preparacion vorbereitung
preparacion vorbereitung
PREPARACION VORBEREITUNG PREPARACION VORBEREITUNG Desco è un marchio di Ilsa spa. La sua storia ha origine nel 1962 quando una piccola impresa artigiana di Reggio Emilia iniziò la produzione di attrezzature per bar e per la piccola ristorazione. In seguito, nel 1980, da un’idea del titolare e del responsabile commerciale, nasce il macchinario italiano grazie al quale Desco è stato riconosciuto a livello mondiale come inventore del CUOCIPASTA. Alla fine degli anni 80 Desco continua la sua ascesa nel mercato mondiale di cucine industriali ampliando la sua gamma con la SERIE 700 e 900. Nel 1992 brevetta il MODULINO ALZACESTELLI abbinato al cuocipasta per l’automatizzazione della cottura della pasta. Nel 2001 crea “LA FRIGGITRICE AD ALTO RENDIMENTO” alla quale tutt’ora viene riconosciuta una resa superiore del 20% rispetto a molte delle migliori friggitrici presenti sul mercato. Nel 2005 Desco entra a far parte del gruppo Ilsa spa. Nel 2007 Desco decide di rinnovare completamente la sua gamma con un DESIGN NUOVO e innovativo dando allo Chef la possibilità di scegliere una cucina professionale capace di rispondere alle necessità di affidabilità, potenza ed eleganza. Ad oggi, in una struttura di 12.000 mq, l’azienda è dotata di un sistema di controllo qualità che prevede: verifica delle materie prime, collaudo dei prodotti, ispezione prima della spedizione e, infine, archiviazione automatica e valutazione periodica delle segnalazioni di difetto ricevute. La vasta gamma di attrezzature per la REFRIGERAZIONE, la PREPARAZIONE STATICA, il LAVAGGIO, il SELFSERVICE, le TRE linee complete di COTTURA e l’ampia linea di FORNI permette ai professionisti del settore di ottenere cucine professionali complete e ad elevate prestazioni. Ideate da un’azienda che da sempre crede e investe su sviluppo e ricerca, le cucine italiane Desco sono tra le più affidabili, potenti e sicure presenti sul mercato di tutto il panorama internazionale. Desco is a company which is part of the group Ilsa spa since 2005. His story begins in 1962 when a small craft business of Reggio Emilia began manufacturing equipment for bars and snack bars. Later, in 1980, the brainchild of the owner and sales manager, was born the Italian machinery that will ensure that Desco is globally recognized as the inventor of PASTA. At the end of the 80 Desco continues its meteoric rise in the world market of industrial kitchens expanding its range with SERIES 700 and 900. In 1992 he patented the ALZACESTELLI modulate combined with pasta cooker for the automation of the pasta cooking. In 2001 he created “THE DEEP FRYER HIGH PERFORMANCE” which is still recognized a higher yield of 20% compared to many of the best deep fryers on the market. In 2007, Desco decided to completely renew its ranges donating to a NEW DESIGN and innovative giving the chef a chance to choose a professional kitchen capable of responding to the needs of reliability, elegance and power. To date, in a facility of 12,000 square meters, the company has set up a quality control system that provides verification of raw materials, product testing, inspection before shipment, and finally, automatic archiving and periodic assessment of reported defect receipts. The wide range of equipment that perfectly modular refrigeration, STATIC PREPARATION, washing, SELFSERVICE, the complete lines of THREE COOKING OVENS and the broad line allows professionals to get professional kitchens complete and high performance. Designed by a company that has always believed and invests in research and development, kitchens Italian Desco are among the most reliable, powerful and safest on the market of the whole international scene. Chaque élément qui compose une cuisine représente un monde tout à découvrir. Les produits Desco sont, en effet, conçus pour s’intégrer au lieu de travail et offrir ainsi une base parfaite sur laquelle pouvoir compter, grâce à leurs caractéristiques techniques et fonctionnelles. Chaque machine Desco se fond à l’esprit créatif des chefs modernes, pour créer de véritables chefs-d’œuvre culinaires, grâce à des équipements fiables au-delà de toute attente. Pour la préparation statique, la fiabilité devient synonyme de solidité, flexibilité et fonctionnalité. DESCO a appliqué sur tous les produits de la ligne, des systèmes de fabrication innovateurs pour garantir la solidité de la structure, la vitesse de nettoyage et la simplicité de maintenance ainsi qu’une ample gamme de modèles et de grandeurs disponibles pour offrir la plus grande liberté de choix dans la composition. Jedes einzelne Element aus dem eine Küche zusammengesetzt ist, ist eine, zu entdeckende Welt für sich. Die Produkte Desco wurden entwickelt um sich allen Arbeitsbedingungen anpassen zu können; sie stellen eine perfekte Basis dar, auf die man sich, dank ihrer technischen und funktionalen Charakteristiken, verlassen kann. Jedes Küchengerät der Desco wird zu einer Einheit mit den kreativen Gedankengängen moderner Küchenchefs. Dank modernster, zuverlässigster Ausstattungen erschaffen sie wahrlich kulinarische Meisterwerke. In der Vorbereitungsphase wird Zuverlässigkeit zum Synonym für Widerstandsfähigkeit, Flexibilität, und Funktionalität. DESCO hat in all seinen Produkten neuartige Bauweisen entwickelt, um die Robustheit der Struktur, eine schnelle Reinigung und einfache Wartungsarbeiten garantieren zu können; DESCO verfügt über eine große Auswahl an Modellen und serienmäßigen Maßen um ihnen die größtmögliche Freiheit in der Wahl der Zusammenstellung ihrer Küche bieten zu können. Cada elemento que compone una cocina es un mundo para descubrir. Efectivamente, los productos Desco han sido estudiados para integrarse al ambiente de trabajo, ofreciendo una base perfecta con la que se puede contar, gracias a sus características técnicas y funcionales. Cada máquina Desco se funde con la mente creativa de los chefs modernos, para crear verdaderas obras de arte culinarias, gracias a equipamientos confiables más allá de toda expectativa. Para la preparación estática, confiabilidad es sinónimo de robustez, flexibilidad y funcionalidad. DESCO ha implementado en todos los productos de la línea, sistemas constructivos innovadores que garantizan la solidez de la estructura, la velocidad de la limpieza, la simplicidad del mantenimiento, así como una vasta disponibilidad de modelos y dimensiones, para ofrecer la máxima libertad de elección en la composición. PREPARATION / VORBEREITUNG / PREPARACIÓN COMPOSANT / EINBAUELEMENTE/ MÓDULOS COMPONIBLES Pour permettre un équipement complet et sur mesure de la zone de préparation, une ligne complète de tables et lavoirs sur pieds et petites armoires, lavoirs en saillie pour l’insertion de lavevaisselle, blocs de tiroirs et blocs muraux, tous dans différentes versions et de nombreuses mesures de série. Les produits sont fabriqués en acier inox Aisi 304 Cr/Ni 18/10 avec une attention particulière destinée à conférer au design de l’élément la plus grande ergonomie et versatilité dans la maintenance et le nettoyage. Mod. TGGN0092 Um einen vollständigen Einbau nach Maß des Vorbereitungsbereichs zu garantieren, verfügen wir über eine komplette Serie von Tischen und Spülbecken mit Beinen und Schränken versehen, Spülbecken mit Vorbau zur Einfügung einer Spülmaschine, Schubladen und Hängeschränken, in sämtlichen Ausführungen und vielen serienmäßigen Maßen. Diese Produkte wurden aus rostfreiem Stahl Aisi 304 Cr/Ni 18/10 hergestellt, besondere Aufmerksamkeit wurde auf die Ergonomie und Anpassungsfähigkeit in Bezug auf Wartung und Reinigung, gelegt. Mod. LGLN0002 La ligne des composants offre la possibilité de concevoir des zones dédiées à la préparation qui peuvent être personnalisées avec des éléments neutres et des machines pour la réfrigération. Sous les surfaces de travail, il est, en effet, possible d’insérer des blocs tiroirs, trémies, petites armoires et éléments porte vaisselle, en alternance avec des tables réfrigérées et des abatteurs de température horizontaux. Para permitir un equipamiento completo y a medida de la zona de preparación, brindamos una línea completa de mesas y piletas sobre pies y armarios, piletas voladizas para la introducción de lavavajilla, cajoneras y colgantes, todos en diversas versiones y numerosas medidas de serie. Los productos están construidos con acero inoxidable Aisi 304 Cr/Ni 18/10, con particular atención a conferir al diseño del elemento la máxima ergonomía y versatilidad para el mantenimiento y la limpieza. Die Reihe von Einbauelementen ermöglicht eine Benutzerbezogene Planung des Vorbereitungsbereiches, mit neutralen Elementen und Kühlgeräten. Unter der Arbeitsfläche kann man Schubladen, Trichter, Schränke zur Aufbewahrung von Töpfen, abwechselnd mit Kühltischen und senkrechten Temperatursperren einfügen. Mod. LFLA0005 Mod. LGGN0053 La línea de módulos componibles ofrece la libertad de proyectar áreas dedicadas a la preparación, personalizadas con elementos neutros y elementos de refrigeración. Debajo de los planos de trabajo es posible introducir cajoneras, tolvas, armarios y elementos portafuentes, alternados a mesas refrigeradas y abatidores de temperatura horizontales. Mod. TFGN0057 DESCO PREPARATION FITTED UNITS PREPARATION / VORBEREITUNG / PREPARACIÓN 600 COMPLEMENTS / ELEMENTE ZUR VERVOLLSTÄNDIGUNG WORK TABLES CODE Mod. CARG0034 Mod. CARG1004 La ligne préparation DESCO se compose finalement de nombreux accessoires et éléments complémentaires tels que rayonnages muraux, étagères et armoires, lave-mains et porte déchets. DIMENSIONS WORK TABLES WITH BOTTOM SHELF REAR UPSTEND WORKTOP THICK La línea de preparación DESCO se compone, por último, de numerosos accesorios y elementos complementarios como estantería de pared, estanterías y armarios, lavamanos y portaresiduos Mod. LM0007 Mod. LM0008 COMPLEMENTARY ELEMENTS DIMENSIONS REAR UPSTEND WORKTOP THICK TGGN0001 TGGN0002 TGGN0003 TGGN0004 TGGN0005 TGGN0006 TGGN0007 TGGN0008 TGGN0009 TGGN0010 TGGN0011 TGGN0012 TGGN0013 TGGN0014 TGGN0015 TGGN0016 TGGN0017 80x60x85 90x60x85 100x60x85 110x60x85 120x60x85 130x60x85 140x60x85 150x60x85 160x60x85 170x60x85 180x60x85 190x60x85 200x60x85 210x60x85 220x60x85 230x60x85 240x60x85 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm TGGN0018 TGGN0019 TGGN0020 TGGN0021 TGGN0022 TGGN0023 TGGN0024 TGGN0025 TGGN0026 TGGN0027 TGGN0028 TGGN0029 TGGN0030 TGGN0031 TGGN0032 TGGN0033 TGGN0034 80x60x85 90x60x85 100x60x85 110x60x85 120x60x85 130x60x85 140x60x85 150x60x85 160x60x85 170x60x85 180x60x85 190x60x85 200x60x85 210x60x85 220x60x85 230x60x85 240x60x85 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm TGGN0035 TGGN0036 TGGN0037 TGGN0038 TGGN0039 TGGN0040 TGGN0041 TGGN0042 TGGN0043 TGGN0044 TGGN0045 TGGN0046 TGGN0047 TGGN0048 TGGN0049 TGGN0050 TGGN0051 80x60x85 90x60x85 100x60x85 110x60x85 120x60x85 130x60x85 140x60x85 150x60x85 160x60x85 170x60x85 180x60x85 190x60x85 200x60x85 210x60x85 220x60x85 230x60x85 240x60x85 no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm TGGN0052 TGGN0053 TGGN0054 TGGN0055 TGGN0056 TGGN0057 TGGN0058 TGGN0059 TGGN0060 TGGN0061 TGGN0062 TGGN0063 TGGN0064 TGGN0065 TGGN0066 TGGN0067 TGGN0068 80x60x85 90x60x85 100x60x85 110x60x85 120x60x85 130x60x85 140x60x85 150x60x85 160x60x85 170x60x85 180x60x85 190x60x85 200x60x85 210x60x85 220x60x85 230x60x85 240x60x85 no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm SINKS CABINETS Die Vorbereitungs-Linie DESCO verfügt über eine Reihe von Zubehör und Zusatzelementen, wie zum Beispiel, Wandablagen, Regalen und Schränken, Handwaschbecken und Abfallbehältern. CODE CODE DIMENSIONS REAR UPSTEND TFGN0001 TFGN0002 TFGN0003 TFGN0004 TFGN0005 TFGN0006 100x60x85 120x60x85 140x60x85 160x60x85 180x60x85 200x60x85 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 TFGN0007 TFGN0008 TFGN0009 TFGN0010 TFGN0011 TFGN0012 100x60x85 120x60x85 140x60x85 160x60x85 180x60x85 200x60x85 no no no no no no TFCL0001 TFCL0002 TFCL0003 100x60x85 120x60x85 140x60x85 TFCL0004 TFCL0005 TFCL0006 100x60x85 120x60x85 140x60x85 CODE SINKS WITH SLIDING DOORS BOWL DIM. DIMENSIONS CODE BOWL DIM. DIMENSIONS LGGN0001 50x40x25 70x60x85 LAPB0001 50x40x25 70x60x85 LGGN0002 50x40x25 80x60x85 LFGN0001 50x40x25 80x60x85 LGGN0003 LGGN0004 LGGN0005 LGGN0006 LGGN0007 LGGN0008 LGGN0009 LGGN0010 50x40x25 50x40x25 50x40x25 50x40x25 50x40x25 50x40x25 50x40x25 50x40x25 100x60x85 120x60x85 130x60x85 140x60x85 100x60x85 120x60x85 130x60x85 140x60x85 LFGN0002 LFGN0003 LFGN0004 LFGN0005 50x40x25 50x40x25 50x40x25 50x40x25 100x60x85 120x60x85 130x60x85 140x60x85 50x40x25 50x40x25 50x40x25 50x40x25 100x60x85 120x60x85 130x60x85 140x60x85 50x40x25 50x40x25 50x40x25 50x40x25 100x60x85 120x60x85 130x60x85 140x60x85 H10 H10 H10 LGGN0011 LGGN0012 LGGN0013 LGGN0014 LFGN0006 LFGN0007 LFGN0008 LFGN0009 LFGN0010 LFGN0011 LFGN0012 LFGN0013 50x40x25 50x40x25 50x40x25 50x40x25 100x60x85 120x60x85 130x60x85 140x60x85 no no no LGGN0015 LGGN0016 40x40x25 40x40x25 140x60x85 140x60x85 LFGN0016 LFGN0017 40x40x25 140x60x85 40x40x25 140x60x85 LGGN0017 LGGN0018 86x42x35 96x42x35 100x60x85 120x60x85 LFGN0014 LFGN0015 86x42x35 100x60x85 96x42x35 120x60x85 PREPARATION / VORBEREITUNG / PREPARACIÓN 700 WORK TABLES CODE DIMENSIONS OPEN CABINETS WORK TABLES WITH BOTTOM SHELF REAR UPSTEND WORKTOP THICK CODE DIMENSIONS REAR UPSTEND WORKTOP THICK CODE OPEN CABINETS WITH SLIDING DOORS DIMENSIONS REAR UPSTEND WORKTOP THICK CODE DIMENSIONS REAR UPSTEND WORKTOP THICK TGGN0069 TGGN0070 TGGN0071 TGGN0072 TGGN0073 TGGN0074 TGGN0075 TGGN0076 TGGN0077 TGGN0078 TGGN0079 TGGN0080 TGGN0081 TGGN0082 TGGN0083 TGGN0084 TGGN0085 80x70x85 90x70x85 100x70x85 110x70x85 120x70x85 130x70x85 140x70x85 150x70x85 160x70x85 170x70x85 180x70x85 190x70x85 200x70x85 210x70x85 220x70x85 230x70x85 240x70x85 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm TGGN0086 TGGN0087 TGGN0088 TGGN0089 TGGN0090 TGGN0091 TGGN0092 TGGN0093 TGGN0094 TGGN0095 TGGN0096 TGGN0097 TGGN0098 TGGN0099 TGGN0100 TGGN0101 TGGN0102 80x70x85 90x70x85 100x70x85 110x70x85 120x70x85 130x70x85 140x70x85 150x70x85 160x70x85 170x70x85 180x70x85 190x70x85 200x70x85 210x70x85 220x70x85 230x70x85 240x70x85 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 H10 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm TFGN0013 TFGN0014 TFGN0015 TFGN0016 TFGN0017 TFGN0018 TFGN0019 TFGN0020 TFGN0021 TFGN0022 TFGN0023 TFGN0024 TFGN0025 TFGN0026 TFGN0027 TFGN0028 TFGN0029 80x70x85 90x70x85 100x70x85 110x70x85 120x70x85 130x70x85 140x70x85 150x70x85 160x70x85 170x70x85 180x70x85 190x70x85 200x70x85 210x70x85 220x70x85 230x70x85 240x70x85 H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm TFGN0047 TFGN0048 TFGN0049 TFGN0050 TFGN0051 TFGN0052 TFGN0053 TFGN0054 TFGN0055 TFGN0056 TFGN0057 TFGN0058 TFGN0059 TFGN0060 TFGN0061 TFGN0062 TFGN0063 80x70x85 90x70x85 100x70x85 110x70x85 120x70x85 130x70x85 140x70x85 150x70x85 160x70x85 170x70x85 180x70x85 190x70x85 200x70x85 210x70x85 220x70x85 230x70x85 240x70x85 H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm TGGN0103 TGGN0104 TGGN0105 TGGN0106 TGGN0107 TGGN0108 TGGN0109 TGGN0110 TGGN0111 TGGN0112 TGGN0113 TGGN0114 TGGN0115 TGGN0116 TGGN0117 TGGN0118 TGGN0119 80x70x85 90x70x85 100x70x85 110x70x85 120x70x85 130x70x85 140x70x85 150x70x85 160x70x85 170x70x85 180x70x85 190x70x85 200x70x85 210x70x85 220x70x85 230x70x85 240x70x85 no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm TGGN0120 TGGN0121 TGGN0122 TGGN0123 TGGN0124 TGGN0125 TGGN0126 TGGN0127 TGGN0128 TGGN0129 TGGN0130 TGGN0131 TGGN0132 TGGN0133 TGGN0134 TGGN0135 TGGN0136 80x70x85 90x70x85 100x70x85 110x70x85 120x70x85 130x70x85 140x70x85 150x70x85 160x70x85 170x70x85 180x70x85 190x70x85 200x70x85 210x70x85 220x70x85 230x70x85 240x70x85 no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm TFGN0030 TFGN0031 TFGN0032 TFGN0033 TFGN0034 TFGN0035 TFGN0036 TFGN0037 TFGN0038 TFGN0039 TFGN0040 TFGN0041 TFGN0042 TFGN0043 TFGN0044 TFGN0045 TFGN0046 80x70x85 90x70x85 100x70x85 110x70x85 120x70x85 130x70x85 140x70x85 150x70x85 160x70x85 170x70x85 180x70x85 190x70x85 200x70x85 210x70x85 220x70x85 230x70x85 240x70x85 no - 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with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back H10 - with back 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm TFCL0012 TFCL0013 TFCL0014 TFCL0015 TFCL0016 120x60x85 140x60x85 160x60x85 180x60x85 200x60x85 no - with back no - with back no - with back no - with back no - with back 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm TFCL0017 TFCL0018 TFCL0019 TFCL0020 TFCL0021 120x60x85 140x60x85 160x60x85 180x60x85 200x60x85 no - no back no - no back no - no back no - no back no - no back 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm TFGN0081 TFGN0082 TFGN0083 TFGN0084 TFGN0085 TFGN0086 TFGN0087 TFGN0088 TFGN0089 TFGN0090 TFGN0091 TFGN0092 TFGN0093 80x70x85 90x70x85 100x70x85 110x70x85 120x70x85 130x70x85 140x70x85 150x70x85 160x70x85 170x70x85 180x70x85 190x70x85 200x70x85 no - no back no - no back no - no back no - no back no - no back no - no back no - no back no - no back no - no back no - no back no - no back no - no back no - no back 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm TFGN0094 TFGN0095 TFGN0096 TFGN0097 210x70x85 220x70x85 230x70x85 240x70x85 no - no back no - no back no - no back no - no back 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm 4 cm CODE DIMENSIONS BOWL TGGN1137 TGGN1138 TGGN1139 TGGN1140 TGGN1141 TGGN1142 TGGN1143 TGGN1144 TGGN1145 120x70x85 130x70x85 140x70x85 150x70x85 160x70x85 170x70x85 180x70x85 190x70x85 200x70x85 SX SX SX SX SX SX SX SX SX TGGN1146 TGGN1147 TGGN1148 TGGN1149 TGGN1150 TGGN1151 TGGN1152 TGGN1153 TGGN1154 120x70x85 130x70x85 140x70x85 150x70x85 160x70x85 170x70x85 180x70x85 190x70x85 200x70x85 DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX PASS THROUGH AND CORNER CABINETS HEATED CABINETS WORK TABLES ON LEGS WITH BASSIN SINKS CODE SINKS WITH SLIDING DOORS SINKS WITH BOTTOM SHELF BOWL DIM. DIMENSIONS CODE BOWL DIM. DIMENSIONS BOWL DIM. DIMENSIONS CODE LAPB0002 50x50x30 70x70x85 100x70x85 120x70x85 130x70x85 140x70x85 100x70x85 120x70x85 130x70x85 140x70x85 LFGN0018 LFGN0019 LFGN0020 LFGN0021 LFGN0022 LFGN0023 LFGN0024 LFGN0025 LFGN0026 60x50x32 50x50x30 50x50x30 50x50x30 60x50x32 50x50x30 50x50x30 50x50x30 60x50x32 80x70x85 100x70x85 120x70x85 130x70x85 140x70x85 100x70x85 120x70x85 130x70x85 140x70x85 50x50x30 50x50x30 60x50x32 120x70x85 140x70x85 160x70x85 LFGN0027 LFGN0028 LFGN0029 50x50x30 60x50x32 60x50x32 120x70x85 140x70x85 160x70x85 LGGN0061 LGGN0062 LGGN0063 LGGN0064 LGGN0065 LGGN0066 LGGN0067 LGGN0068 40x50x25 50x50x30 50x50x30 60x50x32 40x50x25 50x50x30 50x50x30 60x50x32 140x70x85 160x70x85 180x70x85 200x70x85 140x70x85 160x70x85 180x70x85 200x70x85 LFGN0030 LFGN0031 LFGN0032 LFGN0033 LFGN0034 LFGN0035 LFGN0036 LFGN0037 40x50x25 50x50x30 50x50x30 60x50x32 40x50x25 50x50x30 50x50x30 60x50x32 140x70x85 160x70x85 180x70x85 200x70x85 140x70x85 160x70x85 180x70x85 200x70x85 200x70x85 210x70x85 240x70x85 LGGN0069 LGGN0070 LGGN0071 40x50x25 50x50x30 60x50x32 200x70x85 210x70x85 240x70x85 LFGN0038 LFGN0039 LFGN0040 40x50x25 50x50x30 60x50x32 200x70x85 210x70x85 240x70x85 100x70x85 120x70x85 140x70x85 160x70x85 190x70x85 LGGN0072 LGGN0073 LGGN0074 LGGN0075 LGGN0076 86x50x37,5 96x50x37,5 116x50x37,5 146x50x37,5 166x50x37,5 100x70x85 120x70x85 140x70x85 160x70x85 190x70x85 LFGN0041 LFGN0042 LFGN0043 LFGN0044 LFGN0045 86x50x37,5 96x50x37,5 116x50x37,5 146x50x37,5 166x50x37,5 100x70x85 120x70x85 140x70x85 160x70x85 190x70x85 LGGN0019 LGGN0020 50x50x30 60x50x32 70x70x85 80x70x85 LGGN0048 LGGN0049 50x50x30 60x50x32 70x70x85 80x70x85 LGGN0021 LGGN0022 LGGN0023 LGGN0024 LGGN0025 LGGN0026 LGGN0027 LGGN0028 50x50x30 50x50x30 50x50x30 60x50x32 50x50x30 50x50x30 50x50x30 60x50x32 100x70x85 120x70x85 130x70x85 140x70x85 100x70x85 120x70x85 130x70x85 140x70x85 LGGN0050 LGGN0051 LGGN0052 LGGN0053 LGGN0054 LGGN0055 LGGN0056 LGGN0057 50x50x30 50x50x30 50x50x30 60x50x32 50x50x30 50x50x30 50x50x30 60x50x32 LGGN0029 LGGN0030 LGGN0031 50x50x30 50x50x30 60x50x32 120x70x85 140x70x85 160x70x85 LGGN0058 LGGN0059 LGGN0060 LGGN0032 LGGN0033 LGGN0034 LGGN0035 LGGN0036 LGGN0037 LGGN0038 LGGN0039 40x50x25 50x50x30 50x50x30 60x50x32 40x50x25 50x50x30 50x50x30 60x50x32 140x70x85 160x70x85 180x70x85 200x70x85 140x70x85 160x70x85 180x70x85 200x70x85 LGGN0040 LGGN0041 LGGN0042 40x50x25 50x50x30 60x50x32 LGGN0043 LGGN0044 LGGN0045 LGGN0046 LGGN0047 86x50x37,5 96x50x37,5 116x50x37,5 146x50x37,5 166x50x37,5 SINK UNITS ON LEGS FOR DISHWASHER BOWL DIM. DIMENSIONS CODE LGLN0001 LGLN0002 50x50x30 60x50x32 120x70x85 140x70x85 LGLN0003 LGLN0004 50x50x30 60x50x32 120x70x85 140x70x85 LGLN0005 LGLN0006 LGLN0007 40x50x25 50x50x30 60x50x32 160x70x85 180x70x85 200x70x85 LGLN0008 LGLN0009 LGLN0010 40x50x25 50x50x30 60x50x32 160x70x85 180x70x85 200x70x85 LGLN0011 LGLN0012 50x50x30 60x50x32 120x70x85 140x70x85 LGLN0013 LGLN0014 50x50x30 60x50x32 120x70x85 140x70x85 LGLN0015 LGLN0016 LGLN0017 40x50x25 50x50x30 60x50x32 160x70x85 180x70x85 200x70x85 LGLN0018 LGLN0019 LGLN0020 40x50x25 50x50x30 60x50x32 160x70x85 180x70x85 200x70x85 SINK UNITS WITH SLINDING DOORS BOWL DIM. DIMENSIONS CODE LLPB0001 50x50x30 120x70x85 LLPB0002 50x50x30 120x70x85 LFLA0001 60x50x32 140x70x85 LFLA0002 60x50x32 140x70x85 LFLA0003 LFLA0005 LFLA0007 40x50x25 50x50x30 60x50x32 160x70x85 180x70x85 200x70x85 LFLA0004 LFLA0006 LFLA0008 40x50x25 50x50x30 60x50x32 160x70x85 180x70x85 200x70x85 CODE BOWL DIM.DIMENSIONS LCGN0001 LCGN0002 50x50x30 140x70x85 50x50x30 160x70x85 LCGN0003 LCGN0004 50x50x30 140x70x85 50x50x30 160x70x85 LCPN0001 LCPN0002 40x50x10 120x70x85 60x50x10 160x70x85 LVGN0001 40x50x25 120x70x85 LVGN0002 40x50x25 160x70x85 Desco, marchio di Ilsa spa, si riserva il diritto di apportare modifiche al seguente catalogo senza obbligo di preavviso Desco reserves the right to modify any product without prior notice UNI ENI ISO 9001 : 2008 Ilsa Spa Via Ferrovia, 31 31020 San Fior (TV) - ITALY Ph. +39.0438.4905 Fax. +39.0438.405491 E-mail: Find us on: