17_Zahn_HVB - IHK Nürnberg für Mittelfranken
17_Zahn_HVB - IHK Nürnberg für Mittelfranken
Zahlungsabwicklung in Asien und die zukünftige Rolle des Yuan in der Weltwirtschaft Franz Zahn Leiter Global Transaction Banking Germany UniCredit Bank AG, München ASIEN-PAZIFIK-FORUM BAYERN, NÜRNBERG, 10. Juli 2013 Agenda UniCredit in Asien Eine Einschätzung - "Die zukünftige Rolle des Yuan in der Weltwirtschaft" Zahlungsabwicklung in Asien Der Zahlungsverkehr am Beispiel China Währungssicherung (FX) Aktuelle Pressemeldungen aus China Absicherung von Zahlungsansprüchen aus einem Akkreditiv Ihre Fragen 2 UniCredit in Asien Seoul Beijing UniCredit S.p.A Beijing Rep. Office seit 1982 Mumbai Tokyo Shanghai Guangzhou Hong Kong Hanoi Singapore Jakarta Bohai Bay Region Yangzi River Delta Branch Rep Office Pearl River Delta UniCredit S.p.A Guangzhou Branch seit 2012 3 3 UniCredit Bank AG Hong Kong Branch seit 1979 UniCredit S.p.A Shanghai Branch seit 1996 Die Gebiete des Yangtze Delta, Pearl River Delta und Bohai Rim sind in China am besten erschlossen. In diesem Bereich ist die Konzentration deutscher, österreichischer und italienischer Unternehmen sehr hoch. Zusatz: Die UniCredit Niederlassungen in China (ohne Hong Kong) und Indien gehören zur UniCredit S.p.A; alle anderen Niederlassungen und Repräsentanzen in Asien gehören zur UniCredit Bank AG. Agenda Eine Einschätzung - "Die zukünftige Rolle des Yuan in der Weltwirtschaft" 4 Eine Einschätzung "Die zukünftige Rolle des Yuan in der Weltwirtschaft" Hintergrund Steigende Wirtschaftskraft und zunehmender Einfluß auf das Weltgeschehen Notwendigkeit den Zahlungsverkehr in Renminbi grenzüberschreitend zu gestatten Aktuelle Entwicklungen Seit 2011 Möglichkeit für ausländische Investoren direkt in Renminbi zu investieren Seit 2012 können chinesische Importeure und Exporteure ohne Einschränkungen ihre Geschäfte in Renminbi abwickeln Aktueller Stand der Internationalisierung Volumen Offshore Renminbi Markt noch relativ gering Mittelfristig hohes Wachstumspotential Die Bedeutung Hong Kongs Offshore Renminbi Center in China Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) überwacht den Zahlungsverkehr 5 Agenda Zahlungsabwicklung in Asien Der Zahlungsverkehr am Beispiel China 6 Zahlungsabwicklung in Asien Der Zahlungsverkehr am Beispiel China (1) China 2 Tochterunternehmen Konto in China Deutsches Unternehmen Chinesischer Kunde/Lieferant 1 Konto deutsches Unternehmen 3 1. Direkte Lieferbeziehung Bezahlung in USD/EUR oder RMB möglich (z.B. RMB Konto HVB in Deutschland) 2. Über chinesische Tochtergesellschaft Bezahlung wie unter 1. möglich (bei Konto in China) 3. Direktes Konto d. Muttergesellschaft in China (Mainland) Hier sind Besonderheiten zu beachten 7 Zahlungsabwicklung in Asien Der Zahlungsverkehr am Beispiel China (2) Konten in China Fremdwährungskonten Für RMB-Konten gibt es regulatorische Vorgaben eBanking Einbindung -> technische Sicherheit Integration in bestehende eBanking Lösung in Deutschland (MT940, MT101) Eigenes Portal (UC eBanking Asia) für Konten in China mit umfangreichen Funktionen Welche Zahlungen sind möglich? 8 Zahlungen nach China (Mainland) Zahlungen aus China (Mainland) Warenlieferungen Warenlieferungen und Dienstleistungen Dienstleistungen Gewinnabführung/ Dividendenzahlungen Investitionen Gesellschafterdarlehen Investitionen chinesischer Unternehmen im Ausland (MofCom) Spenden Gesellschafterdarlehen (Einzelfallprüfung) Agenda Zahlungsabwicklung in Asien Währungssicherung (FX) 9 Zahlungsabwicklung in Asien Währungssicherung (FX) Devisenhandel Was ist möglich? Kassageschäfte Swapgeschäfte Was geht "noch" nicht? Optionen Termingeschäfte (bis zu 2 Jahren) Offshore Renminbi Beträge, die nicht die Grenzen nach China überschreiten, können frei und unbegrenzt zwischen Partnern weltweit transferiert werden 10 Zahlungsabwicklung in Asien Währungssicherung (FX) – RMB Trade Settlement Mit der Einführung des RMB Trade Settlements müssen europäische Im- und Exporteure Währungsrisiken nicht länger mit Drittwährungen (v.a. USD, HKD) oder nicht lieferbaren Produkten (NDF, NDO) sichern. Damit entfällt das Risiko einer Kursdifferenz zwischen tatsächlichem Umtausch und NDF/NDO-Fixing ebenso wie Nachteile bzgl. der USD/CNY-Entwicklung Chinesisches Unternehmen Settlement Bank China Zahlungen EU Import Zahlungen EU Export Warenfluss von bzw. nach China Grenze zu Mainland China Hinweis: Europäisches Unternehmen Clearing Bank Hong Kong UniCredit Bank AG UniCredit Hong Kong Stand: April 2013 11 Das Devisenhandelsgeschäft am Offshore Markt in Hong Kong erfolgt auf Basis der Notierung USD/CNH bzw. EUR/CNH. Gebucht werden immer CNY. In der Regel wird die Zahlung über Hong Kong geleitet. Agenda Aktuelle Pressemeldungen aus China 12 Aktuelle Pressemeldungen aus China Nürnberger Nachrichten 22./23.06.2013 / Andreas Landwehr UniCredit Weekly Focus / UniCredit Research / Sorgen in China / 21.06.2013 Süddeutsche Zeitung / 25.06.2013 13 Agenda Absicherung von Zahlungsansprüchen aus einem Akkreditiv 14 Zahlungsabwicklung in Asien Absicherung von Zahlungsansprüchen aus einem Akkreditiv (1) Export Exporte von Konsumgütern, Ersatzteilen und kurzlebigen Investitionsgütern Abwicklung erfolgt überwiegend auf Basis von Sicht und Nach-Sicht Akkreditiven Die gängigen Laufzeiten liegen unter einem Jahr Daneben kommen auch Inkassi sowie reine Zahlungen vor Exporte von Investitionsgütern und Anlagen Abwicklung erfolgt meist über Akkreditiv Gedeckte Finanzierungen werden nur selten nachgefragt Import Fast ausschließlich über Akkreditiv (Finanzierungsfunktion) In der Regel Sichtzahlung in EUR oder USD, auch in Renminbi möglich 15 Zahlungsabwicklung in Asien Absicherung von Zahlungsansprüchen aus einem Akkreditiv (2) Akkreditiv Absicherung In China eröffnete Akkreditive sind grundsätzlich in China zahlbar gestellt Auftrag zur Akkreditivbestätigung wird in der Regel nicht erteilt Einheitliches Regelwerk der ICC (derzeit URDG 600) über eine Ankaufszusage / stille Bestätigung kann das wirtschaftliche & politische Risiko abgesichert werden Die Top Banken in China Agricultural Bank of China Bank of China China Construction Bank Industrial & Commercial Bank of China 16 Zahlungsabwicklung in Asien Ein Blick in die Zukunft (3) Bank Payment Obligation - BPO Dem Akkreditiv sehr ähnlich, jedoch keine Vorlage physischer Dokumente Unwiderrufliche Verpflichtung der Bank des Schuldners zur Zahlung fälliger Beträge an die Bank des Begünstigten Voraussetzung: erfolgreiche Abgleichung von elektronisch übermittelten Daten gemäß anerkannten Richtlinien ICC Publikation No. 750E, in Kraft getreten zum 1. Juli 2013 17 Agenda Ihre Fragen 18 Ihre Fragen 19 Ihre Ansprechpartner UniCredit Bank AG Unternehmer Bank UniCredit S.p.A. Shanghai Branch Franz Zahn Leiter Global Transaction Banking Germany Jürgen Lutz Leiter Cash Management APR Am Tucherpark 1 80538 München Tel. +49 89 378-34100 Mobil +49 173 3682095 franz.zahn@unicreditgroup.de Unit 2401, Jin Mao Tower, 88 Century Boulevard Pudong, 200121 Shanghai, P.R.China Tel. +86 21 5047 0077-192 Mobil +86 18721760959 jurgen.lutz@unicreditgroup.cn Impressum UniCredit Bank AG Unternehmer Bank GTG – Global Transaction Banking Germany GTG 2 Lorenzer Platz 21 90402 Nürnberg 20 Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit! 21 Anhang Im Anhang haben wir für Sie noch weitere, ausführlichere Informationen zusammengestellt! 22 We provide competitive service to fully support and facilitate business of home market corporate clients in Asia Our Strength Long Track Over 30-year of experience in Asia Record of Professional and experienced banking experts from both Europe and Asia Local Experience Strong Link Between Asia and Europe Flexible and Effective Services 23 Description Asia Desks in Munich, Vienna and Milan German and Italian Desks in Hong Kong and Shanghai Due to strong customer relations within our home markets, we provide financing with less bureaucracy and competitive pricing We offer highly flexible and tailormade solutions to our customers Our Commitment Facilitate our clients’ business development throughout Asia Bridge our clients with their parent company and business partners Offer competitive, firstclass and customised financial solutions Hong Kong Branch provides a wide range of CIB services in all major currencies with focus on Global Transaction Banking Business type 1 2 3 4 5 24 Remittance & Deposit Products Offshore RMB-Trade Settlement International Remittances Deposits eBanking & SWIFT Corporate Lending All standard types of Corporate Lending Short-term RMB funding at very competitive rates Trade Finance Investment Banking Foreign Exchange & Hedging Trade Purchase Bank Guarantee Letter of Credit ECA-Covered Export Finance Exporter Pre-Financing Purchase of Receivables Commodity Finance Wide range of Investment Banking Products such as Project Finance and Mergers & Acquisitions FX Spot of RMB and other major currencies Non-Deliverable Products – NDF, NDIRS, NDS Deliverable Products – IRS, CCS, FX Swap, Forward & Option Via Shanghai Branch and Guangzhou Branch* we offer a full range of corporate banking products in both RMB and FCY Commercial Lending Cash Management Account Services Working Capital Loan Trade Service and Financing Payments & Collections RMB RMB Bank guarantee Term Loan Basic A/C High Value Payment Letter of Credit Umbrella Facility General A/C Bulk Electronic Payment Export financing RMB/USD FCY FCY Capital A/C Settlement A/C Global and Domestic Payment Import Financing RMB Cross-border Settlement Deposits Advices Statement and Reports E-Banking / UC eBanking ASIA 25 Transaction Services Payments A/C management Alerts On-line Statement/Report ERP Interface Note: According to local regulations Guangzhou Branch as a newly established branch is only allowed to provide FCY products now. FX Markets FX Spot Transactions Between RMB and FCY Between any Convertible FCY FX Derivatives (Under the preparation of applying license) Cash Management & E-Banking Account Services In China there is a regulatory framework in place that determines the number and type of accounts that can be opened, with accounts generally being allocated to specific purposes. All kinds of settlement accounts are interest-bearing, which is paid quarterly. Account Types RMB Basic Account RMB General Account Recommendation 26 Inflows RMB collections etc As above Outflows Comments All kinds of RMB payments Only one basis account allowed for one legal entity Including cash withdrawal and payroll RMB payments; payroll (except Shanghai) and cash drawing not allowed PBoC’s account opening approval' required No limitation on number of accounts opened Multiple acounts with one bank allowed Cross-city account opening permitted Keep Basic Account with nearby bank for petty cash and payroll Keep General Account with UniCredit for daily payments and collections FCY Capital Account Capital injections and capital increases Payments for current items and approved capital-items FCY Settlement Account Daily trade and non Daily trade and non-trade related trade related payments payments Recommendation Keep Capital Account and Settlement Account with UniCredit Not subject to SAFE’s approval any more Limitation on number and location was cancelled Disclaimer This publication is presented to you by: Corporate & Investment Banking UniCredit Bank AG Arabellastr. 12 D-81925 Munich The information in this publication is based on carefully selected sources believed to be reliable. However we do not make any representation as to its accuracy or completeness. Any opinions herein reflect our judgement at the date hereof and are subject to change without notice. Any investments presented in this report may be unsuitable for the investor dependi ng on his or her specific investment objectives and financial position. Any reports provided herein are provided for general information purposes only and cannot substitute the obtaining of independent financial advice. Private investors should obtain the advice of their banker/broker about any investments concerned prior to making them. Nothing in this publication is intended to create contractual obligations. Corporate & Investment Banking of UniCredit consists of UniCredit Bank AG, Munich, UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Vienna, UniCredit S.p.A., Rome and other members of the UniCredit. UniCredit Bank AG is regulated by the German Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), UniCredit Bank Austria AG is regulated by the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) and UniCredit S.p.A. is regulated by both the Banca d'Italia and the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB). Note to UK Residents: In the United Kingdom, this publication is being communicated on a confidential basis only to clients of Corporate & Investment Banking of UniCredit (acting through UniCredit Bank AG, London Branch) who (i) have professional experience in matters relating to investments being investment professionals as defined in Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (“FPO”); and/or (ii) are falling within Article 49(2) (a) – (d) (“high net worth companies, unincorporated associations etc.”) of the FPO (or, to the extent that this publication relates to an unregulated collective scheme, to professional investors as defined in Article 14(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Promotion of Collective Investment Schemes) (Exemptions) Order 2001 and/or (iii) to whom it may be lawful to communicate it, other than private investors (all such persons being referred to as “Relevant Persons”). This publication is only directed at Relevant Persons and any investment or investment activity to which this publication relates is only available to Relevant Persons or will be engaged in only with Relevant Persons. Solicitations resulting from this publication will only be responded to if the person concerned is a Relevant Person. Other persons should not rely or act upon this publication or any of its contents. The information provided herein (including any report set out herein) does not constitute a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell any securities. The information in this publication is based on carefully selected sources believed to be reliable but we do not make any representation as to its accuracy or completeness. Any opinions herein reflect our judgement at the date hereof and are subject to change without notice. We and/or any other entity of Corporate & Investment Banking of UniCredit may from time to time with respect to securities mentioned in this publication (i) take a long or short position and buy or sell such securities; (ii) act as investment bankers and/or commercial bankers for issuers of such securities; (iii) be represented on the board of any issuers of such securities; (iv) engage in “market making” of such securities; (v) have a consulting relationship with any issuer. Any investments discussed or recommended in any report provided herein may be unsuitable for investors depending on their specifi c investment objectives and financial position. Any information provided herein is provided for general information purposes only and cannot substitute the obtaining of independent financial advice. UniCredit Bank AG, London Branch is regulated by the Financial Services Authority for the conduct of business in the UK as well as by BaFin, Germany. Notwithstanding the above, if this publication relates to securities subject to the Prospectus Directive (2005) it is sent to you on the basis that you are a Qualified Investor for the purposes of the directive or any relevant implementing legislation of a European Economic Area (“EEA”) Member State which has implemented the Prospectus Directive and it must not be given to any person who is not a Qualified Investor. By being in receipt of this publication you undertake that you will only offer or sell the securities described in this publication in circumstances which do not require the production of a prospectus under Article 3 of the Prospectus Directive or any relevant implementing legislation of an EEA Member State which has implemented the Prospectus Directive. Note to US Residents: The information provided herein or contained in any report provided herein is intended solely for institutional clients of Corporate & Investment Banking of UniCredit acting through UniCredit Bank AG, New York Branch and UniCredit Capital Markets LLC (together “UniCredit”) in the United States, and may not be used or relied upon by any other person for any purpose. It does not constitute a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell any securities under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or under any other US federal or state securities laws, rules or regulations. Investments in securities discussed herein may be unsuitable for investors, depending on their specific investment objectives, risk tolerance and financial position. In jurisdictions where UniCredit is not registered or licensed to trade in securities, commodities or other financial products, any transaction may be effected only in accordance with applicable laws and legislation, which may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and may require that a transaction be made in accordance with applicable exemptions from registration or licensing requirements. All information contained herein is based on carefully selected sources believed to be reliable, but UniCredit makes no representations as to its accuracy or completeness. Any opinions contained herein reflect UniCredit’s judgement as of the original date of publication, without regard to the date on which you may receive such information, and are subject to change without notice. UniCredit may have issued other reports that are inconsistent with, and reach different conclusions from, the information presented in any report provided herein. Those reports reflect the different assumptions, views and analytical methods of the analysts who prepared them. Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of further performance, and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made regarding future performance. We and/or any other entity of Corporate & Investment Banking of UniCredit may from time to time, with respect to any securities discussed herein: (i) take a long or short position and buy or sell such securities; (ii) act as investment and/or commercial bankers for issuers of such securities; (iii) be represented on the board of such issuers; (iv) engage in “market-making” of such securities; and (v) act as a paid consultant or adviser to any issuer. The information contained in any report provided herein may include forward-looking statements within the meaning of US federal securities laws that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Factors that could cause a company’s actual results and financial condition to differ from its expectations include, without limitation: Political uncertainty, changes in economic conditions that adversely affect the level of demand for the company’s products or services, changes in foreign exchange markets, changes in international and domestic financial markets, competitive environments and other factors relating to the foregoing. All forward-looking statements contained in this report are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. Corporate & Investment Banking UniCredit Bank AG, Munich as of 10.July 2013 27