Curriculum Vitae


Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
M. A. Florian Boge
Chair for Theoretical Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
University of Duesseldorf
Universitaetsstrasse 1
40225 Duesseldorf
Tel.: +49 (0)211 / 81 15265
Areas of Interest
Philosophy of science, epistemology, philosophical logic,
Academic Employment
Assistant at the Chair for Theoretical Philosophy, Duesseldorf.
Student assistant and tutor at the Chair for Theoretical Philosophy.
Tutor for Logic at the Institute for Language and Information,
Tutor for Logic II (meta-logic) at the Chair for Theoretical Philosophy,
Tutor for Logic I (propositional and first-order predicate logic) at the
Chair for Theoretical Philosophy, Duesseldorf.
Academic Education
Gradutation from the M.A. study in Philosophy at the University of
Duesseldorf (grade: 1,1).
Graduation from the B.A. study in Philosophy and Linguistics at the
University of Duesseldorf (grade: 1,4).
Magister study in Philosophy, Scandinavian Studies and Pre- and
Protohistoric Archeology at the University of Bonn.
Tropes, Resemblance and Russell’s Regress, Sophia Conference
(Tagung für Junge Analytische Philosophie) 2012, Salzburg University,
Some Aspects of Trope Theory, research seminar, University of
Similarity as a Three Place Relation. A Genuine Solution to Russell’s
Regress. [Submitted]
Translation of Doppelt, Gerald D. "The Value-Ladeness of Scientific
Knowledge," into German. To appear in Carrier, Martin und Schurz,
Gerhard (Eds.), Werten in den Wissenschaften. [Suhrkamp]
Seminar: Applied Philosophy of Science, Department of Philosophy,
University of Duesseldorf (together with A. Christian, M.A.).
Seminar: Readings on Philosophical Scepticism, Department of
Philosophy, University of Duesseldorf.
Tutorial to the lecture Philosophy of Evolution (together with S.
Ringel), Department of Philosophy University of Duesseldorf.
Tutorial for Logic I, Department of Philosophy, University of
Tutorial for Logic, Institut for Language and Information, University of
Tutorial for Logic II, Department of Philosophy, University of
Tutorial for Logic I, Department of Philosophy, University of
Teaching Materials
[Summer term 07]
Translation of the lecture notes Logic II: Advanced Logic and MetaLogic by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schurz (English to German).
[Winter term 06/07]
Solutions to the exercises in the lecture notes Logic I: Introduction to
Propositional and First-Order Predicate Logic by Prof. Dr. Gerhard
School Education
Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasium, Mettmann. Abitur in German, English
mathematics and history.
Civilian Service
Civilian service at the Haus Burberg e.V. (home for autistic people).
German (native), English (fluent), Latin (school education).
Personal Interests
Music, strength sports. Musical education: six years of experience in
classical guitar playing, drumming (self-taught). Sports: competitionexperience in strongman, drug-tested powerlifting and bodybuilding on
national level.

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