smart textile materials for thermal insulation for the


smart textile materials for thermal insulation for the
may 2013
New safety system for
airplanes against bombing
New opportunities for Italian
clothing exporters
Texclubtec and the Italian
technical textile sector at
Techtextil Frankfurt 2013
Viale Sarca 223
20126 Milano (Italy)
Storepet, an European
research project to cut down
building energy consumption
Protective Knitted Fabrics
and Accessories
Via Massari Marzoli, 13/15
21052 - Busto Arsizio (Va) Italy
safety and comfort ......
the right choice
Be rapid and
creative as usual
TARGET: a safe and
comfortable multinorm
protective knitted fabric
FROM: R&D Dept.
Phone +39.0331.350137
Fax +39.0331.354376
Aldo Tempesti
Managing Director of TexClubTec
Although there had been feeble sings of economic upturn in
Europe, Italy’s present-day situation remains dramatic due
to domestic market stagnation and sociopolitical instability.
From 2009 to 2012, 75% of Italian companies had been
forced to a downsize and 3,8% had literally disappeared.
The economic crisis is a devastating reality for any production area and the shift of workforce and assets to the East is
an ever-growing phenomenon. In such a scenario, there had
been some repositioning attempts and exports are partially
the only one damper for many of companies, since internationalization processes – without
real competitive factors – bring only poor benefits to the domestic area.
Today, public debt isn't the first emergency anymore. On the contrary economic growth
and labour market are the most important issues to be solved. As far as Textile&Clothing is
textile districts registered decreases from 3% to 40% in 2012 and the national market records
10,2% consumption collapse of garments and footwear while exports grew only by 0,7%.
In this situation, the most frequent suggestions are fallacies: “We’re still the best, our quality
is higher, we need more rules against imports…” up to trivial objective: we need to focus
on luxury products. For those that work in this specific area, this strategy is an additional
chance to strengthen themselves. On the other hand, it’s an easy way of escape for those
public bodies responsible for planning and supporting development and internationalization
policies. This way, they are indeed discharged from reviewing concretely technological
development policies and market repositioning strategies.
But how many companies are able to cope with the luxury sector and the global market
demand? The Italian Textile&Clothing sector counts dozen thousand companies and hundreds of thousand workers and it’s difficult to imagine that launching into luxury could be
a solution for the severe labour market situation.
The main Italian weakness is that the strategic potential of technological innovation is not
recognized as a competitive factor, while Europe is focusing exactly on this field. European
Union is indeed engaged in supporting long-time research and development projects as well
as Germany, France, the Netherland are promoting mid and long-term national plans focusing on technological development.
The Far East growth itself is not taking place by chance. While obsolete development plans
ofWestern countries are more and more unsuitable, Eastern countries are in full technological growth. Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei, Shanghai and Singapore aren’t romantic places of the past
anymore. They had become boundless ultra-technological megalopolis.
Scientific excellence is the main growth resource. In confirmation of that, the number of
registered patents is constantly increasing as well as research funding and, by now, the most
suitable countries for coping with the long-term challenges of globalization are really those
who had put in action policies based on technological innovation, research and scientific
On the contrary, the Italian scenario is dramatic. While some keep on insisting on the opportunity that luxury could give to the Italian industry, research and university funding has
been almost cut off and economic support to companies for the development of innovating
technological tools has been quite suspended.
Without investments only one horizon is possible: the economic sunset.
maY 2013
Managing director: Aldo Tempesti – Texclubtec’s
managing director
Design & layout: Lorenzo Tempesti
Printing: Gruppo Stampa GB S.r.l.
Translation: Silvia Imbrosciano
Credits: We would like to thank Ms Marta Lualdi
(Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento S.p.a.), Mr
Thomas Dambacher (Bozzetto Group), Mr Donato
Zangani (D’appolonia S.p.a.) and Mr Alberto Nosari
(Minding Group) for their contribution to the contents of this publication.
May 2013
New safety system for airplanes against
bombing attacks
Waterbased crosslinkable
polyamide pastes
Improved formulations for coating and
laminating by bozzetto group
New opportunities for Italian clothing
Innovative and versatile fibres and filaments
Information and market
Flame resistant
Regulations, trends and products in
TexClubTec’s publications
Fireproof mannequins for fire tests on
flame resistant fabrics by Cad Modelling
Ergonomics S.r.l.
Chinese Market
Knitted fabrics for
protective clothing
A new compulsory standard for textile
NEXT Technology
A new certified range of fabrics by Argar
Ideas, Innovation, Industrial Development
Smart textile materials for
thermal insulation for the
building sector
Storepet, an European research project
to cut down building energy consumption
Safe Tech
Projects by NEXT
Technology Tecnotessile
Ideas and projects for sustainable innovation in Fashion
The new family of high-performance
yarn by Cittadini S.p.a.
Share, Innovate, Invest in the future.
Ideas for sustainable fashion.
Texclubtec and the Italian technical textile sector at Techtextil Frankfurt 2013
Feed the Planet
Expo 2015 topics at NanoItalTex 2013:
The technical textiles contribution
Innovation funding
Sustainability tools for innovations,
products and processe
ISPO 2013
Monaco 3-6.2.2013
Convegno UV
Busto Arsizio 22.5.2013
Milano Unica 2013
Milan 10-12.9.2013
Convegno ‘Come finanziare
Milano 5.3.2013
Convegno AICTC
Bergamo 31.5.2013
NanoItaltex 2103
Busto Arsizio 18.10.2013
Proposte 2013
Erba 7-9.5.2013
Techtextil 2013
Frankfurt Am Main 1113.6.2013
Düsseldorf 5-8.11.2013
Lenzi 1898 – Smart Textile
Solutions S.r.l.
With a diversified structure
that include two separate
division, one for weaving
and one for finishing and its
own laboratory, Lenzi 1898
produces technical textiles
for Sport, foot and protective wear and for the building
CBF Balducci S.p.a.
CBF Balducci S.p.a. designs,
develops, produces and sells
work wear, PPE, garment accessories and footwear.
Laboratorio Lapi S.p.a.
LA.P.I. is a private laboratory
which has been active since
1983 in the field of industrial
analysis and testing. Specialised in Fire Tests. Test and
Certification lab.
Tessitura Fratelli Fontana
Established in 1946, this
company is specialized in the
production of technical fabrics for industrial filtration.
7th Framework Programme European Commission
Application area: Protective and Work
Objective: Enabling an innovative and
affordable multi-functionality loading
service for functional protective clothing that leverage on the textile service
companies while increasing safety for
the operators
Industrial association: C.I.N.E.T. (Comité
International de l'Entretien du Textile) – Netherlands; Federatie Textielbeheer Nederland – Paesi Bassi;
Deutscher Textilreinigungsverbandtdtv
EV; Texclubtec - Italia; Verband der
Nordostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie EV (VTI) – Germania;
Universiteit Twente – Paesi Bassi;
Small Medium companies: Franz Schafer Etiketten GMBH; IRIS-SW – Svizzera;
Varo Logistic Quality Service SRL VARO
– Italia; WSP systems BV – Paesi Bassi;
D'Appolonia SPA - Italia;
Research centres: Saechsisches Textilforschungsins E.V. (STFI) - Germania;
Technologisch Kenniscentrum Textielverzorging TKT – Paesi Bassi; Lavans
BV – Paesi Bassi;
Application area: Building
Objective: Development of PCM-based
innovative thermoregulating and insulating solutions for the Light-weight
building sector
Industrial Associations: TexClubTec
- Italy; Slovenski Gradbeni Grozd,
Gospodarsko Interesno Združenje
(SGG) - Slovenia; Asociación Española
de Empresas de Ingegnería, Consultoría
y Servicios Tecnológicos (TECNIBERIA)
- Spain; Gradjevinski Klaster Dundjer
(DUNDJER) - Serbia;
Small Medium Companies: Ecoterra
Desarrollo Sostenibile SL (Grupo Ideo)
- Spain; Construcciones García Rama
SL - Spain; Devan-Micropolis S.A. –
Research centres: Inspiralia S.L. - Spain;
Instituto Pedro Nunes - Associação
para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento em
Ciência e Tecnologia (IPN) - Portugal;
Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento Spa - Italy; Acciona Infraestructuras - Spain.
Application Area: Building and Transportation
Objective: Intumescent materials with
improved fire retardant and flame resistant properties
Small Medium Companies: Devan
– Belgium; INCA – Sweden; IQAP –
Spain; Luxilon – Belgium; Mecacorp
– France; Sander – Belgium; Trisit –
Germany; Weber – Germany;
Industrial association: Clubtex –
France; IVGT – Germany; TexClubTec
– Italy;
Research center: Centexbel – Belgium;
Crepim – France; ENSAIT – France;
Up-Tex – France.
Released for the first time in 2008, Tex
Innovation embodies TexClubTec's desire to offer a tool to monitor the evolution of application areas in the technical textile sector, that includes articles
about products, production processes
and new technologies. After 5 years on
the field, Tex Innovation changes itself
with new layout and contents, in order
to satisfy the needs of a sector that
becomes wider and more and more
demanding every day. To see last issues
of Tex Innovation, visit the related area
Not only technical textiles!
Three-monthly publication that concerns different topics, from market
evolutions to the monitoring of the
application areas and in-depth analysis
of new products..
New three-montly publication by
TexClubTec focusing specifically on
products, markets and events of
the technical textile sector.
Here are some of the topics of the
first issue:
Here are contents of last issue:
Australia, USA, Austria
Products and Processes:
Photoluminescence processes, Soy
fibres, metallization…
Maintenance labels
Protective clothing and PPE
market in Russia and Brasil
European DPI standard
New products in the
protective clothing sector
First issue: May 2013
Next issue : May 2013
For further information and to see all past issues please contact us at or visit our
New safety system for airplanes against bombing attacks
The threat posed by terrorists to commercial flights has been clear since the Lockerbie disaster, and even clearer On September 11, 2001.
Despite continuous efforts of border control bodies and policy makers, aircraft security
is facing ever-increasing threats from terrorist organisations: the “Christmas day bombing
attempt” on the Amsterdam-Detroit flight on December 25th, 2009 and the “Cargo plane
bombing plot” of October 29th, 2010 are the confirmation that new technologies and solutions should be implemented against terrorist threats.
The possibility that a small quantity of an explosive, large
enough to cause fatalities, passes through a security scan cannot be ruled out. The rise in worldwide terrorism requires
measures be taken to harden aircraft against catastrophic inflight failure due to concealed explosives.
The FLY-BAG research project (co-funded by European Commission under FP7) provided an innovative and effective solution for the threat of explosive concelaed in luggage or parcels,
by developing and successfully testing a blast-resistant flexible
textile luggage container.
The project, coordinated by D’Appolonia, was carried out by a
consortium of 8 partners belonging to 5 European countries.
Activities were concluded in 2011 with the successful test of
one of the prototypes developed: the container, featuring a multilayered textile structure and the use of nanostructured coatings, was tested against a series of blasts of increasing power,
until reaching the (confidential) target charge, a quantity that
would be able to cause fatal damages to an airplane should it
explode mid-flight. The innovative nature of the project earned
the consortium a number of prizes all over Europe, among
whom the Techtextil Innovation Award 2011, the Italian National Innovation Prize, the Lufthansa Cargo Innovation Challenge,
Materialica, and the mention within the 50 most innovative projects for year 2011 by the European Commission. The project
consortium, strengthened by the addition of 5 new partners, is
bringing on the work performed in the first research project,
with a follow-up project named FLY-BAG2, presently ongoing
and set to end in 2015. Aim of the new project is to exploit the
knowledge generated in the previous project to develop new
devices for protecting both the cargo hold and the passenger
cabin, and to enlarge the experimental validation of the concepts by performing full scale blast tests on retired aircrafts. The
full scale tests are foreseen for the first half of 2015.
High resistance zip
A high resistance zip closure is used
as an opening to access the interior of
the bag. The zip employs a polymeric
resin to reach extreme cross-tensional
strengths, of the order of 20 tons/m.
The choice of a zip closure as the
opening was taken in conjunction with
partner airline MERIDIANA, with aim of
guaranteeing blast resistance but also,
equally important, easy and fast handling by the ground crew.
Multifunctional textiles
The FLY-BAG and FLY-BAG2 blast
mitigation units use multilayered textile
configurations in which each layer has a
definite function:
• Catching high speed debris ejected by
the detonation (shrapnel)
• Containment of overpressure
• Energy absorption by controlled
• Fire/heat resistance
Waterbased crosslinkable
polyamide pastes
Improved formulations for coating and
laminating by Bozzetto group
Since many years Paste Dot coating is used for the production of fusible interlinings.
A standard paste formulation contains an thermoplastic hotmelt powder and can
be reactivated independently from the storage time. The so coated substrate will be
laminated with a textile outer fabric on fusing presses by using temperature, pressure
and time.
Principal of rotary screen printing
Components of a standard paste formulation are:
Dispersing/plasti- MIROX DW
cizer agent for PAHotmelt powder
Reduces the melting point and melt
Adjustment of the
final viscosity
Provide a good
rehological behaviour
Prevent drying out MIROX CX
of the paste during
Screen printing unit, Stork NL
Keeps the surface
of the screen
In Tab. 1 mentioned additives from Bozzetto have to apply dotwise on rotary screen
The coated substrates are used as fusible interlinings for the garment industry and
combined with different shell fabrics on the melting presses.
The process is controlled by regulating temperature, pressure and time. The purpose
of interlinings is to reinforce the shell fabric in order to provide a good supporting
shape to the ready-made garment.
Usage of interlining in jacket)t
Fusing press, Meyer Germany
The paste dot technology exists since 35 years; it is the main application for nonwovens.
The idea for the development of a cross-linkable paste was originally dedicated for
the paste dot coating of interlinings. The basic problem of this technology is the
long storage time between coating and
the final fusing process. This time gap
could be as long as of several months.
So far it was not possible to find a solution for this problem since a stabilized
formulation of our cross-linkable paste
is only possible with protonizing of the
hotmelt-aminogroups. This means the
paste has to be applied at a acid pH-value 3 and this will occur some processing
Bozzetto is trying to overcome this storage problem by incorporating the crosslinker
into the copolyamide matrix. This research is still ongoing.
zzetto-crosslinking paste formulation. After the preparation the paste should be
used up within 4 hours. After this open
time the paste starts to react.
The heart of the crosslinking paste formulation of Bozzetto is an aminoterminated
copolyamide in combination with a triacrylate crosslinker.
Qty. (parts)
Dispersing agent
and crosslinker for
Adjustment of
Additive for good
runability of the
The paste is easy to prepare like a standard formulation. Due to the harmless composition of the crosslinker there is no special requirement necessary for environmental
Some important attention should be paid to processing parameter by using this Bo-
The Double Dot technology is a combination of paste dot and scatter coating.
This kind of coating has been developed for relatively “open” substrates whereas the
threat of backstroke of the hotmelt powder dot shall be eliminated. In this case a comBase Dot
Acrylic Dispersion
Acrylates with
Tg –14° to Tg –18°
low-priced system
soft hand
good processing
Medium bond
low wash resistance
Polyurethane Dispersion
very soft hand
good adhesion to
Drycleaning resistance
high price level
trend to yellowing
difficult to print
short „open time“
Powderfilled Paste
Pastesystems with
low price level
good initial bond
difficult to disperse
medium resistances
no soft hand
Powderfilled Paste
with crosslinkable Copolyamides-Finepowder
(Bozzetto Patent)
good processing
soft hand
very good adhesion to COPA
very high bond
excellent resistances to washing
and dry cleaning
Medium to high
price level
After paste-preperation max. 4h
open time
Reaction time xL-Paste after preperation
It is also possible to prepare the paste
wih Sarpifan PA 90 and add the crosslinker Mirox XL 4 right before the paste is
going to be used. This allow to store a
ready made paste for a longer time.
The application of the crosslinking paste
is suitable for:
a) base layer for Double Dot coating for
b) direct lamination on combiline paste
dot/lamination unit.
bined paste-scatter dot is been applied,
while the paste is printed onto the substrate and may not be reactivated after
drying. The upper dot, usually a Copolyamide powder, is used for the bonding
of the interlining with the shell fabric.
Our cross-linkable paste system works
as the optimal base-layer, as it becomes
thermoset after cross-linking.
In comparison with other commercial
used base layer systems the crosslinking
Principal of Double Dot
paste provides a variety of benefits. It
increases the bond strength, it supports
the good resistances to washing and dry
cleaning treatments.
The lamination of two substrates with the crosslinkable paste should be done in one
step. A ideal direct laminating machine configuration should contain a paste dot head
and a lamination unit behind the drying section. Due to the fact that the thermosetting
process starts 2-4 hours after the coating (depending upon the drying temperature
) it is also possible to laminate the coated substrate within this time on a separate
lamination unit.
Principal of Direct Lamination Process
This system is already commercialized for the lamination of different textile substrates. Our crosslinking paste system find usage in the automotive sector as well in
the Sporttech and Medtech application.
The requirement in the automotive sector of the final product is to resist up to 150°C.
And for the other application areas it is needed to have very good bond strength
for Membrane system. The lamination is
over dye able and steam resistance, wash
resistance up to 95°C is not a problem for
this kind of laminates.
The cross-linkable paste system was patented by Bozzetto GmbH and is protected in western countries and Asia. Patent
Publication number W02006084887 dated 2006-08-17.
International classification: C09J177/12;
C08K5/00; C09J177/00; C08K5/00.
European classification: C08K5/103;
Application number: W02006EP508720
Priority number(s): DE200510006335
20050210; DE200510040979 20050829.
Certainly there are plenty of other possible applications in many different areas.
Besides the high resistance to thermal
distortion, the system offers also excellent washing and steam resistances as
well as a high solvent resistance. But
to apply the technology just described
the user must be equipped with either
a paste-dot line with a direct lamination
unit/continuous fusing press or the Double-dot Technology.
GHEZZI s.p.a
Orsenigo (CO) ITALY
Smart textile
materials for thermal insulation for
the building sector
Storepet, an European research
project to cut down building energy consumption
StorePet is a project funded by the European Commission 7th
Framework Program. It started on 1st November, 2011 and it
will last three years. The project is developed by a Consortium set up by partners from different European Countries. It is
formed by four Industrial Associations, three SMEs and four
research centres.
renewable energies to total energy use and a 20% reduction
of greenhouse gas emissions with respect to 1990 figures. In
this context, the building sector must assume very ambitious
objectives on energy consumption cuts of around 165 Mtoe
(millions of tons of oil equivalent) and contribute with 50 Mtoe
from renewable energies by 2020. To underline the magnitude
of the task, these figures are equivalent to the total joint energy
consumption of Spain, Portugal, Greece and Ireland in 2004.
On May of 2010, the new Energy Performance of Buildings
(EPB) Directive was finally adopted as Directive 2010/31/EU.
It calls for improved national regulations upon new and renovated houses energy efficiency, with very ambitious standards
and mandatory goals. It also includes a framework for national
requirements, related with heating/cooling and ventilation systems. In July 2012, the new directive has been implemented,
though many elements including the regulation of building
systems will only be fully enforced by July 2013. By the end
of 2020, new buildings in the EU must consume ‘nearly zero’
energy. With a current stock of around 160 million buildings
in the EU, the latest EPB Directive also tack the retrofit of existing buildings, including historic ones towards an effective
The project aims to bring a new product to the building market
– StorePet – a new inexpensive thermally enhanced and “ready
to use” fiber insulation phase change material (PCM) -based
composite, that combines on a single product 3 major skills:
thermal insulation abilities to block heat transfer into or out of
the buildings, outstanding airborne sound control proficiency
and now also thermal storage capacities. The versatility of the
concept will make it adaptable for heating and cooling purposes, enabling this product to address different climate patterns
and geographical markets just by tailoring its relative composition, dimensions and installation layout.
Currently buildings account for 40% of the world’s energy and
almost half of the today’s Green House gas emissions. This
means that buildings contribute more greenhouse gases than
traffic, which is estimated at 31%, and industry, estimated at
28%. When we breakdown and analyze buildings’ energy consumption the most worrying aspect is that most of this energy
used for heating, cooling or ventilation is needlessly wasted
or resulting in poor insulation and all the recent projections
claims that this consumption will rise considerably on the next
years to come. Under this scope, the last Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recommendations has stated
that worldwide governments, businesses and individuals must
aggressively start to reduce energy use in new and existing
buildings, in order to reduce the planet’s energy-related carbon
footprint by 77% (against the predicted 2050 baseline), and
stabilize CO2 levels to reach the level called by IPCC. To reach
this objective it’s estimated that global building sector needs to
cut energy consumption in buildings 60% by 2050, in order to
meet the global climate change targets.
With such high levels of energy consumption clouded by severe climate change estimations, the European Community (EC) has triggered a significant number of regulatory and
legislative actions. In March 2007, the European Council set
clear goals for a reduction of 20% by 2020 in the total energy
consumption (below 2005 levels), with a 20% contribution of
action against climate change. As for the new buildings, universal trends now show a movement towards lightweight and
modular timber or steel constructions (with less site wastes
involved and lower embedded energy materials), with global
demand for prefabricated housing and elements growing at
3.4 % per year, for a market valued at €51 billion in 2004 for
complete buildings alone.
Lightweight constructions represent an economical alternative
to traditional buildings, one of whose main drawbacks is the
very high energy load needed to keep internal comfort conditions, as they are unable to curb rapid swings of temperature. When compared to heavier weight materials buildings,
it’s estimated that to maintain a thermally comfortable temperature range of 18-24°C, low weight materials use between 2
and 3 times the heating and cooling energy needed by a heavy
weight material construction.
Thermal mass is most effective in places and in seasons with
large daily temperature fluctuations above and below the balance point temperature -BPT- of the building (BPT is the outdoor temperature below which heating will be required in the
building because internal heat gains are less than heat loss
through envelope and ventilation). In such cases substantially
energy is saved by avoiding a significant portion of heat flux
being transferred through the envelop backward and forward.
Often, the benefits are greatest during summer and fall, when
fluctuations above and below the comfort temperature occur.
Nevertheless, the same concept can be theoretically be used
to moderate heat flux under either extreme cold conditions or
extreme warm conditions, where outer temperature ranges are
well above or below the comfort temperature.
When outdoor temperatures are at their high peak in warm
climates, the inside of the building remains cool because the
heat penetration through the mass is delayed. If the heat that is
stored during the day hours could be evacuated selectively to
the exterior at night, the effect of the thermal mass would be
very similar to a high performance insulator.
In cold climates requiring intensive heating, thermal mass can
be used to effectively collect and store solar gains and to store
internal excess heat during the day and selectively release it
back inwards. Buildings using electric heating/cooling can simultaneously use off-peak hours enjoying cheaper supply tariffs as daily storing phase. The result will be a substantial net
reduction in energy consumption and additional bill cuts due
to cheaper electricity.
Generally, highly insulated structures cannot efficiently substitute a lack of thermal mass. Thermal mass stores and re-radiates heat, while insulation stops heat flowing into or out of the
building. A high thermal mass material is not generally a good
thermal insulator and the best insulation material has almost
no thermal mass. Thus, in harsh hot climate conditions, the
only way to maintain a comfortable temperature inside a lightweight building on a summer day without installing active air
conditioning is to somehow increase its thermal mass. You can
do it in traditionally manner with heavy building materials, or
by introducing latent heat storage materials in its construction.
None of today’s building materials incorporating PCMs in a
stand-alone product are designed either to perform as heat flux
blockers through the building envelope (external walls and
roofs), or as a noise insulator. The StorePET project intends to
overcome this market gap and act differently from any other
PCM available product, using PCMs fiber incorporation technology to excel the extra advantage of the conventional fiber
insulation work, regarding the large temperature fluctuations
that take place in residential attics or at the exterior wall surfaces of lightweight building strutture.
The project concept is based upon the fact
that outdoor/indoor heat exchanges (which
plays a significant part of lightweight buildings cooling and heating loads) can be potentially controlled by a new fiber insulation
that possesses a thermally active heat storage
capacity. During the day, when temperature
rises, the peak loads can be largely absorbed
by a PCM-enhanced fiber insulation layer,
only to be slowly discharged back to the environment later (during the night time, when
outside temperature drops), without affecting the interior building energy balance, as
it is aided by the presence of a standard low
heat transfer fiber insulation layer.
This approach will provide a much slower
response of the building envelope to daily
temperature fluctuations, helping maintaining inside temperature in a comfortable
range and thus avoiding the need for extra
energy consumptions to accomplish it. Effective levels of indoor comfort will be also
guaranteed by the well known fiber materials excellence, when it comes to reduce
airborne noise transmission and its superior performance upon controlling the sound
resonance in construction cavities. From the
point of view of energy efficiency design, the
added value of the PCMs is its extra ability (on top of the thermal resistance) to reduce energy consumption in the building.
The above figure shows how StorePet solu-
tion would significantly reduce inside temperature fluctuation and therefore the
needed heating/cooling load to keep temperature constant, in a scenario of high
fluctuation of outside temperature. The same conceptual solution when applied
to extreme hot or cold temperatures would need different products (PCMs’ fusion
points, relative concentration and distribution along the matt cross section would
be different to avoid external heat than to recover internal heat), and installation
layouts (matt allocation, ventilation systems) would differ as well. Maybe the most
notable difference is the convenience of an additional ventilation system to take
full advantage of the thermal inertia provided by the PCMs.
The main goal of the STOREPET project is to develop a new nonwoven technical
insulation product that integrates phase change materials for heat storage capacity
skills. Maintaining the superior levels of thermal and noise insulation commonly
recognized for fiber materials, STOREPET will be especially design for lightweight
and low thermal mass building envelope structures, as well as for any other residential/commercial/governmental new or refurbishing building projects, with extra in-
excellent performances unchanged over time. Thanks to its
features, the polyester can be effectively used for the production of panels for thermal and acoustic insulation. The main
fields of application are the following: building (dividing wall,
perimeter wall, ceilings); civil engineering (acoustic barriers
for railways and highways); industrial engineering and special
applications (semi-anechoic chambers).The insulation panels
used for the StorePET Project are of the kind “Ecozero” provided by Freudenberg Politex. Politex is a multinational with
its headquarters in Italy at Novedrate (Como); the Group’s core
business is the production of polyester nonwovens, made using both staple and spunbond technology. Ecozero is a polyester thermal insulating and sound absorbing product, developed
for construction. Appreciated for its mechanical and insulation
characteristics, such type of panels is also environmentally
friendly: made almost entirely using polyester recycled from
differentiated urban waste, it has a low grey energy content.
Polyester production starts with the recycling of post-consumer
PET bottles, which are selected, washed and reduced to flakes;
the flakes are then used in the production of fibers which are
then processed to obtain Ecozero panel. Phase change material (PCM): The extensive thermal characterization preformed
in order to help choosing the PCMs that best complies the
technical properties needed for StorePET’s have demonstrated that saturated alkanes of type CnH2n+2, from n-hexadecane to n-eicosane, clearly have melting/crystallization transitions temperatures inside the range previously considered
optimum for product application (16-36°C) and superior latent
heat storage values above 200J/g, with minor sub cooling effects during the crystallization stage. For maximum efficiency,
the selection of the right paraffin or paraffinic binary mixture
compositions must be defined according the typical outdoor
temperature fluctuation boundaries of each location where
the novel thermal enhanced insulation product will be used.
sulation and heat storage capacities needs.
Although expected to be more effective in
places and seasons with large daily temperature fluctuations, where it’s possible to
take full advantage of its performance abilities, this new product can also be used as
standard insulation on any type of climates
and a secure choice to counteract global
warning rising temperatures.
The two components are nonwoven fiber
and PCM:
Nonwoven polyester fiber: Polyester fiber (PET) has been chosen. It’s the fiber of
greater importance in the world of chemical fibers and it’s characterized by an average annual growth rates of over 5%. One
of the reasons for the success of polyester
fiber comes from the wide availability and
relatively low cost of raw materials and the
fiber is obtained from the polyester through
the process of spinning. Polyester is widely used also considering its good features:
high dynamometric properties; usury resistance; thermal stability; ease of maintenance
due to thermal stability and ease of drying;
high resistance to weathering and light; resistance to chemicals; thermal resistance at
high temperatures (up to 150 °C for several
days) and low temperatures (down to - 40
°C); high vapor permeability; antimicrobial;
Alternatively to paraffin, it was studied the possibility to tailor non paraffinic organic binary mixtures inside the working
temperature ranges selected. Although showing poorer latent
heat storage capacities, the best candidates so far are the ones
made from fatty acid ethyl esters or fatty acid methyl esters. If
one should consider a core-sheath PCM-fiber integration, the
thermal stability of non encapsulated paraffinic materials can
be enhanced by creating form-stable polymer stabilized PCMs
with the help of instumecent flame retardants, like ammonium
polyphosphates and especially expanded graphite. If the thermally active content shall be mixed within the polyester insulation blankets by means of spraying techniques using microencapsulated PCMs, the easier way to improve flame retardancy
shall be to integrate halogen free flame retardant additives during the deposition process, which will provide protection for
the whole fiber insulation product.
The project STOREPET is developed by a Consortium of partners from different European Countries. The Consortium is set
up by 4 Industrial Associations, 3 SMEs and 4 Research centers.
Industrial Associations: Slovenski gradbeni grozd, gospodarsko interesno združenje (SGG) from Slovenia; Asociación Española de Empresas de Ingeniería, Consultoría y Servicios Tecnológicos (TECNIBERIA) from Spain; TEXCLUBTEC from Italy
and Gradjevinski Klaster Dundjer (DUNDJER) from Serbia.
Small and Medium Enterprises: Ecoterra Desarrollo Sostenible SL, (grupo Ideo)from Spain, Construcciones García Rama
SL from Spain and Devan-Micropolis S.A. from Portugal.
Research Centers: Inspiralia S.L. from Spain, Instituto Pedro
Nunes - Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento em
Ciência e Tecnologia (IPN) from Portugal; Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento SPA (CENTROCOT) from Italy and ACCIONA Infraestructuras from Spain.
The Project INTIMIRE
Intumescent materials with improved fire retardant and flame
resistant properties for building and transport applications
Project supported by European Commission under Seventh Framework Programme Grant agreement nƒ 243556-‐2
Context of INTIMIRE project:
Requirements of new textiles:
The objectives of Intimire are connected with the
evolution in the strict CE regulation and standard for
fire retardant products:
‡ An exclusive use of fabrics with a low rate of heat
‡ The regulations for materials used in railway
transport: ST EN 45545
‡ The novel standards of upholstered furniture:
norm NF D 60013
‡ The evolution of the automotive fire test standard
FMVSS 302.
None of the textile products available today, achieves
the following points: the criteria of new norms, the
environment preservation and the requirement of
consumer (comfort, price, design, «).
‡ An avoidance of the use of fabrics that spread the
fire to other elements with burning droplets
‡ No release of toxic gaz
‡ Limitation at the minimum rate the smoke (the
opacity of smoke threaten lifes during evacuation in
case of fire)
‡ A use of fabrics that are capable to prevent ignition
of the underneath layers (foam, or stuffing) even at
intense flames (e.g. in railway application against
vandalism using flames)
Partners of INTIMIRE project:
Concept of INTIMIRE project:
Some results of the INTIMIRE project:
Cone calorimeter results of PP plates filled with FR
(irradiance at 35 kW/m2, sample at 60 mm from the
irradiant source)
Débit calorifique
HRR (kW/m²)
Melt spinning Knitting Fire characterization
40 kW/m2
50 kW/m2
time (s)
Cone calorimeter (irradiance at 35 kW/m2, sample at 60 mm from the irradiant source)
Contact: ² Laboratoire Génie & Matériaux Textiles (GEMTEX)
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts & Industries Textiles (ENSAIT) -‐ 2 allée Louise & Victor Champier BP 30329 ² F. 59056 ROUBAIX
The new family of high-performance yarn by
Cittadini S.p.a.
"SAFE TECH" - this is the name of the
new line of high-performance technical
yarns specifically designed by Cittadini
spa to meet the new and always more
sophisticated needs in the field of advanced technical textiles and sewing of
protective clothing equipment (PPE).
The company is firmly convinced that
technical textiles represent an opportunity to improve the life and safety conditions of people and, for this reason, Cittadini Spa wanted to offer to the market
a complete range of solutions in order to
win all the performance challenges set
by the most extreme conditions of use
of all the technical yarns.
"SAFE TECH" family is consists in:
TENAXFIL FIRE STOP is a para-aramidic
fiber sewing thread, which responds to
the need of completing the protection of
people who wear flame resistant fabrics,
ensuring protection from fire and heat.
TENAXFIL FIRE STOP has a very high
thermal resistance (in fact it reaches up
to 425 ° C and then it chars without melting and avoiding to drip on clothes or
stick to the body), while ensuring at the
same time exceptional tensile strength
to the break and tear. So, thanks to its
intrinsic characteristics, FIRE STOP is an
auto-extinguishing sewing thread able to
offer a good abrasion and cut resistance
at the same time. It is available in various counts, both in continuous and spun
TENAXFIL FIRE STOP+ is a meta-aramidic fiber sewing thread; thanks to its particular construction and to the material
used, it allows to best fulfill the needs
of fire resistance and yarn sewability .It
ensures a good thermal protection (up
to about 370 ° C, then it carbonizes without melting) and, thanks to its elasticity, better sewing performances, while
maintaining a good mechanical strength.
FIRE STOP+ also permits the color customization, depending on the substrate
to be used.
TENAXFIL ANTISTATIC is the high tenacity antistatic sewing thread developed by
Cittadini spa in order to meet the needs
of the safety clothes making-up industry,
in which it is essential to dissipate the
electrostatic charge and avoid the crea-
tion of sparks. TENAXFIL ANTISTATIC has a linear resistivity that suits the production
of clothes that must comply with DIN EN ISO 1149, allowing to create a conductor
link also in the seams, which is rather impossible with a normal sewing thread.
TENAXBOND PES represents a new generation of polyester bonded yarn, specifically
designed to offer a better resistance to UV and abrasion than regular polyester HT
yarns. The special and exclusive treatment made by Cittadini also allow to sew on the
most resistant materials; thanks to the “STS SILK” finishing, a special softness and
a high silky smoothness are conferred to the yarn, improving the performance of
sewability, in particular on new generation of fast machines and 2 needles machines.
TENAXFIL EXTREME is the latest in the family of SAFE TECH yarns made by Cittadini
spa, but it is not the least important. It is produced with Dyneema® fiber and it provides an incredible specific tenacity which allows to reach tensile strengths which are
impossible to match with other synthetic yarns. Another important aspect of TENAXFIL EXTREME is the resistance to UV, weathering, acids in general and mildew. In
high humidity ambient or sea operation situation it is the perfect solution to maintain
optimal performance expectations in terms of retention of tensile strength and fiber
The introduction of the new "SAFE TECH" line joins and completes the investment
projects made by Cittadini spa in the field of dyeing and finishing for yarns and
fabrics. In fact, technologically advanced systems allow the Company to offer also
ultra-performance nets, among which the ones produced in Dyneema® fiber are very
important; they provide a very high breaking load and cut resistance, also offering, at
the same time, the possibility to make lightweight and low volume articles. Through
these articles, Cittadini spa has achieved a specialization and completeness in the
range of nets and technical yarns getting to become incomparable in the European
market and can satisfy the needs of the most advanced applications of industrial, military, protection, clothing, furnishing and contract markets.
New opportunities for Italian clothing exporters
China dealt quickly with the global economic crisis of 2008 by using monetary, fiscal and
bank-lending measures, affecting positively GDP that grew from 9.2% in 2009, to 10.3%
in 2010, 9.2% in 2011 and 7.8% in 2012. China’s GDP grow rate in 2013 is expected to be
included between 8.3% and 8.8%.Such a growth - that could continue in the next years - is
perceived as non-sustainable by the Chinese leadership that shows its concerns in the 12th
Five-Year Plan published in 2011 (through the Five-Year Plans, the Chinese Government
gradually plans objectives and priorities of China’s economic and social development).
Also for this reason, the plan aims to increase consumption
from 35% of GDP in 2010 to 50% by 2015.
This rebalancing of China’s economy should create opportunities for foreign companies that provide consumption goods
and services.
China’s rapid economic growth - especially in urban areas - led
to a booming of consumption and it is expected that China will
account for a consumption of about 20% of global luxury goods
by 2015 and that the middle-class will represent approximately
45% of the population by 2020 (about 700 million people).
Despite these data, China still remains a developing country
with significant economic gaps between urban and rural areas.
In 2011, the urban population exceeded the rural one for the
first time with 690.79 million people versus 656.56 million.
In 2011, the per-capita income of urban residents was US$
3.454 while the one of the rural residents was US$ 1.105.
With a population of about 1,3 billion people and a rapid economic growth, China represents the largest consumer market
for clothing and home textiles. The per-capita fiber consumption increased from 4.1 kg in 2000 to 20.3 kg in 2008, indeed.
According to a survey conducted by Euromonitor, the Chinese
textile-clothing market will reach US$ 473 billion in 2014, an
increase of 75,2% in comparison with 2009 (US$ 270 billion).
Clothing sales grew by 137.8% between 2003 and 2009 thanks
to strong increases in the purchasing power of salaries.
Chinese brands dominate the mass market in particular in rural
areas and small cities. They generally have more widespread
sales networks than foreign competitors.
The most important clothing companies - in order of sales revenue in 2011 - are:
Youngor Co., Ltd (Ningbo - Zhejiang)
Hongdou Group Co., Ltd (Wuxi – Jiangsu)
Heilan Group (Wuxi - Jiangsu)
ShanShan Enterprise (Shanghai)
Boseding Co. Ltd (Suzhou – Jiangsu)
Jiangsu Sunshine Group ( Jiangyang – Jiangsu)
Shandong Ruyi Science & Technology Group ( Jining – Shandong)
Anta (China) Co. Ltd ( Jinjiang – Fujian)
Qingdao Jifa Group (Qingdao – Shandong)
Shandong Singer Group Co. Ltd (Weifang – Shandong)
The luxury apparel market is dominated by foreign companies
– European above all - even if some domestic brands such as
Ne.Tiger and Trands (Dayang Group) are expanding their activities in this segment – also abroad.
Brands such as Ermenegildo Zegna, Dunhill, Hugo Boss and
Armani have already established a strong presence in the market. Nevertheless some domestic brands such as Youngor, Romon e Firs are establishing theirselves in the same segment.
As far as shirt production and sales are concerned, Chinese
brands are very strong. Most men’s shirts sold all over the world
are made in China. Youngor, Firs, Conch and Rouse are the top
four brands.
Even if brands such as Dior, Chanel, Prada and Gucci dominate the luxury market segment – increases of both casual and
classic clothing sales for Chinese brands are expected. Among
the most important Chinese brands: White Collar, Kaiser, lily,
Giralear, JNBY, Peacebird, Sierli, Gloria. Imports are limited but
there’s room for growth.
Foreign brands hold the majority of the market and dominate
the premium market segment with brands such as Mickey’s, Les
Enphants, BobDog, Bossini Kids, Esprit Kids. These brands provide their products mainly in mid-end and high-end specialty
shops and department stores.
There are few well-known domestic brands and the most important ones are: Yaduo, Shuihaier, Balabala.
This segment represents the most promising market; on one
hand because it is not yet overstocked and completely developed; on the other hand because it is expected to grow annually by 8% thanks to the higher income of Chinese families.
Sales of casual wear such as jeans, jackets and t-shirts are on
the rise. In terms of volume, the market is dominated by domestic brands such as Metersbonwe and Jeanswet.
Since the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, sport has become a
part of the Chinese lifestyle with a consequent booming of
sales in clothing and footwear for outdoor activities. The two
dominant brands are: Nike and Adidas, followed by Reebok,
Puma, Mizuno and Umbro. Unlike what is commonly thought,
those products are mostly imported (India, Thailand, Turkey
and Vietnam) rather than locally produced.
Domestic brands such as Li-Ning, Peak, 361° and Anta are
gaining a larger share of the domestic market than last years.
The luxury market entered is well established. Mass market has
low price. The market for men’s underwear is still at its preliminary stages of development and offers good opportunities of
Information and market
Regulations, trends and products in TexClubTec’s publications
Gaining and spreading information that could be useful for
associates and spreading technological and scientific knowledge are fundamental for a sector in continuous development
as technical textile are. For that, this has always been one of
the main goal in TexCLubTec’s mission. Knowing the world,
witnessing its evolution and evaluating its potentialities are fundamental actions to take to foster development, for an export
oriented company in particular.
Facing the market without the correct information could lead to
disappointing results with potential severe consequences. Contrary, an appropriate approach, with a solid knowledge, could
be a successful strategy with remarkable commercial results.
Today, the Internet and the media offer so much information
that it becomes difficult to separate what’s certain and what’s
not verifiable. This is due to the speed and depth of the digital
world that allows people to acquire a huge number of information. Unfortunately, news that can be found are often disjointed
and incomplete and, for that, it becomes hard to have a global
vision of what we’re looking for.
That’s why TexClubTec gives its best constantly in collecting
useful information and updated data about topics of general
interest, gathering them in specific studies and market analysis. Among the most recent studies, there are the analysis of
the technical textile market in India and of the flame retardant
textile market for upholstery in China as well as technological
studies such as “Production wastes as profits through recycling
for the textile industry”.
Moreover, TexClubTec started a new publishing product, Mondo Tessile, that focuses on the Textile and Clothing sector in
general. It’s a new product of the association that aims to become a useful tool to gain information and get to know international market dynamisms, not only of the technical textiles, but
also of the textile in general. Mondo Tessile is an open window
on the textile sectorn in which news hard to find are gathered,
whose goal is to help companies to realize corporate commercial plans and technical and scientific updating.
In-depth periodical on
Textile&Clothing technologies,
products and markets.
The GB18401 standard (National Safety Technical Code for Textile
Products) is compulsorily implemented to any kind of textile object
imported, sold or produced on the Chinese market. It contains safety
requirements, test methods, supervision procedures and implementation rules for the domestic area control. Starting from the 1st of August
2012, the 2010 review became law, with some changes compared with
the 2003 one.
On January 14th 2011, the 2010 review
of the GB18401 standard “National Safety Technical Code for Textile Products”
was approved. Its final enactment, estimated for the 1st August 2011, was
postponed by one year. So, up to the 1st
August 2012, the 2003 review had been
still effective. The main changes that had
been adopted are:
The age average of the “Infants” category is raised from 0-24 months to 0-36
PH range for products with skin contact
(Cat. B) raises from 4.0-7.5 to 4.0-8.5;
Some changes had been included in the
requirements’ chart for color solidity
standards: no specific requirement for
unrefined or faded textiles and for traditionally hand painted textiles (Tie-dye,
batik etc.). Curtain fabrics are exempted
from standards of color solidity to sweat;
4-aminoazobenzene had been added
to the forbidden amines, in compliance
with the effective European standards;
Exception: standards are not to be
adopted for textile pieces of art, disposable hygienic products, luggage, umbrellas, carpets etc.
The GB18401 standard must be adopted for all imported, sold and produced
textile objects on the Chinese market. It
indicates safety requirements, test methods, supervision procedures and regulations for the control implementation in
the domestic area, that the PRC General
Administration of Quality Supervision,
Inspection and Quarantine must put in
action to protect consumer health and
Standards include colour solidity and
some eco-friendly requirements, partially according to the Oeko-Tex 100®
(Certification system that checks presence and quantity of harmful substances in textile products). Unlike the latter,
whose adoption is voluntary, GB18401
requirements are compulsory and involve more than the mere supplier-buyer relationship. Moreover, some of the
related test methods are available only
in Chinese and some aren’t totally equivalent to ISO standards.
For this reason, the National Safety Technical Code for Textile Products is considered a market obstacle, but, in most
cases, it can be overcome with a better
knowledge of Chinese market regulations.
cerned, referential product standards
must be specified on the label. FZ Standards concern textile products and include test methods, product standards
(with tests and requirements for different kind of objects from the textile and
clothing chain – yarns, fabrics, finished
items) and specific standards for mechanical textiles.
Since many product standards are available only in Chinese, Centrocot offers,
on request, translation services and advice about requirements China asks for.
The need to be in compliance with them
mustn’t be underestimated to avoid
problems and penalties once goods had
been sent.
For that, Centrocot defined specific test
procedures to be offered to its customerS to check goods’ compliance using
Chinese test methods and an expert advice on the effective Chinese legislation.
In addition to GB18401, there are other
rules that an entrepreneur should know.
Goods’ labeling (composition and maintenance in particular) is being underestimated by exporters most of the time. For
example, many of them don’t know that
a wrong translation of a fiber name in
Chinese could lead to heavy fines, even
if it’s a matter of formal mistakes.
According to the product range con-
For further information, please contact
Mrs Marta Lualdi, International area
manager, Centrocot.
NEXT Technology
Ideas, Innovation, Industrial
Next Technology Tecnotessile is a private research organisation
enrolled among the laboratories recognised by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), operating
for the improvement of technological innovation and the competitiveness of companies.
The company was established in 1972 in Prato. Its capital
is held by companies operating in various industrial sectors
(mainly textiles, clothing, mechanical, textile machinery and
logistics) for 60% and by Ministery of Research for 40% .
"Innovation" and "Industrial development" as well as the assiduous involvement into R&D projects at national and European level are the key factors of Next Technology Tecnotessile
strategy for supporting and enhancing innovation in the whole
sector and therefore facilitating its transfer to SMEs.
The strengths of its research activities are represented by multi-disciplinary skills, the availability of pilot plants and hightech scientific instrumentation, the industrial application of
research results and the capability of realising prototypes at
pre-industrial level.
The skill areas of Next Technology Tecnotessile are:
•Chemistry of polymers and textiles, innovative process technologies
•Chemistry and physics of radiation processes for the functionalization of materials
•Design / prototyping and industrial automation
•CAE simulation and reduction of noise and vibration
•Innovative textiles for technical uses
•New materials and composites
•Treatment and wastewater reuse
To carry out these activities, Next Technology Tecnotessile uses
its own laboratory equipped with high-level scientific instrumentation, where, in collaboration with industry and other research centers, are carried out test and prototypes. In particular, the Centre has:
•Equipment and instruments for structural finite element analysis, kinematic and dynamic analysis, thermal analysis and fluid
dynamics, noise and vibration measurements, experimentation
with high-speed vision systems and infrared (IR).
•Pilot plants for the production of nanofibers, systems for the
production of nanostructured surfaces, vacuum and atmospheric pressure plasma treatment plants, SEM microscopy.
Pilot plants for the treatment of wastewater with membranes,
ozone oxidation systems, MBR. Software for life cycle analysis
(LCA). Measurement of photocatalytic properties of nanostructured materials.
•Innovative pilot plants for spinning, 2D and 3D weaving, production of textile structures with sloping wefts, hot melt lamination. Skin Model and other advanced instrumentation for
materials testing and characterization.
•Pilot plants for the functionalization of materials using in particular Electron Beam Irradiation technology. Pilot plant facilities and equipment to achieve reinforcing preforms and manu-
factured parts. Tests on composite materials.
A specific area of the company is dedicated to Project Management and technical support for companies investing in innovation and technological research. In particular, the staff of
Next Technology Tecnotessile acts to facilitate the participation
of enterprises in research projects and cooperation networks
between enterprises and research institutions, and provides
technical support during the preparation of project proposals
for access to public funding, as well as for carrying out the scientific and technical activities required by the project.
The main technologies currently developed in its own laboratories thanks to this commitment are:
•Material functionalization processes, particularly using nanomaterials and plasma technologies
•Surface treatments using microwave systems, ultrasounds
(US), ultraviolet (UV), Electron Beam
•Innovative processes of textile finishing
•Processes of production of nanostructured materials
•Study and development of materials with photocatalytic properties
•Production of nanofibers by electrospinning
•Design and construction of prototype machines and automation systems
•Technologies for treating and reusing wastewater
•Processes and technologies for the production of preforms
and composite components
Particular attention is paid by the Centre also to training activities, by offering initiatives that encourage technological development and transfer of knowledge, and specific support in the
qualification training and updating of researchers, technicians
and specialists for the various sectors of the textile and textile
machinery. For this effort, Tecnotessile Next Technology is recognised by the Tuscan Regional as Training Agency.
Projects by NEXT
Ideas and projects for sustainable innovation in Fashion
NEXT Technology Tecnotessile has led a constant activity of
Research in Textile&Clothing sector for over 20 years. This is
concretized by offering directly to the companies technology
transfer services as well as technical support for developing
new products and processes, but also working with the most
reliable and specialized research centers of the country and
abroad for the realization of projects with a high content of
experimental research.
In recent years, the interest and research activity of Tecnotessile
has mostly focused on issues related to environmental sustainability, with the aim of providing companies with innovative
solutions for efficiently energy consumption, by lowering the
levels of use and release of substances harmful to humans and
the environment, and a more widespread attention to the testing of raw materials from recycling.
A measurable commitment to innovative products and processes that the industry can adopt thanks to the synergies established with the world of Services Centres, Research organizations and the University, and to its close relations with the
Tuscany entrepreneurial network, whose needs and potential
are the reference of all the proposals of R&D.
EASYWASH: industrial washing systems with low consumption
of energy and primary resources.
"EasyWash" presented on the Italian Call "Industria 2015", aims
to develop a concept of textile for workwear original and revolutionary, where washing and storage can ensure a reduced
consumption of energy and natural resources. The new generation of products, achieved thanks to a photocatalytic inorganic
compound, used as additive in the process of fixing, can be
classified as "self-cleaning textile", therefore capable of ensuring an indirect environmental effect for the reduced need of
washes, the lowering of energy consumption and a significant
reduction of waste.
BISCOL: development of natural dyes for the dyeing industry.
The goal of the project Eco-Innovation "Biscol" is to propose a
new dyeing process, which uses dyes produced by biocatalytic
methods. The enzyme in these processes promotes the synthesis of organic chromophores by allowing production and sustainable consumption as well as saving energy and water. The
LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) will carry out an assessment of the
sustainability of new dyeing process from design to prototype,
which is expected by the end of 2013. The project is coordinated by the Department of Chemistry, University of Siena.
SUPERTEX: flame retardant fabrics made with PET from the
food industry
The Eco-Innovation "Supertex" aims to demonstrate that a secondary raw material such as a film of recycled PET (RPET), can
be used in the textile industry for the production of eco-friendly technical products, with high added value. The polyester
used comes from food packaging, which differently from bottles polyester is of low quality because it contains impurities of
polyolefins. Such recycled material can, however, be exploited
for the production of yarns that have flame retardant properties
usable both by the automotive and domestic textile.
PURIFAST: innovative systems for the treatment and reuse of
wastewater for the textile industry.
The project Life + "PURIFAST" has developed a system of novel
treatment for the purification of waste water coming from the
textile industry and by civil usage, through the use of techniques of ultrafiltration and ozone that can reduce the environmental impact due to a lower use of fossil material in CO2
emissions and water acidification processes. The results of the
project have shown that it is possible to efficiently remove solids and dissolved organic matter, with a wastewater reuse equal
to 35% in mixture with spring water.
Share, Innovate, Invest in the
future. Ideas for sustainable
"Making Network" is not only an imperative for companies,
required to join skills, technical equipment and strategies to
achieve objectives of common interest. "Making Network" has
also become a target for all the Research institutions and organizations providing SMEs with incentives, support and services,
to maximize the intervention and the capability to perform effective technology transfer actions.
Fot that reason the Region of Tuscany decided in 2010 to reserve a specific line of funding for the establishment of 12 Poles
of Innovation able to maximize the actions of the existing service providers of the area, and enhance their support activities
and technology transfer to the business world.
The involved entities are Service and Research Centres, University and Research areas of the CNR, and they all have been
called to work synergistically in order to propose a set of actions intended to develop research and innovation, enable paths
technology transfer and diffusion of knowledge in the research
sector, and to stimulate companies to use the public funds.
For the textile, clothing, leather, tanning, footwear and jewellery, the Polo that was formed is OTIR2020, Officina Toscana per l’innovazione e la Ricerca di Settore, which sees NEXT
Technology Tecnotessile leader of a pool of specialized centres
in different sectors.
Born in July 2011, OTIR2020 has among
its objectives to contribute actively to
the process of reorganization of Tuscany production system, and prepare it for
new development policies that allow the
upgrading of SMEs innovation level and
a further qualification of their commercial offer for both the domestic and foreign market, enabling a faster release of
the Tuscan system from the crisis of the
An ambitious goal that uses as privileged
instruments the technical and technological equipment offered by the involved
centres, the existing and already widespread availability of the more advanced
companies to experience innovation
paths especially in the areas of production, organizational processes and product research, and, above all, the financing
lines offered by the Region to support
ideas and innovation projects with his
Catalogue of "Qualified Services".
Also the research system is required to
qualify itself, and for the first time has
to share opportunities and complexity
of the industry scenario, and therefore
contribute to the preparation of a joint
strategic offer.
OTIR2020 will do in a few months its
second year of operation, and can already boast some very important results,
OTIR2020: the features
8 (Next Technology Tecnotessile,
Servindustria, i2t3,
Poteco, Consorzio
Polo Tecnologico
Magona, Fondazione Clima e Sostenibilità, Consorzio
Arezzo Innovazione,
4 (Università di
Firenze, Università
di Pisa, Università di
Siena, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna)
Involved sectors:
6 (textile, clothing,
leather, tanning,
footwear, jewellery)
Project proposals
almost 60
Project proposals
over 30
especially in relation to the number of
associated enterprises and to the number
of services resulting in submitted applications for financing under the Tuscany
Region Calls.
To interpret the future of the local system, and to combine the driver of technological innovation with new strategic
objectives, the "Polo della Moda" intends
to focus its future work on companies'
commitment for environmental, economic and social sustainability, which
also Fashion Industry is increasingly
required to meet. A goal that requires a
stronger synergy between partners and
universities, and that will provide companies with innovative tools of knowledge
transfer and sharing, also from the point
of view of fruition model.
A plan of actions that intends to outline a
green and sustainable future for Fashion
Tuscany industry, where the capacity for
innovation and the need to safeguard the
markets are combined with the attention
to the territory and to its system of social
Innovative and versatile fibres and filaments
Trevira is intensifying its activities in the
field of technical textiles. This year the
fibre and filament producer will be appearing again in June at the Technical
Fair in Frankfurt, and for the first time,
in March at Techtextil North America
in Anaheim (California/USA), and at
Textile Solutions in April. The Trevira
programme covers fibres (including bicomponent fibres) in polyester and PLA
(Ingeo™), flame retardant and other special fibres and yarns in polyester, standard and spun-dyed filaments, as well as
microfilament and hybrid yarns.
Trevira filaments cover a broad range of
applications for technical textiles. Flame
retardant yarns for the construction of
exhibition stands and print base materials (Trevira CS) are now standard. In
addition, there are special yarns for medicine and hygiene textiles, as well as textured PBT filaments as a basis for transdermal patches and bandages.
Hybrid yarns constitute an important
specialty: low-melt component (NSK)
is combined with a Trevira standard or
flame retardant filament.
Using thermal treatment, textile fabrics
made from these hybrid yarns can be
controlled and shaped almost at will,
and finally fixed in this state. The single-material composition of these products (100% Polyester) means they can be
recycled. They can be finished in a variety of ways, all energy-saving, and they
are dyeable and printable. This makes
them an interesting alternative, in both
ecological and economic terms, since a
stiffening coating of acrylate, for example, becomes superfluous. When used in
combination with flame retardant Trevira
filaments the materials satisfy important
international fire standards.
Mixing Trevira NSK filaments with glass
and/or carbon filament makes it possible
to produce high-performance thermoplastic composites or prepregs, e.g. for
vehicle construction.
Staple fibre range covers short-cut fibres for airlaid and wetlaid applications
(hygiene products, paper industry) and
flame retardant fibres for nonwoven
The range in bico fibres comprises the
various raw material combinations, such
Bico fibres in core-sheath technology are
Textile acoustic systems with Trevira CS © photos: Caimi
used primarily in the manufacture of thermally bonded materials (non-wovens), for
instance in the automotive sector, for insulation and filtration materials, and also for
hygiene products.
Trevira is focusing more and more on ecological solutions. The sustainability concept in bico fibres is mainly based on optimising existing products in the PES fibre
programme, such as a PET/PE fibre with low melting point. This saves energy during
processing and/or allows a higher operational throughput. The range of fibres in
biopolymers (PLA) for a variety of technical applications will be extended to include a PLA/PLA bico fibre.
Recycling is also an important issue. At
the headquarters in Bobingen, Trevira
is working to develop a programme for
recycling Trevira products.
Textile acoustic systems with Trevira CS © photo: Abinitio
Flame resistant
Flame resistant mannequins for fire
tests on fabrics by Cad Modelling
Ergonomics S.r.l.
The new Flame Test Mannequin Formax® by Cad Modelling Ergonomics will be presented in a worldwide preview at the Frankfurt edition of Techtextil 2013 (11-13
Recently conceived to test the performance of garments AND protective clothing, the
Formax® Flame Test Mannequin is MADE with a special material and respecting the
norms UNI EN ISO 14360, UNI EN ISO 14116 and ENI EN ISO 11612.
The new Formax® Flame Test Mannequin features a fully articulated, non-degrading
body form with the possibility of integrating sensors, allowing the technicians to
characterize the performance of PPE and workwear in a simulated flash fire environment having controlled heat flux, flame distribution, and duration.
While complying with all the above-mentioned norms, thanks to the experience in
the field of the industrial modeling, the new Formax® Flame Test Mannequin allows
the creation of clothing ensuring the highest standards of fit, wearability and comfort.
Thanks to the constant update of the anthropometric database made by Cad Modelling Ergonomics, the new Formax® Flame Test Mannequin is designed on real anatomy average in every body-shape, for adults and children.
“The sector of corporate-wear requires the production of garments which can ensure
comfort and safety – comments Silvio Quattrocolo, founder of the Florentine Company – “The quality and handiness of garments is a decisive factor to ensure agility
making precise movements and delicate operations”
Knitted fabrics for protective clothing
A new certified range of fabrics by Argar S.r.l.
Argar Srl is located in Busto Arsizio, district of Varese, is the
Italian leading manufacturer of knitted fabrics and accessories
addressed to the production of individual protection garments
for professional, technical and sports purposes.
Argar Technology, Research & Development Department of
Argar Srl, constantly addresses human, technical and financial
resources to study new projects aimed at creating certified Protective Knitted Fabrics with innovative functional specifications,
in collaboration with most important worldwide fiber producers.
Most recent creations concern the application of Bacteriostatic
Sanitizing treatments on several items and the birth of new
items group of Flame retardant + antistatic knitted fabrics,
featuring, in addition to specific EN11612 and EN1149 certifications, also the high visibility property according to EN471
norm, for which the new certification protocol stated by the
upcoming EN20471 norm has been applied in advance.
FFres is the powerful, long lasting Bacteriostatic Sanitizing
treatment, based on application of Silver micro composites on
the surface of Protective Knitted Fabrics of Argar Technology.
The strong antimicrobial properties of this treatment ensure
maximum hygiene and absence of odors, even after frequent
washing cycles.
FFres maintains the natural physiological balance of the skin.
allowing the proliferation of "good" bacteria only, providing an
extraordinary feeling of cleanliness and freshness.
FFres treatment is Oeko-tex® Standard 100 Classe II compliant.
NOFLAM®-HV is the new items group of Protective Knitted
Fabrics featuring flame retardant + high visibility functions, in
Yellow color, fully complying with EN 11612, EN471 and Oeko-tex® Standard 100 Class II norms.
Tes-firESD®-HV items group has same functions of NOFLAM®-HV items group with addition of Antistatic function,
resulting in full compliance with EN1149, EN11612, EN471 and
Oeko-tex® Standard 100 Class II norms.
Argar Technology guarantees that all its Knitted Fabrics and
Accessories are manufactured and ennobled in Italy.
Argar Technology continues in a constant research and development of new certified solutions for Protection, Safety and
Texclubtec and the Italian technical textile sector at
Techtextil Frankfurt 2013
After the great success of last edition - that counted 1226 exhibitors and about 25000 visitors -Techtextil 2013 (Frankfurt, 11-13 June) is an exciting chance to take for the international technical textile sector. In a scenario of economic crisis and general tumultuousness,
society calls for real and effective answers to its needs. It’s precisely in this market area that
the technical textile sector is placed, thanks to its reactivity and dynamism, that, besides,
make the fair atmosphere particularly lively and intense.
Furthermore, during the 3 days of fair, chances to meet potential customers and partners
are boosted by many additional events such as technical conferences, Awards Ceremony for
innovating products.
Texprocess - the international trade fair
for processing textile and other flexible materials - and Material Vision, the
Trade Exhibition and Conference on Materials for Product Development, Design
and are other remarkable events.
Same as the Asian and American editions
(Cinte Shangai, Techtextil India, Techtextil North America), in collaboration with
ICE (Italian Trade Promotion Agency),
TexClubTec is organizing the Italian collective stand at Techtextil 2013 with representatives from each segment of the
supply chain. With a surface of 350 mq
in the center of the most visited pavilion,
the Italian collective area offers a good
position with high visibility and prestige.
The goal is, on one hand, to give visitors
a big impact image of the Italian textile
sector and, on the other hand, to support our associates, offering them all the
services they need to reach the best marketing results.
Texclubtec’s objective is to foster the development of the Italian textile sector,
whose growth has been remarkable in
the last ten years. In effect, nowadays Italy is acknowledge as a leader not only
for its high quality fashion textiles, but
also for its high performance products
for technical textile applications, that
Italian companies had the chance to
show at the most important international
fairs over the years. It’s not by chance
that, despite the bad economic situation
and the Far East competitiveness, the
number of Italian exhibitors at Techtextil
grows constantly each edition.
Innovative products in the Italian
As a representative of the whole supply
chain, Texclubtec/ICE area includes 22
joint stand participants with their own
personalized stands and about 10 companies that show their most innovative
products in the Forum area.
As far as product presentations are concerned, a wide range of technical yarns
can be found, produced by Essegomma
S.p.a., Filati Borio Fiore S.r.l., Filidea by
Marchi&Fildi S.p.a., Finelvo S.r.l., Ghezzi
S.p.a., 4M Plants Stellini. Furthermore,
Filatura C4 S.r.l. shows a base of continuous basalt filament covered by a carded para aramid yarn and a carded yarn
made of recycled para aramid fiber, while
Cittadini S.p.a. presents high tenacity antistatic sewing threads and meta-aramidic fiber sewing threads. Samples shown
by Pozzi Electa are remarkable as well
(Crabyon and Trevira CS fibre yarns).
Smart textiles play an important role
in the Italian area: along with Limonta
S.p.a., Soliani EMC S.r.l. and the new
born Lenzi 1898 Smart Textile Solutions
S.r.l., Argar S.r.l.
offers flame retardant, antibacterial and high
visibility knitted
fabrics, while a
made by FIR emission fibers is presented by Tessitura Taiana Virgilio
S.p.a. Standartex
flame retardant,
antibacterial, electric arc resistant
fabrics and high
visibility textiles
for work and protective wear.
Furthermore, Tessitura Corti S.r.l.
products for military
application and
and laminated textiles with membranes,
while Tessitura Fratelli Fontana S.r.l.
shows many samples of textiles for different applications in the industrial filtration field.
Specific applications concerns tapes produced by Filmar S.r.l. (glass tapes,
cotton tapes, polyester tapes, high performance fibers), Eurotex S.r.l. and Rifra
Nastri S.r.l. - and nets (Cittadini S.p.a.).
As far as finishing is concerned, it will
be represented by Sisa S.p.a. (coated
textiles) and Bozzetto Group that, together with chemicals for finishing treatments, presents a ready-to-use paste for
photoluminescence effect and some other innovative products for coating.
Moreover, there can be found some multifunctional flame retardant garments for
work wear (Tirso S.r.l.) and anthropometric glass fiber mannequins made by
Cad Modelling Ergonomics S.r.l. that can
be used in fire tests for protective wear.
Obviously, research will be well represented too: Centro Tessile Cotoniero
ed Abbigliamento S.p.a. is one of TexClubTec joint stand participants, while
Next Technology Tecnotessile displays
in the forum area insect-repellent fabrics
and nanostructured composite material
panels with photocatalytic properties.
Furthermore, the Forum area give also
space to international and European research projects TexClubTec's working
on such as Storepet (Development of
PCM-based innovative insulating solutions for the Light-weight building sector), Intimire (Intumescent materials
with improved fire retardant and flame
properties for building and transport ap-
plications) and Wash & Load (multi-functionality loading service for functional
protective clothing that leverage on the
textile service companies while increasing safety for the operators).
TexClubTec/ICE (3.1 G60) area
Exhibitors are
(Hall 3.1, aree G 47, G 51, G 56, G
59, H 51, H 49)
4M Plants Stellini S.r.l.
Argar S.r.l.
Bozzetto Group
Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento S.p.a.
Cittadini S.p.a.
Essegomma S.p.a.
Eurotex S.r.l.
Filati Borio Fiore S.r.l.
Filatura C4 S.r.l.
Filidea S.r.l.
Filmar S.r.l.
Finelvo S.r.l.
Ghezzi S.p.a.
Gottifredi Maffioli S.p.a.
Lenzi 1898 Smart Textile Solutions S.r.l.
Limonta S.p.a.
Rifra Nastri S.r.l.
Sisa S.p.a.
Soliani EMC S.r.l.
Standartex S.p.a.
Tessitura Fratelli Fontana S.r.l.
Tessitura Taiana Virgilio S.p.a.
7|8|9 MAY 2013
Expo 2015 topics at NanoItalTex 2013: technical textiles contribution
From the 1st May to the 31st October 2015, Milan is going to host Expo 2015, a remarkable event whose benefits at an industrial and commercial level will affect the
whole countries, and Lombardy in particular. Many industrial branches are taking
advantages from this event, such as the building sector and transports, and a requalification plan for new infrastructures and buildings set up for the exhibition is being
drown up. To underline the important role that Expo plays for the host country, it’s
enough to say that about 20 million visitors from more than one hundred countries
are expected.
This exhibition is an unmissable opportunity to make new high-profile contacts and
partnerships for Italian producers, since, after years of bad economic situation and
market tumultuousness. Italian companies need new horizons, effective solutions and
better future perspectives than these days.
For this reason, the international conference dedicated to technological innovation
in the textile sector, NanoItalTex, at its 9th edition in 2013, will focus on Expo goals
and topics, discussing whether the exhibition could represent a good opportunity
EXPO 2015
Expo 2015 will be an extraordinary global event that will put
in the spotlight traditions, creativity and innovations about nutrition and its connected fields. It will concern topics - that had
been already discussed in the last editions - in the light of the
new global scenarios. Since the main topic of the entire exhibition will be Nutrition – and consequently health – here are the
main goals on which the attention should be focused:
Nutrition quality and safety must be strengthen, making sure
that the whole population has access to healthy food and drinkable water;
Through a healthy nutrition for all human beings, we must fight
starvation, thirst, infant mortality and malnutrition - that affect
850 million people today – by overcoming famines and pandemics;
New social diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases,
cancer, epidemics must be prevented by endorsing effective
procedures that could be a real solution;
We need to boost innovation throughout the whole food supply
chain, thanks to research and new technologies, improving nutritive values, storage and supply of food;
People should be educated on a correct nutrition to foster new
lifestyles - especially for kids, teenagers, disabled people and
senior citizens;
The knowledge of food traditions should be recognized as a
cultural and ethnic identity.
Quality and easy access to agricultural and food products are
a real social need and have an important economic value. Local communities plays a fundamental role since food quality
is strengthen whether strong agricultural and breeding traditions exist. Those thousand-year-old traditions are the basis of
today scientific innovations and technologies. Public bodies,
private companies, humanitarian association, NGOs, consumer
and producer representatives promote the development of the
whole economic and social system all over the world.
At Expo 2015, the above mentioned objectives will be discussed
also through many exhibitions about scientific and technological evolutions such as:
for the technical textile sector and what
could be its contribution to answer planet needs.
So, the organizer, TexClubTec, chose
Centro Tessile Cotoniero ed Abbigliamento S.p.a from Busto Arsizio (Varese)
as a collaborator, thanks to its interest
in the topics Expo refers to. NanoItalTex
2013 wants to give the chance to evaluate the potential benefits of Expo and,
so, help the Italian technical textile sector in preparing itself for an opportunity
that could be given only once.
Safeguard of biodiversity, respecting environment as an agricultural ecosystem, protecting food health and quality, educating
people on a better nutrition for their health and wellness;
Identification of better monitoring and innovating tools such
as ecofriendly biotechnologies not harmful for health, in order
to guarantee availability of drinkable and irrigation water and
healthy food;
Guarantee of new food sources for poor agricultural areas or
where agriculture is threatened by desertification, deforestation, drought, famine, species impoverishment of rivers and
In this scenario, technical textile issues could be summarized in
four main thematic area:
Health improvement has to start from the infant mortality cut
down, especially in developing countries, increasing the use of
antibacterial and anti-mosquito textiles against Malaria. As far
as developed countries are concerned, the challenge consists in
coping with the lengthening of the avarage age and the changing medical needs and the improvement of life quality for senior citizens. This way, Textile Medical Implants in human body
are spreading considerably as well as research and studies on
Smart Textiles with remote monitoring sensors for vital signs
for elderly or disabled people and infants.
In the medical field, protection plays a fundamental role - especially for the pharmaceutical sector and hospitals - in avoiding
drugs to be contaminated (e.g. Textiles for Cleanrooms) and in
protecting workers to be infected by virus or infections brought
by inpatients (Protective Clothing).
Moreover, in the last decade, an increased interest for what
concerns people wellness has been registered. For this reason,
the entire sports sector (both professional and amateur) has
become a leading field, in which textiles with different characteristics (thermoregulating, breathable, antibacterial, or textiles
able to reduce weariness) could represent a good starting point
to open new horizons.
It’s important to offer a sustainable and non-polluted environment. In this perspective, Agrotextiles, gas filtration textiles for
the industrial sector are essential tools. Preventing natural hazards due to climate changes could help agricultural development.
This way, Geotextiles have a strategic value and Protective
Clothing and Textile Architecture (e.g. camp tents, temporary
housing textile structures) both before and after natural disasters take place could be of some help.
Food guarantee and health involve the entire food supply chain
and the connected industrial sectors. Concerning the food industry, Protective Clothing for workers and textiles for packaging and conveyor belts – that must be in compliance with
specific international standards – play a fundamental role.
Furthermore, sea impoverishment leads to a ship route change
towards farther and colder seas where protective clothing for
cold and wet climates should be implemented to preserve people safety and health. Meanwhile, innovative types of nets are
developed for aqualculture (e.g. anti-mold nets, optical fibres
nets etc.).
Water sources safeguard
Limited freshwater pollution levels can be handled by controlling industrial and public plumbing with wet filtration textiles. In case of coast pollution disasters it could be helpful to
use textiles with a high oil and chemical absorbing capacity.
Fighting thirst entails also being able to store temporarily drinkable water (with flexible textile storage containers) that could
be carried elsewhere, for example by sea or for long distances.
Projects for transportable textile tanks, easy to drag for ships, are being developed to
bring freshwater – obtained from icebergs – to southern countries.
Sustainable agriculture must be based also on reduced gas emissions in the atmosphere thanks to renewable energy sources and consumption cuts. In this perspective,
insulation textiles for the building sector could be a solution for the reduction of air
conditioning energy consumption as well as support textiles for composites reinforcement for the windmill blades and technical textiles for solar panels.
In a globalized world, in which connections are essential, transports play a fundamental role. The more intense commercial partnerships become the more time people
spend on public/private transportation. Upholstery textiles can contribute in improving travelling comforts. Unfortunately, this phenomenon leads also to a significant increase of polluted emissions in the environment. Textiles for composite reinforcement
and smart textiles could offer the chance to produce lighter, safer vehicles with low
fuel consumption and to approach mobility and transport planning from a different
point of view.
The 2013 edition, arranged by TexClubTec and Centrocot, is going to offer
many speeches of lecturers from Italy
and abroad and will be divided into different sessions, according to the topic
that’s going to be discussed.
Thanks to the prestige it has acquired
over the years – witnessed also by 50 foreign speakers and more than one thousand visitors from all production sectors
and application areas, NanoItalTex 2013
could be the chance to make the point
on trends of the innovation field (focusing on nutrition, water safeguard, transports etc.) as far as Textiles and Clothing
are concerned.
Moreover, in order to boosts contacts
among European companies of the Textile & Clothing sector, TexClubTec and
Centrocot are planning some additional
events such as some business meetings
between the Italian and foreign companies that are going to attend the conference as lecturers.
18 october 2013
Malpensa Fiere, via XI Settembre, 16 – 21052 - Busto Arsizio (Varese) - Italy
For further information and updates about the conference schedule, please visit the official website:
Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento S.p.a.
Piazza S.Anna, 2
21052 Busto Arsizio (VA) Italia
Tel: +39 0331 696711
Fax: +39 0331 680056
Viale Sarca 226,
20126 Milano, Italia
Tel: +39 0266118098
Fax: +39 026438689
Sustainability tools for
innovations, products and
Financial issues and access to credit remain some of the main
problems that the business world must resolve to ensure a
future for their companies. The crisis that hit world economy
since spring 2007 has fallen like a hurricane on Italian companies, which, from the third quarter of 2008, recorded a sharp
drop in sales and a decrease in profitability, with obvious difficulties to meet also the payment of interest and repayment of
loans. All this has then translated into a progressive deterioration in the rating resulting in increased liquidity stress.
These issues have not involved only the business world, but
also affected the banks, which have undergone a progressive
reduction in profitability along with an increase in non-performing loans and capital absorption. Penalizing elements, deriving almost directly from the crisis because, as mentioned,
the deterioration of the creditworthiness of the companies entrusted and the growth of substandard and doubtful loans are
directly related to the sharp decline in revenues and profitability of customers. The tension on the liquidity is also related
to the performance of the spread, which also determines the
ability to raise money on international markets and therefore
the raw material of the banking system in order to continue to
finance the productive fabric. A spiral on which there is also the
variable rates since the deterioration of the rating and the per-
formance of spreads have immediate effects on interest rates,
although now those officials were so restrained.
For the companies finding the necessary financial means to
support product innovation process program becomes a nightmare. An obstacle course where it becomes essential also the
way in which the request in accessing credit is “dressed”, one of
the strengths of Minding, a company established in conjunction
with the emergence of the crisis in order to give help to such
companies, that would be then affected by the effects of one
of the heaviest recessions since World War II. A downturn, the
results of which are under the astonished eyes of all the industrialists for the obvious errors of our rulers.
Minding helps the entrepreneur to set the scene for the market
and competition, to define and implement the strategy to be
started as well as to improve relations with the banks to start a
partnership considered necessary by all the actors on the scene
to overcome the classical customer-supplier relationship.
Minding’s Tools
The services offered by Minding allow
such companies to face the difficult
economic situation from two modules,
not necessarily consequential even if
we strongly recommend to start from
module 1 because: first module aims to
improve relations with the various stakeholders, the first among all banks. A goal
that Minding pursues by creating a company profile (identity card) with analysis
of the management for the last 3/5 years,
developing a business plan in three / five
years and analysis of the levers available
to the company to overcome current issues. A report enriched with the analysis of strengths and weaknesses, as well
as opportunities and threats. Then there
will be the formulation of recommendations to be implemented to overcome the
difficulties and giving full scope to opportunities.
The company profile
The Company profile therefore represents the identity card of
the company, a means by which the entrepreneur communicates with its references to the characteristics of its company
also proving to others absolute knowledge of the key variables
and how to relate them to leave winning a challenge. A challenge that sees more and more current the need to improve
the relationship that companies have establishedover the years
with the banks. Development that should lead to the overcoming of the customer-supplier relationship to move towards a
true partnership.
And the company profile supports this transformation because
it allows companies to present their reality in the banking
system using a language known to them to express a correct
image of the company accompanied by appropriate documentation of the projects. All with the ultimate aim of improving
access to credit through greater transparency and demonstrated ability to manage the key variables of governance.
It’s necessary not to dwell only on the resolution of daily prob-
Enforcing opportunity development
lems but also to think about the long-term average growth
prospects to be more proactive to changes in the economy.
Development of many projects both on the reorganization
of production and on the traditional logistics, aiming to help
The Module 2 instead is the implementation of the recomcompanies also in the delicate process of outsourcing in the
mendations put forward by Minding in the first phase shared
redesigning of its production / distribution network or reorby the company as well as by lenders when it is believed it is
ganization of the logistics of the last mile, and on the extenduseful to achieve the goal.
ed supply, working on coordination initiatives supply chain
So the control and management of your company are revised,
between producers, distributors and third-party logistics.
through the definition of a custom trade policy, strengthening
•Performances Monitoring
the relationship with the banks, the restructuring of the debt
Conceptual reconsideration of the way of doing and living
and the business assessment, verifythe control in the
ing the accuracy of the cash flows toenterprise, for the
gether with the sources of financing by professionals with a
definition of the
and the financial position.
deep-rooted experience in
key indicators to
Specifically Minding sustains the the business world where
be monitored in
company in the implementation of they carried out their dueach environment
ties until reaching the top
the following activities:
(tableau de bord),
•Strategy and Internationalization in the role of managing diand
The implementation of a strategy rector or general director
for positioning products / services (see profiles on the webgroup.
in the markets in which the com- com). The main goal is
pany intends to operate and the to offer the companies a
definition of business models to new modus operandi in
the consulting activities.
the organizational
Together with the top management The goal was to create
structure, identifya plan for growth, expansion into the foundation necessary
ing the talents and
international markets, for reloca- to overcome the tensions
inefficient resourcand restore that access to
tion, vertical or de-vertical produces, and defining a
credit that represents the
tion is set out.
systematic process
lifeblood of Italian companies. Minding works alongside the entrepreneur in
•Marketing and Sales
resolving problems that companies have to face every day to overcome the
to cultivate huDeclination of all levers of the difficult economic situation and to develop ideas and services to make large
man resources and
marketing mix from the product the small and medium industry.
to develop a syspricing, advertising sales and / or Being made up of managers with decades of experience in important intertem of incentives,
service, in line with the business national groups, Minding’s team can cope with any sort of issue from the
point of view of the entrepreneur , so as to advice solutions aimed to solve
Innovation and Product Develop- critical situations in the best way and in the shortest possible time.
aligned with busiMinding is able to operate across on all business functions to help the enment
ness goals.
trepreneur in the reorganization of the structure paving the way for future
Development of a proper strategy challenges.
Mergers and Acfor the company as far as product,
quisitions: M & A
brand marketing, research and deand Integrations
velopment, engineering, project
Implementation of a strategy for the acquisition and / or dismanagement, organizational facilities, business planning are
posal analyzing market sectors or scouting for potential comconcerned and the industrial system that has to adapt to the
panies to acquire or interest, creating the ‘due diligence’ and
choices made.
accompanying the entrepreneur in the most delicate phases
of integration post acquisition or disposal.
1. A. Molina & S. S.p.a.
2. Acimit
3. Alcantara S.p.a.
4. Alfredo Grassi S.p.a.
5. Area 52 S.r.l.
6. Argar S.r.l.
7. Botto R.O. S.r.l.
8. C.B.F. Balducci S.p.a.
9. Cad Modelling Ergonomics S.p.a.
10. Centro Tessile Serico S.p.a. Consortile
11. Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento S.p.a.
12. Cittadini S.p.a.
13. Coats Thread Italy S.r.l.
14. Csi S.p.a.
15. D'Appolonia S.p.a.
16. Dupont de Nemours Italiana S.r.l.
17. Essegomma S.p.a. Flyer
18. Eurofilt Group S.r.l.
19. Eurojersey S.p.a.
20. Eurotex S.r.l.
21. Extreme-Technologies Solutions Srl
22. F.lli Giovanardi Carlo S.n.c.
23. Famas S.r.l.
24. Fil Man Made Group S.r.l.
25. S.r.l.
26. Filartex S.p.a.
27. Filati Borio Fiore S.r.l.
28. Filatura C4 S.r.l.
29. Filidea S.r.l.
30. Filmar S.r.l.
31. Filmar S.p.a.
32. Filtes International S.r.l.
33. Finelvo S.r.l.
34. Ghezzi S.p.a.
35. Giardini S.p.a.
36. Giovanni Bozzetto S.p.a.
37. Gottifredi Maffioli S.p.a.
38. Huntsman Surface Science Italia
S.r.l. - Textile effects
39. Imatex S.p.a.
40. Innovhub - Stazione sperimentale
dell'industria divisione seta - azien-
da speciale della Camera di Commercio di Milano
41. Interfil S.r.l.
42. Italtex S.p.a.43. Itis "Q. Sella" Biella
44. Klopman International
45. Laboratorio Lapi S.p.a.
46. Lenzi 1898 Smart Textile Solutions
47. Limonta S.p.a.
48. Marzotto S.p.a.
49. Mascioni S.p.a.
50. Next Technology Tecnotessile - Società Nazionale di Ricerca S.r.l.
51. Parà S.p.a.
52. Pozzi Electa S.p.a.
53. Radici Partecipazioni S.p.a.
54. Rifra Nastri S.r.l.
55. Riri S.a. - (Cobrax)
56. Rivolta Carmignani S.p.a.
57. Saati S.p.a. - Saatitech Division
58. Safil S.p.a.
59. Sider Arc S.p.a.
60. Sisa S.p.a.
61. Sitip S.p.a
62. Soliani Emc S.r.l.
63. Sportswear Company S.p.a.
64. S.T. Protect S.r.l.
65. Standartex S.p.a.
66. Super Glanz S.p.a.
67. Tessitura Corti S.r.l.
68. Tessitura Fratelli Fontana S.r.l.
69. Tessitura Majocchi & C. S.p.a.
70. Tessitura Molteni Palmira S.r.l.
71. Tessitura Stellini S.n.c. - Stellini
72. Tessitura Taiana Virgilio S.p.a.
73. Testori S.p.a.
74. Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 S.r.l.
75. Tirso S.r.l.
76. Trevira Gmbh - Succursale Italiana
77. Vagotex Windtex S.p.a.
78. Vitrex S.r.l.
A. Molina & C. S.p.a.
Via Dante 36 - I - 21050 Cairate (VA)
Phone +39 0331360920
Fax +39 0331360838
Comm. Daniela Bossi
Production of natural and polyester filling
materials, special downproof fabrics, filled
manufactures for bedding. Fabric and
filling materials for outdoor use.
Produzione di materiali naturali e in poliestere per imbottitura, materiali speciali a
tenuta piuma, prodotti di imbottitura per
biancheria da letto. Tessuti e materiali per
imbottitura per il settore outdoor.
Via Tevere 1 - Milano
Phone +39 02 4693611
Fax +39 02 48008342
Comm. Mauro Badanelli
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing & Footwear
Arredamento/Home textiles
Medicale/ Medical textiles
ACIMIT (the Association of Italian Textile
Machinery Manufacturers) is a private
non-profit making body and its main
purpose consists in promoting the Italian
textile machinery sector and in supporting its activity, mainly abroad, through the
most updated and innovative promotional means, constantly improved during its
more than 60 years of life.
ACIMIT è l'Associazione dei Costruttori
Italiani di Macchinario per l'Industria
Tessile; ne fanno parte aziende meccanotessili italiane di tutti i comparti in cui
si è soliti suddividere il settore delle macchine tessili. Dai produttori di macchine
per la filatura, la tessitura, la maglieria,
la nobilitazione tessile, la confezione, il
lavaggio ad acqua e il lavasecco, fino ai
produttori di macchine per tessili tecnici
e nontessuti.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Alcantara S.p.a.
Via Mecenate 86 - I - 20138 Milano (MI)
Phone +39 02580301
Fax +39 025063886
Alcantara S.p.a. produces the covering
registered trademark material Alcantara®.
This material is used in different sectors,
mainly automotive, interior, fashion and
accessories, yachting and hi-tech.
Alcantara S.p.a. produce tessuti per rivestimenti con marchio registrato Alcantara
®. Questo materiale viene utilizzato in
diversi settori, principalmente nell'automotive, arredamento d'interni, moda e
accessori, nel settore nautico e dell'hitech.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial Textiles
Alfredo Grassi S.p.a.
Via Cal Nova 5 - I - 31020 Vidor (TV)
Phone +39 0423 985231
Fax +39 0423 987915
Comm. Dino Zanatta
Via Vittorio Veneto 82 - I - 21015 Lonate
Pozzolo (VA)
Phone +39 0331303063
Fax +39 0331303060
Comm. Michele Apostolo
Producer of plain and knitted fabrics for
protective clothing
with the following characteristics: high
visibility, barrier, flame-resistant,
anti-static,chemical resistant.
Produttore di tessitu piani a maglia per
abbigliamento protettivo con le seguenti
caratteristiche: alta visibilità, alta protezione, ignifugo, resistente ai prodotti
Founded in 1925, Alfredo Grassi S.p.A.
produces protective work garments and
uniforms with an UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000
Quality Assurance system. Our target
markets are Public Bodies and Ministries
(Fire brigade, Police, Gendarmerie, Army
...) as well as Private Companies, both in
Italy and abroad.
Fondata nel 1925, Alfredo Grassi S.p.a.
produce di abbigliamento protettivo e uniformi da lavoro in linea con il
Quality Asscurance System UNI EN ISO
9001:2000. Il nostro target comprende
sia istituzioni pubbliche e Ministeri (Corpo
dei Vigili del fuoco, Polizia di Stato, Corpo
dei Carabinieri, Esercito Italiano…) sia ai
privati, italiani e stranieri.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Protezione/Protective wear
Area 52 S.r.l.
Protezione/Protective wear
Argar srl
Via Massari Marzoli 13/15-- 21052 - Busto
Arsizio (VA)
Phone +39 0331 350137
Fax +39 0331 354376
Comm. Lorenzo Ferrario
High Tech and innovative Certified Protective Knitted Fabrics and Accessories,
addressed to several specific purposes,
intrinsically featuring antistatic, flame
retardant and high visibility functions,
enriched by antibacterial and stain resistant treatments. Brand new double face
knitted fabrics with external side in Polyester and internal side in Pure Cotton,
with extraordinary washing resistance and
extreme comfort in touch with skin.
Argar srl produce in Italia tessuti a maglia
ed accessori tessili certificati destinati alla
realizzazione di abbigliamento di protezione individuale per l’utilizzo professionale, tecnico e sportivo.
La costante attività di Ricerca e Sviluppo,
unita a rapidità ed affidabilità sono gli
strumenti primari di approccio al Mercato.
Non ci limitiamo ad intercettare le
richieste di nuovi tessuti derivanti dalle
esigenze della Protezione Individuale in
continua evoluzione. La nostra principale
missione è creare nuove opportunità di
sviluppo interpretando ed anticipando i
futuri scenari della Protezione.
Protezione/Protective wear
Botto R.O. Srl
Via Del Molinuzzo N. 71 - 59100 Prato
Phone +39 0574730344
Fax 0574621408
Comm. Antonella Cavallaro
The company specializes in design, production, cutting and sewing of technical
fabrics for bus, aircraft, automotive, train
and ship interiors and upholstery. Production and maintenance of train covers.
The company is certified according to
the technical specification UNI EN ISO
9001:2008. Internal laboratory certified
by ENAC n. 1011/L. Fabrics are certified
to the Italian Ministry of Public Works and
Transport and to the current international
standards such as JAR/FAR, 95/28/CE,
L'Azienda è specializzata nella progettazione, produzione e confezionamento di
tessili tecnici per componenti interni per il
settore autobus, aereonautico, ferroviario,
automobilistico, navale e per l'arredamento.
Produzione e manutenzione di arredi su
rotabili ferroviari.
Azienda certificata secondo i requisiti
dello standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.
Laboratorio interno certificato ENAC n.
1011/L. Produzione di tessuti omologati
dal Ministero Italiano delle Infrastrutture
e dei trasporti e certificati secondo gli
standard imposti dalle vigenti normative
internazionali quali: JAR/FAR, 95/28/CE,
Arredamento/Home textiles
C.B.F. Balducci S.p.a.
Via Grazia Deledda 2, 62010 Montecassiano (MC)
Phone +39 0733.290384
Fax +39 0733.290368
Comm: Massimiliano Balducci
Design and development, production and
trading of work clothes, clothing complements and PPE. Trading of accessories
and shoes
Progettazione e sviluppo, produzione
e commercializzazione abiti da lavoro,
complementi di abbigliamento e DPI.
commercializzazione di accessori e
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing & Footwear
Protezione/ Protective wear
Cad Modelling Ergonomics S.p.a.
Piazza Beccaria, 6 - I - 50121 Firenze (FI)
Phone +39 055 2476261/2
Fax +39 055 2346733
Comm: Cecilia Adami
ACTIVE FORMAX®: Anthropometric mannequins for fitting,
flammability tests for technical textiles,
technical textiles performing tests in
wind and rain tunnels; Mannequins for
ergonomic products (men, ladies,
baby, teen-agers)SOFT FORMAX®: Anthropometric dummy in memory
material with interchangeable silicon
cups for fitting test for underwear/
beachwear, elastic bands and fabrics
FORMHEAD®: Anthropometric heads
for tests on hats. BODY-SCANFIT®: portable body scanner for measuring
human body FX®-FIT: Software for anthropometric grading.
ACTIVE FORMAX®: Manichini antropometrici per prove, test d’infiammabilità e
di resistenza ad acqua e vento per tessuti
tecnici; Manichini per prodotti ergonomi
ci (uomo, donna, bambino, adolescente).
SOFT FORMAX®: manichini antropometrici in materiali a memoria di forma
con coppe in silicone intercambiabili per
test di prova per abbigliamento intimo
o da spiaggia, fasce elastiche e tessuti.
FORMHEAD®: teste antropometriche per
prove di cappelli. BODY-SCANFIT®: body
scanner portatile per prendere misure
precise. FX®-FIT: software per classificazione antropometrica.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Protezione/ Protective wear
Centro Tessile Serico S.p.a.
Via Castelnuovo, 3 - I - 22100
Como (CO)
Phone +39 031 3312120
Fax +39 031 3312180
Comm: Mario Frigerio
Testing laboratory equipped with the
most important and
sophisticated instruments to carry out
any technological, physical,
mechanical, chemical or dyeing tests on
textiles, from fibres to the finished
articles as well as on the chemical agents
used in the textile industry.
Reaction to fire testing. Determination of
eco-toxicological parameters
expertise on faulty goods. Accreditation:
Accredia-Sinal, Italian Ministerial
Authorization for fire certifications covered by law DM 26.6.1984, Ecolabel,
MIUR, Marks & Spencer p.l.c., Decathlon
Laboratorio sperimentale fornito dei più
importanti e sofisticati strumenti per portare Avanti test su prodotti tessili di natura
tecnologica, fisica, meccanica, chimica e
di tintura, dalle sole fibre ai prodotti finiti,
come anche su agenti chi9mici utilizzati
nel settore industriale. Test di comportamento al fuoco. Definizione dei parametri
eco-tossici con test su prodotti difettati.
Certificazioni: Accredia-Sinal, Autorizzazione a effettuare test di comportamento
al fuoco dell’Ente Italiano di Accreditamento secondo la legge DM 26.6.2984,
Ecolabel, MIUR, Marks&Spencer p.l.c.,
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento S.p.a.(CentroCot)
Piazza Sant'Anna, 2-21058
Busto Arsizio (VA)
Phone +39 0331696711
Fax +39 0331680056
Comm: Patrizia Lombardini
Centrocot, with over 70 employees,
offers highly qualified human resources
who can perform technical activities as
regards testing , research, experimentation, training and consultancy. The
laboratories, which are among the most
advanced at European level, operate as
independent third parties and they are
accredited by Accredia under number
0033 for over 400 tests (www.accredia.
it). Centrocot ranks first as regards the
number of accredited tests in Italy in the
Fashion, Clothing, Textile sector. Thanks
to the availability of highly innovative instruments and to technical-scientific skills
Centrocot is authorized to issue binding
and voluntary marks acknowledge at both
national and international level.
Centrocot, con un organico di oltre 70
dipendenti, dispone di risorse qualificate
per svolgere attività tecnica di prova,
ricerca, sperimentazione, formazione e
I laboratori, tra i più avanzati a livello
europeo, operano come parte indipendente e sono accreditati Accredia n. 0033
per più di 400 prove (
Centrocot è al primo posto per numero
di prove accediate in Italia nel settore
Tessile, Abbigliamento,Moda.
Grazie alla disponibilità di attrezzature
altamente innovative e alle capacità tecnico-scientifiche Centrocot è autorizzato
al rilascio di marchi cogenti e volontari
riconosciuti a livello nazionale ed internazionale.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Cittadini S.p.a.
Via Trento 35/45 - I - 25050 Paderno F.C.
Phone +39 030 6857565
Fax +39 030 657148
Comm: Marco Cittadini
Cittadini S.p.A. is a leader from 70 years
in the field of every kind of netís weaving, with knot and knotless. Production
includes all traditional kind of fishing nets,
nets for aquaculture, agriculture, sports,
building, technical fabrics and other
innovative industrial textiles applications,
fashion nets for clothing and accessories.
A second division includes the twisting
process, torsion increase and texturization of high tenacity yarns in PET, PA, PP,
mono and multifilament and high-tech
Cittadini S.p.a. è leader da 70 anni nel
campo della tessitura di reti, con e senza
nodi. La produzione include tutti i tipi
tradizionali di reti da pesca, per acquacultura, agricoltura, sport, edilizia, tessuti
tecnici e altre applicazioni industriali innovative, reti per abbigliamento e accessori nel settore moda. Una seconda divisione della produzione di occupa invece
del processo di torcitura, dell’aumento
di torsione e di texturizzazione di filati ad
alta tenacità in PET, PA, PP, monofilamenti
e multifilamenti e fibre hi-tech.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Coats Thread Italy S.r.l.
Viale Sarca, 223 - I - 20126 Milano
Phone +39 0432 906524 - Codroipo (Zip
+390263615 - Milano Office
Fax.+39 0432 906638 - Codroipo (Zip
+390266111929 - Milano Officewww. •
Comm: Nantas Montonati
Viale Lombardia, 20 - I - 20021 Bollate
Phone +39 02 383301 - 38330284
Fax +39 02 3503940 - 02 38 330 221
Comm. Luigi Borri
Coats offers: a) wide range of zips
suitable for all kinds of industrial textiles
applications in the apparel and specialty
sectors; b) high performance Corespun,
general purpose spun polyester threads
and specialty use thread
Coats offre una vasta gamma di cerniere
adatte per tutti I tipi di applicazioni tessili
industriali. Inoltre offre una gamma di
Corespun ad alte prestazioni, filo in poliestere per usi generici e specifici.
Certification and Behaviour Analysis
Center. CSI is a
company of IMQ holding. Construction,
Fire, Phisic/Chemistry,
Mechanical, ATP,System Certification
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
D'appolonia s.p.a.
Via San Nazaro, 19 - I - 16145 Genova
Phone +39 010 3628148
Fax +39 010 3621078
Comm: Guido Chiappa
Innovation management and innovative
textile products
development (technology transfer, research, consultancy).
Management e sviluppo di nuovi prodotti
tessili innovative (trasferimento tecnologico, ricerca, consulenza).
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Industria/Industrial textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Centro di Certificazione e analisi di comportamento. CSI fa parte del gruppo IMQ.
Settori applicativi: Edilizia, Fisica, Chimica,
Meccanica, ATP, Sistemi di Certificazione.
Arredamento/Home textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Dupont de nemours italiana srl
Via P. Gobetti, 2/C - I - 20063 Cernusco
sul Naviglio (MI)
Phone +39 02 926291
Fax +39 02 92107755
Comm: Isabella Sforzini
Aramid fibres - Nomex® and Kevlar® for protective apparel.
Tyvek® and Tychem® for chemical and
biological protection.
Fibre Aramidiche - Nomex® e Kevlar®,
per abbigliamento protettivo. Tyvek®
and Tychem® per protezione da agenti
chimici e biologici.
Protezione/Protective wear
Essegomma S.p.a. - Flyer
Via Don Minzoni, 10 - I - 20020 Misinto
Phone +39 02 96329172
Fax +39 02 96720068
Comm: Marco Seroldi
Production of polyolefin yarns for technical uses and
furnishings, antibacterial, flame retardant,
outdoor,. In various colours
and counts. Flyer brand-owner.
Produttore di filati in poliolefine per usi
tecnici per arredamento indoor e outdoor, tessuti antibatterici, antifiamma. I
prodotti sono disponibili in diversi colori e
formati. Essegomma S.p.a. è proprietaria
del marchio Flyer.
Via Campo Di Maggio, 17/B - I - 21020
Brunello (VA)
Phone +39 0332 463391
Fax +39 0332 461695
Comm: Andrea Marcosano
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Eurojersey s.p.a.
Via San Giovanni Bosco, 260 - I - 21042
Caronno Pertusella (VA)
Phone +39 02 966541
Fax +39 02 96654453 -
Comm: Fabrizio Conconi
A leading player in the international textile
EUROJERSEY stand out for the uniqueness of its Sensitive® Fabrics family,
a patented technological fabrics made in
Italy perfect for Lingerie,
Swimwear, Sports, wear and Ready to
Wear thanks to its performing
Leader nel settore dell’industria tessile
internazionale, Eurojersey si distingue per
l’unicità della gamma Sensitive® Fabrics,
tessuto tecnico Made in Italy brevettato
ideale per abbigliamento intimo, costumi da bagno, abbigliamento sportivo
e prêt-à- porter grazie alle suo ottime
qualità prestazionali.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Eurofilt group s.r.l.
Production of synthetic monofilaments
in PET, PA 6, 6.6, 6.10, 6.12, PP and PBT;
the diameters start from 0,060 mm and
reach up more than 1,00 mm. The most
important applications are for filtration
fabrics, spacer fabrics, automotive fabrics,
medical fabrics, decorative and elastic
Produttore di monofilamenti sintetici
in PET, PA 6, 6.6, 6.10, 6.12, PP e PBT,
dal diametro minimo di 0,06 mm fino a
superare il millimetro. Le principali aree
d’applicazione sono i tessuti per filtrazione, tessuti distanziali, per il settore automotive, medicale, decorativo e tessuti per
fiocchi elastici.
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Eurotex s.r.l.
Via Fermi, 10 - 20057 Vedano al Lambro
Phone +39 039 2496615
Fax + 39 039 2496616
Comm: Guido Crippa
Technologies Solutions S.r.l.
P.le Mazzini 8F - I - 25036 Palazzolo
sull'Oglio (BS)
Phone +39 030 733093
Fax +39 030 7438442
Comm: Flavio Tironi
Founded in 1994, today Extreme offers a wide range of accessories for
garment and footwear manufacturers.
Custom-made solutions, from material research to finished product. Leader
in graphic transfer and hot application
techniques for sportswear, workwear
and footwear, it uses the most updated
production processes, as continuous hot
application and laser embossing. EXTREME is also commercial partner of 3M
Italia, with a high visibility product line for
sportswear and workwear application.
Nata nel 1994, EXTREME oggi offre una
vasta gamma di accessori per il settore
dell’abbigliamento e delle calzature.
Soluzioni su misura, dalla scelta dei
materiali al prodotto finito. Leader nella
tecnica del transfer grafico e dell’applicazione a caldo su abbigliamento sportivo,
da lavoro e calzature, EXTREME utilizza
i più moderni processi di produzione,
come l’applicazione a caldo in continuo
e la goffratura a laser. EXTREME è inoltre
partner commerciale di 3M Italia con una
linea di prodotti ad alta visibilità per indumenti sportivi e da lavoro.
Arredamento/Home textiles
Established in 1973, Eurotex S.r.l. produces high quality technical woven
tapes. The wide products offer covers all
technical narrow fabrics based on main
high performance material, as polyester, polyamide, polypropylene, cotton,
linen and aramid fibre. Eurotex supplies
a highly custom tailored product in term
of dimension (from 10 to 200 mm width),
type of material, resistance and added
performances, e.g. antistatic skills, oil
repellence, flame retardant, abrasion resistance, low IR emission). Ultra-sounding
and hot laser cut.
Fondata nel 1973, Eurotex produce nastri
di tessuto tecnico di alta qualità. L’ampia
gamma di prodotti è comprende tutti i
tipi di tessuti tecnici stretti, con materiali
ad alte prestazioni, come il poliestere,
poliammide, il polipropilene, il cotone, il
lino e le fibre aramidiche. Erotex fornisce
prodotti specifici secondo necessità in
termini di dimensioni (da 10 a 200 mm
di larghezza), tipo di materiali, resistenza
e prestazioni richieste (proprietà antistatiche, resistenza a sostanze oleose,
antifiamma, resistenza alle abrasioni).
Ultrasuoni e tagli laser a caldo.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Industria/Industrial textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
F.lli Giovanardi Carlo s.n.c.
Via G. Marconi, 63 - I - 46039 Villimpenta
Phone +39 0376 572011
Fax +39 0376 667687
Comm: Carlo Giovanardi
Famas s.r.l.
Fr. Oro, 145 - I - 13835 Trivero (BI)
Phone +39 015 756593
Fax +39 015 756593
Comm: Antonella Grosso
Founded in 1976, FAMAS produces technical fabrics with high quality standard.
That is the main idea which informs the
manufacture of Famas UNDERCLOTHS
finishing of wool and blend wool cloths
as they give them the final touch, the
dimensional stability and the right "hand".
Famas is a company certified UNI EN ISO
9001: 2008.
Fondata nel 1976, Famas S.r.l. è specializzata nella produzione di tessuti tecnici
con alti standard di qualità, caratteristica
peculiare del Biellese. Ciò è quello che
caratterizza la produzione di mollettoni
e satini, molto importanti nei processi di
decatissaggio dei tessuti di lana, operazione estremamente delicata in quanto
conferisce al prodotto finito la stabilità
dimensionale e la "mano" al tessuto. Famas è un’azienda certificata UNI EN ISO
9001: 2008.
Industria/Industrial textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Distribution of technical textiles. Applications in the industry, advertising, architectural business, transports, marine, agriculture, outdoor and leisure. Acrylic textiles
for solar protection, natural fabrics for
garden furniture and umbrellas. Metal
accessories and tools for the marine business and truck body work.
Distribuzione di tessili tecnici. Aree di
applicazione: settore industrial, pubblicità,
architettura tessile, trasporti, agricoltura,
nautica, outdoor e tempo libero. Tessuti
acrilici per protezione solare, tessuti in
fibre naturali per arredamento da giardino
e ombrelloni. Accessori metallici e strumenti per il settore nautico e dei trasporti.
Arredamento/Home textiles
Fil Man Made Group S.r.l.
Vicolo Treviso, 8 - I - 31040 Signoressa di
Trevignano (TV)
Phone +39 0423 2864
Fax +39 0423 677142
Cotton System spinners of performing
spun yarns,
mostly synthetic -100% and blends - using Compact, Core Spun,
Open End, Ring, Siro Spun and Vortex
technologies, destined to specific
applications such as Protective Apparel,
Technical & Filtration and outdoor.
A Company Oriented towards the future
to be the most competitive
reference partner for the whole textile
chain, investing in continuous
research and development in order to
develop and produce
high quality products and services, requested to them by customers
from all around the world. S.r.l.
Via Per Schianno, 63 - I - 21100 Varese
Phone +39 0332 282870
Fax +39 0332 281338
Since 35 years Fil.Va is known as a leading
in the market of the synthetic monofilaments.
Thanks to its internal engineering research department, Fil.Va has
continued to improve the qualitative
standard of its production.
Da 35 anni Filva è leader nel mercato dei
monofilamenti sintetici. Grazie al suo dipartimento di ricerca interno, gli standard
qualitativi della produzione Filva sono in
continuo aumento.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Filatura cotoniera di filati high performance, prevalentemente sintetici –100%
e misti – mediante tecnologie Compact,
Core Spun, Open End, Ring, Siro e Vortex,
destinata ad applicazioni specifiche nel
campo dell’abbigliamento protettivo,
arredamento, tecnici e filtrazione ed
Un azienda orientata al futuro per essere
il più competitivo partner di riferimento
in tutta la filiera tessile, investendo continuamente nella ricerca e sviluppo al fine
di sviluppare e fornire prodotti e servizi di
alta qualità, richiesti da clienti di tutto il
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Filartex S.p.a.
Via Firenze, 13 - I - 25030 S. Pancrazio
Phone +39 030 7401612
Fax +39 030 7401661
Italy: - Abroad: yarns@
Comm: Mauro Bonadei
Filati Borio Fiore S.r.l
Cotton spinning system of traditional and
technical ringspun
yarns, made of natural, synthetic and
artificial fibres with antibacterial
and antistatic properties.
Specialized in corespun and coreyarn.
All our yarns are certified Oeko-Tex
Standard 100 Class I and our testing
laboratory holds the Usterized certification.
Via per Gattinara 9, 13851 Castelletto
Cervo (BI)
Phone +39 0161 859340
Fax +39 0161 859344
Comm: Luca Borio
Sistemi di filatura del cotone tradizionali e filati ringspun, con fibre naturali,
sintetiche e artificiali dotate di capacità
antibatteriche e antistatiche. Specializzati
in Corespun e Coreyarn. Tutti i nostri filati
sono certificati con lo standard Oeko-Tex
100 Class I e il nostro laboratorio d’analisi
detiene la certificazione Usterized.
Polypropylene-based worsted spun yarns
for sport\outdoor socks, functional\thermal underwear and seamlesswear: 100%
PP, PP\wool, PP\Acrylic, PP\viscose, PP\
silk, PP\cotton
Worsted spun and stretch broken FR and
antistatic yarns.
Spun PP for filtration.
Filati pettinati a base polipropilenica per
calzetteria per sport\outdoor, intimo funzionale\termico e seamlesswear: 100%
PP, lana\PP, acrilico\PP, viscosa\PP, seta\
PP, cotone\PP.
Filati FR e antistatici, pettinati e a strappo
Filati PP per filtrazione
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Industria/Industrial textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Filatura C4 S.r.l.
Via Montalbano 26/A - I - Località Ponte
Stella - 51034 Serravalle (PT)
Phone +39 0573 527698
Fax +39 0573 528102
Comm: Nicola Vivarelli
The spinning company C4 was established in 1962, now the
third generation is working. It distinguishes itself by the production of
carded yarns and composite/covered
yarns, with particular attention for the
FR fibres and the recycled fibres, in contract furnishing/upholstery, protective
clothing, carpets, industrial textiles and
high temperature applications.
Fondata nel 1962, è attualmente guidata
dalla terza generazione. Si distingue per
la produzione di filati cardati e compositi
con una particolare attenzione per fibre
antifiamma e riciclate, destinate a settori
come l’arredamento, l’abbigliamento
protettivo, tappeti, tessuti industriali e
applicazioni per alte temperature.
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Filidea S.r.l.
Via Maestri del Lavoro, 4/A - I - 13900
Phone+ 39 015 8486200
Fax +39 015 8408319
Comm: Alberto Grosso
Established in 2008, Filidea is the result of
the ambitious project of two major international textile groups: Marchi & Fildi SpA,
with productive plants in Italy, Brasil and
Mexico, and Abalioglu Tekstil Sanayi AS of
the Turkish CSA Holding, with productive
plants in Egypt. Thanks to its plant differentiation, with a wide range of spinning
technologies, Filidea is one of the few
textile companies in the world able to
offer a unique and integrated portfolio
of technological and performance staple
Via Leini, 22 - I - 10072 Caselle Torinese
Phone +39 011 9961080
Fax +39 011 9914271
With a production capacity of over 100
million meters per year, Filmar is among
the main manufacturers of woven tapes
in Italy . Filmar was established in 1961
and it has specialized in the production of
articles for the sectors: HOME TEXTILE pleating curtain tapes and trimmings and
accessories; MEDICAL - bandages and
products for orthopaedic items; INDUSTRIAL and AUTOMOTIVE - special tapes
in polyester, glass, aramidic fiber, carbon
fiber, Teflon, Nomex. Certified UNI ISI
9001:2000, as well as the CE mark for
medical products.
Fondata nel 2008, Filidea è il risultato
dall’ambizioso progetto di due importanti
gruppi tessili internazionali, Marchi & Fildi
S.p.a., con sede in Italia, Brasile e Messico, e Abalioglu Tekstil Sanyi A.s., con sedi
produttive in Egitto, facente capo alla
Holding turca CSA. Grazie alla differenziazione degli impianti, che coprono l’intera
gamma di tecnologie di filatura disponibili, Filidea è una delle poche aziende
tessili in grado di offrire un portfolio
unico e integrato di filati da fiocco ad alte
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Filmar S.p.a.
Via De Gasperi, 65 - I - 25030 Zocco
D'Erbusco (BS)
Phone +39 030 776700
Fax +39 030 7760123
Comm: Stefano Boselli
Filmar Spa is specialized in design and
of cotton yarns and mixed yarns.
Filmar S.p.a. è specializzata nella progettazione e produzione di filati di cotone e
filati misti.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Filmar S.r.l.
Con una capacità produttiva di più di
100 milioni di metri all’anno, Filmar è
uno dei principali produttori di nastri in
Italia. Fondata nel 1961, è specializzata in
prodotti destinati a diversi settori: Tessuti
per arredamento (nastri arricciati per
tende, passamanerie e accessori), settore
medicale (bende medicali e prodotti per
fasce ortopediche), settore industriale e automotive (nastri in poliestere
termoretraibile, vetro, fibra aramidica,
carbonio, Teflon, Nomex). Certificata: UNI
ISI 9001:2001, oltre al Marchio Ce per i
prodotti medicali.
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Filtes International S.r.l.
Via Faletti 33-35 - I - 25031 Capriolo (BS)
sul Naviglio (MI)
Phone +39 030 7461171
Fax +39 030 7461172
Finelvo S.r.l.
Filtes International is specialized in the
production of High
Performance technical yarns, created
using the stretch breaking system.
Technical yarns with a base of aramids,
preox, PE HT, carbon fibres, yarns for
sewing threads. Yarns can be reinforced
with steel and glass or elasticized and
are available in corespun system.
Via Opificio Negri, 2 - I - 13898 Occhieppo Superiore (BI)
Phone +39 015 2594025
Fax +39 015 2594033
Comm: Anna Rossetti
Specialized in the production of Flock
and Flocked yarns in
Polyamide 6.6 with counts from Nm 2,5
to Nm 9,3. Flocked yarns for
fabrics for interiors automotive: seats,
door panels, etc.; for domestic
upholstery and contract; for clothing and
Technical application and special uses.
Very high technical features of
resilience, abrasion resistance, light fastness.
Finelvo S.r.l. è specializzata sin dal 1968
nella produzione di flock e filati floccati
in Poliammide 6,6 con titoli che vanno
dal Nm.1,5 al Nm.9,3, prevalentemente
impiegati nel settore Automotive: sedili,
pannelli delle portiere ecc.; nel settore
arredamento, abbigliamento e maglieria.
Alte prestazioni di resilienza, resistenza
alle abrasioni e alta resistenza del colore
all’esposizione alla luce.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Filtes International è specializzata nella
produzione di filati tecnici HP – High
Performance – realizzati con tecnica
a strappo. Filati tecnici a base di fibre
aramidiche, preox, PE HT, fibre di carbonio, filati per cuciture. I filati possono
essere rinforzati con acciaio INOX e vetro
o resi elasticizzati e sono disponibili in
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Industria/Industrial textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Ghezzi S.p.a.
Via E. Fermi, 12 - I - 22030 Orsenigo (CO)
Phone +39 031 619253
Fax +39 031619279
Comm: Carlo Boselli
Production of twisted, stretch and fancy
in artificial, synthetic and natural fibres for
outwear, curtains
and upholstery. Production of multicomponent yarns for technical
and industrial textilesl uses.
Produzione di filati con torcitura e tecnica
a strappo con fibre artificiali, sintetiche
e/o naturali per abbigliamento esterno,
tende e rivestimenti. Produzione di filati
misti per usi tecnici e industriali.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Giardini S.p.a.
Via Castellana, 35 - I - 27029 Vigevano
Phone +39 0381 21424
Fax+39 0381 310387
Comm: Massimo Biscaldi
Giardini produces polyurethane synthetic
and microfibres for the shoe & leathergood industry.
Giardini is focused in fashion products
(coagulated materials
for uppers, breathable and absorbant
linings, microfibres with digital
printing) and in sports, and technical
products (hi-tech microfibres,
technical polyurethane coagulated).Furthermore since 2009
Giardini is developping a range of products suitable for automotive and
furniture markets.
Via Provinciale 12 24040 Filago (BG)
Phone +39035996740-720
Fax +390354943038;;
Comm: Filippo Pampagnin
Production: Bozzetto Textile Business
Unit offers versatile pruduct range and
innovations for all aspects of textile
Processing from Fiber to Fabric - Fiber Finishes for Man Made Fibers, Sizing
Compounds, Preparation and Dyeing
Systems and Auxiliariens, Finishing and
Coating Specialties and Technical Coating
and Lamination Additives and Systems.
Products for wet-end and finishing leather treatment as well. Let us show your
company why Bozzetto group is your
source for "all around solutions". Bozzetto
Groups is also focus on commitment to
ecology, enviromental responsability and
sterwardship and sustainability.
La Giardini, produce pelli sintetiche in microfibra e in poliuretano per i settori della
calzatura e della pelletteria. La Giardini è
specializzata in prodotti rivolti al settore moda (tomaie in coagulato, fodere
traspiranti ed assorbenti, microfibre con
rifinizioni digitali) e al settore tecnico/
sportivo (microfibre hi-tech, coagulati
tecnici). Inoltre, dal 2009, Giardini sta sviluppando una nuova gamma di prodotti
per il settore automotive e dell’arredamento.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Gottifredi Maffioli S.p.a.
Via Wild 2/C-4 - I - 28100 Novara (NO)
Phone +39 0321 692032
Fax +39 0321 691100
Ropes, braids and twines
Corde, trecce, tortiglie e ritorti realizzati
in fibre sintetiche ad alta tenacità
Industria/Industrial textiles
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Giovanni Bozzetto S.p.a.
la Business Unit Tessile di Bozzetto offre
una gamma versatile di prodotti e innovazioni per soddisfare tutte le esigenze
della filiera tessile dalla fibra al tessuto –
ausiliari di filatura per fibre sintetiche, ausiliari d’incollaggio, processi e ausiliari di
preparazione e tintura, specialità di finissaggio e spalmatura, additivi e processi
di spalmatura e laminazione su articoli
tecnici. Completano la gamma prodotti
gli ausiliari per il wet-end e finissaggio del
cuoio. Permetteteci di mostrarvi perché
Bozzetto Group è la vostra risorsa per
tutti i tipi di richieste. Bozzetto Group è
anche focalizzato nell’impegno verso
l’ecologia, la responsabilità ambientale e
la sostenibilità.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Huntsman Surface Science Italia S.r.l. - Textile effects
Via Mazzini, 58 - I - 21020 Ternate (VA)
Phone +39 0332 941413
Fax +39 0332 941399
Comm: Anna Sabato
Imatex S.p.a.
Textile Effects division produces and
commercializes chemical
products and dyestuffs for textile industry.
It proposes innovative effects and solutions of process in the fields
Apparel, Home and Technical Textile
(transports, s, medical, constructions,
workwear, etc.), for applications on fibers,
yarns, woven, knitted material,
non woven.
Via Cadorna, 33 - I - 23895 Nibionno (LC)
Phone +39 031 692222
Fax +39 031 690216
Comm: Marco Fumagalli
Jacquard mill for upholstery and drapery
fabrics, 140 cm
and 280 cm. width.
La divisione Textile Effect produce e commercializza prodotti chimici e tinture per
il settore tessile. Propone effetti e processi innovativi per quanto riguarda i settori
dell’abbigliamento, dell’arredamento e dei
tessili tecnici (trasporti, settore medicale,
settore edile, abbigliamento da lavoro
ecc.), applicabili a materiali come fibre, filati, tessuti, tessuti a maglia e non tessuti.
nella produzione di tessuti Jacquard per
arredamento e tendaggio in fibre sintetiche e naturali
Arredamento/Home textiles
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles,
Industria/Industrial textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Interfil S.r.l.
Via Galvani, 3 - I - 22070 Luisago (CO)
Phone +39 031 889911
Fax +39 031 889922
Comm: Claudio Malinverno
Sale of thread and dyed yarns.
Vendita di fili e filati tinti
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Innovhub - Stazione sperimentale dell'industria divisione seta
- azienda speciale della Camera
di Commercio di Milano
Via G. Colombo, 83 - I - 20133 Milano
Phone +39 02 2665990
Fax +39 02 2362788
Research centre, laboratory tests, training,
consulting for textile and clothing sector.
Centro di ricerca, laboratorio analisi,
formazione, servizi di consulenza per il
settore tessile abbigliamento.
Abbigliamento & calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial Textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Itis "Q. Sella" Biella
Italtex S.p.a.
Via Piave 3, 22060, Cabiate (CO), Italy
Phone +39 031 766301
Fax +39 031 767585
Comm: Enrico Pedretti
Raw textiles and dyed thread for women's
clothing and sportswear with synthetic,
natural or artificial fibres. Technical and
functional textiles.
Corso Pella, 4 - I - 13900 Biella (BI)
Phone +39 015 404040
Fax +39 015 401633 - labanalisi@itis.
Tessuti greggi e tinti in filo per abbigliamento femminile e sportivo in fibre
sintetiche, naturali e artificiali.
Tessuti tecnici e funzionali.
Laboratory and research centre. It carries
out tests of
reaction to fire, chemical and-dyeing,
environmental analysis,
electromagnetic compatibility
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Centro di ricerca e laboratio d'analisi. Test
di comportamento al fuoco, analisi su
prodotti chimici e tinture, test di compatibilità elettromagnetica.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Klopman International
Loc. Mola dei Frati - I - 03100 Frosinone,
Phone +49 (0)2102 45230
Fax +49 (0)2102 452310
Klopman International is unique in being
the only European manufacturer dedicated to the production of fabrics for image
workwear, protective wear and casual
apparel - a specialization that reaches
into virtually every sphere of the world of
work, as well as the high street.
Klopman international è l’unico produttore di tessuti per abbigliamento
d’immagine e da lavoro, abbigliamento
protettivo e abbigliamento casual.
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Laboratorio Lapi S.p.a.
Via Della Quercia 11 59100 Prato
+39 0574 575320
+39 0574 575323
LA.P.I. is a private laboratory which has
been active since 1983 in the field of industrial analysis and testing. Specialised in
Fire Tests. Test and Certification lab.
Il LA.P.I. è un Laboratorio privato che
opera dal 1983 nel settore di analisi e
prove industriali. Specializzato nelle prove
di comportamento al fuoco. ORGANISMO DI PROVA E CERTIFICAZIONE.
Via Inghirami 13 - I - 59100 Prato
Phone +39 0574 7094215
Fax +39 0574 7094266
Arredamento/Home textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Limonta S.p.a.
Via Cesare Battisti - I - 23845 Costamasnaga (LC)
Phone +39 031 857111
Fax +39 031 857412
Specialist fabrics for clothing, leather
goods and accessories, as well as footwear.
Tessuti per abbigliamento, prodotti di
pelletteria, accessori e calzature.
Arredamento/Home textiles
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Protezione/Protective wear
Lenzi 1898 Smart Textile Solutions S.r.l.
Company structure with a separate
weaving, finishing and interior laboratory,
to better create, manage and control of
technical fabrics for various application
Azienda strutturata con reparto di tessitura, finissaggio e laboratori interni, per
meglio gestire e controllare la produzione di tessuti tecnici per vari settori di
Protezione/Protective wear
Marzotto S.p.a.
Largo Santa Margherita, 335 - I - 36078
Valdagno (VI)
Phone +39 0445 429411
Fax +39 0445 429761
The Marzotto Group operates in the
textile sector with prestigious brands that
make it a major player in terms of quality,
quantity, R&D on world fabric and yarn
markets.The Marzotto Group manufactures directly for wool and cotton yarns
for clothing sector and home textiles.
Through equity investments, we also
produce silk and wool and linen yarns for
Marzotto, Guabello, Marlane and Tessuti
di Sondrio, Estethia - G.B. Conte e Fratelli
Tallia di Delfino define Group leadership
on the fabric front, Ratti S.p.A. in silk,
Lanerossi in the sphere of wool yarns for
knitwear, Linificio e Canapificio Nazionale
in regard to linen yarns.
Il gruppo Marzotto possiede alcuni
marchi prestigiosi del settore tessile che
ne fanno un’azienda leader in termini di
qualità, quantità e di ricerca e sviluppo nel
mercato dei filati e dei tessuti. Il gruppo
Marzotto si occupa direttamente della
lavorazione di filati di lana e cotone per il
settore dell’abbigliamento e dell’arredamento. Tramite investimenti, produce anche filati di seta, lana e lino per il settore
maglieria. Marzotto, Guabello, Marlane e
Tessuti di Sondrio, Estethia – G.B. Conte e
Fratelli Tallia di Delfino rappresentano un
gruppo leader nella produzione di tessuti,
Ratti S.p.a. per la seta, Lanerossi per filati
di lana per maglieria, Linificio e Canapificio Nazionale per i filati di lino.
Abbigliamento & calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Mascioni S.p.a.
Via G. Mascioni, 4 - I - 21030 Cuvio (VA)
Phone +39 0332 650600
Fax +39 0332 659260
Comm: Andrea Casartelli
Dyeing, printing, coating, finishing, functional textiles,
military, protection, medical. Transports,
s, furnishings, industry, plasma
Tessuti tinti, stampati, spalmati, trattati.
Tessuti funzionali. Settore militare, abbigliamento protettivo, settore medicale
e dei trasporti. Arredamento, industria.
Trattamenti al plasma
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Next Technology Tecnotessile
- Società Nazionale di Ricerca
Via Del Gelso, 13 - I - 59100 Prato (PO)
Phone +39 0574 634040
Fax +39 0574 634045
Comm: Solitario Nesti
Parà S.p.a.
Technological research, technical-financial
administrative services to firms, textile
technologies consulting,
development of new materials and new
finishing processes,
production of nanofibres, design and
development of new machinery.
Viale Monza, 1 - I - 20845 Sovico (MB)
Phone +39 039 2070.1
Fax +39 039 2070.425
Comm: Marco Parravicini
With the experience of 90 years in textiles,
Parà believes in the quality of it sown
product, which is controlled
from the beginning to the end of the
production process.
Founded in 1921 by Mario Parravicini,
Parà started producing
fabrics for mattresses. Today the company produces cotton
and linen fabrics for interior decoration
and technical fabrics
for sun protection, marine and garden
furniture using high
performance acrylic. In Europe Parà is
universally recognized
as a top quality producer of acrylic fabrics
for awnings, with its own
trademark TEMPOTEST®
Con un’esperienza di 90 anni nel tessile,
Parà crede nella qualità dei suoi prodotti,
testate e controllata per tutta la durata del
processo produttivo. Fondata nel 1921 da
Mario Parravicini, l’azienda si occupava
inizialmente della produzione di tralicci
per materassi. Oggi Parà produce tessuti
in cotone e lino per l’arredamento di
interni e tessuti tecnici per la protezione
solare, per la nautica e per l’arredamento di esterni utilizzando materiali acrilici
ad alta prestazione. In Europa Parà è
riconosciuta come azienda leader nella
produzione di tessuti acrilici di alta qualità
per tende da sole, con il proprio marchio
Arredamento/Home textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Ricerca tecnologica, servizi di consulenza
tecnico-finanziaria alle azienda, consulenza per il settore tessile tecnico, sviluppo di nuovi materiali e nuovi processi
di finissaggio, produzione di nanofibre,
progettazione e sviluppo di nuovi macchinari.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Pozzi Electa S.p.a.
Via Renato Serra, 6 - I - 20100 Milano (MI)
Phone +39 02 33000125
Fax +39 02 39219306
Comm: Francesco della Porta
Production of cotton-system yarns and
slivers for technical,
upholstery and apparel sectors. Natural,
artificial and synthetic fibres, up
to 60 mm lenght, also in blends on request. Research and development
of new articles in collaboration with
Counts from Nm 1200 up to Nm 160000.
Produzione di filati di cotone e tecnici per
rivestimenti e abbigliamento. Si producono su richiesta fibre sintetiche, artificiali e naturali, anche miste, fino a una
lunghezza massima di 60 mm. Ricerca e
sviluppo di nuovi prodotti con collaborazione con il cliente. Titolo da: da Nm
1200 a Nm 160000.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Radici Partecipazioni S.p.a.
Via Ugo Foscolo, 152 - I - 24024 Gandino
Phone +39 035 715411
Fax +39 035 715616
Comm: Filippo Servalli
RadiciGroup's diversified businesses
are focused on Chemicals, Plastics, Synthetic Fibres and Textile Machinery.
One of RadiciGroup's key strengths is the
synergistic vertical
integration of its polyamide chain. The
Group has total control over its
production chain, from chemical intermediates, such as adipic acid
and polyamide 6 and 6,6, to engineering
and synthetic yarn. Moreover, the Group's
presence in the textile
machinery sector (as a manufacturer of
spinners, looms,
accessories and electronics) allows it to
offer a complete range
of products for the fibres and textiles
Rifra Nastri S.r.l.
Via Piave 15, 20863 Concorezzo (Mb)
Phone +39 039 6040556
Fax +39 039 6040190
Comm: Roberto Riva
Production of elastic and rigid tapes
Radici Group opera in diversi ambiti:
prodotti chimici, materie plastiche, fibre
sintetiche e macchinari tessili. L'integrazione sinergica e verticale, in particolar
modo nella filiera della poliammide, costituisce uno dei punti di forza del Gruppo.
RadiciGroup ha infatti il controllo della
sua catena produttiva, dagli intermedi
chimici come l'acido adipico sino alla poliammide 6 e 6.6, ai tecnopolimeri plastici
e ai filati sintetici. Inoltre, Radici Group
opera anche nel settore dei macchinari
tessili (con la produzione di macchinari
per filatura, telai, accessori e componenti
elettronici) e ciò le permette di offrire al
cliente una gamma completa di prodotti
per il mercato delle fibre e dei tessuti.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Produzione di nastri elastici e rigidi
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Protezione/Protective wear
Riri S.a. - (Cobrax)
Via Al Gas, 3 - CH - 6850 Mendrisio
Phone +41 91 6406161
Fax +4191 6406101
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Protezione/Protective wear
Saati S.p.a. - Saatitech Division
Via Milano14, -I-22070 Appiano Gentile
Phone +39 031 9711
Fax +39 031 890382
Comm: Gabriele Sereni
SaatiTech is a division of the SaatiGroup
that specializes in the production of
technical precision fabrics for the most
demanding applications, such as medical, diagnostic, automotive, chemical,
acoustic, electronic, appliance, sifting and
wherever there is a demand for
filtration media. SaatiTech is also leader
in the production of conveyor, dryer and
filter belts which are used in a wide range
of applications, including textile, tannery, ceramics, screen-printing, packaging, transports, ation, lamination and
food processing. SaatiTech has recently
launched a new special line of fabrics
and composites for fashion, design and
SaatiTech è la divisione del Saati Group
specializzata nella produzione di tessuti
tecnici di precisione per diversi settori:
medicale, diagnostic, automotive, chimico, acustico, elettronica, elettrodomestici e filtrazione. SaatiTech è un’azienda leader nella produzione di nastri
trasportatori, centrifughe e cinghie per
filtrazione utilizzati in una vasta gamma
di applicazioni, tra cui nel tessile, nella
conceria, nella produzione di ceramiche,
confezionamento, nella serigrafia, nei
trasporti, nella plastificazione e nella produzione di prodotti alimentari. SaatiTech
ha recentemente lanciato una nuova
linea di tessuti e compositi per il settore
moda, del design e dell’architettura.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Rivolta Carmignani S.p.a.
Via Visconti, 15 - I - 20846 Macherio (MB)
Phone +39 039 20846
Fax +39 039 2010399
Comm: Aldo Rivolta
Bed linen, table linen and bath linen for
restaurants, contract.
Biancheria per il settore alberghiero, della
ristorazione e dell'arredamento contract.
Arredamento/Home textiles
Safil S.p.a.
Via Del Mosso, 10 - I - 13894 Gaglianico (BI)
Phone +39 015 25 46 800
Fax +39 015 25 46 892
HI-TECH yarns: Flame retardant, Anti-shock, Anti-cut, Anti-abrasion,Antibacterial, Antistatic, Waterproof.
Fibers used: Nomex®, Kevlar®, Kolon®,
Kermel®, New Star®, Profilen®, Kanecaron®, Kynol®, Belltron®, Trevira® CS,
Coolmax®, Meraklon®,
Silver, Polyethylene, Viscose FR.
Sider Arc S.p.a.
Filati tecnici: prodotti con proprietà di
flame-retardant, anti-taglio, anti-shock,
anti abrasione, antibatterico, antistatico, resistente all’acqua. Le fibre utilizzate sono: Nomex®, Kevlar®, Kolon®,
Kermel®, New Star®, Profilen®, Kanecaron®, Kynol®, Belltron®, Trevira® CS,
Coolmax®, Meraklon®, Silver, Polyethylene, Viscose FR.vv
Via G. Galilei, 45 - I - 20010 Cornaredo
Phone +39 02 9393041
Fax .+39 02 93930499
Comm: Francesco Forte
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Protezione/Protective wear
"Synthetic monofilaments in PET, PA6,
PA 6.6, PA 12, PP, PLA, PPS and PBT in a
range between 6 dtex and 40.000 dtex;
(0,024 mm to 3,0 mm), depending on
the polymer Main application fileds: Wet
Filtration, Screen Printing, Spacer Fabrics,
Light Weight Conveyor Belts, Automotive,
Monofilamenti sintetici in PET, PA6, PA
6.6, PA 12, PP, PLA, PPS e PBT in una
gamma compresa fra 6dtex e i 40000
dtex (0,024 mm a 3,0 mm), a seconda
del polimero utilizzato. Principali settori
applicativi: filtrazione dei liquidi, serigrafia, nastri trasportatori per pesi leggeri,
settore automotive e medicale.
Arredamento/Home textiles
Medicale/Medical Textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Sisa S.p.a.
Via A. Colombo, 136 - I - 21055 Gorla
Minore (VA)
Phone +39 0331 365030
Fax +39 0331 607051
Comm: Umberto Rognoni
Coated fabric.
tessuti spalmati
Abbigliamento & calzature/Clothing &
Sitip S.p.a
Via Vall'Alta, 13 - I - 24020 Cene (BG)
Phone +39 035 736511
Fax +39 035 736549
Comm: Sergio Alibrandi
SITIP S.p.A is a leading Italian textile company with a
turnover of more than 100 million Euro
and a workforce
of about 800 employees. Sitip has 4 production sites: three sites are
located in the province of Bergamo and
one on the island of Malta. SITIP
S.p.A. core business is: WARP KNITTED.
Via Varesina, 122 - I - 22100 Como (CO)
Phone +39 031 5001112
Fax +39 031 505467
Comm: Ivano Soliani
Sitip S.p.a. è un’azienda leader del settore
tessile italiano, con un fatturato di più di
100 milioni di euro e 800 dipendenti. Sitip
S.p.a. ha 4 sedi produttive: 3 nella provincia di Bergamo e una a Malta. Il core
business di Sitip S.p.a. è la produzione di
tessuti circolari e di tessitura a maglia in
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textile
Medicale/Medical textiles,
Protezione/Protective wear
Sportswear Company S.p.a.
Via Confine, 2161 - I - 41017 Ravarino
Phone +39 059 810111
Fax +39 059 810300
Comm: Elena Moretti
Sportswear clothing company whose
products are focused on fabric innovation
and research.
Azienda produttrice di abbigliamento
sportivo, incentrata sullo sviluppo, la
ricerca e l'impiego di tessuti innovativi.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Soliani Emc S.r.l.
SOLIANI works on the shielding application fields,
manufacturing a wide range of items
using the metal yarn
as knitted mesh gaskets or metal fabric
for shielded windows.
It offers also an electroless process able
to cover with pure nickel the
surface of fabric non woven and 3D such
as: PET, Kevlar, Nomex, carbon .
Nickel have many advantages because
offer a stable surface resistivity to
ensure a good shielding solution. The
quantity of nickel around each
single filameme is also an advantage for
the flexibility of the fabric.
We offer silicon and fluoro silicon electrically conductive
to use as moulded and extrusions solutions.
Soliani opera nel settori della produzione
di articoli schermanti, con una vasta gamma di prodotti che prevedono l’impiego di, ad esempio, filati metallici per le
guarnizioni in tessuto a maglia metallica
o tessuti metallici per vetri schermati.
Offre inoltre un processo di trattamento
con Nickel puro per tessuti, non tessuti
e tessuti 3D come il PET, Kevlar, Nomex,
carbonio. Il nickel porta molti vantaggi
dal momento che offre una stabile resistività superficiale per assicura una buona
schermatura. La quantità di Nickel intorno
al singolo filamento è un altro vantaggio
per la flessibilità del tessuto. Offre anche
siliconi e fluorosiliconi elettricamente
conduttivi per soluzioni di estrusione e
per modellare
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
S.T. Protect S.r.l.
Via Circonvallazione, 97 - I - 27043 Broni
Phone +39 0385 090211
Fax +39 0385 250166
Comm: Alberto Sarchi
Personal Protective Equipment, uniforms
and professional workwear.
Standartex S.p.a.
Prodotti per la sicurezza e abbigliamento
protettivo, uniformi e abbigliamento da
Viale Brianza, 51 - I - 20050 Sovico (MB)
Phone +39 0362 930052
Fax +39 0362 931520
Comm: Elena Gatti
Textile weaving and finishing of cotton
and mixed fabrics
for protectivewear, healthcarewear, work
and casualwear.
Production of 100% polypropylene fibrillated yarns.
Tessitura e finissaggio di cotone e tessuti
misti per il settore dell’abbigliamento protettivo, del settore medicale, dell’abbigliamento da lavoro e abbigliamento casual.
Produzione di filati di polipropilene al
100% fibrillati.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
MedicaleMedical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Protezione/Protective wear
Super Glanz S.p.a.
Via Parugiano, 28/30 - I - 59013 Montemurlo (PO)
Phone +39 0574 799191
Fax +39 0574 680567
Comm: Mario Bartolini
Since 1967 Super Glanz has been producing and blending
chemicals products for the textile industry.
The fields of application are: clothing,
sports, swear, furnishing,
automotive, industrial textilesl. Our research and development laboratory
can offer technical support and consulting.
DAL 1967, Superglanz produce prodotti chimici per l’industria tessile. I settori
applicativi sono: abbigliamento, abbigliamento sportivo, arredamento, automotive, tessuti industriali. Il nostro laboratorio di ricerca e sviluppo offre anche
supporto e consulenza tecnica.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Tessitura Corti S.r.l.
Via Martiri della Libertà, 3/5 - I - 23893
Cassago Brianza (LC)
Phone +39 039 955327
Fax +39 039 956362
Comm: Giancarlo Maresca
Production of multifunctional, fixed and
stretch fabrics.
Laminated PTFE/PU/PES membrane.
Coupled. Protective fabrics certified EN
340, EN 343, EN 471,
EN 1149/3, UNI EN ISO 11612, UNI EN ISO
14116, UNI EN 14605.
Design and Production of fabrics made in
with specification for military and civilian.
Company certified UNI EN ISO 9001:
Via Cantù 4 20846 Macherio (MB)
Phone 039/243121
Fax 039/2451581
established in 1946.
It is leader in the production of technical
fabrics for filtration. Complete production cycle from the yarn to the finished
Certified UNI EN ISO 9001/2008.
Produzione di tessuti finiti, multifunzionali e elastici. Membrane laminate
PTFE/PU/PES. Tessuti accoppiati. Tessuti
protettivi certificati EN 340, EN 343, EN
471, EN 1149/3, UNI EN ISO 11612, UNI
EN ISO 14116, UNI 14605. Progettazione
e produzione di tessuti in accordo con
le necessità dell’abbigliamento militare
e civile. Azienda certificata UNI EN ISO
1946 è leader nella produzione di tessuti
tecnici per la filtrazione. Produzione a
ciclo completo dal filo al manufatto finito.
Certificata UNI EN ISO 9001/2008.
Industria/Industrial textiles
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Industria/Industrial textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Tessitura Majocchi & C. S.p.a.
Via Astico, 41 - I - 21100 Varese (VA)
Phone +39 0332 2828989
Fax +39 0332 224335
Production of fabrics for protective
Produzione di tessuti per l'abbigliamento
Protezione/Protective wear
Tessitura Fratelli Fontana S.r.l.
Tessitura Molteni Palmira S.r.l.
Via Roma, 2/6 - I - 22045 Lambrugo (CO)
Phone +39 031 607218
Fax +39 031 699366
Production of fabrics.
Produzione di tessuti
Arredamento/Home textiles
Tessitura Stellini S.n.c. Stellini Group
Via A. Manzoni, 54 - I - 20020 Magnago
Phone +39 0331 658052
Fax +39 0331 658082
Comm: Paolo Stellini
Production of jacquard mattress ticking.
Production of polypropylene multifilament yarn.
Produzione di tessuti jacquard per biancheria da letto. Produzione di multifilamenti di polipropilene
Tessitura Taiana Virgilio S.p.a.
Via Carducci, 20 - I - 22077 Olgiate Comasco (CO)
Phone +39 031 994411
Fax +39 031 994422
Comm: Matteo Taiana
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Technical fabrics for sportswear and
Tessuti Tecnici per abbigliamento sportivo
e da lavoro
Testori S.p.a.
Largo Angelo Testori, 5 - 20026 Novate
Milanese (Mi)
Phone +39 0235231
Fax +39 023523230
Testori has been operating in the filtration
field for more than 100 years, producing
needle-felts, fabrics, clothes, filter bags
and pockets for gas and liquid filtration.
Main industrial applications: aluminum,
cement, power generation, iron and steel,
pharmaceutical, chemical, waste to energy and waste water treatment.
Il Gruppo Testori opera nel settore della
filtrazione industriale da oltre 100 anni.
Produce feltri agugliati, tessuti, maniche
filtranti, sacchi e tele per filtrazione di gas
e liquidi. Principali settori industriali:alluminio, cemento, power generation, ferro
e acciaio, farmaceutico, chimico, inceneritori e depuraz.acque.
Industria/Industrial Textiles
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 S.r.l.
Via 2 giugno, 13 - Fraz. S. Giacomo - I 13866 Masserano (BI)
Phone +39 015 99421
Fax +39 015 99218
Comm: Dino Masso
Tirso S.r.l.
Via Meli, 36 - I - 20127 Milano - italiaPhone +39 02 48003735
Fax +39 02 48002920
Comm: Marco Sparacino
Production of PPE and corporate identity
Produzione di polifeniletere e abbigliamento d'immagine aziendale.
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Protezione/Protective wear
Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 is specialized in
dyeing and
finishing, in particular for knitted fabrics.
Almost all fibres can be processed in
particular fabrics for clothing,
sportswear and technical uses with specific finishes.
Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 is able to provide scouring, chlorination,
bleaching, water-repellent, breathable,
flame retardant treatment.
PU COATING LINE with the possibility to
produce bi-layer fabric-fabric
and fabric-waterproof breathable membrane
Tintoria finissaggio 2000 è specializzata
in tintura e finissaggio, in particolare per
quanto riguarda I tessuti a maglia. Tutti
i tipi di fibre possono essere trattati, in
modo particolare quelle destinate ai settori dell’abbigliamento, dell’abbigliamento
sportivo e per uso tecnico, ognuno con
dei procedimento di finissaggio specifici.
I trattamenti più diffusi sono: Impermeabilizzazione, Morbidi, Aloe, Ultra Dry,
Antifiamma, Easy care, Antimacchia, Antibiro, Antistaticità e molti altri. Spalmati di
Poliuretano con la prossibilità di produrre
un tessuto doppio strato (tessuto-tessuto
o tessuto-membrana traspirante impermeabile).
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Trevira Gmbh - Succursale
Via Trebazio 1 20145 Milano (MI)
Phone +39 02 3191141
Fax +39 02 31911461
Comm: Gregor Misenta
Vagotex Windtex S.p.a.
Manufacturer of high-tech polyester
fibres and filaments,
standard and modified (flame-retardant,
anti-bacteria, antipilling, stretch,
micro). Applications: all textile applications for clothing, furnishing,
bedding and semi-technical
Viale Del Lavoro 15 , Colognola Ai Colli
Phone +39 0456159111
Fax +39 0456152060
Comm: Elisabetta Gaspari
Fiocchi e fili continui di poliestere standard e modificati
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Arredamento/Home textiles
Medicale/Medical textiles
Protezione/Protective wear
Development and Production also on
commission of fabrics and non woven,
laminated with technical fabrics and
membranes for garments, shoes, medical,
industrial and other uses. Development
and production of membranes with
Windtex brand.
Progettazione e produzione in proprio e
per contro terzi di tessuti accoppiati con
tessuti tecnici e membrane, per abbigliamento, calzature, medicale, industriale e
altri usi. Sviluppo e produzione di membrane per accoppiatura con marchio
Abbigliamento & Calzature/Clothing &
Protezione/Protective wear
Vitrex S.r.l.
Viale delle Industrie, 81 - I - 20040 Cambiago (MI)
Phone +39 02 954221
Fax +39 02 95067240
Production of glass fibre fabrics.
Produzione di tessuti con fibre di vetro.
Industria/Industrial textiles

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