Guidelines for writing an academic thesis
Guidelines for writing an academic thesis
Guidelines for writing an academic thesis 1. Structure of the thesis 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Abstract Cover Page Table of Contents List of Illustrations (if required, see chapter 5 below) List of Abbreviations (if required, see chapter 6 below) Main body of the thesis Bibliography Annex (if required, see chapter 10 below) Declaration 2. Abstract A concise summary of the work, with a length of approximately one-third of a page, is to be given at the beginning of the thesis. 3. Cover Page The Cover Page should contain the following information: Name of the University Faculty Degree program Subject Name Address E-mail Matriculation number Tutor Date of Submission 4. Table of Contents The bullet points of the Table of Contents have to be identical to the respective headings in the text. Chapters are to be structured decadally with Arabic numerals whereas lists (indices) should be organized with the help of Roman numerals. The Annex is to be labelled as Annex A, Annex B.... Page numbers have to be added consecutively to the respective bullet points, starting with p. 1 for the introduction. Also the Bibliography and the Annex obtain page numbers, whereas any list (index) that precedes the introduction does not receive a page number. 1 Example: I Table of Contents II List of Illustrations 1 Introduction……………………………...………..………………………....p. 1 2 Heading for text under bullet point 2…………... ………………................ p. 2 2.1 Heading of the text under bullet point 2.1…...…...………………….p. 2 2.1.1 Heading of the text under bullet point 2.1.1.………..…………...…..p. 2 2.1.2 Heading of the text under bullet point 2.1.2………………………...p. 4 2.2 Heading of the text under bullet point 2.2.…………………..............p. 7 etc. III Bibliography……………………… …………………………………………...…..p. 80 Annex A……..……………………………………………………………………………p. 101 Annex B……..………………………………………………………………………….. p. 102 etc. The Cover Page and the declaration are the only pages which are not mentioned in the Table of Contents and do not have a page number. 5. List of Illustrations Illustrations (graphics, tables etc.) have to be numbered in the text (either consistently consecutively or chapter-based) and be given a title. The number and title of each illustration as well as the corresponding page number have to be mentioned in the List of Illustrations. Example: Title of an illustration in the text of the thesis: Figure 1: The basics of fMRI (Source: Robinson, 2004, p. 15) Entry of an illustration in the List of Illustration: Figure 1: The basics off MRI…………………………………………………………... p. 3 6. List of Abbreviations Abbreviations and acronyms1 should be avoided whenever possible. Only commonly used abbreviations (such as “etc.”) or acronyms which are commonly used (such as “PC”) may serve as a substitute for the full term. Any abbreviation or acronym which is not generally known has to be explained with its full wording in the List of Abbreviations. 1 Acronyms are words formed from the first letters of other words (for example “PC”). 2 7. Text Within each chapter, the text of the work should be subdivided into appropriate paragraphs. For the typeface, the following applies: To compose the text a word processing program has to be used. Choose the standard format DIN A4 and the font Times New Roman 12 or Arial 11 in justified print. Leave a margin of 4 cm on the left, all other margins should be 2 cm. The line spacing has to be 1.5. Any text passages to be emphasised should be marked with bold type or italics. 8. Bibliography In the bibliography all sources are listed in the alphabetical order of the authors´names. The most frequently used citation styles are APA (American Psychological Association) Style and Harvard Style. 8.1 Quotations in APA Style (quotations in footnotes) References are to be made as follows: Name, first name in initials. (year of appearance). title. edition. place of publication: publishing company. Examples: Books and similar publications: Wöhe, G. (2008). Einführung in die allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre. 23rd ed. München: Vahlen. Foscht, T. & Swoboda, B. (2007). Käuferverhalten: Grundlagen - Perspektiven Anwendungen. 3rd ed. Wiesbaden: Gabler. Balzert, C.J. u.a. (2008). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Wissenschaft, Quellen, Artefakte, Organisation, Präsentation, Birkach: W3L. Articles in collected editions: Behrens, G. & Neumaier, M. (2004). Der Einfluss des Unbewussten auf das Konsumentenverhalten, in: Gröppel-Klein, A. (eds.): Konsumentenverhalten im 21. Jahrhundert, Wiesbaden: Gabler, p. 3-29. Articles in periodicals: Horvath, P. & Kaufmann, L. (1998). Balanced Scorecard: Ein Werkzeug zur Umsetzung von Strategien, in: Harvard Business Manager, Vol. 5, p. 24-31. 3 Articles from the Internet: Spiegel Online Wirtschaft (no year given). Merkel verspricht schnelle Lösung für Hypo Real Estate, information retrieved on 2010-10-12,,1518,582283,00.html. 8.2 Quotations in Harvard Style References are to be made as follows: Name, first name in initials, year of publication, ‘title’, edition, publishing company, place of publication. Examples: Books and similar writings (publications???): Wöhe, G 2008, ’Einführung in die allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre’, 23rd ed., Vahlen, München. Foscht, T & Swoboda, B 2007, ’Käuferverhalten: Grundlagen - Perspektiven Anwendungen’, 3rd ed. , Gabler, Wiesbaden. Balzert, CJ et al. 2008, ’Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Wissenschaft, Quellen, Artefakte, Organisation, Präsentation’, W3L, Birkach. Articles in collected editions: Behrens, G & Neumaier, M 2004, ’Der Einfluss des Unbewussten auf das Konsumentenverhalten’, in A. Gröppel-Klein (eds.), Konsumentenverhalten im 21. Jahrhundert, Deutscher Universitätsverlag, Wiesbaden, p. 3-29. Articles in periodicals: Horvath, P & Kaufmann, L 1998, ’Balanced Scorecard: Ein Werkzeug zur Umsetzung von Strategien’, in Harvard Business Manager, Vol. 5, S. 24-31. Articles from the Internet: Spiegel Online Wirtschaft (n.y.), ’Merkel verspricht schnelle Lösung für Hypo Real Estate’, retrieved on 2010-10-12,,1518,582283,00.html. Stangl, W 2010, ’Das Kommunikationsmodell von Shannon und Weaver ’, retrieved on 2010-10-10, shtml#Shannon. Æ It is imperative to verify the credibility of internet sources. Æ Internet sources have to be submitted in electronic or printed form along with the thesis 4 Please note: - If there are more than three authors of one reference, only the first author is named and the note et al. is added. - If an author cannot be specified, the citation begins with the note n.a. (no author). - If the place of publication cannot be specified, the note w.p. (without place) is used. - If the year of publication is unknown, the note n.y. (no year) is used. - If a collected edition is cited as a whole, the guidelines for separate books or papers are applied. However, the editor’s name is given instead of the author’s name: Example: Gröppel-Klein, A (ed.) 2004, Konsumentenverhalten im 21. Jahrhundert, Deutscher Universitätsverlag, Wiesbaden. - If the original source is not available but only “second hand” information is given, both the original and the actual source of the quote have to be mentioned in the bibliography: Example: Schneider, R 1797, Die Stellung des Menschen im Kosmos, Halle, p. 181, cited in: Messner, F 1917, Historische Darstellung anthropologischer Systeme, Berlin, p. 217. 9. Form of Quoting - Literal quotations have to be marked by “...”. The indication of origin in APA style is given in a footnote, whereas in Harvard style it is placed within the text in square brackets. For reasons of clarity the shortened citation style is recommended. - Literal quotations have to be absolutely identical with the original. Only if the exact wording of the text is essential - such as in case of a definition or if the meaning of the text is interpreted - a literal quotation should be used. - If the citation is in a foreign language, the citation must be in this language. - If the original source is paraphrased (its content is not literally adopted but explained in similar words: indirect quotation) it nevertheless has to be indicated as a citation. Any adopted idea which is not marked as a citation is plagiarism. As opposed to direct quotations, indirect ones have no quotation marks but the additional remark “see…”. - If the quote refers to more than one page, “et seq.” is added to the page number. 9.1 Quotations in APA Style The quote is given a superscript Arabic numeral which is consecutive and refers to the corresponding footnote at the bottom of the same page. 5 Example of a literal quote: "Planung, Kontrolle, Organisation, Personalführung und Informationsversorgung bilden die Kernelemente des betrieblichen Führungssytems.“1 1 Wöhe (2008), p.34. Example of a paraphrased source: Nach Wöhe ist es die Aufgabe des Controllings die Kernbereiche eines Unternehmens aufeinander abzustimmen.2 2 see Wöhe (2008), p. 34 et seq. More publications by the same author at the same year: If there are several publications by the same author within one calendar year, a letter is added to the year of publication, for example: 3 Scheer (2009a), p. 10. 9.2 Quoting in Harvard Style The quote in square brackets is directly added to the text. Example of a literal quote: "Planung, Kontrolle, Organisation, Personalführung und Informationsversorgung bilden die Kernelemente des betrieblichen Führungssystems“ (Wöhe 2008, p. 34). Example of a paraphrased source: Nach Wöhe ist es die Aufgabe des Controllings die Kernbereiche eines Unternehmens aufeinander abzustimmen (see Wöhe 2008, p. 34 et seq.). If there are several publications by the same author year, within one calendar year, a letter is added to the year of publication. Example: Scheer 2009a, p. 10. 10. Annex In order not to interrupt the flow of the text, extensive tables, statistics, organization charts etc. of more than one page should be placed at the end of the work in a separate Annex. The Annex should be well-structured and – if extensive – should have its own table of contents. A reference to the Annex (page number and, if necessary, numbering) has to be made in the text. 6 11. Individual Agreements with the Tutor Please consult the rules contained in these Guidelines with your tutor. Individual agreements with the tutor prevail over these Guidelines. 12. Declaration Please sign the German standard form as well as the English translation of it which are both provided by the Administrative Office of the department (Fakultätssekretariat). This standard form has to be added at the end of the thesis. 7