THE ppNA sITE oF KöRTix rnpn, DiyARBAKIR
THE ppNA sITE oF KöRTix rnpn, DiyARBAKIR
STRATTGRAPHY AND RADIOCARBON DATES OF THE ppNA sITE oF KöRTix rnpn, DiyARBAKIR Marion BENZ. Aytag CO$KUN Bernhard WENINGER Kurt W. ALT Vecihi Özx,tya Introduction Köfiik Tepe (37"48'51.90" N, 40o59'02.02"E) is the first early Holocene site of southeastern Turkey that has yielded 418 single and some double burials and 114 round architectural structures until 2009 1Özkaya 2009). The excavations led by Prof. Dr. Vecihi Özkaya of Dicle University, Diyarbakrr, are part of a large salvage program. They began in 2000 and have continued to the present (Özkaya2004:,özkaya and San 2007:özkaya and Coqkun 2007 Özkaya and Cogkun 2008). From July 20 to August 16 2009 we had the opporlunity to take part in these imporlant excavations and to collect archaeobotanical and anthropological samples.r In order to compare the ecological changes in the region with the development of Körtik Tepe social structure, it was first necessary to provide a reliable site chronology. With this aim in mind, four stratigraphic profiles were studied (Fig. 1). These include the two eastem profiles of Trenches A80 and A84, which are 6.40 m and 3 .20 m long, respectively. Trenches A80 and A84 were excavated down to -300 cm, with a deep sounding (.'lm') in TrenchA80 dug down to 5.25 m. Two additional smaller profiles were studied from Trench A61 and Trench A84. The Profiles of A80 and A84 provided samples for radiocarbon dating. Altogether 12 raC-ages have now been processed at the Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics of the ETH Zurich and in this report we present first results t oftheir stratigraphic analysis.2 Dr. Marion BENZ, Deparlment of Near Eastem Archaeology, Albert-Ludwigs-University, 79085 Freiburg/ GERMANY Arg. Gör. Aytag CO$KLfN, Dicle Üniversitesi. Edebiyat Fakültesi, Arkeoloji Bölümü, 21280 Diyarbakrr/ TURKIYE. Dr. Bemhard WENINGER, Institute of Prehistoric Archaeology, Radiocarbon Laboratory University of Köln/GERMANY. Prof. Dr. KuIl ALT, institute of Anthropology, Johannes-Gutenberg-University, 55099 Mainz/GERMANY Prof. Dr. Vecihi ÖZKAYA, Dicle Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Arkeoloji Bölümü, 21280 Diyarbakrr/ TÜRKiYE. I We are grateful to Vecihi Özkaya and his team for their cooperation and for their support. The description of the stratigraphy and the radiocarbon dates is part of a cooperative project between Kurt W. Alt, Institute of Anthropology (AG Al0, Mainz, and PD Dr. Simone Riehl and Dr. Katleen Deckers, Archaeobotany of the University ofTuebingen. We owe our thanks to the German Research Foundation for financial support. 2 The archaeobotanical and anthropological analyses will be described in later reports. 81 ca @ lf'€9€*3tätääE;icäääää äEäää äEäl€ IiäääEäiäEä{äiäl äEi-?; ;ä;Er |j; sg!igEIE#3F'ää.j,Jä I** Ej,Eä i;ä Iä;l:*ä Ei3 u::iä;iääääiE; j iä|ää ;a::; ä1ä äi= ääi ääff äFäl ääääriii iiE raäi i äii i ii l ä'; = i iiesäu* * Ei E € = :ä; i äi E är ä€. ; g * i ä ääsäärFggääi ä E:=ä; ä tE E$E & Eä8, äE 5 f E,:H;"rgü5xE N €Eä€Äis$5v i ;ä:_3 ä-E3t)E+iio.E..E;: E:*c :EiEEäEiää t til. 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(, l ä oöö5 i: lit u !! -=l ä Aa'.rmm \nS$\O : f !sp ! o9iö5 6 O !w t ";.' ir-i !5 nl!i or i9[! 9; !:ü: r! J6:Li a { E9X9 aTaJ a I E E Q*6 r a- = .ir€(, ^;>'üY tYA.?.d Evvv oo O. CalPal (version 2007) ---* C'alPal calibration curvc 2007 comtrindcd data of Seanle and Heidelberg Intcal04 calibration curv.e Körtik radiocarbon data 2009 Fig. 7: Wiggle marchin;, ,i'.ilf-l| ,:l0l'7 ciali da.tes oi'Kör1ik Tepe. Gaps have trr:ci.i avcragrd ;ir:riraiirrir ariri scparillc',liggle ntatching of Trenchcs A80 andA 84. ',', ,1';li .al\'i:; fr)r positioning of the dated santple:r on the Eall_"- Ho- ,, !11: according to stratigraplr; . ' i An averagc standarcl d,' r ;;i locene radiocarbon plr' :'-: rr I l:. f;ci;rr i:alcul::,ii:ci by h4or'to flat'lo statistics. 100