
Die Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft
lädt Sie herzlich ein zu einem Vortrag in englischer Sprache von
Michael Hall
Dear Deutschland
Tuesday, 11th February 2014, at 7 pm
Goethemuseum, Schloß Jägerhof, Jacobistr.2
Michael Hall will read from his new book “Dear Deutschland“, a selection of 50
pieces which he wrote while he was British Consul in Frankfurt from 1991 to 1996
The pieces are made up of portraits of engaging characters, comic incidents of
consular and daily life, snapshots of Frankfurt at that time, just after Germany’s
reunification and during the strong rise of the city as a financial centre, glimpses
backstage at the British Consulate-General, and peeps into the personal life of Herr
“Dear Deutschland”, as its title suggests, takes an affectionate view of Germany, its
people and culture. The book’s prevailing tone is happy and humorous. At the
same time it does not gloss over the darker side of German history.
Michael Hall was born in Cape Town, South Africa, and spent his early life in
Swaziland and Kenya. He served in the British Foreign Office in London from
1973 to 1984 and then in the Diplomatic Service from 1984 to 2002. He has
travelled extensively and had diplomatic postings in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, the
Netherlands, Germany and in the UK Delegation to the Council of Europe in
Strasbourg where he has continued to live with his Hamburg-born wife Birgit since
his retirement in 2002.
His first book was “Eating for Britain”, published in 2008, a collection of 36 pieces
which take an ironic but affectionate view of diplomacy in general and the British
diplomatic service in particular.
Im Anschluß an den Vortrag laden wir herzlich zu einem Umtrunk ein.
Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft
Schirmherrin Susan Speller, Britische Generalkonsulin
Geschäftsführung: Dr. Christel Jenkner, Birkenweg 4, 40627 Düsseldorf,
Fon: 0211 / 201 560, Fax: 0211 / 201 522,;
Vorstand: Peter Brock (1. Vorsitzender), Dr. Christel Jenkner (2. Vorsitzende),
Friedrich W. Frickenhaus (Schatzmeister), Prof. Dr. Albert-Reiner Glaap,
Peter Schweinhage, Prof. Dr. Therese Seidel