©GM Pilgrimage 20141026 to MARIAZELL Magna Mater Austriae on the occasion of publication of Common Christian Roots-volume and prayer for the Church of the Holy Land ©GM 20141025 Ceremonial Act at Halbturn Palace on the occasion of the publication of Common Christian Roots-volume On 22nd of December, 2014 the eBook-publication (2 versions) has been effected by the publishing-house in Austria: Cfr. Link in internet of publishing-house Leopold Stocker Verlag, Graz: For the order of the beautiful special colour-printed edition (A4-format, 760 pages), please you may write to the editor:, who can arrange this individually with the printing-house for you upon request and according to your demand. Payment of 1 volume: Euro 100,-- (the price the printinghouse is charging) shall be effected via bank-transfer. Link in internet of homepage of Amazon-direct order the eBook-version with insight of eBook (Content of Index: klick on „Blick ins Buch“): 8-1&keywords=Mihlig%2C The Publisher, Mr. Wolfgang Dvorak-Stocker, is very honored to welcome you as an author of his Publishing Company. He wants to support the distribution of our book, which he considers to be an important work for the Christian Communities in the Middle-East. Therefore he asks you to send him, if available, names and addresses (E-Mail-Address preferred) of magazines and journalists who could write about our E-Book and any kind of groups, organizations or persons, who could be interested in acquiring it. If you have any further questions, you are welcome to contact him personally: PRESS-TEXT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE: „COMMON CHRISTIAN ROOTS OF THE CHURCH OF CYPRUS UNDER CONSIDERATION OF THE CHURCH OF JERUSALEM, THE MOTHER OF THE CHURCHES“ This book-project is dedicated to Virgin Mary, Regina Apostolorum, and effected in honour of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. We express our gratitude for his pilgrimage to Holy Land in May 2009, his Apostolic Journey to Cyprus in June 2010 and his Apostolic Journey to Lebanon in September 2012 and for the transaction of the Synods in October 2008, October 2010 and October 2012, as well as for his special care and love for the Church in Holy Land. The volume draws the attention to the cultural and spiritual heritage and to the ecclesial bridge-function of the Church of Cyprus, under consideration of the Church of Jerusalem - the Mother of the Universal Church - between “East and West”. It shows, in overview, the ecclesial line in the Pontificate of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI visible primarily in the Synods of the “Word of God”, the “Special Assembly for the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops” and the “New-Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith” with main issue the Church in Holy Land, ex oriente Lux, and contributes for a follow-up of the Special Assembly for the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops. Finally, it may also be a frugal contribution to the Synod of New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith hold in October 2012 in Vatican City. The encounter between His Holiness Pope Francis and the Ecumenical Patriarch His All-Holiness Bartholomew I of Constantinople for common prayer in May 2014 in Jerusalem - an eminent event in the history of the Church and eminent for the interchurch dialog - is documented because of actualisation. (cfr. Exposè 20120222). Editor: Gabriela Mihlig osb obl, 760 pages, published by Leopold Stocker Verlag, Graz/Austria, ISBN 978-3-70201503-9. PRESSETEXT IN DEUTSCHER SPRACHE: „COMMON CHRISTIAN ROOTS OF THE CHURCH OF CYPRUS UNDER CONSIDERATION OF THE CHURCH OF JERUSALEM, THE MOTHER OF THE CHURCHES“ Das Buchprojekt ist der Jungfrau Maria, Regina Apostolorum, anvertraut und zu Ehren Papst Benedikts XVI durchgeführt. Wir möchten unsere Dankbarkeit an Papst Benedikt XVI zum Ausdruck bringen, besonders für seine Pilgerreise in das Heilige Land im Mai 2009, seine Apostolische Reise nach Zypern im Juni 2010 und seine Apostolische Reise in den Libanon im September 2012 und für die Durchführung der Synoden im Oktober 2008, Oktober 2010 und Oktober 2012 als auch für seine liebevolle Zuwendung und besondere Hirtensorge für die Kirche im Heiligen Land. Das Buch möge die Aufmerksamkeit auf den kulturellen und geistlichen Schatz sowie auf die kirchliche Brückenfunktion der Kirche Zyperns - unter Berücksichtigung der Kirche von Jerusalem, die Mutter der Universalkirche - zwischen „Ost und West“ lenken. Diese Dankesgabe zeigt im Überblick die Linie der Kirche im Pontifikat von Seiner Heiligkeit Papst Benedikt XVI sowie die theologische Linie der Synode vom Wort Gottes (Oktober 2008 im Vatikan) und der Sonderversammlung der Bischofssynode für den Nahen Osten (Oktober 2010 im Vatikan) und der Synode für die neue Evangelisierung (Oktober 2012 im Vatikan) auf, mit Hauptschwerpunkt Kirche im Heiligen Land, ex oriente Lux. Das Gebetstreffen zwischen dem Ökumenischen Patriarch Bartholomäus I von Konstantinopel und Seiner Heiligkeit Papst Franziskus in Jerusalem im Mai 2014 - ein kirchengeschichtlich eminentes Ereignis und signifikant für die ökumenischen Beziehungen - ist als aktueller Beitrag in diesem Buch dokumentiert. (cfr. Exposè 20120428 deutsche Kurzversion; cfr. Exposè 20120222 englische Originalversion). Herausgeber: Gabriela Mihlig osb obl, 760 Seiten, publiziert im Leopold Stocker Verlag, Graz/Österreich, ISBN 9783-7020-1503-9. Editor Gabriela Mihlig, Benedictine Oblate of Abbaye Sainte-Madeleine du Barroux, Le Barroux, Mag. art., Mag. theol., cand. Dr. theol., first editor of the thanksgiving volume „Mit Maria – auf Christus schauen!“ published by Leopold Stocker Verlag, Graz/Austria, accompanied His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI during 4 years as theologian on his Apostolic Journeys to the Middle East, served with reporting in the Special Assembly for the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops in October 2010 in Vatican City, participated three times in the „Schülerkreis“-Meetings in Castel Gandolfo on invitation of the „Joseph Ratzinger Papst Benedikt XVI.-Stiftung“, editor of „Common Christian Roots of the Church of Cyprus under consideration of the Church of Jerusalem, the Mother of the Churches“.