
Rights Catalogue
Autumn 2008
Dear Colleagues,
VERLAG HERDER is delighted to present its
new RIGHTS GUIDE for Autumn 2008.
In our new autumn programme you will find many interesting and exciting
books to complement your existing stock. Leading standard works in the
theology section, educational books dealing with topical issues, counselling
books on a variety of subjects, as well as beautiful gift books. Please
read the synopses to find out more about this great collection. VERLAG
HERDER holds full rights to all the enclosed titles.
If you are interested in any of our titles, or would like to receive more
information on specific books, please contact us. We will be pleased to
We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that we will be attending
FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR (15th – 19th October 2008 – Hall 3.1 E 169).
We look forward to seeing you there. Please do not hesitate to contact us for
an appointment.
Feel also free to visit our web site for further information on our books.
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Barbara Greber
Contract Manager
00 49 (0)761 27 17 547
Rights Catalogue
Religion / Theology
11 Gift Books
13 Parenting / Education
Religion / Theology
Kasper, Walter
Hilpert, Konrad / Leimgruber, Stephan (Ed.)
Römelt, Josef
Wenzel, Knut
The church of Jesus Christi
Die Kirche Jesu Christi
Theological perspectives
Theologie im Durchblick
Mediating faith
Glaube in Vermittlung
This book is a multi-faceted description
of the church of Jesus Christ from an
ecumenical perspective. Kasper outlines a
form of Eucharistic communio-ecclesiology.
The church must necessarily be a church
of the present and the future, but it must
remain a church of Jesus Christ, a church
not restricted by values of this world.
The aim of this book is to provide students
of theology with an outline of theological
disciplines and themes. This book follows on
from the “Basic Theology Course” which is
obligatory reading for all catholic students
of theology.
Christian ethics
in modern society
Christliche Ethik
in moderner Gesellschaft
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 416 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29946-9
13,9 x 21,4 cm, 320 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29883-7
July 2008
Which ethical position is correct regarding
the discussions on genetics, stem cells
or pre-implantation diagnostics? Why
are people too lethargic to participate in
discussions on these subjects? In the light
of the experience of Christian redemption,
theological ethics encourage us to adopt
moral responsibility in the face of the
threatening social crisis of modern society.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 192 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29895-0
October 2008
September 2008
Dirscherl, Erwin / Dohmen, Christoph /
Englert, Rudolf
Böhnke, Michael / Krochmalnik, Daniel /
Scheidler, Monika
Living relationships
In Beziehung leben
Theological Anthropology deals with the
existence of God’s creatures, man and
woman, with sin and blessing and the
destiny of man to be in communion with
God. Living in relationships is therefore an
essential part of theological anthropology
which is discussed from various perspectives
in this book.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 208 pages,
Paperback with flaps
ISBN: 978-3-451-29944-5
October 2008
Paul Ricoeur (1913 - 2005) developed
his thoughts in debate with the most
important philosophical developments of
the 20th century, in discussions with great
philosophers of our age, without losing
sight of tradition. Central to his thought
is man, not just who he is, but how we can
speak about him. This book attempts to use
Paul Ricoeur’s inspirational thoughts to
apply theological hermeneutics to man.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 304 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29796-0
October 2008
Suchla, Beate Regina
Böhm, Thomas (Ed.)
Inter-religious dialogue
Einander begegnen
Dionysius the AreopagiteLife –
Works – Legacy
Dionysius Areopagita
Faith and culture
Glaube und Kultur
This book illustrates how Catholic theology
conducts inter-religious dialogue with
Judaism and Islam. It provides basic
information on the history, theological
thought and religious practises of both
Judaism and Islam. The authors also
illustrate how religious education can
effectively communicate an understanding
of different religions and cultures.
Dionysius the Areopagite is one of the
most colourful and fascinating figures of
Christianity. The writings ascribed to him
are of a mystical nature and earned him the
title “Father of western mysticism”. Who
was Dionysius? What did he write about?
How was he understood over the centuries?
Beate Regina Suchla presents the results of
her research.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 208 pages,
Paperback with flaps
ISBN: 978-3-451-29886-8
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 384 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29949-0
October 2008
October 2008
This book examines the connection
between culture and faith. What cultural
conditions allowed Christianity to develop?
How did faith influence and affect cultural
developments. How can contemporary
theology communicate cultural elements of
society to the church whilst at the same time
increasing the awareness of the potential of
Christian faith in resolving contemporary
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 304 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29878-3
November 2008
Religion / Theology
Dirscherl, Erwin / Dohmen, Christoph (Ed.)
Abu Zaid, Nasr Hamid
Schmeller, Thomas (Ed.)
Kasper, Walter / Deckers, Daniel (Ed.)
Faith and reason
Glaube und Vernunft
God‘s word to man
Gottes Menschenwort
The heartbeat of faith
Wo das Herz des Glaubens schlägt
Pope Benedict XVI encouraged an
relationship between faith and reason
during his Regensburg lectures in 2006.
In the book the editors have compiled
contributions by representatives from
theology, philosophy, psychology, Islamic
studies, law, Romance studies as well as
Jewish and Moslem traditions.
What is God’s message in the Koran? For Nasr
Hamid Abu Zaid communication between
God and man plays an important role in the
Koran. He examines this communication
illustrating man’s part in the development,
interpretation and use of God’s word. He
points the way for a more contemporary and
more flexible handling of the Koran.
New Testament exegesis
in the 21st century
Neutestamentliche Exegese
im 21. Jahrhundert
15,1 x 22,7 cm, ca. 480 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29892-9
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29972-8
October 2008
September 2008
This book is dedicated to Joachim Gnilka
on his 80th birthday. It examines selected
texts and themes in a context beyond the
New Testament. It is not primarily an innerexegetical discourse, but a conscious step
beyond this. Of particular topical interest
are the comparisons between Christian,
Buddhist and Islamic texts.
15,1 x 22,7 cm, ca. 320 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29933-9
Cardinal Kasper, an untiring advocate
of Christian Unity, is very much in touch
with the people. How will the relationship between the churches develop? Cardinal Kasper and Daniel Decker discuss what
characterises Christianity in times of spiritual poverty and express this with great
clarity, providing orientation on uncertain terrain.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 224 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29873-8
September 2008
November 2008
Tück, Jan-Heiner (Ed.)
Roman monopoly?
Römisches Monopol?
A paper by the Roman Congregation of the
Doctrine of Faith (2007) has reignited the
discussion on church unity. It questions
whether church communities established
after the Reformation are “churches in the
actual sense” and stresses that the church
of Jesus Christ is possible only in the Roman
Catholic Church. This book examines these
controversial issues.
11,9 x 19,8 cm, 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29854-7
May 2008
Homolka, Walter / Zenger, Erich (Ed.)
„… so they can recognise Jesus“
„... damit sie Jesus Christus erkennen”
Reaction to this new edition of Good Friday
intercessions written by the Pope has
been very varied. This book discusses the
different standpoints of this very sensitive
subject and outlines future perspectives for
Catholic Jewish discussion.
11,9 x 19,8 cm, 224 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29964-3
May 2008
Käßmann, Margot
Catholic pictures
Die Bilder der Katholiken
100 expressive photographs highlighting
memorable moments in history, well-known
personalities, art, architecture, films,
documents - all depicting some aspect of
Catholicism. Texts by well-known public
figures explain why a particular picture is
so special to them and why they selected
it. A colourful book with a wide variety of
Mothers in the Bible
Mütter der Bibel
Motherhood is wonderful, but can be
extremely strenuous. The Bible contains
many stories about mothers: would-be
mothers, mothers having a hard time,
mothers who born children late in life.
Margot Käßmann depicts 20 biblical women
- Eva, Mary, Sarah, Lea, Elisabeth etc. and
links their experiences to modern day
mothers. A book mothers can relate to.
19,4 x 26,0 cm, 216 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29353-5
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29855-4
September 2008
October 2008
Religion / Theology
Cordes, Paul Josef (Ed.)
Lohmann, Martin
Kiefer, Gerhard
Hattrup, Dieter
Helpers don‘t fall from the sky
Helfer fallen nicht vom Himmel
The man Marx
Mensch Marx
Robert Zollitsch
Robert Zollitsch
Papal decrees on the charitable commitment
of the church are usually concerned with
aims and results. Pope Benedict XVI’s
encyclical “Deus caritas est” addresses the
anthropological and spiritual character of
these helpers for the first time. This book
outlines a new spirituality in charitable
work. The deed rather than the outcome has
The author who has known Reinhard Marx
for a great many years, draws a fascinating
portrait of the Archbishop of Munich.
He describes his various functions, his
enthusiasm for life, his theological stamp,
his ability to engage with people and
inspire them.
What has shaped the Archbishop of
Freiburg’s character? What issues concern
him most? How does he see his role in the
German Church, between the different
denominations and between Germany and
Rome? Gerhard Kiefer draws a portrait of the
newly appointed, highest representative of
the Catholic Church in Germany.
Darwin - design or chance
Darwins Zufall oder Wie Gott die
Welt erschuf
13,9 x 21,4 cm, 200 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29870-7
12,5 x 20,5 cm, 192 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29896-7
July 2008
12,5 x 20,5 cm, 176 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29940-7
May 2008
May 2008
Darwin’s theory of evolution rocked
prevailing scientific thought. Darwin
introduced the revolutionary idea of
“variation and selection” as opposed to the
then currently held theory of predictability.
Dieter Hattrup expands on Darwin’s theory
of chance and design as essential elements
of nature. He discusses the consequences
for scientists and the Christian concept of
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 320 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29930-8
September 2008
Feldmann, Christian
Bärenz, Reinhold
Lehner, Günter / Leitschuh, Marcus C. (Ed.)
Adolph Kolping
Adolph Kolping
When do the disciples eat?
Wann essen die Jünger?
Motorway churches in Germany
Autobahnkirchen in Deutschland
The Kolping Association was founded in
1849 by the priest Adolph Kolping (18131865) and is now represented in over 50
countries. The author describes the life and
works of Kolping whose concern for fellow
humans and his deep faith were the driving
forces behind all his actions. Kolping’s
committment to supposed losers in an
economic order is still of relevance today.
On the basis of the parable “The feeding
of the five thousand” Reinhold Bärenz
illustrates how care workers can balance
their workload between giving and
receiving to avoid fatigue and exhaustion.
An excellent guide to avoid burn-out and
50 years ago the first motorway churches
were built, inviting people to break their
journeys to rest, pray and meditate. This
guide presents 32 of these motorway
churches. Information is included on
opening times and other special features.
The guide invites the traveller to have
a break and recharge his batteries with
blessings, prayers and meditations.
Children have no qualms talking about
death, whereas parents often find it very
difficult. This book helps parents talk
openly to children about dying and death.
The author takes up images and concepts
children have about death. He formulates
these concepts into questions and provides
answers from a Christian perspective.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, 96 pages,
Paperback with flaps
ISBN: 978-3-451-32180-1
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 96 pages,
Paperback with flaps
ISBN: 978-3-451-32176-4
May 2008
September 2008
17,0 x 24,0 cm, ca. 144 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32135-1
September 2008
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 320 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29957-5
August 2008
Biesinger, Albert / Gaus, Ralf /
Gaus, Edeltraud
Why do we have to die?
Warum müssen wir sterben?
Religion / Theology
Barrois, Frank / Heck, Natascha
Breitenbach, Roland
Arens, Herbert
Gottschalk, Andreas
Up front
Ganz vorne mit dabei
Six minute sermons from A to Z
Sechs-Minuten-Predigten von A bis Z
Petitions in the community
Fürbitten in der Gemeinde
Altar servers are important. This guide
contains important information on what
servers do and how a service is structured.
The authors explain the liturgy in a way
9-12 year olds can easily follow, relating
it to their day to day life. The comparisons
and questions bring the reader to a deeper
understanding of liturgy and servin
33 texts on a variety of subjects from A to
Z deal with the most important issues of
faith and look at real life situations for
answers. This book provides ideas on how
preachers can express themselves in a way
their individual communities can identify
with. Also included are meditations and
Three minute sermons
with petitions
3 Minuten - Werktagspredigten
mit Fürbitten
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 96 pages,
Paperback with flaps
ISBN: 978-3-451-32190-0
13,9 x 21,4 cm, 176 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-32174-0
August 2008
September 2008
These three minute, thought-provoking
sermons provide succinct commentaries on
the respective daily readings. The author
draws on his extensive exegetic knowledge
and his many years experience in pastoral
care. Herbert Arens has the rare gift of
expressing the essential in a minimum
number of words that are easy for the reader
to grasp.
This book provides a wealth of suggestions
for kyrie and petitions for Sunday services
and feast days in lectionary B. The
introductory texts and petitions are closely
linked to the respective readings.
17,0 x 24,0 cm, 176 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-32172-6
August 2008
17,0 x 24,0 cm, 216 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-32014-9
August 2008
Berger, Klaus
Berger, Klaus
Sander, Stefan
Paul‘s letters
Die Briefe des heiligen
Apostels Paulus
The gospel of our Lord Jesus
Evangelium unseres Herrn
Jesus Christus
The office of Deacon
Das Amt des Diakons
Paul’s letters are not academic speeches
but urgent appeals written in very specific
situations. Klaus Berger interprets these
letters for the reader in language that is
easy to follow. His comprehensive book with
interpretations of Pauline readings for the
lectionaries A, B and C is right on time for
the year of St. Paul, 2008 - 2009.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, 512 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-32230-3
June 2008
Klaus Berger interprets the Gospel readings
of lectionary B. He draws on his expert
knowledge of the Bible creating links and
references as only an expert with intimate
knowledge of the Bible can. He does this in a
gripping and very readable way, making the
Bible and Christian faith more accessible to
the reader.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, 288 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29295-8
August 2008
What exactly is a deacon? Since the
reintroduction of this office after the II
Vatican Council there has been a great deal
of debate as to the function and duties of a
deacon. Forty years after the consecration
of the first permanent deacons in Germany
Stefan Sander outlines how the office of
deacon can be firmly rooted and established
in the community.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29889-9
September 2008
Dannecker, Klaus Peter /
Saberschinsky, Alexander
New life from water and spirit
Neues Leben aus Wasser und Geist
This book provides parents and godparents
with a deeper understanding of baptism.
What is the sacrament of baptism? What is
different about the new liturgy? How is the
service structured and how can parents play
an active role? The authors make it clear
that the words and gestures of liturgical
celebration are not pompous ceremony, but
an expression of faith.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 144 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32304-1
October 2008
Religion / Theology
Hoping, Helmut (Ed.)
Dust to dust
Zur Erde kehrst du zurück
This is the accompanying book to the new
edition of “The church burial service”.
Following an introduction to the new
book the author reflects on the image of
man in the different Roman burial rituals.
He examines the liturgy for funerals and
requiem mass and looks at special kinds
of funerals, e.g. cremation, urn burial and
“services led by lay people.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 112 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32305-8
January 2009
Meisner, Joachim /
Thurn und Taxis, Gloria von /
Marten, Johannes (Ed.)
The Princess and the Cardinal
Die Fürstin und der Kardinal
Princess Gloria and Joachim Meisner talk
about their faith. What significance does our
faith have in our day to day lives? Where do
we draw our strength from? What values are
important? How do we pray? How do we deal
with doubt? A frank, personal, inspiring and
extraordinary exchange in celebration of
Cardinal Joachim Meisner’s 75th birthday.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 176 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29871-4
Zollitsch, Robert
Terwitte, Paulus / Leitschuh, Marcus C.
Those who seek find the star
Suchende Menschen
finden den Stern
Try it – discover Christmas anew
Trau dich, Weihnachten neu
zu entdecken
illustrate how man’s spiritual search and
God becoming man in the form of a child in
Bethlehem are two movements that come
together at Christmas time. The Christmas
message is a message of confidence. People
searching for that message will find it.
A spiritual guide for Christmas. The authors
outline the Christian background to the
most important Christmas traditions
and customs. They also provide ideas for
contemporary celebrations, both in the
family or as a single.
11,9 x 19,8 cm, ca. 128 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29633-8
10,1 x 15,0 cm, 96 pages,
Paperback with flaps
ISBN: 978-3-451-30087-5
August 2008
August 2008
September 2008
Weiß, Thomas
Spuler-Stegemann, Ursula (Ed.)
Bobzin, Hartmut (Ed.)
Küng, Hans / Homolka, Walter
Can you hear my silence?
Hörst du mein Schweigen?
Symbol of hate, Christianity
in Islam
Feindbild Christentum im Islam
Koran. The most beautiful texts
from the Koran
Koran Lesebuch
Persecution of Christians in Irak. Death
threats against converts. Is dialogue
possible between Christians and Muslims?
Does Islam want such a dialogue? This
book critically appraises the situation.
The author is convinced that social peace
can only come about through clarification
and open, critical dialogue. A revised, new
The Koran - a holy book, a unique literary
work. Hartmut Bobzin, one of the most
renowned contemporary experts on Islamic
Studies has selected the most beautiful and
most important texts from the Koran. He has
translated these and commented on them,
enabling the reader to more fully enjoy this
amazing, unique and influential book.
World ethos from the sources
of Judaism
Weltethos aus den Quellen
des Judentums
Thomas Weiß’ prayers take our doubts
seriously - just like God does. Prayers
that we can identify with, not just empty
phrases. Prayers that are full of surprises.
An ideal book for those looking for new ways
to express themselves.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages,
Flexible cover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29978-0
September 2008
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 192 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-06008-3
January 2009
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 288 pages, Half linen
ISBN: 978-3-451-29937-7
September 2008
A central issue in Judaism is the way human
beings interact with one another. Hans
Küng and Walter Homolka explore this
crucial aspect of ethical co-existence. They
examine key ethical texts, drawing on three
thousand years of Jewish writings. The
selected texts are based on the “Declaration
for the World Ethos”: non-violence,
solidarity, tolerance and partnership.
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 192 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-32115-3
September 2008
Schulze, Markus
Zuniga, Gisela
Oschwald, Hanspeter
Is hell humanly possible?
Ist die Hölle menschenmöglich?
Everything is there –
mysticism in our lives
Alles ist da – Mystik im Alltag
Spiritual holidays – a guide
Der Klosterurlaubsführer
In the past people spoke of the righteous
divine punishment for sinners in eternal
damnation, and of hell as a certain fact.
Today people talk of self-damnation and
hell as a real possibility. What led to this
change of view? This book shows that the
traditional view is not fully convincing and
refers consequently to an examination of
the approaches by Rahner and Ratzinger.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, 440 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29905-6
June 2008
Gisela Zuniga, highly experienced in
meditation, guides us on our journey to
discover our deepest longings, to a union
with the ultimate mystery, with God. Each
one of us, she claims, is able to experience
an inner transformation, enabling us to
lead a life free of fear and worries, to live
in freedom and love. Inspiring thoughts for
each day.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 192 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05969-8
The whole idea of holidays in a monastery
began via personal recommendation, but in
the meantime it has become an established
trend. Tourists can choose between purely
spiritual holidays or stays including
wellness. This book is a revised edition of
Hanspeter Oschwald‘s well-known guide
book. It includes information and addresses
from all over the world.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 208 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05992-6
Grün, Anselm / Lichtenauer, Anton (Ed.)
„What should I do?“
„Was soll ich tun?“
Every day people turn to Pater Anselm
with issues that are troubling them. He
answers them all, not with pat answers,
but empathetically and often from an
unexpected perspective. People trust
him. Pater Anselm draws on his extensive
experience and rich spiritual tradition.
12,5 x 20,0 cm, ca. 160 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29985-8
September 2008
September 2008
January 2009
Hole, Günter
Meschede, Eva
Gross, Peter / Fagetti, Karin
Hantel-Quitmann, Wolfgang
Warmth of heart as an art of living
Alone amongst friends.
Allein unter Freundinnen
Old age – a stroke of luck
Glücksfall Alter
Masks couples wear
Die Masken der Paare
Live with your heart and soul! It does us
good to experience warmth and affection
in our relationships. We just need to take
the initiative. Our facial expressions, our
gestures and our language all send out
messages. Warmth as an inner attitude
can transform relationships, it does us and
others good. Rediscover that warm feeling
that emanates so much positive energy.
Friendships between women are different
somehow. They say there is more intimacy
between girl friends as opposed to boy
friends. It is true - women are not good
rivals as they would rather be best friends.
Rivalry between women is more subtle,
more guarded, more covert. An exciting and
informative book on your best enemy.
Old Age has a future. Peter Gross, mid-60’s
and Karen Fagetti, early 40’s present a
radical change of perspective to ageing.
Look forward to getting older rather than
looking nostalgically back at one’s youth.
It is important not to wait and see what
happens as we get older, but to take our
lives into our own hands and rediscover life
from a new perspective.
Masks hide all kinds of feelings and emotions
we do not want to expose: fear, jealousy,
disgust, revenge, happiness, sadness,
anger, shame, guilt, love and passion.
Masks hide and protect our vulnerability.
The author examines the game of hide and
seek we play behind our masks. He provides
practical advice on how to peer behind our
own masks.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-06030-4
12,3 x 19,8 cm, ca. 192 pages,
Flexible cover
ISBN: 978-3-451-03015-4
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 192 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29938-4
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 192 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-29977-3
October 2008
September 2008
September 2008
September 2008
Rohner Reinhard, Marietta
Burger, Kathrin
Graeser, Jürgen
Weltzien, Friederike
To mourn means to love
Trauern heißt lieben
The myth about wholemeal
and other cock and bull stories
Die Vollkornlüge und andere
On thin ice.
Auf dünnem Eis
Why did you have to die Fidaa?
Warum musstest du sterben, Fidaa
Jürgen Gräser is not an adventurer, he‘s
a scientist. This winter he had to fight
off polar bears whilst collecting data. He
spent a long, cold winter with 20 Russian
colleagues on a drift station in the Artic
Ocean. Jürgen Gräser describes what life
was like on the floe. An exciting report from
the end of the world.
Friederike Weltzien, a vicar in Beirut, is
fascinated by the country she has known
since childhood and outraged at the daily
violence and honorary killings. She fights
against forced marriages and fathers who
force their sons into Dschihad camps.
This book shows great love for a country
torn apart by violence, and is an exciting,
harrowing story of an extraordinary woman.
She is 45 and the love of her life dies. Her
impressive, short, almost poetical texts
describe her grief, her transformation and
her hope. A book full of linguistic lightness,
contextual depth and a great support for all
those grieving the loss of loved ones.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-06022-9
November 2008
Wholemeal products prevent cancer?
Chocolate makes you happy? Some say
green tea is good for you, some say a glass of
red wine, others say fibres and bio yoghurts
will guarantee you a long and healthy life.
However, the evidence for all these claims
is very shaky, as tests have proved. Kathrin
Burger takes a critical look at so-called
healthy nutrition.
12,3 x 19,8 cm, ca. 160 pages,
Flexible cover
ISBN: 978-3-451-03019-2
12,3 x 19,8 cm, ca. 160 pages,
Flexible cover
ISBN: 978-3-451-03023-9
September 2008
13,9 x 21,4 cm, 240 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29598-0
September 2008
August 2008
Ustorf, Anne-Ev
Tasman, Nilgün
Kurtz, Eugène
Swientek, Christine
We children of war children
Wir Kinder der Kriegskinder
I dream in German …
and wake up Turkish
Ich träume deutsch
Forced into service
The last resort, suicide
Letzter Ausweg Selbstmord
Anne-Ev Ustorf is a child whose parents were
children of the war. Her parents survived
hunger, destruction, flight and fear. This
fear was deeply rooted and was passed on
to their own children. These children, now
adults, find it difficult to set roots. They
are thrifty, insecure and lack confidence. A
generation that grew up in the long shadow
of the war.
Nilgün Ta?man was born in Turkey and grew
up in Germany. She knows all about the
old Turkish traditions of her grandmother
and enjoys the freedom of growing up in
Germany. Her parents struggle to cope with
the two cultures, but Nilgün succeeds in
reconciling both worlds. A touching story
that affects a whole generation.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 192 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29814-1
12,5 x 20,0 cm, ca. 192 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29860-8
August 2008
August 2008
The young Alsatian Eugène Kurtz was
forcibly recruited by the German Wehrmacht
in the summer of 1942. After a failed
attempt at desertion he was interned in
the notorious camp in Schirmeck. He was
sent to the Russian front, deserted, was
arrested and finally returned to his beloved
France. A tragic fate and a true testimony of
„Old people live too long and are a strain on
the government coffers“(Karsten Vilmar).
Prejudice fuels aggression, with fatal
consequences. More and more old people
are taking their own lives, unnoticed by the
general public and doctors. These are not
just isolated cases. Christine Swientek put
facts and figures on the table and demands
13,9 x 21,4 cm, ca. 448 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-23120-9
12,5 x 20,5 cm, ca. 192 pages, Paperpack
ISBN: 978-3-451-29979-7
November 2008
September 2008
Ruoff, Hans
Heine, Peter
Fritz-Schubert, Ernst
Paprotny, Thorsten
The art of failure
Die Kunst des erfolgreichen Abstiegs
A guide in etiquette for nonMuslims
Kulturknigge für Nichtmuslime
Choosing to study happiness at
Schulfach Glück
Society loves winners. Reality is somewhat
different. The likelihood of failure is much
greater than the likelihood of personal
success. The number of people between 40
and 50 facing the ruins of their careers is
increasing. There is however a third option,
somewhere between a successful career and
failure. This book reveals how we can enjoy
this third option.
A Turkish colleague invites me to a party what do I need to be aware of? What should
I avoid doing? What significance do my
neighbour‘s prayer beads have? What do
I need to consider if I invite my Iranian
friends for a meal? This guide provides
background information for successful
relationships both when travelling abroad
and entertaining at home.
Most children are least happy at the
dentist’s and at school. Headmaster Ernst
Fritz-Schubert decided to change that and
introduced “Happiness” as an advanced
level course to the school curriculum. It
was a tremendous success. Children learned
to solve problems creatively, took on
responsibilities, discovered and developed
new skills and interests. Learning was fun!
A short history of modern
Kurze Geschichte der Philosophie
der Gegenwart
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05990-2
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-06007-6
October 2008
November 2008
12,5 x 20,0 cm, ca. 192 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29849-3
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 192 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-06009-0
August 2008
January 2009
Cederbaum, Carla
Broll, Christine
How to catch a chocolate thief …
and other mathematical magic
Wie man einen Schokoladendieb
Why flowers are colourful
and sandpipers don‘t drown
Warum Blumen bunt sind
und Wasserläufer nicht ertrinken
Maths is fantastic. How do we catch the sly
chocolate thief? How do monks with a vow
of silence find out which one of them is ill?
Is there really a trick to find the queen of
hearts? Astonishing tricks and clownery
introduce us to the world of logic and maths.
Numbers and spaces are transformed into a
fascinating, magical world, full of fun and
laughter. Ideal for parents and children.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Half linen
ISBN: 978-3-451-29962-9
September 2008
How do plants know which way up to grow?
Why don’t ducks freeze in winter? The best
way to find out is to discover the answers
yourself These book provides simple,
fascinating experiments for children aged
between 4 and 10 to do together with
their parents. Educational fun discovering
the world of nature. Illustrations by Erik
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Half linen
ISBN: 978-3-451-29970-4
October 2008
Luther, Martin / Neubauer, Hans-Joachim /
Seiler, Christiane (Ed.)
Plain speaking with Luther
Mit Luther Klartext reden
Luther - an “innovator” of the German language who not only translated the Bible
into a colourful language but also spoke
very candidly to princes, clerics and other
notabilities. He loved to speak clearly and
bluntly in all walks of life, yet he also loved
differentiated expression. This book helps
us discover the “other” Luther.
10,6 x 18,0 cm, ca. 160 pages,
Paperback with flaps
ISBN: 978-3-451-06035-9
November 2008
Neo-Kantianism, Existentialism, Rationalism,
and Critical Theory - what sets them apart
from each other? What do they have in
common? This book contains easy-to-read
portraits of key thinkers. We are taken on
an exciting journey through one of the most
turbulent periods of philosophical thought.
It is the final volume of the author’s series
on the history of philosophy.
Lichtenauer, Anton (Ed.)
Sleep well and sweet dreams
Schlafe gut und träum was Schönes
There is a time for everything, even for
sleep. This delightful book puts us in the
right frame of mind to wind down at the end
of the day. We can put aside all the stress
and worries of the day and enjoy the peace
of the evening before settling down to a
deep, restful sleep.
10,3 x 15,0 cm, ca. 224 pages,
Paperback with flaps
ISBN: 978-3-451-07082-2
September 2008
Krämer, Tanja
Scheithauer, Herbert / Bondü, Rebecca
Gonder, Ulrike
Kayser, Klaus
The battle for water.
What is true? – Facts and answers
Kampf ums Wasser
Homicidal rampage.
What is true? – Facts and answers
What is true? – Facts and answers
What is true? – Facts and answers
Does water belong to the person who sells
it? Does a cup of coffee really require 140
litres of water? Is it true that no water is
wasted in the natural circle of life. The
battle for water has long since started.
This is an important book on the political,
economic and social background.
Are homicidal rampages always spontaneous
and unpremeditated? Are homicidal
maniacs always male? Does media reporting
increase the risk of future rampages? We
are regularly shocked by such attacks. They
are disconcerting and raise many questions.
This book provides information on definition,
background and prevention.
Does fat make you fat? Are our children
too fat? Is wholemeal healthy? What is the
quality of our food like? Nutrition is a much
debated topic. Ulrike Gonder provides us
with the most important facts.
What different kinds of cancer are there?
What are the symptoms? Is cancer
hereditary? Is it a result of bad nutrition?
Do other environmental factors play a vital
role? What about prevention and therapy?
Cancer is widespread in our society;
information that is available is often
confusing and contradictory. Klaus Kayser
clarifies what is true and what is not.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05942-1
September 2008
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05947-6
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-06001-4
September 2008
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-06027-4
September 2008
September 2008
Franz, Uli
Villachica, Jeannette
Baltschev, Bettina
Pohl, Karl-Heinz
What is true? – Facts and answers
A year in Dublin
Ein Jahr in Dublin
A year in Amsterdam
Ein Jahr in Amsterdam
China for beginners
China für Anfänger
Why Dublin? Who actually speaks Irish?
Where malt vapours waft through the air,
that‘s where I‘ve made my new home. St.
Patrick‘s Day, which has mutated from a
quiet national holiday to a crazy festival,
is an unforgettable experience. Irish
television is unbearable, Irish hospitality
irresistible. What is absolutely impossible
is to speak Irish like a real Dub.
A year in Amsterdam means a mass
picnic in Vondel Park, a visit to a coffee
shop, culinary adventures with Pffertjes,
Pannekoeken, Matjes, Stropwafels and
Snoepm. Houseboats are everywhere - and
when your bicycle gets stolen, well then you
truly belong.
Why do the Chinese always seem so polite?
What should I be aware of if I want to do
business with the Chinese? What do I need
to be mindful of if someone invites me out,
or invites me to their home? An entertaining
journey of discovery for those who want
to find out more about China, either on a
private or business level.
Does Tibet belong to the Tibetans? What role
does the Dalai Lama play today? What does
the future hold? The unrest in Lhasa and the
global protests against China’s treatment
of Tibet draw our attention to a fascinating
country. Tibet past and present - Uli Franz
provides an excellent overview of the most
important facts.
12,0 x 19,0 cm, 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-06037-3
June 2008
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 192 pages,
Paperback with flaps
ISBN: 978-3-451-05971-1
September 2008
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 192 pages,
Paperback with flaps
ISBN: 978-3-451-06002-1
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 192 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-06000-7
September 2008
August 2008
Gift Books
Bosmans, Phil / Schütz, Ulrich (Ed.)
Schwarz, Andrea
Schwarz, Andrea
Grün, Anselm
Flowers of happiness need
to be planted by you personally
Blumen des Glücks
musst du selbst pflanzen
The little dragon “Be my friend”
Der kleine Drache Hab-mich-lieb
Live a bit more each day
Und jeden Tag mehr leben
Golden rules for happiness
Goldene Regeln zum Glücklichsein
This special edition of Andrea Schwarz’
highly popular fairy tale is beautifully
illustrated. It is about discovering who
I am, being accepted for what I am, and
having friends. It doesn’t matter if I’m a bit
different to others, that’s fine. A beautiful
story about the dragon “Be my friend” and
the magician Moya. They give us confidence
to believe in our own dreams.
366 different ways on to step back, relax and
enjoy life. This daily reader accompanies us
through the year from Advent to Advent.
With each text, be it a poem, short narration,
a spiritual text or an actual experience from
life, Andrea Schwarz encourages us to live
life to the full.
Anselm Grün has become a companion
to many readers. In masterly fashion he
combines spirituality with knowledge of life.
In the book he faces the big question - how
to succeed in life and what makes us truly
happy. This he does in ten individual steps.
This book is drawn from Phil Bosmans’
rich experience of life. Words of wisdom,
soothing and confident, tender and clear.
12,5 x 20,5 cm, 96 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29623-9
August 2008
13,0 x 16,5 cm, 128 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-32004-0
13,9 x 21,4 cm, 400 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-32169-6
10,3 x 15,0 cm, ca. 224 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29894-3
July 2008
August 2008
August 2008
Schlüter, Christiane (Ed.)
Spilling-Nöker, Christa
Spilling-Nöker, Christa
What is left are
prints and memories
Was bleibt, sind
Spuren und Erinnerungen
Simply loving life!
Einfach gerne leben!
Christmas is in the air
Weihnachten liegt in der Luft
This revised edition of Christa SpillingNöker’s daily inspirational reader with its
popular texts on “simply live” has been
revised and compiled with some new,
previously unpublished texts by the author.
It provides a wealth of ideas on how to live
life consciously and successfully.
Christmas – a time of festivity, love and
presents. How can we take new steps
towards peace and reconciliation? Christa
Spilling-Nöker’s stories and poems provide
access to a new experience of Christmas
and allow us to rediscover its meaning and
magic in daily situations.
13,9 x 21,4 cm, 256 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-32173-3
10,9 x 17,9 cm, ca. 64 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29908-7
August 2008
August 2008
Taking leave of a loved one is one of the
most difficult things we have to do in life.
Nothing is as it was. This book accompanies
us throughout the period of grieving. Texts
by well-known authors deal with the subject
of grieving and the hope of a new beginning.
Texts by Anselm Grün, Pierre Stutz, Thomas
Romanus, Margot Bickel, Christa SpillingNöker, Heinrich Heine et al.
22,5 x 23,8 cm, 80 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29954-4
July 2008
Crunchy Christmas cookies
Christmas time is cookie time! Baking won’t
be a chore with this recipe book, it’ll be a
time to really enjoy. A unique recipe book
in the form of a gingerbread house, lovingly
illustrated by Nina Chen, with traditional
14,8 x 16,0 cm, ca. 48 pages, Spiral binding
ISBN: 978-3-451-29926-1
October 2008
Gift Books
Schenk, Cornelia (Ed.)
Grasberger, Ulrich
Weiss, Christian
Time out
Once upon a time there was
an island
Es war einmal eine Insel
Everything is twice as good
when you’re around
Mit dir ist alles doppelt schön
A modern parable shows us what really
matters and hits the nail on the head. Simple,
emotive sentences and bright, expressive
pictures tell the story of how love never
dies. A fairy tale for all those searching for
the meaning of life, and lovers of all ages.
This book is a witty, charming declaration
of love. Christian Weiss compares what life
was like as a single to what life is like with a
partner. And, of course, life as a twosome is
much better. Colourful, funny illustrations
by Sebastian Loth round off this delightful
gift book.
Time out provides the opportunity for quiet
times and regeneration. This book contains
anecdotes of time out in the countryside,
with other people, on journeys. A delightful
read for those in need of a break. Beautiful
photographs for each text.
16,5 x 18,5 cm, ca. 80 pages,
Hardcover with bookjacket
ISBN: 978-3-451-29769-4
13,5 x 14,5 cm, ca. 80 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29929-2
September 2008
July 2008
10,2 x 10,2 cm, ca. 48 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29920-9
Thank you
This book has that certain something. A book
for every important occasion, complete
with pull-down tab, revealing a surprising
follow-up picture. Claudia Weikert’s
illustrations are charming, witty and to
the point. Selected quotations match the
situation - a delightful gift.
13,5 x 14,5 cm, ca. 48 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29917-9
August 2008
July 2008
For your birthday
Zum Geburtstag
For your new-born child
Zur Geburt
On your wedding day
Zur Hochzeit
Good luck
Viel Glück!
This book has that certain something. A book
for every important occasion, complete
with pull-down tab, revealing a surprising
follow-up picture. Claudia Weikert’s
illustrations are charming, witty and to
the point. Selected quotations match the
situation - a delightful gift.
This book has that certain something. A book
for every important occasion, complete
with pull-down tab, revealing a surprising
follow-up picture. Claudia Weikert’s
illustrations are charming, witty and to
the point. Selected quotations match the
situation – a delightful gift.
This book has that certain something. A book
for every important occasion, complete
with pull-down tab, revealing a surprising
follow-up picture. Claudia Weikert’s
illustrations are charming, witty and to
the point. Selected quotations match the
situation - a delightful gift.
There are so many occasions when the right
message can be a source of so much joy. Texts
by well-known personalities combined with
beautiful, natural photography make these
books wonderful gifts.
13,5 x 14,5 cm, ca. 48 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29914-8
13,5 x 14,5 cm, ca. 48 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29912-4
13,5 x 14,5 cm, ca. 48 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29913-1
August 2008
August 2008
August 2008
10,2 x 10,2 cm, ca. 48 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-29956-8
July 2008
Parenting / Education
Frenkel, Xenia
Zimmer, Renate
Zimmer, Renate
Kunz, Marianne
Mum, can I have that?
Mama, krieg ich das?
Get rid of the chairs!
Schafft die Stühle ab!
Children have never had so much money at
their disposal as nowadays and marketing
companies have discovered their potential.
This book shows how parents can help their
children become responsible consumers.
Xenia Frenkel provides advice on how to
handle and spend money more sensibly.
No fence too high, no puddle too deep movement and sensory experience help
boost children’s self-confidence. Renate
Zimmer, a well-known author on motor
skills, has compiled a great collection of
ideas for children to be physically active.
Activities for indoors, outdoors, wild play,
relaxing play, alone, together, with parents
or in a crowd. All great fun!
Handbook on speech
development through movement
Handbuch Sprachförderung
durch Bewegung
Why dandelions get white hair
Warum der Löwenzahn weiße
Haare bekommt
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-05987-2
January 2009
12,0 x 19,0 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-06010-6
August 2008
Renate Zimmer presents her innovative and
successful educational concept, illustrating
how language competence can be improved
through movement. It is theoretically
well-founded and contains many practical
examples from experiences in day care
centres. There is also a chapter by Hawa
Engin on the development of special
language needs for migrant children.
14,8 x 21,0 cm, ca. 240 pages, Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-451-32160-3
These nursery rhymes, finger games, songs,
puzzles, rhymes and stories become rituals
when integrated in to a child’s daily routine.
The love and attention given to your child
while doing these activities provides him
with a sense of security in difficult times.
Marianne Kunz provides a collection of short
simple rhymes that need no preparation.
17,0 x 23,0 cm, ca. 96 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32158-0
October 2008
November 2008
Wilmes-Mielenhausen, Brigitte
Vom Wege, Brigitte / Wessel, Mechthild
Sommerfeld, Sandra
Biermann, Ingrid
Slow down little bear!
Mach langsam, kleiner Bär!
A fairy tale activity book
Das Märchen-Aktionsbuch
Fairies, dwarves, magical creatures
Feen, Zwerge, Zauberwesen
Klara and the 24 Christmas mice
Klara und die 24 Weihnachtsmäuse
Our society is fast moving and children
often miss out on regenerative periods. This
book centres on experiences in our natural
surroundings and taking time out to relax.
The ideas in this book are easily integrated
in to a child’s daily routine. A very likeable
bear, a symbol of calmness and quiet times,
accompanies the children through all their
Children love fairy tales. This book provides
a wealth of ideas on how to use these tales
in kindergarten, primary schools and other
groups. There are recipes, songs, games and
activities. The complete fairy tales dealt
with in the songs and activities can be
found at the back of the book. There is also a
section on theoretical background.
Pre-school children have a very creative
imagination. Fairies, dwarves and other
magical creatures are a regular part of their
games, activities and stories. It’s easy for
them to imagine stones, plants and animals
talking and to talk back to them. This book
provides well-structured ideas to further
these imaginative qualities and sensitises
children to the world of nature.
Upon popular demand this book has been
reprinted. A wide selection of stories,
rhymes, songs, games, imaginary journeys
and puzzles, all packed in to the framework
of a wonderful children‘s story. This will
shorten children‘s suspense and waiting
for Christmas. A lovely Advent story with
a wide array of activities for kindergarten
13,4 x 20,5 cm, ca. 80 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32175-7
14,8 x 21,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32001-9
September 2008
August 2008
17,0 x 23,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32166-5
October 2008
14,8 x 21,0 cm, ca. 224 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32003-3
August 2008
Parenting / Education
Wufi_Buch 2
15:25 Uhr
Seite UI
S. Hirler
S. Näger
G. Walter
Wunderfitz – Die besten Förderideen
Verlag Herder
Sommerfeld, Sandra
Näger, Sylvia / Hirler, Sabine / Walter, Gisela
Drasnin, Sabine
Krause, Alexandra
Discovering winter
Dem Winter auf der Spur
Wunderfitz – Developing skills
Wunderfitz – Die besten Förderideen
Come and join in!
Kommt, macht einfach mit!
This book contains tried and tested ideas to
help children discover the delights of winter.
including practical tips and background
information which make it easy and great
fun for children to learn more about this
beautiful, exciting season.
Fantastic ideas from the Wunderfitz
worksheets to develop language skills,
scientific understanding and rhythm and
music skills. The ideas in this book are
specially conceived for pre-school children.
A very useful, practical resource book for
pre-school teachers.
Children love sounds, chimes, rhythm and
music. This book provides a wide range of
choice for music in kindergarten: balloon
orchestra, songs from other cultures as
well as film and pop music. Unique, wellstructured projects from the world of music
awaken interest in music and develop
creativity and musical skills.
Children will love doing these activities,
which also have a positive influence on
their communication, behavioural and
social skills. Pair and group work reinforce
these key competence areas. The activities
help build up children’s self confidence
and improve their powers of concentration.
They are also great fun!
14,8 x 21,0 cm, ca. 128 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32153-5
21,0 x 29,7 cm, ca. 128 pages,
Paperback with flaps
ISBN: 978-3-451-32164-1
13,4 x 20,5 cm, ca. 80 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32002-6
14,8 x 21,0 cm, ca. 96 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32167-2
July 2008
September 2008
August 2008
October 2008
Bläsius, Jutta
„I can do that myself!“
“Das kann ich schon selber!”
Children love participating in activities
going on in their surroundings, particularly
imitating things they see their parents do.
Maria Montessori has developed special
exercises on the basis of her observations to
enable children take an active role in their
environment. This is more important than
ever today as children often do not have
those basic skills when they start school.
14,8 x 21,0 cm, ca. 96 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32092-7
August 2008
Niesel, Renate / Griebel, Wilfried /
Netta, Brigitte
Blucha, Ulrike / Schuler, Meggi
Saßmannshausen, Wolfgang
Feeling, hearing, seeing
Fühlen, hören, sehen
Waldorf education at a glance
Waldorf-Pädagogik auf einen Blick
Transition from kindergarten to school is
a big event for children and parents. It is
important: that all involved help develop
children’s social and learning skills. It is
essential that kindergartens, schools and
parents work together towards an ideal
transition. Another important factor is the
compatibility of kindergarten and school
This book provides background information
on perception disorders and helps teachers
and parents understand those children
affected. It also provides practical
information on how to support individual
children with slight disabilities. Children
with serious learning difficulties need
special therapeutic help. This book
provides valuable information and contact
The author summarises the basic principles
of Waldorf Pedagogy and illustrates how it
is put into practise. He deals particularly
with the subject - how can the targets of the
state educational processes be brought in
line with the concept of Waldorf pedagogy?
13,4 x 20,5 cm, ca. 160 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32146-7
14,8 x 21,0 cm, ca. 144 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32152-8
September 2008
August 2008
After kindergarten it‘s school
Nach der Kita kommt die Schule
17,0 x 23,0 cm, ca. 96 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-451-32149-8
August 2008