’s / chemist’s / dentist’s
Ich habe Kopfschmerzen – I have a headache
Ich habe Zahnschmerzen – I have a toothache
Ich habe Rückenschmerzen – I have a backache
Ich habe Bauchschmerzen – I have a stomachache
Ich habe Halsschmerzen – I have a sore throat
Ich bin krank – I feel ill
Mir ist übel – I am ill
Ich habe Fieber – I have a temperature
Wie oft pro Tag? – How many times a day?
Ich möchte mit einem Kreditkarte zahlen – I would like to pay by credit card
Ich bin seit zwei Tagen/seit gestern/seit heute morgen krank – I have been
feeling ill for two days / since yesterday / since this morning
Ich habe heute nichts gegessen – I haven’t eaten today
Ich möchte ein Medikament/Hustenbonbons/Tabletten – I would like some
medicine / some throat lozenges / some pills
Lost Property
Ich habe ……………… verloren – I have lost
Ich habe ……………….gelassen – I have left
meinen Reisepaß / mein Portemonnaie / meinen Regenschirm / meine
Handtasche / meinen Rücksack / meinen Koffer / meine Mütze / mein
Walkman – my passport / umbrella / handbag / rucksack / suitcase / cap /
im Zug / im Bus / in der U-Bahn / im Restaurant / im Café / in der Kneipe - in
the train / bus / tube / restaurant / café / bar
Ich bleibe in Deutschland / in Berlin noch eine Woche / zwei Tage / drei
Monate – I will be staying in Germany / in Berlin for a week / two days / three
Ich komme morgen / Montag / am Wochenende zurück – I will come back
tomorrow / Monday / at the weekend
Er/Sie/Es ist groß / klein / schwarz / orange / aus Leder / aus Plastik – it’s big /
small / black / orange / leather / plastic
Es gibt ein Foto / Geld / Kleider darin – there is a photo / some money / some
clothes in it.
At the Hotel
Ich möchte ein Zimmer reservieren – I would like to reserve a room
Ich habe ein Zimmer im Namen Bloggs reserviert – I have a reservation in the
name of Bloggs (be able to spell your name)
Ich möchte ein grosses Zimmer/ein Doppelzimmer/ein Einzelzimmer/ein
Doppelbettzimmer/ ein Zweibettenzimmer -I’d like a large room / a double
room / a single room / a room with a double bed / a room with twin beds
Mit Badezimmer/mit Toilette/mit Fernseher/mit Balkon/mit Terrasse - with
bathroom / toilet / television / balcony / terrace
Gibt es ………………… Hotel ? – Is / are there ………………at the hotel?
Es ist für ………Personen – it’s for ……..people
Es ist für ………Nächte. – it’s for ……….nights
Um wieviel Uhr ist das Restaurant/das Schwimmbad/die Bar offen? – at what
time does the restaurant / pool / bar open?
Um wieviel Uhr ist das Hotel/das Café/das Schwimmbad zu? – at what time
does the hotel / café / pool close?
Gibt es in der Nähe des Hotels einen Park/ ein Denkmal/ein Nachtlokal? –Is
there a park / monuments / a night club near to the hotel?
Wir möchten um ……… Uhr essen – we would like to eat at …..o’clock
Ich möchte einen Tisch im Restaurant für …. Uhr reservieren – I would like to
reserve a table in the restaurant for …..o’clock
Ich bin gestern/am Dienstag angekommen - I arrived yesterday / on Tuesday
Ich habe ein Problem mit meinem Zimmer – there is a problem with my room
Mein Zimmer ist zu klein / zu warm / zu kalt – my room is too small / too hot /
too cold
Ich möchte ein neues Zimmer – I would like a new room
Die Dusche/ Der Fernseher/ Die Klimaanlage ist kaputt – the shower / the TV
/ the air conditioning is not working
Mein Bett/ der Kühlschrank/ der Kleiderschrank ist kaputt – my bed / the
fridge / the wardrobe is broken
Ich möchte mit Kreditkarte zahlen - I would like to pay by credit card
At the Restaurant
Ich habe im Namen ……….. reserviert – I have a reservation in the name of
………… (be able to spell your name)
Ich habe nicht reserviert – I don’t have a reservati
Ich möchte einen Tisch für vier Personen – I would like a table for four
Ich möchte einen Tisch auf der Terrasse / neben dem Fenster/ im Garten– I
would like a on the terrace / near to the window / in the garden
Ich nehme die Speisekarte zu vierzig Euro bitte – I would like the 40 Euro
Die Speisekarte bitte – the menu please
Ich habe Zimmer Nummer zwölf– it’s room number 12
Es gibt ein Problem – there is a problem
Ich habe Fisch/Hähnchen/Bratwurst bestellt – I ordered the fish / the chicken/
Meine Suppe ist zu kalt/ schmeckt salzig - my soup is too cold / too salty
Ich möchte bitte Wasser/Wein/Limonade trinken – I would like some water /
wine / lemonade please
Was für Suppen/Getränke haben Sie? – What sort of soup / drinks do you
Ich habe kein Messer/keine Gabel/ keinen Löffel/kein Glas – I don’t have a
knife / fork / spoon / glass
Mein Messer/Löffel/Glas/Meine Gabel ist schmutzig – my knife / spoon / glass
/ fork is dirty
Shopping for clothes
Ich habe den Mantel/den Rock/die Hose/die Schuhe/die Shorts gestern/am
Montag gekauft – I bought the coat / skirt / trousers / shoes / shorts yesterday
/ on Monday
Er/Sie/Es ist/sind zu gross/zu klein - it is / they are too big / too small
Ich bin Größe zweiundvierzig– I take size 42
Kann ich ih/es/sie umtauschen ? - Is it possible to exchange them / it?
Ich möchte ein Hemd/Socken– I would like to buy a shirt / some socks
Ich bin gross/klein/mittelgross – I am big / small / medium sized
Ich möchte ihn/sie/es aus Baumwolle/Leder/Jeansstoff/Seide haben in
rot/blau/grün – I would like them in cotton / leather / denim /silk / red / blue /
Kann ich ihn/sie/es anprobieren? – I would like to try them on
Ich möchte mit Kreditkarte/Scheck bezahlen – I would like to pay by credit
card / by cheque
Ich möchte Größe 12/14/16 – I would like it in size 12 / 14 / 16
A job interview
Ich heiße Fred Bloggs – my name is Fred Bloggs
Ich bin Engländer(in) - I am English
Ich bin sechzehn/fünfzehn – I am 16 / 15 years old
Ich habe in einem Restaurant/Café/in einer Kneipe/in einem Büro/Hotel/in
einem Geschäft in England gearbeitet. – I have worked in a restaurant / a café
/ a bar / an office / a hotel / a shop in England
Ich kann am zwölften April /nächste Woche anfangen.– I can start on the 12th
April / next week
Wieviel verdiene ich pro Woche/Tag/Monat? – How much will I earn per week
/ day / month?
Ich arbeite jetzt in einem Restaurant/Café/in einer Kneipe/in einem
Büro/Hotel/in einem Geschäft in England – I work in a restaurant / a café / a
bar / an office / a hotel / a shop in England at the moment
Ich bekomme fünfundzwanzig Pfund pro Woche – I earn 25 pounds a week
Der Arbeitstag beginnt um acht Uhr und ist um vier Uhr zu Ende – I start at
eight o’clock and I finish at four o’clock
Ich mag meinen Teilzeitjob (nicht) – I love / don’t like my part time job
Ich kann Englisch/Deutsch/Spanisch sprechen – I know how to speak English
/ German / Spanish
Ich bin ehrlich/fleißig/begeistert– I am honest / hardworking / enthusiastic
Ich bin immer pünktlich – I am always punctual
Um wieviel Uhr beginnt der Arbeitstag/ist der Arbeitstag zu Ende? – At what
time will work start / finish?
Ich bleibe zwei Wochen/drei Monate/ein Jahr in Deutschland/Österreich/in der
Schweiz - I will be staying in Germany/Austria / Switzerland for two weeks /
three months / one year
Breaking Down
Ich habe ein Problem mit meinem Auto – I have a problem with my car
Ich habe meine Schlüssel im Auto verlassen. – I have left the keys in the car
Es ist eine rote/blau/grüne Ford/Volkswagen – It is a red / blue / green
Mein Auto steht auf der Autobahn A4/auf der Bundesstraße 56 neben
Ausgang Nummer35 – we are on the A4 motorway/A 56 near to exit number
Um wieviel Uhr ankommen Sie? – At what time will you arrive?
Ich habe eine Panne – I have broken down
Die Bremsen/Die Lampen sind/ Der Motor/ Die Batterie ist nicht in Ordnung –
it’s the breaks /lights/ engine/battery which are / is not working
Der Windschutzscheiber ist kaput.– the windscreen is broken
Wir sind in der Stadtmitte/neben den Geschäften/neben dem Park/der
Post/dem Supermarkt – we are in the town centre / near to the shops / the
park / the post office / the supermarket
At the bank / Bureau de change
Ich möchte Reiseschecks wechseln – I would like to change some traveller’s
cheques .
Um wieviel Uhr ist die Wechselstube/die Bank auf/offen?– at what time does
the bureau de change / bank open?
Ich habe Reiseschecks zu fünfzig Pfund – I have 50 pounds in traveller’s
Hier ist mein Ausweis/mein Paß/mein Führerschein – here is my passport /
driver’s licence
Ich möchte englisches Geld in Euro wechseln – I would like to change English
money into Euros.
Was ist der Wechselkurs ? – what is the exchange rate?
Wo steht der Pfund? – how many Euros are there to a pound?
Ich möchte hundert Pfund/Dollar/Euro wechseln – I would like to change 100
pounds / dollars / euros
Ich habe meine Paß im Hotel gelassen. – I have left my passport at the hotel
Booking a trip / holiday
Ich möchte Fahrkarten für Studenten/Erwachsenen/Kinder– I would like a /
some tickets for students / adults / children
Es ist für …….Personen– it’s for………people
Ich möchte die (Stadt)Führung – I would like the guided tour(of the town)
Ich möchte das Schloß/die Sehenswürdigkeiten besichtigen – I would like to
visit the castle / the monuments
Wie lange dauert das Besuch ? – How long will the visit last?
Wir kommen am 15 Juli an - we will arrive on the 15th July
Wir sind ……. Erwachsenen und …….Kinder– we are………adults and
Ich möchte mit dem Flugzeug/mit Eurostar/mit der Fähre fahren – we would
like to travel by plane / Eurostar / ferry
Wo ist der Flughafen? – where is the airport?
Um wieviel Uhr fährt der Flug/der Zug/die Fähre ab? – at what time does the
flight / train / ferry leave?
Sending an email
Ich möchte eine Email schicken – I would like to send an email
Ich habe nicht reserviert – I don’t have a reservation
Ich könnte um ….Uhr zurückkommen…….. – I could come back at…….
Was kostet das? – how much does it cost?
Ich habe mit Computern in der Schule gearbeitet – I have worked with
computers at school