

Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Gärtner
Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik (OIIP)
Berggasse 7
1090 Vienna, Austria
+43 (1) 1 581 11 06 DW 23
1. Publications
1.1. Academic Books
1.2. Academic Articles (since 2000)
1.3. Academic Working Papers (since 2000)
1.4. Non-academic Articles (since 2000)
2. Professional Activities e.g. participation in conferences,
workshops, seminars; media interviews etc (since 2000)
3. Courses taught (since 2000)
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Academic Books
“1914 - The Collapse of a Peace Order: Is Democratic Peace an Alternative?“ (edited
volume), (publisher n.n., 2014).
Der amerikanische Präsident und die neue Welt (The American President and the New
World), (lit-Verlag: Münster, 2012), 225 pages.
Obama and the Bomb: The Vision of a World Free of Nuclear Weapons, ed. (Peter Lang
publisher: Frankfurt-New York- Vienna; 2011), 311 pages.
USA – Weltmacht auf neuen Wegen: Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik Barack Obamas (USA
– World Power breaks New Ground: The Foreign ans Security Policies of Barack Obama),
3rd updated ed. (lit-Verlag: Münster, 2010), 280 pages.
Obama – Weltmacht auf neuen Wegen: Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik Barack Obamas
(Obama - World Power breaks New Ground: The Foreign ans Security Policies of Barack
Obama), 2nd updated ed. (lit-Verlag: Münster, 2009), 252 pages.
Internationale Sicherheit – Definitionen von A-Z (International Security – Definitions from AZ), 2nd revised and extended ed. (Nomos: Baden-Baden, 2008), 300 pages.
European Security and Transatlantic Relations after September 11 and the Iraq War, coauthored with Ian Cuthbertson, ed. (Palgrave-MacMillan: Houndmills, 2005), 272 pages.
Internationale Sicherheit – Definitionen von A-Z (International Security – Definitions from AZ) (Nomos: Baden-Baden, 2005), 184 pages.
Small States and Alliances, co-authored with Erich Reiter, ed. (Springer: Berlin, 2001), 300
Europe’s New Security Challenges, co-authored with Adrian Hyde-Price and Erich Reiter, ed.
(Lynne Rinner: Boulder/London) 2001, 470 pages.
Modelle zur europäischen Sicherheit: Wie entscheidet sich Österreich? (Models for European
Security. How does Austria decide?), (W. Braumüller: Vienna, 1997), 200 pages.
Wird Europa sicherer? Zwischen nationaler und kollektiver Sicherheit (Will Europe be safer?
Between National and Collective Security), (W. Braumüller: Vienna, 1992), 220 pages.
Challenges of Verification. Smaller States and Arms Control, (Institute for East-West Security
Studies: New York, 1989), 83 pages.
Handbuch zur Rüstungskontrolle: Positionen ausgewählter Länder zu Rüstungskontrolle und
Abrüstung (Handbook for Arms Control: Positions of selected countries towards towards
Arms control and Disarmament), (Braumüller: Vienna, 1987), 220 pages.
Ein dritter Weg zwischen den Blöcken? Die Weltmächte, Europa und der Eurokommunismus
(A third Way between the Blocs? The World Powers, Europe and the Euro-Communism), coauthored with G. Trautmann, ed. (Verlag für Gesellschaftskritik: Vienna, 1985), 410 pages.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Hegemoniestrukturen und Kriegsursachen (Structures of Hegemony and Causes of War),
(Braumüller: Vienna, 1983), 110 pages.
Internationale Beziehungen in Österreich: Eine Bestandsaufnahme (International Relationa
in Austria: A Review), co-autored with Otmar Höll (Austrian Institute for International
Affairs: Laxenburg, 1980), 90 pages.
Die Eurokommunisten in Westeuropa (The Eurocommunists in Western Europe), (Austrian
Institute for International Affairs: Laxenburg, 1980), 66 pages.
Zwischen Moskau und Österreich: Analyse einer sowjetabhängigen KP (Between Moscow
and Austria: An Analysis of the Austrian Communist Party), (Braumüller: Vienna, 1979), 215
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Selected Academic Articles since 2000
„Weltordnungsmodelle und Erfahrungen 1914/ 2014“ (Arbeitstitel), Beitrag für den
Sammelband des BMLV Strategie und Sicherheit 2014. Europas Sicherheitsarchitektur im
Wandel, Wien, 2014.
“North Korea, Deterrence and Engagement”, Dealing with North Korea and its Nuclear
Threat- from international and regional perspectives, Jeju Peace Institute - Friedrich
Naumann Foundation for Freedom (ed.).
“Improving Civil-Military Coordination”, Thomas Achleitner/Georg Ebner/Günther Greindl
(Ed.), Humanitarian Assistance in Complex Emergencies – What Role for the Military? Blue
Helmet Forum Austria 2012, Vienna, October, 2012.
“Global Responsibility and the Future of Security: America and Europe,” Heung Chon g Kim,
Sung-Hoon Park, and Rudiger Frank (ed.), Korea and East Asia in a changing regional and
global environment, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Seoul, 2012.
“Machtverschiebungen in der Weltpolitik (Power Transition in World Politics)”, ADD-ON,
Yearbook oiip, Vienna, 2013.
“Nach den US-Wahlen,” (After the US elections) International, vol. IV (2012).
“The Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and Libya,” co-authored with Manfred Nowak, ed.
ARIEL, vol. 16, (2011/2012).
“Die Vereinten Nationen und die nukleare Bedrohung – Was macht Österreich?,“ (The UN
and the Nuclear Threat – Austria’s Reactions), [co-authored with Hakan Akbulut] Im Dienst
der internationalen Gemeinschaft: Österreich in den Vereinten Nationen (The UN, The
International Community and Austria), Jodok Troy ed. (Innsbruck University Press:
Innsbruck, 2012).
„Deterrence and Disarmament,“ Europe’s World online, (February 26, 2012).
„Wer ist der bessere Präsident? Ausblick auf die Wahlen in den USA 2012,“ Politische
Studien (January – February 2012).
“Die österreichische Sicherheitsstrategie im globalen Kontext,” ADD-ON 11: Wiener
Beiträge zur Internationalen Politik, Jahrbuch oiip, (Facultas: Wien, 2011).
“Austria: National Arms Export Control between Realism and Institutionalism,” Sensitive
Trade: The Perspective of European States, Michel Quentin ed. (Peter Lang: Bruxelles,
“The Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and Libya,” Europe’s World online (July 2, 2011).
„A Nuclear-Weapon Zone in the Middle East,“ Europe’s World online (May 24, 2011).
“Nuklearwaffenfreie Zonen und Österreich,” (Nuclear Weapon Free Zone and Austria),“
Nuklearwaffenfreie Zone Nahost? (Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Middle East?) Internationales
Institut Liberale Politik Wien, (Internationales Institut für Liberale Politik: Wien, 2011).
Sozialwissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe, Vienna, (March, 2011)
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
“A year of Amano's leadership in IAEA,” Bulletin of American Atomic Scientists (January,
“Rüstungskontrolle und Abrüstung,“ (arms control and disarmament),“ Strategie und
Sicherheit. Globale Herausforderungen – globale Antworten (Global Challenges – Global
Responses)“ Johann Pucher and Johann Frank eds. (Böhlau: Vienna-Köln, 2011).
“Neutralität und Frieden,” (Neutrality and Peace) Handbuch Frieden, Bernhard Rinke and
Hans J. Gießmann, ed. (Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Hamburg, 2011)
“Die NATO und Europa. Strategie und Sicherheit 2010,” Das strategische Profil der
Europäischen Union, Johann Pucher und Johann Frank, ed. (Böhlau: Wien-Köln, 2011).
“Der Irakkrieg und die Folgen,“ (The Iraq War and its Consequences) „Der ambivalente
Frieden: Die Friedensforschung vor neuen Herausforderungen (The twilight of Peace policy),
Ines-Jacqueline Werkner/Ulrike Kronfeld-Goharani ed. (Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften:
Wiesbaden, 2011).
“Non-proliferation & Engagement: Iran & North Korea should not let the opportunity slip
by,” Defense & Security Analysis, Vol. 26/2, (September 2010).
“America and Europe: Transatlantic Relations or Global Responsibility?”,
Online Portal of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Aussenpolitik (German Council on Foreign
Relations) (DGAP), 2010.
“Towards a Theory of Arms Export Control,” International Politics, Vol. 47/1 (January
„Obamas Welt und Europa (Obama’s World and Europe),“ Gemeinsame Sicherheits- und
Verteidigungspolitik, Gerhard Marchl ed. (2010).
„Die Ereignisse im Iran, die USA und das iranische Nuklearprogramm,“ Raison, Vol. 1/10
(2009), 5-10.
“Ein neuer Präsident in einer neuen Welt!,” Friedensbericht 2009. Auf dem Weg zum neuen
Kalten Krieg? Vom neuen Antagonismus zwischen West und Ost, Österreichisches
Studienzentrum für Frieden und Konfliktlösung ed. (LIT Verlag: Wien, 2009).
“Die Nutzung von Fernaufklärung für Sicherheit,“ Globale Fernerkundungssysteme und
Sicherheit: Beiträge durch neue Sicherheitsdienstleistungen?, Stephan Linger, Wolfgang
Rathgeber and Europäische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlichtechnischer Entwicklungen, Graue Reihe, Nr. 49, June 2009.
“Views from Capitals – Vienna: Austria and the European Union: The Impact of the
Recession.,” Europe’s World, Summer 2009.
“The European contribution to sustainable security,” Threats, Risks and Sustainability –
Answers by Space, K.-U. Schrogl/C. Mathieu/A.Lukaszcyk eds., European Space Policy
Institute (ESPI), Studies in Space Policy, (Springer: Wien-New York, 2009).
“International Institutions, Multilateralism and Powerful States: Asymmetries in International
Relations Theories,” Winning the Asymmetric War: Political, Social and Military Responses
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Josef Schröfl/Sean Michael Cox/Thomas Pankratz eds. (Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main,
“The Wassenaar Arrangement: How It Is Broken and Needs to be Fixed,” Defense & Security
Analysis, vol. 24, no. 1, (March 2008).
“Antwort auf Münklers ‘Krieg:’ Kriegsdefinition zu weit gefasst!“ (Debate on the definition
of war!)“ Erwägen Wissen Ethik (EWE), vol. 1 (2008).
“Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik des nächsten US Präsidenten,“ (The Foreign and Security
Policy of the next U.S. President) Friedensbericht 2008: Die Neue Weltordnung in der Krise:
Von der uni- zur multipolaren Weltordnung? (LIT Verlag: Vienna, 2008).
“US-Wahlen – Kontinuität oder Wandel?“ (US-Elections – Continuity or Change?),
International,vol. 1, no 8 (2008).
“Arms Export Control Inititives,” Tamkang Journal of International Affairs,” vol. XI, no. III,
(January, 2008)
“Der Irakkrieg und die Transformation der US-Streitkräfte,” (The Iraq War and the
Transformation of the US-Military) Islam: Dialog und Kontroverse (Islam: Dialogue and
Controversy), John D. Pattilo-Hess und Mario R. Smole eds. (Löcker Verlag: Wien, 2007).
“Manifest für eine moderne Neutralitäts- und Sicherheitspolitik (Manifest for a modern
Neutrality- and Security Policy),“ International, (2007).
“Neutralität,“ (Neutrality), Sozialwissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe (Internationales Institut für
liberale Politik: Vienna, 2007).
“Das ewige Sicherheitsdilemma,” (The Eternity Dilemma of Security) Blätter für deutsche
und internationale Politik, vol. 8 (2007).
“Die Zukunft der Rüstungskontrolle (The Future of Arms Control),” Sozialwissenschaftliche
Schriftenreihe (Internationales Institut für liberale Politik: Vienna, 2007).
“Offene Fragen zum Raketenabwehrsystem: Zu den geplanten Abwehrraketen in Polen und
der Radaranlage in Tschechien,” International, vol. II (2007).
“Arms Export Control Institutions and Regimes between compliance and non-cooperation –
the Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) and other Initiatives,” Journal for Intelligence,
Propaganda and Security Studies (JIPSS), vol. 1 (2007).
“European Security and the New European Reform Treaty,” Tamkang Journal of
International Affairs,” vol. XI, no. II, October (2007).
“Robin Hood vs. Osama bin Laden: Rebellen, Freiheitskämpfer, Terroristen,“ (Freedom
Fighter vs Terrorist),“ in: Gunther Hauser/Gerald Brettner-Messler (Hg.), Sicherheit und
Recht zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts: Terrorismus und Ethnizität (Security and Law),
(Landesverteidigungsakademie: Wien, 2007).
„Die Transformation des US-Militärs am Beispiel des Irak Krieges (The Transformation of
the US Armed Forces – the Iraq Example),“ Friedensbericht – State of Peace 2007, Wien
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
“Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung in der Internationalen Politik: Ein Mythos,” (Policy
Advise in International Politics: a Myth) Politik, Wissenschaft – Politikberatung zwischen
Affirmation und Kritik, Erich Fröschl, Helmut Kramer, Eva Kreisky eds. (Braumüller Verlag:
Wien, 2007).
“Die Zukunft europäischer Armeen: Traditionalisten und Modernisierer. Woran orientiert sich
Österreich?,” (The Future of the European Armed Forces: Traditionalists and Modernists.
What about Austria’s way?)“ Sozialwissenschaftliche Studienreihe. Der langsame Weg zu
einer europäischen Sicherheitspolitik, (Internationales Institut für liberale Politik:Vienna,
“Die vielen Gesichter der Sicherheit: Definitionen,“ (Many Faces of Security: Definitions)
Sicherheitspolitik: Sicherheitsstrategien, Friedenssicherung, Datenschutz (Security Policy:
Security Strategy, Peace Keeping, Data Security). Informationen zur Politischen Bildung
(Information on Political Education), Nr. 25, 2006.
“European Security after the Failure of the Constitutional Treaty,” European Constitution and
Integration, Chong-KO Peter Tzou ed. (Tamkang University: Taiwan, 2006).
“Die Metamorphose der österreichischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik am Beispiel der
Neutralität,” (The Metamorphosis of the Austrain Foreign- and Security Policy: the Example
Neutrality) Bilanz der schwarz-blauen (orangen) Regierungskoalition (The Record of the
black and blue (orange) government), Emmerich Talos ed. (Verlag: Vienna, 2006).
“Kontinuität oder Wandel: Die zweite Amtsperiode Bush?,“ (Continuoity or Change in the
Second Bush Presidency?) Der Stärkste ist am mächtigsten allein: Die USA als Weltmacht
(The Strongest is Most Powerful Alone: The US as World Power), Jörg Calließ ed. Loccumer
Protokolle 21/04, (Evangelische Akadmie Loccum: Rehburg-Loccum, 2006).
“Die Zukunft und Vergangenheit von Militärbündnissen,“ (The Future and the Past of
Military Alliances) Die Zukunft des Friedens: Eine Bilanz der Friedens- und
Konfliktforschung (The Future of Peace: the Record of the Research of Peace- and Conflict),
Sahm, Sapper, Weichsel ed. (Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden, 2002, second
edition 2006).
“European Security after the Constitutional Treaty Failed,” Transatlantische Beziehungen im
Wandel, Sicherheitspolitische Aspeke der Beziehungen zwischen der Europäischen Union und
Lateinamerika (Changing Transatlantic Relations, Security Aspects in the EU Realtionsd with
Latin America), Franz Kernic und Walter Feichtinger ed. (Verlag: Ort, 2006).
“Arms Export Control Regimes,“ bridges -- The OST's Publication on Science & Technology
Policy,Vol. 8 (December, 2005).
“Streitkräftereform in den USA (Reform of the Armed Forces in the US),“ in: Thomas
Jäger/Alexander Höse/Kai Oppermann (ed.), Transatlantische Beziehungen: Sicherheit –
Wirtschaft – Öffentlichkeit (Transatlantic Relations), (VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften:
Wiesbaden, 2005).
“Massenvernichtungswaffen, Terrorismus und die OSZE (Weapons of Mass Destruction,
Terrrorism and the OSCE) Der Krieg der Armen? Der internationale Terrorismus in der
Neuen Weltordnung (The War of the Poor, International Terrorism in the New World Order)
Roland Tuschl (ed.), Österreichisches Studienzentrum für Frieden und Konfliktlösung
(ÖSFK), 2005, Verlag??
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
“Die USA und Europa nach den US Wahlen,” (The U.S. and Europe after the Elections in the
U.S.) Loccumer Protokolle, Jörg Calließ ed. (Verlag: Ort, 2005).
“Analyse der US-Wahlen (Analysis of the US-Elections),“ International, vol. 1 (2005).
“Assymmetrien in den Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen,“ (Asymmetries in
International Relations Theory) Asymmetrische Konflikte (Asymmetric Conflicts), Thomas
Pankratz ed. (Verlag: Baden-Baden, 2005).
“European Security and Transatlantic Relations after September 11 and the War im Iraq,“
European and Transatlantic Security after September 11, co-edited with Ian Cuthbertson
(eds.) (Palgrave-MacMillan: Houndmills, 2005).
“Zwischen Westintegration und Neutralität,” (Between West-Integration and Neutralität)
Politische Bildung, Dachs, Diendorfer, Fassmann ed. (Verlag: Vienna, 2005).
“Vom Kalten Krieg zum heißen Terror,“ (Army Reform from the Cold War to the Hot Terror)
Neutralität im Neuen Europa: Österreichs Beitrag zur Finalität der Union (Neutrality in the
New Europe: Austria’s Contribution the the European finalité,“) (Österreichisches
Studienzentrum für Frieden und Konfliktlösung (ÖSFK), Koch, Leidenmühler, Steyrer ed.
(agenda Verlag: Münster, 2004).
“Multilateral handeln in einer neuen Weltordnung!,“ (Acting Multilaterally In A New World
Order!“ Gemeinsam sicher? Vision und Realität europäischer Sicherheitspolitik, (Common
security? Vision and reality of European Security Policy) Reinhard C. Meier-Walser ed.
(Hans-Seidel Stiftung: München, 2004).
“Vom Kalten Krieg zum heißen Terror,“ Neutralität im Neuen Europa: Österreichs Beitrag
zur Finalität der Union, Koch, Leidenmühler, Steyrer, Österreichisches Studienzentrum für
Frieden und Konfliktlösung (ÖSFK), (agenda Verlag: Münster, 2004).
“NATO, Europe, the US and Qualified Division of Labour,” WORLD DEFENCE SYSTEMS,
The International Review of Defence Acquisition Issues, Vol. 7, No. 2 (Autumn 2004).
“Irak und Österreich,” (Iraq and Austria) Internationale Reaktionen auf die Irak-Politik der
USA 2002 (International reaction on the US Iraq-Policy 2002“)August Pradetto ed. Studien
zur Internationalen Politik, Institut für Internationale Politik an der Universität der
Bundeswehr Hamburg – Studies at the University of the German Armed Forces), Heft (no.) 1,
Hamburg 2003.
“USA: die unverstande oder unverständliche Supermacht?,“ (US: the Understandable or
Misanderstood Superpower“ Friedensbericht: Jihad vs. McWorld, Friedenspolitik im
Spannungsfeld zwischen Globalisierung und fundamentalistischer Bedrohung, (Verlag: Wien
“USA und Europa: gemeinsame Werte – unterschiedliche Weltsicht (USA and Europe:
common values – different world views)“ International (Austrian Quarterly), (March 2003).
„Who does what,“ International Politics (Vol. 40, No.1, March 2003).
“European Security and NATO,“ World Affairs (Vol IX, Issue 2, 2003).
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
“Präemption, Nuklearstrategie, Nationbuilding und die Transformation der amerikanischen
Streitkräfte (Preemption, Nuclear Strategy, Nation Building and the Transformation of the
American Forces),“ Jahrbuch für internationale Sicherheitspolitik 2003 (Yearbook for
International Security Policy 2003) Erich Reiter ed. (E:S. Mittler & Sohn GmbH:
Hamburg/Berlin/Bonn, 2003).
“European and Transatlantic Security after 9/11 and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq,“Die
Verflochtenheit und Verflechtung von äußerer und innerer Sicherheit (Intertwined external
and internal security) Jörg Calließ ed. Loccumer Protokolle 55/03, Pößneck, 2003.
buch oder journal?
“PfP + Petersberg?,” Brassey’s Central & East European security Yearbook, Daniel N.
Nelson, Ustina Markus ed. (Brassey’s: Washington D.C., 2002).
“Internationale Friedensarchitektur (International Peacearchitecture),” Friede im 21.
Jahrhundert – eine entwicklungspolitische Herausforderung? (Peace in the 21st century – a
challenge for development policy?), Petra Gruber ed., (Verlag: Vienna, 2002).
“Die Zukunft und Vergangenheit von Militärbündnissen,” (Future and Past of Military
Alliances) Die Zukunft des Friedens: Eine Bilanz der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (The
Future of Peace: the Record of the Research of Peace- and Conflict), Sahm, Sapper, Weichsel,
eds., (Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden, 2002).
„Österreichische Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (Austrian Foreign- and Security Policy),“
Politische Bildung: Grundlagen – Zugänge - Materialien (Textbook for Teachers), Herbert
Dachs, Heinz Fassmann, ed., (ÖBV: Wien, 2002)
„Sicherheit zwischen multi- und unipolarer Welt oder Die Welt der Grautöne,“ (Security
Between a Multi- And a Unipolar World) netzwerk innovation: zukünftige politikprojekte
(future policy projects), Alfred Gusenbauer, ed., (Verlag: Wien, 2002).
“Eine neue Dimension von Sicherheit,” (A New Dimension of Security), Friedensbericht
2001, Österreichisches Studienzentrum für Frieden und Konfliktlösung, ed., (Agenda Verlag:
Münster, 2001).
„Außenpolitik Österreichs,” (Austria’s Foreign Policy) Handbuch der Außenpolitiken von
Afghanistan to Zypern (Handbook Foreign Policy from A to Z), Jürgen Bellers, Thorsten
Benner, Ines Miriam Gerke, ed., (Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag: München, 2001).
“Success and Failures of Austria’s OSCE Presidency,” Security Dialogue, vol. 1, 2001.
„Neutrality has to change,“ Neutrality in Austria: Contemporary Austrian Studies Vol. 9,
Günter Bischof, Anton Pelinka, Ruth Wodak, eds., (Transaction Publ.: New
Brunswick/London, 2001).
“Europäische Sicherheit und österreichische Landesverteidigung,” (European Security and
Austrian Defense) co-authored with Johann Pucher, Österreichische Zeitschrift für
Politikwissenschaft vol. 4. 2001.
“Militärische und zivile Sicherheit,” (Military and Civilian Security) Friedensbericht:
Demokratie im globalen Wandel. Eine Welt im demokratischen Aufbruch? (LIT-Verlag:
Wien, 2001).
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
“Transatlantic Relations And Division Of Labour,” Joerg Calließ (ed.), Loccum Protocols,
Loccum 2001.
ist das ein Buch oder ein Journal? Habe es gegoogelt, aber da ist nichts rausgekommen…
“Die Außenpolitik der Administration Bush (The Foreign Policy of the Bush
Administration),” International, vol.1, 2001.
„OSCE and Austria (translated and updated),“ in: OSCE-Yearbook, (Verlag: Baden-Baden,
“Antti Kaski: The Security Complex: A Theoretical Analysis and the Baltic Case,”
(bookreview essay), politiikka, vol. 4, 2001.
“European Security, the Transatlantic Link and Crisis Management,” Europe’s New Security
Challenges, Heinz Gärtner, Adrian Hyde-Price, Erich Reiter, eds., (Lynne Rinner:
Boulder/London, 2001).
„Wenn das Denken in Blöcken das Denken blockiert: Huntington und seine Vorgänger,” (The
Thinking in Blocs Blocs the Thinking: Aspects to Huntington’s ‚Clash of Civilizations‘)
Imaginierte Kulturen – reale Kämpfe, Annotationen zu Huntingtons „Kampf der Kulturen
(Imagined Cultures – real Clashes, Annotations to Huntington’s ‚Clash of Civilizations‘),
Monika Mokre, ed., (Verlag: Baden-Baden, 2000).
„Theoriemodelle zur europäischen Sicherheit (Models on European Security),“ Mitteilungen
des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs, Generaldirektion des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs ed.,
(Verlag: Vienna, 2000).
“Die OSZE und Österreich,” (The OSCE and Austria) OSZE-Jahrbuch 2000 (OSCEYearbook 2000), (Verlag: Baden-Baden, 2000).
“European Security: A Small State Perspective,” Between Vision and Reality, CFSP’s
Progress on the Path to Maturity Maastricht 2000, Simon Duke, ed., (Verlag: Ort, 2000).
„Der Einfluß des Intellektuellen auf die Weltpolitik (The Influence of Intellectuals on World
Politics),“ Die Macht der Köpfe: Intellektuelle zwischen Moderne und Spätmoderne (The
Power of Brains, Intellectuals between Modernism and Post-Modernism), Eva Kreisky, ed.,
(Wiener Universitätsverlag: Wien, 2000).
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Selected Academic Working Papers and projects since 2000
Research Evaluation at departmental level, Department of Political Science, for the Austrian
Institute for Internationsal Affairs (oiip), March and August, 2013.
Gutachten für das eingereichte Dissertationsprojekt zum Thema „Warum weichen Staaten in
der Umsetzung von UNO-Friedenseinsätzen von den vorab angekündigten politischen Zielen
bezüglich Menschenrechte ab?“ für die Zuerkennung der Stipendien Fachgutachten. Aust,
Disarmament, Arms Control, and Deterrence, paper presentation on “arms control in
Europe”, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Forum for Security
Co-operation, May 22, 2013.
Where is Europe? Paper presented at the ISA Convention, Budapest, 26-29 June, 2013.
Gerechtigkeit und Sicherheit” (policy paper), März, 2013.
Die NATO nach dem Gipfel in Chicago 2012, (policy paper), May 2012.
Deterrence and Disarmament, (briefing paper), February 2012.
Non-Proliferation, Fissile Material Working Group (FMWG) Perspective project, Austrian
contribution, November 2011.
Umfassende Sicherheit für Österreich: Die österreichische Sicherheitsstrategie (ÖSS)
(briefing paper) August 2011.
Global Commons, (briefing paper), July 2011.
The Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and Libya, (briefing paper) July 2011.
A Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Middle East, Austrian Institute for International Affairs
(oiip), (briefing paper), April 2011/2.
“Das neue strategische Konzept der NATO (NATO’s new strategic concept),” (briefing
paper), November 2010.
“A year of Amano's leadership in IAEA,” (briefing paper), October 2010.
“Die Bedeutung von internationalem Engagement der österreichischen Sicherheitskräfte für
Österreich (Austria’s international missions),“ (briefing paper), June 2010.
“NATO zwischen Tradition und Modernisierung. Stellungnahme zum Bericht „NATO 2020:
Assured Security; Dynamic Engagement.,” (Analysis and recommendations of the group of
experts on a new strategic concept for NATO) May 17, 2010.
“Obamas Neue Strategie: Abkehr Von Bush,“ Stellungnahme zur „National Security Strategy
of the president of the United States,” May 2010.
untertitel oder beschreibung?
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
“America and Europe: Transatlantic Ties or Global Responsibility?,” (briefing paper),
March 2010.
“Disarmament – Non-Proliferation – Deterrence,” (briefing paper), March 2010.
Austrian Contribution to the report of the European Concil on Foreign Relations, “Towards a
Post-American Europe: a power audit of EU-US Realtions,” October 2009. Policy paper on
EU-United States relations across the 27 member states. Participation in the "Power Audit on
EU-U.S. Relations" of the the European Council on Foreign Relations. “Austria’s
relationship with the United States, as well as Austria's perspectives on the EU-U.S.
relationship.” June 2009.
“Die Ereignisse im Iran, die USA und das Nuklearprogramm,“ (Iran, the nuclear program
and the U.S.) (briefing paper) June 2009.
Participation, Workshop Report: “Reviving the NPT – What Role for the EU?” Rapporteur
Hansfrieder Vogel, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and CSS ETH Zurich, Berlin, 28 May 2009.
“European Security, the Use of Force, and the Treaty of Lisbon,” Strategic Studies Institute
(SSI) Project, Washington D.C., 2008.
“Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik des/r nächsten U.S. Präsidenten/in ,”(The Foreign and
Security Policy of the next U.S. President, Stanford, 2008.
“Die Zukunft der Rüstungskontrolle,“ (The Future of Arms Control),” (Working Paper),
Project „Der Beitrag der Sozial-, Geistes-, und Kulturwissenschaften zur
Sicherheitsforschung (The contribution of the social sciences to security research),“ at the
Ministry of Infrastructure (KIRAS programm line 4), 2007/2008.
“New Challenges and Crisis Management: Demobilization, Disarmament, Rehabilitation,
Disasters and Disruption – EU and OSCE responses, Report: International Conference,”
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), 2007.
Project proposal on the application of the concept “human security“ auf (bei??)
Wiederaufbaumaßnahmen in funktionsgestörten Gesellschaften und bei Naturkatastrophen
(reconstruction and natural desasters) (together with thered cross) at the Ministry of
Infrastructur, January, 2006.
Several Project Proposals for the funding of the conference participation in the annual
convention of the International Studies Association (ISA) in San Diego, March 22.-25, 2006
(European Crisis Management und Arms Export Control).
“Der Sicherheitsbegriff und Asymmetrien in den Internationalen Beziehungen,” (Security and
Asymmety inInternational Relations," (Working Paper), Austrian Institute for International
Affairs (OIIP), 2006.
“Österreichische Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik,” (Austrain Foreign- and Security Policy),"
(Working Paper) Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), 2006.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Project proposal “Der Beitrag der Sozial-, Geistes-, und Kulturwissenschaften zur
Sicherheitsforschung (The contribution of the social sciences to security research),“ at the
Ministry of Infrastructur (KIRAS programm line 4), December 2005.
Working Paper on “Österreichische Sicherheitspolitik im Internationalem Umfeld und Reform
des österrreichischen Bundesheers (Austrian Security Policy in the International Environment
and Reform of th Austrian Army,“ (with further contributions by Brgd. Greindl und Alfred
Lugert), (working paper), Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), April 26, 2004.
„Transatlantic Relations after 9/11 and the War in Iraq,“ (with further contributions by Daniel
Weygandt and Erich Reiter), Working Paper 50, July 2004.
“Petersberg Tasks, Transatlantic Relations And Division Of Labour,” (Written Evidence)
House Of Lords, European Union Committee - Sub-Committee (Common Foreign And
Security Policy), London 2002.
“European Security before and after September 11,“ (Working Paper) European Forum at the
University of Stanford, USA. Revised Version also Working Paper for the Austrian Institute
for International Affairs, presented at the Annual Conference of the International Studies
Association, New Orleans, March 24-27, 2002.
„Die unverstandene Supermacht: Die USA nach dem 11. September (The Missunderstood
Superpower: The U.S.A. after September 11,“ Working Paper of the Austrian Institute for
International Affairs (AIIA), September 2002.
“Small States and Humanitarian Intervention II,” Project for the Institute for Military Studies,
“Eine neue Dimension von Sicherheit (A New Dimension of Security),” working paper for
„Netzwerk innovativ (Network Innovativ),“ Vienna 2001.
“Grundsätzliche und aktuelle Fragen der Sicherheitspolitik,” (Fundamental and Current
Question of Security Policy) Script for the Lecture on International Politics, (WUVUniversitätsverlag: Vienna, 2000).
“Recent developments in the Common European Policy on Security and Defence,”
Committee Office, House of Lords, London, Evidence: 2000.
Comprehensive Security (project leadership and fund raising), Part I & Part II, September
“Europäische Sicherheit und neue Perspektiven miilitärischer Landesverteidigung (European
Security and New Perspectives for the Austrian Defense),” [co-authored with Johann Pucher],
Working Paper Austrian Institute for International Affairs, 2000.
“Small States and Humanitarian Intervention I,” Project for the Institute for Military Studies,
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Selected Non-Academic Articles since 2000
„Seine Theorie lebt: Kenneth N. Waltz“, International 2013/II.
„Das Ende der Golan-Mission als Auftrag für eine weitere“, Der Standard Kommentar der anderen,
June 7, 2013.
“Die außenpolitischen Vorstellungen Obamas und Romneys (Obama’s and Romney’s Ideas
Regarding Foreign Policy),” Tiroler Tageszeitung, November 5, 2012.
“Die neuen sicherheitspolitischen Herausforderungen (The New Challenges of Security
Policies)“, Tiroler Tageszeitung, October 14, 2012.
“Amerikas neue Rollen (America’s New Roles),“ Der Standard – Album (Austrian weekly),
June 23, 2012.
“Allianzbeitritt hätte viele Nachteile für Österreich (Austria as a Non-NATO Member),“ Die
Presse (Austrian daily), May 23, 2012.
“Leben im Schatten der Drohung mit Bombe (Life in the shadow of the Threat with the
Bomb),” Der Standard (Austrian daily), April 8, 2012.
“Vom Empire zur Gemeinschaft (From Empire to Community),“ Review Essay, Europäische
Rundschau, vol. 1 (2012).
“Die Rechte in den USA (The Right in the USA),“ Interesse, vol. 5 (2011).
“Die Welt nach dem 11. September 2011 (The World after 9/11),“ Tiroler Tageszeitung
(Austrian daily), September 12, 2011.
“Neue Rolle in einer neuen Welt: Die Zukunft der Weltmacht Nummer eins ist unsicher. Fünf
berühmte US-Politologen überlegen, wohin die Reise gehen könnte (A New Role in the
World. The future of the World Power Number One is unsure. Five famous Political
Review essay of five books on the future role in the world of the U.S.),“ Der Standard
(Austrian daily), September 10, 2011.
“Dossier zum Jahrestag der Anschläge des 11. September (Dossier on 9/11),“ Medienportal
der Universität Wien (University of Vienna), September 2011.
“Bundesheer neu: Wehret den Kurzschlüssen!“ (Reform of the Austrian Army), Der Standard
(Austrian daily), February 15, 2011
“Österreichs Chance im Mittleren Osten: Zur Schaffung einer nuklearwaffenfreien Zone in
dieser Region (Austria’s Chance in the Middle East: a nuclear weapons free zone in the
region), Die Presse (Austrian daily), September 28, 2010.
“Rivalen können Partner werden (rivals can become partners),” Der Standard – Album
(Austrian weekly), September 11, 2010.
“America and Europe: Transatlantic Ties or Global Responsibility?” Europe’s World
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
“Die Sicherheitsdoktrin ist veraltet“ (“The Austrian Security Doctrine Is Out Of Date”),
International, 1/2010.
“Gibt es eine werteorientierte Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik?“ (“Is There A Value Based
Foreign- And Security Policy?”), International 4/2009.
“Bushs Erbe und Amerikas Zukunft“ („Bush’s Inheritance and America’s Future“), Der
Standard – Album (Austrian weekly), November 14, 2009.
“Die amerikanische Versicherungsanarchie“ („The American Insurance Anarchy“), Wiener
Zeitung (Austrian daily), October 20, 2009.
“Bush-Doktrin und Obama-Doktrin,” Der Standard – Album (Austrian weekly), May 30,
“Views from the Capital: Recession’s silver lining for Austria’s embattled centrist
government,“ Europe’s World, Spring, 2009.
“Der NATO Gipfel und Österreich,” International, 5/2009.
“Obama, NATO, Europa und die Bombe,“ International, Summer 2009.
“Sicherheitspolitik ohne Fehler? Nicht ‘mehr’ sondern ‘intelligent’ ist besser!“ („Austrian
Security Policy“), International, III/2008.
“Die Erhebung des Restes“ („The Post-American World“), Der Standard – Album (Austrian
weekly), August 23, 2008.
“Diplomatischer Atom-Test in der UNO-City: Eine Warnung vor dem drohenden politischen
Fallout des Nuklear-Abkommens zwischen Indien und den Vereinigten Staaten,“ (IndianAmerican nuclear agreement), Der Standard (Austrian daily), August 31, 2008.
“Wer führt die neue Welt an – und wie?“ (“Who leads the World?“), Der Standard – Album
(Austrian weekly), June 14, 2008.
“Interesse an einer gemeinsamen Welt – The Next American Century,“ Der Standard –
Album (Austrian weekly), March 1, 2008.
“Falsche Befürchtungen,“ Kommentar zu den aussenpolitischen Vorstellungen der
Kandidaten bei den US Vorwahlen (U.S. presidential candidates and Foreign Policy), Der
Standard (Austrian daily), February 5, 2008.
“Das Chamäleon des Krieges,” Der Standard – Album (Austrian weekly), January 5, 2008.
“Manifest für eine moderne Neutralitäts- und Sicherheitspolitik (Modern Neutrality- and
Security Policy),” International, IV/2007.
“The Future of Arms Control,“ Global View, 4/2007.
Darabos und Clausewitz. Zur Debatte über das Raketenabwehrsystem (on Missile Defense),
die Presse (Austrian daily), September 4, 2007.
“Was ist schlecht an der Neutralität?” (Nothing bad with neutrality), Der Standard (Austrian
daily), September 4, 2007.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
“Raketenstreit: Kein Schild ohne Schwert – Zur Logik der US-Verteidigungspläne in Europa
(Missile Defense in Europe), Der Standard (Austrian daily), June 6, 2007.
“Kriegsschauplatz Europa?“ Die Raketenabwehrsysteme der USA in Polen und der
TschechischennRepublik sind ein Mittel der USA, sich der Loyalität der Verbündeten zu
versichern (U.S. Missile Defense Sytems in Poland ant ther Czech Rpublic),“ Die Presse
(Austrian daily), February 27, 2007.
Sicherheitspolitik bietet mehr Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten als Außenpolitik – aber auch mehr
Konfliktstoff – Eine Analyse des Regierungsprogrammes (analysis of the Austrian coalition
agreement on foreign- and security policy),“ in International (Austrian magazine), no.1/2007,
“Militärschlag gegen den Iran (Military Strike against Iran)?” Die Presse (Austrian daily),
February 2, 2007.
“Sicherheitspolitik der SPÖ Regierung (Security Policy of the social democratic
government),“ Der Standard (Austrian daily), Janurary 31, 2007.
“Alternativen zum Eurofighter,” (Alternatives for Austria to the Eurofighter Jets) Die Presse
(Austrian daily), October 16, 2006.
“Drastische Konsequenzen für die EU im Falle eines Militärschlages ohne ein Mandat des UN
Sicherheitsrates,“ (Consequences of a Military Strike against Iran without a UN Mandate
Commentary in Kurier (Austrian daily), June 7, 2006.
“Nukleare Abschreckung statt Präventivkrieg (Nuclear Deterrence or Preventive War),”
Artikel in the Printedition of the Der Standard (Austrian daily), April 20, 2006.
“Offensive Neutralität (Offensive Neutrality),“ op-ed in Die Presse (Austrian daily), October
20, 2005.
Report in „Der Standard (Austrian daily)“ on the research seminar „Streitkräftereform in den
USA (Reform of the US Armed Forces“: „Militärreforn mit politischen Kosten (Military
Reform with political Costs,“) Der Standard, May 24, 2005.
“Braucht ein Wohlfahrtsstaat eine Armee? (Does a Welfare State Need an Armee?)“ Social
Sevices, Kunstreader (Reader on Art and Science), (2005).
“Österreichs Außenpolitik (Austrian Foreign Policy)“ (gem. mit Otmar Höll und Paul Luif),
Die Presse (Austrian daily), March 12, 2005.
“Ironie der Geschichte: wie Schwarz-Blau die Neutralität rettete (Neutrality and the Austrian
coalition government)“, Der Standard (Austrian daily), February 11 – 12, 2005.
“Brigade im ‚oberen Tsunami-Spektrum’ (Austrian Brigade in the ‚high Tsunami spectrum’,“
Die Presse (Austrian daily), January 28, 2005.
Die Türkei und Österreich: „Kein Vorteil ohne Nachteil (Turkey and Austria: Advantages and
Disadvantages),“ Wiener Zeitung, October 9, 2004.
“The World in 30 Years?“ Contribution Survey, Sisa Journal (a weekly current affairs
magazine of Korea; in Korean language) (Summer 2004).
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
“Auch österreichische Soldaten in den Irak! (Austrian Soldiers to Iraq!)“ Der Standard
(Austrian daily), May 25, 2004.
“Connecting Dots“ (between 9/11 and the Iraq War), International Herald Tribune (Letters to
the Editor), April 28, 2004.
“Neue Prioritäten für das Österreichische Bundesheer (ÖBH) (New proirities for the Austrian
Army,“ Kommentar vom Tage (Commentary of the Day, Die Presse (Austrian daily), March
18, 2004.
“Assymmetrische Kriegführung (Asymetric Warfare),“ Review essay on the book of
Pankratz/Schröfl, International, vol.1-2 (2004).
“Zwei Jahre danach: Nach dem 11. September 2001 (Two Years after September 11), Der
Falter (Vienna weekly), 37/2003.
“USA und Europa: gemeinsame Werte – unterschiedliche Weltsicht (USA and Europe:
common values – different world views)“ in: International 2003 (Austrian Quarterly) (March
“Die worried Supermacht,” (The lone Superpower),” Der Falter (Vienna weekly), February 5,
Book review on “Henry Kissinger, Does America Need a Foreign Policy? Toward a
Diplomacy for the 21st Century,” International Politics, Vol. 39/2 (2002).
Book review, Antti Kaski, 2001. The Security Complex: Atheoretical Analysis and the Baltic
Case, “ politiikka, 4 (2001).
“Globale sicherheitspolitische Lage (Global Security),” Die Furche (Austrian Weekly
Journal), April 25, 2001.
“Am Ende steht die NATO (In the End it will be NATO, Aspects on the Austrian Security
Doctrine),” Der Falter February 1, 2001.
“Sicherheitsdoktrin: Kein Grund zur Dramatisierung (Austrian Security Doctrine)” Die Presse
(Austrian daily) January 27, 2001.
“Wohin marschiert Österreichs Sicherheitspolitik? (Austrian Security Policy)” Der Standard
(Austrian daily) November 16, 2000.
Book review: Martin Mayer und Georg Kohler (Hg.), 1998, “Die Schweiz – für Europa? Über
Kultur und Politik (Switzerland - for Europe? On Culture and Politics),” München: Carl
Hanser Verlag, 245 Seiten, in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (Swiss
Journal for Political Science), Vol. 6/2 (Summer 2000).
“Perspektiven der österreichischen Sicherheitspolitik (Austrian Security Policy),” Politix,
Zeitschrift des Instituts für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Wien (Journal of the Institute
for Political Science at the University of Vienna), 9/2000.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Professional Activities
Media Interviews
TV-Interview, hispan-TV on chemical weapons destruction in Syria, October 7, 2013.
Interview with Deutsche Welle (DW) on the shutdown in the US, October 7, 2013.
Interview with NHK (JapanTV) on Iran’s nuclear program and the IAEA September 16, 2013.
TV-interview Sevus TV on the US and Syria, Septenber 11, 2013.
TV-Interview PULS4 on the US and Syria, Septenber 11, 2013.
TV-live Interview at "Servus am Morgen" on the US and Syria, Septenber 10, 2013.
Radio-Interview 88-6 on the US and Syria, Septenber 9, 2013.
TV-live Interview PULS4 on political consequences of the US surveillance program and
Austria, July 2, 2013.
Interview mit Austrian Press Agency on overflight rights and the Morals-Snowden case, July
5, 2013.
Interview in Wiener Zeitng on political consequences of the US surveillance program, July 2,
Radio Interview Krone-Hit on political consequences of the US surveillance program, July 1,
TV-interview ATV on Russia and Syria, June 14, 2013.
Interview in Wiener Zeitung on President Obamas Berlin speech, June 20, 2011.
TV-interview ORF-ZiB II on Austria’s troop withdrawal from Golan, June 7, 2013.
Interview mit Austrian Press Agency on Austria’s troop withdrawal from Golan and
alternatives, June 7, 2013.
TV-interview Austria News on the question whether the EU should lift the arms embargo on
Syria, May 27, 2013.
TV-interview Austria News on the question of arms delivery to the opposition in Syria, May
3, 2013.
TV-interview Sevus TV on the charges of the Boston-terrorists, April 23, 2013.
TV-interview Austria News on Austrian drones in South Korea? April 10, 2013.
Radio interview 1840 on North Korea, April 9, 2013.
Radio-Interview on 10 years after the begin oft he Iraq-war, Krone-Hit, March 19, 2013.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
TV-Interview on arms for the Syrian opposition, Die AustriaNews Show live aus dem PULS
4-CENTER, March 18, 2013.
Radio interview on the US-Sequester, Krone Hit Radio (Austrian radio station), February 28,
2 radio interviews on Wehrpflichtdebatte (debate on Austrian military service), January, 2013.
Interview on Nuclear Disarmament, APA.
Interview on Book: Der amerikanische Präsident und die neue Welt (The American President
and the New Worls), ORF (program: Kontext), January 25, 2013.
Radio interview on Obama’s inaugural speech, Krone Hit Radio (Austrian radio station),
January 23, 2013.
TV interview on the debate about the Austrian military service, Finnish Radio-TV, January
17, 2013.
Interview on the Austrian military service, La Liberté (Swiss daily), January 14, 2013.
Radio interview on the draft in Austria, Radio FM4 (Austrian radio station), January 10, 2013.
Interview on US-troops in Afghanistan, Der Standard (Austrian daily), January 9, 2013.
Interview on the Austrian military service, Süddeutsche Zeitung (German daily), January 8,
TV interview on the Abdullah center in Viennna, Al-Thaqafya, January, 6, 2013.
TV-interview on gun control, Puls 4, SAT. 1, ProSieben, Café Puls (program: AustriaNews )
(Austrian/German TV stations), December 17, 2012.
TV-interview on US-elections, ORF (program: Im Zentrum) (Austrian TV station), December
2, 2012.
Discussion on the US-election: Foreign Policy November, ORF (Austrian TV station),
November 7, 2012.
Interview on the Right in the USA, (APA) Austrian Press Agency, November 7, 2012.
Interview on the US-elections, Salzburger Nachrichten (Austrian daily), November 7, 2012.
Interview on the US-elections, Die Welt (German daily), November 7, 2012.
TV interview on the US-election, Schau-TV, October, 2012.
Interview on the US-election, Vienna Review (Austrian monthly newspaper), October 31
Radio interview on the 3rd debate of the US-presidential candidates, Krone Hit Radio
(Austrian radio station), October 22, 2012.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
TV interview on the Syrian-Turkish conflict, Puls 4, SAT. 1, ProSieben, Café Puls(program:
AustriaNews ) (Austrian/German TV stations), October 4, 2012.
TV interview on the US-election, Servus-TV (Austrian TV station), September 19, 2012.
2 TV interviews on the mass demonstrations in the Middle East and North Africa, Puls 4,
SAT. 1, ProSieben, Café Puls (program: AustriaNews) (Austrian/German TV stations),
September, 2012.
TV interview about the Taliban in Afghanistan, Puls 4, SAT. 1, ProSieben, Café
Puls(program: AustriaNews) (Austrian/German TV stations), September 10, 2012.
Interview about Wehrpflicht oder Berufsarmee (universal compulsory military service),
Tiroler Tageszeitung (Austrian daily), August 30, 2012.
Interview on the Convention oft the Republican Party in the US, Kurier (Austrian daily),
August 28, 2012.
Radio interview on being conservative, Ö1 (program: “Moment Leben”) (Austrian radio
station), June 20, 2012.
Interview on Österreichische Auslandseinsätze (Austrian International Missions), Datum
(Austrian magazine), June, 2012.
Interview on Reformen und Sparen beim Österreichischen Bundesheer (Reforms of the
Austrian Army), Militär Aktuell (Austrian magazine), May, 2012.
Interview on the the US elections, Die Tagespost (German daily), May 5, 2012.
Interview on the Pakistan missile test, Wiener Zeitung (Austrian daily), April 26, 2012.
Interview on "Israel e Irán no están dispuestos a ceder sus posiciones," Atenea (Spanish
Security and Defense Journal), April 19, 2012.
Interview on "Nur Dummheit könnte einen Atomkrieg auslösen (Only Madness could cause a
Nuclear War)" (online version of the Austrian daily Die Presse), March 20,
Interview on the Super Tuesday, News online (Austrian magazine), March 7, 2012.
TV Interview on Iran’s Nuclear Program, Puls 4 (Austrian TV station) & SAT. 1 (German TV
station), March 6, 2012.
Interview on Arms Control global and on the Balkans, TANJUG Press Agency, March 5,
TV Diskussion „Aufmarsch in Arabien – Säbelrasseln oder Krieg (War in Arabia)?“, Servus
TV (program: TALK im HANGAR-7) (Austrian TV station), February 28, 2012.
TV Interview on State and Ethnicity on the Balkans, Serbian Broadcasting Corporation,
February 18, 2012.
TV Interview on the sanctions against Iran, AustriaNews (Puls 4, SAT. 1, ProSieben, Café
Puls) (Austrian TV station), January 27, 2012
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Comment on the Republican Presidential candidates,, December 30, 2011.
TV Interview on Vaclav Havel and Europe, press tv (Iranian), December 22, 2011.
Radio Interview on the death of Kim Jong II, Antenne Kärnten (Austrian regional radio
station), December 19, 2011.
Guest comment, „Obama ist der bessere Präsident (Obama ist the Better President)“,,
December 1, 2011.
TV interview on the Austria’s National Security Council, ORF 1 (program: Innenpolitik)
(Austrian TV station), November 24, 2011.
TV interview on den Bericht der IAEO über den Iran (on the IAEA Iran report), AustriaNews
(Puls 4, SAT. 1, ProSieben, Café Puls) (Austrian TV stations), November 8, 2011.
Interview on US elections, Salzburger Nachrichten (Austrian daily), November 3, 2011.
Interview on US elections, (Austrian weekly, online version), November 2, 2011.
Live interview on Attentatsplan Irans auf den Saudischen Botschafter in Washington (Iranians
of plotting to kill the Saudi Embassador), Hessischer Rundfunk (German radio station),
October 13, 2011.
Interview on the plan of Iran to assasinate the Saudi Embassador inWashington, Schweizer
Tagesanzeiger (Swiss daily), October 12, 2011.
TV interview on drones and counterterrorism, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild 2) (Austrian TV
station), September 30, 2011.
Interview on Libya and Austria, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild 2), (Austrian TV station),
September 15, 2011.
Interview 10 years after 9/11, DRS 4 (program: News/Heute Morgen) (Swiss radio and TV
station), September 9, 2011.
Interview on „Ein verlorenes Jahrzehnt,“ Über die Politik der USA nach den verheerenden
Anschlägen vom 11. September 2001 (A lost decade, on U.S. policy after 9/11),
(online weekly), September 8, 2011.
Interview on the U.S. troop withdrawal form Afghanistan, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild 2)
(Austrian TV station), August 24, 2011.
Interviews on the future of Lybia; ATV, PULS TV, Pro 7, SAT 1 (private Austrian TV
stations), August 23-24, 2011.
Interview on Libya and Austria, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild 2) (Austrian TV station), August
23, 2011.
Interview on the anniversary of 9/11, APA (Austrian Press Agency), August 12, 2011.
Interviews on NATO, Libya and the costs of war, Tiroler Tageszeitung (Austrian daily) and
Wiener Zeitung (Austrian daily) June 16-17, 2011.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Interview on Obama’s North Africa Policy, (online version of the daily Der
Standard), June 1, 2011.
Interview on Osama and Obama, Falter (Austrian weekly), May 4, 2011.
Participation in a round table TV discussion on the death of Osama bin Laden, ORF
(program: Runder Tisch) (Austrian TV station), May 2, 2011.
Interview on Austria’s nuclear policy, Kyodo News (Japan), April 13, 2011.
Interview on “EU’s Battle Groups“, Kurier (Austrian daily), April 12, 2011.
Interview on the IAEA on the role of the IAEA in the Japanes nuclear crisis, Kyodo News
(Japan), March 31, 2011.
Interview on the military operation in Lybia, profil (Austrian weekly), March 27, 2011.
Interviews on the role of the IAEA in the Japanes nuclear crisis, several German agencies &
newspapers (e.g. die Zeit, Frankfurter Rundschau, Süddeutsche Zeitung) March 16-18, 2011.
live interview on Austrian arms exports and Libya, ORF (program: ZiB 24) (Austrian TV
news), March 2, 2011.
Interview on sanctions, ORF1 (program: Mensch-Leben heute) (Austrian TV station), March
2, 2011.
Interview on civil war, ORF1 (program: Mensch-Leben heute) (Austrian TV station),
February 23, 2011.
Interview the riots in North Africa, Arab-TV, February 18, 2011.
Interview the new Austrian security strategy, Kurier (Austrian daily), February 16, 2011.
Radio interview the new Austrian security strategy, Ö1 (program: Mittagsjournal) (Austrian
radio station), January 31, 2011.
Interviews on the universal compulsory military service, Wiener Zeitung, Kurier, Österreich
(all Austrian daily newspapers), January 18, 2011.
Interview on the new Austrian Security Strategy, ORF (program: Zeit in Bild 2) (Austrian TV
news), December 27, 2010.
Interview on Austrian – U.S. relations, profil (Austrian weekly), December 12, 2010.
TV Interview on U.S. – Austrian relations after the publications of the Wikileaks documents,
ORF (program: Zeit im Bild 2) (Austrian TV news), December 6, 2010.
Interview on the list of objects of critical infrastructure and potential targes for terrorists,
published by Wikileaks published list of, (online version of the daily Der
Standard), December 6, 2010.
TV Interview on North Korea’s nuclear program, SAT I, PULS4; PRO 7 (Austrian TV
stations), November 23, 2010.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Interview on the Iranian nuclear program, press-tv (international Arab TV), November 23,
2010. TV Interview on the NATO summit in Lisboa, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild 2)
(Austrian TV news), November 19, 2010.
Radio interview on „Politik der Emotionen. Entscheidungen zwischen Gefühl und Verstand“
(Politics of Emotions), Salzburger Nachtstudio Ö 1 (Austrian radio station), October 6, 2010.
TV Interview the European Security Architecture within the OSCE, ZDF (German TV
station), September, 2010.
Interview on Uran trafficking in Moldova, ZDF (German TV station), August 25, 2010.
Live Diskussion on non-proliferation and disarmament, Ö1 (program: Journal Panorama Ö1)
(Austrian radio station), May 19, 2010.
Interview on the Iranian proposal on nuclear enrichment, Arab TV, May 18, 2010.
Interview on the nuclear summit in Washington D.C., ORF (program: Zeit im Bild) (Austrian
TV news), April 14, 2010.
Radio interview on the START follow up treaty, Ö1 (program: Ö1 Journal) (Austrian radio
station), April 7, 2010.
Interviews on the role of nuclear weapons and START follow up treaty on the occasion of the
signing of the treaty, Pro 7 (TV), Puls TV, Wiener Zeitung (Austrian daily), Tiroler
Tageszeitung (Austrian daily), Kronehit (Austrian radio station), Antenne (Austrian radio
station), April 7, 2010.
Interview on Bulgaria, Business and Ecology (part of the „Economedia“ group that publishes
also "Dnevnik"and "Capital"), April 2010.
Interview on the START follow up treaty, (online version of the daily Der
Standard), March 28, 2010.
Interview on arms control between the U.S. and Russia, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild 2)
(Austrian TV station), March 18, 2010.
Interview on Austria’s Security Doctrine, Wiener Zeitung (Austrian daily), February 24, 2010.
Interview on Obama’s energy and climate policy, Dnevnik (Bulgarian Quality Paper)
February, 2010.
Interview on one year Obama, (online version oft the weekly magazine news),
January 20, 2010.
TV discussion on "Krieg - Mittel und Zweck", Servus TV (program: Talk im Hangar-7)
(Austrian TV station), January 13, 2010.
TV interview on the Nobel peace laureate Barack Obama, Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen
(ZDF) (German TV station), December 9, 2009.
Interview on Non-Proliferation and the IAEA, The Mainichi Shimbun (Japanese daily),
November 30, 2009.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Interview on the Iranian proposal on nuclear enrichment, Arab TV, October 28, 2009.
Interview on the Nobel peace laureate Barack, NIKKEI (Japanese daily economic newspaper),
October 9, 2009.
TV interview on the Nobel peace laureate Barack Obama, ATV (Austrian TV station), October
9, 2009.
Interview on „Es liegt nicht nur an Obama, Lösungen zu finden“ (Obama cannot act alone),
Tiroler Tageszeitung (Tyrolian daily), September 23, 2009.
Interviews on Obama and missile defense, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild 2) and Zweites
Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF) (Austrian and German TV stations), September 16, 2009.
TV discussion „Terroranschlag 9/11 – Mythen und Wahrheit“ (terror attacks 9/11 – myths and
truth), ORF (program: CLUB 2) (Austrian TV station), September 9, 2009.
Interview “Spiel der Mächtigen (gamble of the powerful),” Ö1 (program: Salzburger
Nachtstudio) (Austrian radio station), August 25, 2009.
Interview on Austria: The Eurofighter Saga Continues, ISN ETH Zürich, June 17, 2009.
Interview on North Korea’s nuclear weapons test, The Yomiuri Shimbun, (Japanese daily)
June 1, 2009.
Interview on North Corea’s nuclear weapons tests, ORF 2 (program: Zeit im Bild 24)
(Austrian TV station), May 29, 2009.
Interview on the IAEA reports on Iran and Syria, IRNA (Iranian TV) and La Hurra (Arabic
TV), May 6, 2009.
Interview on Obama’s visit to Latin America, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild 2) (Austrian TV
stations), April 16, 2009.
Commentaries und Interviews on Obama’s European visit and the NATO summit, several
Austrian news papers (e.g. Format, Der Standard, Standard online, Tiroler Tageszeitung)
(March 25, 2009 – April 3, 2009)
Interview on nuclear security and safety, IRNA (Iranian TV), April, 2009.
Interview on Obama’s appearance at the security conference in Munich, Tiroler Tageszeitung
(regional daily), February 5, 2009.
Live discussion on Barack Obamas inauguration, Ö1 (program: Abendjournal extra)
(Austrian radio station), January 20, 2009.
Book reviews on “Obama: Weltmacht, was nun?“ (Obama: World Power, what now?)
(review of the book on Barack Obama); Der Standard, Wiener Zeitung, Oberösterreichische
Nachrichten, Oberösterreichische Rundschau, Tiroler Tageszeitung, Raiffeisen Zeitung;
January 2009.
Interview on the American elections, Ö1 (program: Mittagsjournal) (Austrian radio station),
November 8, 2008.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Interviews on the US elections; (online version of the daily Der Standard),
Format (Austrian weekly), friedensforum (Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution),
Oberösterreichische Rundschau (Austrian daily), Raiffeisen Zeitung (Austrian bank weekly),
Antenne (Austrian radio station), Oberösterreichisch Nachrichten (Austrian daily), Tiroler
Tageszeitung (Tyrolian daily); November 6, 2008 – November 16, 2008.
Participation in a round table TV discussion on the US elections, ORF (program: Runder
Tisch) (Austrian TV station), November 4, 2008.
Interview „Auch für Obama gilt: ‚America first‘“ (Obama: America first), Wiener Zeitung
(Austrian daily), October 29, 2008.
Interview on “McCain ware extremer als Bush” (McCain would be extrember than Bush), (online version of the daily Der Standard), October 17, 2008.
Interview on the Austrian candidacy for the UN Security Council, Der Standard (Austrian
daily), October 17, 2008.
Interview on the Austrian candidacy for the UN Security Council, Ö1 (program:
Mittagsjournal) (Austrian radio station), October 17, 2008.
Interview on the US elections and the Georgian crisis, Der Standard (Austrian daily), August
17, 2008.
Interview on the Ukraine Base Sewastopol and the Ukraine-NATO relations),
(online version of the daily Der Standard), May 7, 2008.
Live Discussion on the Iran Nuclear Program, IRNA (Iranian TV), May 1, 2008.
Interview on Austria’s purchase of armoured vehicles, Wiener Zeitung (Austrian daily), April
11, 2008.
Interview on the U.S. primaries, Kurier (Austrian daily), February 28, 2008.
Interview on the report by El Baradai (IAEA, Secretary General) on the Iranian Nuclear
Program, IRNA (Iranian TV), February 28, 2008.
Interview on the report by El Baradai (IAEA, Secretary General) on the Iranian Nuclear
Program, IRNA (Iranian TV), February 22, 2008.
Interview on the report by El Baradai (IAEA, Secretary General) on the Iranian Nuclear
Program, La Hurra (Arabic TV), when??
Interview on the Austrian Mission in Chad, Österreich (Austrian daily), Februay 4, 2008.
Interview on the nuclear deal between India and the U.S., Ö1 (program: Mittagsjournal)
(Austrian radio station), January 18, 2008.
Participation in the debate on the book „The Israel Lobby,“ by John Mearsheimer and
Stephen Walt, organized by the Dr. Karl Renner Institute, quoted in Der Standard (Austrian
daily), November 14, 2007.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Interview on the Austrian Mission in Chad, Wiener Zeitung (Austrian daily), November 7,
Interview on the reform of theAustrian Armed Forces and EU boarders, ORF (program: Das
Parlament) (Austrian TV station), October 28, 2007.
Interview on Austria’ Security Policy, Der Standard (Austrian daily) (together with Erhard
Busek, Hannes Swoboda, Ulrike Lunacek), October 10, 2007.
Interview on Missile Defense, Finish Radio, September 18, 2007.
Interview on neutrality and missile defense, Ö1 (Austrian radio station), September 7, 2007.
Interview on the anniversary of September 11, profil (Austrian weekly), September 1, 2007.
Live Blog on arms control and security policy, (online version of the daily Der
Standard), August 30, 2007.
Interview on Austria and NATO, Der Standard (Austrian daily), August 29, 2007.
Interview on long term US deployment in Iraq, Österreich (Austrian daily), June 2, 2007.
Radio interview on Condolezza Rice’s visit to Vienna, Ö3 (Austrian radio station), May 31,
Interview on proliferation issues, China Daily, May 3, 2007.
Interview on Missile Defense, IRNA (Iranian Press Agency), April 24, 2007.
Interview on Austria’s attitude towards Kosovos’s status and the Arthisaari proposal, BBC,
April 18, 2007.
TV- Inteview on nuclear weapons and missile defense, Pro7 (German station), March 16,
Controversies talk about the procurement of the Austrian Fighter Jets with General Karner,
Wiener Zeitung (Austrian daily), March 23, 2007.
TV interview on missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic, ORF (program:
Weltjournal) (Austrian TV station), February 28, 2007.
Transcript of the debate on Huntingtons Clash of Civilizations, February 1, 2007 in der
Furche (Austrian weekly), February 5, 2007.
Interview on the Britsh troop withdrawal of Iraq, Österreich (Austrian daily), February 21,
Interview on the Iraq resolution in the US Congress, Österreich (Austrian daily), February 18,
Interview on the US-congress and war, Kurier (Austrian daily), February 13, 2007.
Interview on Iran’s nuclear program and US reactions, Agence France Press, February 12,
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Interview „US-Militär verstärkt Präsenz in Afrika (US-Military Presence in Africa),“
Deutsche Welle,, February 8, 2007.
TV interview on the Iranian nuclear program, ATV (Austrian TV station), Febuary 1, 2007.
Interview on the relation between Iran and IAEA, Iranian TV, January 8, 2007.
Interview on the elections to the US-Congress, Neues Volksblatt (Austrian daily), November
7, 2006.
Interviews on the nuclear tests in North Corea, several national and international TV and radio
stations, newspapers and a live-discussion in PULS-TV (Austrian TV station), October 9 – 10,
TV interview on Northcorea’s announcement of nuclear tests, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild 2),
(Austrian TV station), October 2, 2006.
TV interview on the terror attacks of September 11, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild 2) (Austrian
TV station), September 11, 2006.
Interview on the anniversary of September 11, Die ganze Woche (Austrian weekly),
September 4, 2006.
Interview on Austrian Foreign Policy, profil (Austrian weekly), September 4, 2006.
Interview on the nuclear conflict with Iran, Der Standard (Austrian daily), September 1, 2006.
2 Interviews on the Iranian nuclear program and the US Foreign Policy, RAI-Bozen (Italian
radio station), August 23, 2006.
Interview on the Austrian contribution to the UN-peace mission in Lebanon, Wiener Zeitung
(Austrian daily), August 18, 2006.
Live TV interview on North Korea’s rocket tests, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild 3) (Austrian
TV station), July 5, 2006.
Live commentary of the visit of U.S. Präsident George W. Bush to the EU-US Summit in
Vienna, BBC World Service TV, June 21, 2006.
Live discussion on “To the Point” to the visit of U.S. Präsident George W. Bush to the EU-US
summit in Vienna, Public Radio International (U.S. national), June 21, 2006.
Live discussion on the transatlantic relations, Ö1 (program: Journal Panorama), June 20,
Interview on EU – Balkan relations, BBC Radio, June 21, 2006.
Interview on the transatlantic relations, Der Standard (Austrian daily), June 17, 2006.
Interview with Hans Rauscher on the nuclear conflict with Iran and the role of the European
Union, (online version of the daily Der Standard), April 29, 2006.
Interview on the nuclear conflict with Iran, Der Standard (Austrian daily), April 29, 2006.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Discussion on the panel discussion “Atom als Waffe” (atom as a weapon), Der Standard
(Austrian daily), April 26, 2006.
TV Interview on the US Policy towards Iran, PRO-7 (German TV station), April 10, 2006.
TV interview on exports of Austrian von Glock guns to Iraq, PRO-7 (German TV station),
Febuary 22, 2006.
Interview on the Kosovo-Talks in the framework of the United Nations (UN) in Vienna, BBC
WORLD SERVICE, February 20, 2006.
Interview on torture and AbuGhraib, Wiener Zeitung (Vienna daily), February 17, 2006.
Two Interviews on the nuclear weapons and Iran, at the IAEA, CNN, February 2, 2006.
Interview on the service und information systems of the Austrian Railways (OeBB), Ö1
(program: help department) (Austrian radio station), December 31, 2005.
Interview on the Iranian nuclear conflict, Iranian TV, December 15, 2006.
TV-Interview the USA and Iran, ATV (Austrian TV station), December 15, 2005.
Interview on transatlantic relations, Global View (magazine), November, 2005.
Interview on the war against terror and the overflights of the CIA, (online
version of the daily Der Standard), November 23, 2005.
Interview on transatlantic relations, Kleine Zeitung (Austrian daily), October 23, 2005.
Interview on the book “European Security and Transatlantic Relations after September 11 and
the Iraq War” (Ian Cuthbertson/Heinz Gärtner, ed.), Ö1 (program: Abendjournal) (Austrian
radio station), October 20, 2005.
Interview on the transatlantic relations and the Austrian EU-presidency, APA (Austrian Press
Agency), September 30, 2005.
TV Interview on North Korea's nuclear program, PRO-7 (German TV station), September 19,
TV Interview on the reform of the UN, PRO-7 (German TV station), September 13, 2005.
Radio Interview on ??, Ö1 (program: Salzburger Nachtstudio) (Austrian radio station),
September 12, 2005.
Interview on political uncertainity factors regaring the price of oil, profil (Austrian weekly),
September 5, 2005.
Interview on the Russian-Chinese military manoeuvres, (online version of the
daily Der Standard), August 18, 2005.
Interview on small and neutral states have more possibilities to promote western values,
Wiener Zeitung (Austrian daily), August 2, 2005.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Interview on the reforms of the Austrian Armed Forces, Wiener Zeitung (Austrian daily), May
30, 2005.
Interview on the reform of the United Nations, (online version of the daily Der
Standard), March 21, 2005.
Interview on the reform of the NATO, Wiener Zeitung (Austrian daily), Febuary 16, 2005.
Interview the second term of US-President George W. Bush, Ö1 (program: Mittagsjournal)
(Austrian radio station), January 20, 2005.
Interview on the EU-Battle Groups and Austria, Wiener Zeitung (Austrian daily), November
21, 2004.
Interview on changes of the U.S. constitution concerning a presidential candidancy of Arnold
Schwarzenegger, Radio Niederröstereich (Austrian regional radio station), November 17,
Interview on the impact of the US-Election on Austria, Profil (Austrian weekly), November 8,
TV Interview on the results of the US-Elections, PRO-7 (German TV station), November 4,
Discussion on the Presidential Elections in the U.S., ORF (Journal Panorama) (Austrian
radio station) November 3 and November 4, 2004.
Commentator on the US-elections, PULS-TV (Austrian TV station), November 3, 2004.
Interview on the U.S. Presidential Elections and the impact on Europe, Wiener Zeitung
(Vienna daily), October 30, 2004.
Interview on Austria’s position towards Turkey’s membership in the European Union, Radio
FM4 (Austrian radio station), September 27, 2004.
Interview on pop music and the US-election, Kurier (Austrian daily), September 12, 2004.
Intervie on the terror attacks in Madrid, Der Falter (Austrian weekly), March 18, 2004.
Interview on the USA and Irak, Neues Volksblatt (Austrian regional daily), February 12,
Interview on the role of the USA in Irak, Iranian radio station, January 20, 2004.
Interview on security guarantees in the EU, Ö1 (program: Mittagsjournal) (Austrian radio
station), December 10, 2003.
Interview on the reform of the Austrian Forces, Furche (Austrian weekly), September 24,
Two Interviews on the US, Iraq and the Middle East, RAI-Radio Bolzano (Italian radio
station), 19 August 2003.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Interview on the USA and “old“ and “new“ Europe, Akahata (Japanese daily&weekly), June
6, 2003.
Live discussion on the postwar order in Iraq, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild 3) (Austrian TV
station), April 9, 2003.
Interview on a portrait of the US-Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld, Ö3 (Austrian radio
station) for April 4, 2003.
Interview on the political consequences of the war against Iraq, Ö1 (program: Mittagsjournal)
(Austrian radio station), April 2, 2003.
Live Discussion on the war in Iraq, the USA and the UN, Radio Niederösterreich (Austrian
local radio station), March 21, 2003.
Interviews on the beginning war in Iraq, several radio stations, March 18, 2003.
Interview on Austria’s relations with the USA, Radio Austria International (Austrian radio
station), March 17, 2003.
Live interview on Iraq crisis and the United Nations, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild) (Austrian
TV station), March 7, 2003.
Interview on the crisis in Iraq and North Corea, Ö1 (program: Mittagsjournal) (Austrian radio
station), March 5, 2003).
Interview on international tendencies in the Armed Forces and Austria’s role, Wiener Zeitung
(Austrian daily), December 5, 2003.
Interview on EU-mutual security guarantees and Austrian neutrality, Radio FM4 (Austrian
radio station), 3 December, 2003.
Interview on European Security, The Mainichi Shimbun (Japanese daily) February 18, 2003.
Interview on the split in the European Union and the UN Security Council, Radio Austria
International (Austrian radio station), February 17, 2003.
Background Interview on the contributions of the EU member states, Ö1 (program:
Europajournal) (Austrian radio station), January 31, 2003.
Interview Austria and the Iraq crisis, Radio Austria International (Austrian radio station),
January 29, 2003.
Live Interview on the US policy towards Iraq, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild) (Austrian TV
station), January 23, 2003.
Interview on „Supermacht des 21. Jahrhunderts: USA ist der „stärkste Hegemon in der
Geschichte der modernen Staatenwelt (Superpower of the 21st century: The US is the
strongest hegemon of the modern state system), Wiener Zeitung (Austrian daily), January 2,
Interview on European defense and neutrality, Radio Austria International (Austrian radio
station), December 4, 2002.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Live Interview on the NATO-Summit in Prague, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild 3) (Austrian TV
station), 26 November, 2002.
Live discussion on the NATO-Enlargement and the upcoming NATO-Summit in Prague, FM
3 (radio station), November 18, 2002.
Live Interview on the UN-Resolution of the UN-Security Council 1441 on Irak, ORF
(program: Zeit im Bild) (Austrian TV station), November 8, 2002.
Interview on the costs of a war of the U.S.A. against Iraq, Wirtschaftsblatt (Austrian daily),
November 5, 2002.
Live interview on Iraq, USA, UK, Germany, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild) (Austrian TV
station), September 24, 2002.
Live interview on the anniversary of September 11, ORF (program: Zeit im Bild) (Austrian
TV station) September 11, 2002.
Live interview on the anniversary of September 11, ATV (program: ATV News) (Austrian TV
station), September 10, 2002.
Interview on the U.S. – German relations, profil (Austrian weekly), September 2002.
Interview on violence and war, Austrian Radio (“Dimensionen”), June 2002.
Name des Programms oder der Sendung??
Live diskussion on the terror attacks in the USA, ORF (program: Betrifft) (Austrian TV
station), September 12, 2001.
Live diskussion on the terror attacks in the USA, ATV (Austrian TV station), September 12,
Live diskussion on the terror attacks in the USA, Ö1 (program: Morgenjournal) (Austrian TV
station), September 11, 2001.
Interview on interceptors, News (Austrian magazine), June 21, 2001.
Interview on Austrian Fighter Jets, News (Austrian weekly), June 21, 2001.
Live disussion on “Braucht Österreich Abfangjäger?” (Does Austria need Fighter Jets?)”,
ORF (program: Zeit im Bild 3) (Austrian TV station), June 18, 2001.
Interview on US-China relations and new security challenges, several Austrian radio stations,
April 4, 2001.
Interview on foreign policy and the air campain against Iraq, Ö1 (Austrian radio station),
February 17, 2001.
Interview on comprehensive security, Austrian Broadcasting Station, January 31, 2001.
Name der Radiostation?
Live discussion on elections in the USA, Ö1 (Austrian Radio station), October 13, 2000.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Interview on European Security and Austrian Armed Forces, Kurier (Austrian daily) (together
with Brgd. Johan Pucher). July 10, 2000.
Live Talk Show about European Security, NATO, Austrian Security Policy, ATV (Austrian
TV station), May 30, 2000.
Radio interview on the role of the WEU and Austria, Radio Austria International (Austrian
radio station), May 15, 2000.
Interview on the costs of a European defense system, Wirtschaftsblatt (Austrian daily), April
Professional Activities (participation in conferences, workshops, seminars etc.) since
March 2014
Organization and chair of the round table Title: “Does Europe need a
grand strategy?” International Studies Association (ISA) Annual
Convention, Toronto, March 26-29, 2014.
Presentation of the paper “Deterrence, Disarmament, and Arms
Control”, International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention,
Toronto, March 26-29, 2014.
Organization of and participation in the International Conference „1914
- The Collapse of a Peace Order: Is Democratic Peace an Alternative?“
Austrian Parliament, 17 March 2013.
Organization oft he Conference “Nukleare Abschreckung“ (gem. mit
BMeiA), gem. mit HA, Spring, 2014.
Organmization oft the Academic Workshop „NATO-Partners“ (NATOPublic Diplomacy Division), Spring, 2014.
October 2014
“North Korea, Deterrence and Engagement”, Speech at the Friedrich
Naumann Foundation/ Workshop “Dealing with North Korea and its
Nuclear Threat- from international and regional perspectives” in Jeju,
Republic of Korea, from October 29-31, 2013.
September 2013
Visit Of Key Opinion Formers From Western European Partners,
NATO Headquarters for an information and discussion programme,
September 26-27 September 2013.
Participation in the second EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament
Conference, 30 September - 1 October in Brussels.
July/August 2013
Participitation U.S. and South Korea Nuclear Cooperation, Follow
Similar Programs, Nitze (Paul H.) School of Advanced International
Studies/U.S.-Korea Institute, Washington, DC, August 15, 2013.
Participation in the Carnegie event “The New Political Order/Disorder
in Egypt”, Washington, DC,20036, July 31, 2013.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Participation in the event "Immigration Reform: What’s Next for Cities
and Metros", The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, July 22,
Participation in the Carnegie event: “Can the Two-State Solution Be
Saved?” (with Jimmy Carter, Martti Ahtisaari, Lakhdar Brahimi),
Carnegie Endowment for Peace, Washington, DC, July 22, 2013.
Participation in the event “American Terrorists Abroad: Options for
U.S. Policymakers”, Brookings Institution, Washington, District of
Columbia, July 23, 2013.
July 2013
Thomas Ferguson & Heinz Gärtner WWWforEurope Lecture series,
Sustainability and the Future of US-European Relations: Two
Perspectives, WIFO, Objekt 20, Arsenal, July 9th, 2013.
Participation in the Expert - Workshop “A Nuclear Weapon Free Zone
in Europe”, Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation,
Vienna 3 and 4 July, 2013.
June 2013
Participation in the event "Dissecting the Pentagon’s Strategic Choices
and Management Review." The Brookings Institution, August 6, 2013.
Participation in the panels: "America and Europe: Global Responsibility
in the New World " and "The Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and
Libya" at the PSS-ISA Joint International Conference “Security
Challenges in an Evolving World”, Budapest, June 27-29, 2013.
Participation in the panel: “The future of nuclear weapons: The U.S. –
Russia – North Korea – Iran”, Panelists: Rüdiger Frank, Vice head of
the department of East Asian Studies, University of Vienna, Siegfried
Hecker, VCDNP Visiting Distinguished Scholar (on sabbatical from
Stanford University), Alexander Kmentt, Head of department for
disarmament, arms control & non-proliferation, BMeiA, Moderator:
Fabio Polly, Journalist at the ORF, Kleiner Festsaal, University of
Vienna (Hauptgebäude, 1. Stock); Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien, 25th
of June 2013.
Participation Conference „Science and Technology 2013,
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO),
Vienna, Hofburg, 17-21 June, 2013.
„Disarmament, Arms Control, and Deterrence, Presentation at the
„Forum für Frieden und Sicherheit in Europa“, Neue Wege gemeinsam
mit Russland, 10. und 11. Juni 2013, Sala Terrena,
Landesverteidigungsakademie, Vienna.
May 2013
European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) Annual
Conference, “European Security: Taking Stock and Moving Forth”,
Paris, May 23-24, 2013.
Speech: “Is America Over?” Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz
und Politikwissenschaft II, TU Kaiserslautern, Dienstag, 28. Mai 2013.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Presentation on “arms control in Europe”, Organization for Security and
Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Forum for Security Co-operation, May
22, 2013.
April 2013
Participation in the Annual International Studies Association (ISA)
Organisation of and participation in the panel “The New World: Views
from Europe”, paper presentation on “America and Europe: Global
Responsibility in the New World” and
Chair and participation in the panel “Nuclear Disarmament: An Arms
Control versus a Humanitarian Approach”, paper presentation
“Deterrence and Disarmament”. San Francisco, April 2-5, 2013.
March 2013
Seminar On Neutrality For Students, ISAC Fund and the Swedish
Armed Forces, Hotel Norcev, Fruska gora, Belgrade, March 6-8, 2013.
Podiumsdiskussion „Race for Resources – Ressourcenhunger als
Bedrohung für die internationale Sicherheit? („Race for Resources -A
threat for International Security?“), Mannheim Forum 2013, Universität
Mannheim, March 16, 2013.
Participation in the Panel: Hot spots: „USA – Naher Osten – Mali im
Kontext internationaler Machtverschiebungen (USA – Middle East –
Mali: international power diffusion, Austrian Institute for Internatonal
Affairs (oiip), March 11, 2013.
February 2013
Book presentation “Der amerikanische Präsident und die neue Welt
(The American resident and the New World), Außenpolitische
Akademie de BSA, February 21, 2013.
Participation in Nuclear Proliferation History: New Evidence, Analysis
& Policy Insights, Co-hosted by the Center for Security Studies (CSS)
at ETH Zurich and the Vienna Center for Disarmament and NonProliferation (VCDNP) for the Nuclear Proliferation International
History Project (NPIHP), conference room of the VCDNP (Andromeda
Tower, Floor 13, Donau-City-Strasse 6, 1220 Vienna), Vienna, Austria,
February 1, 2013.
January 2013
Participation in the conference “Have the United Nations Agencies
Adapted to the 21st Century?”
Chair of the workshop “Prospects of Entry into Force of the CTBT:
Ways to Promote its Ratification (CTBTO)”
UN Office in Vienna, January 9-11, 2013
December 2012
Participation in the podium discussion “Die Welt im 21. Jahrhundert”
(The world in the 21st century)
Moderator of the panel “Gobal Zero”
Co-organized by the Hanns Seidel-Stiftung München
Raiffeisen Zentralbank, Vienna, December 6-7, 2012
November 2012
Participation in the conference “Tag der Politikwissenschaft”
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Discussant at the workshop on “US national and international politics”
University of Graz, Graz, November 29-30, 2012
Participation in the expert-conference “Weltwirtschaft im Wandel –
Herausforderungen für die transatlantischen Beziehungen“ (the world
economy over the centuries – challenges for the transatlantic relations)
Participation in the panel discussion “The Future of the Transatlanic
Relations” (keynote speech on “power diffusion in the post-transatlantic
Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, Wildbad Kreuth, November 22-23, 2012
Participation in the conference “Nuclear Weapons – The Sword of
Damocles: The Humanitarian Dimension of Nuclear Disarment”
Key note speaker in the workshop “Is Austria prepared? Threat
Scenarios and the Protection of Civilians”
Organized by the Austria Federal Ministry of European and
International Affairs & the Austrian Red Cross
Vienna, November 21, 2012
Participation in the Workshop “Project on Strategic Stability Evaluation
(POSSE) the discussion “Sicherheits- und Review workshop on nuclear
deterrence and stability”
Funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York
Center for Nonproliferation Studies, at the Vienna Center for
Disarmament and Nonproliferation (VCDNP), Vienna, November 1213, 2012
Participation in the panel discussion „Die USA nach den Wahlen (The
USA after the Election“)
Diplomatische Akademie (diplomatic academy), Vienna, November 8,
October 2012
Participation in the “Blue Helmet Forum Austria 2012” (an Initiative of
the Association of Austrian Peacekeepers)
Introductory presentation for the session “Improving Civil-Military
Coordination, Humanitarian Assistance in Complex Emergencies -What
Role for the Military?”
National Defence Academy, Vienna, October 22-24, 2012
Participation in an expert discussion on the future of Austria’s security
and defense policy, Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung
Landesverteidigungsakademie, October 23, 2012
September 2012
Participation in the round-table discussion “Relevance and role of
NWFZs in the nuclear age” (on the occasion of 20th anniversary of
Mongolia’s declaration of its territory a single-State NWFZ)
Diplomatic Academy, Vienna, September 25, 2012
Participation at LVAk Symposion 2012, „Smart Defense“ and
„Pooling&Sharing“ (Beides der Name?
September 21, 2012
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
„Strategien hybrider Machtprojektion“
Speech on „Strategien hybrider Machtprojektion in den USA (Strategies
of Hybrid Power Projection in the USA) at the expert
“Institut für Friedenssicherung und Konfliktmanagement der
Landesverteidigungsakademie (Austrian Defense Academy), Vienna,
September 17, 2012.
July/August 2012
Guest professor at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
at the Stanford University
June 2012
Discussant “NATO after the Chicago Summit”
Keynote Address: Jamie Patrick SHEA (NATO Deputy Assistant
Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges)
Austrian National Defence Academy, Vienna, June 28, 2012.
Participation in the conference “OSCE Security Days”
Vienna, June 24-25, 2012
BISA - ISA joint conference
Presentation of the paper “America and Europe: transatlantic relations
or global responsibility?”
Edinburgh (UK) June 20-22, 2012
Participation in the Intensive Seminar “Engaging the Experts, Training
the Trainers: A Seminar on the CTBT Education in the 21st Century”
Austria Center, Vienna, June 11-12, 2012
May 2012
Participation in the Preparatory Committee for the 2015 Review
Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of
Nuclear Weapons
April 30-May 11, 2012
Vortrag am (speech at the) Panel 4. Panel: "Die europäische Sicherheit
in einem transatlantischen Kontext,“ über „Abschreckung und
Abrüstung“ (on Deterrence and Disarmament), ÖsterreichischFranzösisches Zentrum für Annäherung in Europa, Französisches
Institut für internationale Beziehungen, Die Zukunft der Sicherheits–
und Verteidigungspolitik für Europa, Wien, May 14, 2012,
Landesverteidigungsakademie, «Sala terrena». In Kooperation mit der
Direktion für Sicherheitspolitik (Austrian-French Center and Austrian
Defense Ministry).
April 2012
Panel discussion “US elections – left – right – center, Which way will it
go? (The Present Situation Of American Politics?)”
In cooperation with the Austro-American Society and the Webster
University Vienna,
Vienna, April 17, 2012
Participation in the Annual International Studies Association (ISA)
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Organisation of and participation in the roundtable “Strategy, Power
and Principle in the 21st Century“ with participants from the USA, UK
Netherlands, Finland and Austria.
San Diego, April 1 – April 5, 2012
February 2012
EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference
Chair of the special session on “Space and Missile Proliferation”
Brussels, February 3, 2012
January 2012
Moderation of the Panel discussion “NATO operations and the
protection of civilians: Experiences from Afghanistan, The Balkans and
In cooperation with: The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Embassy of
Canada to Austria, Austrian National Defence Academy and the
Austrian Institute for International Affairs
Diplomatic Academy, Vienna, January 27, 2012
December 2011
Participation in the 4th edition of the World Policy Conference
Institut français des relations internationales, Vienna, December 9-11,
Participation in the conference "Die polnische EU-Präsidentschaft:
Chancen und Herausforderungen“ (The Polish EU Presidency)"
Participation and lecture in the Panel “Sicherheit und Verteidigung”
(Security and Defense)
Organised by Österreichisch-Französisches Zentrum für Annäherung in
Europa (Vienna), Französisches Institut für internationale Beziehungen
Warsaw, December 5, 2011
November 2011
Participation in the expert-workshop “Workshop zur Beratung der
neuen Sicherheitsstrategie“ (The New Austrian Securtity Strategy),
A cooperation of AIES, IILP und OIIP
November 29, 2011
Participation in the expert round “Der Countdown hat begonnnen: Die
USA ein Jahr vor der Präsidentschaftswahl“ (The countdown has
started: The USA one year before the US elections”)
Hilton Hotel, Berlin, November 22, 2011
Participation in the DESSI workshop on criteria Agenda for “Making
better security decisions – How do we get there?”
The Danish Board of Technology
Copenhagen, November 8, 2011
October 2011
Panel discussion “Die neue Sicherheitsstrategie Österreichs” (Austria’s
new security strategy)“
Participants: mit Herbert Scheibner, Werner Fasselabend, Christine
Muttonen & Walter Hämmerle
Vienna, October 18, 2011
September 2011
Participation in the talk: “Tea for Obama: Does The Tea Party have a
Foreign Policy Agenda?“
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Austro-American Society, Vienna, September 27, 2011
July 2011
Participation in the expert meeting on “Die Implementierung des Neuen
Strategischen Konzepts. Die NATO nach dem Gipfel von Lissabon”
(NATO’s New Strategic Concept)
Participant in the panel “Der NATO-Einsatz in Libyen” (NATOoperation in Libya)
Wildbad Kreuth, July 14-15, 2011
June 2011
Participation in the workshop and the symposium 2011
“Comprehensive Approach: Definitionen - Ansätze –
Landesverteidigungsakademie Wien (Austrian Defense Academy), June
28-30, 2011
Vienna Human Rights Conference: US-American and European
Approaches to Contemporary Human Rights Problems
Speaker on the panel “Responsibility to Protect - The Case of Libya
University of Vienna, June 20-22, 2011
May 2011
Speaker on the panel “Nuke Talks – 3: Reconciling Nuclear NonProliferation, Disarmament and Energy Generation – Mission
Impossible à la NPT” together with Ali Ashgar Soltanieh (Ambassador
and Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the UN
and other International Organizations), and Stephan Klement (European
External Action Service, Brussels)
Haus der Industrie, Vienna, May 31, 2011
Presentation in the Workshops: “The International Status of R2P Norm
and its Three Pillars of Response,” and “New Priorities for Honoring
our Responsibility to Protect” Exploring New Capacities to Address the
Threat of Atrocity Crimes: The Case for a UN Emergency Peace
Service (UNEPS), Austria United Nations Youth and Student
Association of Austria – Academic Forum for Foreign Affairs
(UNYSA-AUSTRIA-AFA) Global Action to Prevent War, New York
Foreign Policy and United Nations Association of Austria (UNAAUSTRIA), Austrian National Defence Academy, Vienna, May 23-25,
Participation in the seminar “Measuring Progress Towards A World
Free Of Nuclear Weapons: The Indonesian Perspective”
Speaker in the panel “Progress in Nuclear Disarmament and prospect
for the negotiation on Nuclear Weapon Convention”
Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, May 12, 2011
April 2011
Presentation of the paper “New Security Issues and Prospects in
Regional and Global Contexts” at the International Conference “Korea
and East Asia in a Changing Regional and Global Environment
Institute of Medical Ethics and Law, Campus of the University of
Vienna April 28-29, 2011
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Participation in the panel discussion “Umwälzungen im arabischen
Raum: eine neue Ära der humanitären Intervention?“ (Changes in the
Arab World: a New Era for Humanitarian Intervention?)
Organized by the Institut für Friedenssicherung und
Konfliktmanagement (IFK)
Landesverteidigungsakademie (Austrian Defense Academy), April 26,
Panelist in the Panel discussion “Obama and the Bomb, 2nd anniversary
of Obama’s Prague Agenda on a world free of nuclear weapons”
Other panelists: Alexander Kmentt ( Austrian Foreign Ministry),
Markus Kornprobst (Chair of International Relations, Diplomatic
Diplomatic Academy of Vienna), Damian R. Leader (Chief Arms
Control Delegate, USOSCE), William C. Potter (Director of the James
Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of
International Studies, California), Moderation: Fabio Polly (ORF),
Co-organized by The Austrian Institute for International Affairs – oiip,
the Embassy of the United States and the USOSCE
Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, April 14, 2011
Participation in a nongovernmental conference on key issues in nuclear
Organized by the Fissile Materials Working Group (FMWG) in
partnership with the new Vienna Center for Disarmament and NonProliferation,
Vienna on April 13, 2011
March 2011
Participation in the Panel Discussion: The Iranian Nuclear Program and
the Prospects for a Nuclear-Weapons-Free-Zone in the Middle East,
Austrian and Turkish Perspectives, together with Nilvana Darama
(Director of Non-Proliferation Affairs Department in the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey) Vienna, March 28, 2011.
Participation in the ISA Annual Conference “Global Governance:
Political Authority in Transition”
Organization of and participation in the roundtable “The NonProliferation Regime, Disarmament, and Deterrence,” and participation
in the panel “The EU and Security Governance.”
Montreal, March 16-19, 2011
February 2011
Participation in the conference “Connecting Academics and UN
Practitioners – A Unique Encounter”
Moderator of the panel “Disarmament/Non-proliferation Education”
UN Office at Vienna, February 28 – March 1, 2011
January 2011
Participation in the “OSCE Expert-Workshop of the Marshall Center
Research Project Role of Military Forces in Civil Security”
Hofburg Bibliothek, Vienna, January 25, 2011
November 2010
Moderator of the workshop “Nukleare Proliferation:
Gefährdungspotential und Präventionsmöglichkeiten für Österreich”
(Nuclear Proliferation and prevention in Austria)
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip), Vienna, November 30,
Lecture on „USA – Europa und persönliche Erfahrung” (U.S. – Europe
and personal experience),“ for the Global Advancement Programme
AFA-Academic Forum for Foreign Affairs, Vienna, November 29,
Workshop on “Nuklearwaffenfreie Zone Nahost?“ (Middle East - A
speech on „Nuklearwaffenfreie Zonen als Teil der nuklearen Abrüstung
(Nuclear-weapons-free zones as a part of nuclear disarment)“
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, November
29, 2010
Speech on the future of the Obama Administration at the
“Wehrpolitischen Seminar an der Militärakademie”
Austrian Military Akademy, Wiener Neustadt, November 22, 2010
Symposium Scientific Committee of Federal Ministry of Defense
“Sicherheit umfassend betrachtet – Was heißt (Landes)verteidigung
Chair of the Panel “Das ÖBH im Rahmen der Umfassenden
Sicherheitsvorsorge (USV)“ (Austrian Armed Forces and
Comprehensive Security)“
Hotel Panhans, Semmering, November 17-18, 2010
October 2010
Chair of the Panel “Ethnische und normative Herausforderungen der
Sicherheitsforschung (ethnical and normative challenges of security
Sigmund Freud Privat Universität Wien, SFI | Institut für
Sicherheitsforschung, Vienna, October 28, 2010
Chair of the panel “Global Cities In A Global Village: The City, the
State and the International System”
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, October 27,
Case Study Austria, Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European
Union: Conference on the political responsibility of industrial operators
in trade: the blurring of the differences between sensitive and classical
industrial items Chaudfontaine,
Belgium, October 13-15, 2010.
September 2010
Participation in the SGIR 7th Pan-European International Relations
Participation in the Panel “The Nuclear Programme of Iran”
Chair and Discussant of the Panel “Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding”
Paper on “Iran and North Korea Should not Let the Opportunity Slip by
- Nonproliferation and Engagement.” auf der Website anderer Titel!!!
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Stockholm, September 9-11, 2010
August 2010
Lecture on "Nuklearwaffen freie Welt (nuclear-weapons-free world)" at
the 27. Fortbildungsseminar GLV (seminar for teachers)
Organized by Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur
(Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture)
Gmunden, August 22-25, 2010
June 2010
Lecture on "Zukunft des Irak” (The Future of Iraq) in connection with
the lecture series “20 Jahre nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges – Zur
Ambivalenz gegenwärtiger Friedenspolitik“ (20 Years after the End of
the East-West Conflict – The twilight of Peace policy)
Institut für Sozialwissenschaften Arbeitsbereich Friedens- und
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, June 17, 2010
Participation in the Panel discussion on the Austrian security doctrine
Other Participants: Helmut Frischenschlager (Former Austrian Federal
Minister for Defense), Walter Fasselabend (Former Austrian Federal
Minister for Defense) Hans Pucher (General)
Austrian Institute for InternationalAffairs (OIIP), Vienna, June 10, 2010
Participation in the roundtable on“grand strategy concept and what this
will mean to the member states’ security and defence policy”
Other participants: Jolyon Howorth
Austrian Defense Academy, June 8, 2010
Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) Annual
Meeting “New Security Challenges”
Chair of the Panel discussion “Nuclear and Small Arms Proliferation”
Panelists: Hans Blix (Former Director General, International Atomic
Energy Agency), Louise Fréchette (Former Deputy Secretary-General,
United Nations), Rebecca Peters (Director, International Action
Network on Small Arms), Ramesh Thakur (Former Assistant SecretaryGeneral, United Nations)
University of Vienna, Law School, Vienna, June 5, 2010.
May 2010
Participation in the roundtable with James Townsend Jr. (Deputy
Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Policy),
Austrian Defense Academy, May 27, 2010.
Panelist in the Panel discussion “America and Europe: Transatlantic
Ties or Global Responsibility?
Other panelists: Daniel Hamilton (Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation,
Professor and Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations at the
Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns
Hopkins University)
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, May 5, 2010
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
April 2010
Participation in the “13. Schlangenbader Gespräch” („Erneuerte
Kooperationschancen: Russland und der Westen nach dem „Reset“
Russia and the West after the „reset“).
Organizers: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung und Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung,
Schlangenbad, April 29, 2010 – May 1, 2010
March 2010
Critical Infrastructure – EISN meeting
Presentation of the SKIT–Network for the Protection of Critical
Infrastructure in Austria, (together with AKBULUT),
Organizers: Verband der Elektrizitätsunternehmen (association of
electricity companies)
March 18-19, 2010
Participation in and organization of the Panel discussion “A World Free
of Nuclear Weapons? Progress on Obama’s Prague Agenda”
Panelist:Glyn Davies (Ambassador – U.S. Mission to International
Organizations in Vienna)
March 18, 2010, Austrian Institute for International Affairs
Participation in the DASI international conference “Nuclear
March 12, 2010 at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
Lecuture on “USA” at the Bundesseminar „USA – Russland – China.
Die aktuelle weltpolitische Entwicklung der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte“
Traunkirchen, March 10-11, 2010
February 2010
Participation in the ISA Annual Conference (“Theory vs. Policy?
Connecting Scholars”)
Chair of the Rountable: “Europe, Obama and the Bomb,”
Paper presentation on “Towards a Theory of Arms Export Control”
New Orleans: February 17-20, 2010
Participation in the seminar “Promoting Discussion on an Arms Trade
Treaty,” EU-UNIDIR, February 12, 2010, Vienna
Participation in the “Public-Private Expert Workshop on Protecting
Non-Nuclear Critical Energy Infrastructure from Terrorist Attacks”
Organizer: OSCE Action against Terrorism Unit (ATU)
February 11-12, 2010 in Vienna
January 2010
Participation in the Panel discussion “Die USA, Europa und Russland“
(„The U.S. Europe and Russia“)
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, January 14,
December 2009
Moderator of the round-table “Multilateral Engagement in the Obama
Administration,” with Esther Brimmer (Assistant Secretary,
International Organization Affairs),
Organizers: U.S. Department of State, Embassy of the United States of
America & Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP)
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, December1,
November 2009
Participation in the expert-meeting Teilnahme “Die Außenpolitik
Präsident Obamas und die Zukunft der Transatlantischen Beziehungen”
(“Obama’s Foreign Policy and the Futue of the Transatlantic
Organizer: Hans-Seidl Stiftung (participation in the expert meeting oft
the Hans-Seidl Foundation)
Wildbad Kreuth, Germany, November 26-27, 2009
October 2009
Seminar on “Nuclear Non-Proliferation: Challenges & Opportunities”
Participation in the Panel on “Challenges of Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Webster University, Vienna, October 29, 2009
Participation in the European Union Insitute for Security Studies
(EUISS) Annual Conference “Managing a Post-Crisis World”
October 22-23, 2009, Paris
Organisation of the conference “Managing Regional and Global Threats
to Security: Perspectives from Austria and Japan” (together with
Hakkan Akbulut)
Participation in the panel “Responding to Nuclear Proliferation –
Perspectives from Austria and Japan.”
Vienna Diplomatic Academy, October 14, 2009
September 2009
Briefing on „NATO,“ 2009 Sejong Training Program for Korea's
Senior Government Officials
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, September 8,
August 2009
Seminar on “umfassende Landesverteidigung” (comprehensive defense)
for teachers
Lecture on “Transatlantische Beziehungen” (transatlantic relations)“
Schladming, August 28, 2009
June 2009
Lecture on arms control at the seminar of the “Europäische Akademie
Nordrhein-Westfalen“ veranstaltet im Rahmen der politischen Bildung
der Bundeswehr mit Offizieren des Luftwaffenamtes aus Köln-Wahn
(European Academy together with German Armed Forces)
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, June 24,
Lecuture on “Obama, die Bombe und der Iran“ (Obama, the bomb and
Organizer: Österreichische Orient-Gesellschaft Hammer-Purgstall in
cooperation with Institut für Internationale Politik
Diplomatic Academy, Vienna, June 22, 2009
30 – Jahr – Jubiläum des oiip, International Symposium “European
Security in a Changing World”
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Participation in the Panel “The United States and Europe in a new
Partnership,” (with Helga Haftendorn and Charles Kupchan)
Vienna, June 16, 2009
Participation in the International Scientific Studies Conference
Hofburg, Vienna June 10-12, 2009
May 2009
Participation in the Panel discussion “Reviving the NPT – what Role
for the EU?”
Organizor: The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin in cooperation with the
Center for Security Studies at the ETH Zürich (CSS),
May 25, 2009
Participation in the SGIR/SC meeting (Steering Committee Intenational
Relations, ECPR)
Bilbao, May 14-16, 2009
Participation in the “Expert Meeting on a European Security Dialogue“
Vienna, May 8, 2009
Participation in the Panel discussion “60 Jahre Europa und die NATO
zwischen Change und Realpolitik” (60 years Europe and NATO) with
Michael Rühle (stellvertretender Leiter der Politischen Planung beim
Direktion für Sicherheitspolitik, May 7, 2009
April 2009
“Studientag: Soft und/oder Hard Power: Die EU auf dem Weg zur
Militärmacht? Sicherheitspolitische und ethische Aspekte der
Europäischen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik (The EU’s military
power and ethnical aspects)
Participation in the Panel “Die USA und Europa – eine neue
Sicherheitspartnerschaft!” (The US and Europe – a new Partnership!)
Landesverteidigungsakademie, April 22, 2009
Lecture on “Neue Welt – neuer Präsident“ (New World – New US
Europahaus Burgenland, April 2, 2009
March 2009
Extra Europa Culture Festival & Symposium, Featuring Norway,
Switzerland and Turkey
Participation in the Panel “Threats and Challenges to European Security
in the 21st Century”
Linz, March 19-20, 2009
Lecture on “Obama: Rückblick und Ausblick“ (Obama: A look back
and an Outlook)
Rotary-Club Klosterneuburg, March 3, 2009
Participation in the International Symposium on Nuclear Security,
March 30, 2009 – April 3, 2009, IAEA, Vienna.
February 2009
Participation in the Annual Convention of the Intenational Studies
Association (ISA)
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Chair of the roundtable “The Future of Human Security“
New York, February 15-19, 2009
Panelist in the Panel “Obama and the Bomb” (together with Prof.
Daniel Nelson)
The Austrian Cultural Forum New York, February 18, 2009
January 2009
Participation in the State-of-Peace-Conferenz 2009 “Auf dem Weg zum
neuen Kalten Krieg? Von der Neuorientierung des Westens und der
Wiedererstarkung des Ostens”
Paper on “Ein neuer Präsident in einer neuen Welt! (A New President
In A New World!) Stadtschlaining, January 29 – February 1, 2009
December 2008
Bookpresentation and Discussion “Obmama - Weltmacht Was Nun?
Außenpolitische Perspektiven der neuen US-Administration“ with
Daniel Nelson (Senior Fellow des Center for Arms Control and NonProliferation in Washington und Präsident von Global Concepts and
Communications in Alexandria, Virginia). Andreas Schieder
(Staatssekretär für Finanzen). Moderation: Katinka Nowotny
(Mitarbeiterin des ORF-Weltjournals)
Urania, Vienna, December 9, 2008
Participation in a Panel discussion of the Ludwig Boltzmann Instituts
für Menschenrechte in cooperation with Topkino/Schikaneder Kino as
well as the Tschechisches Zentrum vom 2. – 12.12. das 1. österr.
Menschenrechtsfilmfestival („This human world“)
Vienna, December 8, 2008.
Convention “Die EU und der Vertrag von Lissabon: Bestandsaufnahme
und zukünftige Entwicklungen“ (The Lisbon Treaty and the Future of
the EU)
Discussant at the workshop “Gemeinsame Außen- und
Sicherheitspolitik“ (Common Foreign and Security Policy Policy)
December 4-5, 2008
November 2008
Participation in the expert-talk “Amerikanische Außenpolitik im
Organizer: Hanns Seidel Stiftung
Wildbad Kreuth, November 20-21, 2008
Participation in a Panel discussion on the US elections), work group
“Wissenschaft und Verantwortlichkeit“
Univerity of Innsbruck, November 7, 2008
Participation in the Panel discussion “US-Wahlen: Außenpolitische
Perspektiven: Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik des nächsten US
Präsidenten“ (US-elections) with Eva Nowotny (former Austrian
Ambassador in the USA), Dean Yap (Counselor for Political and
Economic Affairs, U.S. Embassy in Austria); Moderation: Christoph
Prantner (Der Standard)
Diplomatic Akademy, Vienna, November 6, 2008
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
October 2008
Participation in the Annual Conference of the European Union Institute
for Security Studies (EUISS) “Partnerships for Effective
Multilateralism: Managing Global Crisis“
Paris, October 30-31, 2008
Participation in the Panel discussion “Satellitengestützte
Sicherheitsdienstleistungen, Erwartungen aus der Nutzerperspektive“
(satellite based security)
European Space Policy Institute (ESPI), Vienna, October 9-10, 2008
Moderation of the Panel discussion “NATO-EU Relationship” with
Stanley R. Sloan (Director of the Atlantic Community Initiative)
Austrian Institute for Foreign Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, October 6, 2008
September 2008
Talk about “National Identity in the EU” at Georgetown University’s
Communication, Culture & Technology seminar “Constructing
National Identity through Communication”
September 10, 2008
June 2008
Participation in the Panel discussion “Barck Obama – Der schwarze
Obama“ together with Eugen Freund (ORF)
Renner Institut, Presseclub Concordia, June 24, 2008.
Presentation on the panel “Transatlantic Security, To NATO or Not To?
Croatian and Austrian experiences” at the Workshop Croatia and
Austria – Security and European Integration
Hotel Dubrovnik, Zagreb, June 16-17, 2008
Participation in the Panel discussion along with a bookpresentation
“Die Neue Welt, internationale Sicherheit und transatlantische
Beziehungen”( The New World, International Security and
Transatlantic Relations)
Panelists: Erich Reiter (IILP), Peter Schmidt (SWP, Berlin)
Moderator: Fabio Polly (ORF)
Pressclub Concordia, June 12, 2008
Lecture on “International Relations Theory and International Politics”
Diplomatic Academy, Vienna, June 12, 2008
Discussion on the U.S. elections, together with General Korkisch
Club Alpbach, Vienna, June 9, 2008
May 2008
Co-organizer of the conference “Österreich und Frankreich in der
europäischen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik” (Austria - France
and the European Security and Defense Policy) of the ÖsterreichischFranzösischen Zentrums
Participation in the Panel „Ein neuer geopolitischer Kontext“ (A New
Geopolitcal Context), Landesverteidigungsakademie (Austrian Defence
Academy), Vienna, May 29-30, 2008
Moderation of the lecture and discussion “Counter-Terrorism: Trends –
Challenges – Strategies”, Peter Brookes (Heritage Foundation)
U.S. Embassy (America House), May 28, 2008.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Conference on “Schutz kritischer Infrastruktur – Die Bedrohung
kritischer Infrastruktur durch Terrorismus und gewaltbereite,
extremistische Gruppierungen (Protection of Critical Infrastructure –
Terrorism and Extremism)“ (KIRAS – Projekt der Programmlinie 1),
Moderation of the Panel “Schutz vor Terrorismus – unterschiedliche
Ansätze, gemeinsame Sichtweisen“ (Protection against Terrorism –
Approaches and Perspectives)“
Landesverteidigungsakasdemie, Vienna, May 15, 2008
Moderation of the lecture and discussion “U.S. Missile Defence
Update” by John ROOD (Under Secretary for Arms Control and
International Security, U.S. Department of State)
May 6, 2008.
April 2008
Participation in the panel discussion “Arms Control And NonProliferation” together with Andreas Launer (Federal Ministry For
European And International Affairs), Richard Monsberger (Federal
Ministry Of Defense), Dan Nelson (Center For Arms Control &
Nonproliferation, Washington) Klaus Becher (International Institute For
Liberal Policy)
Austrian Institute for Foreign Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, April 17, 2008
Participation in the Panel discussion “Wahlen in den USA” (U.S.
Organizer: Internationale Arbeitsgruppe (IntAG) des BSA (Bund
sozialdemokratischer AkademikerInnen)
April 10, 2008
March 2008
International Studies association (ISA) Annual Convention “Bridging
Multiple Divides”
Organization and Chair of the round-table “Beyond the Security
Dilemma: Rethinking Threats and Capabilities in the 21st century?”
Paper on “Global Threats and European Responses.”
Discussant at the Panel “European Search for Strategy”
Funded by the U.S. Embassy in Vienna, the Austrian Cultural Institute
in New York, the Dr. Karl Renner Institute in Vienna)
San Francisco, March 26-29, 2008
February 2008
Participation in the Panel “Umkämpfte Weltmacht – Die aktuelle
Situation der USA“ together with Raimund Löw (historian and
journalist), Edit Schlaffer (Chair of “Frauen ohne Grenzen“
Das Renner-Institut, Presseclub Concordia, February 25, 2008
Moderator of the Panel “Missile Defenses for Stability in Europe” by
Baker Spring (Heritage Foundation)
Embassy of the United States of America, February 19, 2008
Conference “Transatlantic Relations and International Conflict
Participation in the Panel “Use of Force”
University Ottawa, Canada, February 7 – 9, 2008
“Arms Control – A European Perspective,” Featuring, Center For Arms
Control & Non-Proliferation And British American Security
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Information Council, Speaker at the Luncheon Seminar, February 6,
2008, Hans Bethe Center,Washington, DC.
January 2008
State-of-Peace-Konferenz 2008 “Die Neue Weltordnung in der Krise.
Von der uni- zur multipolaren Weltordnung?”
Paper on “Der (die) neue Präsident(in) der USA zwischen Uni- und
Multilateralismus (The new U.S. President between Uni- and
January 31 – February 3, 2008
Speech on “European Security after the Reform Treaty” at Georgetown
University, Washington, D.C.
January 2008.
December 2007
“Transantlantische Beziehungen (Transatlantic Relations),” Seminar
Wehrpolitik 3, Theresianische Militärakademie (military academy),
Institut für Offiziersweiterbildung, December 14, 2007
Conference „Threat, risks and sustainability – Answers by space“
Participation in the Panel „Security“
European Space Policy Institute (ESPI), Vienna, December 10-11, 2007
November 2007
Presentation and Panel discussion on „International Organizations in
Vienna and Non-Proliferation“)
University of Vienna, November 28, 2007
Participation in the expert-talk “Europa und die USA – Transatlantische
Beziehungenim Spannungsfeld neuer internationaler Sicherheitsrisiken
(Europe and the US – Transatlantic Relations and International Security
Organiser: Hanns Seidel Stiftung
Wildbad Kreuth, November 14-15, 2007
October 2007
Participation in Panel discussion “Wie (anti)militaristisch sind die
Positionen der Grünen? (The Green Party and the Peace Movement)
Organizer: Peter Pilz und die Wiener Grünen
Grünes Haus, Vienna, October 23, 2007
Foreign policy Talk of the ÖGA Austrian Association for Foreign
Policy And International Relations ”The Contributions of Vienna-Based
International Organizations To International Security”
Participation in the Panel “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Law and
International Relations,” at the Organizers: Austrian Association for
Foreign Policy and International Relations (ÖGA), Representative of
the and International Relations International Atomic Energy Agency
Moderation: Dr. Werner Fasslabend (former Austrian Fed. Minister for
Vienna, October 12-13, 2007
September 2007
Participation in the Panel discussion “Österreich auf dem Weg in
Militärbündnisse?” (Austria on it’s way into military alliances?)
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Alfred Klahr Gesellschaft, Graz, September 28, 2007
Lecture on US-Foreign and Security Policy at the länderübergreifenden
Seminar des Pädagogischen Instituts des Bundes für Niederösterreich
für Lehrer an berufsbildenden Schulen
Wiener Neustadt, September 25, 2007
Participation in the Panel discussion “Neutralität und Raketenabwehr“
(Neutrality and Missile Defense)” with Ulrike Lunacek
(außenpolitische Sprecherin der Grünen), Erich Reiter (Institut für
Liberale Politik) und Conrad Seidl (der Standard)
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, September
18, 2007
Participation in the Sixth Pan-European Conference on International
Relations “Making Sense of a Pluralist World”
University of Turin, Italy, September 12-15, 2007
Montagsgespräch (Talk show) des “Standard” (Austrain daily
newspaper) on “Neutralität (neutrality),” (mit Erhard Busek, Hannes
Swoboda, Ulrike Lunacek)
Vienna, September 8, 2007
Reviewer at the Proposal Assessment Panel, COST, Brussels,
September 4-5, 2007.
June 2007
2007 OSCE Annual Security Review Conference (2007 Asrc)
Key Note Speaker at Working session III: A coherent approach towards
the OSCE activities in relation to early warning, conflict prevention and
resolution, crisis management and post-conflict rehabilitation,
Vienna, June 19-20, 2007.
Leading of the Seminar and lecturer (together with Otmar Höll) “EUropäische Sicherheitspolitik “(EU Security Policy)
Reichenau/Rax, June 11-15, 2007.
Participation in a Panel discussion in the frame of the event series
”Nuclear Non Proliferation”: ”Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons:
Where do We Stand - What Can We Do?“ Lecturer: Ambassador
Klaus-Peter Gottwald; Permanent Representative of the Federal
Republic of Germany to the United Nations and UNIDO, Resident
Representative to IAEA and CTBTO. The United Nations Youth And
Student Association Of Austria In Vienna in co-operation with The
Austrian Institute For International Affairs,
University of Vienna, June 4, 2007
Participation in the 37th InternationalPeace Academy Vienna Seminar
on Peacemaking and Peacekeeping “The Middle East: Fragility Crisis,
and New Challenges for Peace Operations”
June 3-5, 2007.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Expert Evaluator FP7 Socio-economic sciences and humanities Theme,
European Commission, Research Directorate-General, Directorate L:
Science, Economy and Society,
June, 2007
Interviewer for the Fulbright Austrian Student Grant Competition 20082009 of the Fulbright Austrian-American Educational Commission
June 2007
May 2007
Participation in the OSCE Political Public-Private Partnership
Conference “Partnership of State Authorities, Civil Society and the
Business Community in Combating Terrorism”
Vienna, Austria, May 31 – June 1, 2007
Participation in the discussion “Was bringt die NATO-PfP in der
Organiser: Österreichisches Institut für Europäische Sicherheitspolitik
(ÖIES), Euro-Atlantische Gesellschaft Österreich, Politische Akademie
der ÖVP
Vienna, May 25, 2007
Participation in the Panel discussion “Humanitarian Intervention and
the Responsibility to Protect”
Participants: H.E. Marie Gervais-Vidricaire, Ambassador of Canada,
Manfred Nowak, Wiener Ludwig Boltzmann Instituts für
Menschenrechte -BIM, Sonderberichterstatter der UNMenschenrechtskommission,
Chair: Gerhard Reiweger, Diplomatic Academy, Vienna.
Austrian Institute for Foreign Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, May 21, 2007
Participation in the panel discussion ”Two Paths to the Bomb: Iran’s
Challenge to the United Nations“ in the frame of the event series
”Nuclear Non Proliferation.”
Lecturer: Ambassador Gregory L. Schulte; Permanent Representative of
the United States of America to the United Nations,
Organizers: The:Nations Youth and Student Association of Austria in
Vienna and Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP)
University of Vienna, May 15, 2007
Briefing about Austrian foreign and security policy for the participants
of the “Instituts für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung”
University of Hamburg, May 11, 2007
Moderation of the talk of US Ambassador to Austria, Susan Mccaw, on
US Foreign Policy
University of Vienna, May 8, 2007
April 2007
Moderator of the Panel discussion “U.S. Missile Defense Policy” with
Daniel P. Fata (Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European
and NATO Policy)
Austrian Institute for Foreign Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, April 26, 2007
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Moderator and discussant of the panel “The Impact of UN Security
Council Resolutions on the IAEA” with Amb. Ali Asghar Soltanieh
(Permament Representative of Iran to the UN) and Gudrun Harrer (“Der
Organizers: The United Nations Youth and Student Association of
Austria in Vienna and the Austrian Institute for International Affairs,
University of Vienna, April 18, 2007
Moderator of the Panel “International Terrorism: Emerging Threats &
U.S. Strategy for Response” with Raphael Perl (Congressional Research
Service of the Library of Congress)
Austrian Institute for International Affairs, April 17, 2007
Meeting with the Embassy of South Korea on the Agreement of
Februray 13, 2007
February 2007
Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA)
Chair of the panel “Threats and Capacities,” (funded by the U.S.
Embassy in Vienna, the Austrian Cultural Institute in New York, the
Dr. Karl Renner Institute in Vienna)
Chicago February 27 – March 4, 2006
Luncheon speech on “European Security after 9/11 and the Iraq War”
Institute for the Study of Europe, Columbia University, February 27,
Discussant and moderator “U.S. - European Relations after the Iraq
War”, Speaker: Coit D. Blacker, Director of Freeman Spogli Institute
for International Studies)
Dr.-Karl-Renner-Institute, February 7, 2007
State of Peace Conference
Paper on “Transformation der US Streitkräfte am Beispiel des Irak
Krieges” (transformation of the US armed forces – the example of the
Iraq war)
Friedensforschungsinstitut (Peace Research Institute) in Schlaining,
February 2-4, 2007
Participation in the Panel discussion “Bilanz 2006 -und Huntington
hatte doch (nicht) recht?” (Was S. Huntington right on his prediction of
the ‚Clash of Civilizations?’),“
Austrian Institute for Foreign Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, February 1, 2007
Participation in the round-table of security experts “Eurofighter für
Österreich? (Eurofighter for Austria?)”
Vienna, February 1, 2007
January 2007
Member of a PhD commission at the PhD Institute of Military
Budapest, Januaray 29, 2007
December 2006
Discussant at the lecture by Ambassador Ali Asghar Soltanieh
(Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Vienna, IAEA
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
UNIDO and CTBTO) on “Iran’s Nuclear Policy and Activities”
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, December
15, 2006
Participation in the 10th Anniversary of the Wassenaar Arrangement,
Vienna, December 7, 2006
Symposion on “Sicherheit und Recht zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts”
(Security and Law at the Beginning of the 21st Century)
Speech on “Widerstandsrecht und Terrorismus – eine
politikwissenschaftliche Betrachtung“ (Resistance and Terrorism)
Organiser: Institute for Strategy and Security Policy(ISS)
Defence Academy, Vienna, December 6-7, 2006
November 2006
3-Country-Convention of the Political Science Associations of Austria,
Germany, Swizzerland: „Politik und Persönlichkeit (Politics and
Paper on “Der Einfluss des Intellektuellen auf die Weltpolitik” (The
Influence of the Intellectual on World Politics)”
Presentation of the paper in the panel “GroßeDenker und Weltpolitik:
Sind Akteure oder Strukturen die entscheidende Determinante
internationaler Politik” (Great Thinkers and World Politcs: Agents or
Structure in International Politics?
Vienna, November 30 – December 2, 2006
Discussant at the lecture by Ambassador Gregory L. Schulte (U.S.
Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Vienna and the
International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA) on “Iran’s Nuclear
Ambitions: Two Paths to the Bomb, Another Path to Peace”
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, November
27, 2006
Organisation of the conference on „Peace-building and functional
security.“ (sponsered by the Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs)
Participation in the panel “Concepts of Crisis Management”
November 17, 2006
Annual Convention of „amesty international“
Speech on „Robin Hood or Osama Bin Laden? Freedom Fighter vs.
Leibnitz/Retzhof Bildungsheim, November 3, 2006
19. Canetti-Symposion „Islam“
Speech on “The Foreign and Security Policy of the USA“
Urania, Vienna, November 2-5, 2006
October 2006
Conference “Transforming NATO: Risks, challenges and
Participation in the Panel “NATO’s Continued Political and Military
Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark,
October 30-31, 2006
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Participation at the Annual at The European Union Institute for Security
Studies (EUISS), Paris, October 6, 2006.
September 2006
Security Congress at the Unversität Innsbruck
Chair of the Panel “European Security“
University of Innsbruck, September 29 – 1 October10, 2006
Participation in the Panel "America against the world" at the conference
"New Media and US Image"
American Ambassy in Vienna, September 29, 2006
Participation in the Special Event of the General Conference 2006 of
the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Austria Center Vienna, September 19-21, 2006
Reviewer in the workshop of PhD dissertations at the PhD Institute of
Military Technology
Budapest, September 6, 2006.
July 2006
Conference on “Europäische Sicherheitspolitik – eine
Zukunftsperspektive?” (Perspectives for the European Security policy)
Participation in the Panel discussion “Die Konsequenzen für
Österreichs Sicherheitspolitik” (Austrian Security Policy)
Austrian Parliament, July 2006
June 2006
Participation in the 4th Annual US-EU Think Tank Symposium “A
Transatlantic Synthesis: Between A Political Union And Geo-Strategic
Organizer: The German Marshall Fund of the United States supported
by The European Commission
Vienna, Austria, June 11-12, 2006
Participation in the seminar “The West Under Strain: Europe`s Small
States in a Changing Environment”
Paper on “Austria`s Neutrality: Western Identity without Global
Chair of the Panel “Fractures in Transatlantic Unity: The Impact on the
Smaller European States”
Organizer: Danish Institute for International Studies”
Copenhagen, June 2-3, 2006
May 2006
Participation in the seminar “Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: Towards a
Comprehensive Approach in State and Institution Building” in the
framework of the Austrian EU Presidency
Vienna, May 28 -31, 2006
Organizer and moderator of the research seminar “Fundamentalismus Religion – Terrorismus“
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, May 18,
Organizer and moderator of the scientific talk “Fundamentalismus Religion – Terrorismus“
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Sponsors: Austrian Institute for Foreign Affairs (OIIP), Institut für
Friedenssicherung und Konfliktforschung (IFK), Verein zum Studium
Internationaler Geschichte (VSIG)
Vienna, May 18, 2006
Input statement by Transatlantic relations – Friends again? NicolaidisGroup of the Politicyl and Security Committee (PSK) of the EU
Diplomatic Academie, Vienna, May 17-18, 2006.
Seminar on reaktor security
Lecture on “Initiativen zur Verhinderung der Proliferation von
Nuklearwaffen (Conterproliferation Initiatives)“
Atomic Institut of the Austrian University, May 15, 2006
Conference “New Instruments of International Governance:
Transatlantic And Global Perspectives.”
Participation in the Panel “Transatlantic Foreign Policy Division of
Labor and the Case of Iran”
Organizers: European Community Studies Association Austria and
Good Governance Consortium, Diplomatic Academy Vienna,
Vienna, May 10-12, 2006
April 2006
Speech on “Österreichische Sicherheitspolitik: Ausblick –
Gemeinsamkeiten – Differenzen” (Austrian Security Policy) to the
Austrian Army’s Association of Socialdemocratic Officers and
Officials (VSO)
Vienna, April 19, 2006
March 2006
Conference on “Politik/Wissenschaft: Wissenschaft zwischen
demokratischer Gesellschaftskritik und Affirmation neoliberaler
Verhältnisse” (Policy/Science: Science between Democratic Critique
and Affirmation)
Chair and introduction of the working group “Foreign-, Security-, and
Development Policy” together with Otmar Höll
March 31, 2006
Participation in the International Studies Association (ISA) Annual
Presentation of two papers. “European Security and Crisis
Management“ and „Arms Export Control Regimes.“.
Research travel sponsered by der U.S. Embassy in Vienna, the Austrian
Cultural Institute in New York, the Karl-Renner Institute and the Office
for Security Policy.
San Diego, March 21-26, 2006
Reviewer of the Program Peace and Security Studies
Hamburg, March 9-10, 2006
Participation in the digital video conference on “Securing Borders Homeland Security”
Amerika Haus – U.S. Embassy, Vienna, March 7, 2006
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
February 2006
Participation in the "European Conference on Security Research,
Vienna 2006" in the context of the Austrian EU Presidency
Organizer: Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and
Technology and the European Commission.
Vienna, February 20-21, 2006
Participation in the expert meeting of the „Delhi Policy Group“
Speech on „Crisis Management in the New Security Environment“
Delhi, India, February 12-14, 2006
Lectures at the students workshops of the Peace and Security Projects in
Mumbay, India, February 9-12, 2006
January 2006
State-of Peace-Conference 2006
Paper on “Rüstungsexportkontrollinitiativen und Terrorismus (Arms
Export Control and Terrorism)”
Institute for Peace Research and Conflict Resolution, Stadt Schlaining,
January 26-29, 2005
Lecture series “Kulturgeschichte des Atomzeitalters” (Cultural History
of the Nuclear Era)
Participant in the Panel discussion on “Endete das „Atomzeitalter“ mit
dem „Kalten Krieg“ (Is there an End of the „Nuclear Era“ after the
„Cold War“?)
University of Vienna, January 26, 2006
Moderator of the lecture “Nuclear Prominence: Managing the Nuclear
Threat in the 21st Century” by Richard J. Harknett
Organizer: The Embassy of the United States of America, in
cooperation with the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and the Austrian
Institute for International Affairs (OIIP)
Amerika Haus, Vienna, January 19, 2006
International Conference “International Security and the Rule of Law
Participation in the Panel “Crisis Management in a New Security
Environment” and Closing marks of the conference
Diplomatic Academy Vienna, January 13, 2006
December 2005
Speech on “sources of fundamentalismus and superpower,
Fundamentalismus – Terrorismus – Krieg” (fundamentalism – terrorism
– war)
Organizer: Verein zur Förderung von Studien zur Interkulturellen
geschichte (association for intercultural history),
Vienna, December 16-17, 2005
International Symposium “Asymmetric Security Threats in the Era of
Chair of the Panel “North America”
National Defense Academy Vienna, December 14, 2005
Congress on “Tendenzen & Entwicklungen: Risikoanalyse & und
Katastrophenmanagement – der Faktor Mensch” (Risk Analysis and
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Management of Catastrophies: Tendencies and Developments: the
Human Dimension)
Speech on “Krisenmanagement und Europäische Union” (Crisis
Management and European Union)
Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz, Ausbildungszentrum (Austrian Red
Cross, Training Center), Vienna, December 8-10, 2005
Austrian Political Science Coce Association Conference 2005 on
“Transatlantic Discord: Combating Terrorism and Proliferation,
Preventing Crisis”
Participation in the Panel discussion on “Prevention”
December 1-2, 2005
November 2005
Participation in the Panel discussion on the book “Krieg an den
Rändern” (War at the Edges)
Austrian Institut for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, November 30,
International Conference on European Constitution and European
Lectures on “The Europena Union after the Failure of the Constitution”
and “European Union: Lessons Learned for East.Asia.”
Taipei, Taiwan, November 10-11, 2005
October 2005
Presentation of the book "European Security and Transatlantic
Relations after September 11 and the Iraq War" (ed. Ian
Cuthbertson/Heinz Gärtner), with Franz Vranitzky (Ex-Prime Minister),
Press Club Concordia, October 20, 2005
Conference on “Security and Energy”
Moderation und presentation of the Panel „Nonproliferation Initiatives“
US Embassy, Vienna, October 5-6, 2005
Participation in the Panel at the book presentation about “Gunther
Hauser/Franz Kernic (ed.), Handbuch Europäische Sicherheit (Reader
European Security)”
Concordia, Vienna, October 4, 2005
Participation and Co-Organizer of the seminar on “WASSENAAR
2005: Outreach to Industry”
Chair of the Panels
Co-organization: Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs,
Vienna, October 3, 2005
Lange Nacht der Forschung: Sicherheit – In einer Unsicheren Welt?
(Long Night of Research – Security in an Unsecure World)
Discussion of “Sprengstoff Welt” (Power Cag World) together with:
Walter Feichtinger and Thomas Pankratz (Ministry of Defense), Karin
Kneissl (free lancer), Moderation: Annette Scheiner, ORF (Austrian
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, October 1,
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Presentation of the book “LEXIKON: Definitionen zur Internationalen
Theorie und Sicherheit” (Dictionary: Definition to International Theory
and Security)
Vienna, October, 2005
September 2005
Participation in the workshop on “Sicherheitspolitische Strategien
gegen Political Violence Movements” (Security Strategies against
Political Violence Movements)
Organizer: Landesverteidigungsakademie/Institut für Friedenssicherung
und Konfliktmanagement,
Schloss Rothschild, Reichenau an der Rax, September 27-28, 2005
Participation in the Annual Conference of the European Union Institute
for Security Studies (ISS)
Paris, September 24-26, 2005
ECPR Meeting
Chair of the Panel “Differing US and European attitudes to the use of
Budapest, September 8-11, 2005
June 2005
Member of the Fulbright Commission Jury “International Relations”
Vienna June 13, 2005
Workshop on “EU – Latin America”
Introduction and Chair of the Panel “Common Security Interests: EU
and Latin America”
In cooperation with: the Univerity of Vienna, the Universidad Católica
in Santiago de Chile and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
National Defense Academy, Vienna, June 3, 2005
May 2005
Research Seminar at the OIIP
Presentation of the project “Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik der
USA” (Security and Defense Policy of the US)“
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, May 18,
April 2005
Lead discussant at the teach-in “Metaphor Vietnam” on the 30th
anniversary of the end of the war in Vietnam
April 25, 2005
Discussion with the participanats of the seminars and the excursion on
International Organisations (esp.OSCE) with Prof Kurt Tudyka
April 18, 2005
February/March 2005 Participation in the Ninth ETC Annual Security Policy Meeting
Speech on “Austrian Security Policy”
Defense Academy in Vienna, March 18, 2005
International Visitors Program at the University of New Haven (with
participation im programs of Yale and Hartford)
February/March 2005
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Conference and Lectures in die U.S.A:
March 7 - 9: Visit of the University of Stanford, lecture on „European
Security and Transatlantic Relations after the Elections in the U.S.“
March 1 - 6: organization and participation of two panels about the
book on "European Security and Transatlantic Relations after
September 11 and the Iraq War" (eds. Ian Cuthbertson/Heinz Gärtner)
at the annual Convention of the Internationale Studies Association
(ISA) in Honolulu.
Februar 15 - 27 (Connecticut): conferences, lectures and visits at the
University of New Haven, Yale, Hartford World Affairs Council and
other Colleges und Universities.
January 2005
„Massenvernichtungswaffen, Terrorismus und die OSZE (Weapons of
Mass Destruction, Terrrorism and the OSCE),“ on Castle
Schlaining/Austria, „Der Krieg der Armen? Der internationale
Terrorismus in der Neuen Weltordnung (The War of the Poor,
International Terrorism in the New World Order,“ Österreichisches
Studienzentrum für Frieden und Konfliktlösung (ÖSFK), January 2730, 2005.
2005 academic member of the Austrian delegation of the Wassenaar
arms control arrangement in the framework of the Austrian presidency.
December 2004
Participation in the round-table on “Die USA nach den
Präsidentschaftswahlen und die Zukunft der deutsch-amerikanischen
Beziehuntgen” (The US after the Presidential Elections and the Future
of the American-German Relations)
Organizer: Hanns Seidl Stiftung, Bildungszentrum Kloster Banz
December 9-10, 2005
November 2004
Discussion on “Die Wahlen in den USA” (U.S. Elections) with “Jungen
Generation der SPÖ” (young Social Democrats) together with Livia
Klingl, Kurier)
Vienna, November 11, 2004
Participation in the Panel discussion on “US-Elections and their Impact
on Europa?”
University Vienna, Institute for Political Science and Austrian Institute
for International Affairs, November 4, 2004
October 2004
Moderator of the presentation on “U.S. Security and Defense Policy:
Continuity of Change?” by Edwina S. Campbell
Organizer: The Embassy of the United States of America in cooperation
with The Austrian Institute for International Affairs
Amerika Haus, Vienna, October 28, 2004
Participation in the seminar on “The WASSENAAR Arrangement on
Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and
Vienna International Center, October 19, 2004
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Participation in the OSCE-Forum for Security Cooperation. Security
Dialogue: Weapons of Mass Destruction, Related Materials (CBRN)
and Terrorism”
October 13, 2004
September 2004
Participation in the “Conferérence anuelle: L’Union, acteur de sécurité
Institute for Security Studies, Paris, September 10, 2004
June 2004
Participation in the round-table on “Transatlantische Beziehungen”
(Transatlantic Relations)
Organizer: Hans-Seidel Stiftung
Wildbad Kreuth, June 30 – July 1, 2004
Participation in the Panel discussion on “The Challenge of Weapons of
Mass Destruction”
Diplomatic Academy Vienna, June 28, 2004
Consultant to the accreditation of the program of “Peace Studies” at the
University Hagen (Germany),
June 14-15, 2005
International Conference „Die USA als Weltmacht” (the USA as a
world power)
Lecture on “Politische und militärische Ressourcen und potentiale und
Evangelische Akademie Loccum, June 4-6, 2004
May 2004
Impulsreferat (lecture) on “Sicherheit. Ein Privileg ohne Garantie”
(Security. A privilege without guarantee) at “Salon Morgenrot“ (student
May 18, 2004
Lecture on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen und
Sicherheitskonzepte“ (IR Theory and Security Concepts) at the Class
for the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Austrian Defense Academy May 12-13, 2004
April 2004
Participation in the Panel on “Österreichische Sicherheitspolitik im
Internationalem Umfeld und Reform des österrreichischen Bundesheers
(Austrian Security Policy in the International Environment and Reform
of the Austrian Army) together with Brgd. Greindl and Alfred Lugert,
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, April 26,
Conference on “Asia-Europe Dialogue on Security: New Security
Challenges for Asia and Europe“
Participation in the Panel “Could international cooperation effectively
address new security threats and help to ensure stable comprehensive
Beijing, China, April 21-23, 2004
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
March 2004
International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference on
“Hegemony and its Discontents: Power, Ideology and Knowledge in the
Study and Practice of International Relations“
Paper on “European Security after September 11 and the Wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq” at the (funded by the U.S. Embassy in Vienna,
the Austrian Cultural Institute in New York, the Dr. Karl Renner
Institute in Vienna)
Montreal, March 17-20, 2004
February 2004
Participation in the Panel discussion “US National Defense University’s
Presentation of “European Defesense Policy and Austrian Neutrality”
February 23, 2004
Organisation of and participation in the workshop “European and
Transatlantic Security after September 11 and the War in Iraq“ Austrian
Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, February 19-21, 2004
Conference on “Dialogue among the neutral and non-aligned states in
Dublin, Ireland, February 16, 2004
December 2003
Conference on “Europäische Verfassung, Sicherheit und Neutralität
(European Constitution, Security and Neutrality)“
Participation in the Panel discussion on “Österreichs (militärische)
Rolle in der Welt” (Austria’s – military – role in the world)
Austrian Parliament, Vienna, December 4-5, 2003
November 2003
Participation in the seminar „Terrorism and Conflict“ of the Stockholm
International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
Vienna, November 11, 2003
Lectures for Adults at the program„University meets Public.“:
Lecture on „Die unverstandene Supermacht: USA (The misunderstood
Super Power)“
Volkshochschule Brigittenau, Vienna, November 10, 2003
Lecture on „Österreichische Sicherheitspolitik in der EU (Austrian
Security Policy)“
Volkshochschule Brigittenau, Vienna, November 6, 2003
Lecture on ”Internationale Organisationen in Wien“ (International
Organizations in Vienna) and “Österreichische Außen- und
Sicherheitspolitik“ (Austrian Foreign- and Defense Policy“ (together
with Otmar Höll)
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, November 5,
October 2003
Participation in several Videoconferences, organized by the Embassy of
the United States of America, Public Affairs Section, on US Foreign
Policy and the Iraq crisis since October 2003.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
drin lassen? Weiter oben steht auch etwas über Videokonferenzen.
August 2003
Speech to the American Fulbright Grantees 2003-2004
September 27, Vienna
Conference on “Domestic and International Security”
Introductory remarks
Organizers: Austrian Institute for International Affairs and Protestant
Academy Loccum, Germany
Vienna, September 14, 2003
June 2003
Briefing of a Nigerian delegation of politicians and high officials on
Austrian Foreign- and Security Policy (together with Otmar Hoell)
Austrian Institute for Foreign Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, June 3, 2003.
Symposium “U.S. – EU Security Issues”
Lecture on “Transatlantic Security Relations: Consequences for
Organizer: US Embassy,
Diplomatic Academy, Vienna, June 12, 2003
May 2003
International Symposium
Participation in the round table on “Transatlantic Differences“
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, May 22-24, 2003
Briefing of a class of students from Bonn (Germany) with Prof. Kurt
Tudyka on European Security and transatlantic relations
May 6, 2003
April 2003
Chair of the Panels of the Association of the Socialdemocratic
Academics on European Security and Neutrality
April 2, 2003
March 2003
One day seminar on “Die Außpolitik der USA in den letzten 30 Jahren”
(US Foreign Policy in the last 30 years) for collage teachers
Eisenstadt, March 26, 2003
Participation in the Panel discussion on “Krieg im Irak!” (War in
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, March 24,
Presentation of the bookseries “Internationale Sicherheit” (International
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, March 12,
Participation in the International Studies Association (ISA) Annual
Presentation of the paper on “NATO and EU: Transatlantic rift or
link?” in the panel on "Transatlantic relations: the security dimension
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
(funded by the U.S. Embassy in Vienna, the Austrian Cultural Institute
in New York and the Dr. Karl Renner Institute),
Portland, April 25 – March 1, 2003
February 2003
Info-session of “The Canadian Forces College – National Security
Studies Course 5,” on European Security, Austrian Defense and Iraq
crisis, Diplomatic Academy, Vienna, February 11, 2003
January 2003
State-of-Peace-Cnference 2003,Presentation of a manuscript on “USA
and the War against Terrorism” Peace Research Institute Schlaining,
Austria, January 30 – Feburary 2, 2003
Participation in the “international workshop on How will the Common
European Security and Defence Policy (CESDP) look like in 2020?”,
International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), London, January 1617, 2003
December 2002
youth-seminar of the JEF “Individual security – Aeuropean Issue?”
Presentation on “Collective Security Organisations in Europe and the
Vienna, December 20, 2002
Participation in the research seminar “Die Lage in Mitteleuropa aus
nordischer Sicht (Central Europe from a Nordic Perspective)”
Bureau for Security Policy, December 13, 2002
Seminar for collage teachers
Presentation on “Internationale Sicherheit nach dem 11. September”
(International Security after September 11)
Innsbruck, Igls, December 9, 2002
Chair of the seminar “Multilateral Security in Asia-Pacific,”
Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), Vienna, December 5,
November 2002
Participation in the Conference on „The New EU – The New NATO“,
Research Institute of the German Council on Foreign Relations,
November 26-29, 2002.
September 2002
Participation in the workshop of the Swiss Chief of Staff „Europäische
Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik (ESVP) – Szenarien (European
Security and Defense Policy (ESDP) –Scenarios)“, Bern, September 1920, 2002.
June 2002
Participation in the Workshop “U.S. European Relations After
September 11: European Politics and America’s ‘War on Terrorism’”
Discussant, Institute for International Studies and the Graduate School
of Business
Stanford University, June 21-22, 2002
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
March 2002
annual conference of the International Studies Association (ISA)
Paper on “EU-NATO Crisis management and division of labor”
Funded by the U.S. Embassy in Vienna, the Austrian Cultural Institute
in New York, Dr. Karl Renner Institute in Vienna
New Orleans, March 24-27, 2002
European Forum
Organisation of the workshop: “European security and defense policy:
toward comprehensive security?”
Presentation of the Paper “European Security before and after
September 11”
Stanford University, March 20-21, 2002
European Forum
Lecture on “NATO and European Security after the Terror Attacks”
Stanford University, November 6, 2001
October 2001
Speech in the Interdiciplinary Faculty seminar “European Security
Integration and the Transatlantic Link”
Harvard University, October 22, 2001
Conference in honor of the 25th anniversary of the visiting Austrian
professorship at Stanford, “The Transatlantic Agenda at the Start of the
21st Century”
Participation in the panel on “European Security Policy”
Stanford University, October 18-19, 2001
September 2001
Conference “Krieg und Frieden im Jahre 2041: Erkenntnis und
Perspektiven der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung” (War and Peace in
the year 2041)
Participation in the Panel “Perspektiven und Aufgaben der Friedensund Konfliktforschung?” (perspectives and tasks of peace- and conflict
Protestant Academie Arnoldshain, Germany, August 31 - September 2,
4th Pan-European International Relations Conference (Section: “War
after bipolarity: a post-nuclear era?”)
Presentation of the paper “EU/NATO crisis management and division
of labor”
Canterbury, U.K., September 8-10, 2001
June 2001
Participation in the conference “Friede im 21. Jahrhundert – eine
entwicklungspolitische Herausforderung? (Peace in the 21st century – a
challenge for development policy)“
Presentation on “Internationale Friedensarchitektur (International
Institut für Umwelt – Friede – Entwicklung (Institute for Environment –
Peace – Development?), Vienna, June 22, 2001
5th EU-Russia Forum for Foreign and Security Policy
Discussant on “European Security and Defense Policy”
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Vienna June 20-22, 2001
Participation in the OSCE-Seminar on military doctrins
June 11-13, 2001, Hofburg, Vienna
Participation in the conference „NATO-EU and Southeastern Europe:
Security, stability and prosperity issues for the early twenty-first
Presentation of “EU-NATO Cooperation on Crisis Management.”
Croatian Center of Stretegic Studies, Zagreb, June 8-9, 2001
Participation in the panel discussion “Zukunft der Geopolitik” (The
Future of Geopolitics), Diplomatische Akademie (Diplomatic
Vienna, June 5, 2001
Written Evidence on “Petersberg Tasks, Transatlantic Relations And
Division Of Labour”
House Of Lords, European Union Committee - Subcommittee
(Common Foreign And Security Policy), Vienna, June 2001.
Participant in the Commission for the venia docendi of the faculty on
social- and economy in Innsbruck zum Thema „Gewalt und Militär”
(Violence and Military)
University of Innsbruck, June 2001.
May 2001
Participation in the panel discussion “Europäische Sicherheitspolitik:
Mehr als eine Skizze?” (European Security Policy), together with Willy
Claes, former NATO-General Secretary und Belgium Foreign Minister
Dr. Karl Renner Institut, May 5, 2001.
Speech on “Green Fraction:” “Perspektiven österreichischer
Sicherheitspolitik” (Perspectives of the Austrian Security Policy)
Austrian Parliament, May 4, 2001.
“Opponent of the doctoral dissertation”
Department of Political Science, University of Turku, Finland, May,
April 2001
“Territorial and non-territorial arrangements”
Chair and Discussant of the workshop: Citizenship in Multicultural
States: Comparing Former Yugoslavia and Israel,
Austrian Institute for International Affairs, April 20-21, 2001
Presentation of the book “Europe’s New Security Challenges” (Lynne
Rienner: Boulder, 2001) together with one other editor, Erich Reiter
Austrian Institute for International Affairs, April 4, 2001.
March 2001
“European Security, the Transatlantic Link, Crisis Management”
Presentation at the George Marshall Center
Garmisch Partenkirchen, March 20, 2001
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
“The Renewal of the Transatlantic Partnership: The Responsibility of
the EU and the USA for Stability, Security and Peace in the World”
Participation in the panel “Is the Transatlantic Partnership in danger of
breaking apart?”
Protestant Academy Loccum in Cooperation with the Vesper Society
Hayward (California/USA), March 9-11, 2001.
February 2001
42nd Annual Convention: “International Relations and the New
Inequality: Power, Wealth. And the Transformation of Global Society
at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century”
Paper on “European Security, the Tranatlantic Link, and Crisis
Chicago, February 20-24, 2001.
Presentation of the project “Comprehensive Security”
Commisioned by the Ministry of Science
Austrian Institute for International Affairs, February 1, 2001.
January 2001
Participation in the “State of Peace”- Conference, Peace Researcher on
the year 2000
Paper on “Zivile und militärische Sicherheit” (Civilian and Military
Stadtschlaining, January 18-21, 2001.
December 2000
Young Citizens’ Perspectives after Nice-2000
Speech on “Nationalism: A danger for peace and democracy in
Europe,” Young European Federalists, Youth Exchange Seminar:
Developing European Democracy
Jugendgästehaus Brigittenau, Vienna, December 15, 2000.
October 2000
Participation in the panel discussion “Neutralität und Europäische
Sicherheit (Neutrality and European Security)”
Institut für Zeitgeschichte (Institute for Contempory History), Vienna,
October 24, 2000.
Participation in the Wilton-Parc Conference “European Security”
Wilton Park, UK, October 1-13, 2000.
May 2000
Participation in the conference “Agenda für den Frieden: Krisen- und
Gewaltprävention (Agenda for Peace: Prevention of Crisis and
Participion in the Panel discussion “Towards a Culture of Prevention:
Task and Recommendation”
Evangelische Akademie Loccum, May 17-19, 2000Report on “Recent developments in the Common European Policy on
Security and Defence.” for the Committee Office, House of Lords,
London, May, 2000.
March 2000
Roundtable on Kosovo at the “International Studies Association 41st
Annual Convention”
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Presentation of the paper “Crisis Management and Small States”
March 14-18, 2000.
Participation in the seminar “CFSP”
Speech on “Geschichte und Bedeutung der Gemeinsamen Außen- und
Sicherheitspolitik (GASP)” (History and Significance of the Common
Foreign and Security Policy of the EU (CFSP)
Academy for Public Administration, Vienna, March 2, 2000.
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Courses taught since 2000
Winter 2014
Core course on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen” (Theories
of IR) at the Vienna School of International Studies (Diplomatic
Research Seminar on “A Simulation: Negotiations on Iran’s and North
Korea’s nuclear weapons programs“ at the University of Vienna,
Department for Political Science
Vortrag I. „Demokratische Kontrolle in der Sicherheitspolitik, GLV,
Fortbildungsseminar 29. 8. und 30.8.2013, „Sicherheitspolitik, was geht
mich das an?“ Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur,
Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture, Bad
Summer 2014
Core course on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen” (Theories
of IR) at the Vienna School of International Studies (Diplomatic
Winter 2013/14
Seminar on “A Simulation: Negotiations on Iran’s and North Korea’s
nuclear weapons programs“ at the University of Vienna, Department for
Political Science
Summer 2013
Seminar on “Das politische System der USA” (The political system of
the USA) at the University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Master’s Thesis & Dissertation’s Seminar at the University of Vienna,
Department for Political Science
Winter 2012/13
Core course on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen” (Theories
of IR) at the Vienna School of International Studies (Diplomatic
Master’s Thesis & Dissertation’s Seminar at the University of Vienna,
Department for Political Science
Seminar on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen” (Theories of
IR) at the University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Summer 2012
Master’s Thesis & Dissertation’s Seminar at the University of Vienna,
Department for Political Science
Seminar on “The US Election Campaign – A Simulation” at the
University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Lecture on „Die US Politik gegenüber dem Iran” (The U.S. Policy on
Iran)” as a part of the “wehrpolitisches Seminar” at the Militärakademie
(Military Academy) in Wiener Neustadt, June 15, 2012.
Winter 2011/12
Seminar on “A Simulation: Negotiations on Iran’s and North Korea’s
nuclear weapons programs“ at the University of Vienna, Department for
Political Science
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Course on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen und
Sicherheitskonzepte”(IR Theories and security concepts) for the chiefs
of staff (19. Generalstabskurs) at the Landesverteidigungsakademie
(defense academy)
Core course on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen” (Theories
of IR) at the Vienna School of International Studies (Diplomatic
Master’s Thesis Seminar at the University of Vienna, Department for
Political Science
Seminar on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen” (Theories of
IR) at the University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Lecture on “Grundlagen der US Außenpolitik” (The Basic Principles of
US foreign policy) at the Donau-Universität Krems, Department for
European Integration and Economic Law.
Summer 2011
Seminar on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen” (Theories of
IR) at the University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Master’s Thesis & Dissertation’s Seminar at the University of Vienna,
Department for Political Science
Dissertation’s Seminar at the University of Vienna, Department for
Political Science
Lecture on "Rüstungskontrolle” (arms control) im Rahmen des
„International Relations at the Donau-Universität Krems, Department
for European Integration and Economic Law.
Winter 2011/2012
Elective Course on “Disarmament and Arms Control” at the European
Peace University - Private University (EPU)
Winter 2010/2011
Core Course on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen” (Theories
of IR) at the Vienna School of International Studies (Diplomatic
Winter 2010/2011
Seminar on “A Simulation: A Think Tank Debate on U.S. Foreign
Policy Issues” at the University of Vienna, Department for Political
Vortrag über die Zukunft der Obama Administration (lecture on the
future of the Obama Administration) (wehrpolitischen Seminar) at
Militärakademie (Military Academy) in Wiener Neustadt, November
22, 2010.
Summer 2010
Seminar on “A Simulation: Negotiations on Iran’s and North Korea’s
Nuclear Weapons Programs“ at the University of Vienna, Department
for Political Science
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Winter 2009/2010
Seminar on “A Simulation: Negotiations on Iran’s and North Korea’s
Nuclear Weapons Programs“ at the University of Vienna, Department
for Political Science
Core Course on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen” (Theories
of IR) at the Vienna School of International Studies (Diplomatic
Lecture on “Grundzüge der Außenpolitik der Vereinigten Staaten”
(U.S. Foreign Policy), International Relations III at the DonauUniversität Krems, Department for European Integration and Economic
Lecture on “Ein Jahr Obama - Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der
USA” (One Year Obama - U.S. Foreign and Security Policy) at the
University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Lecture on “Ein Jahr Obama - Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der
USA” (One Year Obama - U.S. Foreign and Security Policy) at the
Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt
Lecture on „Neuere Strategien der EU“ (newer strategies of the EU)
together with Otmar Höl, course for “Public Management“ at FH
Campus Wien.
Lecture on “USA – Russland – China – Japan. Die Großmachtpolitik
nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg“ (The politicy of the Great Powers after
World War II) (Fortbildungsveranstaltung für HistorikerInnen aus OÖ,
die an einer AHS unterrichten) on February 9, 2009.
Summer 2009
Seminar on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen” (Theories of
IR) at the University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Winter 2008/09
Lecture on “Internationaler Terrorismus” (International Terrorism) at
Donauuniversität Krems.
Several seminars for teachers and civil servants.
Lecture on “Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik des neuen USPräsidenten” (U.S. Foreign and Security Policy of the New President) at
the Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt
Lecture on “Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen” (Theories of
IR) at the Academy of National Defense
Lecture on “Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik des neuen US
Präsidenten” (Foreign and Security Policy of the next U.S. President) at
the University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Seminar on “Die Zukunft der Rüstungskontrolle” (The Future of Arms
Control) at the University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Lecture on “Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU“ at the
Vienna School of International Studies (Diplomatic Academy)
Summer 2008
Seminar on “Eine Simulation: Rüstungskontrolle” (A Simulation: Arms
Control) at the University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Lecture on „Internationale Sicherheit” (International Security)“ at
Landesverteidigunsakademie (Defense Academy)
Lecture on „Theories of International Relations“ at the International
University in Vienna
Lecture on “International Relations – Grundlagen des Terrorismus
(Basic Principles of Terrorism)” at Donau-Universität Krems, April 13,
Winter 2007/2008
Seminar on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen” (Theories of
IR) at the University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Seminar on “Eine Simulation: Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der
USA im Wahlkampf” (A Simulation: Foreign- and Security Policy in
the US Election Campaign) at the University of Vienna, Department for
Political Science
Summer 2007
Lecture on “Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der USA” (US Foreign and
Security Policy) at the University of Vienna, Department for Political
Winter 2006/2007
Seminar on “A Simulation: Der Atomkonflikt mit dem Iran“ (A
Simulation: The Nuclear Conflict with Iran) at the University of
Vienna, Department for Political Science
Summer 2006
Lecture on “Weltordnungsmodelle” (models of world order) at the
University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Winter 2005/2006
Seminar on “Massenvernichtungswaffen, Terrorismus und Diplomatie”
(WMD, terrorism and diplomacy) at the University of Vienna,
Department for Political Science
Guest lecture on “Die Rolle der US Streitkräfte” (The Role of the US
Armed Forces)“ in the frame of a cycle of the lecture
„Außereuropäische Geschichte: “Krieg und Militär zwischen
Geschichte und Politikwissenschaft“ at the University of Vienna,
Political Department
Panel discussion “Endete das ‘Atomzeitalter’ mit dem Kalten Krieg“
(nuclear weapons after the cold war) in the frame of a cycle of lectures
“Kulturgeschichte des Atomzeitalters“at the University of Vienna,
Department for Political Science
Summer 2005
Lecture on “Konzepte internationaler Sicherheit” (Concepts of
International Security) at the University of Vienna, Department for
Political Science
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Winter 2004/2005
Seminar on “Die US Präsidentenwahlen und die Außen- und
Sicherheitspolitik der USA” (US foreign and security policy) at the
University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Summer 2004
Seminar on „Sicherheitskonzepte” (concepts of security) at the
University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Lecture on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen und
Sicherheitskonzepte” (IR Theories and Concepts of Security) at the
Academy for National Defense
Winter 2003/2004
Seminar on “USA Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik” (The Security
Foreign and Security Policy of the USA) at the University of Vienna,
Department for Political Science
Winter 2002/2003
Seminar on “Internationale Sicherheit nach dem 11. September”
(security policy after 9/11) at the University of Vienna, Department for
Political Science
Seminar on “European Security from Cold War to September 2011” at
Stanford University, Department for Political Science
Summer 2001
Seminar on “Krieg II” (War II) at the University of Vienna, Department
for Political Science
Seminar on “Grundsätzliche und aktuelle Probleme der
Sicherheitspolitik” (security policy) at the University of Vienna,
Department for Political Science
Lecture on “Grundsätzliche und aktuelle Probleme der
Sicherheitspolitik” (security policy) at the University of Vienna,
Department for Political Science.
Master’s Thesis & Dissertation’s Seminar at the University of Vienna,
Department for Political Science
Lecture on “ Risikoanalyse” at Fachhochschule für Bank- und
Finanzwirtschaft des BFI Wien.
Winter 2000/2001
Seminar on “Krieg I” (War I) at the University of Vienna, Department
for Political Science.
Seminar on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen” (Theories of
IR) at the University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Seminar on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen” (Theories of
IR) at the University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Master’s Thesis & Dissertation’s Seminar at the University of Vienna,
Department for Political Science
Heinz Gärtner, Austria
Summer 2000
Lecture on “Grundsätzliche und aktuelle Probleme der
Sicherheitspolitik” (security policy) at the University of Vienna,
Department for Political Science
Seminar on “Kriege, Krisen und Bündnisse” (wars, crises, coalitions) at
the University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Seminar on “Ausgewählte Probleme der Sicherheitspolitik” (security
policy) at the University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Master’s Thesis & Dissertation’s Seminar at the University of Vienna,
Department for Political Science
Winter 1999/2000
Seminar on “Grundsätzliche und aktuelle Probleme der
Sicherheitspolitik” (security policy) at the University of Vienna,
Department for Political Science
Seminar on “Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen” (Theories of
IR) at the University of Vienna, Department for Political Science
Seminar on “Ausgewählte Texte aus den Theorien der Internationalen
Beziehungen (IR theories)“ at the University of Vienna, Department for
Political Science.
Master’s Thesis & Dissertation’s Seminar at the University of Vienna,
Department for Political Science