Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on - unesdoc
Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on - unesdoc
L UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION c . PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGIONAL . WORKSHOP aGROUND WATER AND SOIL SALINITY RELATED DAMAGE TO THE MONUMENTS AND SITES IN CENTRAL ASIAI) Samarkand/Bukbara, 14-18June, Uzbekistan 2000 . . UNESCO Tashkent National Commission Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan for UNESCO The proceedings was published with financial assistance of UNESCO. The ideas and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of UNESCO. The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout the publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning its frontiers or boundaries. Editorial Board: Mr. Barry Lane (Head of UNESCO Tashkent OfZce), Mr. J.Bogardi (Water Science Division, Science Sector, UNESCO Secretariat), ML Botir Usmanov (Director of the Department for Monuments Protection of the Ministry of Cu/tura/ Affairs of Uzbekistan), Mr. Alish er fkramo v (Secretary - General, Na tiona/ Commissior, Uzbekistan for UNESCO), Mr. Tut’kun Sbamsbarov (Printing of World Economy and Dipiomacy), House of of the Tashk-ent University Ms. Elena Cbemufova (Culture Department of the National Commission of the Republic of Uzbekis tan for UNESCO). Mr. Sba vka t Ocbilov (UNESCO Chair of Preservation and management of Historica/ Centres at the Samarkand Architectural Construction Institute), Mr. Farrub /nogomov (Culture Department Commission of Uzbekistan for UNESCO), Mr. Murod Sbamsbarov (Pnnting of World Economy and Diplomacy). @ UNESCO, of the National House of the Tashkent University 2000. @ National Commission Tashkent. 2000. and of the Republic of Uzbekistan for UNESCO, . CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION If GOALS AND OBJECTIVES III. PARTICIPANTS . IV. OPENING CEREMONY . V. ORGANIZATION OF THE WORKSHOP VI. AGENDA VII. ADOPTION OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND CLOSING CEREMONY ANNEX I: FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS ANNEX II: PROGRAMME ANNEX 111:LIST OF PARTICIPANTS l ANNEX IV: PRESENTATIONS OF REGIONAL EXPERTS BoIat Aubekerov (Kazakhstan) 1. . Hydro-Geological Conditions and Historical Monuments of the Arid Zone of Kazakhstan 2. Ludmila Dubrovskaya and ArchaeoIogical (Kazakhstan) The Problems of Protection of Khoaa Akhmad Xl V from Ground Water Refa ted Damage 3. Yassavi Khanaka of Vladimir Kalinin (Kyrgyz Republic) Ground Water and Soil Safinity Related Damage to the Monuments and Sites in Kyrgyz Republic 4. Vladimir Matichenkov Hydro - Geological Situation of Kyrgyz Republic . 5. Aspects 6. Akmal Akhmedov of Anthropogenic Ali,jon Abdullayev (Kyrgyz Republic) within Zones of Historical Monuments (Tajikistan) Affect to the Ground Waters in Tajikistan (Tajiikistan) Ground Water and Soil Salinity Related Damage and Sites in Tajikistan (Kabadian Valley) to the Monuments 7. Abduvali Khudobergenov (Uzbekistan) Influence of Ground Water to the State of Historical and Architecturai Monuments and Problems of their Protection in Uzbekistan s 3 . .-. 8. Larisa Kourduk (Uzbekistan) Ground Water and Soil Salinity Related Damage Monuments and Sites in Uzbekistan to the Rustam Niyazov (Uzbekistan) 9. Changing of Ground Water Level and Contemporary Deformations of Ancient ArchitecturaI Monuments of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva 10. PossibXties Monuments 11. Shavkat Abdullayev, of Geophysical M. Akhmedov, Natural and Technogen Uzbekis tan 12. Rakhim Tursunmetov Measurements in Studying (Uzbekistan) of Historicaf Yakubov (Uzbekistan) Affects on Historical Monuments of F. Kadirov (Uzbekistan) Protective Measurements to Deal with Settlement of Foundations of Historical Monuments in Conditions of FIooding by Ground Waters PRESENTATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS Robert Myers (United Kingdom) 1. Salt Damage to Important ls/amic Monuments 2. Preliminary Bukhara 5. Experiences Monuments: 6. Related Damage to the Monuments Rinat Iskhakov (World Bank) Related Activities 4. and Khiva Roger Capps (United Kingdom) Ground Water and SoiI Salinity and Sites in Central Asia 3. at Bukhara of the World Bank in Uzbekistan Janusz Niemscynowicz Report from Study Mario Biritognolo (Sweden) I/ist in Khiva, Samarkand and (Italy) in Ground Water Related Problems Affecting the the cases of Tila Kari Mosque and Tower of Pisa Pave1 Blaha (Czech Republic) Joint Czech - Uzbek Projects 7. Gert Karwath (Germany) The Efectro-Physical Stone Strut tures Method for the.Dehydration 4 of Threatened 1. INTRODUCTION The Regional Workshop “Ground Water and Soil Salinity Related Damage to the Monuments and Sites in Central Asia” was held in Samarkand (Uzbekistan) from 14 to 18 June 2000. The Workshop was organized by UNESCO in close collaboration with the National Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for UNESCO, UNESCO Office in Tashkent, Ministry of Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and UNESCO Chair on Preservation and Management of Historical Centers at the Samarkand State Architecture and Construction Institute (SAMGASI). II. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the Workshop were: (I) to organize a forum on discussion of tasks and problems on conservation and preservation of historical monuments of Central Asian region from negative effects of soil salinity and ground waters; (II) to discuss the results of practical measures undertaken in present days; (Ill) to exchange the experience in the field of conservation and restoration of historical and cultural monuments; (IV) to consider the possibility of establishment of a regional network for coordination of activities focused on conservation and preservation of historical monuments of the region from negative influence of soil salinity and ground waters. III. PARTICIPANTS Twenty participants (international, regional and local experts) from nine countries and ten observers (experts and government officials) attended the Workshop. Upon arrival, participants received background information, agenda and programme. IV. OPENING CEREMONY 1. The Workshop was opened by Mr. Pulat Abdurakhmonov, Mayor of Samarkand city, who welcomed international participants, UNESCO representatives, experts and specialists. He noted that Workshop was held in historical famous city with its unique ancient architectural monuments and expressed an appreciation to all participants and UNESCO for the interest in preservation and conservation of Central Asian monuments from soil salinity and ground water related damage. Mr. Abdurakhmonov wished a success to the Workshop and expressed his believe for fruitful results. 2. Mr. Barry Lane, Head of UNESCO Tashkent Office welcomed participants of the Workshop on behalf of UNESCO Director General, Mr. Koichiro Matsuura. He noted that the availability of water in the desert areas of Central Asia was an essential condition for the development of the ancient cultures of the Aral Sea Basin. The prosperity of cities such as Samarkand and Bukhara depended on the fertile irrigated land of the oases between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers, and tens of thousands of historic sites are testimonies to the high cultures which evolved along these life-giving-rivers. The survival of the historic cities and archaeo5 logical sites of Central Asia to the present day is due to the dedicated efforts of the restorers and craftsmen of the region. They are among the region’s main cultural tourism assets. However, this valuable heritage is now being endangered by a variety of unprecedented environmental impacts, many of which are directly related to water and poor water management. The water supply and sanitation infrastructure in historic cities is in poor condition and hardly meets the requirements of most residents today. The bad condition or absence of water infrastructure contributes to the deterioration of the historic monuments themselves through rising groundwater tables and excessive soil moisture caused partly by leaking pipes and bad condition of drainage and sewage systems. In many cases old surface-water drainage systems no longer function. Significant improvements are required to provide adequate living conditions both for residents and for the large numbers of tourists expected in the future. The principal aims of the symposium are to exchange international experience on new approaches to the protection of historical monuments from the negative effects of groundwater and soil salinity, to propose recommendations and practical measures to solve the problems, and to discuss perspectives for regional and international cooperation. Its Final Recommendations will be addressed to the Governments of Central Asian countries, as well as to the Director-General of UNESCO. The fact that the symposium is being held in Samarkand and Bukhara will give an opportunity to examine the water-related problems of conservation of historic buildings at first hand. In conclusion Mr. Barry Lane thanked the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan, the Samarkand UNESCO Chair on Preservation and Management of Historic Centers, and the National Commission of Uzbekistan for UNESCO for their work in organizing this Workshop. He also wished all of the participants a fruitful and very practical outcome to discussions. 3. Mr. Botir Usmanov, Head of Principal Department on Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, addressed to the Workshop on behalf of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and thanked all the participants, UNESCO, National Commission of Uzbekistan for UNESCO for participation and organization of the above mentioned Workshop. He underlined the success of “Blue of Samarkand” International Symposium, organized by UNESCO, which was also held in Samarkand 4-6 June 2000. Mr. Usmanov noted that Central Asian states could reach any results only through cooperation and ensured everybody that Ministry of Cultural Affairs of Uzbekistan will do all the best in order to develop collaboration and interaction in this field. He expressed a hope for fruitful outcomes of the Workshop that will help to solve numerous problems concerned the protection of historical architectural monuments from soil salinity and underground water related damage. 4. The greetings were made by Mr. Shavkat Ochilov, representative of UNESCO Chair on Preservation and Management of Historical Centers at the SAMGASI. Mr. Ochilov underlined that Central Asian region is very rich with historical and cultural monuments an the problems of underground water and soil salinity related damage are exist not only in 6 Uzbekistan, but also in other Central Asian countries. This theme is one of the priority directions of UNESCO Chair in SAMGASI. He expressed sincere hope that conclusions of Workshop would assist to find solutions of decreasing the negative influence of the above mentioned factors and wished every success for the Symposium. 5. Election of Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons and Rapporteurs. Following participants were elected as Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Rapporteurs of the Workshop: Mr. Botir Usmanov (Uzbekistan) Mrs.LudmilaDubrovskaya (Kazakhstan) Mr. Robert Myers (United Kingdom) Mr. Mario Biritognolo (Italy) Chairperson: Vice-Chairperson: Rapporteurs: Following this election Mr. Botir Usmanov officially ORGANIZATION V. took the Chair. OF THE WORKSHOP During the workshop were made presentations of local and international experts based on the approved Agenda as well as organized one day field trip to Bukhara. The schedule of activities are presented in Annex II. AGENDA VI. first Day Morning session Presentations of international experts. During the session the following presentations were made: (Sweden) -Mr. Janusz Niemczynowicz (World Bank) -Mr. Rinat lskhakov (United Kingdom) -Mr. Robert Myers Mr. Janusz Niemszynowicz made a presentation on two main kind of prob- lems: 1) High ground water level - can influence buildings only when capillary rise of water can reach the foundations of monuments; 2) Bad management of water in the vicinity of monuments means rising moisture level due to: -inadequate roof drainage -inadequate drainage of foundations of monuments -inadequate storm water drainage from the vicinity of foundations -watering of streets, gardens and loans -inadequate sanitation Solutions: In situation of high ground water level - good drainage of fundaments must be arranged. It must be improved the situation in whole in the case of bad water management in a city. He proposed to move all water and sanitation pipes to the distance of a 100 meters from the monuments; improve drain- age of roof and areas in the vicinity of monuments; arrange tight connections in all water storm water pipes and all pipes in the buildings; to enforce strict restrictions for irrigation of gardens and loans within a distance of 100 meters from the monuments; so called “dry sanitation” alternatives should be applied in all new buildings and, in a longer term, in all cities. In discussion with regard to the above presentation participated the representatives of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Germany. Mr. Rinat Iskhakov made a presentation on the projects of World Bank in Uzbekistan (Samarkand and Bukhara). He noted that UNESCO and many other international organizations had had various initiatives to assist the Government of Uzbekistan in identifying needed investments in cultural heritage. One of the priority areas, which are in needs of urgent intervention, is soil and ground water salinity. The saline ground water problems in both cities pose a threat to the foundations of old structures. These problems need to be addressed to avoid further damage to the sites with consequent social, economic and financial damage to the local and cultural tourism. During the last few years since getting independence in 1991, Uzbekistan has been facing substantial difficulties resulting from deterioration of infrastructure, preliminary in water supply and sewerage sector. The government of Uzbekistan requested the World Bank for assistance in financing of water supply and sanitation project in Samarkand and Bukhara. The main objectives of project are: -assistance to the water and waste water enterprises in Bukhara and Samarkand to become more efficiently managed and operated, financially self sufficient and commercially operated municipal water supply and waste water utilities; -improvement of the safety, reliability and efficiency of water supply and waste water services through the rehabilitation and efficiency improvements of existing facilities and limited expansion of services. It is foreseen that the project will include the urgent priority and least cost investments to improve service quality and operational efficiency of water supply and waste water systems; strengthening the institutional capacity and financial viability of Samarkand and Bukhara water channels; engineering services for technical studies/analyses and preparation of designs and bidding documents and supervision of construction. The next speaker Mr. Robert Myers presented a report on studies in Bukhara and Khiva conducted in 1991. He gave a historical and geographical appraisal of the most important monuments of Islamic culture in Bukhara and Khiva, reviewed the irrigated lands in Uzbekistan. Mr. Myers also gave a breakdown of salt damage of the monuments and explained the nature of capillary action. He made a presentation of alternative historical and present day methods of preventing rising damp. In conclusion gave proposals for future trials of damp courses systems to deal with the problems in Central Asia. Following the presentation the representatives of Germany, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and United Kingdom took the floor in the discussion on how their countries were attempting to deal with the salt attack problem. 8 Afternoon . session Presentations of regional experts. ing presentations: -Mr. Bolat Aubekerov -Mrs. Ludmiia Dubrovskaya -Mr. Vladimir Matichenkov -Mr. Vladimir Kalinin -Mr. Akmal Akhmedov -Mr. Alijon Abdullayev -Mr. Abduvali Khudabergenov -Mrs. Larisa Kourduk During the session were made the follow(Kazakhstan) (Kazakhstan) (Kyrgyz Republic) (Kyrgyz Republic) (Tajikistan) (Tajikistan) (Uzbekistan) (Uzbekistan) Mr. Bolat Aubekerov made a presentation on hydro-geological conditions and historical and archaeological monuments of the arid zone of Kazakhstan. In this report he gave a description of the various areas of Kazakhstan describing the hydro-geological conditions, He described the monuments by epoch and by regions. In conclusion Mr. Aubekerov underlined that all problems were complex, and the solving of them was correspondingly difficult. The opinions of experts must be taken into consideration. For the continuing existence of our monuments it is necessary: -to know in what conditions the monument was constructed; -to consider the original landscape and hydro-geological conditions and mode of a superficial drain; -to determine what conditions exist now and what are the perspectives of changes; -to realize what consequences had the previous interventions on a monument. Mrs. Ludmila Dubrovskaya focused her presentation on the problems of protection from ground waters of Khodja Akhmed Yasavi Khonaka of XIV century. She gave a detailed description of the above mentioned monument as well as the main recent data of its deformations. Mrs. Dubrovskaya reflected all the existing problems referring to the ground water related damage, described all the works on prevention of negative affects of ground waters to the monuments that were carrying out at present days and proposed: -to improve the existing drainage system; -to use a vertical drainage for decreasing the level of ground waters within the zones of the monument. Mr. Vladimir Matichenkov presented a report on hydro-geological within the zones of historical monuments of Kyrgyz Republic. He of the most significant of them as well as brief description geological situation of each zone stressing that due to the number hydro-geological conditions are not completely and deeply studied Mr. Vladimir Kalinin made a presentation situation gave a list of hydroof reasons yet. on ground water and soil salinity related damage to the historical monuments of Kyrgyz Republic. There is rather low level of soil salinity in Kyrgyz Republic and the main reason of monument’s damage is capillary rising of water, which is very intensive due 9 to the hot, dry and windy climate. He stressed the importance of careful choice of restoration materials, cause the modern ones could led to more large scaled damages of existing constructions and interior decorations as well. It means that it is better to use materials, which structure is very similar to the ancient ones. This also concerned the methods of protection from ground water related damage. In conclusion, Mr. Kalinin underlined unsustainable state of reconstruction and conservation works on historical monuments in Kyrgyz Republic. The next speaker Mr. Akmal Akhmedov presented a paper concerning the aspects of anthropogenic influence to the state of ground waters in TajikiStan. He highlighted the fact that the most of historical monuments are located within the irrigation zones. The main factor of anthropogenic influence to the monuments is the increase of irrigation square in Central Asian region. The problems of safeguarding and protection of archaeological, architectural historical monuments are depending on solution of ecological issues of the Aral Sea basin. In order to decrease the negative affects of anthropogenic factors on the state of ground waters it is necessary: -to establish a complex monitoring of environment; -to develop gardening in mountainous areas; -to implement biological drainage technologies; -to held a reconstruction of irrigation systems. Mr. Alijon Abdullayev in presentation reflected the issues of ground water and soil salinity related damage to the historical and cultural monuments of Firstly he gave a detailed historical, geoKabadian Valley in Tajikistan. graphical and geological content of Kabadian Valley and explained that the major reasons of soil salinity in this area are the high level of ground waters and dry climate. There are a lot of monuments in Tajikistan now that are still destroying due to these factors and it is necessary to start again and continue the experiments and works on prevention of negative affects of the above factors. Mr. Abduvali Khudoberganov has provided information on researches of engineering-geological and hydro-geological state of foundations of historical and architectural monuments. The major goals of researches are: -studying of geological structure of ground waters within the zone of monument’s location; -data base on structure, state and physical-mechanical properties of foundations; -evaluation of ground water damage to the foundations and constructions; -identification of engineering and geological and hydro-geological reasons of architectural monument’s deformations; -elaboration of recommendations on protection from ground water damage to foundations and other measures on strengthening and improvement of foundations. The main topic of Mrs. Larisa Kourduk’s presentation was on prevention and liquidation of ground water and soil salinity related damage to the monuments, which was carrying out for a long time by “Tamirshunoslik” In10 stitute in fluenced duk also methods Tashkent. She noted that the ground water damage especially into the monuments located not far from the rivers, lakes. Mrs. Kourgave an example of horizontal hydro-isolation and other protective of walls and foundations. Second Day Morning session . . . Presentations of international experts following presentations’ were made: -Mr. Mario Biritognolo -Mr. Roger Capps -Mr. Pave1 Blaha -Mr. Gert Karwath (continuation). During the session the (Italy) (United Kingdom) (Czech Republic) (Germany) Mr. Mario Biritognolo underlined the effects of the lowering of the ground water table on the settlement of the foundation; presented the case studies concerning the monuments affected by settlement of their foundations, also related to ground water level: Tilla Kari Madrasah, and the Tower of Pisa. Finally, Mr. Biritognolo discussed the criteria for protection of monuments by the earthquake, particularly referring to appropriate interventions on the masonry structures. Mr. Roger Capps He shared with participants a philosophy of conservation, outlining the need to use local skills and materials. Mr. Capps also discussed three buildings in Bukhara in relation to rising damp and salt. He especially wished to describe why a decision was made not to redecorate with new tiles the exterior. They were that there were no longer sufficient evidence for the originalscheme and it was not acceptable to invent with a building of such a quality. No longer the skills to execute the same quality of work, and the problem of the rising salts must be given time to be resolved. Mr. Pave1 Blaha presented the results of a systematic cooperation with Uzbekistan hydro-geological authority concerning the following: -The establishment of a digital data base of the present condition ,of historical buildings and a data base of building failure the automatic measurements of chosen parameters influencing the building settlement; -the slope deformations using geophysical methods for their prospecting and creating of maps in GIS system; -results of geophysical measurements around monuments; He also discussed the drinking water resources in fluvial valleys. in Uzbekistan; Mr. Gert Karwath made a presentation of a method to measure the percentages of damp within walls. He presented a device which he said would be able to dry the walls, which later was installed in the Tilla Kari Afternoon session There was organized on-site discussion in Tilla Kari madrasah with installation of Mr. Karwath’s device and further sightseeing of historical monuments ensemble, Gur-Emir mausoof Samarkand (Registan square, Shakhi-Zinda leum). 73ird Day One day field trip to Bukhara with visiting of Historical lsmail Samani Mausoleum, Bayan Kuli Khan Madrasah, ble. Center of Bukhara, Chor Bakr Ensem- The groups first visit was to Chor Bakr. Where the complex was in the middle of a major restoration. This was a problem of high ground water As a part of this work the ground waters had been reduced from 1.7mbelow ground to 4m A 2000m horizontal collector and two vertical wells had been dug It is hoped to reduce this level lm more in order to work on the strengthening of the foundations. The next building that was visited, after some time wandering through the historical center of Bukhara, was the mausoleum of lsmail Samani, which at present sits in a low archaeological pit that is completely tiled. Mr Babaev explained that this mainly represented a problem of local drainage.. At this site the water is rising. It was 2.4m now it is 1.7 This may be a problem of the near-by channel. At the other side of the monument is a lake. Two years ago, the Haouze was excavated. It is proposed to alter the drainage channel by waterproofing it, and to reduce the level of the lake, or remove it. This should make the existing drains work. The final building was Bayan Kuli Khan. Mr Babaev outlined two problems. The first was ground waters and the second being the salt saturation of the walls. Concerning the ground waters. At present two vertical wells have been dug but are in operation .and two more are proposed. The level at present is approximately lm.The new repairs executed with the aid of UNESCO are now much damaged by continuing salt damage A long discussion between the participants ensued The sacrificial lime plaster should be replaced as was originally intended. It was felt that no further work should be attempted until the salt problem was solved which may involve the installation of a damp proof course Discussions centered around a physical cut lead or bitumen course (there was concern about cutting the wall because of earth quake). Resin impregnation, or Silicone which may have the disadvantage of being irreversible and difficult to install. Methods of cutting ceramic tubes into the base of the wall are being considered. Fourth Day Morning session: Discussions Mrs. Ludmila Dubrovskaya, Vice-chairman, officially took the Chair. Firstly Mr. Tuigun Babayev, Head of Bukhara Department on Preservation Monuments, reported on field trip to Bukhara and gave brief description 12 of of state of following monuments: Chor Bakr, Chor Minor, Bayan Kuli Khan, Ismail Samani. The Session was devoted to the discussion of following themes: -exchange of experience and knowledge -scientific researches -regional and international cooperation -water management During the conversation were highlighted a number of measures to deal with damp rising, including injection of resin or silicone. Mr. Matichenkov proposed a method of mixing natural water with artificial solutions. In conclusion participants expressed to get all detailed information on the above mentioned methods and views of scientists. VII. ADOPTION OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND CLOSING SESSION During the Closing session the Recommendations were adopted with some amendments (Annex I). This final document incorporates the suggested amendments. The Workshop was closed by Mr. Barry Lane, Head of UNESCO Office in Tashkent, UNESCO Regional Advisor for Culture. . 13 s -“.._l.--- I ANNEX / REGIONAL WORKSHOP ((GROUND WATER AND SOIL SALINITY RELATED DAMAGE TO THE MONUMENTS AND SITES IN CENTRAL ASIA), Samarkand / Bukhara 14-18 June, 2000 RECOMMENDATIONS On the occasion of the Regional Workshop on ground Water and Soil Salinity related Damage to the Monuments and Sites in central Asia held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, from 14- 18 June 2000, the participants: 1. Thanking United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for great efforts undertaken to find solutions to the problem of ground Water and Soil Salinity related Damage to the Monuments and Sites in central Asia. 2. Appreciating the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan for support given to the Workshop project and great interest demonstrated in the development of technique against the Ground Water and Soil Salinity problem with a view to protecting architectural monuments. 3. Stressing the need in all countries of Central Asia for recognition of the stake to develop technique against the ground Water and Soil Salinity problem with a view to protect architectural monuments. 4. Recognizing of the impossibility of conserving the architectural heritage without taking into account the use of techniques for dealing with Ground Water and Soil Salinity problems. 5. Considering served. that traditional 6. Stressing the fact that modern ments with precaution techniques techniques and knowledge must must be applied 7. Underlining the fact that use should be made of appropriate to safeguard the monuments. be pre- to the monu- techniques 8. /Yoting the historic, artistic, economic and ecological importance of the development of techniques against Ground Water and Soil Salinity problems. 9. Concernedwith the fact that the Architectural Heritage is threatened by ground water and increasing soil salinity due to natural and man made changes and therefore must be at the center of national and international cultural policy. Recommend to the Governments of Member States that they should: approach which will take into account 1. Adopt an interdisciplinary engiresearches and neering, geological, hydro-geological and geo-physical studies of historical and architectural monuments. 2. Any restoration of a monument should not destroy or falsify the historical evidence. This evidence is contained not only in the architectural form but also in the original materials of the surfaces. No attempt should be made at reconstructing lost structure or decoration unless its past form is clearly known or if it is precious fabric needs to be protected. 3. Undertake 4. regular monitoring Create zones around related damage. of monuments the monuments 5. improve the water management stitutions and installing adequate and their environment. in order to protect them from water in historical areas by strengthening inwater, drainage and sewage systems. Recommend that UNESCO should: 1. Promote this recommendations among central Asian countries and other countries concerned by bringing this meeting to the attention of Ciovernments of these countries. of Central Asian 2. Estab/ish a working group consisting of representatives countries and other states with a view of providing a forum for consultation on issues of restoration and conservation of monuments, which will provide practical solutions for specific problems. of existing programmes of research and the 3. Facilitate the strengthening establishment of a special programme into the testing of traditional building materials and methods. 4. Ofganize an international symposium on the improvement performance in historic buildings and monuments. of seismic Collect and review data on past and present methods dealing in water and salt related damage to buildings in central Asia and in other parts of the world. 6. Establish a programme of field trials to evaluate these methods. 5. 7. Compile a manual of best practice in practical methods of water related damage to buildings and monuments. 15 __. --- _~-.___-- ._._ for the repairing REGIONAL WORKSHOP ((GROUND WATER AND SOIL SALINITY RELATED DAMAGE TO THE MONUMENTS AND SITES IN CENTRAL ASIA,) Samarkand / Bukhara 14-18 June, 2000 PROGRAMME June 14, 2000-Wednesday 13.30 19.30 Arrival of participants to Tashkent Departure to Samarkand by bus from HHotel Tashkent)) to Hotel ((Afrosiabs. Dinner June 15, 2000 -Thursday 8.30-9.30 Opening ceremony 9.30- 10.00 1o.oo- 10.30 10.30- 13.00 13.00- 14.30 14.30-16.00 Welcome speech by Mr. Pulat Abdurakhmanov, Mayor of Samarkand Greetings by Mr. Barry Lane, Head of UNESCO Office in Tashkent, Regional Adviser on Culture in Central Asia Opening speech by Mr. Botir Usmanov, Director of the Board for Protection of Cultural Monuments of the Republic of Uzbekistan Remarks by Mr. Shavkat Ochilov, Representative of UNESCO Chair at the SAMGASI Election of Chairperson and rapporteurs Coffee break Presentations by international experts - Robert Myers-Report on Salt Damage to Important Islamic Monuments at Bukhara and Khiva - Prof. J. Niemcynowycz -Water, Sanitation and Drainage Related Damage: Case Studies in Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva - Rinat Iskhakov-World Bank Projects in Samarkand and Bukhara Lunch Presentations by regional experts - Prof. Bolat Aubekerov-Hydro-Geological Conditions and Historical and Archaeological Monuments of the Arid Zone of Kazakhstan - Ludmila Dubrovskaya-The Problems of Protection of Khodja Akhmad Yassavi Khanaka of XIV from Ground Water Related Damage - Vladimir Malichenkov-Hydro-Geological Situation within the Zones of Historical Monuments of Kyrgyz Republic 16 - 16.00-16.30 16.30-17.30 17.30- 18.00 19.00 Vladimir Kalinin-Ground Water and Soil Salinity Related Damage to the Monuments and Sites in Kyrgyz Republic - Akmal Akhmedov-Aspects of Anthropogenic Affect to the Ground Waters in Tajikistan Water and Soil Salinity - Alijon Abdullayev-Ground Related Damage to the Monuments and Sites in Tajikistan Coffee break Presentations by regional experts (continuation) - Larisa Korduk- Ground Water and Soil Salinity Related Damage to the Monuments and Sites in Uzbekistan - Abduvali Khudaybergenov-Ground Water Affect to the State of Historical and Architectural Monuments and Problems of their Protection in Uzbekistan - Rustam Niyazov-Changing of Ground Water Level and Contemporary Deformations of Ancient Architectural Monuments of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva - Shavkat Abdullayev-Possibilities of geophysical Measurements in Studying of Historical Monuments Discussion Reception June 16, 2000- Friday 9.00- 10.30 10.30- 11 .oo 11 .OO-12.30 12.30-13.00 13.00-14.30 14.30-18.00 19.00 Presentations by international experts - Mario Biritognolo-Experiences in Ground Water Related Problems Affecting the Monuments: the Cases of Tilla Kari Mosque and Tower of Pisa - Roger Capps-Ground Water and Soil Salinity Related Damage to the Monuments and Sites in Central Asia Coffee break Presentations by international experts (continuation): - Prof. Pave1 Blaha-Joint Czech-Uzbek Projects - Gert Karwath-The Electra-Physical Method for the Dehydration of Threatened Stone Structures Discussion Lunch Visit to historical sites of Samarkand - On-site discussion in Tilla Kari madrassa with installation of Mr. Karwath’s device Dinner June 17, 2000- Saturday Departure for Bukhara by bus 7.00 Lunch in Bukhara 12.00-13.30 Visit to historical sites of Bukhara 13.30-18.00 - Historical Center 17 - 18.00- 19.00 20.00 June 18,20009.30-l 1.00 11.00-l 1.30 11.30- 13.00 13.00-14.30 14.30-16.00 16.00 lsmael Samani Mausoleum Buyan Kulikhan Madrassa Chor Bakr Ensemble Dinner Departure for Samarkand by bus Sunday Round table discussion Coffee break Round table discussion (continuation) Lunch Adoption of Final Recommendations Return to Tashkent by bus 18 of the Symposium ANNEX/II REGIONAL WORKSHOP (<GROUND WATER AND SOIL SALINITY RELATED DAMAGE TO THE MONUMENTS AND SITES IN CENTRAL ASIA,) Samarkand / Bukhara I4- 18 June, 2000 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS KAZAKHSTAN Mr. Bolat AUBEKEROV, Institute of Geological Sciences, Ministry of Science 69A Kabanbai Batir str. 4801000, Almaty, Kazakhstan, tel: fax: (3272 915314 Mrs. Ludmlla DUBROVSKAYA, State Institute for Scientific Research and Planning on Monuments of Materia Culture, 21 Toloibi str., 4801000, Almaty, Kazakhstan, tel: (3272) 9 14380, fax: (3272) 9 16111 and Education. (3272) 918140, KYRGYZ REPUBLIC Mr. Vladimir KALININ, “Bishkekproekt” Institute, 164A, Chui prospect, tel: (996-312) 224355 Mr. Vladimir MATICHENKOV, Bishkek Mining Institute, Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic, 533 Frunze str. Bishkek, tel/fax: (996-312) 210674 Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, TAJIKISTAN Mr. Akmal AKHMEDOV, Tajikglavgeologia, tel: 27-27- 19, 21-43- 10 Mr. Alijon ABDULLAYEV, Ministry of Culture Dushanbe, tel: 2 l-64-66 27, Mirzo Tursunzode str. Dushanbe, of Tajikistan, 34, Rudaki str. UZBEKISTAN Mr. Botir USMANOV, General Monuments, Ministry of Cultural kent, Uzbekistan, tel: (998-712) Office for Scientific Production of Cultural Affaires of Uzbekistan, 30, Navoi str. Tash1443894, fax: (998-712) 1442214 Mr. Abdusafi RAKHMONOV, General Office for Scientific Production of Cultural Monuments, Ministry of Cultural Affairs of Uzbekistan, 30, Navoi str. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, tel: (998-712) 1443894, fax: (998-712) 144221.4 Mr. Tuigun BABAYEV, Head of State inspection, Bukhara, tel.: (36522) 24 1462 Mr. Ikrom RAKHIMOV, Head of State inspection, Khorezm, tel: Mrs. Larlsa KOURDUK, “Tamirshunoslik” Institute, tel: (998-712) 538142/ 53873 1 UNITED KINGDOM Mr. Robert MYERS, Price and Myers, 30 Newman str. LondonWlP 3PE, tel.: (44) 2076315128, fax: (44) 2074621393, e-mail: Mr. Roger CAPPS, Capps and Capps Limited, the Saw Mill, Sarnesfield, Herefordshire HR4 8RH, tel: (44) 1544318877, Fax: (44) 1544318399, email: 19 SWEDEN Mr. Janusz NIEMCZYNOWICZ, Sweden, tel: (4646) 2228981, e-mail: University of Lund, Box 118, S-22100 fax(4646) 2224435, Lund ITALY Mr. Mario BIRITOGNOLO, 5746335, St.Via Fonte di fauno, 2a Roma, Italy, tel: ( 3906) fax: 3906 5781268, e-mail: GERMANY Mr. Gert KARWATH, SKM Electronics, 9 Globinger str. D-06 888 dabrun, (4934) 91455120, fax: (4934) 91455121, e-mail: Germany, tel: q.karwath@skm-electronic-de Mr. Bemd URBAN, SKM Electronics, 9 Globinger str. D-06 888 Dabrun, Germany, tel: (4934) 91455120, fax: (4934) 91455121, e-mail: skm.qk@lonline-de CZECH REPUBLIC Mr. Pave1 BLAHA, 70900, Ostrava, 6620617, e-mail: Regional Manager, GeoTest Brno, a.s., 28, rijna 287, Czech Republic, tel: (420-69)6622772, fax: (420-69) qeotest.ova@tel’ WORLD BANK Mr. Rinat ISKHAKOV, tel: (998-71) The World Bank Resident Mission in Uzbekistan; 120 62 14, fax: 120 62 15, e-mail: Riskhakov@worldbank.orq UNESCO Mr. Frits VERHOOG- Consultant, Water Sciences Division, UNESCO, 8 rue Clement Ader, 78960 Voisines-le-Bretonneux, France, tel: (33- 1) 30434768, e-mail: Fax:(33-1) 30644244, Mr. Michael BARY LANE, Head of UNESCO Office in Tashkent, 95, Amir tel/fax: (998-71) 1207116, (998Temur str. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 7 1) 132 1382, e-mail: b.lane@unesco.orq Mr. Philippe CANIVET- UNV-Architect, 95, Amir Temur str. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, tel/fax: (998-7 1) 1207116, (998-7 12)358253, e-mail: Mr. Aybek ERKABAYEV-UNV-Architect, 95, Amir Temur str. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, tel/fax: (998-71) 1207116, (998-712)358253 NATIONAL COMMISSION OF UZBEKISTAN Mr. Alisher IKRAMOV, Secretary-General, Uzbekistan for UNESCO, Uzbekistan, tel.: (998-712) Ms. Elena CHEMULOVA, Uzbekistan for UNESCO, Uzbekistan, tel.: (998-7 12) FOR UNESCO the National Commission of 54, Buyuk lpak Yuli str. 700137, Tashkent, 670561, Fax: (998-712)670538, e-mail: Senior Expert, the National Commission of 54, Buyuk lpak Yuli str. 700137, Tashkent, 67056 1, Fax: (998-712)670538, e-mail: 20 Mr. Alisher AKHMEDOV, Senior Expert, the National Commission of Uzbekistan for UNESCO, 54, Buyuk lpak Yuli str. 700137, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, tel.: (998-7 12) 67056 1, Fax: (998-7 12)670538, e-mail: unesco@~~tcom, of Mr. Doniyol BOLTABOYEV, Senior Expert, the National Commission Uzbekistan for UNESCO, 54, Buyuk lpak Yuli str. 700137, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, tel.: (998-712) 670561, Fax: (998-712)670538, e-mail: . OBSERVERS Mrs. Maysara NABERAYEVA, Head of Samarkand branch of governmental inspection on the protection of historical and cultural monuments, Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan, Registan sq., medrese Tilla-Kari, Samarkand, tel.: (998-3662)-3572-44, fax: 353826 Mr. Mavlon KHUDAYBERGANOV, Head of department, Institute of Tamirshunoslik, Seismology, 6, Karakumskiy proyezd Tashkent, Uzbekistan, tel.: (998-7 12)-538762 Mr. Abduvali KHUDAYBERGANOV, Head of Laboratory, Institute of Seismology, Academic of Sciences of Uzbekistan, 3, Zulfiyakhonim str., 700128, Tashkent, tel.:( 998-712) 415692, fax: (998-712) 415314 Mr. Ravshan QODIROV, Inspector, Inspection of Cultural Heritages in Shakhrisabz, 89, lpak Yuli str. Shakhrisabz, Uzbekistan, Tel: 2 16 32 Mr. Jovli KHAYDAROV, Chairman of “Meres” (Heritage) Company, 32, Taragay Bahodir str. Uzbekistan, Tel: 2-83-25 Mr. KomIl OTAKHONOV, Chairman of “Memor” Company on Renovation of Historical Heritages, 39, Karmana district, Toshkent str, Navoi, Uzbekistan Mr. Ikromboy RAKHIMOV, Head of Governmental Inspection on the protection of heritage, 41, Khiva, Uzbekistan, tel.: 5-31-69 Mr. Rustam NIYAZOV, Hydrological Enterprise, “Uzbekgidrogeologiya”, Institute of “Geodrology”, 64, Khodjibayeva str. Tashkent, Uzbekistan Mr. Shavkat ABDCILLAYEV, Hydrological Enterprise, “Uzbekgidrogeologiya”, Institute of “Geodrology”, 64, Khodjibayeva str. Tashkent, Uzbekistan . 21 -- - -._-.. - _. ANNEX PRESENTATIONS /I/ OF REGIONAL EXPERTS Bolat Aubekerov Institute of Geologica/ Sciences Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Kazakhstan Hydra- GeoIogica/ Conditions and Historical and Archaeo/ogical Monuments of the Arid Zone of Kazakhstan The construction of monuments was made according to the request of the customers, thus the existing climatic conditions and features of a relief and landscape were usually taken into account by traditions. After the end of construction further there were changes, which could essentially affect hydro-geological conditions, soil salinization, that frequently resulted in destruction of monuments and complicated their preservation and restoration. Therefore for development of the general approaches to understanding of the problems of hydro-geology and soil salinization it is necessary to know about hydro-geological partition and other features of hydro-geological conditions. It allows to choose the strategy and to forecast the changes of hydro-geological conditions of the certain areas. The most part of Kazakhstan settles down in the arid zone. Within the limits of this zone, the ground waters of the first from a ground surface horizon settle down on different depth and consequently their influence on archaeological and historical monuments is not equal. What is about the influence of hydro-geological conditions on preservation of monuments of different epochs in the past, it was significant in connection with the large fluctuations of a climate, which rendered direct influence on ground waters. The arid zone of Kazakhstan is divided into Western, Central, East and Southern Kazakhstan. fn Western Kazakhstan are allocated 1 .Mugodjary low-hilly upland. 2.Ural-Emba plateau. 3.North Aral tabular-outlier hilly plain. 4.Mangyshlak low- mountainous upland. 5.Usturt Plateau. 6. South Mangyshlak Plateau. Cen traf Kazakhs tan are a//o ca ted In 7. Low-mountainous and raised low-hilly areas of Balkhash-lrtysh watershed. 8. Ulytau low-mountainous and raised low-hilly area. 9. Low-hilly plain. 10. Teniz-Kurgaljy weak-hilly closed-type plain. 11. Low flat plains of the lshim and lrtysh interfluvial area. 12.Turgai tabular-outlier plain. 22 In Eastern Kazakhstan are allocated 13. Middle- and low-mountainous areas. 14. Raised low hills with a low-mountainous site. 15. Low hilly plains. 16. Zaisan hollow. 17. Alakol depression. ln Southern Kazakhstan are a/located: 18. High-mountainous areas. lS.Middle- and low-mountainous areas with sites of low hills. 20. Betpak-Dala plateau. 21. Kopa-lli intermountain plain. 22. South-Balkhash hillocky-ridged plain. 23. Chu-Talas sloping foothill and hillocky-ridged plain. 24. Circum-Syrdarya river flat and hillocky-ridged plain. In Western Kazakhstan in the area of the Mugojary low-hill upland fresh underground waters, lying on depths from 5 up to 30 meters with average flow from 0,l up to 1 I/set. prevail. At the Ural-Emba plateau lo-30 meters fresh and weakly saline waters with flow of 5-l Ol/sec., with depth of occurrence 5- 10, occasionally prevail. North Aral tabular-outlier hilly plain prevails motley on structure (fresh, weakly saline and salty waters), with flow from 0,l up to 1 I/set., with depth of occurrence from 2-3 up to lo-30 meters. In the Mangyshlak low- mountainous upland and in a mountain part weakly saline waters prevail, with depth of occurrence from lo-30 m. and with average flow of 0,1-l I/set. At the Usturt plateau weakly saline or slightly saline waters prevail, with the average flow of O,l- 1 I/set., and with depth of plateau occurrence up to 30-50 meters. At the Southern Mangyshlak weakly saline waters prevail, with the average flow of 0,l -ll/sec. and with depth of occurrence up to lo-50 meters. In Central Kazakhstan are allocated: in low-mountainous and raised low-hilly area of the Balkhash Sea and the lrtysh river watershed fresh waters with an average flow of O,l- 1 I/set. prevail, with depth of occurrence up to lo-50 meters. In the Ulytau low-mountainous and raised low-hilly area the motley structure of ground waters from fresh and slightly salty ones up to weakly saline waters with flow from 0, l-l up to 1 O-30 I/set., with depth of occurrence from 10 to 30 m prevails. In low-hilly plain fresh and weakly saline waters prevail with flow from 5- 1 I/set. and depth of occurrence from 15 up to 30, sometimes up to 30 m. In Teniz-Kurgaljy weak-hilly closed-type plain prevail and fresh waters with flow of 0, l-l I/set., with depth of occurrence from 2 up to 5 meters and in the southern part up to 30 meters. In East Kazakhstan are allocated: in the middle- and low-mountainous areas and also in raised low hills with a site of low-mountainous areas of fresh waters with flow up to l-3 meters, sometimes raising till lo-30 I/set. prevail. The depth of occurrence of ground waters changes in the very large limits, especially in the strongly dismembered area. In the low-hilly plain and in Zaisan hollow fresh waters with depth of occurrence 5- 10 meters and flow of 5- 10 I/set. are distributed. . 23 In Southern Kazakhstan are allocated: in high-, middleand lowmountainous areas with sites of low hills fresh waters with depths of occurrence from 5 m and deeper and flow from O,l -0,5 up to 5 I/set. prevail. The plateau of Betpak-Dala is characterized by diversity of compositions of ground waters, where weakly saline and slight salty waters prevail in lithologically various rocks, with depths of occurrence from 5 up to 30 M and flow from O,Ol -0,5 up to 1 I/set. The Kopa-lli intermountain plain is characterized by motley structure of waters from fresh ones up to slightly saline ones with depths of occurrence from 2-5 up to 30 m. and flow from 0.5 up to 5 I/set. The South-Circum-Balkhash hillocky-ridged plain is characterized by a combination of fresh, slightly saline and weakly saline waters with salty waters along the southern coast of the Balkhash lake with depths of occurrence from 2,5 up to 15 M and flow from 0.1 up to 2 I/set. The Chu-Talas sloping foothill and hillocky-ridged plain is characterized by a combination of fresh and weakly saline waters with depth of occurrence 5- 10 M and flow of 0.1 -1 I/set. The Circum-Syrdarya river flat and hillocky-ridged plain is characterized by very motley structure of ground waters from fresh and slightly saline up to weakly saline ones with flow from 0.1-0.5 up to 1 l/set. and depths of occurrence from l-5 up to 30 m. These average parameters of occurrence of ground waters change depending on human activities’ impact. Intensive agricultural activities, redistribution of ‘a superficial drain, construction of irrigation systems during long time have changed the natural environment, that resulted in strong destruction of monuments or their total destruction. In Kazakhstan, despite of the large attention to monuments of the past, many aspects of revealing and protection are not investigated well enough yet. The examples of monuments of different periods are given below and the influence on their state of conservation of both ground waters and processes of soil salinization and salt corrosion are shown. Stone Age monuments The Stone Age habitation sites, i.e. those of paleolith, mesolith, neolith and eneolith were found out in all over the territory of Kazakhstan. The most ancient sites are known in Karatau mountain range and at the Caspian Sea coast (their age is about 1 million years). The sites of Middle and Late Paleolith, Mesolith and Neolith are the most widely represented ones and they are distributed in all regions of Kazakhstan. All the habitation sites by their geomorphological positions can be subdivided into terraced (sea, river, lake), spoon-like, the sites on alluvial fans and deluvial habitation sites. In relation to the modern surface they are of fossil or open ground types. The sites of an open type are the most numerous and are usually located on surfaces, which did not test essential changes during long time, for example, during the Quaternary. The influence on them of varied hydro-geological conditions is insignificant. Terraced habitation sites experience the strong enough influences connected with strengthening the erosive activity drying up (seasonally functioning) the rivers and different kinds of sources (springs, griphons and others) closely connected with 24 changes of ground waters’ level. The multi-layer Stone Age habitation sites in Pavlodar-Circum-lrtysh river area, i.e. the cave ones in the Karatau mountains etc. represent good examples in this respect. Many such cases are well known by the literature, therefore we shall give an example only on griphon habitation sites of Karatau mountains. The Koshkurgan habitation site is situated on the southeast outskirts of the same name settlement, 18 km Northeast from the town of Turkestan (South Kazakhstan region). The Koshkurgan site was investigated in 1962-1963, when in griphon deposits near the medieval tell the remains of mammals were collected. They, as defined by paleontologists G.D.Hisarova and V.S. Bazhanov, contained the remains of Canis Lupus, Arcidiskodon cf., Wusti, Eguus Caballus cf., Mosbachensis Reich., Eguus hydruntinus Reg., Dicerorhinus kircyenbergensis Jag., Elasmotherium sibiricum Fisch, Paracamelus gigas Schloss., Cervus sp., Bison Schoetensaski Boj., Gasella sp., Ovis cf. Ammon, Struthio sp. In geomorphological relation the Koshkurgan site is in the bottom of large downturn opened to the south. Its step slopes have the enclosed complex of terraces. The materials of research works on Koshkurgan griphon allowed to speak about a new large mammal fauna site of Early Pleistocene and also about a new type of archaeological monument - the griphon habitation site of the ancient man, which age ascends to the beginning of Pleistocene.The researches of the griphons have given an unexpected result. Being a collector for water-bearing horizon, the depositions contained numerous large and fine mammals’ bones and the accompanying artefacts of paleolith. The concentration of bones and artefacts was very large. In 1,5-2 ~3 from a ground level some hundreds of bones and teeth of mammals and more than 2000 Paleolithic artefacts were found. The griphons of Koshkurgan bear the large and new information: a) The main of them appeared in the scientific literature as a new type of griphon sites in Kazakhstan with original griphon culture of ancient paleolith. 6) The Paleolithic artefacts and the bones of the Early Pleistocene animals are found in a plenty basal water-bearing layer and have age of about 500 thousand years. Later stage is characterized by the vigorous activity of the griphon, formation of a travertine ring around it more than 8 m in height and accumulation of a layer of sand. The active accumulation of carbonates has been completed at a level of 40-l 6 thousand years (EPR dates). The features of a hydro-geological mode had an effect on the most ancient Paleolithic monuments of this area so that the repeated activation of ground waters’ pressure has resulted in destruction of initial structure of the monuments. As the reconnoitering routes have shown, the griphons are characteristic not only for Koshkurgan hollow, but also for other adjacent areas. All of them are connected to zones of faults and form chains or settle down groups. In relation to a modern relief they settle down in the bottoms of the negative fonms, on slopes and tops of low hills. It is possible to assume, that the Koshkurgan hollow in its main features and dimensions could be formed already in the end of Eopleistocene - LowerPleistocene, that proves to be true by the data on absolute age (500-420 thousand years) of samples from the lowermost parts of the travertine sec25 tion of the Koshkurgan-1 griphon. The actively functioning griphons now have ceased to work because of construction of a large quarry and downturn of a level of ground waters. It has enabled to study the griphon habitation sites in Karatau mountains. Bronze and Ear/y Iron epochs The preservation of monuments of Bronze and Early Iron Ages in a zone of deserts also in many cases depend on hydro-geological conditions, which are directly connected to fluctuations of climate. Usually deeply occurring ground waters in a pluvial phase of climate experience the significant increase of a level and there is an increase of flow of springs and other sources, and also appeared new frequent results in destruction of monuments (settlements, necropolis, barrows), which in dry conditions of arid zone were settled down on the bottoms of valleys. Such a crisis circumstance was the change of a climate on a boundary between the Bronze and Early Iron epochs. The traces of the Bronze Age settlements were destroyed and abandoned in Early Iron Age because of the risen level of ground waters and strengthening of processes of slope moving of talus deposits investigated in many areas of Semirechie in 1998-2000. Monuments of the Middle Ages The preservation of monuments of historic epoch (architectural and historical monuments of Middle Ages and later periods) also in many respects was determined by influence of a level of ground waters and its fluctuations.. In a number of cases bad hydro-geological conditions create the large difficulties for conservation and restoration of these monuments. Here again the main part is acted not by climate, but by the anthropogenous factors. For some regions (Central Kazakhstan, mountain areas, Mugojary) where the rocky material serves as the foundations of monuments, the hydrogeological conditions do not render a large influence. Settled down on the stone foundations or without them on the rocky basis, the monuments are kept well enough. In these regions the changes of hydro-geological conditions nevertheless can cause negative influence, which arises from strengthened watering of the fields, ploughed up around the monuments. The increase of ground waters’ level causes salting ground and the destruction of the lower parts of structures. In the same regions, in cases when monuments are situated on the bottom of broad gullies or valleys, there are absolutely other problems. Active salting the soils, the destruction of foundations, the sagging phenomena are closely connected to changes of the ground waters’ level. The cases when the basis for monuments is formed by represented by the majority of complex monuments of Southern regions of Kazakhstan, such as Circum-Aral Syrdaria river areas and the Balkhash and Alakol lake monuments experience the increasing negative influence The construction of irrigation structures since the Middle nels, dams, etc.) renders the especially strong influence 26 friable ground are different periods in Sea and Circumregions, where the of human activity. Ages (pass chanon ground waters. Here again the features of a geomorphological structure can be determinative. On low plains and on plains located at a level of basis of erosion (the delta plains), the dump of water also occurs the fast salting soil, sagging results in destruction of monuments. In phenomena etc., that frequently cases where the similar structures are located on plains with large slopes and located far from basis of erosion, the situation is more favorable. Some examples of variable states of monuments of different epochs in various areas of Kazakhstan will be given below. Western Kazakhstan. Historic city ten tre of Uralsk The general problem of Uralsk city is the absence of the storm water drain, the earth waters’ level is high enough, but because of absence of a drain on a flat place near the Ural and Chagan rivers’ confluence, where the historic city centre is situated, there are large problems on preservation of monuments. The first horizon of earth waters settles down on depth of 5-6 meters. The base of old buildings does not reach them, but, nevertheless, the damages to foundations and bottom parts of walls’ brickwork can be observed everywhere. It grows out of salt corrosion. The traces of damp rising up to height not less than 1.5 m, sometimes up to height of the first floor are observed. The sulphate salts come upwards from strongly salted soil. All attempts to solve this problem by a local way (local drainage etc.) were unsuccessful. The oldest buildings of the city are of 18’h c. (e.g. Michael the Archangel Cathedral built in 1751) and the latest building of the historical centre concerns to the beginning of century, and all of them are faced to the same problem. All the buildings originally were constructed with basements, but later the most of these basements was filled with ground and ashes. It has not given any results and destructive activity of earth water and salt corrosion continues to destroy buildings. Central Kazakhstan In Central Kazakhstan, among the most significant properties are the cultural landscape of Ulytau, the megalithic structures of Begazy-Dandybai culture and the barrows of Tasmola culture. All of these properties are on the WH Tentative list of Kazakhstan. There are also many other monuments and sites of Bronze, Iron and Middle Ages. The Ulytau oasis is a combination of steppe and semidesert landscapes, low granite mountains, deep canyons, lakes, rivers. Climate is dry. The cultural layer is almost absent. Earth waters are deep. The most of monuments stands on raised parts of a relief, that rescues them from adverse conditions. The main factor affecting the monuments is the wind erosion and weathering. The destruction of monuments is usual occurs by wind erosion on a direction of prevailing winds. The salt corrosion presents rather at small amounts in the bottom parts of walls, that is connected with strong sulphates’ salinization of soils. But it does not result in destruction of building materials. In general, the state of conservation of monuments is rather good. . 21 In some cases the agricultural development of territories in proximity of monuments and intensive watering cause the changes of environmental conditions and those of the monuments’ state of conservation connected to salt corrosion can be observed. KyzyI- Orda region In the Kyzyl-Orda region the monuments are situated along the right and left banks of the Syrdaria river. The right-bank area is well developed, and all the large cities and agricultural lands are located here, as well as lots of monuments of different epochs. The left-bank area is deserted and poorly inhabited. It represents a continuous zone of archaeological and architectural monuments. Many monuments and sites here serve as the places of pilgrimage. Comparison of monuments of the right and left banks shows, that the right-bank monuments located in a zone of agricultural development are subject to strong salt corrosion and destruction. On the left bank, in conditions of absence of irrigation systems the monuments are very well preserved. At comparison, the negative influence of human activities on historical monuments is evident. In the left-bank area of Syrdaria river, the unique archaeological sites of apasiaks towns of the 1” c. B.C. were discovered by Tolstov’s expedition in 1930’s. and even the remains of earth structures were kept in a very good condition. For example, on the Balandy-2 mausoleum of the 2”d c. B.C., which is considered as the first dome structure in Central Asia, the influence of earth waters is not observed. In the right-bank area the earth structures almost disappeared. Same of architectural structures made of brick. The bottom parts of brickwork of the left-bank monuments are kept always better than of those situated along the right bank. The restoration works on the right-bank area monuments, due to their bad state of conservation, were carried out in greater scale than on the monuments situated at the left-bank area. For instance, the Aktas Mosque at the right bank of the river was restored twice. This structure is of 16 c. In the early 20 c. it was partly reconstructed, and during the Soviet times it was restored twice (last time - 3 years ago), but the bottom part of brickwork again needs to be replaced. The left-bank monuments are very well preserved. For example the archaeological remains of Chilik-Rabat, Taghisken, Balandy- 1 and Balandy-2 tells, after they were excavated and not conserved, are kept in good condition. At the same time the excavated structures of the right-bank area, for example those of the Otrar archaeological site in the adjacent South Kazakhstan region, where the earth structures excavated have melted almost completely. The well-known architectural monuments of the left bank are two medieval mausolea (both are named Syrlytam) located at Inkardaria and Zhanadaria rivers. The destruction of the bottom parts of walls is almost not observed on 28 both of them, while the monuments are destroyed monuments are of the Golden Horde period (14 c.). strongly Southern Kazakhstan Otrar district, South Kazakhstan region. The State Archaeological Otrar is located not far from Shaulder village. enough. Both Reserve of The Otrar oasis is on the WH Tentative List of Kazakhstan as a complex. All the towns, tells and other historical objects dated from an early Middle Ages up to 16 - 17 centuries have been included here. In the territory of the Otrar Reserve there is a well-known architectural monument Archaeological Arystanbab Mausoleum, which has a rich history. The existing building is constructed in the beginning of 20 century (1903). It has been built on a place of a ruined monument of Timurid’s epoch, which was the contemporary one to Ahmed Yasawi Mausoleum. The mausoleum of an early Middle Ages, in which Arystanbab (the first teacher of Ahmed Yasavi) was buried, has been situated at the same place. The problems of the preservation of the monuments and sites of Otrar oasis first of all are connected with irrigation. Water from the Arys river watered all the territory of oasis up to the late Middle Ages. Now this is a deserted area, where some settlements, with independent water sources (wells) are existing. The cultural layer of the medieval tells was well kept due to a dry climate of deserts. Only in 20 century in the territory of an oasis the fields began to be cultivated again and the modern irrigation system was constructed. Due to efforts of archaeologists, the decision on exclusion of this area from an agricultural use was accepted. Due to this, now the monuments are out of danger. To date, only the Arysarchaeological Turkestan channel is still working. The Arystanbab Mausoleum is situated in 700 meters from this channel. In 1970’s the restoration works were carried out here along with the hydrogeological surveys. It was concluded that the earth waters’ level settles down in 70 km from a ground surface. In general, the monument is in a good condition. But the close location of earth waters cause the humidifying of walls. At height of 2 meters from a ground surface the brickwork is damaged by salt corrosion, which destroys a mortar (both original and that of restorations of 1970’s and 1980’s). The surfaces of bricks are weakened, many bricks are in decay and need to be replaced. The adverse hydro-geological conditions have influenced the deformations of a monuments constructions. The drainage system (drainage channels and chinks) was created in 1970’s. But already soon all drainage system has left out of operation. The soil here is loess and all filters have got littered quickly. The restorers have an opinion, that it is exactly the drainage system worsens now the conditions of existence of a monument. In South Kazakhstan, halfway on a road between Shymkent and Tashkent, there are two complexes of mausoleums in Turbat village. One of them Isk29 hak-Ata, is situated on a top of hill, and another one, Ismail-Ata, is in a river valley, in the centre of Turbat village. Both monuments are dated by 15 - 16 C.C. The Ismail- Ata Mausoleum itself is one of few preserved structures with the octagonal coned brick dome. The monuments are located in a very picturesque place. The structures on a top of hill are kept well. In spite of the fact that there is a fruit garden around, the damp and salt corrosion of the bottom parts of structures is not observed. The Ismail-Ata Mausoleum complex, which is located in a village, represents a place of Muslim pilgrimage and includes several mausoleums a little and some other structures. The Ismail-Ata Mausoleum has been restored twice. The influence of earth waters is very strong, occurs constant humidifying of walls up to height of 2.5 m, and all efforts undertaken to reduce this influence were unsuccessful. City of Taraz. Cuftura/ Reserve of Ancient Taraz The unique architectural monuments of the cultural reserve of ancient Taraz are protected by the state. From all the complex the most appreciable ones are the mausoleums of Karakhan and Shamansur. They existed from the early Middle Ages, but in the beginning of 20th century have been reconstructed with application of old materials, but thus the architecture was changed. The level of ground waters is close to foundations and creates problems. The mausoleums are located close to each other, but the Shamansur mausoleum is more damaged, because of the worse conditions created by the water channel, which is situated right near the mausoleum. This mausoleum is in constant humidifying up to the top, almost up to the dome. Accumulation of salts in the walls is very intensive. Besides this, a bad repair of the roof and the atmospheric water worsens the situation. The mausoleum of Karakhan is located farther from the channel, and such phenomena are not observed here. The influence of ground waters has an effect only up to height of 0,5 meters. In both mausoleums salts cause intensive corrosion and the replacement of bricks in lower parts of walls is required. For past 10 years from the moment of last restoration the bricks are again completely destroyed and require replacement. A/ma ty area Problems of monuments connected with ground waters and salting here is less than in other regions. The Cathedral in Almaty in this respect is a unique structure, as the builders have provided both waterproofing and ventilation of walls and the state of conservation of this building is quite excellent. Conclusions Among the large number of problems on study, restoration, preservation and conservation of monuments of different epochs, the hydro-geological conditions and salt corrosion play an important part in some regions. Therefore it is necessary that all problems are to be solved in a complex, and opinions of experts of different disciplines must be taken into consideration. For normal 30 . existence of a monument and for solving the existing problems of its preservation it is necessary: -to know in what conditions the monument was created -to consider the original landscape and hydro-geological conditions and mode of a superficial drain. -to determine what conditions exist now and what are the perspectives of changes. These all will help to understand the changes of conditions occurred during the monument’s life. -to realize what consequences had the previous interventions on a monument. -to decide, considering all the complex of issues, what it is necessary to undertake for prolonging the life of a monument as much as it is possible. Dealing with groups of buildings with same environmental conditions and same conservation problems, one must remember that only the complex approach and complex corrective measures on all the buildings and their territory can have a good and sustainable effect. . s 31 -. - -. --.-__-_. --.. .- Ludmila Dubro vskaya State Institute for Scientific Research and Planning on Monuments of Ma teria Cufture Republic of Kazakhstan The Problems of Protection of Khodja AWlmad Yassavi of X/V from Ground Water ReJated Damage Khanaka Khodja Ahmed Yassavi Khanaka is a portal-cupola construction, that was built at the of XIV-beginning XV cc. The height of portal is 39 meters, width is 50 meters. The main building has a height of 15 meters. The monument consists of 34 buildings separated with a system of corridors. The major hall of construction is covered by dome (18 meters in diameter), which is the largest in Central Asia. The outside walls, except of portal, are faced by glazed bricks and majolica and decorated by geometrical ornament and inscriptions in Arabic languages. There is no information on monument’s deformations its construction in historical literature. There numerous small cracks in covered the whore building. In 191 1 was created a special commission of engineers for monument’s inspection. In the report of commission there are descriptions of numerous destructions. In order to determine the reasons of monument’s deformations it was necessary to study the state of foundations. The first researches on underground part of building were carried out in 1928, 1928. It was found out that the foot of Wallis is in different depth. The next investigations were organized in the period from 1939-1941. It was revealed that foundations were violated by numerous graves. In fact. The monument had no any basement, except of portal part. In 1952- 1954 there built foundations. On the territory of monument there were also carried out engineering-geological and hydrogeological researches by various organizations. In 1963, there was created Aris-Turkestan channel about 2-2,5 km to the north from monument. Horizon of water in channel rising on 9-l 1 meters above monument’s ground. It was noted increasing of ground water level since exploitation of channel was started the ground water level is 3-4 meters. Hydrogeological researches on the territory of Turkestan city showed, that regime of ground waters is depends on a number of natural and artificial factors. The natural factors are-geological and geo-morphological structure of territory and climatic conditions. Climatic factor play significant role in formation of ground waters’ regime. The overage annual level of precipitation is about 200mm.-650mm. 32 .--..-- - ..--- I-~ -.--..-l_ll_ __.-. __,__.__l_l_.^ _-_._..._... ---. - _ are forming from several sources; flow of ground So, the ground waters waters from Karatau mountains, penetration of water from Aris-Turkestan channel, from irrigation zones and leakage from water pipes. After studying of factors, which affecting to the increasing of ground waters level, the Institute HFundamentproektw have elaborated in 1974 the project of drainage of this territory. In 1983-1986 There were carried out studying of temperature-moistening The moisture of wall’s materials is 4-5%, in some regime of monument.. places-12%; Salting of walls-6-l 5%. These factors are leading to destruction of facing of walls. The reason of wall’s dampness are: flooding of monument, capillary rising. There is necessary to establish horizontal hydro isolation of walls. )) organized works on studying of air In 1992- 1993 cKazproektrestavratsiya environment parameters, and definition of dampness and salinization of materials with the view of further restoration. Material’s moisture in autumn period is also 4-5%, and level of saits- 15%. In order to prevent settlement of building, it was decided to put stake foundations the monument. This project was implemented in 1993- 1994. But due to a number of reasons there was not made horizontal hydro isolation of walls. In 1996. In a two years after erection of stake foundation, bottom parts of the walls reached 26,1%. the dampness of With the purpose of decreasing of ground water level on the territory of monument it was decided to launch existing drainage system. This work was done is 1998. Nowadays the monument is still moistening and destroying by salts. The decreasing of ground water level is possible through there methods. -construction of horizontal collector -improvement of existing drainage system -to combine drainage around the monument with demands of population drink water in In order to choose any of the above mentioned methods it is necessary to study present state of formation of ground waters: -re-establish regional regime network -make wells for observation on ground water level and hydro-chemical indicators -observe seasons water balance. 33 Vladimir Kalinin “Bishkekproekt * fnstitute Kyrgyz Republic Ground Water and Soil Salinity Related to the Monuments and Sites in Kyrgyz Damage Republic The various natural-climate conditions of central Asia arose difficult problems for ancient builders, who had to solve that problems. Nowadays, some of them are still significant: provision of safety of buildings and constructions located in seismic zones, areas with high level of ground waters and soil salinity, areas with hot and dry climate. All the above issues were successfully solved by ancient constructors and due to this fact we can admire the monuments at present. These are three mausoleums and minaret of XI-XII cc. located in Uzgen, Shakh-Fazil Mausoleum (Xl) in Ala-Buka region, the Mausoleums of XVIII c. in Chatkal, Ravat-Abdulakhan Mosque (XVI) and Asaf ibn Burhiya Mausoleum (XVIII) in Osh city. Some constructions are about 1000 years old. And we must preserve them for future generations. In general, main structures of historical monuments were made of raw materials - clayey masonry (pahsa). The level of safety of constructions made of such materials is rather high independently from climatic conditions. Building made from raw materials are the most ancient on the territory of Central Asia (more than 200 years old). To our regret such buildings were not preserved in the zones with high level of ground waters and damp. Under the influence of precipitation the monuments turned into hills known as (ctepe)). Hydro isolation plays an important role for constructions. The lower parts of walls are most of all exposing to water capillary rising. The walls made of burnt bricks are withstand the winds and salts, but being in the zone of capillary water rising also destroying. The brick masonry is demolishing due to the affect of frozen water in pores (Balasagun town and Tower of Buran). There is rather low level of soil salinity in Kyrgyz Republic and the main reason of monument’s damage is capillary water rising, which is very intensive because of hot, dry and windy climate of Kyrgyzstan. In winter due to very low temperatures the water in zone of capillary rising is freezing, this leading to destruction of wall’s materials. The situation is worsening because of strong frosts are changing by often thaws. This is the reason of additional moisten of construction’s walls. We can observe the above situation on the photos of Asaf ibn Burhiya Mausoleum, which is situated at the foot of Suleiman mountain, where the ground waters are very deep. But the lower parts of walls are exposed to the affects of capillary water rising and destroying step by step. The reason of destruction is violation of existing hydro isolation. Sometimes during the restoration works the existing hydro isolation system is turn out lower than the soil level and walls are exposed to affect of superficial waters and atmosphere precipitation. 34 It is very important implementation of ones could lead to interior decorations to take into account the choice of restoration materials in restoration and conservation works, cause the modern more large scaled damages of existing constructions and as well. The vivid example is Shakh-Fazil Mausoleum in Djalal-Abad region, where instead of brick dome was constructed the ferro-concrete one. The building destruction was stopped to nbreaths, and process of interior decorations more intensive. It means that it is better to use materials, the structure of which is very similar to the ancient ones. This issue is also concerns the methods of protection from ground water related damage. Utilization of contemporary methods of reconstruction ment solutions, polymer materials, chemical additions examined and scientifically grounded. works based on ceshould be practically 35 _-----_. -~ VJadimir Ma tichenkov Bishkek Mining Institute, Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic ffydro- Geological Situation within Zones of Historical of Kyrgyz Republic Monuments The list of historical monuments on the territory of Kyrgyz Republic, famous all over the world, includes: -historic-archaeological complex of Suleiman-Tahta mountain in Osh city; -three mausoleums and minaret of XI-XIII cc in historical complex Urger-r; -the mausoleum of Shakh-Fazil of XII c. In Ala-Buka region: -the medieval tower of Buran in central part of Chuy valley; -the medieval caravan-saray of Great Silk Road in Atbashin region -the group of mausoleums of XVI-XVIII cc. In Chatkal valley and others. This not full list of historical monuments located on this ancient land, where historical events left numerous architectural traces of various civilizations. The territory of Kyrgyz Republic is very rich with original natural formations, connected with epic wManas.H as well as artificial constructions, reflected cultural, religious and economic human activity in various regions. Meantime, historical-archaeological studying of Kyrgrzstan’s territory is in the stage of development and is foreseeing a lot very important discoverings that is why the issues of ground water and soil salinity related damage are very actual. But to our regret the state of investigation of the above theme is rather bad. The reasons of such situation are: -incomplete studying of architectural monuments, -peculiarities of engineering -geological conditions of monument’s constructions. The mountainous character of Kyrgyzstan’s territory assisting to the formation of wide range of ground water’s laying depth. Hydra -geological state of some historica/ monuments Tower of &ran The well 257-is situated in several meters from architectural monument on the mark 992, 02 meters. The depth of this well is 160 meters and overage level of ground waters is 153,30 meters. The well 24 is also situated in the same area on the mark 877,8 meters. Its depth is 78 meters, and laying level of ground waters is 70,8 meters. The ground waters in both wells are not too mineral. Three mausofeums and minaret of Xl-X/// in historical compIex of Uzgen There are no hydro-geological wells close to these monuments. On the distance 3-8 km, in the zone unfavorable for construction and exploitation of foundations, there a number of places, where we can observe ground waters. The observations confirmed the absence of danger to the foundations of historical monuments in conditions of natural regime of ground waters. 36 The well 484 is located on the south-eastern part of Uzgen. The depth of it is 80 meters, and level of ground waters laying is 1 1,9 meters. The chemical composition of water is characterizing by the following formula: /v’, 0,46 HCOs 68SO4 2OCL12 _____________________________ Ca40 Mg29 (Na+K)31 The well 688 on the territory of factory is situated on the mark 990 meters (the depth 70 meters). It have revealed that ground waters are laying on the depth 12,7 meters. Chemical compositionof ground waters is the following: M 0,23 HCOs 82 SO413 ------------------------------Ca58 Mg 27 (Na+K) 15 This water is not aggressive ditional materials. PH 7,3 and don’t affect to the foundations made of tra- The well 610 is situated in the bottom of Yassa river valley (the depth 70 meters). The level of ground waters laying is 9,8 meters. Chemical composition of water is the following: M 0,2 This water foundations HCOs.82 SO‘, 12 _______________________________ pH7.9 Ca 63 Mg 24 (Na+K) 13 could be considered as not aggressive made of traditional materials. and not dangerous for Historica/-archaeo/ogica/ compIex of Suleiman - Tab ta moun tab. There are no wells within the historical-architectural zone. The well *2515 is on the distance 1000 meters from the mountain. The ground waters were found on the depth 98 meters. The chemical composition of ground waters is M*O ,65 HC03 61 so4 31 ____________________--- pH 7,O Ca 64 Mg29 The well 2635 located at the foot of north slope of Suleiman Tahta on the mark 965 meters. Ground waters were revealed on the depth 40,4 meters. Chemical composition of waters is the following: M 0.62 HCOs 50 SO4 31 _______________________ PH 7,7 Ca 58 Mg 33 The well 2572 located on the western slope of Suleiman Tahta on the mark 1005. Ground water level is 47 meters. Chemical composition is very similar to the others found near Suleiman Tahta mountain: 37 M 0.53 HCOs 49 SO4 36 pH 7,6 _______________________ Ca 60 Mg 25 The analysis of all described wells allow to determine direction of ground waters from south to the north as well as forecast the level of ground waters from 50 to 150 meters. According to the above mentioned examples we can conclude that ground waters in conditions of natural regime are not affecting to the state of foundations of historical monuments. At the same time there are a lot of irrigation which were built in favorable hydro-geological bility of monuments is not determined yet. 38 --l-..--_~_--.. _ ,. ._I_ ___-.. channels close to monuments, conditions. But their role sta- Akma/ Akhmedov TaJYkgla vgeologia Republic of Tajikis tan Aspects of Anthropogenic Affect to the Ground Waters in Tajiki,tan The land of Tajikistan is rich with natural, historical, archaeological, artistic and architectural monuments. There about 900 archaeological and 200 architectural monuments. The numerous hills and tepes, located along river’s valleys and ancient caravan routes are concealing the remains of ancient historical city, which were capitals, handicrafts and cultural centers of states, existed on the territory of Tajikistan. The problems of protection and utilization of natural, historical and cultural monuments are the integral part of environmental protection. The major quantity of monuments is located in river valleys, within irrigation zones. The main factor of authropogenic affect to the monuments-is increasing of irrigation areas in Central Asian states, where water resources are polluting by industrial wastes. Further economical development of Tajikistan is connected with ecological situation in the region. Economic activity of humanity in Tajikistan is significantly negatively influhydro-geological and engineeringencing to the present geological, geological processes. There are regional and local changes in conditions of feeding and monument of ground waters. The intensive removal of ground waters is decreasing of its level with further settling of ground surface. Antropogenic affect, arising by social-economic factors, is the major reason of water level. Such problem is very typical for northern regions of TajikiStan. Pollution of ground waters There are four kinds of ground waters pollution: -pollution depending on affect of irrigation waters; -pollution, connected with changing of environmental -pollution of ground waters by fertilizers and poisons; -pollution of ground waters by industrial wastes. conditions; Flooding of territories The leakage from irrigation systems, excessive watering are leading to the flooding of territories and creating conditions for degradation of cultural lands, with further changing of geo-chemical composition of soil. The depth of ground waters laying in some regions is about 0,2-4.1 meters. For the period 199 1 - 1996 the ground water level rised on 0,3-2,l m. The problems of preservation of natural, archaeological, historical monuments are depend on solution of ecological architectural and problems of Aral 39 -._- - - ---.- -.--~--- .__I_ .._._ Sea basin. Improvement of ecological state in Tajikistan will play significant role in provision of sustainable development of Central Asian States. In order to decrease negative affect of anthropogonic factors to the state of ground waters and preservation of cultural heritage, it is necessary: -to create complex monitoring of environment; -to develop gardening on high territories, that will help fixation of slopes and decreasing of erosion processes; -to implement biological technologies of drainage; -to improve meliorative state of lands; -to implement modern watering systems; -reconstruction of existing irrigation networks. 40 Ministry Ground AliJon Abduflaye v of Cukure of Tajikistan Republic of TaJYkistan Water and Soil Salinity Related Damage to the Monuments and Sites in Tajikistan (Kabadian VaJJey) The lowest stream of Kafirnigan river is well-known as Kabadian Valley, the relief of which is tectonic. There are a number of climatic zones according to physical-geographical conditions within Uzbekistan. The Kafirnigan, Vakhsh Valleys as well as valleys of Toirsy, Kisilsu, Yahsu rivers and southern part of Tajikistan are related to the zone with dry climate with very hot summer, mild winter and autumn. The summer temperature is 46-48C*, duration of hot period is 9-l 0 months, and winter temperature is -3, -5C* the average annual precipitation in southern Tajikistan is 150- 179mm. The main reason of soil salinization are high level of ground waters, dry climate. Removement of salts could be reached trough washing and functioning of developed collecting-drainage system. Nowadays there are more than 100 registered historical and cultural monuments protected by state in Kabadian and Shaartuz regions of Tajikistan. The first archaeological researches of Kabadian Valley were carried out in 1946- 1948 by complex archaeological expedition. At this period were registered numerous archaeological monuments of valley. In 1966 historical department of Institute of history, archaeology and ethnography organized researches of medieval constructions, situated in Kabadian valley. The most part of revealed building are made of raw bricks, and there are only two mausoleums that made of burnt bricks. Building materials are exposed to the affect of climatic and atmospheric precipitation. Preservation and reconstruction of such monuments is rather complicated question. Various mosques, mausoleums, palaces, became the objects of monumental architecture developed in medieval times. In Kabadion valley were registered a lot of cultural architectural monuments made of raw materials (pahsa): - the mausoleum of Khodja Sarboz-central cupola construction, where the dome was not preserved; - the mosque located not for from Khodja Sarboz mausoleum-construction with gallery in western part of building: - unanimous mausoleum of XII-XIV cc.-square construction with destroyed dome. All of the above monuments present ruins and hills. Due to the hot and dry climate, wind and etc. the materials of constructions were exposed to various physical-chemical changes , lost mechanic solidity, and have been destroyed very intensively. The monuments excavated during archeological works are also destroying. These facts are indicating the actuality of problems, connected with preservation of architectural monuments, made of raw- 41 ^_I-. ---. .._____ . materials, strengthening of their constructions struction of historical and cultural monuments. and prevention of further de- In order to determine the reasons of destruction and to define the depth of ground waters and soil salinity, the State Institute of Engineering-Technical researches carried out in 1990s the scientific studying of the territories of monuments made of raw materials: Ok Mazar, Kum-Mazar and KhodjaMashad mausoleums of Kabadian valley. In conclusion there were determined geological structure of monument’s platform. Hydro-geological conditions are characterizing by presence of ground waters on the depth 2-2,8 meters on Ok-mazar, 2,4-3,Om on Kum-Mazar, 2,2-4.2 on Khodja-Mashad. The sources of ground waters feeding are atmospheric precipitations and waters of Kafirnigan rivers. The maximal level of ground waters is in summer and the lowest-in winter. The single way of preservation and protection of monuments zones from ground waters trough drainage systems. is drying of We have a lot of ideas and plans, a lot of experiments are on the fist stage of their implementation. It’s not easy to realize them because of difficult situation in our country. It is necessary to continue our researches in order to preserve historical and cultural monuments. All these issues should be solved in close collaboration between local, national, regional and international experts. 42 Academy Abduvafi Khudabergenov institute of Seismology of Sciences of Uzbekistan Republic of Uzbekistan Jnfluence of Ground Water to the State of Historica/ and ArchitecturaJ Monuments and Problems of their Protection in Uzbekistan Historical-architectural monuments are located mainly in ancient cities, their suburbs and long since developed lands. Natural conditions, including hydro-geological conditions of ancient cities and areas have been changed considerably for a long period of time under the influence of civil, industrial and hydro-technical construction, irrigation, drainage and cultivation of the territories. On the territory of large ancient cities such as Tashkent, Bukhara, Khiva and others a thick network of irrigation channels has been formed as well as anthropogenic, soil covers, underground waters of anthropogenic regime, and a number of engineering-geological processes developed such as subsidence, flooding, salting of soils, changing of underground water level and chemical content. For recent decades a considerable increase in anthropogenic change of underground waters has been noted which resulted in essential disturbance of the balance between architectural monuments and geological environment formed for centuries, in activation of their deformation. The water-bearing layers and soil foundations of historical-architectural monuments are represented by quaternary loess rocks, loamy and sandy soils of lo- 15 meters thickness and fill soils of 5-20 meters thickness. These grounds are characterized with considerable compressibility, strength drop (2-3 times in average) under moistening with surface and underground waters. Loess and fill soils have subsiding abilities under extra moistening (5 cm<Ssl<50 cm). Hydro-geological studies conducted on the territory of Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara and other cities demonstrated that under the affect of various anthropogenic factors there were essential changes in natural state, regime and conditions of underground waters. Main attention was paid to fluctuations of the water-level regime, which had an active influence on the state of grounds serving as a base of buildings and structures. According to manyyears regime observations for underground waters (since 1930) there were both increase and decrease in water level. But in the regional scale there is a considerable predomination of the increase. For the recent 15-20 years an average annual increase in underground water level made up in some of districts of Tashkent l-3 meters (North-East, Karakamush, Suth-West), in central parts of Samarkand 2,5-3 meters, Bukhara 0,5-l meters. Increasing of underground water level is mainly due to the increasing of volumes of infiltration water from irrigation and waste industrial and domestic sewage, leakage channels, areas under irrigation, from underground sewer networks, hydrostatic lift from underground waters 43 because of filling-up of existing drains, deep valleys and ravines acting as a zone of discharge for underground flows. In spite of general regularity of increase in the level of underground waters, currently their level in Tashkent and Samarkand is rather deep (1 O-20 meters) and they have no influence on stability of soil foundation of buildings. In these cities and suburb zones a certain danger is represented by infiltration surface waters and leakage from underground water supply system responsible for moistening of soils and development of subsiding deformations, Because of these reasons in Samarkand Madrasah Tilla-Kari (XVII), Bibi-Khanum Mausoleum (XIV-XV), ShakhiZinda Ensemble (XIV-XV) and other architectural monuments were deformed. The most potential danger from underground waters damage and their bad consequences are expected in the cities of Bukhara, Khiva and Shakhrisyabz, where flooding and salting processes take place. Average value of ground water table here is equal to l-3 meters, at some places up to 5 meters. All aspects of unfavorable affect of flooding processes could be divided into two groups: 1) decrease in strengthen properties of soils and increase in their corrosion hostility, deformations of buildings and structures, including architectural monuments; 2) increase in salting, degradation of meliorate conditions of lands, flooding of basement rooms, worsening of ecological situation. Decrease in strength properties of soils under extra moistening takes place because of dissolution of binding salts and destruction of structural links of soils. As the result of conducted investigations it was found that development of flooding processes and extra moistening of soil foundations and in consequence decrease in strength and large non-uniform settlements were the main reasons of deformations of historical-architectural monuments and modern buildings and structures. Among them there are in Bukhara: Nodir Divonbegi Madrasah (XVII), Divonbegi Khanaka (XVII), Kukeldosh Madrasah (XVI), Mirso Ulugbek (XV), Abdulaziz Khan (XVII), Bolokhauz Mosque (IX), (XVI-XIX), N amazgoh Mosque (XII-XVIII), lsmail Samani Mausoleum Chor Bakr Mausoleum (XVI), Chor Monir Madrasah (XIX), Sayfiddin Bokhazi Mausoleum (XIII-XVI) and others; in Sakhrisyabz - Ak-Saray Palace (XIV). In sharply pronounced arid climatic conditions of Uzbekistan in case of high level of underground waters (less than 2 meters) and in case of intensive evaporation of moisture, secondary salting-up processes in soils are intensified. Large quantities of salts are accumulated on the surface in the form of white covers and layers with salt-marsh formations. The weight salt-content in such places makes up 3-5 % of soil. There are sulfate, hydro-carbonate, and chlorine types of salting. There are not only soils subject to salting-up but also foundations and lower parts of walls of the monuments. Moistening and salting processes in the walls of lsmail Samani Mausoleum, Chore Minor Madras reached the level of 2-3 meters under surface. On the plinth parts of the walls of these monuments a salty cover is formed, which is then removed and periodically cleaned. It was found a considerable corrosion loosening of walls and foundations of some of the monuments be44 cause of the corrosion salt damage hazi Mausoleum and others). (Chore Bark Ensemble, Sayfiddin Bok- For the purpose of protection of architectural monuments, prevention of underground water level increase, flooding processes and their negative affect there are used in practice mainly horizontal and vertical drainage. In Tashkent and Samarkand networks of horizontal drainage were created. Besides, there are deep valleys and ravines (up to 20-25 meters) here, which are providing drainage of ground waters. In Bukhara and Shakhrisyabz there were both horizontal and vertical drainage systems. As the main collector of the horizontal drainage in Bukhara the Sokovich channel is working. In the central part of the city more than 50 wells of vertical drainage were drilled. At the present time most of the drainage systems are outdated, in inadequate state and do not do the job to provide efficient decrease in underground water table. At some sites horizontal drains were filled up as result of building of the territories, many of them were silted. Non-efficient operation of the vertical drainage is due to non-perfection of the boreholes construction and low filtration abilities of soil because of silting. To increase efficiency of the existing drainage system and provide proper decrease of the underground water table, to prevent their possible influence on grounds and foundations of historical and architectural monuments it is necessary to prepare a complex of measures on the base of new advanced technologies. The types of the measures to be taken are depend on concrete engineering-geological and hydro-geological conditions of the territories. The following general measures are recommended: of the existing horizontal drainage system through com- reconstruction bining of open and underground-type drains according to the local environmental conditions; of local and regional networks of the horizontal drainage of - construction circular and radical types; - creation of new system of vertical drainage wells through the construction of water intake facilities of radical and inclined types and organization of water collection and run-off using unified system. -- -- _. ..- ____.. --I _... ._l___ll_. ._. -_.._.._-._ -.I_-._ Larisa Kourduk (ITamirsh un os/ik* en te/pn*se -Republic of Uzbekistan Ground Water and SoiJ SaJinity ReJated Damage Monuments and Sites in Uzbekistan to the The condition of ground waters is significantly affected to the destruction of historical monuments. To our regret we are colliding with this fact every day. cTamirshounosliktt Institute is carrying out a work on liquidation of all phenomena, connected with monument’s destruction, for a long period of time, including liquidation of ground water and soil salinity related damage. There are a lot of factors, assisting the penetration of ground waters into the monument’s constructions: -reservoir, lakes, rivers, channels near the monuments -leakage from water pipes -moistening of salted soils -irrigation zones, located close to monuments. -rising of ground water level and etc. HTamirshunoslikH Institute have elaborated a number of projects on prevention and relaxation of aggressive ground water’s penetration into constructions of monuments. As it was mentioned, one of the reasons of monument’s dampness-is close location of reservoirs. The ground waters are constantly flowing in one direction taking out from under the foundations small particles of soil. Such phenomena are arising chopping off large lots of soil near reservoir, that is leading to heeling of whole building. This is particularly visible in minarets, located closely to reservoirs. In order to prevent taking out particles of soil, it is worth while to establish drainage system around the monument. Drainage system is using for drying of monument and give good results if it is working constantly. The drainage system of Kyrk-Kyz complex in Termez was conducting as the following: there were lay the pipes in channels, surrounding the monument, with inclination to the pump pipe. The example of Chor Minor monument in Bukhara. There removed all gardens and lawns, which were the reason of monument’s flooding. One more mentioned reason-is leakage from water pipes, laying near the monument. During working out of project on engineering-constructive strengthening of Nodira Divanbegi monument in Bukhara, were carried out engineering-geological and hydrogeological researches. According to the results of these researches it was found out that major reason of monument’s settlement is leakage from water pipes, but not close location of Shakhruh channel and Lyabi Haus. 46 Archaeological researches revealed, the level of soil around the monument is increasing day-by -day, and monuments are in low-land, which collecting all atmospheric waters In case the monument is situated on settling salted soils. The atmosphere precipitation are penetrating into soil, and monument’s foundations and walls are exposing to the affect of aggressive waters he ground waters are rising along the walls destroying them. During restoration works it is necessary to protect foundations and walls. The foundations of our monuments are made of burnt bricks on complicated solutions. Protection of’foundation is implementing through sticky isolation. If the salt is visible on the height of 2 meters of the wall, it means that there is no horizontal hydro isolation in the wall above the soil surface. That’s why it is necessary to conduct horizontal hydro isolation. In order to prevent capillary rising of water on the plinth level it is implementing into masonry hydro isolation. In our monuments the role of horizontal hydro isolation plays wooden girder along the perimeter of construction. On the plinth level it is injecting cement-lime solution, which is filling all cracks and pores. Chemical compositions of masonry solutions each monument. The materials for solutions preserve old appearance. are assorting individually for should be stable and should The scientific department of Institute is usually studying samples of solution of concrete monuments and give recommendations on solution’s composition. The vivid example is project of restoration of bath-house in Karshi, where the principal architect of project in cooperation with scientific department of institute determined solution’s composition for masonry of walls, hot resistant channels, for fixation of floor and etc. An ley. the are interesting hydro isolation system is on the monuments of Fergana valRush mates, Thickness of which 3-5 cm, are laying perpendicularly to wall. The water is flowing down on rush and not touching the walls. We winding the foundations and lowest parts of walls very often. 47 Rustam Niyazov Uzbekgidrogeo/ Republic of Uzbekistan Changing of Ground Water LeveJ and Contemporary Deformations of Ancien t Architectural Monuments of Samarkand, BuWlara and Khiva From the beginning of 60-s hydro-regime stations of Llzbekgidrogeologia~~ are carrying special regime observations on the level and quality of ground waters in zones of historical architectural monument’s location. Samarkand city - The ground waters are laying on the depth from 0 to 20 meters. Ground and subpressing waters are hydraulically interdependent and have the same level regime. The flow of ground waters is forming in Zerafshan mountains, direction-from the south to north-west. The territory of the city in transition zone, where we can distinguish two kinds of regime: 1 )climatic-severing and 2)irrigation-hydrological-severing. The first regime is usual for western part of city, where the leading regime forming factor is meteorological. The highest level of ground waters is forming in spring, and the lowest-in autumn. The second one is usual for the eastern part of city, where situated the Registan Square. The major regime forming factor here-is penetration of water from irrigation zones and channels. The highest level is in September. The For the last 20 years the level of average speed of rising is 0,23m\year. ground waters increased from 20 meters up to 17 meters. Rising of ground water level is connected with changes of existing irrigation situation in city; As the result of construction works there filled up a lot of springs. The rising of ground water level didn’t affected to the development of present cracks. Appearance of cracks is connected with atmospheric precipitation. The cracks were formed in places of Rain-water gutter. In 19911992 the quantity of atmospheric precipitation was 450-500mm\years, in 1997-373mm\yer (there were no new deformations). Bukhara city -is situated in the low stream of Zerafshan river. The ground waters are moving along the river and its branches from east to west, and forming because of leakage of water from rivers, channels, irrigation areas, atmospheric precipitation. Geological structure of historical center was significantly changed due to formation of spreading soil, which are conducting a compact surface. The most dangerous negative processes are developing on the territory of the city: Heoding by ground waters, salinization and etc. The ground waters in central part of city are laying on the dept of 5-9 meters, on the rest territory-l -5 meters. The highest levels could be observed in March-May, and the lowest-in August-November. The long-standing regime of ground water level is depends on quantity of atmosphere precipitation, water-feeding, acting of drainage systems and etc. 48 Khiva city-located on the south of Khorezm region in delta of Amudarya river. The ground waters are presenting common water horizon, which is filling due to regional decentralized flow from Amudarya river, penetrations of water from Akyab and Fergana channels, irrigation lands. The level of ground waters in summer is -2,5-2,7 meters and in winter-3,O 5,9 meters. The territory of historical Khiva is divided into two part: the old city is place of location of architectural monuments of ancient Khorezm. The square of inside town-lchan Kala (650x400sq.m.) is rising over the rest territory on 1,5=2,0 meters. For the last 27 years the level of ground waters increased on 1,5 meters and now is on the depth 3,02-3,67 meters. On the territory of outside town-lchan Kala the ground water level in 1997-99 was on the depth of O.l -2,3m. The main reason of flooding is leakage of irrigation waters and atmospheric precipitation. The highest level-summer and spiking, the lowest-autumn and winter. In 1981 due to the heavy rains, there appeared small crack were registered in 1976 after Gazli earthquake. cracks. The same So, the present ground water levels in Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva are laying lower the foundations borders and don’t have straight affect to their stability. However, according to scientific observations, there is a tendency of ground water’s rising on 1,5-4,0 meters, that could arise Heeding of historical monument’s location areas. The present development of cracks is connected not with ground water level rising, but with unusual quantity of atmospheric precipitation. Fig.1 Samarkand - ground water be1 changing - 1964 - 2000 hole 213 - Registan, hole 214 Gur-Emira 49 ---_- ..-. -. ._ 2.5! J 0 7 / 3 ; 6 month ; 9 . 1 12 2.5 : 0 i : 6 month : 9 : f_f:.::.tiole’~& fl .. : ..x$J&: i’ :.;::/ .’ .:.;.:.. ...’ y.::. .y :, {;:,: :. _. .iii-..A.A::, -.: -.$Jisj; : ::..:-.j::::::.;: ,, ..::.: .:. ,.. .y 1996 e-c.L + .$$ :.;::: : Buchara - ground water level changing - during the year year Fig. 2 Buchara - ground water level changing - 1996 - 1999 1 12 Fig.3 Cbiva - gmuod water level changing - 1973 - 1999 . . 51 Sha vka t AbduJJaye v, Rakhim Tursunme to v UzbekgidrogeoJogiya RepubJJc of Uzbekistan Possibilities of Geophysical of Historical Measurements Monuments in Studying In studying of historical monuments the geo-physical measurements could be used not only for investigation of rocks, forming the base of foundations, but also in inspection of constructions. There is a wide complex of geophysical measurements of investigations. One of the basic conditions of successful monuments protection in Central Asia -is excellent knowledge of geological structure and character of interaction between the monument’s foundations and their basements. These problems could be solved only Through complex geological prospecting. The complex of the above researches includes: engineering-geological, hydro-geological, geophysical, geo-technical measurements of studying. This presentation is highlighting the contribution of geo-physical measurements into solution of the above problems. The first example is Samarkand city-Registan Square. Here, during geophysical prospecting were used the methods of vertical electric exploration (VEE) and natural field (NF). There were carried out measuring on 8 profiles. On picture 1 you can see the results of geophysical measurements on 1 profile. According to the results of VEE were defined 7 layers, and lytologic- archaeological interpretation was given to them. It was also defined that first 6 layers are related to cultural-anthropogenic deposits. And only the surface of lowest layer is the natural relief. In horizontal direction the section could be divided into two major blocks. In the first block (PKI -PK20) the section is represented by sub-horizontal seam with insignificant changes of specific electric resistance. The second block is characterizing by ravine relief. The whole block is charac(PK24-PK28) terizing by significant changes of specific resistance in horizontal directions. In the right part of this block the values of specific resistance are close to the values of first block. It is well known that during increasing of level of rock’s dampness, their specific electric resistance is decreasing. It will be easy to define the linkage between dampness and specific resistance for some layers, it is enough quantity of laboratory definition of dampness and specific resistance. Using the above approach, it will be possible to determine the of dampness for each layer and point of measuring. According to all the above mentioned, we can note that in first block it is possible to determine increasing of dampness in two last layers using geophysical data. In second block decreasing of specific resistance and increasing of dampness of rocks are present in all layers that is vividly re52 fleeted on the diagram of specific resistance. The decreasing of specific resistance. The decreasing of specific resistance here is much more higher than jn first block. Consequently, the dampness of rock here is higher. This situation is coinciding with the results of Prof. Niemczynowicz. Incleasing of rock’s dampness is also noting according to the results of anotl>er method-method of NF. The negative anomaly is indicating that there is penetration of water down along the section. Increasing of rock’s dampness is leading to its settlement. In cases, when the monuments are located on such soil, this situation is leading to development of deformations of constructions. For example Tilla-Kari madrasah-in the zones of rock’s dampness !here is intensive increasing of cracks. It is P:lssible to distinguish two zones of abnormally high dampness. The most ?veak zone of the northern part of Registan square (Tilla Kari madraytih) is too moisten state. The second zone, being more wide, is characterizir;g by less dampness. A long standing affect of this unfavorable factor cou12 lead to arising of deformations in Sher-dor construction. Anotiier example of geophysical measurements concerns Khiva city. The geophysical profile is in the center of historical reserve Ichan-Kala. The detailed geophysical measurements allowed to get the new principal imagination on selection of this area. This factor-is presence of non penetrating clays on small depth. According to geophysical data it is local waterstress. The statical level of ground waters is situated on the foot of this layer. which are penetrating though upper Probably atmospheric precipitation, layer, couldn’t go vertically down and spreading in horizontal directions. This a reac’:>i-~of increasing of negative influence of ground waters. On the picture 3 we can see that form of lowest neogen layers is not flat and homogeneous. Are ttiese factors also affecting to the development of monument’s deformation? Comparing the results of geophysical and other prospecting measurements, it is easy to conduct real geophysical sections. Utilization of this method in corrlplex with others will allow to get more reliable information on the state of rocks, which are forming the foundations of historical monuments. The main advantage of such methods-is cheapness and operational activity. 53 I Resistivitv chances c-- block 2 200 220 Fig. 1 Results of geophysical measurement, Registan - profile Pl -t 1 E 1 1 7 3 4 c Geological and geophysical cross-section 710 705 700 0 20 40 60 SO 100 120 140 loam with small fragments 2% sandy luam loam with bigger fragments pg$ loam with ceramic fragments 160 180 X4 m barn Fig. 2 Registan - map of geophysical measurement f- zone of markedly incresed moisture . zone of slightly incresed moisture . L RS point Fig. 3 Results of geophysical measurement khan - Kala, profde Pl Muhammad Rachim Dzuma M&id A ! n crack 9 829 I1 10 11 - _ - .-. claystone sandstone loamy sand I Abdulhcban tower banking 55 ._.-.__ ..- -.. Fig. 4 khan - Kala - map of geophysical 56 . ..^ __-_.^___” l_--_ -- -.-- - _.___... _ .., . ,_ .._-. _ measurement M. Akbmedo v Institute of Mechanics and Seismology Institute Na fura/ and Technogen of Architecture Republic Affects on Historica/ of Uzbekistan Prof. Yakubov and Building of Uzbekistan Monuments It is known, that historical monuments are already suffered from various degrees of deformation, connected with several factors of environmental affect (atmospheric precipitation, modification of temperature, wind affects and etc.), operating conditions taking into consideration of the time of their construction. They meet earthquakes not according to standard strength and reliability, which were incorporated in the projects during the construction. The main reason among them are irregular settlings. In the last 20-30 years it was being raised slowly the ground water level because of building the water-keeping constructions, irrigation of new lands, willow, outflow of water from city and irrigation systems. The intensity of water flood on the territory has formed 0,2-3,7 m/year, often 0,3- 1 ,O m/year and if according to scientific research of Institute of Seismology of Uzbekistan among 462 inhabited areas of Uzbekistan the earthquake of magnitude none was registered in 26 inhabited areas, in 206 areas -eight, in 2 13 areasseven, in 17 areas-six, than as a result of outcome of water filling, the building properties of ground have worsened sharply and according to the new data of Institute of Seismology the seismicity of region was increased for one earthquake magnitude. The raising of ground water levels and settlings of grounds happens because of failures in engineering systems, violation of aquadivert systems of atmosof weak waterfilled pheric precipitation and freshet waters, vibrolanding grounds under the affect of static and dynamic stowage. The movements of the railway transport (underground, trains, trams), the heavy vehicles on the uneven roads can be the origin of vibration stowage. Even rneaningless vibrations with its amplitude and weak earthquakes are capabie to call non-proportional settlings of weak grounds under conditions of higil frequencies and long-term affects. These reasons are the major conditions of damages of buildings and historical monuments. Deformation of configuration items of historica/ monuments settled on saked grounds The danger of raising the ground water levels for a buildings are becoming complicated process due to underground waters are salted very much. On the territory of Uzbekistan the distribution of lands with various types of salting depends on precisely marked regularities of a wide - zone character. Zones, according to the degree of salting, are determined by the altitude 57 l_l-._.__ -I . . __-_ factors. Gypsum grounds are distributed widely on the territory of the Uzbekistan. You can find big resources of gypsum grounds in Bukhara, Karshi, Samarkand and Navoi regions. Ingredient of gypsum in grounds is being changed till 60-70 % within upper level of a slit (up to 10 meters). Accumulation of chloride-sulfate salt is registered in grounds of half-deserts, the Fergana Valley, mouth of Amu-Darya and Zerafshan rivers. It was registered several times deformations and destruction during the research works of different buildings in those territories which are connected with salts. In 1976 one of the tower type building in Bukhara region has received a great skew during Gazli earthquake. After careful investigation of that place it was found that a very salted gypsies grounds were on the base of tower. According to the results of the inspection, the salting processes have led to the significant increase of a porosity which was not compensated by the suffoziod settling. The ground practically has passed the limited condition, however in time of operation of a static load, structural cohesion of the ground has provided its sustainability. In time of seismic affects the lift capability of the foundation was settled and it was a fast loss of its stability. It has been inspected 19 minarets in the territory of Central Asia by our institution. The researches have defined the size, peculiarities of construction of some parts, technical condition and it has been collected historical information about the time of and sizes of minarets. It was found, that the main reason of destruction of ancient minarets is earthquakes of various intensity in the past, such as minarets constructed in XII century (minarets Kalyan and Vabkent in Bukhara) and in the beginning of XX century (Islam-Khodja in Khiva, Balahauz in Bukhara). Height of inspected minarets is changed from 57 meters up to 12,55 meters. The inspection discovered the following: if affect of the earthquake is manifested by destruction of upper part of minarets, then underground waters influence on the underground parts of structures. For example, usual damage in Balahauz minaret is the magnification of cracks in plinth part of minaret, which were appeared in the result of irregular settling. It can be seen under the sole of basement of Sheih Sharif Mausoleum (Khorezmshakh Tekesha, XIII century). The inspections of the sole of basement showed that the maximum pressure under the sole of the basement in the southern facade was 4 kg/cm, on northern part about 6 kg/sm. Such pressure for forest materials are almost limited, and if one takes into consideration the meaningless depth of the basement and possibility of moistening of ground, it is understood inequality of building’s settling, confirmed by measurements of the basement of internal dome. It has a mark +I ,50 to the South and +1 1,40 to the North, that led to general inclination of the monument as a whole and northern wall especially in the north. Researches (1995) conducted by the Seismologic Institute on seismic properties of a ground has shown that because of a raising of ground waters the seismic properties of grounds have worsened sharply in the basement of Tilla Kari Madrasah. There was a significant decrease of stability of the 58 building and seismic sustainability. The grounds of the basement in AkSaray (Shakhrisabz, XIV century) consist of strewn grounds and humid wooden materials, including debris bricks, tiles of ceramic utensils, bones and wood coal. The strewn grounds are located directly under the basement. Wooden covers are in the lowest part of pressured thick layer. The potency of a strewn grounds are equal to 4-5 meters. The physic-mechanical properties of grounds differ according to higher variability. So, specific tripping is vibrating from 0,0088 kg/cm to 0,0083 kg/cm. An angle of internal friction from 23 to 28 and the module of deformation from 20 MPa to 83 Mpa, if the ground is naturally humid. The denseness of addition of strewn grounds are inhomogeneous, changing from 1,65 t/m to 1,88 t/m. A settlement resistance of the ground in western pylon is equal to 3,21 kg/cm and eastern 3,19 kg/sm. The level of ground waters are 3,05-3,lO meters. Consequently, the lowest part of the basement and grounds of the bases are in the zone where ground waters may flood. That was the reason of appearance of heel in the southern part of eastern pylon. It happened because of nonproportional settling of grounds in basement part, their weaker compression than other parts. According to geodesic observation data on stability of Ak-Saray palace during 1995-1998 the settling of building was on 5.3 mm in average, except of its internal part. It can be observed further the significant acceleration of settling of pylons, that have shown the instability of palace basement. For maintenance of Ak-Saray palace’s stability it is necessary to implement the measures’on decrease of ground water levels. The results of influence of ground waters are observed in serious destruction of mausoleum of Najmiddin Kubro Ensemble (Urgench, XIV century) Protecthe measures Salting of grounds calls corrosion of mechanisms and metal items and reduces the term of life of the basements of buildings. It has forced the specialists for the implementation of a number of researches on evaluation and rebuilding of underground parts of buildings from affects of salts in Uzbekistan. Even if there are repair jobs they have surface-cosmetic character, which are insufficient in security of their safety for tens and hundreds of years. That is why for safety of monuments for the future generations we think now it is necessary to conduct a universal evaluation of availability index of historical monuments of Uzbekistan and Central Asia, taking into consideration the influence of salted grounds and their underground parts and realization of protective measures against aggressive waters, which consist of: - protection against moisture of sites (drainage, branch of object from channels, landing of not watering plants); - in planting of green plants on the distance of 6 meters and in some cases the drainage for tap irrigation waters; - in fixing of grounds of the foundations sylicatization in the name of magnification of strength and elimination of ground waters; - isolation from ground adjoining with constructions (clay houses, vertical and horizontal hydro-isolation). 59 F. Kadirov Tasbgidrospetsproekt Republic of Uzbekistan Prbtective of Historica/ Measurements to Deal with Settlement Monuments in Conditions of Flooding of Foundations by Ground Waters. The intensive development of new lands as well as intensive development of building and increasing of cities’ population is leading to increasing of environmental influence to the historical monuments, especially its foundations. The rising of ground water level is the reason of settlement phenomena of historical monument’s foundations. The settling phenomena is dangerous because of its unevenness as usual, monuments are occupying wide cultural layers). The foundations of monuments are ordinary brick masonry, made of non burnt brick or dense clay. In condition of ground waters rising, connected with leakage of water from city sewerage systems and flowing waters from irrigation lands, the affect of salted ground waters is the most dangerous, as it’s arising violations foundations structure and its further destruction. The main reason of monuments destruction is water leakage from sewerage systems, located very close to the monuments. Such situation is leading to unequal moistening of foundations. The result of which are construction’s distortions with further development of monument’s deformations and destruction of whole construction. Our firm have been worked on liquidation of settlements of Moscow Kremlin, and a number of historical monuments in Uzbekistan. I would like to note that methods of fixation and reconstruction of historical monument’s foundations is differ from that ones, which are using with regard to contemporary constructions. The difference in technology of monument’s erections, according to various periods of time and methods, is dictating the necessity to consider flexible approach in fixation of foundations and basement’s deformations. It is better to combine to combine methods of fixation by various chemical reagents and removing of all sewerage communications out of determined zone. In order to define the borders of such zone, as well as determine reasons and points of moistening, our firm is using. The new methods of geophysical researches. For fixation of soil, we using chemical solutions, and for reconstruction of building’s foundations-injection of consolidating materials. The cost of such works, in comparison monuments, is not significant. 60 with historical value of cultural PRESENTATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS R. Legg and Robert Myers Department of Geography, University Co//ege, London United Kingdom Salt Damage to Important Islamic Monuments at Bukhara and Khiva 1. Introduction The Central Asian Republic of Uzbekistan (Fig. 1) is famous for some of the most beautiful and important examples of Islamic architecture to be found anywhere in the world. These date from the ninth to the nineteenth centuries. The historic towns of Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand include many outstanding individual buildings and ensembles of buildings. Many of these monuments, which in addition to their enormous historic value are of fundamental importance to the local tourist industry, face a serious threat from salt attack. Unless action is taken to control the problem, the already serious damage will get worse; increasingly expensive repairs will be essential. Some buildings are at real risk of collapse. At the request of the Uzbek Ministry of Culture S Akiner, R U Cooke and R A French of London University, undertook a preliminary field reconnaissance in the towns of Khiva and Bukhara in 1998 and 1991. This reconnaissance was followed up by Robert Myers of the Structural Engineering Practice Price & Myers who visited Tashkent, Bukhara and Khiva during late October, early November 199 1. Time was spent at the Tashkent Institute of Restoration in discussions with Engineers, Architects, Archaeologists and Materials Consultants to establish the form of construction of the historic buildings, their problems and the methods of restoration currently being employed and considered. A selection of the historic buildings in Bukhara and Khiva was examined to determine the extent of the salt attack problem, the traditional methods for dealing with it, and to find out how repairs and restoration was actually being carried out. the extent and mechanism of the This report describes the monuments, problem of salt attack, possible solutions to the problem and in conclusion sets out proposals for trials of damp courses to deal with the problem. . 61 --.-. _.. ._l--_l__. 2. The historical context Archaeological investigations have established that urban cultures had begun to emerge in the basins of the Amu-Darya and Zerafshan rivers by the middle of the first millennium BC, by which time Samarkand (first Afrosiab, later Macaranda), Bukhara, Khiva and Tashkent had all been founded. Many different civilizations flourished in the area, but in the second half of the eighth century AD, the Arab conquest introduced Islam, which soon became the dominant force. The region was drawn firmly into the cultural as well as the political orbit of the Caliphate, resulting in an extraordinary flowering of intellectual and artistic endeavor. By the ninth century AD, Central Asian scholars were making an impressive contribution to Islamic science, amongst them Ibn Sina (Avicenna), who with other mathematicians and philosophers was later to have a major influence on the development of European science. The artistic achievements found fullest expression in architecture, where Islamic forms blended with indigenous traditions to create monuments of unique distinction. Generous patronage came from rulers, eager to beautify their cities and to commemorate their reigns with splendid buildings. Some of these are among the greatest masterpieces of the Islamic world. Many were extended and remodeled over a period of several centuries and display the differing architectural fashions and building techniques of their day. The oldest Islamic edifices on the territory of present-day Uzbekistan date from the ninth century, but few survived the great damage inflicted by the Mongol invasions of the early thirteenth century. Those that do, display an elegant simplicity of line, with a subtle texture of ochre-colored brickwork. The outstanding example of this style is the family mausoleum of the Samanid family in Bukhara, built in the reign of Sultan lsmail Samani in the 9th-10th centuries. Blue ceramic tiles, carved terra-cotta facings and Quranit inscriptions were used to enliven the facades of later monuments of this period. Towards the end of the thirteenth century, urban culture began to regain its vitality and during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries there was a great revival of architecture. Some of the finest monuments date from this period (Mausoleum of Chasma Ayub). Under Tamerlane (d. 1405) and his grandson, Ulughbek (d. 1449), Samarkand was made a city of incomparable beauty and grace. Decorative tilework became more varied and was used to cover broad expanses of wall, rather as carpets and embroideries were used inside the house. 62 -,- _______ ”____--- , . FIG. . 1 KAZAKH .i’ I . I i :\ TURKMEN ISTAN .:’ Kyzyl Kum (desert) \ UZBEK/STAN STAN ! ! ! \ i I Bukhara ‘“‘-. I.? TAOZHlKlSTAN 1 2 Chashma - Ayub Mausoleum 01 lsmall Samanl 3 Ark 4 Kalyan Mosque Kalyan Mlnarel 5 c Mr-I-arab Madfassa Bole-khauz Mosque and Mlnarel Kukel’larh Madrassa 9 LyabCKhaut c Nadir-Chran-Bqg Mdrassa 7 ChwMlnor 9 Magokl-ANarlMo~us 9 10 Wiola Bazaars 113 FIG. 2 BUKHARA After the collapse of Tamerlane’s empire, power gradually shifted back to Bukhara (Fig. 2) and later still Khiva and Kokand emerged as important political and economic centers. Most of the historic buildings of Khiva date from the nineteenth century (Fig. 3). The basic architectural forms remained the same; indeed continuity and imitation were prized. Decorative motifs became lighter and more reminiscent in pattern and line of contemporary Perso-Moghul styles. Yet another artistic influence was added when the Russian conquest of Central Asia in the 1860s introduced European style buildings. There was an interesting attempt to blend indigenous styles with new forms, especially in the palaces and mansions of the local elite. Medieval descriptions of Central Asian cities speak of spacious squares and thoroughfares and a great variety of public and domestic buildings, set among luxurious gardens. Today, human-inflicted damage, resulting from invasions, internecine wars, revolution and ideological intolerance, coupled with natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods have destroyed most of the rich urban textures. The few buildings that have survived are for the most part unhappily marooned in the midst of modern urban sprawl. Most of the monuments to be seen today had a religious function. They include a variety of mosques - the large Friday mosques within the city, the mosques outside the city (namazgokh, or idgokh) used for special feasts, and the small makhalya mosques situated in each district of the city. Adjunct to the mosques are minarets, either structurally attached to the mosque or free-standing, in the latter case often of substantial size and height. There are also several mausoleums, erected in honor of a notable, usually a holy man or a ruler. They may consist of a single vaulted chamber, or a central chamber surrounded by other smaller rooms. In some cases the mausoleum comprises a whole architectural ensemble, approached through an imposing portal, or an entire necropolis, as the Shakh-i Zinda in Samarkand. Chanuka were Dervish ‘monasteries’, where pilgrims could pray and find accommodation. Many examples have survived of the madrasah, religious colleges intended to accommodate large numbers of students. The usual plan is a central quadrangle, enclosed on all four sides by a double storey of small, arcaded cells, interspersed with prayer rooms and lecture halls. The Islamic monuments of Uzbekistan are part of the world’s architectural and cultural heritage. Khiva has been declared a World Heritage City by UNESCO and similar status is being sought for Bukhara. . 65 FIG. 3 KHIVA Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 Kunya Ark Mukhamed Amin Khan Madrassa and Kal’ta Minor Minaref Mausoleum of Said Alauddin Mausoleum ol Pakhlavan Makhmud Dzhuma Mosque and Minarer Shirgazi Khan Madrasa Islam Khodzha Ensemble Ak - Mechet Allakulikhan Madrassa Kutlug-Murad - lnak Madrassa Tash-khauli Palace Arabkhana Madrassa Mukhammed Rakhimkhan Madrassa 66 . 3. The geographical context The towns of Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand are the centers of areas where irrigation agriculture has been practiced for some three thousand years. Khiva lies on the margins of the Amu-Darya, flood plain just above the commencement of the river delta, in the area known as Khorezm; Samarkand and Bukhara stand near the river Zerafshan, which until the late prehistoric period was a tributary of the Amu-Darya, but which now dies out through loss of water to irrigation and evaporation, some 25 km short of the main channel stream’ (Fig. 1). The whole of the Aral Sea basin, downstream of the mountain foothills, has an extremely arid, continental climate. Everywhere precipitation is under 400 mm per annum. In Bukhara, annual precipitation is less than 220 mm and in Khiva less than 100 mm. Maximum rainfall occurs in spring, commencing in late February/early March and dying out in April. The temperature regime is characterized by a sharp annual range. January average temperatures fall to -5°C in Khiva and -1°C in more southerly Bukhara. Variations from year to year can be considerable: in Bukhara the January minimum is -23°C (1950) and the January maximum is 20°C (1940). July average temperatures are 27°C in Khiva and 29°C in Bukhara, with maxima in the mid 4Os”C in both places. Over’the year, the net radiation balance in the Central Asian deserts is about 150- 160 kilocalories cm2 (Murzayev, 1968). Relative humidity by day in summer does not exceed 20-30 per cent and around midday may fall below 10 per cent; in winter it averages 40-65 per cent during the day. The temperature regime ensures high evapo-transpiration. Arable agriculture in the basins of the Amu-Darya and Zerafshan is wholly dependent on irrigation, for which the rivers are the sole significant source of supply. River flow in turn is heavily dependent on glacier and snow melt in the headwater regions of the Pamirs and Tyan-Shan, giving two peaks of flow in March and in June-August. Although irrigation, based on gravity flow, is of extreme antiquity in Central Asia, the irrigated area began to increase rapidly only after the Russian conquest in the later nineteenth century. The tempo of constructing new canals and extending the irrigated area increased further in the Soviet period and particularly after the Second World War (Table 1). Since the opening of the first Soviet Five-year Plan, the irrigated area of Soviet Central Asia and Kazakhstan (part of which lies in the Aral Sea basin) has nearly tripled. In the Uzbek Republic the area has nearly doubled since 1950 and is still rising. One well-known consequence of this development, together with comparable reductions in the basin of the Syr Darya, has been the reduction of flow into the Aral Sea, which has led to its progressive desiccation and a range of associated problems. 67 TABLE 1 Irrigated land in Central Asia, 1928-1989 Year 1928 1950 1960 1970 1980 1988 1989 (million ha) Central Asia and Kazakhstan Uzbekistan 3.33 5.42 5.89 6.19 7.94 9.39 9.44 n.a. 2.14 2.69 2.81 3.48 4.15 4.16 Sources: Various, including volumes of Narodnoye Khozyaistvo SSSR and Narodnoye Khozyaistvo Uzbekskoi SSR; figures are approximate in that slightly differing definitions of irrigated land are used at different dates. Another, less well-known consequence that is probably crucial to the problem of building damage is the concomitant rise of the water table in the lower reaches of the catchments. Few of the canals are adequately lined and there is considerable loss of water by seepage. Data on this phenomenon are not readily available and the evidence for change in water table level is equivocal. Nevertheless, it is certainly true that in the Bukhara and Khiva districts, the water table is not far below the surface today. 68 _ ,_.-_ ~.------“I- 4. The evidence of damage . Many old buildings have successfully stood the tests of time, but there is clear evidence of damage on many of the major Islamic buildings examined in Khiva and Bukhara. This damage is of three main kinds. First, there is structural damage, such as cracking, leaning walls and zones of horizontal shear failure due to earthquakes which can be seen on buildings such as the early nineteenth-century Chor Minor mosque in Bukhara. Although this damage is important, it is not the focus of this study. Secondly, the upper parts of some buildings show evidence of tile removal and deterioration due to rain water ingress. This too was not investigated. Thirdly and most importantly, extensive damage occurs in a zone around the bases of buildings, that in places has an upper limit of over 3 m above ground level. The evidence following . . of damage around the external base of buildings includes the 1. The break-up by flaking of some bricks, such as some of the red-colored bricks in Bukhara. 2. The break-up to powder of some other bricks, such as the yellow-colored bricks in Bukhara. 3. The fracturing of bricks. 4. The extrusion of bricks from walls and the associated deformation of wall lines. 5. The break-up of original brick patinas. 6. The removal of mortar from between bricks. 7. Ceramic tile fall. 8. Surface disruption, both internally and externally. 9. Associated with alabaster repairs and surface coatings, (for example, blistering, flaking and tumbling) 10. Salt efflorescence, which is commonly associated with mortar and which also, in places, ‘coats’ the bricks. . 69 .- -- One form or another of this damage was specifically observed in each of the buildings listed in Table 2. Moreover, there is also clear evidence that the damage is occurring at present. For example, salt efflorescence, the breaking-up of bricks and mortar extrusion are all clearly to be seen on part of the Ulughbek madrassa in Bukhara, that was only restored in 1980. Similarly, Grazhdankina described damage to the Samanid mausoleum after the restoration in 1938; part of the base was crumbling and bricks and mortar were being forced out. The ground-level damage is a matter of serious concern since it re,duces the strength of walls where stresses are greatest, eventually leading to structural failure of the buildings affected. TABLE 2 Estimated heights of the upper limit of damage by Salt Attack KHIVA Madrassa Mohammed Amin Khan Madrassa Kazy Kalyan Yaqub Kh,odza Khona Harem 1.5 Depth of water surface (m) ? 1.72 0.9 c.2.0 ? ? c.5.0 1.8-2.55 1.5-2.25 0.8 c. 1.5 c.2.5 ? ? c.3.0 2.25 2.55 2.0 ? ? Height (m) BUKHARA Samanid mausoleum Kalyan minaret Ulughbeg madrassa Gizhduvon (on road to Samarkand) Magoki-Attari mosque Chor Minor mosque Bahauddin (near Bukhara) c.2.0 70 I----I ^---.-_--_l__l ..._..”._._,_. . .. _-^.l____.l_.^_____l. -. . 5. Dampness and salt efflorescence The zones in buildings above ground level in which the damage is found are associated with two clearly related characteristics, dampness and salt efflorescence. The lower parts of many buildings in Khiva and Bukhara, where darnage is concentrated, are damp. During the survey, patches of relative dampness were measured on the buildings listed in Table 2. The results are summarised in Figure 4. These and other data show that the upper limit of dampness is variable, but at a maximum it is over 3.0 m. Often, but not always, the mortar is relatively damper than the adjacent brick. Figure 4 Dampness of bnckviorLand mortarrelativeto height above ground level 71 _I-______. ___I_.._-... ..-... - -..- -__.-~---...- . ___-. Within the damp zone, the zone of most damage, salt efflorescence is evident as white encrustations. Samples of salts were collected and analyzed. The results are shown in Table 3A and B. The samples of efflorescences within the capillary zone, taken from Bukhara, reveal a complex mixture of salts. Of crucial importance is the occurrence in two samples of sodium and magnesium sulphates. Both of these salts have been shown experimentally to be amongst the most serious agents of salt weathering. Saltpeter, KNO, is present in two samples suggesting that nitrates may be present in groundwater. This in turn suggests that fertilizers used locally in association with irrigation are a possible source. Whatever the origin, nitrates, some of which have relatively high coefficients of volumetric expansion, may be important in causing damage. Gypsum, a dominant component of sample 4, is also a significant agent of salt weathering, although it, together with halite, is thought to be relatively less effective than the sodium and magnesium sulfates. TABLE 3A Analysis of salt samples, by element, from Uzbek Islamic monuments Major constituents: constituents percentage Sample 1 KHIVA: Madrassa Mohammed Amin Khan, efflorescence (120 cm. Above ground level, inside) Sample 2 BUKHARA: Samanid Mausoleum, efflorescence (34 cm, a.g.l., south side) Sample by weight of total sample of water Na K Ca Mg Cl 24.4 3.6 4.7 0.1 39.1 3.6 7.9 83.4 7.2 1.6 1.6 6.7 1.9 0.4 46.1 65.5 6.1 13.7 1.7 3.5 0. 7 21.3 30.6 77.6 6.4 2.2 15.7 1.0 2.4 0.9 55.0 83.6 NO3 so4 soluble Tota I 3 BUKHARA: Magoki Attari mosque, efflorescence (7 cm. a.g.l., south side) Sample 4 BUKHARA: Chor Minor mosque, efflorescence TABLE 3B Analysis of salt samples from Uzbek Islamic monuments Major salts (percent)- Sample 1 . CaCOs31 calcium carbonate NaCl halite KNOX saltpeter CaS0,2HzO gypsum KHIVA: madrasah Mohammed Amin Khan, efflorescence ( 120 cm above ground level, inside) Sample 2 MgS04.6HzO hexahydrate major c.60% MgS04.7HzO epsomite minor Na$SOd thenardite minor c.20% BUKHARA: Samanid mausoleum efflorescence, (34 cm a.g.l.,west side) Sample 3 . MgS04.6HzO hexahydrate KNOs saltpetre NaNOs soda nitre possible NaS04 BUKHARA: Magoki-Attari mosque, efflorescence (7 cm a.g.l., south side) Sample 4 CaS0,2H20 gypsum major 65% NaCl present 5% Na, K, and Mg and sulfates but not mirabilite or thenardite BUKHARA:Chor Minor mosque efflorescence (1 m a-g.)., south side) . . 10% 70% 5% 10% The analyses were undertaken by Dr-J. McArthur Geological Sciences, University College London. 73 --_-. -I _ of the Department of These analyses are comparable to those undertaken at the Samanid Mausoleum in May, 1988 by the Bukhara-Samarkand expedition, which showed, inter alia, that the salts include NaS04, CaS04 and MgSO, (Table 4). TABLE 4, Salt and moisture in the Samanid Mausoleum, Percentage Brick E * May 1988 by weight of total sample of water soluble constituents Height cm Moisture % &SO4 4.96 16.41 i.5 KzS04 1.232 CaS04 MgS04 Total 5.97 10.29 22.4 wall Brick S 0.3 29.96 3.29 0.55 7.68 2.45 14.97 2.0 10.6 1.147 4.97 5.38 0.33 11.92 wall Brick Source: Report No.35, Institute of Restoration, Tashkent. 6. The capillary fringe Both salt efflorescence and dampness are associated with the capillary fringe - the zone of saturated and partially saturated material above the water table. Groundwater is drawn upward through surface materials and buildings above the water table by nevaporative pumping”, which is essentially the result of high surface temperatures. The height of capillary rise is determined by the nature of the sub-surface temperature gradients, so that it is likely to be higher in desert areas of low relative humidity, such as Uzbekistan. The height is also determined by the nature of the materials through which the moisture passes. In general, the height will be greater in fine materials such as clay, and in coherent, fine-grained building materials such as bricks and mortar. Thus in Khiva and Bukhara, where climatic conditions are propitious and the materials involved are fine-grained, the height of the capillary fringe is relatively great. Observations of water table depth, taken in conjunction with measurements of the upper limit of capillary fringe (Table 2), suggest that the height of capillary rise may in places exceed 6 m (as estimated, for example, at the harem in Khiva). Such thicknesses of the capillary zone are high. Normally the zone would not exceed a meter or two, even in the hottest, driest deserts. This anomaly, explained by R.A Legg, is due to two zones of capillary rise. One is immediately above the water table, the other at and above the ground surface; the two are separated by a relatively ‘dry’ zone (Fig. 5). In winter, when the upper soil layer is relatively cool there is a marked temperature gradient from the water table to the surface, water will evaporate from the groundwater at depth, and the warm vapour will pass upwards through the dry zone to condense in the relatively cool surface layers (Fig.‘G). In this way a second saturation zone is created from which capillary rise could proceed into the buildings. Apparent recent increases in capillary rise could also be explained by increases in temperature gradient, even though ground and air temperatures remain the same, as a result of two circumstances shown in Figure 6. First, a rise in groundwater level, due to irrigation. And second, if irrigation water is applied to the land in spring and early summer, the excess water that washes out the soil and leaches down to the water table would arrive at the high temperatures of that season. This would create a steeper temperature gradient. Hence increasing the migration of water to the surface. YMSNRE THE %3L WlNTER RISE Df MDlSTlJRE $TARllNC AS -WARMVAPOUR AND CoNDENsrNC NEAR COCD SUftFACE . II -iI ‘/ EXTRACTED FROU AS BRIM PCNWS Ii II II II II II . . flCURE 5: WERE CAPUARY IT IS POSSJBLE RI= IS FOUND THAT I-HERE ARE IN WICDINGS SEVERAL METRES ABDVE m0 ZONES ff CAACLARY RISE. . 75 THE WATER TABLE. SUMMER l zJ’-- SURFACE SUMMER 1 : j ‘QA (1.1 (2.1 “NATURAL’ SUMMER 'NAlURAl' MNTEA ., -3-DRY- SOIL -s-- - VANTER Au WET S&L CAPILLARY (IN FRINGE) ‘c 4 FIGURE 6. AN OF EXPCANATlON WJPERATURE OF ME IJOUBlE GRADIENTS. ZONE OF CAPILLARY RISE IN TERMS (3.) INTER GRADIENT AS MOLWIED BY MODERN IRRIGATION. (SUGGESTED) 7. The water table The present water tables in Khiva and Bukhara vary in their depth below the surface, both spatially and seasonally. Table 2 provides some data and Table 5 A and B summarizes water table depths at specific sample locations in Khiva and Bukhara. These data show that the water table is close to the surface beneath many buildings, with the result that the capillary fringe is bound to affect their walls. TABLE 5A Depth to water table, Khiva Borehole No 1986 1987 1988 28 50 5 222 223 224 225 125 Range 1.28 1.55 1.13 1.03 2.68 4.14 2.16 0.86 0.86-4.14 1.64 1.84 0.97 1.08 1.82 3.31 2.39 1.31 0.97-3.31 2.55 1.93 1.62 1.09 1.75 3.59 2.43 1.48 1.09-3.59 TABLE 5B Depth to water table, Bukhara 1.4 n.a. not found at 2.5m n.a. 3.7 1977 not found at 6.5m 1977 3.0 1978 15.0 1978 7.25 -8.2 1978 Throne Hall, Ark 15.0 1981 Kalyan mosque 17.0 1979 Namazgan mosque Labi Khauz Kalon mosque Khodzha Peshku mosque Toki-Tilpak Furoshon cupola bazaar Cottage near Chashma Ayub Mir-i Arab madrasah Ark (Citadel) Abdulla-Azizlchan madrasah 4.5 -4.7 1979 Navoi chaikhana (teahouse) more than 20m 1981 Source for Tables 5A and 58: personal communication from members of the State Centre ‘Nature’, GUGIC, Uzbekistan. Note: these data may be influenced by ‘drawdown’ as a result of pumping of groundwater. 77 _--- -- _._ _ -.. 8. Salinity of groundwater It is the upward and outward migration of water through the capillary fringe that transports salts into the buildings from ground. It is the salts that cause most of the damage in the capillary fringe zone. There is some evidence that groundwater is relatively saline. Electrical conductivity measurements at the Samanid mausoleum gave a groundwater value of 5,100 micro-siemens, for example (Table 6A, sample 3). Water being used for mortar in Bukhara was also quite saline (Table 6A, sample 4). Grazhdankina showed that Bukharan groundwater is characterized by substantial amounts of magnesium and sodium sulphate (Table 613). These salts were found to be the most abundant in salt efflorescences (Table 3). TABLE 6 Salinity of groundwater A- Electrical conductivity measurements (micro-siemens) Hotel tap water, Tashkent 300-350 Bottled water, Tashkent 1090-l Bukhara, 5,100 Samanid mausoleum Bukhara, water used for mortar, (Emir’s citadel) B. Analysis Composition at the Ark made by Grazhdankina, of Bukhara MgSQ 4.14 NazS04 4.16 NaCl 3.56 CaS04 1.91 groundwater 2,700 ( 1989, p. 175) samples 78 (gm/l ) 100 9. Evaporation and salt deposition Evaporation causes salts to be formed on the outside of buildings from the water in the capillary zone. The key to this process is that external air temperature is different from the wall temperature and is at times higher, thus allowing evaporation at the surface. Field measurements of air, wet bulb and external wall temperatures (e.g. Fig. 4) support this argument. In addition, air temperatures within buildings are normally lower than temperatures outside, thus creating ,a transverse gradient that encourages moisture movement to the outside walls. In moving to the outer wall of the building, salts will form mainly where moisture is greatest, that is to say, preferentially within the mortar. 10. The effect of salts The formation of salts from solution by evaporation on the external walls of buildings in the capillary zone is one major process that causes the break-up (weathering) of bricks, mortar, and stone. The effectiveness of crystal growth from solution is well-known and experimentally verified. Studies have demonstrated that the disruptive effects of crystal growth vary with the type of salt, and that magnesium and sodium sulphate are both particularly damaging. Both are present in Bukhara. A second process involves the expansion of certain salts that are already in crystalline form within pores, through hydration under daily ambient temperature conditions. The salts that have hydrates and may suffer hydration in ambient conditions include calcium sulphate, sodium sulphate and magnesium sulphate. The hydration process may well be important in Khiva and Bukhara, not only because damaging salts are present, but also because the daily march of temperature and relative humidity crosses the relevant hydration thresholds at times (e.g., 21.4” and 32.3“ for hydrates of NazS04) and because the temperature gradients in walls may encourage it. A third possibility is of chemical changes, for example to mortar, that create new products of higher volume than the original material. Such increases in volume can cause extrusion and disintegration. Thus the climatic conditions, the specific salts present, and the presence of capillary fringe water in the buildings all suggest that salt weathering is the major cause of damage to buildings at and immediately above the ground surface. 11. The Salt Weathering Problem Elsewhere The problems recognized in Khiva and Bukhara are not unique. Similar conditions have been described throughout the Arabian Gulf and in Egypt at Suez, and similar, but more advanced versions of these problems are to be found in Turkmenia. 79 -_.. ..__ - .-.--I^____ -_.___ 12. Other Sources of Salt Analysis of water being used for mortar at the palace in Bukhara (Table 6) suggests that salts could be introduced into buildings through the water used in mortar’. Certainly this could be a problem today, although according to the conservators of the Uzbek Ministry of Culture at both Khiva and Bulchara, traditionally, serious efforts were made to use mortar water that was free of salts. Salty mortar could be responsible for tile fall high up in buildings. Salty mortar could also augment damage in the capillary zone. 13. Deterioration of the Monuments The previous discussion makes it clear that the ground level damage to the monuments is caused by salts that have entered the walls of the buildings as a result of rising damp and salt laden building materials. It is also clear that most of the salts are derived from saline ground water or soil. It is essential that the monuments are properly protected and maintained, but this requires substantial investment. Salt damage gives particular cause for concern, since all the methods so far used to solve the problems in Uzbekistan connected with this form of damage appear to have been largely unsuccessful. Consequently, costly restoration work has to be repeated every few years, at what appear to be ever-decreasing intervals. The question of restoration is made more pressing by the role of these buildings as a great tourist attraction. Some 500,000 visitors a year come to Uzbekistan to see them; approximately two-thirds are from outside the C.I.S., bringing much-needed foreign currency into the republic. Service industries have developed around them, so that it is important for the economic future of the region that the historic monuments should survive. The republic, however, cannot afford to pour funds into what is perceived to be a bottomless pit. It is vital therefore that an effective and lasting method of preventing rising damp and of dealing with salts in the fabric of these monuments should be found if further deterioration is to be avoided. 14. Details of the Building Construction The detailed form of construction appropriate methods for dealing mulated. The buildings examined of the monuments with the salt attack divide into two distinct was examined so that problem could be for- types 1. Mainly domestic buildings having a timber frame with sun dried brick infill which is then rendered externally with mud mixed with straw. 2. Mainly Public and Religious buildings so witil walls made of burnt brick. TYPO . , The timber frame of these buildings is built off a substantial sole plate set on a brick plinth. See SKI. These buildings do not suffer from severe salt attack problems because the timber sole plate isolates the upper section of the external wall and acts as an effective damp proof course. The timber does not rot because the dry climate keeps it sufficiently dry. The brick or stone plinth suffers from salt attack but this feature is usually rendered with mud and straw. Since the salt crystals form on the surface which is subject to evaporation, the crystals grow in the mud render. This gradually disintegrates but is easily removed and replaced every few years. Type . 1 2 The more substantial buildings and monuments such as mosques, madrasahs, minarets, and trading bazaars have walls made of solid burnt brickwork. These buildings are the subject of this report and are the ones suffering from salt attack. The bricks are set in lime mortar, gypsum mortar or mud mortar. Sometimes a mixture of mortars appears in the same wall construction. The thickness at ground level depends on the building and varies from walls about 30cm thick to piers about 2.0 meters thick. Some of the thicker walls and piers have rubble cores. The walls are often decorated with glazed brick tiles or mosaics made from glazed tilework set in gypsum plaster. The internal wall surface is sometimes exposed brickwork and sometimes plastered or tiled. Most of the buildings examined do not have damp courses: the brickwork running continuously up from foundation level. See SK.2. Occasionally the brickwork is built off stonework or marble at the level of the ground, which forms an effective damp course. See SK.3. Some buildings incorporate a timber feature about 60cm above ground level. A drawing seen at the Tashkent Institute of Restoration shows this feature as a wall plate extending through the entire thickness of the wall. See SK.4. This would act as a damp proof course. It is possible that this feature also acted as a structural tie within the brickwork since the buildings are within an earthquake zone. The only examples however of this timber feature that were visible in the buildings examined, where a cross section could be seen, did not extend through the entire wall thickness. They appeared to be purely decorative, probably an imitation of the sole plate used in the timber framed buildings. Some of the buildings seen at the Chor-Bakr necropolis had reed damp courses incorporated within their walls. These are formed from a mat of reeds, similar to roof thatching, about 5cm thick passing through the full thickness of the brick walls. See SK.6. In some instances the wall below the mat is stonework. These damp courses appeared to be effective. 81 A common detail is for monuments to be set on a solid plinth faced with brickwork (see SK.7) or for the internal ground level to be higher than the external level. See SK.8. This results in brick retaining walls around the monument. 15. Current Methods of Restoration Brickwork Repairs The outer face of brick walls that have deteriorated are cut out and replaced with new brickwork built off a bituminous felt damp course. The backing brickwork is untouched. Any associated tiling or mosaic work is also replaced with tiles and decoration carefully matching the existing colors and patterns. In some cases the repair work is carried down to foundation level where the foundations are re-built or enlarged. The new brickwork is built up using locally made bricks with Portland Cement or gypsum mortar. There appeared to be no bonding between the new and old work. See SK.9. In cases where the damage was too great the existing work was pulled down and re-built; the new construction employing methods appropriate to new buildings such as brick faced reinforced concrete and portland cement mortar. It appears that little is done to avoid salts being incorporated in the new work since salts are present in the mortar gauging water and in the new bricks. This is in contrast to descriptions by the museum curators who explained that traditionally great care used to be taken to exclude salts from building construction. Ground Water Lowering The Tashkent Institute of Restoration described two schemes where ground water lowering had been used. Both schemes were used in locations where the ground water had risen as a result of irrigation; the water level rising to near or above the ground level adjacent to the monuments. At Tamburlane’s Tomb the monument is small and is set below the current ground surface in a depression about 2.0m deep. The water level had risen so that sometimes it was half a meter above the local ground surrounding the tomb. A system of well pointing was installed in c.1981 to lower the ground water locally to prevent seasonal flooding. The system was designed to lower the water table by about two meters and was successful at first but problems with the pumping and lack of full time attendance has caused the system to break down. See SK.10. At Khagan a system using a trench filled with porous material surrounding a porous pipe was installed around the monument. The monument is about 50m square in plan with the water table about I .5m below ground level. The system was designed to lower the water table by 1 to 1.5m. This was installed during 1982-83. Within a year the system ceased to work due to silting up of the pumps and the porous pipework. See SK. 1 1. S2 -_“...~-.-..- - ---.~---- . --- ___I_~ Anti damp methods employed in recent Restoration . Work 1. As described earlier, (see SK.9.) a damp course is incorporated only in neti facing brickwork, the original backing brickwork being left untouched. This is ineffective since the damp course does not pass right through the wall. 2. The brickwork foundations have, in some locations, been surrounded with 20cm of concrete. This also proved to be ineffective since normal concrete is cracked and porous. See SK.9. 3. In places where asphalt or bituminous materials surfaced the ground in contact with external walls these have been removed and replaced with porous materials such as brick or stone on a sand bed. This method prevents moisture from being trapped under impervious surfaces. It increases evaporation within the surrounding soil and therefore reduces moisture movement through the brickwork of the building but does not stop it. There are many examples however where the buildings are not surrounded by impervious surfaces and where brickwork suffering from salt attack is clearly visible. Materials The use of theme that volved with were not of durable and poor materials currently being employed for restoration is a re-occurred time after time during discussions with people inrestoration work. They were conscious that the materials used the highest quality. The bricks they said were less strong, less less dense than the original bricks. . They explained that traditionally, bricks were made from carefully selected clay treated to remove salts. These methods were no longer being employed since modern brickworks were concerned with volume output rather than quality. The mortar being used for restoration work is made with portland cement or gypsum plaster. These mortars are not compatible with lime mortars. There seems to be no attempt lating portland cement mortar of Restoration recognized these theory and practice in building, at matching new and old mortars nor at isofrom gypsum plaster. The Tashkent Institute problems but there is always a gap between particularly in restoration work. . 83 MccaAllw aAnD BRKK SURFACE CR UOSAJC OI?lOWCRK OF OURNT ORKXS IN u uoRlAR. cwsuY UmTAR OR UJD UORTAt?. SCUENS A UlXnJRE OF YORTARS 54 _.- -.-.. - -,.. “I. ^ . . llYsER nE AND DAUP cow(sE \ *to( WAAL YTH mm3 llF AND DAMP COURSE - 9< 4 REED DAMP COURSE EXTERNAL (RDUND L &&JltNG @SRI 1 J BUILT DFF A f’LPITl4 mni i3RICuwuK-SK7 . . \ LmuMlNuJs FELT DAJdPmooFcaJRsE \ . . JWICM RfPNR TO BRlatrmLm AT T mwm-sxq . 87 -- -----__ ___ / \ \ \ WL PaNls *i //-- / -c-b 58 ., __ I_, ._ / / / 0 ti J 16. Possible Methods for dealing with the Salt Attack Problem Sacrificial Render . The main mechanism of salt attack of brickwork and mortar is the crystallization of salts near the surface of the brickwork or mortar. If a porous render is applied to the brickwork the crystals form within the render. The render deteriorates but can easily be removed and replaced from time to time. The use of mud rendering in Uzbekistan, as a traditional material, would make sacrificial renders attractive for long runs of brickwork where the visual aspect was not too important. This would simply be an extension of the method already in use for the lower part of domestic buildings. Salt Resistant materials The Tashkent Institute of Restoration has experimented with additions to gypsum mortar. They have increased the strength of gypsum mortar by some 30 to 70% by the addition of 0.2% sugar to the mortar mix. An experimental tile at the Institute is fastened to an area of brickwork suffering from rising damp and salt attack. The tile fastened with the improved mix is still in place. The control tile has fallen off. It is possible that by studying the use of salt resistant materials that mortars, bricks and tiles could be developed that were not prone to salt attack. This would then permit these materials to be used in areas of wall subject to salt attack. Ground Water Lowering Ground water can be controlled by extracting the water by pumping from ditches filled with granular material, wells or well points. It is a method that can be effective in dealing with the physical presence of water, ie. flooding or a water table very close to the ground surface. The method, described in section 15, has been tried in Uzbekistan but was unsuccessful in the long is unlikely to be an effective term. Ground water lowering in any case, method of preventing rising damp into the buildings studied since the zone of capillary rise as described in section 6 is so great. Further more, there is some rainfall and water tends to be used at the surface to water plants and parks surrounding historic buildings. An examination of late 19th century photographs shows that the salt attack problem was present then. This is before the relatively recent large scale irrigation of the area. 17. Damp Proof Courses It is clear that the introduction of effective damp courses into the buildings described is possible. It is simply a question of establishing the correct type of damp proof course to be installed taking account of the building materials, the type of construction and the local economic context. It is also important to realize that the introduction of an effective damp proof course will only prevent future moisture and salts from entering the brick walls from the ground. The walls will still contain salts and the behaviour of . these salts in dry walls may still cause problems. This point is discussed later. The different types of available damp proof courses are set out below: Physical Damp Proof Courses These are physical walls. moisture barriers introduced throughout the thickness of 1. Damp proof courses of sheet bituminous felt, plastic or metal, can be put into a wall by removing sections of the wall in stages, placing the membranes and re-bricking. See SK. 12. 2. The membranes can also be introduced by sawing through the brickwork with a mechanical tungsten-carbide tipped chainsaw to form a slot into which the membrane can be placed. See SK.13. 3. Damp proof courses of slate or vitrified brick or timber, can be introduced by rebuilding a wall in sections at ground level incorporating vitrified bricks, slates or timber. See SK. 14. Physical damp proof courses have been used throughout the world for centuries. The methods employed and their effect are known and well tried. No great technical knowledge nor use of special materials is required. The disadvantages of these methods is that their installation into existing walls is disruptive and slow. Chemical Damp Proof Courses These are barriers that are formed by treating a zone of brickwork at ground level with silicones or aluminium stearate water repellents which prevent the capillary rise of water in the brickwork. The chemicals are introduced into the wall through a series of holes drilled in the brickwork. The chemicals can be pressure injected into the holes or allowed to transfuse under gravity. See SK.15 & 16. The advantage of chemical damp proof courses is that they are quick to install, and cause little disruption to the building. Their disadvantage is that historically they are recent, less than 50 years old. Their long term durability is therefore unknown. It is also possible that chemical injection would be difficult in rubble filled walls. The wall composition would have to be determined to establish the materials and chemicals in the walls before using this technique. The technique although commonplace in the United Kingdom is not used in Uzbekistan. The materials and techniques would therefore have to be imported. Removal of Salts from Walls As stated earlier, salts remaining since the salts may be hygroscopic contract due to change of phase. will cause salts in solution in the cause more deterioration of the in dry brickwork may still cause problems and they will still continue to expand and The introduction of a damp proof course wall to crystallize and may in some cases brickwork than when the wall was damp. Attempts have been made to remove salts from walls by gently spraying with clean water followed by the application of a clay poultice to draw out the salt and moisture. The technique is recent, the outcome uncertain. Electra-Osmotic . . . . Damp Proof Courses This system r&es on the fact that moisture in a wall is associated with an electrical potential. Electrodes are introduced into the wall and into the ground. An electrical voltage is then permanently applied causing the moisture in the wall to move downwards into the soil. See SK.1 7. It is likely that the downward migration of moisture caused by the electrical voltage may also carry away the salts. This process could be enchanced by gently spraying the wall surface with clean water until the salts are removed. The Electra-Osmotic technique was largely supplanted by the chemical injection damp proof courses in the United Kingdom. It employs techniques that involve the use of expensive materials and requires a constant voltage to be applied. It is likely therefore that this method would be too complicated for most uses although it might have a place in situations where the monument is small and where it is likely that the residual salts in the brickwork could cause problems. f 91 EXTERNAL c I T MEUBRANE 1. 2. 3. 4. IS WSTAUfD IN SECTIONS :- Full Maw35 ff WALL REMOVED IN Smms. MEUBRANE 8EDM.l ON UORTAR. BRICKWORK RE-BUILT A8OK NEW UEUBRANE. NEXT SECTION Of UEU8RANE IAWED MW FREMUISLY INSTALLED SECl-iW. UEUBRANE INSTAWY REUOHNG QF WALL AND RE-0RlCXING - ~n0r.i~ !Xlt EXTERNAL GROUND kEXT sEcnoN 1. CUT YAM mlH CHAMSAW. 2. K-E PIACED AND CRDUTED Smm BY Stmm. 3. LAPPED YEUBRANE. WRX ANF @iSTAll FD BY SAY N G AM UORTARING IN PLACE - SK 13 92 -_.__ -- _._.--- . . . 1. FULL TNICKNESS OF WALL REUOZD w sEcTK*Is 2. HT’MlED 8RICXS WILT MOWG IN SECllONS 3.8Rmwa?K RE-8uLT ABOVE NEW UOIBRANE. 4. NEXT SECTK)N OF 8fUtXyoRK REMOVED AND Pf?ocEss REPEATED. . . 93 I..- -.- --.-- __-.-.- I. ElECWCOE N WALL FFRCU CORUlSWlPSNHaLES. z.cwPmsllwBEI*EMHol.Es~ NJCWTSANOlOOPEDNTDtKtES. 3. EARMw mm. 4. ElEclmcM PolDmAl AFRED BErrrw ww Ra) AND ElEcwooEs 94 SALT CRKTALS FORM IN RENDEF4 H PREFERANCE . m ~wc~(IM)cw . . 95 --- - 18. Conclusion and Recommendations a) It is clear that any method based on ground water lowering the problem of Salt Attack in Bukara or Khiva. will not solve b) The use of Sacrificial plication is restricted but their ap- Renders would be cheap and effective to very limited situations. c) The use of salt resistant materials, if these exist or could be developed, would be most effective in situations where large scale re-building was necessary. The section of the monuments to be repaired would be rebuilt in salt resistant materials. A whole area of research is required to establish whether: 1. The materials could be developed tual monuments. 2. Whether these materials textures for incorporation 3. Whether to withstand the test of time in ac- could be made with the necessary into existing monuments. their use would be economically colors and viable. d) In our opinion the method most likely to succeed and to be of general application is that based on the use of Damp Proof Courses. A systematic programme of trials of Damp Proof Courses is therefore proposed. These would enable the problem to be carefully studied and possible solutions evaluated. This would involve careful and painstaking work over a period of some years. This systematic approach should however yield valuable results and almost certainly establish clear guide lines for future restoration work. We suggest the following course of action:- Four buildings would be studied. The buildings selected would range from the very important, e.g. the Samanid Mausoleum, to a building so far untouched by restoration work and of lesser historic importance such as the Gazion Madrassa in Bukhara. 1. The buildings would be carefully and sections at ground level. measured to establish detailed plans 2. The construction of the walls would be investigated to determine the properties and chemical composition of the materials used and the salts present. Eg. type of mortars and composition. Strength, density and composition of the bricks. 3. Detailed moisture and salt profiles for the walls would be recorded. The absolute moisture content is required together with the types and concentration of salts. 96 4. The form of the foundations ging trial pits or by studying of the buildings would archives if available. be found out by dig- 5. The water table depths would be recorded. 6. The organization of the labor force and methods work in Khiva and Bukhara would be determined. . available for restoration and costs of materials and plant would be established. 7. The availability Realistic costs for the various methods proposed for Restoration work could then be drawn up. would then be selected and schemes for 8. A building of lesser importance the installation of the various Damp Proof Courses would be drawn up so that they could be installed. . 9. The actual process future evaluation. . of installation would then be carefully recorded lO.The treated sections of the building would then be monitored the success or otherwise of the work done to the building. for to assess 1 1. If the treatment were proved to be successful it would then allow the method or methods to be extended with confidence to more important monuments. It could also be used as an example and training scheme for restoration workers. 12. It is proposed that the studies should be lead by The Institute of Restoration in Tashkent who would work in close cooperation with the Architects of the Ministry of Culture and with Price and Myers Consulting Engineers. . . 97 Roger Capps Capps and Capps Limited United Kingdom Ground Water and Soil Salinity Related And Sites in Central Damage Asia to Monuments I have been asked to talk on the subject of Appropriate Technology for the repair of our old buildings. Appropriate is a subjective word, and I will try to explain what it means to me and to many others that work with old buildings in the West. I shall not confine myself to salt but speak in more general terms. _ After speaking of conservation I will discuss the three buildings in Bukhara that we will see and with which I have been involved, and outline the repairs and why I chose to execute them in the way I did. I shall try to share with you an approach to the repair of ancient buildings that may be of interest and I hope a little assistance. I feel that any repair should be sympathetic and should respect the sensitive nature of our historic buildings, which for me means that I will not invent what is no longer there. I try to avoid any falsification of the historic details that have survived. For we are only the keepers of these monuments for a short time in their history and owe them and our descendants only the best of our endeavors. find it a sobering fact that there is little that we can do to a building that will not have long term consequences. Little or nothing that once executed can be reversed. I The agents of destruction are numerous and they are complex. They generally do not develop in isolation, and consequently the way to resolve a conservation problem will also not be simplistic. It can be argued that the biggest cause of damage, the greatest danger to a structure, is misplaced or misjudged action on the part of those that have the building in their care. And so with this knowledge do we proceed? that we are the greatest potential danger, how Firstly, to analyze the causes of damage within a structure is difficult. As the effect of the initial cause may in turn have created further stresses and their consequential effects. These later stresses may either be hidden by the initial cause or disguise it. When salts are present in a failing structure, that may not any longer be the only consequence of the presence of rising damp, and its elimination may not be the only necessary work. Careful consideration must be made of the structure as a whole, and the immediate environment in which it exists. It is well to ignore the compulsion to jump to the obvious conclusion but to compare the other, unaffected areas of the building, with the damaged portion, or other buildings of a similar construction build close by. All around are clues to the damage, and suggestions as to how this damage can be dealt with. The buildings themselves will dictate how they are to be repaired. We have to learn to read the clues. 98 I spend time trying to understand the building, and then decide what has been the cause, or causes of damage, (with the knowledge that as the work proceeds other possible information will become evident). Then the time has come to consider how to relieve the stress and how to repair the damage. Which is not the same thing. And the later may not be appropriate. To see these as two separate issues (that of structural work and that of the repair to the damage that has been caused by that structural failure) is important as aesthetics now raises its head. Which leads me to a slight diversion. One of the greatest Sculptures, possibly the greatest, of recent times in Europe was a Frenchman, Rodin. Just before the 1914-18 War he wrote a short book concerning the French Cathedrals, (buildings of equal stature to those of the Registan) and the recent restorations that had been taking place. It was a cry of anger from a sculpture who saw these restorers, in there attempt at cccompleting)) damaged areas of these buildings, as destroyers, who in there enthusiastic attempt to finish off broken or damaged details altering the balance of the whole. He pointed out that to try to copy great work could only result in a dead copy, that the damaged areas however broken and disfigured had a greater message than the weak and he called it ccsoftjbrepairs. He warned us of the Pastiche of Restoration. That, even if we can discover how the ancients physically worked, which often we cannot, however much we think we can, we will not enter the heads of those men. The age that influenced them has gone, and with it the spontaneity and the depth of feeling that created those great works. And so perhaps we should honor these men our forebears and our peers by committing our selves to the task of preserving their great works from further damage. To be the guardians of what remains rather than try to recreate what has been lost. It is helpful to compare what we wish to do, against International Standards of Conservation. Like all definitions, these are in constant change and reappraisal, and our approach to the repair of our historic buildings has changed greatly in recent years. Partly as a result of our being able to see the results of past repairs, both the failures and the successes, and also a new appreciation of the skills and knowledge of the ancients, and a rebirth of our belief of traditional techniques and traditional materials. . When Portland cement was invented in the 1860’s less than 150years ago it was considered because of its strength the great panacea. It is easy to believe that this must be the material to use when repairing weak structures. Not easy to understand that the ancient buildings, built of soft brick, with a bond of ganche or mud, survived because of their softness and ability to absorb shock, bend without breaking, and withstand stress by distortion. To interrupt flexibility is to build into weakened structures a potential cause of their later dissolution. The disadvantage of cement does not stop at its lack of flexibility, it is also loaded with sulphates, and further, because of its imof permeability, slows up the flow of moisture, helping the crystallization other salts, which are already present, within the structure. I have said that I feel that the buildings themselves will dictate how they can be repaired. 99 The material that a building is constructed of, and the method by which the creators have put it together, has caused the building to react to local stresses in a unique way. If it has survived for perhaps three or four or six hundred years using this unique combination of factors then to ignore this background information is to begin a short and perilous path, one that will confirm the ccrestorenb as the destroyer, not the guardian. I will now talk of the buildings with which I was involved in Bukhara, which we will see tomorrow, and I will try to show you the background to the decisions that were made. The madrasah of Chor Minor and both mausoleums Bayan Khuli Khan and lsmail Samani are built of soft materials and these materials are bonded together in a similar way; a low fired brick with a ganche mortar or mud fill. As we know the properties of such structures are fundamentally different from those of buildings constructed with a cement mortar. There is no major building in Central Asia that I know of that has lime as its principal construction material, ganche and alabaster mortars and mud are used. Ganche as with lime mortar or mud mortar has the great advantage of elasticity. It will accommodate movement without causing stress to the individual bricks from which it is formed, and so little cracking will occur to the building as a whole until the structure is sufficiently weakened by a massive in-balance in its loading. The stresses of uneven settlement during building, or of sudden loading during an earthquake can be more easily absorbed within such structures precisely because of the lack of cohesion between one brick and its neighbor. This flexibility may cause considerable distortion to the planes of the building. It may sacrifice individual units but no real damage to the structure as a whole may occur. Fault lines through the structure can often be seen in the distorted bonding and horizontal brick courses but in the absence of any cracking, the mortar has been able to absorb the stress across a wide surface area. If cracks do occur they will tend to thread there way around many of the individual bricks of the line of the fault, rather than run across the brick bonding. A brick structure built with cement mortar acts in a different way. The strength of such a structure is in the bonding between the bricks, which transmits the strength of thousand of individual units to a single mass. This would seem to have an advantage over the soft, malleable method of construction but this structure has sacrificed elasticity for brittleness. This means that when overloaded, it is unable to gradually shed the load by distortion. It will absorb the forces until the whole structure is unable to withstand them and then suddenly collapse in a dynamic way. The mortar will generally be stronger than the bricks thus causing cracks across the bricks rather than around them. These fault lines will often travel right across the structure and thus destroy the geometry of the building, resulting in a greater danger of collapse. If the soft and malleable structure is repaired with hard cement then the same problems occur. If later exceptional loads are imposed on the repaired structure, the stress will avoid the hard patches or stitches and travel within IO0 . ..-_-_“__... I “-. .- .II.. the older softer material. Thus, instead of protecting the valuable older material, the repair is a catalyst for further damage. The very thing that has been introduced to protect the old material is a potential means to the historic fabric’s later destruction. The three buildings suffer from rising damp, for differing reasons and to differing degrees. All were built with ganche and mud; two were subsequently repaired with cement. Both the mausoleum of lsmail Samani and Bayan Kuli Khan ‘sit on large bases that are saturated with salts. They are dissimilar in that only lsmail Samani‘suffered repairs in the 30’s. Having heard Mr. Alijon Abdullayev of Tajikistan speak I know that He would not approve of the isolation of lsmail Samani in its great tile covered archaeological pit. When it rains the water collects in this lowered area. The water is presumed to go down the drains. However on close inspection there are tiny cracks around each tile, and so when it rains, the water trickles down between the mortar and the tile and is then trapped. Thus making Ismail Samani, when it heats up in the sun, like a giant wick sucking up the water from the saturated ground below the tiles and transporting the crystallized salt to the surfaces of the building. This collecting of moisture from the rain does not assist an already difficult situation, as the building is already suffering.from a water table that is less than 2 meters below its foundations. The lake that lies not two hundred meters away is at a similar level. The repair work done two years ago included the cutting out of the salt laden ganche mortar above the plinth and the replacement with a similar ganche mortar. It proved impossible to remove the hard cement pointing to lower areas of the plinth. Any attempt to cut this out resulted in damage to the irreplaceable old bricks. During the 1930’s the wconservatiom left the lower section of the walls and the plinth completely rebuilt with a hard cement reconstruction and embellishment to the lower mortar The nimprovementjj, part of the monument has left the same void behind this new brickwork as Chor Minor. This provides a route for the heated air and moisture to travel up behind the walls of the building, both buildings suffering the same consequences, that of salt crystallization up to four meters above ground level. Previously the rising damp was evident to a higher level than at present, but the salt problem will continue in the lower area at least until the base is rebuilt and the duct removed. There are proposals to improve the water level, which include reducing the lake level and stop the leaking from the watercourse close by. This may help solve these problems for this glorious building. The evidence of damp from above, coming through the cupola, the flat roof above the passages, down the stairs and through the apertures left by the lost Fonaric, as well as the rising damp was far more dramatic at Bayan Kuli Khan. The monument, very neglected, is hidden in the shadow of the Mausoleum of Saifuddin Bukhazi, between railway lines. It had lost much of its tiles through theft, many can be seen in the Victoria and Albert museum in London, and the Museum of Dublin to name only two. Also there is a great loss due to the loosening and falling of the decoration, caused by the salts in 101 the lower three meters. This has happened to both the inside and outside walls of the mausoleum. The decisron was made not to replace any lost fanence. Firstly, because at the present time it would be impossible to replicate tiles of such a wonderful quality. Secondly, the original decorative scheme is lost; and we were not prepared to cheat. (There are photographs of the turn of the century, which show much of the lost tile work to the upper part of the front elevation, but there are many missing areas with no tiles remaining and no hint as to how the scheme resolved itself. It is the same for the front, rear and the side elevations.) Consequently, it was decided to outline the form but not the detail of the scheme in the plaster, and to bring this plaster forward to the same level as the face of the early work. It is hoped that this provides enough information for the surviving work to be read. It can be said that so little survives in some areas that the walls are too blank. In my defense I would point out that everything surviving is historically correct, nothing is falsified. With the knowledge that the salts would continue to migrate, the lower panels were constructed using lime plaster rather than the original ganche, the lime would more readily absorb the salts and would act sacrificially, and be taken off as the plaster became saturated with salt. This layer should be removed every year or so until the salts are sufficiently reduced so as to no longer migrate to the surface of the plaster. In addition to these works which only deal with the saturated salts already in the wall, the level of the raised ground was reduced revealing a decorated plinth that had been lost. What a glory this mausoleum must have been, decorated from its plinth to the tops of the walls, and in its entirety within. There is a plan to reduce the ground water level, the principal cause of the salt damage; this is at present very high, less than two meters. I understand that the salt damage although severe is generally kept within the lime plaster zone. The plaster will have to be removed regularly to maintain this level. Finally Chor Minor. This survival of a Medresser, which was built in the first years of the nineteenth century, has a minaret type tower at each corner. One of these collapsed in 1995. This left-hand tower was rebuilt recently. Ostensibly in the traditional way, incorporating a timber till and timber cross beams and floors. However hidden within it are a maze of concrete beams that rise up through the structure and clasp it at each level. These emerge at the roof level in the form of a steel cage and on the top of the pishtak .I hear black rumors of proposals to run a cage of concrete beams across the roof to clasp each minaret and the cupola. All ready this stiff structure is pulling away from the building and causing cracks to the sidewall and the Pishtak, what would it do when it clasps the building in a brittle corset? The bases of all the minarets were rebuilt at some time to a height of approximately 4.0 meters. As before mentioned with a duct running behind this brick skin. I believe the first minaret collapsed as a result of the failure of this skin that was not connected with the inner structure. Also mentioned is my belief that this duct assists the heated air and moisture and the salts to travel up the interior of the building emerging up to a high level in the form of damp and salt crystals. The right hand minaret showed classic signs of progressive collapse including the vertical cracks rising up, through the brickwork. The salt and rising damp rose up to the full height of the duct. In order 102 . to resolve the structural problems, first the upper section of the minaret was supported on hydraulic jacks, then the face brick- work taken down and renewed, incorporating bitumen DPC. Which will not work well as to do that would require a complete course through the full section of the structure. This may give some arbitrary help to the lower courses of the new work. This new outer skin was bonded in with the structural backing at every fourth course. The lower 1.5 meters of the building was executed with a lime mortar that will assist in the migration of salts and can be sacrificial as at Byan Kuli Khan. Because of the history of movement of one part of the building with another and the resulting distortion it was necessary to fill the voids. This was done with a lime grout, using crushed brick as a pozallan. The grout was introduced by gravity only. Not only was the minaret done in this way but also the right hand side of the Pishtaq and the lower parts of the dome and the inner walls adjacent to the minaret. The cracks that were in conjunction with these areas were cut out and stitched with brick stitches. It was understood that the two rear minarets were to be treated in the same way. However from the evidence of the interior of both of these minarets, (access can be gained from the first floor), and from looking at the pointing to the exterior nothing has been done. This is especially concerning as the minarets lean over the pedestrian way behind and the occupied houses, that would be destroyed should there be a further collapse. 103 Rim t Iskhakov World Bank Resident Mission in Clzbekistan Let me, first of all. thank you on behalf of the World Bank for Reconstruction and Development and its Resident Mission in the Republic of Uzbekistan for invitation to participate in this conference and a chance to share the information re. Cultural heritage related activities of the Bank in Uzbekistan. The sets and well Republic is world renowned for its monuments and cultural heritage asgiven its history and position on the Silk Road. In particular, Bukhara Samarkand, nowadays the third and second cities of the republic, are known for well known for being home of important cultural monuments. Cultural heritage is an important part of the people’s life and plays significant role in the country’s development. In early nineties the Government has adopted and follows the policies of reforms in various sectors and areas, including preservation of cultural heritage. UNESCO and Aga Khan Trust Fund for Culture and other international organizations and other bilaterals have had various initiatives undertaken to assist the Government of Uzbekistan of Uzbekistan in identifying needed of urgent intervention is soil and groundwater salinity. The saline groundwater problems in both cities pose a threat to the foundations of old structures. These problems need to be addressed to avoid further damage to the sites with consequent social, economic and financial damage to the local and cultural tourism. The protection of these monuments and urban renewal in the areas around the monuments are essential to preserve the city’s cultural heritage for future generations and for international tourism. There is evidence that, in places, the structural integrity of foundations of these monuments in both cities is compromised by ascending groundwater and salt. The lack of a sewage collection network in surrounding areas, the possible leakage from pit latrines used in these neighborhoods, the leakage from the water distribution network, and the lack of appropriate rainfall drainage systems around the monuments are possible cause of this problem. During the last few years, since getting independent in 1991, Uzbekistan, like most of newly independent states, has been facing substantial difficulties resulting from the deterioration of infrastructure, primarily in water supply and sewerage sector. The water and sanitation services in Uzbekistan are rapidly declining and the reliability and safety of drinking water are continuously decreasing. The water supply and sanitation sector in Uzbekistan currently faces several constraints: Although the percentage of urban households connected to pipe water supply is greater than 80%, the water treatment and distribution facilities, as well as the wastewater collection and treatment installations are deteriorating. The lack of appropriate maintenance, poor planing, the use of low quality 104 materials and equipment, and poor construction quality, combined with recent shortages of resources, are responsible for the poor state of repair of water supply and wastewater assets. Being affected by all above, potable water and wastewater treatment plants been poorly maintained and operated. As consequence, these plants perform badly in terms of quality of output and efficiency. Other components of the water and sewage are similarly inefficiencies drive up operating costs. The water and utilities in Uzbekistan are reduced government transfers due to fiscal constraints, very low tariffs and poor collections leaving them in a financially untenable situation. Consequently, these utilities and municipalities have made little investments in rehabilitation, repair and expansion of facilities for the last years. This trend bring the water and sanitation systems towards lower service levels. Many of the people working in the water sector in Uzbekistan are skilled technical professionals often doing an admirable job of keeping old facilities running in of insufficient funding for repairs and replacement. However, there is an urgent need for updating and improving skill in modern utility management systems (including management and operations of water supply and sanitation), planing strategies, investment selection, etc. Additional constraint is that many water supply enterprises in Uzbekistan are located in basins with limited water resources. The problem of water resources is compounded by poor management of regional water systems poor allocation of water, pollution caused by agriculture and industry in some areas, and wastage in the drinking water systems, both from leafages and lack of water conservation practices. Rapid urbanization has exerted pressure on the urban water supply and sanitation systems and is contribution to their deterioration. To address the issues above, Uzbekistan’s water sector requires deep structural reforms to create a more effective and efficient institutional and regulatory environment that leads to water and sanitation services of higher quality, efficiency, sustainability, affordable financial viability, and a more cost-effective approach to investing scarce resources. Responding to these problems, the Government of Uzbekistan requested World Bank for assistance in financing a proposed water supply and sanitation project in these two cities. As part of project preparation, the Government of Uzbekistan carried out a number of technical and institutional assessments and studies with the assistance of the World Bank and both international and local consultants, such as technical, institutional, regulatory, social and financial assessments. These preparatory activities will define main recommendations and required investments for improvement in the water supply and sanitation sector. 105 The main objectives of the proposed project are: + Assistance to the water and waste water enterprises in Bukhara and Samarkand to become more efficiently managed and operated, financially self sufficient, and commercially operated municipal water supply and waste water utilities; of the safety, reliability and efficiency of water supply and + improvement waste water services through the rehabilitation and efficiency of water services though the rehabilitation and efficiency improvements of existing facilities and limited expansion of services. Based on the assessments and recommendations of the project consultants and further discussions with the Bukhara and Samarkand as well as central authorities, it is envisaged that project will include the following activities: + Urgent priority and least cost investments to improve service quality and operational efficiency of the water supply and waste water systems; the institutional capacity and financial viability of Bukhara + Strengthening and Samarkand vodokanals; and preparation of + Engineering services for technical studies/analyses designs and bidding documents and supervision of construction. During the project preparation a number of the studies has been initiated. Some of the results of these assessments show that water networks suffer from excessive leakage- loss rates of 50% and more are not uncommonand hydraulically improper design; sewer pipes take on excessive leakage and infiltration. Consumers, households, industry and agencies, not accustomed to water conservation and not faced with appropriate water tariffs waste significant amounts of water. The financial and technical information available to the utility management is insufficient and does not provide the information base needed to manage the operations or plan the development of the water and sanitation systems efficiently. Some of the findings of Water Network and Distribution assessment show that: varies from 70 litres in houses - Basic daily per capita water consumption without gardens to 112 litres for apartment dwellers. However, it has also been demonstrated that daily per capita consumption almost reaches 390 litres in houses with gardens during the summer months and- leakage within apartment blocks would add a further lOOlitres per person per day. - The facilities for measurement of the amount of water produced from the various sources and fed to the distribution systems of both cities are either inadequate or non-existent and must be improve d if it is intended to monitor NRW ( Non-Revenue Water) performance and to properly manage its reduction to acceptable levels. - The lack of metering of domestic supplies is also a hindrance to the measurement and monitoring of NRW and either better data is collected on per capita water consumption under different living conditions or metering of domestic connections should be introduced. 106 - - The Vodokanals practice only the most basic elements of leakage control-i.e. passive leakage control, repairing leaks reported to them. However , repairs are made in a rudimentary fashion, inserting wooden plugs, and are subject to frequent re-occurrence. Percentage figures for NRW and physical losses do not provide a basic for upon which leakage performance can be compared or strategies improvement formulated. Based on recommendations of IWSA, proper loss indicators were calculated and compared to standard physical UK/Germany values: Samarkand UK/Germany By connection (litres/connection/day/metre pressure) By length of main( m3/km main/day/metre pressure Bukhara 277 142 2.4 17.6 5. .25 The principal reasons for the very poor NRW and leakage management performance in the two cities can be summarized as follows : - Networks constructed mostly from steel pipes with neither external nor combined with aggressive ground condiinternal corrosion protection, tions and a probability of stray currents from cables crossing the pipes. - Lack of policy for the routine partial replacement of networks to control the their average age within reasonable limits-e.g. in Western - Europe water undertaking will routinely replace between 1.5 and 3% of their networks, limiting the average age to between 66 and 33 years. - No policy of active leakage control, i.e. the detection of unreported bursts ( hidden leaks) , pressure management or replacement of domestic connections in poor condition. - Repair only of leaks reported to the water utilities by their own operatives or the general public when surface leaks are causing nuisance or damage. - Due to the foregoing, the accumulation of a large backlog of undetected bursts that continue to leak until they deteriorate to such a point that they appear at the surface and are reported. introduction of leakage reLack of any zoning of the system, hindering duction measures. - Poor quality repairs of reported bursts. The following findings can be applied to both cities with regard to the waste water treatment facilities and networks: - Extremely high flow rates causing hydraulic overlaid of the treatment plants ( 660 l/p.c.,d,) Comparable figures observed in Western Europe are circa 200-250 l/p.c.,d,( Hamburg 1998:170 l/p.c.,d. as a front-runner) - Advanced deterioration and hydraulic bottlenecks in the pipe system According to BVK’s own assessment ( which needs to be confirmed in future) about 16 km ( out of totally 171 km) need to be replaced due to 107 -- age/corrosion and respective leakage, and Samarkand 54 km out of total 240 km. Poor performance and degradation of the civil works Insufficient pre- treatment Corrosion of steelwork -Potential damaging effect of lack of sewerage and drainage in monument areas Lack of appropriate monitoring, maintenance and operation Insufficient data and knowledge of the system to determine and prioritise rehabilitation / investment needs - Absence of a flow reduction program Major bottlenecks in water production in both cities are such as: - Chemical analyses are carried out according to GOST standards which do not take into account that especially for surface water certain parameters need to be determined to clarify the overall ((fingerprint)) of the water. This is mainly due to a lack of modern laboratory equipment in the City and at the water production facilities. - The local groundwater and surface water sources deliver water with too high salinity and total hardness. - Especially the filter technology and disaffection technology of surface water should be modernized. The installed filter technology does njt comply anymore with international standards for surface water treatment in hot climates. - Pumping stations are not working at a high level of efficiency and need improvements. The transition into marked economy in Uzbekistan redefinition of the public sector role, and a new division of responsibilities among national, regional and local levels. To manage their operations efficiently, the city water and wastewater services would have to be transformed into autonomous, selffinancing organizations. Their operations would be characterized by the following features: - A solid legal regulatory framework that allows an appropriate level of operational independence from national, regional and local governments. - A municipality capable of rendering strategic control, guidance and supervision of City Vodocanal services, without interfering in their day -today operations. - Modern governance and organization structure, computerized management and operation systems, and a well trained, motivated staff. These institutional objectives and preconditions can partly be in the project preparation period, partly during project implementation. It is planned that implementation period will be 2001-2006. During project preparation the need for deep structural reform, issues of cost recovery policies, institutional reform and strengthening, capacity building will be further discussed and refined with full participation of local authorities and other stakeholders to ensure ownership of the implementation process. The Bank and the government the project would not include had extensive any activities, 108 ..-__ - _.-_. -_-” --- discussions and agreed that directly related to historical monuments in Bukhara and Samarkand. However, the project may consider funding for construction of sewer systems in selected parts of the historic core of both cities. This will depend on the Government and the municipalities interest in using the portion of the loan for this activity. These investments would have three main benefits: a) improve public health for the people living in areas around the monument; b) provide more pleasant environment to tourism; c) contribute to protecting the foundations of monuments by lowering the ground water table. It is expected that, based on this interest and appropriate decision made by the Government of Uzbekistan and further analysis, a specific project component will be developed and proposed for financing under the project. The national government and regional and local governments of Bukhara and Samarkand have indicated their strong commitment to the necessary reforms in the water sector. The regional and local governments of Bukhara and Samarkand support the need for full cost-recovery through increased but affordable tariffs and collections from users. The national government fully supports this approach as the only option for sustainability of the sector. One of the current largest ongoing World Bank operations in Uzbekistan is Water Supply, Sanitation and Health project. $75 M loan from the World Bank has been approved in 1997 and has co-financing contributions of $19.8M from KFAED and US $9.4M from KFW. Possible co-financing arrangements and coordination: The proposed project will be coordinated with ongoing French project funded by FF26M loan of the French Government in Samarkand and planned financial and technical assistance from Spanish government in Bukhara. The World Bank welcomes parallel financing from other possible sources for the project and would be ready to discuss such initiatives. 109 Jan usz Niemczyn o wicz Ulliversity of Lund Sweden Preliminary Report from Study Visit in Khiva, Samarkand and Bukhara Khiva Total poulation In old town Yearly rainfall 5000 2000 ca 100 mm Problem: Leaning of monument; construction damages; salt efflorescence; damage to the walls; bad hygienic standard of the city. All these problems are water-related and are caused by the following factors: 1. General rize of groundwater level. Intensified irrigation within the region has raised the groundwater level by about 3-4 m during the last 5years. According documents the present groundwater level in Khiva is between 6 and 10 m b.g.1. According to other sources the level is -1.5 m below the lower parts of the city. Observation in a large well in Kutluk Muradinuk shows that the not deeper than ca 2m below street level; this is in contradiction to the official data. Efforts are being made to lower vertical drainage, i.e. by pumping out the water from deep wells. According to the Drainage Department 112 such wells needed to lower gr.w.1. sufficiently in the whole city. Only this year 19 new wells have been constructed. To protect lchan Qala (the inner walled city) a barrier of 9 wells would be needed, but only two have been constructed and only one is operating (ca 30 m south of the east gate). This can produce more damage than improvement, because a depression cone with variable water level can reach the east part of the old city where monuments are suffering the most severe groundwater level is damage and are leaning most, and asymmetrical probably a major cause of problems. Reliable information about groundwater levels is not sufficient and in some cases contradictory. Thus the picture of ground water levels and its variations (there are no leveled observations) is not clear and needs some additional investigations (see last section). Added moisture in unsaturated zone (above groundwater table) 2. This is due to a combination of the following factors: Irrigation of lawns in the new and old parts of the city. 2.1. Lawns are overflown by about 10 cm water several times a year. Within lchan Kalla there is only 3# of permeable surface where infil1 IO 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. tration of domestic water and rainwater can take place. However, local moistening of some sports in the town may create wet cones oriented downwards in the soil, asymmetrically influencing the carrying capacity of the ground. Leakages from the water suply system within the old city (Ichan Qala). The mains of the system enter the old city from the east (about 1OOOm the north of the East Gate), the west (about 300 m north of he West gate) and the south (by the south-east corner) and leave the city to the east (ca 100 m south of the East gate). Only the Madrasa Hotel and an unknown number of houses close to the mains are officially connected to the water system. However there is a great number of illegal connections. An inventory of connected house is one of the points listed as necessary investigations (se last section). Uncontrolled release of water after use into the ground. A major source of infiltration is open taps that are damaged or not closed after use. An assessment of the amount of water meters and payments are made only on a number of legal taps. Uncontrolled water leaks from underground mains pipes and sanitary piping in houses Bad piping can be observed (for example in the Madrasa Hotel). Reliable evaluation of the volume of water leaks is not possible. Leakages from the wastewater system. The mains of the sewerage network roughly follow the course of the drinking water pipes. The only known service pipes are going around the Madrasa Hotel. There is however an unknown number of illegal connections. Cess-pool latrines and other holes in the ground where used water is disposed. Rainwater entering the ground via the old system of impermeable surfaces, mainly within the monuments. Badly managed rainwater outlets from the roofs of the buildings. Due to untight connections between the water outcast and the wall water flows along the wall. Water falling from high roofs damages the paved surfaces below and water may enter the ground very close to the foundations. Damaged pavements. The question of a policy as to how to manage paved pavement is woth a discussion. Damage to paving opens the way to water enter to the ground, which again creates local changes in moisture conditions in the ground. In addition, openings in the paved surfaces create conditions for evaporation reduces moisture in the ground. Because irregular changes of soil moisture create risks for the foundations (and may increase the salt problem), it is advisable to care about tight pavings within 4-5 m from the walls of monuments. Further away the creation of permeable pavements (permeable asphalt or semi-permeable pavements of stone or concrete) can be advisable). . 111 The problem of groundwater: It is not clear whether the groundwater level in the region can be eliminated or not as a source of problems within lchan Kalla. For 100 year ago water was drained from the city a channel around the city from the east, south and west avacuvating water body (lake ca 150x300 m south of lchan Kalla). Channel was used as a fortification, and it is not likely that it was necessary for evacuation of water surplus, especially because at that time general groundwater level was much than now. Thus restoration of the channel around the city can now be considered as a measure for general lowering of ground water table instead of pumped deep wells. Such solution is difficult, costly and it is not clear if it could solve the problem without installation of pumps. Restoration of channel drainage will not bring difference, unless horizontal drains are very (6-7 m) deep. It is not clear where the pumped water could be released without several pumping stations. In order to make a final assessment in which proportions groundwater level (1) and added soil moisture (2) act as a damaging mechanism, real groundwater levels and their variations in time must be measured. Measures preventing added soil water are easier and should be conducted as soon as possible. Principal of proposed solutions is thus based on consequent elimination of all points of water entering the ground at all sources listed above as (2). The solution contains inventory of such places and adaptation of most appropriate methods for elimination them. This means also exchange (or at least check) of all piping for drinking water and sewerage, connecting all houses within the study area to the water and sewerage networks. An alternative, appealing solution is it to install dry sanitation at least in monuments and other public buildings. This is a modern solution connecting to the recent environmental thinking. But the grey water (kitchen, bath and laundry) still remains and these houses must be connected to the sewage network but the pipes can have smaller diameters. Details of proposed solutions, sizes, specifications and costs will be listed in a final report. Proposed investigations: 1. Leveling of all places from which groundwater level can be measured existing within the lchan Kalla along the line EW east the gate to the street below east entrance. One example of such points is court yard of the Kutluk Muradinuk, where gr.w.1. can be measured in a well of about 8 m diameter. 2. Construction and leveling of the edge of the piezometer (gr.w.observation well) ca 1OOm to the east from east gate. 3. Simultaneous measurement (within one hour) of absolute levels of absolute levels of ground water table at all above points every week during one year (probably only a part of the se data will be available within the project time). 4. Installation of a limigraf (graphical registration) for continuous measurement of gr. W. L. In Kutluk Muradinuk and in a piezometer. 5. Inventory of all houses connected (legally and illegally) to water and sewerage network within procted area. 220 000, average yearly precipitation SAMARKAND total population 331mm Problems: -weakening of the ground under Tilla Kari mosque, construction damages -salt efflorescence, damage to the walls -bad hygienic standard of the ciy around monument All these problems are water-related. Due to similar reasons as in Khiva. Major differences in conditions in Samarkand in relation to Khiva are: larger rainfall amount, and larger intensity (max. daily value 45mm), anthropogenie soils of larger and more variable depth, (5-13), deeper groundwater level (16.5m under eastern building and 16.5 under western building). Several persons in Samarkand have rised the question of groundwater that have rized as a consequence of covering up the small river existing before 1978 about 400 m east from the wall of Tilla Kari. The valley of the river was filled to 9 m from bottom with clayish ground the outlet of groundwater outflow manifested on valley slopes water sources. However, because groundwater level under the monument is still on 16.5 m depth, it is unlikely that coverage of river had any significant influence on present problems of Tilla Kari. Thus, negative of rising groundwater level can with large probability beexeluded as a main reason of construction damages to the building. Reasons of the problems Added water from different sources (in principle the same as listed for Khiva) increase soil moisture and negatively influence carrying capacity of the ground below fundaments. Leaking wastewater pipes and leaky manholes constitute one of the most probable sources of water. Wastewater pipes are made of poor quality concrete rings of manholes are shifted horizontally, tightening between pipes and rings should according the norms be done tightly using bitumen, but no signs of any tightening of ring was found during inspection of three manholes. Mains of sewerage network goes about 15 from northern and western wall of Tilla Kari. After this year. Negative influence of rising groundwater level can with large probability be excluded as a main reason of construction damages to the building. Principle of proposed solution: Elimination of all sources of added water to the ground within a 200m wide zone from the Tilla Kari monument. That includes total restoration of sewerage network including manholes and joint (legal and illegal), checking and if nesessart replacing all drinking water pipes. Connection of all houses within the study areas to the water and sewerage network. Immediate repair of all taps that are broken and cannot be closed. There are several points of irrigation within the area of monument. irrigation does not creating any real problems, because evaporation from the soil and plant transpiration acts in positive direction, i.e. removes up to 15mm water from the soil per day. Nevertheless, all connections to the sprinkler system has to be checked and repaired if leaky. Irrigation acts as areal source, leaks act as poin sources that should eliminated. Rainwater from the area around 113 Tilla Kari is evacuated in NS direction by an ((arik* i.e. concrete channel 40x50 cm. Connections of sections are not tight, channel has no or insufficient slope, water is stagnant in some sections. Connection to the sewer is higher than bottom of the channel. The whole channel should be rebuild. For esthetical reasons, drainage channels around monuments (generally) can be filled with crashed stones of sizes 40.80mm. In such case, channel crossection must be increased 3 times. Garbage accumulation in channels, observed at the moment, could be eliminated in this way. Wastewater connections Dry sanitation alternative should be arranged to all houses in a study area. should be also thorothfully investigated. Proposed investigations: 1. In order to finally resolve the problem of groundwater influence, 4 gr.w. observation piezometers should be constructed along the line east-west from western wall of Tilla Kari on a distance of 400 m, i.e. to the buried river. Leveling of all piezometer crests and simultaneous measurement (within one hour) of absolute gr. W. Level once a month during one year. 2. inventory of all houses connected to waste-and stormwaster systems (legal and illegal) within the protection belt of IOOm distance from Tilla Kari. North and East part of this area should be searched for all point sources of water leaking or being disposed of into to the ground. BUKHARA, population of xxxx, annual average rainfall 220 mm. Problems -Constructure damages to Chorminor Mosque -Construction damages ans salt-related problems at Abdulaziskhan -Settlings and salt effluence damages due to high groundwater Samani monument Causes of the problems Added water to the ground and increased part of the study area (Abdulaziskhan-Ljabi case of Chorminor and Samani. Mosque level at soil moisture ccontent in a central Houz). High groundwater level in With exception of central part of the city groundwater level has increased steadily during last 20 years. The area around the city would be at the moment submerged if water was not pumped out in 50 deep wells (32m) in the city. Water from the wells is pumped intermittently and governed by automatic registration of levels in observation holes (piezometers). The water is pumped until the level in the well is stabilized (dynamic gr. W.I.). This is usually achieved after ca 24 hours pumping, then the pump stops asnd groundwater level rises to its stabilized level (staic gr. W. I .) that is usually achieved after 3 -2 hours. The speed of rise vithess about large permeability of the water bearing layers. Such procedure results in fluctuating groundwater level that is the worse possible conditions from the soil dynamics point of view. The center of the study area is situated on a hill of anthropogenic origin. It consist of artificial ground with varying composition. Large amount of very fine fractions make the ground not very suitable as a base of fundaments. iT is also vulnerable to chages in soil moisturde content and its carrying capacity deteriorates drastically with increasing moisture content. Such increase is a result of groundwater ievel rise and/or added water due to natural phenomena (rainfall, condensation) or human activities, mainly inappropriate water use and disposal. Most likely both reasons act together in majority of cases. However groundwater level rize is the most important reason of Chorminor problems accentuated by recent brake of one minaret. The same is valid for Samani monument. Most important reason for problems in Abdulasiskhan mosque are related to added water to the soil in combination with low carrying capacity of soil. Principle of proposed solutions 1 .Chorminor The level of the ground around Chorminor is 1.2 m below the ground level around. Groundwater level is between 1 and 2.0 m below the fundation. In order to lower gr. W.1. Horizonetal has to be constructed. According lokal norms drainage has to be constructed. According lokal norms drainage of building must be performed so that the gr.w.1. will be more than 3.5m below the fundament. That gives necessary depth on which the drainage pipe ( or channel) is to be constructed. This , in turn, in relation to ground -and water levels in channels that can serve as recipients for pumped out water. The conclusion is that gravitational cannot be arranged. Moreover, hydraulic capacity of drainage channels in the area (Sakovic collector north, and wastewater pipe south) is not sufficient to take any additional water. Conclusion is that solution must contain: horizontal drainage around the monument to the depth of 6 meters from ground level, construction of a new pipe ( diameter 800mm length 800 m ), pumping station between Sakovic collector and Amir Timur channel. East of the mosque, ancient chouzt) i. e. Artificial, open water tank existed before it was filled with ground and is now used as a garden. It is proposed that the soil will be removed and horizontal drainage connected with this resorted ahouza . Pumping water will take place from this place. This gives better possibility of inspection etc. Before any drainage works can start, further damages to the construction Chorminor mosque must be prevented using appropriate construction inforcement. of re- 2 Samani mausoleum The same principle of solution is recommended for this monument. Horizontal drainage on a level of 5 m above present ground level. Evacuation of water to the Sakovic collector west from the site distance 540 m in west direction. 3.Abdulaziskhan Groundwater will not be addressed. All methods of elimination added water to the soil will be conducted in the similar way as described for Bukhara. Proposed investigations ‘ 11.5 Chorminor and lsmael Samani Mausoleum: Two bore-holes from two sides of both monuments have to be drilled with equipment making possible soil sampling. The soil conditions at site have to be established before any digging for drainage can be undertaken. Bore hols around Chorminor west and east ata distance of 6 meters. Around Samaniwest and east, distance 4 meters. Traditional geo-engineering tests should be performed on the samples. Moisture has to be measured immediately after taking a sample from the borehole should be stored for further examination has to be analyzed as traditional soil More complete description of present situation in the there cities, and details of proposed solutions will be given in final report from this study. It will be completed within one month. 116 Mario Biritogn o/o St. Via Fonte di Fauna Italy Experiences in Ground Water ReJa ted ProbJems Affecting the Monuments: the Cases of TiJJa Kari Mosque-Samarkand (Uzbekistan) and the Tower of Pisa (JtaJy) Abstact The Tilla Kari Mosque has been interested by heavy damages caused by soil settlements, mainly in the last five years. Urgent measures were required in order to reduce immediately the risks and to obtain a strengthening that in any case can provide an anticipation of any future final intervention. A project for the strengthening that in any case can provide an anticipation of any future final intervention. A project for the strengthening of the foundations of the central part where the heavy dome could have been the main cause of differential settlements has been carried out. The tower of Pisa is affected by tilting and crushing phenomena. Provisional safeguard measures were required first of all aiming to avoid to avoid that tilting would increase and produce the collapse of the tower as a rigid body; as regard the structural aspects, the main task was to prevent fhrther lateral deformations of the masonry and to provide a support where the equilibrium is compromised. Definitive measures are sometimes a complement of the previous ones and may involve consolidation of the masonry, stabilization of the soil, etc. 1. Tilla Kari Mosque-Samarkand (Uzbekistan) 1.1 Historical Survey Samarkand has a long history, from the time of Alexandre the Great to the Arab Conquest the VIII century, from the Turkish occupation which brought prosperity in the XII century to the destruction of Genghiz Khan in the XIII century. It is the XIV century anyway that Samarkand began to flourish reaching in the XV century its splendor with Tamerlane, when artists and master builders even from foreign lands come to work there. As Florence in Europe, that in the same century was living the grandeur of the Renaissance, Samarkand became the centre of Asia for scholars, poets, phisicains; the Architecture was characterized by slender minarets and double domes, the outer bulbous one supported not only on the drums but usually also on the interior masony cupola; the domes and the walls covered with glazed tile works. The Registan square was the centre of the city; the Tilla Kari Madrasah, built in the XVIII century, is one of the masterpieces which, although earthquakes and decay, has survived upo today Some restorations have been made in this century but never the problem of stability of its foundations has been tackled. Tilla Kari Madrah is characterized by a central part where is placed an high dome and much lower lateral wings. The roof of these wings consists of 117 small vaults supported by two rows of pillars and by the lateral wails as shown in the plans and vertical sections. In 1976 the outer brick work dome that includes some reinforced concrete elements has been built; it is possible that the dome has never been built before as there is no compelling evidence of the previous collapse. The inner masonry dome, very flat, is probably the original one: the thickness is about 80 cm . It is said that the cracks, settlements and inclinations increased sensibly thirty years ago when the outer dome has been built and some metres of soil have been removed on the Registan Square. The two shells are supported by a drum horizontally stiffened by a system of steel brazing; some old timber chains are also visible. The presence of an ancient timber structure indicates that it is likely that it supported a very shallow conical roof before the building of the outer dome. 1.2. The present situation and the damages Consistent leanings are present both on the external walls and the inner pillars. A consistent danger is related to the tilting minaret that is also affected by significant cracks. The phenomena of deformations are in evolution and though no monitoring system has been installed, it is clear that the learning of some walls and columns, as well as the widening of some cracks, are increasing. The distribution of the vertical settlements shows a concentration of distortion in correspondence of the central and northern part of the western facade of the Mosque, as well as outward displacements. Risky situations are evident. It seems that the first deformations have appeared from the XVI-XVII centuries that is from the of the construction. Anyway it has been noticed that in 1977 there has been a fire and the water used to extinguish it has been a cause of further settlements; in 1993, in occasion of a strong storm, some water penetrated under the foundations and the settlements increased. The evaluation of settlements indicates in the last 7 years a very high speed, particularly concentrated in the first month of each year. The speed is further increased in 1993, perhaps related to the above said phenomenon. 1.3. Geotechnical conditions and bearing capacity of the soil The central part of samarkand is located on the plain of Northern slopes of Kara-tepa mountains of Zarafshan mountain-ridhes and cut by seven streams, coming from Zarafshan river. The territory of the ensemble of Registan is situated between two streams, Obi Mashal from the East and the West and Siab from the West. The geological structure consists of Quaternary deposits, loess loamy soil with the layers of coarse sand and organic matters. The thickness of the anthropogen formations is different, i. e. Within 6- 12 meters and more. These formations consist of the loam soil of grey-brown colour with a large amount of dust, debris and animal bones. The anthropogen soils are very wet within 2-8m, considered as a result of regular penetration of the atmospheric water into the soil and lack of the aeration zones after closing the drains existing before. 11s According to the data of Uzbekhudrogeologia of 1993 and 1975 the underground water level raised up to 8m, i.e. raising of the water level is 0.23m per year. The underground water level in the region of Tilla Kari Mosque was found in the depth of 16-20m. The raising of underground water level is not local, but it is closely connected with the development of virgin lands and breaking the natural drainage system. Along the western facade of the Tilla Kari Mosque, some test pits with depths ranging from 12 to 17 m were opened for the investigation of the foundation system and the soil conditions. The foundations observed in these pits showed that the foundations consist of stone and brick masonry layers and reach down to depths of 1.3 to 3m; they essentially are continuous strip shallow foundation. The upper soil layer in the foundation medium, where foundations are located, consist of artificial fills (locally called: civilization soil). This layer goes down to 7-12m. It consists of grayish-black sandy, in homogenous, with large porosity and high water content. .It includes 15-25% brick particles, ceramic fragments and coal ash with a density of l.l- 1.6 t/m3. The void ratio varies between 0,7- 1.4, the water content is about % 30 and the degree of saturation varies between 0.5-0.8. the thickness of this layer varies along the western facade of the Mosque, according to the results of the soil investigation. Under the artificial fill layer a loess type soil lies, whose top decreases just under the central part of the Mosque. This soil consists of light brown colored sandy clay with high water content, large void ratio and slight consolidation. It has a density of 1.42-1.54 t/m3. The samples taken from this loess soil yield the following test results: Porosity=48%, Void Ratio=0.92, Liquid limit=30%, Plastic Llimit-20%, Plasticity Index= 1O%, Water Content=20%30%, Degree of Saturation=0.5-0.6, Modules of Elasticity=5-15 Mpa, Cohesion= 15-20 kPa and Angle of internal Friction=1 7-23 Degrees. Although relatively better that the artificial fill, these values indicate a weak and very soft soil condition. The water table lies at the depth of 16-l 7m. The water table has reportedly elevated for about 8m in the past 24 years. Compared to the location of the water content of the upper soil layers exhibit high values indicating the presence of surface water seepage. Based on these physic characteristics, the following definition of the geotechnical parameters of the upper soil layer that mainly affects the behavior of the structure, may be drawn: -unit weight 15 KN/cu.m -cohesion 0 -friction angle 20* Young modules 5000-8000 Kpa (500-800t/sq.m) 1.4. Causes of damages The few available data on the soil conditions show relevant deformability up to the depth of 17 metres, that is the maximum level presently investigated. 119 Due to the extension and load of the Madrasah the deeper layers can be involved in the deformation process. An important role in the evolution of the settlements is played by rising of the water table; the rising can be related to the alternation in the natural drainage of precipation and to the possible leakage of the sewage system. The available data do not allow us to fully understand if the main component of the settlements is related to the flow back of the soil from the shallow foundations, or to deformations of the compressible soil strata. 1.5 Strengthening interventions This is a typical case where urgent measures are required being too risky to wait all the investigations to be completed and a final decision to be taken; the most suitable philosophy to be followed appears therefore to be the so called ((observational approach)). Two task must be achieved: -to reduce immediately the risks; -to introduce a strengthening that in any case is necessary and that therefore can provide an anticipation of any future final intervention. 1.5.1 The central part The most urgent measure regards the foundations of the central part where the heavy dome has been the main cause of differential settlements. The proposed intervention is articulated as follows: -to remove some strips of soil near the main walls: this work will be realized step-by-step in order to avoid in this phase any possible weakening of the bearing of the bearing capacity of the foundations. This intervention will produce a reduction of the load under the foundations; -to realize on both sides of these walls two strips of reinforced concrete and some little cantilevers connected by steel bars, inserted through the previously drilled foundation wall will realize a connection indispensable not only to stiffen the foundation, also as regards the seismic actions; -to inject the masonry of the foundation in order to consolidate it; this can be done by natural pressure placing a box with the mortar some meters higher of the masonry; -to place over the soil on the outer side of the foundations some slabs that will be loaded by the jack that contrast on the little cantilevers previously realized. This intervention will produce the pressures under the foundation and to redistribute them in a more favorable way; in order to oppose the present trend of settlements and inclinations the system of jacks will be regulated till the settlement will result stabilized. It is possible, if necessary and economically convenient, to take into consideration the possibility to introduce some piles within the proposed foundation slabs; -to realize a drainage system to eliminate the water from the bottom of the excavations; -to complete the intervention realizing a new floor that will constitute some concrete box structure around the foundations. The intervention will provide the following benefits: -reduction of the average state of the stress and of the pressures on the soil foundation as consequence of the enlargement, increasing the overall stability of the foundations of the wall; 120 -reduction of the stress and of the deformations of the soil foundation due the unloading caused by the progressive excavations; -reduction of the moisture in the walls; -strengthening of the foundations so that it will contribute on the one hand to avoid differential settlements and on the other to improve the seismic behavior. The (cobservational approach)), besides, will allow to adapt progressively the intervention as the data on the actual behavior of the structure will be acquired; this data will be mush more reliable than any theoretical analysis and any further investigations. These urgent measures will be combined with a monitoring system in order to control the improvement of the main parameters (deformations, inclinations, widening of the cracks, etc.) The recorded data will be very useful firstly to evaluate if this intervention, that undoubtedly produces a permanent of the global behavior, will be sufficient, letting open all the possibilities for further final interventions; in fact, both in the case of completing the enlargement of the foundations and in the case to use piles to reach deeper strafe of the soil, the continuous reinforced concrete step around the foundations and the little cantilevers will provide the best way to transfer the loads to the strengthened masonry. It must be noticed moreover that the transversal bars and the injections represent a reinforcement indispensable for any action of support of the foundations. Finally, the possibility to regulate the loads on the piles through the jacks will represent a remarkable advantage. In conclusion any final solution can follow three main lines: to reduce the load of the dome could have been the cause of the a> settlements; to enlarge the foundations in order to redistribute and to reduce the b) pressures on the soil; to reach deeper stiffen strata through piles or micropiles. 4 It appears necessary besides to insert some jacks to regulate and to control the pressure distribution. The urgent measures that have been proposed follow point a) and b); we think that they will be sufficient to ensure the stability; it will be easy anyway to implement them proportionally to the real requirements on the one hand creating a raft of foundations shaped as an inverse curvature little dome all over the plan of the central part (phase2) on the other placing some piles that will be pre-loaded by the same jacks foreseen in correspondence of the reinforced concrete cantilevers. It is worth mentioning that all works provided in this project must be checked depending on the measures on site and on the actual situation that will be focused on by tests during the operational phases and by the results provided by the monitoring system. 1.5.2. The lateral wings The deformations in the lateral wings presently appear to be substantially stabilized so that their strengthening is not foreseen as urgent intervention. It is useful anyway to carry out some test and investigations in order to verify the presence and efficiency of chains and connections. Possible further interventions can be limited to some chains to connect the opposite longitudinal walls. 121 1 .G.Mathematical Model The study of the mechanical behavior of the masonry structures of the Tilla Kari Mosque has been performed in order to define the stresses and to determine the forces at the foundations level by using mathematical finite elements model. This first phase of the study has taken into account the central body of the mosque under the effect of the dead load. This model has been built with reference to the present knowledge of the building and to the masonry characteristics as typology and mechanical parameters on the basis of the available data. These approximations however do not affect significantly the stresses distribution as regard the study of the foundation that is the subject of the urgent measures. The most accurately mathematical analyses to obtain a more definition of the structural behavior can be reached only with specific investigations to improve the knowledge of the geometry and of the mechanical characteristics. The results of the linear elastic analysis, under dead loads, show a good structural behavior. The masonry stresses are contained; the value of the compressive stresses hardly ever exceeds 0.4Q\mm2 in the whole structure. The very little tensile stresses are concentrated only on the top of the arches which support the domes. The domes show a generic compression condition where the stress value does not exceed 0.1 Q\mm2 both in the meridians and in the parallels direction. In the upper dome, the particular shape produces tensile both in the meridians and in the parallels direction. In the upper dome, the particular shape produces tensile stresses at the springs level in the parallels direction. However, these stresses are widely born by the reinforced concrete frame which shows tensile stresses than 1 Q\mm2. At the foundation level the stresses pattern in the front zone of the building shows average compressive value like 0.3Qhm2 while in the back zone the stresses are lower (0.23Qhm2). A sensible variation of the stress values are present in the masonry width at the base level of the domes’ pillars (like-+30% of the average value). 2.The Tower of Pisa 2.1 .Introduction Towers and, more generally, tall buildings may be affected by three main phenomena that can interact each other: tilting, disarticulation of the structure and crushing. Tilting is due to the deformability of the soil because soil settle4 ment are never uniform; in fact it is sufficient a first casual little rotation to create an eccentricity of the dead load which increases the stresses and the deformations on the downstream side of the tower, starting a process that automatically increases. The disarticultion of the structure is also related to the deformaW tions of the soil, and in particular to nonlinear settlements, which produce supplementary stresses, and in particular horizontal or diagonal tensile stresses. If the structure is not sufficiently compact and resistant these stresses create cracks, which may be extended to all the structure, sliding between the blocks in dry stone masonry, disarticulation of the building, etc. 122 Crushing is another phenomenon that may occur, due to the high compression stresses produced by the dead load, and increased by the leaning and disarticulation of the masonry. Provisional safeguard measures first of all aim to avoid that the tilting would increase and produce the collapse of the tower as a rigid body; possible measures are propping on the downstream side, anchorages on the upstream side, etc.. As regards the structural aspects, the main task is to prevent further lateral deformations of the masonry and to provide a support where the equilibrium is compromised; chains, tie roads, etc. may represent possible solutions. In some cases it can be required to recover part of the tilting; possible measures are to lift up the downstream side of the tower (jacks, etc.) create an artificial settlement on the upstream side ( compression, softening of the soil, etc.), to push or to pull the structure, etc.. Definitive measures are sometimes a complement of the previous ones and may involve consolidation of the masonry, stabilization of the soil, underpinning of the foundations etc. The main characteristics of the Tower of Pisa are: -cylindrical shape -high-58m -diametre -thickness of the walls at the base-4m -dead load- 14,500t -present inclination = 58* 28’ -eccentricity=2,27m -horizontal displacement or the top-=5,6m -overturning moment-33.000tm c) . 2.2 The provisional safeguard measures The aim of the provisional reinforcement structure is to improve the safety levels, and to prevent instability phenomena of the soil that might be produced during the works. The positive effects that this provisional structure should achieve are: + To apply a stabilizing moment + To react quickly and simply to any increasing tilting or unfavorable phenomena; + To help on the recovering of the tilting during the under excavation works. Three kinds of possible actions can be considered: a) Vertical eccentric action applied on the applied on the foundation. This action (to be applied on the upstream side of the foundation) may be realized with weights, vertical prestressed cables, etc. This is the simplest but also the less efficient possible scheme for two reasons: 1) the distance of the vertical action from the baricentum is small and probability the eccentricity respect the center of rotation ( whose position is unknown) is likely to be even smaller; 2) the favorable effect of the stabilizing moment is associated with a large vertical force that produces unfavorable effects on the soil. b) Horizontal action applied at a certain level of the tower. 123 An horizontal action-applied through horizontal (or little inclined) cablesreduces the stresses both on the structure and on the foundation and produce a stabilizing moment without any vertical force. However, due to the uncertainties on the position of the centre of rotation that during an unexpected phenomenon be much higher than the level of the foundation, the real stabilizing moment on the soil may sensibly be reduced because only a fraction of the theoretical brace is effective. If the center of rotation rises till the level of application of the cables the efficiency of this solution is zero. Other negative aspects of this solution are that a big anchorage structure is required and that horizontal shear forces are induced on the soil. c) Composite system consisting on an horizontal action applied at a certain level of the tower an and inclined action applied on the foundation. This scheme consists on applying at certain level of the tower some horizontal cables (similarly to the precedent case) associated with a compressed inclined strut that insist on the foundation of the tower; the upper edge of the strut is connected to the cables that are therefore vertically deviated and then anchored on the soil. If we compare this scheme with the first one (a) we see that it produces a much more favorable ratio between the stabilizing moment and the vertical force; in addition it produces positive effects on the structure too. Compared with the second scheme (b) we seen that it requires a much simpler anchorage system and is much more efficient because the strut induces on the foundation an horizontal force of the same entity-but opposite sing-of that produced by the cables; this means that there is a precise value of stabilizing moment we the soil. The provisional measures adopted by the Committee* for the tower of Pisa have been in two phases. In a first phase (1993) it has been followed the scheme a ), applying ( in two subsequent steps) around 900t of lead blocks on the upstream side, which produce a stabilizing moment of about 5.450tm. that is about 22% of the overturn moment. In a second phase (1998), the safeguard system has been implemented applying two horizontal cables, more than lOOm.long, with the anchorage hidden behind a building, able to provide a global force of about 300 tons and a stabilizing moment whose value depends on the position that the cccenter of rotation)) will take if an unexpected rotation occur (solution b). In my opinion the best would have been to adopt the solution c ), which is the only that garantees an efficient stabilizing moment wherever is collocated the center of rotation during the development of a possible unknown unfavorable phenomenon. * The commitee for the safegard of the Tower of Pisa is composite by M. Jamiolkowski (Chairman), J.B.Burland, R Calzona, M.Cordaro, G.Creazza, G. Croci, M. D’Elia, R. Di Stefano, J. De Barthelemy, G. Macchi, L. Samapalesi, S.Settis, F.Veniale, C.Viggiani We have had long discussion on this subject in the mettings of the Committee, but at the end the opinion of having a provisional structure visible as possible prevailed. The provisional strengthening of the structure has been realized applying circumferential prestressed cables. 121 2.3 The definitive measures The definitive measures that have been adopted to stabilize the tower consist on recovering about 10% of the present inclination, going back to the situation of about 3 centuries ago; this will ensure definitive or, at least for long period, safety levels. Fig. Shows the evolution of the inclination that has always increased since the of time of the construction; Fig. Shows the last decade in detail when firstly the tower has begun to recover a small part of the inclination (corresponding to a recover of about 2cm of the top) due to the application of lead blocks, and then has started a more significant backward movement (underexcavation). The technique used to recover part of the tilting called ccunderexcavatiom; it consists on removing from below the upstream side of the foundation little bits of soil in order to artificially produce differential soil settlements and the refore a rotation of the opposite sigh respect that has been developing since centuries. This intervention is expected to be completed by the half of 2001; at that moment all the lead blocks will be removed. This solution has been possible because the stiffness and the global strength of the structure have prevented any disconnection of the masonry structure, so that the tower has rotated as a rigid body. As regards the masonry structure, realized with two facing layers made of regular stone blocks and an inner fill made of irregular stones and mortar, it has been consolidated in the downstream side, where the stresses are hoger and some voids have been detected, with injections of a fluid mortar (grouting); in addition at the level of the first balcony a circular prestressed cable is going to be placed and , in the weak zones, corresponding to the inner staircase, some little radial stainless bars will be inserted. 3.Conclusions The above described urgent measures have been requested by a risky situation that could compromise the overall stability or the structures. The intervention will be combined with a monitoring system in order to control the improvement of the main parameters(deformations, inclinations, widening of the cracks, etc.).The recorded data will be very useful to evaluate whether the interventions will be sufficient to stabilize the settlements, if it will be necessary to further regulate the pressures in the jacks, or if an extension of the interventions will be required; in the latter case it could be envisaged to create a raft of foundations shaped as an inverse curvature little dome all over the plan of the central part. Concerning the Tilla Kari Mosque, both in the case of completing the enlargement of the foundations and in the case to use piles to reach deeper strata of the soil, the continues reinforced concrete strip around the foundations and the little cantilevers will provide the best way to transfer the loads to the strengthened masonry. It must be noticed moreover that the transversal bars and the injections represent a reinforcement that is indispensable for any action of support of the foundations. Finally, the possibility to regulate the loads on the foundation soil through the jacks will represent a remarkable advantage. 125 Pave/ BJaha Geo Geo Test Bmo Czech Republic Joint Czech-Uzbekistan Projects Czech-Uzbek cooperation between State Hydro-Geological enterprise Uzbekgidrogeologia and cGeotest)) was started in 1981. Collaboration is carrying out in the field of studying of landslide geo-ecology protection of historical monuments, hydrology and geophysics. As a result of common researches were implemented a number of large scaled projects concerned investigation of landslide’s nature, methods of its prognosis, ecological-hydro-geological researches effective using of geo-physical methods during studying of stop deformations and territories, where historical monuments are located. The most intensive were joint scientific-research works on measurement of strain and motion landslides on the depth. All the above works were implemented during 1981-1985. The works were tines head by conduction of joint guidelines, which was the base of monographic published by c{Fann Publishing House in 1989. Nowadays the problems of population safety and protection of engineering constructions and from affect of nature and Technogen assurances were recognized one of the actual. In this regard we propose a number of joint projects which are planing implemented in the framework of UNESCO. to be Theme: Silk way The town of Khiva is situated in the western part of Uzbekistan in the proximity of the Amu -Darya river. The compact medieval town from the XVI.XIX. Centuries is founded on the thick layer of loess. The dimensions of the center of the town are c. 650*400 meters. The fragments of its fortifications in some parts of this town have come down to the present. These fragments are founds not only in the historical center of the town, but they can also be found in some other parts of Khiva. One of the biggest problems of the construction stability in today’s Uzbekistan is the changing of the ground water table. The outflows from sewerage, water supply and hot-water supply and hot-water pipelines and an intensive irrigation evoke the ground water table increasing water table cause the settlement of collapsible loess. The further problem of the old town of Khiva is the in leak of rainy water from the stoning street under the building foundations. The loess settlement is not even, which leads to the old buildings with cracks. These cracks in some old buildings reach to the width from 3-5 cm and the length of several meters. The company UZBEKGIDROGEOLOGIJA Tashkent have recently made some initial operations. Their task was to describe the status of some buildings of the medieval town of Khiva. The sur- vey included the mere description in the chosen buildings. The means of foundations of those objects were observed too. At present it would be suitable to start several kinds systematic operations in the town of Khiva. . They can be divided into two groups: -establishing* digital database of the present conditions of the historical buildings -the automatic measurements of the chosen parameters influencing the settlement of the rock massive. Subtheme: Chiva-Data base creation of present situation of monuments failures. It is necessary to equip the Uzbek specialists with the digital camcorder and with the equipment necessary for the processing of digital records for establishing digital database. The output of these operations will be compiling a well-arranged atlas on the situation of the historical buildings failure of Khiva. This atlas will be completed with the detailed the description of the chosen monuments. . Subtheme: Khiva-Automatic monitoring of chosen parameters of building settlement Before starting automatic measurements, it would be suitable to equip the Uzbek specialists with the equipment for monitoring operations in some chosen parameters. We recommend to observe the fluctuation of water table, to measure the settlement of the chosen building including the rock massive in their subbases and observe the time ahange of the chosen cracks. The option of the given buildings and numbers of measuring points will depend on the financial conditions given to this task. The output of these operations will be getting an idea of the changes taking place during a year namely in the historical buildings as in well as in the rock massive subbases. Thus obtained Thus obtained data will served the determination of the precautions against the negative influence upon the historical buildings in the town of Chiva. Theme: Geological hazard The slope deformations and their moving are of the biggest damages for the people and the property of Uzbekistan. The slope deformations cover an area about 500 000 hectares. There are 12 thousand moving localities known to us . The expressive moving by 100-300 landslides with the volume from 300m3-90 millionm3 occurs every year. The moving of thousands of landslides was quoted during the years with more expressive rainfalls. The slope deformation have a damaging effection about 250 villages, tens of miner and hydrotechnical constructions, a lot of the spas and recreational centers and hundreds of kilometres of roads. The landslide majority slips in the short 3-4 monthly spring periods when during some days the moving landslides up to twenty in numbers are observed. The Landslide origin depends on the thickness of the snow cover, velocity of its melting, spring rainfalls, and a contingent emulation of these facts into the short periods. It is very difficult to determine the beginning of the slope movements, their velocities and eventually their moving directions, 127 the volumes of sliding mass and the risks of that moving against the opposite slope. The of the landslide majority is mostly so rapid that there is no time to do a lot of sufficient warning to the inhabitants living to the inhabitants living there and their evacuations in time. In the recent years the number of inhabitants living in the foothills. that is in the areas where the landslide disaster is bigger, has been increasing very quickly. Since the year 1970 the number of inhabitants has increased by 2.5 times in those regions. Subthemei Slope deformations-creating maps in GIS system I. As it is not possible to develop such a system of timely warning at present, it is necessary to reduce the inhabitant settlement in those dangerous areas. Therefore it is necessary to create such a map set that will demonstrate all factors contributing to the origin of the rapid slope moving. For the purpose the map processing and their evaluating the geographic information systems ( GIS ) are the best suitable. To determine the slope deformation hazards is useful to create e.g. the maps of rainfalls, snow cover, rock and soil appearance that are predisposed to sliding, the maps of slope inclination, the hydrogeological maps including the maps of surface springs. On the basis of these maps it will be degree of the particular elements and quick landslide origin. On the basis of inhabitants against the the landslide possibilities for new places of settlement possible for us to compile the hazard the total degree of the danger of the these maps it will be possible to warn hazard and eventually to adjust the and industrial constructions. Subtheme: Slope deformations -using geophysical methods for their prospecting The geophysical methods create a compact kit of the methods that enables us to carry out the quick prospecting of the areas with the slope deformations namely of the areas nonaccessible for heavy technologies. It is possible to use the knowledge of the geological structure as a base for the hazard evaluation of the possible new landslide origin. The geophysical methods are also very suitable for the sliding landslide prospecting too. The determination of the geological structure supports the understanding of the landslide dynamics in the given regions. The interpretation results of the geophysical measurements give us the data for the inverse stability solutions. We can suggest slide corrections on the basis of geophysical results and at the same we can some of the geophysical methods for landslide monitoring. We has written a monograph on the geophysical methods used for the prospecting and of the slope deformations (published only in the Czech language up to now). In the frame of this task we would like to complete its translation into the Russian language in order that it can serve as a methodical base for the geophysical measurements of the slope deformation research in the whole region of Central Asia . We have already been working on this translation. Them: Hydrogeology and water resources Subtheme: Exhaustion risk of drink water resources in fluvial valleys in Uzbekistan In Uzbekistan the underground water in the fluvial valleys is the main source supplying inhabitants of drink water and eventually it serves as a source of irrigation. During the last 30 years the underground reserves have been reduced by 50%. The underground water resources have been reduced by 0.2 km3 every year. The existing resources are expected to be exhausted during next the 40 years. Therefore it is necessary to look into the system of the ground water using received from those resources at present as to look into the system of economy dealing with obtaining water in this way. At the same time it is necessary to investigate some other chances obtaining fresh water in order that the collapse of inhabitants supplying with water can be avoided in the future. The possible ways of ground water taken fluvial valleys are further limited by the ecological pollution of those resources. The ground water contamination has main sources in various industrial objects, mining sites, agricultural pollution as well as in the municipal contamination. Therefore it is needed to map all contamination sources and to create their punctual digital database. The aim of these operations is to evaluate the dangerous and of the pollution of the ground water and its early exhaustion as a source of drink water. It will be necessary to reach such a situation in which the ground water serves the inhabitants of these regions to be supplied with the fresh water for approximately for the next 1000 years. It is necessary to evaluate the influence of separate risk factors and hydrogeological conditions forming the risk and the hazard of the exhaustion of ground water resources. We ought to try to decrease all the hazards deteriorating ground water quality, introducing its using as only, decreasing its consumption and the perfect regime of ground water pumping so that the adulteration of separate sources by the wrong function of pumping wells will not occurred. It is necessary for all this agenda to be converted into the computer processing by the help of geographic information systems (GIS) in order that the perfect bases, their lucidity and the possible ways of their operative using can be achieved. Only this way of processing enables us to ensure the decrease of ground water pollution and the effective using of separate sources. . Solution of this problems will allow decrease social strain in countries exposed to domgeruos geological processes to define level of drinking water exhaustion in river valleys of Uzbekistan which became strategic resources for the life of human-being, it will also make significated contribution into provision of safety of valuable historical monuments. We also hope that realization of there projects Uzbekistan, but for all Central Asian Region. will be useful . 129 -.--_ .._-_ not only for Fig. 1 Book about landslides COBPEMEHHbIE METO,QbI M3MEPEH.Wl HAIIP%KEXWI IlOPOBOrO &4BJlEHWI M flBkDKEHMii OrIOJl3HSf HA 1-.JWlXHE Present methods of measurements of water pressure and landslide movement 130 l_“.l - _.__ ll”_-.-“. “._ __- _.__ ~ .,-.__ -l.l- .l-.lll^“. -_.-- Gert Karwa th SKM Electronics Germany Tilla Kari Medresse. The Heritage of the World Culture in Samarkand The Electra-Physical Method for the Dehydration of Threatened Stone Structures . Our safe system for the exsiccation of stone structures causes no damage to the threatened historic building material. Therefore, we regard it as our moral obligation to put out know how and our special knowledge at the disposal of the UNESCO to preserve the valuable heritage of the world culture. We have offered spontaneously our help and support after a TV broadcasting on “The threatened values of Central Asia - Uzbekistan and its cultural heritage”. Today, we are following Mr Michael Bary Lane’s invitation from the UNESCO in order to present you our experience of stone buildings’ exsiccation in connection with this symposium as well as to start the stone buildings’ dehydration in the threatened Tilla Kari Madrasah. . In our undertaking, we proceed from the fact that the reasons of the increasing stone structures’ moisture with the strong additional salinisation contain mainly the same problems, which we have been able to overcome in Europe since many years ago. The only difference is that that here, in Central Asia, the evaporation of moisture on the land surface happens quicker and therefore the process of destruction through moisture and salinisation has a stronger concentration. Certainly, this problem could not be solved immediately with the installation of our equipment. There is an urgent need in the close international cooperation among the representatives of respective memorial protection service and our enterprise within the UNESCO Working Group or any eventually existing group of specialists. The efficiency of dehydration should be controlled, for example, in accordance with our directions through the careful measurement of moisture in regular intervals. The reaction of salt should be optically determined and documented in definite intervals. Another important working mission of the future special group will be to detect the construction materials, which could be used for the safe and knowledgeable sanitation and restoration of monuments, by means of the still executed analysis of salinity and moistures level. Within the framework of our following special report we will document why it is essentially important to select thoroughly the permissible building materials for the salvation of the world culture heritage. Do not expect please that we will install “magical boxes” for you here to conjure the missing millions for the salvation of all threatened objects. Exhausted fundaments and defective walls will not be changed automatically, 131 either. Our equipment has only a task to dehydrate the stone buildings with The saline and suffered walls are still natural means, causing no damages. to be renovated carefully and with respective professional knowledge by craftspeople from an appropriate region. For a better technical comprehension, we will demonstrate you a video, produced initially to advertise our enterprise. Certainly, we are far from presenting a sales’ show for you here. On the other hand, this film contains all essential details about the technical flow of our method for the exsiccation of stone buildings including the determination of possible construction errors to be corrected timely. You will notice that the problems with houses in Europe are not greatly different than here. SKM Presentation: UNESCO International June 2000 (Part 2 after the video demonstration) Symposium, Samarkand, 14- 18 You have been able to learn from the video record that the problems of the stone buildings’ moisturizing in Europe do not generally develop differently than here, in the desert. In order to prove it scientifically we undertook this trip. We were unbelievably derided in Germany when we told about our intentions, “What - to exsiccate in the desert?” However, there is one point where we should distinguish prerequisites: exactly While we could easily apply the method of stone structures’ the European area on the basis of solid building material years’ experience, here we encounter something unknown: professional exsiccation in and our many a) What historic construction material was processed; b) At what speed will our stone structures exsiccation develop; c) How much residual moisture should we preserve in any case in stone buildings in order not to threaten the static of the monument. Proceeding from the emerging questions, we have a firm conviction that the and accompanied salinisation problem of the stone buildings’ exsiccation can be solved through the long-lasting international co-operation alone. We could put our modern equipment and necessary professional knowledge at the disposal. However, without a reliable partner from the appropriate region, with whom we could straight away apply the newest scientific know how, this action, which is very costly for us, would by rightly a flow in the “desert sand”. Since we do not belong to any state agency but start this salvation act at our own expenses as private entrepreneurs, we are interested in the establishment of international enterprise with the partners from this region on a long-term basis. This venture should be able knowledgeably, enduringly and, which is more important, safely to solve the Problem of stone buildings’ moisture. For the case study about the exsiccation of stone structures we prepared some slides to better familiarize you with the technical process in stone 132 buildings. This is followed by a short extract from the reference list of out European projects. For the comparison, we would like to tell you about their specific problems. Damped walls There are 4 different main reasons to be identified before any stone buildings’ exsiccation. What is increasing moisture Natural regularities. and handled separately of stone buildings The increasing moisture of stone buildings Appears through the interaction of two different impact principles: a) Mechanical process: The widely known capillary stream effect in porous solids (gravel bed and sand layers under the foundations in desert areas belong to it as well). This process is independent of the subsoil waters’ level! b) Electra-physical process: The movement of water molecules in the fine construction material capillaries causes the electrical charge between the border area of the capillaries and water molecules, which are mainly bound to the hydrate coat (salts). SKM electronics R, the modern method for the exsiccation of stone structures, interrupts the increase of charge sending special impulses generated by a low electromagnetic field and enables thus a natural and, first of all, damage-free hydration process in stone structures. This process is scientifically demonstrable through stone buildings’ moisture and optical observations. the measurements of This slide documents the interaction “salinisation through the moisture of stone buildings ‘! You can already learn from this simple scheme that, in the course of increasing stone building’s moisture, the effect of dehydration could not be achieved either through “draw off shafts” or the installation of “drainage”. The most important damage causing salts. There is no need for you to learn any formulas by heart, yet this diagram clearly gives documentary evidence about the natural origin of some damage causing salts in order to prevent programmed construction faults in the future. By the preparation to the symposium, we watched TV reports many times about the threatened culture heritage in Uzbekistan. By that, we had to state to out fear that at the valuable mosques there was already partly processed a significant amount of cement and concrete. Hopefully, this took place from the lack of knowledge. A typical German expression, “this construction material was utilized proceeding from the considerations of prise and time”, would be completely our of place here. Our schedule shows definitely an interdependence between such construction materials like gypsum, cement and concrete in connection with the damaging power of sulphate L 133 - __- ----.. compounds in stone buildings. Since the sulphates cause the largest damages to construction objects, this problem should be taken very seriously. We will demonstrate you later on the example of face how one could fully restore monument structures without cement. Damped walls? 4 reasons to be identified definitely: 1. The increasinq moisture of __--.stone buildinqs: __-~~The result of defective or missing border layers. Capillary stone structures, joints and face. stream influence in 2.&g~e_ns& moistur-e: Cool walls/warm air Sharp temperature differences Insufficient warmth retention Double shell stone buildings 3. Hyqrosco@c __moisture: ~~~-.---. Strongly salinised stone “hygroscopic moisture” 4. Leaking water ___..By inclining locations, buildings, defective e.g. face drainage, surface, create their own missing water draw off. What is the increasing moisture? (SKM research of construction work) Horizontal shield Vertical shield Horizontal shield Responsible for the qrowth-in the nature .__~-. ~_.. * Is independent of sub-soil water * Comes from the ground * Comes out even in the desert (the slide as a life-saver) At home-I~_.a permanent Problernfo~r~own~ers ___ * Properly, a house is a alien matter in the ground and should constantly be protected against the increasing soil moisture * Defective shield layers - a big problem by sanifying obsolete buildings * Unfortunately, also transports the dissolved salts in the stone buildings and thus activates the mechanism of destruction The exsiccation of stone buildings SKM electronics The increasing moisture? I ,_Mec~anical_p_roc.~~s Capillary stream a) A capillary stream effect in porous solids b) The elevation level is dependent on the diameter of capillaries 2. Electra-technical process The movement of water molecules in thin capillaries of the construction material results in the electrical charge between the border layer of capillaries and water molecules, which are bound mainly to hydrate coat (salt). Horizontal partition Vertical shield The increasing sub-soil moisture The stone building’s moisture arises everywhere where something Therefore, partition layers must be built into the foundation. . The exsiccation Tila Kari of stone buildings grows up! SKM electronics Salinisation through the moisture of stone buildings Salts from the construction material The increasing moisture of stone buildings + salts from the soil Capillary stream Gravel and sand layers The exsiccation of stone buildings SKM electronics Salts Solutions Hygroscopic solution Ca - +, Mg -+, Na +, K+ N03-, Cl- Ca( NOs)2 MgWW2 NaN03 KN03 NaCl KC1 CaS04 SO4 MgSQ Na2S04 CaC03 MgCO3 CaS04 Solution . Solution Solution MG-+, Ca-+, Na+, K+, Sod--, Cl-, CO3The moisture I . of stone buildings The most important Compound Sulphates MgS04 .7HzO CaS04 .2H20 Na2S04 . lOH20 3CaO. A1203. 3CaS04 . 32HzO damage-causing Name salts Origin Bitter salts, magnesium sulphate, gypsum, calcium sulphate, glauber salt, natrium sulphate, sulphiric natrium . 13.5 . From the sub-soil = soil salts, mainly magnesium sulphate. From the construction material = cement mortars contain gypsum and make for sulphate compounds Nitrates Mg(N03)2 . 6H20 Ca(N03)2 . 4H20 I 5Ca (NOT)2 . ‘4NH4N03 . lOHzO Chlorides CaCl2.6H20 NaCl Magnesim nitrate, calcium nitrate, lime saltpetre All stable and barn buildings, agricultural utilisation, bordering humus soil Calcium chloride, table The oxidation of fronts. salt, natrium chloride Freese protection means (painting or decoration works), PM-Binder. Slag stones = iron sulphate ] Will you allow us at this stage to present briefly our enterprise the content) (To translate The dehydration method of stone buildings As it is well-known, there are various methods to overcome more or less the increasing moisture of stone buildings. The mechanical methods prohibit themselves since they could threaten the static of historic monuments. Chemical injections unambiguously belong to this category as well. Even “draw off shafts” should not be risked here. Regardless of all this, one does not penetrate under the foundations in order to interrupt the increasing moisturizing of stone buildings. (To translate picture texts) Salts in stone buildings and face. This slide shows the effect of salts’ presence in stone buildings and face. The top picture shows face trials in the practice/study room of our enterprise. The former could also be very useful for sanitation missions. I have been working closely with Knut Akesson, consultant and restoration advisor from Sweden, since Leipzig 1996 Monument Protection Fair. To process historic faces and mortars, he developed a patented method, by the application of which no cement is needed. You can perceive yourself the influence on moisturized buildings and the ones with salinity. The salts come outwards without cement and could be swiped off easily. The face test with cement content is constantly moisturized and would lead to the crystallization of salts on the external wall in winter and therefore to cleavage (to translate the correlation of mixture). The difference between the air temperature and dew point These tables are important help means to calculate exactly the phenomenon of how the condensed moisture is formed. This table was developed by Helmut Feige, Israeli meteorologist. He is simultaneously a EURAFEM e. V. consulting member, a European working group for electro-physical stone buildings’ dehydration. 136 ._. I”-._,.... 10. The moisture precipitation on external walls This diagram will not correspond here in such a form. Nevertheless, it could contain important starting points to identify construction faults, which could lead to the moisturizing in stone buildings. (Translation of diagram texts). The enterprise is certified by TUV - Rheinland/Berlin - Brandenburg in accordance with DIN EN IS0 9001 for the following area of activity: Development, manufacturing, trade and service of electronic equipment for the exsiccation of stone buildings. Advice on damages from moisture and the restoration of buildings, especially with lime covering The SKM equipment for the exsiccation of stone buildings: Type: 1 .O EMV tests, OE certified Type: 2.0 TUV - Thuringen via SCHWELLE - Electronic SKM electronic The European buildings . is a EURAFEM e. V. Member working circle for electro-physical dehydration SKM electronic joined a voluntary environmental alliance - Anhalt land in accordance with the EU guidelines along with Sachsen . The method of stone buildings’ Draw off shafts They do not hinder the capillary The danger of collapse! The moisture precipitation exsiccation stream influence on an external in stone buildings wall c EXTERNAL Salinity INTERNAL AREA AREA Threat to health impact Frost impact Fungus formation Rain Condensed Hail Microscopic Roof water Damp fusion Heavy water, dissolved Soil moisture, dissolved Damp fusion salts salts Moisture penetrating through or absent external isolation damage points 137 . of stone water moisture A short extract from the reference have created until now. list should give you an idea in what we 1. Markt 25 in Luthersrsadt Wittenberg (Hydrated by Gert Karwath’s another electro-physical method) This historic baroque building possesses fantastic cask vaults in the basement area. The exsiccation was selected as the basic method from the very beginning of sanitation. The cask vaults are entirely moist. which another system could achieve any result here altogether. In the lower part we could see three small pictures of different exsiccation stages = top left is the original condition, then an intermediate phase and down is the optical condition after approx. 9 months after the installation (the moisture concentrates in corners). Both lower photos show exsiccation phases within a year. There are the private safes of the bank in these vaults today. A paper archive was accommodated in the next small vault! At the external wall of the vault, a brood flows at the floor level as a special chicanery of this hydration. The building’s exsiccation was supported by a qualified air circulation with the consideration of wall temperatures. The lime was used as a covering. 2. Villa in Potsdam The villa, protected as a monument, was purchased in a lamentable condition and sanified with large costs. When I was asked to help in about 1 year (there was found no renter - the rent was 15 000 DM monthly), I found the following condition: - A strong mould scent in the whole basement area, wall-papers moist and splay; - Parquet floor swollen and buckled; - Moisture level on basement walls = 12-18 % (Gann - measurements). In 5 weeks: The mould scent away, parquet floor smooth, moisture level - 8- 10%. In S year: Moisture level: 5-7 %. Control measurements in (2 measurement units yet The present-day utilization: Administrative office with area! A full satisfaction of approx. 5 years after the installation: found) = I ,5 % and 1%. computer equipment and paper in the basement all new building proprietors. Z.-The royal hunting castle “Tullgarn”~in Sweden. The internal yard of the building is situated on an island. There are still old foundations, which are partly not strengthened and therefore are full of water fault is being corrected. In the next picby heavy rains. This construction ture, you could have a look at the royal kitchen, which in any case has not been used for years. They tried to conquest the elevating moisture in this area with 2 air dryers without success for about 10 years. It was a costly enterprise, all the more that the circulated air should be additionally warmed 138 up already at 5 degrees, otherwise the cooling hoses froze. On the next picture, there is Knut Akesson, consultant and restoration advisor, by the installation of SKM equipment for the exsiccation of stone buildings. A close co-operation binds us since we met at Leipzig 1996 Monument Protection Fair and Knut Akesson deploys the SKM method along with his own mission area in Sweden. In return, Gert Karwath tries to bring closer the rich experience from Sweden, including treating the lime sanitation, front covering from lime as well as the application of oil colors for wood and bleach works, for the monument protection in Germany. Down left, you can see 3 photos of problem zones in the basement area. Left: concentrated cement face had to block the moisture. Middle: Intermediate walls could not be a long solution, either. Right: Moisture and strong salinity in the basement. Down right, there is our interpreter Martina Josefsson by CM - measurements. 4. The former food warehouse in a historic metallurqy area. The building lies directly at a sea and is heavily damaged by water form the occurring snow melting. On the left side, there are Knut Akesson and Torsten Krwath by the measurement of moisture level. In the picture down left, a thrown out water pot shows a momentary sub-soil water level. The centre of the pictures shows a wooden wall, where our SKM devise was mounted. The high air humidity in the building had already made the nails become rusty. On the next right picture, you can see a totally salted floor of this area. There are 2 reasons for this: l.Much pickle salt was used by the utilization of the warehouse (meat and fish); 2.The building was constructed from slag stones of the metallurgical works. You could remember from the previously shown graphical presentation of the salinity precipitation in stone buildings that the slag stones consist mainly of iron sulphate, a salt, which must be subordinate to the chlorides. 5. SKM electronic R - Italy: Casa Professa in Palermo This rich decorated church had a problem in the socle area: moisture and salinity, the result of which the marble plates of the construction began to dissolve. You can see in the lower picture that we refused to mount the SKM device from respect to the costly decoration and the energy supply was organized through flexible cables. Down right, you could see that they give blessing to the careful and safe working of our method in this church. The level of 4,5 % moisturizing is normally not sufficient when one certainly needs the exsiccation of stone buildings. There would be a large gain for this church if we manage to decrease the existing moisture for more l-2 % and therefore to slacken the destructive power of salinity. . 139 6. The church-asylum of the evangelistic parish in Gernrode. In the large building behind the church asylum, we found an internal made from the same material as the church walls: lime sandstone. wall The whole wall was visibly strong over-moisturized. We stated by the inspection of construction works that behind this wall, there was a small country house, of which the ground level corresponded exactly to the moisture zone in the hall. We also conducted our moisture measurements. In order not to cause unnecessary damages, we chose to measure the conductivity in joints. For safety, we put a CM-measurement axis in a cleaned corner. Our SKM device was installed in the centre of the wooden-panel ceiling. We succeeded in registering good results already by the first measurements after about 6 weeks. The next measurements (after j year) evoked our astonishment: the stones were obviously dry, the joints were nevertheless more moist than by the previous measuring. The situation was opposite by a control measurement after 2 months: the stones were visually moist and the moisture in the joints presented better results. Approximately S year later, in my village, the no more needed barns and old sheds were demolished and the construction material was sorted out. When I inspected the pile with lime sandstone, I felt more respect to this construction material. Many of these stones served as the foundation for sheds for more than one hundred years and lied still as if freshly delivered! We were in Gernrode next day and took a control measurement along with the priest. This time, of course, in the stones. The result could be seen distinctly at the right down picture: there appeared dust by drilling. Total: due to its structure, sandstone absorbs no salts and little amounts of moisture. The whole transportation of moisture and salts takes place by this material exceptionally through the joints. 1. The main building of the land_provl:i.ion department - ~-- in Leipzig, Former cavalry barracks from the times of our last German Kaiser, in the meantime used by the GDR National People’s Army, it was purchased by this agency for a “friendship prize” after the reunification of Germany. Then, after a long planning phase, the building was “brand-newly” sanified. The planning and architectural bureaus in Germany are unfortunately remunerated in any case not according to the professional knowledge but the spent turnover volume. Therefore, it is obvious why we, with our inexpensive electro-physical method for the exsiccation of stone buildings, seldom have an opportunity to demonstrate our abilities on such large objects. An expensive sanisation was carried out instead. The “results” are clearly visible at the right down picture. The air drier are in operation day and night for many years in order at least to keep a little bit away the moisture from the most important rooms of the basement such as printing-office, archive, warehouse etc. An economic nonsense - called to being knowingly. In such a tangled situation, we were asked, as usual, by new owners to help them. Of course, with large distrust since they were informed already by “knowledgeable specialists” about the futility of our method (for whom?). Despite of it, we got carried away by a scientific challenge. Two SKMdevices for the exsiccation of stone buildings were installed in a definite section of the object on 24.05.2000. In line with the mutual agreement, the aim of our exsiccation is the decrease of the building’s moisture for 4.5 - max. 5% in the basement area. This experiment is frozen at half of a year for a test. In the meantime, the air drier will be turned off one after another in accordance with the measurement results. . Condition before the installati_on: ~.. .~ Mould scent in the basement. Wall-papers strongly moisturized. Parquet floors splay (swollen through the moisture). Pre-arranged use after the sanitation of the building: Office rooms in the basement area. Building’s moisture in the basement: 12- 18 % (Gann - measurements) After 5 weeks: no mould scent, parquet floor smooth After S year: building’s moisture - 6 - 7 % Measurements after approx. 5 years: (2 measurement indices still found) 1,5% and 1%. . . 141 . -- -____-