November 2012 - The Danish Club in Brisbane, Australia


November 2012 - The Danish Club in Brisbane, Australia
Den Danske Forening
November 2012
Austin Street on a warm Sunday morning
Photo: Aage Christoffersen
Viking amber and implements
Photo: Hanna Hervall
Our new ambassador interviewed by Briz 31
Jytte ready for the day
Photo: Hanna Hervall
Photo: Aage Christoffersen
Newsletter for the Danish Association Heimdal – Established 1872
Contact details: 0437 612 913
We would love to share your news and
stories. You are welcome to send emails
and other material to the editor for publication. The closing date for the December
issue is 15 November 2012. We reserve
the right to edit or not publish your contribution. Any material published does not
necessarily reflect the opinion of the Danish
Club or the Editor.
Editor: Lone Schmidt
Phone: 0437 612 913
Webmaster: Peter Wagner Hansen
Phone: 0423 756 394
From the Editor
shop for fresh supplies. The Danish club
sold almost everything we had, the
volunteers in the kitchen, bar, and stalls
worked hard to keep up and the visitors
waited patiently in long queues everywhere. Outside, on and off stage, the
folk dancers, KUPALEJA, the Swedish
dancers, Scandinavian Singers, Big H
again, Norwegian trolls, and even Hans
Christian Andersen kept the crowds
entertained. The raffle draw was almost
an anti-climax, and with the many
prizes it took time and lots of help from
patient children who drew the winning
And we’re planning on doing it all again
next year if we can get enough support
from government, council and corporate
sources: 8 September 2013 is the date
to note in your new calendar!
Merete all in red and white on the Info stall
– note the old Warana banner in the
Photo: Hanna Hervall
The Scandinavian Festival was a huge
success – although we’ll never know the
exact figure, it is estimated that 5,000
people visited Austin Street. There has
never been that much activity on a
Sunday morning from 5 am with crews
setting up marquees and equipment
almost in the dark. Stallholders and
volunteers then moved in to get ready
for business. It turned into a busy and
hot September day, with icing and ice
cream alike melting. The club house
with its air conditioning provided brief
relief from the heat and a cold beer.
And sentimental favourites from Big H –
I was humming old Kim Larsen tunes
the next couple of days. Some food
stalls sold out quickly and managed to
Carnie & Torben Kirkemann Nielsen,
Allan & Bettina Jensen, Redcliffe
Jesper Hansen & Helle Poulsen,
Burleigh Heads
Thomas & Hellene Berstad, Armidale
Jane & Kasper Jerlang, Teneriffe
Jannick & Donna Clausen, Mount Cotton
Hans Jensen & Helle Edelweiss,
Manly West
Henry Hunter & Ashley Harris, Ashgrove
Rune Christiansen, Ettalong Beach
Megan Lincez, Woolloongabba
Contact details for the Royal Danish
Consulate in Brisbane
Honorary Consul Lars Kirk
Suite 525, Level 5 Toowong Tower
9 Sherwood Road
Toowong QLD 4066
07 3374 3062
What’s on at the Danish Club?
Café Danmark
With Christmas stalls
26 October 2012
from 6 pm
Come visit the club and catch up with new and old friends. Try our tasty ‘smørrebrød’: the menu varies from time to time, but you’ll usually find ‘rullepølse’ (spicy
rolled pork), smoked salmon, roast beef, pate, roast pork and ‘Esrom’ cheese on the
menu. And hot dogs. The bar is stocked with fresh Tuborg and Carlsberg beer
varieties imported from Denmark just for us as well as your favourite Australian
brews. If you like a glass of wine with your food, we have a good variety of whites,
reds and sparkling on offer.
It’s also an opportunity to buy delicious Danish pastries, rye bread and other specialty
breads and organic biscuits direct from Britt’s Danish Delights. Tea offers smallgoods
and quality meats from Flemming, the Danish butcher at Woolloongabba, as well as
her own goodies including remoulade. It’s a good idea to order in advance and pick
up at the café.
Dinner Dance with the Swiss Club
27 October 2012
See their ad towards the end of the newsletter – it’s not too late to book
Legestue / Play Group Every Friday 9.30-11.30
Note Sunday meeting on 4 November 2012 at John Goss Reserve, Chermside West
Det Store Kolde Bord
10 November 2012
6 pm for 6.30 pm start
See the ad on the next page – make sure you book soon
Folkies Old & New Concert
17 November 2012
The people behind the ‘Folkrag’ is back with their 65th concert with artists donating
their services to support the ‘Folkrag’ magazine – see the ad later in the newsletter
18 November 2012
Café Danmark
With Christmas stalls
23 November 2012
from 6 pm
Swedes Down Under
Christmas market
25 November 2012
from 10 am – 3 pm
Christmas Party
8 December 2012
Santa Claus is coming to the Danish Club
Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK
4th Friday of each month
Authentic Danish Pastry & Organic Bread Products
Kringler, Smørtærter, Kanelstænger, Birkes, Rundstykker, Fuldkornsrugbrød,
Kransekagekonfekt, Småkager, Knækbrød og bagerens dårlige øje.
For information, order forms and delivery details, go to our website:
Unit 5/10 Energy Crescent, Molendinar QLD 4214
Ph: 07 5571 6881 Fax: 07 5571 6947
Saturday 10 November 2012
6.00 pm for 6.30 pm start
Photo: Aage Christoffersen
Delicious and mouth-watering - a feast of food awaits you with many traditional
favourites on the menu including pickled herring, smoked salmon, fish wedges with
remoulade, roast pork with red cabbage, leverpostej, roast beef, rullepølse, cheese –
it’s going to be difficult to taste everything. Invite your friends and family along to
sample the delights of a Danish Smorgasbord at the Danish Club. There’s genuine
Tuborg and Carlsberg beer available from the bar – and snaps.
Price: $40 for members and $45 for guests (children under 14 $20/$22.50)
Scott Sinclair is back at Heimdal to entertain us with his unique blend of favourite
tunes, giving you an opportunity to enjoy a dance or two.
All tickets must be booked and pre-paid by Tuesday 6 November 2012. Email Lone
Schmidt at or ring 0437 612 913 to book.
Payment by EFT to Suncorp BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468
Payment details: 10Nov12, your name and membership number
Or send a cheque to the treasurer:
Lone Schmidt
24 Ashley Road
Chermside West QLD 4032
Søndag 18. november 2012 kl 10-15
Der er fuld gang i ovnen, når børnene (og andre, der måske ikke har bagt i mange år) går i
gang med at lave skønne danske julesmåkager. Hvadenten det er vanillekranse, finsk brød,
rutebiler eller nissefigurer, det kommer til at smage rigtig lækkert.
Kom igang med julepynten sammen med børnene, der skal klippes og klistres stjerner og
julehjerter eller fantasidyr til at komme på juletræet. Sidste år lavede Magnus et utroligt
flot og meget australsk julehjerte med en koala – lad os nu se, om han kan gøre det igen i år.
Vi har også lavet appelsiner med nelliker og flotte sløjfer og forgyldte grankogler.
Kan I huske det flotte juletræ sidste år? Det skal pyntes igen fra top til fod og være klar
til julefesterne i november og december for den svenske, den norske og schweiziske klub,
inden det bliver vores egen tur 8. december 2012. Julemanden kommer kun, hvis træet
Tilmelding og praktiske detaljer
Alle juleaktiviteterne er gratis. Tilmelding til Lone Schmidt på 0437 612 913 eller
Baren sælger juice og sodavand, kaffe og te og mon ikke vi kan klare hot dogs eller en
ostemad til sultne forældre.
New Committee Following the AGM,
the new committee met for the first
time with Merete Gorry as new
secretary and Kim Tvede will take a
year off. Otherwise no changes.
be the club’s last event of the year
before the summer break.
We have a fresh shipment of beer,
snaps and liquorice ready for sale.
Events The kitchen, bar and stalls
yielded a combined festival result of
approx. $10,000 and we gained two
new members on the day. It was hard
work for the committee members over
a prolonged period, but a valuable
contribution to the club. The festival
costs themselves were covered by
government and council grants, stall
fees, stallholder contributions and the
profit from the raffle, with no additional
costs to be covered by the three clubs.
The calendar for the Christmas season
was discussed, we’re going to be busy
although not planning a Christmas
market this year. The October and
November Café Danmark will have
Christmas stalls as usual, although
there was some concern about fitting it
all in with the new tables. We may hire
plastic chairs for the outside area. The
Juletræsfest on 8 December 2012 will
Donation The committee agreed to
donate funding for a new flag for the
Folk Dancers (approx. $300).
New equipment and maintenance
New roof appears to have lowered the
inside temperature at the club house by
a couple of degrees, will be interesting
to see if this is reflected in our power
bill. We have an application in for
funding of a solar system and are still
awaiting the outcome. Alan has
painted the back exterior wall ‘crocodile’
(a dark mossy colour), our neighbours
were keen not to have a white wall
again reflecting in the sunlight.
Money The accounts show a loss of
approx. $45,000 after payment of the
new roof.
Membership Many new members in
the past three months, wonderful, but
still missing membership fees from
about 35 old members.
Danes Abroad Business Group Online (DABGO) – Brisbane joining the world wide network
The DABGO network has for several years provided a regular monthly meeting place for Danes working
abroad with their popular Stambord arrangement.
The monthly meeting is always the first Wednesday of the month and the venue usually at a bar/hotel and the
format is informal – it is simply a meeting place for Danes working abroad to meet up with other Danes and
have a chat over a beer or two.
Assuming that we are accepted into the network we will host our first DABGO meeting at The Danish Club on
Wednesday 7 November at 6 PM.
Check the website for updates.
Scandinavian Festival
23 September 2012
We worked hard to spread the word about the festival to attract a good number of
visitors in addition to all the Scandinavians – and it worked!
Based on a head count at set intervals, the estimate is that between 5,000 and 6,000
visitors attended the festival, which far exceeded our expectations. It was great to see
many members of the clubs as well as a large number of people just interested in
seeing and tasting all things Scandinavian.
We were very fortunate to have our new Danish Ambassador, Børge Petersen join us
with his wife Jytte as well as our local Danish Consul Lars Kirk and his wife Dorte,
and I would like to thank them for attending the event and helping to open the festival.
Our local MP – Robert Cavallucci – assistant minister for Multicultural Affairs Queensland attended on behalf of
our 2 main sponsors, Brisbane City Council and Queensland Government and officially opened the festival.
This followed a spectacular kick-off by our Danish Folk Dancing Group showing off their great costumes and
their dancing skills with Tom Larsen sharing his knowledge about folk dancing with the public – great stuff.
Kurt Christensen was our MC for the day and ran a very busy and varied program including traditional
Scandinavian folk music and accordion, dancing Norwegian trolls, Swedish Maypole Dancing, The Scandinavian
Choir and Big H belting out a number of contemporary Danish hits.
One of our themes was Hans Christian Andersen and I’m sure nobody recognised Kurt as
he presented the sketch of ‘The Princess and the Pea’ with a real princess and prince and
royal couple – and a heap of mattresses, of course – plus a pea.
The clubs had prepared food which was sold at the food stalls and we had a great selection
of savoury and sweet with our Danish baker offering amongst other cinnamon snails, the
Norwegian waffles, the Swedish smörgåstorta and meatballs, and the Danish club had
prepared roast pork sandwiches (flæskestegssandwich) with red cabbage and crispy crackling, hot dogs – of course
– and ice creams cones from Copenhagen Ice Cream.
In addition, the Heimdal smørrebrødsteam worked like mad to keep up with the demand for smørrebrød and lost
count of number of smørrebrød, it was a huge effort – well done!
The bar was no less busy – at some stage we just carried in cartons of cold beer, placed on the bar and sold
straight out of the box – all the Tuborg we had chilled went and although we didn’t sell out, we were down to the
last cartons.
The market stalls were all interesting and good quality and we had everything from Danish vintage furniture,
books, paintings, children’s clothing
and accessories, jewellery, goodies, a
LEGO playcentre and LEGO
jewellery, photography, chiropractor –
and more.
We also had representatives from
is about to become an Olympic sport,
matches with public participation to
Floorball Queensland and as floorball
they kindly ran a number of display
show how much fun the game is.
Also a traditional Scandinavian sport,
information booth, and both clubs
quite a bit of interest.
handball had activities and an
gained new members and generated
At 3 PM we started the draw of our monster raffle – we had over 60 prizes valued at $11,000 – and thanks to
generous donations we were able to raise the additional funding required to host the Scandinavian Festival.
We would like to thank all our sponsors listed below for their kind contributions but also a big thank you to all
members who supported the event by buying the raffle tickets and attending on the day.
The feedback we have received has been fantastic – everybody had a great day and enjoyed themselves, and I
would like to send a huge thanks to all the volunteers for the day – without you, it would not have been possible –
we need a lot of hands on such a day, and if you didn’t participate this year, be sure to join next year’s festival –
yes, all Scandinavian clubs have agreed to repeat the festival – subject to funding, of course – Sunday 8
September 2013.
The biggest thank you of all goes to your hard working festival committee, who attended weekly meetings to
prepare the event in the months leading up to the festival plus worked like mad on the day to keep up.
Thanks to our sponsors who provided funding, raffle prizes and lots of help
Queensland Government – Multicultural Affairs Queensland
Brisbane City Council – Lord Mayor’s Suburban Initiative Fund
Councillor David McLachlan
dansk vintage, Tangalooma Island Resort, Pandora, Nilfisk, Norwex, Scanpan, Underwear of Sweden, Biggan
Design Yarn, Name Your Dummy, Pixmie Kids, Hitman (Donna & Niels Ross-Teigan), Dr Howard Cameron,
Teneriffe Chiropractice, Bricks-n-Fun, Swedish Goodies, Stockholm Syndrome Café, Britt’s Organic, Arla Foods,
Le Klint, Entice Me, Brandi Projects, Republic of Fritz Hansen, Maersk,
Thanks to our volunteers and committee members who worked tirelessly throughout the day
Karen Skou, Riborg Andersen, Anja Christoffersen, hot dog expertFlemming Brinkmann, Ron our ice cream
hero, Nuuni Heilmann, Karsten Pedersen (the kitchen team agreed: he was awesome!), Hannah (and it was her
birthday), Merete Gorry, Iben Giessing Lund, Emma Schmidt, Birte Schmidt, Aase Brodersen, Andy Brodersen,
Andy Johansen, Jytte Poulsen, Henning Poulsen, Leeanne Schmidt, Chloe Schmidt, Jørgen Skov, Therese
Christiansen, Michael Schmidt, special thanks to Aage Christoffersen and Hanna Hervall for photos, Sigrid
Madsen (the æbleskive queen), Peter Hansen, Alan Przybylak, Lise Kopittke, Kirsten Kopittke, Glenda
Livingstone, Lone Keast, Michael Keast, Kate Telfer, Melissa Telfer, Camilla Westhausen, Lea, Eliot Rifkin,
Geoff Madden, Sine Madden, Jennifer Nielsen, young Miss Nielsen, Karel Baum, Preben Nielsen, Eilan Nielsen,
Natalie Taylor, all the folk dancers: Esmee, Lis, Tom , Kurt, Pat, Jytte, Carol, Jim, Jan, Birthe, Hans Jürgen,
Gudrun, Merete, Allan, John, Marilyn, Elizabeth, Bill, Jennifer, Jan, Lennart, Jan and many more who pitched
in on the day to help
Text: Soren Hoimark Photos: Aage Christoffersen and Hanna Hervall
We can advise on freight Australia wide!
0411 297 236
Study & Stay in Australia?
Your door to the best in Australian Education & Training….
We are Danes, with a strong background in both Danish and Australian education & training.
Though we work with people from any country, we run some especially exciting programs
between Denmark and Australia, including:
 Guiding would-be migrants to courses for recognition in 60-Point occupations
 Assisting students enter the very best course, school/college/university for their needs
 Study Tours – customised to meet the particular needs of the Danish
 Semester Study Abroad – individuals or classes come to undertake one semester of
study, and get credit back into their secondary school/undergraduate programs in
 Placing students into workplaces in Australia for Occupational Training, which is part
of their studies in Denmark
 Consulting services for Danish institutions wishing to establish links with Australian
We’d be delighted to assist you in any of these areas. Please do not hesitate to contact us:
Riborg Andersen
Phone 07 3852 5511
Saga Vikings invite you to a BYO picnic at their grounds in Petrie, on
Saturday 3rd November 2012
between 11am and 4pm
Come along and admire the almost finished Long House complete with slab tables & benches.
Watch the blacksmith as he demonstrates his craft making crude jewellery out of 4 inch nails,
safety pins out of tent pegs or knives of reinforced steel. See for yourselves, how the Vikings
cooked their meals over an Open Fire. The craft of creating something from one piece of
leather---shoes---will amaze you.
For the more athletic folks, there are sack races or tug of war to test your endurance. People
can also try their skill at archery. This will be a fun day for all so come along to Byrnes Road,
Petrie and be part of this exciting day. BYO Picnic. Tea, Coffee and bottled water available.
For further information please contact: Flemming Brinkmann 07 54631760 -0407 064825
Viking Fare (from the Scandinavian Festival)
Photo by Hanna Hervall
Property services from Sunshine Coast to Brisbane
Gardening / Mowing
Rubbish removal, Outdoor cleaning
Henning Jorgensen
0403 988 103
25 October – Iben Giessing Lund
11 November – Harly Pedersen
Do you need any beer, snaps or other Danish or Scandinavian classics? We
can help you source it.
Price list
Tuborg Green 24x33 cl (bottles)
Tuborg Classic 24x33cl (cans)
Tuborg Gold 24x33 cl (cans)
Carlsberg 24x33 cl (bottles)
Carlsberg Black Gold 24x33 cl (cans)
$ 50
$ 50
$ 60
$ 55
$ 60
Jubilæum 100 cl
Jubilæum 70 cl
Taffel (Rød Aalborg)100 cl
Taffel (Rød Aalborg) 70 cl
Aalborg Porse 70 cl
Brøndum 100 cl
Brøndum 70 cl
Lysholm Linie Akvavit 100 cl
O P Anderson Akvavit 100 cl
$ 70
$ 55
$ 70
$ 50
$ 50
$ 65
$ 50
$ 75
$ 65
Gammel Dansk 100 cl
En Enkelt Bitter 100 cl
Dr Nielsens Bitter 70 cl
Blue Gajol Original 100 cl
$ 65
$ 70
$ 50
$ 55
How to order and pay:
By email
By phone 0437 612 913
Payment by EFT to Heimdal’s account at Suncorp
BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468
Now we have also sourced fresh supplies of Danish favourites, including ‘Matador Mix’,
‘Toms Bridge Blanding’ ‘Click Mix’, ‘Skipper Mix’, ‘Super Piratos’, Lakridsskilte, Poletter, GaJol, ‘Salmiakki Mix’, ‘Turkish Pepper’ ‘Fazer Mints’ and Evers ‘Kongen af Danmark’. Buy
them at the next café.
What’s on SBS (from Zanne Mallett and SBS)
Monday 22 October 2012 8:30 pm Drama series Lulu - The Bankrobber's Wife - When her
boyfriend Leon is thrown in jail on their wedding day, Lulu is forced to deal with a criminal
underworld she knows very little about. Now that Lon is out of jail, the airport heist is set in motion.
But with Lulu and Leon busy carrying it out, Isa is vulnerable to the machinations of the evil
Patrick. Stars Lene Maria Christensen, Lars Brygmann and Nicole Johansen. (From Denmark, in
Danish M (V,L)
Wednesday 24 October 2012 8:30 pm Crime series The Bridge - After many suspicions and one
witness statement, Saga and Martin arrest and question a fellow officer. He turns out to have an
alibi for all the crimes, but is he really innocent? The murderer is finished now, having succeeded
in doing what he set out to do - to open people's eyes to the problems of society. Saga, however,
believes that this is not the end of his plan and that there is more to come. Stars Kim Bodnia and
Sofia Helin. (From Denmark, in Danish and Swedish) M (A,V)
Friday 26 October 2012 12:55 am Film: Kurt Wallander: The Brothers - Military exercises in
Ystad make solving the case of five murdered people very difficult. To make things worse, when a
couple is found tortured and murdered, Kurt realises the woman was a school friend and the first
girl he had ever kissed. Directed by Jorn Faurschou and stars Krister Henriksson, Johanna
Sallstrom and Ola Rapace. (From Sweden, in Swedish) (Crime) (2005) (Rpt) MA (V,A)
Monday 29 October 2012 8:30 pm Drama series Lulu - The Bankrobber's Wife - In the thrilling
conclusion to the series, Leon and Lulu trick Patrick, but he then takes Jonathan hostage,
demanding the loot from the airport heist. Unexpected help comes from Leon's half-brother Ken,
but unfortunately, he's not the sharpest tool in the box. Stars Lene Maria Christensen, Lars
Brygmann and Nicole Johansen. (From Denmark, in Danish)
Monday 29 October 2012 1:00 pm Film: Heaven's Heart - A thought-provoking and powerful tale
of infidelity and its social impact. A casual dinner conversation between two couples ends in
marital upheaval when the subject of adultery is raised. Directed by Danish director Simon Staho
and stars Lena Endre, Jakob Eklund and Maria Lundqvist. (From Sweden, in Swedish) (Drama)
(2008) (Rpt) M (A,L)
Wednesday 31 October 2012 8:30 pm Crime series The Bridge Gradually all the pieces to the
complicated puzzle are put in place - the clues and evidence in the investigation have led the
police to a man who could be the murderer. Now they wait tensely for his next move, which for
Martin, who has finally managed to become reconciled with his son August, will turn out to be
more personal than he ever could have imagined. Stars Kim Bodnia and Sofia Helin. (From
Denmark, in Danish and Swedish) M (A,V,L)
Thursday 1 November 2012 12:05 am Film: Flame and Citron - The true story of two infamous
World War Two resistance fighters, brilliantly presented by director Ole Christian Madsen. During
the Nazi occupation, Flame and Citron are assassins in the Danish resistance and target important
officials of the Third Reich. However, the game changes when the pair discover that their powerful
boss may be using them to settle his own personal scores. Winner of five Danish Robert Awards
in 2009. Stars Thure Lindhardt, Mads Mikkelsen and Stine Stengade. (From Denmark, in Danish
and German) (Drama) (2008) MAV (V)
Friday 2 November 2012 1:10 am Film: Kurt Wallander: The Overdose - While trying to solve a
missing-person case, the team stumbles across a far more sinister child-prostitution racket.
Meanwhile, Kurt is tested for prostate cancer. Directed by Stephan Apelgren and stars Krister
Henriksson, Johanna Sallstrom and Ola Rapace. (From Sweden, in Swedish) (Crime) (2005) (Rpt)
M (D,V,A)
Friday 9 November 2012 1:20 am Film: Kurt Wallander: The Village Idiot - Goran, the village
idiot, robs a bank then blows himself up. When investigations get under way, more sinister
activities are revealed involving a doctor who works in the Ystad Hospital. Directed by Kjell-Ake
Andersson and Jorn Faurschou, and stars Krister Henriksson and Johanna Sallstrom. (From
Sweden, in Swedish) (Crime) (2005) (Rpt) M (V,A)
There are still some 35 members who
haven’t renewed their membership for
2012/13 yet. We hope to hear from you
soon. Membership fees are unchanged
($60 for family, $40 for individual) and
may be paid into the club’s account with
Suncorp BSB 484-799 Account number
02495 1468.
Stambord is an initiative by Danes Abroad
(DABGO) – see earlier in the newsletter.
The club plans to host the first Stambord in
Brisbane on Wednesday 7 November from
6 pm (check website for changes).
Alan has now also painted the exterior
back wall of the club house and repainted
the courtyard after the festival – it’s
looking good.
The playgroup invites young families to join
them for a BYO picnic at John Goss
Reserve, Maundrell Terrace, Chermside
West on Sunday 4 November from 9.30 am
– ring Tina on 0403 838 663 to hear more
or check out for
details on the playground.
The church’s annual Christmas bazaar
will be held on Saturday 17 November
2012 – check their website for details.
Danes Worldwide
Steen Selmer is the local representative for
Danes Worldwide – contact him via
Look out for the Danish series ‘Broen’ (the
Bridge) on SBS 2 on Wednesdays.
Spectacular! It’s already available on DVD.
Christmas stalls are coming to Café
Danmark in October and November – check
out Hanne and Kirsten’s Christmas
decorations and pearl works from Bead
Bake at approx 175 degrees for approx 6 mins
1/2 kg plain flour
400g butter
300g icing sugar
1 egg
1 vanilla pod
1/2kg plain flour
125g butter
200g brown sugar
1 egg
2teasp bicarb soda
175g syrup
Beat butter & sugar, add egg and vanilla
1g cardamom
Mix flour to a dough & leave for 1hr to cool
2g cinnamon
Put through mixer on star shape
Cloves & ginger
Cut into approx 8cm lengths & make circles
Slivered almonds
Bake at 200 degrees for approx 8 mins
2 egg whites
500g Icing sugar
1tblesp vinegar
25g cocoa
Mix all ingredients together
Put through mincer at selected shape
Cut into approx 4cm lengths
Heat butter, sugar & syrup until melted
Dissolve bicarb soda in a small amount of water
Mix all ingredients together to form a dough
Leave to cool for a few hours
Roll out flat with a rolling pin and cut out in circles,
apply an almond to each one.
Bake at 175 degrees for approx 6 mins
Careful not to burn – needs to be watched
Thanks to Gudrun Tvede and
Lise Kopittke for the recipes
Dinner Dance
Come and join us for our famous Dinner Dance. This event is open to
members & public. Invite your friends to come along for an evening of
great food, music and dance.
When: Saturday, 27 October 2012
6.30pm till late
Where: Danish Club House, 36 Austin Street, Newstead
Program for the night: Pre- dinner nibbles
3 course dinner cooked by Swiss Chef Jakob
Live Music by Horizon; Marc and Allan
Lucky Door Prize and Raffle
Cost: Members $32.00 - Non-Members $37.00
Pre-paid Reservations only!
EFT Direct Bank payment to: Westpac: BSB 034002 - Acc 708120
Don’t forget to include the name of your party or number in the
description, so we can identify your payment.
Booking is not confirmed until money is received!
Please book by 16 October 2012 - Please do not sent cash!
R.S.V.P: By mail to: Ruth Milwright, 34 Stirling Street,
Strathpine, Qld 4500
Phone: Ruth Milwright - 07 3205 4172 or 0414 705 255
Phone: Rita von Rotz - 07 3314 8344