Économie antique: prix et formations des prix dans les économies a
Économie antique: prix et formations des prix dans les économies a
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Speidel, "The Pay of the Auxilia", JRS 63 (1973) 141-147. 315. M. P. Speidel, "P. Gen. lat. 1 und der Sold der römischen Hilfstruppen", in: Akten des XIII. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses 1971 (München 1974) 391-392. 316. R. Thomsen, "The Pay of the Roman Soldier and the Property Qualifications of the Servian Classes", in: Classica et Mediaevalia F. Blatt septuagenario dedicata (Copenhagen 1973) 194-208. 317. G. R. Watson, "The Pay of the Roman Army. Suetonius, Dio and the quartum stipendium", Historia 5 (1956) 332-340. 318. G. R. Watson, "The Pay of the Roman Army. The Republic", Historia 7 (1958) 113120. 319. G. R. Watson, "The Pay Scales of the Roman Auxiliary Forces", PCA 55 (1958) 2122. 320. G. R. Watson, "The Pay of the Roman Army. The Auxiliary Forces", Historia 8 (1959) 372-378. 321. G. R. Watson, "The Pay of the Urban Forces", in: Acta of the Vth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge 1967 (Oxford 1971) 413-416. 322. H. 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Foundations, Gifts, Subsidies, and Games 345. J. Andreau, "Fondations privées et rapports sociaux en Italie romaine (Ier-IIIe siècles)", Ktèma 2 (1977) 157-209. 346. E. A. Bauerle, Procuring an Election: ambitus in the Roman Republic, 432 - 49 B.C. (PhD. Thesis University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI 1990). 347. D. van Berchem, Les distributions de blé et d' argent à la plebe romaine sous l' empire (Genève 1939). 348. C. W. A. Carlson, "Congiaria and Liberalitates", San 6 (1975) 59-63. 349. M. A. Cavallero, Spese e spettacoli. Aspetti economico-strutturali degli spettacoli nella Roma giulio-claudia (Bonn 1984). 350. N. Criniti, La Tabula Alimentaria di Veleia (Parma 1991) [with a very full bibliography of the earlier literature 298-343]. 351. A. J. Cullens, "A Recalculation of the Number of Grain Recipients in the Late Republic", LCM 13 (1988) 98-99. 352. A. Degrassi, "Nerva funeraticium plebi urbanae instituit", BIDR 63 (1960) 233-238. 353. R. 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