Brochure Ennshafen - EHG Ennshafen GmbH
Brochure Ennshafen - EHG Ennshafen GmbH
Logistic hub at the heart of Europe LOCATED AT THE HEART OF EUROPE. The Ennshafen port offers everything that is necessary for modern logistics. It is situated on the main arteries of international transportation – on the Rhine-Main-Danube waterway and the north-south railway link from the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic Sea. The Ennshafen port is excellently linked with the most important European seaports and, with the A1 west expressway, the B1 Vienna federal highway and the new connection to the B309 (Enns-Steyr federal highway), it has outstanding access to the international road network. With more than 3.5 million square meters of space at the border between the federal states of Upper Austria and Lower Austria, the Ennshafen port is the largest connected industrial area on the upper Danube. There is valuable vacant property with optimal infrastructure available within the port area and in the two business parks Enns and Ennsdorf. Bremen Amsterdam Rotterdam Antwerpen Hamburg Duisburg Prag Nürnberg Bratislava 2 Wien Budapest Graz Bukarest Triest Koper Belgrad Constanza Logistic hub connecting the East, West, North and South 3 LOCATION IS EVERYTHING // Western and Eastern Europe are connected by the Rhine-Main-Danube waterway, while Northern and Southern Europe are linked by one of the most important railway corridors. The Ennshafen port is located exactly at the intersection of these two transport axis. Place of anchorage for successful businesses 4 OPEN FOR OFFEN FÜRYOUR IHRE ANLIEGEN REQUEST // // The DER Ennshafen ENNSHAFEN port ist ein is neutraler a neutral Standort for location für all allebusiness belange.matters. SEIN OBERSTES Its guiding PRINZIP principle IST ES, ALLEN is to provide access to FREIEN its infrastructure for INFRASTRUKTUR all enterprises. UNTERNEHMEN EINEN ZUGANG ZU SEINER ZU Effective cooperation forms the basisDIE for successful BIETEN. Gelebte ZUSAMMENARBEIT BILDET GRUNDLAGE FÜRecoEINE nomic development. ERFOLGREICHE WIRTSCHAFTLICHE ENTWICKLUNG. Ennshafenstraße 5 16 Regensburger Straße 17 11 18 25 Ennshafenstraße Enghag n e rs tr a ße sh 19 u in nt g y d ar Kai 12 Kai B un 42 1 Str ss 44 Dr. e2 ER ÖB TR B C AN AR SP GO OR T 46 raß e G EN SS RT PA PO B S B N Ö RA T aß 45 St tr aß e7 -G uid a o-S lva gn 48 47 Str 55 i-S 50 49 e3 58 57 aß 56 in 53 54 B123 43 BUSINESS PARK ENNSDORF tr. 40 de 4 e1 r 4a e9 41 ne Kai aß ie aß NS 14 Str Str 11 Kai W 24 EN i Ka 1 eh ße t ra 23 22 B tri ns Kai 21 20 In s du e af 10 52 51 59 51 B1 23 Ma u u tha se ne rB d un rd g ya B1 ntin shu ENNS str a P 40 Lithos Industrial Minerals 41Fuchshuber 42Neumüller 43 Hofmann Transport Service / GRT 44 GLS / RW Montage 45GEM 46Mitter 47Salvagnini 48 Bevo 49Tiefenbacher 50 Agglo Tech 51 Stein & Co / Keramik & Co 52ISW 53 Pinox Genussbox 54RoRo-Terminal 55Karlinger 56Holzmann 57Beiselen 58Bergs 59Hasenöhrl M au th au se B123 es ße 1 Bernegger / TBS 2Cemtec 3 Container Terminal Enns 4 Kühne & Nagel, Stuffing II 5Rauch 6 Kühne & Nagel, Stuffing I 7Primagaz 8 Logistikzentrum Ennshafen 9 Galaxy Power 10Personenschiffsanlegestelle 11Kaindl 12 Linz AG 13Kremsmüller 14Wozabal 15 IML Wozabal 16Biodiesel 17Biomontan 18Panasonic 19Greiner 20Riegler 21 Donau Metall 22Danubia 23Fixkraft 24Rumplmayr 25List n Mainstraße 15 Kai 6 13 14 8 BASIN EAST 12 7 Donaustr. 3 Ennshafenstraße 1 Kai 16 6 Rheinstraße BUSINESS PARK ENNS Kai 17 ah BASIN WEST rB 2 DANUBE 9 Kai 21 Kai 18 Kai 7 1 Kai 20 Kai 19 ne 4 W ien er St ra ße A POWERFUL PARTNER FOR BUSINESSES. The Ennshafen port offers optimal trimodal transportation logistics for export and connects the entire region with the international transportation network – raw materials via inland waterway, finished products by rail, and by road for the last mile. It is not without reason that this is the economically strongest region in Austria. Around 50 businesses from the retail, logistics, manufacturing and waste industries already benefit from the locational advantages provided by the Ennshafen port, and there is still much development potential for more businesses to establish themselves here. 5 Logistic hub for trimodal transportation 6 WATER, RAIL AND ROAD // The Ennshafen port links all three modes of transportation and opens up countless possibilities for you. It is flexible, productive and well-suited to your needs – no matter where you want to go. Transport er Umschlagsterminal Wechsel des Transportmittels Transport Transport Transport Transport Umschlagsterminal Wechsel des Transportmittels Umschlagsterminal Umschlagsterminal Wechsel des Transportmittels Wechsel des Transportmittels Transport Transport Empfänger Transport Empfänger Empfänger Empfänger EVEN MORE POSSIBILITIES. The Ennshafen port is a modern service center with innovative and flexible solutions for the forwarding industry. There are successful companies operating in the areas of retail trade or cargo handling respectively providing services for third parties. Typical goods handled here include general cargo as well as bulk material (grain, feedstuff, salt, etc,) and raw materials (minerals, metals, wood). All operative services at the Ennshafen port, whether cargo handling, storage, processing, packaging or bunkering of fuel are provided by private companies. High and Heavy transport operations are organized with third-party partners. 7 Handling in large dimensions 8 GATEWAY TO SEAPORTS // THE CONTAINER TERMINAL ENNS IS BECOMING A MULTIMODAL LOGISTIC HUB FOR ALL OF EUROPE. THE RO/RO TERMINAL PROVIDES EASY ACCESS TO THE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY „FLOATING HIGHWAY“, THE DANUBE RIVER. forwarder transportation cargo handling terminal changing mode of transportation transportation recipient THE STANDARD FREIGHT CONTAINER. THE UNIT OF FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION. As a result of the expansion and modernization of the container terminal Enns, it covers an area of 160,000 square meters and is designed for a capacity of 320,000 TEU (twenty-foot equivalent unit). State-of-the-art rail and handling infrastructure offers efficient and high-performance services for the industry in Austria. The terminal is positioned as a gateway and extended port for the large seaports in Northern and Western as well as in Southern Europe. Block train rail connections, modern gantry cranes and safety technology ensure optimal container handling. In addition, complete service for container handling is offered. The infrastructure provides neutral access for private rail transportation companies. THE ENNSHAFEN PORT—A STATION FOR THE FUTURE. RO/RO-HANDLING. The advantage of the roll-on/roll-off technology is the shorter loading time due to the fact that all freight (trucks, heavy loads) is driven directly onto the vessel and vice-versa – without requiring any additional handling systems like cranes, for example. The cost and effort for transportation over long distances by road are avoided, allowing an environmentally friendly combination for transportation down to the last mile. 9 Central hub for successful connections 10 CONNECTIONS MAKE FOR THE SUCCESS OF THE ENNSHAFEN PORT // With the neutral location concept and the continuous involvement of our logistic partners, we jointly implement forward looking projects. LOCATION AS ECONOMICAL ADVANTAGE. FREE SPACE TO ESTABLISH YOUR BUSINESS. There are diverse properties available for establishing your business within the port area, in both industrial parks and in the surrounding region. Here you find the best locations and conditions – direct connections to major roads, a direct rail link to Austria‘s main east-west railway line, and access to the Danube River and the Rhine-Main-Danube waterway. In combination with its central location and its common borders with Germany and the Czech Republic, this infrastructure makes the Enns-hafen port an attractive location for manufacturing and logistics. In addition, this is a region where one can feel at home and enjoy excellent quality of life. LOGISTIC CENTER – YOUR OFFICE AT THE PULSE OF LOGISTICAL OPERATIONS AND YET SURROUNDED BY NATURE. The logistic center at the Ennshafen port ist not just located at the pulse of logistical operations, but also on the important transportation routes of the economical region of Linz, Enns and Amstetten with direct access to the A1 west expressway, and the B1 federal highway. Top equipment, air conditioning and a contemporary design provide a pleasant working atmosphere. Enjoy uncongested roads and adequate parking. Some of the excellently-equipped offices with wonderful views are still available, from 27 sqm single offices to larger room combinations. Well-equipped meeting rooms as well as a restaurant with an outside terrace make the logistic center even more attractive for the companies doing business here. 11 DAN UBE LINZ airport Linz/Hörsching ÖB A7 PASSAU FRANKFURT A25 A8 A1 B ma in ea st- we st intersection Linz rai lw ay lin DAN e Vienna federa l highw ay EN B1 UBE NS B123 A1 Asten SALZBURG MUNICH ENNS A1 west St. Florian expr B1 essw ay B309 L527 A1 AMSTETTEN ST. PÖLTEN WIEN Steyr EHG Ennshafen GmbH 4470 Enns / Austria Donaustraße 3 phone.: +43 (0) 72 23 / 84 151 fax: +43 (0) 72 23 / 84 151-110 e-mail: