Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae M. A. Florian Boge Address Chair for Theoretical Philosophy Department of Philosophy University of Duesseldorf Universitaetsstrasse 1 40225 Duesseldorf Germany E-Mail: Tel.: +49 (0)211 / 81 15265 Areas of Interest Philosophy of science, epistemology, philosophical logic, metaphysics/ontology. Academic Employment [04/12-12/12] Assistant at the Chair for Theoretical Philosophy, Duesseldorf. [04/08-03/12] Student assistant and tutor at the Chair for Theoretical Philosophy. [10/07-03/08] Tutor for Logic at the Institute for Language and Information, Duesseldorf. [10/06-03/07] Tutor for Logic II (meta-logic) at the Chair for Theoretical Philosophy, Duesseldorf. [04/06-09/06] Tutor for Logic I (propositional and first-order predicate logic) at the Chair for Theoretical Philosophy, Duesseldorf. Academic Education [02/12] Gradutation from the M.A. study in Philosophy at the University of Duesseldorf (grade: 1,1). [10/08] Graduation from the B.A. study in Philosophy and Linguistics at the University of Duesseldorf (grade: 1,4). [04/05-09/05] Magister study in Philosophy, Scandinavian Studies and Pre- and Protohistoric Archeology at the University of Bonn. Talks [09/12] Tropes, Resemblance and Russell’s Regress, Sophia Conference (Tagung für Junge Analytische Philosophie) 2012, Salzburg University, Austria. [04/12] Some Aspects of Trope Theory, research seminar, University of Duesseldorf. Publications [2013] Similarity as a Three Place Relation. A Genuine Solution to Russell’s Regress. [Submitted] [2013] Translation of Doppelt, Gerald D. "The Value-Ladeness of Scientific Knowledge," into German. To appear in Carrier, Martin und Schurz, Gerhard (Eds.), Werten in den Wissenschaften. [Suhrkamp] Teaching [10/12-] Seminar: Applied Philosophy of Science, Department of Philosophy, University of Duesseldorf (together with A. Christian, M.A.). [04/12-09/12] Seminar: Readings on Philosophical Scepticism, Department of Philosophy, University of Duesseldorf. [10/10-03/11] Tutorial to the lecture Philosophy of Evolution (together with S. Ringel), Department of Philosophy University of Duesseldorf. [10/09-03/10] Tutorial for Logic I, Department of Philosophy, University of Duesseldorf. [10/07-03/08] Tutorial for Logic, Institut for Language and Information, University of Duesseldorf. [04/07-09/07] Tutorial for Logic II, Department of Philosophy, University of Duesseldorf. [10/06-03/07] Tutorial for Logic I, Department of Philosophy, University of Duesseldorf. Teaching Materials [Summer term 07] Translation of the lecture notes Logic II: Advanced Logic and MetaLogic by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schurz (English to German). [Winter term 06/07] Solutions to the exercises in the lecture notes Logic I: Introduction to Propositional and First-Order Predicate Logic by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schurz. School Education [1995-2004] Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasium, Mettmann. Abitur in German, English mathematics and history. Civilian Service [08/04-05/05] Civilian service at the Haus Burberg e.V. (home for autistic people). Languages German (native), English (fluent), Latin (school education). Personal Interests Music, strength sports. Musical education: six years of experience in classical guitar playing, drumming (self-taught). Sports: competitionexperience in strongman, drug-tested powerlifting and bodybuilding on national level.