RDDM - Rotary Direct Drive Motors
RDDM - Rotary Direct Drive Motors
RDDM Rotary Direct Drive Motors 1 The Perfect Drive for Every Application. INA - Drives & Mechatronics AG & Co. KG, Directly linking the motor and the mov- Models and simulations are integrated a member of the Schaeffler Group, is a ing mass increases the dynamic and into the development process for direct specialist for linear and rotary direct static rigidity, enabling high-perform- drives and positioning systems, making drives. To complement these products, ance positioning movements. the process more efficient. we also offer directly driven positioning Direct drives are low wearing, which systems and all the necessary controllers reduces maintenance and operating IDAM has a cutting-edge quality manage- and mechatronic assemblies. costs while also increasing availability. ment system. At IDAM, quality manage- In addition to standard products, IDAM For more than 20 years, teams at IDAM ment is a dynamic process that is also develops and produces customised have been producing direct drives and checked daily and continuously drive solutions. complex drive systems for the following improved. IDAM is certified to In modern machines and equipment, sectors: machine tools and production DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. direct drives are increasingly replacing machinery, automation, productronics/ standard drive solutions because of semicon, metrology and medical engi- ever-stricter requirements for dynamics, neering. precision and cost-effectiveness. The layout of the magnetic circuit and the magnetic simulation form the basis of the design work. Specially developed tools are also used to develop and design the motors and systems, including tools for mechanical and thermal simulation. IDAM customers can access the results of these simulations to improve their adjacent constructions. jerk acceleration velocity Motion profile with higher-order polynomial 2 position FEM model CAD model Contents Technical Basics Benefits of Rotary Direct Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Characteristics of Rotary Direct Drive Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 General Motor Values – Efficiency Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Winding Designs and Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Torque-Speed Characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Torque-Current Characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Thermal Motor Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Electrical Connection Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Commutation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Dielectric Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Cooling and Cooling Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Dependency on the Nominal Data of the Flow Temperature and the Cooling Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Operating Several Motors in Parallel on One Axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Selection of Direct Drives for Rotary Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Product Range RI Torque Motors: Features, Benefits, Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 RE Torque Motors: Features, Benefits, Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Type Designation: RI and RE Series, Primary Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Type Designation: RI and RE Series, Secondary Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Technical Data: RI Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Technical Data: RE Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 RKI Torque Motors: Features, Benefits, Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 RMK/RMF Torque Motors: Features, Benefits, Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 HSRV/SRV Torque Motors: Features, Benefits, Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Segment Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Motors in Special Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 General Information Checklist for Your Enquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Technical Information and Advice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 IDAM Worldwide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Overview of Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 At a Glance: Torque Ranges of the RI/RE Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 3 Benefits of Rotary Direct Drives Performance Operating costs Design 1.No transformation of the movement 1. No additional moving parts 1. Hollow shaft This reduces the effort of installing, The hollow shaft with a large diameter There is no elasticity, no play, little fric- adjusting and maintaining the drive makes integration or lead-through of tion and no hysteresis in the drive train assembly. other assemblies possible (shafts, rotary pattern resulting from transmission or coupling distributors, supply lines etc.). Bearing 2.Minimal wear in the drive train level, generation of force and effective The drive train has a very long service working area may be very close to one 2. Multi-pole motor life, even if subjected to extreme alter- another. Very high torques are produced owing to nating loads. This reduces machine the multi-pole design. These can be downtime. elements. used from a speed > 0 up to the nominal 2. Installation of primary part The ring for the primary part can be easi- 3. High availability ly integrated in the machine design In addition to the longer service life and owing to the small space requirement 3. Thin, ring-shaped rotor reduced wear, the sturdiness of the (thin ring). The motor has low inertia owning to the torque motors increases their availabili- thin, ring-shaped design with a large, ty. speed. 3. Small height free internal diameter. This is the basis A very compact and axially small design for fast acceleration. with a high torque is produced in combination with the large, free internal diam- 4. External rotor construction eter (hollow shaft). With the external rotor, the torque is increased in comparison to the internal 4. Few parts rotor for the same motor size. The well-engineered design makes it easier to integrate the motor parts into 5. Direct position measurement the machine concept. Direct position measurement and the There are only a few, very sturdy parts, which reduces the fail rate (high MTBF*). rigid mechanical structure enable highly precise, dynamic positioning operations. *MTBF: Mean time between failures Active elements Storage / Measuring system Stator (primary part) Rotor (secondary part) Maximum internal diameter for all types of lead-throughs 4 Characteristics of Rotary Direct Drive Motors Rotary direct drive motors comprise a A suitable guide system for the preser- The design of the rotary direct drive primary and a secondary part. The pri- vation of the air gap between the prima- motors differs depending on whether mary part contains an active coil system ry and secondary part is just as neces- the construction is slotted, slotless or and the secondary part a permanent sary as an angle measuring system for ironless. magnetic system. recording the rotor position in order to The motors generate a consistently high In a concentric arrangement, the rotor operate the motor. The selection for the torque via a broad speed range. The can either be the inner or the outer ring system components is based on many torque is determined by an active air (internal rotor motor or external rotor years of IDAM application experience. gap area between the primary and sec- motor). ondary part. These assemblies must be If the primary part (coil system) is sup- Depending on the type of motor, there chosen by the design engineer accord- plied with power, a torque for the are differences in the design of the pri- ing to the performance requirements. As respective secondary part will develop mary and secondary part depending on opposed to conventional motors, direct as a result of the electromagnetic force. the physical and constructional arrays. drive motors are classified according to the required torque and not according to the performance. Motor types Features Slotted motors Type: Internal rotor RI/RE series Internal rotor/ external rotor | high torque up to ∅ 1030 mm | Tp up to 15000 Nm, on request up to 100000 Nm | low cogging RKI series High-performance internal rotor | up to 30% more torque | up to 4-times higher speeds in comparison to standard motors | customised HSRV/SRV types Internal rotor | high speed, up to 50 m/s peripheral speed | for spindle applications | customised | low cogging Slotless motors RMK/RMF types Construction Type: External rotor Type: RMK Customised or integrated motors | cogging-free on any diameters up to 2500 mm | for peripheral speeds up to 15 m/s Type: RMF Ironless motors UPR types Type: UPR Highly developed and low cost | for pc board connection | customised | dynamic | precise | highly efficient 5 General Motor Values – Efficiency Criteria With certain motor sizes, the torques and power loss generated or heating speed increases, there will also be fre- and the resulting power losses (copper and applies exactly to the linear modula- quency-dependent losses caused by losses) for various operating points in tion range when the motor is stationary changes in magnetisation and eddy cur- part 1 of the technical parameters are (and at lower speeds) as well as at room rent losses (in addition to the copper fixed, regardless of the winding design. temperature. losses Pl) which are not recorded in Since torque motors can generate a high When the motor heats up, its efficiency motor constant km, but are relevant in torque when stationary but do not deliv- becomes reduced due to the increase in the limiting speed range and must be er any mechanical power, an efficiency the winding resistance (see figure). If the noted. The motor constant km only relates to the linear range of the torque- specification is not practical here. However, the motor constant km can be used for comparing efficiency levels. It Pl = 2 ( kT ) m current characteristic. Pl - Copper loss T - Torque conveys the ratio between the torque ohmic resistance and thus on the winding temperature of a motor. In the motor data sheets, km is given for 25 °C. The diagram shows the motor constant related to the data sheet value depending on the temperature. Applied motor constant km [%] The motor constant km depends on the 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 0 10 20 30 Motor constant vs. temperature 6 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Temperature ϑ [°C] Winding Designs and Dependencies The attainable final limit speed of each smaller the voltage constants ku caused DC link voltage UDCL. torque motor mainly depends on the by the winding, the higher the attainable With low DC link voltages, the limiting winding design and the DC link voltage limiting speeds are. Since voltage and speed is reduced nearly proportionally. UDCL. Voltage drops inside the motor torque constants correlate, the power The torque develops in various operating increase the voltage requirement as the requirement increases the higher the points from the torque-current character- speed gets faster. speed demands are when the torques istic. The torque-speed characteristics With the limiting speeds indicated in the are equal. represent the correlation between the data sheets, the voltage requirement for In part 2 of the technical parameters torque and speed in various operating field-oriented control corresponds with (winding data), two standard windings points. the DC link voltage of the servo convert- WL and WM per motor size were prede- er. After that, the speed quickly drops. fined for varying limiting speeds and The higher the DC link voltage and the requirements on dynamics with a fixed 7 Torque-Speed Characteristic The speed limits nlp, nlw, nlc are only cal- At high speeds and torques, additional Controlled motor movements require culated in relation to the winding-specif- frequency-dependent heat losses arise sufficient distance (0.8 times the rele- ic parameters. If the motor is not operat- in the motor (caused by eddy currents vant maximum speed) for possible oper- ed in field weakening, then the motor and change in magnetisation). ating points from the sloping range of can be operated using the torques Tp, Taking these thermal losses into the T-n characteristic. Tcw, Tc and the corresponding speed lim- account, a further speed limit is pro- The peak torque Tp must only be used in its nlp, nlw, nlc. In the end, the motor duced in the ncr range during continuous short time operation. The maximum per- speed drops to zero depending on the operation. missible heat power loss Plw for water cooling and Plc in uncooled operation voltage. Torque T must not be exceeded. Tp Tcw Tc nlp nlw nlc Speed n Torque vs. speed The winding-specific speed limits are somewhat proportional to UDCL. The continuous operation of these motors is limited to the limiting speed for continuous operation ncr since additional frequencydependent losses occur (see glossary). A reduction in the duty cycle or the current is required depending on these additional losses. 8 Torque-Current Characteristic The linear range of the characteristic The non-linearity of the T-I characteristic The motor can briefly (in seconds) be curve from the origin (0.0) up to the for large currents is formed as a conse- operated up to operating point (Tp, Ip). point (Tpl, Ipl) is characterised by the quence of saturation in the magnetic cir- This operating point must be used as a torque constant kT. The operating points cuits of a motor. The naturally curved maximum for acceleration phases. of the motor are found here for uncooled range of the characteristic curve is The limit point (Tu, Iu) may never – not operation (Tc, Ic) and cooled operation described in the data sheet and in the even for a short period of time – be (Tcw, Icw). diagram by the torque-current points exceeded due to risk of demagnetisation (Tp, Ip) and (Tu, Iu). of the permanent magnets. It has a changeable and substantially Torque T lower rise than kT. Tu Tp Tpl Tcw Tc Ic Icw Ipl Ip Iu Motor current I Torque vs. motor current All parameters are explained in the glossary. 9 Thermal Motor Protection Monitoring circuits I and II Direct drives are often operated to their thermal performance limit. In addition to this, unpredictable overloads could arise in the process. This involves an additional current load above the permissible continuous motor current. This is why the power electronics for motors should generally have overload protection for monitoring the motor current. At the same time, the effective value (root-mean-square I2t) of the motor current may only exceed the permissible continuous motor current for a short period of time. This type of indirect temperature monitoring is both very fast and reliable. IDAM motors also have as standard further thermal motor protection by means of PTC and KTY sensors. Monitoring circuit I A PTC is a resistor. Its thermal time con- Up to a few degrees deviation, the series on the three phase windings to stant when integrated lies under 5 s. In excess temperature of each winding is protect the motor. Furthermore, a contrast to the KTY, its resistance thus recorded. KTY84-130 is included on one phase in increases very steeply when the nomi- The tripping unit also reacts to a too low the motor. nal response temperature Tn is exceed- resistance in the PTC circuit, which nor- ed and will increase to several times its mally indicates a defect in the monitor- cold value. ing circuit. Moreover, it provides for reli- When the three PTC elements are series able galvanic isolation of the control connected, this behaviour generates a system from the PTC sensors in the clear change in the overall resistance motor. The motor protection tripping even if only one of the elements unit is not included in the scope of exceeds the response temperature Tn. delivery. The use of the three PTC sensors guar- PTC sensors are not suitable for temper- antees reliable shutdown even when ature measurements. If required, the the motor is at standstill with an asym- KTY must be used. metric phase load. Typically, a down- At the customer's request, further moni- stream standard motor protection trip- toring sensors can be integrated. Resistance R [Ω] There are three PTC sensors wired in 4000 1330 550 250 Tn -20 Tn -5 Tn +15 Tn +5 Tn Temperature ϑ [K] ping unit triggers between 1.5 to 3.5 kOhm. PTC temperature characteristic The PTC sensors must always be evaluated for temperature protection. 10 W + PTC U KTY+ KTY- PTC V Standard wiring of PTC and KTY Monitoring circuit II The KTY84-130 is a semiconductor resis- To protect the motor from excess tem- When the motor is at standstill, con- tor with a positive temperature coeffi- peratures, you must define a switch-off stant currents flow through the wind- cient. The measurement is performed limit in the control system. The sensor ings whose size depends on the respec- with delay depending on the type of can only measure in one phase. tive pole position. This is why the motor is not heated up homogeneously, which motor. Resistance R [Ω] may lead to the overheating of nonmonitored windings. 1500 The PTC and KTY sensors have a basic 1250 insulation for the motor. They are not 1000 suitable for the direct connection to PELV/SELV circuits acc. to DIN EN 50178. 750 500 250 Imax = 2 mA 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130140 Temperature ϑ [°C] KTY temperature characteristic 11 Electrical Connection Technology Characteristics of the lines The standard cable connections for the The motor cables are available from IDAM motors are designed axially. Their 4G0.75 mm². The sensor cable allows relative position to the cooling connec- you to monitor the temperature using • Shielded tions is defined in the drawings. PTC and KTY. The design of the wire ends • Oil-resistant and coolant-resistant The cable length from the motor outlet is is open with wire end ferrules. 1.0 m or according to the customer's In the technical data (page 28ff), the • Flame-retardant request. The cross-section of the power cable outlets are shown axially, radially • UL/CSA certified connection cable depends on the con- and tangentially. This must be defined • Suitable for cable carriers tinuous motor current and is document- specifically when ordering. As from ed in the catalogue drawing. By default, motor currents above 70 A, the cable dimensioning is carried out to continu- outlets are adjusted to match the appli- ous current Icw at Plw (cooled). cation. (PUR outer sheath) Continuous current Line Diameter Bending radius Bending radius Weight (cooled) cross-section (± 10%) moved dynamically laid statically Icw in A A in mm² d in mm rd in mm rs in mm Sensor 4x0.14 5.1 40 M 10 4G0.75 7.6 110 M 16 4G1.5 9.0 150 M 22 4G2.5 230 M 30 4G4 11.0 min. 10x d min. 5x d 12.5 310 M 37 4G6 14.5 440 M 52 4G10 18.0 700 M 70 4G16 21.5 1050 m in g/m Positive rotating direction of motor Pin assignments Motor 1/U Phase U matches a clockwise rotating field for all 2/V Phase V three-phase motors, i.e. the phase voltag- 3/W Phase W es are induced in the order U, V, W. GNYE PE IDAM motors have this positive rotating The electrically positive rotating direction Internal rotor Rotating direction for cable outlet, top direction in the rotor movement 12 Sensor WH PTC BN PTC • Anticlockwise when looking GN + KTY YE - KTY • Clockwise when looking at the side facing away from the cable outlet at the side of the cable outlet. External rotor Rotating direction for cable outlet, bottom Commutation Synchronous motors are preferably run commutated. IDAM torque motors have no Hall sensors by default. IDAM recommends the measuring system related commutation, because it is supported by modern servo converters and control systems. Dielectric Strength Dielectric strength for DC link voltages Overvoltages on the motor terminals in converter operation up to 600 VDC IDAM motors are tested by sophisticated Due to extremely fast switching power measurement of the voltage present on high-voltage test methods prior to deliv- semiconductors, which produce high the motor (PWM) is always required in ery and potted under vacuum. dU/dt loads, considerably higher voltage the specific configuration above the IDAM motors comply therefore with levels may appear on the motor termi- winding and to PE. The voltage peaks EU Directive 2006/95/EC and standards nals than the actual converter voltage, present should not be much more than EN 60034, EN 60204. particularly in conjunction with longer 1 kV. From approximately 2 kV, gradual It is vital that you observe the type relat- connecting cables (from approx. 5 m) damage of the insulation can be expect- ed voltages used for running the motors. between the motor and converter. This ed. Higher DC link voltages are possible subjects the motor insulation to very To reduce the overvoltage peaks and upon request. high loads. The dU/dt values of the PWM dU/dt loads, IDAM recommends using modules should not be higher than motor filters. 8 kV/μs. Keep the connecting cables for IDAM engineers will support you in the motors short if possible. determining when voltages are too high To protect the motors, an oscillographic and in the selection of motor filters. Observe the recommendations and project advice of the control system manufacturer. 13 Cooling and Cooling Circuit Power loss and heat loss In addition to the power loss which is described by the motor constant km, frequency-dependent losses in the motor are also produced - particularly with higher control frequencies (in a range between 150 – 200 Hz). These losses together contribute to the heating up of the motor assemblies and system assemblies. With low control frequencies in the motors, the following applies: Motors with a higher km produce less power loss in comparison to motors with a lesser km. IDAM offers extensive thermal simulations for an unrestricted view of the motor assemblies, bearing assemblies and system assemblies in a thermal sense. The power loss produced during motor In high-performance production The cooling system for the motors is operation is transmitted to the machine machines or highly dynamic devices with designed as jacket cooling, which must through the motor assemblies. This heat the associated higher bearing load, it is be connected up to the cooling circuit for distribution through convection, conduc- preferable that operations are run using a a cooling unit by the user. The cooling tion and radiation can be specifically cooling system. jacket is supplied as a component of the influenced and controlled by means of a If a complete thermal decoupling of the motor as an option, or is already an inte- constructive design for the overall system. motor and machine is required (e.g. for gral component of the machine construc- The continuous torques for the motors preventing thermal distortion in the tion of the customer. are approx. 50% higher with liquid cool- machine construction in precision The cooling medium gets into the cooling ing than in uncooled operation. The machines), then precision cooling is ribs via openings over various levels from motors must be designed and incorpo- required in addition. The actual cooling the inlet to the outlet. The inlet and outlet rated in the machine construction system is then described as the main can be assigned to both connections as according to the installation space avail- cooling system or performance cooling. desired. The flow range is sealed from the able, precision requirements and cool- outside via O-rings. ing requirements. Cooling grooves O-ring grooves Cooling connections Cooling 14 Air gap Description Order When using water as a coolant, use addi- diameter of O-ring number tives which prevent corrosion and biologi- 89 150x2 NBR 90 212043 168 225x2 NBR 70 01684 250 295x3 NBR 90 212099 298 375x3 NBR 90 212100 384 470x4 NBR 90 212101 460 530x4 NBR 90 212102 690 785x5 NBR 70 105935 920 1005x6 NBR 70 212103 O-ring types for cooled RI motors cal deposits from building up in the cooling circuit. Dependency on the Nominal Data of the Flow Temperature and the Cooling Medium The continuous current Icw given in the to the nominal flow temperature ϑnV of the cooling water. Higher flow temperatures ϑV lead to a reduction in the cooling performance and thus the continuous current, too. The reduced continuous current Ic red can be calculated using the following quadratic correlations: Ratio Ic red / Icw [%] data sheet for cooled operation relates 120 100 80 60 40 20 Ic red Icw = √ ϑmax - ϑV ϑmax - ϑnV Ic red Reduced continuous current [A] 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Flow temperature ϑV [°C] Relative continuous current Ic red / Icw vs. flow temperature ϑV (ϑnV = 25 °C) Icw Continuous current, cooled ϑnV [A] The use of customer-specific cooling media results in changes to the liquid-cooled ϑV Current flow temperature [°C] continuous torque. The affect caused by the cooling medium used can be determined ϑnV Nominal flow temperature [°C] when the substance properties are identified by the IDAM engineer. ϑmaxMaximum permissible winding temperature [°C] (applies to constant motor current) 15 Operating Several Motors in Parallel on One Axis In some applications, it makes practical sense to drive one axis with two or more synchronous motors at the same time. Such applications could be, for example, swing bridges in 5-axis machining centres, fork milling heads or tool spindles for gear hobbing applications. Structurally identical motors can be operated and be connected in parallel using the same converter. Turning and milling on 5-axis machining centre GS 1400/5-FDT – Productivity through hybrid machining in one setting (source: ALZMETALL) Arrangement of the motors Zero axis Rotor mark Zero axis and rotor mark in alignment 16 A distinction is made between the true The zero axis for aligning the stators is parallel tandem arrangement and the located normally in a central position antiparallel (mirror-image) Janus between the bores of the cable clamp. arrangement of the stators. Exceptions are the RI11-3P-89xH and Please observe that the rotors must be RI11-3P-920xH series, special windings arranged on a common axis such that and special housings. In any case, you the rotor mark, and thus the poles of the should notify us if using applications in magnet, are equally in alignment. parallel mode. Tandem arrangement U V W U1 V1 W1 U2 M V2 W2 M The cable outlets point in the same lon- The zero axes of the stators are also aligned with the cable outlets. When the cable gitudinal direction. outlets are aligned, you simply bring the bolt patterns into line and combine the phase connections equally. Janus arrangement U V W U1 V1 W1 M U2 V2 W2 M The cable outlets point in the opposite The zero axes also have to match up in the mirror-image arrangement. Offsetting the longitudinal direction. bolt patterns may be necessary depending on the position of the zero axis. Mirror-arranged motors must operate in the opposite direction of rotation. To do so, you interchange the phases V and W, only phase U is now mutually shared. 17 Operating Several Motors in Parallel on One Axis Shifting of cable outlet In all arrangements, the stators and thus The grid is equal to one pole pair and the cable outlets may be twisted against must be multiplied by any integer factor, each other in a certain grid. A shorter allowing the twisting angle to be calcu- overall axis may be constructed by twist- lated as follows: ing the stators, particularly in the Janus arrangement with inner cable outlets. In some series, a favourable twisting 360° °n Number of pole pairs Twisting angle = angle is also possible in the bolt pattern, e.g. RI11-3P-250xH: Twisting angle = 360° ° 11 = 180° 22 Setting for the phase coincidence A check must always be made as to To adjust the phases, the respective of the interconnected motors can be whether the parallel motors are aligned reverse voltage in the motors is meas- ensured. An electrical phase displace- in phase to one another. If the phases ured with a dual-channel oscilloscope ment between the motors can be can- do not match up, the torque constant during simultaneous rotation of the con- celled by mechanical adjustment of one and efficiency are reduced depending on nected rotors. The phase displacement rotor or stator respectively. the speed owing to induced short-circuit of the two curves should not be greater currents. than ±5°, so that good static functioning The following applies: Mechanical angular displacement = Phase displacement Number of pole pairs With professional installation, play in the bolt-pattern screwing connection (acc. to mean tolerance class EN20273) normally suffices for a fine adjustment. If more than two motors are connected in parallel, you should define one of them as the master, which is used as the reference point for the alignment of Ch1 20V/div all the other motors. Ch2 20V/div 22.5° phase displacement between the reverse voltages 18 Evaluation of temperature sensor systems Thermal overload in a motor could be To prevent premature tripping of the The temperature can be observed individ- caused in the event of faulty or inaccurate motor protection, we recommend several ually using the KTY or via a KTY evaluation alignment of the motors to one another. or multi-channel motor protection trip- unit for several motors as well. Unused The integrated PTC sensors must be used ping units in the event of three or more connections must be securely isolated. for protecting the motors. PTC monitoring circuits. To do this, the PTC sensors for each motor in the arrangement are connected in series and evaluated via a motor protection tripping unit. M KTY PTC M + PTC KTY PTC PTC PTC PTC n.c. + Connection of temperature sensors for several motors Resulting motor data When the structurally identical single motors are connected in parallel this produces for the converter new electrical data for the replacement motor now available. They can be easily determined • The number of pole pairs, torque constants, voltage constants, time constants as well as speeds remain unchanged. • Currents, torques and the damping constant multiply according to the number of single motors. • Resistance and inductance are divided through the number of single motors. from the data for the single motors: 19 Selection of Direct Drives for Rotary Applications Cyclic applications Cyclic operation consists of consecutive Simple positioning takes place as a pos- The maximum angular speed ωmax is positioning movements with movement itively accelerated movement and subse- reached at the end of an acceleration pauses in between. quent braking (negative acceleration is phase. mostly of the same amount - in that case, acceleration time = braking time applies). A cycle is described in the ω(t) diagram Angular speed (ω: angular speed, t: time). The figure ωmax shows a forwards-backwards rotation with pauses tP tM/2 tM tM/2 tM tM/2 tP (tM: movement time, tP: pause time). tM/2 -ωmax Time t ω-t diagram for cyclic operation This produces the following α(t) diagram (α: angular acceleration) and the course of the torque required for the movement: T = J x α (T: torque in Nm, J: mass moment of inertia in kgm2, α: angular acceleration in rad/s²). Angular acceleration Torque T The motor is selected according to three criteria in accordance with the torque curve for a required cycle: α, T T1 T3 •Maximum torque in cycle ≤ TP acc. to T5 data sheet tM/2 tM/2 tP tM/2 tM/2 tP •Effective torque in cycle ≤ Tc (motor not cooled) or Tcw (water cooling) acc. to T2 -α, -T T4 T6 -ωmax data sheet •Maximum speed in cycle ≤ nlp acc. to data sheet Time t α-t diagram for cyclic operation 20 The effective torque is equal to the rootmean-square of the torque curve (six torque cycles) in the cycle. Trms = √ 2 2 2 T1 ° t1 + T2 ° t2 + ... + T6 ° t6 t1 + t2 + ... + t6 The safety factor 1.4 in the calculation example (pages 22 and 23) takes into consideration, among other things, the motor operation in the non-linear range of the torque-current characteristic where the calculation equation for Trms only approximately applies. The torques T1 = T; T2 = -T; T3 = 0; T4 = -T; T5 = T; T6 = 0 and times t1 = tM/2; t2 = tM/2; t3 = tP; t4 = tM/2; Trms = T ° √ tM tM + tP t5 =tM/2; t6 = tP are used to calculate the effective torque. Trms = J ° α ° √ tM tM + tP This equation then applies to the effective torque only if torques of the same amount have an effect in the cycle (mass moment of inertia and angular accelerations are constant). At the same time, “the sum of the movement times divided by the sum of the movement times plus pause times” is put underneath the root. Therefore the cycle time is in the denominator. ϕMovement angle Angular acceleration, maximum angular speed and maximum speed of a positioning movement is calculated using: α = ωmax = 4°ϕ (positioning angle) in rad 2 tM 2°ϕ tM tM Movement time in s α Angular acceleration in rad/s² ωmaxMaximum angular speed in rad/s nmax = 30 ° ω max π nmax Maximum speed in rpm The described positioning movement runs (theoretically) with an infinite jerk. If jerk limitation is programmed in the servo converter, then the positioning times are extended correspondingly. Constant positioning times in this case require greater accelerations. 21 Selection of Direct Drives for Rotary Applications Example: Cyclic applications Specified values: Movement angle ϕ in ° 180 Mass moment of inertia J in kgm2 2.5 Movement time tM in s 0.5 Friction torque TF in Nm 8 Cycle time tM + tP in s 1.35 Safety factor SF 1.4 Calculation: Conversion of movement angle in rad: π ° 180 rad = 3.142 rad 180 ϕ = 2°ϕ ωmax = Maximum angular speed: tB α Angular acceleration: Resulting in consideration of friction 2 . 3.142 rad/s = 12.57 rad/s 0.5 30 ° ω max = π nmax = Maximum speed: = 4°ϕ = = 2 tM 30 . 12.57 1/s = 120.0 rpm π 4 . 3.142 rad/s2 = 50.27 rad/s2 0.52 Tmax = (J . α) + TF = (2.5 . 50.27) + 8 = 133.68 Nm torque TF is a maximum torque: Effective torque in accordance with friction torque TF: ( Trms = J ° α ° √ tM tM + tP 0.5 ) + T = ( 2.5 ° 50.27 . √ 1.35 ) + 8 = 84.48 Nm F In accordance with friction torque TF and the safety factor, you select the motor with the requirements 1.4 ° Tmax M Tp | 1.4 ° Trms M Tcw | 1.4 ° nmax M nlp The motor RI17-3P-168x75-WM, with water cooling, has the calculated parameters. 22 NC rotary table applications The speed n, the mass moment of iner- The machining times, which means the the optimal motor can be selected and to tia J, the machining torque TM (in motion) action times of the torques, often prevent the maximum permissible wind- and Ts (standstill) and the angular accel- change. Nevertheless, it is necessary to ing temperature from being exceeded. erations α (S1 mode) and αmax (S6 mode) determine the effective torque as the All load torques produced in motor oper- are mostly known for rotary table applica- continuous torque and the maximum ation are included in the torque calcula- tions. torque as precisely as possible so that tion. Example: Rotary table applications Specified values: Speed n in rpm 70 Angular acceleration (S1) αS1 in °/s2 9000 Mass moment of inertia J in kgm2 4 Max. angular acceleration (S6. 3 s) Machining torque TM in Nm 300 αmax in °/s2 20000 Friction torque TF in Nm 50 Safety factor SF 1.4 Weight force (additional torque) TZ in Nm 0 Calculation: Conversion of the accelerations in αS1 = π π . α [°/s2] = . 9000 = 157 rad/s2 S1 180 180 αmax = π π 2 2 .α . max [°/s ] = 180 20000 = 349 rad/s 180 rad/s2: The motor is selected with safety factor (stable control) in accordance with stall torque Ts and in accordance with the torques in motion for S1 and S6 mode Tc Tsw = (TM + TF + TZ) . 1.4 = 490 Nm (with water cooling) Tcw = (J . α + TM + TF + TZ) . 1.4 = 1369 Nm (with water cooling) Tp = (J . α + TM + TF + TZ) . 1.4 = 2444 Nm and Tp: If speed n is to be attained at the end of the accelerated movement with a defined speed-time function (exact ramp), then the motor must be selected in accordance with the speed for torque Tp (with safety factor): Calculation of the speed: nlp = 1.4 . n = 98 rpm The motor RI13-3P-690x50-WM, with water cooling, meets these requirements. 23 RI Torque Motors Features, benefits, applications Features RI torque motors are slotted, permanent The usable torque is linearly available magnet excited AC synchronous motors over a very large range. The definition of with an internal rotor. the torque characteristics using distinc- The coils for the primary part are insert- tive operating points allows a conceptu- ed in grooves of the laminated iron core. al design based on our dimensioning The secondary part is an iron ring with examples. permanent magnets fastened to it. This The low torque fluctuations allow the motor series is optimised to maximum motors to be used for precision applica- efficiency, which means: tions. Maximum torque in the available installation space at nominal speed and lower power loss. RI (internal rotor) motors are offered in different categories: • with 8 fixed diameters from 160 to 1030 mm outer diameter • with stators at 6 different heights in 25 mm steps • with 2 standard windings for low and medium speeds Benefits • Speed manipulating range 0 - 100% of nominal speed • Compact design • Reduced heat dissipation in the machine bed • Higher accelerating and stopping • Automation technology • Printing and packaging machinery • Presses • Highly dynamic and high rigidity capability owing to a more favourable • As the CNC axis in machine tools • Higher speeds possible ratio between torque and moment of • NC indexing tables • Higher torque compared to DC motors inertia • Other exact radial tracking systems with the same dimensions • Completely protected design always possible owing to external cooling 24 Applications • Practical zero maintenance • No limitation of motor diameter • Good synchronisation characteristics RE Torque Motors Features, benefits, applications Features RE torque motors are slotted, permanent The system is cooled at the interior sta- magnet excited AC synchronous motors tor housing. The magnetic circuits for the with an external rotor. motors are designed and optimised The permanent magnets are arranged in according to the latest findings. an externally rotating drum (rotor). Cogging and load pulsation have been RE motors can often be integrated more reduced practically to values that are no favourably into corresponding rotary sys- longer relevant. tems and have somewhat higher torques RE motors are mainly used in mechani- than the RI motors with the same instal- cal engineering as direct turntable drives lation spaces. The structure of the mag- or in swivel axes. netic circuits is, however, the same in principle. RE (external rotor) motors are offered in different categories: • with 7 fixed diameters from 230 to 734 mm outer diameter • with stators at 6 different heights in 25 mm steps • with 2 standard windings for low and medium speeds Benefits Applications • Practical zero maintenance • Grinding machines est installation spaces owing to coor- • Adapted speeds and windings • Milling machines dinated single components • Higher torques in comparison to the • Machining centres • Maximum power density in the small- • Compact design RI series for the same motor size • HSC machines • Highly dynamic and high rigidity • Tool changers • Highly efficient cooling • Milling heads • Top values in synchronisation owing • Swivel axes to its optimised design • Rotary tables 25 Type Designation RI and RE series, primary part XXXX - 3P - DxH - X - X - X - X - PRIM Short designation of motor type RI RI series, internal running motor (internal rotor) RE RE series, external running motor (external rotor) Model code Number of motor phases 3P 3-phase Dimensions Effective diameter in the air gap x package size (mm) Winding types WL Low speed, low current requirement WM Medium speed Other winding designs on request. Temperature monitoring O Standard (3x PTC in series and 1x KTY84-130) S Special design on request Commutation type O Without sensors, measuring-system commutated Other designs on request. Model variant O Built-in set (motor is integrated in customer's system) M Complete motor (parts are manufactured by IDAM) KWith cooling in the ring (additional ring is provided by IDAM) Motor part PRIM Primary part The six-digit IDAM article number in the order confirmation is binding for the unequivocal designation of the motor. 26 Type Designation RI and RE series, secondary part XXXX - 3P - DxH - X - SEK Short designation of motor type RI RI series, internal running motor (internal rotor) RE RE series, external running motor (external rotor) Model code Number of motor phases 3P 3-phase Dimensions Effective diameter in the air gap x package size (mm) Model variant O Built-in set (motor is integrated in customer's system) M Complete motor (parts are manufactured by IDAM) Motor part SEK Secondary part 27 Technical Data: Series RI11-3P-89xH Drawing A Motor cable ca. 36 10 45° M5 x 10 (nx)* M5 x 10 (nx)* Ø70 Ø150 Ø141 Ø89 Ø70 Ø60 H8 50 Ø160 f8 Ø150 33 Sensor cable M5 x 10 (nx)* M5 x 10 (nx)* 19 2 H1 H2 A-A A *Note: The number (n) of fastening threads depends on the height. Fastening threads RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 89x25 • 89x50 • 89x75 89x100 • 89x125 • 89x150 Fastening thread of rotor M5 x 10, 8 x (45°) M5 x 10, 16 x (22.5°) Fastening thread of stator – cable side M5 x 10, 7 x (45°) M5 x 10, 13 x (22.5°) Fastening thread of stator M5 x 10, 8 x (45°) M5 x 10, 16 x (22.5°) Standard: Cable outlet – axial 28 Option: Cable outlet – tangential Option: Cable outlet – radial Technical Data: Series RI11-3P-89xH Winding-independent data Technical data Symbol Unit RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 89x25 89x50 89x75 89x100 89x125 89x150 11 11 11 11 11 11 Number of pole pairs P Maximum operating voltage U V 600 600 600 600 600 600 Ultimate torque (1 s) at Iu Tu Nm 32.4 64.9 97.3 130 162 195 Peak torque (saturation range) at Ip Tp Nm 23.5 46.9 70.4 94 117 141 Peak torque (linear range) at Ipl Tpl Nm 17.2 34.5 51.7 69 86 103 Continuous torque cooled at Icw Tcw Nm 12.6 29.2 46.7 64 82 100 Continuous torque not cooled at Ic Tc Nm 4.9 11.0 17.1 23 28 33 Stall torque cooled at Isw Tsw Nm 8.9 20.8 33.2 46 59 71 Stall torque not cooled at Is Ts Nm 3.4 7.8 12.2 16 20 24 Ripple torque (typical cogging) at I = 0 Tr Nm 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.3 0.4 0.4 Power loss at Tp (25 °C) Plp W 1130 1669 2207 2745 3283 3821 Power loss at Tpl (25 °C) Plpl W 442 652 862 1072 1283 1493 Power loss at Tcw Plw W 304 609 913 1218 1522 1826 Power loss at Tc (25 °C) Plc W 35 66 94 120 140 155 Thermical resistance with water cooling Rth K/W 0.329 0.164 0.110 0.082 0.066 0.055 Motor constant (25 °C) km Nm/√W 0.82 1.35 1.76 2.11 2.41 2.68 dV/dt l/min 0.87 1.74 2.61 3.48 4.35 5.22 ∆ϑ K 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Symbol Unit RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 89x25 89x50 89x75 89x100 89x125 89x150 Cooling water flow rate of main cooling system Temperature difference of cooling water Mechanical data Height of rotor H1 mm 26.0 51.0 76.0 101.0 126.0 151.0 Height of stator H2 mm 70.0 90.0 110.0 140.0 165.0 190.0 Rotor mass m1 kg 0.5 1.1 1.6 2.2 2.7 3.2 Stator mass m2 kg 5.1 7.2 9.3 11.8 14.1 16.3 Moment of inertia of rotor J kgm2 0.00075 0.0015 0.00225 0.0030 0.00375 0.0045 Axial attraction Fa kN 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Radial attraction/eccentricity Fr kN/mm 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.4 2.9 Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. • Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “power loss”: ±10% Binding data and drawings are passed on to the customer upon request. We recommend the support of our engineers for the motor layout. 29 Technical Data: Series RI11-3P-89xH Winding-dependent data RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 89x25- 89x25- 89x50- 89x50- 89x75- 89x75- WL WM WL WM WL WM Winding data Symbol Unit Torque constant k T Nm/Arms 2.43 1.22 4.86 2.43 7.30 3.65 Back EMF constant, phase to phase ku V/(rad/s) 1.99 0.99 3.98 1.99 5.97 2.98 Limiting speed at Ip and UDCL nlp rpm 1207 2512 578 1233 367 807 Limiting speed at Icw and UDCL nlw rpm 2023 4149 911 1901 568 1208 Limiting speed at Ic and UDCL nlc rpm 2621 5303 1272 2595 831 1708 Limiting speed for continuous operation at Icw* ncr rpm 818 818 818 818 818 818 Electrical resistance, phase to phase (25 °C) R25 Ω 5.85 1.46 8.64 2.16 11.43 2.86 Inductance, phase to phase L mH 22.9 5.7 45.9 11.5 68.8 17.2 Ultimate current (1 s) Iu Arms 19.1 38.1 19.1 38.1 19.1 38.1 Peak current (saturation range) Ip Arms 11.3 22.7 11.3 22.7 11.3 22.7 Peak current (linear range) Ipl Arms 7.1 14.2 7.1 14.2 7.1 14.2 Continuous current at Plw (cooled) Icw Arms 5.2 10.3 6.0 12.0 6.4 12.8 Continuous current at Plc (not cooled) Ic Arms 2.0 4.0 2.3 4.5 2.3 4.7 Stall current at n = 0 (cooled) Isw Arms 3.7 7.3 4.3 8.5 4.5 9.1 Stall current at n = 0 (not cooled) Is Arms 1.4 2.8 1.6 3.2 1.7 3.3 Permissible winding temperature ϑ °C 130 130 130 130 130 130 Switch-off threshold of thermal sensor ϑ °C 100 100 100 100 100 100 UDCL V 600 600 600 600 600 600 DC link voltage (max. 600 VDC) *See glossary • Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “electrical resistance”: ±10% • Tolerance range of value for “inductance”: ±15% 30 RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 89x100- 89x100- 89x125- 89x125- 89x150- 89x150- WL WM WL WM WL WM 9.73 4.86 12.16 6.08 14.59 7.30 kT 7.96 3.98 9.95 4.97 11.94 5.97 ku 260 593 195 464 151 377 nlp 403 875 307 680 243 553 nlw 614 1270 486 1012 401 841 nlc 818 818 818 818 818 818 ncr 14.21 3.55 17.00 4.25 19.79 4.95 R25 91.7 22.9 114.6 28.7 137.6 34.4 L 19.1 38.1 19.1 38.1 19.1 38.1 Iu 11.3 22.7 11.3 22.7 11.3 22.7 Ip 7.1 14.2 7.1 14.2 7.1 14.2 Ipl 6.6 13.3 6.8 13.6 6.9 13.8 Icw 2.4 4.7 2.3 4.7 2.3 4.6 Ic 4.7 9.4 4.8 9.6 4.9 9.8 Isw 1.7 3.4 1.7 3.3 1.6 3.2 Is 130 130 130 130 130 130 ϑ 100 100 100 100 100 100 ϑ 600 600 600 600 600 600 UDCL Pressure loss p [bar] RI11-3P- Symbol 1.0 RI11-89x25 RI11-89x50 0.8 RI11-89x75 RI11-89x100 0.6 RI11-89x125 RI11-89x150 0.4 0.2 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Volumetric flow rate [l/min] Pressure losses: RI11-3P-89xH, water (20 °C) 31 Technical Data: Series RI17-3P-168xH Drawing A Motor cable ca. 36 10 29.5 Sensor cable Ø230 f8 Ø220 Ø211 Ø168 Ø150 Ø140 H8 50 19 H1 30° M5 x 10 (nx)* M5 x 10 (nx)* Ø150 Ø220 M5 x 10 (nx)* M5 x 10 (nx)* 2 H2 A-A A *Note: The number (n) of fastening threads depends on the height. Fastening threads RI17-3P- RI17-3P- 168x25 • 168x50 • 168x75 168x100 • 168x125 • 168x150 • 168x175 Fastening thread of rotor M5 x 10, 12 x (30°) M5 x 10, 24 x (15°) Fastening thread of stator – cable side M5 x 10, 11 x (30°) M5 x 10, 21 x (15°) Fastening thread of stator M5 x 10, 12 x (30°) M5 x 10, 24 x (15°) Standard: Cable outlet – axial 32 Option: Cable outlet – tangential Option: Cable outlet – radial Technical Data: Series RI17-3P-168xH Winding-independent data Technical data Symbol Unit RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- 168x25 168x50 168x75 168x100 168x125 168x150 168x175 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Number of pole pairs P Maximum operating voltage U V 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Ultimate torque (1 s) at Iu Tu Nm 110 220 327 436 539 647 755 Peak torque (saturation range) at Ip Tp Nm 93 186 276 369 456 547 639 Peak torque (linear range) at Ipl Tpl Nm 65 129 192 256 317 380 443 Continuous torque cooled at Icw Tcw Nm 36 85 135 187 238 290 343 Continuous torque not cooled at Ic Tc Nm 16 36 56 75 92 108 124 Stall torque cooled at Isw Tsw Nm 25 60 96 133 169 206 243 Stall torque not cooled at Is Ts Nm 11 25 39 53 65 77 88 Ripple torque (typical cogging) at I = 0 Tr Nm 0.3 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.9 Power loss at Tp (25 °C) Plp W 2909 4173 5438 6702 7967 9232 10496 Power loss at Tpl (25 °C) Plpl W 1136 1630 2124 2618 3112 3606 4100 Power loss at Tcw Plw W 455 911 1366 1822 2277 2733 3188 Power loss at Tc (25 °C) Plc W 66 124 178 227 264 293 323 Thermical resistance with water cooling Rth K/W 0.220 0.110 0.073 0.055 0.044 0.037 0.031 Motor constant (25 °C) km Nm/√W 1.92 3.20 4.17 5.00 5.68 6.33 6.92 dV/dt l/min 1.30 2.60 3.90 5.21 6.51 7.81 9.11 ∆ϑ K 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Symbol Unit RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- 168x25 168x50 168x75 168x100 168x125 168x150 168x175 Cooling water flow rate of main cooling system Temperature difference of cooling water Mechanical data Height of rotor H1 mm 26.0 51.0 76.0 101.0 126.0 151.0 176.0 Height of stator H2 mm 70.0 90.0 115.0 140.0 165.0 190.0 215.0 Rotor mass m1 kg 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 6.0 7.2 8.4 Stator mass m2 kg 7.2 10.1 13.3 16.5 19.8 23.0 26.2 Moment of inertia of rotor J kgm2 0.007 0.014 0.021 0.028 0.035 0.042 0.049 Axial attraction Fa kN 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 Radial attraction/eccentricity Fr kN/mm 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.9 4.9 5.9 6.8 Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. • Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “power loss”: ±10% Binding data and drawings are passed on to the customer upon request. We recommend the support of our engineers for the motor layout. 33 Technical Data: Series RI17-3P-168xH Winding-dependent data RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- 168x25- 168x25- 168x50- 168x50- 168x75- 168x75- WL WM WL WM WL WM Winding data Symbol Unit Torque constant k T Nm/Arms 6.73 3.37 13.47 6.73 20.00 10.00 Back EMF constant, phase to phase ku V/(rad/s) 5.51 2.75 11.02 5.51 16.36 8.18 Limiting speed at Ip and UDCL nlp rpm 456 1008 204 484 119 310 Limiting speed at Icw and UDCL nlw rpm 824 1721 372 802 230 513 Limiting speed at Ic and UDCL nlc rpm 957 1952 463 956 303 634 Limiting speed for continuous operation at Icw* ncr rpm 529 529 529 529 529 529 Electrical resistance, phase to phase (25 °C) R25 Ω 8.22 2.06 11.80 2.95 15.37 3.84 Inductance, phase to phase L mH 24.8 6.2 49.7 12.4 74.5 18.6 Ultimate current (1 s) Iu Arms 19.5 38.9 19.5 38.9 19.5 38.9 Peak current (saturation range) Ip Arms 15.4 30.7 15.4 30.7 15.4 30.7 Peak current (linear range) Ipl Arms 9.6 19.2 9.6 19.2 9.6 19.2 Continuous current at Plw (cooled) Icw Arms 5.3 10.7 6.3 12.6 6.8 13.5 Continuous current at Plc (not cooled) Ic Arms 2.3 4.6 2.6 5.3 2.8 5.6 Stall current at n = 0 (cooled) Isw Arms 3.8 7.6 4.5 8.9 4.8 9.6 Stall current at n = 0 (not cooled) Is Arms 1.6 3.3 1.9 3.8 2.0 3.9 Permissible winding temperature ϑ °C 130 130 130 130 130 130 Switch-off threshold of thermal sensor ϑ °C 100 100 100 100 100 100 UDCL V 600 600 600 600 600 600 DC link voltage (max. 600 VDC) *See glossary • Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “electrical resistance”: ±10% • Tolerance range of value for “inductance”: ±15% 34 RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- 168x100- 168x100- 168x125- 168x125- 168x150- 168x150- 168x175- 168x175- WL WM WL WM WL WM WL WM 26.67 13.33 33.00 16.50 39.60 19.80 46.20 23.10 kT 21.81 10.91 26.99 13.50 32.39 16.19 37.79 18.89 ku 74 221 46 168 25 131 8 105 nlp 159 369 118 286 90 230 70 190 nlw 221 469 175 376 143 311 120 264 nlc 529 529 529 529 529 529 529 529 ncr 18.95 4.74 22.52 5.63 26.09 6.52 29.67 7.42 R25 99.4 24.8 124.2 31.1 149.1 37.3 173.9 43.5 L 19.5 38.9 19.5 38.9 19.5 38.9 19.5 38.9 Iu 15.4 30.7 15.4 30.7 15.4 30.7 15.4 30.7 Ip 9.6 19.2 9.6 19.2 9.6 19.2 9.6 19.2 Ipl 7.0 14.0 7.2 14.4 7.3 14.7 7.4 14.8 Icw 2.8 5.7 2.8 5.6 2.7 5.5 2.7 5.4 Ic 5.0 10.0 5.1 10.2 5.2 10.4 5.3 10.5 Isw 2.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 1.9 3.9 1.9 3.8 Is 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ϑ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ϑ 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 UDCL Pressure loss p [bar] RI17-3P- 1.6 Symbol RI17-168x25 RI17-168x50 RI17-168x75 1.2 RI17-168x100 RI17-168x125 0.8 RI17-168x150 RI17-168x175 0.4 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 Volumetric flow rate [l/min] Pressure losses: RI17-3P-168xH, water (20 °C) 35 Technical Data: Series RI11-3P-250xH Drawing A Motor cable ca. 36 10 29.5 Sensor cable Ø310 f8 Ø300 Ø291 Ø250 Ø232 Ø220 H8 50 19 H1 15° M5 x 10 (nx)* M5 x 10 (nx)* Ø232 Ø300 M5 x 10 (nx)* M5 x 10 (nx)* 2 H2 A-A A *Note: The number (n) of fastening threads depends on the height. Fastening threads RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 250x25 • 250x50 • 250x75 250x100 • 250x125 • 250x150 • 250x175 Fastening thread of rotor M5 x 10, 24 x (15°) M5 x 10, 48 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of stator – cable side M5 x 10, 23 x (15°) M5 x 10, 45 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of stator M5 x 10, 24 x (15°) M5 x 10, 48 x (7.5°) Standard: Cable outlet – axial 36 Option: Cable outlet – tangential Option: Cable outlet – radial Technical Data: Series RI11-3P-250xH Winding-independent data Technical data Symbol Unit RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 250x25 250x50 250x75 250x100 250x125 250x150 250x175 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Number of pole pairs P Maximum operating voltage U V 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Ultimate torque (1 s) at Iu Tu Nm 211 422 626 835 1033 1240 1447 Peak torque (saturation range) at Ip Tp Nm 176 353 524 699 865 1038 1211 Peak torque (linear range) at Ipl Tpl Nm 114 228 339 451 559 670 782 Continuous torque cooled at Icw Tcw Nm 76 182 291 404 514 628 743 Continuous torque not cooled at Ic Tc Nm 34 79 124 169 207 243 280 Stall torque cooled at Isw Tsw Nm 54 129 206 287 365 446 527 Stall torque not cooled at Is Ts Nm 24 56 88 120 147 173 199 Ripple torque (typical cogging) at I = 0 Tr Nm 0.5 1.1 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 Power loss at Tp (25 °C) Plp W 3473 4920 6367 7814 9261 10708 12155 Power loss at Tpl (25 °C) Plpl W 1072 1519 1965 2412 2858 3305 3752 Power loss at Tcw Plw W 628 1256 1885 2513 3141 3769 4397 Power loss at Tc (25 °C) Plc W 98 184 265 338 393 436 481 Thermical resistance with water cooling Rth K/W 0.159 0.080 0.053 0.040 0.032 0.027 0.023 Motor constant (25 °C) km Nm/√W 3.48 5.85 7.64 9.19 10.45 11.66 12.77 dV/dt l/min 1.79 3.59 5.38 7.18 8.97 10.77 12.56 ∆ϑ K 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Symbol Unit RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 250x25 250x50 250x75 250x100 250x125 250x150 250x175 Cooling water flow rate of main cooling system Temperature difference of cooling water Mechanical data Height of rotor H1 mm 26.0 51.0 76.0 101.0 126.0 151.0 176.0 Height of stator H2 mm 70.0 90.0 115.0 140.0 165.0 190.0 215.0 Rotor mass m1 kg 1.9 3.8 5.7 7.6 9.6 11.5 13.4 Stator mass m2 kg 9.9 13.7 18.1 22.4 26.7 31.1 35.4 Moment of inertia of rotor J kgm2 0.026 0.052 0.078 0.104 0.131 0.157 0.183 Axial attraction Fa kN 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 Radial attraction/eccentricity Fr kN/mm 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 6.1 7.1 Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. • Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “power loss”: ±10% Binding data and drawings are passed on to the customer upon request. We recommend the support of our engineers for the motor layout. 37 Technical Data: Series RI11-3P-250xH Winding-dependent data RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 250x25- 250x25- 250x50- 250x50- 250x75- 250x75- WL WM WL WM WL WM Winding data Symbol Unit Torque constant k T Nm/Arms 8.44 6.78 16.88 13.56 25.06 20.14 Back EMF constant, phase to phase ku V/(rad/s) 6.90 5.55 13.81 11.09 20.50 16.47 Limiting speed at Ip and UDCL nlp rpm 433 557 201 263 123 166 Limiting speed at Icw and UDCL nlw rpm 687 866 316 402 198 255 Limiting speed at Ic and UDCL nlc rpm 772 967 375 472 247 312 Limiting speed for continuous operation at Icw* ncr rpm 409 409 409 409 409 409 Electrical resistance, phase to phase (25 °C) R25 Ω 3.92 2.53 5.56 3.58 7.19 4.64 Inductance, phase to phase L mH 12.4 8.0 24.7 16.0 37.1 24.0 Ultimate current (1 s) Iu Arms 31.2 38.9 31.2 38.9 31.2 38.9 Peak current (saturation range) Ip Arms 24.3 30.3 24.3 30.3 24.3 30.3 Peak current (linear range) Ipl Arms 13.5 16.8 13.5 16.8 13.5 16.8 Continuous current at Plw (cooled) Icw Arms 9.1 11.3 10.8 13.4 11.6 14.4 Continuous current at Plc (not cooled) Ic Arms 4.1 5.1 4.7 5.9 5.0 6.2 Stall current at n = 0 (cooled) Isw Arms 6.4 8.0 7.6 9.5 8.2 10.3 Stall current at n = 0 (not cooled) Is Arms 2.9 3.6 3.3 4.2 3.5 4.4 Permissible winding temperature ϑ °C 130 130 130 130 130 130 Switch-off threshold of thermal sensor ϑ °C 100 100 100 100 100 100 UDCL V 600 600 600 600 600 600 DC link voltage (max. 600 VDC) *See glossary • Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “electrical resistance”: ±10% • Tolerance range of value for “inductance”: ±15% 38 RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 250x100- 250x100- 250x125- 250x125- 250x150- 250x150- 250x175- 250x175- WL WM WL WM WL WM WL WM 33.42 26.85 41.35 33.23 49.62 39.87 57.89 46.52 kT 27.33 21.97 33.82 27.18 40.59 32.62 47.35 38.05 ku 83 116 59 86 42 65 30 50 nlp 140 182 106 140 83 111 66 91 nlw 181 230 144 183 118 151 100 128 nlc 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 409 ncr 8.83 5.69 10.46 6.74 12.09 7.80 13.73 8.85 R25 49.5 32.0 61.9 39.9 74.2 47.9 86.6 55.9 L 31.2 38.9 31.2 38.9 31.2 38.9 31.2 38.9 Iu 24.3 30.3 24.3 30.3 24.3 30.3 24.3 30.3 Ip 13.5 16.8 13.5 16.8 13.5 16.8 13.5 16.8 Ipl 12.1 15.0 12.4 15.5 12.6 15.7 12.8 16.0 Icw 5.0 6.3 5.0 6.2 4.9 6.1 4.8 6.0 Ic 8.6 10.7 8.8 11.0 9.0 11.2 9.1 11.3 Isw 3.6 4.5 3.6 4.4 3.5 4.3 3.4 4.3 Is 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ϑ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ϑ 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 UDCL Pressure loss p [bar] RI11-3P- 3.0 Symbol RI11-250x25 RI11-250x50 2.5 RI11-250x75 2.0 RI11-250x100 RI11-250x125 1.5 RI11-250x150 RI11-250x175 1.0 0.5 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 Volumetric flow rate [l/min] Pressure losses: RI11-3P-250xH, water (20 °C) 39 Technical Data: Series RI13-3P-298xH Drawing A Motor cable ca. 40 Sensor cable 42 10 Ø385 f8 Ø370 Ø361 Ø298 Ø277 Ø265 H8 70 29 H1 15° M6 x 12 (nx)* Ø277 Ø370 M6 x 12 (nx)* M6 x 12 (nx)* M6 x 12 (nx)* 2 H2 A-A A *Note: The number (n) of fastening threads depends on the height. Fastening threads RI13-3P- RI13-3P- 298x25 • 298x50 • 298x75 298x100 • 298x125 • 298x150 • 298x175 Fastening thread of rotor M6 x 12, 24 x (15°) M6 x 12, 48 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of stator – cable side M6 x 12, 23 x (15°) M6 x 12, 45 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of stator M6 x 12, 24 x (15°) M6 x 12, 48 x (7.5°) Standard: Cable outlet – axial 40 Option: Cable outlet – tangential Option: Cable outlet – radial Technical Data: Series RI13-3P-298xH Winding-independent data Technical data Symbol Unit RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- 298x25 298x50 298x75 298x100 298x125 298x150 298x175 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 Number of pole pairs P Maximum operating voltage U V 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Ultimate torque (1 s) at Iu Tu Nm 357 715 1062 1415 1752 2102 2452 Peak torque (saturation range) at Ip Tp Nm 262 524 779 1039 1286 1543 1800 Peak torque (linear range) at Ipl Tpl Nm 191 381 566 755 934 1121 1308 Continuous torque cooled at Icw Tcw Nm 142 338 541 752 959 1173 1387 Continuous torque not cooled at Ic Tc Nm 63 145 227 308 379 446 513 Stall torque cooled at Isw Tsw Nm 101 240 384 534 681 833 985 Stall torque not cooled at Is Ts Nm 44 103 161 219 269 316 364 Ripple torque (typical cogging) at I = 0 Tr Nm 0.8 1.6 2.3 3.1 3.9 4.6 5.4 Power loss at Tp (25 °C) Plp W 2774 3911 5047 6184 7275 8412 9549 Power loss at Tpl (25 °C) Plpl W 1083 1528 1972 2416 2842 3286 3730 Power loss at Tcw Plw W 779 1559 2338 3117 3897 4676 5455 Power loss at Tc (25 °C) Plc W 117 220 316 402 468 519 573 Thermical resistance with water cooling Rth K/W 0.128 0.064 0.043 0.032 0.026 0.021 0.018 Motor constant (25 °C) km Nm/√W 5.79 9.75 12.75 15.36 17.52 19.56 21.42 dV/dt l/min 2.23 4.45 6.68 8.91 11.13 13.36 15.59 ∆ϑ K 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Symbol Unit RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- 298x25 298x50 298x75 298x100 298x125 298x150 298x175 Cooling water flow rate of main cooling system Temperature difference of cooling water Mechanical data Height of rotor H1 mm 26.0 51.0 76.0 101.0 126.0 151.0 176.0 Height of stator H2 mm 90.0 110.0 130.0 160.0 185.0 210.0 235.0 Rotor mass m1 kg 2.6 5.1 7.7 10.2 12.8 15.3 17.9 Stator mass m2 kg 20.9 28.2 35.2 44.2 51.9 59.7 67.6 Moment of inertia of rotor J kgm2 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 Axial attraction Fa kN 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 Radial attraction/eccentricity Fr kN/mm 1.3 2.6 3.8 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. • Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “power loss”: ±10% Binding data and drawings are passed on to the customer upon request. We recommend the support of our engineers for the motor layout. 41 Technical Data: Series RI13-3P-298xH Winding-dependent data RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- 298x25- 298x25- 298x50- 298x50- 298x75- 298x75- WL WM WL WM WL WM Winding data Symbol Unit Torque constant kT Nm/Arms 9.8 4.9 19.5 9.8 29.0 14.5 Back EMF constant, phase to phase ku V/(rad/s) 8.0 4.0 16.0 8.0 23.7 11.9 Limiting speed at Ip and UDCL nlp rpm 331 687 160 338 103 223 Limiting speed at Icw and UDCL nlw rpm 526 1078 237 493 149 314 Limiting speed at Ic and UDCL nlc rpm 649 1314 314 641 207 424 Limiting speed for continuous operation at Icw* ncr rpm 346 346 346 346 346 346 Electrical resistance, phase to phase (25 °C) R25 Ω 1.90 0.47 2.68 0.67 3.46 0.86 Inductance, phase to phase L mH 12.6 3.1 25.1 6.3 37.7 9.4 Ultimate current (1 s) Iu Arms 48.8 97.5 48.8 97.5 48.8 97.5 Peak current (saturation range) Ip Arms 31.2 62.4 31.2 62.4 31.2 62.4 Peak current (linear range) Ipl Arms 19.5 39.0 19.5 39.0 19.5 39.0 Continuous current at Plw (cooled) Icw Arms 14.5 29.0 17.3 34.6 18.6 37.3 Continuous current at Plc (not cooled) Ic Arms 6.4 12.8 7.4 14.8 7.8 15.6 Stall current at n = 0 (cooled) Isw Arms 10.3 20.6 12.3 24.5 13.2 26.5 Stall current at n = 0 (not cooled) Is Arms 4.5 9.1 5.3 10.5 5.5 11.1 Permissible winding temperature ϑ °C 130 130 130 130 130 130 Switch-off threshold of thermal sensor ϑ °C 100 100 100 100 100 100 UDCL V 600 600 600 600 600 600 DC link voltage (max. 600 VDC) *See glossary • Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “electrical resistance”: ±10% • Tolerance range of value for “inductance”: ±15% 42 RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- 298x100- 298x100- 298x125- 298x125- 298x150- 298x150- 298x175- 298x175- WL WM WL WM WL WM WL WM 38.7 19.4 47.9 24.0 57.5 28.7 67.1 33.5 kT 31.7 15.8 39.2 19.6 47.0 23.5 54.9 27.4 ku 74 164 57 130 45 106 37 89 nlp 106 227 81 178 65 144 53 121 nlw 152 315 122 253 101 210 85 180 nlc 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 ncr 4.23 1.06 4.98 1.25 5.76 1.44 6.54 1.63 R25 50.2 12.6 62.8 15.7 75.3 18.8 87.9 22.0 L 48.8 97.5 48.8 97.5 48.8 97.5 48.8 97.5 Iu 31.2 62.4 31.2 62.4 31.2 62.4 31.2 62.4 Ip 19.5 39.0 19.5 39.0 19.5 39.0 19.5 39.0 Ipl 19.4 38.9 20.0 40.1 20.4 40.8 20.7 41.4 Icw 8.0 15.9 7.9 15.8 7.8 15.5 7.6 15.3 Ic 13.8 27.6 14.2 28.4 14.5 29.0 14.7 29.4 Isw 5.7 11.3 5.6 11.2 5.5 11.0 5.4 10.9 Is 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ϑ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ϑ 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 UDCL Pressure loss p [bar] RI13-3P- 3.0 Symbol RI13-298x25 RI13-298x50 2.5 RI13-298x75 2.0 RI13-298x100 RI13-298x125 1.5 RI13-298x150 RI13-298x175 1.0 0.5 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 14.0 16.0 12.0 10.0 Volumetric flow rate [l/min] Pressure losses: RI13-3P-298xH, water (20 °C) 43 Technical Data: Series RI11-3P-384xH Drawing A Motor cable Sensor cable ca. 40 48 10 Ø485 f8 Ø468 Ø453 Ø384 Ø360 Ø345 H8 70 21 H1 30° M8 x 16 (nx)* M8 x 16 (nx)* Ø360 Ø468 M8 x 16 (nx)* M8 x 16 (nx)* 2.5 H2 A-A A *Note: The number (n) of fastening threads depends on the height. Fastening threads RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 384x25 • 384x50 • 384x75 384x100 • 384x125 • 384x150 • 384x175 Fastening thread of rotor M8 x 16, 12 x (30°) M8 x 16, 24 x (15°) Fastening thread of stator – cable side M8 x 16, 11 x (30°) M8 x 16, 23 x (15°) Fastening thread of stator M8 x 16, 12 x (30°) M8 x 16, 24 x (15°) Standard: Cable outlet – axial 44 Option: Cable outlet – tangential Option: Cable outlet – radial Technical Data: Series RI11-3P-384xH Winding-independent data Technical data Symbol Unit RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 384x25 384x50 384x75 384x100 384x125 384x150 384x175 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Number of pole pairs P Maximum operating voltage U V 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Ultimate torque (1 s) at Iu Tu Nm 552 1098 1646 2184 2717 3260 3784 Peak torque (saturation range) at Ip Tp Nm 485 966 1449 1922 2391 2869 3330 Peak torque (linear range) at Ipl Tpl Nm 320 637 956 1268 1577 1892 2196 Continuous torque cooled at Icw Tcw Nm 220 520 839 1159 1479 1807 2126 Continuous torque not cooled at Ic Tc Nm 85 200 323 447 570 697 820 Stall torque cooled at Isw Tsw Nm 157 369 595 823 1050 1283 1510 Stall torque not cooled at Is Ts Nm 60 142 230 317 405 495 582 Ripple torque (typical cogging) at I = 0 Tr Nm 1.5 2.9 4.3 5.8 7.2 8.6 10.0 Power loss at Tp (25 °C) Plp W 6136 8736 11335 13935 16535 19135 21735 Power loss at Tpl (25 °C) Plpl W 1582 2253 2923 3594 4264 4934 5605 Power loss at Tcw Plw W 976 1952 2927 3903 4879 5855 6830 Power loss at Tc (25 °C) Plc W 112 223 335 446 558 669 781 Thermical resistance with water cooling Rth K/W 0.102 0.051 0.034 0.026 0.020 0.017 0.015 Motor constant (25 °C) km Nm/√W 8.05 13.42 17.67 21.15 24.14 26.93 29.33 dV/dt l/min 2.79 5.58 8.36 11.15 13.94 16.73 19.52 ∆ϑ K 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Symbol Unit RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 384x25 384x50 384x75 384x100 384x125 384x150 384x175 Cooling water flow rate of main cooling system Temperature difference of cooling water Mechanical data Height of rotor H1 mm 26.0 51.0 76.0 101.0 126.0 151.0 176.0 Height of stator H2 mm 90.0 110.0 130.0 160.0 185.0 210.0 235.0 Rotor mass m1 kg 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 28.0 Stator mass m2 kg 30.3 41.0 52.0 65.7 78.6 91.4 104.1 Moment of inertia of rotor J kgm2 0.13 0.26 0.39 0.52 0.65 0.78 0.91 Axial attraction Fa kN 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 Radial attraction/eccentricity Fr kN/mm 1.8 3.6 5.3 7.1 8.8 10.6 12.4 Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. • Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “power loss”: ±10% Binding data and drawings are passed on to the customer upon request. We recommend the support of our engineers for the motor layout. 45 Technical Data: Series RI11-3P-384xH Winding-dependent data RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 384x25- 384x25- 384x50- 384x50- 384x75- 384x75- WL WM WL WM WL WM Winding data Symbol Unit Torque constant k T Nm/Arms 18.1 10.8 35.9 21.5 53.9 32.2 Back EMF constant, phase to phase ku V/(rad/s) 14.8 8.8 29.4 17.6 44.1 26.4 Limiting speed at Ip and UDCL nlp rpm 144 257 66 124 40 79 Limiting speed at Icw and UDCL nlw rpm 287 494 129 226 79 142 Limiting speed at Ic and UDCL nlc rpm 356 603 172 294 112 192 Limiting speed for continuous operation at Icw* ncr rpm 273 273 273 273 273 273 Electrical resistance, phase to phase (25 °C) R25 Ω 3.36 1.19 4.78 1.70 6.20 2.21 Inductance, phase to phase L mH 19.8 7.1 39.6 14.2 59.4 21.3 Ultimate current (1 s) Iu Arms 43.6 72.9 43.6 72.9 43.6 72.9 Peak current (saturation range) Ip Arms 34.9 58.4 34.9 58.4 34.9 58.4 Peak current (linear range) Ipl Arms 17.7 29.6 17.7 29.6 17.7 29.6 Continuous current at Plw (cooled) Icw Arms 12.2 20.5 14.5 24.3 15.6 26.1 Continuous current at Plc (not cooled) Ic Arms 4.7 7.9 5.6 9.4 6.0 10.1 Stall current at n = 0 (cooled) Isw Arms 8.7 14.5 10.3 17.2 11.0 18.5 Stall current at n = 0 (not cooled) Is Arms 3.3 5.6 4.0 6.6 4.3 7.1 Permissible winding temperature ϑ °C 130 130 130 130 130 130 Switch-off threshold of thermal sensor ϑ °C 100 100 100 100 100 100 UDCL V 600 600 600 600 600 600 DC link voltage (max. 600 VDC) *See glossary • Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “electrical resistance”: ±10% • Tolerance range of value for “inductance”: ±15% 46 RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 384x100- 384x100- 384x125- 384x125- 384x150- 384x150- 384x175- 384x175- WL WM WL WM WL WM WL WM 71.5 42.8 88.9 53.2 106.7 63.8 123.9 74.1 kT 58.5 35.0 72.7 43.5 87.3 52.2 101.3 60.6 ku 26 56 17 43 11 33 6 26 nlp 55 102 41 78 32 63 25 52 nlw 82 142 64 113 52 92 44 78 nlc 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 ncr 7.62 2.71 9.04 3.22 10.46 3.72 11.89 4.23 R25 79.2 28.3 98.9 35.4 118.7 42.5 138.5 49.6 L 43.6 72.9 43.6 72.9 43.6 72.9 43.6 72.9 Iu 34.9 58.4 34.9 58.4 34.9 58.4 34.9 58.4 Ip 17.7 29.6 17.7 29.6 17.7 29.6 17.7 29.6 Ipl 16.2 27.2 16.6 27.9 16.9 28.4 17.2 28.8 Icw 6.2 10.5 6.4 10.8 6.5 10.9 6.6 11.1 Ic 11.5 19.3 11.8 19.8 12.0 20.2 12.2 20.4 Isw 4.4 7.4 4.6 7.6 4.6 7.8 4.7 7.9 Is 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ϑ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ϑ 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 UDCL Pressure loss p [bar] RI11-3P- 3.0 Symbol RI11-384x25 2.5 RI11-384x50 2.0 RI11-384x100 RI11-384x75 RI11-384x125 1.5 RI11-384x150 RI11-384x175 1.0 0.5 0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 Volumetric flow rate [l/min] Pressure losses: RI11-3P-384xH, water (20 °C) 47 Technical Data: Series RI19-3P-460xH Drawing A Motor cable Sensor cable ca. 40 50 10 Ø565 f8 Ø548 Ø531 Ø460 Ø435 Ø420 H8 70 29 H1 30° M8 x 16 (nx)* Ø435 Ø548 M8 x 16 (nx)* M8 x 16 (nx)* M8 x 16 (nx)* 5 H2 A-A A *Note: The number (n) of fastening threads depends on the height. Fastening threads RI19-3P- RI19-3P- 460x25 • 460x50 • 460x75 460x100 • 460x125 • 460x150 • 460x175 Fastening thread of rotor M8 x 16, 12 x (30°) M8 x 16, 24 x (15°) Fastening thread of stator – cable side M8 x 16, 11 x (30°) M8 x 16, 23 x (15°) Fastening thread of stator M8 x 16, 12 x (30°) M8 x 16, 24 x (15°) Standard: Cable outlet – axial 48 Option: Cable outlet – tangential Option: Cable outlet – radial Technical Data: Series RI19-3P-460xH Winding-independent data Technical data Symbol Unit RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- 460x25 460x50 460x75 460x100 460x125 460x150 460x175 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 Number of pole pairs P Maximum operating voltage U V 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Ultimate torque (1 s) at Iu Tu Nm 838 1675 2488 3317 4105 4926 5747 Peak torque (saturation range) at Ip Tp Nm 642 1284 1906 2542 3145 3774 4403 Peak torque (linear range) at Ipl Tpl Nm 472 944 1402 1869 2313 2775 3238 Continuous torque cooled at Icw Tcw Nm 323 783 1252 1740 2211 2703 3197 Continuous torque not cooled at Ic Tc Nm 146 344 537 730 895 1052 1210 Stall torque cooled at Isw Tsw Nm 229 556 889 1235 1570 1919 2270 Stall torque not cooled at Is Ts Nm 104 244 382 518 635 747 859 Ripple torque (typical cogging) at I = 0 Tr Nm 1.9 3.9 5.7 7.6 9.4 11.3 13.2 Power loss at Tp (25 °C) Plp W 4824 6560 8489 10419 12348 14278 16207 Power loss at Tpl (25 °C) Plpl W 1884 2563 3316 4070 4824 5577 6331 Power loss at Tcw Plw W 1146 2293 3439 4585 5731 6878 8024 Power loss at Tc (25 °C) Plc W 181 339 487 621 722 802 885 Thermical resistance with water cooling Rth K/W 0.087 0.044 0.029 0.022 0.017 0.015 0.012 Motor constant (25 °C) km Nm/√W 10.87 18.65 24.34 29.30 33.30 37.16 40.69 dV/dt l/min 3.28 6.55 9.83 13.10 16.38 19.65 15.28 ∆ϑ K 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.50 Symbol Unit RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- 460x25 460x50 460x75 460x100 460x125 460x150 460x175 Cooling water flow rate of main cooling system Temperature difference of cooling water Mechanical data Height of rotor H1 mm 26.0 51.0 76.0 101.0 126.0 151.0 176.0 Height of stator H2 mm 90.0 110.0 130.0 160.0 185.0 210.0 235.0 Rotor mass m1 kg 4.9 9.8 14.6 19.5 24.4 29.3 34.2 Stator mass m2 kg 37.6 50.4 63.4 79.1 93.5 107.8 122.1 Moment of inertia of rotor J kgm2 0.24 0.47 0.71 0.94 1.18 1.41 1.65 Axial attraction Fa kN 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 Radial attraction/eccentricity Fr kN/mm 1.9 3.8 5.7 7.5 9.4 11.3 13.2 Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. • Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “power loss”: ±10% Binding data and drawings are passed on to the customer upon request. We recommend the support of our engineers for the motor layout. 49 Technical Data: Series RI19-3P-460xH Winding-dependent data RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- 460x25- 460x25- 460x50- 460x50- 460x75- 460x75- WL WM WL WM WL WM Winding data Symbol Unit Torque constant k T Nm/Arms 37.4 18.7 74.9 37.4 111.2 55.6 Back EMF constant, phase to phase ku V/(rad/s) 30.6 15.3 61.2 30.6 90.9 45.5 Limiting speed at Ip and UDCL nlp rpm 69 156 30 75 17 48 Limiting speed at Icw and UDCL nlw rpm 127 270 54 120 32 75 Limiting speed at Ic and UDCL nlc rpm 162 335 76 161 49 105 Limiting speed for continuous operation at Icw* ncr rpm 237 237 237 237 237 237 Electrical resistance, phase to phase (25 °C) R25 Ω 7.90 1.98 10.75 2.69 13.91 3.48 Inductance, phase to phase L mH 56.3 14.1 112.6 28.2 168.9 42.2 Ultimate current (1 s) Iu Arms 31.5 63.0 31.5 63.0 31.5 63.0 Peak current (saturation range) Ip Arms 20.2 40.3 20.2 40.3 20.2 40.3 Peak current (linear range) Ipl Arms 12.6 25.2 12.6 25.2 12.6 25.2 Continuous current at Plw (cooled) Icw Arms 8.6 17.3 10.5 20.9 11.3 22.5 Continuous current at Plc (not cooled) Ic Arms 3.9 7.8 4.6 9.2 4.8 9.7 Stall current at n = 0 (cooled) Isw Arms 6.1 12.2 7.4 14.9 8.0 16.0 Stall current at n = 0 (not cooled) Is Arms 2.8 5.5 3.3 6.5 3.4 6.9 Permissible winding temperature ϑ °C 130 130 130 130 130 130 Switch-off threshold of thermal sensor ϑ °C 100 100 100 100 100 100 UDCL V 600 600 600 600 600 600 DC link voltage (max. 600 VDC) *See glossary • Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “electrical resistance”: ±10% • Tolerance range of value for “inductance”: ±15% 50 RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- RI19-3P- 460x100- 460x100- 460x125- 460x125- 460x150- 460x150- 460x175- 460x175- WL WM WL WM WL WM WL WM 148.2 74.1 183.4 91.7 220.1 110.1 256.8 128.4 kT 121.2 60.6 150.0 75.0 180.0 90.0 210.0 105.0 ku 10 34 5 25 1 19 0 15 nlp 21 53 15 40 10 32 7 26 nlw 35 77 28 62 22 51 19 43 nlc 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 237 ncr 17.07 4.27 20.23 5.06 23.39 5.85 26.55 6.64 R25 225.3 56.3 281.6 70.4 337.9 84.5 394.2 98.6 L 31.5 63.0 31.5 63.0 31.5 63.0 31.5 63.0 Iu 20.2 40.3 20.2 40.3 20.2 40.3 20.2 40.3 Ip 12.6 25.2 12.6 25.2 12.6 25.2 12.6 25.2 Ipl 11.7 23.5 12.1 24.1 12.3 24.6 12.4 24.9 Icw 4.9 9.9 4.9 9.8 4.8 9.6 4.7 9.4 Ic 8.3 16.7 8.6 17.1 8.7 17.4 8.8 17.7 Isw 3.5 7.0 3.5 6.9 3.4 6.8 3.3 6.7 Is 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ϑ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ϑ 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 UDCL Pressure loss p [bar] RI19-3P- Symbol 3.5 RI19-460x25 3.0 RI19-460x50 RI19-460x75 2.5 RI19-460x100 2.0 RI19-460x125 1.5 RI19-460x150 RI19-460x175 1.0 0.5 0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 Volumetric flow rate [l/min] Pressure losses: RI19-3P-460xH, water (20 °C) 51 Technical Data: Series RI13-3P-690xH Drawing A Motor cable Sensor cable ca. 40 Ø665 Ø650 H8 Ø690 Ø778 Ø795 f8 70 Ø761 50 10 39 H1 .5° 22 Ø665 M8 x 16 (nx)* M8 x 16 (nx)* M8 x 16 (nx)* M8 x 16 (nx)* 5 H2 A-A Ø778 A *Note: The number (n) of fastening threads depends on the height. Fastening threads RI13-3P- RI13-3P- 690x25 • 690x50 • 690x75 690x100 • 690x125 • 690x150 • 690x175 Fastening thread of rotor M8 x 16, 16 x (22.5°) M8 x 16, 32 x (11.25°) Fastening thread of stator – cable side M8 x 16, 15 x (22.5°) M8 x 16, 31 x (11.25°) Fastening thread of stator M8 x 16, 16 x (22.5°) M8 x 16, 32 x (11.25°) Standard: Cable outlet – axial 52 Option: Cable outlet – tangential Option: Cable outlet – radial Technical Data: Series RI13-3P-690xH Winding-independent data Technical data Symbol Unit RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- 690x25 690x50 690x75 690x100 690x125 690x150 690x175 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 Number of pole pairs P Maximum operating voltage U V 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Ultimate torque (1 s) at Iu Tu Nm 1947 3894 5782 7709 9539 11447 13355 Peak torque (saturation range) at Ip Tp Nm 1471 2942 4369 5825 7208 8649 10091 Peak torque (linear range) at Ipl Tpl Nm 1082 2163 3212 4283 5300 6360 7420 Continuous torque cooled at Icw Tcw Nm 708 1683 2691 3740 4752 5810 6871 Continuous torque not cooled at Ic Tc Nm 328 755 1182 1606 1968 2314 2661 Stall torque cooled at Isw Tsw Nm 503 1195 1911 2655 3374 4125 4879 Stall torque not cooled at Is Ts Nm 233 536 839 1140 1397 1643 1890 Ripple torque (typical cogging) at I = 0 Tr Nm 4.4 8.8 13.1 17.5 21.6 25.9 30.3 Power loss at Tp (25 °C) Plp W 7544 10687 13830 16973 20116 23259 26403 Power loss at Tpl (25 °C) Plpl W 2947 4175 5402 6630 7858 9086 10314 Power loss at Tcw Plw W 1643 3286 4928 6571 8214 9857 11500 Power loss at Tc (25 °C) Plc W 271 509 731 932 1083 1202 1327 Thermical resistance with water cooling Rth K/W 0.061 0.030 0.020 0.015 0.012 0.010 0.009 Motor constant (25 °C) km Nm/√W 19.92 33.48 43.70 52.60 59.79 66.72 73.06 dV/dt l/min 4.69 9.39 14.08 18.77 15.65 18.77 16.43 ∆ϑ K 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.50 7.50 10.00 Symbol Unit RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- 690x25 690x50 690x75 690x100 690x125 690x150 690x175 Cooling water flow rate of main cooling system Temperature difference of cooling water Mechanical data Height of rotor H1 mm 26.0 51.0 76.0 101.0 126.0 151.0 176.0 Height of stator H2 mm 110.0 130.0 150.0 180.0 205.0 230.0 255.0 Rotor mass m1 kg 7.6 15.2 22.8 30.4 38.0 45.6 53.2 Stator mass m2 kg 62.9 81.6 99.8 122.9 143.2 163.7 184.1 Moment of inertia of rotor J kgm2 0.85 1.70 2.55 3.40 4.25 5.10 5.95 Axial attraction Fa kN 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 Radial attraction/eccentricity Fr kN/mm 3.3 6.6 9.9 13.1 16.4 19.7 23.0 Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. • Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “power loss”: ±10% Binding data and drawings are passed on to the customer upon request. We recommend the support of our engineers for the motor layout. 53 Technical Data: Series RI13-3P-690xH Winding-dependent data RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- 690x25- 690x25- 690x50- 690x50- 690x75- 690x75- WL WM WL WM WL WM Winding data Symbol Unit Torque constant k T Nm/Arms 35.9 25.0 71.8 49.9 106.6 74.1 Back EMF constant, phase to phase ku V/(rad/s) 29.4 20.4 58.7 40.8 87.2 60.6 Limiting speed at Ip and UDCL nlp rpm 73 110 34 53 21 34 Limiting speed at Icw and UDCL nlw rpm 136 200 60 90 37 56 Limiting speed at Ic and UDCL nlc rpm 172 250 82 120 53 79 Limiting speed for continuous operation at Icw* ncr rpm 138 138 138 138 138 138 Electrical resistance, phase to phase (25 °C) R25 Ω 2.17 1.05 3.07 1.49 3.97 1.92 Inductance, phase to phase L mH 14.5 7.0 29.1 14.1 43.6 21.1 Ultimate current (1 s) Iu Arms 75.3 108.4 75.3 108.4 75.3 108.4 Peak current (saturation range) Ip Arms 48.2 69.3 48.2 69.3 48.2 69.3 Peak current (linear range) Ipl Arms 30.1 43.3 30.1 43.3 30.1 43.3 Continuous current at Plw (cooled) Icw Arms 19.7 28.3 23.4 33.7 25.2 36.2 Continuous current at Plc (not cooled) Ic Arms 9.1 13.1 10.5 15.1 11.1 15.9 Stall current at n = 0 (cooled) Isw Arms 14.0 20.1 16.6 23.9 17.9 25.7 Stall current at n = 0 (not cooled) Is Arms 6.5 9.3 7.5 10.7 7.9 11.3 Permissible winding temperature ϑ °C 130 130 130 130 130 130 Switch-off threshold of thermal sensor ϑ °C 100 100 100 100 100 100 UDCL V 600 600 600 600 600 600 DC link voltage (max. 600 VDC) *See glossary • Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “electrical resistance”: ±10% • Tolerance range of value for “inductance”: ±15% 54 RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- RI13-3P- 690x100- 690x100- 690x125- 690x125- 690x150- 690x150- 690x175- 690x175- WL WM WL WM WL WM WL WM 142.2 98.8 175.9 122.3 211.1 146.7 246.3 171.2 kT 116.3 80.8 143.9 100.0 172.7 120.0 201.5 140.0 ku 14 24 10 18 7 14 5 11 nlp 26 40 19 30 15 24 12 20 nlw 39 58 31 46 25 38 21 32 nlc 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 ncr 4.87 2.36 5.77 2.80 6.68 3.24 7.58 3.67 R25 58.2 28.1 72.7 35.1 87.3 42.2 101.8 49.2 L 75.3 108.4 75.3 108.4 75.3 108.4 75.3 108.4 Iu 48.2 69.3 48.2 69.3 48.2 69.3 48.2 69.3 Ip 30.1 43.3 30.1 43.3 30.1 43.3 30.1 43.3 Ipl 26.3 37.8 27.0 38.8 27.5 39.5 27.9 40.1 Icw 11.3 16.2 11.2 16.1 11.0 15.7 10.8 15.5 Ic 18.7 26.8 19.2 27.5 19.5 28.1 19.8 28.4 Isw 8.0 11.5 7.9 11.4 7.8 11.2 7.7 11.0 Is 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ϑ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ϑ 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 UDCL Pressure loss p [bar] RI13-3P- 5.0 Symbol RI13-690x25 RI13-690x50 4.0 RI13-690x75 RI13-690x100 3.0 RI13-690x125 RI13-690x150 2.0 RI13-690x175 1.0 0 5.0 10.0 15.0 25.0 20.0 Volumetric flow rate [l/min] Pressure losses: RI13-3P-690xH, water (20 °C) 55 Technical Data: Series RI11-3P-920xH Drawing A Motor cable Sensor cable ca. 40 Ø1030 f8 Ø1010 Ø991 Ø920 Ø882 Ø858 H8 70 50 10 39 H1 15° M10 x 20 (nx)* M10 x 20 (nx)* M10 x 20 (nx)* M10 x 20 (nx)* Ø882 Ø1010 5 H2 A-A A *Note: The number (n) of fastening threads depends on the height. Fastening threads RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 920x25 • 920x50 • 920x75 920x100 • 920x125 • 920x150 • 920x175 Fastening thread of rotor M10 x 20, 24 x (15°) M10 x 20, 48 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of stator – cable side M10 x 20, 23 x (15°) M10 x 20, 47 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of stator M10 x 20, 24 x (15°) M10 x 20, 48 x (7.5°) Standard: Cable outlet – axial 56 Option: Cable outlet – tangential Option: Cable outlet – radial Technical Data: Series RI11-3P-920xH Winding-independent data Technical data Symbol Unit RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 920x25 920x50 920x75 920x100 920x125 920x150 920x175 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 Number of pole pairs P Maximum operating voltage U V 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Ultimate torque (1 s) at Iu Tu Nm 3681 7363 11044 14725 18406 22088 25769 Peak torque (saturation range) at Ip Tp Nm 3323 6645 9968 13290 16613 19936 23258 Peak torque (linear range) at Ipl Tpl Nm 1888 3776 5664 7551 9439 11327 13215 Continuous torque cooled at Icw Tcw Nm 1249 2967 4792 6660 8549 10451 12361 Continuous torque not cooled at Ic Tc Nm 585 1348 2130 2893 3582 4211 4845 Stall torque cooled at Isw Tsw Nm 887 2107 3402 4728 6070 7420 8777 Stall torque not cooled at Is Ts Nm 415 957 1512 2054 2543 2990 3440 Ripple torque (typical cogging) at I = 0 Tr Nm 10.0 19.9 29.9 39.9 49.8 59.8 69.8 Power loss at Tp (25 °C) Plp W 15046 21315 27584 33853 40122 46392 52661 Power loss at Tpl (25 °C) Plpl W 3761 5329 6896 8463 10031 11598 13165 Power loss at Tcw Plw W 2139 4279 6418 8557 10697 12836 14975 Power loss at Tc (25 °C) Plc W 361 679 975 1242 1444 1603 1769 Thermical resistance with water cooling Rth K/W 0.047 0.023 0.016 0.012 0.009 0.008 0.007 Motor constant (25 °C) km Nm/√W 30.78 51.72 68.20 82.08 94.25 105.18 115.17 dV/dt l/min 6.11 12.22 18.34 16.30 15.28 18.34 17.11 ∆ϑ K 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.50 10.00 10.00 12.50 Symbol Unit RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 920x25 920x50 920x75 920x100 920x125 920x150 920x175 Cooling water flow rate of main cooling system Temperature difference of cooling water Mechanical data Height of rotor H1 mm 26.0 51.0 76.0 101.0 126.0 151.0 176.0 Height of stator H2 mm 110.0 130.0 150.0 180.0 205.0 230.0 255.0 Rotor mass m1 kg 15.6 31.1 46.7 62.3 77.8 93.4 109.0 Stator mass m2 kg 89.7 115.7 141.1 172.6 201.0 229.5 257.9 Moment of inertia of rotor J kgm2 3.07 6.14 9.21 12.28 15.35 18.42 21.49 Axial attraction Fa kN 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 Radial attraction/eccentricity Fr kN/mm 3.5 7.0 10.4 13.9 17.3 20.8 24.3 Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. • Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “power loss”: ±10% Binding data and drawings are passed on to the customer upon request. We recommend the support of our engineers for the motor layout. 57 Technical Data: Series RI11-3P-920xH Winding-dependent data RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 920x25- 920x25- 920x50- 920x50- 920x75- 920x75- WLZ WMZ WLZ WMZ WLZ WMZ Winding data Symbol Unit Torque constant k T Nm/Arms 59.2 36.0 118.3 72.1 177.5 108.1 Back EMF constant, phase to phase ku V/(rad/s) 48.4 29.5 96.8 59.0 145.2 88.5 Limiting speed at Ip and UDCL nlp rpm 51 94 22 44 11 27 Limiting speed at Icw and UDCL nlw rpm 95 162 42 75 26 47 Limiting speed at Ic and UDCL nlc rpm 108 181 52 88 33 57 Limiting speed for continuous operation at Icw* ncr rpm 136 136 136 136 136 136 Electrical resistance, phase to phase (25 °C) R25 Ω 2.5 0.9 3.5 1.3 4.6 1.7 Inductance, phase to phase L mH 12.9 4.7 25.1 9.3 37.7 14.0 Ultimate current (1 s) Iu Arms 79.8 130.9 79.8 130.9 79.8 130.9 Peak current (saturation range) Ip Arms 63.8 104.7 63.8 104.7 63.8 104.7 Peak current (linear range) Ipl Arms 31.9 52.4 31.9 52.4 31.9 52.4 Continuous current at Plw (cooled) Icw Arms 21.0 34.6 24.9 41.2 26.8 44.3 Continuous current at Plc (not cooled) Ic Arms 9.8 16.2 11.3 18.7 11.9 19.7 Stall current at n = 0 (cooled) Isw Arms 14.9 24.6 17.7 29.2 19.1 31.5 Stall current at n = 0 (not cooled) Is Arms 7.0 11.5 8.0 13.3 8.5 14.0 Permissible winding temperature ϑ °C 130 130 130 130 130 130 Switch-off threshold of thermal sensor ϑ °C 100 100 100 100 100 100 UDCL V 600 600 600 600 600 600 DC link voltage (max. 600 VDC) *See glossary • Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “electrical resistance”: ±10% • Tolerance range of value for “inductance”: ±15% 58 RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- RI11-3P- 920x100- 920x100- 920x125- 920x125- 920x150- 920x150- 920x175- 920x175- WLZ WMZ WLZ WMZ WLZ WMZ WLZ WMZ 236.6 144.2 295.8 180.2 354.9 216.3 414.1 252.3 kT 193.5 117.9 241.9 147.4 290.3 176.9 338.7 206.4 ku 6 18 3 13 0 9 0 7 nlp 17 33 13 25 9 20 7 16 nlw 24 42 19 33 15 27 13 23 nlc 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 ncr 5.6 2.1 6.6 2.4 7.7 2.8 8.7 3.2 R25 50.2 18.7 62.8 23.3 75.3 28.0 87.9 32.6 L 79.8 130.9 79.8 130.9 79.8 130.9 79.8 130.9 Iu 63.8 104.7 63.8 104.7 63.8 104.7 63.8 104.7 Ip 31.9 52.4 31.9 52.4 31.9 52.4 31.9 52.4 Ipl 28.0 46.2 28.7 47.4 29.3 48.3 29.7 49.0 Icw 12.2 20.1 12.0 19.9 11.8 19.5 11.6 19.2 Ic 19.9 32.8 20.4 33.7 20.8 34.3 21.1 34.8 Isw 8.6 14.2 8.5 14.1 8.4 13.8 8.3 13.6 Is 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ϑ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ϑ 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 UDCL Pressure loss p [bar] RI11-3P- 5.0 Symbol RI11-920x25 RI11-920x50 4.0 RI11-920x75 RI11-920x100 3.0 RI11-920x125 RI11-920x150 2.0 RI11-920x175 1.0 0 5.0 10.0 15.0 25.0 20.0 Volumetric flow rate [l/min] Pressure losses: RI11-3P-920xH, water (20 °C) 59 Technical Data: Series RE19-3P-205xH Drawing 48 H1 A Sensor cable Motor cable ca. 37.5 DIN74 - Km5 32 M6 x 12 (nx)* 10 12 30 ° 0 Ø205 Ø230 Ø192 Ø176 H7 Ø150 Ø140 H7 Ø15 M6 x 12 (nx)* 15 A H2 A-A *Note: The number (n) of fastening threads depends on the height. Fastening threads RE19-3P- RE19-3P- 205x25 • 205x50 • 205x75 205x100 • 205x125 • 205x150 • 205x175 Km5, 12 x (30°) Km5, 24 x (15°) Fastening thread of stator – cable side M6 x 12, 11 x (30°) M6 x 12, 21 x (15°) Fastening thread of stator M6 x 12, 12 x (30°) M6 x 12, 24 x (15°) Fastening thread of rotor Standard: Cable outlet – axial 60 Option: Cable outlet – tangential Option: Cable outlet – radial Technical Data: Series RE19-3P-205xH Winding-independent data Technical data Symbol Unit RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- 205x25 205x50 205x75 205x100 205x125 205x150 205x175 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Number of pole pairs P Maximum operating voltage U V 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Ultimate torque (1 s) at Iu Tu Nm 134 252 379 505 631 757 883 Peak torque (saturation range) at Ip Tp Nm 114 215 322 429 536 644 751 Peak torque (linear range) at Ipl Tpl Nm 79 158 237 315 394 473 552 Continuous torque cooled at Icw Tcw Nm 39 90 144 198 254 309 365 Continuous torque not cooled at Ic Tc Nm 21 48 75 101 124 146 167 Stall torque cooled at Isw Tsw Nm 27 64 102 141 180 219 259 Stall torque not cooled at Is Ts Nm 15 34 53 72 88 104 119 Ripple torque (typical cogging) at I = 0 Tr Nm 0.3 0.6 1.0 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.3 Power loss at Tp (25 °C) Plp W 2848 4205 5561 6918 8274 9630 10987 Power loss at Tpl (25 °C) Plpl W 1113 1643 2172 2702 3232 3762 4292 Power loss at Tcw Plw W 348 695 1043 1390 1738 2085 2433 Power loss at Tc (25 °C) Plc W 80 151 217 277 322 357 394 Thermical resistance with water cooling Rth K/W 0.288 0.144 0.096 0.072 0.058 0.048 0.041 Motor constant (25 °C) km Nm/√W 2.36 3.89 5.08 6.07 6.94 7.72 8.43 dV/dt l/min 0.99 1.99 2.98 3.97 4.97 5.96 6.95 ∆ϑ K 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Symbol Unit RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- 205x25 205x50 205x75 205x100 205x125 205x150 205x175 Cooling water flow rate of main cooling system Temperature difference of cooling water Mechanical data Height of rotor H1 mm 60.0 85.0 110.0 135.0 160.0 185.0 210.0 Height of stator H2 mm 60.0 85.0 110.0 135.0 160.0 185.0 210.0 Rotor mass m1 kg 4.0 5.5 6.9 8.4 9.8 11.3 12.7 Stator mass m2 kg 6.2 9.3 12.3 15.4 18.5 21.6 24.7 Moment of inertia of rotor J kgm2 0.046 0.064 0.081 0.099 0.116 0.134 0.151 Axial attraction Fa kN 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 Radial attraction/eccentricity Fr kN/mm 0.9 1.8 2.7 3.5 4.4 5.3 6.1 Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. • Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “power loss”: ±10% Binding data and drawings are passed on to the customer upon request. We recommend the support of our engineers for the motor layout. 61 Technical Data: Series RE19-3P-205xH Winding-dependent data RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- 205x25- 205x25- 205x50- 205x50- 205x75- 205x75- WL WM WL WM WL WM Winding data Symbol Unit Torque constant k T Nm/Arms 7.66 3.83 15.32 7.66 22.98 11.49 Back EMF constant, phase to phase ku V/(rad/s) 6.27 3.13 12.53 6.27 18.80 9.40 Limiting speed at Ip and UDCL nlp rpm 425 932 191 447 111 285 Limiting speed at Icw and UDCL nlw rpm 764 1582 352 750 220 481 Limiting speed at Ic and UDCL nlc rpm 839 1711 405 838 262 550 Limiting speed for continuous operation at Icw* ncr rpm 474 474 352 474 220 474 Electrical resistance, phase to phase (25 °C) R25 Ω 7.00 1.75 10.33 2.58 13.66 3.42 Inductance, phase to phase L mH 22.1 5.5 44.2 11.0 66.3 16.6 Ultimate current (1 s) Iu Arms 20.6 41.2 20.6 41.2 20.6 41.2 Peak current (saturation range) Ip Arms 16.5 32.9 16.5 32.9 16.5 32.9 Peak current (linear range) Ipl Arms 10.3 20.6 10.3 20.6 10.3 20.6 Continuous current at Plw (cooled) Icw Arms 5.0 10.1 5.9 11.7 6.3 12.5 Continuous current at Plc (not cooled) Ic Arms 2.8 5.5 3.1 6.2 3.3 6.5 Stall current at n = 0 (cooled) Isw Arms 3.6 7.2 4.2 8.3 4.4 8.9 Stall current at n = 0 (not cooled) Is Arms 2.0 3.9 2.2 4.4 2.3 4.6 Permissible winding temperature ϑ °C 130 130 130 130 130 130 Switch-off threshold of thermal sensor ϑ °C 100 100 100 100 100 100 UDCL V 600 600 600 600 600 600 DC link voltage (max. 600 VDC) *See glossary • Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “electrical resistance”: ±10% • Tolerance range of value for “inductance”: ±15% 62 RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- RE19-3P- 205x100- 205x100- 205x125- 205x125- 205x150- 205x150- 205x175- 205x175- WL WM WL WM WL WM WL WM 30.65 15.32 38.31 19.15 45.97 22.98 53.63 26.81 kT 25.07 12.53 31.33 15.67 37.60 18.80 43.87 21.93 ku 69 203 43 153 24 120 9 96 nlp 155 349 116 271 90 219 72 182 nlw 191 407 150 323 122 267 103 227 nlc 155 349 116 271 90 219 72 182 ncr 17.00 4.25 20.33 5.08 23.66 5.92 26.99 6.75 R25 88.4 22.1 110.5 27.6 132.6 33.1 154.7 38.7 L 20.6 41.2 20.6 41.2 20.6 41.2 20.6 41.2 Iu 16.5 32.9 16.5 32.9 16.5 32.9 16.5 32.9 Ip 10.3 20.6 10.3 20.6 10.3 20.6 10.3 20.6 Ipl 6.5 13.0 6.6 13.2 6.7 13.4 6.8 13.6 Icw 3.3 6.6 3.2 6.5 3.2 6.3 3.1 6.2 Ic 4.6 9.2 4.7 9.4 4.8 9.5 4.8 9.7 Isw 2.3 4.7 2.3 4.6 2.3 4.5 2.2 4.4 Is 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ϑ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ϑ 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 UDCL Symbol 63 Technical Data: Series RE11-3P-250xH Drawing H1 50 A Sensor cable Motor cable ca. 37.5 DIN74 - Km6 34 M6 x 12 (nx)* 15 10 30 ° Ø1 Ø250 Ø279 Ø236 Ø220 H7 Ø175 Ø165 H7 75 M6 x 12 (nx)* 18 A H2 A-A *Note: The number (n) of fastening threads depends on the height. Fastening threads RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 250x25 • 250x50 • 250x75 250x100 • 250x125 • 250x150 • 250x175 Km6, 12 x (30°) Km6, 24 x (15°) Fastening thread of stator – cable side M6 x 12, 11 x (30°) M6 x 12, 21 x (15°) Fastening thread of stator M6 x 12,12 x (30°) M6 x 12, 24 x (15°) Fastening thread of rotor Standard: Cable outlet – axial 64 Option: Cable outlet – tangential Option: Cable outlet – radial Technical Data: Series RE11-3P-250xH Winding-independent data Technical data Symbol Unit RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 250x25 250x50 250x75 250x100 250x125 250x150 250x175 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Number of pole pairs P Maximum operating voltage U V 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Ultimate torque (1 s) at Iu Tu Nm 249 497 738 984 1218 1462 1706 Peak torque (saturation range) at Ip Tp Nm 178 356 528 705 872 1047 1221 Peak torque (linear range) at Ipl Tpl Nm 131 262 389 518 641 770 898 Continuous torque cooled at Icw Tcw Nm 69 162 258 358 455 556 657 Continuous torque not cooled at Ic Tc Nm 39 89 138 187 229 269 310 Stall torque cooled at Isw Tsw Nm 49 115 184 255 323 394 466 Stall torque not cooled at Is Ts Nm 27 63 98 133 163 191 220 Ripple torque (typical cogging) at I = 0 Tr Nm 0.5 1.1 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.7 Power loss at Tp (25 °C) Plp W 2867 4114 5361 6607 7854 9101 10347 Power loss at Tpl (25 °C) Plpl W 1120 1607 2094 2581 3068 3555 4042 Power loss at Tcw Plw W 402 803 1205 1606 2008 2409 2811 Power loss at Tc (25 °C) Plc W 98 184 265 338 393 436 481 Thermical resistance with water cooling Rth K/W 0.249 0.125 0.083 0.062 0.050 0.042 0.036 Motor constant (25 °C) km Nm/√W 3.91 6.53 8.49 10.20 11.58 12.91 14.12 dV/dt l/min 1.15 2.29 3.44 4.59 5.74 6.88 8.03 ∆ϑ K 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Symbol Unit RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 250x25 250x50 250x75 250x100 250x125 250x150 250x175 Cooling water flow rate of main cooling system Temperature difference of cooling water Mechanical data Height of rotor H1 mm 63.0 88.0 113.0 138.0 163.0 188.0 213.0 Height of stator H2 mm 60.0 85.0 110.0 135.0 160.0 185.0 210.0 Rotor mass m1 kg 6.2 8.3 10.4 12.4 14.5 16.6 18.7 Stator mass m2 kg 9.3 14.1 18.9 23.7 28.5 33.4 38.2 Moment of inertia of rotor J kgm2 0.106 0.142 0.179 0.216 0.253 0.290 0.326 Axial attraction Fa kN 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 Radial attraction/eccentricity Fr kN/mm 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 6.1 7.1 Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. • Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “power loss”: ±10% Binding data and drawings are passed on to the customer upon request. We recommend the support of our engineers for the motor layout. 65 Technical Data: Series RE11-3P-250xH Winding-dependent data RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 250x25- 250x25- 250x50- 250x50- 250x75- 250x75- WL WM WL WM WL WM Winding data Symbol Unit Torque constant k T Nm/Arms 12.50 6.25 25.00 12.50 37.14 18.57 Back EMF constant, phase to phase ku V/(rad/s) 10.23 5.11 20.45 10.23 30.38 15.19 Limiting speed at Ip and UDCL nlp rpm 272 598 123 288 73 185 Limiting speed at Icw and UDCL nlw rpm 466 968 214 457 134 295 Limiting speed at Ic and UDCL nlc rpm 511 1045 246 511 160 338 Limiting speed for continuous operation at Icw* ncr rpm 409 409 214 409 134 295 Electrical resistance, phase to phase (25 °C) R25 Ω 6.82 1.70 9.78 2.45 12.75 3.19 Inductance, phase to phase L mH 28.5 7.1 57.0 14.3 85.6 21.4 Ultimate current (1 s) Iu Arms 26.2 52.3 26.2 52.3 26.2 52.3 Peak current (saturation range) Ip Arms 16.7 33.5 16.7 33.5 16.7 33.5 Peak current (linear range) Ipl Arms 10.5 20.9 10.5 20.9 10.5 20.9 Continuous current at Plw (cooled) Icw Arms 5.5 11.0 6.5 13.0 7.0 13.9 Continuous current at Plc (not cooled) Ic Arms 3.1 6.2 3.5 7.1 3.7 7.4 Stall current at n = 0 (cooled) Isw Arms 3.9 7.8 4.6 9.2 4.9 9.9 Stall current at n = 0 (not cooled) Is Arms 2.2 4.4 2.5 5.0 2.6 5.3 Permissible winding temperature ϑ °C 130 130 130 130 130 130 Switch-off threshold of thermal sensor ϑ °C 100 100 100 100 100 100 UDCL V 600 600 600 600 600 600 DC link voltage (max. 600 VDC) *See glossary • Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “electrical resistance”: ±10% • Tolerance range of value for “inductance”: ±15% 66 RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 250x100- 250x100- 250x125- 250x125- 250x150- 250x150- 250x175- 250x175- WL WM WL WM WL WM WL WM 49.52 24.76 61.28 30.64 73.54 36.77 85.79 42.90 kT 40.50 20.25 50.13 25.06 60.15 30.08 70.18 35.09 ku 47 132 31 101 19 80 10 64 nlp 94 214 71 167 55 135 44 112 nlw 117 250 92 200 75 165 63 140 nlc 94 214 71 167 55 135 44 112 ncr 15.71 3.93 18.68 4.67 21.64 5.41 24.61 6.15 R25 114.1 28.5 142.6 35.7 171.1 42.8 199.7 49.9 L 26.2 52.3 26.2 52.3 26.2 52.3 26.2 52.3 Iu 16.7 33.5 16.7 33.5 16.7 33.5 16.7 33.5 Ip 10.5 20.9 10.5 20.9 10.5 20.9 10.5 20.9 Ipl 7.2 14.5 7.4 14.8 7.6 15.1 7.7 15.3 Icw 3.8 7.6 3.7 7.5 3.7 7.3 3.6 7.2 Ic 5.1 10.3 5.3 10.5 5.4 10.7 5.4 10.9 Isw 2.7 5.4 2.7 5.3 2.6 5.2 2.6 5.1 Is 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ϑ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ϑ 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 UDCL Symbol 67 Technical Data: Series RE13-3P-300xH Drawing H1 56 A Sensor cable Motor cable ca. 39.5 DIN74 - Km5 40 M6 x 12 (nx)* 15° Ø 10 12 22 Ø300 Ø329 Ø286 Ø271 H7 Ø228 Ø216 H7 8 M6 x 12 (nx)* 15 A H2 A-A *Note: The number (n) of fastening threads depends on the height. Fastening threads RE13-3P- RE13-3P- 300x25 • 300x50 • 300x75 300x100 • 300x125 • 300x150 • 300x175 Km5, 24 x (15°) Km5, 48 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of stator – cable side M6 x 12, 23 x (15°) M6 x 12, 45 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of stator M6 x 12, 24 x (15°) M6 x 12, 48 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of rotor Standard: Cable outlet – axial 68 Option: Cable outlet – tangential Option: Cable outlet – radial Technical Data: Series RE13-3P-300xH Winding-independent data Technical data Symbol Unit RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- 300x25 300x50 300x75 300x100 300x125 300x150 300x175 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 Number of pole pairs P Maximum operating voltage U V 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Ultimate torque (1 s) at Iu Tu Nm 308 617 916 1221 1511 1814 2094 Peak torque (saturation range) at Ip Tp Nm 244 488 725 967 1197 1436 1658 Peak torque (linear range) at Ipl Tpl Nm 158 316 470 626 775 930 1074 Continuous torque cooled at Icw Tcw Nm 97 231 369 513 651 796 932 Continuous torque not cooled at Ic Tc Nm 53 122 190 258 317 372 424 Stall torque cooled at Isw Tsw Nm 69 164 262 364 463 565 662 Stall torque not cooled at Is Ts Nm 37 86 135 183 225 264 301 Ripple torque (typical cogging) at I = 0 Tr Nm 0.7 1.5 2.2 2.9 3.6 4.3 5.0 Power loss at Tp (25 °C) Plp W 3489 4943 6396 7850 9304 10758 12211 Power loss at Tpl (25 °C) Plpl W 1058 1498 1939 2380 2821 3261 3702 Power loss at Tcw Plw W 518 1036 1554 2072 2591 3109 3627 Power loss at Tc (25 °C) Plc W 118 221 318 405 471 523 577 Thermical resistance with water cooling Rth K/W 0.193 0.097 0.064 0.048 0.039 0.032 0.028 Motor constant (25 °C) km Nm/√W 4.86 8.17 10.67 12.84 14.59 16.29 17.65 dV/dt l/min 1.48 2.96 4.44 5.92 7.40 8.88 10.36 ∆ϑ K 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Symbol Unit RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- 300x25 300x50 300x75 300x100 300x125 300x150 300x175 Cooling water flow rate of main cooling system Temperature difference of cooling water Mechanical data Height of rotor H1 mm 60.0 85.0 110.0 135.0 160.0 185.0 210.0 Height of stator H2 mm 60.0 85.0 110.0 135.0 160.0 185.0 210.0 Rotor mass m1 kg 6.7 9.2 11.6 14.1 16.5 19.0 21.4 Stator mass m2 kg 11.6 17.6 23.5 29.4 35.3 41.2 47.1 Moment of inertia of rotor J kgm2 0.16 0.22 0.29 0.35 0.41 0.47 0.53 Axial attraction Fa kN 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 Radial attraction/eccentricity Fr kN/mm 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 6.0 7.2 8.4 Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. • Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “power loss”: ±10% Binding data and drawings are passed on to the customer upon request. We recommend the support of our engineers for the motor layout. 69 Technical Data: Series RE13-3P-300xH Winding-dependent data RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- 300x25- 300x25- 300x50- 300x50- 300x75- 300x75- WL WM WL WM WL WM Winding data Symbol Unit Torque constant k T Nm/Arms 13.74 6.87 27.49 13.74 40.82 20.41 Back EMF constant, phase to phase ku V/(rad/s) 11.24 5.62 22.48 11.24 33.39 16.69 Limiting speed at Ip and UDCL nlp rpm 226 492 104 238 63 154 Limiting speed at Icw and UDCL nlw rpm 409 849 186 397 116 255 Limiting speed at Ic and UDCL nlc rpm 461 942 222 459 144 303 Limiting speed for continuous operation at Icw* ncr rpm 346 346 186 346 116 255 Electrical resistance, phase to phase (25 °C) R25 Ω 5.32 1.33 7.54 1.89 9.76 2.44 Inductance, phase to phase L mH 24.9 6.2 49.8 12.5 74.7 18.7 Ultimate current (1 s) Iu Arms 28.8 57.5 28.8 57.5 28.8 57.5 Peak current (saturation range) Ip Arms 20.9 41.8 20.9 41.8 20.9 41.8 Peak current (linear range) Ipl Arms 11.5 23.0 11.5 23.0 11.5 23.0 Continuous current at Plw (cooled) Icw Arms 7.1 14.1 8.4 16.8 9.0 18.1 Continuous current at Plc (not cooled) Ic Arms 3.8 7.7 4.4 8.8 4.7 9.3 Stall current at n = 0 (cooled) Isw Arms 5.0 10.0 6.0 11.9 6.4 12.8 Stall current at n = 0 (not cooled) Is Arms 2.7 5.5 3.1 6.3 3.3 6.6 Permissible winding temperature ϑ °C 130 130 130 130 130 130 Switch-off threshold of thermal sensor ϑ °C 100 100 100 100 100 100 UDCL V 600 600 600 600 600 600 DC link voltage (max. 600 VDC) *See glossary • Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “electrical resistance”: ±10% • Tolerance range of value for “inductance”: ±15% 70 RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- 300x100- 300x100- 300x125- 300x125- 300x150- 300x150- 300x175- 300x175- WL WM WL WM WL WM WL WM 54.42 27.21 67.34 33.67 80.81 40.41 93.32 46.66 kT 44.52 22.26 55.08 27.54 66.10 33.05 76.33 38.17 ku 41 111 28 85 19 68 12 55 nlp 82 184 62 143 48 116 39 97 nlw 105 224 83 179 68 148 58 127 nlc 82 184 62 143 48 116 39 97 ncr 11.98 2.99 14.20 3.55 16.41 4.10 18.63 4.66 R25 99.6 24.9 124.5 31.1 149.4 37.4 174.3 43.6 L 28.8 57.5 28.8 57.5 28.8 57.5 28.8 57.5 Iu 20.9 41.8 20.9 41.8 20.9 41.8 20.9 41.8 Ip 11.5 23.0 11.5 23.0 11.5 23.0 11.5 23.0 Ipl 9.4 18.8 9.7 19.3 9.9 19.7 10.0 20.0 Icw 4.7 9.5 4.7 9.4 4.6 9.2 4.5 9.1 Ic 6.7 13.4 6.9 13.7 7.0 14.0 7.1 14.2 Isw 3.4 6.7 3.3 6.7 3.3 6.5 3.2 6.5 Is 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ϑ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ϑ 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 UDCL Symbol 71 Technical Data: Series RE11-3P-360xH Drawing H1 56 A Motor cable ca. 39.5 DIN74 - Km6 M6 x 12 (nx)* 38.5 Sensor cable 15° 10 15 Ø2 Ø360 Ø389 Ø340 Ø320 H7 Ø280 Ø268 H7 80 M6 x 12 (nx)* 18 A H2 A-A *Note: The number (n) of fastening threads depends on the height. Fastening threads RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 360x25 • 360x50 • 360x75 360x100 • 360x125 • 360x150 • 360x175 Km6, 24 x (15°) Km6, 48 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of stator – cable side M6 x 12, 23 x (15°) M6 x 12, 45 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of stator M6 x 12, 24 x (15°) M6 x 12, 48 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of rotor Standard: Cable outlet – axial 72 Option: Cable outlet – tangential Option: Cable outlet – radial Technical Data: Series RE11-3P-360xH Winding-independent data Technical data Symbol Unit RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 360x25 360x50 360x75 360x100 360x125 360x150 360x175 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Number of pole pairs P Maximum operating voltage U V 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Ultimate torque (1 s) at Iu Tu Nm 467 924 1372 1829 2262 2715 3167 Peak torque (saturation range) at Ip Tp Nm 437 866 1285 1714 2120 2544 2968 Peak torque (linear range) at Ipl Tpl Nm 267 528 784 1045 1293 1551 1810 Continuous torque cooled at Icw Tcw Nm 160 374 595 826 1047 1279 1511 Continuous torque not cooled at Ic Tc Nm 86 196 305 413 506 594 683 Stall torque cooled at Isw Tsw Nm 114 265 423 586 744 908 1073 Stall torque not cooled at Is Ts Nm 61 139 216 293 359 422 485 Ripple torque (typical cogging) at I = 0 Tr Nm 1.3 2.6 3.9 5.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 Power loss at Tp (25 °C) Plp W 5395 7740 10086 12431 14777 17122 19468 Power loss at Tpl (25 °C) Plpl W 1349 1935 2521 3108 3694 4281 4867 Power loss at Tcw Plw W 630 1261 1891 2521 3152 3782 4412 Power loss at Tc (25 °C) Plc W 141 266 382 486 565 627 692 Thermical resistance with water cooling Rth K/W 0.159 0.079 0.053 0.040 0.032 0.026 0.023 Motor constant (25 °C) km Nm/√W 7.26 12.00 15.61 18.74 21.27 23.71 25.94 dV/dt l/min 1.80 3.60 5.40 7.20 9.01 10.81 12.61 ∆ϑ K 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Symbol Unit RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 360x25 360x50 360x75 360x100 360x125 360x150 360x175 Cooling water flow rate of main cooling system Temperature difference of cooling water Mechanical data Height of rotor H1 mm 63.0 88.0 113.0 138.0 163.0 188.0 213.0 Height of stator H2 mm 60.0 85.0 110.0 135.0 160.0 185.0 210.0 Rotor mass m1 kg 9.5 12.4 15.4 18.4 21.3 24.3 27.2 Stator mass m2 kg 15.3 23.3 31.2 39.1 47.1 55.0 62.9 Moment of inertia of rotor J kgm2 0.39 0.42 0.53 0.63 0.74 0.84 0.95 Axial attraction Fa kN 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 Radial attraction/eccentricity Fr kN/mm 1.6 3.2 4.7 6.3 7.8 9.4 10.9 Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. • Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “power loss”: ±10% Binding data and drawings are passed on to the customer upon request. We recommend the support of our engineers for the motor layout. 73 Technical Data: Series RE11-3P-360xH Winding-dependent data RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 360x25- 360x25- 360x50- 360x50- 360x75- 360x75- WL WM WL WM WL WM Winding data Symbol Unit Torque constant k T Nm/Arms 12.35 8.24 24.46 16.30 36.31 24.21 Back EMF constant, phase to phase ku V/(rad/s) 10.10 6.74 20.00 13.34 29.70 19.80 Limiting speed at Ip and UDCL nlp rpm 245 381 116 185 73 119 Limiting speed at Icw and UDCL nlw rpm 468 714 219 337 139 217 Limiting speed at Ic and UDCL nlc rpm 521 789 255 389 168 257 Limiting speed for continuous operation at Icw* ncr rpm 273 273 219 273 139 217 Electrical resistance, phase to phase (25 °C) R25 Ω 1.93 0.86 2.77 1.23 3.61 1.60 Inductance, phase to phase L mH 9.5 4.2 19.0 8.4 28.5 12.7 Ultimate current (1 s) Iu Arms 54.0 80.9 54.0 80.9 54.0 80.9 Peak current (saturation range) Ip Arms 43.2 64.8 43.2 64.8 43.2 64.8 Peak current (linear range) Ipl Arms 21.6 32.4 21.6 32.4 21.6 32.4 Continuous current at Plw (cooled) Icw Arms 12.9 19.4 15.3 22.9 16.4 24.6 Continuous current at Plc (not cooled) Ic Arms 7.0 10.5 8.0 12.0 8.4 12.6 Stall current at n = 0 (cooled) Isw Arms 9.2 13.8 10.8 16.3 11.6 17.5 Stall current at n = 0 (not cooled) Is Arms 5.0 7.4 5.7 8.5 6.0 8.9 Permissible winding temperature ϑ °C 130 130 130 130 130 130 Switch-off threshold of thermal sensor ϑ °C 100 100 100 100 100 100 UDCL V 600 600 600 600 600 600 DC link voltage (max. 600 VDC) *See glossary • Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “electrical resistance”: ±10% • Tolerance range of value for “inductance”: ±15% 74 RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 360x100- 360x100- 360x125- 360x125- 360x150- 360x150- 360x175- 360x175- WL WM WL WM WL WM WL WM 48.41 32.27 59.89 39.93 71.87 47.91 83.85 55.90 kT 39.60 26.40 48.99 32.66 58.79 39.19 68.59 45.72 ku 51 86 37 66 28 53 21 43 nlp 100 158 77 123 62 100 51 83 nlw 124 191 99 153 81 127 69 108 nlc 100 158 77 123 62 100 51 83 ncr 4.45 1.98 5.29 2.35 6.13 2.72 6.96 3.10 R25 38.0 16.9 47.5 21.1 57.0 25.3 66.5 29.6 L 54.0 80.9 54.0 80.9 54.0 80.9 54.0 80.9 Iu 43.2 64.8 43.2 64.8 43.2 64.8 43.2 64.8 Ip 21.6 32.4 21.6 32.4 21.6 32.4 21.6 32.4 Ipl 17.1 25.6 17.5 26.2 17.8 26.7 18.0 27.0 Icw 8.5 12.8 8.4 12.7 8.3 12.4 8.1 12.2 Ic 12.1 18.2 12.4 18.6 12.6 19.0 12.8 19.2 Isw 6.1 9.1 6.0 9.0 5.9 8.8 5.8 8.7 Is 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ϑ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ϑ 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 UDCL Symbol 75 Technical Data: Series RE11-3P-410xH Drawing 60 A Motor cable ca. 39.5 DIN74 - Km6 M8 x 16 (nx)* 38.5 Sensor cable H1 10 15 30 ° Ø3 M8 x 16 (nx)* A 18 Ø410 Ø439 Ø386 Ø365 H7 Ø324 Ø310 H7 24 H2 A-A *Note: The number (n) of fastening threads depends on the height. Fastening threads RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 410x25 • 410x50 • 410x75 410x100 • 410x125 • 410x150 • 410x175 Km6, 24 x (15°) Km6, 48 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of stator – cable side M8 x 16, 11 x (30°) M8 x 16, 23 x (15°) Fastening thread of stator M8 x 16, 12 x (30°) M8 x 16, 24 x (15°) Fastening thread of rotor Standard: Cable outlet – axial 76 Option: Cable outlet – tangential Option: Cable outlet – radial Technical Data: Series RE11-3P-410xH Winding-independent data Technical data Symbol Unit RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 410x25 410x50 410x75 410x100 410x125 410x150 410x175 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Number of pole pairs P Maximum operating voltage U V 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Ultimate torque (1 s) at Iu Tu Nm 586 1172 1741 2321 2871 3445 4019 Peak torque (saturation range) at Ip Tp Nm 439 879 1305 1740 2152 2583 3013 Peak torque (linear range) at Ipl Tpl Nm 335 670 995 1326 1641 1969 2297 Continuous torque cooled at Icw Tcw Nm 206 505 805 1116 1416 1729 2043 Continuous torque not cooled at Ic Tc Nm 110 262 409 554 678 796 915 Stall torque cooled at Isw Tsw Nm 146 359 571 792 1005 1228 1451 Stall torque not cooled at Is Ts Nm 78 186 290 393 481 565 650 Ripple torque (typical cogging) at I = 0 Tr Nm 1.3 2.6 3.9 5.2 6.5 7.7 9.0 Power loss at Tp (25 °C) Plp W 3792 5052 6583 8114 9646 11177 12708 Power loss at Tpl (25 °C) Plpl W 1481 1974 2572 3170 3768 4366 4964 Power loss at Tcw Plw W 730 1459 2189 2919 3648 4378 5108 Power loss at Tc (25 °C) Plc W 161 303 434 554 644 715 789 Thermical resistance with water cooling Rth K/W 0.137 0.069 0.046 0.034 0.027 0.023 0.020 Motor constant (25 °C) km Nm/√W 8.70 15.08 19.61 23.55 26.73 29.79 32.60 dV/dt l/min 2.08 4.17 6.25 8.34 10.42 12.51 14.59 ∆ϑ K 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Symbol Unit RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 410x25 410x50 410x75 410x100 410x125 410x150 410x175 Cooling water flow rate of main cooling system Temperature difference of cooling water Mechanical data Height of rotor H1 mm 63.0 88.0 113.0 138.0 163.0 188.0 213.0 Height of stator H2 mm 60.0 85.0 110.0 135.0 160.0 185.0 210.0 Rotor mass m1 kg 11.0 14.3 17.6 20.8 24.1 27.3 30.6 Stator mass m2 kg 19.3 29.3 39.3 49.2 59.1 69.1 79.0 Moment of inertia of rotor J kgm2 0.48 0.62 0.77 0.92 1.07 1.22 1.37 Axial attraction Fa kN 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 Radial attraction/eccentricity Fr kN/mm 1.6 3.2 4.8 6.4 7.9 9.5 11.1 Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. • Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “power loss”: ±10% Binding data and drawings are passed on to the customer upon request. We recommend the support of our engineers for the motor layout. 77 Technical Data: Series RE11-3P-410xH Winding-dependent data RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 410x25- 410x25- 410x50- 410x50- 410x75- 410x75- WL WM WL WM WL WM Winding data Symbol Unit Torque constant k T Nm/Arms 15.74 10.50 33.91 22.60 50.34 32.87 Back EMF constant, phase to phase ku V/(rad/s) 12.88 8.58 27.74 18.49 41.18 26.89 Limiting speed at Ip and UDCL nlp rpm 227 353 100 159 63 104 Limiting speed at Icw and UDCL nlw rpm 364 556 154 238 97 155 Limiting speed at Ic and UDCL nlc rpm 407 617 182 278 119 187 Limiting speed for continuous operation at Icw* ncr rpm 273 273 154 273 97 155 Electrical resistance, phase to phase (25 °C) R25 Ω 2.18 0.97 3.37 1.50 4.39 1.95 Inductance, phase to phase L mH 12.1 5.4 28.2 12.5 42.3 18.8 Ultimate current (1 s) Iu Arms 53.2 79.8 49.4 74.1 49.4 74.1 Peak current (saturation range) Ip Arms 34.0 51.1 31.6 47.4 31.6 47.4 Peak current (linear range) Ipl Arms 21.3 31.9 19.8 29.6 19.8 27.4 Continuous current at Plw (cooled) Icw Arms 13.1 19.6 14.9 22.4 16.0 24.0 Continuous current at Plc (not cooled) Ic Arms 7.0 10.5 7.7 11.6 8.1 12.2 Stall current at n = 0 (cooled) Isw Arms 9.3 13.9 10.6 15.9 11.4 17.0 Stall current at n = 0 (not cooled) Is Arms 5.0 7.5 5.5 8.2 5.8 8.6 Permissible winding temperature ϑ °C 130 130 130 130 130 130 Switch-off threshold of thermal sensor ϑ °C 100 100 100 100 100 100 UDCL V 600 600 600 600 600 600 DC link voltage (max. 600 VDC) *See glossary • Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “electrical resistance”: ±10% • Tolerance range of value for “inductance”: ±15% 78 RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 410x100- 410x100- 410x125- 410x125- 410x150- 410x150- 410x175- 410x175- WL WM WL WM WL WM WL WM 67.12 44.75 83.04 55.36 99.65 66.43 116.25 77.50 kT 54.90 36.60 67.92 45.28 81.51 54.34 95.09 63.39 ku 44 74 33 57 25 46 19 37 nlp 69 110 53 86 42 69 34 57 nlw 88 136 70 109 57 90 48 76 nlc 69 110 53 86 42 69 34 57 ncr 5.41 2.41 6.44 2.86 7.46 3.31 8.48 3.77 R25 56.3 25.0 70.4 31.3 84.5 37.6 98.6 43.8 L 49.4 74.1 49.4 74.1 49.4 74.1 49.4 74.1 Iu 31.6 47.4 31.6 47.4 31.6 47.4 31.6 47.4 Ip 19.8 29.6 19.8 29.6 19.8 29.6 19.8 29.6 Ipl 16.6 24.9 17.1 25.6 17.4 26.0 17.6 26.4 Icw 8.3 12.4 8.2 12.2 8.0 12.0 7.9 11.8 Ic 11.8 17.7 12.1 18.2 12.3 18.5 12.5 18.7 Isw 5.9 8.8 5.8 8.7 5.7 8.5 5.6 8.4 Is 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ϑ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ϑ 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 UDCL Symbol 79 Technical Data: Series RE11-3P-530xH Drawing H1 60 A Sensor cable Motor cable ca. 42 DIN74 - Km8 46 M8 x 16 (nx)* 15° 10 18 Ø4 A M8 x 16 (nx)* 20 Ø530 Ø560 Ø500 Ø476 H7 Ø440 Ø424 H7 40 H2 A-A *Note: The number (n) of fastening threads depends on the height. Fastening threads RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 530x25 • 530x50 • 530x75 530x100 • 530x125 • 530x150 • 530x175 Km8, 24 x (15°) Km8, 48 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of stator – cable side M8 x 16, 24 x (15°) M8 x 16, 45 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of stator M8 x 16, 24 x (15°) M8 x 16, 48 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of rotor Standard: Cable outlet – axial 80 Option: Cable outlet – tangential Option: Cable outlet – radial Technical Data: Series RE11-3P-530xH Winding-independent data Technical data Symbol Unit RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 530x25 530x50 530x75 530x100 530x125 530x150 530x175 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 Number of pole pairs P Maximum operating voltage U V 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Ultimate torque (1 s) at Iu Tu Nm 1148 2296 3410 4547 5683 6752 7877 Peak torque (saturation range) at Ip Tp Nm 870 1740 2584 3445 4307 5116 5969 Peak torque (linear range) at Ipl Tpl Nm 656 1312 1949 2598 3248 3858 4501 Continuous torque cooled at Icw Tcw Nm 340 808 1292 1795 2304 2789 3299 Continuous torque not cooled at Ic Tc Nm 178 410 641 871 1078 1255 1443 Stall torque cooled at Isw Tsw Nm 241 574 917 1275 1636 1980 2342 Stall torque not cooled at Is Ts Nm 126 291 455 618 765 891 1025 Ripple torque (typical cogging) at I = 0 Tr Nm 2.6 5.2 7.8 10.3 12.9 15.3 17.9 Power loss at Tp (25 °C) Plp W 7592 10755 13918 17081 20245 23408 26571 Power loss at Tpl (25 °C) Plpl W 2832 4012 5192 6373 7553 8733 9913 Power loss at Tcw Plw W 989 1977 2966 3955 4944 5932 6921 Power loss at Tc (25 °C) Plc W 208 391 562 716 832 924 1019 Thermical resistance with water cooling Rth K/W 0.101 0.051 0.034 0.025 0.020 0.017 0.014 Motor constant (25 °C) km Nm/√W 12.33 20.71 27.04 32.55 37.37 41.29 45.21 dV/dt l/min 2.82 5.65 8.47 11.30 14.12 16.95 19.77 ∆ϑ K 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Symbol Unit RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 530x25 530x50 530x75 530x100 530x125 530x150 530x175 Cooling water flow rate of main cooling system Temperature difference of cooling water Mechanical data Height of rotor H1 mm 65.0 90.0 115.0 140.0 165.0 190.0 215.0 Height of stator H2 mm 60.0 85.0 110.0 135.0 160.0 190.0 215.0 Rotor mass m1 kg 16.8 21.2 25.5 29.9 34.3 38.7 43.1 Stator mass m2 kg 27.7 42.0 56.2 70.3 84.4 99.9 114.1 Moment of inertia of rotor J kgm2 1.19 1.51 1.84 2.17 2.50 2.82 3.15 Axial attraction Fa kN 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 Radial attraction/eccentricity Fr kN/mm 2.1 4.2 6.3 8.4 10.5 12.6 14.7 Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. • Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “power loss”: ±10% Binding data and drawings are passed on to the customer upon request. We recommend the support of our engineers for the motor layout. 81 Technical Data: Series RE11-3P-530xH Winding-dependent data RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 530x25- 530x25- 530x50- 530x50- 530x75- 530x75- WL WM WL WM WL WM Winding data Symbol Unit Torque constant k T Nm/Arms 24.74 12.37 49.48 24.74 73.48 36.74 Back EMF constant, phase to phase ku V/(rad/s) 20.23 10.12 40.47 20.23 60.10 30.05 Limiting speed at Ip and UDCL nlp rpm 123 269 56 130 34 84 Limiting speed at Icw and UDCL nlw rpm 230 477 105 224 66 144 Limiting speed at Ic and UDCL nlc rpm 258 527 125 257 81 170 Limiting speed for continuous operation at Icw* ncr rpm 230 205 105 205 66 144 Electrical resistance, phase to phase (25 °C) R25 Ω 2.68 0.67 3.80 0.95 4.92 1.23 Inductance, phase to phase L mH 13.0 3.2 25.9 6.5 38.9 9.7 Ultimate current (1 s) Iu Arms 66.3 132.6 66.3 132.6 66.3 132.6 Peak current (saturation range) Ip Arms 43.4 86.8 43.4 86.8 43.4 86.8 Peak current (linear range) Ipl Arms 26.5 53.0 26.5 53.0 26.5 53.0 Continuous current at Plw (cooled) Icw Arms 13.7 27.5 16.3 32.7 17.6 35.2 Continuous current at Plc (not cooled) Ic Arms 7.2 14.4 8.3 16.6 8.7 17.4 Stall current at n = 0 (cooled) Isw Arms 9.8 19.5 11.6 23.2 12.5 25.0 Stall current at n = 0 (not cooled) Is Arms 5.1 10.2 5.9 11.8 6.2 12.4 Permissible winding temperature ϑ °C 130 130 130 130 130 130 Switch-off threshold of thermal sensor ϑ °C 100 100 100 100 100 100 UDCL V 600 600 600 600 600 600 DC link voltage (max. 600 VDC) *See glossary • Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “electrical resistance”: ±10% • Tolerance range of value for “inductance”: ±15% 82 RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- RE11-3P- 530x100- 530x100- 530x125- 530x125- 530x150- 530x150- 530x175- 530x175- WL WM WL WM WL WM WL WM 97.97 48.99 122.46 61.23 145.49 72.74 169.73 84.87 kT 80.14 40.07 100.17 50.09 119.00 59.50 138.84 69.42 ku 22 60 15 46 9 37 5 30 nlp 46 104 35 81 27 66 22 55 nlw 60 126 47 100 39 84 32 71 nlc 46 104 35 81 27 66 22 55 ncr 6.04 1.51 7.16 1.79 8.28 2.07 9.40 2.35 R25 51.9 13.0 64.9 16.2 77.8 19.5 90.8 22.7 L 66.3 132.6 66.3 132.6 66.3 132.6 66.3 132.6 Iu 43.4 86.8 43.4 86.8 43.4 86.8 43.4 86.8 Ip 26.5 53.0 26.5 53.0 26.5 53.0 26.5 53.0 Ipl 18.3 36.6 18.8 37.6 19.2 38.3 19.4 38.9 Icw 8.9 17.8 8.8 17.6 8.6 17.2 8.5 17.0 Ic 13.0 26.0 13.4 26.7 13.6 27.2 13.8 27.6 Isw 6.3 12.6 6.2 12.5 6.1 12.2 6.0 12.1 Is 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ϑ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ϑ 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 UDCL Symbol 83 Technical Data: Series RE13-3P-700xH Drawing H1 62 A Sensor cable Motor cable ca. 42 DIN74 - Km8 47.5 M8 x 16 (nx)* 10 15° 18 Ø6 A M8 x 16 (nx)* 21 Ø700 Ø734 Ø670 Ø645 H7 Ø609 Ø590 H7 09 H2 A-A *Note: The number (n) of fastening threads depends on the height. Fastening threads RE13-3P- RE13-3P- 700x25 • 700x50 • 700x75 700x100 • 700x125 • 700x150 • 700x175 Km8, 24 x (15°) Km8, 48 x (15°) Fastening thread of stator – cable side M8 x 16, 23 x (15°) M8 x 16, 47 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of stator M8 x 16, 24 x (15°) M8 x 16, 48 x (7.5°) Fastening thread of rotor Standard: Cable outlet – axial 84 Option: Cable outlet – tangential Option: Cable outlet – radial Technical Data: Series RE13-3P-700xH Winding-independent data Technical data Symbol Unit RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- 700x25 700x50 700x75 700x100 700x125 700x150 700x175 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 Number of pole pairs P Maximum operating voltage U V 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Ultimate torque (1 s) at Iu Tu Nm 1616 3232 4848 6399 7999 9599 11199 Peak torque (saturation range) at Ip Tp Nm 1178 2356 3534 4664 5830 6996 8162 Peak torque (linear range) at Ipl Tpl Nm 898 1796 2693 3555 4444 5333 6221 Continuous torque cooled at Icw Tcw Nm 662 1563 2515 3453 4426 5405 6387 Continuous torque not cooled at Ic Tc Nm 340 778 1225 1643 2032 2386 2743 Stall torque cooled at Isw Tsw Nm 470 1109 1786 2451 3142 3837 4535 Stall torque not cooled at Is Ts Nm 241 552 869 1167 1443 1694 1948 Ripple torque (typical cogging) at I = 0 Tr Nm 3.5 7.1 10.6 14.0 17.5 21.0 24.5 Power loss at Tp (25 °C) Plp W 4913 7049 9185 11321 13458 15594 17730 Power loss at Tpl (25 °C) Plpl W 1919 2754 3588 4422 5257 6091 6926 Power loss at Tcw Plw W 1356 2711 4067 5423 6778 8134 9490 Power loss at Tc (25 °C) Plc W 275 517 742 945 1099 1220 1346 Thermical resistance with water cooling Rth K/W 0.074 0.037 0.025 0.018 0.015 0.012 0.011 Motor constant (25 °C) km Nm/√W 20.49 34.22 44.96 53.46 61.29 68.33 74.76 dV/dt l/min 3.87 7.75 11.62 15.49 19.37 15.49 18.08 ∆ϑ K 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.50 7.50 Symbol Unit RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- 700x25 700x50 700x75 700x100 700x125 700x150 700x175 Cooling water flow rate of main cooling system Temperature difference of cooling water Mechanical data Height of rotor H1 mm 68.0 93.0 118.0 143.0 168.0 193.0 218.0 Height of stator H2 mm 70.0 95.0 120.0 145.0 170.0 195.0 220.0 Rotor mass m1 kg 25.1 31.9 38.7 45.4 52.2 59.0 65.7 Stator mass m2 kg 43.8 63.9 83.5 103.3 122.9 142.5 162.1 Moment of inertia of rotor J kgm2 3.11 3.99 4.86 5.74 6.61 7.49 8.36 Axial attraction Fa kN 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 Radial attraction/eccentricity Fr kN/mm 3.1 6.2 9.3 12.3 15.4 18.5 21.5 Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. • Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “power loss”: ±10% Binding data and drawings are passed on to the customer upon request. We recommend the support of our engineers for the motor layout. 85 Technical Data: Series RE13-3P-700xH Winding-dependent data RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- 700x25- 700x25- 700x50- 700x50- 700x75- 700x75- WL WM WL WM WL WM Winding data Symbol Unit Torque constant k T Nm/Arms 25.04 19.97 50.07 39.94 75.11 59.92 Back EMF constant, phase to phase ku V/(rad/s) 20.48 16.34 40.96 32.67 61.43 49.01 Limiting speed at Ip and UDCL nlp rpm 143 182 69 88 44 57 Limiting speed at Icw and UDCL nlw rpm 217 274 99 126 62 80 Limiting speed at Ic and UDCL nlc rpm 253 319 122 155 80 101 Limiting speed for continuous operation at Icw* ncr rpm 217 138 99 138 62 80 Electrical resistance, phase to phase (25 °C) R25 Ω 0.99 0.64 1.43 0.91 1.86 1.19 Inductance, phase to phase L mH 6.1 3.9 12.1 7.7 18.2 11.6 Ultimate current (1 s) Iu Arms 89.6 112.4 89.6 112.4 89.6 112.4 Peak current (saturation range) Ip Arms 57.4 71.9 57.4 71.9 57.4 71.9 Peak current (linear range) Ipl Arms 35.9 45.0 35.9 45.0 35.9 45.0 Continuous current at Plw (cooled) Icw Arms 26.4 33.1 31.2 39.1 33.5 41.9 Continuous current at Plc (not cooled) Ic Arms 13.6 17.0 15.5 19.4 16.3 20.4 Stall current at n = 0 (cooled) Isw Arms 18.8 23.5 22.2 27.7 23.8 29.7 Stall current at n = 0 (not cooled) Is Arms 9.6 12.1 11.0 13.8 11.6 14.5 Permissible winding temperature ϑ °C 130 130 130 130 130 130 Switch-off threshold of thermal sensor ϑ °C 100 100 100 100 100 100 UDCL V 600 600 600 600 600 600 DC link voltage (max. 600 VDC) *See glossary • Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “electrical resistance”: ±10% • Tolerance range of value for “inductance”: ±15% 86 RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- RE13-3P- 700x100- 700x100- 700x125- 700x125- 700x150- 700x150- 700x175- 700x175- WL WM WL WM WL WM WL WM 99.14 79.09 123.92 98.86 148.71 118.63 173.49 138.41 kT 81.09 64.69 101.37 80.87 121.64 97.04 141.91 113.21 ku 32 42 24 32 19 26 15 21 nlp 45 58 34 45 27 36 22 30 nlw 59 75 47 60 39 49 33 42 nlc 45 58 34 45 27 36 22 30 ncr 2.29 1.46 2.73 1.74 3.16 2.02 3.59 2.29 R25 24.3 15.5 30.4 19.3 36.4 23.2 42.5 27.0 L 89.6 112.4 89.6 112.4 89.6 112.4 89.6 112.4 Iu 57.4 71.9 57.4 71.9 57.4 71.9 57.4 71.9 Ip 35.9 45.0 35.9 45.0 35.9 45.0 35.9 45.0 Ipl 34.8 43.6 35.7 44.7 36.3 45.5 36.8 46.1 Icw 16.6 20.7 16.4 20.5 16.0 20.1 15.8 19.8 Ic 24.7 30.9 25.4 31.7 25.8 32.3 26.1 32.7 Isw 11.8 14.7 11.6 14.6 11.4 14.3 11.2 14.0 Is 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 ϑ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ϑ 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 UDCL Symbol 87 RKI Torque Motors Features, benefits, applications Features RKI motors are slotted, high-perform- magnets in the rotor are arranged such ance internal rotors. The internal design that the magnetic flux is maximised. The was completely revised for this series. innovative design and the bundling of While the rotor is still a homogenous the magnetic field linked to it makes steel element in the RI drive, for the RKI higher torques possible. The energy effi- series it consists of one assembly whose ciency is improved and the operating core forms a laminated magnet carrier. costs are reduced significantly owing to The eddy current losses can thus be less cooling. reduced to a minimum. The rotor is heat- A variation in the magnetic material ed up less and is no longer the limiting means that it is possible to offer motors factor for the performance of the motor. with an optimised cost-benefit ratio. This is why considerably higher speeds are possible. In addition, the permanent RKI (internal rotor) motors are offered: • with 7 fixed diameters from 230 to 1030 mm outer diameter • with stators at different heights in 25 mm steps • with 2 standard windings for high torque and high speeds • with 3 magnet versions R10 (high speed or Eco version), R12 (moderate speed and torque), R22 (high torque, maximum torque density in the installation space) Benefits Applications In comparison to RI internal rotor stand- • In the rotary tables industry and fast ard motors, you can achieve rotating rotary axes • +30% more torque* • In swivel axes • +400% more speed • In workpiece spindles • +400% more mechanical performance • Automation technology • -40% less heat loss depending on the • Printing and packaging machinery motor optimisation. • Presses • As the CNC axis in machine tools • High-precision positioning applications * When using magnetic material of the highest quality class 88 Max. continuous torque Tcw1 | Max. continuous torque Tcw2 [Nm] Max. peak torque Tp [Nm] 200 Tcw1 Tcw2 RKI11-168xH 151 - 716 63 - 417 Tp 84 - 557 26 - 173 Tp 35 - 230 88 - 404 Tcw1 Tcw2 RKI5-230xH 226 - 991 302 - 1321 Tcw1 Tcw2 RKI11-298xH Tp Tcw1 Tp T cw1 Tcw2 Tcw2 RKI5-384xH RKI11-460xH Tp 3092 - 11214 Tcw1 Tcw2 RKI11-690xH 4948 - 17670 2040 - 8898 20000 2721 - 11864 1134 - 5020 1512 - 6693 529 - 2396 705 - 3194 1340 - 4587 383 - 1669 510 - 2225 Tp 717 - 2561 2000 524 - 1879 RKI Torque Motors Torque ranges Tp Tcw1 Tcw2 20 RKI11-920xH Series 89 RMK/RMF Torque Motors Features, benefits, applications Features RMK/RMF integrated motors are slotless, These motors offer the following features iron-core permanent magnet excited AC for the application owing to coreless synchronous motors. In slotless motors, windings and the larger air gap: the coil windings are arranged in an air • Very small electrical time constant gap between the magnetic ring and pri- • Highly dynamic in controlled operation mary part ring. • Medium final speed Slotless motors do not generate any cog- • Relatively low attraction forces ging forces. This excellent characteristic • Power generation of approx. 2.5 to in the motor series guarantees very smooth motion. 3 N/cm² per active air gap area • High level of flexibility in the construction and in the size of the diameter RMK/RMF motors can be built as a disk rotor blade variant or as a coaxial construction with an internal or external rotor. These customised motors are characterised by the following parameters listed. • Diameter range: 70 mm to 2500 mm 2 Nm to 15000 Nm • Speed range: up to 15 m/s peripheral speed Benefits RMF Benefits RMK Applications • Flat design • Coaxial design • In rotary axes • Medium torque requirements in • Medium torque requirements in • In grinding machines machines with little or no forces in machines with little or no forces in • In measuring machines the direction of movement the direction of movement • In high-precision positioning axes • Can be used in high-precision applications • Optimum synchronisation 90 • Torque range: • Can be used in high-precision applications • Optimum synchronisation HSRV/SRV Torque Motors Features, benefits, applications Features HSRV/SRV motors are designed in a sim- These motors reach high peripheral ilar way to the motors in the RI series. speeds (up to 50 m/s) with a simultane- They are designed for high-speed appli- ously high available torque and an cations owing to a specially developed extremely low noise level. structuring of the coil system. HSRV/SRV motors are designed customer-specifically and in accordance with the respective requirement. HSRV/SRV motors are developed and produced customer-specifically. • Diameter range: 100 mm to 2500 mm • Torque range: 2 Nm to 6000 Nm Benefits Applications • Maximum peripheral speeds with • In the medical industry high torque available simultaneously • In spindles • Low vibration and low noise level • In honing heads • Special winding structures • In fast rotating rotary tables • No cogging effects 91 Segment Motors The IDAM integrated motors in all series • A redundant setup of torque motors can also be designed customer-specifi- in a segmental construction is there- fits: cally in a segmental construction. fore possible. • Cost-effective segmental construction Unlike the continuous rings in the motors, the primary part and/or the secondary part is designed as a segment in these motors. This design offers special • Secondary parts can be segmented for movements less than 180°. • Very suitable in small drives to reduce the moving masses. benefits in motors with diameters above In combination with HSR magnet sys- requirements. tems, large segment motors are suitable • Motor segments (primary parts) are for high-speed motors with large diame- • The torque can be scaled using the number of segments. • Very large diameters are economically viable. • Variation in the number of segments • Feasibility of large motors • Redundant design possible • Reduction in expenditure for service and maintenance 1260 mm or for special geometrical easy to produce. 92 This design offers the following bene- ters. • Reduction in mass Motors in Special Design Besides designing the motors as inte- All technical data and dimensions can grated motors, a functional integration be referred to in the standard data of machine parts and motor parts can be sheets. Our engineers can provide you implemented for customer-specific solu- with intensive technical advice to sup- tions. This gives the user the option for port you in the successful implementa- optimal integration in his machine. tion of your system. The electromagnetic system for the pri- The increased design outlay is economi- mary part can be integrated in the hous- cally viable even for small batch sizes. In ing of a rotary table or in a machine any case, the advantages of the direct assembly without losing installation drive can be implemented extensively space. for the benefit of the performance. The magnetic system for the secondary part can be directly applied to the shaft to be driven. Rotor shaft with magnets Housing with cooling option Primary part with motor winding 93 Checklist for Your Enquiry By fax to: +49 3681 7574-30 This checklist can also be found on our website at www.idam.de in the download centre. Company Contact person Industry/project name Telephone Fax E-mail Short description Motor System Axis in multi-axis system Spatial position of rotary axis Type of weight counterbalance: Installation conditions for drive (if necessary, sketch or drawing) Max. installation dimensions [mm]: (length/width/height) Mechanical interface: Required cable length from motor [m]: Ambient conditions Temperature [K]: Contamination: Protection class (IP): Movement parameters Angle of rotation ϕ [degrees]: Moment of inertia for additional mass [kgm2]: Disturbance torque [Nm]: Sketch ϕ Maximum rotary speed [rpm]: Flutter [%] at rotary speed: Shortest acceleration or deceleration time [ms]: Overshoot in position [degrees]: Settling time [ms]: Typical cycle per time period (diagram): Service life/operating hours [h]: 94 t Required accuracy (if necessary, sketch or drawing) For diameter [mm]: Radial accuracy [µm]: Axial accuracy [µm]: Cooling Cooling permissible? Yes No Oil Water Air Max. permissible heating of Primary part [K]: Secondary part [K]: Controller Available? Yes No DC link voltage [VDC]: Controller type: Components: Servo controller only Complete controller Positioning: point-to-point control path control Sketch Total cable length from motor to controller [m]: Interfaces: Options: General information Accessories: Unique piece Series Prototype for series Expected annual need: Planned series-production start: Technical documentation Price suggestion or Medium: costs of previous solution: Language: Paper CD Desired date of quotation: Further processing by: Date: Created by: Date: Feasibility checked by: Date: 95 Technical Information and Advice IDAM offers you cutting-edge technology Automation/medical engineering INA/FAG bearings by Schaeffler for produc- and expert advice. E-mail: idam.automation@schaeffler. tion machinery The IDAM application technicians will be com E-mail: happy to help you select the perfect drive for your application. Get in contact with us. info.machine-tools@schaeffler.com Productronic/measuring technology Web: E-mail: idam.productronic@schaeffler. www.schaeffler.com/machine-tools com Phone: +49 3681 7574-0 Production machinery/heavy industries E-mail: idam.pm@schaeffler.com Automotive 96 E-mail: idam.automotive@schaeffler. TPI 120: High precision com loads bearings for combined IDAM Worldwide Austria Phone: +43 2672 2023332 E-mail: idam.austria@schaeffler.com Japan Phone: +81 45 274 8302 E-mail: idam.japan@schaeffler.com Spain/Portugal Phone: +34 93 4803679 E-mail: idam.iberia@schaeffler.com Canada Phone: +780 980 3016 E-mail: idam.canada@schaeffler.com Korea Phone: +82 2 311 3096 E-mail: idam.korea@schaeffler.com Switzerland Phone: +41 71 4666312 E-mail: idam.schweiz@schaeffler.com China Phone: +86 21 39576465 E-mail: idam.china@schaeffler.com Netherlands Phone: +31 342 403208 E-mail: idam.nederland@schaeffler.com Taiwan E-mail: idam.taiwan@schaeffler.com Finland Phone: +358 207 366238 E-mail: idam.finland@schaeffler.com Russia Phone: +7 495 7377660 E-mail: idam.russia@schaeffler.com Israel E-mail: idam.israel@schaeffler.com Singapore Phone: +65 6540 8683 E-mail: idam.singapore@schaeffler.com Italy Phone: +39 0321 929267 E-mail: idam.italia@schaeffler.com United Kingdom E-mail: idam.uk@schaeffler.com USA Phone: +1 704 5167517 E-mail: idam.usa@schaeffler.com Other countries: E-mail: idam.sales@schaeffler.com 97 Glossary Winding-independent parameters The torque initially increases linearly the Torque T Saturation behaviour Tu Tp more the effective current rises, goes into a curvature range and then increases more in a flatter linear way again. Tpl Tcw The curve is produced from the magnetic saturation of the overall magnetic cir- Tc cuit. Ic Icw Ipl Ip Iu Motor current I Torque curve depending on the current Symbol Tu Meaning Unit Explanation Ultimate torque Nm Ultimate torque with high saturation in the magnetic circuit. When this is exceeded, there is a risk of demagnetisation posed for the heated up motor (magnet temperature 80 °C) or thermal destruction within a very short period of time. It should not be used as a dimensioning size, but must be observed in the case of short-circuit braking. Tp Peak torque Nm Briefly (in seconds) producible peak torque at Ip which is reliably attained in the saturation range and at all operating temperatures. With magnet temperatures up to 60 °C and in pulsed mode, Tp can be increased up to the value of Tu. Tpl Peak torque, Nm linear range Tc Continuous Briefly (a few seconds) producible motor torque which is attained at the end of the linear modulation range at I . k . pl Nm torque, not T Continuous motor torque at continuous current Ic at which the motor can be used for thermally stable running without cooling, but is heated up in doing so. cooled Tcw Continuous torque, cooled Nm Motor torque at Icw which is available as a continuous torque in nominal operation with water cooling and where a temperature gradient of approx. 100 K is set between the winding and cooling. 98 Symbol Ts Meaning Unit Explanation Stall torque Nm Stall torque when the motor is stationary and with a control frequency up to approx. 1 Hz which is produced with the respective stall current owing to the uneven power distribution in the individual motor phases. Pl Power loss W The thermal output produced in the motor winding which leads to a timedependent increase in temperature depending on the operational mode (current) and the ambient conditions (cooling). In the upper modulation range (at Tp), Pl is especially high because of the quadratic dependence on the current, while in the continuous current range, only relatively low heating occurs. Pl is calculated with the help of the motor constant km for one movement section using the required torque T: P = (T/k )2 l m Plp Power loss W Peak power loss at Ip Plpl Power loss W Peak power loss at Ipl Plc Power loss W Power loss at Ic Plw Power loss W Power loss at Icw Winding °C Permissible winding temperature recorded by sensors with a specified offset. ϑ temperature The motor surface temperature being set depends on • The specific installation conditions (dimensions of machine construction) • Heat dissipation conditions • Operational mode and thus on the mean power used and can only be determined when this fact is known. Rth Thermical K/W resistance Thermical resistance which is used to be able to determine the temperature difference between winding and housing, or the cooling basis for specific power loss. τel Electrical time constant ms Electrical time constant which describes the L/R ratio. The ratio is approximately constant, irrespective of the winding design. The effective time constant in terms of the control technology is less, depending on the degree of excess voltage. 99 Symbol km Meaning Unit Motor constant Nm/√W Explanation The motor constant which conveys the relation between generated torque and power loss, thus the efficiency. It depends on the temperature and is only completely accurate during static operation as well as in the linear modulation range of the motor, e.g. in positioning procedures at low speeds. At a winding temperature of 130 °C, it goes back to about 0.85 of the value. Tr Ripple torque Nm Ripple torque as the sum of torques caused by reluctance (cogging) which is effective in the direction of rotation when the de-energised motor is moving and operates as the ripple-torque during operation. Thermal behaviour Motor constant km A temperature rise means that the winding resistance increases, which entails a reduction in the km. km25 At 130 °C, the motor constant goes back to about 0.85 of the value (see diagram). km130 (≈ 0.85 . km25) When the current or torque is constant, then an increased power loss is generated in the already heated up motor in comparison to a motor that is still cold. 10 25 °C 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 130 °C ∆ϑ km25 depending on the temperature • km is a motor constant which conveys the relation between the generated torque and power loss. • It depends on the temperature. 100 This leads to an even higher motor temperature. Glossary Winding-dependent parameters Symbol kT Meaning Torque constant Unit Nm/Arms Explanation Torque constant, which, when multiplied by the current, produces a resulting motor torque in the linear modulation range: T = I . k c ku Back EMF V/(rad/s) constant Limiting speed T Voltage constant, which (in generator operation), when multiplied by the speed, produces the armature countervoltage resulting at the motor terminals: =k .n U EMF nlp c rpm u Winding-dependent speed limit without taking the dynamic heat losses into account when the peak current Ip and no field weakening are used. The torque for the motor drops after this point. nlw Limiting speed rpm Winding-dependent speed limit without taking the dynamic heat losses into account when the water-cooled continuous current Icw and no field weakening are used. The torque for the motor drops after this point. nlc Limiting speed rpm Winding-dependent speed limit without taking the dynamic heat losses into account when the air-cooled continuous current Ic and no field weakening are used. The torque for the motor drops after this point. ncr Limiting speed rpm Speed limit under consideration of the additional frequency-dependent heat losses (caused by eddy currents and change in magnetisation losses). Continuous, water-cooled operation at speed ncr is possible if the permissible current is approx. 45% of the water-cooled continuous current Icw. The speed ncr at current Icw is possible for a duty cycle of approx. 20%. To attain a duty cycle of 100% with current Icw, a speed reduction to approx. 0.2 x ncr is required. The torque (current) or the duty cycle for speed ncr can be increased by using a special winding variant (Z winding). UDCL DC link voltage V Direct current link voltage or supply voltage of the power controlling elements. The higher the speed and associated increasing countervoltage and frequencydependent losses are, the greater this voltage has to be. R25 Winding resistance Ω Winding resistance at 25 °C. At 130 °C, it increases to approx. 1.4 times this value. 101 Symbol Iu Meaning Unit Explanation Ultimate current Arms Ultimate current at which the magnetic circuit has high saturation. It is determined either by the maximum current density in the winding or by the incipient risk of demagnetisation at a magnet temperature of 80 °C (see also Tu). Ip Peak current Arms Peak effective current in the iron saturation range and should be used as the dimensioning size (see also Tp). When the rotor is only moderately warm (magnet temperature max. 60 °C) and for pulsed mode (max. 1 s), Ip can be increased to the limit value Iu. Ipl Peak current, Arms linear range Ic Icw Continuous occurs. Arms Effective continuous current at which the associated power loss leads to relative- current, not ly low heating of the motor without forced cooling, depending on the size of the cooled fastening base. Continuous Arms current, cooled Is Effective peak current up to which an approximately proportional torque curve Stall current Effective continuous current which is permissible during continuous operation with water cooling. Arms Effective stall current when the motor is stationary and with control frequencies up to approx. 1 Hz. Owing to the varying power distribution in the motor phases, the motor current must be reduced to this value to prevent local overheating, if no noticeable movement takes place across a pole pair. 102 Overview of Publications Are you interested in detailed technical information? We would be happy to send you our product brochures. Contact us. LDDM LDDM Linear Direct Drive Motors Linear Direct Drive Motors Linear Direct Drive Motors L1 Series L2U Series UPL Series LDDM 1 LDDM – Linear direct LDDM – Linear direct LDDM – Linear direct drive motors: L1 series drive motors: L2U series drive motors: UPL series RDDM RDDM RDDS Direct Drive Technology Rotary Direct Drive Motors Rotary Direct Drive Motors Rotary Direct Drive Systems The right product for every application. RKI Series RDDS1 Matrix RDDS2 Matrix 1 1 1 RDDM – Rotary RDDM – Rotary RDDS – Rotary Image brochure direct drive motors direct drive motors: direct drive systems IDAM direct drive RKI series technology We would be happy to provide you with product brochures for our electronic assemblies and system solutions. Contact: idam@schaeffler.com You can find all the publications on our website (www.idam.de) in the download centre. 103 RI-3P series Tp Tp Tcw 708 – 6871 1471 – 10091 Tcw 323 – 3197 642 – 4403 220 – 2126 Tp 13 – 100 20 Tcw 76 – 743 200 Tcw 36 – 343 93 – 639 Tcw 176 – 1211 Tp Tcw 142 – 1387 Tp 262 – 1800 Tp 485 – 3330 2000 Tp T cw Tcw 1249 – 12361 Tp 2323 – 23258 20000 23 – 141 Peak torque Tp at Ip | Continuous torque Tcw cooled at Icw [Nm] At a Glance: Torque Ranges of the RI/RE Motors RI11-3P- 89xH (Page 28) RI17-3P- 168xH (Page 32) RI11-3P- 250xH (Page 36) RI13-3P- 298xH (Page 40) RI11-3P- 384xH (Page 44) RI19-3P- 460xH (Page 48) RI13-3P- 690xH (Page 52) RI19-3P920xH (Page 56) RE-3P series 10000 39 – 365 100 Tcw 662 – 6387 Tcw 340 – 3299 870 – 5969 Tcw 206 – 2043 439 – 3013 Tcw 160 – 1511 437 – 2968 97 – 932 Tcw 244 – 1658 Tcw Tcw 69 – 657 Tp 178 – 1221 1000 Tp Tp Tp Tp 1178 – 8162 Tp Tp 114 – 751 Peak torque Tp at Ip | Continuous torque Tcw cooled at Icw [Nm] Series 10 RE19-3P- 205xH (Page 60) RE11-3P- 250xH (Page 64) RE13-3P- 300xH (Page 68) RE11-3P- 360xH (Page 72) RE11-3P- 410xH (Page 76) RE11-3P- 530xH (Page 80) RI13-3P700xH (Page 84) Series 104 At a Glance: Torque Ranges of the RI/RE Motors To facilitate the selection of the rotary motor best suited for your application, you can see the peak torques and continuous torques for all RI and RE motors at a glance. To do this, please open up this page. 600 Nm 110 220 327 436 539 647 755 456 380 443 238 290 343 Nm 75 92 108 124 96 133 169 206 243 Continuous torque not cooled at Ic Tc Stall torque cooled at Isw Tsw Stall torque not cooled at Is Ts Nm 11 25 39 53 65 77 Ripple torque (typical cogging) at I = 0 Tr Nm 0.3 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.9 Power loss at Tp (25 °C) Plp W 2909 4173 5438 6702 7967 9232 10496 Power loss at Tpl (25 °C) Plpl Power loss at Tcw Plw Nm 25 RI17-3P- RI17-3P- 168x25 • 168x50 • 168x75 168x100 • 168x125 • 168x150 • 168x175 M5 x 10, 12 x (30°) W W 1136 455 M5 x 10, 11 x (30°) M5 x 10, 21 x (15°) Fastening thread of stator M5 x 10, 12 x (30°) M5 x 10, 24 x (15°) 911 2124 1366 2618 1822 3112 2277 3606 2733 66 124 178 227 264 293 323 K/W 0.220 0.110 0.073 0.055 0.044 0.037 0.031 Motor constant (25 °C) km Nm/√W 1.92 3.20 4.17 5.00 5.68 6.33 6.92 Temperature difference of cooling water dV/dt l/min 1.30 Option: Cable outlet – radial 2.60 3.90 5.21 6.51 7.81 9.11 K 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Unit RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- RI17-3P- 168x100 168x125 168x150 168x175 Height of rotor H1 mm 26.0 51.0 76.0 101.0 126.0 151.0 176.0 Height of stator H2 mm 70.0 90.0 115.0 140.0 165.0 190.0 215.0 Rotor mass m1 kg 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 6.0 7.2 8.4 Stator mass m2 kg 7.2 10.1 13.3 16.5 19.8 23.0 26.2 Moment of inertia of rotor J kgm2 0.007 0.014 0.021 0.028 0.035 0.042 0.049 Axial attraction Fa kN 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 Radial attraction/eccentricity Fr kN/mm 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.9 4.9 5.9 6.8 Tcw Tcw RI17-3P168xH (Page 32) RI11-3P250xH (Page 36) RI13-3P298xH (Page 40) RI11-3P384xH (Page 44) RI19-3P460xH (Page 48) RI13-3P690xH (Page 52) RI19-3P920xH (Page 56) Series ∆ϑ 168x75 Tcw RI11-3P89xH (Page 28) Symbol 168x50 20 3188 W Rth Cooling water flow rate of main cooling system Tcw Tp 4100 Plc Thermical resistance with water cooling 168x25 Option: Cable outlet – tangential 1630 Power loss at Tc (25 °C) Mechanical data 32 88 M5 x 10, 24 x (15°) Fastening thread of stator – cable side Standard: Cable outlet – axial 60 Tp 200 10000 RE-3P series Tp Tp Tp 100 Tcw 33 Tcw Tcw Tcw Tcw 10 RE19-3P205xH (Page 60) Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. • Tolerance range of values: ±5% • Tolerance range of value for “power loss”: ±10% Binding data and drawings are passed on to the customer upon request. We recommend the support of our engineers for the motor layout. Tcw Tcw Tp Tp Tp Tp 1000 1178 – 8162 639 317 187 56 Tcw 662 – 6387 547 256 135 36 Tcw 340 – 3299 369 192 85 16 870 – 5969 276 129 36 439 – 3013 186 65 Nm Tcw 206 – 2043 93 Nm 437 – 2968 Nm Tpl Tcw Tp T cw Tp Tp 160 – 1511 Tp Peak torque (linear range) at Ipl Continuous torque cooled at Icw 2000 97 – 932 Tu 244 – 1658 Ultimate torque (1 s) at Iu Tp Tp Tp 2323 – 23258 600 1249 – 12361 600 1471 – 10091 600 708 – 6871 600 642 – 4403 600 323 – 3197 600 485 – 3330 V 178 – 1221 U RI-3P series 20000 220 – 2126 17 262 – 1800 168x175 17 142 – 1387 RI17-3P- 168x150 17 176 – 1211 RI17-3P- 168x125 17 76 – 743 RI17-3P- 168x100 17 93 – 639 RI17-3P- 168x75 17 36 – 343 RI17-3P- 168x50 17 23 – 141 RI17-3P- 168x25 69 – 657 H2 *Note: The number (n) of fastening threads depends on the height. Fastening thread of rotor RI17-3P- A-A A Fastening threads Unit 13 – 100 2 Maximum operating voltage Peak torque (saturation range) at Ip H1 30° M5�x�10�(nx)* M5�x�10�(nx)* P 114 – 751 Ø230��f8 Ø220 Ø211 Ø168 Ø150 Ø140��H8 19 Number of pole pairs 39 – 365 29.5 50 M5�x�10�(nx)* M5�x�10�(nx)* Ø150 Ø220 Symbol ca.�36 10 Sensor�cable Peak torque Tp at Ip | Continuous torque Tcw cooled at Icw [Nm] Technical data A Motor�cable At a Glance: Torque Ranges of the RI/RE Motors Technical Data: Series RI17-3P-168xH Winding-independent data Peak torque Tp at Ip | Continuous torque Tcw cooled at Icw [Nm] Technical Data: Series RI17-3P-168xH Drawing RE11-3P250xH (Page 64) RE13-3P300xH (Page 68) RE11-3P360xH (Page 72) RE11-3P410xH (Page 76) RE11-3P530xH (Page 80) RI13-3P700xH (Page 84) Series 104 105 INA – Drives & Mechatronics AG & Co. KG Mittelbergstrasse 2 98527 Suhl, Germany Phone +49 3681 I 7574-0 Fax +49 3681 I 7574-30 E-mail idam@schaeffler.com Web www.idam.de Issue: May 2013 I Subject to changes without advance notification, according to technical progress. I Photos: IDAM AG & Co. KG