steel - Fronius


steel - Fronius
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A material of superlatives
CONTACT-HAPPY: Contec revolutionises wire guidance
CHALLENGING: The art of mastering headlong growth
DIXIELAND STYLE & BUSINESS: The Southern States of the USA
N° 24 - APRIL 2010
Management Team, from l. to r.:
even closer to customers in the
the legal abolition of racial segregation in
Southeastern US. Back to the Choo
that one encounters at every turn.
the Southern States of the US. Atlanta is
Choo: where 70 trains used to stop every
also where his last resting place may be
day, today there stands a unique hotel
complex. If you’re looking for an exciting
Atlanta has yet more to offer, be it as the
this is it! And after you’ve checked in,
1996 Summer Olympics but has also
home of the film classic “Gone with the
you should definitely take a stroll across
developed into the principal media
Wind”, or as a city of contrasts in which
the Walnut Street Bridge, which boasts
centre of the American South. Hundreds
historic buildings are reflected in
an impressive steel truss construction
of corporations are headquartered here,
modern-day skyscraper facades. Don’t
and is one of the longest pedestrian
miss the swanky Buckhead district, also
bridges in the world.
Cover story
among them CNN, Delta, UPS and of
How steel shapes our lives
course Coca-Cola. This fizzy brown
known as the “Beverly Hills of the
Totally R & D
beverage, which has achieved worldwide
South”. International luxury brands are
ubiquity like no other product before or
just as much in evidence here as
2 half-shells supersede forced wire contact on Contec
since, has its own downtown museum
exclusive restaurants. A tip for train
TransSteel now also for robot applications and shipbuilding
Virtual Welding: welding on the computer
devoted to it. The gleaming, modernistic
lovers: the Southeastern Railway
Brief and to the point
glass and stainless-steel “World of
Museum in nearby Duluth has more than
News from Fronius
Coca-Cola” is just across the road from
80 old trains and locomotives on display.
the “Centennial Olympia Park”. Visitors
New spray arc for high-performance welding
with the stomach for some serious
Case studies
tasting can even choose between 60
Fronius quality with Steel Transfer Technology
different international varieties of
Another very special ‘train classic’ takes
The company
us on a nearly 200 km (125 mile) outing to
Fronius just keeps on growing
Travel tip
The city’s most illustrious son is the
best-known number “Chattanooga Choo
Jazz, blues and welding in Atlanta
civil-rights activist and Nobel Peace
Choo” brought the city instant fame back
Prize Laureate Martin Luther King Jr.
in 1941. It immortalises a steam-train
Chattanooga Choo Choo
Chattanooga, Tennessee. Glenn Miller’s
Fronius 2010
AWS Welding Show,
Atlanta, 2nd – 4th
November 2010
The AWS Welding Show takes
place in Atlanta this year. Fronius
USA LCC will be showcasing its
product innovations at this keynote
American expo. Come and see us
at Booth 35043!
Travel tip
place to stay that is steeped in history,
Atlanta was not only the venue of the
Atlanta: vibrant HQ-ville
black population, which culminated in
typical of the laid-back southern feeling
4600 Wels
his first records in Memphis. And this is
Postcode & locality
Service Team location there, so as to be
Street address
the campaign for equal rights for the
Divisional Marketing -
Fronius will be opening a Sales and
(originally from Mississippi, by the way), cut
Buxbaumstrasse 2
dream” speech, he was instrumental in
Welding Technology
a major railroad hub since 1880. In 2010
region. And The King himself, Elvis Presley
“weld+vision” is the customer magazine of Fronius
International GmbH, Welding Technology Division
Design: reklamebüro GmbH
Responsible for contents: Fronius International GmbH,
Buxbaumstrasse 2, A 4600 Wels, Austria,,
Registered trademarks and tradenames have not
generally been identified as such. The absence of
any such identification does not mean that the name in
question is an unregistered name for the purposes of
product and trademark law.
journey from New York to Chattanooga,
encapsulated in his powerful “I have a
Publisher’s imprint:
With his vision, unforgettably
Rock all take their names directly from this
Topping out at over 800 m (2625 ft), Burj
Dubai is currently the world’s tallest
building. 110,000 tonnes of steel went into
the construction of its 50 m (164 ft) deep
foundations alone. And this is just one
example of the records that this superlative
material, steel, is breaking all the time.
No matter where you look – architecture,
art, industry – steel is a ubiquitous and
indispensable feature of our era.
Dixieland jazz, Dirty South or the Southern
My opinion on weld+vision
(or e-mail to
A few words on our cover picture:
The Southern States of the USA, from New Orleans to Atlanta – where the soul of jazz swings, the spirit of Martin Luther King lives and
the Chattanooga Choo Choo steams on.
Sign up – free – online at
this too. In his article, Klaus Fronius will be
sharing his thoughts about ‘superlatives’
of a rather different kind, telling us about
the challenges Fronius has set itself for
2010. And as always, this issue will end
with our travel tip, this time taking us to the
Southern States of the USA. Look forward
to a rock-and-jazz soaked tour from the
dawn of rock’n’roll all the way through to
the biggest transportation hub in the USA:
Atlanta, which is also the venue of this
year’s AWS Welding Show. A great mixture
of laid-back Southern style and business,
We’ll be pleased to carry on sending
you every edition of weld+vision as
soon as it comes out.
If you know anybody else who might be
interested, please just pass this reply
card on to them directly. Or simply
copy it and fax it to us on:
+43 7242 241-953940.
that presents its own particular challenges
in modern production processes. When
steel is welded, for instance, both man
and machine are subjected to extreme
stresses, making some tough demands
in terms of fabrication and equipment.
Fronius has put its many years of steel
know-how into a brand-new process which
will be the subject of two articles in this
issue: TransSteel. And of course steel is
also THE material for superlatives. Steel
has made our world faster, higher, bigger,
denser and more exciting – look forward
to some brief but fascinating insights on
weld+vision N o 24 / April 10
Steel is a material that has hugely
influenced mankind, revolutionising our
way of life in every conceivable regard.
And not always for the better, as you will
read in this issue’s cover story. Steel is a
key basis of any modern-day society, and
something which our everyday lives would
be unimaginable without. Find out more
on the following pages about its historical
development and the reasons why steel
has become such a crucially important
metal. In fact, steel is not actually a metal in
its own right but “only” a special alloy with
some very special properties – and one
Dear Readers;
Fronius International GmbH
Please affix
postage stamp if
available, or fax
to +43 7242 241953940
Herbert Mühlböck
Volker Lenzeder
Elisabeth Engelbrechtsmüller-Strauss
Klaus Fronius
Brigitte Strauss
Heinz Hackl
mightiest metal
Steel – a history of progress
There is surely no metal that has influenced mankind as profoundly, and advanced it as far, as
has steel. Steel is the basis of every modern society, for good or ill. Steel has revolutionised our
way of life, in every regard. Steel is also a vital power base for states. Two sides of a coin, then.
weld+vision has taken a closer look at them both.
It takes Japanese master swordsmiths 6 weeks to perfect a single katana.
Fronius 2010
Cover story
© voestalpine
Steel is what gives many a
skyscraper its dazzle.
Patented by Austrian steelmaker voestalpine, the
LD Process produces high-grade crude steel.
The oldest known iron artefacts are
around 6000 years old. At this time, it
was still very difficult to obtain significant
amounts of iron. The few iron deposits
that there were all came from meteorite
impacts. There were many steps along the
road to the discovery that iron ore first had
to be heated strongly in order to obtain
iron, from which steel could then be made.
Among these steps were advances in
extraction, and also in crafts such as the
blacksmith’s art. Even today, this still plays
a role in the processing of steel – although
only for certain very special products.
A good example of how the craft of
forging was gradually perfected can be
found in the Japanese katana, a traditional
long sword used by the samurai from the
end of the 14th century. An unmistakable
feature of a genuine Japanese blade is its
hardened zone, produced by the use of
unique forging and hardening techniques.
Creating a sword like this requires
many separate steps and takes around
six weeks’ work – all of it by hand! For
instance, there is a complicated folding
procedure after which 30,000 layers of
steel come to rest above one another.
A softer, tougher steel is forged into
this core, so that the blade can absorb
impacts without breaking.
Cover story
© Gerhard Radner
Thanks to steel, our world has become faster, higher, bigger, denser. The modern cityscape is shaped by our ability to build ever higher.
Steel has changed life all over
the world
Faster, taller, bigger, denser
vessel ever built in one piece, the Pierre
Guillaumat, all of 414 metres (1358 ft)
Steel is a material that makes possible
long and 63 metres (207 ft) wide. The
Swords used as weapons (themselves
superlatives like no other. Steel has
ship had a draught of nearly 29 metres
the most manifest instruments of power)
made the world a faster, taller, bigger,
(95 ft). On the other hand, record-
are just one expression of the force
denser and generally more exciting
setting endeavours like these can also
that a material can exercise, and of how
place. Both countries and companies
lead to the creation of sophisticated,
societies have built up knowledge with a
have been fascinated by the scope it
aesthetically appealing and even
view to securing pre-eminence by their
gives them to show the world what they
admirable architectural gems – definitely
mastery of one particular metal. Power
are capable of. The results have often
a positive side-effect.
also shows itself more subtly, e.g. in the
been outstanding accomplishments in
form of influence. Thus it is that steel
every way. The Eiffel Tower was one
has significantly changed the way we live
such revolutionary and demonstrative
today. Without steel, modern logistics
accomplishment. It consists of 7300
The steel industry was long considered
would not be at all feasible. One need
tonnes of steel. The rivalry as to who
to be the backbone of a country’s power.
only think of railways, ships, bridges or
can put up the most spectacular
After the Second World War, demand
high-rise buildings that owe their very
architectural structures (like the world’s
for steel was so high that the industry
existence to steel. High-rises enable
tallest building) is often just as overt as
was lulled into a “we make it, they’ll buy
large numbers of people to live and work
the edifices themselves. At the moment,
it” attitude. This mentality persisted
together on very small areas of land.
Burj Dubai holds the record. And there
until well into the 1970s, by which time
They are the building-blocks of modern
are no end of different records, time after
demand for steel was already shrinking
cities and have had a revolutionary
time – people’s obsession with them
fast: Firstly, because emerging-market
impact on the way people live together in
is insatiable. So let’s consider another
countries were now able to produce steel
record steel marvel: the biggest cargo
as well, and secondly because steel
Fronius 2010
From crisis to evolution
Cover story
Warrior giant made of steel,
by the German artist Walter
© Walter Willer
was starting to feel competition from
is an absolutely high-tech product
sculptures created by German artist
other materials such as plastics. These
whose properties never cease to
Walter Willer from Kiel. Using many
changes in the world market, and sinking
be revolutionary. Research here is
different items of metal scrap he forms
demand, led to overcapacity and a steel
constantly on the move.
“giants from steel” which put a face on
In everyday life, steel has style
the mighty properties of this metal.
From steel art, steel in our everyday
This crisis presented an opportunity
for huge progress, however. For it
Steel long ago shed its massive, weighty,
lives and steel in its most massive form,
got people thinking about steel in
heavy-industry image. Wherever you
it’s only a small step to the field of
an innovative way again. European
look, steel has also become much finer,
welding technology. Here too, everything
steelmakers decided they had to move
lighter, more aesthetic. You won’t find
is possible, from highly demanding
their steel further up the value-chain.
a refrigerator or a washing machine
precision tasks all the way through to the
A massive development effort on the
without steel in it; every doctor operates
toughest assignments. Fronius covers
material got underway. Investments
with instruments made of steel; without
this whole spectrum with products both
were made first and foremost in product
it, you would have to forego the sounds
old and new, like TransSteel. In this
development. Results were achieved at
of the guitar, eat with chopsticks or with
field too, then, steel can live up to its
many levels – results from which we are
your fingers, and do without so many
reputation as a metal of superlatives.
benefiting today and which also mark
things that please the eye, such as
new records. This development can
decorative objects and furniture.
be followed very clearly by looking at
one of the main steelworking sectors,
Steel art has established itself as a craft
the automobile industry. Steel today
in its own right. Like the powerful steel
Cover story
Tailor-made for robots
and shipbuilding
TransSteel Robotics and TransSteel Yard
The fully digitised, microprocessor-controlled TransSteel 3500 and
TransSteel 5000 inverter power sources bring top technological knowhow into everyday steel welding. Their intuitive operator functions,
innovative wirefeed, ergonomically shaped welding torch and rugged
system design are deliberately focused on steel welding. TransSteel
is now also available in a “TransSteel Robotics” version for automated
applications, and as the “TransSteel Yard” for use in shipbuilding.
Fronius 2010
Totally R & D
TransSteel Yard for
TransSteel Robotics –
a total system
Another newcomer to TransSteel
Robotics is the magnetic crash-box.
With its shorter design, and decreased
In the Yard edition, the power source is
The TransSteel Robotic welding system
obstacle contours in the 6 th robot axis, it
specifically designed for use in shipyards
comprises the power source with
provides higher safety against outages,
and offshore operations. It comes with
single to universal robot interfaces,
and greater operating and workplace
welding programs designed for use in
an interconnecting hosepack, the
safety. The magnetic rings can be
this field with solid- or flux-cored wires.
wirefeeder, the new magnetic crash-box
flexibly interchanged, allowing various
and the torch body. The components are
different trigger forces to be obtained.
The relevant characteristics are stored
optimised for all types of robot, and also
in the welding power source, or users
specifically for hollow-shaft robots.
can be sent them by Fronius on request.
To work with the central gas supply that
The wirefeeder is equipped with an
is usual in the industry, Yard-edition
innovative motor plate and the Fronius
machines have a gas-flow regulator in
System Connector. This makes it
the wirefeeder unit, and also a welding-
considerably smaller and compacter,
current outlet for MMA welding. To
resulting in a much decreased obstacle
meet the greater need for mobility in
contour. A retractable wirefeeder holder
shipyards and offshore operations, the
facilitates handling when changing the
Yard edition comes with its own special
inner liner. Particularly with hollow-shaft
trolley for gas-cooled systems, as well
robots, this leaves ample space for quick
as a “sleigh”-type dragging base on the
and easy inner-liner changes.
The compact wirefeeder VR 5000 and the magnetic crashbox are two new technological developments in the TransSteel Robotics series.
Totally R & D
Doing things “by halves”,
to go the whole way
Contec: A new system geometry revolutionises
Why let false modesty stop us from telling it like it is? Contec is a revolutionary innovation.
Contec totally redefines contacting-technology. It gives you the first-ever reliable way of
keeping the point of contact constant, across the whole lifespan of the contact tip. This also
prolongs the service life several times over. What makes this possible is an absolutely novel
and unprecedented contact-shell geometry.
Fronius 2010
Totally R & D
Service life
100 %
Process stability
Prolongation of service life
Cu basis
Contact tip in the most positive case
Contact tip in the most negative case
Relative lifespan
Al basis
Contec has a positive effect on the service life. This effect is even more
marked with some materials than others.
100 %
The relative lifespan with optimum process stability is significantly
longer with Contec than with a conventional contact tip.
For over 50 years, a contact tip has been
is by no means unimportant: It gradually
it), and the tendency of the outlet to
just as we know it today: a tube with a
relocates the contact surface between
become clogged with abraded particles,
hole that the welding wire runs through.
the tube and the wire. This has a direct
change the resistance by way of the
With Contec there are two half-shells
and immediate effect upon the welding
contact force, and thus alter the welding
– two contact shells that are joined in
parameters and thus upon the process
amperage and voltage. This is a major
such a way that the wire is led along
quality. With Contec, the contact tip
source of disturbance variables which
the right route. A contact takes place
looks fundamentally different: two
have so far always been regarded as
which presses it together, so to speak.
moveable half-shells with a very special
almost impossible to control and which
Once you know how it works, it’s all so
geometry keep the contact surfaces and
increase the probability of defects
simple. It makes you wonder why nobody
the contact forces between the tube and
in the weld process. Particularly on
hit on the idea ages ago. But technical
the wire exactly in the defined target
applications with large production
advances take time – and the right
range. Although Contec does not prevent
numbers and high quality specifications,
the abrasion, it keeps the adverse
welding-rejects result in unwelcome
consequences for the process firmly in
repair, scrapping and documentation
check and makes them calculable.
costs. High-quality welding operations
Patent pending
Contec is a new contacting-technology,
hence its name. Normally, the contact
tip transfers the electrical process
disturbance variables and
their consequences
weld filler metal as it is fed. At the same
Contacting is a “weak spot” that
time, thermal stressing and friction from
welding development engineers have
the sliding wire cause the contact tip
been trying for decades to improve.
to abrade. This unavoidable abrasion
The grinding-down of the area near
naturally has a side-effect, and one that
the tube outlet (mostly on one side of
Totally R & D
problem by resigning themselves to
high contact-tip consumption, frequent
changes of tube and equally frequent
interruptions to the weld process.
energy from the power source into the
have only been able to get around this
Guaranteed process
parameters for the entire
service life
further advantage is the versatility of the
This is the big difference with Contec:
Far more is possible than is often
as well as dependable process stability,
assumed. You just have to be convinced
the contacting system provides longer to
of it, and never lose sight of your goal.
much-longer service life (depending on
And of course it takes no end of courage
the materials welded). The wire stays held
to dare to “go the whole way” – especially
firmly, positively and non-positively, in
when this means doing it “by halves”!
the middle of the tube outlet. In this way,
Needless to say, Fronius pulled off this
the tube abrades uniformly, minimising
particular trick. Contec is a genuine
the adverse impact on the process and
revolution. That’s the way it is, so that’s
the hard-to-calculate consequences. A
the way we have to tell it.
contact shells, which are suitable for all
common diameters and materials of wire.
Unlike a conventional
contact tip, on a Contec tube
the contacting area always
stays the same.
Contec minimises the
risk of abraded particles
burning onto the contact
tip, and the outage costs
this causes.
Contec’s contact shells are
highly versatile. Even when
abrasion is far advanced, the
contacting zone always stays
the same.
Fronius 2010
Totally R & D
Practice makes perfect
Virtual Welding: Innovative welder training
Newcomers, career switchers and returners to welding have
to spend many, many hours practising before they acquire the
necessary manual skill with the torch. By the time the required
training level has been reached, very considerable amounts of
electricity, gas and filler metal will have been consumed. Huge
outlays are also needed for sheet-metal, equipment, machines
and other resources. Fronius was quick to spot the need for
resource-saving teaching and learning methods, and to develop
an alternative: Virtual Welding.
Welder training with Virtual Welding means realistic, resource-saving learning on a simulator, with absolutely no risk to safety.
Totally R & D
A magnetic tracking system translates the manual movements users make with the model torch into ‘virtuality’. Each user’s training progress can be
stored, and played back to demonstrate how far the user has progressed over time – which is great for enhancing student motivation!
The torch and the workpiece are only
Users instantly see, in real time, the
store and call up learning environments
models, but ‘real’ objects nonetheless.
consequences of not manipulating the
that are specific to a particular
These components, a PC and a
torch correctly.
application or trainee. This lets the
computer monitor together make up this
futuristic welder training station. The arc
From one level to the next
trainer structure his or her teaching in
a creative way, matching the practice
level to each trainee’s current skills. The
is a virtual one, as is the seam which
is ‘welded’, to the accompaniment of
The teaching concept behind Virtual
virtual training terminal can be deployed
authentic noises.
Welding comprises a training sequence
in any industrial sector, and can also be
and a simulation sequence. In the
supplied as an OEM product. Users can
training sequence, the novice first
easily carry out any necessary updates
practices getting up to speed in guiding
from a DVD or else online.
Notional yet still real
Virtual Welding creates a virtual space
the torch, until he or she has scored a
for the trainee which replicates the
certain number of points. The next stage
Initial experience has shown that as well
essential functions of executing manual
practises getting the right stand-off
as the all-important fun factor, Virtual
movements and listening to the welding
distance, and the stage after this is about
Welding delivers some very serious
sounds. This works on the basis of
maintaining the correct angle between
benefits indeed in terms of learning-
a magnetic tracking system which
the torch and the workpiece. With extra
efficiency. It puts a lid on training costs
transmits fine, oscillating movements
modules, Virtual Welding also simulates
and makes a contribution towards
of the user’s hand onto the screen and/
different process conditions. The
environmental and climate protection.
or a pair of 3D goggles. These position-
progress of learning can be documented
The training system is also a big
data provide the input for visualising
and evaluated individually and
attraction for youngsters of the “media
the torch position and the workpiece.
objectively. In fact, the risk of evaluation
generation”. In future, then, the start of
On the welder’s helmet there is an extra
errors is more or less ruled out.
a welder’s career will be cleaner, less
sensor which gives users a life-like view
of the welding task as it unfolds. While
Networked learning
risky, with less anxiety and stress and
a lot more fun. Dismissing as “uncool”
a technical qualification with excellent
the trainee guides the torch along the
specimen workpiece, the ‘Ghost’ shows
What is more, the trainer can
long-term employment prospects will
whether the speed, stand-off distance
communicate with all the training
then definitely be “out”!
and angle of the torch are correct.
terminals via a network – and create,
Fronius 2010
Totally R & D
Battery charging technology
that pays
Vote Earth – Fronius supports
WWF climate campaign
A sleek new look for
the Prague Branch
Day in, day out, thousands of batteries
From 7th – 18 th December 2009, delegates
The ground-breaking ceremony for
are charged to supply electrically
from all round the world came together
the new Fronius facility in Prague took
powered industrial trucks with the
at the United Nations Climate Change
place in October 2008. After a one-year
energy they need. More than 60 % of
Conference in Copenhagen to negotiate
construction period, the 28 staff moved
the traction batteries on the market are
a new climate protection agreement for
into the new premises. The choice of
charged using conventional 50/60 Hz
the period beyond 2012. The aim: to limit
location for the Czech distribution HQ
transformer technology. The additional
the temperature-rise on our planet to
went to the Prague district of Dolní
costs for electricity, servicing and more
2 °C (3.6 °F) – otherwise between 20 and
Měcholupy. Architecturally, the new
frequent procurement of replacement
30 percent of the world’s animal and
premises have a lot to offer: With over
batteries are often not taken into
plant species will be endangered. The
1900 m² (20,450 sq ft) of space, the
consideration. Only when firms analyse
run-up to the conference saw the launch
new building is designed in red-grey
the status quo can they spotlight the
of Vote Earth, the first-ever worldwide
Fronius livery with its own car-park, an
potential savings from high-frequency
petition, which aimed to gather as many
underground garage, a photovoltaic
technologies, prompting a rethink about
signatures as possible and hand these
installation and a water basin. “Our staff
how their batteries are charged.
over to the delegates in Copenhagen.
now have a high-quality modern building
Fronius has specialised in HF-technology
Over 20,000 supporters signed in Austria
to work from. When we were planning
for nearly 20 years now, and its Active
alone, and Fronius also mobilised its
it, we took great care to get a bright
Inverter Technology puts it a big
staff with an enterprise-wide appeal to
and friendly atmosphere. The atrium is
step ahead of conventional inverter
join in by signing and taking a stand – for
particularly impressive, with its many
technology. A good comparison is with
the good of the climate!
glazing elements and plants, and gives
new LED lighting systems, which have
a really positive first impression”, says
overtaken both the old incandescent
Boris Grbeša, Managing Director of
light-bulb and the energy-saving CFL
Fronius Česká Republika.
lamp. Here too, the service life is many
times longer and the energy costs
are minimised. These are exactly the
advantages that Fronius offers with its
Selectiva battery charging systems.
Brief and to the point
Fronius IG TL – Plug in the
future. Lock in the yield.
New R&D location
takes shape
New in the Fronius services
portfolio: the Maintenance
The new transformerless PV inverter,
Work has been underway for nearly
Perfect welding results coupled with high
the Fronius IG TL, was unveiled at the
one year on the new Fronius research &
customer satisfaction is the well-known
Intersolar tradeshow in Munich back in
development facility in Thalheim, Austria.
goal of Fronius. The newly designed
May 2009. Since the beginning of this
Some 100 workers are currently in action
Maintenance Contract backs up this
year, the Fronius IG TL has been on the
at the site. The speed at which the new
market in four different power classes.
building – codenamed “T2” – is going up
is simply amazing.
Besides long-lived welding systems and
cost-savings, client-specific planning,
The Fronius IG TL combines all the
benefits of a transformerless inverter
The Fronius Management Team also
consulting, corrective maintenance
with the high quality on which Fronius
recently reviewed progress at the “T2”
and servicing are all of equally great
insists. The system monitoring that
site and came away very satisfied with
importance to our customers. The
comes as standard with the Fronius
what it found. By the end of 2009,
Maintenance Contract delivers high
IG TL makes it the highest-yielding
the foundation works had all been
productivity and cost-efficiency by
transformerless inverter on the market.
ensuring optimum machine availability,
at the same time as maintaining the long-
Another unique feature is the use of
ordinary USB sticks as a quick and
Work also finished recently on the entire
term value of the welding system. With
convenient way of gathering system-
basement level and on the underground
a lump-sum maintenance fee, the costs
monitoring data and updating the
car-park. At the moment, the structure
are easy to calculate. The Maintenance
shell is rising in rapid steps. Completion
Contract’s modular service packages
is scheduled for the spring of 2011.
allow it to be precisely tailored to
By adding a transformerless model to
From that time on, this state-of-the-art
individual customer needs.
its product line, Fronius is consolidating
R&D facility will open its doors as the
its position on the inverter market still
birthplace of yet more Fronius product
Fronius 2010
Brief and to the point
High-tech for
steel welders
Steel Transfer Technology
High-productivity welding
of steel puts a great deal
of strain on both man and
machine. To achieve the bestpossible working conditions
in such a tough environment,
the operating behaviour
and user friendliness of the
equipment have to meet the
most stringent requirements.
Factors like optimum
functionality, energy efficiency,
mobility and reliability also
have a positive impact on the
bottom line. With this in mind,
Fronius developers devised a
solution called Steel Transfer
Steel Transfer Technology amalgamates Fronius’ decades-long experience of inverter- and digital
welding technology, specifically for steel welding applications.
Uncompromisingly reliable
The Digital Revolution changed the face
every part of the welding equipment used
of welding technology for ever. With the
for joining heavy steel workpieces are
TransSteel product family, the Fronius
stressed to the maximum, what counts
Steel Transfer Technology is a result
developers have placed their know-how
above all else is system performance.
of decades-long Fronius experience
at the exclusive disposal of welding
“Man and machine must understand
in both inverter technology and digital
professionals working in mechanical
one another with eyes closed” was the
welding technology. The products of
engineering and structural steelwork, in
developers’ declared aim. To achieve it,
the TransSteel series stand out for their
the construction of pipelines, cranes,
they uncompromisingly “went the whole
compact shape, low weight, minimal
rail vehicles, tanks and vessels, and in
way” with TransSteel: ease of operation
dimensions and elegant, functional
shipyards and other steel-processing
and rugged reliability, plus perfect
styling. The central control and
sectors. Where both the manpower and
welding properties.
adjustment unit is linked to the digital
signal processor and ensures that the
part of the welding-range for steel. All
desired target status is maintained
the parameters needed for joining steel
throughout the entire process.
are easy for the welder to select, at the
Steel root
push of a button.
This results in a process that is always
precise and reliable and permits exactly
reproducible welding results. For topquality joints between weldments made
The whole: much more
than the sum of its parts
of “classic” and even galvanised steels,
users can choose from remote-control,
All in all, operators profit from the
manual and robot welding options.
system’s lower susceptibility to faults
Ignition control for
three types of arc
and from a minimised defect rate, and
save on both time and costs.
The strict focus on the requirements
The fine, soft, stable arc for welding
root passes and filling wider gaps.
and needs of steel welders brings not
Perfect welding properties are the
just greater process reliability and ease
product of complex interrelationships
of operation but also a cost advantage
between ignition, arc and burn-off
in terms of the capital outlay. Other
behaviour. Steel Transfer Technology
beneficial aspects that are worth
means that TransSteel comes fully
considering include the comprehensive
loaded with expert knowledge, making
warranty, which can be flexibly adapted
this welding system the ideal equipment
as needed, and the benefits of having
for its chosen field of use.
just one “communications interface” to a
A key characteristic feature is its special
single system partner.
Steel dynamic
ignition control. It prevents the nuisance
of droplet-formation at welding start-
Another aspect of the economic
up. Three types of arc can be selected,
advantages is the environmental and
in the form of characteristics: “Steel
social responsibility that they imply. For
root”, with its fine, soft and stable arc
durability and long-term technological
is suitable for e.g. welding root passes
viability mean that careful use is being
and filling wider gaps. “Steel dynamic”
made of resources. The A-to-Z system
is characterised by its concentratedly
performance of the TransSteel system
hard, dynamic yet stable spray arc, with
also takes less of a toll on precious
which the welder can penetrate deep into
human resources like productive energy
the plate-metal parts to be solidly joined.
and quality of life.
The concentratedly hard, dynamic
spray arc for deep, narrow
penetration and higher welding speed
The third option is the standard arc
“Steel”. It can be used to cover a large
Fronius 2010
More powerful spray arc for
XXL turbine runners
New characteristic for high-performance welding
In hydroelectric power stations, turbine runners have to transfer immense forces over the
course of their service lives, which should be as long as possible. To weld together outsize
turbines, the experts at Andritz Hydro in Ravensburg, Germany, use the PCS (Pulse Controlled
Spray-arc) characteristic. Maximum power with improved energy efficiency are prime
considerations here. Other important benefits include deeper penetration, reduced spatter and
a wide range of possible settings and adjustments.
PCS: This combination of a pulsed arc with a standard spray arc provides a wide adjustment window in high-performance welding of hydropower
turbine runners at Andritz Hydro.
Case studies
PCS: Defining features and
Welding engineer Bodo Gieselmann
explains: “Turbine runners are central to
producing electricity from kinetic energy.
Findings and benefits
The principal advantages of PCS are
In Europe we’re one of only a very few
Developed at Fronius, the PCS combines
its deeper penetration, higher welding
suppliers – and the only one in Germany
a pulsed arc with a standard spray arc in
speed, higher deposition rate, non-short-
– that can make them in 200-tonne
such a way as to aggregate and amplify
circuiting welding in the 1.5 to 22 m/min
format.” On a 200 tonne Francis turbine
the user-related advantages. Andritz Hydro
(4.9 to 72 ft/min) WFS range, wide scope
runner, the welded filler metal alone
uses TransPuls Synergic 5000 machines to
for adjustment in the pulsed-arc range,
weighs 5.5 tonnes.
benefit from a high-performance process
and low-spatter metal transfer.
with a wide adjustment window at the high
The concentrated, aggressive spray arc
The broad spectrum of metal materials
end of the power range. Weld start-up
reaches deep into the joint, resulting in
employed here includes naval brass
takes place at lowered power, e.g. 50 %,
controllable sidewall melting behaviour.
and copper alloys (CuAl8, CuAl10Ni2,
with a “soft” pulsed arc.
Bodo Gieselmann explains: “Because of
this, we can reduce the bevel angle by
CuMn13Al7), unalloyed structural steels
and water-quenched high-strength
After a pre-settable period of time, the
as much as 20 %, which saves us a lot
grades (S890Q), austenitic, austenitic-
welders raise the power to the operating
of preparation work. It also makes out-
ferritic and nickel-based materials, all
point of the characteristic. The special
of-position work much easier”. Because
the way through to soft martensitic
feature of PCS is that it reaches the
the melt fills the joint more rapidly and
chromium steels with 13 % Cr and 4 % Ni.
“aggressive” spray arc without transitioning
the welding speed is higher, there is
The welding experts at Andritz Hydro
through an intermediate “globular” arc.
less heat input per unit length, and this
are among the pioneer users of an
On thin sheets, the characteristic sets an
reduces distortion still further.
innovation called PCS (Pulse Controlled
operating point in the pulsed-arc range; on
Spray-arc). “In terms of power, PCS is
thick sheets, it sets a spray arc to follow on
It should also be mentioned that by
simply the best on the market”, says
directly from the lowered start-up power.
cutting electricity consumption, using
Bodo Gieselmann.
To terminate the weld and fill the crater,
the PCS characteristic has a positive
the same sequence applies in reverse. The
impact on the energy balance. Enhanced
welder can save the entire sequence as a
profitability and competitiveness, with
‘job’ for welding this particular thickness
lower environmental impact – these are
and/or combination of materials.
convincing arguments indeed.
Andritz Hydro (Ravensburg): Energy
from hydropower
Us [V]
G lo
D ip -
fe r a
Pu ls
d ar
b u la
ay a
y ar
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Conventional arc processes (“dip-transfer/globular/spray arc” compared
with the innovative “pulsed/pulse-modulated/spray arc”.
Fronius 2010
Andritz Hydro is the technological and market leader
in the field of hydroelectric power installations. It has
a worldwide workforce of around 5600 people. At
its plant in Ravensburg, Germany, 460 Andritz staff
develop, manufacture, repair and modernise hydropower
installations. This also involves making turbine runners
that can weigh up to 200 tonnes. To do this, Andritz’
welding specialists rely on the Fronius-developed PCS
(Pulse Controlled Spray-arc) characteristic.
Case studies
Rising to another
superlative: Growth
Does this series of figures mean anything to you? 203.1 million, 235.1 million,
299 million, 370 million. And here’s another exciting series: 1622, 1831, 2221, 2500.
They’re all figures showing how Fronius has been growing – in terms of revenue
and headcount growth between 2005 and 2008. The key figures for 2009 will be
published once the financial accounts have been finalised. The figures seem to be
exploding – but the company is holding together just fine!
The company
Achieving growth like this is definitely
done to the company? The cornerstones
the most difficult and complex tasks down
‘superlative’ – in terms of technology and
are clear and unshakeable: family
to a simple and manageable size. Highly
turnover, together with the continued
enterprise, independent, at the cutting-edge
trained people, who understand how to
development of our corporate values and
of technology, finger on the pulse of the
describe and adapt complex procedures
Fronius culture, our relationships with co-
in simple terms, are the backbone of any
enterprise that is serious about thriving in
workers, customers and suppliers, and our
solid and well-balanced financial policy.
But this still leaves the ‘how’ question
the long term. In other words, when people
It’s also a constant quest for factors of
unanswered. For Fronius takes its social
understand and master the processes and
and business responsibility very seriously.
can put them clearly into effect.
Stability and peace-of-mind for all involved
Superlatives. As soon as you start looking
are key values in the Fronius world.
What we need, then, is the sort of applied
creativity that reduces complexity and
at Fronius, you’ll start finding them. Like
its motto about “shifting the limits” of
To be sure, there cannot be one single
makes things easier to understand. That
what is feasible. This is something that
answer to this question. How? This is the
lays down rules that apply to everyone.
Fronius keeps on doing, time after time.
question that all areas of the company
The ‘7R Rule’ is just one example of a
In welding technology, for instance:
are asking themselves: Research &
superlative of simplicity: the right product,
welding the thinnest materials, joining
Development, Finance, Human Resources,
right time, right quantity, right condition,
steel to aluminium, welding with a ‘cold’
Marketing, Sales & Services, Supply
right place, right customer and right costs.
arc, welding with no spatter, managing
Chain Management, Corporate Services,
a single welding droplet. Our Solar
Production, Distribution. And each of
And then, once again, it’s up to the people
Electronics Division shines with ever
them is developing its own answers to
involved to make a decision about the ‘how’.
higher revenues, annual outputs that are
the question ‘how’: The dependability
And sometimes pure chance, or the sheer
‘sold out’ in advance, and total installed
of customers, suppliers and employees
variety of characters and opinions involved,
inverter capacity that adds up to umpteen
comes into play here. Data throughput
will give birth to a brilliant idea. It is only in
megawatts. And with battery chargers,
must go hand-in-hand with data security.
an open corporate culture that event-flows
Fronius’ maximum charging power gives it a
Highly complex business processes must
like this are possible – and even welcomed.
commanding market lead.
be broken down into discrete, manageable
guidelines. And this is just the beginning of
Simple guidelines, common-sense know-
Fronius is internationalising and expanding
the list of answers, all of which will of course
how and openness: these are the tools
at a headlong pace. For Klaus Fronius,
need to be co-ordinated. The complexity of
we shall need to tackle the challenge of
this is the most relevant ‘superlative’.
in-company procedures is rising.
our headlong growth – a truly ‘superlative’
challenge if ever there was one.
The question that he is constantly asking
himself is this: How do we organise these
And who will keep track of the big picture?
increases in such a way that no harm is
The real ‘superlative’ is all about breaking
Fronius 2010
The company
Blues, Martin
Luther King and
The Southern States: a heady blend
of Dixie flair and business
America’s Deep South has
a distinctive flair of its very
own. The swing-, jazz- and
rock-soaked ambience that
hits you at every turn palpably
spans the historical divide
from the earliest beginnings
to the present day. From the
genesis of rock’n’roll all the
way through to the USA’s
biggest transportation hub,
in Atlanta. The AWS Welding
Show 2010 could be a
welcome occasion for you
to set out on an interesting
Broadly defined, the Southern States form
a cultural megaregion in the Southeast of
the USA. 16 states, with nearly 100 million
inhabitants, to the south of the MasonDixie Line. The territories where, until 1865,
slavery was still allowed. Naturally enough,
this fraught socio-cultural background also
had a power and momentum that was all its
own. It is surely no coincidence that
Gospel, blues and country music all
originated here in the South. New Orleans
is a world-renowned centre for blues and
jazz, and Memphis for blues and soul.
Travel tip
Management Team, from l. to r.:
even closer to customers in the
the legal abolition of racial segregation in
Southeastern US. Back to the Choo
that one encounters at every turn.
the Southern States of the US. Atlanta is
Choo: where 70 trains used to stop every
also where his last resting place may be
day, today there stands a unique hotel
complex. If you’re looking for an exciting
Atlanta has yet more to offer, be it as the
this is it! And after you’ve checked in,
1996 Summer Olympics but has also
home of the film classic “Gone with the
you should definitely take a stroll across
developed into the principal media
Wind”, or as a city of contrasts in which
the Walnut Street Bridge, which boasts
centre of the American South. Hundreds
historic buildings are reflected in
an impressive steel truss construction
of corporations are headquartered here,
modern-day skyscraper facades. Don’t
and is one of the longest pedestrian
miss the swanky Buckhead district, also
bridges in the world.
Cover story
among them CNN, Delta, UPS and of
How steel shapes our lives
course Coca-Cola. This fizzy brown
known as the “Beverly Hills of the
Totally R & D
beverage, which has achieved worldwide
South”. International luxury brands are
ubiquity like no other product before or
just as much in evidence here as
2 half-shells supersede forced wire contact on Contec
since, has its own downtown museum
exclusive restaurants. A tip for train
TransSteel now also for robot applications and shipbuilding
Virtual Welding: welding on the computer
devoted to it. The gleaming, modernistic
lovers: the Southeastern Railway
Brief and to the point
glass and stainless-steel “World of
Museum in nearby Duluth has more than
News from Fronius
Coca-Cola” is just across the road from
80 old trains and locomotives on display.
the “Centennial Olympia Park”. Visitors
New spray arc for high-performance welding
with the stomach for some serious
Case studies
tasting can even choose between 60
Fronius quality with Steel Transfer Technology
different international varieties of
Another very special ‘train classic’ takes
The company
us on a nearly 200 km (125 mile) outing to
Fronius just keeps on growing
Travel tip
The city’s most illustrious son is the
best-known number “Chattanooga Choo
Jazz, blues and welding in Atlanta
civil-rights activist and Nobel Peace
Choo” brought the city instant fame back
Prize Laureate Martin Luther King Jr.
in 1941. It immortalises a steam-train
Chattanooga Choo Choo
Chattanooga, Tennessee. Glenn Miller’s
Fronius 2010
AWS Welding Show,
Atlanta, 2nd – 4th
November 2010
The AWS Welding Show takes
place in Atlanta this year. Fronius
USA LCC will be showcasing its
product innovations at this keynote
American expo. Come and see us
at Booth 35043!
Travel tip
place to stay that is steeped in history,
Atlanta was not only the venue of the
Atlanta: vibrant HQ-ville
black population, which culminated in
typical of the laid-back southern feeling
4600 Wels
his first records in Memphis. And this is
Postcode & locality
Service Team location there, so as to be
Street address
the campaign for equal rights for the
Divisional Marketing -
Fronius will be opening a Sales and
(originally from Mississippi, by the way), cut
Buxbaumstrasse 2
dream” speech, he was instrumental in
Welding Technology
a major railroad hub since 1880. In 2010
region. And The King himself, Elvis Presley
“weld+vision” is the customer magazine of Fronius
International GmbH, Welding Technology Division
Design: reklamebüro GmbH
Responsible for contents: Fronius International GmbH,
Buxbaumstrasse 2, A 4600 Wels, Austria,,
Registered trademarks and tradenames have not
generally been identified as such. The absence of
any such identification does not mean that the name in
question is an unregistered name for the purposes of
product and trademark law.
journey from New York to Chattanooga,
encapsulated in his powerful “I have a
Publisher’s imprint:
With his vision, unforgettably
Rock all take their names directly from this
Topping out at over 800 m (2625 ft), Burj
Dubai is currently the world’s tallest
building. 110,000 tonnes of steel went into
the construction of its 50 m (164 ft) deep
foundations alone. And this is just one
example of the records that this superlative
material, steel, is breaking all the time.
No matter where you look – architecture,
art, industry – steel is a ubiquitous and
indispensable feature of our era.
Dixieland jazz, Dirty South or the Southern
My opinion on weld+vision
(or e-mail to
A few words on our cover picture:
The Southern States of the USA, from New Orleans to Atlanta – where the soul of jazz swings, the spirit of Martin Luther King lives and
the Chattanooga Choo Choo steams on.
Sign up – free – online at
this too. In his article, Klaus Fronius will be
sharing his thoughts about ‘superlatives’
of a rather different kind, telling us about
the challenges Fronius has set itself for
2010. And as always, this issue will end
with our travel tip, this time taking us to the
Southern States of the USA. Look forward
to a rock-and-jazz soaked tour from the
dawn of rock’n’roll all the way through to
the biggest transportation hub in the USA:
Atlanta, which is also the venue of this
year’s AWS Welding Show. A great mixture
of laid-back Southern style and business,
We’ll be pleased to carry on sending
you every edition of weld+vision as
soon as it comes out.
If you know anybody else who might be
interested, please just pass this reply
card on to them directly. Or simply
copy it and fax it to us on:
+43 7242 241-953940.
that presents its own particular challenges
in modern production processes. When
steel is welded, for instance, both man
and machine are subjected to extreme
stresses, making some tough demands
in terms of fabrication and equipment.
Fronius has put its many years of steel
know-how into a brand-new process which
will be the subject of two articles in this
issue: TransSteel. And of course steel is
also THE material for superlatives. Steel
has made our world faster, higher, bigger,
denser and more exciting – look forward
to some brief but fascinating insights on
weld+vision N o 24 / April 10
Steel is a material that has hugely
influenced mankind, revolutionising our
way of life in every conceivable regard.
And not always for the better, as you will
read in this issue’s cover story. Steel is a
key basis of any modern-day society, and
something which our everyday lives would
be unimaginable without. Find out more
on the following pages about its historical
development and the reasons why steel
has become such a crucially important
metal. In fact, steel is not actually a metal in
its own right but “only” a special alloy with
some very special properties – and one
Dear Readers;
Fronius International GmbH
Please affix
postage stamp if
available, or fax
to +43 7242 241953940
Herbert Mühlböck
Volker Lenzeder
Elisabeth Engelbrechtsmüller-Strauss
Klaus Fronius
Brigitte Strauss
Heinz Hackl
Czech Republic
With a free weld+vision subscription.
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N°24 - APRIL 2010
A material of superlatives
CONTACT-HAPPY: Contec revolutionises wire guidance
CHALLENGING: The art of mastering headlong growth
DIXIELAND STYLE & BUSINESS: The Southern States of the USA
25.03.2010 8:58:37 Uhr
Czech Republic
With a free weld+vision subscription.
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FRONIUS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH • Am Stockgraben 3 • D 36119 Neuhof-Dorfborn bei Fulda •
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A material of superlatives
CONTACT-HAPPY: Contec revolutionises wire guidance
CHALLENGING: The art of mastering headlong growth
DIXIELAND STYLE & BUSINESS: The Southern States of the USA
N°24 - APRIL 2010
Management Team, from l. to r.:
even closer to customers in the
the legal abolition of racial segregation in
Southeastern US. Back to the Choo
that one encounters at every turn.
the Southern States of the US. Atlanta is
Choo: where 70 trains used to stop every
also where his last resting place may be
day, today there stands a unique hotel
complex. If you’re looking for an exciting
Atlanta has yet more to offer, be it as the
this is it! And after you’ve checked in,
1996 Summer Olympics but has also
home of the film classic “Gone with the
you should definitely take a stroll across
developed into the principal media
Wind”, or as a city of contrasts in which
the Walnut Street Bridge, which boasts
centre of the American South. Hundreds
historic buildings are reflected in
an impressive steel truss construction
of corporations are headquartered here,
modern-day skyscraper facades. Don’t
and is one of the longest pedestrian
miss the swanky Buckhead district, also
bridges in the world.
Cover story
among them CNN, Delta, UPS and of
How steel shapes our lives
course Coca-Cola. This fizzy brown
known as the “Beverly Hills of the
Totally R & D
beverage, which has achieved worldwide
South”. International luxury brands are
ubiquity like no other product before or
just as much in evidence here as
2 half-shells supersede forced wire contact on Contec
since, has its own downtown museum
exclusive restaurants. A tip for train
TransSteel now also for robot applications and shipbuilding
Virtual Welding: welding on the computer
devoted to it. The gleaming, modernistic
lovers: the Southeastern Railway
Brief and to the point
glass and stainless-steel “World of
Museum in nearby Duluth has more than
News from Fronius
Coca-Cola” is just across the road from
80 old trains and locomotives on display.
the “Centennial Olympia Park”. Visitors
New spray arc for high-performance welding
with the stomach for some serious
Case studies
tasting can even choose between 60
Fronius quality with Steel Transfer Technology
different international varieties of
Another very special ‘train classic’ takes
The company
us on a nearly 200 km (125 mile) outing to
Fronius just keeps on growing
Travel tip
The city’s most illustrious son is the
best-known number “Chattanooga Choo
Jazz, blues and welding in Atlanta
civil-rights activist and Nobel Peace
Choo” brought the city instant fame back
Prize Laureate Martin Luther King Jr.
in 1941. It immortalises a steam-train
Chattanooga Choo Choo
Chattanooga, Tennessee. Glenn Miller’s
Fronius 2010
AWS Welding Show,
Atlanta, 2nd – 4th
November 2010
The AWS Welding Show takes
place in Atlanta this year. Fronius
USA LCC will be showcasing its
product innovations at this keynote
American expo. Come and see us
at Booth 35043!
Travel tip
place to stay that is steeped in history,
Atlanta was not only the venue of the
Atlanta: vibrant HQ-ville
black population, which culminated in
typical of the laid-back southern feeling
4600 Wels
his first records in Memphis. And this is
Postcode & locality
Service Team location there, so as to be
Street address
the campaign for equal rights for the
Divisional Marketing -
Fronius will be opening a Sales and
(originally from Mississippi, by the way), cut
Buxbaumstrasse 2
dream” speech, he was instrumental in
Welding Technology
a major railroad hub since 1880. In 2010
region. And The King himself, Elvis Presley
“weld+vision” is the customer magazine of Fronius
International GmbH, Welding Technology Division
Design: reklamebüro GmbH
Responsible for contents: Fronius International GmbH,
Buxbaumstrasse 2, A 4600 Wels, Austria,,
Registered trademarks and tradenames have not
generally been identified as such. The absence of
any such identification does not mean that the name in
question is an unregistered name for the purposes of
product and trademark law.
journey from New York to Chattanooga,
encapsulated in his powerful “I have a
Publisher’s imprint:
With his vision, unforgettably
Rock all take their names directly from this
Topping out at over 800 m (2625 ft), Burj
Dubai is currently the world’s tallest
building. 110,000 tonnes of steel went into
the construction of its 50 m (164 ft) deep
foundations alone. And this is just one
example of the records that this superlative
material, steel, is breaking all the time.
No matter where you look – architecture,
art, industry – steel is a ubiquitous and
indispensable feature of our era.
Dixieland jazz, Dirty South or the Southern
My opinion on weld+vision
(or e-mail to
A few words on our cover picture:
The Southern States of the USA, from New Orleans to Atlanta – where the soul of jazz swings, the spirit of Martin Luther King lives and
the Chattanooga Choo Choo steams on.
Sign up – free – online at
this too. In his article, Klaus Fronius will be
sharing his thoughts about ‘superlatives’
of a rather different kind, telling us about
the challenges Fronius has set itself for
2010. And as always, this issue will end
with our travel tip, this time taking us to the
Southern States of the USA. Look forward
to a rock-and-jazz soaked tour from the
dawn of rock’n’roll all the way through to
the biggest transportation hub in the USA:
Atlanta, which is also the venue of this
year’s AWS Welding Show. A great mixture
of laid-back Southern style and business,
We’ll be pleased to carry on sending
you every edition of weld+vision as
soon as it comes out.
If you know anybody else who might be
interested, please just pass this reply
card on to them directly. Or simply
copy it and fax it to us on:
+43 7242 241-953940.
that presents its own particular challenges
in modern production processes. When
steel is welded, for instance, both man
and machine are subjected to extreme
stresses, making some tough demands
in terms of fabrication and equipment.
Fronius has put its many years of steel
know-how into a brand-new process which
will be the subject of two articles in this
issue: TransSteel. And of course steel is
also THE material for superlatives. Steel
has made our world faster, higher, bigger,
denser and more exciting – look forward
to some brief but fascinating insights on
weld+vision N o 24 / April 10
Steel is a material that has hugely
influenced mankind, revolutionising our
way of life in every conceivable regard.
And not always for the better, as you will
read in this issue’s cover story. Steel is a
key basis of any modern-day society, and
something which our everyday lives would
be unimaginable without. Find out more
on the following pages about its historical
development and the reasons why steel
has become such a crucially important
metal. In fact, steel is not actually a metal in
its own right but “only” a special alloy with
some very special properties – and one
Dear Readers;
Fronius International GmbH
Please affix
postage stamp if
available, or fax
to +43 7242 241953940
Herbert Mühlböck
Volker Lenzeder
Elisabeth Engelbrechtsmüller-Strauss
Klaus Fronius
Brigitte Strauss
Heinz Hackl