Amrit Mehta - Forschungsplattform Elfriede Jelinek
Amrit Mehta - Forschungsplattform Elfriede Jelinek
AMRIT MEHTA C.V. Name: Amrit Lal Mehta Father's Name: Mr. Har Narain Mehta Place of Birth: Multan Date of Birth: 9.10.1946 Educational Qualifications: Address: Telephone & Fax: M.A. (German), Ph.D (German Literature) A one-year Course in Journalistic German from Deutsche Welle, Cologne J-3/C Lajpat Nagar III, New Delhi– 110024, India. -91-11-29841493 e-mail: Positions held: 1975-1981: Hindi Translator at the Ministry of Railways, New Delhi. 1981-1996: Lecturer/ Reader and Head of Department of German, Panjab University, Chandigarh. 1984-1987: Editor/Announcer/Translator at the Deutsche Welle, the Voice of Germany, Cologne. 1996-2006 : Head, Center for Translation & Interpretation, Central Institute of English & Foreign Languages, Hyderabad. Languages known: German, Hindi, English, Punjabi, Italian and Seraiki Membership of Learned bodies 1. Bundesverband Deutscher Autoren, Berlin 2. Berliner Autorenvereinigung 3.Internationale Vereinigung germanischer Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, Paris 4. Institut zur Foerderung und Forschung internationalen und oesterreichischen Literaturprozesse, Vienna. 5. Kulturverein "Bruecke", St.Poelten (Executive Member) 6. Gesellschaft interkultureller Germanistik, Salzburg 6. Internationale Theodor Fontane Gesellschaft, Potsdam International assignments: 1. 1982: International Conference of Germanists at Weimar 2. 1992: Fellow at the Carl von Ossieztky University, Oldenburg at the invitation of German Academic Exchange Service 3. 1992: Recitation of Poetry at City Library, Hildesheim at the invitation of German Authors' Guild 4. 1992: Recitation of Poetry at Berlin at the invitation of Berlin Authors' Association. 5. 1995: International Congress of International Association of German Philologues at Vancouver. Presented a paper entitled 'Problems of translating German literary texts into Hindi'. 6. 1995: Participated in 'Solothurner Tage', a literary meet of Swiss writers, in Solothurn, Switzerland, at the invitation of Pro Helvetia. 7. 1995: Recited Poetry at Berlin at the invitation of Berlin Authors' Association. 8. 1995: Recited Poetry at Zeuthen at the invitation of the International Theodor Fontane Society, Potsdam 9. 1998: International Congress of European Society of Translation Studies at Granada (Spain). Presented a paper entitled 'Translating Humor from an alien culture' 10. 1998: Was the main speaker at a podium discussion at the House, Literature House, Vienna to speak on an anthology of modern Austrian literature, entitled “Videsh” translated by myself. 11. 1998: Delivered a lecture on 'Austrian Literature in India' in Karmeliterhof, St.Poelten, Austria 12. 1998: Recitation of Poetry at Berlin at the invitation of Berlin Authors' Association. 13.2000:Attended the International Congress of Germanists at Vienna 14.2000:Held consultations with experts at the University of Cologne in Germany regarding translation of Guenter Grass’ “Mein Jahrhundert” into Hindi. 15.2000:Visited Basel, Switzerland for inviting Swiss-German authors to India for persuading them to recite their work in India at the best of the Swiss Embassy in india. 16.2002:Attended the International Congress of Gesellschaft interkulturelle Germanistik at the University of Salzburg, and presented a paper entitled: Problem beim Übersetzen ‘Geschichts-Humor’ am Beispiel Guenter Grass’ “Mein Jahrhundert“. 17.2002:Recited the German translation of my Hindi short-story ‘Dilli’ (In German entitled:”Ashramkinder”) at Slowakisches Kulturzentrum, Vienna, at the invitation of “Die Bruecke International.” 18.2004: Did a project on ‘Sensuality and Obscenity in modern Austrian Literature’ in Vienna at the invitation of the Österreichische Gesellschaft fuer Literatur. 19.2004:Delivered a lecture on ‘Problems of translating German literary texts into Hindi’ at the University of Hamburg. 20.2004:Was invited to Bratislava by the Slovak Information Center for a meeting with leading Slovak authors for the publication of a Special Issue on Slovak Literature of my Quarterly literary magazine “Saar Sansaar” 21.2005:Invited to Solothurn Literary Days (Solothurner Literaturtage) by the Swiss Arts Council, Pro-Helvetia, where extensive discussions and interviews were conducted with leading Swiss authors and also with Pro Helvetia about the translation of Swiss literature into Hindi 22.2005:Invited to Vienna by Federal Chancellors Office, Vienna to hold discussions with authors and collect literature for an anthology of modern Austrian literature by women writers. 23.2006: Read a paper entitled “Reading Contemporary Austrian Writers in India: Debates and controversies” at a Symposium organized by the Munk Center of International Studies, University of Toronto, Canada. The Paper was published in 2008 24.2006: Invited for a 3-week stay in the Writers’ Residency at Chateau de Lavigny, Switzerland, for writing a novel in Hindi. 25.2006 : Invited by Niederösterreich Kultur, St. Pölten, collecting literature for and meeting authors for a proposed antghology of Lower Austrian literature. 26.2006: Read a paper entitled “Identitätsdivergenz eines indischen Autors in Deutschland” at a Symposium organized by “Gesellschaft interkultulle Germanistik”, Salzburg at the University of Vienna 27.2006: Read a paper entitled “Jura Soyfers ‘Die Broadway Melodie ins Hindi übersetzen: Übersetzungsstrategien und die Relevanz des Werks im heutigen Indien“ in a Symposium organized by the Jura Soyfer Gesellschaft, Vienna. The paper was published in 2009 28.2006: Read a paper entitled: “Elfriede Jelineks ‘Lust’ auf Hindi:Wie würden die Kulturmoralisten reagieren?” organized by the Elfriede Jelinek Forschungszentrum, Vienna. The paper was published in 1908 29.2007: Read a paper „Literarisches Übersetzen ist auch ein Beruf: Ein Überblick über den deprimierenden Stand deutschLiteratur in Indien: Fragestellungen und Lösungsvoschläge“ at a Conference of Gesellschaft interkulturelle Germanistik at Tampere (Finland). The paper was published in 2009 30.2008 Read a paper entitled “Jura Soyfer’s timeless criticism of Society”: A probable upshot of a stage adaptation of the ‘Broadway Melodie 1492” at a Symposium organized by Jura Soyfer Gesellschaft at Vienna. The paper was published in 2009. 31.2008: Invited by the Cultural Department of Oberösterreich for holding consultations for translation and publication of an anthology of Upper Austrian Literature. 32.2009: Stay at Übersetzerhaus, Looren for translating a German Book 33.2009: Guest at the Solothurner Literaturtage at Switzerland. 34.2009: Attended the Summerakademie 2009 at Literarisches Colloquium, Berlin. 35.2009: Stay at Vienna with the support of the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture in connection with the preparation of a Hindi anthology of literature from Salzburg. 36.2009: Presented a paper entitled “Die Darstellung der a Metropolen Sao Paolo, Paris und Wien in Robert Menasses Romanen ‚Der Schubumkehr‘ und ‚Don Juan de la Mancha‘ in Istanbul in a symposium organized by Gesellschaft Interkulterelle Germanistik 37.2010: Attended a Übersetzertreffen at the Literarisches Colloquium, Berlin 38.2010 Stay at Übersetzerhaus, Looren (Switzerland) for translating Swiss literature. 39.2010: Stay at Literarisches Colloquium, Berlin as Translator in Residence. 40.2010: Presented a paper entitled “Die suizidale Literatur- Publications: Organization of Seminars: Other literary activities: politik deutschsprachiger Länder in Indien” at Göttingen.The Symposium was organized by the Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Germanistik at the University of Göttingen. 41. Presented a paper entitled „Räumliche Distanzen und Transferenz des Humors“ at Bangkok at a Symposium organized by the Gesellschaft für Interkulterelle Germanistik at the Chulalong University, Bangkok Over 350, including 68 books ( mostly translations, the languages used are German, Hindi,English & Punjabi. As Director organized 3 National Seminars and 1 International Seminar-cum Workshop at the Central Institute of English & & Foreign Languages, Hyderabad. The seminars-cumworkshops were held in 1997 (Producing Literary Translations), 1998 (Translating Alien Cultures) and 1999 (Translating Life). 5 books were published as a result of the work done, including 4 translated books and a book on translation theory. Chief Editorship of "Saar Sansaar", a Quarterly Literary Magazine in Hindi, the one of it's kind, publishing foreign language literatures translated directly from source foreign languages into Hindi. In it's 16th year now it has published 9 Special Issues on Swiss-German, Austrian, Czeck, Slovak, Norwegian, Kuwaiti and Hungarian literatures. In these years the magazine has produced 59 new translators providing a boost to direct translations in Hindi from the source languages without the filter of English. Published 2 collections of poetry entitled “Draußen in der Kälte” and “Sein and Werden” in original German. Poetry and prose in Hindi, including short stories, appeared in various literary journals. Work also translated into and published in Slovak language in Bratislava. Wrote a Weekly Column entitled "Bina Laag Lapet" ("Without mincing words") appearing every Sunday in "Swatantra Varta", Hyderabad from April to November, 1999. Joint recitations with Austrian author Zdenka Becker’s in German and Hindi at (i) Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 21st November, 2000, (ii) Austrian Embassy, New Delhi on 23rd November, 2000 (iii) University of Delhi on 24th November, 2000, (iv) Central University, Hyderabad on 1st December, 2000, and (v) Hindi Lekhak Sangh, Hyderabad on 2nd December, 2000. Joint recitations with Swiss Author Franz Hohlers work in German and Hindi at Karnal, Ambala, Kurukshetra University, Alliance Francaise, Chandigarh, Simla, Mumbai University and Satyavati College, Delhi in the year 2005. Joint recitations with Austrian author Andreas Webers work in German and Hindi at Karnal, Panipat, Rohtak, Alliance Francais, Chandigarh Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Hindi Authors’ Guild, Hyderabad and Central University, Hyderabad in the year 2006. Joint recitations with Austrian author Robert Menasse’s work in German and Hindi at Karnal, Panipat, Kurukshetra University, Alliance Francais, Chandigarh and Satyavati College, Delhi in the year 2006 Joint recitation with Swiss author Iso Camartins work in German and Hindi at Hyderabad in the year 2007 Joint recitation with Austrian author Peter Roseis work in German and Hindi at Delhi International Book Fair, Karnal, Kurukshetra University and MD University, Rohtak. Wrote a Weekly Column entitled “Europe ke Hridyasthal Men” appearing in “Dakshin Samachar”, Hyderabad f rom 27.12.2000 to 5.9.2001. wrote a monthly column from 2001 to 2007 in the monthly “Golconda Darpan” entitled “Bik gaye hamare Buddhijeevi” Editor of a journal on translation theory, named “Translation Studies” Some of my original poems in German have been published in the Austrian literary magazine “@cetra”. Many of my German poems and a short-story have been translated into Slovak language by the eminent Slovak writers Maria Batorova, and Etela Farkasova, and published in the prestigious literary magazine “Literarny Tyzdennik”. Prominent newspapers and journals like Berliner Morgenpost, Hildesheimer Tageszeitung, Solothurner Zeitung, St. Poeltner Zeitung, die Berner Zeitung, Die Presse, Der Standard, Knizna apart from innumerable Indian Newspapers have published reports about me or/and appreciated my literary Work/my contribution in the area of literary translations. Apart from giving a boost to translation of foreign language literatures directly from the source language without the filter of English, provided a new intermediate language to Indians, i.e. Hindi, which has cultural affinity with other Indian languages, and thus prevents the loss of meaning in the translated texts rendered through the filter language. Through the Hindi translations of Amrit Mehta some other Indian translators have translated foreign language literature into Urdu, Punjabi and Telugu. Many prestigious Hindi literary magazines in India have reproduced my translations taken from my magazine “Saar Sansaar”, and have, thus, acted as multiplicators in bringing European literature to Indian readers. The translations of Amrit Mehta’s translations have been published in another country, i.e. Pakistan, which is a rare phenomenon in this part of the world.