0021 - About E
0021 - About E
STATE OF MICHIGAN BEFORE THE MICHIGAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ***** In the matter, on the Commission's own motion, ) to require The Detroit Edison Company to show ) cause why it should not be determined to be in ) violation of the Code of Conduct adopted in ) Case No. U-12134. ) Case No. U-14072 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DANIEL R. SQUIRES EXHIBIT C-_(DRS-2) Electronic bill statement obtained on June 9, 2004 from the Detroit Edison website. 3319574v1 23783/098098 PageI of I my.dteenergy.com U-14072 - Daniel R. Squires Exhibit C-_ (DRS-2), p 1 of 4 aboutus I contactus I sitemap I search & seruices homelmyaccounllpaymentoptions I products lformyhomelfotmybusiness managemy accounl My Producb& lulyBlll it Youarccurrently Signed tsI euepsls - rolatDue: DANI€LSOUIRES ' annualcomparison - reporla melerrcad 46h612004 - Deratls ls!{ra4ry1 3Nrr-- Onlln€Toob Aaslatenco Call:1.800./la2.4720 "Residential undorslanding my bill $jgLO!! | lvy ProfileI Hel Email:&]q!est Assistance El6ctric service E ergencles PendlngTr.n!actlon(!);0 > Updat€Accounl Changeyouraccount Informatlon ands€tlings. >AccountDetails history. Viowyourusag€,bjllingandpayment comp€ison >An!u€l Viewa compadson ofyourwage hi8tory. > 8,6!q( a l\,,leterBead Enieryourmel6rrcedingonlin€, Elect c Em€rg€ncyor ouft 1.800.477 .4747 NaiJ€lGasEmeE€ncy or 1.800,947.5000 EnrollOnllnel LatdlordT€nantSeruices youraccouni betwe€n Youwillnotbe ableto6igninto manage (EST)on due to w€gkly 1:00a.m.and3100 a.m. Shdays syslommaintenanc€, Weapologize fot anyinconvenience. oIEEo9lSy n€tv! i sonmudy envirollnent investorsI careers pilqcrpoliay | lqnqollr.r9q All conlenlsO 1937-2004 DTEEnergy https://my.dteeners/.cor/cso/signio,/signin.do 6/9/2004 PageI of4 MyDTE Energy U-14072 - Daniel R. Squires Exhibit C-_ (DRS-2), p 2 of 4 home I my accolnl abolt !s payrnentoptlons for my hom€ for mv blslness contact!s slte map search prodLrcts & serv ces products& services residential> HomeProtectionPlus@ A t t e n t i o nc u r r e n t" A p p l i a n c eR e p a i rP l a n "M e m b e r s We haveimportantnewsfor you. P ease rcferto our AppllanceReparfP an Web sle TheApplianceservicePlanfor HomesLikeYours lighnng rghtng Yo! haveso m€nythingsto wory aboLrtYouf app ancesshouldntbe ofe oflhem wllr the new an.l mprovedHorneProlectionPlusplan a qua fed lechncianwillhandleyourfepair- and coveredparts DANIEL SQUIRES SignOut lMv Help "r-) Enroll Now and laborare FREE Availableto a DTE Energy residentiar customersHomeProtectoi P us s owned chcon, a companywith a long and administered by X,4 providing historyof app anceseruce Weve cornbinedthe bestfeaturesofthe forrner ApplianceRepalrP an rnlolhe new HorneProtection Plus Tlre Plls n horneprotectionnow meanswe can offeryou coverageforeleclric.as wellas natua gas app ances YoLrrlife is too complicatedto worryaboLri app ance repars. Beconrea memberof Home ProteclonP us loday and let us hande lt Flexible& Affordable plansfromwhch lo choose eachoneis desgnedto meelyourpancular We havefourflexible needs. andyoufbudgeiFromyour refrgeralorto youffumace,your maiorhomeapplancescan repaifplan.Giveyourhomeandfamllyiheyeaf_round be protected underoneconvenlent wlh Home prolectron is covered andresieasierknowing thatyoufcomfort lheydeserue Pfoteciion Plus Hassle-Free Repairs Its easylYouseectlhe planthatbesisultsyourneeds.Onceyouhaveentolledsrmpy ca rouf (800.556 HomeProtectron P us hotLine 0011)whensomethnggoeswrcngwiiha covered lhe to youfhomelJyourcoveredrepairexceeds appliance andwell senda servicespecialisl JSESSIONID=... 6/9/2004 http://my.dteenergy.com,/productshesidential/homeProtectiorPlus.do;CSO Page2 of 4 MyDTE Energy U-14072 - Daniel R. Squires Exhibit C-_ (DRS-2), p 3 of 4 paftsareno longeravailable, we'llgiveyoua cash orthecovered valueotyourappliance ofprctection allowance to applylowarda newone,Nootherplangivesyoutirismeasure to thehigh Ptlrsis avaibbbfora lowmonlhlybe.'lfs a gt€alvaluecompaled Hom6Proleclion your wilhoul worrying you every month budget canbalance costof iusl oneappliancercpair,and Referto lhe chartbelowfortheplanthatfls yourneeds r€pairexpenses. aboutunexpected pleasenole:ontynaturalgasappliancocoveragei3 NorthernMlchlgancustomorE ootlonsareavailable. avallebl€. Sooclalenrollmetrt Range RefdgeratorWasher 9ryer core$9.95/honth Kltchen511,gtnonth LaundrySll.9Ymonlh t il t il f ? ultlmate$'l9.9s/month il cenkal A/C,. .n.[ fl . n . r . t r l . il [ CoreProt€ctlon- Thobaalc nocoatltl€stor day"lo.dayllvlng. your Heatandhotwalefarcessentialfor plan your covers everyday comto( This fumaceandhotwat6rheat€r(electricor gas)ioronly$9.95permonth.' LaundryProt€ctlon- Foryourhardoal. worllng appll.ncoa. Washing lotsof clothescsnreallytakoitstoll yourwashefand dryer.Thisplancove|s on yourclothes anddryer{olectticor washBr gas)aswellasyourfumace andhotwster gas) (elecl c or foronly$11.95per heater month.' Kltchen Protgctlon- Exha proleclion lor ths bElest arca In your home. you youtecooking \^/helhef or snacking, relyon yourkitchenappliances to work dayin anddayout.Thisplancov€rs yourrefrigerator andrang€/stove (electric or gas)aswellasyourtumace or gas)for andhotwaterhealer(eleciric ' permonih only$11.95 UlllmaleProtection-A complete packrge ol protecfon lncludlng centtal alr conditlonlngl ofmindjn onePbn.HPP Totalpeacs lJllimalePrctoclioncoversyourfumace,hot orgas),refrigerator, waierheaier(eleclric or gas),clotheswashor raoge/stove {elechic anddryer(electic or gas),Pr{rsyourcenttal foronly$19.95permon$.' eircondjtionjng your certainly bestvalue! OptionalAdd-ons JSESSIONID=... 6/9/2N4 http://my.dteenergy.com./poducts/residential/homeProtectionPlus.do;CSO Page3 of4 MyDTEErcrgy U-14072 - Daniel R. Squires Exhibit C-_ (DRS-2), p 4 of 4 yourPlanforonly$445 eachpetmonih.! Addmorcapplianceslo (gasor > Central air-conditioning €lectic)'" > Additional fumace"' > Microwave > Chestor uprightfrcezer - > Outdoorpost tantem(etectconty) > Additionalwater heatef > Ventedspaceheatsr(gasonty) > Additional mnge/oven > Venledfircptace tog(gasonty) for residences > Boiterprctoction ircquired (excludes > Additional relfigeralor suozero) withboilers) > Additional clolhesdryef > Additional clolhoswasher > Dishwasher propeiyandefficiently Safetyqh9!k by addingour1o-poinl Makesurcyourfumaceis opefating lo youfplanforonly$6.45lmonth' EasyEnrollment Fifteen arc requirod, foms pre-inspgctions, ceps,deductibles of co-paymsnts Nocomplicated yourappliances is processod, willbecoveredEsstof all,we sland daysafteryourenrollment soNico independent sewiceprovidersYou'llg€tdepondable b6hindourl$i6hoonpersonnelsnd youcantrusi frcma company to enrollovefthephone. ENROLL NOW Or if youpretef,call1.800,556,0011 TermsandConditions / PartsCoverage Contact Us Thisprogrami! nol €gulaledbylhe l4ichigan PublicSeNice Commission ' Monthlypaym€nl Pricessubjectlo changeai anylimeby Mchcon,a DTEEneqy compsny. E.eqy afi5liate credithistory. optionavailable basedon MichCon/OTE " a€as. Cedain Available onlyinAnnArbor Dehoit,G€nd RapidsandMlskegonmelropolilan priorro otpads.centralalr modelslnstalled 1980cannotbe covereddueto availabilty condilioni.g repairavailable I a.m.to 4 p.m EST,Mondaythrough Fdday, "' Homeswithmorethanoneturnace,boileror AJCsyslemmuslpuchasecove€gefor all ^ you needAdobe@ Tovlewandp nlthe setuicetaE, Acrobat@ Reader. glEEnsgy | rcwc I s9laDlnnU I clvifonmentI investors I caresrs p!]|alylral9yI IeID!9of use All contents O 1997-2004 DTEEnergy 6/912004 http://my.dteenergy.corr,/prcducts/residentiavhomeProtection?lus.do;CSO_JSESSIONID=-.. STATE OF MICHIGAN BEFORE THE MICHIGAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ***** In the matter, on the Commission's own motion, ) to require The Detroit Edison Company to show ) cause why it should not be determined to be in ) violation of the Code of Conduct adopted in ) Case No. U-12134. ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DANIEL R. SQUIRES EXHIBIT C-_(DRS-3) “eBill set me free!” 3319574v1 23783/098098 Case No. U-14072 U-14072 - Daniel Squires Exhibit C-_ (DRS-3), p 1 of 4 eBill set me free! I paid my bill with a few easy clicks. Look inside for your chance to win! Everyone’s a winner with eBill. It simplifies your life! With eBill, you can view and pay your DTE Energy bill over the Internet – FREE! It’s fast. It’s easy. And, it’s secure, thanks to the CheckFree guarantee. ® With just a few clicks you can: • Access account information and pay your DTE Energy bill any time, day or night, anywhere you have access to the Internet. • View up to six months of past DTE Energy bills. • Schedule payments months in advance. No more late fees! • Pay other bills, too – all from a central source. Get started today! Enroll at my.dteenergy.com/eBill. By enrolling in eBill, you gain the chance to win $1,000, $5,000 or even $10,000 instantly! $35,000 total in cash prizes will be awarded. PLUS, when you play, you’re automatically entered into a sweepstakes drawing to WIN A TRIP TO ONE OF FIVE GREAT VACATION DESTINATIONS AND $5,000 SPENDING CASH! U-14072 - Daniel Squires Exhibit C-_ (DRS-3), p 2 of 4 U-14072 - Daniel Squires Exhibit C-_ (DRS-3), p 3 of 4 How can I get Scout to fetch my prize code? 1) Go to my.dteenergy.com/eBill 2) Enroll in eBill, DTE Energy’s online bill paying program between June 15, 2004 and September 1, 2004 3) After enrolling, click on “Scout’s Reward Play Today” 4) Watch Scout fetch your prize code Disclaimer: This promotion is sponsored by CheckFree Corp., 4411 E. Jones Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30092. DTE Energy and its subsidiaries or affiliates have no control over, or the responsibility of, the prize administration or awards. This promotion is void where prohibited. All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. Please see the Official Rules for details. CHECKFREE SCOUT’S REWARD PLAY TODAY $35,000 INSTANT WIN GAME AND SWEEPSTAKES OFFICIAL RULES NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. A PURCHASE DOES NOT IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING 1. The CheckFree Scout’s Reward Play Today $35,000 promotion is an instant win game and a sweepstakes. 2. A. HERE’S HOW TO PLAY IF YOU’RE AN EXISTING CUSTOMER: Go directly to www.scoutsreward.com, click on the appropriate link and follow the onscreen instructions. As a condition of entry, you must first set-up a new “e-Bill” free of charge. Follow the onscreen instructions to play the instant win game. The Instant Win Game ends at 4:00:00 AM (CT) on 9/1/2004. You may play as many times as you wish by adding new “e-Bills” to your account, but each new “e-Bill” must be a unique listing on your account. All current customers of MyCheckFree and participating Biller Direct partners will receive one automatic entry into the sweepstakes drawing. Existing customers who close their account(s) during the promotional period will not receive additional game plays/ sweepstakes entries for reopening accounts. In addition, existing MyCheckFree customers who make payments using the CheckFree pay button for retail and/or auction purchases will be given one entry into the sweepstakes portion of the promotion for every retail and/or auction payment completed using the CheckFree pay button. B. HERE’S HOW TO PLAY IF YOU’RE A NEW CUSTOMER: You may receive an Instant Win play by registering as a new customer of MyCheckFree or by enrolling as a new customer in a participating Biller Direct’s online bill payment service (you will also be automatically enrolled as a new customer of MyCheckFree). To enroll in MyCheckFree go to the www.mycheckfree.com website. Follow the onscreen instructions to play the instant win game. The Instant Win Game ends at 4:00:00 AM (CT) on 9/1/2004. You may only play once as a “new customer” at either MyCheckFree or a participating biller site. Subsequent game plays after the initial play must be made through the “existing customer” method of game play. Alternately, to enter without opening a new account or adding an e-Bill, on a plain piece of 3 x 5 paper, hand print your complete name, address, e-mail address, date of birth and the words, “CheckFree Scout’s Reward Play Today Instant Win Game/Sweepstakes”, and mail your entry form to: CheckFree Scout’s Reward Play Today Game, P.O. Box 1885, Cranberry Twp., PA 16066. No mechanically reproduced entries will be accepted. Limit one entry per outer stamped mailing envelope. All mail-in entries must be postmarked by 9/1/2004 and received by 9/6/2004. Persons playing this method of entry will receive an e-mail from CheckFree containing a URL to be used for game play. By clicking on the URL in your e-mail, you will be taken to the game page. Follow the on-screen instructions to play the Instant Win Game. Alternative method game plays must be completed by 11:59:59 PM (CT) on 9/17/2004. (Rules continued on back) 3. TO CLAIM AN INSTANT WIN PRIZE: If you are the winner of an instant win prize, follow the on-screen instructions for claiming a prize. All claims are subject to verification. Materials submitted become the sole property of CheckFree Corporation (“Sponsor”) and will not be returned. If by reason of an error, more prizes are claimed than the number set forth in these official rules, all persons making purportedly valid claims will be included in a random drawing to award the advertised number of prizes available in the prize category in question. No more than the advertised number of prizes will be awarded. 4. SWEEPSTAKES: Valid instant win game entrants will automatically be entered into the sweepstakes. One winner will be randomly drawn on or about 9/24/2004 by an independent judging organization, whose decisions are final, from among all valid entries received in the sweepstakes. Winner will be notified by phone, mail and/or e-mail at Sponsor’s discretion. All sweepstakes entries will be included in a random drawing with all eligible sweepstakes entries in the CheckFree Scout’s Reward Loyalty Daily Instant Win Game (www.scoutsreward.com/loyaltyrules). Odds of winning depend upon all eligible entries received in both the CheckFree Scout’s Reward Play Today Instant Win Game and the CheckFree Scout’s Reward Loyalty Daily Instant Win Game. 5. CONSUMER DISCLOSURE: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. YOU ARE NOT YET A WINNER. INSTANT WIN PRIZES/ APPROXIMATE RETAIL VALUE (ARV)/APPROXIMATE ODDS OF WINNING (UNCLAIMED/UNREDEEMED INSTANT WIN PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED IN THE SWEEPSTAKES – SEE RULE #4): INSTANT WIN PRIZES: Two (2) Grand Prizes: $10,000.00/Odds 1:1,250,000. One (1) First Prize: $5,000.00/Odds 1:2,500,000. Ten (10) Second Prizes: $1,000.00 ea./Odds 1:250,000. Odds listed are approximate, actual odds of winning are based on the total number of entries received. SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES: One (1) Sweepstakes Grand Prize: A vacation for winner and guest to winner’s choice of one of the following destinations: Hawaii; San Francisco/Napa Valley, CA; New York, NY; Vail, CO or the Caribbean. Prize includes round-trip coach air transportation for two (2) from major airport nearest winner’s home, hotel accommodations (double occupancy), and $5,000 spending money ($10,500). Total ARV of all prizes $45,500. Odds of winning the sweepstakes depend upon the total number of eligible sweepstakes entries received. 6. ELIGIBILITY: Open to legal U.S. residents who are 18 years of age or older as of 6/15/2004, except employees of CheckFree Corporation, its affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies and their immediate family members and/or those living in the same household of each. This game is sponsored by CheckFree Corporation, 4411 East Jones Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30092. Void where prohibited. All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. 7. GENERAL: Properly claimed prizes will be awarded. Potential winners must execute and return a notarized Affidavit of Eligibility/Liability Release and, where permitted by law, Publicity Release within (10) days after first notification attempt. Non-compliance will result in forfeiture of prize and an alternate winner may be selected. If prize notification or prize delivery is returned as non-deliverable, prize may be forfeited and an alternate winner may be selected. Sweepstakes prize winner’s travel companion (if under 18 years of age, their parent/legal guardian) must sign and return a Liability/Publicity Release prior to travel. All travel must be completed within one year of awarding of prize. Certain travel restrictions or blackout dates may apply. No correspondence will be acknowledged. No cash equivalents, substitutions or transfer of prizes permitted except that Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value in the event that an offered prize is unavailable. Subject to all federal, state and local laws/regulations. Winners are solely responsible for all taxes. Neither Sponsor, its subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising, promotion agencies nor their employees will have any liability whatsoever for any injuries, losses or damages of any kind caused by any prize or resulting from acceptance, possession or use of any prize. Acceptance of a prize shall be construed as and signify the winner’s agreement and consent that Sponsor may use the winner’s name, address, likeness and/or prize information, without limitation, for promotional purposes without further consideration or payment, where allowed by law. By accepting prize, winners agree to hold harmless Sponsor, its parent, related, affiliated, and subsidiary companies and their respective directors, officers, employees and assigns against any and all claims and liability arising out of use of prize. By participating in this promotion, entrants agree to be bound by the Official Rules and the decisions of the judges. Sponsor not responsible for any typographical or other error in the printing of the offer or in administration of the game/sweepstakes. 8. INTERNET: Sponsor is not responsible for lost, late, mutilated or illegible entries nor for electronic transmission errors resulting in omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operations or transmission, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or alterations of entry materials, or for technical, network, telephone equipment, electronic, computer, hardware or software malfunctions or limitations of any kind, or inaccurate transmissions of or failure to receive entry information by Sponsor or presenter on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website or any combination thereof. If for any reason the Internet portion of the program is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of the Sponsor which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this sweepstakes, the Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process, and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the instant win game/sweepstakes. Caution: Any attempt by a contestant to deliberately damage any website or undermine the legitimate operation of the game is a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, sponsor reserves the right to seek damages from any such contestant to the fullest extent of the law. 9. To be removed from future sweepstakes mailings, please send a postcard with your name and address to CheckFree Corporation Name Removal, 4411 East Jones Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30092. 10. WINNERS’ LIST: For names of winners available after 10/15/2004, send a self addressed stamped envelope to: CheckFree Scout’s Reward Play Today – Winners’ List, P.O. Box 1885, Cranberry Twp., PA 16066 to be received by 12/15/2004. 11. SPONSOR: This promotion is sponsored by CheckFree Corporation, 4411 East Jones Bridge Road, Norcross, GA 30092. U-14072 - Daniel Squires Exhibit C-_ (DRS-3), p 4 of 4 04-0178/6-04/GRP/2.5MM STATE OF MICHIGAN BEFORE THE MICHIGAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ***** In the matter, on the Commission's own motion, ) to require The Detroit Edison Company to show ) cause why it should not be determined to be in ) violation of the Code of Conduct adopted in ) Case No. U-12134. ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DANIEL R. SQUIRES EXHIBIT C-_(DRS-4) Sample Bill Envelope 3319574v1 23783/098098 Case No. U-14072 youraccount manage online@ my.dteenergy.com U-14072 Daniel Squires Exhibit C-_ (DRS-4), page 1 of 2 U-14072 - Daniel Squires Exhibit C-_ (DRS-3), p 1 of 4 U-14072 - Daniel Squires Exhibit C-_ (DRS-3), p 4 of 4 DTDnne$, Compsny 20002ndAr€,,Dehoii,Ml 48226 # o t""o' U-14072 Daniel Squires Exhibit C-_ (DRS-4), page 2 of 2 STATE OF MICHIGAN BEFORE THE MICHIGAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ***** In the Matter, on the Commission's own motion, ) to require The Detroit Edison Company to show ) cause why it should not be determined to be in ) violation of the Code of Conduct adopted in ) Case No. U-12134. ) STATE OF MICHIGAN INGHAM COUNTY Case No. U-14072 ) ) ss ) PROOF OF SERVICE Kinneitha M. Thomas, being duly sworn, deposes and says that she is an employee of Clark Hill PLC, and that on July 26, 2004, a copy of the Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Daniel R. Squires, in the above-captioned proceedings, was served via Electronic and United States Postal Service First Class Mail upon those parties listed on the attached service list. Kinneitha M. Thomas Subscribed and sworn to before me the 26th day of July, 2004. ______________________________________ Haran C. Rashes, Notary Public Washtenaw County, Michigan. Acting in Ingham County, Michigan. My Commission Expires: September 18, 2007. 3311436v1 13540/081722 SERVICE LIST MPSC Case No. U-14072 Hon. Mark Cummins Administrative Law Judge Michigan Public Service Commission 6545 Mercantile Way, Suite 7 PO Box 30221 Lansing, MI 48909 E-Mail: mecummi@michigan.gov Mr. Richard P. Middleton Mr. Jon P. Christinidis The Detroit Edison Company 2000 Second Ave., # 688WCB Detroit, MI 48226-1203 E-Mail: middletonr@dteenergy.com christinidisj@dteenergy.com Mr. Michael Orris Mr. Emmanuel B. Odunlami Assistant Attorneys General Public Service Division 6545 Mercantile Way, Suite 15 Lansing, MI 48911 E-Mail: orrism@michigan.gov odunlamie@michigan.gov Mr. Daniel R. Squires 890 Indiana Avenue Marysville, MI 48040 E-Mail: drs@vhpinc.com Mr. Roderick S. Coy Mr. Haran C. Rashes Clark Hill PLC 2455 Woodlake Circle Okemos, MI 48864 E-Mail: rcoy@clarkhill.com hrashes@clarkhill.com 2 3311436v1 13540/081722