Liste von Abkürzungen/List of Abbreviations
Liste von Abkürzungen/List of Abbreviations
Liste von Abkürzungen/List of Abbreviations gesammelt von/collected by: Dr. Dieter Guicking, Göttingen, DE,˜guicking/abk-allg.html oder/or˜guicking/abk-allg.pdf. Erläuterungen meistens deutsch und englisch/Comments mostly in German and English. Fehlernachrichten und Ergänzungsvorschläge bitte an/Notice of errors and suggestions for new entries please to: Letzte Ergänzungen: 10. September 2009/Last update: September 10, 2009 A A AA AA AA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAAA AAAA AAAF AAAI AAAS AAC AACG AAES AAID AAL AAL AAPM AAPPS AAPT AAS AAS AAS AAS AAS AASF AAT AATSR AAU AAUP AAV ABA ABA ABB ABC ABDO ABE ABET ABG ABK ABL ABM ABM ABMF ABR ABR ABRIXAS ABS ABS ABS ABS ABT ABU AC AC AC AC AC ACA ACA ACA ACACIA ACAP ACAP ACARE Adenin (DNA-Base/DNA base) Atomic Absorption Automatic (or: Automated) Attendant [Facility] (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Automobile Association (UK) Akademisches Auslandsamt American Association of Anatomists Aromatic Amino Acid Austrian Acoustics Association Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Alps-Adria Acoustics Association (seit/since Sept. 2002) Authentication, Authorization, Accounting and Auditing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France American Association for Artificial Intelligence American Association for the Advancement of Science Advanced Audio Coding American Association for Crystal Growth American Association of Engineering Societies American Academy of Implant Dentisty Ambient Assisted Living ATM Adaptation Layer American Association of Physicists in Medicine Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies American Association of Physics Teachers Advanced Automation System American Astronautical Society American Astronomical Society Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Atom-Absorptions-Spektrometrie Australian Acoustical Society Afrikanisch-Asiatische Studentenförderung e.V. (Göttingen, DE) Anglo-Australian Telescope Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ENVISAT) Association of American Universities American Association of University Professors (or: Presses) (USA) adeno-assoziierte Viren American Board of Audiology Applied Behavioural Analysis Asea Brown Boveri AG (Mannheim, DE) Atanasoff-Berry Computer (Iowa State College, USA, 1938–1942) Allgemeine Bestimmungen für Diplomprüfungsordnungen Amtliche Betriebserlaubnis (Typprüfung Kfz) Accrediting Board of Engineering and Technology (USA) Automatiserte biometriegestützte Grenzkontrolle Allgemeine berufsqualifizierende Kompetenzen (im Bachelor-Studiengang) Airborne Laser (US Waffe/weapon) Advanced Buffer Material Anti-Ballistic Missile Account Balance Management Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Auditory Brainstem Response Available Bit Rate A Broad-Band Imaging X-Ray All-Sky Survey (Satellit 1999, aufgegeben/satellite 1999, abandoned) Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol Alternate Billing Service Antiblockiersystem; Anti-Lock Braking System (Kfz/motor vehicle) Automatic Block Signaling (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Ausschuss für Begutachtertraining (DAR, Normungsarbeit) Asia(-Pacific) Broadcasting Union Access Controller (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Admission Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Air Conditioning Alternating Current (Wechselstrom) Attachment Circuit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Academic Cooperation Association (europäische Organisation/European organisation) American Crystallographic Association Atacama Compact Array Arid Climate, Adaptation and Cultural Innovation in Africa (SFB 389 der DFG) Advanced Common Application Platform (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Automated Content Access Protocol (Urheberrecht/copyright) Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe 1 A-CBC ACC ACC ACC ACCU ACD ACD ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACELP ACEnet ACES ACES ACES ACESA ACEX ACF ACI ACI ACIA ACK ACL ACL ACL ACL ACLR ACM ACM ACM ACMP ACMP ACO ACP ACP ACP ACPS ACQ ACRL ACRV ACS ACS ACS ACSI ACSI ACSR ACT ACT ACT ACTD ACTH ACTS AD AD AD AD AD ADAC Adaline ADANO ADC ADC ADC ADEA ADEPT ADEPT ADFC ADHD ADHS ADI AdL ADL ADLC Akkreditierungsagentur für die Studiengänge Chemie, Biochemie und Chemieingenieurwesen an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen Active (or: Adaptive) Cruise Control (Kfz/motor vehicle) Antarctic Circumpolar Current (of the ocean) Anticollision Code (Fingerabdruck für Multimedia/Fingerprint for Multimedia) Advisory Committee of CERN Users Advanced Chemistry Development Automatic Call Distribution Advanced Computing Environment American Council on Exercise Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Antenna Coupling Equipment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Application Creation Environment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Atmospheric Compensation Experiment (adaptive Optik/adaptive optics) Community Action for Cooperation in the Field of Economics (EU) Adaptive Code-Excited Linear Prediction Atlantic Computational Excellence Network Active Control Evaluation for Systems Atlantic Coral Ecosystem Study Optimal Acoustic Equivalent Source Descriptors for Automotive Noise Modelling Advanced Composites with Embedded Sensors and Actuators Arctic Coring Expedition Autocorrelation Function Adjacent Channel Interference (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) American Competitive Initiative Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter Acknowledege(ment) (Datenübertragung/data transfer) Access Control List (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Active and Cooperative Learning (Signalverarbeitung/signal processing) Agent Communication Languages Asynchronous Connectionless Link (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Active Control Mount Adaptive Coding (and) Modulation Association for Computing Machinery American College of Medical Physics Applied and Computational Mathematics Program (in DARPA) Ant Colony Optimization Advanced Computing Project (Fermilab, ≈ 1980) Adjacent Channel Power (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) American Center of Physics (College Park, MD, USA) Advection-Dominated Accretion Flow (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Active Quenching Circuitry Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Assured Crew Return Vehicle (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Advanced Camera for Surveys (Astrophysik/astrophysics) American Chemical Society Assoziazione Controllo Strutturale (IT) American Customer Satisfaction Index Atari Computer System Interface Active Control of Structural Response Active Control Technology (Flugzeug/aircraft) Advanced Concepts Team (ESA) autologe Chrondrozytentransplantation (körpereigene Knorpelzellen-Transplantation) Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (USA) Adrenocorticotropes Hormon Advanced Communication Technologies and Services (EC) Administration Module Alzheimer’s Disease Andorra (ISO 3166) ante dominum Authorized Domain Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobilclub Adaptive Linear Element Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Audiologen und Neurootologen Analog-to-Digital Converter Automatic Development Chamber Automotive Distance Control Age Discrimination in Employment Act (USA) Advanced Dark Energy Physics Telescope Antibody Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy (Krebstherapie/cancer therapy) Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad Club Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (= ADHS) Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörung (= ADHD) Angular Diffraction Imaging Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften (ehem./former DDR) All-Digital Loop (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Adaptive Liquid-Crystal Lens 2 ADLIP ADM ADM ADN ADOCS ADONIS ADONIS ADP ADP ADP ADPA ADPCM ADR ADRCS AdRIA ADRIA ADSB ADSL ADT ADTM ADTV ADUC ADV AdW AE AE AE AE AEC AEC AECL AECSFE AECSM AEE AEF AEG AEGOS AEI AEL AEM AEMT AEP AEPI AES AES AES AES AES AESS AEV AEWA AF AF AF AF AFAL AFAS AFB AFC AFCS AFD AFDX AFE AFECT AFFDL AFM AFNM AFO AFOSR AFOTEC AFP AFR AFRL AFRPL AFS AFS AFS AFSR All Dome Laser Image Projector (Planetarium/planetarium) Add/Drop Multiplexer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Area Dimensional Model (Lärmbewertung/noise rating) Ammoniumdinitramid (Sprengstoff/explosive) Advanced Digital Optical Control System (Flugzeug/aircraft) Acoustic Daylight Ocean Noise Imaging System Adaptive Optics Near Infrared System (Teleskop/telescope, ESO, La Silla, Chile) Adenosindiphosphat Ammoniumdihydrogenphosphat Avalanche Photodiode American Defense Preparedness Association Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation Accumulated Doppler Range (Satellitenortungsverfahren/satellite locating) Automatic Data Recording and Control System Adaptronik – Research, Innovation, Application Advanced Displays Research Integration Action Auto(matic) Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (Flugverkehr/air traffic) Asymmetric(al) Digital Subscriber Loop (or: Line) Articulated Dump Trucks (off-road vehicles) [Fraunhofer-]Arbeitsgruppe für Drahtlose Kommunikations- und Multimediatechnik (Erlangen, DE) Advanced Definition Television Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Universitätsprofessoren für Chemie Acoustic Droplet Vaporization Akademie der Wissenschaften (ehem./former DDR) Acoustic Emission Application Enabler (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Astronomische Einheit (Entfernung Erde–Sonne/distance Earth–Sun = 1.49·1011 m) Vereinigte Arabische Emirate/United Arab Emirates (ISO 3166) Architecture/Engineering/Construction (Industrie/industry) Atomic Energy Commission (USA) Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd. Asymmetric Elliptic-Cone-Shaped Fibre Endface (Faseroptik/fiber optics) Asymmetric Elliptic-Cone-Shaped Microlens (Faseroptik/fiber optics) Office of Environment and Energy (FAA) Normenausschuss Einheiten und Formelzeichen Allgemeine Elektrizitätsgesellschaft African-European Georesources Observation System Automatic Equipment Identification Accessible Emission Limit Area Equivalent Method (Lärmbewertung/noise rating) [Fraunhofer-]Arbeitsgruppe für Elektronische Medientechnologie Akustisch evozierte Potentiale, Auditory Evoked Potentials Atmospheric Emissions Photometric Imaging Advanced Encryption Standard Application Environment Services Associate Executive Secretary Audio Engineering Society Auger-Elektronen-Spektroskopie / Auger Electron Spectroscopy Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society FhAZ für Entsorgungs- und Verkehrslogistik (Wildau, Brandenburg, DE) [Afrikanisch-Eurasisches Regionalabkommen zur Erhaltung der Wasservögel] Afghanistan (ISO 3166) Application Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Assured Forwarding (Datenübertragung/data transfer) Audio Frequency Air Force Astronautics Laboratory Abteilung für Angewandte Systemanalyse (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe, DE) Air Force Base (USA) Alkali Fuel Cell Automatic Flight Control System Anticipatory Failure Determination Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet (Luftfahrttechnik/aircraft technology) Analog Front End (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Acoustical Foundation for Education and Charitable Trust (Indien/India) Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, USA Atomic Force Microscope Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fachdidaktik der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik Auftragsforschung [und -entwicklung] Ost (BMFT) Air Force Office of Scientific Research (USA) US Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center Antifreeze Proteins Air-Fuel Ratio (Verbrennungsmotor/internal combustion engine) Air Force Research Laboratory (USA) Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory (Edwards Air Force Base, CA, USA) Advanced Freephone Service Advanced Frontlighting System (Kfz/motor vehicle) Aluminum Foam Sandwich Array-Fed Shaped Reflector (Satellitenantenne/satellite antenna) 3 AFTEC AFTN AG AG AG AG AGARD AGASA AGASP AGB AGB AGB AG-BL AGC AGC AGC AGCF AGCH AGEE AGEG AGF AGIL AGIS AGK AGKr AGMA AGN AGNSS AGORA AGP A-GPS AGR AGS AGU AGV AGW AGWN AH AHAM AHDI AHMD AHRC AHRF AHS AHSUM AHU AI AI AI AI AIA AIAA AIAE AIC AICB AICD AICES AICH AID AIDAA AIDC AIDS AIEE AiF AIF AIHA AIJP AILU AIM AIM AIMD AIML AIMS AIN AIP AIP AIR Acoustic Fusion Technology Energy Consortium (USA) Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network Aktiengesellschaft Antigua and Barbuda (ISO 3166) Arbeitsgruppe Astronomische Gesellschaft e.V. Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Akeno Giant Air Shower Array (Japan, zum Nachweis kosmischer Strahlung/detection of cosmic radiation) Arctic Gas and Aerosol Sampling Program Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen Asymptotic Giant Branch (Astronomie/astronomy) Automatische Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung (Kfz/motor vehicle) Arbeitsgemeinschaft Forschungseinrichtungen Blaue Liste Automatic Gain Control [Fraunhofer-] Anwendungszentrum für Computergraphik in Chemie und Pharmazie Autorail Grande Capacité (Diesel-Zug/Diesel train) Access Gateway Control Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Absolute Grant Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Arbeitsgruppe Erneuerbare Energien Arbeitsgemeinschaft Europäischer Grenzregionen Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Großforschungseinrichtungen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internet und Linguistik (Göttingen, DE) Advanced Gamma-Ray Imaging (US project) aktiver galaktischer Kern (Astronomie/astronomy, = AGN) Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kristallographie American Gear Manufacturers Association Active Galactic Nucleus (= AGK) Assisted Global Navigation Satellite System Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture Autism Genome Project Assisted Global Positioning System Architectural Gear Ratio (Muskelkontraktion/muscle contraction) Alternating Gradient Synchrotron American Geophysical Union Automatic Guided Vehicle Access Gateway (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Additive Gaussian White Noise, additives Gaußsches weißes Rauschen Adaptive Hypermedien Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (USA) Atari Hard Disk Interface Advanced Helmet-Mounted Display Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) American Hearing Research Foundation American Helicopter Society Adaptable High-Speed Undersea Munition Air Handling Unit (HVAC) [IASTED International Conference on] Applied Informatics Anguilla (ISO 3166) Articulation Index (Psychoakustik/psychoacoustics) Artificial Intelligence American Institute of Architects American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics [Spanische Aeroakustische Gesellschaft/Spanish Aeroacoustical Society] Akaike’s Information Criterion Association internationale contre le bruit automatische implantierte Cardio-Defibrillatoren Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering Science (DE) Acqusition Indicator Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Aktiver Informationsdienst (EU) Assoziazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica Automotive Industry Developing Center (Südafrika, mit FhG-Unterstützung/South Africa, supported by the German Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome American Institute of Electrical Engineers Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen Otto von Guericke“ e.V. (Köln/Cologne, DE) ” [Dateinamenerweiterung: Video-Datei/file name extension: video file] American Industrial Hygiene Association Association Internationale de Philatélie Association of Industrial Laser Users (UK) Advanced Informatics in Medicine Advanced Interface Module (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Additive Increase, Multiplicative Decrease (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Astronomical Instrument Markup Language African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (Kapstadt, Südafrika/Cape Town, South Africa) Advanced Intelligent Network The American Institute of Physics (gegründet/founded 1931) Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam (DE) Automatic Image Refinement (Canon Laserdrucker/laser printer) 4 AIRTO AIRSAR AIS AIS AIS AIT AIT AITRAM AIUM AIV AIZ AJAX AK a.k.a. AKE AKF AKO AKS AKW AL AL AL AL ALADIN ALARP ALC ALCM ALD ALFA ALFA ALFA AL-FEC ALG ALGOL ALI ALI ALICE ALK ALLEA ALMA ALOP ALPACA ALPHA ALPhA ALPSP ALS ALS ALS ALSEP ALSM ALU AM AM AM AMA A-MAN AMANDA AMC AMCD AMD AMD AME AMEL AMG AMHS AMI AMI AML AMLCD AMM AMNOR AMO AMO AMOLED AMOP AMOP AMP AMP Association of Independent Research and Technology Organisations (GB) Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Abbreviated Injury Scale Alarm Indication Signal [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Autonome Intelligente Systeme (St. Augustin, DE, früher/formerly GMD) Application Information Table (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Astrometric Imaging Telescope Advanced Integrated Training in Aeronautics Maintenance American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Assembly, Integration and Validation Ausschuss für internationale Zusammenarbeit (DAR, Normungsarbeit/standardization) Asynchronous JavaScript and XML Alaska (US-Staat/US state) also known as Arbeitskreis Energie (DPG) Arbeitskreis Festkörperphysik (DPG) Arbeitskreis Optionen für die Zukunft“ (DPG) ” Akademische Software Kooperation Atomkraftwerk Alabama (US-Staat/US state) Albanien/Albania (ISO 3166) Artificial Life Astronautics Laboratory (früher/formerly: AFRPL) Algorithm for Learning and Architecture Determination As Low as Reasonably Possible Automatic Level Control Air-Launched Cruise Missile Arbeitsring Lärm der DEGA Adaptive Optics with a Laser for Astronomy (Calar Alto, ES, 3.5 m Durchmesser/diameter) alternative faserfreie Schallabsorber América-Latina – Formación Académica (EU) Application-Layer Forward Error Correction (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Application Level Gateway (firewall) Algorithmic Language ATM Link Interconnect Autofahrer-Leit- und Informationssystem A Large Ion Collision Experiment (LHC, CERN) automatisierte Liegenschaftskarte All European Academies Atacama Large Millimeter/Submmilimeter Array (Radioteleskop/radio telescope, geplant für/planned for 2011) Active Learning in Optics and Photonics (UNESCO-Programm/program) Advanced Liquid-Mirror Probe for Astrophysics, Cosmology and Asteroids Absorption Low Plus High Aperture (Laserstrahlaufweitung/laser beam expansion) Aquitaine Lasers, Photonique and Applications (Bordeaux, FR) Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers Advanced Light Source (LBNL) Alternative Light Source Amyotrophe Lateralsklerose (degenerative Nervenerkrankung/degenerative nervous disease) Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Packages (auf dem Mond/on the moon) Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (Geodäsie/geodesy) Arithmetic Logic Unit Amplitudenmodulation, Amplitude Modulation Armenien/Armenia (ISO 3166) Availability Manager Advanced Measurement Approaches ATM Metropolitan Area Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector (or: Detection) Array Adaptive Modulation and Coding (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Annular Momentum Control Device Advanced Micro Devices (Sunnyvale, CA, USA) Age Related Macula Degeneration, altersbedingte Makula-Degeneration (Sehschwäche/visual deficiency) Actinide Migration Evaluation (Radioaktivität/radioactivity) Active Matrix Electroluminescence (Display) Arzneimittelgesetz Automated Material Handling System Alternate Mark Inversion (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) American Megatrends Inc. Ambient Intelligence Altive-Matrix Liquid Crystal Display Automatischer Messmodus Adaptive Microphone Array for Noise Reduction Atlantische Multidekadische Oszillation Atomic, Molecular, and Optical (Science) Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode Arbeitskreis Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Plasmen“ (DPG) ” Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Adenosinmonophosphat Asymmetric Multi-Processing (Datenverarbeitung/data processing) 5 AMP AMPAS AMPD AMPOA AMPS AMPTE AMR AMR AMR AMRL AMRO AMS AMS AMS AMS AMST AMT AN AN ANAE ANC ANC ANCF ANDF ANF ANFIS ANFO ANGIS ANI ANKA ANL ANN ANOVA ANP ANR ANRU ANS ANS ANS ANSI AnSiM ANT ANU ANVC ANX AO AO A/O AO AO AO AOA AOC AOCS AOD AODI AOF AOI AOIA AOL AOLS AON AOP AOTF AOV AOWC AP AP AP APA APA APA APA APAC APC APC APC APCI FhAZ für Metallpulvererzeugung (Clausthal, DE) Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Atomic and Molecular Physics Division Amplitude of Arrival (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Advanced Mobile Phone System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Artificial Magnetospheric Particle Tracer Experiment Adaptive Multirate (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Alignment-Free Monolithic Resonator Anisotropic Magnetoresistance Army Medical Research Laboratory (Wright Field, OH, USA) Angular Magnetoresistance Oscillations Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (NASA, aufgeschoben/postponed) American Mathematical Society ATM Main Switch Association for Maximum Service Television, Inc. (USA) Automated Mechanical Transmission (Kfz-Schaltgetriebe/automobile gear) Access Node (Rechnernetz/computer network) Niederländische Antillen/Netherlands Antilles (ISO 3166) Académie Nationale de l’Air et de l’Espace (FR) Active Noise Control Antenna Networks (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Active Noise Control Fan (NASA Lewis Research Center, Clevemand, OH, USA) Architecture-Neutral Distribution Format Atomic Nanofabrication Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System Ammonium Nitrate plus Fuel Oil (Sprengstoff/explosive) Australian National Genomic Information Service Automatic Number Identificatjon (Datennetz/data network) Angströmquelle Karlsruhe (DE) Argonne National Laboratory Artificial Neural Network Analysis of Variance (statistischer Test/statistical test) Active Noise Profiling Agence Nationale de la Recherche (FR) Antenna Receiver for UMTS (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Advanced Neutron Source (Oak Ridge) American Nuclear Society Approximate Number System American National Standards Institute Anschluss-Sicherungs-Management (Verkehrstechnik/traffic control) ADSL Network Termination (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Australian National University (Canberra) Active Noise and Vibration Control American Network Exchange Acousto-Optic (Sensor, Aktor/sensor, actuator) Adaptive Optics All Optical (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Angola (ISO 3166) Announcement of Opportunity Arctic Oscillation (atmosphärische Oszillation/atmospheric circulation) Angle of Arrival (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Advanced Operational Capability Altitude (or: Attitude) (and) Orbit Control (Sub)system Aerosol Optical Depth Always On/Dynamic ISDN Authority on the Fly Automatic (or: Automated) Optical Inspection Arizona Optics Industry Association America Online (Internet Provider) All-Optical Label Swapping (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) All Optical Network (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Aspect-Oriented Programming Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter Angle-of-View (Flüssigkristall-Bildschirm/liquid crystal display) All-Optical Wavelength Converter (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Access Point (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Alternating Projection (Algorithmus/algorithm) Anthropisches Prinzip Administrative Procedure Act (Congress, USA) American Psychological Association Amplified Piezoelectric Actuator (Technology) Automatic Pre-Emphasis Adjustment (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Asia Pacific (Region) Adaptive Predictive Coding Advanced Process Control Auto Power Control (Photodiode) Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionisation 6 APCM AP-CVD APD APE APEC APEC APEX APG APHV API APIAN APM APM APM APM APN APNEE APO APO APOLT APON APONT APR APROSYS APS APS APS APS APT APT APTA APTP APU APVC APXS AQ AQM AQS AR AR AR AR AR ARA ARAC ARAGO ARB ARC ARC ARC ARC ARD ARDEC ARDU AREMA ARES ARFCN ARGOS ARI ARIB ARIMA ARIS ARIS ARL ARL ARL ARL ARLO ARMA ARMA ARMAX ARMD ARO ARP ARPA ARPANET ARPES ARPU Adaptive Pulse Code Modulation Atmospheric Pressure CVD Avalanche Photodiode (or: Photo Detector) Automatic Production Machine Applied Power Electronics Conference [and Exposition] Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (asiatischer Handelsblock) Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (Chile, Astrophysik/astrophysics) Alkylpolyglycosid Allgemeiner Postwertzeichen-Händlerverband (seit 8.3.1949/since March 8, 1949) Application Program(ming) Interface Advanced Propulsion Installation Aerodynamics and Noise (EU Forschungsprojekt/research project) Advanced Protein Modelling Aktionskreis Deutsche Wirtschaft gegen Produkt- und Markenpiraterie Attached Pressurized Module (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Automated People Mover (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Access Point Name (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Air Pollution Network for Early Warning and Information Exchange (EU Projekt/project) Arbeitsplatzorientierte Weiterbildung außerparlamentarische Opposition APON Line Termination Asynchronous Transfer Mode Passive Optical Network APON Network Termination Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry Advanced Protective Systems (Autotechnik/automobile technnology) Active Pixel Sensors (Bildwandler/image converter) Advanced Photon Source (Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, USA) Air Traffic Planning System (DLR) The American Physical Society Apartment (US Mail) Asia Pacific Telecommunity American Public Transportation Association Asia-Pacific Technology Program Auxiliary Power Unit Asia Pacific Vibration Conference Alpha-Proton-Röntgenstrahlenspektrometer Antarktis/Antarctica (ISO 3166) Active Queue Management (Datenübertragung/data transfer) Automotive Quality Saar (Fraunhofer-Innovationscluster, Saarbrücken, DE) Antireflection (optische Beschichtung/optical coating) Argentinien/Argentina (ISO 3166) Arkansas (US-Staat/US state) Augmented Reality Autoregressive (filter) Ausfall-Raten-Analyse African Aquacultural Center (Port Hartcourt, Nigeria) Advanced Robotic Agile Observatory (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Arbitrary Waveform (Generator) Angle-Resolved Coherent (Wave Mixing) Antireflection Coating (von Laserspiegeln/of laser mirrors) Application Research Center (Canton, MI, USA, bei/near Detroit) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Archivdatei mit komprimierten Inhalten/file name extension: compressed archive file] Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Rundfunkanstalten Deutschlands Army Research, Development and Engineering Center (USA) Aircraft Research and Development Unit (AU) American Railway Engineering and Maintainance of Way Association Actively Reacting Flexible Structure (DLR) Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (Mobilfunk/mobile radio) Advanced Research and Global Observation Satellite Autofahrer-Rundfunk-Informationssystem Association of Radio Industries and Business (Japan) Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (Modelling) Aggregate Route-Based IP Switching (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Augmented Reality Image Synthesis Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (Hannover, DE) Applied Research Laboratory (Pennstate, USA) Army Research Laboratory (Adelphi, MD, USA) Association of Research Libraries (USA) Acoustic Research Letters Online (JASA) Advanced Robotics and Mechanism Laboratory (Columbia University, USA) Autoregressive Moving Average (filter) ARMA Process with Auxiliary Input Age-Related Macular Degeneration Army Research Office (USA) Address Resolution Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Advanced Research Projects Agency (USA) ARPA Network (predecessor of the Internet) Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy Average (or: Annual) Revenue per User (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 7 ARQ ARRIVAL ARRIVE ART ART ARTEMIS ARTEMIS AS AS AS AS AS AS ASA ASA ASA ASA ASAC ASACOS ASAM ASAM ASANCA ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAP ASAR ASAT ASC ASC ASC ASC ASC ASCA ASCAT ASCE ASCI ASCII ASCS ASD ASD ASDEX ASDL ASDSP ASE ASE ASE ASE ASEA ASEAN ASEE ASEM ASEPS-O ASEW ASHA ASHRAE ASI ASI ASI ASIC ASIC ASIIN ASIM ASIP ASJ ASK ASK ASL ASM ASME ASMP ASMW ASN ASNE ASNT Automatic Repeat Request (Datenübertragung/data transmission) Algorithm for Robust and Online Railway Optimization: Improving the Validity and Reliability of Large Scale Systems (EU Project) Aspirin to Reduce Risk of Initial Vascular Events (Bayer-Studie) Advanced Rotorcraft Transmission Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie Advanced Relay and Technology Mission (ESA) Automatic Retrieval of Text from Europe’s Multinational Information Service Acoustic Segmentation (Sprachverarbeitung/speech processing) Alarm Surveillance (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) American Samoa (ISO 3166, US Mail) Application Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Autonomous System Availability Server The Acoustical Society of America Air Services Australia American Standards Association Auditory Scene Analysis Active Structural Acoustic Control Acoustical Society of America Committee on Standards Advanced Services Access Manager (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) ATM Subscriber Access Multiplexer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Advanced Study for Active Noise Control in Aircraft (CEC) Advanced Sensor Application Program Advanced Systems Analysis Program Alarm Severity Assignment Profile as soon as possible [IEEE International Conference on] Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processes Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Antisatellite (Weapon) Academic Search Complete (Full text data base) Accredited Standards Committee Aeroacoustics Specialists’ Committee (in CEAS) American Society for Composites (seit/since 1985) American Superconductor Corporation Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics (Japan 1993) Association des Emetteurs de Catalogues de Timbre Poste American Society of Civil Engineers Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (DoE, USA) American Standard Code for Information Interchange Automatic Shift Control System (Kfz-Schaltgetriebe/automobile gear) Autism Spectrum Disorder Accelerated Scientific Discovery (project at CISL) Axial-Symmetric Divertor Experiment (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology, Garching, DE) Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line Application Specific Digital Signal Processor Amplified Spontaneous Emission (Laser) Amplified Stimulated Emission (Laser) ATM Switching Element → ESA Analytical Statistical Energy Analysis [Südostasiatische regionale Zusammenarbeit/South-East Asian regional cooperation] American Society of Engineering Education [asiatisch-europäisches Gipfeltreffen/Asian-European summit] Astronomical Studies of Extrasolar Planetary Systems (Mount Palomar, CA, USA) Arbeitsgemeinschaft für sparsame Energie- und Wasserverwendung American Speech-Language-Hearing Association American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers Agenza Spaziale Italiane Amorph-Silizium-Glasmodule (Photovoltaik/photovoltaics) Asynchronous Serial Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Acid-Sensitive Ion Channel Anwender-(Anwendungs-)spezifischer IC, Application-Specific Integrated Circuit Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation in der Gesellschaft für Informatik Application Specific Set Information-Set Processor (Computer) Acoustical Society of Japan Akademische Software Kooperation (Universität Karlsruhe, DE) Amplitude Shift Keying (Digitales Modulationsverfahren/digital modulation) American Sign Language (Taubstummen-Gebärdensprache/of deaf-mutes) Automotive Simulation Model American Society of Mechanical Engineers Australian Species Management Program (für vom Aussterben bedrohte Tiere/for animals threatened by extinction) Amt für Standardisierung, Messwesen und Warenprüfung (ehem./former DDR) ATM Switching Network American Society of Naval Engineers American Society for Nondestructive Testing 8 ASN.1 ASOM ASON ASP ASP ASP ASP ASP ASPEC ASPERA ASPO ASQ ASQC ASR ASR ASS ASSET ASSI ASSIST ASSP ASSP AST AStA ASTAP ASTAR ASTE ASTER ASTIA ASTM ASTREX ASTRID ASTV ASU ASU ASU ASURA ASVP AT AT ATB ATC ATC ATC ATC ATC ATC ATDMA ATE ATE ATF ATF ATI ATI ATI ATI ATIP ATIS ATIS ATKIS ATL ATLAS ATLAS ATM ATM ATM ATM ATMF ATMF ATMOS ATMT ATO ATOC ATP ATP ATP ATP ATPC ATR Abstract Syntax Notation 1 Adaptive Scanning Optical Microscope Automatical(ly) Switched Optical Network (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Adaptive Signal Processing Advanced Spectroscopic Portal (Strahlungsnachweis/radiation detection) Application Service Provider (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Arbeitsschwerpunkt Average Selling Price Audio Spectral Perceptual Entropic Coding Astroparticle European Research Area (EU Project in Astrophysics) Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas Acoustic Source Quantification (Lärmschutz/noise protection) American Society for Quality Control Antischlupfregelung (Kfz/automobile) Automatic (or: Advanced) Speech Recognition Acetylsalicylsäure Assessing Sensitivity to Transport (EC Project) Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften und der Informatik Alliance for Solid-State Illumination Systems and Technologies Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (in IEEE) Application Specific Standard Product FhAZ für Systemtechnik (Ilmenau, Thüringen, DE) Allgemeiner Studentenausschuss Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Standardization Program Arctic Study of Tropospheric Aerosol and Radiation Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment (Infrarotastronomie/infrared astronomy) Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (Erd-Fernerkundung/remote reconnaissance) Armed Services Technical Informations Agency (USA) American Society of Testing Materials Advanced Space Structure Research Experiments Aarhus Storage Ring, Denmark Aeroassisted Space Transfer Vehicle (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Abgas-Sonder-Untersuchung Arizona State University (Tempe, AZ, USA) ATM Service Unit Advanced Speech Understanding and Rendering System of ATR (Japan) Application Specific Standard Products Atomic Time (seit/since 1955) Österreich/Austria (ISO 3166) Institut für Agrartechnik Bornim (Potsdam-Bornim, DE) Abstract Test Case (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Adiabatic Toroidal Compressor (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology, PPPL) Air Traffic Control (Luftverkehrssteuerung) American Television and Communications Corporation ATM Transfer Capabilities (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Automatic Train Control (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Advanced TDMA Application Test Environment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Automatic (or: Automated) Test Equipment Accelerator Test Facility Advanced Tactical Fighter (USA, Luftwaffe/Air Force) Above-Threshold Ionization Any Time Interrogation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Automated Target Identification Automatic Telephony Interpretation (CAIR, Korea) Asian Technology Information Program (US organization) Airport Terminal (or: Travel) Information Service Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (North America) Amtliches Topographisch-Kartographisches Informations-System [Fraunhofer-] Arbeitsgruppe für Technologien der Logistik-Dienstleistungswirtschaft A Toroidal LHC Apparatus (LHC, CERN) Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science Air Traffic Management Asynchronous Transfer Mode (Datennetz/data network) Attached Pressurized Module (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Automated Teller Machine (Bankwesen/banking) ATM Forum ATM user connected via optical Fiber Air Traffic Management and Operations Simulator (DLR) [Fraunhofer-] Arbeitsgruppe für Telekommunikation und Multimediatechik Automatic Train Operation (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate Adenosintriphosphat Advanced Technology Program (USA, Department of Commerce) Advanced Turbo-Prop (Flugzeug/aircraft) Automatic Train Protection (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Automatic Transmit Power Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Attenuated Total Reflection (Chemie: Analyse-Verfahren/chemical analysis) 9 ATR ATRP ATS ATS ATS ATSC ATSE ATST ATT ATTA ATTAS AT&T ATTC ATTHeS ATU ATU ATV ATV ATV AU AU AUC AuC AURA AUT AUTEC AutoBAHN AUTM Autosar AUV AV AV AVA AVC AVDP AVE AVE AvH AVHRR AVI AVI AVI AVISO AVK A-VLAN AVM AVO AVO AVS AVS AVV AW AW-CDM AWE AWFORS AWG AWG AWGN AWI AWIATOR AWMA AWO AWO AWOP AWRI AWS AWZ AXAF AZ AZ Azipod AZT Automatic (or: Automated) Target Recognition (Telekommunikation, Wasserschall/telecommunication, underwater sound) Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization Abstract Test Suite (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Automated Tuner System Automatic Train Supervision (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Advanced Television Systems Committee Antenna Technology Shuttle Experiment (NASA) Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (geplant/planned) Advanced Transport Telematics Atom Trap Trace Analysis Advanced Technology Testing Aircraft System (DLR) American Telephone and Telegraph Company Advanced Television Test Center, Inc. (USA) Advanced Technology Testing Helicopter System (DLR) Access Termination Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) ADSL Terminal Unit All-Terrain Vehicle Area tegmentalis ventralis (im Gehirn/in the brain) Automated Transfer Vehicle, Automatisches Transfervehikel (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Astronomical Unit (Abstand Erde–Sonne/distance from earth to sun = 1.49 x 1011 m) Australien/Australia (ISO 3166) American University in Cairo Authentication Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (USA) Association of University Teachers (GB) Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (bei/near Andros Island in the Bahamas) Automated Bandwidth Allocation across Homogeneous Networks (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Association of University Technology Managers Automotive Open System Architecture Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Audio- und Video-(Anschluss) Audiovisual (Sprachwahrnehmung/speech perception) Aerodynamische Versuchsanstalt (Göttingen, 1907) Advanced Video Coding Audio Video Delivery Platform Alta Velocidad Española (Spanish high speed train) Avenue (US Mail) Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (Fernerkundung/remote locating) Akkreditierungsverbund für Ingenieurstudiengänge e.V. Automatic Vehicle Identification [Dateinamenerweiterung: Videodatei/file name extension: video file] Archivage, validation, interprétation des données des satellites océanographiques FhAZ für Verkehrslogistik und Kommunikationstechnik (Nürnberg, DE) Authenticated VLAN (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Autarke verteilte Mikrosysteme (Computertechnologie/computer technology) Astronomical Virtual Observatory (Europe) Audio-Visual Object (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Advanced Visual Systems American Vacuum Society FhAZ für Verarbeitungsmaschinen und Verpackungstechnik (Dresden, DE) Aruba (ISO 3166) Adaptive Weighted CDM Arbeitsplatz-Wiedergabe-Einheit (digitales Sprachübertragungssystem/digital speech transmission) Advanced Welding Technologies for Repair and Salvage of High Valued Engine Components on Nickel and Titanium Based Alloys (zur Reparatur von Flugzeugtriebwerken/for aircraft engine repair) American Wire Gauge Array(ed) Waveguide Grating (filter, photonics) Additive (or: Average) White Gaussian Noise Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung (Bremerhaven, DE) Aircraft Wing with Advanced Technology Operation Automated Working Memory Assessment Arbeiterwohlfahrt Auftragsforschung-West-Ost (BMFT) All Weather Operations Panel (Allwetter-Flugbetrieb/weather-independent air traffic) Australian Wine Research Institute Advanced Wireless Spectrum (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) ausschließliche Wirtschaftszone Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility (Satellite, USA) Arizona (US-Staat/US state) Aserbeidschan/Azerbaijan (ISO 3166) Azimuthing Electric Podded Propulsion (Schiffsantrieb/ship propulsion) Allianz Zentrum für Technik (Ismaning bei München, DE) B BA BA Bachelor of Arts Berufsakademie 10 BA BA BACODINE BAe BAEF BAFA BAföG BAGMO BAI BAK BAKOM BALK BAM BAME BAN BAPT BAR BARC BARN BAS BASE BASF BASIC BAST BASYS BAT BAT BAT BAT BAT BAT BAT BATSE B.A.U.M. BB BB BB BB BBAW BBB BBC BBE BBI BBiG BBK BBMA BBMC BBN BBO BBRAN BBRAS BBS BBS BBSO BBW BC BCA BCAST BCC bcc BCC BCCH BCD BCE BCH BCH BCI BCIS BCP BCR BCR BCRT BCRU BCS BCS BCSD BD BD Bosnien und Herzegowina/Bosnia and Herzegovina (ISO 3166) Bremsassistent (Kfz/motor vehicle) Batse Coordinates Distribution Network (Astrophysik/astrophysics) British Aerospace Belgian American Educational Foundation Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (DE) Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Motorrad Beratender Ausschuss der Industriephysiker (in der DPG) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Sicherungskopie/file name extension: backup file] Bndesamt für Kommunikation (CH) Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft leitender Krankenpflegepersonen e.V. Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (Berlin, DE) Bayerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mikroelektronik Body Area Network Bundesamt für Post und Telekommunikation (früher/formerly: FTZ, später/later on: RegTP) Biologische Arbeitsstoff-Referenz(werte) Bay Area Research Center (Microsoft-Forschungszentrum) Bayer-Alzheimer Research Network Broadband Access Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Bacterial Adaptation to Space Environment (ESA project) Badische Anilin- und Sodafabrik Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (Bergisch-Gladbach, DE) Baltic Sea System Study Bandwidth Allocation Threshold (Datennetz/data network) Biologische Arbeitsstofftoleranz(werte) Bonquet Association Table British Antarctic Territory Bundesangestelltentarif Burst-Alert Telescope (an Bord von/aboard SWIFT Orbiter) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Batchdatei/file name extension: batch file] Burst and Transient Source Experiment (GRO) Bundesdeutscher Arbeitskreis für umweltbewusstes Management e.V. Barbados (ISO 3166) Baseband (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Brandenburg (Bundesland/German Federal State) Broadband Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften Blood-Brain Border, Blut-Hirn-Schranke Broadband Coupler (Datennetz/data network) Broadband Entertainment Base Band to Base Band Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Berufsbildungsgesetz Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe Baseband Module Revision A (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Baseband Module Revision C (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Bolt, Beranek & Newman (USA) Beta-Bariumborat (nichtlinearer Kristall/nonlinear crystal) Broadband Remote Access Network (or: Node) Broadband Remote Access Server Behavioral and Brain Science (Journal) Bulletin Board System (Internet) Big Bear Solar Observatory (Big Bear Lake, CA, USA) Bundesverband der Brand- und Wasserschadenbeseitiger e.V. Before Christ Burst Cutting Area (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Broadcast Base (Transceiver) Station Color Code (Mobilfunk/mobile radio) blind carbon copy (Durchschlag, ohne Nachricht an andere Adressaten) Buffer Congestion Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Broadcast Control Channel (Mobilfunk/mobile radio) Binary Coded Decimal Before Common Era (= vor Christus/before Christ) Bicentenario de Capital Humano (Chile) Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (Fehler korrigierender Code/error correcting code) Brain-Computer Interface Biodiversity Conservation Information System Burst Control Packet Biospecimen Core Resource Bureau Communautaire de Référence Berlin-Brandenburgisches Zentrum für regenerative Therapien (Stammzellenforschung/stem cell research) British Committee on Radiation Units and Measurement Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (Supraleitungstheorie/theory of superconductivity) British Computer Society Business Council for Sustainable Development Bangladesh (ISO 3166) Business Division 11 BDA BDF BDI BDI BDI BDNF BDO BDR BDSL BDVD BE BE BE BEC BEC BEEM BEF BEIR Bellcore BEM BEM BEO BEP BEPC BER BER BERO BERR BES BES BESAC BeSC BESSY BEXUS BF BfA BfArM BFD bFGF BFH BFIO BFL BFN BFO BFP BfR BfS BG BG BGA BGAN BGB BGCF BGO BGP BGR BGVV BH BH BHC BHCA BHFP BHKW BI BIAS BIBB BIC BICC BICI BiCMOS BIDS BIE BIFS BILL BIMS BImSchG BIOP BIOS Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände Bundesverband Deutscher Fertigbau Backward Defect Indication Belief, Desire, Intent Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V. (Köln, DE) Brain-Derived Nerve Growth Factor Bundesverband der Organtransplantierten Battery Discharge Module (Satellitentechnik/satellite technology) Boundary-Scan-Description Language Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Belgien/Belgium (ISO 3166) Berlin (Bundesland/German Federal State) Best Effort Backward Error Correction (Datenübertragung/data transmission) Bose-Einstein Condensation Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy Best Effort Forwarding (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation Bell Communications Research Big Emerging Market (Welthandel/world trade) Boundary Element Method (or: Model) Biologie, Energie, Ökologie (KFA Jülich, Projektträger) Bit Error Probability Beijing Electron Positron Collider Binary Encoding Rule (ASN.1) Bit Error Rate (or: Ratio) Backup Explicit Route Object (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (UK Government Department) Beijing Spectrometer BlackBerry Enterprise Server (Computer) Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee Belfast e-Science Centre (Ireland) Berliner Elektronen-Speicherring für Synchrotronstrahlung Ballon-Experimente für Universitätsstudenten (Okt. 2008, SE) Burkina Faso (früher/formerly: Obervolta/Upper Volta, ISO 3166) Bundesanstalt für Arbeit Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (Bonn, DE) Bi-Directional Fault (or: Forwarding) Detection Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (basischer Fibroblasten-Wachstumsfaktor) Bundesfinanzhof Büro für Führungskräfte zu internationalen Organisationen (Frankfurt/M, DE) Back Focal Length (optische Linsen/optical lenses) Beam Forming Network (Satellitenantenne/satellite antenna) Beat Frequency Oscillator Blue Fluorescent Protein Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung Bundesinstitut für Strahlenschutz Border Gateway (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Bulgarien/Bulgaria (ISO 3166) Ball Grid Array, Kugelgitteranordnung (Chipgehäuse/chip box) Broadband Ground Access Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch Breakout Gateway Control Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Bismuth Germinate (Gammastrahlendetektor/gamma ray detector) Border Gateway Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe Bundesanstalt für gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz und Veterinärmedizin Bahrain (ISO 3166) Buried Heterostructure (Laser) Bayer Healthcare Busy Hour Call Attempt (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Black Hole Finder Probe (Astronomie/astronomy) Blockheizkraftwerk Burundi (ISO 3166) Bremer Institut für Angewandte Strahltechnik Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (Bonn, DE) Blind Interference Cancellation (DARP, Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Bearer Independent Call Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Broadband Inter-Carrier Interface (Datennetz/data network) bipolar CMOS Biological Integrated Detection System Boundary Integral Equation Binary Format for Scenes (digitales Fernsehen/digital TV) Beacon Illuminator Laser (US Waffe/weapon) Biobank Information Management System Bundes-Immissions-Schutzgesetz Broadcast Inter ORB Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Basic Input/Output System 12 BIOS BIOT BIP BIPM BIS B-ISDN BISP BISP TC BIT B-IT BITNET BJ BKA BKS BL BLAG BLC BLC BLDC BLER BLI BLISKs BLK BLOB BLS BLSR BLTP BLU BLVD BM BM BMA BMB BMBF BMBW BMBWFT BMC BMC BMC BMDS BME BMFT BMG BMGS BMI BML BMLD BMP BMP BMR BMS BM-SC BMU BMV BMVBS BMWi BMZ BMZ BN BNC BNetzA BNI BNL BNP BNSC BNV BO BOC BoD BOD BOM BOOMERANG BONT BOS BOSS BOT BPDU BPEL Biomedical Optics Broadcast Inter ORB Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Bruttoinlandsprodukt (Volkswirtschaft, = GDP) Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (Sèvres, Paris) Ballistik-Informations-System (in Jagdfernglas integriert) Broadband ISDN Bio Imaging and Signal Proceessing Bio Imaging and Signal Proceessing Technical Committee (in IEEE Signal Processing Society, since 2004) Binary Digit Bonn–Aachen International Center for Information Technology Because It’s Time Network Benin (früher/formerly: Dahomey, ISO 3166) Bundeskriminalamt Bohr-Kramers-Slater (-Theorie/theory) (1924) Blaue Liste (Deutsche Forschungsinstitute/German research institutes) Buffer-Layer Assisted Growth (Festkörperphysik/solid state physics) Back Light Compensation (Video-Kamera: Gegenlicht-Blendenvergrößerung) Broadband Loop Carrier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Brushless d.c. (Elektromotor/electromotor) Block Error Rate (or: Ratio) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Bioluminescence Imaging Blade Integrated Disks (Kompressorläuferscheiben für Flugzeuge/compressor rotor disks for aircraft) Bund-Länder-Kommission für Bildungsplanung und Forschungsförderung Binary Large Object Bucerius Law School (Hamburg, DE) Bidirectional Line Switching Ring Bogoljubow Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (VIK, Dubna, Russia) Backlight Unit (in LCD-Bildschirm/screen) Boulevard (US Mail) Bermuda (ISO 3166) Broadband Manager British Medical Association Baltic Marine Biologists Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (DE) Bundesministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft (DE) Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (DE) Benchmarking Center (am/at the IIS, Außenstelle/branch Nürnberg, DE) Broadcast/Multicast Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Burst Mode Controller (Datennetz/data network) Ballistic Missile Defense System (USA) Biomedical Engineering Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie (DE) Bundesministerium für Gesundheit Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Soziale Sicherung Body Mass Index (siehe/see KMI) Broadcast(ing) Markup Language (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Binaural Masking Level Difference Bone Morphogenetic Protein [Dateinamenerweiterung: Graphikdatei/file name extension: graphic file] Ballistic Magnetoresistance Business Management System Broadcast/Multicast Service Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (DE) Bundesministerium für Verkehr (DE) Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung (DE) Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft (DE) Brandmeldezentrale Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (DE) Brunei (ISO 3166) Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation Bundesnetzagentur (vergibt Funklizenzen/assigns radio frequencies) Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin (Hamburg, DE) Brookhaven National Laboratory Brain Natriuretic Peptide British National Space Centre Belgische Natuurkundige Vereniging Bolivien/Bolivia (ISO 3166) Binary Offset Carrier (Modulation) Bandwidth on Demand (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Biochemical Oxygen Demand (Ireland, test) Bill of Materials Balloon Observations of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geomagnetics Broadband Optical Network Termination Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben Building Operating and Security System Build, Operate and Transfer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Bridge Protocol Data Unit (Ethernet) Business Process Execution Language (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 13 BPF BPON BPP BPP BPR BPS BPSK BPSR BPTI BPX BQB BQTF bR BR BR BR BRA BRAGECRIM BRAHMS BRAN BRAS BREMA BREW BRGM BRIDGE BRITE BRS BRS BRT BS BS BS BS BS BSA BSC BSC B.Sc. BSCCO BSD BSDL BSE BSE BSE BSE BSF BSG BSH BSH BSI BSI BSIC BSML BSNR BSP BSP BSR BSR BSR BSR BSRN BSS BSS BSS BSS BST BSTU BT BT BTA BTA BTL BTPG B/TQE BTS Blade Pass Frequency (of propeller) Broadband Passive Optical Network (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Beam Parameter Product (Laserdioden/laser diodes) Bund Philatelistischer Prüfer Business Process Reengineering The Bulgarian Physical Society Binary Phase Shift Keying (Modulation, Binäre Phasenumtastung) Bidirectional Path Switched Ring (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor Burning Plasma Experiment (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology, PPPL) Bluetooth Qualification Body (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Bluetooth Qualification Test Facility Bacteriorhodopsin Basic Research (ESPRIT) Biosphärenreservat (Naturschutz/nature conservation) Brasilien/Brazil (ISO 3166) Basic Rate Access (ISDN) Brazilian German Collaborative Research Initiative in Manufacturing Technology Broad Range Hadron Spectrometer (RHIC) Broadband Radio Access Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Broadband Remote Access Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) British Radio Equipment Manufacturers’ Association Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (FR) Bilateral Research and Industrial Development Enhancing and Integrating Grid Enabled Technologies (EU-gefördertes Europäisch-Chinesisches Computernetz-Projekt/EU sponsored European-Chinese computer network project) Basic Research in Industrial Technologies for Europe Behavioral Response Study (Meeresbiologie/marine biology) Buried Ridge Stripe (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Bruttoregistertonne Bahamas (ISO 3166) Bandstop (filter) Base Station (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) British Standard Broadcast Satellite (Digitalrundfunk/digital broadcast) Broadband Service Aggregator (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Barcelona Supercomputing Center (ES) Base Station Controller (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Bachelor of Science Bismuth-Strontium-Calcium-Copper Oxide, Wismut-Strontium-Calcium-Kupfer-Oxid Bi2 Sr2 Ca2 Cu3 O10−x (HTSL) Blind Signal Deconvolution Boundary-Scan Description Language Base Station Emulator (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Blind Signal Extraction Bonn European School of Economics e.V. Bovine spongiforme Enzephalopathie, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Rinderwahnsinn) Back Surface Field (Solarzellen/solar cells) Bundessozialgericht Bundeamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie [Medikament zur Tumorbehandlung mit Neutroneneinfangtherapie/medicine for tumour treatment with neutron capture therapy] British Standards Institution Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik Base Transceiver Station Identity (= NCC + BCC) Biosequence Markup Language Blurred Signal-to-Noise Ratio (Bildunschärfe/picture unsharpness) Board Support Package (Maut-Erfassungssystem/toll registration system) Bruttosozialprodukt Base Station Router (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Board of Standards Review (USA) Bottom Simulating Reflector (Ozeanologie/oceanology) Broadband Service Router (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Baseline Surface Radiation Network Base Station Subsystem (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Blind Signal Separation Broadcasting Satellite Service Business Support System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Band Segmented Transmission (Digitalrundfunk/digital broadcast) Bundesbehörde für die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen DDR Bhutan (ISO 3166) Business Telecommunications (TC in ETSI) Biologisch-technische(r) Assistent(in) Broadcasting Technical Association (Japan) Biomass to Liquid (synthetischer Kraftstoff/synthetic fuel) Boundary-Scan-Test-Program Generation Project Group on Television Quality Evolution Base Transceiver Station (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 14 BTS Broadcast Television Systems GmbH (Darmstadt, DE) BTV Broadcast Television BTW by the way Btx Bildschirmtext BU Branching (or: Business) Unit (Rechnernetze, Telekommunikation/computer networks, telecommunication) BUFORA British UFO Research Association Bull. P&I T.I.T. Bulletin of Precision and Intelligence Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Yokohama, Japan) BUND Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e.V. BV Bouvetinsel/Bouvet Island (ISO 3166) BVA Berufsverband der Augenärzte Deutschlands e.V. BVA British Radio Valve Manufacturers’ Association BVPN Broadband Virtual Private Network BVW Betriebliches Vorschlagswesen BW Baden-Württemberg (Bundesland/German Federal State) b.w. bitte wenden (engl.: p.t.o.) BW Botswana (ISO 3166) BWA Broadband Wireless Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) B-WiN Breitband-Wissenschaftsnetz (Datennetz, bis/data network, up to 155 Mbit/s) BWL Beriebswirtschaftslehre BY Bayern (Bundesland/German Federal State) BY Weißrussland/Belarus (ISO 3166) BYU Brigham Young University (Provo, UT, USA) BZ Belize (ISO 3166) BZ Belousov-Zhabotinsky (oszillierende chemische Reaktion/oscillating chemical reaction) BZ Brennstoffzelle (= FC) BZMM Berliner Zentrum für Mechatronische Medizintechnik B2B Business-to-Business B2C Business-to-Consumer B3G Beyond Third Generation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) C C CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CAA CAA CAA CAAT CAC CACSD CAD CADE CAE CAESAR CAFE CAG CAGR CAHA CAI CAI CAI CAIMIS CAIP CAIR CAL CALO Caltech Caltrans CAM CAM CAMA CAMEL CAMEL CAMEO CAML CAMP cAMP CAMS CAN CAN Cytosin (DNA-Base/DNA base) California (US-Staat/US state) Call Agent (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Cancer (Krebs) Cellular Automata Code Acquisition Computer Algebra Computer-Animation Conditional Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Conservation Agriculture Kanada/Canada (ISO 3166) Canadian Acoustical Society Civil Aviation Authority (UK) Computational Aeroacoustics Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA) Call Acceptance (or: Admission) Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Computer Aided Control System Design Computer Aided Design Computer Algebra and Differential Equations (Programm bei der GMD/research program of the GMD) Computer Aided Engineering Center of Advanced European Studies and Research (Bonn, DE) Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (or: Economy) Computer Aided Gage (or: Gaging) (computerunterstützte Kfz-Schaltung/automobile gear) Compound Annual Growth Rate Centro Astronómico Hispano-Aléman (= DSAZ) (Calar Alto) Calcium-Aluminum Inclusion (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Cavity as Interface Computer-Aided (or: Assisted) Instruction Chemistry Analysis Information Management Interface System Center for Advanced Information Processing (Rutgers University, USA) Center for Artificial Intelligence Research (Korea) Computer-Aided (or: Assisted) Learning Cognitive Agent that Learns and Organizes California Institute of Technology (Los Angeles, CA, USA) California Department of Transportation Career Asset Manager (IEEE) Computer Aided Manufacturing Crew Assistant System for Military Aircraft Cellular Automata Environment for Systems Modelling Customized Applications for Mobile (Network) Enhanced Logic (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Computer Aided Mechanistic Evaluation of Organic Reactions Census of Antarctic Marine Life Channel Amplifier cyclisches Adenosintriphosphat Card Application Management System (Smart Card) Control(ler) Area Network Customer Access Network 15 CANIF CAO CAOHC CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAPE CAPES CAPEX CAPRA CAPS CAPTCHA CAQ CAR CARA CARAT CARE CARF CARIBIC CARL CARMA CarNak CAROD CARPET CARROUSO CARS CARS CART CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CAS CASA CASE C2 A2 S2 E CASI CASIPS CASP CASP CASSE CAST CAST CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CATC CATI CATS CATV CATV CATV CAVE CB CB CBC CBDS CBEN CBI CBIR CBMC CBN CBO CBO CBP CBQ CBR Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Forest Soils Computer Aided Optimization Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation Camel Applications Part (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Canadian Association of Physics Capabilities Application Part (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Carrierless Amplitude Phase (Modulation) Committee on Applied Physics (APS) Common Agricultural Policy Computer Aided Painting (Lackier-Roboter) Council of the American Physical Society Computer Assisted Process Engineering Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́vel Superior (BR) Capital Expenditure Concept to Amplify Plutonium Reduction in Advanced Fast Reactors (CEA) Call Attempts per Second (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart (Internet) Computer Aided Quality Center Automotive Research (FH Gelsenkirchen, DE) California Association for Research Astronomy Computer Aided Radio and Television Comprehensive Approach for Recycling of Electronics Council for Accreditation of Rehabilitative Facilities (USA) Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-Wave Astronomy (California, USA) Carbon Nanotube Aktuatorik Computer Aided Robust Design Cellular Programming Environment Creating, Assessing and Rendering in Real Time of High Quality Audio-Visual Environments in MPEG-4 Context (3D-Klangverfahren/3D sound reproduction) Center for Advanced Radiation Sources (Chicago, IL, USA) Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (or: Scattering) Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Calorimetric Absorption Spectroscopy Channel Associated Signaling Chemical Abstracts Service (Datenbak, seit/data bank, since 1907) China Academy of Sciences Committee on Assurance of Supply Complex Adaptive Systems Conditional Access System (Digitalrundfunk/digital broadcast) Controlled Access Service Computational Auditory Scene Analysis Computer Aided Software Engineering Center for Computer Applications in Aerospace Science and Engineering (DLR, Braunschweig, DE) Canadian Aeronautic and Space Institute Close to Application Study in Polymer Science (IAP-Förderprogramm/IAP grant program) Competitive Access Service Provider (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction Comet Acoustical Surface Sounding Cardiac Arrythmia Suppression Trial [Competence] Center for Applied Security Technology Collaborative Access Team (at APS, Argonne) Computer-Aided Teaching Computer-Aided Tomography Computerized Axial Tomography Conditional Access Table (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Continuous Automatic Train Control (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing Capacitive Anti-Finger-Trap System (Einklemmschutz bei Autofenstern/vehicle windows) Cable Television Coaxial Television Community (or: Common) Antenna Television Cave Automatic Virtual Environment Cellular Broadcast Control Burst (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Cell Broadcast Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Connectionless Broadband Data Service Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology (Rice University, USA) Cosmic Background Imager (Radioteleskop-Array/radio telescope array in Chile) Content-Based Image Retrieval Convergence of Broadcast and Mobile Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Cubic Boron Nitride Compact Base Station Outdoor (Mobilfunk/mobile radio) Congressional Budget Office (USA) Customs and Border Protection (USA) Class Based Queuing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Constant Bit Rate (Datenübertragung/data transfer) 16 CBR CBS CBS CBSDM CBT CBT CBTC CBTL CC CC cc CC CC CC CC CC CC CCA CCAT CCB CCBS CCC CCC CCCH CCD CCD CCD CCDM CCDS CCE CCES CCF CCF CCFL CCG CCI CCI CCID CCIF CCIR CCIT CCITT CCK CCLD CCLRC CCM CCM CCNY CCO CCP CCPCH CCPR CCS CCS CCS CCS CCSA CCT CCT CCTV CCV CCVC CCW CCXML CD CD CD CDA CDA CDC CDC CDC CDC CDC CDD CDDI CDE Content-Based Retrieval Cell Broadcast Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Centrum für Schlaganfall-Forschung Berlin (Charité) Component-Based Scene Description Model Computer Based Training Coulomb Blockade Thermometer Communication Based Train Control (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Certification Body Testing Lab Call Control (Layer 3) Capital Cost Carbon Copy (Durchschlag) Competence Center (computer networks) Connection Coordinator Continuity Checking (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Copyright Compliant (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Cross Connect (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Kokosinseln/Cocos Islands (ISO 3166) Continuum Computer Architecture Cornell Caltech Atacama Telescope (Radioteleskop/radio telescope, geplant für/planned for 2013) Customer Care and Billing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Customer Care and Billing System (or: Service) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Comprehensive Cancer Center (Heidelberg, DE) Cross-Correlation Coefficient Common Control Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Carbonate Compensation Depth (im Meer/in the Ocean) Centre-to-Centre Displacement (microoptics) Charge-Coupled Device Consultive Committee for the Definition of the Metre Comité Consultatif pour la Definition de la Seconde Comité Consultatif d’Electricité Center for Computational Engineering Science (RWTH Aachen, DE) Call Control Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Cross-Correlation Function Cold-Cathode Fluorescent Lamp Chemical Computing Group (UK) Co-Channel Interference (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Comité Consultatif International [des communications téléphoniques à grande distance] (seit/since 1924) Coordinating Center for Infectuous Disease (Atlanta, GA, USA) Comité Consultatif International Téléphonique (später/later on: CCIT) Comité Consultatif International des Radiocommunications Comité Consultatif International des Communications Télégraphiques (gegründet/founded 1925, ab/since 1956: Comité Consultatif International de Communication Télégraphique et Téléphonique) Comité Consultatif International pour la Télégraphie et le Téléphone Complementary Code Keying (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Constant Current Line Drive (Konstantstromversorgung) Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils (UK) Comité Consultatif pour la Masse et les Grandeurs Apparantées CORBA Component Model (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) City College of New York (USA) Central Coordination Office Customer Convenience Port Common Control Physical Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Comité Consultatif de Photométrie et Radiométrie Common Channel Signaling Compute Cluster Server (Windows, 2003) CO2 (or: Carbon) Capture and Storage (Umweltschutz/environment conservation) Satellite Control Center China Communications Standard Association (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Correlated Colour Temperature Cyclic Corrosion Test, zyklischer Korrosionstest Closed Circuit Television Control-Configured Vehicle (Flugzeug/aircraft) Capacitively Coupled Voltage Contrast counterclockwise Call Control Extensible Markup Language (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Chromatic Dispersion (Glasfaser/glass fiber) Compact Disc Demokratische Republik Kongo (früher Zaire)/Democratic Republic of Congo (former Zaire) (ISO 3166) Committee on Diversity in Acoustics (ASA, USA) [Dateinamenerweiterung: CD-Titel auf Musik-CD/file name extension: CD title on music CD] Cell Division Cycle Center for Disease Control [and Prevention] (Atlanta, GA, USA) China Development Corporation (Taiwan) Continuous Damping Control Control Data Corporation Childhood Disintegrative Disorder Copper Distributed Data Interface Common Desktop Environment 17 CDE CDF CDF CDF CDG CDG CDH CD-I CDK CDM CDM CDM CDMA CDMS CDMS CDN cDNA CDP CDP CdPNo CDR CDR CDR CDR CD-ROM CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDT CDV CDVT CDW CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CEA CEA CEA CEAS CEBAF CeBIT CEC CEC CECS CEC-WYS CEDIA CEDIM CEDR CÈDRE CEE CEEES CEET CEF CEFE CEFS CEI CEI CEIC CEIN CELIA CELIAS CellID CELP CELT CELTIC CEM CEMA CEN CEN CENELEC Component Development Environment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Channel Definition Format Collider Detector at Fermilab Cumulative Density (or: Distribution) Function Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation Completely Detached H-Regime (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology) Compact Disc-Interactive Cyclin Dependent Kinase (Medizin/medicine) Clean Development Mechanism (Umweltschutz/environment conservation) Code Division Multiplex(ing) Cold Dark Matter (Kosmologie/cosmology) Code Division Multiple Access (Mobilfunk/mobile radio) Clinical Data Management System Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (Astrophysik/astrophysics, USA) Content Delivery (or: Distribution) Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Complementary DNA Code Domain Power (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Core Description Profile (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Called Party Number (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Call Data (or: Detail) Record (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Clock Division Recovery (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Corel Draw-Graphikdatei/file name extension: Coral Draw graphic file] Critical Design Review Compact Disc Read-Only Memory Chromatography Data System Clinical Decision Support (USA) Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (an Bord von/aboard SOHO) Correlated Double Sampling (Rauschunterdrückung/noise reduction) Crosspoint Development System Causal Dynamical Triangulation (Gravitationstheorie/theory of gravitation) Cell Delay Variation Cell Delay Variation Tolerance Charge-Density Wave Capillary Electrophoresis Carrier Ethernet (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Chief Executive Circuit Emulation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Communauté (oder/or: Conformité) Européenne Consumer Electronics Customer Edge (or: Equipment) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Kapillarelektrophorese Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics (Berkeley, CA, USA) Commisariat à l’Energie Atomique (Fontenay aux Roses, FR) Consumer Electronics Association (USA) Confederation of European Aerospace Societies Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (Newport News, VA, USA) Centrum für Büro- und Informationstechnik (Messe, Hannover/Hanover fair, DE) Commission of the European Communities Countries of Central Europe (ehem. Ostblockländer/former Eastern Block countries) Center for Energy and Climate Solutions (Annadale, VA, USA) Central European Centre for Women and Youth in Science Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association (USA) Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology (Univ. Karlsruhe, DE) Conference of European Directors of Roads Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution (French Organization) Controlled Exposure Experiment Committee of European Environmental Engineering Societies (at the ICT, Pfinztal, DE) Clean and Efficient Energy Technologies Concurrent Engineering Facility (DLR, Bremen, DE) Centre for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (Montpellier, FR) Centre for Entrepreneurial and Financial Studies (TU München, DE) Central European Initiative Commission Electrotechnique Internationale (= IEC) Committee on Electronic Information and Communication Center for Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology (University of California at Los Angeles, USA) Centre for Lasers and Intense Applications (Bordeaux, FR) Charge, Element and Isotope Analyses System (an Bord von/aboard SOHO) Cell Identification (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Code-Excited Linear Prediction California Extremely Large Telescope Cooperation for a Sustained European Leadership in Telecommunications Channel Electron Multiplier Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association Centre d’études nucléaires (Bordeuax-Gradignan, FR) Comité Européen de Normalisation [European Committee for Standardization, Europäisches Komitee for Normung] Comité Européen de Normalisation Électrotechnique 18 CeNS CEO CEOCT CEPBA CEPI CEPT CER CER CERAM CERC3 CEREQ CERES CERN CERRO CERT CERTH CES CES CES CES CESGA CESoE[TH] CESRA CEST CEST CETA CETHEDEC CETIM CF C&F CF CFA CFAR CFC CFC CFD CFDS CFFL CFFS CFG CFG CFHT CFI CFI CFI CFIT CFL CFL CFO CFO CFP CFP CFRP CFTR CFU CFV CG CG CG CG CGA CGA CGA CGC CGC CGD CGE CGH CGH CGI CGIAR CGM CGMS CGPM CGRM CGRO cgs CGS Center for NanoScience (LMU, München, DE) Chief Executive Officer (entspricht Vorstandschef bei einer AG) Confocal Enhanced Optical Coherence Tomography Centre for Parallelism of Barcelona (Spain, Computer Center) Confocal Fabry-Perot Interferometer Conférence Européenne des Postes et (des) Télécommunications Communicating European Research (Meeting) Community of European Railways Centre d’essais et de recherche automobile de Montefontaine (bei/near Paris, FR) Chairmen and Directors of European Research Council’s Chemistry Committees Centre d’Etude de Recherche sur les Qualifications Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (Satelliten-Erd-Fernerkundung/satellite remote earth sensing) Conseil Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire (jetzt/now: Organisation Européenne ...) Central European Regional Research Organization Computer Emergency Response Team Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (Thessaloniki, GR) Cambridge Engineering Selector [Database] (UK) Circuit Emulation Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Computational Engineering Science Consumer Electronics Show Centro de Supercomputatión de Galicia (ES) Circuit Emulation Service(s) over Ethernet (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Community of European Solar Astronomers C Expert System Tools Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (Biomedizin/biomedicine) Center of Excellence for Advanced Technology Centre d’études théoriques de la détection et des communications (FR) Centre technique des industries mécaniques (FR) Cystische Fibrose (Mukoviszidose) Cost and Freight (Handelsverkehr/trade) Zentralafrikanische Republik/Central African Republic (ISO 3166) Color Filter Array (Bildverarbeitung/picture processing) Constant-False-Alarm Rate (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Carbon Fiber Reinforced Carbon Chlorofluorocarbon Computational Fluid Dynamics, scherzhaft auch/jokingly also: Colorful Fluid Dynamics Center for Doctoral Studies (RWTH Aachen, DE) Columbus Free Flying Laboratory (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Conventional Fish-Finding Echo Sounder Context-Free Grammar (Sprachverarbeitung/speech processing) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Konfigurationsdatei/file name extension: configuration file] Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (Mauna Kea) Canada Foundation for Innovation (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CA) Canonical Format Indicator (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Color Flow Imaging (Ultraschall-Doppler-Verfahren/ultrasound Doppler method) Controlled Flight into Terrain CAD Framework Laboratory Compact Fluorescent (Bulb) Carrier Frequency Offset (Datenübertragung/data transfer) Chief Financial Officer Common Fisheries Policy (Europe) Contention Free Period (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Plastic Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Colony Forming Units (Bakterien/bacteries) Call for Votes (Rechnernetz/computer network) Charging Gateway Computer Graphics Chorion Gonadotropin (ein Hormon/a hormone) Volksrepublik Kongo/People’s Republic of Congo (ISO 3166) Cancer Genome Atlas Ceramic Grid Array (Halbleitertechnik/semiconductor technology) Color Graphics Adapter Chemical Genomic Center (Dortmund, DE) Complementary Ground Component (ergänzt/supplement to DVB-SH) Coplanar Grid Detector Compagnie Générale d’Electricité Comparative Genomic Hybridisation (Mikroarraytechnik/microarray technology) Computer-Generated Hologram Common Gateway Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research Computer Graphics Metafile [Dateinamenerweiterung: Graphikdatei/file name extension: graphic file] Copy Generation Management System Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures Centre Grenoblois de Résonance Magnétique (Grenoble, FR) Compton Gamma Ray Observatory Centimeter – Gramm – Sekunde (Maßsystem/system of units) Continuous Grain Silicon (Halbleitertechnik/semiconductor technology) 19 CGS CGS CH CHAP CHARM CHARM CHARM CHC CHDM CHE CHEMFET CHEOPS CHESS CHF CHIL CHILIAS CHMM CHORUS CHP CHRG C/I CI CI CI CIA CIAO CIC CIC CIC CIC CIC CICADA CICQ CICS CICYT CID CID CID CIDL CIDR CIE CIESIN CIF C.I.F. CIG CIGS CIM CIM CIME CIMSS CINR CIO CIOE CIOQ CIP CIP3 CIPM CIPT CIR CIR CIR CIR CIR CIR CIRA CIR ELKE CIRES CIRIT CIRMMT CIS CIS CIS CIS CIS CISAC CISC CiSE CISL Corporate GSM Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Council of Graduate Schools (USA) Schweiz/Switzerland (ISO 3166) Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) CERN, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Rom, Moskau (Kernphysik-Kollaboration/nuclear physics collaboration) CH4 Airborne Remote Monitor Comprehensive Human Animation Resource Model Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Cold + Hot Dark Matter (Kosmologie/cosmology) Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung (Gütersloh, DE) [FET mit chemischem Sensor als Gate-Elektrode/FET with chemical sensor as gate electrode] Chemistry of Ozone in the Polar Stratosphere Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (Teilchenbeschleuniger/particle accelerator) Congestive Heart Failure (Herzinsuffizienz) Computers in the Human Interaction Loop (EU project) Children’s Library – Information – Animation – Skills Call Handling MultiMedia (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) CERN Hybrid Oscillation Research Apparatus Center for History of Physics (AIP) Concert Hall Research Group (Acoustics, USA) Carrier-to-Interference Performance (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Cell Identity (Mobilfunk/mobile radio) Chemical Ionisation (Massenspektrometer/mass spectrometer) Elfenbeinküste/Ivory Coast (ISO 3166) Central Intelligence Agency (oberste US-Geheimdienstbehörde) Coronographic Imager with Adaptive Optics Cascaded Integrator-Comb (Signalverarbeitung/signal processing) Center for International Cooperation (Bonn, DE) Charge Injection Calibration Conseil Internationale de la Chasse et de la Conservation du Gibier Coronographic Imaging Camera Centre for Interdiciplinary Computational and Dynamical Analysis (University of Manchester, UK) Combined Input and Central Queuing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Customer Information Control System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a (ES) Carrier Internetworking Division (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Charge-Injection Device Collision-Induced Dissociation Configuration Item Data List (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Classless Interdomain Routing (Internet) Commission Internationale d’Eclairage, International Commission of Illumination Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network Common Intermediate Format (Datennetz/data network) Cost, Insurance, Freight (Handelsverkehr/trade) Cell Interconnection Gateway (Datennetz/data network) Copper Indium Gallium Selenium (or: Diselenide) (für Photovoltaik/for photovoltaics) Computer-integrated manufacturing Corporate Information Management (USA) Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Engineering Center for Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (VPI & SU, Blacksburg, VA, USA) Carrier-to-Interference plus Noise Ratio (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Chief Information Officer China International Optoelectronics Expo Combined Input- and Output-Queued (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Centre for Integrated Photonics (UK) International Cooperation for Integration of Prepress, Press and Postpress (Druckindustrie/printing industry) Comité International des Poids et Mesures Computer Integrated Public Transportation Carrier to Interference Ratio (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Channel Impulse Response Circle (US Mail) Committed Information Rate (Datennetz/data network) Computer Integrated Railroading Cylindrical Internal Reflection (ATR-Technik/ATR technology) Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali [Italian Aerospace Research Center] (Capua, IT) Computer Integrated Railroading for Raising Efficiency in the Core Network (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences ConselI Interdepartamental de Recerca i Innovació Tecnòlogica (ES) Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (McGilll University, CA) Card Information Structure Commonwealth (or: Confederation) of Independent States (= GUS) Compensated Image System (adaptive Optik/adaptive optics) Constant Initial-State (Photoemission) Copper Indium Selenide, Kupferindiumdiselenid (für Photovoltaik/for photovoltaics) Committee on International Security and Arms Control (USA) Complex Instruction Set Computer Computing in Science and Engineering (AIP Magazine) Computational and Information Systems Laboratory (at NCAR) 20 CISL CISM CISPR CIST CISTI CIT CITEL CITES CIVA CJD CJK CJR CK CK CKM CKW CL Cl. CL CL CLAIRE C.L.E. CLE CLEC CLEO CLEOPATRA CLF CLFA CLI CLI CLI CLIC CLIP CLORA CLOS CLP CLR CLS CLS CLS CLS CLSM CLT CL20 CM CMA CMAC CMAM CMB CMB CMC CMD CMD CMD CME CMEM CMI CMIP CMIR CMIS CMISE CML CML CMM CMM CMM CMM CMMB CMN CMO CMOS CMOS CMP CMPB CMR Contractual Index and Status List (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [International Centre for Mechanical Sciences], Udine, IT Comité International Spécial des Perturbations Radioélectriques (International Special Committee on Radio Interference, since 1933) [Moskau-Fraunhofer] Institut für Chemische Technologie Pfinztal Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information Center for Information Technology (beim/at the NIH, USA) InterAmerican Telecom Commission (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Convention of the International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (Internationale Übereinkunft zum Handel mit bedrohten Arten) Charge-Induced Voltage Alteration Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease Creutzfeld-Jakob-Krankheit Central Japan Railway (Company) Clock (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Cookinseln/Cook Islands (ISO 3166) [Nicola] Cabbibo, [Makoto] Kobayashi, [Toshihide] Maskawa [Matrix] (Elementarteilchentheorie/elementary particle theory) chlorierte Kohlenwasserstoffe Chile (ISO 3166) Classification (Patentliteratur/patent literature) Connectionless (Internet) Control(led) Load Clean Air Engine (Flugzeugmotor/aircraft engine) Club zur ländlichen Elektrifizierung Customer Located Edge (or: Equipment) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Cloud Experiment Oberpfaffenhofen and Transport Connectivity Session Location and Repository Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Coopération Laser Franco-Allemande Calling Line Identification (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Command Line Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Coupling Loop Interference (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) CERN Linear Collider Calling Line Identification Presentation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Club des Organismes de Recherche Associés (FR) Common LISP Object System [Dateinamenerweiterung: Graphikdatei/file name extension: graphic file] Connection Loudness Rating (Telefon/telephone) Call Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Canadian Light Source (Synchrotron-Strahlungsquelle beim CFI/synchrotron radiation source at the CFI) Collecte localisation satellite Confocal Laser Scanning (Microscope) Confocal Laser-Scanning Microscope Central Limit Theorem Hexanitro-Isowurtzitan (Sprengstoff/explosive) Kamerun/Cameroon (ISO 3166) Constant Modulus Algorithm Cerebellar Model Arithmetic Computer [Fraunhofer-] Center for Manufacturing and Advanced Materials (Newark, DE, USA) [Fraunhofer-] Center for Molecular Biotechnology (Newark, DE, USA) Cosmic Microwave Background Carboxymethylcellulose Carrier Multiplication Device (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Circuit Mode Data Condensed Matter Division (EPS) Coronal Mass Ejection (Sonnenphysik/solar physics) [International] Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements [Fraunhofer-] Center for Manufacturing Innovation (Boston, MA, USA) Common Management Information Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Center for Molecular Imaging Research (Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA) Common Management Information Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Common Management Information Services (or: System) Element (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Chemical Markup Language Current Mode Logic (Schaltungstechnik/circuitry) Capability Maturity Model Chassis Management Modulus Coordinate Measuring Machine Corporate Mobility Manager (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) China Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting Cerous Magnesium Nitrate (Temperaturnormal/temperature standard) Complex Monolithic Optics Capacity-Coupled Metal-Oxide Silicon Device Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (Feldeffekt-Transistor/field effect transistor) Chemical-Mechanical Polishing Centre Molecular Physiology of the Brain, DFG Forschungszentrum Molekularphysiologie des Gehirns (Göttingen, DE) Colossal Magnetoresistance 21 CMRR CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS CM/SM CMSU CMT CMT CMTS CMU CMUT CMYK C/N CN CN CNAM CNC CNC CN/CS CNEL CNES CNET CNM CNOT CNPq CNR CNR CNRS CNS CNS CNS CNSA CNT CNT CNV CO CO CO CO CoA COB COBE COBOL CoBRA COCOM COCOSDA COD CODAC CoDAS CODATA Codec CODEST CoDIS COE COEHC COF COFDM COFS COGA COGR COICH COIL COL COLCIENCIAS COLTRIMS com COM COM COM COMBO COMD COMEDD COMET COMETT Common-Mode Rejection Ratio Cambridge Materials Selector [Database] (UK) Cluster Management System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Compact Muon Solenoid (LHC, CERN) Condensed Matter Science Condition Monitoring System Content-Management System (Wissensmanagement) Corporate Mobile Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Communication/Service Module (Satellitentechnik/satellite technology) Central Missouri State University (USA) Condition Monitoring System Criticality Management Tool Cable Modem Termination System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA, USA) Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black (Bildverarbeitung/picture processing) Carrier-to-Noise [Ratio] Core Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Volksrepublik China/Peoples Republic of China (ISO 3166) Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (Paris, FR) Comisión Nacional de Communicaciones (AR) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Computer Numerical Control (Werkzeugmaschinen/machine tools) Core Network/Circuit Switched (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Community Noise Equivalent Level Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (FR) Centre National d’Etudes des Télécommunications Customer Network Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Conditioned NOT (logisches Gatter/logical gate) Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico (BR) Carrier-to-Noise Ratio National Research Council (CA) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR) Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (FR) Communication, Navigation, Surveillance Conseil National de la Science (FR) Chinese National Space Administration Carbon Nanotube, Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhrchen [Fraunhofer] Zentrum für Nanoelektronische Technologien (Dresden, DE) Choroidale Neovaskularisation (Augenkrankheit/eye disease) Central Office (Rechnernetze/computer networks) Colorado (US-Staat/US state) Connection-Oriented (Internet) Kolumbien/Colombia (ISO 3166) Core of Address (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Chip-On-Board Cosmic Background Explorer (Satellit/satellite) Common Business-Oriented Language (Programmiersprache/programming language) Computerized Bibliographic Record Actions Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls International Coordinating Committee on Speech Databases and Speech I/O Systems Assessment Catastrophical Optical Damage Cosmic Dust Aggregation Experiment Condensed Matter Direct Alerting Service (Datenbank/data bank) Committee on Data for Science and Technology (seit/since 1966) Coder-Decoder Committee for the Development of European Science and Technology Combined DNA Index System (zur Überführung von Kriminellen/for the conviction of criminals, USA) Center of Excellence Coalition on Effective Hearing Conservation (USA) Columbus Orbit Facility (Weltraumlabor/space laboratory) Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex(ing) Control of Flexible Structures Program (NASA) Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (USA) Council on Governmental Relations (USA) Channel Quality Indicator Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser Construction and Operating License Instituto Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnologı́a (CO) Cold Target Recoil Momentum Spectroscopy [Commercial Organization] (Internet, USA) Committee on Minorities in Physics (APS) Component (or: Common) Object Model [Dateinamenerweiterung: ausführbares Programm/file name extension: executable program] Classifying Objects by Medium-Band Observations Catastrophical Optical Mirror Damage Center for Organic Materials and Electronic Devices Dresden (am/at the IPMS) C++ OSI Management Extended Toolchain Community Program for Education and Training in Technology 22 COMICS CoML COMPASS COMPENDEX COMPETES COMPLEX COMPTEL COMSAT COMSEC COMSTECH CONACYT ConCap CONICET CONICYT CONNFFESSIT CONTRAIL COORETEC COP COP COPASI COPD COPS COPS COPUOS COR CORBA CORDIS CORVETTE CoS COS COS COSEPUP COSINE CoSMIC COSMOS COSPAR COST COSTEP COSY COSY COTS COUPP COV COVER COX CP CP CP CP CP CPA CPAN CPB CPB CPC CPC CPCB CPCM CPCT CPDLC CPE CPE CPERI CPG CPHY CPICH CPL CPLD CPM CPMQ CPN CPP CPP CPPM CPRM CPS Cooled Mid-Infrared Camera and Spectrograph Census of Marine Life Initiative Common Muon Proton Apparatus for Structure and Spectroscopy (CERN) Computerized Engineering Index (Datenbank/data bank) Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science (USA) Committee on Planetary and Lunar Exploration (National Research Council, USA) Imaging Compton Telescope Communications Satellite Corporation (USA) Communication(s) Security Committee on Scientific and Technical Cooperation Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a (MX) Constant Capacitance (Sensorik-Verfahren/sensoric method) Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas Técnicas (AR) Comisión Nacional de Investigación Cientifica y Tecnológica (Chile) Calculation of Non-Newtonian Flow: Finite Elements and Stochastic Simulation Technique Comprehensive Observation Network for Trace Gases by Airliner Kohlendioxid-Reduktions-Technologien (Kraftwerksforschungsprogramm des BMWi/German power plant research program) Chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung Coefficient of Performance Complex Pathway Simulator [Chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung] Common Open Policy Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (Meteorologie/meteorology) Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNO) Cellular Open Resource Common Object Request Broker Architecture (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Community Research and Development Information Service (EU) Coordination and Validation of the Development of Advanced Transport Telematic Systems in the Alpine Area Class(es) of Service(s) College of Optical Sciences (University of Arizona, USA) Core Operation Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (National Academy, USA) Cooperation for Open Systems Interconnection in Europe Combinatorial Sciences and Materials Information Collaboratory Cosmic Evolution Survey (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Committee on Space Research Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (EC), Coopération Européenne dans la domaine de la recherche scientifique et technique Comprehensive Suprathermal and Energetic Particle (an Bord von/aboard SOHO) Cooler Synchrotron (Jülich, DE) Correlation Spectroscopy Components (or: Commercial, or: Commodity) Off-The-Shelf (Hardware) Chicagoland Observatory for Underground Particle Physics (neuartige Blasenkammer/novel bubble chamber, USA) Calculus of Variation Covariance Equivalent Realization Cyclo-Oxygenase (ein Enzym/an enzyme) Conference Proceedings (NASA etc.) Connection Performer Content Provider (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Contention Period (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Customer Premises (Rechnernetz/computer network) Chirped Pulse Amplification (or: Amplifier) (optische Pulskompression/optical pulse compression) Comprehensive Perl Archive Network Constant Percentage Bandwidth (Spektralanalyse/frequency analysis) Cooper-Pair Box (Supraleitung/superconductivity) Central Processing Center (Galileo) Collaborative Product Commerce Central Pollution Control Board (Umweltbehörde in Indien/environmental authority in India) Mission Planning Control Center (Satellitensystem/satellite system) Center for Photoinduced Charge Transfer (Rochester, NY, USA) Controller Pilot Data Link Communication (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Common Phase Error (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Customer Premise(s) Equipment (Internet) Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute (at CERTH, GR) Computational Physics Group (EPS) Control Interface for Physical Layer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Common Pilot Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Call Processing Language (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Complex Programmable Logic Device Cathode Pulse Memory Control Processor Module Queuing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Customer Premises Network (Rechnernetz/computer network) Channel Plasmon Polariton (elektromagnetische Grenzflächenwellen/electromagnetic boundary layer waves) Current-Perpendicular-to-Plane (Festkörperphysik/solid state physics) Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials (University of Bath, UK) Copy Protection for Recordable Media (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Chinese Physical Society 23 CPS CPSA CPT CPTWG CPU CPV CPVS CPX CPX CQI CR CR CR CRADA CRAFT CRAHVI CRB CRBT CRC CRC CRC CRCG CRD CRDF CRDS CREDO CRESST CREST CREST CRF CRG CRH CRI CRIM CRIS CRISM CRISP CRISP CRL CRLB CRM CRM CRN CRNC CRO CRO CroBIT CRP CRSQA CRT CRT CRT CRV CR/W CRYRING CS CS CS CS CS CS CSA CSA CSA CSAGI CSAIL CSAR CSB CSB CSBU CSC CSC CSCC CSCF CSCL CSCS/SCSC CSCW The Czech Physial Society Copy Protection System Architecture (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Charge, Parity, Time (Invarianz gegen ...umkehr/invariance against ... reversal) Copy Protection Technical Working Group (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Central Processing Unit (Computer) Concentrator Photovoltaic Central Payload Video System Close Proximity Method (Fahrzeug-Lärmmesstechnik/vehicle noise measurement) Control Panel Extension Channel Quality Indicator (or: Indication) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Cell Relay (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Cosmic Rays Costa Rica (ISO 3166) Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (or: Award) [with private companies] (USA, staatl. Förderungsprogramm) Cooperative Research Action For Technology (EU) Crashworthyness of Aircraft for High Velocity Impact Cramér-Rao Bound Color Ring Back Tone (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Collaborative Research Centre (DFG) Corporate Research Center Cyclic Redundancy Check (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Fraunhofer-] Center for Research in Computer Graphics (Providence, RI, USA) Color Rendering Dictionary (Bildverarbeitung/picture processing) Civilian Research and Development Foundation (USA) Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Cluster of Research on Endocrine Disruption in Europe Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers Comité de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (EU) Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (Japan) Centro Ricerche Fiat (in Italy) Collaborating Research Group Corticotropin-Releasing Hormon Colour-Rendering Index Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Montréal (CA) Center for Research on Innovation and Society (Santa Barbara, CA, USA, und/and Berlin, DE) Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Instruction Set Processor (Computer) Corrected Illumination Scanning Probe (im Transmissionselektronenmikroskop/in an transmission electron microscope) Certificate Revocation List (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Cramér-Rao Lower Bound Certified Reference Material Customer Relations Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Committee of a Regulatory Nature (EU) Controlling Radio Network Controller (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Clinical Research Organisation Contract Research Organization Cross Border Information Technology C-reaktives Protein Council for Refractive Surgery Quality Assurance (Augenchirurgie/eye surgery, USA) Cathode Ray Tube Conformal Radio Therapy Cosmic-Ray-Tracking Project Crew Return Vehicle (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Controller Read/Write Cryebis Storage Ring (Stockholm, SE) Call Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Circuit-Switched (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Commercial Services (Galileo) Communications Satellite Serbien und Montenegro/Serbia and Montenegro (ISO 3166) Tschechoslowakei/Czechoslovakia (ISO 3166 bis/until 1993) Canadian Space Agency Canadian Standards Association Carrier Serving Area (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Comité Spécial de l’Année Géophysique Internationale Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (MIT) Cryogenic Solar Absolute Radiometer Centrum für Schlaganfall-Forschung Berlin (DE) Charge Symmetry Breaking (Elementarteilchenphysik/elementary particle physics) Communication Services Business Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Call and Session Controller (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Center for Scientific Computing Concurrent Supercomputing Consortium (USA) Call State (or: Session) Control Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Computer-Supported Cooperative (or: Collaborative) Learning Swiss Centre for Scientific Computing Computer Supported Cooperative (or: Collaborative) Work(ing) 24 CSD CSD CSD CSDP CSELT CSEM CSG CSI CSI CSIR CSIRO CSIS CSLI CSLP CSM CSM CSM CSM CSM CSMA/CA CSMA/CD CSN CSNS CSO CSO CSP CSP CSP CSP CSP CSPF CSPI CSR CSR CSRZ CSS CSS CSS CSTA CSTI CSTN CSU CSV CSVE CSW CSWP CT CT CT CT CT CTA CTA CTAN CTB CTBT CTBTO CTC CTC CTC CTE CTH CTI CTI CTI CTI CTIA CTIA CTIO CTIR CTL CTMS CTO CTO CTP CTP CTR CTR Cambridge Structural Database (Chemie/chemistry) Chemical Solution Deposition Circuit Switched Data (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Customer Specific Development Process Centro studi e laboratori telecomunicazioni (IT) Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique (Zürich, CH) Centre Spatial Guyanais Channel State Information (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Control-Structure Interaction Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (Südafrika/South Africa) Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Canberra, AU) Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington, DC, USA) Center for the Study of Language and Information (Stanford, CA, USA) [Fraunhofer-] Center for Surface and Laser Processing (Peoria, IL, USA) Central Strength Member (Rechnernetz/computer network) Communication Session Manager Component and Supplier Management Connection Session Management Customer Service Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance (Datennetze/data networks) Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (Datennetze/data networks) Circuit Switched Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) China Spallation Neutron Source (geplant für/planned for 2013) Chief Scientific Officer Composite Second Order (Verzerrung 2. Ordnung/second order distortion) Center for the Study of the Presidency (USA) Center für Silizium-Photovoltaik (Halle/Saale, DE) Chip-Scale Package (gedruckte Schaltung/printed circuit) Concentrated Solar Power (Parabolspiegelsystem/parabolic mirror facilities) Constraint Satisfaction Problem Constraint Shortest Path First (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Center for Science in the Public Interest (Washington, DC, USA) Cell Switch Router (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Customer Service Representatives (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Carrier-Suppressed Return-to-Zero (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Cascading Style Sheets Content Scramble (or: Scrambling) System Cyclic Steam Stimulation (Ölsanderschließung/oilsand exploration) Computer Supported Telecommunication(s) (or: Telephony) Application (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Civil Space Technology Initiative (NASA) Colour Super-Twisted Nematic (LCD) Colorado State University (USA) Comma Separated Value Chinese Society for Vibration Engineering Core Switch Committee on the Status of Women in Physics (APS) Colour Temperature Computed Tomography, Computer-Tomographie (Röntgentechnik/X-ray technology) Connecticut (US-Staat/US state) Cordless Telecommunications Court (US Mail) Chemisch-technische(r) Assistent(in) Cherenkov Telescope Array Comprehensive TeX Archive Network Composite Triple Beat (Verzerrung 3. Ordnung/third order distortion) Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (Atomwaffenteststoppvertrag 1996) Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organisation (Wien, AT) Central Traffic Control (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Convolutional Turbo Code (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Crew Training Complex (DLR, Köln, Porz-Wahnheide, DE) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Chalmers Tekniske Högskola (Göteborg, SEn) Colour Transient Improvement (Konturverbesserung beim TV-Bild/TV picture contour improvement) Computer-Telephony Integration (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Computer Telephony Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Critical Technologies Institute (USA) Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association Charge Trans-Impedance Amplifier Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (Chile) Center for Intelligent Transportation Research (Ohio State University, USA) Coal to Liquid (synthetischer Kraftstoff/synthetic fuel) Clinical Trial Management System Chief Technical Officer Command Transfer Object Computer-to-Plate, Computer-to-Press, Computer-to-Paper (Drucktechnik/printing technology) Cytisintriphosphat Center (US Mail) Common Technical Regulation(s) 25 CTR CTRANC CTS CTSEE CTU CTV CTW CU CU CU CUAHSI CUDOS CUF CUG CUHK CUL CUNY CUPLE Cuspea CUTCP CUTE CUTE CV CV CV CVC CVCP CVD CVD CVE C-VLAN CVT CW CW CWD CWDM CWMT CX CXO CY CZ CZT C3 C3 C3 I Cooperative Threat Reduction Crosstalk-Resistant Adaptive Noise Canceller Concept to Speech (Sprachsynthese/speech synthesis) [Komitee für Toxikologie, Ökotoxikologie und Umwelt] (Europäische Kommission) Control Tower Unit Crew Transfer (or: Transport) Vehicle (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) [IEEE] Communication Theory Workshop Central Unit Control Unit Kuba/Cuba (ISO 3166) Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science (USA) Centre for Ultra-High Bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems (AU) Channel Utilization Factor Closed User Group (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Chinese University of Hong Kong Computer-unterstütztes Lernen City University of New York Comprehensive Unified Physics Learning Environment China-US Physics Examination and Application Program Clarkson University-TCP (Rechnernetz/computer network) Clarkson University Terminal Emulator (Rechnernetz/computer network) Clean Urban Transport for Europe (Busse mit Wasserstoffantrieb/hydrogen-powered buses) Cartellverband [der Katholischen Deutschen Studentenverbindungen] Connection Verification (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Kapverdische Inseln/Cape Verde (ISO 3166) Common Vision Concept Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (UK) Cardio-Vascular Disease, Kardiovaskuläre Erkrankung Chemical Vapor Deposition Collaborative Virtual Environment Customer VLAN (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Continuously Variable Transmission (Kfz-Getriebe/vehicle gear) Clockwise Continuous Wave Concealed Weapon Detection (USA) Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Fraunhofer-] Center für Windenergie und Meerestechnik (Bremerhaven, DE) Weihnachtsinsel/Christmas Island (ISO 3166) Chandra X-Ray Observatory (Röntgensatellit/X-ray satellite) Zypern/Cyprus (ISO 3166) Tschechien/Czech Republik (ISO 3166) Chirp z-Transform Command, Control and Communication (System) Cleaved-Coupled Cavity (Laser) Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence (militärisch/military) D DA DAAD DAAK DAB DAC DAC DACH DAE DAF DAGA DAGV DAHC DAI DAI DAL DAM DAMA DAMA DAMOP D-AMPS DANA DAO DAP DAQ DAR DARA DARC DARHT DARP DARPA Destination Address (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. Deutsch-Amerikanisches Akademisches Konzil Digital Audio Broadcast(ing) Deformation Analysis by Means of Correlation Methods Digital-to-Analog Converter Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle Chemie GmbH Differential Algebraic Equation Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Familientherapie Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Akustik Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vakuum Deutschsprachiges Apple-Hochschul-Consortium Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (Berlin, DE) Distributed Artificial Intelligence Deutscher Arbeitsring für Lärmbekämpfung e.V. (1952–1977) Deutsche Akademie für Metrologie (München) Dark Matter Search (Astrophysik/astrophysics, Gran Sasso-Labor, IT) Demand Assignment (or: Assigned) Multiple Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (APS) Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Data Application Network Adapter Data Access Object Deutsches Akkreditierungssystem Prüfwesen (Normungsarbeit/standardization) Data Acquisition Deutscher Akkreditierungsrat (Normungsarbeit/standardization) Deutsche Agentur für Raumfahrtangelegenheiten GmbH (1989–1997) Data Radio Channel Dual Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic (Test) Facility (Los Alamos, NM, USA) Downlink Advanced Receiver Performance (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (USA) 26 DARS DART Darwin DAS DAS DASCH DASI DASMIN DAST DAT DATech DAtF DAVIC DAWS DB dB DB DBA DB AG DBEF DBF DBF DBG DBI DBIS DBM DBM DBMS DBN DBP DBR DBRM DBS DBSO DBU DC DC DC DC DC DC D-CAT DCC DCC DCD DCE DCE DCE DCE DCF DCF DCF DCFA DCG DCH DCI DCL DCM DCM DCMP DCN DCN DCOM DCOMP DCP DCP DCPN DCR DCR DCS DCS DCS DCSC DCT DCT DCU DCV DD Digital Audio Radio Service Data Acquisition in Real Time Detection and Analysis of Remote Worlds by Interferometric Nulling Dansk Akustisk Selskab Distributed Antenna Systems (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Digital Access to a Sky Century at Harvard Degree Angular Scale Interferometer Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle Mineralöl Drones for Aerodynamic and Structural Testing (NASA, unbemannte Flugzeuge/unmanned aircraft/ Digital Audio Tape Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle Technik Deutsches Atomforum Digital Audiovisual Council Digital Advanced Wireless Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Data Base Dezibel Diffusion Boarding Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deutsche Bahn AG Dual Brightness Enhancement Foil (Polarisationsfolie im LCD-Monitor/polarization sheet for LCD monitor) [Dateinamenerweiterung: dBase Datenbank-Datei/file name extension: dBase data bank file] Distributed Feedback (Laser) Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut (Berlin, DE) Discoveries and Breakthroughs Inside Science (AIP, TV news) Deutsches Bergbau-Museum (Bochum, DE) Double Beam Modulation Database Management System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Dynamic Bayesian Network (Sprachverarbeitung/speech processing) Division of Biological Physics (APS) Distributed Bragg Reflector (Laser) Digital Broadcasting Receivers Using Metadata Direct Broadcast(ing) (by) Satellite Digital Broadcast Satellite Operator (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt Developing Countries Digital Cinema Digital Concentrator (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Direct Current (Gleichstrom) District of Columbia (US-Staat/US state) Dünnschichtchromatographie Diesel Clean Advanced Technology (Kfz/motor vehicle) Digital Compact Cassette Distributed Checksum Clearing House (Antispamfilter/anti spam filter) Downlink Channel Descriptor (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Data (or: Digital) Communications Equipment Distributed Computing Environment Dynamic Channel Equalizer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Dispersion Compensating Fiber (Glasfaser/glass fiber) Distributed Coordination Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Double-Clad Fibre (Optik/optics) Digital Choice and Freedom Act (2002) Dispersion-Compensating Grating (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Dedicated Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Digital Cinema Initiative Detect, Classify and Locate Dispersion Compensation Module (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Dynamic Code Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Division of Condensed Matter Physics (APS) Data Communication Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Dynamic Circuit Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Distributed Component Object Model (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Division of Computational Physics (APS) Digital Cinema Package Division of Chemical Physics (APS) Domestic Customer Premises Network Dedicated Control Room (bei/at ESOC) Digital Control of Reverberation Data Communicatinon System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Digital Crossconnect (or: Communication) System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Distributed Control System Danish Center for Scientific Computing Disrete Cosine Transform Double Clutch Transmission (Kfz-Getriebe/motor vehicle) Data Capture Utility Deconvolution Deutsche Demokratische Republik/German Democratic Rebublic (ISO 3166 bis/until 1990) 27 DDB DDB DDCE DDD DDE DDEC DDGI DDI DDI DDK ddI DDL DDM DDN DDoS DDR DDR&E DDS DDS DDT DDT DDV DE DE DE DECHEMA DECT DEDIG DEE DEGA DEGREE DEGUM DEHP DEI DEISA DEKITZ DELT DELTA DEM DEM DE-NIC DENICAFC DERA DES DES DES DESY DET DEZ DF DFA DFB DFC DFD DFD DFD DFE DFE DFF DFG DFH DFH DFI DFID DFJW DFKI DFL DFMA DFN DFO DFS DFS DFS DFS DFT DFT DFÜ Die Deutsche Bibliothek Download Data Block (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Dolby Digital Consumer Encoder Directly Doubled Diode (Laser) Dynamic Data Exchange Data-Driven Echo Canceller Deutscher Dachverband für Geo-Information [Universal] Description Discovery Integration (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Direct Dialing-In (Telefon/telephone) Dialog Development Kit Didesoxyinosin Doubled (or: Direct) Diode Laser (blaue Laserdiode/blue laser diode) Differential Depth Modulation Defense Data Network (USA) Distributed Denial-of-Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deutsche Demokratische Republik/German Democratic Republic (bis/until 1990) Directorate of Defense Research and Engineering (Pentagon, Washington, DC, USA) Direct Digital Synthesis (Ein- und Ausgabeeinheit/input-output board) Direct-Diode System (Photonik/photonics) Dichlordiphenyltrichlorethan Distributed Debugging Tool Deutscher Dart-Verband Delaware (US-Staat/US state) Deutschland/Germany (ISO 3166) Discard Eligibility (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chemisches Apparatewesen, chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V. Digital Enhanced (or: European) Cordless Telecommunication (or: Telephony) Deutsche EDI-Gesellschaft e.V. Daten-Endeinrichtung (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. Diversity Effects in Grassland Ecosystems of Europe Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin Diethylhexylphthalat (Weichmacher/plasticizer) Diffraction-Enhanced Imaging Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications Deutsche Koordinierungsstelle für IT-Normenkonformitätsprüfung und -zertifizierung Dual-Ended Line Testing Dortmunder Elektronen Testspeicherring Anlage Digital Elevation Model (Satelliten-Fernerkundung/satellite remote surveillance) Discrete Element Method Network Information Center für Deutschland (Karlsruhe, DE) Double-Enhanced Intracavity Frequency Conversion (Laser) Defense Evaluation & Research Agency (MOD, GB) Data Encryption Standard (or: System) Department of Electrical Science (NPL, UK) Diethylstilbestrol (Östrogen-Derivat/estrogen derivative) Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Hamburg, DE) Detection Error Tradeoff (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Diethylzink (-Verfahren zur Papierkonservierung) Delay Factor Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Lebensmittelchemie (Garching, DE) Distributed Feedback (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication, Laser) Delayed Feedback Control Data Flow Diagram Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum (DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, DE) Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS) Decision Feedback Equalizer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Digital Front End (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deutscher Fernsehfunk (ehem./former DDR) Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Hubschrauber und Vertikalflugtechnik Deutsch-Französische Hochschule Diabetes-Forschungsinstitut (Düsseldorf, DE) Department for International Development (UK) Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk Deutsches Forschungszentrum für künstliche Intelligenz (Saarbrücken, DE) Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luftfahrt (Braunschweig, DE, 1936) Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (Braunschweig, DE, 1962) Design for Manufacturing and Assembly Deutsches Forschungsnetz (Datennetz/data network) Department of Fisheries and Oceans (CA) Dansk Fysisk Selskap Digital Frequency Synthesizer Dynamic Flow Simulator (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Dynamic Frequency Selection (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Density Functional Theory (Kernphysik/nuclear physics) Discrete Fourier Transform, diskrete Fouriertransformation Datenfernübertragung 28 DFVLR DFWM DGaO DGBMT DGE DGF DGfB DGfE DGfS DGG DGG DGHS DGK DGLM DGLR DGM DGMK DGMP DGNA DGPI DGPs DGPS DGPT DGQ DGS DGS DGS DGSM DGW DGWK DH DHAP DHCP DHF DHN DHO DHS DHS DHSG DHT DHTML DHU DHV dHvA DIA DIAL DIANE DIB DiBEG DIBS DIC DICOM DID DID DIESIS DIF DIfE DIFF DiffServ DIHM DIHT DII DIII DIII-D DIL DIL DIMDI DIMES DIN DINI DINZERT DIP DIPF DIPS DIRBE DIRC DIS DISC Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt (1969–1989, danach/thereafter: DLR) Degenerate Four Wave Mixing (Entartete Vier-Wellen-Mischung) Deutsche Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik Deutsche Gesellschaft für biomedizinische Technik Dynamic Gain-Equalizer (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flugwissenschaften e.V. (1959) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biophysik Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft Deutsche Glastechnische Gesellschaft e.V. Deutsche Gesellschaft für humanes Sterben Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallographie Deutsche Gesellschaft für Lasermedizin Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V. Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik Dynamic Group Number Assignment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Produktinformationen mbH Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie Differential Global Positioning System Deutsche Gesellschaft für Post- und Telekommunikationsgeschichte e.V. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität Deutsche Gebärdensprache Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin Data Gateway Deutsche Gesellschaft für Warenkennzeichnung mbH Data – High Rate Data Packet Type (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Dihydroxyacetonphosphat Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deformed Helix Ferroelectrics Digital Home Network Diversity Handover (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Demographic and Health Surveys Department of Homeland Security (USA, seit/since 2002) Data Hiding Subgroup (of CPTWG) Dihydrotestosteron Dynamic HTML Data Handling Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deutscher Hochschulverband e.V. de Haas–van Alphen (Effect) Digital Item Adaptation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Differential Absorption Lidar Direct Information Access Network for Europe Deutsches Institut für Betriebswirtschaft Digital Broadcasting Expert Group (seit/since 1977 in Japan) Digital In-Band Broadcasting System Digital Image Correlation Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Digital Item Declaration (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Direct Inward Dialing (Telefon/telephone) Design of an Interoperable European Federated Simulation Network for Critical Infrastructures (EU Project) Data Interchange Format Deutsches Institut für Ernährungsforschung (Potsdam, DE) Deutsches Institut für Fernstudien (Tübingen, DE) Differentiated Services Digital In-Line Holographic Microscopy Deutscher Industrie- und Handelstag Download Info Indication (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Doublet III (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology, General Atomics, San Diego, CA, USA) Doublet III-D (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology, General Atomics, San Diego, CA, USA) Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik (Quakenbrück, DE) Dual In-Line (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deutsches Institut für Medizinische Dokumentation und Information Descent Image Motion Estimation System (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Deutsches Institut für Normung Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation e.V. Deutscher Zertifizierungsrat im DIN Digital Item Processing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung (Frankfurt/M, DE) Distributed Intelligent Piloting System Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment (Kosmologie/cosmology) Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov Light Draft International Standard Dynamic Instruction Set Computer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 29 DISCOS DISCUS DISO DITC DITR Diva DIW DIY DJ DK DK DKD DKE DKFI DKFZ DKG DKI DKIM DKMM DKRZ DLA DLA DLA DLC DLC DLC DLCI DLDC DLI DLL DLL DLNA DLP DLR DLS DLS DLU DLV DM DM DM DM DM DM DMA DMAIC DMARD DMB-T DMC DMCA DMD DME DME DMF DMFC DMFT DMG DMG DMG DMI DML DMLS DMM DMO DMOM DMP DMP DMR DMS DMS DMS DMS DMS DMSO DMSP DMT DMT Database and Information System Characterising Objects in Space Distributed Source Coding Using Syndromes (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Dual Input – Single Output (Regler, System/controller, system) Division of Information Technology and Computing (NPL, UK) Deutsches Informationszentrum für technische Regeln Deutsches Interferometer für Vielkanalphotometrie und Astrometrie Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (Berlin, DE) Do it yourself Dschibuti (früher Afara und Issa)/Djibouti (former Afar and Issa) (ISO 3166) Dänemark/Denmark (ISO 3166) Disk Key (für CDs und DVDs) Deutscher Kalibrierdienst Deutsche Elektrotechnische Kommission (DIN und VDE) Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (Saarbrücken, DE) Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (Heidelberg, DE) Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft e.V. Deutsche Kommission für Ingenieurausbildung Domainkey Identified Mail Deutsches Komitee für Meeresforschung und Meerestechnik Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (Hamburg, DE) Deutsches Literaturarchiv (Marbach, DE) Diffusion-Limited Aggregation Dynamic Link Architecture (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Data Link Control (or: Connection) [Layer] (DECT) Diamond-like Carbon Digital Loop Carrier (Internet) Data Link Connection Identifier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Downlink Dual Carrier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Delay-Line Interferometer [Dateinamenerweiterung: Programmdatei/file name extension: program file] Dynamic(ally) (or: Direct) Link(ed) Library (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Digital Living Network Alliance (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Digital Light Processing (or: Processor, or: Projection) Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt (ab/since 1989, früher/formerly: DFVLR). Ab 1.10.1997/since Oct. 1, 1997: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. Direct Access Logging System (Sprachaufzeichnungssystem/speech recorder, Philips) Dynamic Light Scattering, dynamische Lichtstreuung Digital Line Unit Digital Light Valve Data Manager (or: Mining) Data – Medium Rate Data Packet Type (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deformable Mirror (adaptive Optik/adaptive optics) Deutsches Museum (München, DE) Dialog Management (Sprachverarbeitung/speech processing) Dominica (ISO 3166) Direct Memory Access Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (Antirheumatika/cure for rheumatism) Digital Multimedia Broadcast – Terrestrial Dense Multi-Carrier (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Digital Millenium Copyright Act (USA 2000) Digital Micromirror Device Digital Motor Electronics (Kfz/motor vehicle) Distance Measuring Equipment Dimethylformamid (Lösungsmittel/solvent) Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Dynamic Mean Field Theory (Festkörperphysik/solid state physics) Determinstic Micro Grinder (für asphärische Linsen/for aspheric lenses) Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft e.V. Driver-Machine Interface Digital Mathematics Library Direct Metal Laser-Sintering Digital-Multimeter Direct Mode Operation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Division of Mechanical and Optical Metrology (NPL, UK) Digital Media Project (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Division of Materials Physics (APS) Differential Microwave Radiometer (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Datenmanagementsystem (Fernerkundung/remote locating) Dehn(ungs)messstreifen Digital Moiré Subtraction (Metrologie/metrology) Direct Measurement System Document Management System (Wissensmanagement) Dimethyl sulfoxide, Dimethylsulfoxid Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (USA) Discrete Multi-Tone (Leitungscode, Mehrfach-Träger-Modulation/transmission code, multiple carrier) Dough Moulding Compound 30 DMU DMU DMV DMX DMZ DNA DNA DNB DNDO DNI DNK DNS DNS DNS DNS DNT DNT DNW DO DOA DOAS DOB Dobson-Unit DOC DOC DOC DOCSIS DOD DOE DoE DOE DOES DOF DOI DOK DOP DOP DOPA DOPS DORIS DORIS DoS DOS DOS DOS DOS DOT DOT DOT DoV DP DPA DPA D-PAF DPCCH DPCH DPCM DPD DPDCH DP-DQPSK DPE DPF DPG DPI DPhV DPMA DPMEM DPNS DPOLY DPP DP-QPSK DPSK DPSS(L) DPZ DQA DQDB DQPSK Digital Mock-Up (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Display and Metering Unit Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung e.V. Distributed Media Exchange (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) De-Militarized Zone Desoxyribonucleic acid Distributed Internet Architecture Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (Leipzig – Frankfurt am Main – Berlin, DE) Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (USA) Day-Night-Level (Lärmpegel) Deutsches Nationales Komitee für IUPAP Data Network System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Desoxyribonucleinsäure Direct Numerical Simulation (Verbrennungsvorgänge/internal combustion) Domain Name Service (or: System, or: Server) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Digitale Nutzfahrzeugtechnologie (Innovationscluster/innovation cluster, Kaiserslautern, DE) Dinitrotoluol Deutsch-Niederländischer Windkanal (bei/near Emmeloord, NL, 1980) Dominikanische Repubik/Dominican Republic (ISO 3166) Direction of Arrival Differentielle optische Absorptionsspektroskopie, Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy Depth of Burial (for underground nuclear tests) 2,7 × 1016 Moleküle/cm3 [Dateinamenerweiterung: Microsoft-Word-Dokument/file name extension: Microsoft Word document] Department of Commerce (USA) Dissolved Organic Carbon Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Department of Defense (USA) Department of Energy (USA) Design of Experiments Diffractive Optical Element differentielle optische Absorptionsspektroskopie Degree-of-Freedom Digital Object Identifier (Literatursuche im www/literature search in the www) Deutsches Optisches Komitee Degree of Polarization (Glasfaser/glass fiber) Dioctylphthalat (Weichmacher/plasticizer) l-Dihydroxyphenylalanin Danish Optical Society Doppel-Ring-Speicher (DESY) Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositoning Integrated by Satellite (ENVISAT) Denial-of-Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Density of States (Festkörperphysik/solid state physics) Deutsche Offenlegungsschrift (Patent) Digital Optical Switch (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Disk Operating System [Dateinamenerweiterung: Microsoft Word-Dokumentenvorlage/file name extension: Microsoft Word document template] Department of Transportation (USA) Diffuse Optical Tomography Data over Voice Drop Procedure Demand Priority Access (Datennetze/data networks, AT&T and HP) Deutsche Presse-Agentur Deutsche Processing and Archiving Facility (Fernerkundung/remote locating) Dedicated Physical Control Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Dedicated Physical Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Differential Pulse Code Modulation Deutscher Paketdienst, ab 1.1.2008/since Jan. 1, 2008: Dynamic Parcel Distribution Dedicated Physical Data Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Dual-Polarization Differential Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (Modulation) Distributed Processing Environment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Distributed Packet Filtering (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft Drittes Physikalisches Institut [der Universität Göttingen, DE] Deutscher Philologenverband Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt Dual-Port Memory (auf Prozessorkarte/on processor card) Digital Private Networking System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Division of Polymer Physics (APS) Division of Plasma Physics (AIP) Dual-Polarization Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (optische Telekommunikation, Modulation/optical telecommunication, modulation) Differential Phase-Shift Key Diode-Pumped Solid State (Laser) Deutsches Primatenzentrum (Göttingen, DE) Data Quality Analyzer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Distributed Queue Dual Basis (or: Bus) Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (Modulation) 31 DQS DR DR DRA DRAGON DRAM DRAW DRDC DR-DOS DRESSMAN DRET DRG DRIC DRIVE DRM DRM DRM DRNC DRO DRO DRP DRR Dr. rer. nat. DRS DRV DRW DS DSA DSAU DSAZ DSB DS-CDMA DSC DSC DSC DSC DSCH DSCP DSCS DSE DSF DSGV DSHS DSI DSIR DSKLR DSL DSL DSLAM DSM DSM DSM DSM-CC DSO DSO DSP DSP DSP DSR DSR DSR DSR DSR DSRC DSS DSS DSS DS-SS DST DST DST DSTO DSU DSW DS-Wert DSX DT Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Zertifizierung von Qualitätsmanagementsystemen mbH dielektronische Rekombination Drive (US Mail) Defence Research Agency (UK) Dynamic Resource Allocation via GMPLS Optical Networks (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Dynamic Random Access Memory Development of Design Tools for Reduced Aerodynamic Noise Wind Turbines (EU research project) Defence Research and Development Canada Digital Research DOS Dummy Representing Suit for Simulation of Human Heatloss Direction des Recherches, Etudes et Techniques Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft, Gesellschaft für medizinische Radiologie, Strahlenbiologie und Nuklearmedizin e.V. Defence Research Information Centre (Orpington, Kent, UK) Dedicated Road Infrastructure for Vehicle Safety in Europe Design Reference Mission (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Digital Radio Mondiale (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Digital Rights Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Drift Radio Network Controller (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Dielectric Resonance (or: Resonator) Oscillator Digital Read Out Digital Radio Promotion Digitally Reconstructed Radiograph (Onkologie/oncology) Doctor rerum naturalium Daten-Relaissatellit [Dateinamenerweiterung: Treiberdatei/file name extension: driver file] [Dateinamenerweiterung: Micrografix Designer-Graphikdatei/file name extension: Micrografix Designer graphic file] Differentiated Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Digital Signature Algorithm Digital Subscriber Access Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deutsch-Spanisches Astronomisches Zentrum (= CAHA) (auf/on Calar Alto, Chile) Digital Sound Broadcasting Direct Sequence CDMA (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Digital System Controller Distributed Source Coding (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Dye-Sensitive Solar Cell Dynamic Stability Control (Kfz/motor vehicle) Downlink Shared Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Differentiated Services Code Point (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Defense Satellite Communications System (USA) Design Support Environment Dispersion Shifted Fiber (Glasfaser/glass fiber) Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband Deutsche Sporthochschule (Köln, DE) Download Server Initiative (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (UK) Dreiachsiges Strapdown Kurs-Lage-Referenzsystem Digital Subscriber Line (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Domain Specific Language (Programmiertrend) Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum (Bremerhaven, DE) Distributed System Management Dynamic Spectrum Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Data (or: Digital) Storage Media – Command and Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Digital Sampling Oscilloscope Digital Storage Oscilloscope Data Service Profile (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Defense Support Program (USA) Digital Signal Processor (or: Processing) Delayed Sound Reinforcement Differential Spectral Responsivity Digital Satellite Radio; Digitaler Satellitenrundfunk Distributed Speech Recognition Doubly (or Deformed) Special Relativity Dedicated Short-Range Communication (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Decentralized Software Services (Computer-Programmentwicklung/program development) Digital Signature Standard Digital Speaker System (Lautsprecher/loudspeaker) Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Department of Science and Technology (Südafrika/South Africa) Discrete Sine Transform, diskrete Sinustransformation Dispersion Supported Transmission (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Defence (or: Data) Science and Technology Organization (AU) Digital Service Unit Deutsche Stifung Weltbevölkerung durchschnittlicher Substitutionsgrad Demonstrations and Science Experiment (NASA, geplant für/planned for 2010) Data Terminal 32 DTA DTA DTAB DTC DTC DTCP DTD DTE DTFT DTH DTI DTI DTI DTL DTM DTM DTM DTMF DTNSRDC DTO D/TOS DTP DTP DTPP DTRA DTS DTT DTTB DTTG DTV DTW DTX DUACS DÜE DÜI DUMAND DUN DUSEL DUT DUV DUZ DVB DVB-C DVB-CMBS DVB-DSNG DVB-H DVB-RCS DVB-S DVB-S DVB-SH DVB-T DVCS DVD DVDCCA DVE DVE DVG DVL DVMT DVP DVPT DVS DVT DWAF DWC DWC DWD DWDM DWNT DWPI DwPTS DWT DXC DXF DZ DZfCh D2B Deutsche Technische Akademie (Helmstedt, DE) Differential Thermal Analysis Demountable TAB Defence Technology Centre (UK) Direct Torque Control (für Elektroantrieb/for electric drive) Digital Transmission Content Protection (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Document Type Definition Data Terminal Equipment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Direct to Home (Satellitenfernsehen/satellite TV) Department of Trade and Industry (UK) Diffusion Tensor Imaging (Bildgebungsverfahren/image processing) Display Technology Incorporated (Zusammenschluss von IBM und Toshiba zur Produktion von Flachbildschirmen/cooperation of IBM and Toshiba for flat-screen manufacturing) Diode-Transistor Logic Department of Terrestrial Magnetism (Carnegie Institution of Washington, DC, USA) Device Type Manager (Feldbussystem/field bus system) Dual Transfer Mode (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Dual Tone Multifrequency (Telefon/telephone) David Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Data Transfer Object ESA Directorate of Technical and Operational Support Desktop Publishing Digital Transparent Processor (Satellitentechnik/satellite technology) Desktop Program Production Defense Threat Reduction Agency (USA) Distributed Temperature Sensor Digital Terrestrial Televison Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (Japan) Digital Terrestrial Television Local Testing Group Digital Television Dynamic Time Warp(ing) Discontinuous Transmission (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Developing Use of Altimetry for Climate Studies Datenübertragungseinrichtung (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deutsches Übersee-Institut (Hamburg, DE) Deep Underwater Myon and Neutrino Detector (bei/near Hawaii) Dial-Up Networking (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Deep Undergrond Science and Engineering Laboratory (Homestake gold mine in South Dakota, USA) Device Under Test Deep-Ultraviolet Deutsche Universitätszeitung Digital Video Broadcast(ing) DVB Cable DVB-Convergence of Broadcast and Mobile Services DVB Digital Satellite News Gathering DVB (to) Handheld System DVB Return Channel via Satellite DVB Satellite DVB-Standard (Downlink) DVB for Satellite Services to Handheld Devices Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcast Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Digital Versatile (or: Video) Disk DVD Copy Control Association Digital Video Encoder Distributed Virtual Environment Deutsche Vakuumgesellschaft Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt (Berlin-Adlershof, DE, 1912) Dynamic Video Memory Technology Distributed Video Production Deutscher Verband für Post und Telekommunikation Deutscher Verband für Schweißtechnik Deutscher Verband Technisch-Wissenschaftlicher Vereine e.V. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (ZA) Digital Waveform Capture (I/O Board) Digital Wavefront Camera Deutscher Wetterdienst Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Double Wall Nanotube Derwent World Patents Index Downlink Pilot Time Slot (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Discrete Wavelet Transform Digital Cross Connect (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Autodesk Autoload-Graphikdatei/file name extension: Autodesk Autoload graphic file] Algerien/Algeria (ISO 3166) Deutscher Zentralausschuss für Chemie Domestic Digital (or: Digital Domestic) Bus (Faseroptik/fiber optics) 33 D3ML Device Independent Multi-Modal Markup Language E E-... E... EA EAA EAA EAC EADQ EADS eag (EAG) EAG E-AGCH EAI EAL EALM EAM EAM EAN EAP EAP EAPOL EAPS EAR EARA EARLINET EARN EARSS EARTO EAS EAS EASA EASI EASI EASInet EASIS EASOE EB EBA EBCOT EBD EBF EBI EBID EBIT EBIT EBITDA E-BIZ EBLIDA EBN EBP EBR EBRD EBS EBT EBU EC EC EC ECA ECAF ECB ECC ECCO EC COST ECDT ECE ECE ECFA ECFRN ECL ECL ECLS ECLSS ECM Electronic ... (-Business, -Commerce, -Economy, -Journal, -Procurement etc.) Exa (Präfix/prefix): 1015 Electroabsorption European Acoustics Association Experimental Aircraft Association Extended Access Control (Datensicherheit/data security) [Fraunhofer-] Einrichtung für Diagnose und Qualitätssteigerung European Aeronautic Defence System ether-à-go-go (ein Gen/a gene) Europäische Atomgemeinschaft Enhanced [Uplink] Absolute Grant Channel Enterprise Application Integration (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Evangelische Akademie Loccum Electro-Absorption Laser Modulator (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Electro-Absorption Modulator (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Energie-Aktiengesellschaft Mitteldeutschland (früher/formerly: Elektrizitäts-Aktiengesellschaft Mitteldeutschland) European Article Number, Europäische Artikelnummer (Strichcode/bar code) Encyclopedia of Applied Physics Extensible Authentication Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Extensible Authentication Protocol over Local Area Networks (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Euro-Asian Physical Society Edge Aggregation Router (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) European Association for Research in Astronomy European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (Fernerkundung/remote locating) European Academic Research Network Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (Medizin/medicine) European Association of Research and Technology (Bruxelles, BE) European Astronomical Society Extraordinary Acoustic Screening European Academic Software Award End-to-End Application and Service Integration (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) European Academic Supercomputing Initiative European Academic Supercomputing Initiative Network Electronic Architecture and System Engineering for Integrated Safety Systems (Zusammenschluss europäischer Automobilhersteller/cooperation of European car manufacturers) European Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Experiment Equivalent Bandwidth (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Eisenbahn Bundesamt Embedded Block Coding with Optimal Truncation (Bildkompression/image compression) [elektronische Bremskraftverteilung] (Kfz/motor vehicle) European Federation of Biology European Bioinformatics Institute (Hinxton bei/near Cambridge, UK) Electron-Beam Induced Deposition Earnings Before Interest and Tax Electron Beam Ion Trap Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization E-Business Innovationszentrum (FhG) European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations entwicklungsbegleitende Normung Error Back Propagation (Algorithmus/algorithm) Electronic Batch Record European Bank for Reconstruction and Development European Business School (in Oestrich-Winkel, DE) Electron-Beam Testing European Broadcasting Union Ecuador (ISO 3166) Electrochemical Capacitor European Commission European Congress on Acoustics European Conservation Agriculture Federation European Chemicals Bureau Electrochemical Concentration Cell Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (Forschungsprojekt/research project) European Cooperation in the Field Field of Scientific and Technical Research Engineering Career Development Team (IEEE) Economic Commission of Europe (UN) [Department of] Electrical and Computer Engineering European Committee for Future Accelerators European Consulting Forum for Research Networking Emitter Coupled Logic External Cavity Laser Environmental Control and Life Support (Satelliten/satellites) Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (Satelliten/satellites) Electret Condenser Microphone 34 ECM ECM ECM ECM ECMA ECMP ECMWF ECOC ECOLE ECOPS ECORD ECOSA ECOSAE ECOSSE ECSC ECSC ECSD Ecsite ECT eCTD ECTS ECU ECU ECU ECUA ECVAM ED EDA EDA EDC EDC EDC EDELWEISS EDF EDFA EDG EDGE EDI EDICI EDIF EDIFACT EDL EDLC EDM EDM EDMS EDNA EDP E-DPCCH E-DPDCH EDR EDR EDS EDS EDSAC EDT EDTA edu EDV EDVAC EDX EE EE EEA EEC EECONET EEF EEFAE EEG EEG EEIG EELS EELT EEM EEP EEPROM EER Electronic Content Management (Informationsverarbeitung/information processing) Enterprise Content Management Entitlement Control Message (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) European Crystallographic Meeting European Computer Manufacturers Association Equal Cost Multipath (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (= EZMW) European Conference [and Exhibition] on Optical Communication European Collaborative Open Learning Environment European Committee on Ocean and Polar Sciences European Consortium on Research Drilling European Conference on Optical Systems and Applications European Consumer Safety Organisation Estimating Carbon in Organic Soils – Sequestration and Emissions (Scotland and Wales) European Coal and Steel Community European Congress of Science Cities Enhanced Circuit Switched Data (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) European network of science centres and museums Explicit Call Tranfer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Electronic Common Technical Document (Standard) European [Community Course] Credit Transfer Scheme (or: System) East Carolina University (Greenville, NC, USA) Electrical (or: Electronic) Control Unit European Currency Unit European Conference on Underwater Acoustics European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (Bologna, IT) Erektile Dysfunktion Electronic Design Automation Engineering Design Activities (EC) Electronic Damper Control (Kfz/motor vehicle) Electronic Data Capture Electronic Diesel Control (Kfz/motor vehicle) Expérience pour Détecter les WIMPs en Site Souterrain Electricité de France Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (Glasfaser/glass fiber) European Datagrid Enhanced Datarate(s) for GSM Evolution (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Electronic Data (or: Document) Interchange Evolution, Development and Intentional Control of Initiation (EU Project) Electronic Design Interchange Format Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport Entry, Descent and Landing (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Electric Double-Layer Capacitor Electric Dipole Moment (Elementarteilchenphysik/elementary particle physics) Electronic Distribution of Music Electronic Document Mangement System European Data Network Agency Electronic Data Processing Enhanced Dedicated Physical Control Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Enhanced Dedicated Physical Data Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Enhanced Data Rate (Bluetooth signals) Event Data Recorder (Kfz-Technik/automobile) Earth Departure Stage (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Electronic Differential System (Kfz/automobile) Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer (Cambridge University, 1949) Elektrodynamisches Tether-System Ethylendiamintetraacetat [Educational Organization] (Internet, USA) Elektronische Datenverarbeitung Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (University of Pennsylvania, USA 1950) Energiedispersive Röntgenanalytik Equipment Engineering (TC im/in the ETSI) Estland/Estonia (ISO 3166) European Environmental Agency European Economic Community European Ecological Network (Naturschutz/nature conservation) Erleichterung für Existentzgründungen aus Forschungseinrichtungen (ein Fonds/a fund) Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Aero-Engine (Flugzeugantrieb/aircraft engine) Elektroenzephalogramm (-graphie), Electroencephalogram (-graphy) Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz European Economic Interest Group (EU) Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy European Extremely Large Telescope (geplant für/planned for 2017) Electronic Engine Management (Kfz/motor vehicle) Europäisches Erhaltungszuchtprogramm (für vom Aussterben bedrohte Tierarten/program for breeding animals threatened by extinction) Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory Equal-Error Rate (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 35 EEROM EET EEW EF EFA EFD EFDA EFF EFG EFL EFM EFR EFRE EFS EFSA EFT EFTA EG EGA EGA EGEE EGF EGI eGK EGK EGK EGM EGNOS EGO EGP EGPRS EGRET EGS EGSK E-GSM EGT EGU EGW eGY EH EHB EHEC EHF E-HICH EHS EHS EI EI EIA EIA EIB EIB EIBA EIC EICTA EID EIGRP EIP EIR EIR e-IRG EIRO EIRP EIS EIS EISA EISA EISL EISS EIT EIT EIT EIT EIT EITC EITO EJ Electrically Erasable Read-Only Memory Energy Efficient Transport (Flugezeugantrieb/aircraft engine) Early Earthquake Warning Expedited Forwarding (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) European Fighter Aircraft Event Forwarding Discriminator (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Fusionstechnik-Forschungsinstitut/fusion technology research institute] Electronic Frontier Foundation (USA) Edge-Defined Filmfed Growth Effective Focal Length (optische Linsen/optical lenses) Ethernet in First Mile (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Enhanced Full Rate (Vocoder) Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung Electric Field Sensing [Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit/European authority for food reliability] Effective Field Theory (Kernphysik/nuclear physics) European Free Trade Association (NO, SE, FI, IS, CH, AT, FL) Agypten/Egypt (ISO 3166) Enhanced Graphics Adapter Entwicklungsgesellschaft Adlershof Enabling Grid for E-Science in Europe Epidermal Growth Factor European Grid Initiative (geplant für/planned for 2010) elektronische Gesundheitskarte Europäisches Graduiertenkolleg Extended Gate Keeper (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Extraordinary General Meeting European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Satellite System (or: Service) (Satellitennavigation/satellite navigation) European Gravitational Observatory (Pisa, IT) Exterior Gateway Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Enhanced GPRS Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope European Geophysical Society eGovernment Starter Kit (Microsoft) Extended Global System for Mobile Communication (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) European Geographical Technologies European Geophysics Union Edge Gateway Electronic Geophysical Year (geplanter Nachfolger des IGY/planned successor of the IGY) Westsahara/Western Sahara (früher Spanisch-Sahara/former Spanish Sahara) (ISO 3166) Elly Hölterhoff-Böcking-Stiftung enterohämorrhagische Escherichia coli Extra High Frequency (30 – 300 GHz) Enhanced Uplink HARQ Indicator Channel Environment, Health, and Safety Environment and Human Security Electron Impact (Massenspektrometer/mass spectrometer) Engineering Information (Datenbank/data bank, Westbury, NY, USA) Electronics Industries Association (or: Alliance) Energy Information Administration European Installation Bus (Haustechnik/domestic technology) European Investment Bank European Installation Bus Association Euro Info Centre European Information and Communication Technology Industry Association Electronic Identification of Containers Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Early Implementation Program Entrepreneurs-in-Residence (US program) Excessive Information Rate (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (zur gemeinsamen Nutzung verteilter elektronischer Ressourcen/for the shared use of distributed electronic resources) European Intergovernmental Research Organisations Effective (or: Equivalent) Isotropic Radiated Power (Satelliten/satellites) Environmental Impact Statement Executive Information Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Energy Independence and Security Act (USA 2007) Extended Industry Standard Architecture Effektive isotrope Strahlungsleistung Europäisches Institut für Systemsicherheit Electromagnetically Induced Transparency, elektromagnetisch induzierte Transparenz Elektrische Impedanz-Tomographie European Institute of Technology (Budapest, HU) Event Information Table (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (an Bord von/aboard SOHO) European Information Technology Conference European Information Technology Observatory Exajoule (= 1018 Joule) 36 EJB EJMC EKA EKBO EKF EKG EKGS EKS EKV EL EL ELA E-LAN ELBE ELCAT ELDA ELDO ELEANNE ELF ELFE ELFICOM ELI E-LINE ELINT ELISA ELITE ELM ELM ELMF ELN ELOG ELROB ELS ELSA ELSI ELT EMA EMAC E-Mail E-MAN EMANI EMB EMBASSI EMBL EMBO EMC EMC EMC EMCCD EMD EMEA EMF EMF EMF EMG EMI EMI EMI EMIS EML EML EML EMM EMM EMMI EMMI EMP EMP EMPA EMPD EMPS EMR EMR EMR EMR EMRC EMRS EMS Enterprise Java Beans (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) EUROBALL Joint Management Committee Expositions-Äquivalent für krebserzeugende Arbeitsstoffe Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt Objects (Astronomie/astronomy) Extended Kalman Filter Elektrokardiogramm (-graphie) Europäische Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl [Fraunhofer-] Einrichtung für Systeme der Kommunikationstechnik (München, DE) → VDI-EKV Echo Loss (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Electroluminescence, Elektrolumineszenz Elektroakustik Ethernet LAN Services Elektronenbeschleuniger hoher Brillanz und geringer Emittanz (FZR, Rossendorf, DE) Electrocatalytic Gas-Phase Conservation of CO2 in Confined Catalysts (EU 2004–2008, IT-FR-DE-GR) Evaluation and Languages Resources Distribution Agency European Launcher Development Organization (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Efficient Learning Algorithm for Neural Networks Extremely Low Frequency (0,3 – 3 kHz) Electron Laboratory for Europe Elektronische Fachinformation und Kommunikation Eurocell Library and Interfaces Ethernet Line Services Electronic Intelligence Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay European Laboratory for Intelligent Techniques Engineering (Aachen, DE) Element Layer Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Event and Log Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) European Large Magnetic Field Facility Electronic Lab(oratory) Notebook Epitaxially Laterally Overgrown European Land-Robot Trial (-Modell/model) nach/after [Olin] Eggen, [Donald] Lynden-Bell und/and [Allan] Sandage (Astronomie/astronomy) Elektron-Stretcher-Anlage Ethical, Legal and Social Issues Extremely Large Telescope Experimental Modal Analysis Ethernet Media Access Controller Electronic Mail Ethernet Metropolitan Area Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Electronic Mathematics Archives Network Initiative (seit/since 2002) [Fraunhofer-] Einrichtung für Marine Biologie (Lübeck, DE) Elektronische Multimediale Bedien- und Service-Assistenz Europäisches Molekularbiologisches Laboratorium, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (Heidesheim, DE) European Molecular Biology Organization (Heidelberg, DE) Electro-Magnetic Chamber Electromagnetic Compatibility (= EMV) European Muon Collaboration Electron Multiplying Charge-Coupled Device (optischer Sensor/optical sensor) Electronic Music Distribution Europe, Middle East and Africa [Dateinamenerweiterung: Graphikdatei/file name extension: graphic file] Electromagnetic Field, elektromagnetisches Feld European Multimedia Forum Elektromyogramm, Electromyogram Electromagnetic Induction Electromagnetic Interference Ernst-Mach-Institut (Fraunhofer-Institut für Kurzzeitdynamik, Freiburg, DE) The European Mathematical Information Service Electro-Absorption Modulated Laser (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Element Management Layer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) European Media Laboratory (Heidelberg, DE) Entitlement Management Message (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) EPS Mobility Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Electrical Man Machine Interface ESA Multi-Mode Instrument Electromagnetic Pulse Embedded-Media Processor (Datenverarbeitung/data processing) Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt (Dübendorf, CH) [International Conference on] Energy Management and Power Delivery European Mobility Scheme for Physics Students (EPS) Electromagnetic Relay Electron Magnetic Resonance Enhanced Measurement Report Extraordinary Magnetoresistance European Medical Research Council Electromagnetic Remote Sensing Electrified Monorail System 37 EMS EMS EMS EMS EMSL EMSTP EMT EMV EMVG EN ENAC ENBIS END EnEV ENF ENI ENI(-G) ENIAC ENM ENO ENS ENSIEG ENSO ENST ENT ENTIRE ENTRANCE ENVI ENVISAT ENWISE ENX EO EO EOAE EOF EOF EOG EOL EoMPLS EORTC EOS EOS EOS EOS EOSDIS EOT EOTC EOTD E-OTDR EP EP EPA ePA EPA EPA EPAD EPAS EPB EPC EPC EPC EPCC EPDB EPFD EPFL EPG EPHY EPI EPI EPIA EPIC EPIC EPIC EPIC EPL EPL EPLA EPNL Electronic Meeting System Element Management System (Internet) Engineering Management System European Mathematical Society Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (PNNL, USA) European Medical Scientific Training Program Emergency Medical Technician Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (= EMC) Gesetz über die elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit von Geräten Europa-Norm, Europäische Norm (CENELEC) European Network and Applications Center European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics European Noise Directive Energieeinsparverordnung (seit/since 2007) Equivalent Noise Floor (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Ethernet Network Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) European Neuroscience Institute (in Göttingen, DE) Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (Univ. of Pennsylvania, USA 1945) Enviromenal Noise Management Essentially Non-Oscillatory (numerische Rechenverfahren/numerical computing) Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris, FR) Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs Electriciens de Grenoble El Niño Southern Oscillation (Klima/climate) Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications Ear, Nose and Throat (= HNO) European Network on Transport Innovation for the Rational Use of Energy Energy Savings in Transport through Innovation in the Cities of Europe Environment for Visualizing Images (Europäischer Umweltsatellit, ab 1.3.2002/European enviroment satellite, since March 1, 2002) Enlarge Women in the East (Working group, European Commission, since 2003) European Network Exchange (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Earth Observation (Satelliten/satellites) Electro-Optical (Effects or Sensors) evozierte otoakustische Emissionen Empirical Orthogonal Function End of File Elektrooculogramm, Electrooculogram End of Life (Satellitentechnik/satellite technology) Ethernet over MPLS European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Earth Observing System (or: Satellite) (NASA) Electrical Overstress Equation of State European Optical Society Earth Observing System Data Information System Energy Optimized Tyre European Organization for Testing and Certification Enhanced Observed Time Difference (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Extended Optical Time Domain Reflectometry Europäisches Parlament Executive Plan Eicosapentaensäure elektronische Patientenakte Environment(al) Protection Agency (in vielen Ländern/in many countries) Europäisches Patantamt (München, DE) Electronically Programmable Analog Device Electronic Power Assisted Steering (Kfz/motor vehicle) Electric Power Boost (Kfz/motor vehicle) Electronic Power Conditioner Electronic Product Code (in the RFID) Enhanced Power Control Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (Scotland) European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Equivalent Power Flux Density (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Electronic Program(ming) Guide (Digitalrundfunk/digital broadcast) Ethernet Physical Transceiver Eastern Pacific Investigations of Climate Echo Planar Imaging (MRI) European Photovoltaic Industry Association Electronic and Photonic Integrated Circuits European Photon Imaging Camera (XMM) European Photonics Industry Consortium European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Study Ethernet Private Line Europhysics Letters European Patent Litigation Agreement Effective Perceived Noise Level 38 EPO EPON EPOS EPR EPR EPRI EPRINT EPROM EPS EPS EPS EPS EPS EPS EPS EPS EPSRC EPU EPÜ EPWS EPXMA EQ EQEC eQtv ER ER ER ER ERA ERA ERAM ERASMUS ERATO ERBE ERC ERCIM ERCOFTAC ERDA ERDF ERES ERF E-RGCH ERGO ERIS ERISA ERLE ERM ERNE ERO ERO EROS eRosita ERP ERP ERP ERP ERS ERSI ERT ERTMS ertPS ERV ES ES ESA ESA/ASE ESAU ESB ESCA ESCA ESCHILO ESCON ESCPE ESCU ESD ESD ESDA ESDIAD European Patent Office (München, DE) Ethernet Passive Optical Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) European PTT Open Learning Service Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen(-Paradoxon/paradox) European Pressurised Water Reactor (Kernreaktor, geplant für/nucler reactor, planned for 2011 in Finland) Electron Parametric Resonance Imaging Electronic Print Server for Research Information on Natural Science and Technology Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory Encapsulated Postscript [Dateinamenerweiterung: Graphikdatei/file name extension: graphic file] Electronic Power Steering (Kfz/motor vehicle) Elektropneumatische Schaltung (Kfz/motor vehicle) Encapsulated Postscript Eumetsat Polar System European Physical Society European Polar Satellite Evolved Packet System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK) End-of-Pipe–Umweltschutz Europäisches Patentübereinkommen European Platform of Women Scientists Electron Probe X-Ray Microanalysis Enzephalisationsquotient (Hirnforschung/brain research) European Quantum Electronics Conference e-Qualifikations-TV (für den Mittelstand/qualification for the middle class) Edge Router (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Eritrea (ISO 3166) Event Reporting Extinction Ratio Eigensystem Realization Algorithm European Research Area Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics (DFG project) European Community Action Scheme for the Mobiliy of University Students Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology Program (JRDC) Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (Klimaforschung/climate research) European Research Council (Bruxelles, BE) European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion US Energy Research and Development Administration European Regional Development Fund ESA Rams Expert System (Software) Electrorheological Fluid Enhanced [Uplink] Relative Grant Channel European Research Gateways On-Line External Region Integrity System (Galileo) European Regional Information Society Association Echo Return Loss Enhancement Earth Resource Mapping Energetic and Relativistic Nuclei and Electron Experiment (an Bord von/aboard SOHO) European Research Office (of US Army, in London, GB) Explicit Route Object (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Earth Resources Observation System Extended Roentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array (Röntgenteleskop/X-ray telescope) Effective Radiation Power (Sender/transmitter) Energy Resource Planning Enterprise Resource Planning Event-Related Potential (Neurologie/Neuroscience) European Remote Sensing Satellite Environment and Remote Sensing Institute (Harare, Simbabwe) External Review Committee European Rail Transport Management System (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Enhanced Real-Time Packet Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Earth Return Vehicle (bemannte Raumfahrt/manned spacecraft) Expert System Spanien/Spain (ISO 3166) Endangered Species Act (USA) European Space Agency / Agence spatiale européenne Electronic Subscriber Access Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Environmental Specimen Bank Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis European Speech Communication Association Esperimento di Schermatura in Low Orbit (Raumfahrt, Schirmungsexperiment/spacecraft, shielding experiment) Enterprise Systems Connections (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Ecole de Chimie, Physique et Electronique (Lyon, FR) Enhanced Services Control Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Electrostatic Discharge Expert System Development Electronic Systems Design Automation Electron-Stimulated Desorption Ion Angular Distribution 39 ESE ESF ESF ESFRI ESG ESG ESI eSI ESK ESL ES-Laser ESMF E-SMF ESO ESO ESOC ESOF ESOFTA ESONE ESP ESP ESP ESPCI ESPI ESPON ESPRIT ESPRIT ESR ESR ESR ESRAB ESRANGE ESRF ESRIN ESRL ESRO ESS ESS ESS ESS ESSCIRC ESSI ESSID EST EST ESTA ESTB ESTEC ESTO ESTW ESWL ET ET ETACS ETAI ETAN ETANN ETAP ETC ETC ETCS ETD ETDM ETECAL ETG ETH ETH(Z) ETI ETI ETI eTIN ETLA ETLS ETP ETS ETS ETS Expo-Sciences Europe (Exhibition and Meeting) EUREKA Software Factory European Science Foundation (seit/since 1974) European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures Electronic Service Guide (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Evangelische Studierenden-Gemeinde Elektronenspray-Ionisation elektronischer Sicherheitsinspektor [Fraunhofer-] Einrichtung für Systeme der Kommunikationstechnik ESA Simulation Language (Software) Eckige-Schraube-Laser Earth System Modelling Framework Enhanced SMF ESSI Service Organization European Southern Observatory, Europäische Organisation für astronomische Forschung in der südlichen Hemisphäre (Garching, DE) European Space Operations Centre (Darmstadt, DE) Euro(pean) Science Open Forum Embedded Software Association [Committee for] European Studies on Norms for Electronics Electronic Stability Program, elektronisches Stabilitätsprogramm (Kfz/motor vehicle) Embedded Signal Processing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Extrasensory Perception Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles [de la Ville de Paris] Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry European Spatial Planning Observation Network Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques European Strategic Programme for Research and Development in Information Technology Electrical Substitution Radiometer Electron Spin Resonance, Elektronenspinresonanz Experimentier-Speicher-Ring (bei der/at the GSI, Darmstadt, DE) European Security Research Advisory Board European Space Range (SE) European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, FR) European Space Research Institute Earth System Research Laboratory (at NOAA) European Space Research Organization Earth and Space Science Electro-Seismic Signals (für Erbebenvorhersage/for earthquke forecast) Ethernet Service Switch European Spallation Source (Jülich, DE) European Solid-State Circuit Conference European Software and Systems Initiative Extended Service Set Identifier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Eastern Standard Time (Zeitzone/time zone, USA, GMT−5) Expressed Sequence Tags (Genetik/genetics) European Science and Technology Assembly EGNOS System Test Bed European Space Research and Technology Centre (Noordwijk, NL) European Science and Technology Observatory (EC) Elektronisches Stellwerk (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Extracorporal Shockwave Lithotripsy Äthiopien/Ethiopia (ISO 3166) Ephemeris Time (since 1960, later on: TT) European Total Access Communication System European Technology Assessment Infrastructue (EC) European Technology Assessment Network (EC) Electrically Trainable Artificial Neural Network Environmental Technology Action Plan (EU) [Action Group on] Erosion, Technology and Concentration (CA) Executable Test Case (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) European Train Control System (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Eye Tracking Device Electric(al) (or: Electronic) Time Division Multiplexing (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Electronically Tunable External Cavity Laser Diode European Tripartite Group Ethernet Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (Zürich, CH) Electrotechnology Industry Database Ensemble Transport Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) European Teraflops Initiative Electronic Taxpayer Identification Number Extended Three-Letter Acronyms Extended Least Squares (Algorithmus/algorithm) European Technology Platform Ecole de Technologie Supérieure (CA) Educational Testing Service (Princeton, NJ, USA) Emission Trading Scheme (Umweltschutz, Emissionshandel/environment conservation, emission trade) 40 ETS ETS ETSI ETSPL ETUCE ETW EU EUA EUCAS EUCD EUCOR EU-DEEP EUFAR EUFOR EUL EuMEA EUMETSAT EUNET EUPEN EUPRO EURAB EURASIP EURATOM EURCA EURECA EUREKA EuroAce EUROCAE Eurocontrol EUROGI EuroHORCs EUROMAR EUROMAT Euromech EUROMET EuroNGI EUROSCIENCE EUROSOLAR EUROTRAC EURYI EUSCEA EUSIPCO EUT Eutelsat EUTRA EUTRAN EUV EUVE EUVL e.V. EV EV EVA EVC EVC EVCAM EVG EVM EVOH EVOP EVPL EVPLAN EVR EVREST EVS EVTS EVU EWB EWB EWEA EWR EWS EWSK EWSN EWTF EWvK EXAFS EXE European Test Services (bei/at ESTEC) Executable Test Suite (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) European Telecommunications Standards Institute (seit/since 1988) Equivalent Threshold Sound Pressure Level European Trade Union Committee for Education Europäischer Transschall-Windkanal (Köln, DE) European Union; Europäische Union European Union Allowance (Umweltschutz, Emissionshandel/environment conservation, emission trade) [Europäische Konferenz zur Angewandten Supraleitung/European Conference on Applied Superconductivity] European Union Copyright Directive Europäische Konföderation der Oberrheinischen Universitäten European Distributed Energy Partnership European Fleet for Airborne Research (planned for 2010) European Union Force (seit 21.12.2004/since Dec. 21, 2004, vorher/formerly: SFOR) Enhanced Uplink Europe, Middle East, and Asia European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites European Unix Network European Physics Education Network (EPS) European Union of Physics Research Organizations European Research Advisory Board European Association for Signal, Speech and Image Processing European Atomic Energy Community European Resource Centre for Alternatives in Higher Education European Retrievable Carrier (europäisches Weltraumlabor/European space laboratory) European Research Coordination Agency European Alliance of Companies for Energy Efficiency in Buildings European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment [Europäische Organisation für die Sicherheit im Flugverkehr/European organization for safety in air traffic] European Umbrella Organization for Geo Information European Union Research Organisations – Heads of Research Councils [Überwachung und Schutz der europäischen Meere/monitoring and protection of European seas] European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes European Mechanics Colloquium European Collaboration on Measurement Standards, European Metrology Organization European Next Generation Internet A European Association for the Promotion of Science and Technology [Europäische Vereinigung für Erneuerbare Energien/European union for renewable energies] [Erfassung von Schadstoffen in der Troposphäre/monitoring of pollutants in the troposphere] European Young Investigator (Award) European Science Events Association European Signal Processing Conference Equipment Under Test European Telecommunications Satellite Organization Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Extreme Ultraviolet, Extremes Ultraviolett (λ ≤ 912 Å, Lyman-Kante/Lyman edge) Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (Satellit/satellite) Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, EUV-Lithographie eingetragener Verein Electric Vehicle Enhanced Voice Packet (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Economic Value Add Ethernet Virtual Connection (or: Circuit) European Vital Computer (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods Elektronisches Vorschaltgerät Error Vector Magnitude (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Ethylenvinylalkohol-Copolymer Evolutionary Operation Ethernet Virtual Private Line Ethernet Virtual Private LAN Eigenvalue Ratio Evoked Response Study Tool Energieversorgungssystem (Satellit/satellite) Enhanced VFR Transport System (VFR: Visual Flight Rules) Energieversorgungsunternehmen (früher/formerly: Elektrizitätsversorgungsunternehmen) Einwegbehälter Electronic Wedge Brake (für Autos/for cars) European Wind Energy Association Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum Emergency Warning System East-West Station Keeping (Satelliten/satellites) European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks East-West Task Force (EPS) Entwicklungsgesellschaft für die Wiederverwendung von Kunststoffen Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure [Dateinamenerweiterung: ausführbares Programm/file name extension: executable program] 41 Excimer EXP EXPY ExWoSt EZfM EZMW EZN EZRT E2R Excited Dimer (Laser) Experimental Expressway (US Mail) Experimenteller Wohnungs- und Städtebau Europäisches Zentrum für Medienkompetenz (Marl, DE) Europäisches Zentrum für mittelfristige Wettervorhersage (= ECMWF) Erfinderzentrum Norddeutschland [Fraunhofer-] Entwicklungszentrum Röntgentechnik End-to-End Reconfigurability F FA FA FA FA Fa. FA FAA FAB FAB FAB FACA FACE FAD FAE FAEST FAFA FAIFC FAIR FAL FAMOS FANPAC FANTASIA FAO FAPESP FAPS FAQ FARS FAS FAS FAS F.A.S. FASE FASPIS FAST FAST FAST FAT FAT FATSS FAU FAU FAW FAX FAZ FB FB FB FBA FBG fBGF FBH FBNML FBP FBR FBR FBR FBW FC FC FCA FCAPS FCC FCC FCC FCCC FCCH Fachausschuss Factor Analysis Failure Analysis False Acceptance (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Firma Foreign Agent (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Federal Aviation Administration (USA) Fast Atom Bombardment (Massenspektrometer/mass spectrometer) Forwarding Agency Builder (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Fulfillment, Assurance and Billing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Federal Advisory Committee Act (USA, 1972) Friendly Aircraft Cabin Environment (EU project) Function Access Domain (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Field Application Engineer Fast A Posteriori Error Sequential Technique (Algorithmus/algorithm) Fachausschuss Fahrzeugakustik (DEGA) Fast Algorithms in Feedback Control (Algorithmus/algorithm) Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (Darmstadt, DE) Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (Braunschweig, DE) flexible automatisierte Montagesysteme Fan Noise Prediction and Control (EU Forschungsprojekt/research project) Flexible and Near-Net-Shaped Generative Manufacturing Chains and Repair Techniques for Complex Shaped Aero Engine Parts Food and Agriculture Organization (UN) Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (BR) [Lehrstuhl für] Fertigungsautomatisierung und Produktionssystematik (Univ. Erlangen–Nürnberg, DE) Frequently Asked Questions Fatality Analysis Reporting System (US Datenbank/data bank) Facility Associated Signaling (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Federation of American Scientists (seit/since 1945, gegen Atomwaffen/against atomic weapons) Fettalkoholsulfat Free Alongside Ship (Handelsverkehr/trade) Federation of the Acoustical Societies of Europe Fast Algorithms Secondary Path Integration Scheme (Algorithmus/algorithm) Fast Auroral Snapshot (Satellit/satellite, USA) Forecasting and Assessment in the Field of Science and Technology Future Automotive Industry Structure File Allocation Table Final Acceptance Test (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Fachausschuss Technischer Schall- und Schwingungsschutz (in der DEGA) Florida Atlantic University Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (Nürnberg, DE) Flexible Automatisierte Waferproduktion Facsimile, Faksimile Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Fachbereich Frequency Correction Burst (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Function Block (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Fair Buffer Allocation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Fiber Bragg Grating (Glasfaser/glass fiber) Fibroblast Growth Factor Ferdinand-Braun-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik (Berlin, DE) Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory (MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA) Fast Back Propagation (Algorithmus/algorithm) Fachbereichsrat Fast Burst Reactor (Kernreaktor/nuclear reactor) Forschungsberichte Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Datenbank/data bank) Fly by Wire (Flugzeugsteuerung/aircraft control) Fiber Channel Fuel Cell (= BZ, Brennstoffzelle) Fixed Capacity Agreement (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Fault(-Mangement) Configuration, Accounting, Performance and Security Face-Centered Cubic (Gitter/lattice) Federal Communication(s) Commission (USA) Flight Control Computer Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN) Frequency Correction Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 42 FCCSET FCD FCFS FCH FCKW FCP FCPPL FCPS FCS FCS FCT FCV FD FDA FDC FDD FDD FDDI FDEM FDH FDI FDI FDIP FDL FDL FDLP FDM FDM FDMA F.D.P. FDR FDRQ FDT FDT FDT FDTD FE FEA FEA FEAP FEAT FEC FEC FEC FEC FEC FECC FED FED FEG FEIS FEL FELASOFI FELI FELICITAS FEM FEMA FEP FEPA FER FER FERC FERP FESAC FET FE-TEM FEWS FEXT FF FFA FFAG FFD FFM FF&P FFR&DC FFT FFTB FG Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (USA) Floating Car Data (zur Verkehrslenkung/for traffic control system) First-Come, First-Serve Frame Control Header (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Fluorchlorkohlenwasserstoff Forward Commitment Procurement (UK innovation initiative) France–China Particle Physics Laboratory Fuel Cell Propulsion System Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Frame Check Sequence (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Fixed Cellular Terminal (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Fuel Cell Vehicle Forced Degradation (Chemie/chemistry) Food and Drug Administration (USA) Floppy-Disk-Controller Frequency Division (or: Domain) Duplex (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Frequency Domain Decomposition Fiber Distributed (or: Digital) Data Interface Frequency Dependent Electromagnetic Sensor Fibre Distribution Hub Feeder Distribution Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Forward Defect Indication (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Fieldbus Device Implementation Package Fiber Delay Line Flight Dynamics Laboratory Frequency-Domain Linear Prediction Finite Difference Method Frequency Division Multiplexing Frequency Division Multiple Access Freie Demokratische Partei Final Design Report (or: Review) Floppycontroller-Data-Request Fieldbus Device Tool Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem fotodynamische Therapie Finite-Difference Time-Domain (Analyse, Simulation/analysis, simulation) Fast Ethernet (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Field Emitter Array (Bildwandler/image converter) Finite Element Analysis Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (Meeresfischerei/sea fishing) Fusion Energy Advanced Tokamak (feat auch engl. “Meisterstück”) Fest-Elektrolyt-Coulometrie Field Element Controller Forward Error Correction (Datenübertragung/data transmission) Forward(ing) Equivalence Class (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Full Economic Cost Forward Error Correcting Code (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Field-Emission Display Forum on Education (APS) Field Emission Gun Final Environmental Impact Statement Free Electron Laser, Freie-Elektronen-Laser Federation of Latin American Physical Societies Free Electron Laser Research Institute (Osaka, Japan) Fuel Cell Power Trains and Clustering in Heavy-Duty Transports Finite Element Method (or: Model) Federal Emergency Management Agency (USA) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Elektronenstrahl- und Plasmaphysik Failure of the Explanted Prostheses Analysis Frame Erasure (or: Error) Rate (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Fusion Experimental Reactor (Naka, Japan) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (USA) Faculty Early Retirement Program (California State University) Fusion Energy Science Advisory Committee (DoE, USA) Field Effect Transistor, Feldeffekttransistor Field Emission TEM Fibre-Optic Evanescent Wave Sensing Far-End Crosstalk Foundation Fieldbus Fusiform Face Area (im Gehirn/in the brain) Fixed-Field Alternating Gradient (Synchrotron) Fast Failure Detection [Material] Failure Forecast Method (Vulkanismus/volcanism) Falsification, Fabrication of Results, Plagiarism (Fälschung und Täuschung in der Wissenschaft/in science) Federally Funded Research and Development Centers Fast Fourier Transform Final Focus Test Beam (SLAC) Fachgremium (DPG etc.) 43 FGAN FGDC FGF FGK FGM FGSA FH FhAZ FHD FhG FhM FHP FHR FHS FHSS FHT FHT FHTW FhV-µE FHWG FI FIA FIA FIA FIA FIAP FIAS FIB FIB FIB FIBAA FIBO FIBS FICON FID FIDIS FIDO FIEC FIFA FIFO FIG FIGE FIM FIM FIND FINEP FiNut FIP FIP FIPS FiPS FIR FIR FIRAS FIRE FIRE FIRST FIRST FIS FIS FISCO FISH FIT FIT FiT FIT FITL FITS FIZ FIZCH FIZKA FJ FJC FK FKE FKW FL FL Forschungsgesellschaft für Angewandte Naturwissenschaften e.V. Federal Geographic Data Committeee (USA) Fibroblast Growth Factor, Fibroblasten-Wachstumsfaktor Forschungsgesellschaft Kunststoffe Functionally Graded Material (Keramik-Metall/ceramics-metal) Forum on Graduate Student Affairs (APS) Fachhochschule Fraunhofer-Anwendungszentrum Flame Hydrolysis Deposition (Waferherstellung/wafer production) Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Fraunhofer-Management-Gesellschaft mbH Forum on History of Physics (APS) Forschungsinstitut für Hochfrequenzphysik und Radartechnik Frequency Hop Synchronization (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Fachhochschule für Technik (Esslingen, DE) Fast Hartley Transform Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (Berlin, DE) Fraunhofer-Verbund Mikroelektronik Fisheries Hydroacoustics Working Group (USA) Finnland/Finland (ISO 3166) Federacion Iberoamericana de Acustica Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (Genf, CH) Fibreoptic Industry Association (UK) Fließinjektionsanlage (Mikrosystemtechnik/micro systems) Forum on Industrial and Applied Physics (APS, USA) Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (Frankfurt am Main, DE) Focused Ion Beam Forschungsinstitut Borstel, Institut für Experimentelle Biologie und Medizin Forwarding Information Base (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Foundation for International Business Administration Accredititation Fibre-In – Beam-Out (Isolator: Photonik/photonics) First International Backgammon Server (Rechnernetz/computer network) Fiber (Channel) Connection (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Flammen-Ionisations-Detektion Future of Identity in the Information Society Field Integrated Design & Operations Rover (NASA, Marslandemission/Mars landing mission) [Verband der europäischen Bauindustrie, International European Construction Association] Fédération Internationale de Football Association First In, First Out (Filter, System) Facility for Interactive Generation of Graphics (UNIX) Forschungsinstitut für Geräusche und Erschütterungen (Herzogenrath (oder/or: Aachen, DE)) Field Ion Microscope Fisher Information Matrix Future Internet Network Design (USA) Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (BR) Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik Fédération Internationale de Philatélie Forum on International Physics (APS) Federal Information Processing Standards Früheinstieg ins Physikstudium Far-Infrared Finite Impulse Response (Digitalfilter/digital filter) Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Fusion-Ignition Research Experiment (Alternative zu/alternative of ITER, USA) Future Internet Research and Experimentation (EU project) Far Infrared Space (or: and Submillimetre) Telescope (IR Satellit/satellite) Fraunhofer-Institut für Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik (Berlin, DE) Far-Infrared Surveyor (Astronomie/astronomy) Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg der SNG (Frankfurt/M, DE) Fieldbus Intrinsically Safe Concept Fluoreszenz-in-situ-Hybridisierung Failures in Thousands of Hours Failures in Time (Kommunikation/communication) Frauen in der Technik e.V. Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik (St. Augustin, DE) Fibre In The Loop [NASA-endorsed] Flexible Image Transport System Fachinformationszentrum (Karlsruhe, DE) Fachinformationszentrum Chemie (Berlin, DE) FIZ Karlsruhe, Gesellschaft für wissenschaftlich-technische Information (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, DE) Fidschi-Inseln/Fiji Islands (ISO 3166) Freely Jointed Chain (Polymerphysik/polymer physics) Falkland-Inseln/Falkland Islands (ISO 3166) Forschungsinstitut für Kinderernährung (Dortmund, DE) Fluorkohlenwasserstoff (ohne Chlor/without chlorine) Floor (US Mail) Florida (US-Staat/US state) 44 FL FLAG FLC FLCD FLIC FLIM FLIP FLL FLO FLOPs/s FLS FM FM FM FMC FMCW FMD FMD FMEA FMI FMO FMO FMP FMP fMRI fMRT FMS FMS FNAL FNC fNMR FNR FNTF FO FoaF F.O.B., FOB FOC FOCAS FOCS FOEI FOG FOKUS FOLANT FOMA FONAS FOP FOPO F.O.R., FOR FORKAT FORSUPRA FORTH Fortran FOS FOS FOS FOSHU FOSS FOT F.O.T., FOT FOTA FOV FÖV FOX FP FP FPA FPA FPD FPE FPGA FPLMTS FPS FPS FPS fps FPT FPT Fuzzy Logic Fibre Link Around the Globe (Glasfaserkabel/glass fiber cable UK-Europe-North Africa-India-Japan) Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal FLC Display Flexible Interdigital Cuff Electrode Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy Floating Instrument Platform (Wasserschall-Messtechnik/hydroacoustic experimental facility) Fibre in the Local Loop (optische Datenübertragung/optical data transmission) Forward Link Only Floating Point Operations per Second (Computer) Fluorescence Ligand Scanning Facilities Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Frequency Modulation, Frequenzmodulation Mikronesien (ISO 3166) Fixed-Mobile Convergence (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (Radar) Fluorescent Multilayer Disk (optischer Datenspeicher/optical data storage) Forward Multiplicity Detector (CERN) Fehlermöglichkeits- und Einflussanalyse, Failure Mode(s) and Effects Analysis Fluorescent Microthermiographic Imaging Fenna-Matthews-Olson (Chlorophyllkomplex/chlorophyll complex) Future Mode of Operation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Flow Management Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (Berlin, DE) Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging funktionale Magnetresonanztomographie Fixed Monitoring Systems (?) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Flight Management System Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Federal Networking Council (Datennetze/data networks, USA) Functional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Forum for Negative Results Fast Newton Transversal Filter Färöer-Inseln/Faeroe Islands (ISO 3166) Friend of a Friend (Internet, Kommunikationsplattform/communication platform) Free on Board (Handelsverkehr/trade) Final Operational Capability (Galileo, 2010) Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph (Astronomie/astronomy) Fiber-Optic Current Sensor Friends of the Earth International (in Deutschland: BUND) Fibre-Optic Gyroscope Fraunhofer-Institut für Offene Kommunikationssysteme (Berlin, DE) Focusing of Laser Radiation in the Nearfield of a Tip (Nanotechnologie/nanotechnology) Freedom of Multimedia Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Forschungsverbund Naturwissenschaft, Abrüstung und internationale Sicherheit Flight Operations Plan (Satelliten/satellites) Fibre Optic Parametric Oscillator Free on Rail (Handelsverkehr/trade) BMFT-Förderungskatalog Forschungsverbund Hochtemperatur-Supraleiter (Bayern, DE) Foundation for Research and Technology (GR) Formula Translator (Programmiersprache/programming language) Faseroptischer Sensor Finnish Optical Society Frontier of Science (interdisziplinäre internationale Symposien für Jungforscher/interdisciplinary international symposia for young scientists) Foods for Specific Health Use Free and Open Source Software Fiber-Optic Transceiver Free on Truck (Handelsverkehr/trade) Flat Optical Element Technology and Applications Field of View (Teleskop/telescope) Forschungsinstitut für Öffentliche Verwaltung (Speyer, DE) Fiber Optic Extender (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Fixed Part (z.B./e.g., Basestation, DECT) Frame Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Focal Plane Array Function Point Analysis Flat Panel Display Final Prediction Error Field Programmable Gate Array (Computer) Future Public and Land Mobile Telecommunication System First Person Shooter (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Forum on Physics and Society (APS) Fractal Photon Sieve frames per second Fachbereichstag Physikalische Technik Fast Polynomial Transform 45 FPU FPU FP7 FQHE FQXi FR FR FR FR FRA FRAD FRAD FRAM FrAM FRAMTEC FRAP FRC FRC FRC-DE FRCP FRET FRF FRIB FRIENT FRISP FRLS FRM FROG FRR FRS FS FS FSA FSAN FSC FSF FSF FSG FSI FSK FSL FSM FSME FSO FSP FSR FSR FSRV FSS FST FST FST FSU FSU FT FTA FTA FTAM FTD FTE FTF FTIR FTIR FTP FTS FTS FTTA FTTB FTTC FTTC FTTH FTTN FTTP FTTU FTU FTZ FuE FUEG [Enrico] Fermi–[John] Pasta–[Stanislaw] Ulam (nichtlineares Schwingungssystem, Solitonen/nonlinear oscillator, solitons) Field Pick-Up Unit (Parabolantenne/parabolic antenna) 7th Framework Programme (EU, 2007–2013) Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Foundational Questions Institute False Rejection Frame Relay (Datenübertragung/data transmission) Frankreich/France (ISO 3166) Frankfurter Rundschau (Zeitung/Journal) Fermi Research Alliance Frame Relay Access Device (Datennetz/data network) Frame Relay Assembly-Disessembly (Datennetz/data network) Ferroelectric Random Access Memory Fraunhofer-Arbeitsschutz-Managementsystem Framework for Advanced Monitoring, Telemetry and Control Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching Fraunhofer Resource Center (Michigan, OH, USA) Frequency Response Correction Fraunhofer Resource Center Delaware (Newark, DE, USA) Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (USA) Förster-Resonance Energy Transfer (Biophysik/biophysics) Frequency Response Function Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (Michigan State University, USA) Friendships in Inter-Ethnic Network Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Programme Fast Recursive Least Squares (Transversalfilter/transversal filter) Forschungsreaktor München Frequency Resolved Optical Gating Fast Reroute (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Fellow of the Royal Society (GB) Fachverband für Strahlenschutz e.V. Founder Societies Fixed Slot Allocation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Full Service Access Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Forest Stewardship Council (Umweltschutz/environment conservation) Free Software Foundation Frequency Sampling Filter Flensburger Schiffbaugesellschaft Fluid–Structural Interaction (Analysis) Frequency Shift Keying (Modulation) Femtosecond Laser Field Separation Method Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis Free-Space Optical (or: Optics) (Kommunikation/communication) Fachschaftsparlament Fachschaftsrat Free Spectral Range Fachschaftsräteversammlung Fixed Satellite Service (or: System) Fast Sine Transform Femtosekunden-Technologie Finite State Transducer (Sprachsynthese/speech synthesis) Former Soviet Union, frühere Sowjetunion Friedrich-Schiller-Universität (Jena, DE) Fovea-Tablets (hochauflösende Tischdisplays/high-definition table displays) Fault Tree Analysis Federal Transit Administration (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) File Transfer, Access and Management (Datennetzprotokoll/data network protocol) Fluorescent Tube Display Full Time Equivalent (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Fast Transversal Filter Fourier Transform Infrared [Spectrometry] Frustrated Total Internel Reflection (Lichtmodulator/light modulator) File Transfer Protocol (Datenübertragung/data transmission) Festprogrammierbarer Titel-Speicher Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (or: Spectrometer) Fiber to the Area Fibre to the Building (Telefon, Glasfaser bis zum Haus/telephone) Fibre to the Cabinet Fibre to the Curb (Telefon, Glasfaser bis zum Kabelverzweiger/telephone) Fibre to the Home (Telefon, Glasfaser bis ins Haus/telephone) Fiber to the Node (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Fiber to the Premises (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Fiber to the User (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Fortbildungszentrum für Technik und Umwelt (KfK, Karlsruhe, DE) Fernmeldetechnisches Zentralamt (der Bundespost) (später/later on: BAPT, dann/later on: RegPT) Forschung und Entwicklung Förderung von Forschungs- und Entwicklungsgemeinschaftsvorhaben Ost (BMBF) 46 FUNET FUSC FUSE FUTOUR FV FVK FVM FVS-Stiftung FW FWD FWF FWG FWHM FWM FXC FY FYI FZI FZJ FZK FZP FZR Finland’s University and Research Network (Rechnernetz/computer network) Fully Utilized Subchannel Allocation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (Satellit/satellite) Förderung und Unterstützung technologieorientierter Unternehmensgründungen (BMBF) Fachverband (DPG etc.) faserverstärkte Kunststoffe, Faserverbundkunststoff Finite Volume Method Freiherr-vom-Stein- [und zugleich] Friedrich-von-Schiller-Stiftung (Hamburg, DE) Fire Wall (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Front-Wheel Drive [Fonds zur] Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Österreich/Austria) Forschungsanstalt der Bundeswehr für Wasserschall und Geophysik (Kiel, DE) (scherzhaft auch: Flachwassergesellschaft) Full-Width Half Maximum (Fotofilm-Körnigkeit, Laser-Divergenz/photo-film granulation, laser beam divergence) Four Wave Mixing Fiber Optical (or: Switch) Cross Connect (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Fiscal Year for your information (AIP Reports/information reports) Forschungszentrum für Informatik (Karlsruhe, DE) Forschungszentrum Jülich (DE) Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (DE) Fresnel Zone Plate Forschungszentrum Rossendorf (DE) G G GA GA GA G&A GAAM GABA GABI GAC GAC GAEB GAFA GAFOS GAG GAIA, Gaia GAIN GALILEO GALLEX GAM GAMAB GAMESS GAMM GAMNI GAMS GAN GAN GANC GANIL GAO GAO GAP GARP GARTEUR GARS GAS GAS GAST GAST GAT GATT GAUSS GAUSS GB GB GbE GBF GBIF GbR GBS GBSS GC GCC GCC Guanin (DNA-Base/DNA base) Gabun/Gabon (ISO 3166) Genetic Algorithm Georgia (US-Staat/US state) General and Administration Gesellschaft für Analytik und atomspektroskopische Messtechnik γ -Aminobuttersäure [deutsche Schwester“ der/German Sister“ of the Human Genome Organization] ” ” General Advisory Committee (AEC) GMES Advisory Council Gemeinsamer Ausschuss Elektronik im Bauwesen Internationale Gartenfachmesse (Köln, DE) German-American Symposia on Frontiers of Science Georg-Agricola-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik e.V. Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics German Academic International Network [Europäisches Satelliten-Navigationssystem, im Aufbau/European satellite navigation system, still incomplete] Gallium-(Sonnen-Neutrino)-Experiment (Gran Sasso, IT) Generalized Additive Model (Regressionsverfahren) Globalement au moins aussi bon (global mindestens ebenso gut/globally at least as good) General Atomic Electronic Structure Systems Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik Groupe pour l’Avencement des Méthodes Numériques de l’Ingénieur (FR) Guide to Available Mathematics Software Generic Access Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Global Area Network (Datennetz/data network) Generic Access Network Controller (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Grande Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds (FR) General Accounting Office (USA) Government Accountability Office (USA) Generic Access Profile (or: Protocol) General Access Registry Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Group for Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe German Antarctic Receiving Station Geomagnetic Aspect Sensor (Satelliten/satellites) Gesellschaft für Angewandte Supraleitung (KfK, Karlsruhe, DE) Gemeinschaft Autofreier Schweizer Tourismusorte Gemeinschaftsausschuss Strahlenforschung Governmental Action Team General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Galaktisches Ultraweitwinkel Schmidt System (Spacelab, Kugelspiegelkamera) Georg-August University School of Science (Göttingen, DE) Gigabyte Großbritannien/Great Britain (ISO 3166) Gigabit Ethernet Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung (Braunschweig, DE) Global Biodiversity Information Facility (Internet) Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts Göttinger Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft Granule Bound Starch Synthase Gas Chromatography Generalized Cross-Correlator Global Climate Coalition 47 GCD GCF GCF GCMD GCN GCOS GCRA GCSR GD GDCh GDCP GDM GDMO GDN GDNÄ GDNF GDOS GDP GDP GDP GDR GDSS GdT GDV GE GE GEA GEF GefStoffV GEM GEM GEM GEMA GEMINGA GEMIS GEMS GEMS GENI GENIUS GenMAPP GEO GEO GEOMAR GEOS GEOSS GEPRIS GERAN GESIMA GESIS GETV GEUmbH GEW GF GFDL GFE GFK GFLOPs/s GFMC GFP GFP GFR GFRP GFS GFSK GFZ GGA GGF GGF GGSN GGT ggT GGVS GH GHG GHRH GHRS GHZ Greatest Common Divisor (= ggT) Global Certification Forum (Mobilfunk/mobile radio) GSM Certification Forum (Mobilfunk/mobile radio) Global Change Master Directory (NASA) Global Caribbian Network (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Global Climate Observing System (globales Klimaüberwachungsprogramm) Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Grating-assisted codirectional Coupler with rear Sampled Reflector (abstimmbarer Laser/tunable laser) Grenada (ISO 3166) Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V. Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik Guidelines for Defining (or: the Definition) of Managed Objects Global Development Network Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte e.V. Glia-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Graphics Device Operating System General Drawing Primitive Gross Domestic Product (Volkswirtschaft/national economy, = BIP) Guanosindiphosphat German Democratic Republic (= DDR) Group Decision Support Systems Gemeinschaftsausschuss der Technik Gesamtverband der deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. Georgien/Georgia (ISO 3166) Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet Alliance Global Environment Facility (Umweltfonds/environment fund, 1990) Gefahrstoff-Verordnung Gas Electron Multiplier Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (Report) Graphics Environment Manager Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungsrechte Gemini Gamma-Quelle (Neutronenstern/neutron star) Globales Emissionsmodell Integrierter Systeme Galaxy Evolution from Morphologies and Spectral Energy Distributions (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Global Environment Monitoring System (Naturschutz, nature conservation) Global Experimentation for Network Instantiation (Internet) Germanium Detectors in Liquid Nitrogen in an Underground Set Up (Neutrinodetektor/neutrino detector) Gene MicroArray Pathway Profiler (Computerprogramm für genetische Analyse/computer program for genetic analysis) [britisch–deutscher Gravitationswellendetektor/British–German gravitational wave detector] (Ruthe bei/near Hannover, DE) Geosynchronous (or: Geostationary) Earth Orbit Forschungszentrum für marine Geowissenschaften (Univ. Kiel, DE) Goddard Earth Observing System (NASA) Global Earth Observation System of Systems (Satelliten/satellites) geförderte Projekte der DFG (Suchmaschine/search engine, GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Geesthachter Simulationsmodell der Atmosphäre Gesellschaft sozialwissenschaftliche Infrastruktureinrichtungen (Mannheim, DE) Genesys Enterprise Telephony Software Gesellschaft für Energieanwendung und Umwelttechnik mbH (Leipzig, DE) Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft Französish-Guyana/French Guiana (ISO 3166) Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (NOAA) Großforschungseinrichtung Glasfaser-verstärkte Kunststoffe Giga-FLOPs/s (= 109 FLOPs/s) Green’s Function Monte Carlo (Technik, Kernphysik/technique, nuclear physics) Generic Framing Procedure (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Green Fluorescent Protein Guaranteed Frame Rate (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle (der/of the EU in Petten, NL) Gaussian(-Filtered) Frequency Shift Keying Geoforschungszentrum (Potsdam, DE) Geowissenschaftliche Gemeinschaftsaufgaben (im/in the Geozentrum Hannover, DE) Glial Growth Factor (Medikament, evtl. gegen MS/medicine, possibly against MS) Global Grid Forum Gateway GPRS Support (or: Serving) Node (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Gesellschaft für Gerontotechnik größter gemeinsamer Teiler (= GCD) Gefahrgut-Verordnung Straße Ghana (ISO 3166) Greenhouse Gas Growth hormone-releasing hormone (Freisetzungshormon des Wachstumshormons) Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger(-Zustand/state) 48 GI GI GI GIC GIF GIF GIF GigE GIM GIMP GIMS GIOD GIOL Gips GIRL GIS GISI GISI GISS GITEWS GIZ GK GK GK GKS GKSS GL GLA GLAD GLAST GLBA GLCM GLDV GLE GLF GLIF GLM GLOBECOM GLOBIS GLOBUS GLONASS GLP GLS GLV GLZ GM GM GMAG GmbH GMD GMES GMK GMLC GMM GMM GMM GMO GMP GMPLS GMR GMRP GMS GMSC GMSK GMSS GMT GMT GN GNA GNC GNCI GNEP GNF GNF GNI GNIRS Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. Gibraltar (ISO 3166) Guard Interval (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Generalized Information Criterion [Dateinamenerweiterung: Graphikdatei/file name extension: graphic file] German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development Graphics Interchange Format (Datenkompression/data compression, CompuServe 1987) Gigabit Ethernet [Sheldon] Glashow, [John] Iliopoulos, [Luciano] Maiani [Model] (Elementarteilchenthorie/elementary particle theory) GNU Image Manipulation Program Topical Group on Instruments and Measurement Science (APS) Globally Interconnected Object Databases Global Imaging On-Line Giga-Instructions per Second German Infrared Laboratory (Astrophysik/astrophysics, 1985) Geo-Informationssystem, Geographic(al) Information System Göttinger Informationssystem für Intensivmedizin und OP Gruppo Imprese Strumentazione Italia (Association for Instrumentation, Control and Automation Companies) Goddard Institute for Space Studies (NASA) German Tsunami Early Warning System Giftinformationszentrum (Nord/North: in Göttingen, DE) Gatekeeper (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Graduiertenkolleg Grundkurs Grafisches Kern-System [Forschungszentrum Geesthacht, DE] Grönland/Greenland (ISO 3166) Göttinger Linguistische Abhandlungen General Laser Analysis and Design Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope Gramm Leach Bliley Act (US health care) Ground-Launched Cruise Missile Gesellschaft für linguistische Datenverarbeitung Ginzburg-Landau Equation (nichtlineare Dynamik/nonlinear dynamics) Grundlagenforschung Global Lambda Integrated Facility (Annual Workshops) General Linear Modelling [IEEE] Global Telecommunications Conference Global Change and Biodiversity in Soils Generating Long-Term Options by Using Simulation Global Navigation Satellite System (RU) Good Laboratory Practice, gute Labor-Praxis Global Locating Sensing geschlossene Luftversorgung (Kfz-Federung/vehicle suspension) Generalized Linear Modelling Gambia (ISO 3166) General Motors Topical Group on Magnetism and Its Applications (APS) Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (vormals/formerly Bonn–Darmstadt–Berlin–St. Augustin– Birlinghofen, DE, später von der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft übernommen/later on taken over by the FhG) Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (Satellit, geplant für/satellite, planned for 2012) Graphical Model Toolkit (Spracherkennung/speech recognition) Gateway Mobile Location Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Gaussian Mixture Model (Sprachübertragung/speech transmission) Global MultiMedia (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) GPRS Mobility Management Genetically Modified Organism Good Manufacturing Practice Generalized Multi Protocol Label Switching (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Giant Magnetoresistance GARP Multicast Registration Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Ground MIssion System (Galileo) Gateway Mobile Switching Center (Datenübertragung/data transmission) Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (Modulation) Gateway Management Subsystem (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Giant Magellan Telescope (geplant/planned) Greenwich Meantime (Weltstandard seit/world standard since 1884) Guinea (ISO 3166) Global Network Academy (Texas, USA) Guidance, Navigation, and Control Greater North China Initiative (geologische Forschung/geological research) Global Nuclear Energy Partnership Graphite Nano-Fiber Group of Blocks (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Gigabit Ethernet Network Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Gemini Near Infrared Spectrometer (USA) 49 GNM Germanisches Nationalmuseum (Nürnberg, DE) GNO Gallex Neutrino Observatory (INFN, Gran Sasso, IT) GNOME GNU Object Model Environment GNP Gross National Product (= Bruttosozialprodukt) GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System GNSS2 Global Navigation Satellite System, 2nd generation GNU Gallium Neutrino Observatory (zuvor/formerly: GALLEX, Gran Sasso, IT) GNU GNU is not UNIX GO Gründungsoffensive GoB Good or Better GoB Group of Blocks (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) GOCE Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer (Satelliten-Fernerkundung/satellite remote sensing) GODAE Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (Satelliten-Altimetrie/satellite height measurement) GOLF Global Oscillations at Low Frequencies (an Bord von/aboard SOHO) GOMAC Government Microcircuit Applications Conference (USA) GOME Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (Fernerkundung/remote sensing, ERS 2, 1995) GOMOS Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Star (ENVISAT) GONG Global Oscillation Network Group (für Helioseismologie/for helio-seismology) GOODS Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (Astrophysik/astrophysics) GOP Group of Pictures (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) GoS Grade of Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) GOTS Gesellschaft für Orthopädisch/Traumatologische Sportmedizin gov [Government] (Internet, USA) GP Guadeloupe (ISO 3166) GPCR G-Protein Coupled Receptor GPDS Global Product Development System (Fahrzeugentwicklung/automotive design) GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus GPIP General Purpose Input/Output Interrupt Port GPL General (or: GNU) Public License (FSF) GPO GMES Programme Office GPON Gigabit Passive Optical Network(ing) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) GPP General Purpose Processor GPR Ground Penetrating Radar GPRS Global (or: General) Packet Radio Service (or: System) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) GPS Ganzheitliche Produktionssysteme GPS Global Positioning System GPU Graphic Processing Unit (Computergrafik) GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System GQ Äquatorialguinea/Equatorial Guinea (ISO 3166) GR Gigabit Router (Internet) GR Griechenland/Greece (ISO 3166) GRA Gamma Resonance Absorption GRAB Galactic Radiation and Background (US Aufklärungs-Satellit/reconnaissance satellite) GRACE Generalisation of Research on Accounts and Cost Estimation (EC Project) GRANADA Galileo Receiver Analysis and Design Application (Astrophysik/astrophysics, Software) GRAS Generally Recognized as Safe (Nahrungsergänzungsmittel/food additives) GRATE Generic Rules and Agent Model Test Bed Environment GRB Gamma-Ray Burst (Astrophysik/astrophysics) GRC Gordon Research Conference GRDDL Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (semantisches Netz/semantic net) GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation GREAT German Receiver for Astronomy at Terahertz Frequencies GREEN Groupe de Recherche en Electrotechnique et Electronique de Nancy (FR) GRI Gamma-Ray Imager (Satellit/satellite, NASA) GRIP Greenland Icecore Project GRK Graduiertenkolleg (DFG, seit/since 1990) GRM General Relationship Model GRO Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (Satellit/satellite) GRO Grimaldi Robotic Observatory (Teleskop auf dem Mond, vorgeschlagen/telescope on the moon, proposed) GRS Gamma-Ray Spectrometer GS Südgeorgien/South Georgia (ISO 3166) GS Guaranteed Service GSA General Service Administration (USA) GSA Global (Mobile) Suppliers Association (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) GSAG GOME Science Advisory Group GSCCM Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (APS) GSD Ground Sampling Distance (Satelliten-Fernerkundung/satellite remote sensing) GSDSEF Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair GSE GMES Services Elements GSE Group of Scientific Experts (Genfer Abrüstungskonferenz 1976) GSETT-1, -2, -3 GSE Technical Test I (1984), ∼ II (1991), ∼ III (1995) GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD, USA) GSG Gesundheitsstrukturgesetz GSI Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (Darmstadt, DE) GSM Global System for Mobile Communication(s) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) GSM Groupe Spéciale Mobile (Mobilfunk/mobile radio) GSMA GSM Association (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) GSMBE Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy 50 GSMN GSM-R GSMS GSMT GSN GSN GSNP GSO GSP GSP GSS GSS GSTB GSW GT GT GTD GTL GTLS GTP GTP GTP-c GTRI GTRI GTÜ GTS GTZ GU GUD GUESS GUI GUID GUP GUS GUT GUTI GVD GVE GVM GVP GVPP GVZ GW GW G-WiN GWK GWN GWS GWUP GY GZK GZMB GSM Node Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) GPRS Short Message Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Giant Segmented-Mirror Telescope (geplant/planned) Global Seismic (or: Seismographic) Network GPRS Support Node Topical Group on Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (APS) Geostationary Satellite Orbit Gap Surface Plasmon (elektromagnetische Grenzflächenwellen/electromagnetic boundary layer waves) Genomic Signal Processing Ground Sensor Station (Galileo) Group Support System Galileo System Test Bed (Satellitennavigation/satellite navigation) Glashow-Salam-Weinberg (Neutrinotheorie/neutrino theory) Gamow-Teller Guatemala (ISO 3166) Geometrical Theory of Diffraction Gas to Liquid (synthetischer Kraftstoff/synthetic fuel) Generalized Total Least Squares (Algorithmus/algorithm) GPRS Tunneling Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Guanosintriphosphat GPRS Tunneling Protocol Control Plane (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Georgia Tech Research Institute (USA) Global Threat Reduction Initiative Gesellschaft für Technische Überwachung Global Transmission Services (ISS) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (Eschborn, DE) Guam (ISO 3166) Gas- und Dampfturbinen (-Kraftwerke) General-Purpose Expert System Shell Graphical (or: Guided) User Interface Global Unique Identifier (weltweites PC-Netz/worldwide PC network) Generic User Profile (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Gemeinschaft unabhängiger Staaten (ehem./former UdSSR) Grand Unified Theory (theoretische Physik/theoretical physics) Globally Unique Temporary Identifier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Group Velocity Dispersion (Leitungen/transmission lines) Großvieheinheit (Normrind, Masse:/standard cow, mass: 500 kg) Global Voice Mail (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Genesis Voice Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Generic Visual Perception Processor Güterverkehrszentrum Gateway (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Guinea-Bissau (früher Portugiesisch-Guinea/former Portuguese Guinea) (ISO 3166) Gigabit-Wissenschaftsnetz (geplant für/planned for 2000, bis/up to 2.4 Gbit/s) Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz von Bund und Ländern Gaussian White Noise, Gaußsches Weißes Rauschen Glashow–Weinberg–Salam (Theoretische Physik, elektroschwache Wechselwirkung/theoretical physics, electro-weak interaction) Gesellschaft für die wissenschaftliche Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften Guyana (ISO 3166) Georgii Zatsepin and Vladim Kuzmin (Moscow; predicted cutoff of cosmic microwave background at 6×1019 eV) Göttinger Zentrum für Molekulare Biowissenschaften H HA HAARP HAB HAC HAC HAD HAD HAI HAL HALE HALO HAMR HANE HARF HARP HARQ HART HASASEM HASI HASYLAB HATPRO Home Agent (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project Harmful Algae Bloom (Meeresbiologie/marine biology) High Authority Control Human Artificial Chromosome Helium Abundance Detector (Galileo satellite 1989) Hollow Cathode Activated Deposition (dünne Schichten/thin layers) Helicopter Association International Hardware Abstraction Layer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) High Altitude, Long Endurance (Flugzeug/aircraft) High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft (DLR, planned for Summer 2009) Head-Assisted Magnetic Recording High-Altitude Nuclear Explosion Hyperstable Adaptive Recursive Filter High-Gain Avalanche Rushing Amorphous Photoconductor Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Highway Addressable Receiver/Transmitter (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Haptisches Sensor-Aktor-System auf der Grundlage der Echtzeitelastographie sowie von elektro- und magnetorheologischen Materialien Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungs-Laboratorium (bei/at DESY) Humidity and Temperature Profiler (Wetterdatenerfassung/weather data monitoring) 51 HAV HAV HAVI HAZOP HB HB HBCCO HBCI HBCU HBFG HBFR HBLED HBT HBT HBV HCB HCCI HCG HCH HCI HCI HCM HCMV HCP HCR HCS HCS HCTMCP HCV HD HD HDA HDBR HDBT HDCAM HDCP HDCS HDF HDF HDF HDL HDL HDL HDL HDLC HDM HDMI HDML HdO HDPE HDR HDR HDRQ HDS HDSL HDTV HE HE-AAC HEAO HEATCO HECToR HEED HEFC HEFCE HELCOM HEMT HEP HEP HEPAP HEPnet HEPP HER HERA HERMES HERV HES HES HES Hand-Arm Vibration Hepatitis-A-Virus Home Audio/Video Interoperability Hazardous Analysis and Operability (Problemlösungsmethode/problem solving method) (Hansestadt) Bremen (Bundesland/German Federal State) High-Brightness (LEDs) HgBa2 Can−1 Cun O2n+2 (HTSL) Homebanking Computing Interface Historically Black Colleges and Universities (USA) Hochschulbauförderungsgesetz High Flux Beam Reactor (Brookhaven, Long Island, NY, USA) High-Brightness Light Emitting Diode Hanbury Brown and Twiss (Quanteneffekt/quantum effect) Hetero-Bipolartransistor, Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Hepatitis-B-Virus Hexachlorbenzol Homogeneous Charge-Compression Ignition (Verbrennungsmotor/internal combustion engine) High-Index Contrast Sub-Wavelength Grating (Laserspiegel/laser mirror) Hexachlorcyclohexan Host Controller Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Human–Computer Interaction (or: Interface) Human Capital (and) Mobility (EU) Humanes Cytomegalovirus Hexagonal Close Packing (Gitter/lattice) High Chip Rate Hard-Clad Silica (Faseroptik/fiber optics) High Content Screening (Biochemie/biochemistry) Hexacyanotrimethylencyclopropanid Hepatitis-C-Virus Harmonization Document (CENELEC) High Definition (Video) High-Density Amorphous (Eis/ice) Hybrid Distributed Bragg Reflector (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) High Definition Broadcast Technology [vom HDTV abgeleitetes Bildaufzeichnungsformat/picture recording format, derived from HDTV] High Definition (or: Digital) Content Protection Hard Disk Controller Select Hierarchical Data Format hochdichte Faserplatte Hubble Deep Field (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Hardware Description Language High-Density Lipoprotein ( gutes“ Cholesterin/“good” cholesterol) ” High-Density Liquid High-Power Diode Laser High Level Data Link Control (Datenübertragung/data transmission) Hot Dark Matter (Kosmologie/cosmology) High Definition Multimedia Interface Handheld Device Markup Lnguage hinter dem Ohr (Hörgeräte/hearing aids) High Density Polyethylene High Data Rate (Datenübertragung/data transmission) Hot Dry Rock (geothermy) Harddiskcontroller-Data-Request High Dispersion Spectrograph High-Bit-Rate (or: High Speed) Digital Subscriber Line (or: Loop) High Definition Television (hochauflösendes Fernsehen) Hessen (Bundesland/German Federal State) High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding (Audio-Kompressions-Software/audio compression method) High Energy Astrophysical Observatory Harmonised European Approaches for Transport Costing and Project Assessment (EC Project) High End Computing Terascale Resources (UK) High Efficiency Electron Emission Device (Bildwandler/image converter) Higher Education Funding Council (UK) Higher Education Funding Council for England Helsinki Commission on Baltic Marine Protection High-Electron-Mobility Transistor Hochenergiephysik, High-Energy Physics Hochschulerneuerungsprogramm (neue Bundesländer) High-Energy Physics Advisory Panel (USA) High Energy Physics Network High Energy and Particle Physics Division (EPS) Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Hadron-Electron Ring Accelerator, Hadron-Elektron-Ring-Anlage (DESY) Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of the European Seas Humanes Endogenes Retrovirus High Energy Stereoscopic System (Gammastrahlenteleskop/gamma ray telescope array, Namibia) Home Electronic System Hybrid Evolutionary System (Systembeschreibung/system description) 52 HESS HESS HET HET HETE HETP HEU HEV HEW HEW HF HF HFB HFBR HFC H-FDD HFEA HFF HFH HFIR HFO HFOV HFP HFR HFR HFSP HfTL HG HGAC HGC HGF HGL HGP HGS HGÜ HGV HH HHC HHG HHI HHI HHMI HHNA HHS HI HIC HIC HIC HICAS HIDIF HIF HIFF HiFi HIFI HIFT HIFU HIGS HIL HILES HIMB HINARI HIPAA HiPER HIPERLAN HIPPARCOS HIPS HiRISE HIS HIS HITL HITRAP HITS HIV HK HKA HKBU HKI High Energy Seismic Survey (Meeresbiologie/marine biology) High Energy Stereoscopic System (Teleskop/telescope) High-Performance Computing in Europe Taskforce (seit/since 2006) Hobby-Eberly-Telescope (Davis Mountains, TX, USA) High Energy Transient Explorer (Satellite, NASA) Height Equivalent to One Theoretical Plate (Maß für Trennleistung eines chemischen Analysesystems, z.B. 20 µm bei Chromatographie/measure of separation resolution, e.g. 20 µm in chromatography) Highly Enriched Uranium Hybrid Electric Vehicle Half Energy Width (Teleskop/telescope) Hamburgische Elektricitätswerke High Frequency (3 – 30 MHz) Human Factors (TC im/in the ETSI) Hartree-Fock-Bogoljubow High Flux Beam Reactor (Brookhaven, Long Island, NY, USA) Hybrid Fibre Coax Hybrid Frequency Division Duplex (Telecommunication, Combination of Time and Frequency Division Duplex) Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film (München, DE) Hamburger Fernhochschule High Flux Isotope Reactor (ORNL) Halbleiterwerk Frankfurt/Oder (DE) Hochfrequenz-Oszillationsventilation (künstliche Beatmung/artificial respiration) Handsfree Profile (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) High-Flux Reactor (GFS, Petten, NL) Hybrid Fiber Radio Human Frontier Science Program Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig (DE) Hermite Gaussian (Lasermode/laser mode) Human Genetic Advisory Commission Hercules Graphics Card Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren [Dateinamenerweiterung: Graphikdatei/file name extension: graphic file] Human Genome Project Human Genome Sciences Hochspannungs-Gleichstrom-Übertragung Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehr (Schienenverkehr/rail traffic) (Hansestadt) Hamburg (Bundesland/German Federal State) Higher Harmonic Control High-Order Harmonic Generation (kurze Lichtimpulse/short light pulses) Heinrich-Hertz-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik (Berlin, DE, neuer Name/new name) Heinrich-Hertz-Institut für Schwingungsforschung (Berlin, DE, alter Name/old name) Howard Hughes Medical Institute (Ashburn, VA, USA) Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden (-Achse) Health and Human Services (US Government Department) Hawaii (US-Staat/US state) Head Injury Criteria (Insassensicherheit/passenger safety) Heterogeneous Interprocessor Communications and Standards Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography High Velocity Impact of Composite Aircraft Heavy Ion Driven Intertial Fusion Hochschulinternes Fernsehen (Göttingen, DE) Hafnium Isomer Production Panel (DARPA) High Fidelity (Unterhaltungselektronik) Hawaii Imaging Fabry-Pérot Interferometer (Astronomie/astronomy) Heard Island Feasibility Test High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound High-Intensity Gamma-Ray Source Hardware-in-the-Loop HIL-Echtzeitsimulation Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology Health Internetwork Access to Research Initiative Helath Insurance Portability and Accountability Act High Power Laser Energy Research High Performance Radio LAN (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) High Precision Parallax Collecting Satellite (ESA 1989) Homeland Innovative Prototypical Solutions High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Hochschul-Informationssystem Hydrologic Information System (USA) Hardware-in-the-Loop Heavy Ion Trap High-Impact Technology Solutions Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Human-Immunschwäche-Virus Hongkong/Hong Kong (ISO 3166) Hauptkomponenten-Analyse (= PCA) Hong Kong Baptist University Hans-Knöll-Institut für Naturstofforschung (Jena, DE) 53 HKIOA HKOES HKP HKU HKUST HL HLA HLL HLP HLR HLRB HLRS HLRZ HLU HLW HM HM HMD HMDO HMI HMI HMM HMR HMS HMX HMXB HN HNLF HNM HNMC HNO HO HOLL HOLOMAR HOLT HOPI HOPI HOS HOT HOTS HP (hp) HP HPA HPC HPC HPC HPCC HPCC HPCF HPCI HPCN HPCS HPC1 HPDL HPF HPGL HPHT HPI HP-IB HPLC HPLMN HPNA HPS HPS HPS HPSK HPSS HPT HPV HPVM HPWT HQ HQ HR HR HR HRC HRD Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics Hong Kong Optical Engineering Society Hochschulkooperationsprogramm (EU) Hong Kong University Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hidden Layer (neuronale Netze/artificial neural networks) Human Leukocyte Antigen, humane Leukozyten-Antigene (Biochemie/biochemistry) High-Speed Low-Voltage Low-Power (Logik-ICs/logical ICs) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Windows-Hilfe-Datei/file name extension: Windows help file] Home Location Register (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum in Bavaria Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum (Jülich, DE) Hilfe zum Lebensunterhalt ( Sozialhilfe“) ” High-Level Waste (radioaktiver Abfall/radioactive waste) Hardware Manager Heard und McDonald-Inseln/Heard and McDonald Islands (ISO 3166) Head-Mounted Display (virtuelle Realität/virtual reality) Hexamethyldisiloxan Hahn-Meitner-Institut (Berlin, DE) Human-Machine Interface Hidden Markov Model Home Location Register (Heimat-Datei) Health Monitoring System (Flugzeug/aircraft) Tetramethylentetranitramin (Octogen, Sprengstoff/explosive) High-Mass X-Ray Binary (Röntgendoppelstern/X-ray double star) Honduras (ISO 3166) Highly Nonlinear Fibres (Laser) Heliport Noise Model (Lärmbewertung/noise rating) Hub Network Management Computer Hals-, Nasen- und Ohren(-Klinik oder -Patient/clinic or patient) HandOver (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) High (Ölsäure)-Low (Linolensäure) (haltbares Öl/well keeping oil) High-Resolution in situ Holographic Recording and Analysis of Marine Organisms and Particles (EU project) High-Order Layerwise Theory (Verbundwerkstoffe/compounds) History of Physicists in Industry (AIP project) Hybrid Optical Packet Infrastructure (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Higher-Order Statistics Highly Optimized Tolerance Holographic Optical Telescope and Scanner Hewlett Packard High Priority High Power Amplifier Health Professional Card (smart card) High Performance Computing (or: Computer) High-Power Calculations High Performance Computing and Communication (USA) High Performance Computing Cluster High Performance Computing Facility (UK) High Performance Computing Initiative (Arizona State University, USA) High Performance Computing and Networking (ESPRIT) High Performance Computing Systems Human Prostata Cancer 1 High-Power Diode Laser High Performance Fortran Hewlett Packard Graphics Language High Pressure High Temperature (Diamant/diamond) Heinrich-Pette-Institut für Experimentelle Virologie und Immunologie (Hamburg, DE) Hewlett Packard Interface Bus High Performance Liquid Chromatography Home Public (and) Land Mobile Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Home Phoneline Networking Alliance (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) High Purity Standard (analytische Chemie/analytical chemistry) Human Patient Simulator The Hungarian Physical Society Hybrid Phase Shift Keying (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) High Performance Storage System Hexapod-Telescope Human-Papillomvirus High Performance Visual Machine High Performance Work Team Headquarters High Quality Hessischer Rundfunk High Resolution Kroatien/Hrvatska (ISO 3166) Harmonically Related Carrier Hertzsprung-Russell-Diagramm (Astronomie/astronomy) 54 HREEL(S) HRH HRI HRIIS HRK HRS HRSC HRST HRTEM HRTF HSARPA HSC HSCSD HSCT HSDL HSDPA HS-DPCCH HS-DSCH HSE HSE HSFK HSI HSIA HSL HSP HSP HSPA HS-PDSCH HSRV HSS HSS HSS HS-SCCH HST HSUPA HSVA HSWS HT HT HT HTB HTDV HTE HTE HTF HTG HT-HPLC HTLV HTM HTMB HTMC HTML HTMT HTS HTS HTS(C) HTS(L) HTTP HTTPS HU HU HU HUAC HUGO HUPAS HUTT HV HV HVAC HVDC HVM HVPLS HWC HWY HXMT HYKAT HYSWIM High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Her Royal Highness High Resolution Imager (Röntgenstrahl-Satellit/X-ray satellite) High-Resolution Infrared Imaging Spectrometer Hochschulrektorenkonferenz Hyper-Raman Scattering High Resolution Stereo Camera (ESA-Sonde/probe) Human Resources in Science and Technology Hochaufgelöste Raster-Transmissions-Elektronenmikroskopie Head-Related Transfer Function Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (USA) High Speed Cutting High Speed Circuit Switched Data (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) hämatopoetische Stammzell-Transplantation Hierarchical Scan Description Language High Speed Downlink Packet Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) High Speed Dedicated Physical Control Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) High Speed Downlink Shared Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) High Speed Ethernet High Surface Energy Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung High Speed Internet High Speed Internet Access Homoserinlacton Hitzeschock-Protein Hochschulsonderprogramm High Speed Packet Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) High Speed Physical Downlink Shared Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) humanes Spuma-Retrovirus harter Schnellstahl (Werkzeuge/tools) High Speed Switch (Datennetz/data network) Home Subscriber Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) High Speed Shared Control Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Hubble Space Telescope High Speed Uplink Packet Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt Hartmann-Shack Wavefront Sensor Haiti (ISO 3166) High Temperature High Throughput Heterobipolar-Transistor Human Teratocarcinoma-Derived Virus High-Temperature Electrolysis (Wasserstoff-Kraftwerk/hydrogen power plant) High Throughput Experimentation Hub Terminal Facilities Hyperschall-Technologie Göttingen (DLR) High Temperature High Perfomance Liquid Chromatography, Hochtemperatur-Flüssigkeitschromatographie humanes T-lymphotropes Virus [Dateinamenerweiterung: Internet-Datei/file name extension: Internet file] Hamburger Test für mathematische Begabung High Temperature Mechanical Testing Committee (UK) HyperText Markup Language [Dateinamenerweiterung: Internet-Datei/file name extension: Internet file] Hybrid Technology/Multithreaded System (Supercomputer) Heights (US Mail) High-Throughput Screening High Temperature Superconductor (Hochtemperatur-Supraleiter) Hochtemperatur-Supraleiter (High-Tc superconductor) Hypertext Transfer (or Transmission) Protocol (Computer-Netzwerk/computer network, WWW) HTTP Secured Howard University (Washington, DC, USA) Humboldt-Universität (Berlin, DE) Ungarn/Hungary (ISO 3166) House Un-American Activities Committee (Antispionage-Maßnahme der USA) Human Genome Organization Howard University Program in Atmospheric Sciences (Washington, DC, USA) High-Resolution Ultrasonic Transmission Tomography High Quality Voice Packet (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Obervolta/Upper Volta (ISO 3166 bis/until 1984) Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning High-Voltage Direct-Current (verlustarme Hochspannungsleitung/low-loss power line) High-Volume Manufacturing Hierarchical Virtual Private LAN Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Hydrophobe Wechselwirkungschromatographie Highway (US Mail) Hard X-Ray Modulated Telescope (Chinesischer Satellit/Chinese satellite) Hydrodynamik- und Kavitationstunnel (HSVA) Hydrogen Switchable Mirror 55 HZT High-Z Supernova Search Team I IA IA IAA IAA IAAS IAB IAB IAB IAC IACC IACM IACS IAD IAD IADC IADS IADS IAEA IAEO IAES IAESTE IAF IAGC IAGOS IAI IAIS IAKF IAKK IANUS IAO IAP IAP IAP IAP IAPCM IAPP IAPS iAQC IARC IARU IAS IAS IASB IASI IASP IASTED IAT IATA IATC IAU IAV iaw IBA IBAD IBC IBC IBE IBEM IBFM IBM IBM IBMS IBMT IBOC IBP IBR IBRO IBS IBS IBW IC IC IC IC Ingoing Access Iowa (US-Staat/US state) Internationale Astronautische Akademie Internationale Automobilausstellung (Berlin, DE, jeweils im/always in September) Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik (Berlin, DE) Institut für Akustik und Bauphysik (Oberursel/Ts., DE) Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (der Bundesanstalt für Arbeit) Internet Administration (or: Architecture) Board Instituto de Astrofı́sica de Canarias Interaural Cross-Correlation International Association for Computational Mechanics Image-Activated Cell Spacing (Biotechnologie/biotechnology) Integrated Access Device Ion-Assisted Deposition Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee Integrated Active Drive System (Kfz-Fahrdynamik-Management/vehicle) International Affective Digitized Sounds International Atomic Energy Agency (Wien, AT) International Atomic Energy Organisation Institute for Advanced Energy Solutions (USA) International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik (Freiburg/Br., DE) International Association of Geophysical Contractors In-Service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Israel Aircraft Industries [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Intelligente Analyse- und Informationssysteme Interessengemeinschaft für Autofreie Kur- und Fremdenverkehrsorte in Bayern interaurale Kreuzkorrelation Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppe Naturwissenschaft, Technik und Sicherheit (Darmstadt, DE) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation (Stuttgart, DE) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Angewandte Polymerforschung (Golm, DE) Institut für Atmosphärenphysik (Kühlungsborn, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, DE) Internet Protocol Access Point Internet Access Provider Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics (Beijing, China) Institut für Angewandte Photophysik (TU Dresden, DE) International Affective Picture System Integrated Active Quenching Circuitry International Agency for Research on Cancer International Amateur Radio Union Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, NJ, USA) Islamic Academy of Sciences Industry Association Synthetic Biology Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer International Association for the Study of Pain International Association of Science and Technology for Development Institut Arbeit und Technik (Gelsenkirchen, DE) International Air Transport Association Intermittent Automatic Train Control (z.B./e.g., INDUSI) (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) International Astronomical Union Informations-, Anlauf- und Vermittlungsstelle (Karlsruhe, DE) Institut für angewandtes Wissen (Köln, DE) Important Bird Area (Naturschutz/nature conservation) Ion Beam Assisted Deposition Integrated Broadband Communication International Broadcast(ing) Convention Interaktive Bildschirmexperimente Inverse Boundary Element Method Interacting Boson Fermion Model Interacting Boson Model International Business Machines Corporation In-Beam Mössbauer Spectroscopy [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Biomedizinische Technik (St. Ingbert, DE) In-Band On-Channel (high-definition radio) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Bauphysik (Stuttgart, DE) Institut für Bioanorganische und Radiopharmazeutische Chemie (FZR) International Brain Research Organization International Business Service Ion Beam Sputtering Internationales Bureau des Welttelegraphenvereins (gegründet/founded: 1868). Ab/since 1908: Bureau international de l’union télégraphique Integrated Circuit Intercity (Bundesbahn/German train) Internal Combustion [Engine] (Verbrennungsmotor) Ion Chromatography; Ionenchromatographie 56 ICA ICA ICA ICA ICaB ICAB ICAL ICALEO ICALEPCS ICAMS ICAO ICARCF ICAS ICASE ICASSP ICAST ICB ICBEN ICBM ICBP ICC ICCAD ICCAS ICCAT ICCD ICCL ICDI ICDP ICE ICE ICER ICES ICF ICFA ICG ICGRG ICI ICI ICI ICIP ICL ICM ICM ICMI ICMP ICMPC ICMR ICN ICNN ICNP ICO ICOMOS ICON ICONIP ICOO ICOS ICP ICP ICPChS ICPNM I&C PS ICPS ICR ICRM ICRP ICRU ICS I-CSCF ICSI ICSLP ICSOS ICSS ICSTI ICSU ICSV ICT ICT Independent Component Analysis Infrared Camera for Car International Commission for Acoustics International Congress on Acoustics Incoming Call Barrier International Customer Advisory Board Iron Calorimeter Detector (Neutrinodetektor/neutrino detector) International Conference on Applications of Lasers and Electrooptics International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Material Simulations (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, DE) International Civil Aviation Organization International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, USA) [IEEE] International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Interational Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technology Institute for Collaborative Biotechnology (USA) International Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise Intercontinental Ballistic Missile International Council for Bird Preservation Intelligent Customer Care International Conference on Computer Aided Design Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery (Universität Leipzig, DE) International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas Intensified CCD International Conference on Computer Languages Institut Charles Darwin International International Continental Drilling Program (= KTB) In-Car-Entertainment (Autoradio) Intercity Express (Bundesbahn/German railway) Industry Council for Electronic Equipment (UK) International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Inertial Confinement Fusion (= Trägheitsfusion) (Reaktor/reactor) International Committee for Future Accelerators Intellectual Capital Group (Franklin, MI, USA) International Commission on General Relativity and Gravitation Integrated Communication Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Inter-Carrier Interference (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Interchannel Interference (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE) Ice Cube Laboratory (Antarktis-Forschungsstation/antarctic research station) International Congress Center München Intracluster Medium (Astronomie/astronomy) International Commission for Mathematical Instruction Internet Control Message Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition International Center for Materials Research Information and Communication Network (Siemens) International Conference on Neural Networks International Conference on Network Protocols International Commission for (or: on) Optics International Council on Monuments and Sites International Council on Nanotechnology (Rice University, USA) International Conference on Neural Information Processing International Congress on Optics and Optoelectronics International Catalog of Sources for History and Allied Sciences (AIP) Inductively Coupled Plasma Interuniversity Cooperation Programme (Europe) International Congress of Phonetic Sciences International Certificate Program for New Media (FhG, CRCG) Industrial & Commercial Power Systems [Technical Conference] Industrial Consortium of Polynucleotide Synthesis Ion Cyclotron Resonance International Committee for Radionuclide Metrology International Commission on Radiological Protection International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements Interactive Supercomputing Interrogating Call Session Control Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) International Computer Science Institute (Berkeley, CA, USA) International Conference on Spoken Language Processing International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces Integrated Communications and Solutions Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) International Council for Scientific and Technical Information International Council of Scientific Unions (seit/since 1931; umbenannt in/renamed into International Council for Science) International Conference on Sound and Vibration Information and Communication Technology [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Chemische Technologie (Pfinztal bei/near Karlsruhe, DE) 57 ICTCA ICTA ICTP ICU ICU ICW ICZM ID ID ID IDA IDA IDB IDBS IDC IDC IDC IDE IDEM IDF IDF IDFT IDL IDL IDMT IDNDR IdP IDP IDR IDR IDRFC IDS IDS IDTV IDTV IDV IDWT IE IEA IEA IEC IECE, IECEJ IECON IED IEE IEE IEEE IEEPA IEER IEICE, IEICEJ IEMB IEN IEPE IERE IES IESE IETF IETS I/F IF IFA IFAC IfADo IFAM IFATS IFC IFE IfE IFE IFF IfF IFF IFF IFFT IfH IFIP IFIR International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics International Center for Technology Assessment (USA) International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Triest, seit/since 1964) Intensive Care Unit (Krankenhaus/hospital) International Conference on Ultrasonics Internet Call Waiting (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Integrated Coastal Zone Management (Meeresküstenschutz/sea shore conservation) Idaho (US-Staat/US state) Identifier Indonesien/Indonesia (ISO 3166) Institute for Defense Analyses (USA) Interface for Distributed Automation Intelligent Transportation System Data Bus Interactive Data Business Solutions Insulation Displacement Connection International Data Corporation International Data Centre, Internationales Datenzentrum (CTBTO) Integrated Development Environment Informations- und Dokumentationsstelle Ethik in der Medizin Intermediate Data File International Diabetes Federation Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform, inverse diskrete Fourier-Transformation Interactive Data Language Interface Definition (or: Description) Language [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Digitale Medientechnologie (Ilmenau, DE) International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction Identity Provider (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Institut für Datenanalyse und Prozessdesign (Wintherthur, CH) Inter-Domain Routing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Intermediate Data Rate (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Internal Dynamic Rate Flow Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Institut für Deutsche Sprache (Mannheim, DE) Intrusion Detection System (Firewall) Improved Definition Television (100 Hz-Bild/picture) Interactive Digital Television Interactive Data Visualization Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform Irland/Ireland (ISO 3166) International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement International Energy Agency International Electrotechnical Commission (gegründet/founded 1904) Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers of Japan Industrial Electronics Conference Improvised Explosive Device Institution of Electrical Engineers (UK) Intelligent Energy Europe (EU Project 2006–2008) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (USA) International Emergency Economic Powers Act (1977) Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (USA) Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers of Japan Institut für Erhaltung und Modernisierung von Bauwerken (Berlin, DE) Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale Galileo Ferraris (Torino, IT) Integrated Electronic Piezoelectric Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers (London, GB) Internet Enhanced Services [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Experimentelles Software Engineering (Kaiserslautern, DE) Internet Engineering Task Force Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy Interface Intermediate Frequency Internationale Funkausstellung International Federation of Automatic Control Institut für Arbeitsphysiologie (Dortmund, DE) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung (Bremen, DE) Innovative Future Air Transport System Industry Foundation Class (Schnittstelle/interface) In-Flight Entertainment System Institut für Erdölforschung (Clausthal-Zellerfeld, DE) Institut für Festkörperphysik und Elektronenmikroskopie [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Fabrikbetrieb und -automatisierung (Magdeburg, DE) Institut für Fahrzeugtechnik (TU Braunschweig, DE) Institut für Festkörperforschung [a): am/at the IFW, b): am/at the KFA, Jülich, DE] Interchange File Format (Graphikformat) Inverse Fast Fourier Transform Institut für Hochenergiephysik (ehem./former DDR, Zeuthen, AdW) International Federation of Information Processing Societies and: International Federation for Information Processing Interpolation Finite-Impulse Response (Filter) 58 IfL IfL IfM IFMIF IfN ifo IFOK IFOR IFORS IFOS IFPI IfR IFR IFRB IFREMER IFS IfS IFSA IFSDA IFT IfT IFT(o)MM IFU IFW IfW IFX IfZ IG IGA IGAPPI IGB IGB IGBP IGBT IGC IGCC IGD iGEM IGERT I-GGSN IGI IGK IGK IGLO IGM IGMP IGN IGP IGPD IGS IGS IGS IGT IGTF IGV IGY IGZ IGZ IHES IHP IHPT IHST IHU IIASA IIAV IICQI IICWG IID IID IIHS IIJ IIM IIMV I-INCE IIR IIS IIS IISB Institut für Länderkunde (Leipzig, DE) Institut für Leibesübungen Institut für Meereskunde (Kiel, DE) International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility Institut für Neurobioogie (Magdeburg, DE) Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (München, DE) Institut für Organisationskommunikation (Bensheim, DE) Implementation Force (1995–1996, später/thereafter SFOR) International Federation of Operational Research Societies Institut für Oberflächen- und Schichtanalytik (Univ. Kaiserslautern, DE) International Federation of the Phonographic Industry Institut für Radiochemie (FZR) International Federation Robotics International Frequency Registration Board (in Genf/Genova, CH) Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer Institut für Festkörperanalytik und Strukturforschung (am/at the IFW) Institut für Sicherheitsforschung (FZR) International Forestry Students Association International Federation of Stamp Dealers Association [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Festkörpertechnologie (München, DE) Institut für Troposphärenforschung (Leipzig, DE) International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Atmosphärische Umweltforschung Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstofforschung (Dresden, DE seit/since 1992) Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel, DE) Interactive Financial Exchange Institut für Zeitgeschichte (München, DE) Intrinsic Gettering Inter-Governmental Agreement Interdivisional Group for Applied Physics and Physics in Industry (EPS) Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (Berlin, DE) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik (Stuttgart, DE) Internationales Geosphären-Biosphären-Programm (Ökologie/ecology) Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor International Genomics Consortium Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (Kohlekraftwerk/coal power plant) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für graphische Datenverarbeitung (Darmstadt, Außenstelle/branch in Rostock, DE) International Genetically Engineered Machines Competition Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (NSF, USA) Intelligent Gateway GPRS Support Node (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Italian Grid Infrastructure (computing) Integrated Gatekeeper (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Internationales Graduiertenkolleg Informal Group of RTD Liaison Officers in Brussels (EU) Intergalactic Medium Internet Group Management (or: Multicast) Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Installations-Geräuschnormal (DIN 52218) Interior Gateway Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Interdivisional Group on Physics for Development (EPS) Integrierte Gesamtschule Intergenic Spacer (Genetik/genetics) International GPS Service for Geodynamics (Satellitengeodäsie/satellite geodesy) Indicazione Geografica Tipica (italienische Wein-Kennzeichnung, entspricht deutschem Landwein/Italian wine classification) International Grid Test Federation Institut für Grenzflächenforschung und Vakuumphysik (Jülich, DE) International Geophysical Year (1957/58) Informations- und Geschäftszentrum (DEGA, Berlin, DE) Institut für Gemüse- und Zierpflanzenbau (Großbeeren und/and Kühnhausen bei/near Erfurt, DE) Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (bei/near Paris, FR) Institut für Halbleiterphysik (Frankfurt/Oder, DE) Institut für Physikalische Hochtechnologie e.V. (Jena, DE) International Helicopter Safety Team Innenhochdruck-Umformen (= Hydroforming) International Institute of Applied System Analysis (Laxemburg bei/near Wien, AT) International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration International Iran Conference on Quantum Information (1st: Sept. 2007) International Ice Charting Working Group Independent and Identically-Distributed (Data; Filtertheorie/filter theory) Interaural Intensity Difference (Richtungshören/directional hearing) Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (USA) Internet Initiative Japan Institut für Ionenstrahlphysik und Materialforschung (FZR) Internationales Institut für Management und Verwaltung International Institute of Noise Control Engineering Infinite Impulse Response (Digitalfilter/digital filter) Indian Institute of Sciences (Bangalore, IN) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen (Erlangen, DE) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Integrierte Systeme und Bauelementetechnologie (Erlangen, DE) 59 IIT IITB IJCNN IKAR IKARUS IKARUS IKBD IKE IKH IKIT IKM IKRK IKSE IKSR IKT IKTS IKV IKZ IL IL IL ILA ILA ILAF ILC ILC ILD ILD ILEC ILED ILIPT ILL ILM ILM ILMI ILMZ ILP ILR ILS ILS ILS ILSC ILT ILV ILW IM IM IM IM IMA IMA IMA IMA IMACS IMAGE IMAP IMARES IMB IMBA IMCC IMD IME IMEC IMechE IMEI IMEKO IMES IMG IMI IMI IMINT IMIS IMK IML IML IMM IMM Indian Institute of Technology (Kanpur, IN) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Informations- und Datenverarbeitung (Karlsruhe, DE) International Joint Conference on Neural Networks [Landkarten-Datenbank/map data bank] (im/in the DBI) Instrumente für Klimagas-Reduktionsstrategien Internet-Katalog betrieblicher Umweltinformationssysteme Intelligent Keybord Chip Internet Key Exchange (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Institut für Kern- und Hadronenphysik (FZR) Institut für klinische Immunologie und Transfusionsmedizin (Leipzig, DE) Institut für elektronische Korrelationen und Magnetismus Internationales Komitee vom Roten Kreuz Internationale Kommission zum Schutz der Elbe Internationale Kommission zum Schutz des Rheins Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme (oder: Sinterwerkstoffe) (Dresden, DE) Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung (Aachen, DE) Institut für Kristallzüchtung (Berlin-Adlershof, DE) Illinois (US-Staat/US state) Insertion Loss (Einfügungsdämmung) Israel (ISO 3166) In-Line Amplifier (Glasfaserkabel/glass fiber cable) Internationale Luft- und Raumfahrtausstellung Identical Location of Accelerometer and Force International Laser Center (Staatsuniversität Moskau/State University Moscow) International Linear Collider (Fermilab) Intelligibility Level Difference Interaural Level Difference Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Inorganic Light-Emitting Diode Intelligent Logistics for Innovative Product Technologies Institut Laue-Langevin (Grenoble, FR) Industrial Light & Magic (Flüssigkeitssimulation/fluid simulation system) Integrated Laser Modulator (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Integrated Local Management Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Integrated Laser Mach-Zehnder (modulator, optical telecommunication) Institute of Lasers and Plasmas (Bordeaux, FR) Induced Loudness Reduction Instrument Landing System, Instrumentenlandesystem Integrated Logistic Support Intracavity Laser Spectroscopy International Laser Safety Conference [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Lasertechnologie (Aachen, DE) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie und Verpackung (München, DE, bis 31.12.97/until Dec. 31, 1997; danach/thereafter: IVV) Intermediate-Level Waste (radioaktiver Abfall/radioactive waste) Information Manager (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Instant Messaging (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Intensitätsmodulation Interlocking Module (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Integrated Motor Assist Interactive Multimedia Association International Marinelife Association Inverse Multiplex ATM (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation Imager for Magnetopause to Aurora Global Exploration (NASA, Satellit/satellite) Internet Mail (or: Message) Access Protocol (E-Mail Server) Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies (NL) Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie (Jena, DE) Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie (Wien, AT) ISDN Management and Coordination Committee (TC im/in the ETSI) Intermodulation Distortion [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Molekularbiologie und Angewandte Ökologie (Schmallenberg, DE) Interuniversity Microelectronics Center (BE) Institution of Mechanical Engineers (UK) International Mobile Equipment Identity (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) International Measurement Confederation (Budapest, HU) Injectable Myoelectric Sensors (Prothesen/prosthetics) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Graphikdatei/file name extension: graphic file] Innovative Medicines Initiative (EU) International Materials Institutes Imaginary Intelligence Integriertes Mess- und Informationssystem zur Überwachung der Umweltradioaktivität [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Medienkommunikation (St. Augustin, DE) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik (Dortmund, DE) International Microgravity Laboratory Institut für Mikrotechnik (Mainz, DE) Institute of Microelectronics and Microsystems (z.B. in Neapel/e.g. in Naples, IT) 60 I-MMS IMO IMO IMP IMP IMPACT IMPATT IMPECC IMPRS IMPS IMPT IMR IMRT IMS IMS IMS IMS IMS IMS IMS IMS IMS IMS IMS IMSA IMSBF IMSI IMT IMT IMT IMTC IMTEK IMU IMU IMUK IMW IN IN IN INAP Inc. INCE INCEMIC INCITE INCITE INCO INCREASE INDUSI INEL INES INES INESAP INETI INF INFCE INFN INGO INI INIE INM INM INM INMAR Inmarsat INO INOK INP INPAT INPI INPRO INQUA INRA INRETS INRIA INROS INSA InSAR INSERM MSS Interconnection Network Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnologie und Optoelektronik (Wetzlar, DE) International Maritime Organization Institut für Molekulare Pathologie (Wien, AT) Intermodulation Product In Situ Measurements of Particle and Coronal Mass Ejections Transients (Sonnenphysik/solar physics) Impact Avalanche Transit-Time (Diode) Infrared Microsystems for Pollution Emission Control on Cars International Max Planck Research School Institute for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (Porto Novo, Benin) Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy Intelligent Mobile Redirect (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (Onkologie, Röntgentechnik/oncology, X-ray technology) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Mehl- und Süßspeisen (Castrop-Rauxel, DE) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Mikroelektronische Schaltungen und Systeme (Duisburg, DE) Institute for Molecular Science (Okazaki, JP) Integrated Management Solution (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Intelligent Manufacturing System Interactive Multimedia Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) International Monitoring System (CTBT) Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem Ionen-Mikrofabrikations-Systeme (Firma/company in Wien, AT) Ionenmobilitätsspektrometer IP Multimedia Subsystem (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy Information Management System Betriebsfestigkeit International Mobile Subscriber Identification (or: Identity) Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnik (KfK) Institute of Microtechnology (Univ. Neuchâtel, CH) International Mobile Telecommunications Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (IEEE) Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik (Univ. Freiburg, DE) International Mathematical Union Inertial Measurement Unit (Raumfahrt, Geodäsie/spacecraft, geodesy) Internationale Mathematische Unterrichtskommission (seit/since 1908; später/later on: ICMI) Institut für Metallische Werkstoffe (am/at the IFW) Indiana (US-Staat/US state) Indien/India (ISO 3166) Intelligentes Netz, Intelligent Network Intelligent Network Application Protocol (or: Part) Incorporated (USA, entspricht Aktiengesellschaft) Institute of Noise Control Engineering (USA) International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (EU Project since 2003) Institute of Neuronal Computational Intelligence and Technology (Univ. of Stirling, Schottland/Scotland) International Cooperation [Cooperation with Third Countries and International Organisations] (EC) International Cooperation on Research in Environmental Protection, Process Safety and Energy Technology Induktive Zugsicherung (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Informationsnetz Elbe-Sanierung Innovative Navigation European System International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation [National Institute of Engineering, Technology and Innovation] (Lisbon, PT) Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (IT) Intensivierte Gewässerüberwachungsorganisation [Dateinamenerweiterung: Programm-Initialisierungsdatei/file name extension: program initialization file] Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education (DoE Program, USA) Institut National de Métrologie Integrated (or: Intermediate) Network Management (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Integrated Noise Model (FAA) Intelligent Materials for Active Noise Reduction International Maritime Satellite Organization (gegründet/founded 1979) India-Based Neutrino Observatory Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie (Berlin, DE) Institut für Niedertemperatur-Plasmaphysik (Greifswald, DE) Integration des Patentwesens in die ingenieurmäßige wissenschaftliche Hochschulausbildung Institut National de la Proprieté Industrielle (FR) International Project (on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles) International Union for Quarternary Research International Research Associates Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité (FR) Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (FR) Innovative Rotorsteuerung (Hubschrauber/helicopter) Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (Lyon, FR) Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale 61 INSM INT INT Int., Intnl. INT INTAS INTEGRAL Intelsat Internoise INT-MANUS INTOR IntServ IO I/O IOBB IOC IODP IODT IOF IOI IOL IOM IOM IONDS IOP IOPP IÖR IOS IOSN IOT IOTA IOTA IOV IOW IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IPA IPA IPA IPAB IPAM IPAT IPB IPBC IPC IPC IPC IPC IP-CAN IPCC IPCC IPD IPD IPDC IPDS IPF IPF IPF IPFN IPG IPHE IPHT IPIDS IPK IPK IPK IPL IPL IPLS IPM Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Trendanalysen Information Notification Table (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) International IP/MAC Notification Table (für/for DVB-H) International Association for the Promotion of Cooperation with Scientists from the New Independent States (Internationale Assoziation zur Förderung der Zusammenarbeit mit Wissenschaftlern aus der früheren Sowjetunion) (Brüssel/Brussels, BE 1993) International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (Satellit/satellite) Intercontinental Telecommunication Satellite Organization International Congress on Noise Control Engineering Intelligent Networked Manufacturing System International Tokamak Reactor (Fusionsreaktor/fusion reactor) Integrated Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean/British Indian Ocean Territory (ISO 3166) Input/Output Input Output, Broadband (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Intergovermental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO) Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Inter-Operability Development Testing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Angewandte Optik und Feinmechanik (Jena, DE) International Olympics of Information Intraokularlinse Individual Ordinary Member (EPS etc.) Institut für Oberflächenmodifizierung (Leipzig, DE) Integrated Operational Nuclear Detection System The Institute of Physics (UK) Institute of Physics Publishing (Bristol, UK) Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung (Dresden, DE) International Organization for Standardization International Open Source Network Inter Operability Test(ing), Interoperabilitätstest (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Infrared-Optical Telescope Array (Mt. Hopkins, AZ, USA) Institut d’Optique Théorique et Appliquée (FR) In-Orbit Validation (Galileo, 2008) Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde (Univ. Rostock, DE) Image Processing Integral Photography (TV) Intellectual Property Intelligence Platform Intentional Programming International Protection Internet Protocol (Rechnernetz/computer network) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung (Stuttgart, DE) Intelligent Park Assist (Kfz-Einparkhilfe/vehicle) Intelligent Pilot Assistant (DLR, Flugführung/flight control) International Publisher Advisory Board Interface Analysis at Atomic Level and Properties of Advanced Materials Impact, Population, level of Affluence, Technology (Gleichung zur Beschreibung umweltschädigender Auswirkungen menschlichen Verhaltens/equation describing human-induced environment pollution) Institut für Pflanzenbiochemie (Halle/Saale, DE) Institut de Physiologie et Biologie Cellulaires (CNRS, Université de Poitiers, FR) Integrated Plastic (or: Polymer) Circuit (Elektronik/electronics) Integrated Pollution Control Inter-Process Communication (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) International Patent Classification IP Connectivity Access Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change International Professional Communication Conference Institut für Polymerforschung (Dresden, DE) Investment Property Datenbank Internet Protocol Device Control Institut für Phonetik und digitale Sprachverarbeitung (Kiel, DE) Industrial Physics Forum (AIP) Institut für Polymerforschung (Dresden, DE) International Polar Foundation [Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion] (Lisbon, PT) Information Power Grid (NASA) International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy (seit/since 2003, 17 members, including EU and USA) Institut für Physikalische Hochtechnologie (oder: Photonische Technologien) (Jena, DE) Intellectual Property Identification Data Set (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (Gatersleben, DE) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik (Berlin, DE) Internationaler Prototyp des Kilogramms Information-Processing Language Ionenprojektions-Lithographie IP-Only LAN Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Physikalische Messtechnik (Freiburg, DE) 62 IPM IPMC IPMP IPMS IPMU IPMX IPN IPNM IPNS IPO IPO IPoA IPP IPR IPRC IPS IPS IPS IPSC IPSD IPSE IPSec IPSI IPSS IPT IPTC IPTS IPTV IP VPN IPX IPY IQ IQEC IQHE IQOQI IR IR IR IRAM IRAS IRB IRBM IRC IRCAM IRCH IRCS IRDA IRDAC IRDT IRE IRENA IRFU IRI IRIC IRIDIA IRIS IRIS IRM IRMM IRR IRS IRS IRS IRS IRSI IRSIX IRST IRSU IRT IRTF IS IS IS ISA ISA ISA ISA Institute of Policy and Management (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing) Ionic Polymer Metal Composite (Aktor für künstliche Muskeln etc./actuator, for artificial muscles etc.) Intellectual Property Management and Protection (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Photonische Mikrosysteme (Dresden, DE) Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Japan) Internet Protocol Media Exchange (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften (Kiel, DE) IP Network Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Intense Pulsed Neutron Source (Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, USA) Initial Public Offering Institute for Perception Research (Eindhoven, NL) IP over ATM Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik (Garching, DE) Intelectual Property Rights Intellectual Property Rights Committee (TC im/in the ETSI) In-Plane Switching (LCD mit beiden Pixelelektroden auf einer Seite, aufgeklappter Kondensator/LCD with both pixel electrodes on the same side, unfolded capacitor) Instructions per Second International Plutonium Storage Institute for the Protection and Security of Citizen Intensified Position-Sensing Detector Integrated Project Support Environment Internet Protocol Security (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Integrierte Publikations- und Informationssysteme (Darmstadt, DE, aufgelöst/closed 2006) Information Processing Systems and Software (ESPRIT) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Produktionstechnologie (Aachen, DE) Internet Protocol Transformation Center Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (EU, Sevilla, ES) Internet Protocol Television IP Virtual Private Network(s) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Internetwork Packet Exchange (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) International Polar Year (März/March 2007 – März/March 2009) Irak/Iraq (ISO 3166) International Quantum Electronics Conference Integer Quantum Hall Effect Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation (Wien, AT) Information Retrieval Infrared [Radiation] Iran (ISO 3166) Institute for Radio Astronomy at Millimeter Wavelengths (Grenoble, FR) Infrared Astronomy Satellite [Fraunhofer-] Informationszentrum Raum und Bau Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile Internet Relay Chat (Rechnernetz/computer network) Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique (Paris, FR) Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology) Infrared Camera and Spectrograph Infrared Data Exchange Industrial Research and Development Advisory Committee (EU) Inflatable Reentry and Descent Technology (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Institute of Radio Engineers (USA) Internatinal Renewable Energy Agency (Internationale Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien) Integrated Radio Frequency Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Industrial Research Institute (Washington, DC, USA) Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (Montreal, CA) [Institute for] Interdisciplinary Research and Development in Artificial Intelligence (Esprit, Brüssel/Bussels, BE) Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (USA) Infrared Imaging Surveyor (Satellit/satellite) Intelligent Resource Management Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (Geel, BE) Internal Rate of Return (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung (Berlin, DE) Internal Reference Specification International Revenue Service (USA) Intrusion Response System (Firewall) Infrared Space Interferometry Injury Severity Index (Insassensicherheit/passenger safety) Infrared Search and Track (Radar) ISDN Remote Subscriber Unit (RSU mit ISDN-Möglichkeit/RSU with ISDN facility) Integrated Receiver-Transmitter (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Infrared Telescope Facility (Mauna Kea, Hawaii) Information Systems Integrated Services Island/Iceland (ISO 3166) Industry-Standard Architecture Integrated IP/SDH/ATM (or: STM/ATM) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Integrated Service Adapter (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) International Seabed Authority (UNO) 63 ISA ISAAC ISAF ISAM ISAM ISAN ISAR ISARS ISAS ISAS ISAT ISB ISBF ISBI ISBN ISC ISC ISC ISC ISCA ISD ISD ISDB ISDB-S ISDB-T ISDN ISE ISE ISE ISEF ISESCO ISET ISF ISF ISFET ISFH ISFM ISG ISH ISI ISI ISI ISI ISIC ISIM ISIN ISIS IS-IS ISIT ISIT ISITA ISL ISL ISL ISM ISM ISM ISMA ISN ISNA ISNR ISNS ISO ISO ISOL ISOL ISOLDE ISORAC ISOS ISO/SR ISP ISP ISPR ISPRAM ISR ISR International Search Authority (Patente/patents) Infrared Spectrometer and Array Camera (at the VLT of the ESO) International Security and Assistance Force Institut für Supercomputing und Angewandte Mathematik (Heidelberg, DE) Intelligent Services Access Multiplexer (or: Manager) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Integrität bei der Satellitennavigation Intelligentes System zur automatischen Radioskopie International Society for Acoustic Remote Sensing Institut für Spektrochemie und Angewandte Spektroskopie (Dortmund, DE) Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (Japan) Innovative Space Based Radar Antenna Technology (Satellitenprogramm/satellite program) Intelligent Signalling Bus (Datennetz/data network) International Sonic Boom Forum International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging International Standard Book Number [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Silicatforschung (Würzburg, DE) Interactive Multimedia Service Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Interactive Supercomputing Conference (DE, seit/since 1986) International Softswitch Consortium International Speech Communication Association Integraton and Services Division International Subscriber Dialing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting-Satellite (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting-Terrestrial (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Integrated Services Digital Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für solare Energiesysteme (Freiburg, DE) Integrated Switching Element (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Intelligent Synthesis Environment (NASA) International Science and Engineering Fair (seit/since 1950) Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik (Kassel, DE) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Schwingungsforschung (1956, später/later on: IITB) International Science Foundation Ionen-sensitiver Feldeffekt-Transistor Institut für Solarenergieforschung, Hameln (DE) International Spent Fuel Management (Brennelement-Kontrolle) Informationszentrum für Sexualität und Gesundheit (Freiburg/Br., DE) Internationale Fachmesse Sanitär Heizung Klima (Frankfurt/M, DE) Institut für Schicht- und Ionentechnik (Jülich, DE) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung (Karlsruhe, DE) Institute for Scientific Information (Philadelphia, PA, USA) Intersymbol Interference International Student Identity Card Integrated Science Instrument Module (NGST) International Securities Identification Number Intelligentes Satellitendaten-Informationssystem (Fernerkundung/remote sensing) Intermediate System–to–Intermediate System [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Siliziumtechnologie (Itzehoe, DE) [IEEE] International Symposium on Information Theory International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications Imperceptible Structured Light Institut Franco-Allemand de Recherches de Saint-Louis, Deutsch-Französisches Forschungsinstitut Saint-Louis Inter-Satellite Link (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) In Situ Monitoring Industrial Scientific Medical (433 MHz-Frequenzband/frequency band) und/and Bluetooth: 2,45 GHz-Band (lizenzfrei)/2.45 GHz band (license-free) Interstellar Medium, Interstellares Medium International Symposium on Musical Acoustics Institut des Sciences Nucléaires (Grenoble, FR) International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics Improvement in SNR (Bildverarbeitung/picture processing) Inside Science News Service (AIP Service) Infrared Space Observatory (1995) International Standards (or: Standardization) Organization Isospin Separation Online Isotope Separator Online Innerstädtischer Service mit optimierten logistischen Dienstleistungen Infrared Spectroscopy of Ozone and Related Atmospheric Constituents Internet-Spanning Operating System (noch hypothetisch/still hypothetical) ISO Search Retrieval In-System Programmable (Devices) Internet Service Provider International Standard Payload Rack (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) In Situ Processing of Aluminium Matrix Composites Integrated Switch Router (Internet) Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (Satelliten/satellites) 64 ISR ISRA ISRN ISRU ISS ISSCC ISSN ISSPA ISSS ISST ISSTA IST IST IST ISTC ISTP ISTR ISUP ISV ISVR ISVR ISX-B ISY IT IT ITA ITAEG ITB ITC ITC ITC ITC ITD ITEA I-TEC ITEM ITER ITF ITFS ITG ITGS ITiS ITLR iTMC ITO ITR ITRF ITRI ITRI ITRM ITRS ITS ITS ITS ITSEC ITSP ITS-90 ITU ITU ITU ITU-R ITU-T ITU-TS ITW ITWM IUAES IUCAF IUCN IUCr IUCT IUE IUGG IuK IUPAC IUPAP IUPUI IUT Initial Submission Rate (Datennetz/data network) ICA Satellite Symposium on Room Acoustics (ICA: International Congress on Acoustics) International Standard Technical Report Number Industrial Statistics Research Unit International Space Station [IEEE] International Solid-State Circuits Conference International Standard Series Number International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications International Society of Soil Sciences [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Software- und Systemtechnik (Dortmund, DE) [IEEE] International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications Information Society Technologies [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Schicht- und Oberflächentechnik (Braunschweig, DE) Internal Set Theory (Interne Mengenlehre) International Science and Technology Center (Moscow, RU) Information Society Technologies Programme Inverse Sequence-Tagged Repeat (DNA Marker-Technik/marker technology) ISDN User Part Independent Software Vendor Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (University of Southampton, UK) Instrument Science Verification Review (FIRST) Impurity Studies Experiment B (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology, Oak Ridge, USA) International Space Year (1992) Information Technology, Informationstechnik Italien/Italy (ISO 3166) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Toxikologie und Aerosolforschung (Hannover, DE; ab/since 2003: ITEM) Information Technology Advisory Experts Group Internationale Tourismusbörse (Berlin, DE) inferior-temporaler Cortex Infotonics Technology Centre (Rochester, GB) International Trade Commission International Typeface Corporation Interaural Time Difference (Richtungshören/directional hearing) Information Technology for European Advancement Innovations- und Technologie-Eigenkapital (EU-Programm) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Toxikologie und Aerosolforschung (Hannover, DE; bis/until 2002: ITA) International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology) Infrared Telescope Facility (Mauna Kea, HI, USA) Instructional TV Fixed Service Informationstechnische Gesellschaft (im/in the VDE) Intelligent Traffic Guidance System (Tokio, JP) Informations-Technik in Schiffen Institut für Thermodynamik der Luft- und Raumfahrt (Univ. Stuttgart, DE) Ionic Transition Metal Complex Indium Tin Oxide Inverted Terminal Repeats (Genetik/genetics) International Terrestrial Reference Frame (Geodäsie/geodesy) Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan) Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute (Albuquerque, NM, USA) Iterative Time Reversal Mirror International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors Intelligent Transport(ation) Systems Intelligentes Tutorsystem Interoperability Tool Set (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Information Technologies Security Evaluation Criteria (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Internet Telephony Service Provider International Temperature Scale of 1990 [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Toxikologie und Umwelthygiene (München, DE) Institute for Transuranium Elements (Karlsruhe, DE) International Telecommunication(s) Union (Genf, CH) ITU Radiocommunication Sector ITU-Telecommunications ITU Telecommunication Standards [IEEE] Information Theory Workshop [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik (Kaiserslautern, DE) Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Inter-Union Commission on the Allocation of Frequencies for Radio and Space Sciences International Union for the Conservation of Nature (and Natural Resources) International Union of Crystallography [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie (Schmallenberg, DE) International Ultraviolet Explorer (Satellit/satellite) International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Information und Kommunikation (eine Initiative der wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften/an initiative of German scientific societies) International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Indiana University – Purdue University at Indianopolis Institut Universitaire de Technologie 65 IUTA IUTAM IUVSTA IVAS IVF IVH IVI IVI IVI-C IVI-COM IVK IVM IVoD IVPN IVR IVS IVSE IVTIP IVUS IVV IWAENC IWARD IWES IWF IWF IWF IWF IWF IWH IWM IWMI IWR IWRB IWS IWS IWTZ IWU IWU IWZ IXC IYPT IZB IZE IZF IZFP IZI IZM IZT IZT I2CAM I2 C Institut für Umwelttechnologie und Umweltanalytik (Duisburg, DE) International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique, and Applications Internet Value Added Services In Vitro Fertilization Institut für Verkehrswirtschaft (Hannover, DE) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme Interchangeable Virtual Instrument (für vernetzte Messinstrumente) Interchangeable Virtual Instrument based on ANSI C Interchangeable Virtual Instrument for Compatibility with Component Object Model Technology Intelligente Verteilerkästen Industrie-Verband Motorrad e.V. Interaktives Video on Demand International Virtual Private Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Interactive (or: Integrated) Voice Response Infrared Vision System Information and Voice Services Environment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) In Vitro Testing Industrial Platform Intravascular Ultrasound (Chirurgie/surgery) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Verpackung (München, DE, ab 1.1.98/since Jan. 1, 1998, vorher/formerly: ILV) International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control Intelligent Robot Swarm for Attendence, Recognition, Cleaning and Delivery (Krankenhausroboter/hospital robots, EU project) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Windenergie und Energiesystemtechnik Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Fabrikbetrieb (TU Berlin, DE, 1904) Institut für Wild- und Zootierforschung (Berlin, DE) Institut für den Wissenschaftlichen Film (Göttingen, DE) Internationaler Währungsfonds Interworking Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (DE) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Werkstoffmechanik (Freiburg, DE) International Water Management Institute (Sri Lanka) Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen (Univ. Heidelberg, DE) International Waterfowl Research Bureau [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik (Dresden, DE) Institut für Werkstoffphysik und Strukturforschung Internationales Wissenschafts- und Technik-Zentrum (Moskau/Moscow, RU) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik (Chemnitz und Dresden, DE) Inter Working Unit Informationszentrum Wärmepumpen und Kältetechnik Inter-Exchange Carrier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) International Young Physicists Tournament Informationszentrum Benchmarking (am/at the IPK) Informationszentrale der Elektrizitätswirtschaft Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie (TNO, Soesterberg, NL) (Zintuig: Sinnes...) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für zerstörungsfreie Prüfverfahren (Saarbrücken, DE) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Zelltherapie und Immunologie (Leipzig, DE) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Zuverlässigkeit und Mikrointegration (Berlin und München, DE) Innovationszentrum für Telekommunikationstechnik (Erlangen, DE) Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung (Berlin, DE) International Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter Inter Integrated Circuit J J. JACC JACS JAERI JAIN JAIST JAN JARA JASA JavaME JAXA JCAHO JCP JCT JCT JD JDBC JDEM JDK JDMK JECC JEDEC Journal Joint Automatic Control Conference Journal of the American Chemical Society Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute JAVA for IN (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Ishikawa, JP) Joint Army-Navy Jülich-Aachen Research Alliance Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Java Micro Edition (Programmiersprache/programming language) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (USA) Journal of Chemical Physics Joint Central Team (ITER) Junction (US Mail) Joint Demodulation (DARP, Telekommunikation) JAVA Database Connectivity (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Joint Dark Energy Mission (Astrophysik/astrophysics) JAVA Development Kit JAVA Dynamic Management Kit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Joint ETSI/ECMA Committee (TC im/in the ETSI) Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council 66 JEIDA JEITA JEM JEOS JEP JES JESSI JET JETEC JETRO JFT-2M JGHF JGI JGOFS JHH JHP JHPSSL JHU JHUAPL JICST JIDM JIF JIF JILA JINR JLC JM JMS JMX JNR JNX JO Joides JOIN JOSA JP JPEG JPG JPI JPL JPPC JPPV JPS JQI JRC JRDC JRS JRSE JSAP JSASS JSC JSME JSNS JSP JSPMI JSPS JSR JSS JST JSTOR JSU JSUP JTC JTEC JTI JT-60 JULIE JV JVC JVM JWST J2EE J2SE Japan Electronic Industry Development Association Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association Just-Enough Metrology Journal of the European Optical Society Joint European Project JAVA Embedded Server Joint European Submicron Silicon Joint European Torus (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology, Culham, Oxford, GB) Joint Electron Tube Engineering Council Japanese External Trade Organization Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology, Tokai, JP) Johann-Gottfried-Herder-Forschungsrat (Marburg, DE) Joint Genome Institute (USA) Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (or: Survey) Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore, MD, USA) Japan Hadron Project (Protonenbeschleuniger/proton accelerator) Joint High-Power Solid-State Laser Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD, USA) Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (Baltimore, MD, USA) Japan Information Center of Science and Technology (Datenbank/data bank) Joint Interdomain Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Graphikdatei/file name extension: graphic file] Joint Infrastructure Fund (UK) Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (Boulder, CO, USA) Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, RU) Japanese Linear Collider Jamaika/Jamaica (ISO 3166) Java Message Service JAVA Management Extensions Journal of Negative Results Japan Network Exchange Jordanien/Jordan (ISO 3166) Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling (Zusammenschluss von Meeresforschungsinstituten/cooperation of marine research institutes) Jena Optical Innovations Journal of the Optical Society of America Japan (ISO 3166) Joint Photographic (or: Pictures) Expert Group (Bildcodierung/picture coding) → JPEG [Dateinamenerweiterung: Graphikdatei/file name extension: graphic file] Joint Probability Image Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Pasadena, CA, USA) Joint Probability Projection Centroid Joint Probability Projection Vector Physical Society of Japan Joint Quantum Institute (in Maryland, USA) Joint Research Centre (EU) Japanese Research and Development Corporation Japanese Rocket Society Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy The Japan Society of Applied Physics Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Johnson Space Center (USA) Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Japan Spallation Neutron Source JAVA Server Pages Japan Society for the Promotion of Machine Industry Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Java Content Repository (Informationsverarbeitung/information processing) Java Script Style Japan Science and Technology Corporation (or: Agency) Journal Storage (Online-Archiv/online archive) Jackson State University (Jackson, MO, USA) Japan Space Utilization Promotion Center EBU/ETSI Joint Technical Committee (TC im/in the ETSI) Japanese Technology Evaluation Center Joint Technology Initiative (EU) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology, Naka, Japan) Jena University Language & Information Lab (Literaturrecherche/literature retrieval) Joint Venture Japanese Victor Company Java Virtual Machine James Webb Space Telescope (Nachfolger des Hubble Space Teleskops für Infrarot, geplant für 2013/successor of the Hubble Space Telescope for infrared, planned for 2013) Java 2 Enterprise Edition Java 2 Standard Edition K KAI Koordinierungs- und Aufbauinitiative e.V. [für die Forschung in Berlin und den neuen Bundesländern] 67 KAI-AdW KAIST KAM-Theorie KAS KASCADE KASI KASSA KATHY KATRIN KAUST KAVA KB KB-CAD KBO kbps KDC KDE KDI KDM KDP KDT KDV KE KE KEG KEGG KEK KEMAR KEOPS KEOPS KEP KET KF KFA KFC KfK KFN KFOR KFP KfW Kfz KG KGN kgV KH KHC KHK KHM KI KI KIC KIE KIF KIS KIS KIS KIS KIST KIT KITP KITPC KKK KKW KL KL KL KL KLC KLS KM KMB KMG KMI KMI KMK KMU Koordinierungs- und Abwicklungsstelle für die Akademie der Wissenschaften Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser–Theorie (nichtlineares Schwingungssystem/nonlinear oscillator), [Andrej] Kolmogorov – [Wladimir] Arnold – [Jürgen] Moser Kanalserver Karlsruhe Shower Core and Array Detector (für kosmische Strahlung, seit 1996/for cosmic rays, since 1996) Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Knowledges Assessment and Sharing on Sustainable Agriculture (28 partners in 17 countries) Key Authentication Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (SA) Kommission für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Archäologie (Bonn, DE) Knowledge Base Knowledge-Based Computer-Assisted Detection (Krebsdiagnose/cancer diagnostics) Kuiper Belt Object (Astronomie/astronomy) kilobit/Sekunde (= 1024 Bits/sec) Key-Distribution Center K Desktop Environment Keybord and Display Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung Kaliumdihdrogenphosphat Kammer der Technik (Ostdeutsche Ingenieure) Kriegsdienstverweigerer Kenia/Kenya (ISO 3166) Kentucky (US-Staat/US state) Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes [National Laboratory for High-Energy Physics] (Tsukuba, JP) Knowles Electronics Manikin for Acoustic Research Kerguelen Ocean and Plateau Compared Study Krystal European in-Orbit Positioning System Kurier, Express, Paket Komitee für Elementarteilchenphysik Kalman Filter Forschungszentrum Jülich (DE) Konferenz der Fachbereiche Chemie Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (DE) Komitee für die Forschung mit Neutronen Kosovo Force (since June 12, 1999) Konferenz der Fachbereiche Physik der Deutschen Hochschulen Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau Kraftfahrzeug Kirgisien/Kyrgyz Republic (ISO 3166) Körperschall-Geräuschnormal kleinstes gemeinsames Vielfaches Kambodscha/Cambodia (ISO 3166) Kinesin Heavy Chain (Biophysik/biophysics) Koronare Herzkrankheit Kunsthochschule für Medien (Köln, DE) Kiribati (früher Gilbertinseln/former Gilbert Islands) (ISO 3166) künstliche Intelligenz Knowledge and Innovation Communities (EU) Kintetsu International Express (Übersee-Büros von KNT/oversea bureaus of KNT) Knowledge Interchange Format Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik (Freiburg, DE) Knowbot Information Service (Rechnernetz/computer network) Kontaktstellen-Informations-Service Krankenhausinformationssystem Korean Institute for Science and Technology Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE) Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA) Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China (Beijing, CN) Kryo-Kanal Köln (DLR, Köln, Porz-Wahnheide, DE) Kernkraftwerk Karhunen-Loève (Transformation) Kathodenlumineszenz Kullback-Leibler (Informationskriterium/information criterion) künstliches Leben Kinesin Light Chain (Biophysik/biophysics) Kommission für Lehre und Studium Komoren/Comoros (ISO 3166) Key Management Block (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Koordinatenmessgerät Knowledge Media Institute (UK, Fernuniversität/open university) Körpermasse-Index (= BMI = M/L2 , M: Körpermasse/body mass, L: Körperlänge/body height) (Optimum: 20 ... 25 kg/m2 ) Ständige Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (bis 1000 Beschäftigte/up to 1000 employees) [= SME] 68 KN KNN KNT KORE KOSEF KOSIMO KOWI KP KPCA KPGLB KPI KQML KR KR KS KSC KSE KSTAR KSZE KTB KTG KTH KTP KTP KVK KVN KW KWG KWI KWIC KWK KWU KWU KY KZ St. Kitts und/and Nevis (ISO 3166) künstliches neuronales Netz(werk) Kinki Nippon Tourist (Japanisches Tourismus-Unternehmen/Japan tourist business) Koinzidenzrefraktometer (Ophthalmologie/ophthalmology) Korea Science Engineering Foundation Konfliktsimulationsmodell (Institut für Politische Wissenschaft, Heidelberg, DE) Koordinierungsstelle (EG) der Wissenschaftsorganisationen (der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, DE) (EU) Volksrepublik Korea/People’s Republic of Korea (ISO 3166) Kernel Principal Component Analysis Königlich Preußische Geologische Landesanstalt und Bergakademie Key Performance Indicator (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Knowledge, Query and Manipulation Language Kommunikationsrechner Republik Korea/Republic of Korea (ISO 3166) Kansas (US-Staat/US state) Kennedy Space Center (Florida, USA) Konventionelle Streitkräfte in Europa (Vertrag über ...) Korean Superconductivity Tokamak Advanced Research (Fusionsreaktorprojekt/fusion reactor project) Konferenz über Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa Kontinentales Tiefbohrprogramm der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (= ICDP) Kerntechnische Gesellschaft Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Königliche Technische Hochschule/Royal Technical Highschool, Stockholm, SE) Kaliumtitanylphosphat Kontinentales Tiefbohrprogramm Krankenversicherungskarte Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Niedersachsen (in Hannover, DE) Kuwait (ISO 3166) Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut Keyword in Context Index ( permutierter Index“/permutated index) ” Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungs-Gesetz Keypad Wake-Up (Datenverarbeitung/data processing) Kraftwerk Union Kaiman-Inseln/Cayman Islands (ISO 3166) Kasachstan/Kazakhstan (ISO 3166) L LA LA LA LAAPD LAC LAC LACONA LACP LADAR LAGUNA LA-ICP LAK LAM LAMA LAMPF LAMS LAN LANE LANL LANSCE LAO LAP LAPCAT LaRC LARC LAS LAS LAS LASCO LASE Laser LASIK LASSI LASSO LATAM LAV LB LBA LBA LBAT LBC Laos/Lao People’s Democratic Republic (ISO 3166) Local Authority Lousiana (US-Staat/US state) Large-Area Avalanche Photodiode Location Area Code (Mobilfunk/mobile radio) Low Authority Control (Regelungstechnik/control theory) Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks (Tagungsserie/Conference series) Link Aggregation Control Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Laser-Radar Large Apparatus Studying Grand Unification and Neutrino Astrophysics (Neutrino-Detektor/neutrino detector) Laser Ablation – Inductively Coupled Plasma (Massenspektrometrie/mass spectrometry) Lymphokine Activated Killer (Zellen/cells) Local Area Multicomputer Large-Aperture Mirror Array (von/of LZTs) Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility Load Alleviation and Mode Stabilization (Flugzeug/aircraft) Local Area Network (Rechnernetz/computer network) Local Area Network Emulation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Los Alamos National Laboratory (NM, USA) Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANL) Lanthanaluminat, LaAlO3 LAN Access Point Long Term Advanced Propulsion Concepts and Technologies (Überschall-Passagierflugzeug/supersonic passenger aircraft) Langley Research Center (NASA) Livermore Automatic Research Computer (1955) Laser Absorption Spectroscopy Lateral Active Suspension Launch Abort System (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Large Angle Spectroscopic Coronograph (an Bord von/aboard SOHO) Lasers and Applications in Science and Engineering Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Laser-Assisted in situ Keratomileusis (Augenchirurgie/eye surgery) Laser Airspeed Sensor Instrument Langfristige Anwendungen seilgefesselter Systeme im Orbit Latin America Lymphadenopathie-assoziiertes Virus Libanon/Lebanon (ISO 3166) Low-Band Antenna (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Luftfahrtbundesamt (DE) Late Babylonian Astronomical Texts Large Binocular Camera (beim/at the LBT) 69 LBD LBEG LBF LBG LBL LBNL LBNP LBO LBS LBS LBSF LBT LBT LC LC LC LCA LCA L-Camp LCAS LC-ATC LCD LCE LCG LCH LCLS LCNP LCOS LCP LC-PCF LCR LCS LCS LCSI LCT LCTC LCU LCVD LCX LD LD LDA LDA LDA LDAP LDC LDC LDF LDL LDL LDM LDMOS LDP LDPC LDPE LDR LDS LDV LE LEAF LEAP LEAP LEAP LEAR LEBU LEC LEC LEC LEC LECIS LECM LED LEED LEED LEEM LEHGS LEI LEI [Dateinamenerweiterung: Microsoft Access-Lockdatei/file name extension: Microsoft access lock file] Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (Hannover, DE) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Betriebsfestigkeit (seit/since 2004: und Systemzuverlässigkeit) (Darmstadt, DE) Lautsprachbegleitende Gebärden Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (CA, USA) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley, CA, USA) Lower Body Negative Pressure (Fitness) Lithium(tri)borat (nichtlinearer Kristall/nonlinear crystal) Landesbausparkasse Location-Based Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Local Back Surface Field (Solarzellen/solar cells) Large Binocular Telescope (Steward Observatory, Mount Graham, AZ, USA) Listen before Talk (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Link Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Liquid Chromatography St. Lucia (ISO 3166) Life Cycle Assessment (Fahrzeugentwicklung/vehicle development) Liquid Crystal Array Linearized Channel Amplifier (Satelliten/satellites) Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Low Complexity Adaptive Transform Codec (Musikkompression/music compression) Liquid Crystal Display Liquid-Crystal Elastomers Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid (CERN) Lightness-Chroma-Hue (Bildverarbeitung/picture processing) LINAC Coherent Light Source (at SLAC) Lawyers’ Committee on Nuclear Policy (USA) Liquid Crystal on Silicon (Chip) Liquid Crystal Polymer Liquid Crystal Photonic Crystal Fibre Low Chip Rate (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Line Connection Subsystem (Datennetz/data network) Location Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Low-Coherence Speckle Interferometry Large Coil Task (Karlsruhe, DE) Low Cost Tooling for Composites Local Communications Unit Laser Chemical Vapor Deposition Leaky Coaxial Cable Laser Diode, Laserdiode letale Dosis Laser Doppler Anemometer, Laser Doppler Anemometry Linear Discriminant Analysis (Signalanalyse/signal analysis) Low-Density Amorphous (ice) Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Least Developed Countries Low Duty Cycle (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Local Density Functional Low-Density Lipoprotein ( schlechtes“ Cholesterin/“bad”cholesterol) ” Low-Density Liquid Laser Diode Module Lateral Diffused Metal Oxide Silicon (Halbleiter/semiconductor) Label Distribution Path (or: Protocol) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Low Density Parity Check Low Density Polyethylene Large Disployable Reflector (Satelliten/satellites) Lower-Data-Strobe (Atari) Laser Doppler Velocimetry (or: Vibrometer, or: Vibrometry) Large Enterprise Large Effective Area Fibre (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Lasers and Electro-Optics Application Program (CLEO/LEAP) Lightweight Extensible Agent Platform (Agenten-Plattform für Mobiltelefone/for mobile phones) Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol Low Energy Antiproton Ring (CERN) Large Eddy Break-up Device Laboratory Expertise Center (USA) Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cell Liquid Encapsulated Czochralski (Kristallzuchtverfahren/crystal growing method) Local Exchange Carrier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Laboratory Equipment Control Interface Specification Local Enforced Copy Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Light-Emitting Diode Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (USA) Low Energy Electron Diffraction Low Energy Electron Microscopy Local Electrical Hydraulic Generation System (Flugzeuglandung und -steuerung/for aircraft landing and steering systems) Laser Enhanced Iionization Local Employment Initiatives for Women (EU) 70 LEM LEMS LEN LENS LEO LEOP LEOS LEP LEP LEP LER LES LES LEST LET LETI LEU LF LFA LFC LFE LFF LFM LFP LFSR LFT LG LGPL LH LH LHASA LHC LHCb LHCC LHD LHD LHF LI LIA LIB LIBS LIBWE LIC LID LIDAR LIF LIF LIF-ENSTA-X LIGA-Verfahren Local Element Manager (Communication) Long End Multiple System (militärisches Aufklärungssystem/military surveillance, USA) Laboratoire Energie Nuisances (part of INRETS) [Laserforschungslaboratorium, Florenz, IT] Low Earth Orbit (Satellit/satellite) Launch and Early Orbit (or: Operation) Phase (Satelliten/satellites) Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (IEEE) Large Electron Positron Collider (CERN) Life Extension Program (USA, für Waffen/for weapons) Light-Emitting Polymer Label Edge Router (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Large Eddy Simulation (Wettervorhersage, Verbrennungsvorgänge etc./weather forecast, internal combustion etc.) Livraison Electronique Sécurisée Large Earth-Based Solar Telescope Linear Energy Transfer [Forschungslaboratorium der CEA in Grenoble, FR] Low-Enriched Uranium (niedrig angereichertes Uran) Low Frequency (30 – 300 kHz) Low Frequency Active (Sonar) Laminar Flow Control Low-Frequency Effects (UHDTV) Low-Frequency Fluctuations Lateral Force Microscopy Local Flat Panel Linear Feedback Shift Register Langfaserverstärkte Thermoplaste Laguerre-Gaussian (Spiral-Lasermode/helical laser mode) Lesser General Public License Left Hand Long Haul (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Logic and Heuristics Applied to Synthetic Analysis Large Hadron Collider (CERN, Konstruktion seit/construction since 2004, fertig/ready 2008) LHC Beauty LHC Committee Large Helical Device (NIFS) Left Hemisphere Damage (Gehirn/brain) Local Hidden Variable (Quantentheorie/quantum theory) Liechtenstein (ISO 3166) Laser Institute of America (Toledo, OH, USA) Lithium-Ion Battery, Lithium-Ionen Batterie Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Laser-Induced Backside Wet Etching Local Interstellar Cloud Local Injection and Detection (Communication) Light Detection and Ranging Laser Induced Fluorescence Location Interoperability Forum (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Laserforschungslaboratorium, Palaiseau, FR] Lithographie, Galvanoformung, Abformtechnik [Röntgentiefenlithographie mit Synchrotronstrahlung, kombiniert mit galvanischer Metallabscheidung und verschiedenen Abformprozessen] LIGO Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (Livingston, LA, USA, Einweihung/opening: November 1999, Messungen ab/measurements since 2002) LIL-PW Laser Integration Line – Petawatt (Bordeaux, FR, geplant für/planned for 2008) LIM Line Interface Module LIMA Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica LIMS Laboratory Information Management System, Labor-Informations- und Managementsystem (Qualitätssicherung/quality assurance) LIMS Laser-Ionenmobilitätsspektrometer LIN Local Interconnect Network (Kfz-Technik/vehicle technology) LINAC Linear Accelerator (50 GeV, Stanford, SLAC) LINC-NIRVANA LBT Interferometric Camera – Near-Infrared Visible Adaptive Interferometer for Astronomy LINEAR Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research (NASA program) LINES Long Interspaced Nuclear Elements (Genetik/genetics) LIPA Long Island Power Authority (USA) LIPCA Lightweight Piezo-Composite Actuator LIPS Light Intensity Pressure Sensor LIS Literaturversorgungs- und Informationssysteme LISA Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (Gravitationswellendetektor aus 3 Satelliten, geplant für 2011/gravitational wave detector with 3 satellites, planned for 2011) LISB Leit- und Informationssystem Berlin (Verkehrsführung/traffic control) LISM Local Interstellar Medium LISNA Light-Induced Scattering Around a Nano-Absorber LISP List Programming (or: Processing) LiST Laser-induziertes Spannungs-Trennverfahren (Glasschneiden/glass cutting) LIT Landesbetrieb für Informationstechnik (Berlin, DE) LITE Lidar-in-Space Technology LITT Laser-Induced Interstitial Thermo-Therapy, Laserinduzierte interstitielle Thermotherapie (Krebsbehandlung/cancer therapy) LIVA Light-Induced Voltage Alteration 71 LK LK LK LKA LKEs LKH LKS LL LL LLAPI LLC LLC LLC LLC LLCC LLDPE LLE LLG LLLT LLNL LLT LLT LLU LLW LM LMA, L.M.A. LMA LMDS LMIS LMJ LMK LMP LMS LMSA LMT LMT LMT LMU LMU LMU LMXB LN LNA LNB LNC LNG LNGS LNK LO LOA LOA LOC LOCE LOCOS LOE LOET LOEWE LOFAR LOHAS LOKAL LOM LOM LORAN LOS LoST LOT LOTIS LOVA LOVER LP LP LP LPA LPC LPC LPC LPCVD LPE Lake (US Mail) Leistungskurs Sri Lanka (früher/former Ceylon) (ISO 3166) Landeskriminalamt Lang-Kobayashi Equations (nichtlineare Dynamik/nonlinear dynamics) Landeskrankenhaus leichte kognitive Störungen (Alzheimer-Vorstadium, = MCI) Leased Line (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Leichte Löcher (Halbleiterphysik/semiconductor physics) Low Level Application Programming Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Lund Laser Centre (Laserforschungslaboratorium, Lund, SE) Lund Laser Centre (Laserforschungslaboratorium, Lund, SE) Limited-Liability Company Logical Link Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Leadless Chip Carrier Linear Low Density Polyethylene Laboratory for Laser Energetics (Rochester, GB) Laser-Laboratium Göttingen Low Level Light Therapy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Livermore, CA, USA) Lehrstuhl für Lasertechnik (RWTH Aachen, DE) Linear Layerwise Theory (Verbundwerkstoffe/compounds) Local Loop Unbundling (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Low-Level Waste (radioaktiver Abfall/radioactive waste) Link Manager (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Laboratoire de la Mécanique et d’Acoustique (CNRS, Marseille, FR) Large Mode Area (Glasfaser/optical fibres) Local Multichannel (or: Multipoint) Distribution Service(s) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Liquid Metal Ion Sources Laser Project Megajoule Lang-, Mittel- und Kurzwelle Link Management Protocol (Internet) Least Mean Squares (Algorithmus/algorithm) Large Millimeter and Submillimeter Array (Infrarotastronomie/infrared astronomy) Large Millimeter Telescope (on Volcán Sierra Negra, MX) Liquid Mirror Telescope Local Maintenance Terminal (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Local Mobile Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Location Measurement Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (München, DE) Low-Mass X-Ray Binary (Röntgendoppelstern/X-ray double star) Lane (US Mail) Low Noise Amplifier Low-Noise Block (Converter) Low-Noise Converter (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Liquified Natural Gas (für den Transport verflüssigtes Erdgas/for the transport) Laboratori Nazionale del Gran Sasso (IT) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Windows-Linkdatei/file name extension: Windows link file] Local Oscillator (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Laboratoire Ondes et Acoustique (Université Paris VII) Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée (Ecole Polytechnique, FR) Lab-on-a-Chip Light and Optics Conceptual Evaluation Local Oxidation of Silicon; Lokale Oxidation von Silizium Lasers and Optical Engineering (Konferenz/Conference) Lateral-Field Electrooptical Tweezers Landes-Offensive zur Entwicklung wissenschaftlich-ökonomischer Exzellenz (Hessen, DE) Low-Frequency Array (Astrophysik/astrophysics, Antennen/antennae) Life Style of Health and Sustainability Leckortung durch Korrelationsanalyse Learning Object Metadata Leistungsorientierte Mittelvergabe (DFG) Long Range Navigation Line of Sight (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Location-to-Service Translation (Protocol) Lapped Orthogonal Transform Livermore Optical Transient Imaging System (USA) Low Vulnerability Ammunition (Sprengstoff/explosive) Local Verification (Atomenergie-Kontrolle/atomic energy supervision) Larch Prover Linear Programming Low Priority Laser-Plasma Accelerator Laser Physics Centre (AU) Laser Processing Consortium Linear Predictive Coding Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition Liquid Phase Epitaxy (Waferherstellung/wafer production) 72 LPF LP-MOVPE LPPP LPR LPS LPS LQG LQG LQR LR LR LR LRC LRC LRD LRIT LRL LRSP LRT LRT LRTNF LRU LRZ LS LS LS LSA LSA LSA LSB LSB LS & C LSDB LSDI LSE LSE LSF LS-GMLC LSM LSM LSM LSND LSP LSP LSPD LSPR LSR LSS LSST LSSTP LST LST LSTI LT LT LTA LTCC LTD Ltd. LTE LTER LTG LTP LTR LTS LTV LU LUCE LUCIFER LUDA LUKO LULI LUN LUPO LURE LURE LUT LV Low Pass Filter Low Pressure Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy Poly(p-Phenylen)-Polymer (für Leuchtdioden/for light emitting diodes) Local Positioning Radar Lipopolysaccharid Lokales Positionssystem Linear Quadratic Gaussian (Control) Loop Quantum Gravity (Gravitationstheorie/theory) Linear Quadratic Regulator (Control) Liberia (ISO 3166) Loss Rate (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Low Resolution Learning Resources Center (UB Göttingen, DE) Lokale realistische Theorie Long-Range Dependent Long Range Identification and Tracking (Meeresküstenschutz/sea shore preservation) Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (Berkeley, CA, USA) Long-Range Surface Plasma Laser Ray Tracing Light Rapid Transport (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Long-Range Theatre Nuclear Forces Least Recently Used Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (München, DE) Least Square(s) Lesotho (ISO 3166) Location Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Laser Surface Authentication Technology (Maßnahmen gegen Produktpiraterie/measures against product piracy) Latent Semantic Analysis (Sprachverarbeitung/speech processing) Link State Advertisement (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Least Significant Bit Low-Surface-Brightness (Galaxien/galaxies) Local Space & Communications (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Link State Database (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Large Screen Digital Imagery (TV) Least Squares Error Low Surface Energy Line Spread Function (Optik/optics) Location Server–Gateway Mobile Location Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Laser Scanning Microscope La1−x Srx MnO3 (Material für Brennstoffzelle/material for fuel cell) Link Security Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector (Los Alamos, NM, USA) Label(ed) Switch(ed) Path (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Line Spectral Pair (LPC-Analyse/analysis) Link State Path Database (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Label Switched Router (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Large Space Structure Large-Aperture Synoptic Survey Telescope (geplant/planned) Large Space Structures Technology Program Laser Scattering Tomograph Leit- und Sicherungstechnik (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) LTE/SAE Trial Initiative (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) (Long Term Evolution/System Architecture Evolution) Line Termination (Kommunikation/communication) Litauen/Lithuania (ISO 3166) Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit (Mannheim, DE) Low-Temperature Co-Fired Ceramic(s) Laser Display Technology Limited (GB, entspricht GmbH) Long Term Evolution (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Long Term Ecological Research Low-Temperature-Grown (Kristall/crystal) Long-Term Potentiation (Neurologie/neurology) Long Terminal Repeats (Genetik/genetics) Low-Tc (or: Temperature) Superconductor Life Time Value Luxemburg/Luxembourg (ISO 3166) Laser-Utilizing Communications Equipment LBT Near-Infared Spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integrated Field Unit for Extragalactic Research Large Urban Distressed Areas Lumineszenz-Konversion (LED) Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation des Lasers Intenses (Laboratory for the Use of High Power Laser) (FR) Logical Unit Number Luminescent Polymer Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation du Rayonnement Electromagnétique (Ile de France) Lunar Laser Ranging Lookup Table Lettland/Latvia (ISO 3166) 73 LVAD LVC LVCSR LVDS LWA LWDRM LWFA LWIR LWL LWQHPR LWR LXI LZB LZB LZF LZH LZH LZT L2CAP L2TP Left Ventricular Assist Device (Herzchirurgie/heart surgery) Large Vesicle Cell Large-Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Low-Voltage Differential Signaling Landesamt für Wasser und Abfall (Düsseldorf, DE) Light Weight Digital Rights Management Laser Wakefield Accelerator (Plasmabeschleuniger/plasma accelerator) Long Wavelength Infrared (λ = 8 · · · 14µm) Lichtwellenleiter Longest Weighted Queue Highest Possible Rate (Datenübertragung/data transmission) Leuchtweitenregelung (Kfz/motor vehicle) LAN Extensions for Instrumentation (Messgeräte-Vernetzung/network of measuring instruments) Landeszentralbank Linienzugbeeinflussung (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) LZB-Fahrzeugeinrichtung [Dateinamenerweiterung: Archivdatei mit komprimierten Inhalten/file name extension: compressed archive file] Laser Zentrum Hannover (DE) Large Zenith Telescope (geplant, mit rotierendem Quecksilberspiegel/proposed, with spinning mercury mirror) Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (Datenübertragung/data transmission) M MA MA MA MA MA MAAB MAB MAC MAC MAC MAC-d MACH MACHO MAC-hs MACO MacOS MACRO MACS MAD MAD MAD MAD Madaline MAGIC Maglev MAHRSI MAI MAIA MAISEC MAK MAk MALDI MALVINE MAMI MAN MAN MANA MANIAC MANPADS MAO MAP MAP MAP MAP MAP MAP MAP MAP MAP MAPL MAPLE MAPOS MAPS MAQCM MARAS Marokko/Morocco (ISO 3166) Massachusetts (US-Staat/US state) Master of Arts Movement Authority (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Moving Average (gleitende Mittelung, Glättungsfilter) MathWorks Automotive Advisory Board Man and Biosphere (Naturschutz/nature conservation) Marine Aquatic Council (Internationale nichtkommerzielle Organisation/international non-commercial organization) Medium (or: Media) Access Control (Layer) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Message Authenticity (or: Authentication) Check (or: Code) (Datennetz/data network) Medium Access Control Dedicated (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multiple Active Computer-Generated Hologram Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects Medium Access Control High Speed (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi-Objective Ant Colony Optimization Macintosh Operating System Monopole, Astrophysics and Cosmic Ray Observatory (Gran Sasso, IT) Membership and Customer Services (AIP) Magnetron Activated Deposition (dünne Schichten/thin layers) Militärischer Abschirmdienst Multiple Anomalous Diffraction Mutually Assured Destruction ( Star Wars“) ” Multiple Adaptive Linear Elements Major Atmospheric Gamma-Ray Imaging Čerenkov Telescope (La Palma, Kanarische Inseln/Canaries) Magnetic Levitation Middle Atmosphere High Resolution Spectrograph Investigation Multiple Access Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mental Augmentation through Determination of Intended Action (EU project) Material-Informationssystem für elektronische Komponenten Maximale Arbeitsplatzkonzentration Monoklonale Antikörper (Biomedizin/biomedicine) Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Manuscripts and Letters via Integrated Networks in Europe Mainzer Mikrotron (Elektronenbeschleuniger/electron accelerator) Maschinenfabrik Augsburg/Nürnberg (DE) Metropolitan Area Network (Rechnernetz/computer network) Materials Nanoarchitectonics (Japan) Mathematical Analyzer, Numerical Integrator, and Computer (Los Alamos, NM, USA, ca. 1950) Man-Portable Air Defence Systems Methylaluminoxan (Katalysator/catalyst) Malaria Atlas Project Manufacturing Automation Protocol (Datennetz bei GM/data network of GM) Maximum a posteriori (probability) (Schätzwert/estimate) Medium Access Protocol Microwave Anisotropy Probe (Satellit, Astrophysik/satellite, astrophysics) Miniaturisierung, Automatisierung und Parallelisierung (Chemie-Forschung/chemical research) Mobile Application Part (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multichannel Astrometric Photometer Multimedia-Arbeitsplatz Maximum Allowable Path Loss (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Matrix-Assisted Pulsed-Laser Evaporation Multi-Agent Platform for Online Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mobile Acquisition and Processing Station (Satelliten/satellite system) Microarray Quality Control (Biochemie/biochemistry) Marine Radiometric Spectrometer 74 MARMOT MARS MARS MAS Maser MASIF MAST MathML MATLAB MAU MAU MAV MAXAT MAXIMA MB MBA MBB MBCS MBD MBD MBE MBES MBI MBL MBMS MBO MBP MBPC MBS MBS MBSL MC MC MCA MCA MCAEC MCAO MCB MCC MCC MCC MCC MCCM MCD MCD MCD MCDAD MCE MCE MCF MCFC MCG MCHA M-CHiPS MCI MCIS MCM MCMC MCO MCP MCPA MCPC MCR MCR MCR MCS MCS MCS MCS MCSCF MC-SS MCT MCT MCU MD MD MD MD Method for Component-Based Real-Time Object-Oriented Development and Testing Media Arts and Research Studies Monitoring Agricultural Remote Sensing Master of Advanced Studies Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Mobile Agent Systems Interoperability Facility (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mega-Amp Spherical Tokamak (Culham, UK) Mathematical Markup Language Matrix Laboratory (Software) Million Accounting Units (Europäische Raumfahrt/European spacecraft; 1988: 1 MAU = 1.14 Mill.$) Movement Authority Unit (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Micro-Aerial Vehicle Maximum Aperture Telescope Millimeter Anisotropy Experiment Imaging Array (Ballon-Experiment/balloon experiment) Megabyte (= 1024 kB = 1048576 Bytes) Master of Business Administration Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm GmbH, München (DE) Managed Business Communication Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi-Body Dynamics Multichannel Blind Deconvolution Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Multi Beam Echo Sounder (Wasserschall/underwater acoustics) Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie (Berlin-Adlershof, DE) Marine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole, MA, USA) Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Management Buy Out Model-Based Processor (Signalverarbeitung/signal processing) Model Based Predictive Control Maximum Burst Size Multi-Standard Base Station (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi-Bubble Sonoluminescence, Mehrblasenlumineszenz Monaco (ISO 3166) Monte-Carlo (Simulation) Minor Component Analysis Modal Contribution Analysis (Schwingungsanalyse/vibration analysis) Multichannel Acoustic Echo Canceller Multiconjugate Adaptive Optics Media Control Board Master Control Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Metro(politain) Core Connect (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mobile Competence Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mobile Country Code (Mobilfunk/mobile radio) Meterology Climate Chemistry Model Magnetic Circular Dichroism Measurement, Calibration, Diagnostics Mobile Communication Division Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Angular Distribution Magnetocaloric Effect Media Center Edition (Windows XP) Multimedia Content Forum (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Magneto-Cummulative Generator Music and Concert Hall Acoustics (International Symposium) Multi-Conditional Hybridization Intensity Processing System (Krebsforschung/cancer research) Mild Cognitive Impairment (Alzheimer-Vorstufe, = LKS) Managed Customer Interaction Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi-Chip Module Monte Carlo Markov Chain Mars Climate Observer Microchannel Plate, Mikrokanalplatte, Vielkanalplattendetektor Multi Carrier Power Amplifier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multiple Channel per Carrier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Main Control Room (ESOC) Microfibre Coil Resonator (Faseroptik/fiber optics) Multiple Channel Amplification of Reverberation (Raumakustik/room acoustics) Managed Communication Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mathematics Subjects Classification Minimal Conscious State (Koma-Patienten/coma patients) Modulation and Coding Scheme (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi-Configuration Self-Consistent-Field (Rechenverfahren, Molekülphysik/calculation, molecular physics) [International Workshop on] Multi-Carrier Spread-Spectrum Mercury Cadmium Telluride (Infrarotsensor/infrared sensor) Mobile Communications Terminal Master Controller Unit Maryland (US-Staat/US state) Medical Doctor Moldawien/Moldova (ISO 3166) Molecular Dynamics 75 MDA MDA MDAQ MDB MdB MDC MDCT MDCT MdEP MDF MDFC MDG MDI MDI MDI MDL MdL MDOF MDP MDR MDR MDS MDS MDS MDS MDSS MDST MDU MDV MDV ME ME ME ME ME MEA MED MEDEA MEET Man MEF MEFX MEG MEGACO MEIS MELCO MELDOQ MELECON MELP MEM MEM MEMRO MEMS MEN MEO MEOSS MER MER MERIS MERLIN MES MESA MESEMA MESFET MESSENGER MET META METI METIS METRIC MeVis, MEVIS MExE MEXH MEXT MF MFC MFC MFCC Missile Defense Agency (USA) Multiple Diskriminantenanalyse Mediation and Data Acquisition (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Microsoft Access-Datenbank/file name extension: Microsoft Access data bank] Mitglied der Bundestages Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin (Berlin-Buch, DE) Modified Discrete Cosine Transformation Multidetektor-Spiral-Computertomograph Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments mitteldichte Faserplatte Multiple Delay Feedback Control Millenium Development Goals (Entwicklungshilfe/foreign aid) Media Delivery Index (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Methylendiphenyldiisocyanat (oder/or: Diphenylmethylendiisocyanat) Michelson Doppler Imager (an Bord von/aboard SOHO) Minimum Description Length Mitglied des Landtages Multi-Degree-of-Freedom (System) Monoclinic Double Tungstate (Crystals) Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk Multi-Drug Resistance (Gene/genes) Mobile Data Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi-Access Data Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multidimensional Scaling Multipoint Distribution System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mobile Data Service System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Modified Discrete Sine Transformation Multiple Dwelling Units (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mechatronic Development and Validation Medizinische Datenverarbeitung Magnitude Error (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Maine (US-Staat/US state) Maximum Entropy Millenium Edition (Microsoft Windows) Mobile Entity (or: Equipment) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Membrane Electrode Assembly (Brenstoffzelle/fuel cell) Maximum Entropy Distribution Microelectronics Development for European Applications Models for Simulation of Electromagnetic, Elastomechanic and Thermic Behaviour of Man Metro(politain) Ethernet Forum (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multiple Error Filtered-x (Algorithmus/algorithm) Magnet(o)enzephalographie, Magnetoencephalography Media Gateway Controller (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Managed Employee Interaction Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Melanomdokumentierung und -quantifizierung Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference Mixed Excitation Linear Prediction (Sprachcodierung/speech coding) Maximum Entropy Method Micro-Electronic Micro Machine Middle-Ear Mechanics in Research and Otology (Conference series) Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Metropolitain Ethernet Medium Earth Orbit Monocular Electro-Optical Stereo Scanner Mars Exploration Rover (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Modulation Error Rate (or: Ratio) Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (ENVISAT) Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Manufacturing Execution System Microsystems and Engineering Science Application (Albuquerque, NM, USA, 2007) Magnetoelastic Energy System for Even More Electric Aircraft (EU project) Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor Mercury Surface, Space, Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Memory Enhancement Technology Megachannel Extraterrestrial Assay (Suche nach außerirdischer Intelligenz/search for extraterrestrial intelligence) Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Japan) Meldesystem für Texte auf Internet-Seiten (VG WORT) Exploitation of Bibliometric Data in National Bibliographic Databases Centrum für Medizinische Diagnosesysteme und Visualisierung (Bremen, DE, 1995). Seit 1.1.2008/since Jan. 1, 2008: Fraunhofer-Institut für Bildgestützte Medizin Mobile Station Execution Environment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multiple-Energy X-Ray Holography Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Japan) Medium Frequency (0,3 – 3 MHz) Macro Fiber Composites Microsoft Foundation Classes Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (automatische Musik-Analyse/automatic music analysis) 76 MFI MFLAME MFLOPs/s MFM MFN MFP MFP MfS MFS MG MG MGA MGC MGC MGCF MGCP MGED MGH MGR MGS MGT MGU MGW MH MHB MHC MHD MHEG MHP MIAME MIB MI MIC MIC MIC MICAPEX MID MIDI MIDP MIF MIIPS MIIR MIKSS MIL MIL MILCOM MILSET MIMD MIME MIMIC MIMO MIMOS MINDS MINUET MIO MIP MIP MIPAS MIPS MIPS MIPS MIREX MIRI miRNA MIRV MIS MISACT MISIM MISO MISR MISRA MIT MIT MIT MITES MITI MITI MITLL Matched-Field Imaging (Signalverarbeitung/signal processing) Multi-Function Future Laser Atmospheric Equipment (Brite Euram Project) Mega FLOPs/s (= 106 FLOPs/s) Magnetic Force Microscopy Multi Frequency Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Matched Field Processing Multi Function Peripheral Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (ehem./former DDR) Multi-BSS Fast Packet Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Madagaskar/Madagascar (ISO 3166) Media Gateway (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Media Gateway Controller (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Micro-Gap Gas Counter Media Gateway Control Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Media Gateway Control Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Microarray and Gene Expression (Society) Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, MA, USA) Media and Government Relations (USA) Mars Global Surveyor Multi Gigabit Transceiver (Satelliten-Telekommunikation) [Moskauer Staatliche Universität/Moscow State University] Media Gateway (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Marschallinseln/Marshall Islands (ISO 3166) Magnus-Haus Berlin (DPG) Major Histocompatibility Complex (Biochemie/biochemistry) Magnetohydrodynamics (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology) Multimedia and Hypermedia Information Coding Experts Group (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multimedia Home Platform (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Minimum Information about a Microarray Experiment (Bioinformatik/bioinformatics) Managament Information Base Michigan (US-Staat/US state) Mikroelektronik Centret (DK-Lyngby) Minimal-Invasive Chirurgie [IASTED International Conference on] Modelling, Identification and Control Minimum Initial Capital Expenditure [Dateinamenerweiterung: MIDI-Datei/file name extension: MIDI file] Musical Instruments Digital Interface Mobile Information Device Profile (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Makrophagen-Inhibitionsfaktor Multiphoton Intrapulse Interference Phase Scan Méthode d’isolement et d’identification des résonances (gesprochen/pronounced: mix“) Media Object Interlock and Synthesis (Video description language) ” (Department of Defense) (Internet, USA) Model-in-the-Loop Military Communications Conference International Movement for Leisure Activities in Science and Technology Multiple Instruction / Multiple Data (Parallelrechner/parallel processor) Multipurpose Internet Mail(ing) Extension(s) Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits Multiple Input – Multiple Output (Controller, System) Miniaturisiertes Mössbauer-Spektrometer Mobile Information and News Data Services Minnesota Internet User’s Essential Tool (Computer-Netzwerkserver/computer network server) Modular I/O (HP) Megaframe Initilization Packet (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mobile Internet Protocol Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (ENVISAT) Million instructions (Mega-Instructions) per second Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (Chemie/chemistry) Münchner Informationszentrum für Proteinsequenzen Music Information Retrieval Evaluation Exchange Mid-Infrared Instrument (Spektrometer für das/spectrometer for the James West Space Telescope) Micro-RNA (length: about 21 nucleotides) Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicles Management Information System Multiple Interacting Sensors and Actuators Metal-Isolator-Semiconductor-Isolator-Metal Multiple Input – Single Output (Controller, System) Multiangle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer (Satelliten-Erd-Fernerkundung/satellite remote reconnaissance) Motor Industry Software Reliability Association Management Information Tree Massachusetts Institute of Technology minimal-invasives Therapieverfahren Miniature Inverted-Repeat Transposable Elements (Genetik/genetics) [Institut für] Minimalinvasive therapeutische Interventionen (TU München, DE) Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Japan) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory 77 MIUH MIXSEL MK MKB MKG MKG mks ML ML MLA MLA MLAPI MLC MLC MLCD MLCF MLD MLD MLE MLE MLI MLLR MLM MLO MLP MLP MLP MLS MLTU M-LVDS MM MM MM MMAF MMAS MMC MMC MMC MMC MMCF MMCOI MMCS MMD MMDS MMDS MMG MMI MMIC µ-MIM MMCOM MMN MMOD MMOG MMoIP MMPA MMRC MMRP MMS MMS MMS MMS MMSC MMSE MMSE MMT MMT MMU MMW MMX MN MN MNC MNC MNO MNPQ MNS MNT MNU Medizinisches Institut für Umwelthygiene (Düsseldorf, DE) Modelocked Integrated External-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser Mazedonien/Macedonia (ISO 3166) Media Key Block (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Magnetokardiographie Mund-Kiefer-Gesicht (Chirurgie/surgery) Meter – Kilogramm – Sekunde, meter – kilogram – second (Maßsystem/system of units) Mali (ISO 3166) Maximum Likelihood (Statistik/statistics) Mercury Laser Altimeter (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Modern Language Association Medium Level Application Programming Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mobile Location Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multileaf Collimator (Röntgentechnik/X-ray technology) Mars Laser Communications Demonstration System Maximum Likelihood Confidence Factor Multicast Listeners Discovery Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi-Layer-Dielectric (Spiegelbeschichtung/optical mirror coating) Maximum Likelihood Estimation Medium to Large Enterprise Multi-Layer Insulation Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression (Signalverarbeitung/signal processing) Maximum Likelihood Method (Parameterschätzung/parameter estimation) Mycoplasma-like Organism Medium- to Long-Term Plan Mobile Location Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi-Layer Perceptron Mikrowellenlandesystem Monitoring and Line Transmission Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multipoint Low Voltage Differential Signaling (für vernetzte Messgeräte/for crosslinked measuring instruments) Mobile Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi Mode (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Myanmar (früher/former Burma) (ISO 3166) Multimodal Adaptive Filter Multimedia Application Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Maintainance, Monitoring and Control Micromaching Center (in USA: Boston, MA, und/and Silicon Valley, CA) Multimedia Card Multimedia Multiparty Conferencing Multimedia Communication Forum Multimedia Communication Comments of Interest Multimedia Call Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multimedia Domain (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Microwave (or: Multichannel) Multipoint Distribution System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multimedia Distribution System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Massive Multi-Player Online Games Man Machine Interface Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit(ry) [Mikro-Metallpulver-Spritzgießen] Mobile Millimeter Communications (IEEE Workshop) Mismatch Negativity (Neurologie/neuroscience) Micro-Meteorids Orbital Debris (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Massively Multiplayer Online Games (Computerspiele/computer games) Multimedia over IP (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Marine Mammal Protection Act (USA) Multiple Myeloma Research Consortium (USA) Marine Mammal Research Program (bei/related to ATOC) Manufacturing Message Standard Mission Management System Mobile Monitoring System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multimedia Messaging (or: Message) Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multimedia Messaging Service Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Minimum Mean Square Error (or: Estimation) Multimedia Services Environment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Monolithic Mirror Telescope (University of Arizona, USA) Multiple Mirror Telescope Memory Management Unit Millimeter-Wave (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi Media Extensions Minnesota (US-Staat/US state) Mongolei/Mongolia (ISO 3166) Mobile Network Code (Mobilfunk/mobile radio) Multinational Corporations Mobile Network Operator Mess-, Normen-, Prüf- und Qualitätswesen Managed Network Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mononitrotoluol Deutscher Verein zur Förderung des mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts 78 MO MO MoBIC MOC MOC MOCVD MoD MODFET MODIS MOE MOEL MOEMS MOEN MOF MOKE MOLA MOLI MoMA MOMBE MOMS MONA MOND MONET MOO MOPA MOPITT MORE MOS MOS MOS MOSA MOSFET MOSIS MOST MOST MOT MOT MOTT MOU MOV MOV MOVIC MOVPE MOWGLY MOX MOZAIC MP MP MP MPA MPA MPA MPAe MPC MPC MPDR MPE MPE MPE MPE MPEG MPEG MPEG2-TS MPF MPG MPG MPI MPI MPI MPI MPIC MPIE MPI-Eva MPIF MPIfR MPIRE MPIZ MPL Macao (ISO 3166) Missouri (US-Staat/US state) Mobilität für Blinde durch die Interaktion mit einem Computer Mars Orbiter Camera Mission Operations Center Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Music on Demand (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Modulation-Doped Field Effect Transistor, Modulations-dotierter Feldeffekt-Transistor Moderate (Resolution) Imaging Spectroradiometer (Satelliten-Erd-Fernerkundung/satellite remote reconnaissance) Molecular Operating Environment Mittel- und Osteuropäische Länder Micro-Opto-Electromechanical System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Meridional Overturning Exchange with the Nordic Seas Microstructured Optical Fibre Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect (Festkörperphysik/solid state physics) Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter Microsoft Online Learning Institute Museum of Modern Arts (New York City) Metallorganische Molekularstrahlepitaxie Modularer Optoelektronischer Multispektral-Scanner Merging Optics and Nanotechnologies (EU project) Modified (or: Modification of) Newtonian Dynamics, Modifizierte Newton’sche Dynamik Mobile Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi-Objective Optimization Master Oscillator Power Amplifier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere (Satelliten-Erd-Fernerkundung/satellite remote sensing) Mobility for Young Researchers from Central and Eastern Europe Mean Opinion Score (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Monitor-Server Ministry of Science and the Arts (Israel) Metalloxid-Silicium-Feldeffekt-Transistor, Metal Oxide Field-Effect Transistor MOS Implementation System Media Oriented Systems Transfer (or: Transport) Ministry of Science and Technology (Korea, Vietnam etc.) Magneto-Optical Trap Multimedia Object Transfer Protocol Multi-Funktionale On-Top Technologie Memorandum of Understanding [Dateinamenerweiterung: Video-Datei/file name extension: video file] Modal Output Value (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy Mobile Wideband Global Link System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mixed-Oxide Fuel, Mischoxid (Kernreaktor/nuclear reactor) Measurements of Ozone and Water Vapor by Airbus In-Service Aircraft Marianen/Northern Mariana Islands (ISO 3166 and US Mail) Maximum Parsimony (Statistik/statistics) Motion Picture Marine Protected Area (Meeresfischerei/sea fishing) Materialprüfungsamt Multiport Amplifier (Architecture) Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie (Lindau/Harz, DE) Magnetic Photonic Crystal Model Predictive Control(ler) Multipoint Digital Radio (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik (Garching, DE) Maximum Permissible Exposure Multi-Photon Excitation Multiprotocol Encapsulation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Video-Datei/file name extension: video file] Motion (or: Moving) Picture(s) Expert(s) Group (Bildcodierung/picture coding) Moving Pictures Experts Group – Transport Stream Modern Pit Facility [Dateinamenerweiterung: Video-Datei/file name extension: video file] Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. Magnetic Particle Imaging Max-Planck-Institut Message Passing Interface (Parallelrechner/parallel computer) Multi-Photonen-Ionisation Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie (Mainz, DE) Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung (Düsseldorf, DE) Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie (Leipzig, DE) Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung (Stuttgart, DE) Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie Massively Parallel Interactive Rendering Environment Max-Planck-Institut für Züchtungsforschung (Köln, DE) Mars Polar Lander 79 MPLM MPLP MPLS MPλS MPM MPM MPMP MPMS MPOA mPOF MPP MPP MPPC MPPT MPQ MPR MPRESS MPS MPS MPSD MPSR MPT MPU MPWS MP3 MQ MQW MR MR MR MRA MRAM MRAO MRAV MRBM MRD MREFC MRF MRF MRFM MRI MRI MRM mRNA MRO MRO MRP MRP MRS MRS MRSA MRT MRT MS M.S. M/S MS MS MS MS MS MS MSA MSAM MSAN MSAS MSBB M.Sc. MSC MSC MSC MSD MS-DOS MSE MSE MSE MSF MSF Multipurpose Pressurized Logistic Modules (Satelliten/satellites) Multi-Pulse Linear Prediction Multi-Protocol Label Switching (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Multi-Protocol Lambda Switching (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Microstructured Photonic Material MIcrowave Power Module Microwave Point to Multipoint (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Magnetic Property Measurement System Multi-Protocol over ATM (Rechnernetze/computer networks) Microstructured Polymer Optical Fibre Massively Parallel Processing (Rechner/computer) Maximum Power Point (Photovoltaik/photovoltaics) Multi-Pixel Photon Counter Maximum Power-Point Tracking (Photovoltaik/photovoltaics) Max-Plack-Institut für Quantenoptik (Garching, DE) Multi-Path Routing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Mathematik-Literaturservice/mathematics literature service] Max Planck Society (= MPG in deutschen Texten) Mission Planning System Max Planck Research Group for Structural Dynamics Multi-Path Self Routing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (Japan) Master Processing Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi-Protocol Wavelength Switching (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) MPEG Layer 3 [Dateinamenerweiterung: Audio-Datei/file name extension: audio file] Martinique (ISO 3166) Multiple Quantum Well Magnetresonanz (-Tomographie) Mauretanien/Mauritania (ISO 3166) Measurement Report Mutual Recognition Arrangement (Metrologie/metrology) Magnetic Random Access Memory Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory (bei/near Cambridge, UK) Mixed Reality Audio-Visual (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Medium-Range Ballistic Missile Mobile Radio Division (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction (NSF) Magnetorheological Fluid (Multi)Media Resource Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Magnetic Resonance Force Microscope (or: Microscopy) Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetorotationsinstabilität (Astronomie/astronomy) Magnetresonanz-Mikroskopie Messenger RNA Magdalena Ridge Observatory (New Mexico, USA) Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Market Representation Partners (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Material(s) (or: Manufacturing) Resource Planning Materials Research Society (USA) Media Resource Service (SIPI) Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (Medizin/medicine) Magnetresonanz-Tomographie Multi Role Transporter (der Luftwaffe/of the Air Force) Mass Spectrometry Master of Science Master/Slave Media Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Member State Mississippi (US-Staat/US state) Mobile Station (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Montserrat (ISO 3166) Multiple Sklerose/Multiple Sklerosis Multisource Agreement (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Multi-Service Access Multiplexer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi-Service Access Node (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi-Function Transport Satellite-Based Augmentation System (Satellitennavigation/satellite navigation, Japan) Multi-Standard Baseband (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Master of Science Mesenchymale Stammzellen Message Sequence Chart (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mobile (Services) Switching Centre (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mass Selective Detector Microsoft Disk Operating System Mission Success Evaluation Mean Square Error Mobilstations-Emulator (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mid-Spatial Frequency Multi Stage Flash Exploration (Meerwasserentsalzung/method for seawater desalting) 80 MSG MSGC MSI MSISDN MSK MSL MSM MSN MSN MSN MSO MSO MSOP MSP MSP MSPP MSR MSRC MSRI MSS MSS MSS MSS MSSM MS-SP MS-SPRING MST MST MST MSTP MSTP MSTV MSU MSU MSW MSY MT MT MTA MTA MTA MTBE MTBF MTBR MTBSE MTCO MTCR mtDNA MTF MTFF MTG MTG MTHEL MTJ MTMOS MTN MTN MTO MTP MTS MTSat MTTF MTTR MTU MTV MU MUD MUFA MuK MULTOPS MuPAD MURA MURI MURR MUSC MUSE MUSIC MUSIC Meteosat Second Generation (seit/since 2003) Micro-Strip Gas Detector Medium Scale Integration Mobile Station ISDN Number Minimum (or: Maximum) Shift Keying (Datenübertragung/data transmission) Mars Science Laboratory Metal-Semiconductor-Metal (Photodetektoren/photodetectors) Microsoft Network (Datennetz/data network) Moscow Society of Naturalists Multi-Service Node (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi-Service Operator (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multiple Systems Operators (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mini Small Outline Package (SMD-Gehäuse/casing) Mobile Service Provider (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multiplex Section Protection Multi-Service Provisioning Platform (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mobile Station Receiver Diversity (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Microsoft Research in Cambridge (UK) Mathematical Science(s) Research Institute (Berkeley, CA, USA) MAN Switching System Managed Security Services (Datensicherheit/data security) Mass Storage System Mobile Satellite System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (Elementarteilchen/elemenary particles) Multiple Section – Section Protection (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multiple(xer) Section Shared Protection Ring (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mikrosystemtechnik Minimal Spanning Tree (Signalanalyse/signal analysis) Multiple Spanning Tree (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi-Service Transmission Platform (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Maximum Service Television Michigan State University (USA) Moscow State University Media Switch Maximal Sustained Yield (Ökonomie/economy) Malta (ISO 3166) Montana (US-Staat/US state) Materials Testing Accelerator Medizinisch-technische(r) Assistent(in) Multi-Threaded Computing (Parallelrechner/parallel computer) Mean Time Between Error Events Mean Time Before Failure (or: Between Failures) Mean Time Before Resynchronization Mean Time Between Service Events Minimum Total Cost of Ownership Missile Technology Control Regime mitochondriale DNA Modulation Transfer Function Man-Tended Free-Flyer (Raumfahrt/spaceccraft) Marine-Technik-Gesellschaft (Hamburg, DE) Mikroelektronik- und Technologiegesellschaft (Ostdeutschland) Mobile Testbed High-Energy Laser (US Army) Magnetic Tunnel Junction Methyl-Trimethoxysilane Mountain (US Mail) Multilateral Trade Negotiations Mars Telecom Orbiter Message Transfer Part Methods for Testing and Specification (TC im/in the ETSI) Multifunctional Transport Satellite Mean Time to Failure Mean Time to Repair (or: Restore) Multi-Tenant Unit Music Television Video Mauritius (ISO 3166) Multi User Dungeon (or: Dimension, or: Dialog, or: Detection) (Rechnernetz-Spiele/computer-net games) Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids (einfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren) Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft Multi-Level Tree for Online Packet Statistics (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multi-Processing Algebra Data (Tool) Midwestern Universities Research Association (USA) Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative Missouri–Columbia’s University Research Reactor Microgravity User Support Center (DLR, Köln-Porz, DE) Multiple Sub-Nyquist-Sampling Encoding Multiple Signal Classification Self-Adapting Applications for Mobile Users in Ubiquitous Computing Environmentals 81 MUSICAM MUT MV MV MVA MVB MVC MVD MVDR MVIP MVNO MVST MVTS MW MWA MWBD MWIF MWK MWNT MWR MWR MX MXCD MXF Mx-MAC MY Mya M-Z MZ MZI M2E M3 D M3R Masking Pattern Adapted Universal Subband Integrated Coding and Multiplexing (Digitalrundfunk/digital broadcast) Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer Malediven/Maldives (ISO 3166) Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Bundesland/German Federal State) Market Value Added Multi-Vehicle Bus (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Model-View-Controller Minimum Vector Dispersion (Bildverarbeitung/picture processing) Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (Signalverarbeitung/signal processing) Multi-Vendor Integration Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Mobile Virtual Network Operator(s) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Multilayer Vertically Stacked Capacitors Multivariable Technological Systems (IFAC Symposium) Malawi (ISO 3166) Mileura Widefield Array (Astrophysik/astrophysics, Antennen/antennae) Marine Wildlife Behavior Database Mobile Wireless Internet Forum (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst Multi Wall(ed) Nanotubes Microwave Radiometer (ENVISAT) Mikrowellen-Radio Mexiko/Mexico (ISO 3166) magnetischer Röntgenzirkulardichroismus Material Exchange Format Multi-Standard Medium Access Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Malaysia (ISO 3166) Million years ago Mach-Zehnder (Interferometer, Modulator) Moçambique/Mozambique (ISO 3166) Mach-Zehnder-Interferometer Mouth-to-Ear (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Maskless Mesoscale Material Deposition Marine Mammal Monitoring (Meeresbiologie/marine biology) N NA NA NA NAASC NAB NABU NACA NACCH NACCB NACF NACK NACP NAD NAD NAD NAD NAE NAECON NAFTA NAG NAGINELS NAH NAHSC NAIAS NAL NALS NAM NAMAS NAMC NAMUR NAO NAOS NAP NAPT NARIC NARMAX NARPA NARTB NAS NAS NAS Namibia (ISO 3166) Network Aspects (TC im/in the ETSI) Normenausschuss North American ALMA Science Center (Charlottesville, VA, USA) National Association of Broadcasters (of America) Naturschutzbund Deutschland National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (USA) Network Access and Connectivity Channel (Datenübertragung/data transmission) National Accreditation Council for Certification Bodies (UK) Network Access Configuration Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) No Acknowledgement (or: Not Acknowledged) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) National Aids Coordination Program (Simbabwe) Network Access Domain (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Network Application Division (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Nicotinamid-adenin-dinucleotid North Atlantic Drift (Golfstrom/Gulf Stream) National Academy of Engineering (USA) National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (USA) North American Free Trade Area Numerical Algorithms Group (UK) Non-Aggressive Glass Internal Engraving System Nearfield Acoustic Holography National Automated Highway System Consortium (San Diego, CA, USA) North American International Auto Show Network Abstraction Layer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Normenausschuss Akustik, Lärmminderung und Schwingungstechnik Non-Absorbing Mirror (laser technology) National Measurement Accreditation Service (UK) [Laboratoire de] Neurobiologie de l’Apprentissage de la Mémoire et de la Communication (Neurobiology of Learning, Memory and Commmunication) (CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, FR) Normenausschuss Mess- und Regeltechnik Nordatlantische Oszillation (Wetter/weather) Nasmyth Adaptive Optics System (für/for ESO-VLT) Network Access Point (Internet) Network Address and Port Translator (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) National Academic Recognition Information Centre (EU) Nonlinear Autoregressive Moving Average with Exogeneous Input National Advanced Research Projects Agency National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters (USA) National Academy of Sciences (USA) Network Access Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Non Access Stratum (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 82 NAS NASA NASDA NASP NASS NA/STAG NAT NAT NATLAS NATO NAV NAVA NB NB NBAP NBAP-d NBI NBMA NB-RAS NBRF NBS NBS NC NC NC NC NC NC NCA NCAC NCAP NCAR NCB NCC NCC NCC NCEJ NCI NCI NCICB NCKU NCL NCLR NCNR NCO NCP NCPA NCRP NCS NCS NCS NCSA NCSA NCSU NCSX ND NDC NDDO NDE NDGF NDMA NDR NDRC NDS NDSC NDSU NDT n.d.Z. NE NE NE NEA NEACP NEAR NEASR NEBS NED [Scandinavian Acoustical Society] National Aeronautics and Space Agency (or: Administration) (USA) National Aeronautics and Space Development Agency (Japan) National Aerospace Plane Network Access Subsystem (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Network Aspects/Security Techniques Advisory Group (TC im/in the ETSI) Network Address Translation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Nitric Acid Trihydrate (HNO3 ·3(H2 O)) National Testing Laboratory Accreditation Service (UK) North-Atlantic Treaty Organization Navigation Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (künstliche Beatmung/artificial respiration) Narrowband Normal Burst (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Node B Application Part (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Node B Application Part Dedicated (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Neutral-Beam Injection (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology) Non-Broadcast Multiple Access Narrowband Remote Access Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) National Biomedical Research Foundation (USA) National Blood Service (UK) National Bureau of Standards (USA, now: NIST) Network Computer Neukaledonien/New Caledonia (ISO 3166) Noise Criteria Non-Copyright Compliant (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) North Carolina (US-Staat/US state) Numeric Control Netherlands Centre on Animal Use National Council of Acoustical Consultants (USA) New Car Assessment Program (EU-Norm, Kfz/EU standard for cars) National Center for Atmospheric Research (Boulder, CO, USA) Balanced Noise Criteria National Computing Centre (UK) Network Color Code (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Network Control Centre (Datennetz/data network) Noise Control Engineering Journal National Cancer Institute (Bethesda, MD, USA) Non-Coded Information National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics (Bethesda, MD, USA) National Cheng Kung University (Tainan, Taiwan, ROC) Nidopallium Caudolaterale (im Vogelgehirn/in birds’ brain) Netherlands Centrum voor Laser Research NIST Center for Neutron Research (Gaithersburg, MD, USA) Numerical Control Oscillator (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) National Contact Point (ESPRIT) National Center for Physical Acoustics (University of Mississippi, USA) National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (USA) Natural Color System Network Control System (Datennetz/data network) Non-Crystallographic Symmetry (Festkörperphysik/solid state physics) National Center for (or: of) Supercomputing Applications (USA) National Sound and Communications Association (USA) North Carolina State University National Compact Stellarator Experiment (Fusionsreaktorprojekt, USA, aufgegeben/US fusion reactor project, abandoned 2008) North Dakota (US-Staat/US state) Normalized Device Coordinates New Drug Development Office (Amsterdam, NL, EORTC) Non-Destructive Evaluation Nordic Data Grid Facility (DK, FI, NO, SE Allianz/alliance) Network Diversity Multiple Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Norddeutscher Rundfunk National Defense Research Committee (USA) Netware Directory Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Network for Detection of Atmospheric Change North Dakota State University Nondestructive Testing nach der Zeitenwende (= nach Christus/after Christ) Nebraska (US-Staat/US state) Network Element (or: Equipment) (Internet) Niger (ISO 3166) Near Earth Asteroid National Emergency Airborne Command Post Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Near-Earth Asteroid Sample Return (Satelliten/satellites) Network Equipment Building System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Nanoemissive Display (Flachbildschirm/flat screen) 83 NED NEDLIB NEDO NEFZ NEHI NEI NEJM NEL NEL NEM NEMA NEMO NeMo NEMS NEO NEOMA NEPA NEPAD NERC NERSC NeSC NESS NEST net NET NETL NEW NEWS NEX NEXT NEXUS NF NF NFA NFC NfD NFH NFIB NFO NFODD NFOEC NFS NG NG NGC NGDLC NGF ngHLR NGL NGMN NGN NGNP NGO NGOSS NGOSS NGS NGSO NGST NH NHANES NHCA NHK NHL NHMFL NHN NHS NHS NHTSA NI NI NI NI NI NIA NIAID NIAME NIAS NASA Extragalactical Database Networked European Deposit Library New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (Japan) Neuer Europäischer Fahrzyklus (Kfz-Test/car standard test) Nanotechnology Environmental and Health Implications (USA) Niedrig-Energie-Institut New England Journal of Medicine National Engineering Laboratory (UK) Network Element Layer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Network Element Manager (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association Nano-Based Capsule-Endoscopy with Molecular Imaging and Optical Biopsy (Medizintechnik/medicine technology) Network and Money (or: Modem) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Nano-Electro-Mechanical System Near-Earth Orbit Near Earth Objects Mission Advisory Panel (USA) National Environmental Policy Act (USA) New Partnership for Africa’s Development National Environment Information Centre (UK) National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA) National e-Science Centre (UK) Nonequilibrium Steady State New and Emerging Science and Technology (EU, FP6) [Network Organization] (Internet, USA) New Energy Technology (Solartechnik/solar technology) National Energy Technology Laboratory (USA) National Engineers Weck Nonlinear Elastic Wave Spectroscopy Narita Express (Zug zwischen Flughafen und Tokio/train between airport and Tokyo, JP) Near-End Crosstalk Network of Excellence on Multifunctional Microsystems Noise Factor Norfolkinsel/Norfolk Island (ISO 3166) National Fire Agency (z.B./e.g. Taiwan) Near Field Communication (Smart Card) Nur für den Dienstgebrauch (Geheimhaltung/secrecy) Near-Field Holography National Federation of Independent Business (USA) New-Forest Observatory (kleines Teleskop in einem Wald in Südengland/a small telescope in Southern England) Near-Field Optical Disk Drive (Datenspeicher/data storage) National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference Network File System New (or: Next) Generation Nigeria (ISO 3166) New General Catalogue (Astronomie/astronomy) Next Generation Digital Loop Carrier (Kommunikation/communication) Nerve Growth Factor Next Generation Home Location Register Next Generation Lithography Next Generation Mobile Networks (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Next Generation Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Next Generation Nuclear Plant (USA, geplant für etwa 2020/planned for around 2020) Non-Government Organisation New Generation Operations Systems and Software Next Generation Operations Support Systems National Grid Service (UK) Non-Geostationary Satellite Orbit Next Generation Space Telescope (Nachfolger des Hubble-Teleskops, geplant/planned successor of the Hubble Space Telescope) New Hampshire (US-Staat/US state) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (USA) National Hearing Conservation Association (USA) Nippon hoso kyokai (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) Non-Hodkin-Lymphom National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (Tallahassee, FL; Los Alamos, NM, USA) nachhaltige Holznutzung National Health Service (UK) Nurses Health Study (USA) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (USA) Network Infrastructure (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Network Intelligence (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Network Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Nicaragua (ISO 3166) Niedersachsen (Bundesland/German Federal State) National Information Agency (South Korea) National Institute of Allergy and Infectuous Diseases (USA) Necessary Information About a Microarray Experiment Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences 84 NIB NIBHI NIC NIC NIC NICHD NICHES NICMOS NICT NID NID NIDCD NIEHS NIF NIFS NIH NIHL NIL NILEG NILU NIM NIM NIMA NIME NiMH NIMS NIMS NIN NINE NINP NINT NIOSH NIR NIRIM NIRS NIRV NIS NIS NISAC NISE NISO NIST N-ISUP NIT Nitinol NJ NJIT NJP NK NKWD NL NL NLBV NLC NLCTA NLE NLES NLfB-GGA NLOS NLP NLR NLR NLRC NLS NLU NM NM NM NM NMC NMD NMI NMI NMI NML NMN NMO NMOS Non-Interference Basis (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Northwest Institute for Biohealth Informatics (Manchester, UK) Network Information Center Network Interface Card John von Neumann Institute for Computing (Jülich, DE) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (Bethesda, MD, USA) New and Innovative Concepts for Helping European Transport Sustainability (EU Projekt/project) Near Infared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (Astrophysik/astrophysics) National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Japan) Network Integration Division (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Network Interface Device (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (Bethesda, MD, USA) National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (USA) National Ignition Facility (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, USA) National Institute for Fusion Science (Toki City, Japan) National Institute of Health (USA) Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Nanoimprint Lithography Niedersächsische Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Norwegisches Institut für Luftuntersuchungen Nanosystems Initiative Munich (DE) Negative Index Material (negativer optischer Brechungsindex/negative optical diffraction index) National Imagery and Mapping Agency (USA) Network Information Management Entities (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Nickel-Metal Hydride (Akku/accumulator) National Institute of Materials Science (Tsukuba, Japan) Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (Galileo) Normal Metal–Insulator–Normal Metal (Nanostructure) National Institute for Nano-Engineering (Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico, USA) National Institute of Nuclear Physics (IT) Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology (China) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (USA) Near-Infrared National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials (Japan) Near Infrared Spectroscopy Nederlands Instituut voor Ruimtevaart New Independent States (frühere Sowjetunion/former Soviet Union) Normal Metal – Insulator – Superconductor (Nanostructure) National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center (USA, seit/since 1999) Nanoscale Informal Science Education (Network; NSF, USA, seit/since 2005) National Information Standards Organization (USA) National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA, vormals/formerly NBS) Narrowband ISDN User Part (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Network Information Table Nickel-Titanium [intermetallic compound developed by the] Naval Ordnance Laboratory (1963) New Jersey (US-Staat/US state) New Jersey Institute of Technology New Journal of Physics Nationalkomitee für Kristallographie [Narodny Kommissariat Wnutrennich Del] (sowjetischer Geheimdienst/Soviet Secret Service) Niederlande/Netherlands (ISO 3166) Nonlinear Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Bezüge und Versorgung Next Linear Collider Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator Non-Linear Effect Navigation Land Earth Stations (GPS) Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Bodenforschung – Geowissenschaftliche Gemeinschaftsaufgaben (Hannover, DE) None Line of Sight (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Natural Language Processing Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium Noise Level Reduction NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, VA, USA) Nonlinear Least Squares (Parameterschätzung/parameter estimation) Natural Language Understanding (Sprachverarbeitung/speech processing) Nautical Mile/nautische Meile (1 NM = 1852 m) Network Manager (or: Management) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) New Mexico (US-Staat/US state) Neuer Markt Network Management Centre (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) National Missile Defense (USA) Natural Marketing Institute (USA) Network Management Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) NSF Middleware Initiative Network Management Layer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Niedersächsischer Monographiennachweis Network Mode of Operation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) N-Channel MOS 85 NMP NMR NMR NMR NMS NMS NMSI NMT NMT NN NNI NNI NNI NNIN NNL NNPA NNSA NNTT NNV NO NOAA NOAE NOAO NOC NODC NOE NOEKS NOESY NOISE-CON NOL NOLM NOMAD NOMS NORAD NORDITA NOS NOS NOVEM NOW NoW NP NP NP NPA NPC NPE NPE NPI NPL NPOI NPP NPRM NPT NPV NQR NR NR NRAO NRC NRC NRC NRC NRCT NRDC NRDC NRE NREL NREN NRI NRIM NRIM NRL NRO NRQM NRT nrtPS NRW NRZ Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization Network Measure Radio (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Network Measurement Results (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance National Measurement System (UK) Network Management System (Rechnernetz/computer network) National Math and Science Initiative (USA) Noise Monitoring Terminal Nordic Mobile Telephone Neural Network National Nanotechnology Initiative (USA) Network to Node (or: Network) Interface (Rechnernetz/computer network) Noise/News International (Journal) National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network National Nuclear Laboratory (UK) Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act National Nuclear Security Administration (DoE, USA) National New Technology Telescope (USA, war geplant, ist aber nicht realisiert/abandoned) Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging Norwegen/Norway (ISO 3166) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Princeton, NJ, USA) Network of Automotive Excellence National Optical Astronomy Observatory (USA) Network Operating (or: Operation(s)) Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) National Oceanographic Data Center (NOAA, Silver Spring, MD, USA) Neutrino Oscillation Experiment (Gran Sasso, IT) Nonlinear Optics and Excitation Kinetics in Semiconductors Nuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy National Conference on Noise Control Engineering (USA) Naval Ordnance Laboratory (USA) Nonlinear Optical-Loop Mirror Neutrino Oscillation Magnetic Detector (CERN) Network Operations and Management North American Air (or: Aerospace) Defense (Command) Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (Copenhagen, DK) National Optical Society (in Europe) Network Operating System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Noise and Vibration: Emerging Methods (Conference series) Network of Workstaions Networks on Wheels Nepal (ISO 3166) Nondeterministic Polynomial Nuclear Physics Network Performance Analysis (or: Analyzer) Telekommunikation) Nomadic Personal Communications Network Protection Equipment (Kommunikation/communication) Nuclear Physics Electronic Norwegian Polar Institute National Physical Laboratory (Teddington, UK) Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer (Lowell Observatory, Anderson Mesa, near Flagstaff, AZ, USA) Net Primary Production (Pflanzenmasse/plant mass) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Non-Proliferation Treaty (Atomsperrvertrag) Net Present Value (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Nauru (ISO 3166) Noise Rating National Radio Astronomy Observatory (USA) National Research Council (USA) Network Resource Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Non-Resonant Cavity (LED) Nuclear Regulatory Commission National Research Council of Thailand National Research and Development Corporation (London, GB) Natural Resources Defense Council (USA) Non-Recurring Engineering and Tooling (Produktions-Kostenanalyse/analysis of production costs) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Golden, CO, USA) National Research and Education Network (USA et al.) Newton-Raphson Inverse (Algorithmus/algorithm) National Research Institute for Metals (Tsukuba, Japan) Network Resource Information Model Naval Research Laboratory (Washington, DC, USA) National Reconnaissance Office (USA) Nichtrelativistische Quantenmechanik Non-Real Time Non Real-Time Packet Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Nordrhein-Westfalen Nationales Referenzzentrum 86 NRZ NSA NSAC NSAID NSAR NSB NSB NSBF NSBP NSC NSCA NSCL NSCM NSD NSE NSEC NSERC NSF NSFC NSFNET NSG NSG NSI NSIC NSLS NSM NSM NSOM NSP NSP NSPE NSRT NSS NSS NSS NSSA NSSEFF NSSK NST NSTA NSTC NSTX NSUB NSWC NT NTCP NTG NTIA NTIS NTO NTP NTS NTS NTSC NTT NTT NTU NTZ NU NuPECC NUPRL NURC NUREG NUSC NUWC NV NV NVALP NVH NVM NVO NVOD NVP NVRAM NVT NVV NVvL NW Non-Return-To-Zero (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) National Security Agency (USA) Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (USA) Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (Antirheumatika/cure for rheumatism) nichtsteroidale Antirheumatika National Science Board (USA) New Steel Body (Automobiltechnik/vehicle technology) National Scientific Balloon Facility (NASA) National Society of Black Physicists (USA) National Security Council (USA) National Sound and Communications Association (USA) National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (Michigan State University, USA) No-Core Shell Model (Kernphysik/nuclear physics) Network Services Division Nuclear Statistical Equilibrium (Kosmologie/cosmology) Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (USA, NSF) Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (USA) National Science Foundation (USA) Natural Science Foundation of China National Science Foundation Network (USA) Network Strategy Group (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Nuclear Suppliers Group ( Londoner Gruppe“) ” Negatively Scarfed Intake (neue Flugzeug-Düsenform/new aircraft nozzle shape) National Storage Industry Consortium, Inc. (Hersteller von Datenspeichern, USA) National Synchrotron Light Source (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, NY, USA) National Society Member (EPS etc.) Network and Service Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscope (or: Microscopy) National Space Policy (USA) Network Service Point (or: Provider, or: Platform) (Internet) National Society of Professional Engineers Non-Sequential Ray Tracing Network Subsystem (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Neutraler Salzsprühtest (auf Korrosionsbeständigkeit/test on corrosion resistance) Non-Stop Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Neutron Scattering Society of America National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellowship (DOD, USA) North-South Station Keeping (Satelliten/satellites) Nanosciences and Technologies National Science Teachers Association (USA) National Science and Technology Council (USA) National Spherical Torus Experiment (PPPL, Princeton, NJ, USA) Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (Göttingen, DE) Naval Surface Warfare [früher/formerly: Weapons] Center (Silver Spring, MD, USA) Network Termination (Datennetze/data networks) Normal Tissue Complication Probability (Onkologie/oncology) Nachrichtentechnische Gesellschaft (im/in the VDE) National Telecommunications and Information Administration (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) National Technical Information Service (Datenbank/data bank, USA) Nitrotriazolon (Sprengstoff/explosive) Network Time Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Nevada Test Site (Kernwaffentest/nuclear weapons tests) Nuclear Test Site National Television System Committee (Fernsehnorm/TV standard, USA) New Technology Telescope (ESO, La Silla, Chile, 3,5 m Durchmesser/3.5 m diameter) Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (Japan) National Taiwan University Nachrichtentechnische Zeitschrift Niue (ISO 3166) Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee Northwestern University Prosthetics Rehabilitation Laboratory (USA) NATO Undersea Research Centre (La Spezia, IT) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Naval Underwater Systems Center (USA) Naval Undersea Warfare Center (Newport, RI, USA) Nevada (US-Staat/US state) Nitrogen Vacancy (Stickstoff-Fehlstelle, für Quantenkryptographie interessant/of interest for quantum cryptography) National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (USA) Noise, Vibration and Harshness Non Volatile Memory National Virtual Observatory (USA, geplant für/planned for 2010) Near Video-On-Demand Network Voice Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Non-Volatile RAM National Variety Trials (Datenbank/database, AU) Nichtverbreitungsvertrag (Atomwaffen/non-proliferation treaty, 1968) [Niederländische Aeroakustische Gesellschaft/Netherland’s Aeroacoustic Society] Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 87 NW NWB NWK NWK NWO NY NYAS NYCTA NYU NZ NZDSF NZN NZZ Nordrhein-Westfalen (Bundesland/German Federal State) Niedergeschwindigkeits-Windkanal Braunschweig (DE) Network Analyser (DECT) Nuklearwaffenkonvention Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Niederländische Wissenschaftsorganisation/Netherland’s science organization) New York (US-Staat/US state) New York Academy of Sciences New York City Transit Authority (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) New York University Neuseeland/New Zealand (ISO 3166) Non-Zero Dispersion Shifted Fiber (Glasfaser/glass fiber) Niedersächsischer Zeitschriftennachweis Neue Zürcher Zeitung O OA OAA OAAC OADM OAE OAI OAIS ÖAL OA[&]M OAMP OAN OAP OARE OAS OAS OAS OASIS OASIS OAT OATA OATC OAU OAWRS ÖBB OBD OBDH OBDMS OBL OBMC OBMM OBMP OBP OBS OBU OBW OCaB OCAP OCC OCCAM OCD OCDM O-CDMA OCF OCH OCh-SPRING OCME OCR OCRWM OCS OCT OCT OCX OC3 ODAC ODB ODBC ODC ODD ODE ODG ODL Outgoing Access Outstanding Alumni of Achievement (US Universities) Optical Aerial Attached Cable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Otoacoustic Emission, Otoakustische Emission(en) Open Archives Initiative Open Archival Information System Österreichischer Arbeitsring für Lärmbekämpfung Operation, Administration and Maintenance (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) OAM Provisioning Optical Access Node (Glasfasernetz/glass fiber net) Ophthalmologischer Arbeitsplatz Online Access to Research in Environment Open Access Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Operator Assisted Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Optical Aperture Synthesis Optimal Architecture Sensor Interface System Organization for the Advancement of Structural Information Standards Ocean Acoustic Tomography Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association (Europäische Handelsorganisation) Open Area Test Site Organization of African Unity Ocean Acoustics Waveguide Remote Sensing Österreichische Bundesbahn Optical Duobinary (Modulation) On Board Data Handling Subsystem (Satelliten/satellites) Object-Oriented Database Management System Outside Broadcasting Link On Board Multimedia Controller (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) On Board MPEG Processor (Satelliten-Telekommunikation/satellite telecommunication) On Board Multimedia Processor (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) On Board Processing (or: Processor) Optical Burst Switch (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) On-Board Unit (Maut-Erfassungssystem/toll registration system) Occupied Bandwidth (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Outgoing Call Barrier Open Cable Application Platform (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Operation Control Center (ESOC) Open Conditional Content Analysis Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Optical Core Device (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Optical Code Division Multiplexing (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Optical Code Division Multiple Access (Glasfasernetz/glass fiber net) On-Line Charging Function Optical Channel (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Optical Channel Shared Protection Ring (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (New York) Optical Character Recognition (Computer-lesbare Schrift/computer-reading of letters) Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (USA) One Channel Safe (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Optical Coherence Tomography, Optische Kohärenztomographie (Augendiagnostik/eye diagnostics etc.) Optical Component Test [Dateinamenerweiterung: Programmdatei/file name extension: program file] Optical Carrier 3 (155.52 Mbit/s) (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Oil Depletion Analysis Centre Operations Database (Satelliten/satellites) Open Data Base Connectivity (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Ornithindecarboxylase Optical Disk Drive Ordinary Differential Equation Objective Difference Grade (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Object Definition Language (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 88 ODL ODP ODP ODS ODT ODX OE OEA OECD OEIC OEL OELR OEM OEM OENN O/E/O OEOB OET OFA OFAC OFAT OFC OFC OFCCC OFDM OFDMA OFET OFI OFI OFIS OFM OFMeC OFW OG ÖGAI OGLE OGP OGSA OGY OH OHANA OHG OHG ÖIB OIC OICETS OIDA OIE OIF OIF OIS OJPS OK OL OLA OLE OLE OLED OLEDoS OLGA OLLA OLPC OLS OLT OLTE OLTP OM OM OM O&M OMA OMA OMA-BCAST OMAC OMB OMC OMC OMC-CN Open and Distance Learning (EU-Programm/EU program) Ocean Drilling Project (or: Program) Open Distributed Processing Ozone-Depleting Substance Order–Disorder Transition Open Diagnostic Data Exchange Orientierungseinheit (Vorstudium) Organic Electronics Association Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit, opto-elektronischer IC Organic Electro-Luminescent (Display) Overall Echo Loudness Rating (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Optoelectronic Modulator (or: Mixer) Original Equipment Manfacturer Optoelectronic Neural Network Optical Electronic Optical (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Old Executive Office Building (USA, White House) Optoelectronic Tweezers Optical Fiber Amplifier Office of Foreign Assets Control (USA) One-Factor-at-a-Time (Experimentiertechnik/experimental technique) Optical Fiber Communication Optical Frequency Comb Optical Fiber Cable Competence Center Optical (or: Orthogonal) Frequency Division Multiplexing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Organischer Feldeffekt-Transistor (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Optical Field Ionization Ornamental Fish International (Handelsorganisation/trade organisation) Optical Fiber Infrasound Sensor Optofluidic Microscopy Optical Fibre Measurement Club (UK) Oberflächenwellen Optical Gateway (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Österreichische Gesellschaft für Artificial Intelligence Optical Gravitational Lens Experiment Orientierungsgeschwindigkeitsprofil (Kfz-Simulation/car simulation) Open Grid Services Architecture (Rechnernetz/computer network) Ott–Grebogi–Yorke (Control) Ohio (US-Staat/US state) Optical Hawaii(an) Array for Nanoradiation Astronomy Offene Handelsgesellschaft Operator Harmonization Group (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Örtliche Initiativen zur Beschäftigung von Frauen (EU) Organization of the Islamic Conference Optical Inter-Orbit Communications Engineering Test Satellite (JAXA) Optoelectronic Industry Development Association (USA) Office International des Épizooties (Weltgesundheitsorganisation/World Health Organization) Ocean Iron Fertilization (zur CO2 -Bindung im Meerwasser/for seawater CO2 deposition) Optical Internet Working Forum (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Optical Image Stabilizer, optischer Bildstabilisator Online Journal Publishing Services (AIP) Oklahoma (US-Staat/US state) Output Layer (neuronales Netz/artificial neural network) Optical Line Amplifier (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Object Linking and Embedding (Programmierung/programming) Opto (since 2006: Optics) & Laser Europe (Journal, Bristol, UK) Organic Light-Emitting Diode (or: Device), organische Licht emittierende Diode OLED on Silicon Online Guideline Assist (Medizintechnik/medicine technology) Organic LEDs for ICT and Ligthing Application (EU project) One Laptop per Child (Initiative für Entwicklungsländer/initiative forr developing countries) On-Line Service (Internet) Optical Line Termination (or: Terminal) (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Optical Line Termination Equipment Online Transaction Processing Oman (früher Maskat und Oman/former Muscat and Oman) (ISO 3166) Operational Mode (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Optical Monitor (XMM) Operation(s) and Maintenance Open Mobile Alliance (Mobilfunk/mobile radio) Operational Modal Analysis Open Mobile Alliance – Broadcast (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Open Modular Architecture Controller Office of Management and Budget (USA, White House) Operation(s) and Maintenance Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Optical Metrology Centre Operation and Maintainance Center – Care Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 89 OMCI OMCR OMF OMG OMI OMI OMO OMS OµS OMS OMS OMSG OMSN OMT OMUX ON ONAC ONERA ONP ONR ONSA ONT ONTA ONU OO OODB OOK OOP OOR OOT O&P OP OP A/D OPA OPAL OPAL OPC OPCPA OPDL OPEC OPEN OPEP OPERA OPERA OPEX ÖPG OPGW OPIMA OPIT ÖPNV OPO OPP OPQSK OPS OPS OPS OPS OPSL OPZ OR OR ORACLE ORACLS ORATOS ORB ORC ORCHESTRA ORE ORF ORFEO org ORI ORINOKO ORM ORMAK ORMOCER ORNL Optical Network Termination Management and Control Interface (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Operation and Maintainance Center – Radio (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Observation Markup Format Object Management (or: Modelling) Group Open Microprocessor Systems Initiative Optical Modulation Index Oxidation Mechanism Observations (Research project for HALO) Operations and Maintenance Station (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Optical Microsystems (Congress) Optical Monitoring System Optical Multiplex Station (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) OptinexTM (or: Optical) Multi-Service Gateway (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) OptinexTM (or: Optical) Multi-Service Node (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Object Modelling (and) Technique Output Multiplexer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Optical Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Office of Noise Abatement and Control (Environment Protection Agency, USA) Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales Open Network Provision(ing) Office of Naval Research (Arlington, VA, USA) Organization for Nucleotide Sequencing and Analysis (São Paulo, BR) Optical Network(ing) Termination (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Oxynitrotriazol (Sprengstoff/explosive) Optical Network Unit Object-Oriented, objektorientiert Object-Oriented Database On-Off Keying (Datenübertragung/data transfer) Object-Oriented Program(ming), objektorientierte(s) Programm(entwicklung) Object-Oriented Rendering (Algorithmen/algorithms) objektorientierter Test Optics and Photonics Organizational Partners Optical Packet Add/Drop (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Operational Path Analysis Optical Access Line, optische Anschlussleitung (Telefon/telephone) Organische Phosphorezenzleuchtdioden für Applikationen im Lichtmarkt (BMBF-Projekt) Optical Phase Conjugator Optical Parametric Chirped-Pulse Amplification Optically Powered Data Link (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Organization of Petrol Exporting Countries, Organisation Erdöl exportierender Staaten Optical Pan-European Network One-Pion Exchange Potential Optics and Photonics in the European Research Area Oscillation Project with Emulsion-Tracking Apparatus (Neutrino-Detektor/neutrino detector, Gran Sasso, IT) Operating (or: Operational) Expenditure (or: Expenses) Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft Optical Ground Wire (Glasfasernetz/glass fiber net) Open Platform Initiative for Multimedia Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Oxide Powder in Tube Öffentlicher Personen-Nahverkehr Optical Parametric Oscillator Optical Precipitate Profiler Offset QPSK (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Official Production System Optical Path Switch (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Optical Protection System (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Optically Pumped Semiconductor (Laser) Optically Pumped Semiconductor Laser Operationszentrale Operation Room Oregon (US-Staat/US state) Opportunistic Radio Communications in Unlicensed Environments Optimal Regulator Algorithms for the Control of Linear Systems (CAD-System, NASA 1980) Orbit and Attitude Operations Subsystem (Satelliten/satellites) Object Request Broker (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Organic Rankine Cycle (Geothermie/geothermy) Open Architecture and Spatial Data Infrastructure for Risk Management (EU project) Office de Recherche et d’Essais Österreichischer Rundfunk Optical and Radar Federation for Earth Observation [other organizations] (Internet, USA) Office of Research Integrity (USA) Operative regionale integrierte und optimierte Korridorsteuerung (Straßenverkehrssteuerung/road traffic control) Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (La Palma) Oak Ridge Tokamak (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA) Organically Modified Ceramic Oak Ridge National Laboratory (TN, USA) 90 ORSTOM OS OS OSA OSA OSB OSC OSC OSC OSD OSDE OSF OSF OSHA OSI OSI OSI OSIRIS OSNCP OSNR OSP OSPF OSRD OSS OSS OSSE OSSI OST OST OSTP OSZE OTA OTA OTAP OTAR OTC OTC OTCCD OTD OTDM OTDOA OTDR OTD-Sim OTFT OTH OTN OTN OTP OTS OTS OU OVC OVC OVL OVRO OWL OWL OWL OWS OXC OZIPM [Internationale Hilfsorganisation Frankreichs/international relief organisation of France] Open Services Operating (or: Operations) System Open Service Architecture (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Optical Society of America Oriented Structural (or: Strand) Board (Spanplatte/chipboard) Optical Supervisory Channel (Glasfasernetz/glass fiber net) Outbound Signalling Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Oxford Supercomputing Centre (UK) On Screen Display (Funktionsanzeige auf TV-Schirm) Open Systems (or: Service) Development (or: Delivery) Environment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Open Software Foundation Operation System Function Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Washington, DC, USA) Open Source Initiative Open Systems Interconnection (Datennetze/data networks) Optical (or: Orbiting) Stellar Interferometer Off-Shore Integrated Robotic Inspection System Optical Subnetwork Connection Protection (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Open Services Platform (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Open Shortest Path First (Internet) Office of Scientific Research and Development (USA) Office of Strategical Services (USA) Operation(s) (or: Operational) Support System (Internet) Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment Operations Support System Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Observatoire des Sciences et des Techniques (FR) Office of Science and Technology (UK, USA) Office of Science and Technology Policy (USA, White House) Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa Office of Technology Assessment (USA, Congress) Optical Telescope Assembly Over the Air Performance (Handy/Mobile Phone) Over the Air Refill (Handy/Mobile Phone) One Touch Com (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Optical Coherence Tomography Orthogonal Transfer Array CCD (Gigapixel-Kamera, Teleskop/gigapixel camera, telescope in Maui, HI, USA) Observed Time Difference (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Optical Time Division Multiplexing (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Observed Time Difference of Arrival (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Optical Time Delay (or: Domain) Reflectometry Order to Delivery Simulation Organic Thin-Film Transistor Optical Transport Hierarchy (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Open Transport Network (Verkehrsleitsystem/traffic guidance) Optical Transmission (or: Transport) Network (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) One Time Password Off-the-Shelf Optical Transmission System (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Open University (UK) Optical Variance Coronagraph (Astronomie/astronomy) Output Variance Constraint Optical Vortex Lens (Astronomie/astronomy) Owens Valley Radio Observatory Ostwestfalen-Lippe Overwhelmingly Large (Teleskop/telescope) Web Ontology Language (semantisches Netz/semantic net) Optical Wavelength Switched (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Optical Cross Connect (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Ozone Isopleth Plotting with Optional Mechanism P P... P-Wellen PA PA PA PA PAA PABX PAC PAC PAC PAC PAC PACAP Peta (Präfix/prefix): 1015 Kompressionswellen (Geophysik/geophysics) Panama (ISO 3166) Pennsylvania (US-Staat/US state) Plasminogenaktivator (Genetik/genetics) Power Amplifier Polyacrylic Acid Private Automatic Branch Exchange, Private digitale Nebenstellenanlage (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Particle Accelerator Conference (alle 3 Jahre/every 3 years) Perturbed Angular Correlation Planetary Astronomy Committee (NASA) Processing and Archiving Center Programme Advisory Committee (TC im/in the ETSI) Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Polypeptide (ein Neuropeptid/a neuropeptide) 91 PACE PACE PACF PACS PACS PACS PACT PAD PAD PAE PAF PAFC PAH PAH PAI PAK PAL PAL PAL PAL PALA PALAOA PALC PALM PALS PALS PALV PAM PAM PAMA PAN PAN PANDOWAE PANS PanSTARRS PAP PAPS PARC PARCOR PARI PARTNER PAS PAS PAT PAT PAT PAT PAT PATU PAY PBB PBB PBCC PBDE PBET PBG PBH PBI PBMR PBN PBO PBO PBS PBT PBWA PBX PBX PBX-M PC PC PC PC PCA PCA PCAST PCB Planar Articulating Controls Experiment Programme de recherche sur l’Aval du Cycle Electronucléaire (CNRS, FR, zur Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle/disposal of radioactive waste) Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (auch/also: PAFC) Photoconductor Array Camera and Spectrometer (FIRST) Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme Picture Archiving and Communications System Parallel Architecture and Compilation Techniques (Conference) Packet Assembly/Disassembly Perturbed Angular Distribution Power Added Efficiency Portable Application Format (PDF converter) Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (auch/also: PACF) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Pulmonale arterielle Hypertonie Plasminogenaktivator-Inhibitor (Genetik/genetics) Polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe Permissive Action Link Phase Alternation Line (Fernsehen/TV) Photo-Activated Localization (Microscopy) Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (Korea) Platform of Applications of Lasers in Aquitaine (Bordeaux, FR) Perenniel Acoustic Observatory in the Antarctic Ocean Plasma Addressed Liquid Crystal Photoactivated Localization Microscopy Photoacoustic Laser Spectroscopy Prague Asterix Laser System Personal Air and Land Vehicle Passive Acoustic Monitoring (Meeresbiologie/marine biology) Puls-Amplituden-Modulation, Pulse-Amplitude Modulation Preassigned Multiple Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Personal Area Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Polyacrylonitrile Predictability and Dynamics of Weather Systems in the Atlantic–European Sector (for better weather forecast) Probing Acceleration now with Supernovae (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Password Authentication Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Personal Assistent for Public Transport Systems Palo Alto Research Center (Xerox) Partial Correlation Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (Rosman, NC, USA) Partnership for Air Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction (gegründet/founded Sept. 2003) Pädagogische Arbeitsstelle des deutschen Volkshochschulverbandes (Frankfurt/M., DE) Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Persistent Association Technology (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Pilot-Assisted Transmission (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Port Address Translation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Process Analytical Technology Program Association Table (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) PanAfrican Telecommunication Union Physics Achievement Year Polybrominated Biphenyl Provider Backbone Bridge (Telekommunikation/telecommunication, Ethernet) Packet Binary Convolutional Coding (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) polybromierte Diphenylether, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether Photonic Basis for Engineers and Technicians (California, USA) Phononic Band Gap Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (DPG) Physics-Based Industries [Gas-] Pebble-Bed Modular Reactor (Kernreaktor, geplant für 2014 in Südafrika/nuclear plant, planned for 2014 in South Africa) pyrolytisches Bornitrid Plate Boundary Observatory (Geodäsie/geodesy) Polybenzobioxazol Primer-Bindungsstelle (in RNA) Polybutylenterephthalat, Poly Butylene Terephthalate Plasma Beat-Wave Accelerator Plastic Bonded Explosive (Sprengstoff/explosive) Private Branch Exchange (Internet) Princeton Beta Experiment – Modified (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology) Personal Computer Phononic Crystal Polycarbonat Project Completion Principal Component Analysis (= HKA) Proportional Counter Array (beim/at the RXTE) President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (USA) polychlorierte Biphenyle 92 PCB PCC PCC P-CCPCH PCD PCD PCDE PCF PCF PCG PCI PCIMG PCM PCM PCM PCMCIA PCN PCO PCO PCP PCPEP PCR PCR PCR PCR PCR PCS PCS PCS P-CSCF PCSS PCST PCT PCTF PCTJ PCU PCU PCU PCX PCX PD PD PD PDA PDA PDBF PdBI PDC PDCH PDCP PDD PDD PDD PDE PDE PDF PDF PDF PDG PDGF PDH PDI PDL PDL PDLC PDM PDM PDMS PDN PDO PDO PDP PDP PDP PDR PDR PDS PDS Printed Circuit Board Partial Correlation Coefficient polychloriertes Camphen Primary Common Control Physical Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Passive Cavitation Detector Power Control Device Peak Code Domain Error (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Photonic Crystal Fibre Polymer Cladded Fiber (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Project Coordination Group (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Peripheral Component Interconnect (Datenbus/data bus) PCI Industrial Computers Manufacturers Group Parallel Climate Model Phase Change Material Puls-Code-Modulation Personal Computer Memory Card International Association Personal Communications Network Point of Control and Observation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Public Call Office (Telefon/telephone) Pentachlorphenol Primary Common Control Physical Power (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Peak Cell Rate (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Polymerase Chain Reaction (Biotechnologie/biotechnology) Predictive Control of Reactors Principal Component Regression Program Clock Reference (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Personal Communications Service (or: System) Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Plastic-Clad Silica Proxy-Call State (or: Session) Control Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Personal Communication Satellite Systems [International Network on] Public Communication of Science and Technology Patent Cooperation Treaty Plated Copper on Thick and Thin Film (Technology) Parallel Connected Twin Junction (Infrarotastronomie/infrared astronomy) Packet Control Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Power Conditioning Unit Power Control Unit [Dateinamenerweiterung: Graphikdatei/file name extension: graphic file] Private Communication Exchange (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Privatdozent Probability of Detection Proportional–Derivative (Control), Proportional–Differential (Regler) Personal Digital Assistent (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Photo Diode Array (Detector) Profile Database Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Plateau de Bure Interferometer (FR) Personal (or: Portable) Digital Cellular (or: Communication) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Packet Data Channels (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Packet Data Compression (or: Convergence) Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Pervasive Developmental Disorder Photodynamische Diagnostik Platform Data Distribution (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Partial Differential Equation Phosphodiesterase Policy Decision Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Portable Document Format Probability Density Function Packet Data Gateway (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (Blutplättchen-Wachstumsfaktor/blood platelets) Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik (Berlin, DE) Page Description Language (Printer Server) Polarization Dependent Loss (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal Polarization Division Multiplexing (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Product Data Management Polydimethylsiloxan Packet Data Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Packet Data Optimized (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Pazifische Dekadenoszillation (Meeresklima/marine climate) Packet Data Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Plasma Discharge (or: Display) Panel Policy Decision Point (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Personal Disk Recorder Preliminary Design Review Payload Data Segment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Permanent Data Storage System 93 PDS PDSN PDSS PDT PDU PDU PDX PE PE PE PE PE PE PEACE PEAP PEAQ PEC PECASE PECVD PEEM PEG PEI PEM PEM PEM PEMFC PEN PEN PEO PEP PEP PEP PEPS PEPSI PER PER Per PER PER PERL Perl PES PES PESC PESQ PEST PET PET PET PETRA PF PFA PFAU PFD PFE PFH PFI PFI PFM PG PG PGA PGA PGO PGP PGP PGSA PH PHA PHARE PhAST PHB PHB Ph.D. PHENIX PHI Polydioxanon Packet Data Serving Node (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Protected Data Storage System Photodynamic Therapy, Photodynamische Therapie (Augenheilkunde und Hautkrebstherapie/ophthalmology and skin cancer therapy) Packet Data Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Protocol Data Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Princeton Divertor Experiment (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology, PPPL) Peru (ISO 3166) Phase Error (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Polyethylen Prediction Error Provider Edge (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Pulse Echo Process Execution and Communication Environment Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Perceived Evaluation of Audio Quality Photoelectrocatalytic (Brennstoffzellen/fuel cells) Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (Acoustical Society of America) Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Photo-Emission Electron Microscopy, Photoemissions-Elektronenmikroskop(ie) Polyethylenglykol Peripheral Equipment Interface Photon Emission Microscopy Polymer-Elektrolyt-Membran (Brennstoffzelle/fuel cell) Proton Exchange Membrane (Brennstoffzelle/fuel cell) Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Physics Education News Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies (USA) Polyethylenoxid Performance Enhancing Proxies (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Polymeric Electronics Packaging Positron-Electron Project (SLAC) Performance Evaluation of Parallel Systems (EU research project) Potsdam Echelle Polarimetric and Spectroscopic Instrument (fertig/completed 2008) Packed Encoding Rule (ASN.1) Packet Error Ratio (or: Rate) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Perchlorethen Physis Education Research Polarization Extinction Ratio Passivated Emitter and Rear, Locally Diffused (Solarzellen/solar cells) Practical Extraction and Report Language (scherzhaft auch/ironically also: Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister) (Textmanipulation/text manipulation) Packetized Elementary Stream (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Photoelektronenspektroskopie Power Electronics Specialist Conference Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Princeton Equilibrium and Stability in Tokomak (Fusion Experiment) Polyethylenterephthalat Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie, Positron Emission Tomography Productivity Enhancement Technology Transfer Positron-Elektron-Tandem-Ring-Anlage (DESY) Französisch-Polynesien/French Polynesia (ISO 3166) Probability of False Alarm Programm zur finanziellen Absicherung von Unternehmensgründern aus Hochschulen Power Flux Density Power Feeding Equipment Private Fachhochschule Partner-Furnished Items (Satelliten/satellite system) Private Finance Initiative Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Papua-Neuguniea/Papua New Guinea (ISO 3166) Peer Group Pin Grid Array (Chipgehäuse/electronic-chip box) Polyglykolid [Hirn-Zellkomplex: pons, corpus geniculatum, occiput] Personal Genome Project Pretty Good Privacy Poly-Glycerin-Sebacat-Acrylat (elastischer Kunststoff/an elastic polymeric material) Philippinen/Philippines (ISO 3166) Polyhydroxyalkanoat Poland and Hungary Action for Economic Restructuring Photonic(s) Applications, Systems, and Technologies (Conference) Per-Hop Behavior Polyhydroxybutyrat(e) Doctor of Philosophy Pioneering High Energy New Ion (or: Nuclear Interaction) Experiment (RHIC) Planbasierte Hilfesysteme 94 PHM Phorce21 PHP PHS PHS PHS PHT PHY PHz PI PIA PIA PIAFE PIANO PIC PIC PICA PICA PICH PICS PICU PID PID PID PIDA PIDC PIEMAN PII PIK PIL PILZ PIM PIMRC PIM-SM PIN PIN PINET PINT PIOC PIP PIPEDA PIPS PIR PISA PIU PIV PIXIT π /4 DQPSK PK PKC PKE PKI PKM PKY PL PL PL PLA PLANET PLASTIC PLC PLC PLC PLC p.l.c. PLCCO PLCP PLD PLdB PLDIU PLE PLED PLL PLM PLMN PLO Prognostics and Health Managament Photonics Research Coordination Europe – Photonics 21 Hypertext Processor (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Packet Header Suppression (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Personal Handyphone System Peripheral High Speed (Bus) plötzlicher Herztod Physical Layer (DECT) Petahertz (= 1015 Hz) Proportional–Integral (Control), Proportional–Integral (Regelung) Photonic Integrated Amplifier (optische Telekommunikation/optivcal telecommunication) Positronen-Intensitäts-Akkumulator (DESY) Projet d’Ionisation et d’Accélération de Faisceaux Exotiques (Grenoble, FR) Perturbation Investigation of Aerodynamic Noise [Dateinamenerweiterung: Graphikdatei/file name extension: graphic file] Photonic Integrated Circuit Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (Material für Raumfahrzeug-Hitzeschild/material for spacecraft heat shield) Picosecond Imaging Circuit Analysis Pilot Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Protocol Implementation (or: Instance) Conformance Statement (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Packet Identifier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Präimplantationsdiagnostik (Genetik/genetics) Proportional, Integral, Derivative (Control), Proportional–Integral–Differential (Regelung) Photonics Industry and Technology Development Association (Taiwan) Prototype International Data Center (Arlington, VA, USA) Photonic Integrated Extended Metro and Access Network (EU Project, optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Publisher Item Identifier Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung Processor-in-the-Loop Pilotprojekt Interdisziplinäres Lernen und Zusammenarbeit (Univ. Göttingen, DE) Personal Information Manager (or: Management) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [IEEE International Symposium on] Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Protocol Independent Multicast – Sparse Mode (Internet) Personal Identification Number [Photodiode aus 3 Schichten/three-layer photodiode: ‘p’-type, ‘i’ntrinsic, ‘n’-type semiconductor], Positive-Intrinsic-Negative Physics Information Network PSTN/Internet Interworking Group (Internet) Pilot Innovation Office China (Shanghai) Picture in Picture (TV: kleines Zusatzbild von anderem Sender/small insert from a different channel) Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (CA) Passivated, Implanted, Planar Silicon (Detektoren/detectors) Peak Information Rate Programme for International Student Assessment produktionsintegrierter Umweltschutz Particle Image Velocimetry Protocol Information Extra Implementation for Testing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) π /4 Rotated Differential Quaternary Phase Shift Keying (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Pakistan (ISO 3166) Public-Key Cryptography Pluto-Kuiper Express (Raumfahrt-Projekt/spacecraft project) Public (or: Private) Key Infrastructure (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Parallel Kinematic Machine (Robotik/robotics) Parkway (US Mail) Photoluminescence, Photolumineszenz Place (US Mail) Polen/Poland (ISO 3166) Polylactidacid Probing Lensing Anomalies Network (Astrophysik: Gravitationslinsen/astrophysics: gravitational lenses) Plasma and Suprathermal Ion and Composition (Sonnenphysik/solar physics) Packet Loss Concealment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Planar Lightwave Circuit (Photonik/photonics) Powerline Communication Programmable Logic Controller public limited company (UK) Pr0.88 LaCe0.12 CuO4−δ (Hochtemperatursupraleiter/high-temperature superconductor) Physical Layer Convergence Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Pulsed Laser Deposition Mark VII Perceived Loudness in dB Payload Distribution and Interface Units (Satellitentechnik/satellite technology) Photolumineszenz-Anregungsspektroskopie Polymeric Light-Emitting Diode Phase-Locked Loop Product Lifecycle Management, Produkt-Lebenszyklus-Management Public Land Mobile Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Phase-Locked Oscillator 95 PLOAM PLoS PLP PLP PLR PLSA PLSB PLT PLT PLZ PLZ PM PM PM PM PMAS PMB PMC PMC PMCA PMD PMD PMF PMLB PMMA PMO PMOLED PMOS PMP PMR PMS PMS PMSJ PMSS PMT PMT PMV PMW PN PN PNAS PNE PNG PNGV PNNI PNNL PNO PNP PNU POC POC PoC PoCL POCS POD POEM POF POFTO POG POI POINTS POLLENS POLO POLSTRACC POLY POMA PON PONS POP POP POP POP POPA POPP PoS POS POS POSIX Physical Layer Operations, Administration and Maintainance (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Public Library of Science Perceptual Linear Prediction Phantom Limb Pain Point of Local Repair Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (Sprachverarbeitung/speech processing) Provider Link State Bridging (Telekommunikation/telecommunication, Ethernet) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Graphikdatei/file name extension: graphic file] Princeton Large Experiment (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology, PPPL) Plaza (US Mail) Postleitzahl Performance Monitoring Perona-Malik (Diffusionsgleichung/diffusion equation) Photomultiplier (tube) St. Pierre et Miquelon (ISO 3166) Potsdamer Multi-Apertur Spektralphotometer Polarization Mode Dispersion Personal Mobile Communicator Phys Math Central (open access Internet Journal) Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification Polarization-Mode Dispersion (Glasfasernetz/glass fiber net) Portable MAC Identity for Display (DECT) Polarization Maintaining Fiber (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Plans Municipaux de Lutte contre le Bruit Polymethylmethacrylat Program Managament Office Passive Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode P-Channel MOS Point-to-Multipoint (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Professional Mobile Radio Portable Monitoring System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Puls-Magnetron-Sputtern (Dünne Schichten/thin layers) Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan Polymethylsilsesquioxan [Si(CH3 )O1,5 ]n Photomultiplier Tube Program Map Table (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Predicted Mean Vote Project Management Workbench Pitcairn (ISO 3166) Pseudo-Random Noise (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) Peaceful Nuclear Explosion [Dateinamenerweiterung: Graphikdatei/file name extension: graphic file] Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles Private Network-Node (or: -Network) Interface (Internet) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Washington, USA) Private Network Operator Purinnucleosid-Phosphorylase Physics News Update (USA) Particulate Organic Carbon Point of Concentration (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Push(-to-Talk) over Cellular (Mobiltelefone/mobile phones) Power-over-Camera Link (Kamera-Stromversorgung/camera power supply) Projection onto Convex Set (Bildverarbeitung/picture processing) Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Programme for Observation of the Earth and its Environment Polymer (or: Plastic) Optical Fiber Plastic Optical Fiber Trade Organization Personal Office Gateway Point of Interest (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Precision Optical Interferometer in Space Platform for Open, Light, Legible and Efficient Network Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Fraunhofer-Themenverbund] Polymere Oberflächen The Polar Stratosphere in a Changing Climate (Research project for HALO) Polymeric Materials for Microelectronics and Photonics (Congress) Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (Acoustical Society of America) Passive Optical Network (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Prometheus Orthonormal System Persistent Organic Pollutant Point of Presence (Internet) Point of Purchase (Verkaufsstrategie/sales strategy) Post Office Protocol (E-Mail Server) Panel on Public Affairs (APS) Panel on Public Policy Packet over SONET (or: SDH) Part-of-Speech (Sprachverarbeitung/speech processing) Point of Sale (Verkaufsstrategie) Portable Operating System Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 96 POST POSTECH PostEurop POTS POW PP PP PP PPADC PPARC PPAU ppb PPBE PPC PPD PPDU PPF PPF PPF PPG PPL PPLN ppm PPM PPM PPMS PPN PPN PPP PPP PPP PPPL PPPoA PPPoE PPPoUSB PPR PPS PPS PPS ppt PPT PPTP PPV PPV PPVPN PQ PR PR PRA PRACE PRBS PRC PRC PRI PRIF PRIME PRK PRL PROLA PROLOG PROM PROMED PROMETHEUS PrP PRS PRS PRS PRT PRUAC PS PS PS PS PSA PSA PSA PSAB PSAC Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (UK) Pohang University of Science and Technology (Korea) Association of European Public Postal Operators Plain Old Telephone Service (or: System) Prisoner of War Point to Point (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Polypropylen Portable Part (z.B. Handset) (DECT) Pulse Processing Analog-to-Digital Converter Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (London, UK) Packet Processor and Access Unit parts per billion, 10−9 Plans de Prévention du Bruit dans l’Environnement Photovoltaic Power Converter (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied PLCP Data Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Positive Position Feedback Print Production Format Private Project Financing (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Pacific Proving Ground (Atombomben-Testgebiet/atomic bombs test site) Passive Photonic Loop Periodically-Poled Lithium Niobate (Wellenleiter/waveguide) parts per million, 10−6 Photonic Power Module (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Pulse Position Modulation Physical Property Measurement System Parametricized Post-Newtonian (Gravitationstheorie/theory of gravitation) Personal Private Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Point-to-Point Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Poly(p-Phenylen) Public/Private Partnership (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology) Point-to-Point over Asynchronous Transfer Mode (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Point-to-Point over Ethernet (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Point-to-Point over Universal Serial Bus (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Pflegepersonalregelung Prepaid Postpaid Suite (Handy/Mobile Phone) The Polish Physical Society Programmable Pulse Stimulus parts per trillion, 10−12 [Dateinamenerweiterung: Microsoft PowerPoint-Datei/file name extension: Microsoft PowerPoint file] Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (Internet) Pay-per-View (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Poly(p-Phenylen Vinylen) Provider-Provisioned Virtual Private Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Priority Queue Public Relations Puerto Rico (ISO 3166) Primary Rate Access (ISDN) Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (EU project) Pseudorandom Bit (or: Binary) Sequence Physics Resources Center (AIP) Primary Reference Clock (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Primary Rate Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Peace Research Institute Frankfurt Privacy and Identity Management for Europe (EU project) Photorefraktive Keratotomie (Augenchirurgie/eye surgery) Physical Review Letters Physical Review Online Archive Programming in Logic Programmable Read-Only Memory Program to Monitor Emerging Diseases Programme for a European Traffic with Highest Efficiency and Unprecedented Safety Prion-Protein Packet Ring Switch (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Program Request Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Public Regulated Services (Galileo) Personal Rapid Transport (führerloser Personentransfer auf Flughäfen/driver-free transport on airports) Pacific Rim Underwater Acoustics Conference Packet Switched (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Palästina/Palestinian Territory (ISO 3166) Parametric Stereo Phone Splitter Plataforma Solar de Almeria (Solarkraftwerk/solar power plant) Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Prostata-spezifisches Antigen Physics, Space and Astronomy Board (UK) The President’s Advisory Committeee (USA) 97 PSAM PSAP PSBT PSC PSC PSC PSC PSCF PSD PSD PSE PSE PSE PSF PSG PSI PSI PSI PSI PSID PSJ PSK PSNR PS-NSOM PSOLA PSPC PSQM PSR PSS PSS PSS PSSC PST PSTM PSTN PSU PT PTA PTA PTA PTAP PTB PTBS PTCA PTCN PTCRB PTFE PTI PTMT p.t.o. PTO PTOL PtP PTP PTR PTRA PTS PTS PTSB PTSP PTT PTT PTV PTV PTZ PU PU PUB PUFA PULSAR PUMA PUNE PUR PUR PUREX PUSC PUSH PUSH Pilot Symbol Assisted Modulation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Public Safety Answering Point (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Phase Shifted Binary Transmission (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Pension Support Centre (zur Förderung der Mobilität von Forschern in Europa) Personal Supercomputer (seit/since 2006) Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (USA) Polar Stratospheric Cloud (Ozonloch/hole in the ozone layer) Pure Silica Core Fiber (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Position-Sensing Detector Power Spectral Density Personal Service Environment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Programm- und Systementwicklung Pulse Shape Equalization (Laser) Point Spread Function Programmable Sound Generator Paul Scherrer Institut (Villingen, CH) Photon Science Institute (Manchester, UK) Program Specific (or: Service) Information Programmable Serial Interface Panel Study of Income Dynamics (USA) The Physical Society of Japan Phase Shift Keying (Modulation) Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio Phase-Sensitive Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscope Pitch-Synchronous Overlap Add (Sprachsynthese/speech synthesis) [positionsempfindlicher Proportionalzähler] (Röntgensatellit/X-ray satellite) Perceptual Speech Quality Measure (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Precision Segmented Reflector (Satelliten/satellites) Packet Streaming Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Personalized Service Selector (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) PSTN Simulation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Physical Sciences Study Committee (USA) [Fraunhofer-] Patentstelle für die Deutsche Forschung (München, DE) Photon Scanning Tunneling Microscope Public Switched Telephone Network (Öffentliches Fernsprechnetz) Portland State University (USA) Portugal (ISO 3166) Personal Travel Assistent Pharmazeutisch-technische(r) Assistent(in) Physikalisch-technische(r) Assistent(in) Photonics Technology Access Programme Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (Braunschweig, DE) Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung perkutane transluminale Coronar-Angioplastie (Chirurgie/surgery) Pysics Today Career Network (AIP) PCS Type Certification Review Board (Mobilfunk/mobile radio) Polytetrafluoreth(yl)en Physikalisch-Technisches Institut (ehem./former DDR, Jena) Point to Mult-Point (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) please turn over (= b.w.) Public Telecommunications Operator Physics Today Online (Journal) Peer-to-Peer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Point to Point (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt (Berlin, DE, ab/since 1887, später/later on: PTB) Physics Teaching Resource Agents Permanent Threshold Shift (Gehör/in hearing) Presentation Time Stamp (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (Medizin/medicine) PNNI Topology State Packet (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Post, Telegraph and Telephone Push-to-Talk (Telekommunikation, Mobiltelefone/telecommunication, mobile phones) Projection Television Push-to-View (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Produktionstechnisches Zentrum (FhG, Berlin, DE) Polyurethan, Polyurethane produktintegrierter Umweltschutz [Dateinamenerweiterung: Microsoft Publisher-Datei/file name extension: Microsoft Publisher file] Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren) Pump Laser Stacks with Aerospace Reliability (EU-Programm) Dreiachsenspektrometer mit Polarisationsanalyse und Multi-Analysator Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy Plutonium and Uranium Extraction (radioaktiver Abfall/radioactive waste) Polyurethan, Polyurethane Plutonium and Uranium Recovery by Extraction Partially Utilized Subchannel Allocation (or: Subchannelisation) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Partnernetz für Unternehmensgründungen aus Stuttgarter Hochschulen Public Understanding of the Sciences and Humanities 98 PV PV PVA PVB PVC PVC PVD PVDF PVGIS PVK P-VLAN PVM PVR PV-4D PW PW PW PWAM PWE3 PWFA PWLAN PWR PWM PWT PXI PXP PY PyC PZ PZN PZT P2M P2P Photovoltaik, Photovoltaics Present Value Polyvinyl Alcohol, Polyvinylalkohol Polyvinyl Butyral Permanent Virtual Circuit (or: Channel) (Rechnernetz/computer network) Polyvinylchlorid Physical Vapor Deposition Polyvinylidenfluorid Photovoltaic Geographical Information System Poly-N-vinylcarbazol Provider VLAN (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Parallel Virtual Machine (Parallelrechner/parallel computer) Personal Video Recording (or: Recorder) Parallele Visualisierung in vier Dimensionen Palau (ISO 3166) Photonics West (Conference and Exhibition, USA) Pseudo Wire (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Pilot Waveform Assisted Modulation (Datenübertragung/data transfer) Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge to Edge (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Plasma Wakefield Accelerator Public Wireless LAN (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Pressurized-Water Reactor (Kernreaktor/nuclear reactor) Pulse Width Modulation Private Wireless Telephony (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) PCI Extensions for Instrumentation Peer X-Press (AIP) Paraguay (ISO 3166) Pyrokohlenstoff Panama-Kanalzone/Panama Canal Zone (ISO 3166 bis/until 1980) Pharmazentralnummer Lead Zirconate Titanate, Blei-Zirkonat-Titanat Point-to-Multipoint (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Point-to-Point (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Q Q QA QA Q&A QALY QAM QAR QAS QAU QAU QBD QBER QC QC QCD QCITY QCL QCW QD QDL QE QED qed QELS QEOD QFD QFL QFT QGP QHE QIM QKD QLN QM QM QMC QMS QND QoE QOS QPC QPO QPSK Q-Factor, Quality Factor, Gütefaktor Quality Assurance Qatar (ISO 3166) Questions and Answers Quality-Adjusted Life Years Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Quantitative Autoradiography (Medizin/medicine) Quality Assurance System Quaid-i-Azam University (Islamabad, Pakistan) Quality Assurance Unit Quasi-Birth-and-Death Quantum Bit-Error Rate Quality Control Quantum Cryptography Quantum Chromodynamics, Quantenchromodynamik Integrated Project Quiet City Transport (EC) Quantum Cascade Laser Quasi-Continuous Wave (Diodenlaser/diode laser) Quantum Dot Quantum Dot Laser Quantum Efficiency (Photosensor/optical sensors) Quantenelektrodynamik quod erat demonstrandum (= was zu beweisen war) Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (Conference) Quantum Electronics and Optics Division (EPS, European Physical Society) Quality Function Deployment Quantum Fountain Laser Quantenfeldtheorie, Quantum Field Theory Quark-Gluon Plasma Quantum Hall Effect, Quanten-Hall-Effekt Quantization Index Modulation (Wasserzeichen/watermarking) Quantum Key Distribution (Kryptographie/cryptography) Quiet Line Noise (Rauschpegel ohne Signal) Quality Management, Qualitätsmanagement Quantum Magnetics Quanten-Monte-Carlo (-Technik/technique) Quasi-monokristalline Siliziumschicht Quantum Nondemolition Measurement (rückwirkungsfreie Quantenmessung) Quality of Experience Quality of Service Quantum Point Contact Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (Röntgensterne/X-ray stars) Quadrature (or: Quaternary) Phase Shift Keying (Modulation) 99 qPSNR QR QRY QSAR QSIG QSM QSO QSVD QTVR QUANTOM QUB QUIC QUS QUT QW QWI QWIP Quasi Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio Quick Response [Dateinamenerweiterung: Microsoft Datenbank-Abfrage/file name extension: MIcrosoft data bank query] Quantitative Structure-Activity Relation(ship) (Chemie/chemistry) Q Interface Signaling Qualitative Software Metrics Quasi-Stellar Object, quasistellares Objekt Quotient Singular Value Decomposition Quick Time Virtual Reality Quantitative Tomographiedatenanalyse Queen’s University Belfast (IE) Quantum Information and Computation Consortium Quantitative Ultrasound Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, AU) Quantum Well Quantum Well Intermixing (abstimmbarer Laser/tunable laser) Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector R R RA RA RA RA RAB RAB RABiTS RAC RACE RACH RACS RAD RADAR RADIUS RADS RAeS RAFT RAID RAIM RAINBOW RAIRO RAL RAM RAM RAMICS RAMS RAN RAN RANAP RAP RAP RAPID RAPTOR RAR RARDE RAS RAS RAS RAS RAS RASS RAST RASTI RAT RAT RATP RB RBC RBD RBD RBOC RBR RBW RC RC R/C Router (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Radio Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Radio Astronomy Research Assistant (USA) Routing Area (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Radio Access Bearer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Remote Amplifier Box (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Rolling Assisted Biaxially Textured Substrates Radio (or: Resource) Admission Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Research and Development in Advanced Communication Technologies in Europe [or: Research (Programme) on (or: into) Advanced Communication(s) in Europe] Random Access Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Resource Admission Control Subsystem (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Rapid Application Development Radio Detection and Ranging Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [International Symposium on] Room Acoustics: Design and Science Royal Aeronautical Society (UK) Reversibler Additions-Fragmentierungs-Ketten-Transfer (Polymerisation) Redundant Array of Independent (or: Inexpensive) Disks Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (Satellitentechnik/satellite technology) Reduced and Internally Biased Oxide Wafer (piezoelektrischer Aktor/piezoelectric actuator) Revue Française d’Automatique, Informatique et Recherche Opérationelle Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory (Oxford-Chilton, UK) Random Access Memory Remote Access Multiplexer (Internet) Rapid Airbore Mine Clearance System Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety Radio Access Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Remote Access Node (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Radio Access Network Application Part (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Radio Access Profile (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Radiological Assistence Program (DoE, USA) Research and Public Information and Dissemination (USA, Programm zu EMF-Schäden/program concerning EMF hazards) Rapid Telescopes for Optical Response Radio Access Router (Datenübertragung/data transfer) Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment (UK) Reflectance Anisotropy Spectroscopy Registration, Admission and Status (Kommunikation/communication) Remote Access Server (or: Service) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Royal Astronomical Society (UK) Russian Acoustical Society Radio Acoustic Sounding System Radio Allergo Sorbent Test Rapid Speech Transmission Index Radio Access Technology (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Readiness Assessment Test Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiennes (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Radio Bearer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Radio Block Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Reference-Beam Diffraction (Festkörperphysik/solid state physics) Reliability Block Diagram Regional Bell Operating Company Radiation Belt Remediation (Strahlungsgürtel der Erde/earth radiation belt) Resolution Bandwidth (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Room Criteria (zur Lärmbeurteilung/for noise rating) Routing Controller (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Revenue/Cost Ratio 100 RCC RCE RCE RCK RCL RCLED RCMS RCP RCP RCRA RCS RCS RCS RCST RCSU RCT RCTT RD RD R&D RDA RDBMS RDC RDC RDD RDF RDF RDI RDK RDS RDX RE RE REA REACH REACOL REC RECMA RECOVER RED REG RegTP REL REM REM REM REMSIM REN ReNaSS RERF RES RES RE-SEED RESOLFT RET RETSPL REU REWIMET REX REXUS RF RF RFA RFC RFD RFETS RFI RFID RFP RFPI RFSQ RFT RG RGA RGB RGCH RGO RGS Routing Control Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Reconfigurable Computing Environment Relative Constellation Error (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Research Centre Karlsruhe Radio Communication Links Resonant Cavity Light Emitting Diode Remote Control and Monitoring System Radio Control Part (or: Point) Rapid Control(ler) Prototyping Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (USA) Remote Control System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Return Channel by Satellite (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Return Channel System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Return Channel Satellite Terminal Remote Control and Status Unit Regionale Chemotherapie (Krebsbekämpfung/cancer therapy) Radio Conformance Test Tester (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Road (US Mail) Route Distinguisher (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Research and Development Results-Dependent Analysis Relational Database Management System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Reifendruck Control Remote Digital Concentrator (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Rights Data Dictionary (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Resource Description Framework (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Reverse Dispersion Fiber (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Reverse Defect Indication Reifendruckkontrollsystem (= TPMS) Radio Data Service (or: System) (Europe) Trimethylentrinitramin (Hexogen, Sprengstoff/explosive) Reunion (ISO 3166) Rough Environment Rauchgas-Entschwefelungs-Anlage Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals Réseau Européen pour l’Assemblage par Collage Radiative Electron Capture Radio and Electronics Component Manufacturers’ Association Remote Continual Verification (Atomenergie-Kontrolle/atomic energy surveillance) Random Early Detection [Dateinamenerweiterung: Windows Registrierungs-Datei/file name extension: Windows registration file] Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post (vorher/formerly: BAPT, davor/still earlier: FTZ) Rights Expression Language (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Rapid Eye Mount (telescope, IT) Rapid Eye Movement (Schlaf-Phase/sleep period) Rasterelektronenmikroskop Radiation Exposure and Mission Strategies for Interplenetary Manned Missions Research and Education Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Réseau National de Surveillance Seismique (Strasbourg, FR) Radiation Effects Research Foundation (Japan) Radio Equipment and Systems (TC im/in the ETSI) Red Española de Supercomputación (Spanish Supercomputing Network) Retirees Enhancing Science Education through Experiment and Demonstration (USA) Reversible Saturable/Switchable Optical Fluorescent Transitions (hochauflösende Abbildung/super-resolution imaging) Resolution Enhancement Technology Reference Equivalent Threshold Sound Pressure Level Remote Control Electronic Unit Regionales Windfeld-Modell einschließlich Transport (Wettervorhersage/weather forecast) Realtime Executive (ein Betriebssystem/an operating system) Raketenexperimente für Universitätsstudenten (Okt. 2008, SE) Radio Frequency Rating Function Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse Request for Comment(s) (Rechnernetz/computer network) Request for Discussion (Rechnernetz/computer network) Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (Kernwaffenproduktion/nuclear weapon production) Rete Ferroviaria Italiana Radio Frequency Identification (Device) Request for Proposal (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Radio Fixed Part Identity (DECT) Rapid Single Flux Quantum (logic integrated circuit) Run-Flat Tyre (Kfz-Reifen mit Notlaufeigenschaften) Routing Gateway (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Residual Gas Analyzer Red-Green-Blue, Rot-Grün-Blau (Bildverarbeitung/picture processing) Relative Grant Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Reduced Gravity Office (NASA) Reflection Grating Spectrometer 101 RGS RGW RGW RGZM RH RH RH RHD RHEED RHESSI RHIC RI R&I RIA RIAA RIB RIBE RIC RIE RIKEN RIMS RIMS RIN RIP RIP RIP RIS RISC RISC RISM RIT RITA RITL RKA RKI RKM RLC RLE RLL RLMS rlogin RLR RLS RLVIP RM RM RMA RMC RMC-C RMC-R RMI RMMS RMON RMP RMS RMS RMS RMT RNA RNAi RNC RNEP RNFL RNG RNL RNN RNO RNP RNRT RNS RNS RO ROADM ROC ROC ROC ROCCO RoHC Royal Geographic Society (London, 1830) Rat für gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe Residential Gateway (Kommunikation/communication) Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Forschungsinstitut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte (Mainz, DE) Relative Humidity Right Hand Südrhodesien/Southern Rhodesia (ISO 3166 bis/until 1980) Right Hemisphere Damage (Hirnschäden/brain damage) Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction (Oberflächenanalyse, Elektronenoptik/surface analysis, electron optics) Ramati High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (Satellit/satellite) Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, USA) Rhode Island (US-Staat/US state) Research and Innovation Rare Isotope Accelerator (USA, cancelled 2006) Recording Industry Association of America Routing Information Base (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Reactive Ion Beam Etching Rehabilitation Institue of Chicago Reactive Ion Etching [Institute of Physical and Chemical Research] (Japan) Ranging and Integrity Monitoring Stations (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Resonance Ionization Mass Spectroscopy Relative Intensity Noise Raster Imaging Processing (Bildverarbeitung/picture processing) Requiescat in pace (Ruhe in Frieden/Rest in Peace) Routing Information Protocol (Internet) Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy Reduced-Instruction-Set Computer Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (Linz, AT) Research Institute for Scientific Measurements (Tohoku University, Sendai, JP) Reference Inhouse Test (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Radio Frequency Ion Thruster Assembly Radio in the Loop (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Russian Space Agency] Robert-Koch-Institut (Berlin, DE) Rasterkraftmikroskop Radio Link Control(ler) (Telekommunikation, Layer 2) Refractive Lens Exchange (Augenchirurgie/eye surgery) Radio in the Local Loop (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Recursive Least Mean Squares (Algorithmus/algorithm) remote login Receive Loudness Rating (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Recursive Least Squares (Algorithmus/algorithm) Reactive Low-Voltage Ion Plating Remote (or: Regional) Manager (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Room (US Mail) Radio Manufacturers’ Association RACE Management Committee Central Remote Maintenance Centre Regional Remote Maintenance Centre Remote Method Invocation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Remote Maintenance and Monitoring System Remote Monitoring Rights Management and Protection Radio Monitoring System Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis Root Mean Square Real Money Trade (Spieler-Jargon/gambler slang) Ribonucleic Acid (Genetik/genetics) RNA-Interferenz (Genetik/genetics) Radio (and) Network (or: Node) Controller (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (Atomwaffe/atomic weapon, USA) Retinale Nervenfaserschicht (Auge/eye) Random Number Generator Radio Network Layer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Recurrent Neural Net Radio Network Optimization (or: Optimizer) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Radio Network Planning (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Réseau National de Recherche en Télécommunications (France Télécom) Radio Network Subsystem (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Ribonucleinsäure Rumänien/Romania (ISO 3166) Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Radius of Curvature Receiver (or: Relative) Operating Characteristic (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Republic of China (Taiwan) Robust Checksum-Based Header Compression (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Robust Header Compression (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 102 RoHS ROI ROI ROIC ROL ROM RON RoRo ROS ROSA ROSAT ROSIS ROTEX ROTSE ROV RP RP RPA RPC RPCR RPG RPI RPM RPM RPM RPO RPR RPS RPTV RPU RPWS RPZ RQI RR RR RR RR RRC RRC rrd RREA RRL RRM RRO RRP RRSTP RRW RS RS RS-232 RSA RSAL RSC RSC RSCW RSFF RSFQ rsh RSI RSM RSM RSPB RSS RSS RSSI RST RST RST RST RSTP RSTW RSU RSVP RSVP RSVP RSVP-TE Restriction of (or: on) (Certain) Hazardous Substances Region of Interest (Bildverarbeitung/picture processing) Return On Investment (or: Instrument) Readout Integrated Circuit Reverse Oscillating Layer Read Only Memory Resilient Overlay Network (Internet) Roll-on, Roll-off (Autofähren/car ferries) Reactive Oxygen Species Receiver Optical Subassembly (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) [deutscher] Röntgensatellit, Roentgen Satellite (1990) Reflective Optics System Imaging Spectrometer Roboter-Technologie-Experiment (Spacelab) Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Remotely Operated Vehicle Rheinland-Pfalz (Bundesland/German Federal State) Route Processor (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Random Phase Approximation Remote Procedure Call (für vernetzte Messgeräte/for crosslinked measuring instruments) Robust Principal Component Regression Role Playing Game Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA) Radiation Portal Monitoring (Strahlungsnachweis/radiation detection) Radio Policy Matters (TC im/in the ETSI) Random Particle Mesh Model (für aeroakustische Simulationen/for aeroacoustic simulations) Rahmenprüfungsordnung Resilient Package (or: Packet) Ring (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) The Romanian Physical Society Rear-Projection Television Ray Processing Unit (Computergrafik/computer graphics) Radio and Plasma Wave Science (Instrument an Bord des Saturn-Satelliten Cassini/instrument on board of the Saturn satellite Cassini) Reichspostzentralamt (Berlin, ab 1.4.1928; vorher: Telegraphentechnisches Reichsamt, TRA) RNA Quality Indicator radiative Rekombination Radio Regulations (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Riva-Rocci (-Apparat zur Blutdruckmessung/blood pressure measuring device) Round Robin Radio Resource Control (Telekommunikation, Layer 3) Root Raised Cosine Reti Radiotelevisive Digitali (IT) Relativistic Runaway Electron Avalanche Radio Research Laboratory (Korea) Radio Resource Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Record Route Object (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Rapid Reconfiguration Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Ring Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (Ethernet) Reliable Replacement Warhead (USA: Ersatzsprengkopf/weapon) Raman Spectroscopy Retinolsäure RS: Recommended Standard (EIA) [Ronald] Rivest, [Adi] Shamir, [Leonard A.] Adleman (asymmetrischer Kryptoalgorithmus/asymmetric encryption algorithm, 1977) Radionuclide Soil Action Level (Umweltschutz/environment conservation Radio Station, Central (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) Radio Station Central Wireless (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Risk-Sharing Financing Facility (EU-Initiative für riskante Vorhaben/EU initiative) Rapid Single Flux Quantum Device Remote Shell Rotational Shearing Interferometer Remote Station Nodal (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Response Surface Model (Motorsport-Simulation/motor sports simulation) Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (UK) Really Simple Syndication Received-Signal Strength (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Receiver Signal Strength Indicator (DECT) (or: Radio ...) Radio Station, Terminal (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Repeater Station Resonance Scattering Theory Running Status Table Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Radio Station Terminal Wireless (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Remote Subscriber Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Répond, s’il vout plaı̂t (bitte antworten/please respond) Rare Symmetry-Violating Processes Resource Reservation Protocol (Telekommunikation, Internet) Resource Reservation Protocol – Traffic Engineering (Telekommunikation, Internet) 103 RT RT RTAC RTAI RTCP RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTE RTE RTF RTG RTG RTI RTL RTL RTL RTL RTLinux RTM RTM RTM RTMA RTO RTOS RTP rtPS RTSP RTT RTT RTU RTVISC RTW RU RU RU RUB RUBI RUCDR RULLI RUS RUS RV RVA RVB RVR RVS RW RW RWA RWC RWCP RWE RWI RWTH RX RxLev RxQual RXTE RZ RZG RZÜ Real-Time Route Target (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Real-Time Atmospheric Compensation (Adaptive Optik/adaptive optics) Real-Time Application Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Real-Time (Transport) Control Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Real-Time Difference Research and Technological Development (EC) Resistance Temperature Detector (z.B./e.g., Pt) Resonant Tunneling Device Round-Trip Delay Return From Exception Run-Time Environment (für Kfz-Entwicklung/for car development) Rich Text Format [Dateinamenerweiterung: Textdatei im Rich-Text-Format/file name extension: Rich Text file] Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Receive Transition Gap (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Real-Time Interface Raster Transfer Language (HP) Real-Time Linux Register Transfer Level Resistor-Transistor Logic Real-Time Linux Raster-Tunnelmikroskop(ie) Real Time Monitoring Reverse Time Migration (for subsurface geological imaging) Radio-Television Manufacturers’ Association Research and Technological Organization (EC) Real-Time Operating System Real-Time (Transport) Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Real Time Packet Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Real-Time Streaming Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Real-Time Testing Round Trip Time (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Remote Terminal Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Rail Transit Vehicle Interface Standards Committee (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Real-Time Workshop Repeater Unit Resources Unit Russland/Russian Union (ISO 3166) Ruhr-Universität Bochum Remote User Bus Interface Rutgers University Cell and DNA Repository (Datenbank/data bank, USA) Remote Ultra-Low Light Imaging (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy Regionalverband (z.B. DPG) Richtlinienverabschiedungsausschuss (NALS) Resonating Valence Bonds (Molekülphysik/molecular physics) Runway Visual Range Radial Velocity Spectrometer Ridge Waveguide Ruanda/Rwanda (ISO 3166) Receive Wavelength Adapter (Kommunikation/communication) Real World Computing Real World Computing Partnership (1992–2002) Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (Essen, DE) Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (Aachen, DE) Receive (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Reception Level (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Reception Quality (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (Röntgensatellit/X-ray satellite) Return to Zero (Kommunikation/communication) Rechenzentrum Garching Rechnergestützte Zugüberwachung S S-Wellen SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SAA SAAI SAAL SAARC Scherwellen (Geophysik/geophysics) Saturable Absorber (Faseroptik/fiber optics) Saudi-Arabien/Saudi Arabia (ISO 3166) Selective Availability (Satellitennavigation/satellite navigation) Service Activation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Simulated Annealing Source Address (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Station Adapter (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) South Atlantic Anomaly (Erdmagnetfeld/earth magnetic field) Southern Africa Acoustics Institute Signaling ATM Adaptation Layer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation 104 SAC SAC SAC SACD SACMOS SACODY SAD SAD SADC SAE SAE SAET SAFE SAFISY SAFT SAFTA SAG SAGD SAGE SAGM SAI SAI SAIC SAIC SAIL SALSA SALT SALT SALT SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAMP SAMPE SAMPE SAMPEX SAMUM SAN SANA SANE SAP SAP SAPAM SAPPHIRE SAPPHIRE SAPTA SAR SAR SAR SAR SARA SARFT SARS SAS SAS SAS SASA SASE SAT SAT-M SAVOIR SAW SAX SAXS SB SB SBC SBC SBEC Science Advisory Committee Service Admission Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Strategic Air Command (USA) Super Audio Compact Disk Self Aligned Contacts MOS Structure Allégée à Commande Dynamique (EU–ESPRIT research program 1987–1991) Single Anomalous Diffraction Spotless Activated Deposition (dünne Schichten/thin layers) Southern Africa Development Cooperation Society of Automotive Engineers (USA) System Achitecture Evolution (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Satellite Access for European Trains (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Sensor-Aktor-gestütztes Frühwarnsystem bei Extremwetter Space Agency Forum on ISY Synthetic Aperture Focus Technique (Signalverarbeitung/signal processing) South Asian Free Trade Association Selective Area Growth Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage (Ölsandverarbeitung/oil sand exploration) Soviet-American Gallium Experiment (Sonnen-Neutrinos, im Kaukasus/solar neutrinos, in the Caucasus) Separate Absorption, Grading and Multiplication (APD) Service Area Identifier (or: Interface) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Silent Aicraft Initiative Science Applications International Corporation Single Antenna Interference Cancellation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Speech Analysis and Interpretation Laboratory (University of Southern California) Solvers for Algebraic Systems and Applications (Software) Southern African Large Telescope Speech Application Language Tags (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (or: Talks) Saturable Absorber Mirror (Lasertechnik/laser technology) Scanning Acoustic Microscope Self-Assembled Monolayer, selbstaggregierende Monolagen (ein Molekül dicke Schicht/one molecule thin layer) [IEEE] Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing (Conference) Separate Absorption and Multiplication (ADP) Service Activation Module (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Service Aware Manager (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Speech Assessment Methodology Spherical Aberration Management Systems Analysis, Modelling and Prediction Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering Society of Aerospace Material and Process Engineering Solar, Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (USA, Satellit/spacecraft) Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment Storage Area Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wissenschaftliches Begleitprogramm zur Sanierung der Atmosphäre über den neuen Bundesländern Sustainable Accomodation for the New Economy (EU project) Service Access Point (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Symbolic Assembler Program (IBM 704, 1956) Society of African Physicists and Mathematicians Satellite and Aircraft Data Base Project for System Integrity Research (Satellitennavigation/satellite navigation) Situational Awareness and Preparedness for Public Health Incidences Using Reasoning Engines (semantisches Netz/semantic net) South Asian Preference Trade Association Search and Rescue (Service) (Galileo) Second Assessment Report (IPCC, über globale Klimaveränderung/on global climate change, 1995) Specific Absorption Rate Synthetic Aperture Radar, Synthetik-Apertur-Radar Système Accélérateur Rhône-Alpes (Grenoble, FR) State Administration for Radio Film and Television (China) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Statistik-Server Svenska Akustiska Sällskapet, Swedish Acoustical Society Synthetic Aperture Sonar (Wasserschall/underwater acoustics) South African Sugar Association Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission SIM Application Toolkit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Scholastic Aptitude Test: Mathematics Sound and Vibration Organisation Information Resources (Gesellschaft gegründet 1990, mit Unterstützung des EG COMETT-Programms, Sitz: ISVR, Southampton, GB/assocation formed in 1990 with support from the EG COMETT programme, located at ISVR, Southampton, GB) Surface Acoustic Wave Satellite per l’Astronomia X (italienischer Röntgensatellit/Italian X-ray satellite) Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Salomon-Inseln/Solomon Islands (früher Britische Salomoninseln/former British Solomon Islands) (ISO 3166) Synchronization Burst (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Session Border Controller (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Single Board Computer Subband Echo Canceler 105 SBIR SBIRS SBL SBLE SBLER SBML SBP SBR SBR SBR SBS SBS SBSL SBTA SBWAS SBZ SC SC SC SC SC SCA SCADA SCAI SCALPEL SCAMP SCAR SCAR SCASSS SCBR SCC SCC SCC SCCP SCCP S-CCPCH SCCR SCDMA SCE SCF SCF SCF SCH SCH SCI SCIAMACHY SCID SCIM SCIRAB SCM SCM SCM SCM SCMFT SCN SCN SCO SCOAP3 SCOLE SCOPE SCOR SCORE SCORE SCORM SCP SCP SCPC SCPI SCPP SCR SCRAMJET SCRF SCRG SCRI S-CSCF SCSI SCTC SCU Small Business Innovation Research (Program, USA) Space-Based Infrared System – Low Earth Orbit Space Based Laser Sub-Block Error (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Sub-Block Error Rate (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Systems Biology Markup Language Société Belge de Physique Space-Based Radar Spectral Band Replication (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Sustainable Bit Rate (Datenübertragung/data transfer) Save British Science (Lobby Group) Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Single-Bubble Sonoluminescence, Einzelblasensonolumineszenz S-Band Test Accelerator Space Based Wide Area Surveillance Sowjetische Besatzungszone Seychellen/Seychelles (ISO 3166) South Carolina (US-Staat/US state) Substantial Completion Supercontinuum (Weißlichtlaser/white light laser) Switch-Capacitor (Filter) Software Communications Architecture (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Algorithmen und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen (St. Augustin, DE) Scattering with Angular Limitation Projection Electron Beam Lithography Service Control and Monitoring Prototype Scientific Committee on Arctic Research Supersonic Cruise Aircraft Research Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences (Uppsala, SE) Silicon Chip Bragg Reflector (Laser) Satellite Control Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Signaling Congestion Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Source Code Control (Microsoft-Interface) Signaling Connection and Control Part (or: Point) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Smart Connected Control Platform Secondary Common Control Physical Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Short-Circuit Current Response Synchronous Code Division Multiplex Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Service Creation Environment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Self-Consistent Field Service Control Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) La Sociedad Colombiana de Fisica (CO) Separate Confinement Heterostructure Synchronization Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Science Citation Index (beim/at ISI, Philadelphia, PA, USA) Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography (ENVISAT) Severe Combined Immune Deficiency Subcarrier Intensity Modulation Science in Radio Broadcasting Safe Communication Module (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Scanning Capacitance Microscopy Subcarrier Multiplexing Supply Chain Management Self-Consistent Mean Field Theory Suprachiasmatischer Nucleus (im Gehirn/in the brain) Switched Circuit Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Synchronous Connection Oriented (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics Spacecraft Control Laboratory Experiment (NASA, etwa/about 1983) Scientific Committee on the Problems of the Environment Scientific Committee on Ocean Research Spectral Self-Coherence Restoral (Algorithmus/algorithm) Stove for Cooking, Refrigeration and Electricity (Thermoakustik/thermoacoustic device) Sharable Content Object Reference Model Service Control Point (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Session Control Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Single Channel Per Carrier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments Standing Conference of Physics Professors (UK) Selective Catalytic Reduction Supersonic Combustion Ramjet (Überschall-Verbrennungsstrahltriebwerk) Superconducting Radio Frequency (TESLA) Satellite Climate Research Group (NOAA) Supersomputer Computations Research Institute (Tallahassee, FL, USA) Service (or: Serving) Call State (or: Session) Control Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Small Computer Systems Interface Speech Communication Technical Committee Signalling and Control Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 106 SCU SCUBA SCUBA SCW SD SD SD SD SD SDAP SDARS SDE SDG SdH SDH SDI SDI SDI SDIO SDK SDLC SDLS SDM SDMA S-DMB SDMI SDMS SDO SDO SDOF SDP SDP SDP SDR SDR SDR SDR SDRAM SDRF SDS SDS SDSC SDSL SDSS SDT SDT SDTS SDTV SDU SDVNC SDW SE SE S&E SEA SEA SEAF SEAM SEA-ME-WE3 SEATO SEB SEC SEC SEC SECCHI SECOQC SECTAM SED SED SED SED SEED SEED SEG SEGW SEHRS SEI SEL Signalling Channel Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Submillimeter Common-User Bolometer Array (Mauna Kea, HI, USA) System-on-Chip Solutions for Advanced UMTS Base Stations Scientific Computing World (Journal) Secure Digital (Memory Card) Security Device South Dakota (US-Staat/US state) Standard Definition (Television) Sudan (ISO 3166) Service Discovery Application Profile (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Satellite Digital Audio Radio Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Service Development (or: Delivery) Environment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Subjective Difference Grade (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Shubnikov – de Haas (effect) Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (Übertragungsstandard/transmission standard) Spectral Differential Imager (beim/at the Very Large Telescope) Strategic Defense Initiative Subscriber Distribution Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Strategic Defense Initiative Organization Software Development Kit Synchronous Data Link Control Satellite Data Link System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Statistical Data Miner Space Division Multiple Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Satellite Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Secure Digital Music Initiative Scientific Data Management System Service Development Architecture Standard Development Organizations Single-Degree-of-Freedom (System) Service Data (or: Delivery) Point (or: Platform) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Service Delivery Point (Internet) Session Description Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Satellite Digital Radio Service Data Record (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Software-Defined Radio (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Süddeutscher Rundfunk Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (Computer) Software-Defined Radio Forum (seit/since 1996) Short Data Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Sodium dodecyl sulphate, Natriumlaurylsulfat San Diego Supercomputer Center Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line Sloan Digital Sky Survey (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Service Description Table (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Spin-Dependent Tunneling [ANSI] Spatial Data Transfer Standard Standard-Definition Television [Format] Service Data Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [International Conference on] Structural Dynamics, Vibration, Noise and Control Spin-Density Wave Schrödinger Equation Schweden/Sweden (ISO 3166) Science and Engineering Scientists and Engineers for America (seit/since Sept. 2006) Sociedad Española de Acústica Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (USA) Single-Ended Assessment Model (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) South East Asia – Middle East – Western Europe (Kommunikation/communication) South-East Asia Treaty Organization Scientific Executive Board Securities and Exchange Commission (USA) Software Engineering Center (Tokyo) Solid Electrolyte Coulometry Sun–Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation Secure Communication Based on Quantum Cryptography (EU Project, Wien, AT) Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Schweizerischer Erdbebendienst Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (ehem./former DDR) Special Engineering Detachment (USA) Surface-Conduction Electron-Emitter Display Science Education through Experiment and Demonstration (USA) Self-Electrooptic-Effect Device Society of Exploration Geophysicists (USA) Security Gateway (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Surface-Enhanced Hyper-Raman Scattering Software Engineering Institute Sound Exposure Level 107 SELANE SELT SEM SEM SEM SEM Sematech SEMOS SEN SENTHA SEP SEP SEP SEPA SEPAC SEPG SEPNET SEPSDA SEQ SERC SERCC SERDP SEReC SERIS SERM SERS SES SES SES SES SESA SESAM SESAME SESAME SESAME SESIS SET SET SET SET SETA SETI SEVA SEVERI SEVIS SEWASIE SF SFA SFA SFAEST SFB SFB SFC SFG SFI SFM SFM SFN SFN SFOBB SFOR SFP SFZ SG SG SG SG SGA SGCP SGDBR SGE SGI SGML SGR SGSN SGW SH Secure Local Area Network Environment Single-Ended Line Testing Scanning Electron Microscope (or: Microscopy) Shop Efficiency Monitoring Society for Experimental Mechanics (früher/formerly: SESA) Spectrum Emission Mask Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology (USA, IC-Firmen-Kooperation) sensorgestützte Montagesysteme Service Execution Node (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) seniorengerechte Technik im häuslichen Alltag (DFG-Forschergruppe) Service Execution Point (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Société Européenne de Propulsion Solar Energetic Particle Single Euro Payments Area Small European Postal Administrations Cooperation Software Engineering Project Group South East England Photonics Network Sino-European Project on SARS Diagnostics and Antivirals Shape Equalizer (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Science and Engineering Research Council (UK) Scientific Ethics and Research Conduct Committee (Univ. Tsukuba, JP) Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (USA) South-East Regional e-Research Centre (UK) Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator, selektive Östrogen Rezeptor-Modulatoren Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (TC im/in the ETSI) Single Electron Substance Societé Européenne des Satellites (Luxembourg) Spracherkennungssystem Society for Experimental Stress Analysis (jetzt/now: SEM) Semiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirror Second European Stratospheric Arctic and Midlatitude Experiments Surface Electric Sounding and Acoustic Monitoring Experiment Synchrotron Light for Experimental Science and Application in the Middle East (JO) Schiffbauliches Entwurfs- und Simulationssystem Science, Engineering, Technology Secure Electronic Transaction (Internet, Verschlüsselung/encryption) Single-Electron Transistor Single-Electron Tunneling (Oscillations) Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Self Validating (Sensor) Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (telescope onboard MSG) Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (USA) Semantic Web and Agents in Integrated Economics Spreading Factor (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Saturated Fatty Acids (gesättigte Fettsäuren) Société Française d’Acoustique Stabilized Fast A Posteri Error Sequential Technique (Algorithmus/algorithm) Sender Freies Berlin Sonderforschungsbereich (DFG) Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Sum-Frequency Generation Santa Fe Institute (NM, USA) Scanning Force Microscopy Société Française des Mécaniciens Single Frequency Network (Digitalrundfunk/digital broadcast) System Frame Number (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge Stabilization Force (21.12.1996 bis 21.12.2004/Dec. 21, 1996 through Dec. 21, 2004, davor/formerly: IFOR, danach/thereafter: EUFOR) Société Française de Physique Sekretariat für Zukunftsforschung (Gelsenkirchen, DE) Security Gateway (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Signaling Gateway (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Singapur/Singapore (ISO 3166) Study Group Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Akustik Simple Gateway Control Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Sampled-Grating Distributed-Bragg-Reflector (Laser) Sun Grid Engine Silicon Graphics, Inc. (Mountain View, CA, USA) Standard General(ized) Markup Language Soft Gamma Repeaters (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Serving GPRS (Support) Node (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Security Gateway (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Schleswig-Holstein (Bundesland/German Federal State) 108 SH SHA SHA SHAPE SHARE SHARF SHAVE SHD SHDSL SHEDS SHEFC SHEFEX SHEMIC SHF SHG SHIP SHK SHM SHO SHOP SHRIMP SHS SHTML SHV SI SI SI SIA SIAM SIAM SIB SIB SiC SICM SID SID SID SIDO SIF SIF SIFT SIG SIGMA SII SIL SIL SILEX SILL SIM SIM SIM SIMBA SIMD SIMM SIMMWIC SIMO SIMPLE SIMS SimSAC SIN SINFONI SINQ SINR SINR SIO SIOF SiON SIOP SIP SIPI SIPOC SIPS SIPS SIR SIR SIR St. Helena (ISO 3166) Sample-and-Hold Amplifier Staatshochbauamt Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe Supporting Rescue Forcrews with Data Services and Multimodality (EU project) Simplified Hyperstable Adaptive Recursive Filter Shared Virtual Environment Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (optische Nachrichtenübertragung/optical data transfer) Single Pair (or: Synchronous) High Speed (or: Symmetric High Density) Digital Subscriber Line (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Super-High-Efficiency Diode Sources Scottish Higher Education Funding Council Sharp Edge Flight Experiment (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Sharp Edge Microgravity Capsule (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Super High Frequency (3 – 30 GHz) Second Harmonic Generation Separator for Heavy Ion Reaction Products (GSI, Darmstadt, DE) Sanitär, Heizung, Klima [-Handwerk] Structural Health Monitoring Soft Handover (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Shell Higher Olefin Process Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe Solar Home System Secure HTML (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Super High-Vision (höchstauflösendes Fernsehen/TV) Service Information Slowenien/Slovenia (ISO 3166) Système International d’Unités Semiconductor Industry Association Scanning Infererometric Apertureless Microscopy Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (USA) Service Independent Building Block (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) System Information Block Siliziumkarbid Scanning Ion Conduction Microscopy Shared Information Data Model (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Signal Interface Device Society of Information Display Single-In, Dual-Out Small Image Format (Bildcodierung/picture coding) Società Italiana di Fisica Scanning for Intensely Fluorescent Targets (Prionen-Nachweis/prion monitoring) Special Interest Group Support for Improvement in Governance and Management (EU) Speech Intelligibility Index Safety Integrity Level Software-in-the-Loop Semiconductor Laser Inter-Satellite Link Experiment (1998) Strategic Illuminator Laser (US-Waffe/weapon) Skalierungs-Index-Methode (nichtlineare Dynamik/nonlinear dynamics) Space Interferometry Mission Subscriber Identification (or: Identity) Module (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Superhigh Intensity Mono-Beam Amplifier Chain (KrF-Laser) Single Instruction, Multiple Data (Rechnerarchitektur/computer architecture) Single Inline Memory Module Silicon Monolithic Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuit Single Input – Multiple Output (Regelung oder System/controller or system) Session Initiation Protocol for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extension (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy Simulating Aicraft Stability and Control Characteristics for Use in Conceptual Design (EU Project) Schweizer Institut für Nuklearforschung (Paul Scherrer-Institut, Villingen, CH) Spectrograph for Integral Field Observation in the Near Infrared [Schweizer Neutronenspallationsquelle] (Paul Scherrer-Institut, Villingen, CH) Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Research Signal-to-Interference Noise Ratio Scripps Institution of Oceanography Società Italiana di Ottica e Fotonica Silicon Oxynitride Single Integrated Operations Plan (USA) Session Initiation Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Scientists’ Institute for Public Information (New York) Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers [Workshop on] Signal Processing Systems Design and Implementation Simply Interactive Personal Computer Shuttle (or: Spaceborne) Imaging Radar (Satellit/satellite) Signal-to-Interference Ratio Silent Information Regulator (Molekularbiologie/molecular biology) 109 SIR SIRM siRNA SIRTF SIS SIS SIS SIS SISO SIT SIT SIT SITA SIV SIZ SJ SK SK SKA SKAN SKIP SKM SKT SKT PRO SKT RES SKZ SL SL SL SL SLA SLA SLAC SLAM SLAM SLB SLBM SLC SLCM SLD SLED SLEE SLF SLG SLI SLIC SLIS SLM SLM SLM SLO SLP SLP SLR SLR SLRI SLS SLT SLSC SLTE SLU SM SM SM SM SM SM SMA SMA SMAC SMAD SMB SMC SMC SMC SMD SMDC SMDP Submission Information Rate (Datennetz/data network) Scanning Infrared Microscopy Small Interfering Ribonucleic Acid Space Infrared Telescope Facility (Satellit/satellite) Schwerionen-Synchrotron (bei der/at the GSI, Darmstadt, DE) Spontaneous Information System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Stateful Inspection System (Firewall) Surface Inversion Strength (Meteorologie/meteorology) Single Input – Single Output (Regelung oder System/controller or system) Self-Induced Transparency [Fraunhofer-] Institut für Sichere Telekommunikation (Darmstadt, DE) Structured Inventive Thinking Societé Internationale de Télécommunication Aéronautique Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (Aids-Virus bei Affen/Aids virus of apes) Strategisches Innovationszentrum (der Bayerischen Polizei/of the Bavarian police) Svalbard und Jan Mayen-Inseln/Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands (ISO 3166) Sikkim (ISO 3166 bis/until 1975) Slowakei/Slovakia (ISO 3166) Square Kilometre Array (Radioteleskop, geplant für/radio telescope, planned for 2012 in UK) SkyBridge Access Node (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Spezies-, Kontinuitäts-, Identitäts- und Potentialitäts(argumente) (in der Diskussion über Stammzellenforschung) Scanning Kelvin Microscopy SkyBridge Terminal (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) SkyBridge Professional Terminal (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) SkyBridge Residential Terminal (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Süddeutsches Kunststoffzentrum Saarland (Bundesland/German Federal State) Service Level Sierra Leone (ISO 3166) Sonoluminescence, Sonolumineszenz Service Level Agreement (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Special Libraries Association Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Scanning Laser Acoustical Microscope Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping Server Load Balancing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile Stanford Linear Collider Sea-Launched Cruise Missile Sanfte Laser-Desorption Superluminescent Light-Emitting Diode Service Logic Execution Environment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Subscription Location Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Schweizerische Liga gegen den Lärm Single Line Injection (Faserverbund-Herstellungsverfahren/production method for fiber compounds) Subscriber Line Interface Circuit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Scanning Linear Imager Sensor Selective Laser Melting Service Level Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Spatial Light Modulator Scanning Laser Ophthalmoskop(ie) Scanning Laser Polarimetrie (Augenheilkunde/ophthalmology) Service Location Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Satelliten-Laser-Radar Send(ing) Loudness Rating (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Short-Lived Radioactive Isotope Service Level Specification (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Statistical Learning Theory Scitation Library Service Center (AIP) Subscriber Line Terminal Equipment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Spoken Language Understanding (automatische Spracherkennung/automatic speech recognition) San Marino (ISO 3166) Session Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Single Mode (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Software Manager Software Module Standard Model (Elementarteilchentheorie/elementary particle theory) Shape Memory Alloy [or: Actuator] Sub-Millimeter Array (Mauna Kea, HI, USA) Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference Sowjetische Militäradministration in Deutschland Small and Medium (Size) Business (= KMU) Service Management Center (Internet) Sheet Moulding Compound Switch Management Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Surface Mounted Device Space and Missile Defense Command (US Army) Semi-Markov Decision Process 110 SMDS SME SMES SMEX SMF SMF SMG SMGCS SMIF SMIL SMILE SML SML SMLC SMLWEA SMM SMOW SMP SMP SMP SMPP SMPTE SMR SMS SMS SMS SMS SMS-C SMT SMTA SMTP SMU SMU SMU SN SN SN SNA SNAAP SNAH SNAM SNAP SNCF SNCP SND SNDCP S-NE SNECMA SNF SNF SNFUH SNI SNIU SNMP SNN SNO SNOM SNOW SNP SNR SNS SNS SNU SNU SNV SO SOA SOA SOA SOA SOAE SOAP SOAP SOAR SOBER SOBIC SOBRAC SOC Switched Multimegabit Data Service Small and Medium-Size(d) Enterprise(s) [= KMU] Superconductor Magnetic Energy Storage, supraleitender magnetischer Energiespeicher Small Explorer Program (USA, Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Service Management Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Single Mode Fiber (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Special Mobile Group (TC im/in the ETSI) Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (Rollverkehrsführungssystem/rolling traffic guidance system) Standard Mechanical Interface Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Scientific Simulation Environment Selective Laser Melting (Pulvermetallurgie/powder metallurgy) Service Management Layer (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Serving Mobile Location Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Self-Modulated Laser Wakefield Accelerator Submillimeter (Infrarotastronomie/infrared astronomy) Standard Mean Ocean Water Service Management Point (or: Platform) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Shape Memory Polymer Symmetric Multiprocessing Short Message Peer-to-Peer (Protocol) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Society of Motion Picture(s) and Television Engineers Surface Movement Radar Service Management System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Short Message Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Single Molecule Spectroscopy Statistical Mode Sensor Short Message Service Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Surface Mount Technology (Platinenherstellung/printed circuits) Surface Mount Technology Association (Edina, MN, USA) Simple Mail Transport (or: Transfer) Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Satellite Management Unit Source Measure Unit Southern Methodist University (USA) Sachsen (Bundesland/German Federal State) Senegal (ISO 3166) Service Node (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) System of National Accounts (Volkswirtschaft/national economy) Study of Noise and Aerodynamics of Advanced Propellers (EU Forschungsprogramm/research project) Spherical Near-Field Acoustic(al) Holography Scanning Nearfield Acoustical Microscopy Supernova Acceleration Probe (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Societé Nationale des Chemins de Fer (FR) Sub-Network Connection Protection (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Alcatel] Submarine Networks Division (Seekabel/transatlantic cable) Sub-Network Dependent Convergence Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) STM Network Element (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Société Nationale d’étude et de construction de moteurs d’aviation (Paris, FR) Schweizer Nationalfonds Spent Nuclear Fuel (rdioaktiver Abfall/radioactive waste) Scanning Near-Field Ultrasound Holography Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme Subscriber’s Network Interface Unit Simple Network Management Protocol (Internet) Statistical Neural Networks Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (CA) Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscopy (or: Microscope) Services for Nomadic Workers (gesprochen: “Snip”) Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Signal-to-Noise Ratio Spallation Neutron Source (ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN, USA, eröffnet/completed 2006) Superconductor–Normal Metal–Superconductor (Nanostructure) Seoul National University (Korea) Solar Neutrino Unit (1 SNU = 1 Einfang pro (1036 Targetatome·sec)/1 capture per (1036 target atoms·sec)) Studiengesellschaft Nahverkehr Berlin Somalia (ISO 3166) Safe Operating Area Scottish Optoelectronics Association Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Service(s)-Oriented Architecture (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) spontane otoakustische Emissionen Service Oriented Architecture Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Simple Object Access Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Southern Observatory for Astronomical Research Sonic Boom European Research [Fraunhofer-] Solar Building Innovation Center (Freiburg i.B., DE) Sociedade Brasileria de Acústica Security Operations Center (Datensicherheit/data security) 111 SOC SOC SOC SoC SOCAP SOCK SOCS SOE SOE SOEH SOFAR SOFC SOFDMA SOFI SOFIA SOFIE S of R (SoR) SOH SOHO SOHO SOI SOI SOIF SoL SOL SOLIS SOM SOMS SONAH SONAR SONATEC SONET SOP SOP SOQE SOR SORD SORS SORT SOS SOS SoSe SOU SOWAP SOX SP SP SP SP SPAD SPAD SPAM SPARC SPATS SPAWC SPC SPC SPCOM SPE SPE SPE SPEC SPECFP SPECINT SPECS SPECT SPELDA SPF SPF SPF SPF SPG SPI SPI SPI SPI SPICA Self-Organized Criticality Science Observation Center (XMM) Science Operations Center (NASA) System on Chip (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Smart Optical Correlator Auxiliary Processor Science Outreach Catalyst Kit (AIP, Ausbildungsprogramm/education program) Second-Order Cyclostationary Statistics Sequence of Events Standard Operating Environment School of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (Vancouver, CA) Sound Fixing and Ranging (Schall-Leitungskanal im Ozean/sound transmission channel in the ocean) Solid Oxide Fuel Cell; Solid Electrolyte Oxygen Fuel Cell (Hochtemperaturbrennstoffzelle/high-temperature fuel cell) Scalable Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut (Göttingen, DE) Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (seit/since 2006) Spectroscopy Using Optical Fibres in the Marine Environment (EU Project) Society of Rheology (USA) Section Overhead (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Small Office, Home Office (Internet) Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (Satellit/satellite, 1995) Silicon on Insulator (Photonik/photonics) Solar Oscillations Investigation (an Bord von/aboard SOHO) Standard Object Interchange Format (für Datenaustausch/for data exchange, Internet) Safety of Life (Satellitentechnik/satellite technology) Senioren Online Synoptic Optical Long-Term Investigations of the Sun (USA) Scanning Optical Microscope Scanning Optical Mosaic Scope Statistically Optimized Near-Field Acoustical Holography Sound Navigation and Ranging Selbstordnende Nanometer-Technologie Synchronous Optical Network (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Standard Opening Procedure State of Polarization (Optik/optics) Society for Optical and Quantum Electronics (McLean, VA, USA) Society of Rheology (USA) Selected Organic Reactions Database Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopy Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty (US–RU, 2002) Space Observatories in School (EU + ESA project) Second-Order Statistics Sommersemester (in Göttingen seit 2007) Southern Oregon University (USA) Soil and Water Conservation Project (EU) Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Datensicherheit/data security) Self-Pulsing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Service Provider (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Speed Profile (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Surface Plasmon (elektromagnetische Grenzflächenwelle/electromagnetic boundary layer wave) Signals Passed at Danger Single Photon Avalanche Diode [unwanted Internet message] Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (USA) South Pole Acoustic Test Setup [IEEE International Workshop on] Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications Science Program Committee (ESA) Statistical Process Control Signal Processing for Communication(s) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Society of Petroleum Engineers (USA) Stanford Prison Experiemnt Superconducting Power Equipment System Performance Evaluation Cooperative (Computer-Prozessor-LeistungsfähigkeitsTest/computer processor performance test) SPEC-fixed point SPEC-integer Submillimeter Probe of the Evolution of Cosmic Structure (Michelson interferometer) Single Electron Emission Computer Tomography Structure porteuse pour lancement doubles Ariane (Ariane-Transportsystem/transport system) Sender Policy Framework Shortest Path First (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Special Purpose Fund (AIP) Super Plastic Forming Schweizerische Physikalische Gesellschaft Serial Peripheral Interface (serieller Datenbus/serial data bus) Service Provider Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Software Process Improvement Synchronous Parallel Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics (geplant für/planned for 2010) 112 SPICE SPICOSA SPIDER SPIE SPIM SPIRE SPIRIT SPIT SPL SPL SPM SPM SPM SPM SPM SPM SPMD SPOT SPP SPP SPP SPP SPR SPR SPRINT SPRT SP-RTM SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPTM SPTS SPVC SQAM SQL SQUID SQW SR SR SR SR SR SR SR SR S/R SRA SRA SRAM SRAM SRB SRC SRC SRD SRD SRET SRF SRF SRG SRG SRI SRIF SRLG SRM SRNC SRP SRP SRP SRP SRR SRS SRS SRS Simulated Pore Interactive Computing Environment (Supercomputer, 2005) Science and Policy Integration for Coastal System Assessment (Meeresküstenschutz/seashore protection) Spectral Phase Interferometry for Direct Electric-Field Reconstruction Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (jetzt/now: International Society for Optical Engineering) (USA) Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (for FIRST) Space Infrared Interferometric Telescope Spam over Internet Telephony Sound Pressure Level Superconducting Proton Linac (CERN) Scanning Probe Microscopy (or: Microscope) Self Phase Modulation Self-Protecting Multipath (Rechnernetz/computer network) Signal Processing Magazine (IEEE Journal) Silicon Photomultiplier (Array) Summary for Policy Makers (IPCC, über globale Klimaveränderung/on global climate change) Single-Program Multiple-Data Satellite pour l’observation de la terre Schwerpunktprogramm (DFG) Serial Port Profile Service Provisioning Point (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Surface Plasmon Polariton Single Path Routing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Smith-Purcell Radiation Strategic Program for Innovation and Technology Transfer Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer Spinpolarisierte Rastertunnelmikroskopie Signal Processing Society (in IEEE) Signalling, Protocols and Switching (TC im/in the ETSI) Single Photon Source The Slovak Physical Society Society of Physics Students (USA) Spatial Phase Shifting speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung (Automatisierungstechnik/automation technology) Super Proton Synchrotron (CERN) Signal Processing Theory and Methods Single Program Transport Stream (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Soft (or: Signalized) Permanent Virtual Circuit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Sound Quality Assessment Material (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Standard (or: Structural, or: Structured) Query Language (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Single Quantum Well Search Retrieval Security Router (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Segregated Reserves (AIP) Service Router (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Signal Recognition Simulated Reality, simulierte Realität Speaker Recognition (Sprachverarbeitung/speech processing) Surinam/Suriname (ISO 3166) Switch/Router (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Source-Receiver Array Strategic Research Agenda Sequential RAM Static Random-Access Memory (Computer) [Yakov] Sinai, [David] Ruelle, [Rufus] Bowen (Maße für Nichtgleichgewichtszustände/measures of nonequilibrium states) Statistical Research Center (AIP) Strategic Committee and Review (TC im/in the ETSI) Science Research Development (EU) Short Range Device (Funkgeräte/radio transmitter) Scanning Reference Electrode Technique Specialized Resources Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Strain Rate Feedback Senior Research Group (TU Berlin, DE) Shared Risk Group (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Stanford Research Institute Science Research Investment Fund (UK) Shared Risk Link Group (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Standard Reference Material (Temperaturstandard/temperature standard, NBS) Servicing Radio Network Controller (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Scientific Research Program Signal Recognition Particle (Molekularbiologie/molecular biology) Special(ized) Resource(s) Point (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) System Review Panel Search by Range Reduction Sequence Retrieval System (Bioinformatik/bioinformatics) Shock Response Synthesis Speech Recognition System 113 SRS SRS SRS SRT SRTM SRY SS SSA SSAC SSALTO SSAP SSBD SSC SSC SSC SSCOP SSCQE SSCU SSD SSEC SSET SSF SSF SSG SSG SSH SSH SSH SSH SSI SSI SSI SSK SSL SSL SSL SSM SSM SSME SSMF SSMI SSO SSP SSP SSP SSPA SSPS SSQ SSR SSR SSS SSST SSt SST SST SST SST SSU SSU SSVF SS7 ST ST S&T ST ST ST STA STA STA STA STANAG STAP STAR STAR STAR STARS Stimulated Raman Scattering (optischer Signalverstärker/optical signal amplifier) Switching and Routinng Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Synchrotron Radiation Source (Daresbury Laboratory, GB) Source/Receiver Transponder Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Sex-Determining Region Y (Genetik/genetics) Sommersemester (in Göttingen ab 2007: SoSe) Sub-Saharan Africa Space Scientific Advisory Committee Segment sol multimissions d’altimétrie, d’orbitographie et de localisation précise (Satelliten-Altimetrie/satellite height measurement) Statistical Signal and Array Processing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Shaped Sonic Boom Demonstrator Satellite Station Controller Superconducting Super Collider (Texas, USA, geplant, aber 1993 aufgegeben/planned, but 1993 abandoned) Survey Scientist Consortium (XMM) Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol (Datennetz/data network) Single Stimulus Continuous Quality Evaluation (TV) Signal Switching and Conditioning Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Switching System Division (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator (1947, Columbia, USA) Superconducting Single-Electron Transistor Safe-Speed Function Service Switching Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Service Selection Group (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Special Study Group Sea Surface Height (Satelliten-Altimetrie/satellite height measurement) Secured Shell (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Security Server for Home Location Register (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Signaling System Handler (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Solid State Imaging (or: Imager) [Camera] (Galileo Satellit/satellite) Solid State Interlocking Stochastic Subspace Identification Strahlenschutzkommission Secure Socket Layer (Internet, offenes Verschlüsselungs-Protokoll/public encryption protocol) Solid-State Lighting Superconducting Sensor Laboratory (Chiba, JP) Standard-Sonnenmodell (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Static Spectrum Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Space Shuttle Main Engine Standard Single Mode Fiber (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Special Sensor Microwave Imager (Fernerkundung/remote sensing) Single Sign-On (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Service Switching Point Société Suisse de Physique Species Survival Plan (for animals threatened by extinction) Solid State Power Amplifier Space Solar Power System Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (TV: Seekrankheit/motion sickness) Secondary Surveillance Radar Solid State Relay Space Segment Southeastern Symposium on System Theory Schallschutzstufen (Ruheschutz in Wohnungen/noise protection in homes, VDI-Richtlinie 4100) Sea Surface Temperature Sport Shift Transmission (Kfz-Kupplung/vehicle clutch) Subscriber Station (Teilnehmerstation) Super Sharp Tube (Röntgenröhre/X-ray tube, Philips) Synchronization Supply Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) System Software Update System Simulation and Verification Facility (ESTEC) Signaling System No. 7 (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Sachsen-Anhalt (Bundesland/German Federal State) Sao Tomé und Principe/Sao Tome and Principe (ISO 3166) Science and Technology Sixteen Thirty-two (Atari: 16 Bit externer/32 Bit interner Datenbus) Small Terminal Street (US Mail) Science and Technology Agency (Japan) Station (US Mail) Statistical Token Analysis (Antispamfilter/anti-spam filter) Synchronous Transfer Architecture (Signalprozessoren/signal processors) Standard(ization) NATO Agreement Space Time Adaptive Processing GLOBALSTAR Satellite Technology Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC Standardization and R & D Links (CEN-Arbeitsgruppe/CEN working group) Software Technology for Adaptable Reliable Systems 114 START START STARTAP STB STBC STC STC STD STE ST-ECF STED STEM STEM STEP STEP STEP STEREO STFC STFT STG SThM STI STI STIRAP STIS STL STL STL STM STM STM STM STM STM STMT STN STN STO STOL STP STP STP STP STP STR STR STR STREP STRESOIL STRL STS STS STS STS STS STS STScI STSF STTD STTI-KL Stupa StVO STXM SU SUB SUMER SUMU SUNDIAL SUNO SUNY SUPA SUPERGEN SuperSmile SUPL SUR SURTASS SUSHI SUSI Small Tight Aspect Ratio Tokamak (Culham, UK) Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (or: Talks) Science, Technology and Research Transit Point (Datennetz/data network of the NSF, Chicago, IL, USA) Set Top Box (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Space Time Block Coding (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Signaling and Traffic Control (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Spanning Tree Protocol (Telekommunikation, Mehrwegausbreitung/telecommunication, multipath propagation) Subscriber Trunk Dialing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Suite (US Mail) Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility (ESO) Stimulated Emission Depletion (hochauflösende Mikroskopie/high-resolution microscopy) Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (USA, Hochschulkurse/University courses) Satellite Test of Equivalence Principle [German] Students Exchange Programme Study about Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer Solar Terrestric Relations Observatory Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK) Short Time Fourier Transform Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft Scanning Thermal Microscopy Signal-Transduktions-Inhibitor (Medikamentenklasse/medicine class) Speech Transmission Index Stimulated Raman Scattering Involving Adiabatic Passage Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (on Hubble Space Telescope) Sound Transmission Loss Standard Telecommunications Laboratory (Harlow, UK) Studio-to-Transmitter Link Scanning Thermal Microscopy Scanning Tunnel[ing] Microscopy Scientific Technical and Medical (Information) Short-Term Memory Specific Transmission Module Synchronous Transfer (or: Transport) Module (Datennetz/data network) Satellite Train Mobile Terminal (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) The Scientific and Technical Information Network (Datenbank/data bank) Supertwisted Nematic (Flüssigkristalle/liquid crystals) Strontiumtitanat, SrTiO3 Short Take-off and Landing Shielded Twisted Pair (Datenkabel/data cable) Signaling Transfer Point (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Silanterminierte Polyurethane (Kleb- und Dichtstoffe/adhesives and seals) Solar Terrestrial Probe Spanning Tree [Algorithm and] Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Self-Tuning Regulator Short Tandem Repeats (in DNA-Sequenzen/in DNA sequences) Star Tracker (Satellit/satellite) Specific Targeted Research Project [In Situ] Stimulation and Remediation of Contaminated Fractured Soils (Project) Science and Technical Research Laboratories (NHK, Japan) Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy Section de Technicien Supérieure Spin Transfer Switching (Festkörperphysik/solid state physics) Sulcus Temporalis Superior (im Gehirn/in the brain) Synchronous Transport Signal (Datennetz/data network) System Time Stamp (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Space Telescope Science Institute (Baltimore, MD, USA) Spatial Transformation of Sound Fields (Brüel & Kjær) Space Time Transmit Diversity (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Software-Technologie-Transfer-Initiative Kaiserslautern (DE) Studentenparlament Straßenverkehrsordnnung Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy Sowjetunion/Soviet Union (ISO 3166 bis/until 1992) [Niedersächsische] Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (Göttingen, DE) Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation (an Bord von/aboard SOHO) Station Unit Module UMTS (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Speech Understanding and Dialogue Southern University of New Orleans (LA, USA) State University of New York (Buffalo, NY, USA) Scottish Universities Physics Alliance Sustainable Power Generation and Supply (UK Initiative) Superior Semiconductor Mid-Infrared Laser Secure User Plane (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Speech Understanding Research (ARPA project) Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System (US Navy, Sonar) Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative Sydney University Stellar Interferometer 115 SUSY SUU SUV SV SV SV SVB SVC SVC SVD SVF S-VHS SVK SVL SVLAN SVM SVM SVO SVST SW SWAN SWAS SWATH SWC SWC SWF SWICO SWIM SWIR SWL SWLI SWNT SWS SXT SY SYN SysCoP SZ SZ Supersymmetrie (Elementarteilchentheorie/elementary particle theory) Southern Utah University (USA) Sport(s) Utiliy Vehicle El Salvador (ISO 3166) Speaker Verification (Sprachverarbeitung/speech processing) Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V. Statistical Dialect of Visual Basic Scalable Video Coding Switched Virtual Circuit (or: Connection) (Internet) Singular Value Decomposition Serial Vector Format Super-VHS Sauerstoffverzehrkathode (Chlor-Produktion) Scientific Vector Language Stacked VLAN Skalierungs-Vektor-Methode (nichtlineare Dynamik/nonlinear dynamics) Support Vector Machine (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Spectroscopic Virtual Observatory Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope Software Solar Wind Anisotropy (an Bord von/aboard SOHO) Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite Small Water Plane Area Twin Hull (Schiffbau/ship building) Slepian-Wolf Coding (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Software Components Südwestfunk Single-Watermarked Image Counterfeit Original (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Small World Indexing Model Shortwave Infrared Shock Wave Lithotripsy, Stoßwellen-Lithotripsie Scanning White Light Interferometry Single Wall(ed) Nanotubes (or: Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes) Semesterwochenstunde Soft X-Ray Transient (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Syrien/Syrian Arab Republic (ISO 3166) Synchronize System for Copyright Protection Süddeutsche Zeitung Swaziland (ISO 3166) T T TA TA TA TA TAAR TAB TAB TAC TAC TAC TACAMO TACACS TACAS TACIS TACS TACTS TAG TAI TAL TAL TALC TAM TAML TAMU TAN TAN TAN TANA TAO TAP TAP TAPI TARA TARANIS TARMAC TAROT Thymin (DNA-Base/DNA base) Teaching Assistent (USA) Technikfolgen-Abschätzung Technische Anleitung Timing Advance (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Trace Amine-Associated Receptor (Riechorgan/olfactory organ) [Büro für] Technikfolgen-Abschätzer des Bundestages Tape Automated Bonding Technical Activity Committee (IEEE) Technical Assistance Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Type Approval Code Take Charge and Move Out (militärisch/military) Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System Technical Assistence to the Commonwealth of Independent States (EU) Total Access Communication System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Transport and Composition in the Upper Troposphere (Research project for HALO) Multi-Standard Identification Plate Temps Atomique International Telephonic Acoustic Loss (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Deutsche] Transalpine Ölleitung Technology Adoption Life Cycle (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Total Available Market Tetra Amide Macrocyclic Ligands Texas A&M University (Texas, USA) Total Acid Number (Chemie/chemistry) Transaktionsnummer (Homebanking) Trust Assured Network Techniques for Advanced Network Applications (Internet) Telecommunications Advancement Organization (Japan) Test Access Board TETRA Application Platform (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Telephony Application Programming Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance (Japan) Terawatt Apparatus for Relativistic and Non-Linear Interdisciplinary Science Taxi and Ramp Management and Control (DLR, Flughafenbetrieb/airport traffic) Télescope à Action Rapide pour les Objets Transitoires (FR) 116 TAS TASCC Taser TASHE TASI TAT TAT TAT 12/13 TATB τ -Code TAZ TB TBCCO TBF tbg TBL TBN TBR TBS TBT TC TC TC TC TC TC TC TCA TCA TCAA TCAP TCC TCDD TCGA TCH TCHT TCL TCM TCN TCNQ TCO TCP TCP TCP TCPM TCQ TCR TCRP TCSPC TCU TD TD TD TDA TDAC TDAS TDCMA TDCS TDD TDE TDE TDF TDF TDI TDI TDI TDLHS TDLS TDM TDMA TDMB TDNN TDOA TDS TD-SCDMA T-DSL TDT Transport Automation Solutions (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Tandem Accelerator Superconducting Cyclotron (Ontario, CA) Thomas A. Swift’s Electric Rifle (eine Elektroschockwaffe/an electroshock weapon) Thermoacoustic Stirling Heat Engine Time Assignment Speech Interpolation thematischer Apperzeptionstest (Psychologie/psychology) Turn Around Time Transatlantic Ring (Glasfaserkabel/glass-fiber cable USA – GB – FR) Triaminotrinitrobenzol (Sprengstoff/explosive) TAU: Triangular, Adaptive, Upwind (FVM-Variante/FVM variant) Die Tageszeitung (Berlin, DE) Time-Bandwidth (Product) Thallium-Barium-Calcium-Kupferoxid (HTSL) Temporary Block Flow (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Technologie-Beteiligungs-Gesellschaft (Tochter der Deutschen Ausgleichsbank) Turbulent Boundary Layer Total Base Number (Chemie/chemistry) Technical Basis for Regulation (DECT) Transport Block Size (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Tributylzinn (in Anti-Fouling-Anstrichen/in anti-fouling paints) Technical Committee (in CEN and ETSI) Traffic Conditioning Transcoder (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Transmission Convergence (Internet) Trellis Code (Modulation) Total Carbon Turks- und Caicosinseln/Turks and Caicos Islands (ISO 3166) Telecom Computing Architecture Threshold Crossing Alarms (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Technical Committee on Architectural Acoustics (USA) Transaction Capabilities Application Part (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Traffic Control Center (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlordibenzo-para-Dioxin ( Seveso-Gift“/the ”Seveso poison“) ” The Cancer Genome Atlas (NIH Forschungsprogramm/research project) Traffic Channel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Thermo-Chemotherapie (Krebsbekämpfung/cancer treatment) Through Camera Lens (Autofocus-System für Videocameras/auto-focus system for video cameras) Tagungszentrum Messe (Hannover, DE) Technical Committee on Noise (ASA) 8-Tetracyano-p-chinodimethan(id) Total Cost of Ownership (or: Operation) Technological Capabilities Panel (USA) Transmission (or: Transport) Control Protocol (Rechnernetz, Telekommunikation/computer network, telecommunication) Tumor-Control Probability Tetracyclopropylmethan Trellis Coded Quantization (Datenübertragung/data transfer) Telemetry and Satellite Command and Ranging (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Transport Cooperation Research Program (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting Transmission Control Unit (Kfz-Getriebesteuerung/vehicle gear) Time Division Topological Data (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Tschad/Chad (ISO 3166) Diaminotoluol Time Domain Aliasing Cancellation Time Delay Autosynchronization Time Division CDMA (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Time Domain Capacitance Spectroscopy Time Division (or: Domain) Duplex(ing) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Time Delay Estimation Total Development Environment Télédiffusion de France Train Describer Function Time-Delay Integration Toluylendiisocyanat Turbo Direct Injection (Motoren/engines) Tunable Diode Laser Heterodyne Spectrometer (NPL, UK) Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy Time Division Multiplex(ing) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Time Division Multiple Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Terrestrial Digital Multimedia Broadcasting Time-Delay Neural Network Time Difference of Arrival (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Time-Domain Synchronous Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Telekom DSL (768 kbps Empfangs- und 128 kbps Sende-Geschwindigkeit/768 kbps receiving and 128 kbps transmitting rate) Time Data Table 117 TDTC TE TE TE TE TEACCH TEC TEC TEC TECP TED TED TEDDY TEDS TEG TEL TELCERT TELI TELNET TEM TEMIS TEMPUS TEN TEN-IBK TEN-T TEOAE TEPAC TEPS TEQ TER Terfenol-D TERI TERN TERS TES TES TESLA TEST TETRA TETRA TEU TeVeS TEXUS TF TFB TFD TFF TFLOPs/s TFO TFRC TFRI TFSC TFT TFT TFT TFTP TFTR TFTS TFU TG TG TG TGA TGA TG/CBE TGF TGHI TGMS TGS TGS TGV TGW TGZ TH TH THAAD THC Truck Development and Technology Center (Fort Wayne, IN, USA) Terminal Equipment (TC im/in the ETSI) Thermoelectric(s) Transposable Element, transponierbares Element (Genetik/genetics) transversal elektrisch (Hohlleitermode/waveguide mode) Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children (North Carolina, USA, 1970) Teacher Education Coalition (USA) Technical Expertise Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Thermoelectric Cooler Texas Electronic Coalition for Physics (“Teleteaching”) Technology, Entertainment and Design (Konferenz, Preis/conference, prize) Transnational English Database The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young Transducer Electronic Data Sheet [Fraunhofer-] Technologie-Entwicklungsgruppe Transit Exposure Level Technology Enhanced Learning Conformance – European Requirements and Testing Technisch-Literarische Gesellschaft [Terminalemulation] (Rechnernetz) Transmissionselektronenmikroskop(ie), Transmission Electron Microscope (or: Microscopy) Text Mining Solutions Trans-European Mobility Programme for University Students (EU) Trans-European Network (seit/since 1998, 155 Mbit/s) Transeuropäische Netze – Integrierte Breitbandkommunikation Trans-European Network – Traffic (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Transitorisch evozierte otoakustische Emissionen Tube Engineering Panel Advisory Committee Tissue Engineering Platforms (Industrieverband/industrial association, Straßburg, FR) Tilt Equalizer (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Terrace (US Mail) acronym of Tb (Terbium), Dy (Dysprosium), Fe and NOL (Naval Ordnance Laboratory), see J. Appl. Phys. 50 (1979) 1674–1676 Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Initiative Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Network Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Terminal Server Transition Edge Sensor (Bildbearbeitung/picture processing) TeV-Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator (bei/at DESY, Hamburg, DE, geplant/planned) Transferable European Space Technologies Technologien für zukünftige Raumtransportsysteme Trans-European (or: Terrestrial) Trunked Radio Access Transmitter Equipment for UMTS (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Tensor–Vector–Scalar Theory (Gravitationstheorie/gravitational theory) Technische Experimente unter Schwerelosigkeit French Southern Territories (ISO 3166) Transferbereich (im/in the SFB) Time-Frequency Distribution Thin Film Filter Tera-FLOPs/s (= 1012 FLOPs/s) Tandem-Free Operation (Mobilfunk/mobile radio) Transport Format Code (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Transport Format Identifier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Time-Frequency-Space Correlation Thin Film Technology Thin-Film Transistor Traffic Flow Templates (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Trivial File Transfer Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology, PPPL) Terrestrial Flight Telephone System Timing and Frequency Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Task Group Technical Group (INCE) Togo (ISO 3166) Thermal Gravimetric Analysis Trägergemeinschaft für Akkreditierung Technical Group on Computer and Business Equipment (INCE) Transforming Growth Factor Time Gated Holographic Imaging Third Generation Mobile Communication System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Technologie- und Gründerzentrum Spreeknie (Berlin, DE) Ticket-Granting Service (Datennetz/data network) Train à grande vitesse (französische Hochgeschwindigkeits-Bahn/French high-speed train)) Trunking Gateway (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Technologie- und Gründerzentrum Thailand (ISO 3166) Thüringen (Bundesland/German Federal State) Theater High Altitude Area Defense (USA) Tetrahydrocannabinol (Wirkstoff/effective substance in Cannabis) 118 THD THEL THEMIS THORPEX THTR Thums TI TI TIA TIB TIC TICAM TIF TIFF TIG TIL TILL TIM TIMS TIMSS TINA TINA TIP TIP TIP TIPOR TIPS TIR TIRF TIRS TIS TISPAN TIT TJ TJNAF TK TK TKG TKIP TL TLC TLR TLS TLS TLS T-LSP TM TM TM TM TMC TMC TMCC TMF TMI TMN TMP TMR TMR TMS TMS TMT TMTC TMTSF TN TN TN TNAZ TNF TNL TNM TNO TNPP TNT TNT TO TO ToA Total Harmonic Distortion Tactical High-Energy Laser (US-Waffe/weapon) Thermal Emission Imaging System (Mars-Sonde/Mars probe Odyssey) The Observing System Research and Predictability Experiment (for better weather forecast) Thorium-Hochtemperatur-Reaktor (Hamm i. Westf., DE) Total Human Model for Safety (Toyota, virtuelles Dummy/virtual dummy) Institut für Telematik e.V. (Trier, DE) Texas Instruments Telecom(munications) Industry Association (USA) Technische Informationsbibliothek (Hannover, DE) Total Inorganic Carbon Texas Institute of Computational Mathematics (College Park, MD, USA) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Graphikdatei/file name extension: graphic file] Tag(ged) Image File Format (Graphikformat/graphic file) Tungsten-Inert Gas (Schutzgasschweißen/gas-shielded welding) Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes (Zellen/cells) Track Illuminator Laser (US-Waffe/weapon) Terrestrial Interface Module (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Teaching Integrated Math and Science (Chicago, IL, USA) Third (or: Trends in) International Mathematics and Science Study Telecommunications Information Network Architecture Transport and Infrastructure Needs Assessment (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Technology Innovation Program (USA) Terabit IP Router (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Testing Interoperability and Performance Terabit IP Optical Router (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Theory of Inventive Problem Solving Total Internal Reflection (Optik/optics) Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (Microscopy) Transverse Impuls Rocket System (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Total Isotropic Sensitivity (Mobiltelefon/mobile phone) Telecommunications and Internet Converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networks Tokyo Institute of Technology Tadschikistan/Tajikistan (ISO 3166) Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Newport News, CA, USA) Telekommunikation Tokelau (ISO 3166) Telekommunikationsgesetz (25.7.96) Temporal Key Integrity Protocal (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Timor–Leste (ISO 3166) Thin Layer Chromatography Toll-Like Receptor (Protein) Total Least Squares (Algorithmus/algorithm) Transparent LAN Service(s) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Transport Layer Security (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Transport LSP (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Terminal Multiplexer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Transmission and Multiplexing (TC im/in the ETSI) transversal magnetisch (Hohlleitermode/waveguide mode) Turkmenistan (ISO 3166) Telecommunication Metrology Center (China) Traffic Message Channel (Verkehrsnachrichtenkanal) Transmission and Multiplexing Configuration (and) Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Telecommunications Management Forum (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Texas Materials Institute Telecommunication(s) Management Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Turbomolekularpumpe Training and Mobility of Researchers (EU-Programm/EU program) Tunneling Magnetoresistance transkranielle Magnetstimulation Transportable Monitoring System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Thirty Meter Telescope (geplaner Baubeginn/start of construction planned for: 2009) Telemetry/Telecommand Tetramethyltetraselenanafulvalen (organischer Supraleiter/organic superconductor) Tennessee (US-Staat/US state) Tunesien/Tunisia (ISO 3166) Twisted Nematic (Flüssigkristalle/liquid crystals) Trinitroazetin (Sprengstoff/explosive) Tumor Nekrose Factor Transport Network Layer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Tumor, Nodi [Lymphknoten], Metastasen (Krebsstadium-Klassifizierung/cancer state classification) [Nederlandse organisatie voor] Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek Telocator Network Paging Protocol Trinitrotoluol (Sprengstoff/explosive) Tunneling Nanotube Thermo-Optical [Effects] Tonga (ISO 3166) Time of Arrival 119 TOC TOE TOEFL TOF TOFM TOFMS Tokamak TOMS TON TOP TOP TOP TOPAS TOPP TOPS TOPS TOS TOS TOS TOT TOU TOXC TPA TPA TPC TPC5 TPD TPF TPFM TPI TPKE TPM TPM TPMS TPOM TPS TPS TPS TPS TPSDA TPSI TPU TPV TPX TQM TR T/R TR TRA TRA TRACE TRACS TRADE TRANS Transceiver TRANSEC Transponder TRAP TRBF TRC TRC TRC TRC TRE TREC TRELIBS TREND TREO TRF TRGS TRI Tri TRIP TRIP TRIPS Total Organic Carbon Theory of Everything Test of English as a Foreign Language (Sprachtest für Austauschstudenten) Time-of-Flight (z.B. im Massenspektrometer/e.g. in mass spectrometers) Time of Flight Modulation Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer [russ. Abk.: Ringkammer mit Magnetspule/Russian abbrev.: ring chamber with magnets] (Kernfusionsreaktor/nuclear fusion reactor) Total Ozone Mapping Sensor Taiwan Oscillation Network Technical and Office Protocol (Datennetz/data networks) thermooptisch variabler Polymerwerkstoff Time-Averaged Orbiting Potential Tankfahrzeug mit optimierten passiven und aktiven Sicherheitseinrichtungen Tagging of Pacific Predators (Meeresbiologie/marine biology) Towards Other Planetary Systems (Astronomie/astronomy) Trends in Optics and Photonic Series (OSA, Buchreihe/book series) TETRA Operation Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) The Operating System Type of Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Time Offset Table Technologieorientierte Unternehmensgründungen (Modellversuch, neue Bundesländer) Transparent Optical Cross-Connect (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Transfer Path Analysis Transient Program Area Transmission Power Control (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Transpacific Cable Link (Glasfaserkabel/glass-fiber cable USA – Japan) Technisch Physische Dienst (TNO-TU Delft, NL) Terrestrial Planet Finder (geplant für/planned for 2010) Two-Photon Fluorescence Microscopy Terahertz Pulse Imaging Turnpike (US Mail) Technological Protection Measures Tyre Pressure Monitoring (Kfz/motor vehicle) Tire Pressure Monitoring System (= RDK) Technical Program Organizing Meeting (ASA) Temporal Phase Shifting Thermal Protection System (Raumfahrt/spacecraft) Transmission (or: Transport) Parameter Signaling (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Turbine Powered Simulators (Modelltriebwerke/model thrusters) Triple Play Service Delivery Architecture (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Temporal Phase Shifting Interferometer Thermoplastisches Polyurethan Thermophotovoltaik Tokamak Physics Experiment (Fusionsreaktortechnik/fusion reactor technology, PPPL) Total Quality Management Time Reversal Transmit/Receive [Modus] (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Türkei/Turkey (ISO 3166) Telegraphentechnisches Reichsamt (Berlin, DE, 1.10.1920–31.3.1928/Oct. 1, 1920 – March 31, 1928, danach/thereafter: RPZ) Time Reversal Acoustics Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (Sonnensatellit/solar satellite) Tool Representation and Communication System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Transatlantic Research and Development Environment Technologien aus der Raumfahrt für Anwendungen in Nicht-Raumfahrtsparten (DLR und MST Aerospace GmbH, Köln, DE) Transmitter + Receiver Transmission Security (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Transmitter + Responder Temporal Pattern (Spracherkennung/speech recognition) Technische Regeln für brennbare Flüssigkeiten Tone Reproduction Curve (Bildverarbeitung/picture processing) Traction Control (Kfz/motor vehicle) Transportation Research Center (Ohio State University, USA) Tsukuba Research Consortium (Japan) Transceiver Equipment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Théorie des Réseaux et Communications Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Time Reversal Elastic Nonlinearity Diagnostic Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities (Arizona, USA) Time-Resolved Fluorescence Technische Regeln für Gefahrstoffe Time Reversal Invariance Trichlorethen Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Transformation Induced Plasticity (Stahlerzeugung/steel production) Tera-Op, Reliable, Intelligently Adaptive Processing System 120 TRIUMF TRIZ TRK TRM TRM TRMM TRN TROSY TRP TRP TRP TRS TRSPIV TRU TRX T/S TS TS TS TSAPI TSC TSC-IP TSD TSER T-SGW TSI TSI TSM TSMF TSO TSOM TSP TSP TSR TSR TSR TSS TSST TST TSV TT TT TT TT TT TTC TTC TT&C TTCN TTCN TTF TTFF TTG TTI TTL TTL TTLS TTP TTP TTR TTR TTS TTS TTS TU TUB TUD TUG TUG TUG TUHH TUI TULIP TUM TUTB TV TV [Kanadisches Kernforschungszentrum/Canadian nuclear research center] Teoriya Resheniya Izobratelskikh Zadatch (russische Abkürzung für TIPS/Russian abbreviation of TIPS) Technische Richtkonzentration Time Reversal Mirror Transmission Resource Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Topology Representing Network (Selbstorganisation/self organization) Transverse Relaxation-Optimized Spectroscopy Test Resource Partitioning Time Reversal Process Total Radiated Power (z.B. Mobiltelefon/e.g., mobile phone) Time-Reversal Symmetry (Theoretische Physik/theoretical physics) Time-Resolved Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry Transuranic Waste (rdioaktiver Abfall/radioactive waste) Transceiver (Mobilfunk/mobile radio) Terrestrial/Satellite (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Time Slot (Datenübertragung/data transmission) Topic Segmentation (Sprachverarbeitung/speech processing) Transport Stream (Digitalrundfunk/digital broadcast) Telephone Services Application Programmming Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Training Sequence Code (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Transparent System Connector IP (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Transport Solutions Division (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Targeted Socio-Economic Research Programme (EC) Transport Signaling Gateway (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Technical Specifications for Interoperability (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Total Solar Irradiance Tandem Scanning Microscope Transport Stream Multiplexing Frame (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Technical Specifications Organizations Traffic and Service Optimization Module (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Thiele Small Parameter (Lautsprechertest/loudspeaker test) Traveling Salesman Problem Tag Switched Routing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Terminate and Stay Resident Test-Speicher-Ring (in Heidelberg, DE) Teleworker Success Suite (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Trierer Sozial-Stress Test Trusted Signature Terminal Through Silicon Via (Chip-Fertigung/chip manufacturing) Technology Transfer Terrestrial Time (vorher/formerly: ET) Traffic Trunk (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Trinidad und/and Tobago (ISO 3166) Trust Territory (US Mail) Telecommunications Technology Council (Japan) Telemetry and Telecommand Tracking, Telemetry and Command (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Testing and Test Control Notation Tree and Tabular Combined Notation Tetrathiafulvalen Time to First Fix (GPS-Ortung) Transmit Transition Gap (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Transmission Time Interval (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Time to Live Transistor-Transistor Logic Tunneled Transport-Layer Security (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Thrusted Third Party (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Thymidintriphosphat Time to Repair Touch-Tone Receiver T-Tauri-Sterne Temporary Threshold Shift (Gehör/in Hearing) Text-to-Speech (Sprachsynthese/speech synthesis) Terminal Unit Technische Universität Berlin (DE) Technische Universität Darmstadt (DE) [National astronomical observatory of Turkey] TEX User Group Technische Universität Gdansk (PL) Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg (DE) Touristik Union International GmbH & Co. KG The University Licensing Program Technische Universität München (DE) European Confederation of Trade Unions (Technical Bord) [Europäischer Gewerkschaftsbund (Technisches Büro)] Television Tuvalu (ISO 3166) 121 TVA TVC TVD TVM TVML TVO TV4U TW TWA TWA TWAS TWC TWD TWICO TWIP TWPM TWT TWTA TX Tx, TX TXT TZ TZPV TZW Tennessee Valley Authority (USA) Thrust Vector Control [System] (Mechatronics/mechatronics) Total Variation Diminishing (numerisches Rechenverfahren/numerical computation) Transmission Voie-Machine (im grenzüberschreitenden ICE-Verkehr zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich/border crossing rail-traffic between Germany and France) TV Program Making Language Trinkwasserverordnung Television for You Taiwan (ISO 3166) Time Weighted Average Transmit Wavelength Adapter (optische Kommunikation/optical communication) Third World Academy of Sciences Three Way Catalytic (Auspuff/muffler) Transparente Wärmedämmung Twin-Watermarked Images Counterfeit Original (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Twinning Induced Plasticity (hochdehnbarer Stahl/highly tensile steel) Topologically Aware Worm Propagation Model (Computer-Würmer) Traveling Wave Tube (Mikrowellen/microwaves) Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier (Mikrowellenverstärker/microwave amplifier) Texas (US-Staat/US state) Transmit [Dateinamenerweiterung: Textdatei/file name extension: text file] Tansania/Tanzania (ISO 3166) Testzentrum Photovoltaik (Fraunhofer-ISE, Freiburg/Br., DE) Technologiezentrum Wasser (Karlsruhe, DE) U UA UA UA UAAF UAC UAE UAG UALR UARC UART UAS UAS UAS UASP UAV UBA UBC UBC UBO UBR UB/TIB UC UCAR UCB UCBB UCD UCL UCLA UCLP UCN UCRL UCS UCS UCSB UCSC UCSD UCSF UDDI UDI UDL UDLR UDP UDRE UDS UE UE UEL UEP UER UFC UFZ Ukraine (ISO 3166) University of Alaska (USA) User Agent (or: Access) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) User Access Authorization Function (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) User Agent Client (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) United Arab Emirates Universal Access Gateway (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) University of Arkansas at Little Rock (USA) Upper Atmosphere Research Collaboratory Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Universal Access Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Unmanned Aircraft Systems User Agent Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Underwater Acoustics Signal Processing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (USA) Umweltbundesamt (Berlin, DE) Uniform Building Code (USA) University of British Columbia (Vancouver, CA) Université de Bretagne Occidentale (FR) Unspecific (or: Unspecified) Bit Rate (Datennetz/data network) Universitätsbibliothek und Technische Informations-Bibliothek (Hannover, DE) Unit Circle University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (USA) University of California at Berkeley User-Centric Broadband (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Uplink Channel Descriptor (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) University College London (UK) University of California at Los Angeles User Controlled Light Path (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Ultracold Neutrons University of California Radiation Laboratory (Stanford, CA, USA) Uniform Communications System Union of Concerned Scientists University of California at Santa Barbara University of California at Santa Cruz University of California at San Diego University of California at San Francisco Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Unrestricted Digital Information (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Universität des Dritten Lebensalters Uni-Directional Link Routing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) User Data(gram) Protocol (Internet) User Differential Range Error (Satelliten-Ortung/satellite locating) Upper-Data-Strobe (Atari computer) Unterhaltungselektronik User Equipment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Utra-High Efficiency Lighting Unequal Error Protection (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Union Européenne de Radiodiffusion Universities Funding Council (UK) Umweltforschungszentrum (Leipzig/Halle, DE) 122 UG UG UGC UGS UGTMS UH UHDTV UHECR UHF UHM UHP UHPC UHR UHTS UHV UI UIC UIC UIDP UIMA UIME UIT UITB UIUC UJF UK UKAEA UKATC UKCPO UKSEDS UKTI ULCH ULD ULDB ULE ULEF ULF-FORTH ULIRG ULP ULSI ULTRA UM UM UM UMA UMEG UMIC UMID UMIS UMIST UMK UML UMLS UMS UMS UMSICHT UMTS UNAEC UNAWE UNC-CH UNCDF UNCED UNCLOS UNCTAD UNDP UNE UN/ECE UNEP UNESCO UNFCCC UNI UNI UNIC UNICAMP UNILAC UNISIG UNITAR UNIX-CE Uganda (ISO 3166) Unification Grammar (Sprachverarbeitung/speech processing) User Ground Component (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) User Ground Segment (Satellitensystem/satellite system) Urban Guided Transport Management System (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) University of Hawaii (USA) Ultra High Definition Television Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays Ultra High Frequency (0,3 – 3 GHz) University of Hawaii at Manoa Ultra-High Performance (z.B. Lampen/e.g. lamps) Ultra High Performance Concrete Ultra-High Resolution Ultra-High Throughput Screening Ultra High Vacuum, Ultrahochvakuum User Interface Union internationale des chemins de fer University of Illinois at Chicago University–Industry Demonstration Partnership Unstructured Information Management Architecture (Textbearbeitung/text processing) User Information Management Entities (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Union Internationale des Télécommunications Union Internationale des Transports Publics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble, FR) United Kingdom (auch im/also in the Internet) UK Atomic Energy Authority UK Armstrong Technology Centre United Kingdom Consortium for Photonics and Optics UK Students for the Exploration and Development of Space UK Trade and Investment Ultra Low-Cost Handset (Mobiltelefon/mobile phone) Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Ultra Long Duration Balloon Ultra Low Expansion (Teleskopspiegelglas/glass for telescope mirrors) Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (Kfz-Technik/motor vehicles) [Laserforschungslaboratorium, Iraklion, GR] Ultraluminous, Infrared-Emitting Galaxy Ultra Low Power Ultra Large Scale Integration Universal Laboratory Training and Research Aid United States Minor Outlying Islands (ISO 3166) Universal Messaging (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) University of Mississippi (USA) Unlicensed Mobile Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Zentrum für Umweltmessungen, Umwelterhebungen und Gerätesicherheit Baden-Württemberg (Karlsruhe, DE) Ultra High-Speed Mobile Information and Communication (Exzellenzcluster, RWTH Aachen, DE) Unique Material Identifier universelles mobiles Informationssystem University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology Umweltministerkonferenz Unified Modeling Language (Computerprogramm-Struktur/computer program structure) Unified Medical Language System Unified Messaging Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Universal Monitoring System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Fraunhofer-Institut für] Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik (Oberhausen, DE) Universal Mobile Telecommunication(s) Standard (or: System) United Nations Atomic Energy Commission Universe Awareness (Astronomie für benachteiligte Kinder/astronomy for handicapped children) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill United Nations Capital Development Fund United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro, Juni/June 1992) United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea United Nations Conference on Trade and Development United Nations Development Programme Unbundled Network Element (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) United Nations Economic Commission for Europe United Nations Environment Programme United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Union Network International (Gewerkschaftsorganisation, seit 1.1.2000/Trade Union, since Jan. 1, 2000) User–Network Interface (Datennetz/data network) United Nations Information Center (viele Standorte weltweit/worldwide many locations) Universidade Estadual de Campinas (BR) Universal Linear Accelerator (GSI) [Consortium of European Railway Signaling Supplies] (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) United Nations Institute for Training and Research UNIX-Based Control Element 123 UNL UNO UNO UNPROFOR UNSCEAR UNSCOM UNSW UNT UNU UPC UPC UPC UPC UP-CAP UPD UPM UPMC UPnP UpPTS UPS UPS UPS UPSR UPT UPU UPV UR URA URA URAN URETI UREX URI URL URS URSI URT US USA USAF USAMI USANS USARDSG-UK USART USB USC USC USCAP USCM USDA USG USGS USIM USM USNA USNC USPAS USPEX USPTO USSD USST UST UST USV UT UT UTC UTD UTG UTOP UTP UTR UTRA UTRAN UTS UTSA UUCP Universal Network Language United Nations Organization University of New Orleans (LA, USA) United Nations Protection Force United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation United Nations Special Commission University of New South Wales (Sydney, AU) Update Notification Table (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) United Nations University Ultrafast Photonics Collaboration (UK) Unified Parallel C (Programmiersprache/programming language) Universal Product Code (Strichcode/bar code) Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya (ES) Ultra Power Capacitor User Profile Directory (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ES) University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (USA) Universal Plug and Play (Multimediageräte) Uplink Pilot Time Slot (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Ultra-Precision Surfaces Unified Profile Scheme (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Uninterruptable Power Supply (= USV) Unidirectional Path Switching (or: Switched) Ring (optische Kommunikation/optical communcation) Universal Personal Telecommunications Universal Postal Union Unpiloted Vehicle Universal Routing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Unité de recherche associée au CNRS Universities Research Association (USA) UMTS Radio Access Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) University Research, Engineering, and Technology Institute (befristete NASA-Gründungen/temporary NASA foundations in USA) Uranium Recovery by Extraction Uniform Resource Identifier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Universal Resource Locator (or: Location) (Internet) User Requirements Specification Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale User Registration Tool (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) United States of America (ISO 3166) United States of America US Air Force US-Africa Materials Institute Ultrasmall-Angle Neutron Scattering United States Army Research, Development and Standardization Group – United Kingdom Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Universal Serial Bus (Datenübertragung/data transfer) Uniform Scalar Quantization (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) University of Southern California US Climate Action Partnership Universal Service Component Model US Department of Agriculture Unsolicited Grant Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) US Geological Survey (Denver, CO, USA) Universal Subscriber Identification (or: Identity) Module (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) User Service Manager (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) US Naval Academy US National Committee US Particle Accelerator School Universal Structure Predictor: Evolutionary Crystallography US Patent and Trademark Office Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Usage Specification and Specification Testing Umweltsensortechnologie Universidade de São Paulo (BR) unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung Universal Time (seit/since 1928, zuvor/formerly: Greenwich Mean Time, GMT) Utah (US-Staat/US state) Universal Time Coordinated (or: Continuous) Uniform Geometric Theory of Diffraction Umwelt-Technologisches Gründerzentrum (Augsburg, DE) Ultraviolet Optical Telescope (an Bord von/aboard SWIFT Orbiter) Unshielded Twisted Pair (Datenkabel/data cable) Untranslated Region (in RNA) UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Ultimate Tensile Strength University of Texas at San Antonio (USA) Unix-to-Unix Copy Program (Rechnernetz/computer network) 124 UUV UV UVCS UVOT UVS UVV UWAC UWB UWCC UWG UWS UY u.Z. UZ Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Ultraviolet, Ultraviolett Ultraviolet Coronograph Spectrometer (an Bord von/aboard SOHO) UV-Optical Telescope Umweltverträglichkeitsstudie Unfall-Verhütungs-Vorschrift Underwater Acoustic Communication Ultra Wide Band (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Universal Wireless Communication Consortium (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Gesellschaft für Umwelt- und Wirtschaftsgeologie mbH (Berlin, DE) Universal Wireless System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Uruguay (ISO 3166) unserer Zeitrechnung (= nach Christus/after Christ) Usbekistan/Uzbekistan (ISO 3166) V VA VA VA VAD VALUE VAMAS VAN VAN VANETS VAR VAS VAV VB VBA VBC VBD VBG VBG VBI vBNS VBR VC VC VC VC VC VC VC VCAT VCC VCC VCC VCC VCCV VCG VCG VCI VCI VCI VCIP VCN VCO VCOSS VCR VCS VCS VCSEL VCU VCXO V&D VDA VDB VDBiol VDC VDE VDE VDEh VDF VDI VDI Vatikanstaat/Holy See (ISO 3166) Veterans Affairs (USA) Virginia (US-Staat/US state) Voice Activity Detection (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Valorisation and Utilisation for Europe (EU) Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards Varotsos, Alexopoulos, Nomikos (griechische Forscher, Erbebenvorhersagemodell/Greek researchers, earthquake forecast model) Vertically Lined Nematic (Flüssigkristalle/liquid crystals) Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Value Added Reseller Value Added Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Variable Air Volume Vertical Bridge (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Microsoft] Visual Basic for Applications Vienna BioCenter (Wien, AT) Voice Band Data (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Verwaltungs-Berufsgenossenschaft Verzeichnis der Einzel-Unfallverhütungsvorschriften der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften Vertical-Blank-Interrupt, Vertical Blanking Interval Very High Performance Backbone Network Service (USA, Gbit/s-Netz/net) Variable Bit Rate (Datenübertragung/data transmission) St. Vincent und die Grenadinen/St. Vincent and the Grenadines (ISO 3166) Vehicle Controller (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Venture Capital(ist) Vinylchlorid Virtual Circuit (Internet) Virtual Channel (Internet) Virtual Container (Kommunikation/communication) Virtual Concatenation (Telekommunikation, Ethernet) Vital Command Computer Vehicle Control Center (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Virtual Channel Connection (Internet) Voice Call Continuity Virtual Circuit Connection Verification (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Venture Capital-Gesellschaft Virtual Connection Group Verband der Chemischen Industrie Virtual Channel Identifier Voltage Contrast Imaging Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference Ventral Cochlear Nucleus Voltage Controlled Oscillator Vibration Control of Space Structures Video Cassette Recorder V-Groove Connector System (Telefon, Steckverbinder) Vapor-Cooled Shields (Infrarotastronomie, Kryostat/infrared astronomy, cryostat) Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting [Semiconductor] Laser, Vertikalresonator-Laserdiode Virginia Commonwealth University Voltage-Controlled Crystal Oscillator (für RB-Atomuhr/for Rb atomic clock) Voice and Data (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Verband der Automobilindustrie (DE) Verband der Bahnindustrie (in DE) Verband Deutscher Biologen Vehicle Dynamics Controller (Kfz/motor vehicle) Variable Displacement Engine (Kfz-Motor mit Zylinderabschaltung/internal combustion engine with temporary cylinder deactivation) Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker (oder: Elektroingenieure) e.V. Verein Deutscher Eisenhüttenleute e.V. Vector Directional Filter (Bildverarbeitung/picture processing) Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. Virtual Device Interface 125 VDI-EKV VDMA VDSÄ VDSL VDT VDTC VDU VDV VDW v.d.Z. VE VE VEB VECSEL VEGF VERAH VEI VELI VERITAS VERONICA VESA VEV VF VFA VFD VfK VFR VG VGA VGA VGF VHB VHDA VHDL VHDM VHE VHE VHESC VHF VHLL VI VIAS VICKSI VICS VID ViERforES VIGIL VIK VILAB VIMS VIOLA VIP VIP VIP VIP VIPeR VIPER VIRGO VIRIM VIROR VIS VIS VIS VISA ViSEK VISS VISTA VITA VitOL VIU ViVERA VIVRE VJ VK VKTA VKU VL VLA VDI-Gesellschaft Entwicklung Konstruktion Vertrieb Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau(er) Vereinigung Deutscher Strahlenschutzärzte e.V. Very High Speed (or: Data Rate) Digital Subscriber Line (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Verband Deutscher Tonmeister Virtual Development and Training Centre (IFF, Magdeburg, DE) Visual Display Unit (= Monitor) Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler vor der Zeitenwende (= vor Christus/before Christ) Venezuela (ISO 3166) Virtual Environment Volkseigener Betrieb (ehem./former DDR) Vertical External Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, vaskulärer endotheliarer Wachstumsfaktor Versorgungsassistentin in der Hausarztpraxis Volcanic Explosivity Index Virtuell European Laser Institute Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (Tucson, TX, USA, 2005) Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Net-Wide Index to Computerized Archives (Rechnernetz/computer network, Gopher) Video Electronic Standards Association Voice-Excited Vocoder Vacuum Fluorescence Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller Vacuum Fluorescent Display Vereinigung für Kristallographie Visual Flight Rules Jungferninseln/Virgin Islands (ISO 3166) Video Graphics Adapter Video Graphics Array Vertical Gradient Freeze (Kristallzucht/crystal growth) Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern Very-High-Density Amorphous (Ice) VLSI Hardware Description Language Very High Density Medium Very High Energy Virtual Home Environment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Very High Efficiency Solar Cell Very High Frequency (30 – 300 MHz) Very High Level Language (Computer) US Jungferninseln/US Virgin Islands (ISO 3166) Vienna Institute of Archeological Science (Wien, AT) Van de Graaf-Isochron-Cyclotron-Kombination für Schwere Ionen Vehicle Information and Communication System VLAN Identification Virtuelle und erweiterte Realität für höchste Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von Embedded Systems (BMFT-Projekt) Visible InGaN Injection Laser Vereinigtes Institut für Kernforschung (Dubna, RU) virtuelles Labor Visually Induced Motion Sickness Vertically Integrated Optical Testbed for Large Applications (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis (Zeitschrift/Journal) Vakuum-Isolations-Panel Very Important Person Virtual Internet Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Value-Added IP Routing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Valved, Integrated PCR Electrophoresis Restriction Digest (Nanotechnologie/nanotechnology) Variability Irradiance and Gravity Oscillations (an Bord von/aboard SOHO) virtuelle Realität in der Medizin Virtuelle Hochschule Oberrhein (seit Mitte 1998/since mid 1998) Visible (Optics) Visible Imaging System Visual Instruction Set Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Virtuelles Kompetenzzentrum für Software Engineering VHS-Index-Such-System Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (in UK manufactured camera for ESO, Chile) VME bus International Trade Association vernetzte intelligente Objekte in der Logistik Vital Interface Unit (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Virtuelles Kompetenznetzwerk zur Virtuellen und Erweiterten Realität Interactive Virtual Reality Environment (EU) Virtual Journal Verbundkatalog maschinenlesbarer Daten Verein für Kernverfahrenstechnik und Analytik Rossendorf e.V. Verband kommunaler Unternehmen Virtual Laboratory Very Large Array (Radioteleskop/radio telescope) 126 VLAN VLBA VLBI VLC VLF VLH VLHC VLIW VLL VLLS VLPO VLR VLS VLSI VLT VLT VLTI VLY VMAN VMPA VMSC VN VNC VOA VoATM VOB VOBC VOC VoD VoDSL VoFR VoIP VoP VOR VoWLAN VOX Voxel VP VPC VPI VPI&SU VPL VPLNM VPLS VPM VPN VPRN VPS VPS VPT VPU VPWS VQ VR VRAS VRF VRF VRG VRID VRML VRRP VS VSA VSAT VSB VSC VSDL VSEA VSELP VSI V-SK VSL VSM VSM VSMS VSN VSOP V.S.O.P Virtual Local Area Network (Internet) Very Long Baseline Array Very Long Baseline Interferometry Variable Length Coding Very Low Frequency (3 – 30 kHz) Very Long-Haul (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Very Large Hadron Collider (geplanter Nachfolger für LHC/planned successor of LHC) Very Long Instruction Word (Computer) Virtual Leasing (or: Leased) Line (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Virtual Leased Line Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Ventolaterale präoptische Region (im Gehirn/in the brain) Visitor Location Register (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Vapor-Liquid-Solid (Nanodraht-Herstellung/nano-wire manufacturing) Very Large-Scale Integration (Circuit) Very Large Telescope (Chile, 8 m Durchmesser/diameter) Visible Light Transmission Very Large Telescope Interferometer (ESO, Chile) Valley (US Mail) Virtual MAN (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Verband der Materialprüfungsanstalten Visiting Mobile Switching Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Vietnam/Viet Nam (ISO 3166) Virtual Network Computing Variable Optical Attenuator (Photonik/photonics) Voice over ATM (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Verdingungsordnung für Bauleistungen Vehicle Onboard Controller (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) Volatile Organic Carbon (or: Compound) Video on Demand Voice over Digital Subscriber Line (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Voice over Frame Relay (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Voice over Internet Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Voice over Packet (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) VHF Omnidirectional Range (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Voice over Wireless Local Area Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Voice-Operated Switch [volume pixel, quaderförmige Volumenelemente] Virtual Path (Internet) Virtual Path Connection (Internet) Virtual Path Identifier (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Blacksburg, VA, USA) Virtual Programming Language Visited Public Land Mobile Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Virtual Private LAN Service (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [Nucleus ventralis posteromedialis] Virtual Private Network, Virtuelles Privates Netz (Internet) Virtual Private Routed Network Video Program(ming) System (or: Service) Virtual LAN Policy Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Videotext-Programmier-System Voice Processing Unit (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Virtual Private Wire Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Vector Quantization Virtual Reality Virtual Reality Audio System Vibrational Response Function (Chemie/chemistry) Virtual Routing and Forwarding (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Virtual Reference Grinding Virtual Router Identification (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Virtual Reality Markup (or: Modeling) Language Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Verschlusssache (Geheimhaltung/secrecy) Vector Signal Analyzer Very Small Aperture Terminal (Fernerkundung, Datennetz/remote sensing, data network) Vestigial Sideband (Modulation) Vehicle Stability Control (Kfz/motor vehicle) Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Virtual Statistical Energy Analysis Vector Sourcebook Excited Linear Predictive Coding (Sprachkompressionssystem) Vertical System Integration (Chip-Fertigung/chip manufacturing) VIPeR System Kernel (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Varying-Speed-of-Light (Theory) (Kosmologie/cosmology) Vector Space Model Vibrating Sample Magnetometer Virtual School of Molecular Sciences (Nottingham, UK) Video Sensor Node Versatile Scalable On Board Processing Unit (Einplatinenrechner/single board computer) Very special old pale (Cognac) 127 VSPD VSTOL VT VT VT VTAPI VTIPI VTC VTEC VTLN VTOL VTR VTS VTT VU VUB VUB VUV v.u.Z. VVS VVS VWCS VWL VWM VXML V2G Variable Sensitivity Photodetector Cell Vertical and Short Take-off and Landing Vermont (US-Staat/US state) Virtual Test Virtual Tributary (Kommunikation/communication) Virtual Test Application Programming Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Virtual Test Internet Protocol Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Vehicular Technology Conference Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control (Kfz-Technik/vehicle technology) Vocal Tract Length Normalization (Sprachverarbeitung/speech processing) Vertical Take-off and Landing Video Tape Recorder Vessel Traffic Service (für Schiffsverkehr im Hafen/for ship traffic in the harbor) Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus (Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo, FI) Vanuatu (früher: Neue Hebriden/former New Hebrides) (ISO 3166) [Free University of Brussels] (BE) Virtuelle Universität Berlin Vakuumultraviolett, Vacuum-Ultraviolet vor unserer Zeitrechnung (= vor Christus/before Christ) Verbund Verteidigungs- und Sicherheitsforschung (Fraunhofer-Institute) Volume Velocity Source (Schwingerreger/vibration exciter) Voice Web Communications Server (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Volkswirtschaftslehre Voice Web Manager (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Voice Extensible Markup Language (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Vehicle to Grid (Elektroauto/electric vehicle) W WA WAAS WACN WA/D WAD WADM WAF WAG WAIS WAIS WAITRO WAK WAN WAP WAPECS WARC WARN WARP WASP WBCO WBEM WBGU WBL WBS WBS WBS WBT WBV WCDMA WCET WCNC WCRE WCT WCU WCU WD WDM WDMA WDR WDR WDSL WECA WECC WECC WECPNL WEEE WEH WEH WELAC WELMEC Washington (US-Staat/US state) Wide Area Augmentation System (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) West Anglia Cancer Network (UK) Wavelength Add/Drop (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wide Area Differential (Satellitennavigation/satellite navigation) Wavelength Add/Drop Multiplexer (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Sounddatei/file name extension: sound file] WLAN Access Gateway (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) West Antarctic Ice Sheet Wide-Area Information Server (or: Service) (Rechnernetz/computer network) World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations Wiederaufbereitungsanlage Karlsruhe Wide Area Network (Rechnernetz/computer network) Wireless Application Protocol (scherzhaft auch/ironically also: Wait and Pay) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wireless Access Policy for Electronic Communications Services (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) World Administrative Radio Conference Wide Area Reference Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wave Adaptive Reduction Principle (aktive Schwingungsminderung/active noise canceling) Wide Area Search for Planets Waveguide Below Cutoff Web Based Element Management (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Blaue Liste Wave-Based Substructuring Wireless Base Station (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Work Breakdown Structure WEB-basierte Trainingssysteme Whole Body Vibration (Kfz-Schwingung/vehicle vibration) Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Worst-Case Execution Time (Computer) [IEEE] Wireless Communications and Networking Conference World Council for Renewable Energy WIPO Copyright Treaty Wayside Control Unit (Eisenbahntechnik/railway technology) World Congress on Ultrasonics Wigner Distribution Wave(length) Division Multiplex(ing) (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Wavelength Division Multiple Access (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Westdeutscher Rundfunk Wired Equivalence Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wireless Digital Subscriber Line (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wireless Ethernet Company Alliance (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) WEB Enabled Call Center (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Western European Calibration Cooperation Weighted Equivalent Continuous Perceived Noise Level Waste (from) Electrical and Electronic Equipment Wave Emission from Heterogeneities (Kardiologie/cardiology) Wilhelm und Else Heraeus (Stiftung/foundation) Western European Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Western European Legal Metrology Cooperation 128 WEOS WEP WEP WEP WEPP WER WESCON WESTP(R)AC WF WFBA WFE WFMOS WFQ WFS WFS&C WFUMB WG WGL WGW WHF WHG WHH WHIM WHO WHOI WI WIAGEM WiD WIDE WiFi WiFS WIMAC@home WiMAX WIMP WiN WIND WINNER WIP WIP WIPO WIPP WIRDEM WIRO WIS WISA WISDOM WiSe WISP WIST WISTA WIXC WIYN WKI WKN WL WLA WLAN WLC WLL WLS WLT WMA WMA WMAP WMF WMF WML WMO WMRS WNS WNT WOCE WOKS WORM WPA WPAN Whale Ecology Observation Satellite (Japan) Wired Equivalence Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wired Equivalent Privacy (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wireless Encryption Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Water Erosion Prediction Project (Umweltschutz/environment protection, USA) Word Error Rate (Sprachverarbeitung/speech processing) Western Electronic Show and Convention (USA) Western Pacific Regional Acoustics Conference Wallis und Futuna-Inseln/Wallis and Futuna Islands (ISO 3166) Weighted Fair Buffer Allocation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wavefront Error (Teleskop-Technologie/telescope technology) Wide-Field Multi-Object Spectrograph Weighted Fair Queuing (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wavefront Sensor Wavefront Sensing and Control World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Working Group Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Wireless Gateway (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) World Heart Federation Wasserhaushaltsgesetz Werthamer-Helfand-Hohenberg (Supraleitungstheorie/superconduction theory) Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium World Health Organization Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Wisconsin (US-Staat/US state) World Integrated Assessment General Equilibrium Model (Klimamodell/climate model) Wissenschaft im Dialog Wide-Angle Imaging Lidar Wireless Fidelity (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wide Field Sensor (NASA Satellit/satellite, seit/since 1997) Wireless Media and Control at Home Worldwide Interoperability for Mobile (or: Microwave) Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Weakly Interacting Massive Particles Wissenschaftsnetz (Datennetz/scientific data network) Wheather-Information on Demand (Unwetter-Frühwarnsystem/storm early warning system) Wireless World Initiative New Radio Wireless Internet Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wissenschaftler-Integrationsprogramm (ehem./former DDR) World Intellectual Property Organization Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (radioaktive Abfälle/radioactive waste, Carlsbad, NM, USA) Women in Research Decision Making Wyoming Infrared Observatory (USA) WAN Interface Sublayer (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wirtschaftsorientierte Strategische Allianz (FhG) Widespread Security Domains Using Opical Monitoring (EU Project, optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Wintersemester (in Göttingen seit/since 2007) Wireless Internet Service Provider (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Women in Science and Technology Wissenschafts- und Technologiepark Berlin-Adlershof (oder: Wirtschafts- und Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin-Adlershof) Wavelength Interchanging Cross-Connect (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Wisconsin-Indiana-Yale-NOAO Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institut (Fraunhofer-Institut für Holzforschung/Institute for wood research, Braunschweig, DE) Wertpapierkennnummer Wechselsprech- und Lautsprecherkommunikation Wavelength Adapter (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Wireless Local Area Network (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Worm-Like Chain (Polymerphysik/polymer physics) Wireless Local Loop (Internet) Web Lecturing and Training System Wissenschaftlicher Arbeitskreis Lasertechnik [Dateinamenerweiterung: Videodatei/file name extension: video file] Windows Media Audio Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (NASA-Sonde, Kosmologie/cosmology) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Graphikdatei/file name extension: graphic file] Windows-Metafile Wireless Markup Language (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) World Meteorological Organization Working Memory Rating Scale World Numbering System (UPU, für Briefmarken/for stamps) Wireless Network Termination (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) World Ocean Circulation Experiment [Allunionsgesellschaft für kulturelle Verbindungen mit dem Ausland] (RU) Write Once – Read Many (Opto-Disk) Wireless Fidelity Protected Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wireless Personal Area Network 129 WPC WPD WPG WPI WPMC WPPT WR WRC WRED WRF WRI WRR WRS WS WS WS WS WSA WSDL WSEG WSES WSF WSIS WSMR WSO WSP WSRT WSS WSS WSS WSU WSXC WT WT WT WTA WTAI WTB WTB WTD WTDMA WTO WT-OXC WTR WTZ WUSB WUSTL WV WV WVS WVU WWF WWG WWI WWRF WWMCCS WWW WY WYP WYSIWYG WZB WZH W3C Wood Polymer (or: Plastic) Composites Work Package Definition [Dateinamenerweiterung: WordPerfect-Graphikdatei/file name extension: WordPerfect graphic file] World Premier International Research Center Initiative (Japan 2007) [International Symposium on] Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty Wissenschaftsrat World Radiocommunication(s) Conference Weighted Random Early Detection (or: Discard) (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Weather Research and Forecasting (Computermodell/computer model) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Windows Writer-Textdatei/file name extension: Windows Writer text file] Weighted Round Robin (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart Samoa (früher Westsamoa/former Western Samoa) (ISO 3166) Werkzeugstahl Wintersemester (in Göttingen ab 2007: WiSe) Wireless Substation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) [ITG/IEEE] Workshop on Smart Antennas Web Services Description Language (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Weapons Systems Evaluation Group (USA) World Scientific and Engineering Society Workstation Function World Summit on the Information Society White Sands Missile Range (rocket launching site, NM, USA) World Space Observatory (Nachfolger des Hubble Space Telescope für UV/successor of the Hubble Space Telescope for UV) Wireless Session Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (NL) Wavelength Selectve Switch (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Wide Screen Signalling Worldwide Support Systems (HP) Washington State University Wavelength Selective Cross-Connect (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Waterjet Technology (Schneidtechnik/cutting technology) Wavelet Transform Wireless Terminal (Datenübertragung/data transfer) Wireless Telephony Application (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wireless Telephony Application Interface (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wired Trigger Bus (für vernetzte Messinstrumente/for crosslinked measuring instruments) Wissenschaftlich-Technischer Beirat (Bayerische Staatsregierung) Wehrtechnische Dienststelle (Bundeswehr/German army) Wideband Time Division Multiple Access (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) World Trade Organization Wavelength-Translating Optical Cross Connect (optische Kommunikation/optical communication) Wind-Temperatur-Radar Wissenschaftlich-Technische Zusammenarbeit (BMBF) Wireless Unversal Serial Bus Washington University in St. Louis West Virginia (US-Staat/US state) Wiedervorlage Web-Sphere Voice Server West Virginia University (USA) (alt/old:) World Wildlife Fund, (neu/new:) World-Wide Fund for Nature World Wide Grid (Rechnernetz/computer network) Wireless World Initiative (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Wireless World Research Forum World-Wide Military Control and Communication System World Wide Web (Rechnernetz/computer network) Wyoming (US-Staat/US state) World Year of Physics (2005) What You See Is What You Get Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung GmbH Wissenschaftliches Zentrum Heidelberg (der/of the IBM) World-Wide Web Consortium X XAFS XANES XAS xBIOS XBS XCA XCML xCP xDSL XEUS XFEL XIPS X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Extended BIOS Exchange Base(band) Station (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Extended Conditional Access Extensible Commerce Markup Language (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Extensible Content Protection (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Digital Subscriber Line (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) X-Ray Evolving Universe Spectroscopy X-Ray Free-Electron Laser (DESY, im Bau/under construction) Xenon Ion Propulsion Subsystem (Satellit/satellite) 130 XLS XLT XLV XM XML XMM XMP XMPP XOR XPCS XPD X-PEEM XPM XPS XQUL XRB XRD XRF XROI XRT X-SAR XSE XSEM XSL XSLT XTS XUV [Dateinamenerweiterung: Microsoft Excel-Datei/file name extension: Microsoft Excel file] [Dateinamenerweiterung: Microsoft Excel-Vorlage/file name extension: Microsoft Excel template] X-Ray Light Valve Cross Modulation (Distortion) Extensible Markup Language X-Ray Multi-Mirror Mission (Dez./Dec. 1999) X-Ray Microprobe Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Exclusive Or X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Cross Polarization Discrimination X-Ray PEEM Cross-Phase Modulation X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy XML Query & Update Language (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) X-Ray Background (Astrophysik/astrophysics) X-Ray Diffraction [Sensors] X-Ray Fluorescence X-Ray and Optical Interferometer X-Ray Telescope X-Band SAR Executive for Services Environment (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) X-Ray Secondary-Emission Microscopy Extensible Stylesheet Language Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations X-Ray Telescope (an Bord von/aboard SWIFT Orbiter) Extreme Ultraviolet Y YAC YAG YBCO YCbCr YE YEBN YES YIG YIP YOTO YSN YT Y2K Yeast Artificial Chromosome Yttrium-Aluminum Garnet (Laser) Yttrium-Barium-Kupfer-Oxid YBa2 Cu3 O7−x (HTSL) Luminance, Chrominance Blue, and Chrominance Red (Bildverarbeitung/picture processing) Jemen/Yemen (ISO 3166) Young European Biotech Network Year of Engineering Success Yttrium-Iron Garnet, Yttrium-Eisen-Granat Young Investigator Program (ONR, USA) International Year of the Ocean (1998) Young Scientists Network (USA) Mayotte (ISO 3166) Year 2000 [problem] Z ZA ZAE Bayern ZALF ZAMN ZaPF ZARM ZAV ZAVIR ZBL ZDB ZDC ZDF ZDH ZDL ZDW ZEAM ZEBET ZEF ZEFFPP ZEI ZEKE ZEM ZENIT ZENS ZET ZEV ZEvA ZEW ZFB ZFC ZFK ZFMK Südafrika/South Africa (ISO 3166) Bayerisches Zentrum für Angewandte Energieforschung (Würzburg, DE) Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung und -gestaltung (oder: Zentrum für Agrarlandschafts- und Nutzungsforschung) (Müncheberg, DE) Zentralarchiv für Mathematiker-Nachlässe (SUB, Göttingen, DE) Zusammenkunft aller Physik-Fachschaften Zentrum für Angewandte Raumfahrttechnologie und Mikrogravitation ( Fallturm“, Univ. Bremen, DE) ” Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung (Frankfurt/M, DE) Zurechenbarkeit von Aktionen in virtuellen Welten Zentralbibliothek der Landesbauwissenschaften (Bonn, DE) Zeitschriftendatenbank Zero Degree Calorimeter (CERN) Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks Zivildienstleistender Zero-Dispersion Wavelength (Laser) Zentraleinrichtung für Audiovisuelle Medien (FU Berlin, DE) Zentralstelle zur Erfassung von Ersatz- und Ergänzungsmethoden beim Tierversuch Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (Bonn, DE, seit/since 1997) Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plant Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung (Bonn, DE, seit/since 1997) Zero Kinetic Energy (Spektroskopie/spectroscopy) Zentrale Einrichtung Medien (Göttingen) Zentrum für Innovation und Technik (Mühlheim, NRW, DE) Zentrum für Europa- und Nordamerika-Studien (Göttingen, DE) Zentrum für Energie und Technik (Rendsburg, DE) Zero Emission Vehicle Zentrale Akkreditierungs- und Evaluationsagentur Hannover Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (Mannheim, DE) Zentrum für Bucherhaltung (Leipzig, DE) [Ernst] Zermelo, [Abraham] Fraenkel [Axiom of] Choice (Axiomensystem für die natürlichen Zahlen) Zentralinstitut für Kernforschung (Rossendorf, DE, bis 1991) Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander König (Bonn, DE) 131 ZFO ZfP ZFW ZfW ZGDV ZGI ZHG ZIB ZIE ZiM ZIP ZIP ZIPE ZISW ZK ZKA ZKI ZKLM zKLS ZKRD ZM ZMB ZMNH ZNS ZOS ZPID ZR ZSb ZSK ZULIP ZUMA ZVEI ZW ZWARP ZWG Forschungs[- und Entwicklungs]personal-Zuwachsförderung Ost (BMFT) Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung Zentralinstitut für Festkörperphysik und Werkstoffforschung (Akademie der Wissenschaften, ehem./former DDR) Zentrum für Funktionswerkstoffe (Göttingen, DE) Zentrum für Graphische Datenverarbeitung (Darmstadt, DE) Zentrales Geologisches Institut (ehem./former DDR) Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude Zuse Institut Berlin Zentralinstitut für Elektronenphysik (ehem./former DDR) Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Medienwissenschaft (Göttingen, DE) [Dateinamenerweiterung: Archivdatei, komprimiert/file name extension: compressed archive file] Zone Improvement Plan (Postleitzahlen/postal code, USA) Zentralinstitut für die Physik der Erde (ehem./former DDR) Zentralinstitut für Sprachwissenschaft (Berlin, DE) Zentralkomitee (der kommunistischen Partei, UdSSR) Zentraler Kreditausschuss Zentren für Kommunikation und Informationsverarbeitung in Lehre und Forschung e.V. Zentrum für Kfz-Leistungselektronik und Mechatronik (Nürnberg, DE) zentrale Kommission für Lehre und Studium Zentrales Knochenmarkspender-Register Deutschland Sambia/Zambia (ISO 3166) Zentralbibliothek der Medizin (Köln, DE) Zentrum für Molekulare Neurobiologie (Hamburg, DE) Zentralnervensystem Zentralinstitut für Optik und Spektroskopie (ehem./former DDR) Zentralstelle für Psychologische Information und Dokumentation (Trier, DE) Zaire (ISO 3166 bis/until 1997) Zentrale Studien- und Studentenberatung Zentrum für Sicherheits- und Katastrophenschutztechnik (in Hemer, DE) Zeiss Universal Laser Image Projector (Planetarium/planetarium) Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen (Mannheim, DE) Zentralverband der Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie Simbabwe/Zimbabwe (früher: Südrhodesien/former Southern Rhodesia) (ISO 3166) Zweiaxiale Radprüfung Zentralinstitut für Wissenschaftlichen Gerätebau (Adlershof, ehem./former DDR) Ziffern/Numerals 2D 2DEG 2dFRGS 2G 2.5G 2R 3D 3DCRT 3DNRFL 3G 3G.IP 3GL 3GPP 3GRC 3G3P 3PP 3R 4G 8DPSK 8PSK Two-Dimensional Two-Dimensional Electron Gas 2-Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (Astrophysik/astrophysics) Second Generation (Telekommunikation, GSM) 2.5 Generation Mobile Receive, Reshape (optische Telekommunikation/optical telecommunication) Three-Dimensional 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy Three-Dimensional Negative Refraction Flat Lense Third Generation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 3G Mobile Internet (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Third Generation Language Third Generation Partnership Project (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 3G Reality Centre Third Generation Patents Platform Partnership (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) Three-Photon Polymerization (Chemie/chemistry) Retime, Reshape and Regenerate (or: Reshaping, Retiming, Reamplification) (optische Datenübertragung/optical data transmission) Fourth Generation (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 8-Phase Differential Phase Shift Keying (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 8 Phase Shift Keying (Telekommunikation/telecommunication) 132