green city map freiburg | english version
green city map freiburg | english version
ƐƚƌĂƘ Ğ Žů ůŚĂů ůĞŶ ŶͲ ƉĞ LJͲ ŐĞ E ƌ ůƐƚ ƵŚ Ɛƚ Ě ϯϮ ϱ Ğ ͼϭ ϭͼ ĐŚĞƌůŝŝĐŚͲ ŬĂĂ ŝŶƐĞŐŶƵŶŐƐŚ ŚĂůůůĞ ŵ ŵ ǁĞ CITY CLUSTER GREEN ŝ &ƌ Ő Ő Ɛƚ ůŝĂ ŶƐ ƚ ƌĂ ĂƘ Ğ <ŝ ŶnjͲ ƵƐ sĞ Ŷ í Dr. Dieter Salomon rg Mayor of the City of Freibu ƚƚ Ğ Ğƌ ƌŐ ďƵ ĞŶ ƚƚ ƘĞ ůŽ ƌĂ ϰϬϬ ] ĞŐ ƵĐ Ŭǁ O ϯϳϱ OO sŽ ŐĞ ϯϳϱ ůƐĂŶŐ ǁ͘ ϰϬϬ O O OO ϯϳϱ O O :ŽŚ ĂŶŶ ŝ O OO OO OO OO : Ś O O ϱ ϯϳ Ͳ Ś ĂŶ ƚĞƉ ŵ ŶͲ^ í ^Ă O O O ƌĂƘƘĞ ͼϮ Ϯͼ ϯϳϱ ϯϳϱ ϰϬϬ OO O ϯϮϱ ϯϱϬ ϯϳϱ ǁ ĞŐ ^Đ Ś Ɖ ƌƐƚƌ ĂƘ Ğ ϲϬϬ ϯϬϬ O tĂůĚĨĂŚ ƌƐ ƚƌ Ă Ƙ 'ƺŶƚĞƌƐƚććů Ğƌƌ ^Ɖ ĂnjŝĞƌǁ͘ ƚƉ ĨĂ Ě <ĂƉ Ğůů tĂ ů ĚƐ tĂů ůĚĨĂŚ ƌ^ ƚ ƐĞ ĂƵ njŚ W J R ǁŝ ƚ ƌĂĐŚ D ϲϬϬ ϱϱϬ ϯϮϱ ϱ ϱϮ ϱϮϱ ϱϳϱ ƺůů ŚĞŝŵ Ğ ƌ ^ƚ Ğƌ ^ƚ ϱϳϱ ϰϱϬ *UR ZLHGHHQEEDFK Ő ǁĞ ϳϱ ϱϬϬ Ğ ϱϬϬ ϰϬϬ ϰϮϱ ǁ ĞŐ ϰϮ ϱ ϯϬϬ <ƌĞƵnjŬ Ž ƉĨ ƐƚĞ ŝŐ Ğ ĞƌŐ Śď ŝĐ í ϱ ϯϳϱ < ƌĞƵ njŬŽƉ ĨƐƚƌĂƘ Ğ 6W %DUEDU ϰϮϱ ϯϮϱ Ϯϳϱ Ő ϰϬ Ϭ í í ϯϱϬ ƘĞ í > í LHHGG HQ EED DFFKK FWTM: Schoenen, Spiegelhalter, Kunz Solar Info Center, Fraunhofer ISE, badenova AG & Co. KG, Raach, Bernhard Gutzmer, Abfallwirtschaft Freiburg, Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Green City Hotel Vauban, Rolf Disch Architektur, Solar-Fabrik AG Ɛ Ŷ ŚĂ Ƶ ǁ Ğ ϰϳϱ ϯϬϬ Ő tŝĞĚĞŶďĂĐŚǁ ĞŐ %OHLFKHQ í Ğ ƺƚnj ϯϱϬ ^Đ Ś *UUR VVV : ϱϮ > ŝ ƚƚ ŶŐ Ő Ɛ ǁĞ ĞŶ ϰ ^Đ Ś O í ĞŐ ĞŐ ƌǁ ĚĞ QE DFKK ŝǁ ĞŐ O ϭϰŬŵ Ŷǁ Ă ƚƚĞ Ğƌŵ :ćŐ ů ćŶ LHG H ŶnjŽ ϱ ϱϳ EHO U R UG L H LK Fotos Śƌ ƉĨ ĂĚ -lJHUPDWWH PDWWH &ƌ Ă ϱϱϬ Ŷƚ :H d ŶŶŝƐƉ dĞ Ɖů͘ ^Ɖ Ɖ ŽƌƚƉůććƚnjĞ ϱ ϯϮ .O H LQ : O O REH HUUGG 6LOE ϰϳϱ 'ƺ ^ĐŚ Scale 1 : 12.000 As of 21.05.2013 Duplication, alteration, publication or passing on to others only allowed subject to the agreement of the city of Freiburg im Breisgau. O OO O O OOO OOO O OO %URPEHUJNRSI more about the Interested in learning City Freiburg? model projects of Green e centre for Contact our visitor‘s servic es: lectur and tours d guide tik Freiburg Wirtschaft Touris Co. KG %UR U PEHUJ UJIH I OV O HQ und Messe GmbH & 1213 Telefon +49 761 38811299 3881.OHLQZLHGHQEDFK H U 761 Fax R P E+49 Jcityclu U N E-Ma % il green R S Internet www.greenci I reencity reibur www.f et 2EHUUHU :HLKHUGR UGRREHOIntern 6LOOEHUGRREHO Ğƌ Ɛ :DOGVVHH ƚĞ Ŷ njĞŶ OOO OO O O ϱϬ ϰϱ ϯϱϬ %UHLWPDWWH tĂů ĂůĚ ůĚ ,Ă Ɛ ƌŐ ǁĞ Ő ƌŽŵ ď ĞƌŐĨĨĞ ůƐ ĞŶ ǁ ĞŐ (VHOEDFNHQ W WaldHaus ƚƚĞ Ŷ O ƌ Ž ŵ ďĞ ŵ Ă Ŷ SERVICE GREEN CITY VISITOR‘S %URPEHUJ t Ś͘ tď :ćŐ Ğƌ njĞ ĂŶ O Ƶ ƌŐ ƚ ƌĂƘ Ğ t ůĚƐ tĂ Ě ĞĞ O ƌƐĐŚů Ƃ Ɛ Ɛ ůĞͲ<LJď ĂƐƐĞ t ŶǁĞŐ DƂƐůĞƐƚĂĚŝŽŶ Ŷ ƐĞĞ Ɛ P P HUVK|KH ǁĞŐŐ ď Ğƌƌů Ğ ,Ƃ ůĚ ĂƘĞ Ɛƚ ƌ :RQQKDOGH +|OGHUUOH Städtisches Vermessungsamt Freiburg i. Br. Fehrenbachallee 12, 79106 Freiburg Inge Kurzweiler, Marcel Doß ϭϱŬŵ &ƌĞŝ Ğ ĚĞŵ ŵ ŽŬƌ͘ ^ ĐŚƵůĞ 2FKVHQOlJHU Fotos Green City Freiburg Freiburg‘s paths towards sustainability are efficient, innovative, economically proven and socially well thought through. Values such as sustainability and dynamism, tradition and viability for the future, scientific excellence, quality of life and a light-hearted way of living are all bound together by one common aim: Green City. As an ideal Green City, Freiburg has become a successful role model for Germany and Europe. No other location can boast a greater assembly of model projects, more ‘green‘ experience, sensivity and poltical experience. Freiburg has become a workplace for pioneers with projects recognised across the globe. Over 25,000 experts from around the world come to Freiburg to experience this spirit of innovation. ŵĂ 'ŽůĚ <͘Ͳ' ůůͲ^^ ƚ K ďĞ D ƂƐ ůĞƉĂƌŬ tĂ ůĚ Ž ďĞů Ğ %OHLFKHQGGREHO &ƌĂ ŶnjŽƐĞ Ő Ŷ ǁĞ ĂĐŬĞ Ğůď t Ś͘ tď Ɛ Ŷ ŶŝĞ Editing Ƶƌ ĚĂŚ ^ĐŚ ĂƵĞ ŶĚͲ ǀĞƌŬĞŚƌƐͲ ƐĐŚ ŚƵůů Ğ 6FKDQ]H ϰϳ ϱ ŚĂ Map ĞĞ Žƌ tďŚ͘͘ O Ő HQGREHH ǁĞ í Ğ ĂĐ Ś &Ž Žƌ ƐƚůŝĐŚ Ś Ğ sĞƌƐƵĐŚƐͲ ƵŶĚ Ě &Ž Žƌ ƐĐŚƵŶ Ŷ ŐƐĂŶƐƚĂůƚ Ğ Ƙ t ƚ ƌĂ ĞƐ ůĚ ŚĂ %lFKHOOKUVWHQ XPJDUWHQ ĚƐ ĐŚ Ğ Ŷ Ě & ƌĂŶ njŽƐĞ Ŷ ǁĞŐ ƌ ƚ ƌĂ Ƙ ĞŐ Ƶ ĐŬ He Heliotrop ŚďĂƌ 6WDGWZ 'LVWW U ,, ϯϳϱ ϯϬϬ ϯϬ Ϭ <ƺ ĨĞƌƐ ƚ ƌ͘ +LQWHUHU 6FKOLHUEHHU d ŝĐŚ dĞ sĂƵ t ĞŝĐŚĞůǁĞŝŚĞƌ %OHLFK 6WHUQZDOG Ğ ůƚ ů ĞƉ ^ƚ Solar Settlement Green City Hotel Vauban ϭϮŬŵ ĞŶnj tŝĞŚƌĞ ϯϮϱ Ğƚƚ Ž ƚƵ Ŷ ŶĞ ^ Žŵ ĂͲ O]P P D WWH Q ǀĞƌƐŝƚćƚ͕ ŵ ^ƚĂĂ ĚŝŽŶ ĚĞĞ hŶ ŝǀĞƌƐŝƚćć í ĞƚƚŽͲ ŬĂĂƉĞůůĞ 8QWHUH 0LWWWOHUH KOOLHUEHHUJ6FKOLHUUEHHUJJ ǁ % 9 QXXVEHUJJ 9H ƌ O ǁ͘ OO O OO O ĞƌŐ O O ,ŝƌ njď O ^ƉŽƌƚͲ O ϭϬŬŵ Ğ ƚ ƌĂƘ Žƌƌƚ ƉůĂƚnj /HWWJUU ĚͲ<<Ƶ With cycle routes indicated along the Green Spots! Hydro íPower Plant ƉůĂƚnj Sandfangweg O ƌ ŝĐŚĂ WƌƌŝǀĂƚ ŬůŝŶ ŝŬ >ŽƌĞƚƚŽ ŽďĞƌƌŐ Ğ ƌĂĐŚ ϴŬŵ njďĞ ŝŚ ŝ O <Ž ŶƌĂĚͲ' ' ƵĞŶ Ŷƚ ŚĞƌͲWĂƌŬ OO Ƙ ƌĂ >Žƌ ĞŐ Ϭ ϯϱ t Ś͘ tď Ɛ O ϭϯŬŵ O hŶ ŬĞƌ Ő ƌ Mage- ƌ ĂƘ Ğ Ɛƚƌ [ Freiburg ] O O ƌ ŬƵ ůĞŝ ůĚ Ă Đ O +LU]EHUJ O O DĞ ^ĐŚ ŝ OO O O O O O OOO O O O O O O O O O O O ϯϮϱ dĞŶŶŝƐ ƉůćƚƚnjĞ ^Ɖ Žƌƚ ƉůćƚnjĞ O ǀĞ ƌƐ t ϭϭŬŵ ,ƺ ƚƚ ǁĞ Ő ^ƉŽ ŽƌƚƉůćƚƚnjĞ O ϰϮϱ ďĞ ƌ ǁ͘ Ő O O O Ő Őď Ŷǁ ĞŐ ƚ Ğŝ t Ğ O O Ğƌ ŝŶ ϰϮ ϱ ϯϮϱ O O OO O O H U J O E O ϱ O O ϰϱϬ O R O O Ğ O >Ă Ƶď O í ĂĐĐŬĞ O ŝ ^ƚ͘ Kƚƚŝů ŝĞ Ŷ Ͳ, ŚŽůĚͲ LJŵŶ LJŵ Ŷ͘ Ɖ O ϯϬ Ϭ O ^ƉŽƌƚƚ ƉůćƚnjĞ ƌƚƉůćƚƚnjĞ O ^ƚĞƌŶ ƌ ĞŶͲ ƐĐŚĂŶnjĞ ϯϮϱ dĞŶŶ ŶŝƐ ^ĐŚƂŶ ŶͲ ďĞƌŐŐͲ ƐƚĂĚŝŽ ŽŶ O Z ŬĂĚĞĞŵŝĞ ĚĞĞƌ WŽůŝnjĞŝ t O í Ğ ŬĞƌ Ͳ ϳŬŵ OOO LHQZHJ O :ƵƉ Ɖŝƚ Ğƌ O O O O O O O 6WWDKOEXFN ZĞĐLJĐ Ğ ƚƚĂĐ H O ůďĞƌƚͲ ,ĂĂƐůĂĂ 6WHHLQOHU O ůĂƚnjnj ĂƘ ůů O O +LU]EHUJ KďĞĞƌĂƵ Ő Ğ O Cycle Path on the Dreisam River ϲŬŵ O O O ϭϴŬŵ O O < Ă ƌ ƚĂ Ƶ Ɛ ǁ ,ĂƐ O O O O Ő O O O ƘĞ 7URWWPDWWH í ϯϱϬ Innovation Fund Project.DPPHU %XUJKKDOGH KDOOGH „Schlossberg Residence“ ŶͲ Ğ O O O O O Ś O O O 6GOLFKHU 6FKOR EHUJ <ůĞŝŶĞĞ ƌ <ĂŶŽŶ ŶĞŶƉ ůĂƚnj /X GZ LJ VK|KHH O O OO OO OO O O ƺŚ ůĞ ď ĂĐ O O Ğƌ Ɛƚƌ Ă Ŷŵ O O 6LHEHQOLOLQGGHHQ tĂůĚĨĂŚƌƐƚ ƌĂƘ Ϭ ϯϱ ŶĞ ϰϮ ϱ ƌƐ O O O ƚƐƚĂĚƚ ƌĂ ƘĞ K F ďĞ O 6 ŶŐ Ϭ ϰϬ ŽƐƐ Ɛď ďĞ ƌŐƚƵƌŵ ƌ Ă ƘĞ ! ŝ ĂůĚ Ğƌ Ƶ ƌŐŚ O OO OO O O O O O O O O O O O O OO Premier Hotel Victoria ŽƐƚ͘ ŚĞ í Ăů Ɛƚ Ϭ ϰϱ O ! ϰϮ ϱ ĞŶ ƚ EĞƵďƵƌŐ ,PPHQWDO ŵ /ŵ ϭŬŵ ϰŬŵ $GHOKDXVHQVWLIWX XQJ 'LVWU ,, ,PPHQ QWDO ϯϳϱ O OO +LQWHUHU 6FKKOREEHUJ Ě ϯϱ Ϭ ƘĞ Bike Station ů ŚĂ GREEN CITY MAP 8QWHUH 5 R 5RNRSIVWXIH O O í ƌŐ Ƶ Solartower at the central station ϮŬŵ ϱŬŵ Ŷǁ ĞŐ t Ś͘ tď UZL 6WDGWZD ϰϳ ϱ &ƌƌ ŝĞĚƌŝ 'Ğ 0 ĞƌƐ ƚƌĂƘ Ğ O 'ĞǁĞƌďĞƐƐ njƵď ƌŝŶ ŐĞ ƌD ŐĞ ŝƚƚĞ ƌD ŝ ddĞĞĐŚŶŝƐ ĐŚĞƐ ZĂƚŚ ĂƵƐ Ͳ^ƚĞĞŝŶͲ Ś ƵůĞĞ ŶŶĞƌͲ Ğ DĂdždžͲt ^ĐŚ Ƶ ϰϬϬ í ĂŚ <Ă ƚŚĂƌ ŝ ŶĞ QWDO tŝ Ŷ ƚ Ğƌ ŝć >ĂŶ ƌĚĞƌͲ O h ŝ O Ğ ϯϱϬ ĞŐ Ͳt Ƶ ƚŽď Ś Ă ůůĞ *DLVHUZLQNHO í ͲZ Ƶ í ůĞ ŚŶ ,ć ĂͲ >ŝŶ ĞƌŵĂ ŶŶ Ͳ, ,Ğ í Ő Ĩƺƌƌ ϯŬŵ VHU /DQJE *D L VH í ĂŶ ŶƐƚĂůƚ Ś E Đ ďĂ ƌƌŐŐ njďďĞĞ , ŝƌƌnj ƵƐůĞͲ Ść ŐĞƌŚ :ć ! ϯϳϱ ŵĂ & ĐŚ QJHUEHUJJ n Dr. Bernd Dallman urg ter Green City Freib CEO FWTM, Clus ĞŶ ĂƵŐ Ͳ ĞƵŶ t d ŝĐŚ dĞ ϰϱϬ ĐŚĞƌ ĞƚnjĞŶŚ ŚĂƵ ƵƐĞ ϰϮ Ϯϱ ƌ ƵĚĞƌŚ ĂƵ Ɛ ǁ Ğ Ő í &ŝ Ɛ ƌ Ğŝ ƐĂ ZŽƘŬŽƉ ƉĨǁĞŐůĞ ,ĞƌĚĞƌŶ hŶ ŝǀĞ EĞĞ ƵƌŽ Žů ŽŐŝĞĞ ^ƚ ͘ :Ž Ž ƐĞĨ +|OOULHJHO í ϱ ϯϮ tĞƐƚͲ Ŷ ƐƚĂĚŝŽŶ ^ ƐͲ Ğď <ƌ inabilienvironmental susta city a Focusing early on the ologies has given Ul etitive ty and solar techn nal 7comp natio inter an in D le are decisive edge QWHU00Ppeop t 12,0 y, abou8 environment. Toda UQ l and solar inenta environmJU years employed in the and its region. For way in dustries in Freiburg the ing lead been ƚƉ ƉůćƚnjĞ now Freiburg has of Baden-Wugrowth in the state is an h term <ƌŽs of job whic Cluster Ŷ . The Green City or links erttemĞŶberg ŵ ƺ M creates cross-sect s initiativeŚůĞůofď the FWT anies and institution ĂĐ comp 140 over between fields. ď ĂŚŶ Ś l and solar energy 1 in the environmenta I ϰϱϬ and communes ĞŐĞůǁĞŐůĞ t Ś For many townstď , Ƃ ůů ƌŝ City Freiacross the world, Green model. This burg has become a role the achieverecognition along with DOGH most any‘s ment of becoming Germ r which sustainable city is an honou ideas p new motivates us to develo r towards harde and to work even our goals. ,ĂƵ ƵƉ ƚĨƌŝĞĚŚ ŚŽĨ ŬĂĂ ŶĂƚ hŶŝŝ Ͳ ŶŝŬƵŵ ĞŐ ƉĨůůĞǁ ƂƉ &Ƶ ĐŚ ƐŬ ƌ ŝƐĞ <Ă <ƌĞĞŵĂƚŽ Ͳ Fraunhofer ISE GREETING Ğ KVNRS )XF ϱ ϯϳ 1HXEHUJ EHUUJ ϰϬ ϬϬ ŵ ,ĂĂůůĞŶ ůů tĞƐ & ƺĐŬŝŐĞƌͲ &ů ƐĞĞ ƌĂƘ Ğ ZĂ ŵ ŵ Freiburg O t ^Ɖ Žƌƚ ŚĂůůĞ O Solar Info Centerr ůŝƐĂďĞƚŚ Ś Ͳ, ,Ğ ů ŝƐĂď ď ĞƚŚ Ś Ͳt tĂ ůŝƐĂďĞƚŚ Ś Ͳ^ Ğů > ĂĚ ƐƚĂƚƚǁĞŐ )XFKKVNN|SIIOH O OO hŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚćƚ ϱϱϬ Ő ϰϳ ϱ ƌŐ ^ ƚ Ğŝ Ő Ğ ďĞ (LFKKDOGH B Biogas Plant RETERRA ůĞĞ Ɖ Messe Freiburg M Green Therm Cool Center EĞƵĞ DĞƐƐĞͬ ů ƌͲ ĂƌŬŬͲ ŝŽŶ /DG GV WDDWWW Ő Ś ůĞ Ͳ<<Ƃ ĞƐ ŽƌŐ Ś NOHUQQ njŝŝŶ ŐĞƌͲ ƐĐŚƵ ůĞ 'Ğ ^ĞĞ Bürgerhaus Seepark Bü ĞŐ Ŷǁ ƚĞ ƚĞŶ ϰϱϬ í ĞŵŝƚƚŚͲ ůĞ tĞŶnjŝŝŶ Ő 'LJŵ ŶĂƐ Ɖƚŵ ĂŶŶͲ Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe GmbH & Co. KG Cluster Green City Rathausgasse 33 79098 Freiburg E-Mail Internet Handwerkskammer Freiburg, Richard-Fehrenbach-Gewerbeschule, Rotteck-Gymnasium, Ökostation Freiburg, Stadt Freiburg, WaldHaus Freiburg, Gemeinde Freiamt, FSB-Rehau, Miguel Babo, RETERRA Best Western Premier Hotel Victoria, Niels Lemke, Sonja Zellmann Design As of juni graphik-design waldkirch January 2014 ts] along the cycle route [Green Spolocated 01 02 ts] along the cycle route [Green Spolocated 04 Town Hall Freiburg Bismarckallee 9 Access Tram lines 1, 3, 5, stop ‘Bertoldsbrunnen‘ Access Tram lines 1, 3, 5, stop ‘Hauptbahnhof‘ The historical Town Hall of the City of Freiburg has been equipped with solar panels for over 10 years. The installation produces 16.5 kWp. 240 solar modules extending over 19 floors combine to create south Germany‘s highest solar power station. The solar tower, which produces 24,000 kWh of electricity each year, was awarded the photovoltaic architecture prize of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. LEGEND 02 Wentzingerstrasse 15 Access Tram lines 1, 3, 5, stop ‘Stadttheater‘ Overnight stays with a minimal carbon footprint: The Best Western Premier Hotel Victoria is an especially ecofriendly 4 star city hotel in the heart of Freiburg. Located in the centre of the town just a few minutes‘ walk from the central station and the historical town centre. The whole hotel takes its energy exclusively from renewable energy sources... and has EMAS, Viabono and Green Brands accreditation. Access Tram lines 1, 3, 5, stop ‘Hauptbahnhof‘ This construction offers much more than its attractive, unconventional exterior: Situated next to the station, the multifaceted mobility centre provides information not only on regional and long distance public transport services but also provides information about travel by car, bicycle or foot. 06 Passive High Rise Bugginger Strasse 50 Solar Tower Richard-Fehrenbach-Gewerbeschule 08 Access Tram line 3, stop ‘Bugginger Strasse‘ Richard-Fehrenbach-Gewerbeschule, Friedrichstr. 51 The school demonstrates its appreciation of renewable energy in more ways than merely with the photovoltaic system they have had installed. The solar tower with its highly modern cooling and heating systems, a hydroelectric facility and mini CHP units all supplement the school‘s efforts to produce energy from renewable sources. 11 Solar Settlement & Sun Ship Alfred-Döblin-Platz 1 Merzhauserstrasse 183, Access Tram line 3, stop ‘Vauban Mitte‘ Access Tram line 3, stop ‘Paula-Modersohn-Platz‘ In this family friendly district there is an emphasis on communal activity, communal building projects and an environmentally-friendly way of life. This district, with its noticeable traffic-calming measures, is a demonstration of how sustainable living can be colourful and varied, and is compatible with individual wishes concerning design and construction. Low-energy constructions are obligatory here yet passive house, plus-energy construction and the installation of solar systems are the norm. Built according to passive house specification, with a photovoltaic system installed on the roof, and with natural air-conditioning, the Solar Ship and the Solar Settlement are plus-energy constructions. Put simply, that means that they produce more energy than they use. What‘s more, the Sun Ship is a wonderful example of a multiple-use building: apartments, businesses and shops can all be found here. 10 Green City Hotel Vauban 12 Access Tram line 2, stop ‘Lorettostrasse‘ Access Tram line 1, stop ‘Emil-Gött-Strasse‘ This child care nursery consists of a wooden construction and was the first civil building to conform to plusenergy requirements. During the construction it was considered important to use exclusively non-hazardous materials. The upgrading of the cycle path along the Dreisam river is part of a package of measures decided by the city council and set to be completed by 2020. The separation of pedestrian and cycle paths ensures more space and less conflicts. LEDs placed in the ground along the route lead to improved visibility and better road markings. Hydro Power Plant Sandfangweg 14 Energy Municipality Freiamt Wind Power Plant Rosskopf Hiking from Freiburg possible: To be reached on foot from the trail parking area St. Ottilien: via St. Wendelins-Kapelle, Rosskopfsattel, Rosskopfhaldenweg, Husarenweg and Kandel-Höhenweg (5km) Contact for guided tours Municipality Freiamt, Ms. Jordan phone +49 (0) 7645-9102 12 Access Train to Emmendingen, then bus to Freiamt 04 03 02 01 Innovation Fund Project ‘Schlossberg Residence‘ Kartaeuserstrasse This hydro power plant at Sandfangweg was switched on at the end of 2008 and produces on average 300,000 kWh per year. Due to its innovative construction resembling a snail the turbines require only a slight downhill gradient. On the Dreisam river this equates to a drop of about metres. The Heliotrop was the very first plus-energy house in the world and produces three times more energy than it uses. As a rule it follows the path of the sun from east to west so that the glazed exterior catches as much sunlight as possible. However, on hot days it can also make use of an integrated insulated wall in order to provide itself with shade. Here we have an example of how modern architecture can be combined with modern ecological and social demands. Built according to passive construction standards, the Green City Hotel Vauban represents both sustainability and innovation. For example, over half the staff have mental or physical disabilities. Tuslinger Strasse, Sandfangweg Access Train to Kirchzarten, then bus line 7216 to St. Peter 04 Tourist-Information, Badstrasse 1, 79348 Freiamt Cycle Path on the Dreisam River Urachstrasse 40 Access Tram line 1, stop ‘Emil-Gött-Strasse‘ Heliotrop Access Tram line 3, stop ‘Paula-Modersohn-Platz‘ Access Tram line 3, stop ‘Paula-Modersohn-Platz‘ 13 Child Care Center Sandfangweg, Dreisamufer Ziegelweg 28 Paula-Modersohn-Platz The high rise apartment block at Bugginger Strasse 50 was the world‘s first high rise with passive house construction certification and requires less than 15 kWh per year for its heating facilities. The renovation of the building produced a 78% saving in energy used for heating – despite the work allowing room for social aspects such as common rooms, guest apartments and even a concierge. The layouts of the individual apartments were improved in order to reflect demographic changes. Access Tram lines 1, 3, 5, stop ‘Hauptbahnhof‘ 09 Quartier Vauban Bio Energy Village St. Peter Klosterhof 12, 79271 St. Peter Access Train to Kirchzarten, then bus to Hofsgrund and hiking (walking time 45 min.) only to be viewed from the outside 07 03 Rappenecker Hütte Rappeneck 1, 79254 Oberried to be viewed from the outside, guided tours by appointment 05 Bike Station Freiburg Eisenbahnstrasse 54 03 01 Solartower at the Central Station Rathausplatz 2-4 Best Western Premier Hotel Victoria ts] along the cycle route [Green Spolocated Access Tram line 1, stop ‘Brauerei Ganter‘ ] [Regional Green Spots This innovative energy concept of the new residential area ‘Schlossberg Residence‘ is based on improved insulation techniques and the use of local renewable energy sources such as wood pellets and a hydrodynamic screw providing this residential area with an almost independent means of energy production for heating. When compared to a standard newly constructed building there are primary energy savings of 90%. 02 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 LEGEND 14 A5 [Further Green Spots] in Freiburg [Further Green Spots] in Freiburg 07 charging station for electric vehicles Gottenheim charging station for electric bikes 03 04 15 Rotteck-Gymnasium 18 Lessingstrasse 16 Europaplatz 1 Access Bus lines 10, 11, stop ‘Hummelstrasse‘ Energy Hill Eichelbuck 19 Freiburg‘s largest solar energy installation situated on this former waste disposal site went on stream at the end of 2011 and provides, with its total output of 2.5 Megawatt Peak (MWp) enough electricity for 1000 households. The gas from the landfill site is drawn off and mixed with biogas from an organic waste fermentation plant, piped to a combined heating and power station (CHP) in the district of Freiburg-Landwasser and then used to produce electricity and heat. Contact for guided tours Access Bus line11, stop ‘Technische Fakultät‘ or Breisgau-S-Bahn, stop ‘Messe/Universität‘ The technology and service centre for renewable energy and energy efficiency places the emphasis on environmentally-friendly and architecturally innovative methods. Architects, engineers and technicians were involved in the planning of an concept which was achieved at the same cost as conventional methods. Along side an energy-optimised building design there were features such as geothermal energy, photovoltaic, solar thermal energy and a cooling system. 17 Biogas Plant RETERRA Tullastrasse 68 20 Access Tram line 1, stop ‘Paduaallee‘, then change to Bus line 24, stop ‘Badenova‘ Fraunhofer ISE In RETERRA‘s organic waste fermentation plant each year roughly 36,000 tonnes of organic waste are processed into renewable energy. The resulting biogas is subsequently mixed with gas from the land-fill site at the former waste disposal site at Eichelbuck before being piped to a CHP (combined heating and power station) in the district of Landwasser. This is enough to provide roughly 4,900 households with electricity each year, as well as 1,200 households with heating. Access Bus line 10, stop ‘Schillhof‘ Heidenhofstrasse 2 The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, with its 1300 employees, is Europe‘s largest institute for solar research. The work extends from research of the scientific basis of solar energy use and the development of prototypes to the implementation of showcase systems such as the solar hydrogen filling station in Heidenhofstrasse. 24 The construction of the GREEN THERM COOL CENTER allows the Chamber for Trade and its partners in industry, and indeed from throughout the region, to present innovative and modern technology in the future-oriented sector of solar thermal cooling. The building complex has five solar systems on show dedicated to the generation of cooling and 15 cold distribution systems. It has, therefore, become a recognised leading centre of green cooling technology. The centre is set up in such a way as to allow visitors first hand experience of this technology. Solar Info Center Emmy-Noether-Strasse 2 Contact Mr. Goldschmidt, phone +49 (0) 761-5561414 Access Tram line 1, stop ‘Diakoniekrankenhaus‘ The extension of Freiburg‘s exhibition centre in 2006 also saw the installation of the city‘s second largest solar energy system on the roofs of the four halls. These panels produce a total of 650 kilowatt-peak (kWp) per year for the exhibition halls and conference rooms. Eichelbuckstrasse 27 Green Therm Cool Center Wirthstrasse 28 Access Bus line 11, stop ‘Technische Fakultät‘ or Breisgau-S-Bahn, stop ‘Messe/Universität‘ The renaturation of the Kronenmühle stream which involved the participation of teachers, parents and pupils allowed the creation of a school yard which is in touch with nature. Over a stretch of 200m there are now well-thought-out relaxation and access points. This is, of course, also useful for educational purposes. 16 Messe Freiburg 21 22 25 23 Falkenbergerstrasse 21 b 24 Access Tram line 1, stop ‚Betzenhauser Torplatz‘, then walk through lake park landscape to the observation tower 15 Munzingerstrasse 10 Access Tram line 3, stop ‘Munzingerstrasse‘, then change to Bus line 32, stop ‘Bötzingerstrasse‘ 19 28 The WaldHaus in Freiburg is an innovative educational centre which has the aim of increasing people‘s knowledge of the eco-system of the forest, making them more aware of issues relating to this habitat and creating a consciousness for sustainable approaches to the use of the forests. A varied programme of events throughout the year and constantly changing exhibitions appeal to a wide audience. Groups who visit can expect guided tours on different topics, and school classes are welcome to come and experience the green wood workshop. Access Tram line 3, stop ‘VAG-Zentrum‘ The tram stop ‘VAG Zentrum‘ is the first station on the network which is equipped with a solar energy system on its roof. Since 2009 the tram network has taken its energy supply from clean power sources and thus produces zero emissions and is ‘climate neutral‘. What‘s more, energy produced as a result of braking is used within the tram and any surplus is fed back into the grid. 21 22 WaldHaus Access Tram line 3, stop ‘Johanneskirche‘, then change to Tram line 2, stop ‘Wonnhalde‘ Besanconallee 99 20 01 Wonnhaldestrasse 6 26 Freiburger Verkehrs AG Covering 70 hectares to the west of Freiburg, a new and attractive district has been growing steadily since 1995: Rieselfeld is the name of the district which is the home to an exemplary concept as far as town planning and construction are concerned. Due to its pleasing and open forms of construction this model district attracts visitors and residents alike. It possesses extensive green areas and open spaces, and child care facilities, schools, businesses, restaurants, consultancies and modern service industries can all be found within walking distance along Rieselfeld‘s traffic-calmed streets. 05 08 This CHP (combined heat and power plant) provides the residents of the Vauban district with heat and electricity produced from wood, a renewable energy source. This process is guided by one leading principle: Whereas conventional electricity production methods (using coal, oil, uranium or gas) lead to a loss of 2/3 of the energy invested, here this wasted energy is reused for heating purposes by means of modern cogeneration methods. The headquarter of the Solar-Fabrik in Munzingerstraße represents Europe‘s first ever CO2-neutral, zero-emission factory. The energy and heating requirements of the production and administration areas were met completely by energy produced from a photovoltaic installation and a rape seed oil fired CHP (combined heat and power plant). Since its construction the award-winning building – now home solely to the company‘s administration – has been attracting visitors from all over the world. District Rieselfeld 18 Access Tram line 3, stop ‘Paula-Modersohn-Platz‘ Solar-Fabrik AG Access Tram line 1, stop ‘Betzenhauser Torplatz‘ Access Tram line 5, stop ‘Maria-von-Rudloff-Platz‘ 17 29 Gerhart-Hauptmann-Strasse 1 Maria-von-Rudloff-Platz This centre for environmental education, set charmingly in the Seepark (lake park landscape), is located in an attractive green oasis. The house itself is ecofriendly and boasts unusual architecture, the grounds are designed to blend in with the nature close by, and have an organic garden plus a herb garden which are both well worth a visit. Together with experienced partners, the Oekostation puts on innovative events, seminars and workshops all aimed at improving the public‘s environmental knowledge and promoting sustainable development. This wide variety of possibilities is an invitation to get to know nature and the environment in a practical way. 28 25 Bürgerhaus Seepark 06 Corner Clara-Immerwahr-Strasse and Marie-Curie-Strasse 27 The sun always shines above the city‘s favourite leisure resort: As winner of the national competition ‚Capital City of Climate Protection‘ organised by the German environment organisation, the DUH, the City of Freiburg received a solar energy system capable of producing 30 kWp (Kilowatt peak) – enough for 10 households – per year. Oekostation Freiburg 16 26 CHP Vauban 29 05 06 23 SC Freiburg‘s stadium was Germany‘s first solar stadium. 2,200 m² of the stadium‘s roof is covered by solar panels which produce a total of 275,000 kWh of energy per year. This saves roughly 136 tonnes of CO2 annually. The aim of the campaign, is to achieve a neutral carbon footprint for the stadium. This is part of a larger campaign promoting a new era in energy production. Access Train to Emmendingen, by foot to Landvogtei or Romaneistrasse (about 5 min. each) Hydro Power Plant Kirchzarten 08 Oberrieder Strasse 3b, 79199 Kirchzarten Contact Mr. Kaiser, mobile +49 (0) 162-32 98 883 05 06 Biogas Plant Gewerbepark Breisgau Freiburger Strasse, 79427 Eschbach Access Bus line 241, stop ‘Gewerbepark Freiburger Strasse‘ Access Train to Kirchzarten, by foot via Bahnhofsstrasse, Hauptstrasse to Oberrieder Strasse (1.3 km) Schwarzwaldstrasse 193 Water Wheels Emmendingen Landvogtei und Romaneistrasse, 79312 Emmendingen Hiking from Freiburg possible – access: Tram line 2, stop ‘Dorfstrasse‘, then bus to ‘Talstation‘ Mage-Solar-Stadium Access Tram line 1, stop ‘Römerhof‘ 07 Wind Power Plant Schauinsland 07 08