Curriculum Vitae - Schwerpunkt Wissenschaft und Kunst


Curriculum Vitae - Schwerpunkt Wissenschaft und Kunst
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Siglinde Lang, M.A.
Neue Straße 8, 12103 Berlin, Germany
0043 – 6802133852
Professional Positions
since 2009
Senior Scientist in the Contemporary Arts & Cultural Production program area,
Focus area science & art, University of Salzburg/Mozarteum Salzburg (Austria)
 Head of Cultural Production & Arts Management study focus area (supervision,
curricula creation, concept of course formats and contents, selection of lecturers,
cooperation development, evaluation)
 Research on Arts Management Processes in the context of cultural production
 Development of the multi-level research project “P/ART/ICIPTE – The Matrix of
Cultural Production” (with E. Zobl)
 Editor and coordinator (both with E. Zobl) of the e-journal P/ART/ICIPTE – Creating
culture actively (since 2012),
 Concept and realization of symposia, dissemination, educational programs (guest
lecture series, exhibits, roundtables)
 Teaching (undergraduate and graduate students) in the areas of cultural production,
cultural management, artistic-cultural project development
 Working on the strategic and content-related orientation of the program area, including
budgeting, project initiatives in teaching and research
Freelance Cooperation (Visiting Professor for Arts Management & Research, Parttime) at University of Applied Studies Calw (Germany): Conception of MA Program
in “Arts, Culture & Entrepreneurship” including application for accreditation
since 2004
Freelance lecturer at universities (Kunstuniversität Linz, Universität Freiburg,
Mozarteum Salzburg) and in adult education (CTC at the Universität der Künste, Institut
für Kulturkonzepte, New Design Centre St. Pölten)
Freelance work in artistic-cultural project development, with a focus on
communication and education: e.g., Arsenal Filminstitut Berlin (Germany),
Künstlerhaus Wien (Austria), Theater am Hausruck (Austria), Welios Science Centre
(Austria), and with numerous freelance artists and collectives
Head of the Department of PR & Communication, University of Arts and
Industrial Design Linz (Austria)
Responsible for coordinating the communication agendas, communication strategies,
planning and realization; head of personnel and budgeting, development of PR &
Siglinde Lang: Curriculum Vitae
educational channels; initiation and realization of calls, cooperation activities and
competitions, exhibition coordination, corporate publishing, media communication,
event management, sponsoring, internal communication
Assistant to the managing director, Eckes Granini Austria
Responsible for internal communication, publications, presentations
Project member in development and realization of multi-media educational
materials, Österreich Institut Wien (Austria)
Doctoral Studies in the Department of Communication (University of Salzburg,
Austria), Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Klaus, Thesis: Art goes Culture – Arts
management in the context of contemporary art and cultural production
M.A. in Media art and cultural theories (University of Arts and industrial Design,
Austria and University of Arts Berlin, Germany), Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Robert Pfaller,
Thesis: Market Strategy: Art– Artists as pioneers in strategic marketing?!
Postgraduate correspondence course: Business Economics for Managers (Harzberg
Fernuniversität Germany)
LCCI Diploma in PR & Marketing (College of Central London, UK)
M.A. in German studies and cultural journalism (University of Vienna, Austria)
Research Focuses and Interests
Coming from the field of practical cultural management, my research interests are based on questions that
combine artistic and cultural practices with theories of cultural meaning production as well as current
artistic and academic discourses. My focus lies on a critical and interdisciplinary examination of
contemporary art and cultural production, with an emphasis on the independent scene and on cultural
mediation processes. Based on an open understanding of culture that views culture as a negotiable process,
my projects investigate the connections between contemporary art and the everyday living world of the
segmented public in terms of the opportunities and skills for active cultural production and social
participation. Methods of process-oriented cultural management and mediation practice therefore play a
central role in practical implementation.
Current Research Projects
P/ART/ICIPATE – The Matrix of Cultural Production (with Elke Zobl)
Scope: Research study // Timeframe: 2012-2018
Artistic practice as one form of cultural production exhibits a central feature that sets it in relation to the
disturbance of what is described as “common sense.” As such, contemporary art can be understood as a
“seismograph” of social development(s). In grappling with the reflection of the status quo and in the
Siglinde Lang: Curriculum Vitae
observation and analysis of existing social situations, contemporary artistic practices can allow for and
generate new viewpoints. In this sense, the starting points for the P/ART/ICIPATE research project are, on
the one hand, those contemporary artistic strategies and practices that aim to initiate social and cultural
change, and on the other hand, the understanding of “culture” in the field of cultural studies. The research
project investigates how individuals and social groups position themselves within the “circuit of culture”
in a way that is not “just happening,” but rather, through actively and collaboratively influencing and
shaping within the context of a multi-layered “matrix of cultural production” – as we call it. This project
investigates the following areas: (a) Artistic strategies as cultural interventionist communication strategies;
(b) Artistic collectives and collaborative working processes; (c) Requirements for collaborative and
process-oriented management processes; and (d) Participatory cultural production by and with young
people. The aim of the project is the development of a theoretical model of a matrix of cultural production
including a toolbox.
Completed projects
ART GOES CULTURE! –Cultural management in the context of contemporary art and cultural
production processes
Scope: Research study and Dissertation // Timeframe: 2012-2014
Artists make art – and culture? In German-speaking countries, the terms “art” and “culture” are often used
interchangeably, and yet, “art” and “culture” are not the same per se. What are the differences? What are
the commonalities? When is “art,” “culture”? Culture is understood as our daily orientation system; it
represents a kind of meaning grid of values, attitudes, and postures by means of which we – often
unconsciously – navigate through our daily lives. But many artists grapple very critically with just this
grid of everyday meaning in their work. They question the familiar, the habitual, the consistent, and create
differentiated perspectives. ART GOES CULTURE! starts from this dividing line and seeks a
differentiation of “art” and “culture” in order to gain new perspectives on the field of arts and cultural
management. Based on a systematic analysis of artistic productions that actively seek to evoke social or
societal change, new, low-threshold action spaces or spheres of activity for the cultural management
process will be developed in order to cultivate both professional competence as well as a guide for actors
at the intersection of contemporary arts and cultural meaning production.
P/ART/ICIPATE I: Contemporary Arts initiating cultural and social change (with Elke Zobl)
Scope: Symposium series // Timeframe: 08/2011 – 02/2012
When we understand culture as the process by which meaning is produced, circulated, consumed,
commodified, and endlessly reproduced and renegotiated in society, then it follows that societies, groups
and individuals are continuously concerned with cultural production. We operate within a matrix of
cultural production in which the meaning of a cultural artifact is never fixed, but is contested, worked, and
reworked. In this sense, cultural producers make interventions into cultural and social meaning
production, often by using artistic means. Numerous contemporary artistic interventions not only take into
account the social and cultural contexts in which they are introduced, but they also influence these
contexts actively. This means finding new and participatory methods of producing culture and not leaving
the production of culture to those in power. Thus understood, contemporary art projects can question
established ways of thinking, raise awareness of and counteract stereotypes, and even play a role in
initiating cultural and social change.
Siglinde Lang: Curriculum Vitae
I am a Cultural Producer – An Educational Project to Create Culture Actively and Collaboratively
Scope: cultural-educational research and pedagogy project, including a roundtable and an exhibition //
Timeframe: 8/2011-6/2012 (with Elke Zobl)
How does culture shape our daily lives? What makes culture? Does culture “just happen” or is it actively
produced? If so, how, and by whom? Can anyone produce culture? Such questions were the starting point
for an innovative educational project developed within a university course. The project resulted in a
discursive event with the general public coupled with various artistic and cultural interventions in the city
of Salzburg. Students of the “Arts Management & Cultural Production” course at the University of
Salzburg collaboratively developed a mediation concept along with interventions in the form of posters,
jingles, and zines. In a paper we took the concept of “participatory culture” as basis to show how it can be
used as an open and dynamic learning concept for developing concrete projects not only in mediapedagogic and online contexts – as has been done so far – but also, and particularly, in the field of
contemporary art, and for developing cultural interventions in “real” space. The objective of “I am a
cultural producer” was the discussion of possibilities and challenges inherent in developing and realizing
innovative educational projects, with the goal of actively and collaboratively creating “cultures of
Market Strategy: Art?! Artists as pioneers of strategic marketing
Scope: Master’s thesis // timeframe: 2005-2009
Based on a comparison of artistic strategies and practices with marketing strategies from business and
industry, Market Strategy: Art?! examined how artistic strategies can be regarded as prototypes for
successful advertising tactics: Five “principles” that have become particularly virulent in the last fifty
years – provocation, production, multiplication, celebrity, and exclusivity – were presented as examples,
analyzed, and addressed in the context of the charged relationship between “art” and “marketing.”
Siglinde Lang: Curriculum Vitae
Lang, Siglinde/Zobl, Elke: p/ART/icipate – Producing culture actively. eJournal of the ‘Contemporary
Arts & Cultural Production’ program area (since 2012, in English and German). Online:
Articles (selection)
Lang, Siglinde: “Kunst. Partizipation. Kulturelle Produktion,” in: Neue Kunstwissenschaftliche
Publikationen, 2014, online:
Lang, Siglinde: “Zwischen Fakt und Fiktion. Partizipative (Gegen-)Räume als Stätten kollaborativer
Wissensproduktion,” in: Westphal, Stadler-Altmann, Schittler, Lohfeld (eds.): Räume kultureller Bildung.
Beltz-Verlag 2014.
Lang, Siglinde. Raum schaffen für kulturelle Bildungsprozesse. In: p/art/icipate – Kultur aktiv gestalten
Issue 04/2014: “Intervene,”
Lang, Siglinde: Artistic Research as Elevator Pitch. Report on the “LaborARTorium” conference, in:
p/art/icipate – Kultur aktiv gestalten, Issue 04/2014: “Intervene,” online:
Lang, Siglinde: “Art goes Culture – Zum Handlungsfeld von KulturmanagerInnen im Kontext
zeitgenössischer Kunst und kultureller Production,” in: Fachverband Kulturmanagement (ed.): Yearbook
of Cultural Management, transcript 2013.
Lang, Siglinde: “Marktstrategie Kunst?! Über das Herstellen von Öffentlichkeit im Spannungsfeld von
Kunst und Marketing.” In: Lang, Siglinde/Zobl, Elke (eds.): p/ART/icipate – Producing culture actively.
Issue 3/2013: “Go Public: Art, Communication and the public,” online:
Lang, Siglinde/Zobl, Elke: “I am a Cultural Producer – An Educational Project to Create Culture Actively
and Collaboratively,” in: The Future of Education 2013, online:
Lang, Siglinde/Zobl,Elke: “Räume kollaborativer Wissensproduktion als Bedingung zivilgesellschaftlicher
Mitsprache. Ein Resümee des prozessorientierten Lehrprojektes ‘I am a Cultural Producer’ und seine
Relevanz für die Erwachsenenbildung.” In: Erler, Rudolf/Kloyber Christian (eds.): Magazin, Issue 19/2013
Lang, Siglinde/Zobl, Elke: “Investigating the Matrix of Cultural Production. Artistic interventions at the
intersections of contemporary art, participatory cultural production and cultural management processes.”
In: p/ART/icipate – Producing culture actively, Issue 1: “Initiate: I am a Cultural Producer”, English,
October 2012.
Lang, Siglinde/Zobl, Elke: “P/ART/ICIPATE – The Matrix of Cultural Production. Künstlerische
Interventionen im Spannungsfeld von zeitgenössischer Kunst, partizipativer Kulturproduktion und
kulturellen Managementprozessen. Ein Werkstattbericht über ein Forschungsprojekt.” In:
Siglinde Lang: Curriculum Vitae
kommunikation.medien. eJournal des Fachbereichs Kommunikationswissenschaft, Issue 1 / April 2012.
Symposia & talks (selection)
Conception: Cultural Production in the context of Contemporary Art (together with
Elisabeth Klaus and Elke Zobl), Symposium/Focus Area Science and Art, Salzburg (AUT)
Talk: Participatory management processes in the field of cultural meaning
production, in: Cultural Institutions and Communication: Towards Creative Participation,
University Kaunas (LT)
Talk: (Arts) Management and its role of encouraging cultural production, in:
ReThinking Management 2014, Karlshochschule University (GER)
Talk: Welcome Polyphony! Arts Management and cultural production, in: 8th
International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, University Hildesheim (GER)
Talk: Bridging the gap between fact and fiction, in: Perspectives of Arts Management,
Cluj-Napoca (RO)
Concept/Moderation: Zwischen freakig und erhaben: Die Freie Szene Österreichs und
ihr Verhältnis von Off-Space zu Kulturtempel. Symposium, Focus Area Science& Art,
Salzburg (AUT)
Talk: Artists as Managers?! Cyprus College of Fine Arts, Larnaca (CYP)
Panel discussion: Wie wichtig sind die Universitäten für die Entwicklung von
Kunstformen?, in: Soundframe Festival 2014, Vienna (AUT)
Talk: Looping Kunst, Forschung, Management. Temporäre (Gegen)Räume als
Stätten kollaborativer Wissensproduktion (together with Sandra Chatterjee), in:
LaborARTorium. Symposium zu Forschung in Wissenschaft und Kunst, LudwigMaximillian-Universität München (GER).
Talk: Kollaborative Wissensproduktion als Voraussetzung zivilgesellschaftlicher
Kulturproduktion, in: Räume Kultureller Bildung. 4. Tagung des Netzwerks Forschung
Kulturelle Bildung, Universität Koblenz Landau (Germany)
Talk: Art goes Culture, Die Kunst, Kunst zu ermöglichen, in:
7. Jahrestagung des Fachverbands Kulturmanagement. Potsdam (Germany)
Talk: I am a Cultural Producer, The Future of Education. Third International
Conference. Florence (Italy)
Concept: Context Hacking (with Günther Friesinger), Focus Area Science and Art,
Salzburg (Austria)
Concept and organization: Participate I – Contemporary Arts initiating social and
cultural change, Focus Area Science and Art, Salzburg (Austria)
Siglinde Lang: Curriculum Vitae
University Teaching
Arts & Cultural Entrepreneurs (winter 2014/14), lecture/symposium, University of Salzburg
Method: Literature Review, Presentations, Guest talks, Workshops
Hot Spot: Cyprus (winter 2014/15 & summer 2015), seminar, Mozarteum University
Method: Literature Review, Workshops, guest talks, field trip, symposium, exhibition
Hot Spot: The independent Art Scene of Austria (summer 2014), seminar, Mozarteum University (with
Günther Friesinger)
Method: Literature Review, Workshops, guest talks, field trip, symposium, exhibition
Hot Spot: Vienna. The Contemporary Art and Culture Scene (winter 2013), Seminar, Mozarteum
University (Salzburg, Austria)
Method: Literature review, mind mapping, discourse, field trip, student presentations, exhibition
Hot Spot: Berlin. The Contemporary Art and Culture Scene (summer 2012), Seminar, Mozarteum
Method: Literature review, mind mapping, discourse, field trip, presentations, exhibition
Occupational Area Cultural Management (since summer 2012), Seminar, University of Freiburg
Method: Presentation, workshop, field trip, blog, group exercises, project development
Art, Culture & Management (since summer 2010), lecture with practicum, University of Salzburg
Method: Presentation, workshop, guest talks, blog, group exercises, project development
To Communicate Art: Marketing, PR, Education (summer 2010, summer 2012), lecture with practicum,
Mozarteum University
Method: Presentation, workshop, guest talks, blog, group exercises, project development
Market Strategy: Art!? – Artists as Pioneers of Strategic Marketing (summer 2012), Seminar, Mozarteum
Method: Literature review, presentation, workshop, blog, group exercises, student presentations
I am a Cultural Producer – Artistic-Cultural Project Development (winter 2011, summer 2012), Seminar,
University of Salzburg (with Elke Zobl)
Method: Literature review, workshops, blog, project development, roundtable, exhibition
P/ART/ICIPATE –Contemporary Art as Initiator of Social Change (winter 2011), lecture with practicum,
University of Salzburg (with Elke Zobl)
Method: Literature review, guest talks, workshops, student´s presentation, blog
Development and Methodology of Projects: Work in Progress (winter 2010, winter 2011), Cultural
Production M.A. program, University of Salzburg (with Elke Zobl) (in English)
Method: project development, individual coaching
Marketing & PR – Introduction (winter 2011), Cultural Production M.A. program, Universität Salzburg
(with Birgit Mandel) (in English)
Method: presentation, workshop, blog
Text Production in Art and Culture (winter 2011), Seminar, Mozarteum University
Method: Workshop, project development, blog, student presentations
Siglinde Lang: Curriculum Vitae
The Press. Media Work in the Art and Cultural Sector (winter 2010), Seminar, Mozarteum University
Method: Workshop, project development, blog, student presentations
Go Public. Public Relations for Artists (winter 2005, winter 2006), elective course, University of Arts and
Industrial Design Linz (Austria)
Method: Presentation, workshop, guest talks
PR Plans. Project Development (winter 2005, winter 2006), elective course, University of Arts and
Industrial Design Linz
Method: Workshop, project development, student presentations
Basic Journalistic Knowledge for Architects and Designers (summer 2005), architecture program,
University of Arts and Industrial Design Linz
Method: Workshop, guest talk, project development
Adult Education
Go Public! – Diploma course for public relations in the art and cultural sector (2011-2013), New Design
Center St. Pölten (Austria)
Workshops on Cultural Management Practice: Text Production, Media Work, Public Relations (20082014), Career Center/University of Arts Berlin (Germany)
Module: Public Relations (2008-2012), `Institut für Kulturkonzepte´ Vienna (Austria)
Teaching Evaluations
(according to the grading system 1.0 (excellent) – 5.0 (failed)
University of Salzburg:
Institut für Kulturkonzepte:
Career Center der UdK Berlin: 1.0-1.6
New Design Center St. Pölten: 1.0-1.5
University of Freiburg:
Administrative Responsibilities
Head of Cultural Production & Arts Management study area (with Elke Zobl), University of
Salzburg/Mozarteum Salzburg, since 2012
Coordinator of M.A. program in Cultural Production, University of Salzburg, 2010-2012
Head of Arts Management Processes module, M.A. in Cultural Production, University of Salzburg, 20102012
Siglinde Lang: Curriculum Vitae