F ( 50 07 28 - 1 01 ) Formular 54 SERVICE CIVIL
F ( 50 07 28 - 1 01 ) Formular 54 SERVICE CIVIL
F Formular 54 ( 50 07 28 - 1 01 ) SERVICE CIVIL INTERNATIONAL ARBEITSBERICHT Ausgefüllt von dem Lagerleiter Stuart Gilbert An das einrichtende Sekretariat Braunschweig, I.Z.D. Abschrift an das Internationale Sekretariat________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. Dienst in : Vöhrenbach Zeitspanne, die der Bericht umfaßt: von : 17.7.50. bis : 28.7.50 Lagerleiter : Ken Aldons, Stuart Gilbert Hauptschwester : Margrethe Jensen Anzahl der Freiwilligen am Anfang des Zeitabschnittes: 11 Männer : 10 Frauen : 1 Anzahl der Freiwilligen am Ende des Zeitabschnittes: Männer : 4 Frauen : 5 5. Verlauf der Arbeit : All houses on this year's programme have been started and all have their foundations completed. Three are finished to the roof. Work seems to go slowly, perhaps because of the difficulties of transport of materials on the hillside. It was thought that the volunteers were not working hard enough or in the right spirit and criticism was made both by volunteers and the foreman. There was also a lack of discipline in the camp. 6. Freizeit, Vorträge, Diskussionen, Kontakte mit der Bevölkerung: For one week there was no wish for organised activities by the majority. During the last week alters has been more activity. A discussion on "A golden middle way between Absolute Pacifism and Absolute Militarism" was attended by a visitor from the town. The Bürgermeister gave a historical account of Vöhrenbach. We are well known of the town but we have not the contact that is to be desired, to spread ideas. This Sunday we hope to give a short speech on IZD at a Sommernachtsfest 7. Wöchentliche Lagerbesprechung gehalten am: 21.7. and 28.7. Wichtige Beschlüsse : 21.7. Stuart Gilbert proposal that Juři Marek should leave the camp as soon as possible was accepted by a majority. It was thought that his influence would prevent the improvement of the camp spirit, which was very bad, and the most important thing to consider was that the new volunteers would enter the same atmosphere and would this perpetuate it The leader thought the proposal far too sudden and not it meant a failure for us we ourselves could not compromise inside the camp. It was a case of a clash between two principles. It is perhaps too early to say if we have succeeded in changing the camp for the better but, in the last week there has been great improvement in spirit at work and in the camp as a whole 8. Gesundheitszustand, Unfälle: Seven days lost through illness. 9. Sonstige Bemerkungen über das Lager: Unterschrift : Stuart Gilbert Lagerleiter F ( 50 07 28 - 1 02 ) Formular 54a ANKUNFT UND ABREISE VON FREIWILLIGEN A. Ankunft von Freiwilligen : Name Anschrift Organisation* Tag der Ankunft ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gertrud Teifar 19.7.50 2. Ella Lull 3. Karl-Heinz Lull 4. Mienecke van der Wissel 5. 6. Wien X , Kennaweg 10 Berlin O 112, Glatzerstr.7 Berlin O 112, Glatzerstr.7 Emmakade 27, Leeuwarden, Holland I.Z.D. I.Z.D. I.Z.D. I.V.H 21.7.50 21.7.50 23.7.50 * Braucht nur ausgefüllt zu werden, wenn der Freiwillige diese Auskünfte dem Sekretariat noch nicht gegeben hat. B. Abreise von Freiwilligen : Name Anschrift Tag der Abreise --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Mienecke van der Wissel 2. Veikko Lipsanen 3. Viggo Thorbek 4. Børge Refsgaard 5. Jiri Marek 6. Ken Aldons 24.7.50 Aarne Koponen Dietrich Speer Kalvitsa, Finland Odense, Denmark Odense, Denmark Vienenburg, Germany Harrow, England Helsinki, Finland Berlin 17.7.50 20.7.50 21.7.50 21.7.50 24.7.50 24.7.50 25.7.50