Triple Win Project Sustainable Migra)on of Nurses


Triple Win Project Sustainable Migra)on of Nurses
 Triple Win Project Sustainable Migra6on of Nurses 10.12.2013 Marianne Haase Deutsche GesellschaB für Interna6onale Zusammenarbeit GmbH Shortage of Nurses in Germany Increasing demand of qualified nursing staff Schleswig-Holstein
2011 27.645 vacancies Nordrhein-Westfalen
2012 29.037 vacancies Hessen
Shortage of qualified professionals No shortage Source: Sta7s7cs of Germany Federal Employment Agency Global migra6on of health personnel WHO Global Code of Prac6ce (2010) •  Resolu6on 2004 •  The World Health Report 2006 •  WHO Global Code of Prac6ce on the Interna6onal Recruitment of Health Personnel (2010) •  Adopted by all Member States at the World Health Assembly in May 2010 WHO Global Code of Prac6ce (2010) Key components of the Code include: •  assist countries facing cri6cal health worker shortages with their efforts to improve and support their health workforce; •  Monitoring of the interna6onal migra6on of health workers in order to develop evidence-­‐based policies; •  Member States should meet their health personnel needs with their own human resources as far as possible and thus take measures to educate, retain and sustain their health workforce; and •  migrant workers' rights are enshrined and equal to domes6cally-­‐trained health workers. Challenges: -­‐  Voluntary prac6ces, non-­‐binding instrument -­‐  Awareness raising -­‐  Management of migra6on à irregular migra6on? Triple Win – a sustainable immigra6on policy ü  Triple Win considers the situa7on in countries of origin. We adhere to the Codex of the World Health Organiza6on (WHO) and renounce recruitment of skilled workers from countries which themselves have skills shortages in nursing. In addi6on, the countries of origin achieve a know-­‐how transfer in the long term. ü  Triple Win takes into account the interests of employers. Due to individual linguis6c /professional prepara6on and integra6on of nurses into the German society, employers benefit: They get a well-­‐prepared and qualified workforce. ü  Triple Win takes into account the personal situa7on of nurses. Immigra6on is successful if the nurses are not only well integrated in the labor market, but also in their social environment. Professionals improve their skills and career prospects. Background of the project Beginning of the project
»  January 1, 2013 Partner countries »  Philippines »  Serbia »  Bosnia »  Tunisia (2014) Aims »  Placement of qualified professionals to balance the shortage of qualified nurses in Germany »  Transparent, fair and standardized coordinated employment processes »  Guarantee of integra6on processes through professional and linguis6c tes6ng/
prepara6on and support of integra6on in Germany »  Guarantee of the developmental safety, maximizing of the posi6ve effects for the professionals’ countries of origin Triple Win -­‐ Processes Search for German employers interested in taking nurses under contract Recruitment and selec6on of candidates Offering concrete job vacancies to preselected candidates Orienta6on training Linguis6c and professional prepara6on Support of the departure process Support of the integra6on process in Germany Monitoring Triple Win -­‐ Structure Germany GIZ ZAV Project management, Placement/Employer counselling, Labor market admission Project management, Coordina6on, Integra6on assistance Bosnia Serbia Philippines Tunisia (star6ng 2014) GIZ GIZ GIZ GIZ Counselling and prepara6on ac6vi6es, departure assistance Counselling and prepara6on ac6vi6es, departure assistance Counselling and prepara6on ac6vi6es, departure assistance Counselling and prepara6on ac6vi6es, departure assistance Pre-­‐departure training •  Pre-­‐departure orienta6on training conducted by GIZ: living and working in Germany, 6me-­‐line, intercultural orienta6on etc. •  Pre-­‐departure technical training: differences between Germany and country of origin •  Infokit Support of Integra6on Process • 
Focus on German employers Integra6on workshop (diversity management) Linking-­‐up with diaspora organiza6ons in Germany Infokit for employers Recogni6on of Qualifica6ons •  Recogni6on as qualified nurses in Germany (Gesundheits-­‐ und KrankenpflegerIn) •  Regularized profession à official recogni6on process, review of qualifica6ons for equivalence with corresponding German qualifica6on, state license •  Triple Win: guidance for nurses and German employers in the recogni6on process Contact: Projekt TRIPLE WIN Koopera6on der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) mit der Deutschen GesellschaB für Interna6onale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Mendelssohnstr. 75 – 77 60325 Frankfurt Centrum für interna6onale Migra6on und Entwicklung (CIM) T + 49 69 71 91 21 – 706 E 

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