(ITB) - March 2014


(ITB) - March 2014
ITB Berlin 2014
March 5-9, 2014
Berlin, Germany
Rocky Mountain International
Stephen Nelson, Marketing Manager
2232 Dell Range Blvd, Ste. 101
Cheyenne, Wyoming, 82009, USA
Ph: (307) 637-4977 • Fax: (307) 634-8334
Email: SNelson@RMI-RealAmerica.com
Web: www.RockyMtnIntl.com, www.RMI-RealAmerica.com
ITB Berlin- Executive Summary:
March 5-9, 2014
Berlin, Germany
Stephen Nelson, RMI-USA
Karen Gilsdorf, RMI-Germany - Wiechmann Tourism Services
Kent Elliott, Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce
Terry Kopp, Boise Convention & Visitors Bureau
The RMI presence at ITB Berlin 2014 may have been scaled back, but the quality of appointments remained high.
In addition to the RMI delegation, the RMI booth featured two co-exhibitors this year: Boise Convention & Visitors
Bureau and the Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce.
The RMI booth was busy from the starting gun. In total, there were 33 pre-scheduled appointments arranged for
the trade portion of the week; 22 of which were trade/11 were media that ranged from freelance journalists to
travel publications. In addition to the pre-scheduled appointments, the RMI booth saw plenty of activity from
walk-up appointments.
41 conducive leads were generated. Many of these leads are focused on tour operator product development.
Since Germany is a mature market, many of the discussions revolved around updating the operators with new
regional product. There were however a few appointments with operators offering little to no product in our
region and were looking to develop the region due to an increase in consumer inquiries. A large number of
operators also offered marketing proposals to promote The Real America. Some of these proposals involved
traditional print promotions while others incorporated innovative digital strategies, many of which would be
targeted directly to the end consumer. There are also a number of contacts with media who would like to visit
the region and provide media exposure. We unfortunately had two cancellations this year: Christina Clause from
Karawane Reisen had to cancel due to an illness and Rita Mahrdt from Boomerang Reisen accidentally doublebooked her appointment with another supplier. RMI-Germany will be in contact with both of these cancellations
to address any needs they may have.
The RMI delegation was diligent in discussing ROI data during our appointments. For the most part, many
operators were receptive to divulging data for us to compile and analyze. However, there was a common
roadblock I noticed with the marketing proposals; many tour operators said booking revenue could not be
assessed for marketing co-ops that involve travel agent promotions. We addressed this point on a few occasions
and discussed the possibility of incorporating QR and voucher codes with the promotion. Unfortunately, German
society is not on par with this method of technology yet, but we are hopeful this strategy will develop in the
near future.
Exhibition halls were booked to capacity at Messe Berlin this year, with nearly 10,150 exhibitors from 189
countries showcasing their product. ITB Berlin 2014 saw an approximate increase of 4% in overall trade
attendance. According to the Closing Report, an estimated 114,000 trade visitors attended ITB Berlin 2014
compared to 109,616 the previous year.
Consumer weekend welcomed some unseasonably warm weather for this time of year; however, an estimated
60,000 members of the general public visited the exhibition halls for travel inspiration. For the second year in
a row, consumers were able to book tours directly at ITB Berlin. The RMI booth was initially supposed to host
Claudia Nagel and Dirk Büttner from Argus Reisen on Saturday and Martin Sanders from AUSanders on Sunday, but
Mr. Sanders had to cancel. Fortunately, Argus Reisen stepped up to the plate and offered their services for the
ITB Berlin 2014
duration of the weekend. Argus Reisen’s presence in the RMI booth was advantageous considering their extensive
regional product listing, especially their vast repertoire of ranch packages that fulfills the niche demand for
authentic Western experiences. Claudia Nagel will be attending the 2014 Roundup along with the Glacier postfam; she will also be looking to increase their already vast repertoire of ranch packages by conducting a number
of site inspections while visiting the region. Overall, the 2014 holiday season looks bright for the Germanspeaking market as consumers provided a number of inquiries related to travel that has already been booked.
Materials flew off the shelves, as hopeful travelers were eager to begin planning their vacation to The Real
America. We distributed the majority of our materials aside for a few regional maps, a strong indicator of
demand as well as efficient budget allocation. According to the Closing Report, a poll among visitors concluded
that approximately 50% of consumers intended to book a vacation based on information acquired at ITB. An
estimated one-third of exhibitors sold travel products directly to the consumer. Overall, the overwhelming
response from consumers interested in The Real America reaffirms RMI’s presence in the German-speaking
market of Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
German Market Update:
The German market remains a top-tier market for inbound US travel. Germany continues to be the third-highest
inbound market for the US, following the UK and Japan. Germany is one of the highest markets for travel
expenditures (approx. $82 billion annually), second only to China. Average expenditure per traveler is $6,940
for Germans and $1,876 for Swiss travelers. Approximately 1.65 million Germans visit the US annually, while an
estimated 450,000 Swiss travelers make long-haul trips to the United States. 67% of Germans and 76% of Swiss
travelers indicate leisure and holiday travel as the primary motive for visiting the United States. Austrian data is
unavailable as of now.
Economic data indicates a strong 2014 for the German-speaking market; consumer climate, income expectations
and willingness-to-buy are all forecasting upward trends. Unemployment levels rose slightly at the beginning
of 7.3% from 6.7% in December 2013; however, optimism is high and favorable exchange rates along with an
inherent adamancy to travel suggests advantageous opportunities for The Real America Region. According to
Jürgen Büchy, president of the German Travel Association (DRV), ”The prospects are very good for the tourism
industry. German citizens are as keen as ever to travel and business in selling tours for the upcoming holiday
season is booming. The number of early bookings gives us good reason to believe that Germans will be travelling
even more than in the past.
Since 2002, German tour operator revenue increased by 33.8% to a total of 25.3 billion Euro. This satisfying
increase is attributed to the on-going efforts by DMOs meeting directly with tour operators. Travel destination
decisions are primarily based on affinity for the destination, reasonable value for the experience, ease of
communication, experiential/activity driven and safety concerns, all of which continue to make the United
States an ideal destination for holiday travel.
Technology certainly influences German travel, but traditional booking methods remain the status quo. Internet
use is on the rise, with an increase of 500,000 Germans utilizing Internet technology in only seven months (58
million in July 2013 compared to January 2013) (comScore Data Mine). Germans cultivate travel inspiration
from the Internet and are also heavily reliant on printed and online travel guides to develop travel ideas and
determine their travel budget. Despite the independent engagement in travel research, “Germans continue
to book their vacations through retail travel agents/travel consultants because of the complicated nature
of fly/drive itineraries, extended stays, multiple destination itineraries and travel product liability.” In fact,
researching travel destinations online vastly outpaces online bookings (55.8% compared to 27.7%), which affirms
the notion that Germans engage in preliminary research online in order to seek out special offers which evolves
into booking via travel professionals. Germans are also more likely to book costly vacations through travel
agents, a significant fact considering the expense traveling to long-haul destinations such as the United States.
Although Germans tend to conduct their own independent research they typically require additional information
from travel agents, with whom they tend to book their travels through.
ITB Berlin 2014
Coincidentally, this trend is reversed for less-costly vacations, which can be correlated, to the high investment
and uncertainty of traveling to long-haul destinations. Germans would prefer peace of mind when traveling far
from home and the travel trade industry offers this comfort mechanism. A common cultural trend in Germany
is that they are “adventurous, yet wary of unwelcomed surprises.” This is supported by the notion that liability
insurance is guaranteed with all German tour operator products sold through retail travel agencies.
An encouraging trend for The Real America Region is the motivation for German intercontinental travel.
Although it is well known that international travelers tend to visit the iconic urban destinations of New York City,
California and Florida for US travels, cultural/historical attractions (42%) and ecotourism/nature (38%) outpaced
urban attractions (36%) as the primary motivators for travel decisions. Considering the German affinity to travel,
it can be determined this market is recognizing the diversity of the United States and they are actively seeking
more “off the beaten path” destinations.
The German-speaking markets of Austria and Switzerland also indicate encouraging signs for inbound travel to
the US and The Real America. The Austrian outbound market increased by 4.6% in 2012, for a total of 18 million
holiday trips and 3.9 million business trips. More than 50% of these trips were seven nights or longer. Additionally,
almost 50% of these trips were spent abroad. Austrian international travel expenditure averaged $4,520 per trip.
Outside of Europe, the United States was the most popular travel destination in 2012, with 183,276 Austrians
visiting the US in 2012. Moreover, long-haul destinations such as the South East, South America, Africa and the
Middle East declined in demand while the United States increased by 2.1% in 2012. The iconic urban destinations
of New York City, Florida, California and Nevada remain top-tier destinations; however, national parks is also
included in this category.
Switzerland is regarded as one of the more affluent countries in Europe, with a GDP nearly one-fifth the size of
Germany, Europe’s most economically robust nation. In addition to being an economic powerhouse, the Swiss
have a fond appreciation for travel. 85% of the Swiss population made a minimum of one overnight in another
country in 2013, spending an average of $262 per day. Favorable exchange rates make the United States an ideal
destination for Swiss travelers, with 476,000 Swiss visiting the US in 2011 (+23%). Moreover, the United States
is perceived as a mature market to the typical Swiss traveler, a positive indicator for visitation to The Real
Evaluation of ITB 2014:
IITB Berlin continues to be the premier travel trade show in the world. An estimated 6.5 billion Euros in sales is
generated as a result of exhibiting at ITB Berlin. Resulting in a 92% exhibitor satisfaction rate. The combination
of trade and public visitation allows The Real America to develop product with tour operators while meeting
directly with the end consumer. The strong presence of media at ITB Berlin enables our region to effectively
promote the product in a cost-effective manner. Marketing opportunities advancements at ITB Berlin are not
restricted to the German-speaking market, but are also conducive to existing and prospective markets. The
result is a high-rate of efficiency and an ideal allocation of budget expenditure and staff time.
(Sources: 2014 Brand USA German Market Summary, ITB 2014 Closing Report, Wiechmann Tourism Service GmbH)
Respectfully submitted,
Stephen Nelson
Marketing Manager
Rocky Mountain International
ITB Berlin 2014
ITB Leads
Mr. Kurt J. Ohlhoff
Mr. Bernhard Krieger
Ms. Susi Boxberg
Mrs. Anja Martin, Freelance
America Journal
Detlef Fox, Marketing Manager
Christoph Moeskes, Editor
America Ski & Sun Holidays
Ms. Joy Marx; Michael Marx
Tour Operator
America Unlimited
Timo Kohlenberg
Tour Operator
Mr. Dirk Büttner, Claudia Nagel
Tour Operator
Atlanta Reiseburo
Birgit Heβ
Travel Agency
Henry Barchet
AUSanders Reisen
Mr. Martin Sanders
Tour Operator
Bike the Best
Mrs. Michaela Fischer, Peter M. Fischer
Travel Agency
Blu Media Network GmbH
Angelika Wildermann
Boomerang Reisen
Helge Haus
Tour Operator
BRIGITTE, Gruner und Jahr
Mrs. Nikola Haaks
Dertour GmbH & Co. KG
Ms. Setareh Zahir-fard
Tour Operator
Diamir Erlebnisreisen GmbH
Ms. Jacqueline Janew
Tour Operator
DInstinc Travel/Reisebüro Travelinstinkt
Susanne Fuhrmann
Travel Agency
Eagle Tours Heinemann
Mr. Berthold Heinemann
Tour Operator
Eaglerider Motorcycle Rental
Mr. Erik Seversen
erlebe-fernreisen GmbH
Mrs. Verena Huhn
Tour Operator
Fairflight Touristik GmbH
Kristian Lehmann
Tour Operator
Faszination Ski/Faszination
Carsten Duebler, Christine Teske
Tour Operator
FTI Frosch Touristik GmbH
Mrs. Laura Hutter
Tour Operator
ITB Berlin 2014
ITB Leads - continued
FTI Touristik
Mr. Paul Haselmay
Tour Operator
Fuldaer Zeitung
Walter Kreuzer
Karawane Reisen
Ms. Christina Claus
Tour Operator
Knecht Reisen
Robin Engel
Tour Operator
Mrs. Elke Nett
Tour Operator
Lagraff Reisen OHG
Mr. Lutz Ammann
Tour Operator
Meridia Reisen
Mrs. Elfriede Wrank-Wrba
Tour Operator
Meso Reisen GmbH
Tanja Lindemann
Tour Operator
Claudia Bagi
Tour Operator
Penta Reizen Selectair
Luc Demuynck
Tour Operator
Profi Reisen Verlag, TIP-Travel
Ms. Janin Nachtweh
Mrs. Rita Mahrdt
Tour Operator
Sächsische Zeitung
Mrs. Nora-Maria Miethke
SK Touristik GmbH
Markus Knuepp
Tour Operator
Ski Presse
Wolfgang Greine
Mr. Henry Barchet
Thomas Cook Touristik GmbH /
Neckermann Reisen
Ms. Lisa Hartung
Tour Operator
United Airlines - Germany
Wolfgang Manner
USA.travel SK GmbH
Mr. Silvio Rebmann
Tour Operator
Vogel Corporate Media / Condor Inflight Magazine
Bianca Welsch
ITB Berlin 2014
Mr. Kurt J. Ohlhoff
Rosmarinweg 4
D-30916 Isernhagen
ITB Notes
Mr. Bernhard Krieger
Hermeskeiler Str. 3
D-50935 Köln
Postal Code
011-49-221/944 22 01
011-49-221/ 40 64 551
Postal Code
Company Profile
Company Profile
ITB14: Stopped by booth to say hi to Maureen.
ITB13: Website will change. Will add articles on different
states. Wants to do a northern route in motorhome to SD,
WY MT and ID in 2014. Doing ebooks in own layout.
ITB12: Kurt has written a book on the Rocky Mountains
that was to be published. The publisher has given the
contract back to him. Kurt is thinking of publishing the book
online with Kindle or Amazon. He'll add links, color photos
and updates. He would like to publish next year when
Kindle adds color.
ITB06: Met with Mr. Ohlhoff. Works with Cruise America
now, so they will most likely provide a camper for his tour to
our region in 2007 to update his guidebooks. Will do the
entire region and include ND too. He suggests we check
ITB05: Met with Kurt J Ohlhoff, Travel writer/Photographer.
He is doing an article this year on Lewis and Clark. Send
updates and information asap - SD,MT and ID.
Buckle Club 04
ITB04 - Met with Mr. Ohlhoff. Lewis and Clark life- in SD
twice, remove one listing. Doing Lewis and Clark
newspaper articles and contemplating new books on the
region. Talking to Guido about campers and to Pacific
North West too. Send Indian info along trad. Will pack up
press kits on Monday
ITB03: Stopped by to say that German publisher has put all
USA regional guidebook updates, inluding Ohloff's Rocky
Mountain book, on hold until the war is over, but should
resume publishing (with promotion) next year. And he's
darned mad about it. Working on Lewis and Clark stories
and wants to cover Native American angle.
2002 ITB Buckle Club Participant: Kurt Ohlhoff
ITB2002: Dropped by and provided new e-mail and web
address which is under construction right now. Getting out
of the travel guide business except for edits. Writing for
magazines and newspapers. Susanne please copy him in
on your newsletter e-mails. Hoping to pitch mini guide book
ITB14: Chief editor of Swiss golf magazine Unique. Owner
of Ski USA. Writes for German/Swiss skiing magazines,
gourmet magazine Feinschmecker, several newspapers
and magazines. Also works w/ radio stations. Interested in
ski, golf, cities, wine and food. Possibly int. in visiting the
region in 2015; by 2016 for sure. Working on a new online
magazine (skiusa.net.ch). Christine will be able to upload
content herself. Cross promoted via Facebook. Requested
images on Yellowstone Club but RMI was unable to assist;
will still produce article on YC but will also focus on
Jackson, Big Sky, etc. Scheduled for print in October via
GER01/14: Bernhard sent us his final article from the trip in
December 2012. Within his article he wrote about Grand
Targhee in Wyoming as a great ski area. We thanked him
for his final article and offered further support. Following up
with Bernhard regarding his information request about the
Yellowstone Club, Stephen informed us that they can not
be further assisted. The club wants to preserve his
exclusivity and does not allow access to the media. We
apologized to Bernhard for not being of further assistance.
Published in Ski Magazine about 80 Lifts around the World
with a value of nearly $24,000.
GER12/13: Followed up with Bernhard regarding the
contact information about the private Yellowstone Club in
Montana, he asked us again, if we could inform them about
his work and good cooperation to arrange possible access
to the Club. We forwarded the information to Stephen and
Marlee, but we have not heard back from Marlee, yet.
Stephen highly doubts it that there is any chance. We will
keep Bernhard updated.
GER11/13: Bernhard wrote us an e-mail (11/14/2013) and
asked for our contact information regarding a publication on
Jackson, Grand Targhee and Big Sky. He also asked us for
information about the Yellowstone Club in Montana for a
possible article.
We sent him the contact information and a link to the
ITB Berlin 2014
Ms. Susi Boxberg
Bonner Str. 21
D-50677 Köln
Mrs. Anja Martin, Freelance
c/o Freistil Berlin
Strelitzer Str. 61
DE-10115 Berlin
Postal Code
011-49-221-29 49 72 89
011-49-171 54 65 935
Postal Code
Company Profile
Company Profile
ITB14: Freelance journalist who writes for several
magazine, such as "Motorrad News" (motorcycle focus,
circ: 80,000). Wants to travel to YNP this summer. Fam will
be 2 ppl/2 bikes/2 rooms for 12-14 days. Would work thru
Eaglerider. Targeting July; discussed late August as a
better time to travel. Christine discussed Condor flight to
Denver; may possibly assist. Lodging was mentioned; Terry
K. discussed visiting ID-easier to arrange rooms in peak
season. Also discussed ID scenic byways. Susi sending pdf
of their magazine and her recent ND/SD article.
GER03/13: Published Along the Trails of Sitting Bull in
Motorrad Magazin with a value of $201,067
ITB13: Wrote a nice SD/ND motorcycle article in Austrian
magazine in December 2012. Tried to come to Montana,
but could not get international flight covered. Will ask again.
Discussed Eagle Rider in Billings, Beartooth Pass and
Going-to-the-Sun HWY. Will send a pdf of article to
Maureen. Christine please follow up as well. 10 page article
in Motorrad Magazine in Austria. The German article will be
coming out in June. Vicky Engalhaupt hosted them and met
them in Sturgis last summer.
ITB11: Met with Susi. (Have met with her before with Klaus
Daams) She is a freelance journalist writing for magazines
and the emphasis on motorcycles. Is writing for Motorrad
News. Will send a copy and details on publication. Is
interested in a press trip to the RMI region to write about
motorcycle routes and attractions in Montana. Carola
explained the procedure and working through RMIGermany and suggested a coop with a tour operator or
other publications to get the airfare covered. Gave RMI
guide and MT motorcycle sheet.
ITB14: Freelancer who writes for several well-known
newspapers (FAZ, Die Zeit, Sü
ddeutsche Zeitung Zeitung) and magazines (ADAC
Reisemagazin, Greenpeace Magazin). Also works for the
journalist office "Freistil" Berlin. Has never been to the US
and wants to visit our region 1st! Looking for general story
ideas-discussed BRU, Frontier Days, Basque population in
Boise, Jackson Centennial and others. Also discussed
geothermal features of YNP; similarity to Iceland. Brought
up 75th Sturgis anniversary and MRUSH/CH Memorial
which she had never heard of; very interested in doing a
piece on NA culture tied to CH. RMI Germany please
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
America Journal
America Ski & Sun Holidays
Detlef Fox, Marketing Manager
Ms. Joy Marx; Michael Marx
5 Penn Plaza, 19 Floor
New York, NY
United States
Bonhoefferstr. 33
D-30457 Hannover
Postal Code 10001
Company Profile
Postal Code
Company Profile
ITB14: Met with Detlef and Christoph. America Journal is a
special interest magazine featuring travel, culture and
lifestyle in NA. Readers have a high affinity to travel to the
US (35,240 circ for bi-monthly pub). Ad price for 1 page, 4c
is 5,160 EUR. Kent discussed Jackson Mountain Resort's
recent ranking as the #1 ski resort in NA. Looking for
unique story ideas. Stephen discussed Buffalo
Roundup/Mickelson Trail addition to MRUSH. Also
attended the AJ party at Hotel Savoy. Detlef sent the 2014
rate card and media sheet to Stephen; sent to the states to
place ads if they wish. RMI-Germany please follow-up.
PW09: Met with Detlef. Discussed their various
publications focusing on our region. Updated him about
our new Real America Guide. Will keep him in mind for
future additional publications.
ITB09: Met with Julia and Detlef Fox. Will email publishing
calendar to all states. Montana is already committed to two
features. Julia needs input on "On the Road: Best
Highways '09". All states gave support materials and will
follow up as needed and based on the publishing schedule.
Gave info. on Greater Yellowstone map guide. Wants to
send journalists on a fam sometime soon to get fresh ideas.
We will talk at PowWow '09. Carola will be in contact.
GER10/05: Mrs. Karen Ballard nicely provided us with the
below information - collected by America Journal - about
the German speaking market.
America Journal presents data on the German market:
• According to the Office of Travel and Tourism Industry
2004 1,319,904 Germans visited the United States. That is
an increase of 12% versus 2003.
• The total expenditure of German travelers to North
America increased by 10%, from $ 3.64 billion to $4.03
• The German traveler spends almost four times as much
on a trip to North America as on a vacation in Germany and
more than double as much as on a holiday in Europe.
• For 2005 a comeback for North America traveling is
ITB14: Shared appt. w/ ND. Have large regional ski product
offering; only offer ski for the moment. Work with RMHT
and North Ameican Host. Jackson is small in their portfolio
but is requested. Their cutomers request more smaller,
unique destinations. Kent gave her an update on the
Jackson Hole area. She was interested in the out of
boundaries skiing options. Needed some detailed
information on avalanche equipment. Requested more
detailed information about Idaho. Want to work with the
Town Square Inns
Have bought a 14 seater bus and would like to tie mini
group tours around it, maybe for 2015. Want to start with
the Southwestern States first. RMI Germany follow up with
her to find out if she received everything she needed.
GER01/13: Still features most Ski resorts in the RMI States
- Sun Valley, Jackson Hole and Big Sky. Contacted us
regarding our ITB invitation. They will not attend ITB 2013
but will let us know when she will need additional material.
She also told us that the company was sold and they have
a new Managing Director, Martin Klingenspor as well as a
new address in Berlin. We informed about the Roundup
and sent invitation again.
GER02/11: Still features most Ski resorts in the RMI States
- Sun Valley, Jackson, Whitefish and Big Sky.
Feels that last year (2010/11) ski vacations did not sell well.
Does struggle a bit, but hopes for this winter 2011/12. Has
good bookings so far. Will not attend ITB 2011 but will let
us know when she will need additional material.
ITB08: Met with Joy. This is the best year ever. Looking for
new things. Interested in RMI Ski Fam. Maybe in late
March. Want Suzie to come on Fam maybe afterwards.
Please send Ski pieces to Carola to forward on. Sent at
least 100 pieces if they are lightweight. Look at Joy's
website for ski summaries. Has started attending MTS.
ITB07: Met with Joy. Has been a strange ski year due to
Alps conditions. Discussed Big Sky/Moonlight. Had a client
who checked it out. She will send Pam the report.
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
Tour Operator
America Unlimited
Julia Kohlenberg, Timo Kohlenberg, Rainer Hillers, Ms. Marion
Leonhardtstr. 10
D-30175 Hannover
Postal Code
011-4951137444751 Julia
011-4951137444752 Timo
Mr. Dirk Büttner, Claudia Nagel, Manja Hattwig, Sonja Paul,
Alte Dorfstrasse 44A
D-37120 Bovenden
Postal Code
Company Profile
Larger German TO currently offering fly/drive and motorcoach
product featuring outdoor activities (winter/summer product).
Attended Mega Fam in 2006, 2007, 2011 and 2012; Roundup in
2006. Very active on social media. Works with RMHT.
ITB14: Met w/ Timo. 2nd biggest TO on Facebook-53,000
friends (TUI 1st). Considered the specialist for individually
tailored trips. Publishes three brochures per year (USA,
CAN/Alaska and Bahamas). Looking for fresh high-res
images; gave flash drive. Currently offers YNP circle tour
(in/out SLC). Works with ATI, GTA/Allied TPro, A4Y,
RMHT, Hotelbeds, Tourmappers and City Tours Maine for
receptives. Has 350,000 contacts in distribution database.
Can offer a range of proposals for social media as well as
some newsletters for their database. Stephen will be
meeting with Timo at IPW to discuss further.
PW13: Met with Timo. Briefly discussed plans for ND to join
RMI states in FY14. Didn't discuss much more.
GER03/13: ITB Call - Meeting with Timo and Julia, We
talked about the proposal which contains a microsite on the
America Unlimited website, where we can present videos,
our logo, introduction texts and product offers, a newsletter,
which goes out to 30.000 and sponsored posts on their
Facebook page. They have 40.000 followers and we would
be theme of the month. They would like to focus on the
"Real America" theme as they already recognized interest
from their community. They would recommend doing this
promotion in April/May or better
November/January/February 2014 as your FY just starts in
July. They will provide us with all the numbers after the
promotion (click rates, bookings room nights etc.).
ITB13: Met with Julia and Timo. Discussed proposal to be
presented at Boise meetings in April with Mathias and
Janine. Has a new proposal for Facebook and NL. RMI
region would take over the theme for America Unlimited's
FB page for 1 month. Sponsored posts would be included.
They currently have 37,000 fans. In addition, would be the
theme for their NL that goes to 130,000 subscribers. Cost is
$10,000. Provides all click-thru and booking analytics.
Proposal gives great reach to clients interested in visiting
the U.S. April and May or November, January or February
would be best months. Proposal will be presented and
011-49(0)55948049490 (Dirk)
011-49(0)5594930930 (Claudia)
011-49-5594 8049491
Company Profile
German TO offering fly/drive, accommodation, package and group
regional product. Features both summer and winter tailormade
product including ranches and outdoor activities. Has frequented
Roundup since 1995 and has also attended Mega Fam.
ITB14: Met with Claudia Nagel and Dirk Buttner, both of
whom exhibited in the RMI booth for consumer weekend.
Argus Reisen offers fly/drives, ranch, ski, outdoor/city
packages as well as tour/show tickets and sightseeing
tours, canpers, motorcycles as well as cruises for FITs and
small groups. Claudia will be attending RU14/MT1 post.
Winter bookings a little slow this year. Offer online product
catalogue/booking system-in process of creating
website/translating material. Now have 3 offices. Offer
multi-faceted services-motorcycle rentals, campers, etc.
Gave USB drive. Discussed situation in Idaho-Dirk very
disappointed in losing that relationship/product connection.
Many clients stay 18 days or longer. Earlier this year, RMI/4
states declined proposal for website upgrade due to VAT
not being included in proposal; would like to re-propose. If
we upgrade the website, Argus will be able to track results.
Can also offer roadshow seminar taking place in Hamburg
this October. Would feature travel agents in the
morning/consumers in the afternoon. Flyers, trainings, etc.
would accompany roadshow. Would be called "American
Day." Claudia will be doing a number of ranch site
inspections after RU; Kent discussed Turpin Meadow
Ranch near Jackson.
GER10/13: Argus is updating their info material for the
winter season. We sent them the following brochures as
requested: 20x Montana Winter Guides, 20x Jackson Hole
Explorer, 20x Snowmobile Trails Maps Wyoming, and 20x
Idaho Adventure Guides
GER09/13: ARGUS REISEN participated at Americana
2013 in cooperation with RMI. Americana is a biennial
show with the main theme western-‐style riding. There
were 45.000 visitors at the Show this
year who received professional detailed information on the
region. Argus Reisen handed out 100 Real
America Guides to the visitors.
GER07/13: Talked about business in general. Dirk stated
that Winter started slow. Summer is doing quite well, same
ITB Berlin 2014
Travel Agency
Birgit Heβ
Pfleggasse 15
D-94469 Deggendorf
Atlanta Reiseburo
Henry Barchet
Ilbesheimer Weg 12
D-67067 Ludwigshafen
Postal Code
Company Profile
Postal Code
Company Profile
ITB14: Looking for ranches (working and guest) near
Canadian border en route to Calgary. Gave her MT VG,
map and ranch info. Marlee, please follow-up.
ITB14: In conjunction w/ SWR meeting; Radio Journalist.
Works for German radion station SWR Also has website
"Audiotravel" (audiotravels.podbean.com), a travel audio
blog. Mr. Barchet presented two ideas he had for the Rocky
Mountain region and that would be broadcasted at radio
station SWR. One is a series where they try to proof
whether a song is real or not, e.g. like the German song
"Es gibt kein Bier auf Hawaii (translates: There is no beer
available in Hawaii)." They would produce a feature about
Hawaii trying to find out if this statement is true or not This
series is something like the "Mythbusters of music"
There are two songs about Montana Mr. Barchet would like
to use for his series. He stated that a lot of the region's
tourism aspects could be included in the feature. His
second idea is personally related to him
He would like to "follow the footsteps" of his father who
studied at the University of Missoula after the Second
World War. His plan is to visit the places his father visited
back then and show how they look like today and the
changes they have undergone in the course of time using
material from his father
Planned date for this story would be 2015. This topic could
also be linked to social media and can cover a lot of
different angles of the region. Mr. Barchet stated that he
prefers to travel off season. Stephen and Kent told him that
the best travel time would be either spring or fall. We
informed Mr. Barchet that we will not be able to cover the
costs for the airfare but would assist with a program. RMI
Germany will follow-up.
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
Travel Agency
AUSanders Reisen
Mr. Martin Sanders
Wachtelweg 25
DE-83024 Rosenheim
Bike the Best
Mrs. Michaela Fischer, Julia Nebo, Peter M. Fischer, Sarah
Alemannenstr. 4
D-53844 Troisdorf
Postal Code
Postal Code
Company Profile
Company Profile
Small German tour operator selling tailormade fly/drive and
motorcoach tours. Attended Roundup in 2012 and 2013.
German tour operator offering tailormade motorcycle group tours
(concentrated on Harley). Attended Mega Fam in 2005 and 2009 and
Roundup in 2007, 2008 and 2012.
ITB14: Was supposed to exhibit in ND booth on
Saturday/RMI booth on Sunday but had to cancel due to
GER06/13: We followed up with Martin regarding ITB
meeting and Roundup in Boise. He stated that he had a
great time at the RMI Roundup again, made some good
new contacts and reinforced business relationships. He
also mentioned that the RMI region is still selling well. We
sent the 30 German Montana guides he ordered, offered
our further support.
RU13: Martin Sanders attended
GER03/13: The states presented their what’s new. Rita
stated that unfortunately Willow Creek and Padlock Ranch
are closing their business as vacation ranch. Marlee
showed her new German Montana Guide and Martin wants
to receive around 50 to hand out to his clients.
Martin stated that his business is going well and he still
distributes our RMI flyer and would like to participate in our
ITB booth in 2014. He will come to Roundup in Boise.
ITB13: Met with Martin. Mainly a catching up meeting. The
Australian market is doing well. Has WY ranches in
Honeymoon Flyer. Will attend RU2013 in Boise.
GER01/13: Martin sent us his new wedding brochure which
also features ranch weddings in the Rocky Mountains. The
Paradise Guest Ranch, the Willow Creek Ranch at The
Hole in the Wall and the Lost Creek Ranch in Wyoming are
presented including a great photo with cowboy theme.
He also registered for the RMI Roundup 2013 in Boise.
Unfortunately he has no time to go on the Post Fam this
year. He is really looking forward to it.
GER06/12: We talked to Martin again about the RMI
Roundup in Buffalo. He told us he liked it very much, made
great connections, met great people and had a wonderful
time. RMI did a great job and arranged everything very
well. Also the Wyoming Post Fam fulfilled his expectations,
saw great Ranches and he enjoyed that tour. He also told
us he plans to include the Paradise Ranch, he visited
ITB14: Met with Peter and MIchaela Fischer. Small
German TO specialized in motorcycle groups and FIT. One
of two TO's authorized for Harley Davidson program. Like
to work with BW hotels. Send approx. 2,000 bikers/year to
the US and always looking for new biker events/meetings.
Tours start in either Denver or Flagstaff. Sending cyclist
group in July from Seattle to Yellowstone; some extending
trip to SD. Bicycle tour is a charity tour-"Ride for Reading."
Includes media coverage and TV. A local celebrity will join
the group (possibly in Jackson). 14 day total with a small
portion of the group continuing to South Dakota. 32 ppl total
+ film crew (DHL is a big sponsor). Stephen mentioned
Mickelson and Hiawatha Trails. Books FIT through
Dertour/FTI; books groups direct. Looking for hotels in
Jackson; Kent suggested Parkway Inn, Town Square Inn,
Virginian Lodge (have booked before), Lexington Inn (bike
options). Has three groups scheduled for next year. Sturgis
2015 has strong FIT bookings so far; will keep in contact.
German office sending 200 RAGs.
MegaFam13: Ramona de Blaer
ITB13: Moved back to Germany. That office is growing, but
still has an office in Flagstaff. Is partnering with Papillion in
the Grand Canyon helicopter and Harley tour. Planning
more trips to Milwaukee for 110 Harley Davidson
anniversary for 2013, but 2014 is good for Sturgis. Spoke to
Cody ad Buffalo at Pow Wow 2012 regarding sponsorship
of a motorcycle video. Never pursued this due to hectic
year in 2012. Ready now, so Peter will be in contact with
both ASAP. Peter needs to contact Angela Jarvis (Buffalo)
and Claudia Wade (Cody) for video assets. Nancy, send
Sun Valley mail book - they didn't receive it. Janine please
follow up.
GER06/12: We talked to Susanne again about her
experience at her first RMI Roundup and the South Dakota
Post Fam. She thanked us for the great organization of her
trip. She had a wonderful time: nice people, new contacts,
great food, awesome hotel locations, amazing nature and
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
Blu Media Network GmbH
Boomerang Reisen
Angelika Wildermann
Rosenthaler Straβe
D-10178 Berlin
Helge Haus
Joachimstr. 8
D-30159 Hannover
Postal Code
Postal Code
Company Profile
Company Profile
ITB14: Have been in the market for nearly 20 years. Blu
Media is a network of several LGBT magazines: Blu, grab,
rik, Exit, Mate and Leo and Hinnerk, which are published in
several German cities. The focus is the support of the
LGBT community with creative ideas and concepts.
Circulation: 120,000; 1 page value: 13,800 EUR. 2 primary
publications-Blu: monthly, many different names for this
publication depending on city/region. Content is the same;
Mate: quarterly pub. 50,000 distribution (3x readership);
prestigious publication targeted to gay males 30-50 yrs old.
Both publications are centered on the LGBT community.
German gay ppl spend have far more disposable income
and spend it on travel and culture. Many TOs are targeting
the large LGBT community in Berlin for that very reason.
Gay community tends to travel outside of peak season.
National Parks are a prevalent theme; sports, outdoors,
active adventure, etc. Showed us an interesting piece
featuring die-cut pages in the shape of North America...big
eye catcher! Can offer 1,500 EUR/page for this type of ad;
Would like to get as many states as possible; possibly coop with BUSA or TO, possibly an airline. Currently work
with EasyJet but willing to look at other options (possibly
Condor?); 7,500 EUR for traditional full-page/2,500 EUR
for 1/3 page. Deadline is May 27 for August edition.
Discussed gay pride parade in Berlin (June): largest LGBT
event in Germany (Cologne 2nd). RMI-Germany please
follow-up for consideration.
ITB14: Shared appt with ND. Long-haul travel specialist
since 1994. Started their US business two years ago. They
work directly with tour operator TUI. Portfolio includes
tailormade F/D tours, vehicle rentals, accommodations,
outdoor activities, escorted coach tours and rail, cruise and
ferry services, etc. Have twelve travel agencies within
Germany plus one in Austria and one in Switzerland.
Looking to develop regional product. Helge needed
detailed information on the RMI region. They are receiving
more and more requests for the RMI region. He would like
to feature 2-3 fly/drive's + Hotels in different cities
combined with an attraction / excursion in that city. Fred to
put together a recommendation list for different properties
and cities and to send to Helge. All states are asked to put
together a recommendation list for different properties and
cities and to send to Helge. We offered Helge to let us
know when he will be over so that we can arrange a site
inspection for him in our area, as he will not attend the IPW
in 3 weeks. The Managing Director of Boomerang will
attend IPW.
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
Mrs. Nikola Haaks
Am Baumwall 11
DE-20444 Hamburg
Dertour GmbH & Co. KG
Per Illian, Mr. Kevin Keogh, Maurice Lalim, Katja Wagner; Beate
Emil-von-Behring Straße 6
D-60424 Frankfurt am Main
Postal Code
Postal Code
011-49-40 / 3703-0
011-49-40 / 37035825
Company Profile
011-49-6995 883281
011-49-69-9588 1010,
Company Profile
ITB14: Met with Nikola Haaks who writes for the major
German women's magazine Brigitte.
She is planning to write an article about staying at a ranch
in Montana (alternatively Wyoming).
RMI-Ger has been in contact with her last year but she had
to postpone the trip due to another tour. They are looking
for a small, charming ranch which offers a mixture between
working ranch and tourist activities. One ranch they came
up with in Montana is the Sweet Grass Ranch. Or the
Bitterroot Ranch in Wyoming. Travel date would be June
2014 for one week. Mrs. Haaks travels together with a
photographer and they mainly need assistance with
accommodations. The ranch will get receive coverage in
the magazine approx. 8 to 9 pages. She published an
article on South Dakota, sending article for review. RMIGermany will follow-up. Follow-up Mar 17, 2014: RMIGermany emailed Nikola the media request form and she
will send it next week.
GER01/14: Talked to Mrs. Haaks again regarding her
planned trip to Montana in spring / early summer 2014. She
is still interested in realizing that trip. We will meet with Mrs.
Haaks at ITB to discuss further details.
GER07/13: One of Germany’s major women’s magazines;
Brigitte, circ. 565.221, monthly
Mrs. Haaks plans to write an article about a ranch vacation
in Montana. She is looking for a ranch in Montana which
offers a nice mixture of working & dude ranch, located in a
beautiful surrounding. Ideally it should not be too big, with a
nice and familiar atmosphere. It should not focus on horses
and horseback riding only but also offer other outdoor
activities. Planned duration would be approx. one week.
Mrs. Haaks travels together with a photographer. Travel
date is not fixed yet, they are targeting either this fall or
spring 2014, depending on another pending project. We
provided Mrs. Haaks with several suggestions for possible
ranches and informed her that September would probably
be the better travel date. A fam form will be filled out once
German tour operator with extensive client history. Offers tailormade
fly/drive and motorcoach tours. Also sells accommodations. Works
extensively with guest ranches. Attended Mega Fam in 2003, 2004
and 2005; Roundup in 2004. Also attended independent trade fam to
the region in 2006.
ITB14: Met with Ms. Setareh Zahir-fard. Dertour is a global
T/O w/ worldwide connections. Dertour is the largest
operator in Germany selling NA product. They have their
own receptive (New World Travel/NYC, Miami, LA). Dertour
operates its own exclusive tour series and is specialized in
individual travel (car rental, motorhomem FIT, self drive
tours and activity programs). ADAC Reisen is a brand of
the company. NA products contracted by Dertour directly.
Dertour's summer catalogue has distribution of
600,000/winter 250,000. Deluxe catalogue-250,000. Winter
catalogue coming out in July/Summer in November. Offer
separate ski brochure-overall ski product is down this year
even though Germany has had a very mild winter. Can
offer both online/offline promos (posters, flyers, landing
pages, etc.). Cannot provide booking info but can provide
tracking info for online promotions. Newsletter/teaser
banners approx. distribution of 200,000 consumers. 2,500
EUR to have our own newsletter featuring ONLY the
region. Flyer promotion consists of 10 flyers total; dist.
approx. 2,600 travel agents, 3,500 EUR. Need 4 weeks
notice for printing. RMI-Germany please follow-up on print
proposals as well as landing page offer.
GER01/12: Requested brochures for sales support. We
provided them with Real America Guides
GER11/11: Dertour, Meiers Weltreisen and ADAC Reisen
look back on their best business year in the company
history. They achieved a sales growth of 8% and a turnover
of 1.7 billion Euros.
PW11: Meeting with Christina Maurer. Dertour has added
a new tour through the RMI region recently. They are
seeing good demand for our region as a 2nd or 3rd tier
destination for repeat visitors to the USA. We discussed
the 2011 Mega Fam and possible marketing co-ops.
Carola, please follow up with "what's new" information for
each state.
NL03/11: Mrs. Katrin Pauli no longer with Dertour. Opened
newsletter (tfn.marketing)
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
Travel Agency
DInstinc Travel/Reiseburo Travelinstinkt
Diamir Erlebnisreisen GmbH
Mr. Maximilian Delang, Product Manager
Susanne Fuhrmann
Berthold-Haupt-Straße 2
DE-01309 Dresden
Takusstraße 39
DE-50825 Köln
Postal Code
011-49-351 / 31207-7
011-49-351 / 312076
Company Profile
German operator offering cultural, nature, trekking and expedition
tours for small groups. Most of their clients are between 30 and 60
years old.
ITB14: Met w/ Ms. Jacqueline Janew. Small T/O focusing
on culture, nature and trekking tours. Most clients are 30-60
yrs old. Offer one 15 day group tour w/ stays in WY/SD.
Looking for unique activities/nature driven ideas. Ranches
and resort accommodations are of interest. Discuss
NPs/BH-DWD/MRUSH. Want to put together special USA
brochure-targeting 2015; can offer 2-3 pgs of multiple
routings for both f/d and group tours. Features
accommodation listings, etc. Jacqueline focuses on
product. Offers winter product to southern states, not our
Blocked Constant Contact: 10/12 l.schelzel@diamir.de
GER11/11: Offer cultural tours, nature tours, trekking tours,
and expeditions for small groups. Most of their clients are
between 30 and 60 years old. The only US tours they offers
so far are to the Northwest, one tour includes California,
Oregon and Washington. Their best selling regions are
South America yet. However are very interested in
extending their product into the Rocky Mountain region of
the US. We introduced our destination and offered our
service regarding group tour contacts and insight
GER01/11: As Diamir has an own travel agency in their
headquarter, where they sell various product and not only
own they asked for support regarding a Ranch request for
Montana. We suggested various German Tour Operator
who specialize in Ranch vacations and sent information
material to Mr. Schelzel.
GER11/10: Offer cultural tours, nature tours, trekking tours,
and expeditions for small groups. Most of their clients are
between 30 and 60 years old. Met at Journeys and
discussed their product. Circulation of brochure: 58,000.
Mainly have small groups up to 14 people. Feature a
National Park tour from Cody to San Francisco and a
Nature and hiking tour from Rapid City to Salt Lake. Both
tours include Yellowstone National Park. Work with Travel
Dream West as receptive. We introduced other parts of the
Postal Code
011-49-221 / 9526791
Company Profile
ITB14: Met w/ Ms. Susanne Fuhrmann. Travel agency but
looking to expand portfolio and become T/O in the near
future. Mostly online catalogue/work thru FTI/Dertour. Per
project basis on product; have a lot of RV requests;
currently not working w/ hotels. Suggesting Seattle>Las
Vegas tour (incl. GNP/YNP). Ms. Fuhrmann is attending
2014 RU Missoula; Denver pre/MT 1 Glacier post. Also int.
in visiting region on independent trade fams.
GER02/14: Susanne Fuhrmann was a participant at the
Round Up 2012 and is now working for the travel agency
"DistincTravel". As of right now they are a travel agency
without own product but they want to extend their portfolio
and become a separate tour operator in the near future.
She requested brochure material to hand out to her
customers and work on their product. Sent out 5 RAGs and
invited her to participate at the Round Up 2014. Also set up
appointments at ITB with her to discuss further cooperation
with her agency and the region.
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
Eagle Tours Heinemann
Eaglerider Motorcycle Rental
Mr. Berthold Heinemann, Angela Atzrott
Gustav-Altenhain-Str. 11
D-45549 Sprockövel
Postal Code
Mr. Erik Seversen, VP International Business Development
11860 S. La Cienega Blvd.
Hawthorne, CA
Postal Code 90250-3461
United States
Company Profile
Company Profile
ITB14: Met w/ Mr. Berthold Heinemann. Shared appt. w/
ND. Travel agency offering some T/O services. Books
direct. Wanted to participate in RU14 but had schedule
conflict. Offers online product service (poorly configurated).
Looking for information on Native American product. Fredpease send contact info from tribal tourism offices. Looking
for new product offerings on or about tipi's, etc. Maureengood contact for Kiri Close/Lakota Ways.
GER01/12: Talked to Berthold. He is very interested in
participating in the RMI Roundup. His website is down
because of trouble with some hackers. He will get it
updated in the next weeks. Sent an invitation out to
GER11/10: Talked to Berthold. Is very interested in
participating again in the RMI Roundup. Would like to bring
his spouse / co-worker. Feel that this year, compared to
2009 they have a lot more detailed and special requests also for the RMI region. Says Eagletours is not compatible
when it comes down to pre-packaged tours, but individual
and special FIT requests make up the most part of their
portfolio. Currently is re-vamping the Eagletours website.
Does not publish a brochure. Also would like to attend the
Montana Postfam, but due to the fact that they can only get
a babysitter for their children for one week, would have to
be back in Germany Sunday February 20th.
Requested their participation with RMI and will follow up.
RU08: Mr. Berthold Heinemann, Angela Atzrott
ITB08: Met with Berthold. Please send information about
zip lines in ID. Maureen gave a "What's new in 2008" flyer.
Rita, more motorcycle and quality lodging. Want to stay
longer in the region and clients are lookiing for authentic
western adventure. Is offering CFD this year, which is
selling well.
GER01/08: Specialize in adventure and active travel
throughout the USA. Small groups, does guiding himself but also individual requests. Also offers the Hideout Ranch,
Lake Ranch in Wyoming and the Cheyenne Frontier Days.
ITB14: Met at America Unlimited party. Discussed product
development in the region. Interested in providing
motorcycles for fams.
AUS13: Erik is a clone of Chris McIntire (President of
EagleRider) and is very supportive of our region. He said
that we should contact him directly if we need help with
motorcycles for fams. He won the "Handley Award" at the
Sydney Expos and asked Barbara to take a photo of him
with his award and send it to him. Barbara follow up and
send photo.
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
Tour Operator
erlebe-fernreisen GmbH
Fairflight Touristik GmbH
Mrs. Verena Huhn, Product Management & Development
Flughafenrng 199
DE-47652 Weeze
Postal Code
Kristian Lehmann, General Manager
Neustrasse 11-12
D-06886 Wittenberg
Postal Code
011-49-2837 6638 0
011-49-2837 6638 333
Company Profile
erlebe-fernreisen is an online tour operator that offers individual
round trips or accommodations all over the world. They have a high
focus on the authenticity of the clients experience so they prefer
small, individual accommodations that reflect the flair and the
atmosphere of where they at. They also offer different excursions
ITB14: Met with Ms. Verena Huhn. Erlebe-Fernreisen is an
online based T/O for long haul destinations. New contact
but steadily growing product. Focusing on SW USA but
looking for info/routings in our region. Ms. Huhn is the
product manager for US/CAN/AU. Currently offers 40
destinations/online FIT bookings; like to keep personal
contact w/ clients. Offer puzzle module to assist with trip
planning. Have 21% conversion rate for this module.
Started offering US in 2010; forecasting 30% pax increase
this year. Use only World Travel for receptive. Clients
primarily disover company via Google/Bing. Have approx.
20,000 dist. for newsletter. Like to focus on lodges to
maintain regional flavor of destination. Looking for high-res
images. Interested in Mega Fam, RMI-Ger please followup.
GER01/14: German online tour operator. erlebe-fernreisen
is an online tour operator that offers individual round trips
or accommodations all over the world. They have a high
focus on the authenticity of the clients experience so they
prefer small, individual accommodations that reflect the flair
and the atmosphere of where they at. They also offer
different excursions where their clients can experience the
region and residents even better. They already have some
USA product e.g. California or Florida but they would like to
extend their range. We sent out the Real America Guide
and a map of the region and also set up an appointment
with Ms Huhn at ITB 2014.
Company Profile
ITB14: Met with Mr. Kristian Lehmann. Fairflight is busy
expanding their US product. Offer a wide range of services
incl. f/d, city breaks, hotel packages, cruises, etc.
Receptives: Tourico, MPA, NWT, Team America,
GTA/Allied TPro, Meeting Point North America; books bus
group tours through Junker Reisen. Through JunkersYNP/Rocky Mountain tour:
LC>S. Utah (1 departure). Also sells a lot of family f/d tours.
Offers online product catalogue; would like to develop a
dedicated ranch page featuring images, info, rates, etc.
They have a number of inquiries on ranches but offer
minimal product. States please provide ranch info. Referred
A4Y/RMHT for ranch info as well. Int. in attending Mega
Fam (attended 3 years ago); He would love to write a blog
about a ranch stay in the RMI region to promote summer
vacation with kids for summer 2014. Will provide Kristian
with content for this blog. Also looking to develop ID
product; discussed Craters, Pocatello, Boise, Coeur
D'alene, wineries, Bruneau Sand Dunes, Sun Valley, etc.
RMI-Germany please follow-up.
MegaFam11: Ms. Katharina Stehning
Ger08/11: Beatrice Erbert requested Posters from RMI
destination. The framed posters will be for decoration and
sales purposes.
PW11: Meeting with Kristian Lehmann. Would like to
receive state maps and RAGs. Very interested in a fam tour
to our region. Discussed Mega Fam and options for a
personal trade fam. Needs a receptive operator to work
with. Mentioned A4Y and RMHTs. Carola, please follow
up with their contact information as well as the materials.
ITB11: Met with Beatrice Erbert. Offers FIT and Fly/Drive.
Created a flyer in 2009 with a RMI special that was
distributed at consumer shows. In 2010 included RMI info
in their brochures as a teaser. Bookable product is online.
Only offer the US. Interested in the 2011 Mega Fam.
Needs region content for their website. Needs receptive
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
Tour Operator
Faszination Ski/Faszination Fernweh
FTI Frosch Touristik GmbH
Mrs. Manuela Dübler, Anja Jörder, Sandra Kätsch, Carsten
Wintergasse 14
D-69469 Weinheim
Postal Code
Mrs. Beate Nowag, Katharina Wiesheu, Ulrike Grube, Mr. Michael
Landsberger Straße 84-90
D-80339 München
Postal Code
Company Profile
The largest German operator specializing in ski packages to the
region. Very involved with Jackson Hole. Attended Mega Fam in
2010-11 and Roundup in 2004.
ITB14: Met with Mr. Carsten Dübler and Christine Teske,
the new sales/marketing manager. Shared appt. w/ ND.
Faszination Ski/Fernweh is a T/O specializing in NA. Offer
f/d, motorhome vacations, city trips, outdoor adventures
and motorcycle tours. Currently offer three f/d tours to the
region (one featuring WY only, another with ID, MT and WY
and another with ID/WY). Also offer Old Faithful Inn, Rustin
Inn and Togwotee Lodge in WY. Looking for new product.
Started offering summer product 3 years ago/ski for the last
15 yrs. Fernweh is a branch of Faszination focused
primarily on image inspiration. Built new brochure that's
selling very well. Offers online booking. Wants to promote
fly/drive inspiration via TravelZoo-create customized
itineraries/submit to Carsten for offer. 35,000 ppl on
TravelZoo daily. Also proposing TravelZoo newsletter. Past
newsletters have had tremendous success (example: 1
newsletter resulted in 150 inquiries/55 bookings-30% conv.
rate; 1st booking took place w/in first 2 hours). Newsletter
cost: $7,000 (50% covered by Faszination/50% by
partners)-distributed to 750,000 ppl-targeted segment. Can
also offer customized teaser banner on Bild.de; would link
directly to f/d itinerary. Cost: $1,000. Also wants to create
18-21 day f/d that balances entire region. Wants to attend
Mega Fam but has honeymoon around that time that
creates scheduling confict. RMI-Germany please follow-up.
GER03/13: They worked very hard on the new brochure
and have a new booking program for all their tours. It
allows the costumer to change their itinerary on their on.
They also want to expand their product on travelzoo and
plan to place more Google adwords. Their fly drives sell the
best. The winter season was good but not as great as the
years before and they felt a slight decrease, which always
depends on the snow in the Alps. Anyway they received
lots of bookings for Jackson Hole and would like to get
some new images for their brochures etc, winter themes
but also summer. WY and MT presented their short video
clips on their homepages, which Faszination can use. MT
011-49-89 / 2525-0
011-49-89/ 2525-6565
Company Profile
ITB14: Met with Laura Hütter. 2nd largest US wholesaler.
Have over 10,000 certified agents. Generate 1 Billion EUR
annually. 4th largest T/O in Germany. Use Meeting Point
for receptive. Sold 1,297 room nights last year; decrease in
sales due to gov't shutdown. Can offer TA trainings via
roadshows/presentations. "North American Roadshow" is 5
days/5 cities (4,500 EUR, includes transportation/lodging).
Difficult to provide direct ROI data on travel agent sales
since agents sell product from variety of operators. 1297
room nights for the whole RMI region in 2013 were
generated. RMI-Germany please follow-up.
GER01/14: In association to their North America themed
roadshow we provided 21 of our give-away bandanas for
the FTI staff and partners. They want to design the show
around the American looks & feelings and they are going to
match their outfits to that theme. RMI is not a partner of
the roadshow but we also provided a theme-matching
image and the RMI logo, which will be shown in their
presentation as "outfit sponsor". The roadshow is going to
take place from February 10th - 14th, 2014 in 5 different
German cities.
MegaFam13: Alice Dimora
GER06/13:We followed up with Uli after Mathias and Kim
met her at IPW in Las Vegas.
She sent the proposal for the FTI Academy again which we
already presented at Roundup. It stayed the same except
that we do not need to offer an incentive trip for the travel
agents from the academy, as FTI is not planning a fam trip
to our region in 2014 due to management decisions.
Furthermore she sent a new proposal for the FTI
Roadshow. It is a B2B travel agent training called “USA
Roadshow 2014” in 5 different German cities including
interactive marketplace (own desk, brochures and
giveaways) and evening event with American buffet. They
are planning to have 12 to 18 partners and expect 80 to
100 travel agents per city. The price for this is EUR 3,000
per partner, subject to a minimum of 12 partners. This
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
FTI Touristik
Fuldaer Zeitung
Mr. Paul Haselmayr, Head of FIT Department
Baeckermuehlweg 59
AT-4030 Linz
Postal Code
Walter Kreuzer
Obertorstrasse 36
D-36381 Schluchtern
Company Profile
011-49(0)6661 965617
011-49-172-6550915 (cell)
011-49(0)6661 965630
Postal Code
Company Profile
ITB14: Met w/ Mr. Paul Haselmayr. FTI Touristik is an
active T/O in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France.
Offers 20 brochures w/ worldwide product portfolio. FTI
group is No. 2 in USA w/ FTI Touristik, BigXtra,
Sonnenklar, Gold by FTI, 5vorFlug, LAL (Language &
Leisure). Business going well/started slow but picking up.
Discussed What's New in the region; gave flash drive.
Interested in Mega Fam; RMI-Germany please send dates
when finalized. Marketing Proposal: FTI Roadshow-5
cities/week w/ exposure to 700+ agents. Can also offer 2
day Formula One event in September with 200 travel
agents, with workshops and a B2C monthly flyer in daily
press (circ. 200,000), upper Austria newspaper for people
with higher income, come out every month – different
option. RMI Germany please follow-up.
GER08/11: The early bird special “Sorglos Frühbuchen
Garantie” allows customers to cancel their booked tour free
of cancellation fee until 30 days before start, and travelers
age 55 and up can save up to 30%. They also expanded
their hotel program in package and modules.
FTI Austria is content to note a double-digit booking
increase so far this year.
GER08/07: Discussed current season and travel to the US
in general. Offer all the FTI products, which are also
featured in the German brochure. Bookings for RMI are on
the same level as last year: after a very good start
bookings slowed down a bit. Unfortunately could not give
us detailed numbers. Are interested in new photo-material
from the RMI region. Updated all relevant contact
information. Sent the new 2007 RMI photo CD. will stay in
ITB14: Not planning on visiting the region this year but
definitely int. in 2015. Article on Mammoth Site coming out
in Spirit of the West in the next 3 weeks or so. Discussed
Heart Mountain as possible story angle. RMI-Germany: add
Mr. Kreuzer to trade newsletter (already receiving media).
Int. in BRU 2015.
GER04/13: Published Geschenk in die Welt A gift to the
world in Salzburger Nachrichten for a value of $84,535
GER03/13: He gave us a short review of this trip. Mr.
Kreuzer informed us about his planned trip for summer
2013. He’s planning to visit Yellowstone NP in July 2013.
Due to the fact that Mr. Kreuzer has already been to
Yellowstone NP and since it’s high season, it will not be
possible to provide complimentary accommodation in the
park. However, Gary will be able to offer him a special
rate . Mr. Kreuzer will contact him directly. Rita introduced
the Wolf discovery tour (offered through the Yellowstone
Association Institute) which Mr. Kreuzer was very
interested in doing (target date: July 11). Rita (or her
successor) will try to arrange Mr. Kreuzer’s participation in
that tour. After leaving Yellowstone he will drive on to Salt
Lake City, either via Wyoming or via Idaho. He collected
information on both tour suggestions and will let us know
what he decides. We will forward Mr. Kreuzer the
information on the new media regulations at Yellowstone
NP .
GER02/13: Published in Journal, titled Not with the tail over
the nose for a value of $24,386
ITB13: Met with Walter and Beate. Recently traveled
through YNP and did a Wildlife Tour over to Missoula and
had a great experience at the Smokejumper Center. Saw a
practice jump and went on tour of planes where they drop
fire retardents. Went behind the chutes at the rodeo. They
are coming to the region again arriving in Denver July 9
and including Riverton overnight on the 9th and July 10, 11
and 12 in YNP. May consider coming through ID on their
way back from SLC. Is requesting early morning wolf tour
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
Tour Operator
Karawane Reisen
Knecht Reisen
Mr. Peter Albrecht, Ms. Julia Ohlott, Ms. Christina Claus
Schorndorfer Straße 149
D-71638 Ludwigsburg
Postal Code
Mrs. Daniela Ranalder, Mr. Rech Urech, Mr. Kenny Prevost,
Rohrerstrasse 100
CH-5001 Aarau
Postal Code
011-49-7141 28480
Company Profile
011-41-62-8347 111
011-41-62-8347101 (Marcel)
011-41-62-8347 100
Company Profile
ITB14: Ms. Christina Claus cancelled due to illness. RMIGermany will follow-up to address any needs.
GER11/11: Karawane published their new catalogues,
Canada & Alaska“ and „USA & Hawaii“, offering tours for
FITs and special groups on a total of 318 pages.
GER03/09: Karawane Reisen send emails, requesting
brochures for Wyoming (esp. Yellowstone National Park).
USA bokings are still doing well and they do need the
material for better consultation of their clients. Explained
the situation regarding the German Real America Guide.
Sent out Wyoming Vacation guides.
ITB08: Met with Peter Albrecht. He is interested in A4Y's
ranches and adventures. Will mail tariff. Will create small
group to US with A4Y. Mrita, please follow up.
MegaFam07: Ms. Jula Ohlott
GER04/07: Offer 2 bus tours and 2 Fly Drives to the RMI
region, also offer Motorbike Rental (Jackson, Billings, Great
Falls). Saw a 12 % increase in bookings to the US last
year, special interest in the Western US States. Will start
planning the new catalogue in June. Offered support and
sent new RAG as well as new States brochures, provided
State Maps and RAGs to hand out to clients. Added
Karawane to our list for the quaterly RMI Newsletter.
ITB07: Met with Mr. Albrecht. Needs about 30 maps and 30
RMI guides. Have catalogue where they feature RMI . Do
FIT's and groups - sell directly and over the internet. US
sells well. RMI - feature in general. Flex drive/RV/Bus tours.
ATI and smaller receptives they work with. RMI Germany
will follow up.
GER01/06:Mrs Rath of German tour operator Karawane
Reisen stopped by at the USA booth at consumer show
CMT in Stuttgart and requested brochures on the RMI
destinations to hand out to interested clients. Karawane
Reisen belongs to the Best Of Group and is thus offering
the same USA programm as Cruising Reise, who are also
part of the Best of Group. The catalogue includes several
ITB14: Met with Robin Engel. Shared appt. with ND. Works
with NWT, ATI, American Ring, Bonotel, Tourico and GTA
for receptives. Knecht Reisen wants to develop small niche
market brochure for RA region; serves as inspiration guide
and compliments their primary catalog. Printed 10,000
copies ($800/page) through 27 Knecht agencies and 900
priority partners in Switzerland as well as tourism fairs
Knecht attends. Can include all states as well as individual
partners (MRUSH, YNP, Glacier for example). Can provide
listings for iconic attractions for additional $800/page.
Distribute to "official" Knecht" agents as well as priority
partners. Also distribute at tourism fairs. Offer online
version as well. Best time to print is Thanksgiving-Xmas.
Will provide booking info for analysis. 80 partners max.
Would coordinate info with RMI, states and German office if
approved. Need 6 weeks time to prepare material. Will
present and include as part of the FY15
marketing proposals for the German-speaking
GER09/13: contacted Robin Engel from Knecht regarding
Edutainment activities for RMI and North Dakota. Robin
mentioned that the bookings for this year Edutainment is
already tight and we could get a table at the Consumer
Event November 16,2013. The Seminar on the 15th was
already sold out in August. WTS has offered RMI to
participate within the WTS Space and could save costs.
Robin will follow up on the 2014 dates and costs as these
are not planned by now.
MegaFam13: Aline Knecht
10-1-13: Lukas Schultheiss has left the company and the
tourism industry. Robin Engel will take over as the Product
Manager for North America
GER07/13: We talked to Lukas regarding the proposed
trade/consumer show Travel Day 2013, which will take
place November 15 and 16, 2013 in Baden, Switzerland.
Friday will be the trade day where 60 participants will have
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
Tour Operator
Lagraff Reisen OHG
Mrs. Elke Nett, Abt. mbr incentive tours
Mr. Lutz Ammann
In den Mittelweiden 2 a
D-56220 Urmitz-Rhein
Eisvogelweg 5
D-14169 Berlin
Postal Code
Company Profile
Postal Code
Company Profile
ITB14: Shared appt. w/ ND. Tour operator actively selling
group tours; especially interested in special topic tours.
Works through local travel agencies. Fred and Terry
Harzinski sat in. Doesn't sell that much product. Usually
has many plans but they seldom materialize
GER10/05: Lagraff Reisen is a tour operator who offers a
variety of year-round holiday trips all over Europe as well
as to the US. They organize bustours as well as incentive
tours on request. They cater to more than 400 clubs,
organizations, and associations meeting the individual
travel needs. Two catalogues are published every year to
serve the customers.
A separate office, located in Berlin, is specialized in group
travelling to North America and Asia. The incoming
department, mbr incentive tours, offers tours to North
America. Customers include trade fair participants, choirs,
orchestras, historical groups, sport groups and other
special interest groups.
We contacted Ms. Nett to learn how her business is doing
and what she is planning for 2006. She stated that they are
in the middle of planning trips to tradeshows and business
trips to the US for their clients. At this time they have not
finally decided what tradeshows they will offer trips to in the
US. She realized that the US business is doing better.
We gave her an overview on the RMI region with all its
highlights and offered our assistance for upcoming
ITB14: Met with Mr. Lutz Ammann. Shared appt w/ ND.
Tour operator actively selling group tours; especially
interested in special topic tours. Works through local travel
agencies. Primarily MICE
clients. Does lots of business with military reunions bringing
service men back to Germany that have been stationed in
ITB11: Met with Lutz. Tour operator offering special
interest groups. They do not offer product in our region. Is
still printing a brochure. Has been in the US market since
1984. We don't have much info. on their company.
Business info/trade trips and special interest groups of
around 10 people. Is planning to do more marketing.
Would like info on the states for itinerary options and to be
kept informed on what's new. Sometimes they organize
trips with receptives, sometimes direct. Maureen covered a
few topics of interest (Wild West, Native culture, Old West
history, gold/silver mining, paleontology, activities, wildlife,
National Parks, rodeo, powwows, etc.). Is interested in
topics that choir groups might be interested in. States,
universities, churches, etc. Would combine their vacation
trip with singing. Would do a performance for free if venue
is appropriate. Usually 1 busload of 100 singers promoting
German/American relations. Carola, please follow up and
make sure Lutz is on the NL mailing list. He is very
interested in beginning a relationship.
GER04/06: We met with Mr. Ammann of Lagraff Reisen, a
tour operator who offers bus tours, incentive trips for
groups as well as FIT travel. We learned that their clients
are veteran groups, a lot of them travelling to reunions in
the US every 3 years for 1 week. Some of their clients are
also special interest groups such as bands, choirs, clubs
who travel with a group size of 20-120 people. Lagraff
Reisen itself does the promotion in local newspapers. The
contact they use to set up reunions or choir tours are the
local cultural affairs offices or schools/universities. Since
they are generally travelling on a limited budget they are
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
Tour Operator
Meridia Reisen
Mrs. Elfriede Wrank-Wrba
Gutbrodstr. 58
D-87634 Obergünzburg
Meso Reisen GmbH
Tanja Lindemann, Dr. Ulrich Finke, Ms. Katja Henze, Anna
Wilmersdorfer Str.94
D-10629 Berlin
Postal Code
Postal Code
011-49(30)212 341910
Company Profile
Company Profile
German tour operator featuring annual regional product. Specializes
in tailormade fly/drive and motorcoach tours. Attended Roundup in
2004 and 2006. Attended Mega Fam in 2002, 2011 and 2012.
ITB14: T/O and wholesaler specialized in tours to the US
and Canada. Tours for independent travelers/small groups.
Offering f/d, escorted bus tours, hotels, ranches, lodges,
outdoor activities, camper and motorhome tours. Offer 4D
Longhorn Guest Ranch. Only offer f/d's in southern western
states. Offer bus tour including WY/YNP. Was at '98 RU in
Idaho. Gave her a flash drive and A4Y sample itinerary
(works w/ A4Y). Introduced all 5 regions. Offered
assistance with sample itineraries or building new ones. Is
interested in developing more product in our region. RMIGermany sending 50 RAGs.
ITB08: Met with Elfriede. They are offering mostly Canada
and Alaska. So far (but have done special itinerary looking
concerning US already through A4Y.) Offer to upscale
clients. Wants to publish US catalog for 2009. Very
interested in RMI states (logical add-on to Canada West
itineraries) Interested in Rouondup and MegaFam.
GER02/04: Frankfurt office talked to Mrs. Wank-Wrba
regarding her ITB participation. We learned that she is not
going to ITB this year. A reason was not mentioned. She
told us that she receives a very high number of requests for
travel to the US. The bookings are good but could be a lot
higher. In her opinion the number of people travelling to the
US this year increased extremely, but many are still waiting
with the booking of the tour since they hope the Dollar
exchange rate will be even better than it already is. We
asked if she realized any preferred regions in the US that
people booked increasingly. She told us that there was no
tendency or trend to be seen, since tourists booked tours
allover the US.
We provided her with our current German RMI brochure.
We will follow up with her to see if she needs anything else.
GER11/03: Frankfurt office talked to Mrs. Wank-Wrba,
owner of German tour operator and travel agency Meridia
regarding their current product offered.
We learned that the USA product Mrs. Wank-Wrba is
ITB14: Ms. Tanja Lindemann stopped by the booth to
discuss Sebastian Keller's upcoming trip to the region in
May. Has a client coming to SD in August and is looking for
unique Native American experiences. Stephen discussed
Lakota Ways and gave Ms. Lindemann Kiri Close's contact
GER11/12: We thanked Van for her participation in the RMI
Mega Fam in Montana and South Dakota. She mentioned
that she had a great trip. We sent the image dvd and will
stay in contact.
MegaFam12: Mrs. Thi Tuyet Van Ngyuen
ITB12: Met with Katja Henze. She attended Roundup
2006. Looking for 'What's New.' We covered all.
NL12/11: lgebert@alternativ-tours.de CC other
MegaFam11: Ms. Lydia Gebert
PW09: Met with Anna Gorczyca, Product Manager. Meso
has opened a new office in Poland last year. Anna deals
with Poland only. We presented an overview of the region.
Carola please follow up with additional information.
GER08/08: Received our suggestions for the multimedia
show presenters. Mr. Ulrich Pfaffenberger will produce a
show for them and will present it during their two
information events 1)Berlin: November 8, 2008 - expect
approx. 200 regular clients 2)Leipzig: November 19, 2008 expect approx. 250 clients
Will rent a large room to hold presentations. Multimedia
Show will concentrate on the Northwest of the US and
involve the RMI states. Meso Reisen will participate in the
Consumer Show Leipzig November 19-23, 2008. Plan to
attend with a large booth. Will concentrate mainly on the
US - as they will be almost the only TO with US offers
participating. Are looking for support regarding decoration,
information brochures and maybe even staff. Will send
posters and Real America Guides (or substitute) for the
Leipzig consumer show and also for the information days to
distribute. We also discussed other promotional activities
during the Fair: Meso mentioned partnering with a catering
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
Tour Operator
Penta Reizen Selectair
Claudia Bagi
Luc Demuynck, President; Pieter de Muynk, Sam Degryse
Stita House, 11 Trinity Lane
GL52 2NT Cheltenham
United Kingdom
Nieuwstraat 31
B-8870 Izegem
Postal Code
44(0) 242-538934
32 051 33 33 11
44 (0) 1242-521422
32 051 31 47 53
Postal Code
Company Profile
Company Profile
ITB14: Drop-in appt. UK-based group agency (Claudia is a
German native). Has an Australian group of farmers
coming to the region May 2014, approx. 37 pax. Start in
SLC>Boise>Montana>Wyoming. Looking for active farms
specialized in Hereford and Angus beef. Spoke to Terry
and Kent and they gave her some ideas on cattle ranches
in the area. Dropped by again on Friday and further
discussed ranches with Kent.
ITB14: Luc Demuynck stopped by booth. Belgian T/O-sells
group tours to our region. Needs 50 regional maps/Idaho
scenic byway maps. RMI-Benelux please follow-up.
BEN02/14: We met with Pieter at Salon des Vacances.
After the very successful motor trip through Idaho, they
decided to repeat this in September 2014. At the time we
spoke to him, the trip was almost full again. He was very
sorry to not be able to attend Round Up in Missoula (which
is included in this trip), because of obligations in Belgium
he was not able to reschedule. He is however happy to join
us at the Buckle Club Party.
BEN01/14: As last year a motorbike trip will be organized
through Idaho, in cooperation with Penta Reizen. They are
organizing an information evening in February. So far 90
people have registered for this evening. We have supplied
them with brochures.
BENMISS13: Met with Sam. They sell all of the US. Work
with RMHTours. Most tours begin in SLC and go to West
Yellowstone or Gardiner, to YNP, over the Beartooths to
Cody, see Devils Tower, Black Hills (3 nights), see Ft
Laramie and end in Denver. Another popular tour visits
YNP and Jackson and goes to CO and Moab. Also start in
SEA, include Vancouver, into Alberta, Whitefish, YNP,
Waterton and Calgary. His boss Pieter did a motorcycle
tour in Idaho in 2013. They make a custom made road
book for their clients. Discussed Roundup - RMI-BEN
please send info. He requested 20 copies each of YNP and
GTNP maps and green booklets. RMI-BEN pls followup.
BEN06/13: Pieter is working on a motor trip out of Boise, to
Yellowstone, into Montana, via highway 12 back into Idaho.
Upon booking the group didn't realize that there are no
longer FIT rates to Boise. The trip will take place in
September and has 10 participants. For 2014 they already
are thinking of planning an adjusted itinerary. MT discussed
the possibility to start in Billings, since YNP is one of the
main attractions for this trip.
BEN12/12: Meeting with Ilse Vannieuwenhuyse of the De
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
Profi Reisen Verlag
Ms. Janin Nachtweh
Mrs. Rita Mahrdt, Petra Arens-Fleischmann
Seidlgasse 22
AT-1030 Vienna
Windmühlenstraße 47
D-50129 Bergheim
Postal Code
Company Profile
Postal Code
Company Profile
German motorcycle tour operator specializing in tailormade group
tours featuring outdoor sites/activities.
ITB14: Int. in attending BRU but timing is an issue.
Attended VUSA Austria fam in 2010. Discussed annual
USA supplement catalog-both b2b and b2c. Features RMI
Region & Rodeos. Would like to feature Nature/NPs in
2015. Would also like to write feature on skiing in Jackson.
Kent discussed Jackson Mountain Resort's recent ranking
by Ski Magazine as the #1 ski destination in North America.
Discussed moon-like features of Badlands NP; Terry K.
discussed Craters of the Moon which she found very
interesting. Also interested in natural hot springs. RMI-GER
please follow-up. Maureen, please follow-up with BRU
info/possible invite.
GER12/13: Talked to Janin Nachtweh regarding the 2014
USD Special Folder which will be published beginning of
the new year. Topic of the 2014 issue will be "Sports and
Activities." For a general overview of all US states Janin is
collecting all kinds of information on these topics. We
provided her with the required material and offered further
GER04/13: Wrote Janin Nachtweh an email and asked if
she needs any help regarding input, information, images
etc. for future projects. Janin called back and offered to
send her texts about our destinations for the Visit USA
Swiss website. She can put everything on there as long as
we send her the final input.. She didn’t have time yet to
plan any projects, but she will inform us as soon as she has
more details.
GER03/13: Janin presented her new USA folder 2013 with
the topic culinary. But she is already looking for input and
inspiration for the 2014 edition. The new folder will have the
main theme sports and activities. Janin is always interested
in very unique stories which are special for our region. We
came up with the idea that rodeo is the only professional
state sport in our states which is also special. Janin would
like to present the whole culture behind that sport and like
to connect this rodeo story with a ranch vacation topic
within her new folder. Rita mentioned the Cheyenne
ITB14: Rita M. accidentally double-booked her appt. Will
follow-up later. RM-Reiseteam is a German TO specializing
in motorcycle tours. They only sell trips after they
personally attend. RM-Reiseteam requested RAG
distribution at IMOT and Swiss Moto Show in Zurich but we
declined this year.
GER01/14: Rita Mahrdt offered to distribute brochures at
the consumer shows they are going to participate as in the
previous year. Unfortunately it was too late to confirm the
first event "Motorradwelt Bodensee" in Friedrichshafen,
Germany because it was too short dated (Jan 24-26, 2014).
- IMOT Munich, Germany (Feb 14-16, 2014)
- Swiss Moto Zurich, Switzerland (Feb 20-23, 2014)
300 brochures for each show = 600 total, with an overall
fee of $235
Sent out proposal to RMI awaiting reply.
GER01/13: We were in contact with Rita from RMReiseteam and she mentioned that she will have a large
booth at two motorcycle consumer shows. The "Motorrad
Messe" in Hamburg January 25 to 27 and the "Swiss Moto"
in Zurich (biggest Swiss motorcycle show) February 21 to
24, 2013. She asked if we could provide brochures for
these two events. We provided her with RMI guides, SD
+WY brochures, as this was exactly what she was looking
for. She also stated that their website www.rmmotorradreisen.de was re-launched at the end of 2012 and
has many new features now.
GER09/12: Rita contacted us regarding dates for the
Cheyenne Frontier days. She is planning a tour through
WY over Cheyenne Frontier Days and wanted to insert
some highlights. As the dates on the website still showed
the 2012 dates, she wanted to make sure that the parade is
still on Tuesdays/Thursdays and the big Pancake Breakfast
still on Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays.
The tour will be published in the new catalogue which will
be first handed out at Intermot the big bike show beginning
of October.
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
Sächsische Zeitung
Mrs. Nora-Maria Miethke
Ostra Allee 20
DE-01067 Dresden
SK Touristik GmbH
Mr. Thomas Reichert, Markus Knuepp, Rainer Schoof, Daniela
Im Südfeld 96
D-48303 Senden–Bösensell
Postal Code
Postal Code
011-49-351 / 4864-434
011-49-351 / 4864798
Company Profile
Company Profile
ITB14: Met with the journalist Nora Miethke. Nora focuses
on the issue of family vacation / traveling with children.
Nora is planning to write about her family vacation in the
USA in summer 2014 traveling with a toddler. The routing
is not completely fixed yet and they might travel through
Idaho during their trip
Asked Terry for family-friendly places to visit in and around
Boise. We will follow up with Nora and provide the
respective information. Terry sent us ideas for family
vacation in Boise which RMI-Germany forwarded to Nora.
German office offered her our further assistance. America
Journal is also interested in her story for one of the next
issues. RMI-Germany will follow-up.
German tour operator featuring fly/drive, accommodation and
package product in summer catalog. Specializes in custom tours
featuring ranches, history and outdoor activities. Works with
American 4 You and Rocky Mountain Holiday Tours for receptives.
Attended Mega Fam in 2008.
ITB14: Met with Markus Knupp. SK Touristik primarily sells
Canada but has recently expanded US product. Looking for
lodging/unique fly drives. Offer a variety of ski product.
Attended RU in the past and are looking to promote the
RMI Region. Have large catalog of unique properties
(hotels, ranches, B&Bs). Looking for new unique
properties. Stephen mentioned DMG, Martin Mason in
DWD. Interested in attending 2014 Mega Fam or possible
ind. trade fam; German office please follow-up. Aren't tied
to a particular receptive (often work w/ ATI, Travalco, A4Y,
RMHT), but sometimes book direct. Kent discussed Turbin
Meadow Ranch and new shooting activity in Jackson.
Markus is coming to the region for a 3 week vacation in
July/August. Would like to set up site inspections; will
contact when he nails down routing. Offers some ski
product but not a lot of demand this year. Primary business
is summer FIT travel. Offers inspirational activity catalog
with open-ended booking (currently only offered for CAN
product). RMI-Germany sending RAGs.
GER03/12: Requested brochure material of South Dakota,
Montana & Idaho to hand out to their clients. Sent 50 maps
and 50 travel guides in each case. They still had enough
Wyoming material.
GER08/11: Discussed their current RMI sales and they are
very happy with increasing demand and lots of bookings
coming in especially for Yellowstone and Black Hills area.
Are in need of additional material to hand out to their
travelling clients. Many of them have booked during the fall
season. Sent material. Also sent the newly received SD
group tour guide, for new suggestions. Will start planning
period for 2012 product soon and new brochure will be
released for the Consumer Show season starting in
November 2011.
Informed already about the RMI
Roundup 2012 taking place in Buffalo, Wyoming so SK is
prepared to "save the date".
NL03/11: Opened newsletter (rainer@sktouristik.de)
ITB11: Met with Natalie Schmidt. Tour operator offering
ITB Berlin 2014
Ski Presse
Wolfgang Greiner, Editor, Publisher
Mr. Henry Barchet
Eschenloh 29
D-84056 Rottenburg a.d. Laaber
Wilhelm Varnholt Allee 5
DE-68165 Mannheim
Postal Code
011-49(89) 9010 88-75
011-49(89) 9010 88-76
Company Profile
Postal Code
Company Profile
ITB14: Met with Wolfgang Greiner. Freelance journalist.
Publishes magazine Skipresse and an online travel
magazine called "Roadtrip" Wolfgang informed us that
Skipresse exists as app and as a printed version. The
magazine has been around for 10 years. Half of each issue
consists of product (e.g. ski equipment) and the other 50%
of destination reports The magazine is available for free,
circulation is 130,000. He also informed us that the second
issue of his online travel magazine was recently published
and that it is now available via for Apple and also for
Samsung as an android version (magazine layout has been
adapted to the Samsung tablet/phone). Up until March they
counted 3,500 downloads for the current issue According to
Wolfgang, there are only three online magazine available at
the moment, Marco Polo, Merian and Roadtrip. He is
currently talking to two large Chinese outdoor magazines
regarding a possible exchange of content. He's allso trying
to connect with German automobile club ADAC for a
possible partnership As for a possible press trip / story it
would be good to combine the two magazines therefore a
travel date that enables him to to research on skiing and
other topics would be ideal. Earliest travel date would most
likely be fall 2014. Possibly interested in Buffalo Roundup.
Maureen/RMI-Germany please follow-up.
ITB12: Met with Wolfgang. Introduced his new publication
"Roadtrip Magazine," which is in addition to his ski
magazine SkiPresse. Roadtrip Magazine covers the
unusual and not normally known destinations. He is trying
to find destinations that offer everything -- food, activities,
lodging, etc. It is an iPad e-magazine available through
iTunes. Will be produced every two months with 5-6 travel
stories per issue. Will advertise Roadtrip via SkiPresse.
Right now he is generating enthusiasm and looking for
stories on both publications. He is interested in a fam trip to
the region and additional materials. Rita recommended
contacting Brand USA and referred Mr. Greiner to the new
Brand USA rep company that Rita Hille is involved in.
ITB14: Radio Journalist. Works for German radion station
SWR Also has website "Audiotravel" (audiotravels.
podbean.com), a travel audio blog. Mr. Barchet presented
two ideas he had for the Rocky Mountain region and that
would be broadcasted at radio station SWR. One is a
series where they try to proof whether a song is real or not,
e.g. like the German song "Es gibt kein Bier auf Hawaii
(translates: There is no beer available in Hawaii)." They
would produce a feature about Hawaii trying to find out if
this statement is true or not This series is something like
the "Mythbusters of music"
There are two songs about Montana Mr. Barchet would like
to use for his series. He stated that a lot of the region’s
tourism aspects could be included in the feature. His
second idea is personally related to him
He would like to "follow the footsteps" of his father who
studied at the University of Missoula after the Second
World War. His plan is to visit the places his father visited
back then and show how they look like today and the
changes they have undergone in the course of time using
material from his father
Planned date for this story would be 2015. This topic could
also be linked to social media and can cover a lot of
different angles of the region. Mr. Barchet stated that he
prefers to travel off season. Stephen and Kent told him that
the best travel time would be either spring or fall. We
informed Mr. Barchet that we will not be able to cover the
costs for the airfare but would assist with a program. RMI
Germany will follow-up.
GER03/13: Henry Barchet is 20years in business and
works for the German radio station SWR. But he also
invented Audiotravels, a travel audio blog. Audiotravels is a
mixture between a classic radio report and a travel blog but
he doesn’t want to be compared to the blogger scene in
Germany as most of them just write digital diaries. He
wants to be journalistic and wants to create authentic
stories about interesting people and their life experiences.
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
Thomas Cook Touristik GmbH / Neckermann Reisen
Sascha Büsseler, Mrs. PM Beate Hall, Mrs. Julia Howe, Ms.
Thomas-Cook-Platz 1
D-61440 Oberursel
Postal Code
United Airlines - Germany
Patrick Poetzsch, Wolfgang Manner, Gary Myers, Mrs. Heike
Darmstädter Landstr. 125
5. OG
D-60598 Frankfurt
Postal Code
Company Profile
011-49 69 6050 -2660
011-49-69 60502-350, 011-49- 69-60502356
011-49 69 60502598
Company Profile
Large German tour operator selling accommodation, motorcoach and
package regional product; specializes in ranches. Attended Mega
Fam in 2004, 05 and 06. Attended Roundup in 2007.
ITB14: Met w/ Ms. Lisa Hartung. Shared appt. w/ ND.
Thomas Cook Touristik GmbH and Neckermann Reisen
are part of the Thomas Cook AG, which is the 2nd largest
T/O in Germany. Offer wide range of products. Part of the
Thomas Cook plc in UK w/ more than 23 million customers
traveling annually. RMI region selling very well this year.
SD, MT & WY sales all selling well. Lisa sending booking
info to WTS. ID sales have been off/on. Have large profiles
of properties; work w/ Allied T Pro, ATI, Bonotel, A4Y &
GTA. Focusing on online sales but printed brochure still
very popular. Thomas Cook division is the more high-end
clientele. States please send hotel/ranch info. Online
catalogue more comprehensive. Printing new brochure end
of May. Looking for new properties/activities as well as
high-res images. Can offer print/online proposals. Have
large Facebook following. Could do 5-state promotion
featuring 1 state/day. Also offer newsletter for TAs. Have
product in all 5 states. Possibly int. in doing a crosspromotion fam w/ Condor. Send product recommendations
ASAP for May brochure (ranches, unique hotels, activities).
GER02/14: Sandra Cribari, Product Management Assistant
has left flextravel after working for them for 7 years. Her
last day was Feb. 21, 2014. She will start working for
Neckermann Reisen as a travel agent on March 1, 2014.
GER12/13: Sabine Franz from Thomas Cook AG informed
us that as of 2014 their reservation service center will be
located in Bochum/Meerbusch which is 3 hours north of
Frankfurt. Therefore presentations to sales/reservation
center staff are no longer possible in Oberursel when we
have meetings with the product managers.
GER05/12: Meeting at WTS office with Sabine Franz,
Yvonne Jaeger and Sascha Buesseler
In general they are very satisfied with their US bookings
last year and also this year. The next annual catalogue
2013 will go to print in fall (October/November) and they
start planning the pages now. Sascha is working on their
system to get flexible fly/drives since customer mostly
ITB14: Met w/ Wolfgang. Discussed data possibilities as
well as the continued offering of discounted rates for trade
fams. Mr. Manner discussed their data system that tracks
United.com purchases. He can provide an annual report
but data wouldn't be comprehensive. Can provide data for
any flight coming through German hub (i.e. Stuttgart,
Munich and Frankfurt). Gave Mr. Manner a number of
airports to provide numbers for. Wants to partner w/ RMI on
future marketing proposals/tie sponsorship to United.
RU/Fam support-United no longer offers free airfare but
can provide reduced rates (approx. 400 EUR/all fees
GER03/13: Wolfgang presented that the international
visitation was up in 2012, in South Dakota but also in all the
other states. Wolfgang is planning to come to the Buffalo
Roundup in South Dakota at the end of September this
year. But it is not fixed yet. United supported us with the
Roundup flights and they plan to do for the Mega Fam too.
Rita mentioned the Brand USA campaign which will start in
autumn probably and was worried if there are not enough
seats for all the visitors who this campaign will hopefully
bring to the US. Wolfgang doubts that, they have enough
flights and seats and he stated that the international visitors
have learned and they will book early enough in advance.
ITB13: Met with Wolfgang and Heike. Was a meeting
mainly to catch up with the states. Wolfgang plans to attend
the SD Buffalo Roundup this year. Both attended ITB BC
ITB12: Met with Wolfgang Manner. He reported that
German bookings for 2012 are up 20%. Summer is looking
good for advanced bookings. Discussed offering air for the
SD Buffalo RU and assisting with RMI RU airfare. Can only
work with RMI Germany though and no longer with other
RMI offices. Huge group of German media (17 journalists)
will be at PowWow. Highest ever. He suggested reaching
out to them and will send us a list. Janine please follow up
on that. Has no idea if UA will be offering new flights to our
ITB Berlin 2014
Tour Operator
USA.travel SK GmbH
Vogel Corporate Media / Condor Inflight Magazine
Mr. Silvio Rebmann, Managing Director
Bianca Welsch
Matternstraße 10
D-10249 Berlin
Leipziger Stra_e 126
D-10117 Berlin
Postal Code
Company Profile
Postal Code
Company Profile
ITB14: Met w/ Mr. Silvio Rebmann. Shared appt. w/ ND.
TO specialized in US city trips with a wide range of
packages from budget to luxury. Offer a seamless travel
experience for clients which includes flights, hotel, transfers
and sightseeing tours. Most clients are FIT. Recently added
Rocky Mountain fly/drive w/ stops at MRUSH and BH. F/D
tours selling well this year. Int. in attending Mega Fam;
RMI-GER please follow-up. Would send Romy Lohse who
is also attending RU14 (No pre/MT1 post). Terry discussed
ID product-whitewater/backpacking/hiking. Fred and Terry
H. joined halfway thru appt. Fred and Terry H. discussed
ND Cultural Heritage Center renovations, Mandan earth
lodges, TRNP/Medora, United Tribes Int'l Pow Wow.
GER07/13: USA Travel SK will extend their US-Portfolio
and will include product from RMI.
Romy Lohse contacted us requesting image material for
their website to present the new product properly. We
forwarded 2 images for each state. We told her we are
happy to further assist if needed.
German Tour Operator, Have ten
employees. Is runing two companies. USTRAVEL.sk
concentrates on travel to New York. Work with hotel in New
Jersey with skyline view of Manhattan since it is less
expensive. Likes to use 4-5 Star properties that are not
downtown since they offer better value for money. For
example have 7-800 pax for new year's celebrations in
New York. Second company is Cube Travel which is a
travel agency that will be transformed into a tour operator
for worldwide offers. Only did business travel so far. Have
new marketing department starting August.Plan to offer
themed travel arrangements and special-interest tours,
such as romantic, airline interested, etc. Would like to offer
25- 30 new products until end of year on Cube Travel's
website.We informed about the RMI region and all the
possibilities for special interest tours in our 4 States. Will
send detailed information material and suggestions again
per mail.
ITB14: Combined appt with ND/MOA. Condor Inflight
Magazine; new Condor flight from Frankfurt to Dusseldorf
to MSP June 26-Oct 2 (2x/week, M/TH). Tri-annual
publication (April-July, Aug-Nov, Dec-March). Wants to
feature Real America region in Aug 2014 issue. Adv rates
are typically $10,000/page. Can offer 5 page advertorial for
15,000 EUR (MOA + 4 states); 3 pages for 10,500 EUR.
Magazine is the only literature offered on Condor flights.
2.2 million readers. 120,000-200,000 copies/edition. RMI
+partners would provide content. Would like response
ASAP to allow for planning. Can get cover-page exposure if
we approve quickly. Tentative schedule: approval by the
end of March; provide text/photos in May; print in June/July.
Possibly co-op with Brand USA.
ITB Berlin 2014
Rocky Mountain International
2232 Dell Range Blvd, Ste. 101
Cheyenne, Wyoming, 82009, USA
Ph: (307) 637-4977 • Fax: (307) 634-8334
Email: MJung@RMI-RealAmerica.com | SNelson@RMI-RealAmerica.com
Web: www.RockyMtnIntl.com, www.RMI-RealAmerica.com

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